Parker – Hulme Murder Case - Christchurch City Libraries
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The orginal fact-file was created by Canterbury Public Library in 1990 and webbed in 1998." /> <meta name="Keywords" content="murder, crime, girl, murderers, murderess, murderesses, Christchurch, Pauline Parker, Juliet Hume, Anne Perry, Heavenly Creatures, newspapers, government documents, New Zealand" /> <meta name="DC.Publisher" content="Christchurch City Libraries" /> <meta name="CCL.OriginalAuthor" content="Christchurch City Libraries" /> <meta name="CCL.LastAuthor" content="Marion Ogier, Christchurch City Libraries" /> <meta name="CCL.Team" content="Web Team" /> <meta name="CCL.LastMonkey" content="Donna Robertson" /> <meta name="CCL.LastUpdated" content="2014-06-16" /> <meta name="CCL.LastReviewed" content="2014-06-16" /> <meta name="CCL.NextReview" content="2015-06-16" /> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> </head> <body> <!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <noscript><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript> <!-- End Google Tag 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The jury rejected a plea by the defence that the girls were not guilty on the grounds of insanity. </p> <h2>Digitised content</h2> <p>This information comes from Christchurch newspapers at the time of the trial and articles written since. Some of the coverage is available as transcripts from the articles and PDFs of the newspaper. The transcripts are easier to read and faster to download but the PDFs retain the look of the original. Articles that have not been transcribed are available only as PDFs. Articles written after 1954 are only available in transcript form.</p> <p>We have included a list of <a href="#More">other resources</a>.</p> <h2>News coverage of the Trial</h2> <div class="popbox" style="width:112px;"> <p>To view PDF documents download the Adobe viewer below. <br /> <a href="" title="Get the free Adobe Reader plugin"><img src="/Assets/images/buttons/Adobe_Reader.gif" alt="Get Adobe Reader" width="112" height="33" /></a></p> </div> <ul> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/Page1.asp">‘Woman’s body found’</a>, Press, 23 June 1954, p.10.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/Page2.asp">‘Two teenagers face charge of killing woman’, ‘Discovery of body described" and ‘Court told about families’</a>, Star-Sun, 23 August 1954, p.1.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/Page3.pdf">‘Called to Park’, ‘Had operations’</a>, Star-Sun, 23 August 1954. p.1.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page4.pdf">‘Murder trial - Mother cross-examined’</a>, Star-Sun, 24 August 1954, p.3.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page5.pdf">‘Murder trial - continued’</a>, Star-Sun, 24 August 1954, p.4.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page6.pdf">‘Murder trial - continued’</a>, Star-Sun, 24 August 1954, p.5.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page7.pdf">‘Supreme Court Trial - Witnesses tell of finding body’</a>, Star-Sun, 24 August 1954, p.12.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/Page8.pdf">‘Crown rebuts opinions about girls’ insanity’</a>, Star-Sun, 27 August 1954, p.1.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page9.pdf">‘Crown rebuts opinions, Belief in hereafter, traversed at length’</a>, Star-Sun, 27 August 1954, p.2.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page10.pdf">‘Murder trial’</a>, Star-Sun, 27 August 1954, p.3.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page11.pdf">‘Closing stages of teenagers’ murder trial’</a>, Star-Sun, 28 August 1954, p.1.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page12.pdf">‘Murder trial: Symptoms enumerated’</a>, Star-Sun, 28 August 1954, p.3.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page13.pdf">‘Murder charge. Hearing of evidence completed. Addresses to jury today’</a>, The Press, 28 August 1954, p.8.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page14.pdf">‘Murder charge… continued’</a>, The Press, 28 August 1954, p.8.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page15.pdf">‘Ministers to decide future of murderesses’</a>, Star-Sun, 30 August 1954, p.1.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/Page16.asp">‘Teenagers sentenced to detention for murder’</a>, Star-Sun, 30 August 1954, p.4.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/Page17.asp">‘Girls guilty of murder’</a>, The Press, 30 August 1954, p.12<em>.</em></li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page18.pdf">‘Girls guilty of murder… continued’</a>, The Press, 30 August 1954, p.12.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page19.pdf">‘Girls guilty of murder… continued’</a>, The Press, 30 August 1954, p.12.