Oops! Ab Kya? Review: A Matter Of Excess - movies
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And yet, there's a great deal about the show that doesn't quite come together, observes Mayur Sanap." /> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Oops! Ab Kya? Review: A Matter Of Excess" /> <meta property="og:type" content="article" /> <meta property="og:url" content="" /> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Rediff" /> <meta property="og:description" content="There is much in Oops! Ab Kya? that continues to linger till the cliff-hanger in the final episode. And yet, there's a great deal about the show that doesn't quite come together, observes Mayur Sanap." /> <meta itemprop="name" content="Oops! Ab Kya? Review: A Matter Of Excess" /> <meta itemprop="description" content="There is much in Oops! Ab Kya? that continues to linger till the cliff-hanger in the final episode. And yet, there's a great deal about the show that doesn't quite come together, observes Mayur Sanap." /> <meta itemprop="publisher" content="" /> <meta itemprop="url" content="" /> <meta itemprop="headline" content="Oops! Ab Kya? Review: A Matter Of Excess" /> <meta itemprop="inLanguage" content="en-US" /> <meta itemprop="keywords" content="bollywood movie reviews, music reviews, South Indian movies, Bollywood news" /> <meta itemprop="image" content=""> <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2025-02-21T09:29:01+05:30" /> <meta itemprop="dateModified" content="2025-02-21T09:29:01+05:30" /> <meta itemprop="alternativeHeadline" content="Oops! Ab Kya? 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And yet, there's a great deal about the show that doesn't quite come together, observes Mayur Sanap.", "keywords":"India News, columns, interviews, news India, breaking news", "articleSection":"movies", "url":"", "image":"", "datePublished":"2025-02-21T09:29:01+05:30", "dateModified":"2025-02-21T09:29:01+05:30", "articleBody":"There is much in Oops! Ab Kya? that continues to linger till the cliff-hanger in the final episode. And yet, theres a great deal about the show that doesnt quite come together, observes Mayur Sanap.The way I see it, there are two broad categories in the current OTT space: One that allows creating something truly innovative and original and the second is basically the replacement for television.Oops! Ab Kya?, an official adaptation of the American telenovela Jane The Virgin, which itself was a re-work of a Venezuelan show of the same name, fittingly belongs to the second category.The Indian adaptation mostly stays loyal to the original premise and characters, and tweaks things just a little to suit Indian sensibilities. It is mostly fluff, no real substance to hold your attention during its seven-episode runtime. Roohi (Shweta Basu Prasad) is a career-driven woman whose life takes a turn when a doctor mistakenly artificially inseminates her during a check-up.The biological father turns out to be Samar (Aashim Gulati), who is Roohis former crush and the owner of a plush hotel where she works.This new development creates tension between Roohi and her long-committed detective boyfriend Omkar (Abhay Mahajan), who eventually supports her.While Roohi adjust to motherhood and pregnancy with the help from her single mother (Sonali Kulkarni) and grandmother (Apara Mehta), she is in predicament whether her child would find an ideal family in Samar and his fiancée Alisha (Amy Aela).By the end of the first episode, a shocking murder occurs during a party at Samars hotel, which introduces a murder investigation subplot.While the original show spanned across five seasons and 100 episodes, the first season of this new adaptation is condensed into seven episodes that unpack several subplots and characters.Different genre elements like comedy, romance, family, love triangle, satire and murder mystery are thrown into a mix. This results in a show that feels rushed as it struggles to find a balance between its many tonal shifts.The performances suffer and can barely move from the cheesy soap opera appeal.The show manages to find some heartfelt moments when the Gujarati duo of mother and grandmother, played with gusto by Sonali Kulkarni and Apara Mehta, take centrestage.The treatment of their relationship allows the show to breath a little, with Shweta Basu Prasad also pulling her might as the third wheel.Their dynamic is similar to what Renuka Shahane depicted in her directorial Tribhanga with Kajol, Tanvi Azmi, and Mithila Palkar. But these moments are only short-lived as the show rushes towards its next plot twist.Certain scenes are laced with Dil Dhadakne Do-style voiceover which often highlights the current emotional state of the characters. It is part distracting, part annoying and a whole lot of unnecessary.Overall, there is much in Oops! Ab Kya? that continues to linger till the cliff-hanger in the final episode. And yet, theres a great deal about the show that doesnt quite come together.Whats next? Definitely, season two. I may not like to tune in for the second