License Agreement | Semantic Scholar Academic Graph API
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This Agreement governs your use of the API available at <a href=""></a> and other software application tools (collectively, “<strong>API</strong>”) that AI2 provides or makes available in connection with Semantic Scholar™ and related programs, products, or services (collectively, “<strong>S2</strong>”).</p></div><img src="" loading="lazy" id="w-node-_179452f3-5b09-4dcd-9f02-2840ac3170d7-287a8923" alt="Logo for Semantic Scholar Academic Graph API"/></div></section><section class="blade blade--white blade--collapsed"><div class="blade__content"><div id="w-node-da468da1-4249-d2be-baa0-fc6155b5cd4c-287a8923" class="blade__grid blade__grid--full"><p class="p__intro"> If you access, download, or use the API, you hereby accept and agree and bind your organization to this Agreement and consent to AI2’s <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>. You further agree to comply with the <a href="">AI2 Business Partner Code of Conduct</a>. You represent and warrant that you have the full right, power, and authority to consent to and enter into this Agreement.<br/><br/>If you do not agree, you may not access or use the API, or otherwise discontinue all use of the API as your sole and exclusive remedy. If there is a separate agreement regarding your use of any Applications signed by authorized representatives of both AI2 and Licensee (“<strong>Related Agreement</strong>”), such terms will also govern and supplement this Agreement.<br/><br/>AI2 may modify or amend this Agreement at any time and will provide notice of any such changes by updating the “last updated” date on this page. Your continued use of the Applications after any such changes will constitute your acceptance and agreement to the updated terms. </p></div></div></section><section class="blade"><div class="blade__content"><div class="blade__grid blade__grid--full"><ol role="list"><li><p><strong class="bold-underlined">API License</strong>. AI2 grants to you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and terminable license to use the API solely in operation with compatible third-party platforms and software (“<strong>Third-Party Products</strong>”) to access and display the data, datasets, content, and materials that AI2 makes available to S2 users on <a href=""></a> (collectively, “<strong>S2 Data</strong>”) in accordance with the API documentation and this Agreement.</p><ol role="list" class="list--alpha"><li>API Key: If Licensee is provided a unique identifier to authenticate the API (“<strong>API Key</strong>”), you will not disclose or provide the API Key to anyone else other than to the employees, contractors, and agents authorized by Licensee to use the API for its organization (“<strong>Authorized Users</strong>”). If you would like to use the API for any other purpose than as expressly permitted herein, please submit a request using the contact form at <a href=""></a>.</li><li>Third-Party Products: All Third-Party Products are separately governed by the third party’s terms and conditions (“<strong>Third Party Terms</strong>”). Licensee is solely responsible for complying with Third Party Terms and verifying that use of the API with any Third-Party Products does not violate or conflict with the Third Party Terms or Licensee’s obligations herein. AI2 will have no liability for any Third-Party Products and will not be responsible for addressing any technical or other issues arising from Licensee’s use of any Third-Party Products. </li></ol></li><li><strong class="bold-underlined">S2 Data</strong>. Licensee’s use of S2 Data accessed via the API are separately governed by the licenses that accompany such S2 Data, such as <a href="">CC BY-NC</a> or <a href="">ODC-BY</a> (“<strong>S2 Data Licenses</strong>”). Further, S2 Data includes third party content and materials, such as open access works from publicly available sources, works under a public use license (e.g., Creative Commons), and works licensed by AI2 from others (collectively, “<strong>Third Party Content</strong>”). In addition to the S2 Data Licenses, any underlying Third Party Content may be subject to separate license terms by the respective third party owner. Licensee agrees to use S2 Data in compliance with the S2 Data Licenses and the licenses that govern any Third Party Content. </li><li><p><strong class="bold-underlined">Licensee Data</strong>. AI2 will use the data and information that Licensee provides and transmits to call or use the API (“Licensee Data”) for the purpose of providing and improving the API, S2 Data, and S2. Licensee will own its Licensee Data.</p><ol role="list" class="list--alpha"><li><strong>Aggregated Statistics</strong>. AI2 may collect information about Licensee and Authorized Users in connection with the use of the API, including without limitation, user visit, session, impression, click-through, or click-stream data, and any statistical or other analysis, information or data based on or derived from the foregoing (“<strong>Usage Data</strong>”). AI2 may monitor Licensee's use of the API, and compile Usage Data in an aggregate and anonymized manner, such as for statistical and performance information related to the provision and operation of the API (“<strong>Aggregated Statistics</strong>”). Licensee agrees that AI2 may use Aggregated Statistics in any manner and make them publicly available.