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page20.pdf">‘Detention of murderesses is problem" </a>Star-Sun, 31 August 1954, p.11.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page21.pdf">‘Girl murderers sentence’</a>, Star-Sun, 1 September 1954.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/page22.pdf">‘Girl murderers’ sentence - decision on place of detention’</a>, Star-Sun, 2 September 1954.</li> </ul> <p>Download the above <a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/pdf/ParkerHulme.pdf">trial reports</a>, as a single file [8.8MB PDF]. </p> <h2><img src="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/images/JulietSmall.jpg" class="floatimgleft" alt="Photograph of Juliet Hulme about a year before the murder" />Later coverage</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/Page23.asp">‘New Zealand girl murderers’</a>, Rupert Furneaux, <span class="itemtitle">Famous criminal cases V.2</span>, London:Wingate, 1955. p.32-49</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/Page24.asp">‘Death in a cathedral city’</a>, Thomas Stuart Gurr and H. H. Cox, <span class="itemtitle">Famous Australasian Crimes</span>, London: Muller, c1957. p.148-167.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/Page25.asp">‘Separation threat trigger for a brick attack’</a>, Neil Clarkson, The Press, 17 June 1989, p.23.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/Page26.asp">‘Murder without remorse’</a>, Press Weekend, 5 October 1991, p.5.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/Page27.asp">‘Solved: Hulme’s greatest secret’</a>, Press Weekend, 6 August 1994, p.3-4.</li> <li><a href="/Heritage/Digitised/ParkerHulme/Page28.asp">‘Hulme describes teenage plot to kill friends mother’</a>, The Press, 20 September 1994, p.3.</li> </ul> <h2 id="More">Search our catalogue</h2> <ul> <li><a href="" title="Search the catalogue for the Parker Hulme case">Parker - Hulme murder case</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Search the catalogue for books by Anne Perry">Novels by Anne Perry</a> (Juliet Hulme)</li> </ul> <h2>Related resources</h2> <ul> <li>DigitalNZ set <a href="">The Parker - Hulme Murder and Heavenly Creatures</a>. </li> <li>Blog posts about <a href="">Anne Perry</a></li> <li><a href="" title="IMDB page on Heavenly Creatures">Heavenly Creatures</a> in IMDB</li> <li>Official <a href="">Anne Perry website</a></li> <li><a href=""> file on Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Go to this 1964 article in An Encyclopedia of New Zealand">Schoolgirl Murderesses, 1954</a> - from 'TRIALS, NOTABLE' - <span class="itemtitle">An Encyclopaedia of New Zealand</span>, edited by A. H. McLintock, 1966</li> <li><a href="">Ilam Homestead</a> Juliet Hulme’s home at the time of the murders, now the University of Canterbury staff club and a function centre. Scenes in Heavenly Creatures were filmed there.</li> </ul> </div> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> </div> </div> <footer role="contentinfo"> <div id="footer-inner"> <ul id="foot-social"> <li><a href="" title="Follow us on facebook" id="foot-fb"></a></li> <li><a href="" title="Follow our tweets" id="foot-tw"></a></li> <li><a href="" title="Follow us on Instagram" id="foot-ig"><img src="/assets/images/icons/Instagam-button.jpg" width="25" height="25" alt="Follow us on Instagram"/></a></li> <li><a href="" title="Library photos on Flickr" id="foot-fl"></a></li> <li><a href="" title="Subscribe to our regular email newsletters" id="foot-nl"></a></li> </ul> <ul id="foot-contact" class="vcard"> <li> <h3><a href="">Contact us</a></h3> <li class="fn org">Christchurch City Libraries</li> <div class="adr"><span class="hide type">work</span> <li class="post-office-box">PO Box 73045</li> <li><span class="locality">Christchurch</span> <span class="postal-code">8154</span></li> <li class="country-name">New Zealand</li> </div> <li class="tel"><span class="type">work</span> <span class="value">+64-3-941-7923</span></li> <li class="email"><span class="type">email</span> <a class="value" href=""></a></li> <li class="url hide"><span class="type">url</span><a class="url" href=""></a></li> </li> </ul> <p id="copyright"><sup><a href="">©</a></sup> <a href="">Christchurch City Libraries</a> is a unit of the <a href="">Christchurch City Council</a> of New Zealand.</p> </div> </footer> <img src="/assets/images/footer/print-footer.gif" alt="" width="650" height="50" class="print" /> <!-- LIVEONLINE Place this script as near to the end of your BODY as possible. --> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var x = document.createElement("script"); x.type = "text/javascript"; x.async = true; x.src = (document.location.protocol === "https:" ? 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