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if (pageID === 'HOME') document.getElementById('advert_tmg_bin_0').id = ''; </script> <div class="row"><div class="column"><h1>Terms and Conditions</h1></div></div> <div class="row"> <div class="column"> <h2>Overview</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before accepting them and print out a copy for your records, along with all confirmation emails, specific terms, transaction data, rules and payment methods relevant to your use of the services made available at and the mobile application.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">These Terms and Conditions were last updated on June 5, 2020.</div><h2>Telegraph Fantasy Games Rules</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">The &ldquo;Telegraph Fantasy Games Rules&rdquo; incorporate Telegraph Media Group&rsquo;s (TMG) Gambling Policy and govern your participation in any Telegraph Fantasy Games. By playing Telegraph Fantasy Games, you agree to be bound by the Telegraph Fantasy Games Rules.&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><h2>1. Definitions for Telegraph Fantasy Football Competition</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">1.1 The following definitions apply in relation to the Telegraph Fantasy Football Game 2019/20 (&ldquo;TFF&rdquo;) only:</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&ldquo;<strong>Application(s)</strong>&quot; means the application to enter a team selection in the Competition;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&ldquo;<strong>Chairman</strong>&rdquo; means any chairman of a Private League;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&ldquo;<strong>GFM</strong>&rdquo; means GFM Holdings, the provider of the Competition, whose registered company number is 03526529 and address is 42 Phoenix Court, Hawkins Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 8JY;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&quot;<strong>Competition</strong>&quot; means the TFF competition taking place during the 2019/20 domestic English football season, which is currently scheduled to run from 20:00 (BST) on Friday, August 9, 2019 until Saturday, May 23, 2020;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&ldquo;<strong>Event</strong>&rdquo; means an eligible Premier League or FA Cup match, or group of matches where there is no more than two hours between kick-off times.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&ldquo;<strong>Game Week</strong>&rdquo; means each Tuesday to Monday period during the Competition when TFF points are scored;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&ldquo;<strong>Key Contribution</strong>&rdquo; or &ldquo;<strong>KC</strong>&rdquo; (in relation to scoring points) means one of your selected players has made a significant contribution to a goal scored by his football club;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&quot;<strong>Manager</strong>&quot; means the individual responsible for the account registration, selection and entry of an individual team to the Competition;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&quot;<strong>Passcode</strong>&quot; means the four-digit code required to join a Private League, along with the League PIN;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&quot;<strong>Private Leagues</strong>&quot; means any league that is set up by a Manager comprising valid team selections from five or more unique Managers;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&ldquo;<strong>Scheduled Event Kick-off</strong>&rdquo; means the stated published time at which an eligible match (or group of eligible matches) is due to start (in the case of delays, the original scheduled kick-off stands);</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&quot;<strong>Starting XI</strong>&quot; means a Manager&rsquo;s registered team of eleven players as they stand at 20:00 (BST) on Friday, August 9, 2019;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&ldquo;<strong>Super 16s</strong>&rdquo; are public head-to-head leagues comprising sixteen teams each;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&quot;<strong>TFF</strong>&quot; means Telegraph Fantasy Football 2019/20;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&ldquo;<strong>TMG</strong>&rdquo; means Telegraph Media Group Limited, the promoter of the Competition, whose VAT number is 839586469, registered company number is 451593 and address is 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 0DT;</div><div>&quot;<strong>Tournament</strong>&quot;&nbsp;means any public league or knock-out cup competition;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&quot;<strong>Website</strong>&quot; means and any related sub-domains.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&nbsp;</div><h2>2. Eligibility</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">2.1 &quot;How to enter&quot; and any other instructions detailed in advertisements for the Competition on the Website, mobile application, or in any other TMG publication shall form part of the Terms and Conditions of this Competition.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">2.2 By entering this Competition you agree to be legally bound by such Terms and Conditions.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">2.3 Entry to this Competition is restricted to residents of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">2.4 GFM and TMG employees, or those employed by GFM&rsquo;s and TMG&#39;s subsidiaries and anyone else connected with the Competition may enter but shall not be eligible to claim any of the main league prizes or take an active part in a Private League which is eligible to win any of the prizes.