Office of Undergraduate Admissions | Freshman Applicants
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id="fearlessly-forward-arrow" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 338 338"> <defs></defs> <path d="m169,338l169-179.58L221.83,0H52.83l116.17,158.42L0,338h169Z" /> </svg> Freshman Applicants </h1> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Apply to the University of Maryland (UMD) as a freshman using the Common App or ApplyWeb platform.<br /></p> </div> <div class="cta-columns"> <div> <a class="call-to-action-block" href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" icon="right"> <span aria-hidden="true">Common App</span> <span class="sr-only">Apply through the Common App</span> <svg viewBox="0 0 22 22" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M2.93333 0C1.3133 0 0 1.3133 0 2.93333V19.0667C0 20.6867 1.3133 22 2.93333 22H19.0667C20.6867 22 22 20.6867 22 19.0667V14.3C22 13.49 21.3434 12.65 20.5333 12.65C19.7233 12.65 19.0667 13.49 19.0667 14.3V19.0667H2.93333V2.93333H7.7C8.51002 2.93333 9.16667 2.27668 9.16667 1.46667C9.16667 0.656649 8.51002 0 7.7 0H2.93333ZM21.7685 9.72315L21.8388 1.27768C21.841 1.03603 21.7477 0.808961 21.5766 0.63862C21.4069 0.467982 21.1799 0.374913 20.9381 0.376832L12.4928 0.447187C12.2517 0.449196 12.0237 0.5452 11.851 0.71793C11.678 0.890852 11.5813 1.11789 11.5793 1.35897L11.5718 2.12462C11.5697 2.3655 11.6602 2.58975 11.83 2.75953C11.9999 2.9295 12.2219 3.01767 12.4629 3.01576L17.4369 2.96567L9.51704 10.8856C9.16123 11.2414 9.18166 11.8241 9.53169 12.1741L10.0693 12.7117C10.4193 13.0618 10.9744 13.0546 11.3302 12.6988L19.222 4.80706L19.1863 9.73934C19.1842 9.98014 19.2821 10.2118 19.4519 10.3817C19.6219 10.5517 19.8482 10.6442 20.089 10.6421L20.8559 10.6358C21.0969 10.6337 21.3245 10.5375 21.4974 10.3646C21.6701 10.1918 21.7665 9.96423 21.7685 9.72315Z" fill="#242424" /> </svg> </a> </div> <div> <a class="call-to-action-block" href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" icon="right"> <span aria-hidden="true">ApplyWeb</span> <span class="sr-only">Apply through ApplyWeb</span> <svg viewBox="0 0 22 22" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path 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10.6358C21.0969 10.6337 21.3245 10.5375 21.4974 10.3646C21.6701 10.1918 21.7665 9.96423 21.7685 9.72315Z" fill="#242424" /> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </umd-lock> </section> </umd-hero> <div class="authored-content"> <umd-lock data-type="header"> <umd-breadcrumb> <div> <a href="/">Home</a> <p> Freshman Applicants </p> </div> </umd-breadcrumb> </umd-lock> <section> <umd-landing-content> <div class="rich-text-wrapper"> <umd-lock> <div class="rich-text intro"> <p><strong>APPLY AS A FRESHMAN</strong></p> </div> </umd-lock> </div> <div class="rich-text-wrapper"> <umd-lock> <div class="rich-text intro"> <p>If you are a high school student or a student with fewer than 12 semester hours or 18 quarter hours of university-level credit beyond secondary school, you should apply as a freshman applicant.</p> <p>Below you will find information on freshman application requirements and deadlines,聽a complete list of required application materials and more.</p> </div> </umd-lock> </div> <layout-equal-spacing data-type="highlightsOptions"> <umd-highlight data-color="dark" data-type="statColumns"> <img src="" alt="Student Union building" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <umd-lock> <div> <h2 class="headline-two-san-serif"> Application Requirements </h2> <div class="rich-text"> <p>As prescribed by the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Board of Regents</a>, the university expects you, at a minimum, to have completed the following coursework by high school graduation.