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<a href="#group_A">A</a> | <a href="#group_B">B</a> | <a href="#group_C">C</a> | <a href="#group_D">D</a> | <a href="#group_F">F</a> | <a href="#group_K">K</a> | <a href="#group_O">O</a> | <a href="#group_P">P</a> | <a href="#group_R">R</a> | <a href="#group_S">S</a> | <a href="#group_T">T</a> | <a href="#group_W">W</a></div></div><div class="ep_view_blurb">Number of items at this level: <strong>381</strong>.</div><a name="group_A"></a><h2>A</h2><p> <span class="person_name">Alshahrani, Saeed</span>, <span class="person_name">Ward, Rupert</span> and <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Impact of Web technologies on student's self-confidence and self-reliance.</em></a> In: International Conference on Global Vision 2020, 3rd-4th May 2013, Tamil Nadu, India. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Alshahrani, Saeed</span>, <span class="person_name">Ward, Rupert</span> and <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Impact of Web technologies on student-lecturer referent power relationship.</em></a> In: WEI International Conference Proceedings. Orlando International Academic Conference, 2013 . West East Institute, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 16-20. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Appukuttan, Shailesh</span> and <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>ASSOCiate Online: embedding ICT skills and collaborative learning into the teacher training curriculum and Continuing Professional Development for the Lifelong Learning Sector.</em></a> In: ALT-C 2008, the 15th International Conference of the Association for Learning Technology: Rethinking the Digital Divide, 9th - 11th September 2008, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Building a future or rehearsing impossible dreams? The reality of undertaking Level 1 vocational programmes post-16.</em></a> In: Conference on Researching Higher Education and Lifelong Learning, February 2011, Sheffield, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Disabled voices from the margins : experiencing inclusion as forms of exclusion.</em></a> In: Discourse Power and Resistance Conference 2013 - Discourses of Inclusion and Exclusion, 9th - 11th April 2013, London, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Foundation GNVQ: an invisible cohort?</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 10 (3). pp. 325-336. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>From Marginal Learning to Marginal Employment? The Real Impact of 'Learning' Employability Skills.</em></a> Power and Education, 5 (1). pp. 28-37. ISSN 1757-7438 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>A Guide to Instrumentalism: Initial Teacher Education in the Lifelong Learning Sector.</em></a> In: 55th International Council on Education for Teaching World Assembly 2011, 11th 14th July 2011, Glasgow, Scotland. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Invisible Students, Impossible Dreams: experiencing vocational education 14-19.</em></a> Trentham Books. ISBN 9781858564517 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Level 1 Vocational Learning: Predestination Disguised as Opportunity?</em></a> In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, September 2008, Edinburgh, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>No change there then : perceptions of vocational education in a coalition era.</em></a> In: BERA Annual Conference 2012, 4th - 6th September 2012, University of Manchester. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Opportunity and Aspiration, or the Great Deception? The Case of 14-19 Vocational Education.</em></a> Power and Education, 2 (3). pp. 253-265. ISSN 1757-7438 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Researching ‘with’ not ‘on’: Engaging Foundation GNVQ Students in the Research Process - Emerging Themes from the Study.</em></a> In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, 15th - 17th September 2005, Glamorgan. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Researching ‘with’, not ‘on’: engaging marginalised learners in the research process.</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 18 (1-2). pp. 143-158. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Smoke and Mirrors: Opportunity and Aspiration in 14-19 Education.</em></a> In: 9th Discourse, Power, Resistance Conference, 30th March - 1st April 2010, Greenwich, London, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Social control in practice: the impact of learning employability skills.</em></a> In: Discourse, Power and Resistance, 2-4th April 2012, University of Plymouth. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Teaching for inclusion: Pedagogies for the ‘sector of the second chance’.</em></a> In: The Lifelong Learning Sector: Reflective Reader. Learning Matters. ISBN 9781844452965 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Tears of the phoenix: how nurturing and support became the 'cure' for further education.</em></a> In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, September 2008, Edinburgh, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Tom, Ollie and Emily: Reflections on Inclusion as an Exclusive Experience.</em></a> Race Equality Teaching, 31 (1). pp. 27-30. ISSN 1478-8551 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Travelling hopefully: an exploration of the limited possibilities for Level 1 students in the English further education system.</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 13 (2). pp. 195-204. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Visions, Dreams and Reality: The limited possibilities for level 1 post-16 students.</em></a> In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, September 2007, London, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span>, <span class="person_name">Flint, Kevin</span> and <span class="person_name">Oldfield, Ben</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Practical Matters: What young people think about vocational education in England.</em></a> Research Report. The City and Guilds of London Institute. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (1983) <a href=""><em>ABC and the New Vocational Consensus.</em></a> Journal of further and higher education, 7 (1). pp. 23-33. ISSN 1469-9486 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Activity theory - talking truth to power?</em></a> In: 6th Conference of the Discourse, Power, Resistance Series, 25– 27 March 2007, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>"Am I doing enough to help them?" Learners, care work and wellbeing : further education trainee teachers.</em></a> In: School of Education Research Seminar, November 24th 2010, Cardiff. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Am I doing enough to help them?? Learners, Care Work and Wellbeing: Further Education Trainee Teachers.</em></a> In: Journal of Vocational Education and Training 9th International Conference, 8th-10th July 2011, Worcester College Oxford. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Beyond NEET's : Precariousness, Ideology and Social Justice.</em></a> In: Discourse, Power and Resistance Conference, 9-11th April 2013, University of Greenwich. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Beyond cultures of resistance: the return to class, economism, individualisation and Post Compulsory Education and Training.</em></a> In: 7th Conference of the Discourse, Power, Resistance Series, 18– 20 March 2008, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Beyond performativity: reflections on activist professionalism and the labour process.</em></a> Journal of Education Policy, 20 (2). pp. 209-222. ISSN 0268-0939 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Book review: Entrepreneurship education edited by P.G. Greene and M.P. Rice.</em></a> Journal of education policy, 23 (2). pp. 194-195. ISSN 0268-0939 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>The British Coalition government and Education Policy.</em></a> In: school of education seminar, 15th December 2010, University of Chester. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Class and Individualisation within post compulsory education and training.</em></a> In: Redefining social justice: New Labour, rhetoric and reality. Manchester University Press, Manchester, UK. ISBN 9780719082207 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Class, economism, Individualisation and Post Compulsory Education and Training.</em></a> In: Social Change, Justice and Equality Cluster Education Research Seminar, 23 April 2009, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Class, economism, individualisation and Post Compulsory Education and Training.</em></a> Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 6 (2). ISSN 1740-2743 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>Conundrums of our own making: Critical Pedagogy and trainee further education teachers.</em></a> In: Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, 12-14 September 2002, University of Exeter. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>Conundrums of our own making: critical pedagogy and trainee further education teachers.</em></a> Teacher Development, 7 (2). pp. 191-209. ISSN 1366-4530 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>Crossing the boundaries: expectations and experience of newcomers to higher and further education.</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 8 (2). pp. 179-196. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>Deeply frustrating? Highly sustaining?: professional identity formation in English further education.</em></a> In: Discourse, Resistance and Identity Formation. Discourse, Power, Resistance (5). Trentham, Stoke on Trent, pp. 111-126. ISBN 9781858563862 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>Developing staff in further education: discourse, learners and practice.</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 7 (3). pp. 339-352. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Discursive shifts: the Labour party, economic relations and social justice.</em></a> British Journal of Sociology of Education, 26 (4). pp. 547-553. ISSN 0142-5692 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Education, Governance and the 'New' Professionalism: radical possibilities?</em></a> Power and Education, 2 (2). pp. 197-208. ISSN 1757-7438 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Education, policy and social justice: learning and skills.</em></a> Continuum studies in lifelong learning . Continuum, London. ISBN 9780826486936 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Education, policy and social justice: learning and skills (2nd edition).</em></a> Continuum Studies in Lifelong Learning . Continuum, London. ISBN 9781441166425 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2001) <a href=""><em>Educational research, the teacher researcher and social justice.</em></a> Education and Social Justice, 3 (3). pp. 34-42. ISSN 1464-2689 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Engeström’s version of activity theory: a conservative praxis?</em></a> Journal of education and work, 20 (3). pp. 161-177. ISSN 1363-9080 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>FE trainee teachers : learners, care work and well being.</em></a> In: BERA Annual Conference 2011, 6th – 8th September 2011, Institute of Education, London. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>FE-HE localism, inequality and social justice.</em></a> In: Research in higher education and society FE-HE seminar day, 11th June 2012, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>From reproduction to learning cultures: post-compulsory education in England.</em></a> British Journal of Sociology of Education, 27 (3). pp. 341-354. ISSN 0142-5692 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Further Education in England: the New Localism, Systems Theory and Governance.</em></a> In: 8th Conference of the Discourse, Power, Resistance Series: DPR8: Power and the Academy, 6th - 8th April 2009, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Further Education in England: the New Localism, Systems Theory and Governance.</em></a> Journal of Education Policy, 24 (5). pp. 633-648. ISSN 0268-0939 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Further education in England : the new localism, systems theory and governance.</em></a> In: British educational research association annual conference, 2-5 September 2009, Manchester University. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Further education: policy hysteria, competitiveness and performativity.