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<!--Gestione Link3--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!--Gestione Link4--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Immagine--> <div class="image-area"> <img loading="lazy" class="tab-verticale-right-img" alt=""/> </div> </div> <img class="tab-verticale-right-img" src="/etc.clientlibs/enigaseluce/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/assets/velina.svg" alt=""/> </div> <div id="image6" class="tabcontent d-none" style="display:"> <div class="tabcontent-contenuto-testuale"> <!--Titolo paragrafo tab--> <div class="content-area"> <div class="d-flex tabcontent-contenuto-titolo"> <p>Codice Etico</p> </div> <p class="tabcontent-contenuto-paragrafo"> <p>Il Codice Etico rispecchia la vision di Plenitude e contiene i principi guida che regolano la condotta delle persone di Plenitude.</p> <p><a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/governance/doc---procedure/codice_etico_eni.pdf"> </a></p> </p> <!--Gestione Link--> <div class="links-container"> <div class="container-button-and-line"> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/chi-siamo/codice_etico_eni%20(1).pdf" target="_blank" title="Codice Etico"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-link card-offerte-right-cta-secondary pl-0"> <span>SCARICA L'ALLEGATO "CODICE ETICO"</span> </button> <span class="button-text-decoration"></span> </a> </div> <!--Gestione Link2--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!--Gestione Link3--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!--Gestione Link4--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Immagine--> <div class="image-area"> <img loading="lazy" class="tab-verticale-right-img" alt=""/> </div> </div> <img class="tab-verticale-right-img" src="/etc.clientlibs/enigaseluce/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/assets/velina.svg" alt=""/> </div> <div id="image7" class="tabcontent d-none" style="display:"> <div class="tabcontent-contenuto-testuale"> <!--Titolo paragrafo tab--> <div class="content-area"> <div class="d-flex tabcontent-contenuto-titolo"> <p>Modello Organizzativo ai sensi del D.lgs. 231/2001</p> </div> <p class="tabcontent-contenuto-paragrafo"> Plenitude ha adottato un Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo, “Modello 231” (aggiornato nel 2022), che costituisce un sistema strutturato e organico di linee di comportamento, procedure, flussi informativi e attività di controllo, al fine di prevenire e scoraggiare la commissione dei reati presupposto di cui al D.lgs. 231/2001. </p> <!--Gestione Link--> <div class="links-container"> <div class="container-button-and-line"> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/chi-siamo/Modello_231_Eni_Plenitude-Parte_Generale.pdf" target="_blank" title="Modello Organizzativo ai sensi del D.lgs. 231/2001"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-link card-offerte-right-cta-secondary pl-0"> <span>SCARICA L’ALLEGATO “MOD 231”</span> </button> <span class="button-text-decoration"></span> </a> </div> <!--Gestione Link2--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!--Gestione Link3--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!--Gestione Link4--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Immagine--> <div class="image-area"> <img loading="lazy" class="tab-verticale-right-img" alt=""/> </div> </div> <img class="tab-verticale-right-img" src="/etc.clientlibs/enigaseluce/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/assets/velina.svg" alt=""/> </div> <div id="image8" class="tabcontent d-none" style="display:"> <div class="tabcontent-contenuto-testuale"> <!--Titolo paragrafo tab--> <div class="content-area"> <div class="d-flex tabcontent-contenuto-titolo"> <p>Zero Tolerance Policy</p> </div> <p class="tabcontent-contenuto-paragrafo"> <p>Plenitude aderisce alla <b>Zero Tolerance</b> policy di Eni che vieta senza alcuna eccezione ogni forma di violenza e molestie sul lavoro. La policy, basata su 10 principi generali e imprescindibili, mira a diffondere una cultura aziendale fondata sul rispetto, sulla professionalità e sulla non discriminazione. La cultura di <i>zero tolerance</i> viene promossa dal Management, che garantisce la messa a disposizione di appositi canali di segnalazione e la tempestiva gestione degli episodi segnalati.</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/governance/doc---procedure/All-E-Eni-contro-la-violenza-e-molestie-sul-lavoro.pdf"> </a></p> </p> <!--Gestione Link--> <div class="links-container"> <div class="container-button-and-line"> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/chi-siamo/All-E-Eni-contro-la-violenza-e-molestie-sul-lavoro.pdf" target="_blank" title="SCARICA L’ALLEGATO “ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY”"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-link card-offerte-right-cta-secondary pl-0"> <span>SCARICA L’ALLEGATO “ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY”</span> </button> <span class="button-text-decoration"></span> </a> </div> <!--Gestione Link2--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!--Gestione Link3--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> 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href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/chi-siamo/msg-anti-corruzione-ita.pdf" target="_self" title="SCARICA L’ALLEGATO “MSG ANTI CORRUPTION”"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-link card-offerte-right-cta-secondary pl-0"> <span>SCARICA L’ALLEGATO “MSG ANTI CORRUPTION”</span> </button> <span class="button-text-decoration"></span> </a> </div> <!--Gestione Link2--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!--Gestione Link3--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!--Gestione Link4--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> </div> </div> <!--Immagine--> <div class="image-area"> <img loading="lazy" class="tab-verticale-right-img" alt=""/> </div> </div> <img class="tab-verticale-right-img" src="/etc.clientlibs/enigaseluce/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/assets/velina.svg" alt=""/> </div> <div id="image10" class="tabcontent d-none" style="display:"> <div class="tabcontent-contenuto-testuale"> <!--Titolo paragrafo tab--> <div class="content-area"> <div class="d-flex tabcontent-contenuto-titolo"> <p></p> </div> <p class="tabcontent-contenuto-paragrafo"> <p><a class="tab-verticale-corp-underlined-cta" href="/it/media/documenti/documenti-be-charge#modello231" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Modello 231</a></p> <p> </p> <p><a class="tab-verticale-corp-underlined-cta" href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/be-charge/ITA_Eni-codice-etico.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Codice etico</a></p> <p> </p> <p><a class="tab-verticale-corp-underlined-cta" href="/it/media/documenti/documenti-be-charge#whistleblowing" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Whistleblowing</a></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <h3><b>Documenti Be Together</b></h3> <p><a class="tab-verticale-corp-underlined-cta" href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/be-together/ITA_Be-Together-Manifesto.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Manifesto Be Together</a></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><a 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Etico</span> <span class="tab-verticale-mobile-tabs">Modello Organizzativo ai sensi del D.lgs. 231/2001</span> <span class="tab-verticale-mobile-tabs">Zero Tolerance Policy</span> <span class="tab-verticale-mobile-tabs">Anti corruption</span> <span class="tab-verticale-mobile-tabs">Be Charge</span> </div> <div class="tab-verticale-mobile-content-container"> <span class="pointer"></span> <div class="tab-verticale-mobile-content"> <div class="tab-verticale-mobile-testo"> <!-- Mobile Immagine --> <img loading="lazy" alt=""/> <!-- Mobile Titolo e Paragrafo --> <div class="content-area"> <div class="d-flex tabcontent-contenuto-titolo"> <p></p> </div> <p class="tabcontent-contenuto-paragrafo"> <h3><b>2023<br> <br> </b></h3> <p><a class="tab-verticale-corp-underlined-cta" href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/impegno-sostenibile/Report-di-sostenibilita-Relazione-di-Impatto-2023-Plenitude.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Report di sostenibilità e Relazione 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Link 3--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 4--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="pointer"></span> <div class="tab-verticale-mobile-content"> <div class="tab-verticale-mobile-testo"> <!-- Mobile Immagine --> <img loading="lazy" alt=""/> <!-- Mobile Titolo e Paragrafo --> <div class="content-area"> <div class="d-flex tabcontent-contenuto-titolo"> <p>Codice Etico</p> </div> <p class="tabcontent-contenuto-paragrafo"> <p>Il Codice Etico rispecchia la vision di Plenitude e contiene i principi guida che regolano la condotta delle persone di Plenitude.</p> <p><a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/governance/doc---procedure/codice_etico_eni.pdf"> </a></p> </p> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link --> <div class="links-container"> <div class="container-button-and-line"> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/chi-siamo/codice_etico_eni%20(1).pdf" target="_blank" title="Codice Etico"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-link card-offerte-right-cta-secondary pl-0"> <span class="cta-secondary-tab-corp">SCARICA L'ALLEGATO "CODICE ETICO"</span> </button> <span class="button-text-decoration"></span> </a> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 2--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 3--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 4--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="pointer"></span> <div class="tab-verticale-mobile-content"> <div class="tab-verticale-mobile-testo"> <!-- Mobile Immagine --> <img loading="lazy" alt=""/> <!-- Mobile Titolo e Paragrafo --> <div class="content-area"> <div class="d-flex tabcontent-contenuto-titolo"> <p>Modello Organizzativo ai sensi del D.lgs. 231/2001</p> </div> <p class="tabcontent-contenuto-paragrafo"> Plenitude ha adottato un Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo, “Modello 231” (aggiornato nel 2022), che costituisce un sistema strutturato e organico di linee di comportamento, procedure, flussi informativi e attività di controllo, al fine di prevenire e scoraggiare la commissione dei reati presupposto di cui al D.lgs. 231/2001.</p> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link --> <div class="links-container"> <div class="container-button-and-line"> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/chi-siamo/Modello_231_Eni_Plenitude-Parte_Generale.pdf" target="_blank" title="Modello Organizzativo ai sensi del D.lgs. 231/2001"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-link card-offerte-right-cta-secondary pl-0"> <span class="cta-secondary-tab-corp">SCARICA L’ALLEGATO “MOD 231”</span> </button> <span class="button-text-decoration"></span> </a> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 2--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 3--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 4--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="pointer"></span> <div class="tab-verticale-mobile-content"> <div class="tab-verticale-mobile-testo"> <!