Industrial Gases, Industrial Gas Suppliers and Products - ECHEMI
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Elementary Substance</a> <span>(158)</span> </li> <li class="active">• <a href=""> Industrial Gases</a> <span>(16)</span> </li> <li>• <a href=""> Inorganic Bases</a> <span>(53)</span> </li> <li>• <a href=""> Inorganic Acid</a> <span>(51)</span> </li> <li>• <a href=""> Inorganic Salts</a> <span>(1902)</span> </li> <li>• <a href=""> Oxides and Peroxides</a> <span>(184)</span> </li> <li>• <a href=""> Silica gel</a> <span>(5)</span> </li> <li>• <a href=""> Non-metallic Minerals</a> <span>(14)</span> </li> <li>• <a href=""> Coating Materials</a> <span>(24)</span> </li> <li>• <a href=""> Phosphorus Compounds</a> <span>(50)</span> </li> <li>• <a href=""> Iron Compounds</a> <span>(21)</span> </li> <li>• <a href=""> Bromine Compounds</a> <span>(20)</span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="relate_news"> <h2 class="title special_font">Related News</h2> <div class="relate-content"> <ul> <li> <a href="" ><p><span></span>Air Products to Set up Industrial Gases Facility at Huntsman's US Site</p></a> <span>2018-04-25</span> </li> <li> <a href="" ><p><span></span>Air Products Starts Operation at New Industrial Gases Plant in China</p></a> <span>2017-12-07</span> </li> <li> <a href="" ><p><span></span>Air Products Bags Industrial Gases Supply Contract in China</p></a> <span>2017-11-22</span> </li> <li> <a href="" ><p><span></span>Air Products Appoints New VP for Industrial Gases</p></a> <span>2017-09-30</span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="ad_img"> <div class="swiper-container swiper-no-swiping"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide"> <a href="" name="Industrial Gases" > <img data-src="" alt="Industrial Gases" class="lazyload"> </a> </div> </div> <div class="pagination pagination2"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cate_right pull-right"> <div class="banner_box"> <div class="swiper-container swiper-no-swiping"> <div class="swiper-wrapper"> <div class="swiper-slide"> <img data-src="" alt="Industrial Gases" class="lazyload"> <div class="float_text"> <h2>Industrial Gases Featured Products</h2> <ul> <li> • <p><a href="">Isobutane</a></p> <span> <a href=""> (130) </a></span> </li> <li> • <p><a href="">Krypton</a></p> <span> <a href=""> (68) </a></span> </li> <li> • <p><a href="">Nitric oxide</a></p> <span> <a href=""> (38) </a></span> </li> <li> • <p><a href="">Helium</a></p> <span> <a href=""> (95) </a></span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pagination pagination1"></div> </div> </div> <div class="add_filter_cont"> <p>Sort Industrial Gases Alphabetically</p> <ul> <a href=""> <li > A</li> </a> <a href=""> <li > C</li> </a> <a href=""> <li > E</li> </a> <a href=""> <li > H</li> </a> <a href=""> <li > I</li> </a> <a href=""> <li > K</li> </a> <a href=""> <li > N</li> </a> <a href=""> <li > O</li> </a> <a href=""> <li > 1</li> </a> <a href=""> <li > 2</li> </a> <a href=""> <li > 3</li> </a> </ul> </div> <div class="add_flex_h1"> <h1 class="add_category special_font">Industrial Gases</h1> </div> <div class="cate_list"> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Isobutane</h2> (75-28-5)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> Isobutane (i-butane), also known as methylpropane, is a chemical compound with molecular formula C 4H 10 and is an isomer of butane. It is the simplest alkane with a tertiary carbon. Concerns with depletion of the ozone layer by freon gases have led to increased use of isobutane as a gas for refrigeration systems, especially in domestic refrigerators and freezers, and as a propellant in aerosol sprays. When used as a refrigerant or a propellant, isobutane is also known as R-600a. Some portable c</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Isobutane SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy ISOBUTANE 99% Coless liquid q ZHISHANG" title="ISOBUTANE 99% Coless liquid q ZHISHANG" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> <i class="main_icon"></i></a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="SHANDONG LOOK CHEMICAL CO.,LTD"> SHANDONG LOOK CHEMICAL CO.,LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy 99% Isobutane CAS NO 75-28-5 ISO 9001:2005 REACH Verified Producer" title="99% Isobutane CAS NO 75-28-5 ISO 9001:2005 REACH Verified Producer" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd"> Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy ISOBUTANE 99% Coless liquid" title="ISOBUTANE 99% Coless liquid" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Pharmacy Grade / 0% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shandong Airuike Chemical Co., Ltd."> Shandong Airuike Chemical Co., Ltd.