</p> <p>The most competitive freshman applicants exceed these minimum requirements, earning a strong A-/B+ or better average in their high school coursework while taking several honors and/or Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate courses and additional academic electives.</p> </div> <div class="stat-row"> <umd-stat> <h3> 4 <svg title="english" id="icon-english" width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M25.8334 5.96618V20.4541C25.8334 20.9852 25.3995 21.4185 24.8662 21.4199C22.6173 21.4252 18.8494 21.894 16.2501 24.6141V9.45229C16.2501 9.2722 16.2961 9.10301 16.3829 8.96301C18.5163 5.52737 22.616 5.00536 24.8699 5H24.8723C25.1274 5 25.3677 5.09955 25.5491 5.28046C25.7324 5.46337 25.8334 5.70691 25.8334 5.96618ZM6.12791 5.00008H6.13019C8.38419 5.00536 12.4838 5.52736 14.6172 8.96301C14.704 9.10301 14.75 9.27219 14.75 9.45228V24.6141C12.1508 21.894 8.38292 21.4253 6.134 21.42C5.60055 21.4186 5.16664 20.9853 5.16664 20.454V5.96627C5.16664 5.707 5.26764 5.46345 5.451 5.28054C5.63237 5.09963 5.87255 5.00008 6.12791 5.00008ZM28.034 8.34119H27.3335V20.4541C27.3335 21.8105 26.2283 22.9166 24.8697 22.92C22.9622 22.9245 19.8169 23.2975 17.5893 25.4058C21.4419 24.4625 25.5032 25.0757 27.8177 25.6032C28.1067 25.669 28.4054 25.601 28.6369 25.4164C28.8676 25.2323 29 24.9572 29 24.6618V9.3072C29.0001 8.77456 28.5666 8.34119 28.034 8.34119ZM3.66655 8.34119V20.4541C3.66655 21.8105 4.77183 22.9166 6.13029 22.9199C8.03784 22.9244 11.1831 23.2973 13.4106 25.4055C9.55821 24.4622 5.49683 25.0753 3.18228 25.6029C2.89282 25.6689 2.59446 25.6006 2.36309 25.4162C2.13236 25.2321 2 24.957 2 24.6615V9.3072C2 8.77456 2.43346 8.34119 2.966 8.34119H3.66655Z" fill="black" /> </svg> </h3> <p class="headline-six-san-serif"> Years of English </p> </umd-stat> <umd-stat> <h3> 2 <svg title="language" id="icon-language" width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M8.30215 14.2331L8.85734 13.1094V13.1094H11.6548C10.2223 14.846 9.32667 17.0409 9.22453 19.4377H2.79145C2.03872 19.4377 1.71076 18.4784 2.31051 18.0186L4.23426 16.5452C2.80463 14.9532 2.00043 12.877 2.00043 10.7186C2.00043 5.91132 5.91175 2 10.719 2C15.0195 2 18.6023 5.12926 19.3105 9.2299C17.1457 9.34792 15.1507 10.1139 13.5156 11.3362L11.4252 7.19804C11.1316 6.61664 10.2982 6.62096 10.01 7.20431L6.88375 13.5324C6.69021 13.9241 6.85089 14.3985 7.24261 14.592C7.63405 14.7855 8.10861 14.6249 8.30215 14.2331ZM11.8398 11.5273H9.63891L10.7271 9.32455L11.8398 11.5273ZM28.6905 27.581L26.6409 26.0114C28.1503 24.3452 29.0005 22.1649 29.0005 19.8981C29.0005 14.8793 24.9175 10.7962 19.8987 10.7962C14.8799 10.7962 10.7968 14.8793 10.7968 19.8981C10.7968 24.9881 14.9393 29 19.8756 29H28.2095C28.9637 29 29.2891 28.0395 28.6905 27.581ZM23.0522 22.2712C23.489 22.2712 23.8432 22.6254 23.8432 23.0622C23.8432 23.4991 23.489 23.8532 23.0522 23.8532C23.0177 23.8489 22.9563 23.8501 22.8714 23.8517C22.3984 23.8608 21.1981 23.8838 19.8934 23.0516C18.5934 23.8808 17.3661 23.8597 16.9027 23.8517C16.8227 23.8504 16.7655 23.8494 16.7346 23.8532C16.2977 23.8532 15.9436 23.4991 15.9436 23.0622C15.9436 22.6254 16.2977 22.2712 16.7346 22.2712C16.7797 22.2674 16.8429 22.2686 16.922 22.2701H16.922C17.2628 22.2763 17.898 22.288 18.6476 21.9352C18.0111 21.1446 17.604 20.1621 17.5281 19.0895H16.7346C16.2977 19.0895 15.9436 18.7353 15.9436 18.2984C15.9436 17.8616 16.2977 17.5074 16.7346 17.5074H19.1023V16.7341C19.1023 