</em></a> British Journal of Sociology of Education, 30 (5). pp. 653-662. ISSN 0142-5692 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Global reconstructions of vocational education and training.</em></a> Globalisation, Societies and Education, 10 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1476-7724 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2004) <a href=""><em>"How do I cope with that?" The development of schooling identities amongst trainee FE lecturers.</em></a> In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, 16-18 September 2004, University of Manchester. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>Imaginary Friends: managerialism, globalisation and post-compulsory education and training in England.</em></a> Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 23 (1). pp. 75-90. ISSN 0159-6306 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>Improvement through research: policy science or policy scholarship.</em></a> Research in Post Compulsory Education, 11 (1). pp. 107-114. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Into practice: transitions from FE trainee to lecturer.</em></a> In: British Education Research Association (BERA) Annual conference 2008, 3rd - 6th September 2008, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Introduction: Professionalism, Values and Diversity.</em></a> In: Issues in post-compulsory education and training: critical perspectives. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 175-178. ISBN 9781862180680 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Markets, Localism and Social Justice, More of the Same - Labour, the Coalition and Education Policy.</em></a> In: The Discourse, Power, Resistance conference, 13th-15th April 2011, University of Plymouth. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>More of the Same, New Labour, the Coalition and Education Policy: markets, localism and social justice.</em></a> In: School of Public Policy and Professional Practice Conference, 28 Jan 2011, Keele University. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>More of the same : The British Coalition Government and Education Policy.</em></a> In: Centre for Applied Educational Research, School of Education and Social Science Conference, 7th April 2011, University of Central Lancashire. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>More of the same? New Labour, the Coalition and education: markets, localism and social justice.</em></a> Educational Review, 63 (4). pp. 421-438. ISSN 0013-1911 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Moving Into Practice: Transitions from Further Education Trainee Teacher to Lecturer.</em></a> In: TAERN (Transitions in Adult Education Research Network) Summer Seminars, 18th June 2009, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Myths of Our Time.</em></a> Vox, The Student Journal of Politics, Economics and Philosophy (XI). pp. 20-23. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>New Labour, the Coalition and Education: markets, localism and social justice.</em></a> In: school of education seminar, 23/03/2011, University of Stirling. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Policy mediation and practice in further education.</em></a> In: 7th International Conference on Researching, Work and Learning, 4-7th December 2011, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Policy, mediation and practice in further education.</em></a> In: OISE 2012, 19th April 2012, University of Toronto. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>Post compulsory education - the evacuation of politics: research as subversion?</em></a> In: 5th Discourse Power Resistance Conference Series, 20 – 22 April 2006, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>Post compulsory education: issues for 16 - 18 year olds.</em></a> In: Education studies: essential issues. Routledge, pp. 142-167. ISBN 9780761940500 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Post-Compulsory Education and Training: transformism and the struggle for change.</em></a> In: Issues in post-compulsory education and training: critical perspectives. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 137-156. ISBN 9781862180680 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Post-Fordist Illusions: knowledge-based economies and transformation.</em></a> Power and Education, 5 (1). pp. 16-27. ISSN 1757-7438 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (1993) <a href=""><em>Post-Fordist idylls: whither education?</em></a> General Educator (20). pp. 4-6. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Post-compulsory education and training: transformism and the struggle for change.</em></a> International Studies in Sociology of Education, 17 (3). pp. 195-209. ISSN 0962-0214 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Post-fordist illusions - one more time.</em></a> In: Historical materialism conference, 11-13th May 2012, York University Toronto. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Post-fordist illusions - the knowledge economy and workplace learning?</em></a> In: The Journal of Vocational Education and Training Tenth International Conference, 5th – 7th July 2013, Worcester College, Oxford. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Post-fordist illusions : knowledge based economies and transformation.</em></a> In: Discourse, power and resistance conference, 2-4th April 2012, University of Plymouth. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Professionalism, teacher training and radical practice.</em></a> In: IFL presidential conference, 16th May 2012, School of Education, University of Wolverhampton. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (1996) <a href=""><em>Progressive practice, markets and managerialism.</em></a> General Educator, 39. p. 13. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>Re-thinking Trust in a Performative Culture: the Case of Post Compulsory Education.</em></a> In: Discourse power resistance conference, April 2003, University of Plymouth. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Re-thinking trust in a performative culture: the case of education.</em></a> In: Issues in post-compulsory education and training: critical perspectives. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 237-262. ISBN 9781862180680 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>Re-thinking trust in a performative culture: the case of education.</em></a> Journal of Education Policy, 18 (3). pp. 315-332. ISSN 0268-0939 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2004) <a href=""><em>Re-thinking trust in a performative culture: the case of post compulsory education.</em></a> In: The disciplining of education: new languages of power and resistance. Trentham Books, pp. 69-87. ISBN 9781858563374 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Re-turn to class, economism, individualisation and post-compulsory education and training.</em></a> In: Lifelong Learning Institute Seminar: Lifelong learning, post-compulsory education and training and New Labour: a critique, 19th September 2007, University of Leeds. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>Really useful knowledge? Evidence-informed practice, research for the real world.</em></a> Post 16 Educator (8). pp. 22-24. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Shifting Identity - New Conditions and the Transformation of Practice: teaching within post-compulsory education.</em></a> In: Issues in post-compulsory education and training: critical perspectives. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 191-212. ISBN 9781862180680 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (1999) <a href=""><em>Shifting identity: new conditions and the transformation of practice – teaching within post-compulsory education.</em></a> Journal of vocational education and training, 51 (2). pp. 245-264. ISSN 1363-6820 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>Social Capital, Collective Intelligence and Expansive Learning: Thinking through the Connections. Education and the Economy.</em></a> British Journal of Educational Studies, 50 (3). pp. 308-326. ISSN 00071005 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (1981) <a href=""><em>Social and Technical Relations: the case of further education.</em></a> British Journal of Sociology of Education, 2 (2). pp. 145-161. ISSN 0142-5692 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (1990) <a href=""><em>Some reflections on the Core Curriculum.</em></a> Liberal Education (67). p. 20. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (1984) <a href=""><em>Strategies of Survival: pre-vocational students in FE.</em></a> British Journal of Sociology of Education, 5 (2). pp. 129-151. ISSN 0142-5692 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (1991) <a href=""><em>Teaching and learning.</em></a> General Educator (12). pp. 13-14. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Transformation or transformism: Engestrom's version of activity theory?</em></a> Educational Review, 61 (2). pp. 151-165. ISSN 0013-1911 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Twentieth Century Further Education in England: the New Localism, Systems Theory and Governance.</em></a> In: Annual European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), 28th – 30th September 2009, University of Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>A View from the Periphery: New Labour, the Coalition and Education Policy.</em></a> In: Higher Education in the Global Dimension, 10th-11th February 2011, Albert-Ludwig University Freiburg. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (1988) <a href=""><em>White Ethnicity White Racism: Teacher and Student Perceptions of FE.</em></a> Journal of Moral Education, 17 (1). pp. 52-60. ISSN 0305-7240 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>White Ethnicity White Racism: teacher and student perceptions of FE.</em></a> In: Issues in post-compulsory education and training: critical perspectives. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 179-190. ISBN 9781862180680 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Whither FE? Economism, instrumentalism and class.</em></a> Post 16 Educator (43). pp. 20-22. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Whither Further Education: economism, instrumentalism and class.</em></a> In: Issues in post-compulsory education and training: critical perspectives. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 371-378. ISBN 9781862180680 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>Work based knowledge, evidence informed practice and education.</em></a> British Journal of Educational Studies, 51 (4). pp. 369-390. ISSN 0007-1005 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2004) <a href=""><em>Work-based learning and social justice: 'learning to labour' and the new vocationalism in England.</em></a> Journal of Education and Work, 17 (2). pp. 197-217. ISSN 1363-9080 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>Work-based learning and social justice: learning to labour?</em></a> In: British educational research association conference, 12-14th September 2002, University of Exeter. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Work-based learning: an English experience.</em></a> In: International handbook of education for the changing world of work. Springer, Netherlands. ISBN 9781402052811 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Work-based learning: knowledge, practice and transformation.</em></a> In: Lifelong Learning Institute Seminar: Putting Worker Perspectives back into Workplace Learning, 18th February 2009, University of Leeds. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Workplace Learning, VET and Vocational Pedagogy: the transformation of practice.</em></a> In: European conference on educational research, 18th - 20th September 2012, University of Cadiz. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Workplace learning, knowledge, practice and transformation.</em></a> Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 8 (2). pp. 166-193. ISSN 1740-2743 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Workplace learning, knowledge, practice and transformation.</em></a> In: LaWRL seminar series, 25th May 2011, School of Education University of Southampton. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Workplace learning, knowledge, practice and transformation.</em></a> In: Seminar, 12th April 2012, School of Education, University of Alberta. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Workplace learning, vocational pedagogy and the transformation of practice.</em></a> In: LSRN regional conference, 3rd May 2012, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (1985) <a href=""><em>The ambiguities of conformism - academic students in FE.</em></a> Sociological Review, 33 (4). pp. 708-740. ISSN 0038-0261 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>The ambiguities of learning in the knowledge economy: transformation, innovation and capital.</em></a> Journal of vocational education and training, 64 (1). pp. 119-125. ISSN 1363-6820 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (1996) <a href=""><em>The enemy within : quality and managerialism in education.</em></a> In: Knowledge and nationhood: education, politics, and work. Continuum International Publishing Group, pp. 105-120. ISBN 9780304335817 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2000) <a href=""><em>The forces of Conservatism: New Labour, the third way, reflexive modernisation and social justice.</em></a> Education and social justice, 2 (3). pp. 31-38. ISSN 1464 2869 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>The knowledge economy, workplace learning and social production - post fordist illusions?</em></a> In: European conference on educational research, 18th - 20th September 2012, University of Cadiz. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>The knowledge economy, workplace learning and social production - post-fordist illusions?</em></a> In: BERA Annual Conference 2012, 4th - 6th September 2012, University of Manchester. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>The politics of care - emotional labour and trainee FE lecturers.</em></a> In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, 11-13 September 2003, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>The politics of cognitive capitalism - beyond workplace learning.</em></a> In: 8th International Conference: Researching Work and Learning, June 2013, 19-21st June 2013, University of Stirling. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>The strange fate of progressive education.</em></a> In: CCCS selected working papers. Routledge, pp. 1050-1070. ISBN 9780415324410 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> (2004) <a href=""><em>Coping and caring: the development of professional identity amongst FE trainee lecturers.</em></a> In: Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association 2004, September 2004, UMIST, Manchester. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> (2004) <a href=""><em>Critical Pedagogy, performativity and a politics of hope: trainee FE lecturer practice.</em></a> In: Discourse power resistance conference, April 2004, University of Plymouth. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> (2004) <a href=""><em>Critical pedagogy, performativity and a politics of hope: trainee further education lecturer practice.</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 9 (2). pp. 301-316. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Current constructions of being a teacher/trainer in the English Learning and Skills sector?</em></a> In: European conference on educational research, 25-27 August 2010, Helsinki. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Deeply frustrating? Highly sustaining?</em></a> In: Discourse power resistance conference, March 2005, University of Plymouth. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>From trainee to FE lecturer: trials and tribulations.</em></a> Journal of vocational education and training, 58 (2). pp. 171-189. ISSN 1363-6820 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>From trainee to FE lecturer: trials and tribulations.</em></a> In: British Educational Research Association annual conference 2005, 17th September 2005, University of Glamorgan. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Inbound, outbound or peripheral : the implications of different career trajectories for vocational education practice.</em></a> In: BERA Annual Conference 2011, 6th – 8th September 2011, Institute of Education, London. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Moving into practice: transitions from further education trainee teacher to lecturer.</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 14 (2). pp. 203-217. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Moving into practice: transitions from trainee to further education lecturer in English tertiary education.</em></a> In: European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2008 From Teaching to Learning?, 10 - 12 September 2008, University of Gothenburg. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>A ‘career’ in the Cinderella service: an exploration of lecturing careers in English further education.</em></a> In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2007, 5 - 8 September 2007, Institute of Education, University of London. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> (2004) <a href=""><em>The politics of care: emotional labour and trainee further education lecturers[1].</em></a> Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 56 (1). pp. 5-20. ISSN 1363-6820 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> and <span class="person_name">Parsons, J</span> (2001) <a href=""><em>Construction of learners in post-compulsory education and training - fragmentation and contradiction.</em></a> In: British educational research association annual conference, September 2001, University of Leeds. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> and <span class="person_name">Parsons, J</span> (2001) <a href=""><em>"Now we look through the glass darkly" : a comparative study of the perceptions of those working in further education with trainee teachers.</em></a> In: The journal of vocational education and training 4th international conference, July 2001, University of Wolverhampton. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> and <span class="person_name">Parsons, John</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>Communities of practice and the construction of learners in post-compulsory education and training.</em></a> Journal of vocational education and training, 54 (1). pp. 27-50. ISSN 1363-6820 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> and <span class="person_name">Parsons, John</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>"I think a lot of staff are dinosaurs": further education trainee teachers' understandings of pedagogic relations.</em></a> Journal of Education and Work, 15 (2). pp. 181-200. ISSN 1363-9080 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> and <span class="person_name">Parsons, John</span> (2001) <a href=""><em>Reflecting on method: the use of a time-log diary to examine the labour process of further education lecturers.</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 6 (1). pp. 5-18. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Bathmaker, Ann-Marie</span> and <span class="person_name">Parsons, John</span> (2001) <a href=""><em>Reflections from a time log diary: towards an analysis of the labour process within further education.</em></a> Journal of vocational education and training, 53 (1). pp. 61-80. ISSN 1363-6820 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Brine, Jackie</span>, <span class="person_name">Deem, Rosemary</span> and <span class="person_name">Rikowski, Glenn</span> (2001) <a href=""><em>Review symposium.</em></a> British Journal of Sociology of Education, 22 (3). pp. 423-433. ISSN 0142-5692 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Canning, Roy</span>, <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span>, <span class="person_name">Morgan-Klein, Brenda</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>FE teacher training in Scotland and England, continuities and contradictions - a policy analysis.</em></a> In: BERA conference, September 2010, The University of Warwick. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Canning, Roy</span>, <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span>, <span class="person_name">Morgan-Klein, Brenda</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>State intervention and teacher education for vocational educators in England and Scotland.</em></a> Educational Research, 54 (2). pp. 187-197. ISSN 0013-1881 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Canning, Roy</span>, <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span>, <span class="person_name">Morgan-Klein, Brenda</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Vocational education teacher training in Scotland and England: policy and practice.</em></a> Journal of vocational education and training, 63 (2). pp. 115-127. ISSN 1363-6820 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Canning, Roy</span>, <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span>, <span class="person_name">Morgan-Klein, Brenda</span> and <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Vocational education teacher training in Scotland and England: policy and practice.</em></a> In: European conference on educational research, 25-27 August 2010, Helsinki. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Dalton, Julie</span>, <span class="person_name">Dixon, Liz</span>, <span class="person_name">Jennings, A.</span>, <span class="person_name">Orr, Kevin</span> and <span class="person_name">Tummons, J.</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Getting to know the organization.</em></a> In: Teaching in lifelong learning. McGraw-Hill, pp. 215-219. ISBN 9780335234684 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Reflections on Communities of Practice, On-line Learning and Transformation: teachers, lecturers and trainers.</em></a> In: Issues in post-compulsory education and training: critical perspectives. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 15-27. ISBN 9781862180680 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>Reflections on communities of practice, on-line learning and transformation: teachers, lecturers and trainers.</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 11 (2). pp. 141-151. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span> and <span class="person_name">Ollin, Ros</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Professionalism.</em></a> In: Teaching in lifelong learning. McGraw Hill, pp. 40-48. ISBN 9780335234684 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Issues in post-compulsory education and training: critical perspectives.</em></a> University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK. ISBN 9781862180860 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span>, <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span>, <span class="person_name">Canning, Roy</span> and <span class="person_name">Morgan-Klein, B.</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Developing Teacher Educators for the Lifelong Learning Sector: crossing borders.</em></a> Teaching in lifelong learning: a journal to inform and improve practice, 3 (2). pp. 60-62. ISSN 2040-0993 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Morgan-Klein, Brenda</span>, <span class="person_name">Canning, Roy</span>, <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Teacher education for vocational education and training: a comparative study of the Scottish and English systems set within a European context.</em></a> Scottish Educational Review, 44 (2). pp. 14-23. ISSN 0141-9072 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> and <span class="person_name">Orr, Kevin</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Theory and practice.</em></a> In: Teaching in lifelong learning. McGraw Hill, pp. 28-40. ISBN 9780335234684 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Orr, Kevin</span> and <span class="person_name">Tummons, Jonathan</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Theorizing the work-based learning of teachers.</em></a> In: Teaching in lifelong learning. McGraw Hill, Milton Keynes, pp. 48-57. ISBN 9780335234684 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Wright, Carole</span>, <span class="person_name">Fisher, Pamela</span>, <span class="person_name">Swindells, Steve</span> and <span class="person_name">Locke, Abigail</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Learners, Care Work and Wellbeing: VET Trainee Teachers.</em></a> In: ECER 2011 Urban Education, 12-16th September 2011, Freie Universit Berlin, Germany. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Wright, Carole Irene</span>, <span class="person_name">Fisher, Pamela</span>, <span class="person_name">Swindells, Steve</span> and <span class="person_name">Locke, Abigail</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>'Am I doing enough to help them?' Learners, care work and well-being: Further Education trainee teachers.</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 16 (1). pp. 47-58. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><a name="group_B"></a><h2>B</h2><p> <span class="person_name">Bailey, Wayne</span>, <span class="person_name">Blamires, Chris</span>, <span class="person_name">Dixon, Liz</span> and <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Mentoring in teacher education.</em></a> In: Teaching in Lifelong Learning. Open University Press, Milton Keynes, pp. 198-205. ISBN 9780335234684 </p><a name="group_C"></a><h2>C</h2><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2001) <a href=""><em>An ABC of mentors’ talk about disaffected youth: Alternative lifestyles, Benefit dependency, or Complete dunces?</em></a> Youth & Policy (72). pp. 1-15. ISSN 0262-9798 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Agents of Social Control? Resisting the Negative Reversal of Ethics in a Marginal Area of Education Work.</em></a> In: ECER 2011 Urban Education, 12-16th September 2011, Freie Universit Berlin, Germany. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Barriers to Improving Learning: vocational and employment cultures.</em></a> In: Improving Learning in Further Education: A one day conference presenting the findings from the Transforming Learning Cultures in FE (TLC) Project, 18th May 2005, Leeds, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Barriers to improving learning: vocational and employment cultures.</em></a> In: Improving Learning in Further Education: Some implications of the TLCFE project, 25th May 2005, London, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Book review: From Teaching to Mentoring: Principle and Practice, Dialogue and Life in Adult Education Lee Hermann and Alan Mandell, RoutledgeFalmer, 2004 ISBN 0 415 26618 1.</em></a> Studies in the Education of Adults, 37 (1). pp. 85-86. ISSN 0266-0830 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>Book review: Mentoring Students and Young People: A Handbook of Effective Practice, Andrew Miller, 2002, Routledge ISBN 9780749435431.</em></a> Youth and Policy (80). pp. 95-98. ISSN 0262-9798 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>Book review: Teaching and Learning in Further Education (2nd edition), 2002, Prue Huddleston and Lorna Unwin, RoutledgeFalmer.</em></a> Journal of Education for Teaching, 29 (2). pp. 189-191. ISSN 0260-7476 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Celebrating the work of Paula Allman: thinking through Marx in adult education. The impact of austerity policies on learning in human service work.</em></a> In: Inaugural Conference of the ESREA Network on Policy Studies in Adult Education, 10-12th February 2012, University of Nottingham. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>‘Children can wind you up!’: learning to labour in the nursery.</em></a> In: Gender and Education Association Conference 2003: Revisiting Feminist Perspectives on Gender and Education, 14th - 16th April 2003, Sheffield, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Collaboration and Contestation in Further and Higher Education Partnerships around New Vocational Pathways: the Influence of Sector-Specific Cultures.</em></a> In: ECER 2011 Urban Education, 12-16th September 2011, Freie Universit Berlin, Germany. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Collaboration and contestation in further and higher education partnerships: the differentiated influence of field-specific cultures on ‘non-traditional’ students entering HE.</em></a> In: BERA Conference 2011, 6th - 8th September 2011, London, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Communities of practice: reinscribing globalised labour in workplace learning.</em></a> In: Connected Understanding: Linkages Between Theory and Practice in Adult Education Proceedings of the 29th National Conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE). Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE)., pp. 63-67. ISBN 9781895306651 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Communities of practice: reinscribing globalised labour in workplace learning.</em></a> In: Historical Materialism Conference, 13th - 16th May 2010, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2000) <a href=""><em>Deconstructing ‘realism’ in career planning: how globalisation impacts on vocational guidance.</em></a> In: Career Guidance: Constructing the Future: A Global Perspective. Institute of Career Guidance. ISBN 0903076241 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2004) <a href=""><em>Do we choose careers or do they choose us?</em></a> Vejleder Forum. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Educational research in an age of austerity.</em></a> In: SERA Annual Conference 2011: ‘Educational Research in an Age of Austerity’, 24th - 25th November 2011, Stirling, Scotland. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>Engagement Mentoring for 'Disaffected' Youth: A new model of mentoring for social inclusion.</em></a> British Educational Research Journal, 29 (4). pp. 521-542. ISSN 0141-1926 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>Engagement mentoring for socially excluded youth: Problematising an 'holistic' approach to creating employability through the transformation of habitus.</em></a> British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 31 (1). pp. 77-99. ISSN 0306-9885 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Enhancing delivery mechanisms: the role of Further Education.</em></a> In: Regional Skills Partnership (RSP) Conference, 23rd June, Tewkesbury. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>‘Ethics work’ and competing values in education: the value of social theory.</em></a> In: BERA Conference 2011, 6th - 8th September 2011, London, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>European policies on young people, social inclusion and VET: continuity, change and challenge.</em></a> In: Journal of Vocational Education and Training Seventh International Conference, 6th - 8th July 2007, Worcester College, Oxford. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>European policy and social cohesion.</em></a> In: All Different All Equal Conference, 21st - 25th September 2006, St. Petersburg, Russia. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Formal and informal models of mentoring for young people: issues for democratic and emancipatory practice.</em></a> In: Trading up – Potential and performance in non-formal learning. Council of Europe, Strasbourg, pp. 31-46. ISBN 9287157650 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>From Childcare Practitioner to FE Tutor: Biography, Identity and Lifelong Learning.</em></a> In: Gender and Lifelong Learning Critical Feminist Engagements. Routledge. ISBN 9780415374859 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>From childcare practitioner to FE tutor: biography, vocational culture and gender in the transition of professional identities.</em></a> In: BERA Annual Conference 2002, 12th - 14th September 2002. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>Hearts and Minds: Learning the Culture of a Caring Vocation.</em></a> In: North West Learning and Skills Research Network Conference, 21st June 2002, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2004) <a href=""><em>Is mentoring necessarily a good thing?</em></a> In: Mentoring: An Alternative Support Strategy, 21st January 2004, Stirling, Scotland. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2004) <a href=""><em>Learning Experiences of adults mentoring socially excluded young people: issues of power and gender.</em></a> In: Joint Conference of the Adult Education Research Conference and the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, 27th - 30th May 2004, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Learning to Labour with Feeling: Class, Gender and Emotion in Childcare Education and Training.</em></a> In: Marxism and Education: Renewing the Dialogue, Pedagogy, and Culture. Marxism and Education . Palgrave. ISBN 9780230111691 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>Learning to Labour with Feeling: class, gender and emotion in childcare education and training.</em></a> Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 7 (1). pp. 15-29. ISSN 1463-9491 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Learning to Mentor Young People: A Saintly Vocation or an Alienating Experience?</em></a> In: Educating from Marx: Race, Gender, and Learning. Marxism and Education . Palgrave. ISBN 9780230115811 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>Learning to do emotional labour: class, gender and the reform of habitus in the training of nursery nurses.</em></a> In: Experiential, Community and Workbased: Researching Learning outside the Academy, 27th - 29th June 2003, Glasgow. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2004) <a href=""><em>Learning to labour with feeling: class, gender and emotion in childcare education and training.</em></a> In: Institute for Policy Studies in Education Seminar, 10th November 2004, London, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>Mentoring for Social Inclusion: A Critical Approach to Nurturing Mentor Relationships.</em></a> Routledge. ISBN 9780415311106 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>Myths of Mentoring: developing a Marxist-Feminist critique.</em></a> In: Marxism and Education: Renewing Dialogues, 22nd October 2002, Institute of Education, London. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Myths of mentoring: developing a Marxist-feminist critique.</em></a> In: Renewing Dialogues in Marxism and Education: Openings. Marxism and Education . Palgrave. ISBN 9781403974969 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Not learning in the workplace: austerity and the shattering of illusio in public service.</em></a> Journal of Workplace Learning, 24 (5). pp. 317-337. ISSN 1366-5626 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Radical Social Theory for Radical Times: Putting Theory to Work in Educational Research. What(a) to do about impact? A bourdieusian critique.</em></a> In: European conference on educational research, 18th - 20th September 2012, University of Cadiz. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2001) <a href=""><em>Righting rewritings of the myth of Mentor: A critical perspective on career guidance mentoring.</em></a> British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 29 (2). pp. 177-197. ISSN 0306-9885 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>A 'Rough Guide' to the History of Mentoring from a Marxist Feminist Perspective.</em></a> Journal of Education for Teaching, 28 (3). pp. 257-273. ISSN 0260-7476 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Sense and sensibility: vocational habitus and the (trans)formation of classed and gendered identities in lifelong learning.</em></a> In: BERA Annual Conference 2005, 15-17th September 2005, Glamorgan. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>'There is no golden key': overcoming problems with data analysis in qualitative research.</em></a> In: The Routledge Doctoral Student's Companion Getting to Grips with Research in Education and the Social Sciences. Companions for PhD and DPhil Research . Routledge. ISBN 9780415484121 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>There is no golden key: problems of data analysis in critical feminist research.</em></a> In: Second International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry, 4th - 6th May 2006, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Time, space and ethics work: towards a ‘politics of we’ in a de-boundaried occupation.</em></a> In: BERA Conference 2010, 1st - 3rd September 2010, Warwick, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Time, space and ethics: thinking through Marx.</em></a> In: Summer Institute in Qualitative Research, 18th – 22nd July 2011, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Time-space and the ethics of adult education: migrating from care to control?</em></a> In: 2011 Joint Conference of the Adult Education Research Conference (AERC) and the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE/ACEEA), 9th - 12th June 2011, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2001) <a href=""><em>Understanding experiences of engagement mentoring for ‘disaffected’ young people and their student mentors: problems of data analysis in qualitative research.