</li></ol></li><li><strong class="bold-underlined">Attribution</strong>. Licensee will include an attribution to “Semantic Scholar” on its website or in any published materials for contributions from S2 through Licensee’s use of the API and/or S2 Data. For scientific publications prepared by Licensee using the API to produce results, Licensee will cite to <a href="">The Semantic Scholar Open Data Platform</a>. If Licensee uses the SEMANTIC SCHOLAR trademark and logo (“<strong>S2 Marks</strong>”) on any public displays of S2 Data, all such use will be in accordance with AI2’s branding requirements. Subject to the foregoing, AI2 hereby grants to Licensee a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and terminable license to use the S2 Marks solely on public displays of S2 Data via Licensee’s use of the API. Licensee will comply with any other written instructions provided by AI2 and will promptly correct or take down any use of S2 Marks upon AI2’s request. All goodwill arising from Licensee’s use of S2 Marks will inure solely to AI2’s benefit. This Agreement does not grant Licensee any right or license to use any other trade names or trademarks of AI2 or its affiliated entities without prior written approval by an authorized representative of AI2.</li><li><p><strong class="bold-underlined">API Features.</strong> AI2 will use commercially reasonable efforts to make the API and S2 Data available. Unless otherwise expressly set forth in a Related Agreement, Licensee’s use of the API is “at will” and may be terminated by AI2 any time for any reason in AI2’s sole discretion without notice or liability. Any feature or functionality of the API is subject to change, and AI2 may add, remove, change, suspend, discontinue, or make any updates, modifications, enhancements, bug fixes, patches, or other error corrections to the API in its sole discretion.</p><ol role="list" class="list--alpha"><li><strong>Rate Limits.</strong> You will not attempt to exceed or circumvent limitations on access, calls, and use of the API ("<strong>Rate Limits</strong>"). If you exceed the Rate Limits or AI2 reasonably believes that you have attempted to circumvent Rate Limits or any technical controls implemented to limit use of the API, then AI2 may temporarily suspend or permanently disable your use of the API.</li><li><strong>Suspension.</strong> AI2 may monitor your use of the API to improve the service and to ensure your compliance with this Agreement. AI2 may limit, disable, or suspend Licensee's and any Authorized User's access or use of the API if AI2 reasonably believes Licensee or any Authorized User has breached any provision of this Agreement. In addition, AI2 may take any action necessary to investigate, mitigate or address any suspected or actual security threats, fraud, illegal activities, and excessive bandwidth usage, in which AI2 may throttle use until consumption is reduced. AI2 will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide notice of any suspension and resume access as soon as the cause of the suspension event has been cured. </li><li><strong>End of Life. </strong> If any API feature or functionality will no longer be compatible, available for download, or supported, AI2 will provide any such information at <a href=""></a>. If AI2 discontinues or sunsets the API entirely, AI2 will either provide an alternate application with comparable functionality or provide at least sixty (60) days’ notice of its termination.</li><li><strong>Support.</strong> If you encounter any bugs, errors, or technical issues with the API, please contact <a href=""></a>. AI2 will determine whether to address or resolve any reported issues in its sole discretion. </li></ol></li><li><p><strong class="bold-underlined">Use Restrictions.</strong> Licensee is solely responsible for all acts and omissions by Authorized Users. Any breach of this Agreement by an Authorized User will be deemed as a breach by Licensee. Except as otherwise expressly set forth in this Agreement or Related Agreement, Licensee will not (and will not attempt, assist, or enable others to):</p><ol role="list" class="list--alpha"><li>repackage, sell, rent, lease, lend, distribute, or sublicense the API;</li><li>use the API and/or S2 Data in violation of applicable laws;</li><li>infringe, misappropriate or violate the rights of third parties;</li><li>remove any copyright, trademark or other legal notices that accompany the API and S2 Data;</li><li>use the API in any manner that could potentially undermine the security of S2, the API, and S2 Data accessed, stored, or transmitted through the API;</li><li>use the API in a way that exceeds reasonable request volume, constitutes abusive usage, or that is otherwise inconsistent with the Documentation;</li><li>interfere with, contravene, or disrupt AI2 servers or networks connected to the API;</li><li>transmit any harmful or malicious software, viruses, worms, defects, or Trojan horses;</li><li>copy, adapt, reformat, reverse-engineer, disassemble, decompile, or otherwise modify the API or S2, except to the extent such restrictions are prohibited by law; and </li><li>utilize the API to spam third parties, including to send altered, deceptive, or false source-identifying information, “spoofing” or “phishing” attempts, or any auto-responder type use in connection with unsolicited communications or advertising.