-- Mobile Immagine --> <img loading="lazy" alt=""/> <!-- Mobile Titolo e Paragrafo --> <div class="content-area"> <div class="d-flex tabcontent-contenuto-titolo"> <p>Zero Tolerance Policy</p> </div> <p class="tabcontent-contenuto-paragrafo"> <p>Plenitude aderisce alla <b>Zero Tolerance</b> policy di Eni che vieta senza alcuna eccezione ogni forma di violenza e molestie sul lavoro. La policy, basata su 10 principi generali e imprescindibili, mira a diffondere una cultura aziendale fondata sul rispetto, sulla professionalità e sulla non discriminazione. La cultura di <i>zero tolerance</i> viene promossa dal Management, che garantisce la messa a disposizione di appositi canali di segnalazione e la tempestiva gestione degli episodi segnalati.</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/governance/doc---procedure/All-E-Eni-contro-la-violenza-e-molestie-sul-lavoro.pdf"> </a></p> </p> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link --> <div class="links-container"> <div class="container-button-and-line"> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/chi-siamo/All-E-Eni-contro-la-violenza-e-molestie-sul-lavoro.pdf" target="_blank" title="SCARICA L’ALLEGATO “ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY”"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-link card-offerte-right-cta-secondary pl-0"> <span class="cta-secondary-tab-corp">SCARICA L’ALLEGATO “ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY”</span> </button> <span class="button-text-decoration"></span> </a> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 2--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 3--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 4--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="pointer"></span> <div class="tab-verticale-mobile-content"> <div class="tab-verticale-mobile-testo"> <!-- Mobile Immagine --> <img loading="lazy" alt=""/> <!-- Mobile Titolo e Paragrafo --> <div class="content-area"> <div class="d-flex tabcontent-contenuto-titolo"> <p>Anti corruption</p> </div> <p class="tabcontent-contenuto-paragrafo"> In linea con i valori espressi nel proprio Codice Etico, Plenitude ripudia fermamente ogni forma di corruzione che, oltre ad essere un fenomeno illegale, rappresenta un grande ostacolo allo sviluppo sostenibile.</p> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link --> <div class="links-container"> <div class="container-button-and-line"> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/chi-siamo/msg-anti-corruzione-ita.pdf" target="_self" title="SCARICA L’ALLEGATO “MSG ANTI CORRUPTION”"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-link card-offerte-right-cta-secondary pl-0"> <span class="cta-secondary-tab-corp">SCARICA L’ALLEGATO “MSG ANTI CORRUPTION”</span> </button> <span class="button-text-decoration"></span> </a> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 2--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 3--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 4--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="pointer"></span> <div class="tab-verticale-mobile-content"> <div class="tab-verticale-mobile-testo"> <!-- Mobile Immagine --> <img loading="lazy" alt=""/> <!-- Mobile Titolo e Paragrafo --> <div class="content-area"> <div class="d-flex tabcontent-contenuto-titolo"> <p></p> </div> <p class="tabcontent-contenuto-paragrafo"> <p><a class="tab-verticale-corp-underlined-cta" href="/it/media/documenti/documenti-be-charge#modello231" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Modello 231</a></p> <p> </p> <p><a class="tab-verticale-corp-underlined-cta" href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/be-charge/ITA_Eni-codice-etico.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Codice etico</a></p> <p> </p> <p><a class="tab-verticale-corp-underlined-cta" href="/it/media/documenti/documenti-be-charge#whistleblowing" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Whistleblowing</a></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <h3><b>Documenti Be Together</b></h3> <p><a class="tab-verticale-corp-underlined-cta" href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/be-together/ITA_Be-Together-Manifesto.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Manifesto Be Together</a></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><a class="tab-verticale-corp-underlined-cta" href="/it/media/documenti/documenti-be-charge" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Tutti i documenti Be Charge</a></p> </p> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link --> <div class="links-container"> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 2--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 3--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> <!-- Mobile Gestione Link 4--> <div class="container-button-and-line"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="titolo-h1 componentbase aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div style="background-color:#ffffff"> <!--<sly data-sly-test.labelExist="">--> <!-- Title H1 + Label --> <div class="sc-new-title-h1-container "> <div class="sc-new-title-h1-content container-lg"> <h2 class="mw-100"><a href="#whistle"></a><a name="whistle" id="whistle"></a><b>Whistleblowing – Gestione delle</b><span style=" color: rgb(0,158,98); "><b> Segnalazioni</b></span></h2> <div class="sc-new-title-h1-subtitle mw-100"><p>In osservanza di quanto previsto dalla Direttiva (UE) 2019/1937 e dalle relative leggi di recepimento, dallo Sarbanes - Oxley Act del 2002, dal Modello di organizzazione, gestione e controllo <i>ex</i> D.Lgs. n. 231 del 2001 e dagli Strumenti Normativi interni Anti-Corruzione, abbiamo adottato un sistema di gestione delle segnalazioni (Segnalazioni anche Anonime Ricevute da Eni) che ci permette di gestire le segnalazioni, anche anonime, ricevute da Eni SpA e dalle società controllate in Italia e all’estero.</p> <p>In conformità con la normativa applicabile, a prescindere dall’oggetto della segnalazione e dall’entità interessata, è sempre garantita a tutti la possibilità di inviare segnalazioni direttamente a Eni SpA. Abbiamo inoltre istituito un apposito canale di ricezione delle segnalazioni per Eni Plenitude SpA SB e le società controllate in Italia e all’estero.</p> <p>Qualunque sia il canale utilizzato, garantiamo la ricezione, l'analisi e il trattamento di segnalazioni inoltrate da chiunque, stakeholder, Persone di Eni (personale di Eni e tutti coloro, sia persone fisiche che giuridiche, che operano in Italia e all’estero per il conseguimento degli obiettivi di Eni, ciascuno nell’ambito delle proprie funzioni e responsabilità) e altri soggetti terzi, anche in forma anonima. Si tratta di segnalazioni aventi a oggetto comportamenti, posti in essere da Persone di Eni, in violazione del Codice Etico, di leggi, regolamenti, provvedimenti delle Autorità, normative interne, Modelli 231 e Modelli CE.</p> <p><b>È garantita la massima riservatezza sui soggetti e sui fatti segnalati, nonché sull’identità dei segnalanti, affinché chi effettua la segnalazione non sia soggetto ad alcuna forma di ritorsione.</b></p> <p>La disciplina in materia è contenuta nella normativa "Segnalazioni, anche anonime, ricevute da Eni SpA e da società controllate in Italia e all’estero" in corso di aggiornamento.</p> <p><b>Le segnalazioni possono essere inviate attraverso una apposita Piattaforma – idonea a garantire, con modalità informatiche, la riservatezza dell'identità del segnalante – disponibile al seguente link.</b></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- </sly> <sly data-sly-test="true"> <div class="sc-new-title-h1-container "> <div class="sc-new-title-h1-content container-lg"> <h1 class="mw-100"><h2 class="mw-100"><a href="#whistle"></a><a name="whistle" id="whistle"></a><b>Whistleblowing – Gestione delle</b><span style=" color: rgb(0,158,98); "><b> Segnalazioni</b></span></h2> </h1> <p class="sc-new-title-h1-subtitle"><p>In osservanza di quanto previsto dalla Direttiva (UE) 2019/1937 e dalle relative leggi di recepimento, dallo Sarbanes - Oxley Act del 2002, dal Modello di organizzazione, gestione e controllo <i>ex</i> D.Lgs. n. 231 del 2001 e dagli Strumenti Normativi interni Anti-Corruzione, abbiamo adottato un sistema di gestione delle segnalazioni (Segnalazioni anche Anonime Ricevute da Eni) che ci permette di gestire le segnalazioni, anche anonime, ricevute da Eni SpA e dalle società controllate in Italia e all’estero.</p> <p>In conformità con la normativa applicabile, a prescindere dall’oggetto della segnalazione e dall’entità interessata, è sempre garantita a tutti la possibilità di inviare segnalazioni direttamente a Eni SpA. Abbiamo inoltre istituito un apposito canale di ricezione delle segnalazioni per Eni Plenitude SpA SB e le società controllate in Italia e all’estero.</p> <p>Qualunque sia il canale utilizzato, garantiamo la ricezione, l'analisi e il trattamento di segnalazioni inoltrate da chiunque, stakeholder, Persone di Eni (personale di Eni e tutti coloro, sia persone fisiche che giuridiche, che operano in Italia e all’estero per il conseguimento degli obiettivi di Eni, ciascuno nell’ambito delle proprie funzioni e responsabilità) e altri soggetti terzi, anche in forma anonima. Si tratta di segnalazioni aventi a oggetto comportamenti, posti in essere da Persone di Eni, in violazione del Codice Etico, di leggi, regolamenti, provvedimenti delle Autorità, normative interne, Modelli 231 e Modelli CE.</p> <p><b>È garantita la massima riservatezza sui soggetti e sui fatti segnalati, nonché sull’identità dei segnalanti, affinché chi effettua la segnalazione non sia soggetto ad alcuna forma di ritorsione.</b></p> <p>La disciplina in materia è contenuta nella normativa "Segnalazioni, anche anonime, ricevute da Eni SpA e da società controllate in Italia e all’estero" in corso di aggiornamento.</p> <p><b>Le segnalazioni possono essere inviate attraverso una apposita Piattaforma – idonea a garantire, con modalità informatiche, la riservatezza dell'identità del segnalante – disponibile al seguente link.</b></p> </p> </div> </div> </sly>--> </div> </div> <div class="rich-text-new rich-text componentbase aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <style> .rich-text-container { padding:60px 0 45px; } @media (max-width:767px) { .rich-text-container { padding: 30px 15px 15px 15px; } } @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width:1023px) { .rich-text-container { padding: 30px 24px 15px; } } </style> <div style="background-color:#ffffff;"> <!-- <div id="" class="rich-text-container container-lg rich-text-corporate"> --> <div class="sc-new-rich-text-container container-lg rich-text-corporate"> <a href="" target="_blank" title="INVIA UNA SEGNALAZIONE" class="rich-text-cta-secondary"> INVIA UNA SEGNALAZIONE </a> </div> <!-- <div id="" class="rich-text-container container-lg rich-text-corporate"> --> <div class="sc-new-rich-text-container container-lg rich-text-corporate"> <p> <p> </p> <p>Fermo l’utilizzo preferenziale dei canali di segnalazione messi a disposizione da Eni SpA e da Eni Plenitude SpA SB, nei casi tassativamente indicati ai sensi dell’art. 6 del D.Lgs. 24 del 10 marzo 2023, è possibile effettuare segnalazione anche all’autorità competente in materia (ANAC).