BSG Higher Committees

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Bsg Higher Committees </li> </ol> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cover indent d-flex rounded-4 overflow-hidden position-relative"> <div class="container flex-grow-1"> <figure class="cover-bg mb-0"> <img src="/getmedia/4729f640-3d54-48c1-b33b-ece7cd8cc6b5/iStock-1487202644.jpg?width=4206&amp;height=2366&amp;ext=.jpg" alt="cover" class="cover-bg-img"> </figure> <div class="cover-content d-flex h-100 position-relative z-1 px-6 px-sm-0"> <div class="row gx-lg-10 gx-xl-16 py-10 py-lg-14 mt-auto"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <div class="text-white"> <h2 class="fw-bold">BSG Higher Committees</h2> <p class="lead fw-semibold rich-text"> The higher committees of the BSG are focused on the charitable objectives of the BSG. From 2021, every Higher Committee Chair now has a deputy chair who will succeed them, to ensure a consistent handover of work. The post holder will spend two years as Deputy Chair, then two years as Committee Chair. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div> <div class="fr-view"> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> </div> <div class="fr-view"> <p>The Society primarily pursues its charitable objects by giving support to its members in their professional capacities. Its purpose is achieved through a series of work streams related to its charitable objects of research, education and training, clinical standards and membership support.</p> </div> </div> <div class="section slider slider-members my-8 my-lg-12" id="anchor"> <!--Blazor:{"sequence":0,"type":"server","prerenderId":"034db8011ce74fa98996b4025d876607","descriptor":"CfDJ8D/S75jS1x9Gohz/Hnx7XdwVWn876ic0OXj\u002Ba5TDyYNsqKWuyDtyTGSREguiMUCcTOSwtsd0R3GRyfNGhhgS2eh4OUQS43VGzdD9SvqoEMKPks6arBUc/L18anv97\u002BG0D5V7OYEqwA8yOslwv9\u002BZzPAl9dwtIc8Fs88uVy7ozzXKZD9jr5\u002ByKAO7LLrXAvkQ6xQAnyivrFpPk\u002B5nMTClXtlrNSNtv4JyQ\u002B52U7VCqUwzQlq3DyVnSPeXm8uMvFoSrCkhQGqwJKfZ3uHgZnmL2T7TH6PYTitGivZpP7GdhwzFosRrpL2aiMXuJsTy7DfJWTh5MBTq\u002BiuInksfF5yqr7Px6gMKJOoz93E6NrmO8TKkF6LNSXWvbeQivjUHhHCA1Y6Lh\u002BElbH4Df7JWiA3MV4D/RlkfrLrHUK2lJyIwj1GNX6lZ1cNeo\u002BAIRSWfW\u002BaEMV65svQz47TLo4kgtGLZJyP3xmVms5HzgGUA92ICVL\u002BLOYcdYsOKE0fROpumXd04DyPqaASP7PQ5S36ag1nq53u99YBwtGEnlCOpM0om6kjN0hqfxrLWe\u002Bz1ukVk6SejSKMtdVVDEwbpe\u002BDmOUyw/xESBkscnyQpKLjDcdtbp0R446qPR2ZluO8N/luyp6U5vXMBdmcmpHnVeBe7yEAjuB0LsGZOQiyz6HvkNVzIIZ/dlcKtiqUz282IhFlugIAKysHUreaGkg7l3wRbrTD668wYVnTaVzN3BDzRTFu59hiJlfViUTd52EkRpXxbRUiT\u002B0GsftrwekNeBmovvKwc9SRrOOUz8Uh1m3Fxs4bZP\u002BL0fsVhXduney4SKIHVF\u002BBkZotriuE1kxuvkGKHkURFMYJFZyM0Ey5aoKoQArquVvguRAC54Xz7T0emej6hZuKRgrXGrZwHhXgBae8SGnFEtHFAyi\u002B/dDJWtY6m7zZAk5wDchURhPDHBuYl5vrckbq47nmvxBaVMPVXBRU3KUoFAV4aSqC4xa1MgiEQWMSLrjb\u002BbFk4LsfiCnMJ\u002BGs\u002BIJIU1SS9WbQk5AQp4pV\u002BQJq1MupRhZZKHOoNyPcNzmcpUFQB7/R9OgpECCKYe/plzz17KGJ9pOpa55w4ppUukLRKQShBxzCcRIQAdaeB0lPnmLTQTifk\u002BlX1cLahlBkj1Vh7XK/d\u002BlIcpE0Tmvb5O/4MSL09Re166V8XfCL2ttVIwubDrQclCsIIUn9EWds5gpWmgjUEO\u002BOD8PWsHugT02yuDNKq/fRLyc2\u002B3sgkIqZV4e3n\u002B3mAvpMYh3mTWjb3rVfcXIuFpEeyNlP/tLnPZ3zVN6P0lyN32Mx1G1pCaUgsN9exyae65osZVIjpbyOAtFgueVdVz2Y/x/pQmGe4KX3bp7eOjO1jQ0UvumqFWxsnKUasK7FuAXYBG/FE1TvEEJXMwhAamH2i8rCs1F2ddcEE55q218Cj8x6fsBS34OHum6zauQXM6bw2QnlP8LE2CYZ4uZw1Qq9nqSvcyDQOanE\u002BvzUK4puqpEg4/y2CQmpl86lZM\u002BYY3ePPbQbgpeLyeOEosgtGfQV5lt\u002BWnQrepCRpiVozVfv88WfP\u002BhlYr1zvjYqyFNgu9UhnEcfp3PwdE8I/v3nWN/xh1r3qmgka/CpI44lGwMY7Twlvj8qRcC5Ty8Dd\u002BiCdoCX5I\u002BUXi5VBgwu7C2Rap7PZ1ZNqT0mC5mF72rSUw9DYvA7i0AxkA0aggoXvIASRA5pjAIsgxlBOS4qCKIkx8kR3QeavOThoc\u002B/fopgvMN1nL4eSmWa7w8vLzI\u002BPoEiC62eBKZvFR9mS6YzhAHQp07eKQ9n4HcRpoRdEmhk9VNCGAz57gG4aHWIwBATFPUZjwAodXZHHGuUIrQkzu2Skx40XDBU0lh46irEPbPDb2whcvPz/eTdG1sdGI9eY2xtTVgODKconRkvRgqPOIw\u002BsMKEXcDzyC740kd/YltJsS/ptkjdlxL4XTUQdU47T770v2JfO3aBsBKbiN83FSs76rG2Ps40/rp0FmvO3yEz8CsBjNCbO6BuVkT5Cwwa1SD2qc6TLinQTbqKjA/RKSeG0HslxT3EryBVv96UIXJ/0vRabuBWckBCXBsAaVBMqwrlFyErRXhe60l8Etk40iQZxHD7bPdtxqaqRZCVH1C8NkgdK6JKcIq0atGnQ7uNZjpSzfX1bBc5WAfpe7tmDbQwmMMlAIGp\u002BiXXYa\u002Br60dDSuyhGqlhUFNjBcXrukbcjrcXblZm4sJoYsXHWT8nWfTQakcC\u002BHDhv6NwwX3beBwxkyYZguCBYjOplbNe44N1fQkwnolyFwbKahnXcLDdasbUFDkDMQk52OEYLZ8wrv70PjKiPhBHYnMRVB9tUEo84BgAGim5V12lmt18w8QXzr4LnCzQWs5FE8RK9uyGMpiJGFT9WuFimydWwWl8Xfi8qKTG0s1DDKMjGlbJl8DdBenzSgzteU\u002BGWj74JVikOpHEmTt7iBTV4vWouDyFSy2An8LrUDHxAgCYZtuoGYfJLbJQEuEaIBJykNAEOhK8dsBMZkq8QZwM46APFk6YvKsdzBqoFo19BzFSPmd\u002BCybFcVQ/JmBgxVdcpcX/22LmY34F4pWwu4ELYMnfVA1//Aj5uXToVTIq8vykUjG5OQxIno6XTkIcUhOzdXpKjRLF8CzLBpK3iUfQ71nR1Xr4DJa/lkr/GctRMPYKV1xAXNhrNV49Y4DReTyXnsUTGADIbBK9MQ/i3cF6BwXDmx04c4GNBRq84kglSmjP1/atFu9dI6wmemeLbJnmhnGfjMw9AiZZbQx1dKSEAdFqzY9ymBTLjOeWzsx1kS/Dq1M2FTnrbLAg2Sr6vLbpSFtWe9d6UP7GaCPxJq6RKddiTj7UPvqg9YqEaj4tBOXiPHJJuQ0y125uzRz4JF\u002BXd7m11Ij4gEDr1avg4eJq2SmdT8AcxJzRwfeiGMlM0QEHQ55vNzSCwgTic3MguvSl7pfOeMhmxM4jPGYVWtZnkWgBAw/1W6dxksywhbA\u002BMKZ3V0NZVAuijGSYL\u002B18HxzH2sH9qBxXlyFeY//R/xYqaCqFvFmg2etroS5//MdBsAAO4fw5rBlnxPoMGXy2Mj1ImApnHw8lStYStm0lnDHWtam1s\u002BAlT3gnR81aS9M3HWiNt7HcKPHsb97rkrbQhmFH0qi3vzxBOvZHDOlbwV7ztdXquT9eS8t4q9AYGYUBRVhEojiCX95IM2UGgTopUkYcLPDZuKxNJCqgpRJJPY3HDBYUCoR5Fp7w\u002B4//15N2KKgkQFcxKxemWqCPoIKrJAn\u002BSDG5yfrX\u002BT2AsvmCh/qfAJ/BK8fwC3JCu4\u002BltpX\u002BfoApY9cNSUjpBuEhfSifqTtPrdBRCaNLrymZX\u002BnyZvxQ0h10dDi3Vn5x4BfMPRTrVYhObaMc0jMbFeq4mq3u0/7TnhmNKc6gvDh6ARsJsQ6zumsB1zvwHZREulkK1l6xz5ZH4X4z13abZIe58dHyfx6bxCKMeZ251du6nb8YZbOMUgesr2imV7syOFyh77s\u002B/Bzi2imLd0dS3ovU1qVQ\u002BL3U89bqVPWGE6u65wI7F9yh4uMwoeN9PrLY4HNyu2C9DxW4NovDk/qrJd4SvemlP0ZrInBsAA/jurFE\u002BActZHuEfQl9IFf6wmUlFX86ohCDePcmDH/eAbRd/b8Z1ECzOlumPbF5Yqu702dXNnl3OKQ0UWAaFx/YRUCts8YMoZIjxxrgG/QEzBiHdDaaMiLxrDfWqrRjSHrUCObim66eMiX2VnXanEnHmTyq1fVA60yVYH1BtpB46RwgqS/f7k5Z5AKKFC1d75Yj2jK4M//8YIKWme9sBvUlrtXQ7pYspunEjQEvxYeVHTVqcnPNG4WrcKvqyycft1dUP7/1r3GqDolC8tiATKXd8zOKOIyxzhnyz7vcQSZzq0Gqt\u002BfefdX6fZoZmw7sCsC84h1dAYLcsYt\u002B/DsyZKIHMCn3s5ZQqPp590q5CjIhEr6nljLq8WbvMq77OjGM0pLW0DM/8wcaJFBqJG6cOrga3HeolgVxEFzmp/bPksj3wpN63tAwXQcn403TRBgWt14M/tXVZ1EeCyHL4aP56Ok9\u002B4tlSuJuNE3KA8zeiIRMY/AjbZHh97znY5jLzjn8Iji33vUgqfogwgKNc6mup/Kc9HrGAcaTvAUEi4gzYPVg1TXikghD3HHw8ofq7POEcmMXTlgzN\u002BCakMe3QIglhIdr3mdgBfcBvLEYxDLUv1zBE8Sb9QoSz3MfP9E87aJ348f/docX\u002BDAs5vmwBXojJkQcwDTs7G5cc175jetpS3cuuBnqTYdn/ch\u002BtaK6cJSMHYueG79aWoopsIKcf0F8H9Kwu9MFU2zBM6gi1vGQjhbavKTaQjD\u002BPLfjuSUw/JL0pfIIkyXn8WSZRxKd3MKnfv/mCpONXV0CkRg5Fhve0KdFAbz5KjncVJuLlAvatzLqJ50m10Jgs\