Watch: Why has Tamil Nadu not had a coalition government?  - The Hindu

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Actor politician, Vijay’s support for this concept has further stirred this debate. Why has Tamil Nadu not seen a coalition government yet?"/><meta property="og:title" content="Watch: Why has Tamil Nadu not had a coalition government? " /><meta property="og:description" content="Since 1967, Tamil Nadu elections have been dominated by alliances led by either the DMK or AIADMK, despite coalition success at the centre." /><meta property="og:image" content="" /><meta property="og:url" content="" /><meta property="al:android:url" content="" /><meta property="og:type" content="article" /><meta name="ahrefs-site-verification" content="6df5b97abf2ea60f2d4123265496b92b4faa009ceff5444e0b8482ebddd508d6" /><meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=771672321, app-argument=" /><meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="" /><meta name="google-site-verification" content="jlS-WsOVad-iw4X4xO0EJnHuzr3pK7WqXt3oCy7jpXI" /><meta name="msvalidate:01" content="00762243DAFA333A5A6D97CE4545BDB2" /><meta name="og:image:type" content="image/jpeg" /><meta name="twitter:app:id:googleplay" content="com.mobstac.thehindu" /><meta name="twitter:app:id:iphone" content="771672321" /><meta name="twitter:app:name:googleplay" content="The Hindu (Official App)" /><meta name="twitter:app:name:ipad" content="The Hindu" /><meta name="twitter:app:name:iphone" content="The Hindu for iPhone" /><meta name="twitter:apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=771672321" /><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /><meta name="twitter:domain" content="" /><meta name="twitter:google-play-app" content="app-id=com.mobstac.thehindu" /><meta name="twitter:site" content="@The_Hindu" /><meta name="yandex-verification" content="ff4648e5089d361d" /><meta property="al:android:app_name" content="The Hindu" /><meta property="al:android:package" content="com.mobstac.thehindu" /><meta property="fb:app_id" content="137450626398044" /><meta property="fb:pages" content="163974433696568" /><meta property="og:site_name" content="The Hindu" /><link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="" /><link rel="icon" type="image/ico" href="" /><link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="" /><link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="" /><link rel="canonical" href="" /><link rel="alternate" href="android-app://com.mobstac.thehindu/" /><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link href="" rel="dns-prefetch"><link href="" rel="preconnect"><link rel="preload" href="" as="image"><link rel="preload" href="" as="image"><script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "VideoObject", "name": "Watch: Why has Tamil Nadu not had a coalition government? ", "isAccessibleForFree": "False", "contentUrl":"", "embedUrl": "", "duration": "", "dateModified": "2024-11-12T15:33:04+05:30", "uploadDate": "2024-11-07T23:09:04+05:30", "thumbnailUrl": "", "description": "Since 1967, Tamil Nadu elections have been dominated by alliances led by either the DMK or AIADMK, despite coalition success at the centre.", "publisher":{ "@context": "", "@type": "Organization", "name": "The Hindu", "logo": { "@context": "", "@type": "ImageObject", "width": "600", "height": "60", "url": "" }, "url":"" }, "isPartOf": { "@type": ["CreativeWork", "Product"], "name" : "The Hindu", "productID": "" } } </script><script> var dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; dataLayer.push({ 'pageDetails' : { 'pageType' : 'article' , 'headline' : 'Watch: Why has Tamil Nadu not had a coalition government? ' , 'articleId' : '68842608' , 'articleType' : 'free', 'authorName' : 'D. 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Actor politician, Vijay’s support for this concept has further stirred this debate. Why has Tamil Nadu not seen a coalition government yet?</h2><div class="update-publish-time"><p class="updated-time">Updated <span> - November 12, 2024 03:33 pm IST </span></p></div><div class="author"><div class="author-name noimg"><a href="" class="person-name lnk">D. Suresh Kumar</a></div></div><div id="content-body-68842608" class="articlebodycontent col-xl-9 col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-12" itemprop="articleBody"><p>Since 1967, forging pre-poll alliances has been a fairly well established concept in Tamil Nadu. The state has seen deviations only twice, first in the 2014 parliamentary elections when Jayalalithaa decided to go it alone and next in the 2016 Assembly elections, when the AIADMK entered the fray in all 234 constituencies. Barring these two instances, elections in Tamil Nadu have been fought and won on the strength of alliances that have been led either by the DMK or the AIADMK.