</p> <p>Le informazioni e i dati personali che vengono comunicati nel contesto delle segnalazioni sono trattati per gestire e dare seguito alle segnalazioni stesse, nonché indagare le eventuali condotte segnalate e adottare le misure necessarie in conformità con le leggi applicabili, inclusa la normativa in materia di protezione dei dati personali. Per maggiori informazioni sulle modalità e finalità del trattamento dei dati personali inclusi nelle segnalazioni e raccolti durante la procedura, vi invitiamo a consultare le informative per il trattamento dei dati dei segnalanti, segnalati o di altri soggetti terzi coinvolti.</p> <p> </p> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="documenti componentbase aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div style="background-color:#f4f4f4;"> <div class="container-lg container-documenti" style="background-color:#f4f4f4;"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 text-center"> <div class="h2-egl container-documenti-titolo"></div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 text-center"> <div class="p18-egl"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row egl-riga-documenti"> <div class="col-lg-4 col-12"> <div class="d-flex doc-space"> <img loading="lazy" src="/etc.clientlibs/enigaseluce/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/assets/icona-documenti.svg" alt="documento"/> <a class="egl-documento-link p16-egl" href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/segnalazioni/ENI_Informativa_Segnalante.pdf" target="_blank" title="Informativa sul trattamento dati per i Segnalanti"> Informativa sul trattamento dati per i Segnalanti </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-12"> <div class="d-flex doc-space"> <img loading="lazy" src="/etc.clientlibs/enigaseluce/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/assets/icona-documenti.svg" alt="documento"/> <a class="egl-documento-link p16-egl" href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/segnalazioni/ENI_Informativa_Segnalati_e_soggetti_terzi.pdf" target="_blank" title="Informativa sul trattamento dati per i Soggetti Segnalati e Terzi"> Informativa sul trattamento dati per i Soggetti Segnalati e Terzi </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="modale-disclaimer componentbase aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <!-- <div class="modal fade" id="modale-disclaimer" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="modale-disclaimer" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog egl-modale-disclaimer"> <div class="modal-content position-relative"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="position-absolute egl-mod-comm-closeIcon" style="z-index: 1"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <img loading="lazy" class="modale-close-disclaimer" src="/etc.clientlibs/enigaseluce/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/assets/7-icons-close-x.png" alt="chiudi-modale" /> </button> </span> <h2 class="modale-disclaimer-title">IMPORTANT NOTICE:</h2> <p class="modale-disclaimer-testo">You must read the following before continuing. The following applies to this document, the oral presentation of the information in this document by Eni Gas e Luce S.p.A. società benefit and its affiliates (the “Company”) or any person on behalf of the Company, and any question-and-answer session that follows the oral presentation (collectively, the “Information”). In accessing the Information, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. The Information may not be reproduced, redistributed, published or passed on to any other person, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, for any purpose. This document may not be removed from the premises. If this document has been received in error it must be returned immediately to the Company. The Information is not intended for potential investors and does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as an offer or the solicitation of an offer to subscribe for or purchase securities of the Company, and nothing contained therein shall form the basis of or be relied on in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. The Information has been prepared by the Company, and no other party accepts any responsibility whatsoever, or makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, for the contents of the Information, including its accuracy, completeness or verification or for any other statement made or purported to be made in connection with the Company and nothing in this document or at this presentation shall be relied upon as a promise or representation in this respect, whether as to the past or the future. The Information contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in the Information are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements give the Company’s current expectations and projections relating to its financial condition, results of operations, plans, objectives, future performance and business. These statements may include, without limitation, any statements preceded by, followed by or including words such as “target,” “believe,” “expect,” “aim,” “intend,” “may,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “plan,” “project,” “will,” “can have,” “likely,” “should,” “would,” “could” and other words and terms of similar meaning or the negative thereof. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors beyond the Company’s control that could cause the Company’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from the expected results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Company’s present and future business strategies and the environment in which it will operate in the future. No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the Information or the opinions contained therein. The Information has not been independently verified and will not be updated. The Information, including but not limited to forward-looking statements, applies only as of the date of this document and is not intended to give any assurances as to future results. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to disseminate any updates or revisions to the Information, including any financial data or forward-looking statements, and will not publicly release any revisions it may make to the Information that may result from any change in the Company’s expectations, any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which these forward-looking statements are based, or other events or circumstances arising after the date of this document. Market data used in the Information not attributed to a specific source are estimates of the Company and have not been independently verified.</p> <div class="modale-disclaimer-bottom-buttons"> <button data-sly-test="" class="modale-disclaimer-button-left" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modale-disclaimer"> </button> <button data-sly-test="" class="modale-disclaimer-button-right" data-dismiss="modal" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#Modale-Carrello-Step" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false" onclick="openStartingStep()"> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> --> <!-- nuova modale --> <div class="modal callmeback-2 modalPDF" style="background-image: none;" id="important" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="important" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="callmeback2-dialog"> <div class="callmeback2-modal"> <div class="callmeback2-header"> <h2 tabindex="0">IMPORTANT NOTICE:</h2> <p tabindex="0" class="p18-egl">You must read the following information before continuing.</p> </div> <div class="callmeback2-body"> <div class="ipo-text"> You must read the following before continuing. The following applies to this document, the oral presentation of the information in this document by Eni Gas e Luce S.p.A. società benefit and its affiliates (the “Company”) or any person on behalf of the Company, and any question-and-answer session that follows the oral presentation (collectively, the “Information”). In accessing the Information, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. The Information may not be reproduced, redistributed, published or passed on to any other person, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, for any purpose. This document may not be removed from the premises. If this document has been received in error it must be returned immediately to the Company. The Information is not intended for potential investors and does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as an offer or the solicitation of an offer to subscribe for or purchase securities of the Company, and nothing contained therein shall form the basis of or be relied on in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. The Information has been prepared by the Company, and no other party accepts any responsibility whatsoever, or makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, for the contents of the Information, including its accuracy, completeness or verification or for any other statement made or purported to be made in connection with the Company and nothing in this document or at this presentation shall be relied upon as a promise or representation in this respect, whether as to the past or the future. The Information contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in the Information are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements give the Company’s current expectations and projections relating to its financial condition, results of operations, plans, objectives, future performance and business. These statements may include, without limitation, any statements preceded by, followed by or including words such as “target,” “believe,” “expect,” “aim,” “intend,” “may,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “plan,” “project,” “will,” “can have,” “likely,” “should,” “would,” “could” and other words and terms of similar meaning or the negative thereof. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors beyond the Company’s control that could cause the Company’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from the expected results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Company’s present and future business strategies and the environment in which it will operate in the future. No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the Information or the opinions contained therein. The Information has not been independently verified and will not be updated. The Information, including but not limited to forward-looking statements, applies only as of the date of this document and is not intended to give any assurances as to future results. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to disseminate any updates or revisions to the Information, including any financial data or forward-looking statements, and will not publicly release any revisions it may make to the Information that may result from any change in the Company’s expectations, any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which these forward-looking statements are based, or other events or circumstances arising after the date of this document. Market data used in the Information not attributed to a specific source are estimates of the Company and have not been independently verified. </div> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center"> <button data-dismiss="modal" class="buttonlink-pleni-cta buttonlink-pleni-cta-white">NO</button> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/eng/presentation/Plenitude%20CMD%2022-Nov-2021.pdf" target="_blank" class="buttonlink-pleni-cta">SÌ</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modale-disclaimer componentbase aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <!-- <div class="modal fade" id="modale-disclaimer" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="modale-disclaimer" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog egl-modale-disclaimer"> <div class="modal-content position-relative"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="position-absolute egl-mod-comm-closeIcon" style="z-index: 1"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <img loading="lazy" class="modale-close-disclaimer" src="/etc.clientlibs/enigaseluce/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/assets/7-icons-close-x.png" alt="chiudi-modale" /> </button> </span> <h2 class="modale-disclaimer-title">IMPORTANT NOTICE:</h2> <p class="modale-disclaimer-testo">The following applies to this document, the oral presentation of the information in this document by Eni Gas e Luce S.p.A. società benefit and its affiliates (the “Company”) or any person on behalf of the Company, and any question-and-answer session that follows the oral presentation (collectively, the “Information”). In accessing the Information, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. The Information may not be reproduced, redistributed, published or passed on to any other person, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, for any purpose. This document may not be removed from the premises. If this document has been received in error it must be returned immediately to the Company. The Information is not intended for potential investors and does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as an offer or the solicitation of an offer to subscribe for or purchase securities of the Company, and nothing contained therein shall form the basis of or be relied on in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. The Information has been prepared by the Company, and no other party accepts any responsibility whatsoever, or makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, for the contents of the Information, including its accuracy, completeness or verification or for any other statement made or purported to be made in connection with the Company and nothing in this document or at this presentation shall be relied upon as a promise or representation in this respect, whether as to the past or the future. The Information contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in the Information are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements give the Company’s current expectations and projections relating to its financial condition, results of operations, plans, objectives, future performance and business. These statements may include, without limitation, any statements preceded by, followed by or including words such as “target,” “believe,” “expect,” “aim,” “intend,” “may,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “plan,” “project,” “will,” “can have,” “likely,” “should,” “would,” “could” and other words and terms of similar meaning or the negative thereof. Such forwardlooking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors beyond the Company’s control that could cause the Company’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from the expected results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Company’s present and future business strategies and the environment in which it will operate in the future. No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the Information or the opinions 2 contained therein. The Information has not been independently verified and will not be updated. The Information, including but not limited to forward-looking statements, applies only as of the date of this document and is not intended to give any assurances as to future results. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to disseminate any updates or revisions to the Information, including any financial data or forward-looking statements, and will not publicly release any revisions it may make to the Information that may result from any change in the Company’s expectations, any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which these forward-looking statements are based, or other events or circumstances arising after the date of this document. Market data used in the Information not attributed to a specific source are estimates of the Company and have not been independently verified. </p> <div class="modale-disclaimer-bottom-buttons"> <button data-sly-test="" class="modale-disclaimer-button-left" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modale-disclaimer"> </button> <button data-sly-test="" class="modale-disclaimer-button-right" data-dismiss="modal" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#Modale-Carrello-Step" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false" onclick="openStartingStep()"> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> --> <!-- nuova modale --> <div class="modal callmeback-2 modalPDF" style="background-image: none;" id="transcript" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="transcript" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="callmeback2-dialog"> <div class="callmeback2-modal"> <div class="callmeback2-header"> <h2 tabindex="0">IMPORTANT NOTICE:</h2> <p tabindex="0" class="p18-egl">You must read the following information before continuing.</p> </div> <div class="callmeback2-body"> <div class="ipo-text"> The following applies to this document, the oral presentation of the information in this document by Eni Gas e Luce S.p.A. società benefit and its affiliates (the “Company”) or any person on behalf of the Company, and any question-and-answer session that follows the oral presentation (collectively, the “Information”). In accessing the Information, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. The Information may not be reproduced, redistributed, published or passed on to any other person, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, for any purpose. This document may not be removed from the premises. If this document has been received in error it must be returned immediately to the Company. The Information is not intended for potential investors and does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as an offer or the solicitation of an offer to subscribe for or purchase securities of the Company, and nothing contained therein shall form the basis of or be relied on in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. The Information has been prepared by the Company, and no other party accepts any responsibility whatsoever, or makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, for the contents of the Information, including its accuracy, completeness or verification or for any other statement made or purported to be made in connection with the Company and nothing in this document or at this presentation shall be relied upon as a promise or representation in this respect, whether as to the past or the future. The Information contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in the Information are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements give the Company’s current expectations and projections relating to its financial condition, results of operations, plans, objectives, future performance and business. These statements may include, without limitation, any statements preceded by, followed by or including words such as “target,” “believe,” “expect,” “aim,” “intend,” “may,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “plan,” “project,” “will,” “can have,” “likely,” “should,” “would,” “could” and other words and terms of similar meaning or the negative thereof. Such forwardlooking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors beyond the Company’s control that could cause the Company’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from the expected results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are based on numerous assumptions regarding the Company’s present and future business strategies and the environment in which it will operate in the future. No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the Information or the opinions 2 contained therein. The Information has not been independently verified and will not be updated. The Information, including but not limited to forward-looking statements, applies only as of the date of this document and is not intended to give any assurances as to future results. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to disseminate any updates or revisions to the Information, including any financial data or forward-looking statements, and will not publicly release any revisions it may make to the Information that may result from any change in the Company’s expectations, any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which these forward-looking statements are based, or other events or circumstances arising after the date of this document. Market data used in the Information not attributed to a specific source are estimates of the Company and have not been independently verified. </div> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center"> <button data-dismiss="modal" class="buttonlink-pleni-cta buttonlink-pleni-cta-white">NO</button> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/eng/presentation/Transcript-Plenitude-CMD-22-Nov-2021.pdf" target="_blank" class="buttonlink-pleni-cta">SÌ</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modale-disclaimer componentbase aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <!-- <div class="modal fade" id="modale-disclaimer" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="modale-disclaimer" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog egl-modale-disclaimer"> <div class="modal-content position-relative"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="position-absolute egl-mod-comm-closeIcon" style="z-index: 1"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <img loading="lazy" class="modale-close-disclaimer" src="/etc.clientlibs/enigaseluce/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/assets/7-icons-close-x.png" alt="chiudi-modale" /> </button> </span> <h2 class="modale-disclaimer-title">IMPORTANT NOTICE:</h2> <p class="modale-disclaimer-testo"><p>This document contains forward-looking statements regarding future events and the future results of Plenitude that are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections about the industries in which Plenitude operates and the beliefs and assumptions of the management of Plenitude. In addition, Plenitude’s management may make forward-looking statements orally to analysts, investors, representatives of the media and others. In particular, among other statements, certain statements with regard to management objectives, trends in results of operations, margins, costs, return on capital, risk management and competition are forward looking in nature. Words such as ‘expects’, ‘anticipates’, ‘targets’, ‘goals’, ‘projects’, ‘intends’, ‘plans’, ‘believes’, ‘seeks’, ‘estimates’, variations of such words, and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. Therefore, Plenitude’s actual results may differ materially and adversely from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, those discussed in Eni’s Annual Reports on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) under the section entitled “Risk factors” and in other sections. These factors include but are not limited to:</p> <p>‐ Strong competition worldwide to supply energy to the industrial, commercial and residential energy markets;<br /> ‐ Safety, security, environmental and other operational risks, and the costs and risks associated with the requirement to comply with related regulation, including regulation on GHG emissions;<br /> ‐ Material disruptions arising from political, social and economic instability, particularly in light of the areas in which Plenitude operates;<br /> ‐ Risks associated with the trading environment, competition, and demand and supply dynamics in the natural gas market;<br /> ‐ Laws and regulations related to climate change; ‐ Risks related to legal proceedings and compliance with anti-corruption legislation;<br /> ‐ Risks arising from potential future acquisitions; and<br /> ‐ Exposure to exchange rate, interest rate and credit risks.