10 things to know for fall semester at Emory
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0-4.083-1.342-3.11-1.342-3.701 0-.157.14-.192.295-.192.31 0 .621.076.951.076.311 0 .62-.076.926-.076.244 0 .278.296.364.487l4.134 8.829c.19.364.26.521.381.521.087 0 .26-.364.538-.938L22.391.8c.103-.19.24-.608.447-.59.172 0 .723.075.809.075.398 0 .554-.076.83-.076.105 0 . 0 .556-1.383-.191-1.313 1.877l.522 8.622M2.811 5.288c0 .592-.034.592.657.592h1.865c1.793 0 1.331-1.393 1.742-1.393.137 0 . 0 .61-.025 1.2-.025 1.75 0 .451.025.904.025 1.372 0 .157-.067.226-.187.226-.532 0 .051-1.529-1.396-1.529H3.122c-.362 0-.31.295-.31.557v3.196c0 1.026-.138 1.443 1.313 1.443 3.986 0 4.574-1.79 4.799-1.79.121 0 . 0 .625-.45 1.233-.864 1.685-.555.632-.936.596-1.69.596-1.313 0-2.626-.106-3.937-.07-.688.017-1.412.07-2.104.07-.156 0-.259-.035-.259-.174.034-.211.207-.176.76-.457.451-.208.486-.696.486-1.513V2.47c0-.784 0-1.619-.935-1.759C.38.678 0 .643 0 .44 0 .303.103.233.606.233c3.26 0 4.158.072 4.883.072.345 0 1.93-.072 2.466-.072.138 0 . 0 1.928-.243 2.066-.347 2.066-.416 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class="article-meta"><span>By Sylvie Wages </span><span>Aug. 14, 2024</span></p></div><div class="col-lg-4"></div></div></div></div></header><div class="layout-short-width"><div class="layout-short-width-row"><div class="layout-short-width-col-main"><figure class="article-hero"><img alt="group photo with housing signs" class="article-hero-img" src="thumbs/story_main.jpg"/></figure><div class="article-content mb-4"><section class="section wysiwyg"><!-- SHORT CODES --><div class="wysiwyg"><p>Emory’s new academic year is coming soon, and faculty and staff across campus are preparing for the arrival of students. Here are 10 things you should know before the fall semester at Emory begins.</p><br/><h4>1. Many students arrived early for preorientation and welcome programs.</h4><p>First-year students participating in preorientation and International Student Welcome programs arrived on campus beginning Aug. 19. Many students in the incoming classes for Emory College and Oxford College registered for preorientation programs that help them connect with others who share similar interests. From outdoor adventures and leadership lessons to community engagement and interfaith experiences, they’ll spend several days acclimating to life at Emory before orientation begins Aug. 24.</p><br/><h4>2. More move-ins occur this weekend, with most classes beginning Aug. 28.</h4><p>First-year and transfer students who are not participating in preorientation programs move into Atlanta campus housing Aug. 24, with other undergraduates following on Aug. 25. Oxford College move-in days are Aug. 23 for first-year students and Aug. 26 for second-year students.</p><p>Learn more about <a href="">Atlanta campus move-in procedures</a>, orientation activities and <a href="">Oxford College move-in</a> on the <a href="">Emory Welcome app</a>. Classes for Emory Law students began Aug. 19; undergraduate and all other graduate classes begin Aug. 28.<div class="imported-block " style="width:auto"><div class="image-with-caption"><img alt="" class="img-responsive img-fluid" src="thumbs/0081401-23kh-f096.jpg"/></div></div></p><h4>3. Help welcome the Class of 2028 at the Emory Gate Crossing + Coke Toast.</h4><p>One popular tradition for Emory’s first-year students is a <a href="">Coke Toast on the Quad</a> during orientation. Help welcome the class of 2028 for Emory College of Arts and Sciences at this special event on Aug. 26.</p><p>Faculty, staff, fellow students and alumni are invited to gather at the Emory Gate at 10 a.m. to cheer on the Class of 2028 as they walk through the Emory gate and proceed to the Quad. Once there, they will participate in their very first Coke Toast. The event will conclude at 11 a.m.</p><p><span>Oxford first-year students will also have a Coke Toast on their campus ​Friday, Aug. 23.</span></p><br/><h4>4. Two new deans begin their tenures.</h4><p>Two longtime faculty members have begun new roles as the deans of the School of Law and Candler School of Theology.