</li></ol></li><li><strong class="bold-underlined">Intellectual Property Rights</strong>. AI2 and its licensors own and will retain all right, title, and interest in and to S2, including all platforms, software, source code, algorithms, programs, websites, databases, modifications, and derivative works thereof, S2 Data, Usage Data, and Aggregated Statistics (but excluding any Licensee Data therein), together with all copyright, trademark, patent, and other proprietary and intellectual property rights thereof (collectively, “<strong>Company IP</strong>”). Except for the license granted in Section 1 or as expressly granted in a Related Agreement, this Agreement does not transfer, assign, or convey to Licensee any rights or exclusivity to any Company IP. AI2 reserves all rights not expressly granted in this Agreement.</li><li><strong class="bold-underlined">Confidentiality</strong>. “<strong>Confidential Information</strong>” means any non-public information about a party’s products, services, or business in any form or medium that a reasonable person should understand to be confidential under the circumstances of disclosure (collectively, "<strong>Confidential Information</strong>"). Confidential Information does not include information that at the time of disclosure is: (a) in the public domain; (b) known to the receiving party at the time of disclosure without an obligation of confidentiality; (c) rightfully obtained by the receiving party on a non-confidential basis from a third party; or (d) independently developed by the receiving party. Licensee will not provide AI2 with any Confidential Information belonging to a third party unless Licensee first informs AI2 in writing and both AI2 and the third-party owner consent to Licensee’s disclosure and use. <br/>The receiving party will not disclose the disclosing party’s Confidential Information to any person or entity, except to the receiving party’s employees or contractors who have a need to know the Confidential Information and who are bound by confidentiality obligations no less restrictive than the terms herein. The receiving party will safeguard the disclosing party’s Confidential Information in the same manner as it safeguards its own Confidential Information of a similar nature, but no less than a reasonable standard of care. The receiving party may disclose the disclosing party’s Confidential Information to the limited extent required to (i) comply with a court order, government authority, or as necessary to comply with applicable law, provided that the receiving party will first provide written notice and reasonably cooperate with the disclosing party to limit the scope of disclosure, or (ii) to establish its rights under this Agreement, including to make required court filings. <br/>Upon termination of this Agreement, the receiving party will promptly return or destroy all copies and materials containing the disclosing party’s Confidential Information. The receiving party will certify in writing to the disclosing party that such Confidential Information has been destroyed upon the disclosing party’s request. Upon termination of this Agreement, the parties’ confidentiality obligations herein will survive for a period of five (5) years, provided that anything that constitutes a trade secret under applicable laws will survive in perpetuity until it is no longer deemed a trade secret under applicable laws.</li><li><strong class="bold-underlined">Feedback; Publicity.</strong> Any solicited or unsolicited feedback, suggestions, ideas, comments, improvements, or other input about the API (collectively, “<strong>Feedback</strong>”) that Licensee or Authorized Users provide to AI2 is voluntary. AI2 may use Feedback for any purpose whatsoever, without notice, restrictions, confidentiality obligations or liabilities of any kind. AI2 may reference your name and organization in marketing materials in connection with the API and S2.</li><li><strong class="bold-underlined">Disclaimer.</strong> THE API IS MADE AVAILABLE TO YOU ON AN “AS IS,” “WITH ALL FAULTS,” AND “AS AVAILABLE” BASIS. AS SUCH, YOUR USE OF THE API IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK AND DISCRETION. AI2 MAKES NO CLAIMS OR PROMISES ABOUT THE QUALITY, ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS OR RELIABILITY OF THE API, DOCUMENTATION, OR S2 DATA, NOR THAT THEY WILL ACHIEVE ANY INTENDED RESULT, BE COMPATIBLE WITH OTHER SOFTWARE (INCLUDING THIRD-PARTY PRODUCTS), OR BE ERROR FREE. AI2, ITS AFFILIATED ENTITIES AND LICENSORS ARE NOT LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE THAT MIGHT ARISE, FOR EXAMPLE, FROM THE INOPERABILITY OR UNAVAILABILITY OF THE API OR S2 DATA. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AI2 HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE.</li><li><strong class="bold-underlined">Indemnification.</strong> Licensee will defend (at AI2’s option), indemnify and hold harmless AI2, its affiliated entities, and their owners, directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives from and against any third party claims, actions, demands, costs, damages, liabilities and legal fees incurred by AI2 arising from: (a) Licensee’s breach of any representation, warranty or obligation under this Agreement, (b) the negligence or willful misconduct of Licensee or any Authorized User, (c) use of Company IP in any manner not expressly authorized under this Agreement, including in combination with third party data, software, hardware and technology not provided by AI2 or approved in writing by an authorized representative of AI2, (d) AI2’s use of Licensee Data in accordance with this Agreement, and/or (e) Licensee’s violation of applicable laws. Licensee may not settle any claim against AI2 unless AI2 consents to such settlement, and further provided that AI2 will have the right, at its option, to defend itself against any such claim or to participate in the defense thereof by counsel of its own choice.