</p> <p> </p> <p>Any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Plenitude speak only as of the date they are made. Plenitude does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect any changes in Plenitude’s expectations with regard thereto or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. The reader should, however, consult any further disclosures Eni or Plenitude may make in documents it files with or furnishes to the SEC and Consob.</p> </p> <div class="modale-disclaimer-bottom-buttons"> <button data-sly-test="" class="modale-disclaimer-button-left" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modale-disclaimer"> </button> <button data-sly-test="" class="modale-disclaimer-button-right" data-dismiss="modal" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#Modale-Carrello-Step" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false" onclick="openStartingStep()"> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> --> <!-- nuova modale --> <div class="modal callmeback-2 modalPDF" style="background-image: none;" id="disclaimer" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="disclaimer" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="callmeback2-dialog"> <div class="callmeback2-modal"> <div class="callmeback2-header"> <h2 tabindex="0">IMPORTANT NOTICE:</h2> <p tabindex="0" class="p18-egl">You must read the following information before continuing.</p> </div> <div class="callmeback2-body"> <div class="ipo-text"> <p>This document contains forward-looking statements regarding future events and the future results of Plenitude that are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections about the industries in which Plenitude operates and the beliefs and assumptions of the management of Plenitude. In addition, Plenitude’s management may make forward-looking statements orally to analysts, investors, representatives of the media and others. In particular, among other statements, certain statements with regard to management objectives, trends in results of operations, margins, costs, return on capital, risk management and competition are forward looking in nature. Words such as ‘expects’, ‘anticipates’, ‘targets’, ‘goals’, ‘projects’, ‘intends’, ‘plans’, ‘believes’, ‘seeks’, ‘estimates’, variations of such words, and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. Therefore, Plenitude’s actual results may differ materially and adversely from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, those discussed in Eni’s Annual Reports on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) under the section entitled “Risk factors” and in other sections. These factors include but are not limited to:</p> <p>‐ Strong competition worldwide to supply energy to the industrial, commercial and residential energy markets;<br /> ‐ Safety, security, environmental and other operational risks, and the costs and risks associated with the requirement to comply with related regulation, including regulation on GHG emissions;<br /> ‐ Material disruptions arising from political, social and economic instability, particularly in light of the areas in which Plenitude operates;<br /> ‐ Risks associated with the trading environment, competition, and demand and supply dynamics in the natural gas market;<br /> ‐ Laws and regulations related to climate change; ‐ Risks related to legal proceedings and compliance with anti-corruption legislation;<br /> ‐ Risks arising from potential future acquisitions; and<br /> ‐ Exposure to exchange rate, interest rate and credit risks.</p> <p> </p> <p>Any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Plenitude speak only as of the date they are made. Plenitude does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect any changes in Plenitude’s expectations with regard thereto or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. The reader should, however, consult any further disclosures Eni or Plenitude may make in documents it files with or furnishes to the SEC and Consob.</p> </div> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center"> <button data-dismiss="modal" class="buttonlink-pleni-cta buttonlink-pleni-cta-white">NO</button> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/eng/presentation/new/Plenitude_corporate_presentation_2023.pdf" target="_blank" class="buttonlink-pleni-cta">Sì</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modale-disclaimer componentbase aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <!-- <div class="modal fade" id="modale-disclaimer" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="modale-disclaimer" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog egl-modale-disclaimer"> <div class="modal-content position-relative"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="position-absolute egl-mod-comm-closeIcon" style="z-index: 1"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <img loading="lazy" class="modale-close-disclaimer" src="/etc.clientlibs/enigaseluce/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/assets/7-icons-close-x.png" alt="chiudi-modale" /> </button> </span> <h2 class="modale-disclaimer-title">IMPORTANT NOTICE:</h2> <p class="modale-disclaimer-testo"><p>The information contained in this segment of the website is not intended for, and must not be accessed or distributed or disseminated to, persons resident or physically present in the United States (including its possessions and territories), United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan or any other jurisdiction in which it is unlawful to do so. The information also is not intended for, and must not be accessed or distributed or disseminated to persons resident or physically present in Italy who are not “Qualified Investors” (investitori qualificati), as defined in Article 2, letter e) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (the “Prospectus Regulation”) pursuant to Article 1, fourth paragraph, letter a) of the Prospectus Regulation as implemented in Italy by Article 35, paragraph 1, letter d) of CONSOB regulation No. 20307 of February 15, 2018.</p> <p>By clicking the button below labeled “Yes”, you are certifying that (A) you are not in the United States; (B) if you are in the European Economic Area, you are a “Qualified Investor”; (C) you are not accessing this portion of the website from the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada or Japan; (D) if you are a resident or physically present in Italy, you are a qualified investor as defined under the Prospectus Regulation as implemented in Italy by Article 35, paragraph 1, letter d) of CONSOB regulation No. 20307 of February 15, 2018; and (E) you are not located in a jurisdiction where it is unlawful to access this portion of the website.</p> <p>You acknowledge that the information and statements contained in the document you are accessing on this website speak only as of the date of such document (or such other date(s) specified therein), and such information and statements may become inaccurate, stale and/or out-of-date thereafter and should not be relied upon for any investment decision. You acknowledge that the materials on this website that you are accessing are confidential and intended only for you and you agree you will not forward, reproduce, copy, download or publish any of such materials (electronically or otherwise) to any other person if this is not in accordance with the law. You acknowledge that the access to information and documents contained on this portion of the website may be illegal in certain jurisdictions, and only certain categories of persons may be authorized to access this portion of the website. If you are not authorized to access the information and document contained on this portion of the website or you are not sure that you are permitted to view these materials, you should leave this portion of the website. You acknowledge that no registration or approval has been obtained and Eni Plenitude S.p.A. Società Benefit and its affiliates assume no responsibility if there is a violation of applicable law and regulation by any person. By clicking the button below labeled “Yes”, you are confirming that you have read and understood the disclaimer above. If you cannot so confirm, you must click the button labelled “No” or otherwise exit this portion of the website.</p> <p>You acknowledge that the information and statements contained in the document you are accessing on this website speak only as of the date of such document (or such other date(s) specified therein), and such information and statements may become inaccurate, stale and/or out-of-date thereafter and should not be relied upon for any investment decision.</p> <p>You acknowledge that the materials on this website that you are accessing are confidential and intended only for you and you agree you will not forward, reproduce, copy, download or publish any of such materials (electronically or otherwise) to any other person if this is not in accordance with the law.</p> <p>You acknowledge that the access to information and documents contained on this portion of the website may be illegal in certain jurisdictions, and only certain categories of persons may be authorized to access this portion of the website. If you are not authorized to access the information and document contained on this portion of the website or you are not sure that you are permitted to view these materials, you should leave this portion of the website.</p> <p>You acknowledge that no registration or approval has been obtained and Eni Plenitude S.p.A. Società Benefit and its affiliates assume no responsibility if there is a violation of applicable law and regulation by any person.</p> <p>By clicking the button below labeled “Yes”, you are confirming that you have read and understood the disclaimer above.</p> <p>If you cannot so confirm, you must click the button labelled “No” or otherwise exit this portion of the website.</p> </p> <div class="modale-disclaimer-bottom-buttons"> <button data-sly-test="" class="modale-disclaimer-button-left" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modale-disclaimer"> </button> <button data-sly-test="" class="modale-disclaimer-button-right" data-dismiss="modal" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#Modale-Carrello-Step" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false" onclick="openStartingStep()"> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> --> <!-- nuova modale --> <div class="modal callmeback-2 modalPDF" style="background-image: none;" id="duemilaventitude" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="duemilaventitude" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="callmeback2-dialog"> <div class="callmeback2-modal"> <div class="callmeback2-header"> <h2 tabindex="0">IMPORTANT NOTICE:</h2> <p tabindex="0" class="p18-egl">You must read the following information before continuing.