</p><p><a href="">Richard D. Freer</a>, an esteemed expert on civil procedure and an award-winning teacher and respected leader, became the dean of the Emory School of Law on July 1. During his 40-year tenure as an Emory Law professor, he has established deep-rooted connections at Emory and has inspired, mentored and taught generations of law students.</p><p>“The opportunity to serve as dean — to finish my career as I started it, leading an exciting new push forward — is a singular honor. I am so grateful for the chance to serve our school as the capstone of my career,” Freer says.</p><p><a href="">Jonathan Strom</a>, professor of church history at Emory and a highly regarded scholar, joined Candler School of Theology in 1997. Through teaching and various leadership roles, Strom<span> has led efforts to support faculty scholarship and development and expand learning opportunities for students. </span>He stepped into the role of dean on Aug. 1.</p><p>“I love Candler,” Strom says. “I have spent the overwhelming majority of my career here and care deeply about the school and its people. I am committed to doing everything I can to continue moving the school forward.”</p><br/><h4>5. Some dining options have changed for this academic year.</h4><p>With the Cox Hall Food Court currently under renovation and set to reopen as the <a href="">Cox Hall Market for fall 2025</a>, Emory is offering a variety of food options for lunch and extended dinner hours. Food trucks and mobile food carts will be at various locations around campus, including outside Cox Hall near Asbury Circle and the Emory Student Center (ESC). The food vendors will offer a range of new cuisines in addition to Cox Hall favorites.  </p><p><a href="">Emory Dining</a> will continue to provide menus that include vegan, vegetarian, Kosher, Halal and gluten-free foods.  </p><p>More than 150 additional seats have been added at the Dobbs Common Table (DCT) and more seating has been added in the Emory Student Center. As another option, Emory Dining launched a takeout program in April featuring <a href="">reusable stainless-steel containers</a>. Students getting food in the DCT can use the containers for carry-out that they can eat later.  </p><p>Emory Dining has also brought new self-service technology and better grab-and-go options at the Emporium in the ESC. Meal exchange will still be available through the Emporium. </p><p><a href="Oxford%20first-year students will also have a Coke Toast on campus ​Friday, August 23">Oxford College dining options</a> include a variety of fare at the Oxford Caf<span>é</span>, Oxford Family Kitchen and Oxpresso. The <span>Oxford Family Kitchen, open until midnight Sunday-Thursday, offers a special late night menu and a variety of grab ’n’ go items perfect for those late night study sessions. <strong>New this year:</strong> Food trucks will be on campus the first Thursday of every month on the Oxford City Green.</span></p><p><strong>Take a seat:</strong> Although the space isn’t new, the Student Activity and Academic Center (SAAC) on the Clairmont campus has new outdoor furniture for students who are eating, studying or hanging out.<div class="imported-block " style="width:auto"><div class="image-with-caption"><img alt="" class="img-responsive img-fluid" src="thumbs/cox-hall-market.jpg"/></div></div></p><h4>6. New graduate student housing, The Ridge, is now open.</h4><p>Emory graduate and professional students have a new housing option for the fall semester. <a href="">The Ridge</a><span>, </span>located between Haygood and Ridgewood Drives, provides additional space for graduate and professional students on Emory’s main campus to live and build community.</p><p>The apartment-style housing includes fully furnished, private bedroom and bathroom floor plan options. The new building has a graduate commons that consists of group and individual study spaces, lounge areas, a state-of-the-art fitness center and a communal kitchen.</p><p>Because the housing is open to students from all graduate programs, it offers residents a great opportunity to meet people outside their immediate study area. The Ridge is an exciting new addition to the Emory community, and the second phase of construction is currently in the design stage.