u002BRES3taJHdPC7Afle3QFl2cnPFp0id9fBS8uxOMTkbW\u002BWAjBH71rkHDZns3lWoC2v62RBR5JvMRYaEu5ErIMTqLtElnpW87jEzG8iKyc\u002BR/IFLEu8USgOat8YkSklQJKL64sNVyMUGEIqikXQmVXngBMYllMnnv92k0q/pFCCVXYA4GXnTyt9zzrhzlt4vIM6/xln9u7haNfsKU6FHIFFC8N07grBYGUfzf/IiECs4myXHVbK6CiyjV8/6OCfiTaewVaNpLEQzNWyjslYtl0CC8FpWqpRxj7vuj0vbx4BOnQIvpg5pF/tlpfkxLnMj1wjQ\u002BnFTB1r0Xr\u002BcApttItXw\u002B0QnL0iPtUYS4kgqKM0YUqf8K3qqLRNUv352xP3s1JwhBYj7OhG0dpUMBB6nkAxSr39Z1Ca1JiQMXSQcrbgfreJwz2pUGqdayEKvqDHbzbKd3q\u002B6oJfJgwvW6XyziZyrdBx0XJfkZAhCZOPYAkhlyiHIeG6btX02zm6gw475zn20dPbUe9uhjjATbtsT7apqrdXX0E8ElsG0FcptoN8noIPjQEbk7K6pYPldj4k9vz7YK3kolQeU2ORq0ktcPpzQNq3eWwhIdSkCAVmnGBp6qCas4CIfuq9bEd45\u002BGmfuufI7pMpV3YJ4eVwdmBgvLGOYzX9lxiX4KyjiHIXp1wxwNOWQ/UFetiwy2wytAoN2jirAYFU4e4vurISV3NhTTDaKlf1r38bBdQMyGpp25b\u002BtVJ6N5LEig\u002Bij\u002B6Y4FLJaMMjBniUlHH9b/bRmiCwBwYEQfH9ozQcCWGkIvfUEsR9q/30ZTgg1KZ\u002BANyFQeqvbcOsSsj6PVXvRJ4BQixceaZ9B00rhaP\u002BsqwKqdYSX4e00GmlzmxNTbLq\u002BoX83FLjaE1w2w2OI0G3v5RM1egJgJVq4r0FBvQauZlPMLEmFKVp21BNQ7crtVvHe\u002BfqvW0H0vrNNzWwA7CeaOWD0LQq2H"}--><div class="container"><div class="row gap-y-5 mb-6 mb-lg-8"><div class="col"><h3 class="fw-semibold">BSG Higher Committees</h3></div></div> <div class="swiper swiper-members"><div class="swiper-wrapper"><div class="swiper-slide"><div class="card card-member border-0 rounded-4 shadow-lg"><div class="card-body p-6 pb-0"><h3 class="card-title fs-4 fw-semibold pt-4 title-h">Clinical Services and Standards</h3> <p class="card-text pt-2 text-five rich-text">The BSG Clinical Services and Standards Committee has a remit to advance excellent patient care by improving service delivery, encouraging quality improvement, and producing guidelines and standards of care based on the best available evidence. There are 14 Regional Reps representing the 11 English regions, and Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland representatives. In 2020, the committee was restructured and the regional representatives were given a dedicated meeting with the Chair. This has considerably strengthened the Committee, as was evident by the response to the COVID-19 pandemic the subsequent recovery pressures which we now endure.</p></div> <div class="card-footer border-0 bg-white rounded-4 pb-5"><a href="/clinical-services-and-standards-committee" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary float-end stretched-link"><span class="btn-icon icon"><svg class="icon-svg fs-small"><use href="#icon-plus"></use></svg></span></a></div></div></div><div class="swiper-slide"><div class="card card-member border-0 rounded-4 shadow-lg"><div class="card-body p-6 pb-0"><h3 class="card-title fs-4 fw-semibold pt-4 title-h">Research</h3> <p class="card-text pt-2 text-five rich-text"><p>The purpose of the BSG Research Committee is to stimulate the quantity and quality of basic, translational and clinical gastrointestinal and liver research conducted in the United Kingdom, with particular reference to clinical research and widespread involvement of Society members.</p> <p>Any member interested in becoming involved in research should contact a member of the Committee.</p> <p>Follow us on Twitter over on our new research account @<a href="">ResearchBSG.