16.2972 19.4565 15.9431 19.8933 15.9431C20.3302 15.9431 20.6844 16.2972 20.6844 16.7341V17.5074H23.0627C23.4996 17.5074 23.8538 17.8616 23.8538 18.2984C23.8538 18.7353 23.4996 19.0895 23.0627 19.0895H22.2586C22.1828 20.1621 21.7756 21.1446 21.1391 21.9352C21.8877 22.2874 22.5232 22.2761 22.8645 22.27H22.8645C22.9437 22.2686 23.007 22.2674 23.0522 22.2712ZM20.671 19.0894C20.5986 19.7946 20.3185 20.4389 19.8934 20.9607C19.4684 20.4389 19.1882 19.7946 19.1158 19.0894H20.671Z" fill="black" /> </svg> </h3> <p class="headline-six-san-serif"> Years of foreign language </p> </umd-stat> <umd-stat> <h3> 3 <svg title="history" id="icon-history" width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M2.69262 3C1.46806 3 0.426263 3.78262 0.0402002 4.875C-0.0358779 5.09025 -0.00273726 5.32898 0.129122 5.51536C0.260982 5.70173 0.475013 5.8125 0.703294 5.8125H5.50512C5.50512 4.2592 4.24592 3 2.69262 3ZM13.0567 24.1875C12.8974 25.2865 12.3665 26.2594 11.6097 27H20.8622C22.1604 27 23.2963 26.2925 23.9051 25.2428C24.0313 25.0252 24.0317 24.7568 23.906 24.5389C23.7804 24.321 23.548 24.1874 23.2964 24.1874H13.0567V24.1875ZM5.81412 3H18.0497C19.988 3 21.5653 4.5772 21.5653 6.51562C21.5653 9.44236 20.8493 12.3929 20.1377 15.2185L20.1375 15.2194C19.5141 17.6938 18.8716 20.2444 18.7672 22.7812H11.8332C11.4446 22.7812 11.1301 23.0957 11.1301 23.4844C11.1301 25.4228 9.55292 27 7.6145 27C5.72497 27 4.19005 25.4981 4.11326 23.6271C4.08792 20.769 4.80644 17.8731 5.51728 15.0081C5.86603 13.6024 6.21294 12.2043 6.46925 10.8217C7.61105 4.94598 6.39337 3.62763 5.87423 3.06557C5.85295 3.04253 5.83285 3.02076 5.81412 3ZM7.7412 18.4688H16.6358C17.0242 18.4688 17.339 18.1539 17.339 17.7656C17.339 17.3773 17.0241 17.0625 16.6358 17.0625H7.7412C7.35289 17.0625 7.03808 17.3773 7.03808 17.7656C7.03808 18.1539 7.35289 18.4688 7.7412 18.4688ZM8.42825 15.6562H17.3043C17.6926 15.6562 18.0074 15.3414 18.0074 14.9531C18.0074 14.5648 17.6926 14.25 17.3043 14.25H8.42825C8.03994 14.25 7.72512 14.5648 7.72512 14.9531C7.72512 15.3414 8.03994 15.6562 8.42825 15.6562ZM9.07648 12.8438H17.9914C18.3797 12.8438 18.6945 12.5289 18.6945 12.1406C18.6945 11.7523 18.3797 11.4375 17.9914 11.4375H9.07648C8.68817 11.4375 8.37336 11.7523 8.37336 12.1406C8.37336 12.5289 8.68817 12.8438 9.07648 12.8438ZM9.56314 10.0312H18.5277C18.9161 10.0312 19.2309 9.71644 19.2309 9.32812C19.2309 8.93981 18.9161 8.625 18.5278 8.625H9.56314C9.17483 8.625 8.86001 8.93981 8.86001 9.32812C8.86001 9.71644 9.17483 10.0312 9.56314 10.0312Z" fill="black" /> </svg> </h3> <p class="headline-six-san-serif"> Years of history or social science </p> </umd-stat> <umd-stat> <h3> 3 <svg title="science" id="icon-science" width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M25.2098 23.4895L18.2443 10.6813V4.17804H18.9335C19.2386 4.17804 19.4852 3.93592 19.4852 3.63638V2.54167C19.4852 2.24267 19.2386 2 18.9335 2H18.2443H11.1607H10.5295C10.2244 2 9.97774 2.24267 9.97774 2.54167V3.63638C9.97774 3.93592 10.2244 4.17804 10.5295 4.17804H11.1607V10.6818L4.74864 23.4338C3.10989 25.9558 4.25095 28 7.29836 28H22.7473C25.7942 28 26.8966 25.9801 25.2098 23.4895ZM13.1394 11.6406L13.3672 11.1872V10.6818V4.17804H16.0372V10.6818V11.224L16.2971 11.7023L19.2822 17.1905H10.3491L13.1394 11.6406Z" fill="black" /> </svg> </h3> <p class="headline-six-san-serif"> Years of science in at least 2 different areas </p> <p class="secondary"> With at least 2 lab experiences </p> </umd-stat> <umd-stat> <h3> 4 <svg title="math" id="icon-math" width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 30 30" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M3 