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variety of sponsorship opportunities, providing a level to meet every budget! Aligning a sponsorship with your brand forges awareness of your business, can be custom designed to meet your marketing goals and give your company additional exposure to professionals and decision makers that participate in our conferences.</p> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="main-about fl-wrap"> <h3>Sponsorship Opportunities</h3> <p><b>PLATINUM LEVEL SPONSOR - $ 4,000.00</b></p> <ul> <li>Receive distinct recognition for sponsoring at the banquet.</li> <li>Company banner displayed at both the opening reception and closing banquet.</li> <li>Receive two complimentary attendance registrations.</li> <li>Recognition in the conference program.</li> <li>Include any company marketing or promotional material in attendee packets.</li> <li>Full page in conference program.</li> <li> Company Logo printed in delegate lanyard</li> </ul> <p><b>GOLD LEVEL SPONSOR - $3,000.00</b></p> <ul> <li>Company banner/signs on display at the opening reception</li> <li>Receive one complimentary attendance registration</li> <li>Receive distinct recognition for sponsoring conference lunch</li> <li>Include any company marketing or promotional materials in attendance packets</li> <li>Half-page ad in conference program</li> </ul> <p><b>SILVER LEVEL SPONSOR - $1,500.00</b></p> <ul> <li>Receive distinct recognition for sponsoring the opening reception</li> <li>Quarter page ad in conference program</li> <li>Signs on display with the company's name/logo</li> </ul> <h3>Additional Items</h3> <p><b>Delegate Eco-bag Sponsor - $2,000.00</b></p> <p>Offered to all delegates, the delegate bags are a great give-away and can be utilised long after the conference, extending your brand exposure. Only one eco-bag sponsor is available per conference.</p> <p><b>Conference Notebook & Pen Sponsor - $2,000.00</b></p> <p>Included in conference bags, the notebooks & pens are a great give-away and can be utilised long after the conference, extending your brand exposure. Only one conference notebook & pen sponsor is available per conference.</p> <p><b>Delegate Lanyard Sponsor - $800.00</b></p> <p>Every delegate will need to show their badge to access any academic sessions and welcome reception, making this a fantastic branding opportunity. Only one lanyard sponsor is available per conference.</p> <p><b>Scholarship Sponsor - Sponsor Best Paper Awards - $1,500.00</b></p> <p>Sciconx is dedicated to helping scholars achieve their research and academic goals, while also encouraging them to apply the principles of interdisciplinary study to their work. 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