</p> </div> <div class="callmeback2-body"> <div class="ipo-text"> <p>The information contained in this segment of the website is not intended for, and must not be accessed or distributed or disseminated to, persons resident or physically present in the United States (including its possessions and territories), United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan or any other jurisdiction in which it is unlawful to do so. The information also is not intended for, and must not be accessed or distributed or disseminated to persons resident or physically present in Italy who are not “Qualified Investors” (investitori qualificati), as defined in Article 2, letter e) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (the “Prospectus Regulation”) pursuant to Article 1, fourth paragraph, letter a) of the Prospectus Regulation as implemented in Italy by Article 35, paragraph 1, letter d) of CONSOB regulation No. 20307 of February 15, 2018.</p> <p>By clicking the button below labeled “Yes”, you are certifying that (A) you are not in the United States; (B) if you are in the European Economic Area, you are a “Qualified Investor”; (C) you are not accessing this portion of the website from the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada or Japan; (D) if you are a resident or physically present in Italy, you are a qualified investor as defined under the Prospectus Regulation as implemented in Italy by Article 35, paragraph 1, letter d) of CONSOB regulation No. 20307 of February 15, 2018; and (E) you are not located in a jurisdiction where it is unlawful to access this portion of the website.</p> <p>You acknowledge that the information and statements contained in the document you are accessing on this website speak only as of the date of such document (or such other date(s) specified therein), and such information and statements may become inaccurate, stale and/or out-of-date thereafter and should not be relied upon for any investment decision. You acknowledge that the materials on this website that you are accessing are confidential and intended only for you and you agree you will not forward, reproduce, copy, download or publish any of such materials (electronically or otherwise) to any other person if this is not in accordance with the law. You acknowledge that the access to information and documents contained on this portion of the website may be illegal in certain jurisdictions, and only certain categories of persons may be authorized to access this portion of the website. If you are not authorized to access the information and document contained on this portion of the website or you are not sure that you are permitted to view these materials, you should leave this portion of the website. You acknowledge that no registration or approval has been obtained and Eni Plenitude S.p.A. Società Benefit and its affiliates assume no responsibility if there is a violation of applicable law and regulation by any person. By clicking the button below labeled “Yes”, you are confirming that you have read and understood the disclaimer above. If you cannot so confirm, you must click the button labelled “No” or otherwise exit this portion of the website.</p> <p>You acknowledge that the information and statements contained in the document you are accessing on this website speak only as of the date of such document (or such other date(s) specified therein), and such information and statements may become inaccurate, stale and/or out-of-date thereafter and should not be relied upon for any investment decision.</p> <p>You acknowledge that the materials on this website that you are accessing are confidential and intended only for you and you agree you will not forward, reproduce, copy, download or publish any of such materials (electronically or otherwise) to any other person if this is not in accordance with the law.</p> <p>You acknowledge that the access to information and documents contained on this portion of the website may be illegal in certain jurisdictions, and only certain categories of persons may be authorized to access this portion of the website. If you are not authorized to access the information and document contained on this portion of the website or you are not sure that you are permitted to view these materials, you should leave this portion of the website.</p> <p>You acknowledge that no registration or approval has been obtained and Eni Plenitude S.p.A. Società Benefit and its affiliates assume no responsibility if there is a violation of applicable law and regulation by any person.</p> <p>By clicking the button below labeled “Yes”, you are confirming that you have read and understood the disclaimer above.</p> <p>If you cannot so confirm, you must click the button labelled “No” or otherwise exit this portion of the website.</p> </div> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center"> <button data-dismiss="modal" class="buttonlink-pleni-cta buttonlink-pleni-cta-white">NO</button> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/chi-siamo/archivio/plenitude-corporate-presentation2%20(1).pdf" target="_blank" class="buttonlink-pleni-cta">SÌ</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modale-disclaimer componentbase aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <!-- <div class="modal fade" id="modale-disclaimer" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="modale-disclaimer" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog egl-modale-disclaimer"> <div class="modal-content position-relative"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="position-absolute egl-mod-comm-closeIcon" style="z-index: 1"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <img loading="lazy" class="modale-close-disclaimer" src="/etc.clientlibs/enigaseluce/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/assets/7-icons-close-x.png" alt="chiudi-modale" /> </button> </span> <h2 class="modale-disclaimer-title">IMPORTANT NOTICE:</h2> <p class="modale-disclaimer-testo"><p>This document contains forward-looking statements regarding future events and the future results of Plenitude that are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections about the industries in which Plenitude operates and the beliefs and assumptions of the management of Plenitude. In addition, Plenitude’s management may make forward-looking statements orally to analysts, investors, representatives of the media and others. In particular, among other statements, certain statements with regard to management objectives, trends in results of operations, margins, costs, return on capital, risk management and competition are forward looking in nature. Words such as ‘expects’, ‘anticipates’, ‘targets’, ‘goals’, ‘projects’, ‘intends’, ‘plans’, ‘believes’, ‘seeks’, ‘estimates’, variations of such words, and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. Therefore, Plenitude’s actual results may differ materially and adversely from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, those discussed in Eni’s Annual Reports on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) under the section entitled “Risk factors” and in other sections.</p> <p>These factors include but are not limited to:</p> <p>‐ Strong competition worldwide to supply energy to the industrial, commercial and residential energy markets;<br /> ‐ Safety, security, environmental and other operational risks, and the costs and risks associated with the requirement to comply with related regulation, including regulation on GHG emissions;<br /> ‐ Material disruptions arising from political, social and economic instability, particularly in light of the areas in which Plenitude operates;<br /> ‐ Risks associated with the trading environment, competition, and demand and supply dynamics in the natural gas market;<br /> ‐ Laws and regulations related to climate change;<br /> ‐ Risks related to legal proceedings and compliance with anti-corruption legislation;<br /> ‐ Risks arising from potential future acquisitions; and<br /> ‐ Exposure to exchange rate, interest rate and credit risks.</p> <p>Any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Plenitude speak only as of the date they are made. Plenitude does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect any changes in Plenitude’s expectations with regard thereto or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. The reader should, however, consult any further disclosures Eni or Plenitude may make in documents it files with or furnishes to the SEC and Consob. The Company will issue its financial and operating targets for 2024 and its strategic plans at a Capital Markets Day scheduled on March 14, 2024.</p> <p>A press release summarizing the Group’s strategy and objectives will be issued on the same day and disseminated through the Company’s website and other public channels as required by applicable listing standards.</p> </p> <div class="modale-disclaimer-bottom-buttons"> <button data-sly-test="" class="modale-disclaimer-button-left" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modale-disclaimer"> </button> <button data-sly-test="" class="modale-disclaimer-button-right" data-dismiss="modal" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#Modale-Carrello-Step" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false" onclick="openStartingStep()"> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> --> <!-- nuova modale --> <div class="modal callmeback-2 modalPDF" style="background-image: none;" id="message" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="message" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="callmeback2-dialog"> <div class="callmeback2-modal"> <div class="callmeback2-header"> <h2 tabindex="0">IMPORTANT NOTICE:</h2> <p tabindex="0" class="p18-egl">You must read the following information before continuing.</p> </div> <div class="callmeback2-body"> <div class="ipo-text"> <p>This document contains forward-looking statements regarding future events and the future results of Plenitude that are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections about the industries in which Plenitude operates and the beliefs and assumptions of the management of Plenitude. In addition, Plenitude’s management may make forward-looking statements orally to analysts, investors, representatives of the media and others. In particular, among other statements, certain statements with regard to management objectives, trends in results of operations, margins, costs, return on capital, risk management and competition are forward looking in nature. Words such as ‘expects’, ‘anticipates’, ‘targets’, ‘goals’, ‘projects’, ‘intends’, ‘plans’, ‘believes’, ‘seeks’, ‘estimates’, variations of such words, and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. Therefore, Plenitude’s actual results may differ materially and adversely from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, those discussed in Eni’s Annual Reports on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) under the section entitled “Risk factors” and in other sections.