14.3333V5.66657C3 4.19385 4.19385 3 5.66657 3H14.3333V14.3333H3ZM8.00006 8.00006H6.66669C6.29846 8.00006 6 8.29852 6 8.66675C6 9.03497 6.29846 9.33344 6.66669 9.33344H8.00006V10.6668C8.00006 11.035 8.29852 11.3335 8.66675 11.3335C9.03497 11.3335 9.33344 11.0349 9.33344 10.6668V9.33344H10.6668C11.035 9.33344 11.3335 9.03497 11.3335 8.66675C11.3335 8.29852 11.0349 8.00006 10.6668 8.00006H9.33344V6.66669C9.33344 6.29846 9.03497 6 8.66675 6C8.29852 6 8.00006 6.29846 8.00006 6.66669V8.00006ZM15.6667 3H24.3334C25.8062 3 27 4.19385 27 5.66657V14.3333H15.6667V3ZM19.3334 9.33344H23.3333C23.7015 9.33344 24 9.03497 24 8.66657C24 8.29834 23.7015 7.99988 23.3333 7.99988H19.3334C18.9651 7.99988 18.6667 8.29834 18.6667 8.66657C18.6667 9.03497 18.9651 9.33344 19.3334 9.33344ZM3 24.3334C3 25.8062 4.19385 27 5.66657 27H14.3333V15.6667H3V24.3334ZM6.78131 20.3906C6.52551 20.1257 6.53284 19.7038 6.79761 19.448C7.05597 19.1984 7.46558 19.1984 7.72394 19.448L8.66675 20.3906L9.60938 19.448C9.87433 19.1922 10.2964 19.1995 10.5522 19.4643C10.8016 19.7227 10.8016 20.1323 10.5522 20.3906L9.60938 21.3334L10.5522 22.2761C10.817 22.5319 10.8243 22.9539 10.5685 23.2187C10.3127 23.4836 9.89063 23.491 9.62585 23.2352C9.62024 23.2299 9.61498 23.2245 9.60955 23.2189L9.60938 23.2187L8.66675 22.2761L7.72394 23.2187C7.45917 23.4747 7.03711 23.4673 6.78131 23.2024C6.53174 22.944 6.53174 22.5344 6.78131 22.2761L7.72394 21.3334L6.78131 20.3906ZM24.3334 27H15.6667V15.6667H27V24.3334C27 25.8062 25.8062 27 24.3334 27ZM23.3333 19.3334H19.3334C18.9651 19.3334 18.6667 19.6318 18.6667 20.0001C18.6667 20.3683 18.9651 20.6667 19.3334 20.6667H23.3333C23.7015 20.6667 24 20.3683 24 20.0001C24 19.6318 23.7015 19.3334 23.3333 19.3334ZM23.3333 21.9999H19.3334C18.9651 21.9999 18.6667 22.2984 18.6667 22.6666C18.6667 23.0349 18.9651 23.3333 19.3334 23.3333H23.3333C23.7015 23.3333 24 23.0349 24 22.6666C24 22.2984 23.7015 21.9999 23.3333 21.9999Z" fill="black" /> </svg> </h3> <p class="headline-six-san-serif"> 4 Years of math, including Algebra I, Geometry & Algebra II </p> <p class="secondary"> If you complete Algebra II prior to your final year, you must complete the 4-year math requirement by taking a course that utilizes non-trivial algebra, such as Trigonometry, Precalculus, Calculus, Statistics, College Algebra. </p> </umd-stat> </div> </div> </umd-lock> </umd-highlight> </layout-equal-spacing> <layout-equal-spacing data-type="pathwayOptions"> <umd-pathway-card data-direction="right"> <umd-lock> <div class="wrapper"> <img src="" alt="Students walking into the Edward St. John Learning and Teaching Center." style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <div class="text"> <h2 class="headline-two-san-serif"> Choosing A Major </h2> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Whether you know exactly what you want to study or are still figuring it out, we encourage you to <a href="">explore UMD's academic programs</a>. As you explore you may see that some of our majors are considered <a href="">Limited Enrollment Programs</a> (LEP). These programs have limited space and, therefore, have more competitive admission criteria.</p> <p>On the UMD application, you'll select a preferred major. This information will not impact whether or not you are admissible to the university. If you selected an LEP, you will also be reviewed by the specific program to determine admission to your preferred major.</p> <p>While most students are admitted to their preferred major, some LEP applicants may not be. Students who are undecided or undeclared (working on getting into an LEP) will work with Letters & Sciences advisors to explore their interests or complete LEP gateway requirements.