</em></a> In: BERA Annual Conference 2001, 13-15th September 2001, University of Leeds. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Understanding time in learning transitions through the lifecourse.</em></a> International Studies in Sociology of Education, 17 (4). pp. 427-443. ISSN 0962-0214 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Understanding time in learning transitions through the lifecourse: a feminist materialist perspective.</em></a> In: BERA Annual Conference 2007, 5th - 8th September 2007, Institute of Education, University of London. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>What (a) to do about ‘impact’: a Bourdieusian critique.</em></a> British Educational Research Journal. n/a-n/a. ISSN 0141-1926 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>What (a) to do about ‘impact’: a Bourdieusian critique. Presented in the keynote symposium ‘Radical social theory for radical times: putting Bourdieu to work in educational research’.</em></a> In: BERA Annail Conference 2012, September 2012, University of Manchester. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Women’s Transitions From Education to Work: Foregrounding a Feminist Materialist Understanding of Mentoring Practice.</em></a> In: AERA 2007 Annual Meeting, 9th - 13th April 2007, Chicago, USA. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>The impact of austerity policies on the ethics of educational practice.</em></a> In: School for education futures conference, 21st June 2012, University of Wolverhampton. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>The myth of Mentor as a double régime of truth: producing docility and devotion in engagement mentoring with ‘disaffected’ youth.</em></a> In: Discourse, Power, Resistance: Challenging the Rhetoric of Contemporary Education. Trentham Books. ISBN 9781858562995 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>The politics and pedagogy of 'The Hunger Games': gender, resistance and rebellion.</em></a> In: AARE-APERA 2012, 5-8th December 2012, Sydney, Australia. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>The research student experience and beyond.</em></a> In: Inaugural Research Student Conference, 10th September 2005, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>A response to Debra Scarratt.</em></a> Career Guidance Today, 19 (1). p. 24. ISSN 0969-6431 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">Boetzelen, Philipp</span>, <span class="person_name">Hoskins, Bryony</span> and <span class="person_name">Parveva, Teodora</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Social inclusion for young people: breaking down the barriers.</em></a> Council of Europe, Strasbourg. ISBN 9789287161000 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">Chadderton, Charlotte</span> and <span class="person_name">Lewin, Cathy</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Becoming, Unbecoming, and Not-Becoming in Professional Careers: A Case Study of Career Guidance Practitioners.</em></a> In: European Conference on Educational Research 2009: Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research, 28th - 30th September 2009, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">Chadderton, Charlotte</span> and <span class="person_name">Lewin, Cathy</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Changing career guidance practice in Connexions: a question of ethics?</em></a> Career Guidance Today, 18 (3). pp. 30-33. ISSN 0969-6431 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> and <span class="person_name">Diment, Kim</span> (2001) <a href=""><em>Holistic research for holistic practice: making sense of qualitative research data.</em></a> In: Annual Conference of the Learning and Skills Development Agency (LSDA), 5th - 7th December 2001, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">Henriksson, Lea</span>, <span class="person_name">Niemeyer, Beatrix</span> and <span class="person_name">Seddon, Teri</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Competing time orders in human service work: towards a politics of time.</em></a> Time and Society, 21 (3). pp. 371-394. ISSN 0961-463X </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> and <span class="person_name">Hodkinson, Phil</span> (2001) <a href=""><em>Problems with Bridging the Gap:the reversal of structure and agency in addressing social exclusion.</em></a> Critical Social Policy, 21 (3). pp. 335-359. ISSN 0261-0183 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">Hodkinson, Phil</span> and <span class="person_name">Malcolm, Janice</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>European policies on ‘non-formal’ learning: a genealogical review.</em></a> In: Learning Outside the Academy International Research Perspectives on Lifelong Learning. Routledge, pp. 56-74. ISBN 9780415365857 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">Hodkinson, Phil</span> and <span class="person_name">Malcolm, Janice</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>Informality and Formality in Learning.</em></a> Research Report. Learning and Skills Research Centre. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">Hodkinson, Phil</span> and <span class="person_name">Malcolm, Janice</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>Non-formal learning: mapping the conceptual terrain, a consultation report.</em></a> Other. University of Leeds, Leeds. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">Hoskins, Bryony</span>, <span class="person_name">Parveva, Teodora</span> and <span class="person_name">Boetzelen, Philipp</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Social inclusion and young people: report of a research seminar to inform policy and practice.</em></a> Research Report. Council of Europe & European Commission Youth Research Partnership. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> and <span class="person_name">James, David</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Unbecoming tutors: towards a more dynamic notion of professional participation.</em></a> In: ESRC TLRP seminar series Changing Teacher Roles, Identities and Professionalism, 16th May 2005, London, Uk. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">James, David</span> and <span class="person_name">Diment, Kim</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Unbecoming teachers: towards a more dynamic notion of professional participation.</em></a> Journal of Education Policy, 22 (2). pp. 173-193. ISSN 0268-0939 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">James, David</span>, <span class="person_name">Diment, Kim</span> and <span class="person_name">Tedder, Michael</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>Learning as becoming in vocational education and training: class, gender and the role of vocational habitus.</em></a> Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 55 (4). pp. 471-498. ISSN 1363-6820 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">James, David</span> and <span class="person_name">Tedder, Michael</span> (2002) <a href=""><em>Becoming the ‘right person for the job’: vocational habitus, gender and learning cultures in Further Education.</em></a> In: Learning and Skills Research Network Annual Conference, 11th - 13th December 2002, Warwick, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> and <span class="person_name">Jarvis, Janis</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Formality and informality in the summative assessment of motor vehicle apprentices: a case study.</em></a> Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 14 (3). pp. 295-314. ISSN 0969-594X </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> and <span class="person_name">Jarvis, Janis</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>Mentoring within the assessor’s role: a case of ‘useful illusion’?</em></a> In: BERA Annual Conference 2006, 6th – 9th September 2006, Warwick, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span> and <span class="person_name">Lewin, Cathy</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Connexions and career guidance: findings from a national survey.</em></a> Career Guidance Today, 16 (4). pp. 20-22. ISSN 0969-6431 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">Lewin, Cathy</span> and <span class="person_name">Chadderton, C.</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>The impact of 14-19 reforms on the career guidance profession in England.</em></a> Research Report. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">Lewin, Cathy</span> and <span class="person_name">Mazzei, L.</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Researching for an answer.</em></a> Career Guidance Today, 16 (2). pp. 31-33. ISSN 0969-6431 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">Lewin, Cathy</span> and <span class="person_name">Mazzei, L.</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>The impact of 14-19 reforms on career guidance in England: some early findings.</em></a> In: Institute of Career Guidance Conference 2008, 13th - 14th November 2008, Cardiff, Wales. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">Lewin, Cathy</span> and <span class="person_name">Mazzei, L.</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>The impact of 14-19 reforms on career guidance in England: some early findings.</em></a> In: BERA Annual Conference 2008, 3rd - 6th September 2008, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">Wahlberg, Madeleine</span> and <span class="person_name">Gleeson, D.</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Improving teaching and learning in further education: a genealogy.</em></a> In: BERA Annual Conference 2005, 15-17th September 2005, Glamorgan. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Colley, Helen</span>, <span class="person_name">Wahlberg, Madeleine</span> and <span class="person_name">James, David</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Improving teaching and learning in FE: a policy history.</em></a> In: Improving Learning Cultures in Further Education. Improving Learning . Routledge. ISBN 9780415427364 </p><a name="group_D"></a><h2>D</h2><p> <span class="person_name">Dixon, Liz</span>, <span class="person_name">Harvey, Josie</span>, <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> and <span class="person_name">Williamson, Sarah</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Practical teaching.</em></a> In: Teaching in lifelong learning. McGraw Hill, pp. 119-141. ISBN 9780335234684 </p><a name="group_F"></a><h2>F</h2><p> <span class="person_name">Findlay, Ian</span>, <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span> and <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>FE and HE Working Together the origins, development and operation of a single subject HEFCE recognised funding consortium.</em></a> In: LSRN annual conference, July 2003, Warwick University. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span>, <span class="person_name">Iredale, Alison</span>, <span class="person_name">Ollin, Ros</span> and <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Evaluation and quality assurance.</em></a> In: Teaching in Lifelong Learning. Open University Press, Milton Keynes, pp. 238-247. ISBN 9780335234684 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Liberal Conservatism, Vocationalism and Further Education in England.</em></a> Globalisation, Societies and Education, 10 (1). pp. 31-51. ISSN 1476-7724 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>What is the lifelong learning sector?</em></a> In: Teaching in lifelong learning : a guide to theory and practice. McGraw-hill, Milton Keynes, pp. 7-17. ISBN 9780335234684 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Fisher, Roy</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Introduction to the lifelong learning sector.</em></a> In: Teaching in Lifelong Learning. Open University Press, Milton Keynes, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9780335234684 </p><a name="group_K"></a><h2>K</h2><p> <span class="person_name">Kabene, Stefane</span>, <span class="person_name">Baadel, Said</span>, <span class="person_name">Jiwani, Zahra</span> and <span class="person_name">Lobbo, Vanessa</span> (2017) <a href=""><em>Women in Political Positions and Countries' Level of Happiness.</em></a> Journal of International Women's Studies, 18 (4). pp. 209-217. ISSN 1539-8706 </p><a name="group_O"></a><h2>O</h2><p> <span class="person_name">Ollin, Ros</span>, <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> and <span class="person_name">Tummons, Jonathan</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Assessment.