</a></p> </p></div> <div class="card-footer border-0 bg-white rounded-4 pb-5"><a href="/research-committee" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary float-end stretched-link"><span class="btn-icon icon"><svg class="icon-svg fs-small"><use href="#icon-plus"></use></svg></span></a></div></div></div><div class="swiper-slide"><div class="card card-member border-0 rounded-4 shadow-lg"><div class="card-body p-6 pb-0"><h3 class="card-title fs-4 fw-semibold pt-4 title-h">Education</h3> <p class="card-text pt-2 text-five rich-text"><p>Education is one of the most vital areas in which the BSG is involved &ndash; from the annual conference to small local meetings. It is essential that we offer access to high-quality educational tools and events to our members and also support our members to organise their own events.</p> <p>The BSG Education Committee is responsible for the programme of all educational meetings of the society, including those organised by the BSG&rsquo;s sections. The Committee considers all aspects of education in gastroenterology. It is responsible for considering applications for financial support in regard to attending conferences and educational training courses and it advises on nominations for such fellowships and awards. In considering the education strategy for the BSG it is important that we remain aligned with the BSG mission statement, specifically by supporting the strategic pillar of service improvement and advancing knowledge, so that the Society remains a resource of high quality information, guidance and education.</p> </p></div> <div class="card-footer border-0 bg-white rounded-4 pb-5"><a href="/education" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary float-end stretched-link"><span class="btn-icon icon"><svg class="icon-svg fs-small"><use href="#icon-plus"></use></svg></span></a></div></div></div><div class="swiper-slide"><div class="card card-member border-0 rounded-4 shadow-lg"><div class="card-body p-6 pb-0"><h3 class="card-title fs-4 fw-semibold pt-4 title-h">Training</h3> <p class="card-text pt-2 text-five rich-text"><p>The BSG Training Committee is a forum for discussion on the training needs of Specialist Registrars in medical gastroenterology.&nbsp; It aims to coordinate discussion between professional bodies with an interest and make recommendations.</p> </p></div> <div class="card-footer border-0 bg-white rounded-4 pb-5"><a href="/training" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary float-end stretched-link"><span class="btn-icon icon"><svg class="icon-svg fs-small"><use href="#icon-plus"></use></svg></span></a></div></div></div><div class="swiper-slide"><div class="card card-member border-0 rounded-4 shadow-lg"><div class="card-body p-6 pb-0"><h3 class="card-title fs-4 fw-semibold pt-4 title-h">International</h3> <p class="card-text pt-2 text-five rich-text">The purpose of the BSG International Committee is to deliver the overall mission of the BSG to provide the best care and achieve the best outcomes for patients with gastrointestinal and liver diseases in settings across the world. This strategy document details how the International Committee will act to co-ordinate professionals in the Gastroenterology and Hepatology community in the United Kingdom through defined initiatives to enable both the BSG and its members to achieve this mission.