</li><li><strong class="bold-underlined">Limitation of Liability.</strong> TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, AND EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN A RELATED AGREEMENT, IN NO EVENT WILL AI2, ITS AFFILIATES, LICENSORS, OR THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO LICENSEE OR TO ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES OR FOR THE COST OF PROCURING SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATING TO OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY THEREOF AND REGARDLESS OF THE LEGAL OR EQUITABLE THEORY (CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE) UPON WHICH THE CLAIM IS BASED. IN NO EVENT WILL AI2’S AGGREGATE LIABILITY FOR DIRECT DAMAGES, FROM ALL CAUSES OF ACTION AND UNDER ALL THEORIES OF LIABILITY, EXCEED ONE HUNDRED US DOLLARS ($100).</li><li><strong class="bold-underlined">Termination.</strong> This Agreement will remain in effect until either Licensee or AI2 terminates Licensee’s use of the API. Upon termination, all licenses granted herein will immediately terminate and Licensee will cease all use of the API. In the event of any termination, all terms and provisions reasonably interpreted to survive termination will survive, including without limitation: liabilities accrued before the termination date, and the provisions of this Agreement concerning proprietary rights, indemnity, disclaimers of warranty, limitation of liability, and governing law.</li><li><strong class="bold-underlined">Governing Law.</strong> This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Washington, without regard to its choice of law or conflict of laws principles. Any disputes under this Agreement will be resolved in a court of general jurisdiction in King County, Washington. You hereby expressly agree to submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of this jurisdiction for the purpose of resolving any dispute related to this Agreement.</li><li><strong class="bold-underlined">Export Control; Compliance.</strong> Licensee and Authorized Users will comply with all applicable laws for any use of the API and S2 Data, including but not limited to, local, state, and federal laws and regulations of the United States as well as the laws of the country where Licensee and Authorized Users are located. The API utilizes software and technology that may be subject to US export control laws, including the US Export Administration Act and its associated regulations. Licensee and Authorized Users will not directly or indirectly export, re-export, or release or make accessible the API to or from any jurisdiction prohibited by applicable laws and will obtain any required export licenses or government approvals for use outside the US.</li><li><strong class="bold-underlined">US Government Licensee.</strong> Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, if Licensee is an agency, instrumentality, or department of the federal government of the United States, then this Agreement will be governed exclusively in accordance with US federal laws of in an appropriate venue. Further, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, terms that include indemnifications and warranties, acceptances of and/or limitations of or releases of liabilities, and terms concerning claims, demands, complaints and disputes will be subject to and limited by the Contract Disputes Act (41 U.S.C. §§601-613), the Tucker Act (28U.S.C. § 1346(a) and § 1491), or the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. §§ 346(b), 2401-2402, 2671-2672, 2674-2680) or other applicable governing authority. Specific legal remedies or limitations thereof, or limitations of or acceptance of liabilities cited herein are subject to those traditionally available in lawsuits against the Federal government and/or are specifically permitted by Federal law. Agreements are renewed only upon acceptance. Any additional terms or conditions, future modifications to such or documents incorporated by reference, attached as exhibits or other attachments now or at any future date are subject to this clause. No funds are obligated by this Agreement and any fines, penalties or fees will not apply. All confidentiality provisions or use of information provisions contained herein are subject to the provisions of Federal law, including the Freedom of information Act, the Whistleblower Protection Act (hereby incorporated herein) and other pertinent Federal laws and regulations governing confidential or proprietary or otherwise protected information.</li><li><strong class="bold-underlined">Miscellaneous.</strong> Licensee may not transfer or assign this Agreement, in whole or in part, without AI2’s prior written consent issued by an authorized representative of AI2. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any term or provision of this Agreement invalid or unenforceable, it will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and all other terms and provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. This Agreement, together with any Related Agreements, Documentation and other AI2 policies, guides and terms incorporated by reference herein, constitute the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings and agreements, both written and oral. 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