</em></a> In: Teaching in Lifelong Learning. Open University Press, Milton Keynes, pp. 163-180. ISBN 9780335234684 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Orr, Kevin</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Dual identities: enhancing the in-service teacher trainee experience in the lifelong learning sector A guide for employers.</em></a> Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Orr, Kevin</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Dual identities: enhancing the in-service teacher trainee experience in further education.</em></a> Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Orr, Kevin</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Dual identities: the in-service teacher trainee experience in the English further education sector.</em></a> Journal of vocational education and training, 62 (1). pp. 75-88. ISSN 1363-6820 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Orr, Kevin</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Dual identities: the in-service teacher-trainee experience in the English Further Education sector.</em></a> In: Journal of Vocational Education and Training Eighth International Conference: Researching Vocational Education and Training, 3rd - 5th July 2009, Worcester College, Oxford, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Orr, Kevin</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Dual roles and dual identities: an ethnographic study from English further education into the experience of in-service teacher-trainees.</em></a> In: BERA Annual Conference 2009, 2-5 September 2009, University of Manchester. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Orr, Kevin</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>A Restricted ‘Apprenticeship’: The Work-Based Learning of Trainee Teachers in English Colleges of Further Education.</em></a> In: American Educational Research Association Conference, April 8-12 2011, New Orleans. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Orr, Kevin</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Restrictive Practice: The Work-Based Learning Experience of Trainee Teachers in English Further Education Colleges.</em></a> Journal of Workplace Learning, 23 (4). pp. 243-257. ISSN 1366-5626 </p><a name="group_P"></a><h2>P</h2><p> <span class="person_name">Percy-Smith, Janie</span>, <span class="person_name">Clarke, James</span>, <span class="person_name">Hawtin, Murray</span>, <span class="person_name">Jassi, Sukky</span>, <span class="person_name">Purcell, Martin</span> and <span class="person_name">Wymer, Penny</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Partnerships with Local Authorities and Health Agencies.</em></a> Research Report. Department for Work & Pensions, London, UK. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Powell, David</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>How I teach is my message: How teacher educators model the use of information and communication technologies.</em></a> In: University of Huddersfield Research Festival 2011, 28th March-2nd April 2011, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Powell, David</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Teacher educators from the Lifelong Learning sector working together to develop the use of modelling in their practice: an action research project.</em></a> In: Consortium for PCET Annual Conference 2012 in association with Higher Education Academy Seminar Series 2011-12, Friday, 29th June 2012, University of Huddersfield, UK. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Powell, David</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Teacher educators’ use of modelling in their practice: a collaborative project.</em></a> In: Consortium for PCET Annual Conference 2011, 24th June 2011, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Purcell, Martin</span> (2015) <a href=""><em>Public Participation in new Local Governance Spaces: the Case for Community Development in Local Strategic Partnerships.</em></a> IAFOR Journal of Politics, Economics and Law, 2 (1). pp. 4-19. ISSN 2188-9562 </p><a name="group_R"></a><h2>R</h2><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Creative capacity or another burden: teacher educators and e-learning/technology in the lifelong learning sector.</em></a> In: ATEE conference, 26th-30th August 2010, Budapest. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Editorial.</em></a> Teaching in lifelong learning: a journal to inform and improve practice, 1 (2). p. 4. ISSN 2040-0993 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Editorial.</em></a> Teaching in lifelong learning: a journal to inform and improve practice, 1 (1). p. 4. ISSN 2040-0993 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Editorial.</em></a> Teaching in lifelong learning: a journal to inform and improve practice, 2 (2). p. 4. ISSN 2040-0993 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Editorial.</em></a> Teaching in lifelong learning: a journal to inform and improve practice, 2 (1). p. 4. ISSN 2040-0993 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Editorial.</em></a> Teaching in lifelong learning: a journal to inform and improve practice, 3 (1). p. 3. ISSN 2040-0993 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Editorial.</em></a> Teaching in lifelong learning: a journal to inform and improve practice, 3 (2). p. 2. ISSN 2040-0993 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Editorial.</em></a> Teaching in lifelong learning: a journal to inform and improve practice, 4 (1). p. 1. ISSN 2040-0993 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Editorial: Changing The Face Of Further Education Teacher Training (FETT)?</em></a> Teaching in lifelong learning: a journal to inform and improve practice, 4 (2). pp. 3-4. ISSN 2040-0993 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2014) <a href=""><em>Editorial: Revisiting Deregulation?</em></a> Teaching in lifelong learning: a journal to inform and improve practice, 5 (2). p. 3. ISSN 2040-0993 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Editorial: The emerging Further Education Teacher Training (FETT) landscape.</em></a> Teaching in lifelong learning: a journal to inform and improve practice, 5 (1). pp. 3-4. ISSN 2040-0993 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>HE in FE Partnerships: what is and what might be.</em></a> In: Education Conference, April 2008, Stirling University. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>HE in FE: Statistics and Stories.</em></a> In: Research Festival, March 2009, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Higher Education in Further Education: student perceptions of the value of foundation degree qualifications.</em></a> Journal of Further and Higher Education, 17 (4). pp. 453-469. ISSN 0309-877X </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>Leadership and governance : HE in FE.</em></a> In: fdf National Conference, 11th - 12th July 2006, East Midlands Conference Centre Nottingham. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Widening Participation: Conforming or Learning?</em></a> In: JVET Conference, 6th-8th July 2007, Worcester College Oxford. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> and <span class="person_name">Noel, Penny</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>The HE in FE experience and culture for students.</em></a> In: HE in FE culture and experience: a partnership perspective, 30th - 31st March 2009, University of Warwick, Warwick, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> and <span class="person_name">Rennie, Sandra</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Volunteer teachers: testing the professionalisation agenda in the lifelong learning sector.</em></a> Journal of Further and Higher Education. ISSN 0309-877X </p><p> <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> and <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>'Working -class' education: notions of widening participation in the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries.</em></a> In: Research Festival, February 2010, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>It's a question of trust: balancing the relationship between students and teachers in ethnographic fieldwork.</em></a> Qualitative Research, 5 (2). pp. 181-199. ISSN 1468-7941 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Mentoring is not for you!: mentee voices on managing their mentoring experience.</em></a> Improving Schools, 10 (1). pp. 41-52. ISSN 1365-4802 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Researching marginalised young people.</em></a> Ethnography and Education, 8 (1). pp. 46-60. ISSN 1745-7823 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Understanding Pupil Resistance - Integrating Gender, Ethnicity and Class: an Educational Ethnography.</em></a> E & E Publishing. ISBN 9780956900708 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Visual methods in researching the arts and inclusion: possibilities and dilemmas.</em></a> Ethnography and Education, 2 (1). pp. 39-55. ISSN 1745-7823 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span>, <span class="person_name">Byrom, T.</span> and <span class="person_name">Robinson, C.</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Engaging critically with pupil voice.</em></a> Improving Schools, 10 (1). pp. 3-4. ISSN 1365-4802 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> and <span class="person_name">Owen, Nick</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>The Creative Research Process: Delights and Difficulties.</em></a> LEARNing Landscapes, 6 (1). pp. 355-371. ISSN 1913-5688 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span>, <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Conceptualising the lives of NEET young people: structuration theory and ‘disengagement’.</em></a> Education, Knowledge and Economy, 5 (3). pp. 89-106. ISSN 1749-6896 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span>, <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Ordinary lives: an ethnographic study of young people attending Entry to Employment programmes.</em></a> Journal of Education and Work, 24 (5). pp. 477-499. ISSN 1363-9080 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span>, <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Playing the numbers game: Connexions Personal Advisers working with young people on Entry to Employment programmes.</em></a> Journal of vocational education and training, 62 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1363-6820 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span>, <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Young people’s experiences of working in the private sector: a case study approach.</em></a> In: Discourse Power and Resistance Conference 2013 - Discourses of Inclusion and Exclusion, 9th - 11th April 2013, London, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> and <span class="person_name">Thomson, Pat</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Girls and gender in alternative education provision.</em></a> Ethnography and Education, 6 (3). pp. 293-308. ISSN 1745-7823 </p><a name="group_S"></a><h2>S</h2><p> <span class="person_name">Sheard, Mary</span> and <span class="person_name">Avis, James</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Schools, Governance and Community: A Next Practice Intervention.</em></a> Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 39 (1). pp. 84-104. ISSN 1741-1432 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>Being economical with the truth.</em></a> Post 16 Educator (38). pp. 16-17. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Book Review: Critical Pedagogy for Social Justice. Smyth, John (2011) London: Continuum.</em></a> Teaching in lifelong learning: a journal to inform and improve practice, 4 (2). pp. 38-39. ISSN 2040-0993 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2014) <a href=""><em>The Case for a Youth Resolution.</em></a> Policy Network. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Education, social control and the Great Reversal.</em></a> Post 16 Educator (72). pp. 16-17. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Entry to employment: discourses of inclusion and employability in work-based learning for young people.</em></a> Journal of education and work, 22 (2). pp. 137-151. ISSN 1363-9080 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Fourth time lucky? Raising the age of compulsory participation in education and training to 18 in England.