Localized surface plasmon studies on Au@Ag cuboids by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). Application to SERS experiments.

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Application to SERS experiments.</title> </head> <body> <div id="page"> <div id="page_header"> <div id="page_header_banner"> <div class="dates"> <div class="year"> 2018, </div> <div class="days"> 1st - 3rd October </div> </div> <div class="name"> <a href="" onclick=",'_blank');return false;">Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics International Conference 2018</a> </div> <div class="description"> <div class="dots"> <a href="" onclick=",'_blank');return false;"><img src="/nanop2018/img/template/exordo_dots.png" height="22" width="61" alt="Ex Ordo Dots" /></a> </div> <div class="text"> <a href="/nanop2018/dashboard/programme/" >Conference Programme</a> </div> <div class="status"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="page_content"> <div id="page_content_main_container"> <div class="page_content_main"> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ // Show the long version of the abstract function showAbstract(id) { document.getElementById('abstract_short_' + id).style.display = "none"; document.getElementById('abstract_long_' + id).style.display = "block"; return false; } /* ]]> */ </script> <style> h1 { font-size: 18pt; line-height: 32px; margin: 20px 0px 10px; } </style> <div class="delegate__presentation"> <h1>Localized surface plasmon studies on Au@Ag cuboids by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). Application to SERS experiments.</h1> <h2>Abstract</h2> <div id="abstract_short_1"> <p>    The plasmonic response of metallic nanoparticles is frequently characterized using far-field and near-field optical techniques. Although these techniques are commonly used to investigate localized surface plasmon (LSP)... [ <a href="/nanop2018/" onclick="return showAbstract('1');">view full abstract</a> ] </p> </div> <div id="abstract_long_1" style="display:none;"> <p> <p>   The plasmonic response of metallic nanoparticles is frequently characterized using far-field and near-field optical techniques. Although these techniques are commonly used to investigate localized surface plasmon (LSP) modes, some relevant information cannot be provided such as dark modes (using for instance dark-field or extinction spectroscopies), or are limited by the spatial resolution to a few tens of nanometres using Near-field scanning optical microscopies. In this context, electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) appears as a great tool, capable of probing bright and dark plasmonic modes at unprecedented spatial resolutions [1]. In particular, dark modes have great promise due to a strong confinement of energy.  As a result of their vanishing dipole moments, inducing an inhibition of radiative losses, dark modes can store electromagnetic energy [2]. Such modes make them ideal candidates for surface enhanced spectroscopies such as surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) applications. <br></p><p> In this work, LSP mapping of Au@Ag cuboids are investigated by EELS. Different configurations of cuboids dimers are considered: end to end assembly, T and L shapes (Fig. 1, left). EELS mapping reveals LSP modes at various energies, including bright and dark modes, in excellent agreement with simulations done with the MNPBEM tool-box (Fig. 1, right) [3]. Captured by EELS, those modes should be a source of strong local electromagnetic field, of high interest in the context of SERS experiments. </p><p></p><p>Fig. 1. (left): SEM images of different configurations of Au@Ag nanorod dimers end to end assembly, T and L shapes; (right) experimental and calculated EELS mapping of a Au@Ag nanorods dimer end to end at 1.37 eV.</p><p></p><p>[1]  Nelayah, J., Kociak, M., Stéphan, O., de Abajo, F.J.G., Tencé, M., Henrard, L., Taverna, D., Pastoriza-Santos, I., Liz-Marzán, L.M. and Colliex, C., 2007. Mapping surface plasmons on a single metallic nanoparticle. <em>Nature Physics</em>, <em>3</em>(5), p.348.</p><p>[2] Bosman, M., Keast, V.J., Watanabe, M., Maaroof, A.I. and Cortie, M.B., 2007. Mapping surface plasmons at the nanometre scale with an electron beam. <em>Nanotechnology</em>, <em>18</em>(16), p.165505.</p><p>[3] F. P. Schmidt, H. Ditlbacher, A. Hohenau, U. Hohenester, F. Hofer, and J.R. Krenn “Edge Mode Coupling within a Plasmonic Nanoparticle”, NanoLetters, 16, 5152 (2016).<br></p><p><br></p><p></p><br><p>       <br></p><p><br></p> </p> </div> <h2>Authors</h2> <ol> <li> Israa Haidar (Université Paris Diderot) </li> <li> Guillaume Radtke (university Pierre et Marie Curie) </li> <li> Markus Krug (University Karl Franzens) </li> <li> Andreas Hohneau (University Karl Franzens) </li> <li> Viktor Kapetanovic (Mc Master University) </li> <li> Joachim. R. Krenn (University Karl Franzens) </li> <li> Matthieu Bugnet (McMaster University / UCBL Lyon 1) </li> <li> Gianluigi Botton (Mc Master University) </li> <li> Leïla Boubekeur-lecaque (University Paris Diderot) </li> <li> <u>Nordin Felidj</u> (University Paris Diderot) </li> </ol> <h2>Topic Areas</h2> <p> Optical properties of nanostructures , Enhanced spectroscopy and sensing </p> <h2>Session</h2> <p> OS3b-A &raquo; <a href="/nanop2018/delegates/session/27/" >Enhanced spectroscopy and sensing</a> (16:40 - Wednesday, 3rd October, AUDITORIUM) </p> <div class="presentation_files"> <h2>Presentation Files</h2> <p>The presenter has not uploaded any presentation files. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="page_content_side_container"> <div class="page_content_side"> <div class="menu"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div id="page_footer"> <div id="page_footer_container"> <div class="links"> <a href="" >Email Support</a> &bull; <a href="" onclick=",'_blank');return false;">Blog</a> &bull; <a href="" onclick=",'_blank');return false;">Privacy Policy</a> &bull; <a href="/nanop2018/cancellation-policy" >Cancellation Policy</a> </div> <div class="powered_by"> <div class="pb"> powered by </div> <div class="exordo"> <a href="" onclick=",'_blank');return false;"><img src="/nanop2018/img/template/exordo_logo.png" height="24" width="121" alt="Ex Ordo" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="url" style="display: none; text-indent: -999em;"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="/nanop2018/packages/starolas/js/is_syncing.js"></script> </body> </html>

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