</p></div> <div class="card-footer border-0 bg-white rounded-4 pb-5"><a href="/international-committee" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary float-end stretched-link"><span class="btn-icon icon"><svg class="icon-svg fs-small"><use href="#icon-plus"></use></svg></span></a></div></div></div></div></div> <div class="mt-8 mt-lg-10"><div class="row gap-y-6"><div class="col d-flex align-items-center"><div class="swiper-pagination"></div></div> <div class="col-md-auto d-flex justify-content-center justify-content-md-end"><ul class="swiper-controls d-flex gap-x-3"><li class="swiper-control"><button class="swiper-button swiper-button-prev"><span class="swiper-button-icon icon"><svg class="icon-svg"><use href="#icon-arrow-circle-left-solid"></use></svg></span></button></li> <li class="swiper-control"><button class="swiper-button swiper-button-next"><span class="swiper-button-icon icon"><svg class="icon-svg"><use href="#icon-arrow-circle-right-solid"></use></svg></span></button></li></ul></div></div></div></div><!--Blazor:{"prerenderId":"034db8011ce74fa98996b4025d876607"}--> </div> <div class="my-8"> <div class="mt-6"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-self-center mb-6"> <h3 class="fw-semibold">Latest Guidance</h3> <div class="col-auto d-flex align-items-end"> <a href="" class="link link-secondary fw-semibold align-self-center"> View All <span class="icon ms-2"> <svg class="icon-svg"> <use href="#icon-arrow-circle-right-solid"></use> </svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> <a href="/clinical-resource/AGIP-Protocol-for-Hydrogen-Methane-Breath-Testing" class="text-decoration-none"> <div class="card border-0 card-hover"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-2 col-md-6 col-12"> <figure class="card-fig d-flex"> <img src="/assets/images/bsg-logo.png" alt="image" class="img-rectangle rounded-4"> </figure> </div> <div class="col-lg-10 col-md-6 col-12"> <div class="d-flex gap-3 flex-wrap"> <div class="card-tag details border border-gray-500"> <span>Guidance</span> </div> <div class="card-tag details border border-gray-500"> <span>AGIP</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-3"> <div class="fw-semibold fs-5 text-hover-secondary text-one"> AGIP Proposed Standardised Testing Protocol for Hydrogen/Methane Breath Testing (HMBT) to Assess Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Carbohydrate Malabsorption </div> </div> <div class="pt-3"> <small class="text-secondary text-decoration-none">/clinical-resource/AGIP-Protocol-for-Hydrogen-Methane-Breath-Testing</small> </div> <div class="pt-4 text-three"> This document was published in January 2019. </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="/clinical-resource/BSG-Guidance-outpatient-management-of-cirrhosis-&#x2013;" class="text-decoration-none"> <div class="card border-0 card-hover"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-2 col-md-6 col-12"> <figure class="card-fig d-flex"> <img src="/assets/images/bsg-logo.png" alt="image" class="img-rectangle rounded-4"> </figure> </div> <div