</p><div class="article-picture "><div class="picture zoom-img "><img src="" data-src-template="" data-original="" alt="" class=" lazy" width="100%" height="100%" /></div><span itemtype="" itemscope="itemscope" itemprop="image"/><meta itemprop="url" content=""/><meta content="1200" itemprop="width"/><meta content="675" itemprop="height"/></span></div><p>Both the Dravidian parties have been part of coalition arrangements at the centre since 1979, when the AIADMK nominated two of its MPs in the Charan Singh government. After nearly a decade, Murasoli Maran of the DMK found a place in V.P. Singh’s cabinet. The emergence of the coalition era in 1996, with the arrival of the United Front, saw these two regional parties share power at the centre for a long number of years, particularly the DMK. In 1998-99 the AIADMK was part of the Vajpayee government.</p><p>The DMK has sent its nominees to the Union Cabinet in the Vajpayee government as well as the UPA governments 1 &amp; 2. In the last ten years, there have been no representation for the DMK and the AIADMK in the Union cabinet.</p><p>However, in Tamil Nadu, these parties are averse to sharing power with allies. Why have the DMK and AIADMK been reluctant to share power in Tamil Nadu? Have there been instances when a coalition government was a possibility? Why has a strong third force not emerged?</p><div class="articleblock-container" id="arthardpv"></div><div class="update-publish-time article-published-time-end"><p class="publish-time-new"> Published <span>- November 07, 2024 11:09 pm IST</span></p></div><button class="btn comments comment-btn print-hide"> Read Comments <span class="coral-count" data-coral-url="" data-coral-id="68842608" data-coral-notext="true"></span></button><div class="comments-shares share-page flex print-hide" data-artid="68842608" data-title="Watch: Why has Tamil Nadu not had a coalition government? " data-url=""><div class="left"><div class="share"><button class="btn share-btn" data-ga-labelclick="ArticleShare"></button><ul class="share-list bottom" style="display: none;" ><li class="copy-link" onclick="copytext('');"> Copy link </li><li class="email"><a href="mailto:?subject=Watch%3A%20Why%20has%20Tamil%20Nadu%20not%20had%20a%20coalition%20government%3F%C2%A0&amp;amp;" target="_self"> Email </a></li><li class="facebook" onclick="openShareLink(';t=Watch%3A%20Why%20has%20Tamil%20Nadu%20not%20had%20a%20coalition%20government%3F%C2%A0')"> Facebook </li><li class="twitter" onclick="openShareLink(';text=Watch%3A%20Why%20has%20Tamil%20Nadu%20not%20had%20a%20coalition%20government%3F%C2%A0')"> Twitter </li><li class="telegram" onclick="openShareLink(';text=Watch%3A%20Why%20has%20Tamil%20Nadu%20not%20had%20a%20coalition%20government%3F%C2%A0')"> Telegram </li><li class="in" onclick="openShareLink(';title=Watch%3A%20Why%20has%20Tamil%20Nadu%20not%20had%20a%20coalition%20government%3F%C2%A0')"> LinkedIn </li><li class="whatsapp" onclick="openShareLink('')"> WhatsApp </li><li class="reddit" onclick="openShareLink(';title=Watch%3A%20Why%20has%20Tamil%20Nadu%20not%20had%20a%20coalition%20government%3F%C2%A0')"> Reddit </li></ul></div></div><div class="right"><div class="read-later"><button class="btn read-later-btn" data-articleId="68842608" style="display:none" data-ga-labelclick="ReadLater"><span>READ LATER</span></button><div class="delete-tool-tip" style="display: none;"><a class="delete bookmarkdelete"> Remove </a><a class="cancel" href=""> SEE ALL </a></div></div><button class="btn print-btn" id="print" onclick="window.print();" data-ga-labelclick="PrintArticle"><span>PRINT</span></button></div></div><div class="spliter pt-0 mb-0 print-hide"></div><div class="article-ad two-side text-ad print-hide"><div class="ad-text" id="artproduct2"></div></div><script data-cfasync="false">var totalPcount = document.querySelectorAll(".articlebodycontent>p") if(totalPcount.length > 1){ insertElementEnd(totalPcount[1],createElementScript("div","","artmeterpv")) } else{ insertElementbegin(document.querySelector(".articlebodycontent"),createElementScript("div","","artmeterpv")) } </script><div class="d-none d-lg-block d-xl-block"><script data-cfasync="false"> totalPcount = totalPcount || []; 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