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Stock Price 99.9% Min Purity Isobutane Industrial Use From Plant China with Best Price" title="Stock Price 99.9% Min Purity Isobutane Industrial Use From Plant China with Best Price" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99.9% </p> <p class="price"> $3000-3900/MT FOB</p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shandong Baiding Chemical Co., LTD"> Shandong Baiding Chemical Co., LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pid_Rock13820')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Krypton</h2> (7439-90-9)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> Krypton (from Greek: κρυπτός kryptos "the hidden one") is a chemical element with symbolKr and atomic number36. It is a member of group 18 (noble gases) elements. A colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas, krypton occurs in trace amounts in the atmosphere, is isolated by fractionally distilling liquefied air, and is often used with other rare gases in fluorescent lamps. Krypton is inert for most practical purposes.Krypton, like the other noble gases, can be used in lighting and photography. Kry</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Krypton SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy KRYPTON & Kr 99% colorless gas Dideu" title="KRYPTON & Kr 99% colorless gas Dideu" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd"> Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Rare gases 99.999% Ke Krypton gas 99.999% Colorless and odorless 40l Airship" title="Rare gases 99.999% Ke Krypton gas 99.999% Colorless and odorless 40l Airship" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Chemical Grade / 99.999% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Hunan Airship Technology Development Co.,Ltd"> Hunan Airship Technology Development Co.,Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy Krypton Messer(R) CANGas, 99.99%" title="Krypton Messer(R) CANGas, 99.99%" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> - / 0.99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Chongqing Chemdad"> Chongqing Chemdad</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy KRYPTON" title="KRYPTON" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="CHEMLYTE SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD"> CHEMLYTE SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p class="hide news"> <a href="">News</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pid_Rock20937')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Nitric oxide</h2> (10102-43-9)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> Used in oxidation and chemical vapor deposition processes in semiconductor production, and as a standard gas mixture for atmospheric monitoring. It is also used to manufacture nitric acid and silicone oxide film and carbonyl nitrosyl. It can also be used as a bleaching agent for rayon and as a stabilizer for propylene and dimethyl ether. Supercritical solvent. Used in the manufacture of nitric acid, nitroso carboxyl compounds, bleaching of rayon. It is used to assist diagnosis and treatment in m</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Nitric oxide SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy NITRIC OXIDE CAS NO.: 10102-43-9 99% Dideu-1-73875 Dideu" title="NITRIC OXIDE CAS NO.: 10102-43-9 99% Dideu-1-73875 Dideu" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd"> Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy NITRIC OXIDE" title="NITRIC OXIDE" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="CHEMLYTE SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD"> CHEMLYTE SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy Nitrogen monoxide" title="Nitrogen monoxide" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> Different Grade / 99.9% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Amitychem"> Amitychem</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy NITRIC OXIDE" title="NITRIC OXIDE" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="LEAP CHEM CO., LTD."> LEAP CHEM CO., LTD.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pd20160824134331111')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Helium</h2> (7440-59-7)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> In the semiconductor industry, it is used to generate shielding gas for germanium and silicon crystals, and the bottom gas of some mixed gases is used as carrier gas and laser gas in the electronics industry. It is also used to fill balloons, thermometers, electronic tubes, diving suits, atomic reactors and accelerators, smelting, welding, etc.