time though.Oops! Ab Kya? streams on Jio+Hotstar.Oops! Ab Kya? Review Rediff Rating:MOVIE REVIEWS", "author":{ "@type":"Person", "name":"MAYUR SANAP", "url":"" }, "publisher":{ "@type":"Organization", "name":"", "logo":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "width":269, "height":65 } }, "associatedMedia":{ "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "caption":"Oops! Ab Kya? Review: A Matter Of Excess", "description":"Oops! Ab Kya? Review: A Matter Of Excess", "height":"900", "width":"1200" } } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context":"", "@type":"SiteNavigationElement", "name":["News","Business","Movies","Sports","Cricket","Get Ahead","Money Tips"], "url":["","","","","","",""] } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context":"", "@type":"Review", "url":"", "author": { "@type":"Person", "name":"MAYUR SANAP", "url":"" }, "datePublished":"2025-02-21T09:29:01+05:30", "dateCreated":"2025-02-21T09:29:01+05:30", "dateModified":"2025-02-21T09:29:01+05:30", "description":"There is much in Oops! Ab Kya? that continues to linger till the cliff-hanger in the final episode. And yet, there's a great deal about the show that doesn't quite come together, observes Mayur Sanap.", "inLanguage":"en", "itemReviewed": { "@type":"Movie", "name":"Oops! Ab Kya?", "image":"", "datePublished":"2025-02-21T09:29:01+05:30", "sameAs":"" }, "publisher": { "@type":"Organization", "name":"", "url":"", "logo": { "@type":"ImageObject", "url":"", "width":269, "height":65 } }, "reviewRating": { "@type":"Rating", "worstRating":"0.5", "bestRating":"5", "ratingValue":"2" } } </script> <script> var cdn_domain = ""; var section = "movies"; var article_url = ""; var template = "movies-review.xsl"; var page_type = "article"; var endyear = "2025"; var org_domain = ""; var imgpath = "//"; var ishare_domain = ""; var shopping_domain = ""; var books_domain = ""; var track_domain = ""; var money_domain = ""; var realtime_domain = ""; var share_domain = ""; var timetoread = "3"; function enc(a,url){a.href = url;return true;} function getCookie(name){var dc=document.cookie;var prefix=name+"=";var begin=dc.indexOf("; "+prefix);if(begin==-1){begin=dc.indexOf(prefix);if(begin!=0)return null}else begin+=2;var end=document.cookie.indexOf(";",begin);if(end==-1)end=dc.length;return unescape(dc.substring(begin+prefix.length,end))} function sharePopup(ob){var left = (screen.width - 800) / 2;var shareurl = ob.href;,'sharewindow','toolbar=no,location=0,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=800,height=550,top=80,left='+left);} function trackURL(url){if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie') != -1){var referLink = document.createElement('a');referLink.href = url;document.body.appendChild(referLink);;}else{document.location.href = url;}} </script> <script async src="//"></script> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-2932970604686705", enable_page_level_ads: true }); 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Ab Kya?</I> Review: A Matter Of Excess</div> <h1 class="artihd"><I>Oops! Ab Kya?</I> Review: A Matter Of Excess</h1> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="floatL"> <div class="bylinetop"> By <a href="" class="bold">MAYUR SANAP</a> </div> <div><span class="readtime">3 Minutes Read</span> <span id="audio_icon" class="listento curhand relative" data-audio="/movies/2025/feb/21oops-ab-kya-review-a-matter-of-excess.mp3">Listen to Article</span></div> </div> <div class="floatR">Share:<a href="mailto:?subject=Oops%21%20Ab%20Kya%3F%20Review%3A%20A%20Matter%20Of%20Excess&body=Read this article" title="Share by Email" aria-label="Email Share"><i class="shareic_sprite email"></i></a><a target="_blank" OnClick="sharePopup(this);return false;" href="" title="Share on Whatsapp" aria-label="Whatsapp Share"><i class="shareic_sprite waup"></i></a><a target="_blank" OnClick="sharePopup(this);return false;" href="" title="Share on Twitter" aria-label="Twitter Share"><i class="shareic_sprite twit"></i></a><a target="_blank" OnClick="sharePopup(this);return false;" href="" title="Share on Facebook" aria-label="Facebook Share"><i class="shareic_sprite fb"></i></a><a target="_blank" OnClick="sharePopup(this);return false;" href="" title="Share on Reddit" aria-label="Reddit Share"><i class="shareic_sprite reddit"></i></a> <p class="updatedon">February 21, 2025 09:29 IST</p> </div> </div> <div id="div_audio" class="div_audio"><div id="audio_stop_btn" class="audio_stop_btn" title="close">x</div><audio controls="" id="q_audio" preload="auto" src="" class="q_audio"></audio></div> <div id="arti_content_n" class="arti_contentbig clearfix" itemprop="articleBody"> <p><strong>There is much in <em>Oops! Ab Kya?</em> that continues to linger till the cliff-hanger in the final episode. And yet, there's a great deal about the show that doesn't quite come together, observes Mayur Sanap.</strong></p> <p><img class=imgwidth src="" alt="" /></p> <p class="rbig">The way I see it, there are two broad categories in the current OTT space: One that allows creating something truly innovative and original and the second is basically the replacement for television.