</p> <p>These factors include but are not limited to:</p> <p>‐ Strong competition worldwide to supply energy to the industrial, commercial and residential energy markets;<br /> ‐ Safety, security, environmental and other operational risks, and the costs and risks associated with the requirement to comply with related regulation, including regulation on GHG emissions;<br /> ‐ Material disruptions arising from political, social and economic instability, particularly in light of the areas in which Plenitude operates;<br /> ‐ Risks associated with the trading environment, competition, and demand and supply dynamics in the natural gas market;<br /> ‐ Laws and regulations related to climate change;<br /> ‐ Risks related to legal proceedings and compliance with anti-corruption legislation;<br /> ‐ Risks arising from potential future acquisitions; and<br /> ‐ Exposure to exchange rate, interest rate and credit risks.</p> <p>Any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Plenitude speak only as of the date they are made. Plenitude does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect any changes in Plenitude’s expectations with regard thereto or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. The reader should, however, consult any further disclosures Eni or Plenitude may make in documents it files with or furnishes to the SEC and Consob. The Company will issue its financial and operating targets for 2024 and its strategic plans at a Capital Markets Day scheduled on March 14, 2024.</p> <p>A press release summarizing the Group’s strategy and objectives will be issued on the same day and disseminated through the Company’s website and other public channels as required by applicable listing standards.</p> </div> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center"> <button data-dismiss="modal" class="buttonlink-pleni-cta buttonlink-pleni-cta-white">NO</button> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/eng/presentation/new/october24/Plenitude_Corporate_presentation_2024_OCTOBER.pdf" target="_blank" class="buttonlink-pleni-cta">SÌ</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modale-disclaimer componentbase aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <!-- <div class="modal fade" id="modale-disclaimer" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="modale-disclaimer" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog egl-modale-disclaimer"> <div class="modal-content position-relative"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="position-absolute egl-mod-comm-closeIcon" style="z-index: 1"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <img loading="lazy" class="modale-close-disclaimer" src="/etc.clientlibs/enigaseluce/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/assets/7-icons-close-x.png" alt="chiudi-modale" /> </button> </span> <h2 class="modale-disclaimer-title">IMPORTANT NOTICE:</h2> <p class="modale-disclaimer-testo"><p>This document contains forward-looking statements regarding future events and the future results of Plenitude that are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections about the industries in which Plenitude operates and the beliefs and assumptions of the management of Plenitude. In addition, Plenitude’s management may make forward-looking statements orally to analysts, investors, representatives of the media and others. In particular, among other statements, certain statements with regard to management objectives, trends in results of operations, margins, costs, return on capital, risk management and competition are forward looking in nature. Words such as ‘expects’, ‘anticipates’, ‘targets’, ‘goals’, ‘projects’, ‘intends’, ‘plans’, ‘believes’, ‘seeks’, ‘estimates’, variations of such words, and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. Therefore, Plenitude’s actual results may differ materially and adversely from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, those discussed in Eni’s Annual Reports on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) under the section entitled “Risk factors” and in other sections.</p> <p>These factors include but are not limited to:</p> <p>‐ Strong competition worldwide to supply energy to the industrial, commercial and residential energy markets;<br /> ‐ Safety, security, environmental and other operational risks, and the costs and risks associated with the requirement to comply with related regulation, including regulation on GHG emissions;<br /> ‐ Material disruptions arising from political, social and economic instability, particularly in light of the areas in which Plenitude operates;<br /> ‐ Risks associated with the trading environment, competition, and demand and supply dynamics in the natural gas market;<br /> ‐ Laws and regulations related to climate change;<br /> ‐ Risks related to legal proceedings and compliance with anti-corruption legislation;<br /> ‐ Risks arising from potential future acquisitions; and<br /> ‐ Exposure to exchange rate, interest rate and credit risks.</p> <p>Any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Plenitude speak only as of the date they are made. Plenitude does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect any changes in Plenitude’s expectations with regard thereto or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. The reader should, however, consult any further disclosures Eni or Plenitude may make in documents it files with or furnishes to the SEC and Consob. The Company will issue its financial and operating targets for 2024 and its strategic plans at a Capital Markets Day scheduled on March 14, 2024.</p> <p>A press release summarizing the Group’s strategy and objectives will be issued on the same day and disseminated through the Company’s website and other public channels as required by applicable listing standards.</p> </p> <div class="modale-disclaimer-bottom-buttons"> <button data-sly-test="" class="modale-disclaimer-button-left" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modale-disclaimer"> </button> <button data-sly-test="" class="modale-disclaimer-button-right" data-dismiss="modal" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#Modale-Carrello-Step" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false" onclick="openStartingStep()"> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> --> <!-- nuova modale --> <div class="modal callmeback-2 modalPDF" style="background-image: none;" id="message2" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="message2" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="callmeback2-dialog"> <div class="callmeback2-modal"> <div class="callmeback2-header"> <h2 tabindex="0">IMPORTANT NOTICE:</h2> <p tabindex="0" class="p18-egl">You must read the following information before continuing.</p> </div> <div class="callmeback2-body"> <div class="ipo-text"> <p>This document contains forward-looking statements regarding future events and the future results of Plenitude that are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections about the industries in which Plenitude operates and the beliefs and assumptions of the management of Plenitude. In addition, Plenitude’s management may make forward-looking statements orally to analysts, investors, representatives of the media and others. In particular, among other statements, certain statements with regard to management objectives, trends in results of operations, margins, costs, return on capital, risk management and competition are forward looking in nature. Words such as ‘expects’, ‘anticipates’, ‘targets’, ‘goals’, ‘projects’, ‘intends’, ‘plans’, ‘believes’, ‘seeks’, ‘estimates’, variations of such words, and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. Therefore, Plenitude’s actual results may differ materially and adversely from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, those discussed in Eni’s Annual Reports on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) under the section entitled “Risk factors” and in other sections.</p> <p>These factors include but are not limited to:</p> <p>‐ Strong competition worldwide to supply energy to the industrial, commercial and residential energy markets;<br /> ‐ Safety, security, environmental and other operational risks, and the costs and risks associated with the requirement to comply with related regulation, including regulation on GHG emissions;<br /> ‐ Material disruptions arising from political, social and economic instability, particularly in light of the areas in which Plenitude operates;<br /> ‐ Risks associated with the trading environment, competition, and demand and supply dynamics in the natural gas market;<br /> ‐ Laws and regulations related to climate change;<br /> ‐ Risks related to legal proceedings and compliance with anti-corruption legislation;<br /> ‐ Risks arising from potential future acquisitions; and<br /> ‐ Exposure to exchange rate, interest rate and credit risks.</p> <p>Any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Plenitude speak only as of the date they are made. Plenitude does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect any changes in Plenitude’s expectations with regard thereto or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. The reader should, however, consult any further disclosures Eni or Plenitude may make in documents it files with or furnishes to the SEC and Consob. The Company will issue its financial and operating targets for 2024 and its strategic plans at a Capital Markets Day scheduled on March 14, 2024.</p> <p>A press release summarizing the Group’s strategy and objectives will be issued on the same day and disseminated through the Company’s website and other public channels as required by applicable listing standards.</p> </div> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center"> <button data-dismiss="modal" class="buttonlink-pleni-cta buttonlink-pleni-cta-white">NO</button> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/eng/presentation/new/1h24/Plenitude_1H24%20Results.pdf" target="_blank" class="buttonlink-pleni-cta">SÌ</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="modale-disclaimer componentbase aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <!-- <div class="modal fade" id="modale-disclaimer" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="modale-disclaimer" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog egl-modale-disclaimer"> <div class="modal-content position-relative"> <span aria-hidden="true" class="position-absolute egl-mod-comm-closeIcon" style="z-index: 1"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <img loading="lazy" class="modale-close-disclaimer" src="/etc.clientlibs/enigaseluce/clientlibs/clientlib-site/resources/assets/7-icons-close-x.png" alt="chiudi-modale" /> </button> </span> <h2 class="modale-disclaimer-title">IMPORTANT NOTICE:</h2> <p class="modale-disclaimer-testo"><p>This document contains forward-looking statements regarding future events and the future results of Plenitude that are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections about the industries in which Plenitude operates and the beliefs and assumptions of the management of Plenitude. In addition, Plenitude’s management may make forward-looking statements orally to analysts, investors, representatives of the media and others. In particular, among other statements, certain statements with regard to management objectives, trends in results of operations, margins, costs, return on capital, risk management and competition are forward looking in nature. Words such as ‘expects’, ‘anticipates’, ‘targets’, ‘goals’, ‘projects’, ‘intends’, ‘plans’, ‘believes’, ‘seeks’, ‘estimates’, variations of such words, and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. Therefore, Plenitude’s actual results may differ materially and adversely from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, those discussed in Eni’s Annual Reports on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) under the section entitled “Risk factors” and in other sections.