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">2.5 All entrants to the Competition must be aged eighteen or over. We reserve the right to take steps to verify your age. If we cannot verify your age within 72 hours of your Application we reserve the right to block additional entries or withhold prizes until your age has been verified.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&nbsp;</div><h2>3. How to enter</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">3.1 Each user may submit up to five free teams into the Competition, provided that each entry adheres to these Terms and Conditions.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">3.2 Managers must not register teams in other names or with multiple email addresses in an attempt to unfairly increase their chances of winning prizes. Managers found to be controlling more than five teams under more than one name in the Competition may have all teams under their control removed from the Competition and/or may not be eligible to win any prizes.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">3.3 Online Applications must be submitted using the Website or mobile application. Teams will start scoring from the next Scheduled Event Kick-off following the successful submission of the Application. Unless there are more than two hours between eligible matches, those eligible matches will be viewed as one Event. For example, Applications submitted successfully after the first Scheduled Event Kick-off of the day at 12.30 (BST) on Saturday, August 10, 2019, but before the second Scheduled Event Kick-off of the day at 15:00 (BST) on Saturday, August 10, 2019 will start scoring points from 15:00 (BST) on Saturday, August 10, 2019. Points will not be backdated.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">3.4 GFM and TMG shall not be responsible for Applications lost in transmission or received late due to high online traffic levels. We recommend that registration and transfers are not left until just before the published deadlines.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">3.5 All Applications are subject to acceptance by TMG. GFM will confirm such acceptance to you, on behalf of TMG, via email (&ldquo;Team Confirmation Email&rdquo;). There will be no contract of any kind between you and TMG unless and until you receive a Team Confirmation Email (in the absence of a Team Confirmation Email, please check your spam folder).</div><h2>4. Team, League and Manager names</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">4.1 TMG reserves the right to refuse to accept any team names, Private League names or Manager names which have been duplicated or are felt, in TMG&#39;s sole discretion, to be inappropriate, misleading or offensive. Unsuitable names may be deleted or amended so that the team or Private League appears under the Manager&#39;s or the Chairman&#39;s name. Team names that include website addresses may also be deleted or amended.</div><h2>5. Player selection</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">5.1 The players included on the selection list and their values have been determined arbitrarily. Player values remain constant throughout the Competition. TMG shall not enter into any correspondence relating to details of the selection list, nor will it accept the inclusion into a team of any player not on the selection list. New players may be introduced into the Competition by TMG as and when appropriate. These may be listed from time to time within The Daily Telegraph and/or on the Website and/or via the mobile application.</div><h2>6. Team selection</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">6.1 Managers&#39; team selections must consist of eleven players chosen from the selection list. The combined total value of their eleven player team selection must not exceed &pound;50 million at any time throughout the Competition. The team of eleven must include one goalkeeper and: four defenders, three midfielders and three strikers (4-3-3) or; four defenders, four midfielders and two strikers (4-4-2) or; three defenders, five midfielders and two strikers (3-5-2) or; four defenders, five midfielders and one striker (4-5-1) or; three defenders, four midfielders and three strikers (3-4-3) or; five defenders, three midfielders and two strikers (5-3-2). Managers may switch between formations when making transfers.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">6.2 A player can only appear in the same team once at any one time - player duplication is not permitted. There is no additional restriction on the number of players chosen from the same club.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">6.3 Managers not wishing to select their own team but wishing to participate in the Competition may do so by clicking the Auto-Complete button during the Application process. An eligible team will be selected for you at random and details of that selection will be shown on-screen.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">6.4 Managers of valid team selections that provide a valid email address will be sent a Team Confirmation Email but should be aware that some ISPs and central servers have &#39;fire walls&#39; or other blocking software, which do not allow distribution of game related communications. Entries will not be confirmed by post.</div><h2>7. Scoring points</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">7.1 Points will be awarded based on all Premier League and FA Cup matches (featuring Premier League teams) played from 20:00 (BST) on Friday, August 9, 2019 up to and including the final match, scheduled for Saturday, May 23, 2020.