</p> <p><em>Oops! Ab Kya?</em>, an official adaptation of the American telenovela <em>Jane The Virgin</em>, which itself was a re-work of a Venezuelan show of the same name, fittingly belongs to the second category.</p> <p>The Indian adaptation mostly stays loyal to the original premise and characters, and tweaks things just a little to suit Indian sensibilities. It is mostly fluff, no real substance to hold your attention during its seven-episode runtime.</p><div id="shop_advertise_div_1"></div><div class="clear"><div class="advtcontainer lb"><div class="advttext"></div><div class="inline-block" id="div_arti_inline_advt"><ins data-revive-zoneid="277" data-revive-source="_blank" data-revive-target="_blank" data-revive-id="4b71f4079fb345c8ac958d0e9f0b56dd" data-zonename="Rediff_ROS_Native_InFeed_Middle_INTL"></ins></div></div><div class="inline-block" id="div_arti_inline_advt2"></div></div> <div id="div_morelike_topic_container"> </div> <p class="rbig">Roohi (Shweta Basu Prasad) is a career-driven woman whose life takes a turn when a doctor mistakenly artificially inseminates her during a check-up.</p> <p>The biological father turns out to be Samar (Aashim Gulati), who is Roohi's former crush and the owner of a plush hotel where she works.</p> <p>This new development creates tension between Roohi and her long-committed detective boyfriend Omkar (Abhay Mahajan), who eventually supports her.</p> <p>While Roohi adjust to motherhood and pregnancy with the help from her single mother (Sonali Kulkarni) and grandmother (Apara Mehta), she is in predicament whether her child would find an ideal family in Samar and his fiancée Alisha (Amy Aela).</p> <p>By the end of the first episode, a shocking murder occurs during a party at Samar's hotel, which introduces a murder investigation subplot.</p> <p class="rbig">While the original show spanned across five seasons and 100 episodes, the first season of this new adaptation is condensed into seven episodes that unpack several subplots and characters.</p> <p>Different genre elements like comedy, romance, family, love triangle, satire and murder mystery are thrown into a mix. This results in a show that feels rushed as it struggles to find a balance between its many tonal shifts.</p> <p>The performances suffer and can barely move from the cheesy soap opera appeal.</p> <p class="rbig">The show manages to find some heartfelt moments when the Gujarati duo of mother and grandmother, played with gusto by Sonali Kulkarni and Apara Mehta, take centrestage.</p> <p>The treatment of their relationship allows the show to breath a little, with Shweta Basu Prasad also pulling her might as the third wheel.</p> <p>Their dynamic is similar to what Renuka Shahane depicted in her directorial <em>Tribhanga</em> with Kajol, Tanvi Azmi, and Mithila Palkar. But these moments are only short-lived as the show rushes towards its next plot twist.</p> <p>Certain scenes are laced with <em>Dil Dhadakne Do</em>-style voiceover which often highlights the current emotional state of the characters. It is part distracting, part annoying and a whole lot of unnecessary.</p> <p class="rbig">Overall, there is much in <em>Oops! Ab Kya? </em> that continues to linger till the cliff-hanger in the final episode. And yet, there's a great deal about the show that doesn't quite come together.</p> <p>What's next? Definitely, season two. I may not like to tune in for the second time though.</p> <div class="clear"></div><div class="advtcontainer lb"><div class="advttext"></div><div id="div_outstream_bottom"><ins data-revive-zoneid="391" data-revive-source="_blank" data-revive-target="_blank" data-revive-id="4b71f4079fb345c8ac958d0e9f0b56dd" data-zonename="Rediff_ROS_InArticleVideo_Middle_INTL"></ins></div></div><div class="clear"></div><p><strong><em>Oops! Ab Kya?</em> streams on Jio+Hotstar.</strong></p> <div style="float: left;"><strong><em>Oops! Ab Kya?</em> Review Rediff Rating:</strong></div> <div style="float: left;"><img class=imgwidth src="" alt="" width="100" /></div> <div style="clear: both; padding-top: 10px;"> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>MOVIE REVIEWS</strong></a></li> </ul> </div> <p><img class=imgwidth id="rtop" src="" alt="" style="max-width:100%;" /></p> </div> <div id='span_subscibe_top' class='div_subscibe_top'><div id='div_subscribe_in_top' class='flex'><div class='getrnews'>Get Rediff News in your Inbox:</div><form name='frm_subscription_in_top' method='POST' id='frm_subscription_in_top'><label class='hlabel' for='sub_email_in_top'>email</label><input type='text' onkeypress="if(event.keyCode==13){return submitSubscribeTop('sub_email_in_top','subscribe_btn_in_top','div_subscribe_in_top','div_subscrip_message_in_top',1);}" autocomplete='off' id='sub_email_in_top' name='sub_email_in_top' value='' placeholder='Email Address' class='sub_email_in' /><input type='button' onclick="return 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