</p> </div> </div> </div> </umd-lock> </umd-pathway-card> </layout-equal-spacing> <layout-equal-spacing data-type="ctaStripOptions"> <umd-cta-strip data-type="yellow-two-columns"> <svg title="fearlessly forward arrow" id="fearlessly-forward-arrow" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 338 338"> <defs></defs> <path d="m169,338l169-179.58L221.83,0H52.83l116.17,158.42L0,338h169Z" /> </svg> <svg title="fearlessly forward arrow" id="fearlessly-forward-arrow" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 338 338"> <defs></defs> <path d="m169,338l169-179.58L221.83,0H52.83l116.17,158.42L0,338h169Z" /> </svg> <umd-lock> <svg title="fearlessly forward arrow" id="fearlessly-forward-arrow" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 338 338"> <defs></defs> <path d="m169,338l169-179.58L221.83,0H52.83l116.17,158.42L0,338h169Z" /> </svg> <div class="columns"> <div data-withLink="true"> <p class="headline-three-san-serif"> Benefits of Applying Early Action </p> <div class="rich"> <p>We strongly encourage you to apply early action to<strong> receive priority consideration for admission, merit-based scholarships and invitations to special programs</strong>. UMD's November 1 early action deadline is non-binding and students who submit a completed application by this date will receive an admission decision by February 1. <em>By applying for admission to the fall semester, you will also be automatically considered for admission to the spring semester.</em></p> </div> <a class="call-to-action-outline" href=""> <span aria-hidden="true">View All Application Deadlines</span> <span class="sr-only">View All Application Deadlines</span> </a> </div> <div data-withLink="true"> <p class="headline-three-san-serif"> Application Platforms </p> <div class="rich"> <p>Freshman students can apply to UMD using either of the following platforms:</p> <ul><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Common App</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">ApplyWeb</a></li></ul> <p><br />The application platform you choose will not make a difference on how your application will be reviewed. Choose the platform you are comfortable using.</p> </div> <a class="call-to-action-outline" href=""> <span aria-hidden="true">Apply Now</span> <span class="sr-only">Start your UMD application</span> </a> </div> </div> </umd-lock> </umd-cta-strip> </layout-equal-spacing> <div class="headline-wrapper"> <umd-lock> <h2 id="checklist" class="headline-two-san-serif "> Application Checklist </h2> </umd-lock> </div> <div class="rich-text-wrapper"> <umd-lock> <div class="rich-text intro"> <p>Utilize our application checklist to ensure you're submitting all required freshman application materials.</p> </div> </umd-lock> </div> <div class="rich-text-wrapper"> <umd-lock> <div class="rich-text rich-text-options"> <p>Before you get started, consider the following questions:<br /></p><ul><li><strong>Are you an international student?聽</strong>|聽If you聽are a non-U.S. citizen or non-permanent U.S. resident you apply as an <a href="">international applicant</a>.</li><li><strong>Do you need to provide proof of English proficiency?聽</strong>| If English is not your native language, regardless of your citizenship, or if you have taken English Second Language courses in high school, you must provide verification of your <a href="">proficiency in English</a>.</li><li><strong>Do you have non-U.S. academic records?