</p><br/><h4>7. Activities across campus abound.</h4><p>Whether you enjoy attending concerts, viewing art exhibitions or learning from inspiring speakers, fall semester has a variety of exciting events.</p><ul class="list-unordered"><li><a href="">Emory Libraries</a> and the <a href="">Michael C. Carlos Museum</a> are hosting numerous exhibitions, such as <a href="">Pages of Wonder</a> at the <a href="">Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Books Library</a> and artist and social activist <a href="">Docta’s African graffiti</a><span> at the Carlos Museum.</span> Admission to the Carlos Museum is free for all Emory students, faculty and staff.</li><li>Check out the <a href="">Emory Arts</a> and <a href="">Schwartz Center for Performing Arts</a> websites for details on concerts, theater performances and other arts-related events.</li><li>Cheer on the Emory Eagles as they compete in various sports. Visit the <a href="">Emory Athletics</a> and <a href="">Oxford Athletics</a> websites for schedules, news and more.</li><li>For those looking to get active, the <a href="">Woodruff PE Center</a> and the <a href="">Student Activity and Academic Center</a> on the Atlanta campus are open, as are <a href="">Oxford College athletic facilities</a> and the <a href="">Blomeyer Health Fitness Center</a> for Emory faculty, staff and retirees.</li><li>Keep an eye on <a href="">the Hub</a>, Emory’s virtual home for student-led organizations and events, and the <a href="">Emory University</a> and <a href="">Campus Life</a> calendars, which will continue to fill with events throughout the semester. Each of Emory’s undergraduate, graduate and professional schools maintain calendars for academic and other school-specific events, so visit those to stay up-to-date on your school(s) of choice.</li></ul><div class="imported-block " style="width:auto"><div class="image-with-caption"><img alt="" class="img-responsive img-fluid" src="thumbs/01022031-21kh-f6591.jpg"/></div></div><h4>8. Well-being resources are available for students, faculty and staff.</h4><p>Well-being is essential to students’ ability to thrive at Emory and beyond. Within the Emory community, students have access to coordinated and comprehensive medical and psychiatric care, counseling, recreation facilities and programs, and health education targeted at building and maintaining overall well-being.  </p><p>Students can reach out to Emory’s <a href="">Counseling and Psychological Services</a> (CAPS) or Oxford’s <a href=""><span>Centers for Counseling and Professional Development</span></a> for information about confidential support through in-person and online appointments. Last spring, <a href="">CAPS expanded after-hours support</a> to provide Emory students with confidential assistance 24 hours a day, every day. <a href="">The Office of Respect</a> also offers students on the Atlanta campus confidential, 24/7 support with concerns related to sexual and relationship-based harm. For medical situations, <a href="">TimelyCare</a> telehealth services are available to all Emory students free of charge. A variety of well-being resources for students can be found at <a href="">Be Well, Your Way.</a> </p><p>University faculty and staff can access a range of support programs including webinars, well-being check-ins, counseling and more through the <a href="">Faculty Staff Assistance Program.</a></p><br/><h4>9. Follow campus safety tips and prepare to stay informed in an emergency.</h4><p>Returning to campus is a good time to be reminded of <a href="">safety tips</a> from the <a href="">Emory Police Department</a> and the <a href="">Office of Critical Event Preparedness and Response</a> (CEPAR). Get started with these three steps: </p><ul class="list-unordered"><li>Save the Emory Police emergency number in your phone: 404-727-6111.</li><li>Complete CEPAR’s preparedness checklist for <a href="">students</a> or <a href="">faculty and staff.</a> You should also review CEPAR’s <a href="">“Just In Time” guide</a>, which details how to handle campus emergencies.</li><li>Check out the <a href="">Emory Safe app.