</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Helium SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy HELIUM CAS NO.: 7440-59-7 99% Dideu-1-73875 Dideu" title="HELIUM CAS NO.: 7440-59-7 99% Dideu-1-73875 Dideu" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd"> Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Helium Gas, High Purity 7.0 (99.99999%)" title="Helium Gas, High Purity 7.0 (99.99999%)" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Electronic Grade / - </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="United Chemical Group"> United Chemical Group</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_danbaojin"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Hot Sell Disposable Cylinder 99.999% Industrial Balloon Helium Gas >=1 Pieces 99.999% colorless Best gas" title="Hot Sell Disposable Cylinder 99.999% Industrial Balloon Helium Gas >=1 Pieces 99.999% colorless Best gas" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> - / 99.999% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Hangzhou Best Gas Co.,Ltd."> Hangzhou Best Gas Co.,Ltd.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy 99.999% Helium 99.999% Colorless and odorless 40l Airship" title="99.999% Helium 99.999% Colorless and odorless 40l Airship" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99.999% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Hunan Airship Technology Development Co.,Ltd"> Hunan Airship Technology Development Co.,Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p class="hide news"> <a href="">News</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pid_Rock21272')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Neon</h2> (7440-01-9)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> Gas in neon light tubes; ingredient of gaseous fillers for antifog devices, warning signals, electrical current detectors, high-voltage indicators for high-tension electric lines, lightning arresters, wave-meter tubes; in Ne-He lasers; in mixtures with He and Ar in Geiger counters.Liquid as cryogen to produce low temperetures.</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Neon SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy NEON CAS NO.: 7440-01-9 99% Dideu-1-73875 Dideu" title="NEON CAS NO.: 7440-01-9 99% Dideu-1-73875 Dideu" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd"> Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy NEON" title="NEON" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / - </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Hunan Airship Technology Development Co.,Ltd"> Hunan Airship Technology Development Co.,Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy Neon" title="Neon" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="CHEMLYTE SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD"> CHEMLYTE SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy Neon" title="Neon" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> Different Grade / 99.9% </p> <p class="price"> $0.1/KG EXW</p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Amitychem"> Amitychem</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p class="hide news"> <a href="">News</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pid_Rock20996')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="add_hot_box"> <div class="flex"><i class="iconfont icon-resou"></i> <h2 class="special_font">Source Industrial Gases Products Supply</h2></div> <ul> <li> <a href=""> Hydrogen suppliers </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Carbon monoxide suppliers </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Argon suppliers </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Nitrogen suppliers </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Nitrogen dioxide suppliers </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Isobutane suppliers </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Hydrogen</h2> (1333-74-0)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> In oxy-hydrogen blowpipe (welding) and limelight; autogenous welding of steel and other metals; manufacture of ammonia, synthetic methanol, HCl, NH3; hydrogenation of oils, fats, naphthalene, phenol; in balloons and airships; in metallurgy to reduce oxides to metals; in petroleum refining; in thermonuclear reactions (ionizes to form protons, deuterons (D) or tritons (T)).liquid hydrogen used in bubble chambers to study subatomic particles; as a coolant.