聽</strong>|聽If you have non-U.S. academic records for post-secondary/university work, please review our <a href="">international applicant requirements</a> for instructions on submitting these records.</li></ul> </div> </umd-lock> </div> <layout-equal-spacing data-type="stepper"> <umd-lock> <umd-stepper> <div> <div class="identifier"> <p> <span>1</span> </p> </div> <div class="text"> <p class="headline-five-san-serif"> Completed online application </p> <div class="rich-text"> <p>The freshman application can be submitted online via the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Common App</a> or <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">ApplyWeb</a>. The online application only needs to be submitted once, so choose the platform you are most comfortable using.<br /></p> <p><strong>As part of the online application you will be required to submit a(n):</strong></p> <p><strong>Essay</strong> |<strong>聽</strong><strong></strong>This is your opportunity to share your personality and experiences with聽the Admission Committee. Get inspired by聽one of our <a href="">essay questions</a>.</p> <p><strong>Activities and awards list or resume</strong> |聽Tell us how聽you spend your time outside the classroom! Please start by sharing the two experiences outside of academics that are most important to you. Whether community involvement, the arts, sports, work experience, research opportunities, family involvements or other activities and hobbies, you should share only what has been particularly meaningful.</p> <p><strong>Nonrefundable application fee of $75</strong> |聽When submitting your application you will be required to pay a $75 application fee on our secure website with a credit card unless you have received a <a href="">fee waiver</a>. Fee waivers must be submitted prior to application submission for consideration. We cannot accept cash or check payments.<br /></p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="identifier"> <p> <span>2</span> </p> </div> <div class="text"> <p class="headline-five-san-serif"> Two letters of recommendation </p> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Two letters of recommendation are required: one from your school counselor and one from a teacher. Recommendations must be sent to us directly from the recommender. Learn how recommendation letters can be submitted on our <a href="">Submitting Documents</a>聽page.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="identifier"> <p> <span>3</span> </p> </div> <div class="text"> <p class="headline-five-san-serif"> Official copy of your high school transcripts </p> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Each high school you've attended must submit an official copy of your high school transcript(s) listing all courses you attempted/completed.聽Learn how transcripts can be submitted on our <a href="">Submitting Documents</a>聽page.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="identifier"> <p> <span>4</span> </p> </div> <div class="text"> <p class="headline-five-san-serif"> Official copy of your college transcripts (if necessary) </p> <div class="rich-text"> <p>If you have completed any collegiate coursework, each institution you've attended must submit an official copy of your college transcripts listing all courses you attempted/completed.聽Learn how transcripts can be submitted on our <a href="">Submitting Documents</a>聽page.</p> <p>If you have non-U.S. academic records for post-secondary work, please review our <a href="">international applicant requirements</a> as they might apply to you.