&nbsp;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">7.2 Points from abandoned matches will not count towards scoring in the Competition. In the event of an abandoned match, the updated Scheduled Event Kick Off time will be published on the Website. If any kick-off is delayed to a later time in the same day the original Scheduled Event Kick Off time for that match (as stated on the Website) stands. Therefore any transfers made after the Scheduled Event Kick Off in this scenario will not count for that match.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">7.3 Points will be awarded and deducted per match as follows:</div><div id="cke_pastebin"><strong>All players:</strong> starting appearance (two points); substitute appearance (one point); goal scored (five points); Key Contribution to a goal (three points); red card (minus three points) (note: two yellow cards leading to a red card in the same match counts as one red card); yellow card (minus one point); missed penalty (minus two points); own goal (minus three points).</div><div id="cke_pastebin"><strong>Goalkeepers only:</strong> penalty save (five points) (for these points to be awarded the goalkeeper must have prevented the penalty from being scored with some part of his body).</div><div id="cke_pastebin"><strong>Goalkeepers and defenders only:</strong> team keeps a full-match clean sheet and player plays sixty minutes or more excluding stoppage time (five points); team keeps a full-match clean sheet and player plays fewer than sixty minutes (two points); first goal conceded (zero points); each additional goal conceded (minus one point). Points will not be awarded for FA Cup penalty shoot-outs.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">7.4 <strong>Key Contributions</strong> (&ldquo;KCs&rdquo;) for goals will be awarded at the sole discretion of the judging panel appointed by TMG. Up to two players may be awarded a KC for the same goal. For general guidance only, the following will be considered by the judges, among other factors when deciding on KCs:</div><ul><li>no KC is given to a player who simply touches the ball sideways from a free kick, or to the penalty taker when penalties are saved or come back off the woodwork before a goal is scored;</li><li>if during the build up to a goal, an opposing player significantly alters the speed or direction of the ball to the extent that it does not reach what the judges consider to be the intended target area, then no KC is given;</li><li>if a goalkeeper does not have control of the ball and parries a shot or drops a cross or the ball rebounds off the woodwork, the attacking player shooting or crossing the ball may receive the KC if a goal ensues -this does not apply if the goalkeeper successfully punches the ball clear (achieving a deliberate contact on the ball); in the event of a penalty, the player who was fouled (if applicable), may receive a KC if the resultant penalty is scored unless he takes the penalty himself in which case no KC is given;</li><li>no KC is given for a player who earns a free kick that subsequently results in a goal; no KC will be awarded for a player who checks or shields another player, makes a run to create space for another player or shields the ball without touching it.</li><li>a KC may be awarded in the event of an own goal.</li></ul><div id="cke_pastebin">7.5 Points will not be altered for decisions that are reviewed retrospectively. Therefore the points that are awarded to a player, positive or negative, at the end of a match will remain with that same player. This includes but is not limited to awarding of goals and rescinding of cards.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">7.6 The judges&#39; decision shall be final and TMG will not enter into any correspondence regarding points deducted or allocated to players.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">7.7 Scores will be updated daily, online at the Website and the mobile application.</div><h2>8. Live scoring</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">8.1 As far as possible, during all eligible Premier League and FA Cup matches, Managers have the option to view the progress of their TFF team and watch score updates on the Website or mobile application. Managers will also be able to view periodic Private League updates (top twenty teams only) on match days. Managers within Private Leagues will have the option to disable their live updates from the live Private League table should they wish to do so, by making their teams Private. While matches are being played, a Manager&rsquo;s team on the &ldquo;TFF Live&rdquo; page will display the XI that was eligible at the start of the live Event, but if transfers are made during the live Event the outgoing players will be replaced on the screen in &ldquo;TFF Live&rdquo;, however they will still score points for that Event.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">8.2 Important: live score updates are offered purely to enhance Managers&rsquo; enjoyment of the Competition and points should be regarded as indicative only. All live points are subject to verification and Key Contributions will not be awarded until then. Classified scores will be published following verification by the judging panel appointed by TMG in accordance with Clause 7, &ldquo;Scoring Points&rdquo;. Only classified scores will be published outside of the TFF Live page on the Competition website or mobile application. In the event that live scores vary from classified scores on the Competition website or mobile application, the decision of the judges will be final and TMG is not obliged to enter into any correspondence regarding points allocated to, or deducted from, players.</div><h2>9. Transfers</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">9.1 Managers may alter their teams by effecting transfers, which may be actioned online via the Website or mobile application. A total of 40 transfers per team are available during the Competition.