</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Hydrogen SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Hydrogen & H2 99% colorless gas Dideu" title="Hydrogen & H2 99% colorless gas Dideu" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd"> Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy China Factory Supply 99.9% Min Purity Hydrogen H2 Gas Industral Grade with 1000kg Net Content Per 800L Cylinder with Best Price" title="China Factory Supply 99.9% Min Purity Hydrogen H2 Gas Industral Grade with 1000kg Net Content Per 800L Cylinder with Best Price" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> <p class="price"> $1000-1300/MT FOB</p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shandong Baiding Chemical Co., LTD"> Shandong Baiding Chemical Co., LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy Hydrogen" title="Hydrogen" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="CHEMLYTE SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD"> CHEMLYTE SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy Hydrogen" title="Hydrogen" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> Different Grade / 99.9% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Amitychem"> Amitychem</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p class="hide news"> <a href="">News</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pid_Seven10065')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Nitrogen</h2> (7727-37-9)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> In manufacture of ammonia, nitric acid, nitrates, cyanides, etc.; in manufacture of explosives; in filling high-temp thermometers, incandescent bulbs; to form an inert atm for preservation of materials, for use in dry boxes or glove bags.Liquid nitrogen in food-freezing processes; in the laboratory as a coolant.Pharmaceutic aid (air displacement).</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Nitrogen SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Nitrogen & N2 & Diazyne 99% colorless gas Dideu" title="Nitrogen & N2 & Diazyne 99% colorless gas Dideu" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd"> Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy 2021 Top Storage Tanks 99.9999% Food grade Nitrogen Gas 99.999% colorless food grade of nitrogen Best gas" title="2021 Top Storage Tanks 99.9999% Food grade Nitrogen Gas 99.999% colorless food grade of nitrogen Best gas" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade, Food Grade, Medicine Grade, Reagent Grade / 99.999% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Hangzhou Best Gas Co.,Ltd."> Hangzhou Best Gas Co.,Ltd.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy Nitrogen Messer(R) CANGas, 99.999%" title="Nitrogen Messer(R) CANGas, 99.999%" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> - / 0.99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Chongqing Chemdad"> Chongqing Chemdad</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy Nitrogen" title="Nitrogen" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="CHEMLYTE SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD"> CHEMLYTE SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p class="hide news"> <a href="">News</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pid_Rock20686')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Carbon monoxide</h2> (630-08-0)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> Carbon monoxide is the main component of synthesis gas and various types of coal gas. It is an important raw material for organic chemical industry and the basis of C1 chemistry. It can produce a series of products, such as methanol, acetic acid, phosgene, etc., used in metallurgical industry reducing agent. At present, the industrialized C1 chemical production technologies mainly include: (1) Synthesis of acetic acid. (2) Synthesis of acetic anhydride.</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Carbon monoxide SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy Carbon monoxide" title="Carbon monoxide" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd"> Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy CARBON MONOXIDE" title="CARBON MONOXIDE" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="CHEMLYTE SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD"> CHEMLYTE SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy carbon monoxide,cyl. with 10 L (net~3kg)" title="carbon monoxide,cyl. with 10 L (net~3kg)" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> Different Grade / 99.9% </p> <p class="price"> $0.1/KG EXW</p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Amitychem"> Amitychem</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy CARBON MONOXIDE" title="CARBON MONOXIDE" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="LEAP CHEM CO., LTD."> LEAP CHEM CO., LTD.