</em></a> Journal of The Further Education Alliance, 1 (2). pp. 59-78. ISSN 1755-9979 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Further Education, Political Economy and Social Change.</em></a> Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Further education and the lost opportunity of the Macfarlane Report.</em></a> Journal of Further and Higher Education, 33 (2). pp. 159-169. ISSN 0309-877X </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Gender, work and identity: a case study from the English further education sector.</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 13 (3). pp. 267-279. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Globalisation, neo-liberalism and vocational learning: the case of English further education colleges.</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 15 (4). pp. 363-376. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Golden years? Further education colleges under local authority control.</em></a> Journal of Further and Higher Education, 32 (4). pp. 359-371. ISSN 0309-877X </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>The Harlow story: coming to a college near you?</em></a> Post 16 Educator (42). pp. 16-17. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Introduction: Teacher Training, (and Teacher Trainers), in the Learning and Skills Sector.</em></a> In: Issues in post-compulsory education and training: critical perspectives. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 291-292. ISBN 9781862180680 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>The Macfarlane report : 30 years on.</em></a> Post 16 Educator, 56. pp. 19-21. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Oakum picking in the twenty-first century.</em></a> Post 16 Educator, 65. pp. 3-5. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>An Overview of the Lifelong Learning Sector and its "condition".</em></a> In: Issues in post-compulsory education and training: critical perspectives. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 6-10. ISBN 9781862180680 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Raising the age of compulsory education in England: a NEET solution?</em></a> British Journal of Educational Studies, 56 (4). pp. 420-439. ISSN 0007-1005 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Raising the participation age to 18: 100 years on.</em></a> Post 16 Educator (68). ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>'Renewing' England's FE colleges: an update.</em></a> Post 16 Educator (51). ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>'Renewing' England's FE colleges: building for the future or victims of fashion?</em></a> Post 16 Educator (48). pp. 18-20. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>Revisiting Braverman: the labour process in further education.</em></a> In: 5th Conference of the Discourse, Power, Resistance Series, 20 - 22 April 2006, Manchester Metropolitan University. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>The degradation of labour in further education.</em></a> Post 16 Educator, 31. pp. 18-19. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>The further education cash cow.</em></a> Post 16 Educator, 32. pp. 20-21. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>The long goodbye: how local authorities lost control of further education.</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 14 (3). pp. 287-297. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>A review of Lee, A. and Danby, S. (2012) Reshaping Doctoral Education: international approaches and pedagogies.</em></a> British Journal of educational studies, 60 (3). pp. 281-282. ISSN 0007-1005 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Lambert, Stephen</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>A NEET Solution?</em></a> First (546). p. 11. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span>, <span class="person_name">Orr, Kevin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Gender, Discourse and Power: Reflections on the post-compulsory Teacher Educator Workforce in England.</em></a> In: 9th International Conference on Education, 28 - 31 May 2007, Athens, Greece. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span>, <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>NEET young people and the Labour Market: voices from the margins.</em></a> In: Discourse Power and Resistance Conference 2013 - Discourses of Inclusion and Exclusion, 9th - 11th April 2013, London, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span>, <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>NEET young people and the labour market: working on the margins.</em></a> In: Youth Studies Conference, 8-12th April 2013, Glasgow, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span>, <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Social exclusion, space and place: young people not in education, employment or training.</em></a> In: British Educational Research Association Conference, 4-6 September 2012, University of Manchester. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Aiming Higher: how will universities respond to changes in initial teacher training for post-compulsory sector in England?</em></a> In: Issues in post-compulsory education and training: critical perspectives. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 239-307. ISBN 9781862180680 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Aiming higher: how will universities respond to changes in initial teacher training for the post-compulsory sector in England?</em></a> Journal of further and higher education, 31 (2). pp. 171-182. ISSN 1469-9486 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Cinderella's shoes: gender, autonomy and control in post-compulsory teacher education.</em></a> In: 6th Conference of the Discourse, Power, Resistance Series, 25– 27 March 2007, Manchester Metropolitan University. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Creativity and performativity: the case of further education.</em></a> British Educational Research Journal, 34 (5). pp. 601-618. ISSN 0141-1926 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Creativity in further education: resistance or compliance?</em></a> In: 7th Conference of the Discourse, Power, Resistance Series, 18– 20 March 2008, Manchester Metropolitan University. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Education and training for young people at risk of becoming NEET: findings from an ethnographic study of work-based learning programmes.</em></a> Educational Studies, 37 (4). pp. 447-450. ISSN 0305-5698 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>NEET Young People and Training for Work: learning on the margins.</em></a> Trentham Books, Stoke-on-Trent. ISBN 9781858564838 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>Paying for it: initial teacher training in the post-compulsory sector.</em></a> Post 16 Educator (35). pp. 11-13. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Re-conceptualizing creativity for further education.</em></a> In: British Educational Research Association 2008, 3 - 6 September 2008, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Reclaiming the Disengaged: Critical Perspectives on Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training.</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 18 (1-2). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Still paying for it: FHE teacher training update.</em></a> Post 16 Educator (41). pp. 11-12. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Teacher Educators in Post-Compulsory Education: gender, discourse and power.</em></a> In: Issues in post-compulsory education and training: critical perspectives. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 333-352. ISBN 9781862180680 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Teacher educators in post-compulsory education: gender, discourse and power.</em></a> Journal of vocational education and training, 59 (4). pp. 517-533. ISSN 1363-6820 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Well-being and Social Justice? Engaging Young Adults on the Margins of Education and Employment.</em></a> In: 42nd Annual SCUTREA Conference 2012, 3rd - 5th July 2012, Leicester, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>A longitudinal study of NEET young people.</em></a> The leverhulme trust newsletter. p. 5. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span>, <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> and <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Self-Esteem and Social Justice? Engaging Young People on the Margins of Education and Employment.</em></a> In: Journal of Vocational Education and Training 10th International Conference, 5th-7th July 2013, Worcester College, Oxford. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Career planning and continuing professional development.</em></a> In: Teaching in Lifelong Learning. Open University Press, Milton Keynes, pp. 248-258. ISBN 9780335234684 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>A Comparative Study of Awarding Organisation and HEI Initial Teacher Training Programmes for the Lifelong Learning Sector in England.</em></a> Professional Development in Education, 39 (3). pp. 352-368. ISSN 1941-5257 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> and <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Teacher Training Qualifications For The Lifelong Learning Sector – A Comparison Of Higher Education Institution And Awarding Body Qualifications.</em></a> Teaching in lifelong learning: a journal to inform and improve practice, 4 (2). pp. 24-31. ISSN 2040-0993 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Stone, Graham</span>, <span class="person_name">White, Sue</span>, <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span>, <span class="person_name">Pitchford, Ian</span> and <span class="person_name">Edmunds, Cherry</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Huddersfield Open Access Publishing final report.</em></a> Project Report. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Stone, Graham</span>, <span class="person_name">White, Sue</span>, <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span>, <span class="person_name">Pitchford, Ian</span> and <span class="person_name">Edmunds, Cherry</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Huddersfield Open Access Publishing project blog.</em></a> [Web page] </p><a name="group_T"></a><h2>T</h2><p> <span class="person_name">Tett, Lyn</span>, <span class="person_name">Cree, Viviene E.</span> and <span class="person_name">Christie, Hazel</span> (2016) <a href=""><em>From further to higher education: transition as an on-going process.</em></a> Higher Education. ISSN 0018-1560 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Adapting ITT to the Diploma Units.</em></a> In: The 2007 DFES Reform Agenda, 26th February 2007, University of Leicester. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Creativity, Knowledge and Curriculum in Further Education: A Bernsteinian Perspective.</em></a> British Journal of Educational Studies, 57 (1). pp. 37-54. ISSN 0007-1005 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Further Education and Social Inclusion under New Labour.</em></a> Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Individualisation and social exclusion: the case of young people not in education, employment or training.</em></a> Oxford Review of Education, 37 (6). pp. 785-802. ISSN 0305-4985 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Learning on the margins: the ‘real lives’ of NEET young people. Discourse, Power and Resistance 9, University of Greenwich.</em></a> In: Discourse, Power and Resistance 9, 30 March - 1 April 2010, University of Greenwich. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Modernism and reality in education.</em></a> Post 16 Educator, 49. pp. 16-17. ISSN 0459-2026 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>Reclaiming the disengaged? A Bourdieuian analysis of work-based learning for young people in England.</em></a> Critical Studies in Education, 52 (1). pp. 15-28. ISSN 1750-8487 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Social class and participation in further education: evidence from the Youth Cohort Study of England and Wales.</em></a> British Journal of Sociology of Education, 30 (1). pp. 29-42. ISSN 0142-5692 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Teaching on the margins: tutors, discourse and pedagogy in work-based learning for young people.</em></a> Journal of vocational education and training, 62 (2). pp. 123-137. ISSN 1363-6820 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> (1995) <a href=""><em>A problem on the turning points of polynomials.