</p> <p>These factors include but are not limited to:</p> <p>‐ Strong competition worldwide to supply energy to the industrial, commercial and residential energy markets;<br /> ‐ Safety, security, environmental and other operational risks, and the costs and risks associated with the requirement to comply with related regulation, including regulation on GHG emissions;<br /> ‐ Material disruptions arising from political, social and economic instability, particularly in light of the areas in which Plenitude operates;<br /> ‐ Risks associated with the trading environment, competition, and demand and supply dynamics in the natural gas market;<br /> ‐ Laws and regulations related to climate change;<br /> ‐ Risks related to legal proceedings and compliance with anti-corruption legislation;<br /> ‐ Risks arising from potential future acquisitions; and<br /> ‐ Exposure to exchange rate, interest rate and credit risks.</p> <p>Any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Plenitude speak only as of the date they are made. Plenitude does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect any changes in Plenitude’s expectations with regard thereto or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. The reader should, however, consult any further disclosures Eni or Plenitude may make in documents it files with or furnishes to the SEC and Consob. The Company will issue its financial and operating targets for 2024 and its strategic plans at a Capital Markets Day scheduled on March 14, 2024.</p> <p>A press release summarizing the Group’s strategy and objectives will be issued on the same day and disseminated through the Company’s website and other public channels as required by applicable listing standards.</p> </p> <div class="modale-disclaimer-bottom-buttons"> <button data-sly-test="" class="modale-disclaimer-button-left" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modale-disclaimer"> </button> <button data-sly-test="" class="modale-disclaimer-button-right" data-dismiss="modal" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#Modale-Carrello-Step" data-backdrop="static" data-keyboard="false" onclick="openStartingStep()"> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> --> <!-- nuova modale --> <div class="modal callmeback-2 modalPDF" style="background-image: none;" id="message3" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="message3" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="callmeback2-dialog"> <div class="callmeback2-modal"> <div class="callmeback2-header"> <h2 tabindex="0">IMPORTANT NOTICE:</h2> <p tabindex="0" class="p18-egl">You must read the following information before continuing.</p> </div> <div class="callmeback2-body"> <div class="ipo-text"> <p>This document contains forward-looking statements regarding future events and the future results of Plenitude that are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections about the industries in which Plenitude operates and the beliefs and assumptions of the management of Plenitude. In addition, Plenitude’s management may make forward-looking statements orally to analysts, investors, representatives of the media and others. In particular, among other statements, certain statements with regard to management objectives, trends in results of operations, margins, costs, return on capital, risk management and competition are forward looking in nature. Words such as ‘expects’, ‘anticipates’, ‘targets’, ‘goals’, ‘projects’, ‘intends’, ‘plans’, ‘believes’, ‘seeks’, ‘estimates’, variations of such words, and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. Therefore, Plenitude’s actual results may differ materially and adversely from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements. Factors that might cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, those discussed in Eni’s Annual Reports on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) under the section entitled “Risk factors” and in other sections.</p> <p>These factors include but are not limited to:</p> <p>‐ Strong competition worldwide to supply energy to the industrial, commercial and residential energy markets;<br /> ‐ Safety, security, environmental and other operational risks, and the costs and risks associated with the requirement to comply with related regulation, including regulation on GHG emissions;<br /> ‐ Material disruptions arising from political, social and economic instability, particularly in light of the areas in which Plenitude operates;<br /> ‐ Risks associated with the trading environment, competition, and demand and supply dynamics in the natural gas market;<br /> ‐ Laws and regulations related to climate change;<br /> ‐ Risks related to legal proceedings and compliance with anti-corruption legislation;<br /> ‐ Risks arising from potential future acquisitions; and<br /> ‐ Exposure to exchange rate, interest rate and credit risks.</p> <p>Any forward-looking statements made by or on behalf of Plenitude speak only as of the date they are made. Plenitude does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect any changes in Plenitude’s expectations with regard thereto or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. The reader should, however, consult any further disclosures Eni or Plenitude may make in documents it files with or furnishes to the SEC and Consob. The Company will issue its financial and operating targets for 2024 and its strategic plans at a Capital Markets Day scheduled on March 14, 2024.</p> <p>A press release summarizing the Group’s strategy and objectives will be issued on the same day and disseminated through the Company’s website and other public channels as required by applicable listing standards.</p> </div> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center"> <button data-dismiss="modal" class="buttonlink-pleni-cta buttonlink-pleni-cta-white">NO</button> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/eng/presentation/new/9m24/Plenitude_9M24_results_sito.pdf" target="_blank" class="buttonlink-pleni-cta">SÌ</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- INIZIO FOOTER DSKTP --> <div class="container-fluid d-none d-lg-block egl-footer-container"> <div class="row bg-dark-footer"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-2"> <img src="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/img/logo/plenitude/new/logo_orizzontale.svg" class="egl-logo" alt="Logo di Plenitude"/> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- CONTENUTO FOOTER --> <div class="row bg-grey-footer"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-3 prima-colonna"> <div class="egl-footer-container egl-footer-container-contenuto"> <div class="egl-footer-title egl-footer-component"> PLENITUDE </div> <!-- FOOTER LINK --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="egl-footer-link egl-footer-component"> <a href="/it/chi-siamo/la-nostra-identita" target="_self" title="Chi siamo">Chi siamo</a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- FOOTER TEXT --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="egl-footer-text egl-footer-component"> <p>Eni Plenitude S.p.A. Società Benefit</p> <p>Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento di Eni S.p.A.</p> <p>Sede Sociale: Via Giovanni Lorenzini, 4<br /> 20139 Milano (MI)</p> <p>Capitale Sociale<br /> € 833.135.092,00 i.v<br /> </p> <p>Registro Imprese di Milano - Monza-Brianza -<br /> Lodi, Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 12300020158 -<br /> R.E.A.Milano n.1544762</p> <p>Codice LEI: 81560041C853AE5B9057<br /> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-3"> <div class="egl-footer-container egl-footer-container-contenuto"> <div class="egl-footer-title egl-footer-component"> LINK UTILI </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="egl-footer-link egl-footer-component"> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/chi-siamo/Modello_231_Eni_Plenitude-Parte_Generale.pdf" target="_blank" title="Modello 231">Modello 231</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="egl-footer-link egl-footer-component"> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/footer/codice_etico_eni.pdf" target="_blank" title="Codice Etico">Codice Etico</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="egl-footer-link egl-footer-component"> <a href="/it/media/documenti#whistle" target="_blank" title="Whistleblowing – gestione delle segnalazioni">Whistleblowing – gestione delle segnalazioni</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="egl-footer-link egl-footer-component"> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/footer/MSG-ANTI-CORRUZIONE.pdf" target="_blank" title="MSG Anti-Corruzione">MSG Anti-Corruzione</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="egl-footer-link egl-footer-component"> <a href="/it/politiche-hse" target="_self" title="Politiche HSE">Politica HSE</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12"> <div class="egl-footer-link egl-footer-component"> <a target="_self" title="Società iscritta al Registro Unico degli intermediari (RUI) n. 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Società Benefit</p> <p>Società soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento di Eni S.p.A.</p> <p>Sede Sociale: Via Giovanni Lorenzini, 4<br /> 20139 Milano (MI)</p> <p>Capitale Sociale<br /> € 833.135.092,00 i.v<br /> </p> <p>Registro Imprese di Milano - Monza-Brianza -<br /> Lodi, Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 12300020158 -<br /> R.E.A.Milano n.1544762</p> <p>Codice LEI: 81560041C853AE5B9057<br /> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card"> <div class="card-header" id="heading1"> <h2 class="mb-0"> <button class=" btn btn-link btn-block text-left egl-footer-accordion-button collapsed " type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse1" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse1" aria-label="espandi-contenuto" onclick="checkAriaLabelAccordion('.egl-footer-accordion-button')"> LINK UTILI </button> </h2> </div> <div id="collapse1" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="heading1" data-parent="#accordionExample"> <div class="card-body egl-footer-accordion-card-body"> <div class="egl-footer-link"> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/chi-siamo/Modello_231_Eni_Plenitude-Parte_Generale.pdf" target="_blank" title="Modello 231">Modello 231</a> </div> <div class="egl-footer-link"> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/footer/codice_etico_eni.pdf" target="_blank" title="Codice Etico">Codice Etico</a> </div> <div class="egl-footer-link"> <a href="/it/media/documenti#whistle" target="_blank" title="Whistleblowing – gestione delle segnalazioni">Whistleblowing – gestione delle segnalazioni</a> </div> <div class="egl-footer-link"> <a href="/content/dam/corporateeniplenitude/documenti/ita/footer/MSG-ANTI-CORRUZIONE.pdf" target="_blank" title="MSG Anti-Corruzione">MSG Anti-Corruzione</a> </div> <div class="egl-footer-link"> <a href="/it/politiche-hse" target="_self" title="Politiche HSE">Politica HSE</a> </div> <div class="egl-footer-link"> <a target="_self" title="Società iscritta al Registro Unico degli intermediari (RUI) n. 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