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p class="hide news"> <a href="">News</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pid_Rock6284')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Argon</h2> (7440-37-1)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> Gas as shield in gas metal-arc welding, in metal processing; carrier in gas-liquid and gas-solid chromatography; gas filler for incandescent light bulbs.Gas in fluorescent tubes analogous to neon lights, but produces a blue-purplish light; in rectifier tubes; in thermometers above mercury; in lasers; wherever an inert atmosphere is desired and the much cheaper nitrogen cannot be used; in ionization chambers and particle counters; in mixtures with He and Ne in Geiger counters; in argon-oxygen-dec</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Argon SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Argon & Ar 99% colorless gas Dideu" title="Argon & Ar 99% colorless gas Dideu" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd"> Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy High Quality Argon CAS NO.7440-37-1" title="High Quality Argon CAS NO.7440-37-1" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Pharmacy Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Shanghai Lonwin Chemical Co.,Ltd"> Shanghai Lonwin Chemical Co.,Ltd</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <a href="" > <img data-src="" alt="buy Factory Welding Chinese Manufacture Cylinder High Purity Pure Argon Gas 99.999% colorless argon gas OEM" title="Factory Welding Chinese Manufacture Cylinder High Purity Pure Argon Gas 99.999% colorless argon gas OEM" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </a> </div> <p class="grade"> Electron Grade, Industrial Grade, Medicine Grade / 99.999% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Hangzhou Best Gas Co.,Ltd."> Hangzhou Best Gas Co.,Ltd.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy Argon 99.999%, Messer(R) CANGas" title="Argon 99.999%, Messer(R) CANGas" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> - / 0.99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Chongqing Chemdad"> Chongqing Chemdad</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p class="hide news"> <a href="">News</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pid_Rock21172')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> <div class="items_tr clearfix"> <div class="items_top"> <a href="" > <div class="name"> <h2>Nitrogen dioxide</h2> (10102-44-0)</div> </a> <div class="intro"> Intermediate in nitric and sulfuric acid production.Used in the nitration of organic Compounds and explosives, in the manufacture of oxidized cellulose Compounds (hemostatic cotton).Has been used to bleach flour.Proposed as oxidizing agent in rocket propulsion.See also:Sisler, "Reactions in Liquid Dinitrogen Tetroxide," J. Chem. Educ. 34, 555 (1957).</div> <ul class="clearfix"> <a href="" class="sds_a">Nitrogen dioxide SDS</a> </ul> </div> <ul class="items_ul clearfix"> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy Nitrogen dioxide" title="Nitrogen dioxide" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="CHEMLYTE SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD"> CHEMLYTE SOLUTIONS CO.,LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy Nitrogen dioxide" title="Nitrogen dioxide" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> Different Grade / 99.9% </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="Amitychem"> Amitychem</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy Nitrogen dioxide" title="Nitrogen dioxide" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> </p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="LEAP CHEM CO., LTD."> LEAP CHEM CO., LTD.</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> <li> <div class="img"> <img data-src="" alt="buy NITROGEN DIOXIDE" title="NITROGEN DIOXIDE" onerror="this.src=''" class="lazyload"/> </div> <p class="grade"> Industrial Grade / 99% </p> <p class="price"> $0.1/KG EXW</p> </p> <div class="supplier_name"> <!-- 供应商图标模块 end --> <a href="" title="XIAMEN EQUATION CHEMICAL CO.,LTD"> XIAMEN EQUATION CHEMICAL CO.,LTD</a> </div> <!-- 供应商图标模块 start --> <div class="allIcon_main js_allIcon_main"> <i class="icon icon_license"></i> <i class="icon icon_renzheng"></i> <i class="icon icon_zuanshi"></i> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="item_bottom"> <p class="hide supplier"> <a href="">Product List</a> </p> <p class="hide news"> <a href="">News</a> </p> <p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="developBuyingLead('pd180521113946')" rel="nofollow"> Request for quotation </a> <span>, get quotes from more suppliers.</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <!--换页按钮区--> <div class='turnPage_box'> <div class='fenye'> <div class='fenye_left'> <ul> <li class='previous firstpage'><span></span></li><li class='btn_active'>1</li><a href=''><li class='cursor_btn'>2</li></a> <a href=''><li class='next'><span></span></li></a> <span>Go to Page</span> <input type='text' id='gotoPageIndex1085889759'/> <a href='javascript:void(0)' rel='nofollow' onclick='gotoChangePage1085889759()' class='go_btn'>Go</a> </ul> </div> </div></div> <script type='text/javascript'> function gotoChangePage1085889759(){ var gotoPageIndex = $('#gotoPageIndex1085889759').val(); var urlWithGotoPage = ''; if (gotoPageIndex!