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">9.2 A maximum of five transfers per team can be made during any one Game Week (Tuesday to Monday). Transfers beyond the maximum number allowed in any Game Week will be rejected as will any transfer requests beyond the seasonal maximum of 40.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">9.3 Transfer requests shall be acknowledged via on-screen confirmation. TMG shall not be responsible for transfer applications lost in transmission or received late due to high online traffic levels or for incomplete transfer applications.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">9.4 A pre-season transfer amnesty shall operate until the first Scheduled Event Kick-off at 20:00 (BST) on Friday, August 9, 2019, which allows Managers to make unlimited changes to their line-up without affecting their season transfer allocation. Following this, transfers may be submitted at any time up until the final Scheduled Event Kick-off, expected to be on Saturday, May 23, 2020.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">9.5. Players must be transferred before a Scheduled Event Kick-off time in order to score points in that Event. Players transferred after a Scheduled Event Kick-off time will score points from the next Scheduled Event Kick-off time.&nbsp; If any kick-off is delayed to a later time in the same day the original Scheduled Event Kick Off for that match (as stated on the Website) stands for the purposes of that transfer deadline. For the avoidance of doubt, there must be at least a two-hour gap between two scheduled match kick-off times in order for transfers to be made between matches and score from the next Scheduled Event Kick-Off. If the gap is less than two hours and/or if matches overlap, then the earliest kick-off time of these matches will be deemed the transfer deadline.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">9.6 With all transfers, Managers must ensure that their teams continue to meet the selection criteria.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">9.7 Once submitted, transfer requests cannot be altered under any circumstances.</div><h2>10. Private Leagues&nbsp;</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">10.1 Entry into TFF shall give Managers the opportunity to form their own Private Leagues and join other Private Leagues.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">10.2 Each team may participate in up to five Private Leagues.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">10.3 Once a team has joined a Private League it is not possible for that entry to be moved into another Private League. If however the team is removed from a Private League by the Private League&rsquo;s Chairman, that team shall be allowed to join a new Private League provided it adheres to the Private League conditions set out in this Clause 10.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">10.4 <strong>Private Leagues</strong> can be registered via the Website or mobile application. This facility allows applicants to register their team to their preferred Private League. A Chairman must first register the Private League and his/her own team online via Website or mobile application. The Chairman will be instructed to select a Private League name and a four-digit passcode, and will then be allocated a seven-digit Private League PIN. Both the passcode and PIN must be given (in exactly the form they appear) to all invited participants of that Private League. The Chairman will be the recipient of all correspondence relating to that Private League.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">10.5 The League Chairman will be the recipient of all communications relating to the League, including a weekly league table circulated via email (Chairmen can unsubscribe from this service at any time).<div id="cke_pastebin">10.6 No further Private League entries will be accepted after 23:59 (BST) on Monday, September 23, 2019.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">10.7 Private League Chairmen will have the facility to remove members from their Private League until the Private League entry deadline at 23:59 (BST) on Monday, September 23, 2019.&nbsp;</div><div>10.8 Chairmen of Private Leagues are advised to circulate their League PIN and Passcodes only to people they wish to join the League. Once all invited members have joined, Chairmen are advised to change their Passcode to effectively lock down the League. Chairmen may request uninvited / unwanted members be removed from their League up until midnight on Monday, September 30, 2019. TMG will consider each request on merit based on any evidence provided by both the Chairman and the affected league member. TMG&rsquo;s decisions on such matters will be final.</div><h2>11. Public Leagues</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">11.1 Entry into TFF shall also give Managers the opportunity to join Public Leagues. There are three Public Leagues, the Facebook League, the Twitter League and the Three Lions League.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">11.2 In the interests of fair play, each team is permitted to join one Public League only but a Manager can join up to three Public Leagues with different teams.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">11.3 No further Public League entries will be accepted after 23:59 (BST) on Monday, August 12, 2019.</div><h2>12. Tournaments</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">12.1 TFF Managers will have the opportunity to participate in free TFF Tournaments. Each Tournament is made up of sixteen teams each managed by a different individual Manager.&nbsp;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">12.2 Each manager can join up to 10 Tournaments but only compete in each Tournament once.</div><div>12.3 Once sixteen teams join to complete a Tournament, a new Tournament will be made available.