</em></a> International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 26 (5). pp. 675-684. ISSN 0020-739X </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span>, <span class="person_name">Hallwood, Linda</span>, <span class="person_name">Clements, Christine</span> and <span class="person_name">Rivron, Helen</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Personal development planning in initial teacher training: a case study from post-compulsory education.</em></a> Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 14 (3). pp. 269-285. ISSN 1359-6748 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> and <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Changing Step or Marking Time? Teacher education reforms for the learning and skills sector in England.</em></a> In: Issues in post-compulsory education and training: critical perspectives. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 353-368. ISBN 9781862180680 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span> and <span class="person_name">Robinson, Denise</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Changing step or marking time? Teacher education reforms for the learning and skills sector in England.</em></a> Journal of Further and Higher Education, 32 (2). p. 161. ISSN 0309-877X </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span>, <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Exploring the lives of NEET young people – using structuration theory to conceptualise the experience of ‘disengagement'.</em></a> In: Youth in Crisis and Community Interventions: Past, Present and Future Interventions, 21-22 February 2012, Ayr, Scotland. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span>, <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Exploring the lives of NEET young people: using structuration theory to conceptualise the experience of ‘disengagement’.</em></a> In: Youth in Crisis and Community Interventions: Past, Present and Future Priorities, 21-22 February 2012, University of the West of Scotland. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span>, <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Space, place and exclusion: young people outside education and employment.</em></a> In: Space Place and Social Justice in Education, 13 July 2012, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span>, <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2014) <a href=""><em>Space, place and social exclusion: an ethnographic study of young people outside education and employment.</em></a> Journal of Youth Studies, 17 (1). pp. 63-78. ISSN 13676261 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Thompson, Ron</span>, <span class="person_name">Russell, Lisa</span> and <span class="person_name">Simmons, Robin</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Spatial dialectics and social exclusion: young people not in education, employment or training.</em></a> In: European conference on educational research, 18 - 21 September 2012, University of Cadiz, Spain. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Tobbell, Jane</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Including myself out: children talking about educational and social practices in UK primary and secondary school.</em></a> In: Community, Work and Family Conference, 16th - 18th March 2005, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Tobbell, Jane</span> (2003) <a href=""><em>Students experiences of transition from primary to secondary school.</em></a> Educational and Child Psychology, 20 (4). pp. 4-14. ISSN 0267 1611 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Tobbell, Jane</span> and <span class="person_name">Lawthom, Rebecca</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Dispensing with labels: Enabling children and professionals to share a community of practice.</em></a> Educational and Child Psychology, 22 (3). pp. 89-97. ISSN 0267 1611 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Tobbell, Jane</span> and <span class="person_name">O'Donnell, V. L.</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Transition to postgraduate study : postgraduate ecological systems and identity.</em></a> Cambridge Journal of Education, 43 (1). pp. 123-138. ISSN 0305-764X </p><p> <span class="person_name">Tobbell, Jane</span> and <span class="person_name">O'Donnell, Victoria</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Entering Postgraduate Study: A Qualitative Study of a Neglected Transition.</em></a> International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education, 4 (1). ISSN 2042-6364 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Tobbell, Jane</span> and <span class="person_name">O'Donnell, Victoria</span> (2005) <a href=""><em>Theorising educational transitions: communities, practice and participation.</em></a> In: Conference on Sociocultural Theory in Educational Research and Practice, 8th – 9th September 2005, University of Manchester. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Tobbell, Jane</span> and <span class="person_name">O'Donnell, Victoria</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Understanding adults’ transitions to Higher Education through a university access course: community, practice and participation.</em></a> In: The Times They are a Changin: Researching Transition in LIfelong Learning 4th International Conference, 22-24 June 2007, Stirling, Scotland. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Tobbell, Jane</span> and <span class="person_name">O'Donnell, Victoria</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>The formation of interpersonal and learning relationships in the transition from primary to secondary school: students, teachers and school context.</em></a> International Journal of Educational Research, 59. pp. 11-23. ISSN 0883-0355 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Tobbell, Jane</span>, <span class="person_name">O'Donnell, Victoria</span>, <span class="person_name">O'Neill, Maria</span> and <span class="person_name">Lawthom, Rebecca</span> (2007) <a href=""><em>Transition to postgraduate study: practice, policy and experience.</em></a> In: The Times They are a Changin: Researching Transition in LIfelong Learning 4th International Conference, 22-24 June 2007, Stirling, Scotland. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Tobbell, Jane</span>, <span class="person_name">O'Donnell, Victoria</span> and <span class="person_name">Zammit, Maria</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Exploring practice and participation in transition to postgraduate social science study.</em></a> Project Report. HEA. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Tobbell, Jane</span>, <span class="person_name">O'Donnell, Victoria</span> and <span class="person_name">Zammit, Maria</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Exploring transition to postgraduate study: shifting identities in interaction with communities, practice and participation.</em></a> British Educational Research Journal, 36 (2). pp. 261-278. ISSN 0141-1926 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Tobbell, Jane</span> and <span class="person_name">O’Donnell, Victoria L.</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Transition to postgraduate study: postgraduate ecological systems and identity.</em></a> Cambridge Journal of Education, 43 (1). pp. 123-138. ISSN 0305-764X </p><a name="group_W"></a><h2>W</h2><p> <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2014) <a href=""><em>Earnest students anxious to acquire a practical knowledge suited to the trade of the district: The growth and development of the Mechanics’ Institute Movement with particular reference to Huddersfield 1824 – 1890.</em></a> Journal of Educational Administration and History, 46 (1). pp. 38-56. ISSN 0022-0620 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>Encouragement of sound education amongst the industrial classes: mechanics’ institutes and working-class membership 1838–1881.</em></a> Educational Studies, 39 (2). pp. 142-155. ISSN 0305-5698 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2008) <a href=""><em>Examinations for the 'underprivileged' in Victorian times: the Huddersfield Mechanics' Institution and the Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce.</em></a> Other. William Shipley Group. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Initial Teacher Training in the Lifelong Learning Sector: A Comparative Study of University and Awarding Body Programmes.</em></a> In: Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers. UCET Conference, 8th-9th November 2012, Leicestershire, UK. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>It is only the instructed and trained overlooker and artisan that can successfully compete against foreign skills’: Nineteenth-century adult technical and vocational education offered by the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics’ Institutes and the foundation of further education curricula.</em></a> Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 18 (2). pp. 61-79. ISSN 1477-9714 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>Mechanics and miners: the growth and development of adult education in Barnsley 1831 - 1964.</em></a> In: Changing Barnsley: from mining town to university town. Wharncliffe Books, Barnsley. ISBN 9781845631222 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>The Origins and Development of the Mechanics’ Institute Movement 1824 – 1890 and the Beginnings of Further Education.</em></a> Teaching in lifelong learning: a journal to inform and improve practice, 4 (1). pp. 32-39. ISSN 2040-0993 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>Partnership between the University of Huddersfield and the Guangdong Provincial Vocational Training Centre for College Principals with regard to Student-Centred Learning for Vocational Teachers in Schools and Colleges’.</em></a> In: The Third International Vocational Education Forum, 9th-11th May 2012, Guangzhou, China. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>‘Rule of Thumb Methods no longer suffice’ : the relevance of the history of coal mining education to contemporary policy.</em></a> In: Journal of Vocational Education and Training 10th International Conference, 5th-7th July 2013, Worcester College, Oxford. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2009) <a href=""><em>A Solid and Practical Education Within the Reach of the Humblest Means.</em></a> In: University of Huddersfield Research Festival, 23rd March - 2nd April 2009, University of Huddersfield. (Unpublished) </p><p> <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2010) <a href=""><em>Solid and practical education within reach of the humblest means’: the growth and development of the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics’ Institutes 1838–1891.</em></a> Doctoral thesis, University of Huddersfield. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2013) <a href=""><em>‘The Yorkshire Union has grown to the most extensive educational confederation in the kingdom’: the growth and distribution of the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes, 1838–1890.</em></a> The Australian Library Journal, 62 (2). pp. 125-139. ISSN 0004-9670 </p><p> <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2012) <a href=""><em>The banquet was prepared for guests who did not come: A study of the Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes and its contribution to 19th century adult working-class education, 1838–1900.</em></a> In: Buildings Books and Blackboards:Intersecting Narratives Conference 2012, 28th Nov-1st Dec. 2012, Melbourne, Australia. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Walker, Martyn</span> (2011) <a href=""><em>A solid and practical education within the reach of the humblest means: The growth and development of the Mechanics’ Institutes Movement with particular reference to the Huddersfield Mechanics’ Institution 1825–1891.</em></a> In: The 9th JVETJournal of Vocational Education and Training International Conference, 8th - 10th July 2011, Worcester College Oxford. </p><p> <span class="person_name">Wallace, Sue</span> and <span class="person_name">Atkins, Liz</span> (2006) <a href=""><em>It’s in their nature to nurture: a comparison of PCE mentors’ perception of their role and the emerging national requirements.</em></a> In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, 6th - 9th September 2006, Warwick, UK. 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