='') { var reg = new RegExp('^[0-9]*$'); var result= reg.test(gotoPageIndex); if (result == false) { gotoPageIndex = '1'; }else{ if (gotoPageIndex*1 > 2) { gotoPageIndex = 2; } if (gotoPageIndex*1 == 0) { gotoPageIndex = 1 } } }else{ gotoPageIndex = '1'; } if (gotoPageIndex=='1') { location.href = ''; }else{ location.href = '' + gotoPageIndex; } } </script><!--换页按钮区 END--> <div class="category_intro"> Industrial gas is a bottled compressed liquid gas, which is in a gaseous state at normal temperature and pressure. There are many types of gas, and it is mainly used in various industrial manufacturing. There are many types of gas products, which can be roughly divided into two categories: general industrial gas and special gas. General industrial gas production and sales are large, but the purity requirements are not high. Although the production and sales of special gases are small, they have extremely strict requirements on the purity or composition of different special gases, the maximum allowable content of harmful impurities, and the packaging, storage and transportation of products. .</div> <div class="add_region_box"> <h2 class="special_font">Source Industrial Gases Raw Materials by Region</h2> <div class="supply_item_box"> <div class="supply_item"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="" alt="US" onerror="src=''"> <div> <a href=""> Industrial Gases Raw Materials US</a> </div> </div> <div class="supply_item"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="" alt="India" onerror="src=''"> <div> <a href=""> Industrial Gases Raw Materials India</a> </div> </div> <div class="supply_item"> <img class="lazyload" data-src="" alt="Japan" onerror="src=''"> <div> <a href=""> Industrial Gases Raw Materials Japan</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="new_arrivals relate_product"> <h2 class="title">Browse more categories</h2> <div class="items"> <a href="">Nutrition Supplements</a> <a href="">Digestive System Drugs</a> <a href="">Feed Additive</a> <a href="">Hydrazine or Hydroxylamine Derivatives</a> <a href="">Smoothing</a> <a href="">Defoamers</a> <a href="">Fertilizers</a> <a href="">Antidepressants</a> <a href="">Blood Products</a> <a href="">Gel Forming</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </article> <!-- 底部区域共通 --> <section class="index_footer"> <div class="width_1050"> <p class="tip">Trade Alert - Delivering the latest product trends and industry news straight to your inbox. <br />(We`ll never share your email address with a third-party.)</p> <div class="input_box clearfix"> <input id="mailSubscribe" type="text" placeholder='Input your Email address' /> <div class="subscribe_btn" onclick="mailSubscribe()">Subscribe</div> </div> <div class="footer_box1"> <div class="footer_list"> <div class="title">About Us</div> <div class="li"> <a href="" target="_blank">About ECHEMI Group</a> <a href="" >About</a> <a href="" >Marketing Kit</a> <a href="" >Sitemap</a> <a href="" >Partners</a> <a href="" >Chemical Knowledge</a> <a href="" >Community</a> </div> </div> <div class="footer_list"> <div class="title">Buy on ECHEMI</div> <div class="li"> <a href="" >Search Products List Alphabetically</a> <a href="" >Shop Chemical Products Alphabetically</a> <a href="" >Find Suppliers Alphabetically</a> <a href="" >Get Chemical Data Numerically</a> <a href="" >Find Suppliers by Region</a> <a href="" >Request for Quotation</a> <a href="" >Promotion</a> <a href="" >Top Products</a> </div> </div> <div class="footer_list"> <div class="title">Sell on ECHEMI</div> <div class="li"> <a href="" >Supplier Membership</a> <a href="" >Training Center</a> <a href="">Success Stories</a> </div> </div> <div class="footer_list"> <div class="title">Customer Services</div> <div class="li"> <a href="" >Learning Center</a> <a href="" >Terms of Use</a> <a href="" >Privacy Notice</a> <a href="" >Policies</a> <a href="" >Rules</a> <a href="" >Penalty Rules</a> <a href="">Submit a Dispute</a> <a href="" >Contact Us</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="icon_box"> <span>Follow Us</span> <a rel="external nofollow" href="" target="_blank"> <i class="iconfont"></i> </a> <a rel="external nofollow" href="" target="_blank"> <i class="iconfont"></i> </a> <a rel="external nofollow" href="" target="_blank"> <i class="iconfont"></i> </a> </div> <div class="footer_box2"><a href="">National-level Technology-based SME</a><br><a href="">China's Top 100 Industrial Digitalization Enterprises List</a> <br> The Drafting Unit of the "Specification for Operation and Management of Self-build Cross-border E-commerce Website" of the CCPIT</div> <p class="reference"><a href="" style="color: #AAB7CC;" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">鲁ICP备16009155号-1</a> | Copyright@Qingdao ECHEMI Digital Technology Co., Ltd.</p> </div> </section> <style> /*首页特有RFQ侧边栏导航链接样式开始*/ .aside_box .aside_btn_special { width: 45px; 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