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">12.4 Tournaments become available to view once they fill, however points scored from the start of the season for all participating teams will be used, regardless of when the Tournament fills.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">12.5 Tournament entries will close at 23:59 (BST) on Monday, September 23, 2019.</div><h2>13. One League</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">13.1 TFF Managers will have the opportunity to participate in TFF&#39;s One League. There is no limit to the number of Managers that can join the One League, but a Manager can only enter a single team into the One League.&nbsp;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">13.2 The winning Manager at the conclusion of the One League will receive a cash prize of &pound;1,000. In the case of a tie, the standard TFF tie-break rules (Clause 16) will apply.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">13.3 One League entries will close at 12:30 (BST) on Saturday, August 17, 2019.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&nbsp;</div><h2>14. Super 16s&nbsp;</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">14.1 TFF Managers will have the opportunity of entering a head-to-head Super 16s League against 15 other Managers.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">14.2 Super 16s are opt-in only so Managers must nominate one of their teams to compete by 23:59 (BST) on Monday, September 30, 2019.&nbsp;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">14.3 Over the 30 subsequent scoring Game Weeks, teams will compete against each of the other 15 teams in their Super 16s League on a head-to-head basis, playing each other team twice. After each Game Week, three points will be awarded to teams that have scored more points than their opponent and one point if the head-to-head ends in a tie.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">14.4 After 30 rounds of head-to-head matches, the Managers whose teams finish top of each Super 16s League will be the winners. In the case of a tie, the standard TFF tie-break rules (Clause 16) will apply.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&nbsp;</div><h2>15. Prizes</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">15.1 <strong>Overall Leaderboard:</strong> &pound;10,000 will be awarded at the end of the Competition to the Manager whose team is placed at the top of the Overall Leaderboard. This is the Manager whose team has amassed the highest number of points in the Competition by the end of the final Event scheduled for Saturday, May 23, 2020. The Manager whose team finishes with the second highest number of points in the Overall Leaderboard shall win &pound;250. The Manager whose team finishes with the third highest number of points shall win &pound;100. The Manager whose team finishes with the fourth highest number of points shall win &pound;50. The Manager whose team finishes in last place in the Overall Leaderboard shall win the &lsquo;Wooden Spoon&rsquo; prize of &pound;50. An individual Manager can win a maximum of one &#39;top four&#39; prize via the Overall Leaderboard, regardless of the number of valid teams entered.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">15.2 <strong>Golden Boot Leaderboard:</strong> &pound;200 will be awarded at the end of the Competition to the Manager whose team is placed at the top of the Golden Boot Leaderboard. This is the Manager whose team has scored the highest number of goals in the Competition by the end of the final Event on Saturday, May 23, 2020. Goals scored in penalty shoot-outs are not included in a Manager&#39;s Golden Boot total.&nbsp;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">15.3 <strong>The&nbsp;One League:</strong> &pound;1,000 will be awarded at the end of the competition to the Manager whose team is placed at the top of the One League. This is the Manager whose team has amassed the highest number of points in the Competition by the end of the final Event on Saturday, May 23, 2020.&nbsp;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">15.4&nbsp;<strong>Starting XI Leaderboard:</strong> &pound;200 will be awarded at the end of the Competition to the Manager whose Starting XI team is placed at the top of the Starting XI Leaderboard. This is the Manager whose team amassed the highest number of points in the Competition by the end of the final Event on Saturday, May 23, 2020. The Starting XI is a Manager&rsquo;s original team selection (post transfer amnesty - i.e. your team as of the first Scheduled Event Kick-off at 20:00 BST on Friday, August 9, 2019) and is unaffected by any subsequent transfer activity during the season.&nbsp;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">15.5&nbsp;<strong>Monthly Leaderboards: </strong>&pound;200 will be awarded at the end of each Game Month to the Manager whose team is placed at the top of the Monthly Leaderboard. This is the Manager whose team has amassed the highest number of points in the Competition within a Game Month. There are ten Game Months in all: Month 1: August 9, 2019 &ndash; September 2, 2019; Month 2: September 3, 2019 &ndash; September 30, 2019; Month 3: October 1, 2019 &ndash; November 4, 2019; Month 4: November 5, 2019 &ndash; December 9, 2019; Month 5: December 10, 2019 &ndash; December 30, 2019; Month 6: December 31, 2019 - January 27, 2020; Month 7: January 28, 2020 - February 24, 2020; Month 8: February 25, 2020 -&nbsp; March 30, 2020; Month 9: June 17, 2020 - Aug 1, 2020. To be eligible for a prize in a Monthly Leaderboard a Manager must have submitted their teams before the first Scheduled Event Kick-off of the related Game Month.