</a> Emory students, faculty and staff can use this free app to share tips and request emergency assistance, 24/7. Emory Safe also includes a FriendWalk feature that allows you to set up a virtual escort as you walk across campus.</li></ul><br/><h4>10. Know your options for getting to and around campus.</h4><p>Emory’s <a href="">Transportation and Parking Services Department</a> has important information about parking permits, commuter options and getting around campus safely.</p><ul class="list-unordered"><li>Learn more about <a href="">student parking</a>, <a href="">university faculty/staff parking</a> and <a href="">Emory Healthcare staff parking</a> for fall 2024. If you forget your parking permit, the <a href="">Park Whiz app</a> can be used to access your approved parking decks and lots.</li><li>Emory’s shuttles on the Atlanta campus can be tracked on the <a href="">transportation department’s website</a> or by downloading the free <a href="">Passio Go! app</a>. <a href="">Shuttle services on the Oxford campus</a> include routes to nearby shopping and entertainment options (check out the <a href="">Oxford Transportation website</a> to view the schedule and reserve a seat). <span>An Oxford to Atlanta shuttle also runs between the campuses every day and stops at the Kensington MARTA station on weekdays.</span></li><li>Are you on campus late? <a href="">SafeRide</a> is available 365 days per year to provide safe nighttime transportation on the Clifton campus.</li><li>Emory’s <a href="">Smart Commute program</a> offers plenty of perks and rewards for 1,300+ participants who choose biking, walking, carpooling, vanpooling, public transit or Emory shuttles for their commute. Employees can also earn rewards and cash incentives through <a href="">Georgia Commute Options</a>; graduate students can also earn points to redeem for rewards.<div class="imported-block " style="width:auto"><section class="section jumbo jumbo-bg-grid jumbo-default anchor" id="!{aria-heading-id}"><div class="section-description"><div class="jumbo-container"><h2 class="jumbo-heading" id="mark-your-calendar-for-homecoming-and-family-weekend">Mark your calendar for Homecoming and Family Weekend</h2></div></div><div class="section-content"><div class="jumbo-container"><div class="jumbo-row"><div class="jumbo-col-text"><div class="wysiwyg"><p>The new semester is just beginning, but it’s not too early to plan for Homecoming and Family Weekend 2024. Get ready to celebrate Emory Heart + Atlanta Soul with concerts, reunions and more Oct. 23-27.</p><p>Visit the <a href="">Homecoming Weekend 2024 website</a> to view the full schedule and register for the fun.</p><div class="clearfix"></div></div></div><div class="jumbo-col-img"><img alt="" class="jumbo-img" src="thumbs/01022031-21kh-f301.jpg"/></div></div></div></div></section></div></li></ul><div class="clearfix"></div></div></section><hr class="article-divider"/></div></div><aside class="layout-short-width-col-sidebar sidebar"><a class="sr-only sr-only-focusable skip-sidebar" href="#after-sidebar">Skip sidebar content</a><div class="sidebar-actions row"><div class="col-6"><a class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-block" onclick="javascript:window.print()"><span aria-hidden="true" class="fas fa-print"></span> Print</a></div><div class="col-6"><div class="sharethis-inline-share-buttons"></div></div></div><a class="btn btn-primary w-100" href="" target="_self">Subscribe to Emory News</a><a 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To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, You are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of Your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants You such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions.</p><p id="s1"><strong>Section 1 – Definitions.</strong></p><ol type="a"><li id="s1a"><strong>Adapted Material</strong><span> </span>means material subject to Copyright and Similar Rights that is derived from or based upon the Licensed Material and in which the Licensed Material is translated, altered, arranged, transformed, or otherwise modified in a manner requiring permission under the Copyright and Similar Rights held by the Licensor. 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