class="col-lg-10 col-md-6 col-12"> <div class="d-flex gap-3 flex-wrap"> <div class="card-tag details border border-gray-500"> <span>Guidance</span> </div> <div class="card-tag details border border-gray-500"> <span>Care Bundles</span> </div> <div class="card-tag details border border-gray-500"> <span>Liver</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-3"> <div class="fw-semibold fs-5 text-hover-secondary text-one"> BSG Best Practice Guidance: outpatient management of cirrhosis &#x2013; part 1: compensated cirrhosis </div> </div> <div class="pt-3"> <small class="text-secondary text-decoration-none">/clinical-resource/BSG-Guidance-outpatient-management-of-cirrhosis-&#x2013;</small> </div> <div class="pt-4 text-three"> This guidance was published in October 2023. </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="mt-8"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-self-center mb-6"> <h3 class="fw-semibold">Latest Guidelines</h3> <div class="col-auto d-flex align-items-end"> <a href="" class="link link-secondary fw-semibold align-self-center"> View All <span class="icon ms-2"> <svg class="icon-svg"> <use href="#icon-arrow-circle-right-solid"></use> </svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> <a href="/clinical-resource/Diagnosis-management-adult-coeliac-disease" class="text-decoration-none"> <div class="card border-0 card-hover"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-2 col-md-6 col-12"> <figure class="card-fig d-flex"> <img src="/assets/images/bsg-logo.png" alt="image" class="img-rectangle rounded-4"> </figure> </div> <div class="col-lg-10 col-md-6 col-12"> <div class="d-flex gap-3 flex-wrap"> <div class="card-tag details border border-gray-500"> <span>Guidelines</span> </div> <div class="card-tag details border border-gray-500"> <span>Small Bowel and Nutrition</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-3"> <div class="fw-semibold fs-5 text-hover-secondary text-one"> Diagnosis and management of adult coeliac disease: guidelines from the British Society of Gastroenterology </div> </div> <div class="pt-3"> <small class="text-secondary text-decoration-none">/clinical-resource/Diagnosis-management-adult-coeliac-disease</small> </div> <div class="pt-4 text-three"> This document was published in 2014. It is currently under review for 2025. </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="/clinical-resource/BSG-guidelines-cholangiocarcinoma" class="text-decoration-none"> <div class="card border-0 card-hover"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-2 col-md-6 col-12"> <figure class="card-fig d-flex"> <img src="/assets/images/bsg-logo.png" alt="image" class="img-rectangle rounded-4"> </figure> </div> <div class="col-lg-10 col-md-6 col-12"> <div class="d-flex gap-3 flex-wrap"> <div class="card-tag details border border-gray-500"> <span>Guidelines</span> </div> <div class="card-tag details border border-gray-500"> <span>Liver</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-3"> <div class="fw-semibold fs-5 text-hover-secondary text-one"> BSG guidelines for the diagnosis and management of cholangiocarcinoma </div> </div> <div class="pt-3"> <small class="text-secondary