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We recently made changes to the <em>Marine Liability Act</em> to make sure all eligible claims from any spill can be fully compensated.</p><p>We’re always working to improve our system for marine liability and compensation to better protect Canadians and we want to hear from you.</p><p>We’d like you to tell us how an oil spill caused by a ship could cause damage or losses to your community.</p><p>We’re especially interested in learning about losses or damages that don’t have an easily identified economic impact. Examples could include long-term impacts on the environment, resources or local culture.</p><p>Right now, eligible claims for compensation include:</p><ul><li>Spill response</li><li>Environmental remediation</li><li>Property damage</li><li>Economic losses experienced in affected sectors like fishing and tourism</li><li>Costs related to losing access to traditional food sources</li></ul><p>You can ask us any questions you have at: <a href=""></a>.</p><p><a href=""><strong>Click on this link</strong></a><strong> to view a graphic that shows the types of losses eligible for compensation if a ship spills oil in Canadian waters.</strong></p><p><strong>Answer the discussion questions below and tell us how we could better protect Canada’s coastal communities from the impacts of oil spills from ships.</strong></p></div><div class="full-description hide"><p>In Canada, the polluter pays for losses or damage caused by oil spills from ships.</p><p>This is part of Canada’s rules and regulations for marine liability and compensation. We recently made changes to the <em>Marine Liability Act</em> to make sure all eligible claims from any spill can be fully compensated.</p><p>We’re always working to improve our system for marine liability and compensation to better protect Canadians and we want to hear from you.</p><p>We’d like you to tell us how an oil spill caused by a ship could cause damage or losses to your community.</p><p>We’re especially interested in learning about losses or damages that don’t have an easily identified economic impact. Examples could include long-term impacts on the environment, resources or local culture.</p><p>Right now, eligible claims for compensation include:</p><ul><li>Spill response</li><li>Environmental remediation</li><li>Property damage</li><li>Economic losses experienced in affected sectors like fishing and tourism</li><li>Costs related to losing access to traditional food sources</li></ul><p>You can ask us any questions you have at: <a href=""></a>.</p><p><a href=""><strong>Click on this link</strong></a><strong> to view a graphic that shows the types of losses eligible for compensation if a ship spills oil in Canadian waters.</strong></p><p><strong>Answer the discussion questions below and tell us how we could better protect Canada’s coastal communities from the impacts of oil spills from ships.</strong></p></div></div> </div> </div> <div class='clearfix'></div> <div class='home-tools' id='tool_tab'> <ul class='nav nav-tabs tool-tabs ehqthemed'> <li class="active" 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</span> <span class='timestamp' title='25 Feb 2020, 09:36 AM'> almost 5 years ago </span> </span> <div class='SocialSharing' data-description='' data-image='' data-title='If a ship spills oil in Canadian waters, what possible losses to your community, that are currently ineligible for compensation, concern you most?' data-url=''> <span class='icon-facebook-sign' data-type='facebook' role='button' tabindex='0'> <span class='sr-only'>Share If a ship spills oil in Canadian waters, what possible losses to your community, that are currently ineligible for compensation, concern you most? on Facebook</span> </span> <span class='icon-twitter' data-type='twitter' role='button' tabindex='0'> <span class='sr-only'>Share If a ship spills oil in Canadian waters, what possible losses to your community, that are currently ineligible for compensation, concern you most? on Twitter</span> </span> <span class='icon-linkedin-sign' data-type='linkedin' role='button' tabindex='0'> <span 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class='meta'> <span> <strong> </strong> </span> <span class='timestamp' title='28 Feb 2020, 01:34 PM'> almost 5 years ago </span> </span> <div class='SocialSharing' data-description='' data-image='' data-title='If a ship spills oil in Canadian waters, what potential longer-term, non-economic impacts (e.g. those that may last longer than two years) most concern you?' data-url=''> <span class='icon-facebook-sign' data-type='facebook' role='button' tabindex='0'> <span class='sr-only'>Share If a ship spills oil in Canadian waters, what potential longer-term, non-economic impacts (e.g. those that may last longer than two years) most concern you? on Facebook</span> </span> <span class='icon-twitter' data-type='twitter' role='button' tabindex='0'> <span class='sr-only'>Share If a ship spills oil in Canadian waters, what potential longer-term, non-economic impacts (e.g. those that may last longer than two years) most concern you? on Twitter</span> </span> <span class='icon-linkedin-sign' 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