&nbsp;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">15.6&nbsp;<strong>Weekly Leaderboards:</strong> &pound;50 will be awarded at the end of each Game Week to the Manager whose team is placed at the top of the Weekly Leaderboard. This is the Manager whose team has amassed the highest number of points in the Competition within a Game Week. Game Weeks run every Tuesday to Monday throughout the season, providing there is at least one eligible scoring match played. There are scheduled to be 38 Game Weeks. To be eligible for a prize in a Weekly Leaderboard a Manager must have submitted their teams before the first Scheduled Event Kick-off of the related Game Week. An individual Manager can win a maximum of three Weekly prizes during the Competition.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">15.7&nbsp;<strong>Public Leagues: </strong>&pound;50 will be awarded at the end of the Competition to the Managers whose teams finish at the top of each of the three Public Leagues. These are the Managers who have amassed the highest number of points in each of the Public Leagues in the Competition by the end of the final Event on Saturday, May 23, 2020. To be eligible for a prize in the Public Leagues a Manager must have entered their teams into Public Leagues by 23:59 (BST) on Monday, August 12, 2019.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">15.11 In the event of a tie for any prize, the standard TFF tie-break rules (Clause 16) will apply &ndash; with the exception of Golden Boot prizes where the order of the tie-break is highest number of total points, highest number of Key Contributions, highest number of points scored from Clean Sheets, and lowest number of points deducted for yellow and red cards.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">15.12 In relation to all of the prizes listed above, TMG&#39;s decision in all matters shall be final. Winners will be notified by email. There are no prize alternatives and the prizes are not transferable. Winners may be required to co-operate with reasonable publicity. Winners&#39; names will be published on the Website and, in some cases, in The Daily Telegraph.</div><h2>16. Tie-Breaks</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">16.1 In the event of a tie for any prize, preference will be given to the Manager whose team has scored the most goals during the relevant prize period (i.e. Season, Game Month, Game Week). If the result is still a tie, preference will be given to the Manager whose team has achieved the most points for KCs during the relevant prize period (i.e. Season, Game Month, Game Week), and thereafter the most points from Clean Sheets during the relevant prize period (i.e. Season, Game Month, Game Week). If there is still a tie, preference will be given to the Manager whose team has received the least points for yellow cards and red cards during the relevant prize period (i.e. Season, Game Month, Game Week). If clear positions for the prize winners still do not emerge, the tied Managers will be entered into a prize draw and the first Manager drawn at random will be awarded the prize.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">16.2 The exceptions to the standard tie-break rules are with Golden Boot and Wooden Spoon prizes. For the Golden Boot, the order of the tie-break is highest number of total points, highest number of Key Contributions, highest number of points scored from Clean Sheets, and lowest number of points deducted for yellow and red cards. For the Wooden Spoon, the tie break gives preference to the Manager whose team has scored the least goals during the relevant prize period (i.e. Season, Game Month, Game Week). If the result is still a tie, preference will be given to the Manager whose team has achieved the least points for KCs during the relevant prize period (i.e. Season, Game Month, Game Week), and thereafter the least points from Clean Sheets during the relevant prize period (i.e. Season, Game Month, Game Week). If there is still a tie, preference will be given to the Manager whose team has received the most points for yellow cards and red cards during the relevant prize period (i.e. Season, Game Month, Game Week). If clear positions for the prize winners still do not emerge, the tied Managers will be entered into a prize draw and the first Manager drawn at random will be awarded the prize.&nbsp;</div><div id="cke_pastebin">16.3 The decision of TMG&#39;s judges regarding Tie-Breaks shall be final and binding.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">&nbsp;</div><h2>17. General</h2><div id="cke_pastebin">17.1 TMG reserve the right to refuse to accept any Application, Team entry, Public League entry or Private League entry which in TMG&#39;s opinion does not comply with these Terms and Conditions or which contravenes the spirit of the Competition.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">17.2 Your data will be collected in accordance with TMG&#39;s Privacy and Cookie Policy. If we carry out checks to verify your age (in order to comply with our obligations to the Gambling Commission) we may provide your data to a credit reference agency that may keep a record of your details. Please do not make an Application if you do not wish for this to happen.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">17.3 Winners will be notified via email within a reasonable time following a decision by TMG and prizes will be dispatched within 28 days of such notification and payable by way of cheque. There are no prize alternatives and the prizes are not transferable.</div><div id="cke_pastebin">17.4 Winners&#39; names, TFF team selections, photographs and any comments made in relation to a prize may be used by TMG without limitation for future promotional, marketing and publicity purposes, in all and any media worldwide without notice and without any fee being paid. 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