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="identifier"> <p> <span>5</span> </p> </div> <div class="text"> <p class="headline-five-san-serif"> Official standardized test scores (optional) </p> <div class="rich-text"> <p>UMD is currently test-optional聽through to the Spring and Fall 2025 application cycles.聽Students can choose whether or not to submit SAT/ACT scores with their application.聽As part of the online application, you will be able to indicate your test-optional status. If you choose to include your test scores, learn how to聽submit them聽on our <a href="">Submitting Documents</a>聽page.</p> <p>If you would like to receive credit toward your degree for successfully completing <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Advanced Placement (AP)</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">International Baccalaureate (IB)</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">A/AS level</a> examinations or certain other standard exams, you must submit those official scores upon receiving an offer of admission.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="identifier"> <p> <span>6</span> </p> </div> <div class="text"> <p class="headline-five-san-serif"> School of Music application (School of Music applicants only) </p> <div class="rich-text"> <p>In addition to the above items, students seeking enrollment into the School of Music must submit an聽<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">online application supplement</a> and聽<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">audition</a>. These items will only be used to determine your eligibility for admission into the School of Music and will not be used in the review of your eligibility for admission to UMD.</p> </div> </div> </div> </umd-stepper> </umd-lock> </layout-equal-spacing> <layout-equal-spacing data-type="highlightsOptions"> <umd-highlight data-color="dark" data-type="default"> <img src="" alt="Students studying and reading class notes on a piece of paper" style="object-position: 50% 50%;" /> <umd-lock> <div> <h2 class="headline-two-san-serif"> Making Sure Your UMD Application is Complete </h2> <div class="rich-text"> <p>Applications are considered complete when the online application and all required documents have been submitted electronically or postmarked by the <a href="">appropriate deadline</a>.聽<strong>It is your responsibility to confirm receipt of all materials.</strong></p> <p>To do so, you will need to create a Terps Application Portal (TAP) account. You'll receive an email with instructions on how to create a TAP account within two business days of submitting your online application.<br /><br />Through your TAP account, you can:</p> <ul><li>Track your application status.</li><li>Confirm receipt of required materials.</li><li>Receive your admission decision when it becomes available.</li></ul> <p><strong>Keep in mind:</strong>聽It may take up to 10 business days for recently submitted materials to be listed as received within TAP</p> </div> </div> </umd-lock> </umd-highlight> </layout-equal-spacing> </umd-landing-content> </section> </div> </div> <umd-admissions-resources> <umd-lock> <span style="background-image: url(/images/arrows/resources-group.svg)"> </span> <h2 class="headline-two-san-serif"> Resources </h2> <div class="resources"> <div> <div class="text"> <h3 class="headline-five-san-serif"> Application FAQs </h3> <div class="rich-text"> <p>If questions come up as you're filling out the UMD application, be sure to reference our frequently asked questions. 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