text-decoration-none">/clinical-resource/BSG-guidelines-cholangiocarcinoma</small> </div> <div class="pt-4 text-three"> This guideline was published in September 2023. </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-self-center mb-6 mt-6"> <h3 class="fw-semibold">Latest Guidelines</h3> <div class="col-auto d-flex align-items-end"> <a href="" class="link link-secondary fw-semibold align-self-center"> View All <span class="icon ms-2"> <svg class="icon-svg"> <use href="#icon-arrow-circle-right-solid"></use> </svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> <a href="/clinical-resource/BSG-Position-Statement-on-Flexible-Working" class="text-decoration-none"> <div class="card border-0 card-hover"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-2 col-md-6 col-12"> <figure class="card-fig d-flex"> <img src="/assets/images/bsg-logo.png" alt="image" class="img-rectangle rounded-4"> </figure> </div> <div class="col-lg-10 col-md-6 col-12"> <div class="d-flex gap-3 flex-wrap"> <div class="card-tag details border border-gray-500"> <span>Position Statements</span> </div> <div class="card-tag details border border-gray-500"> <span>Workforce</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-3"> <div class="fw-semibold fs-5 text-hover-secondary text-one"> BSG Position Statement on Flexible Working </div> </div> <div class="pt-3"> <small class="text-secondary text-decoration-none">/clinical-resource/BSG-Position-Statement-on-Flexible-Working</small> </div> <div class="pt-4 text-three"> This document was published in December 2021. </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> <a href="/clinical-resource/Iatrogenic-endoscopic-perforations" class="text-decoration-none"> <div class="card border-0 card-hover"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-2 col-md-6 col-12"> <figure class="card-fig d-flex"> <img src="/assets/images/bsg-logo.png" alt="image" class="img-rectangle rounded-4"> </figure> </div> <div class="col-lg-10 col-md-6 col-12"> <div class="d-flex gap-3 flex-wrap"> <div class="card-tag details border border-gray-500"> <span>Clinical Resources</span> </div> <div class="card-tag details border border-gray-500"> <span>Position Statements</span> </div> <div class="card-tag details border border-gray-500"> <span>Endoscopy</span> </div> </div> <div class="pt-3"> <div class="fw-semibold fs-5 text-hover-secondary text-one"> ESGE Position Statement: Diagnosis and management of iatrogenic endoscopic perforations </div> </div> <div class="pt-3"> <small class="text-secondary text-decoration-none">/clinical-resource/Iatrogenic-endoscopic-perforations</small> </div> <div class="pt-4 text-three"> These ESGE Guidelines have been reviewed by the Endoscopy Section in 2020 and replace the BSG Guideline on Complications of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (2006). </div> </div> </div> </div> </a> </div> <div class="newsandupdates"> <div class="container"> <div class="row my-8 mb-6"> <div> <div class="widget widget-feature-news my-8 my-lg-12"> <div class="container"> <div class="row gy-6"> <div class="fs-4 pb-7 fw-semibold">News and Updates</div> <div class="col-lg-4 col-md-12 col-12"> <div class="action-card card 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