Element - Telephone/DF0_MAir/NoiseDirectiveDF0

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You must specify the link."); return false; } } } if (hasWhiteSpace("idfier")){ alert("Identifier cannot contain any white space!"); return false; } if (!validForXMLTag(document.forms["form1"].elements["idfier"].value, isCommon)){ alert("Identifier not valid for usage as an XML tag! " + "In the first character only underscore or latin characters are allowed! " + "In the rest of characters only underscore or hyphen or dot or 0-9 or latin characters are allowed!" + "Only common elements may have namespace prefix."); return false; } } //slctAllValues(); if (mode=="editclose"){ mode = "edit"; document.forms["form1"].elements["saveclose"].value = "true"; } document.forms["form1"].elements["mode"].value = mode; document.forms["form1"].submit(); return true; } function delDialogReturn(){ var v = dialogWin.returnValue; if (v==null || v=="" || v=="cancel") return; document.forms["form1"].elements["upd_version"].value = v; deleteReady(); } function deleteReady(){ document.forms["form1"].elements["mode"].value = "delete"; document.forms["form1"].submit(); } function checkObligations(){ var o = document.forms["form1"].delem_name; if (o!=null && o.value.length == 0) return false; o = document.forms["form1"].idfier; if (o!=null && o.value.length == 0) return false; if ($("#form1 .vocabularyAttributeMandatoryValidationError").length) { return false; } var elems = document.forms["form1"].elements; for (var i=0; elems!=null && i<elems.length; i++){ var elem = elems[i]; var elemName =; var elemValue = elem.value; if (startsWith(elemName, "attr_")){ var o = document.forms["form1"].elements[i+1]; if (o == null) return false; if (!startsWith(, "oblig_")) continue; if (o.value == "M" && (elemValue==null || elemValue.length==0)){ return false; } } } return true; } function hasWhiteSpace(input_name){ var elems = document.forms["form1"].elements; if (elems == null) return false; for (var i=0; i<elems.length; i++){ var elem = elems[i]; if ( == input_name){ var val = elem.value; if (val.indexOf(" ") != -1) return true; } } return false; } function startsWith(str, pattern){ var i = str.indexOf(pattern,0); if (i!=-1 && i==0) return true; else return false; } function endsWith(str, pattern){ var i = str.indexOf(pattern, str.length-pattern.length); if (i!=-1) return true; else return false; } function fixType(radioButton){ if (!radioButton){ return; } var strType = radioButton.value; if (strType == null || strType.length==0){ return; } var datatypeElemAttrID = 25 var requestQS = new Querystring(); var arr = new Array(); arr[0] = strType; requestQS.setValues_("type", arr); slctAllValues(); var s = visibleInputsToQueryString("form1"); var inputsQS = new Querystring(s); inputsQS.remove("typeSelect"); requestQS.removeAll(inputsQS); // The reason we want to exclude "reg_status" is that IE will change occurance // of "&reg_status" substring to "庐_status". So we will add reg_status explicitly // right to the start of the query string, so that in the final URL it appears right after the question mark. requestQS.remove("reg_status"); requestQS.remove("mode"); inputsQS.remove("reg_status"); inputsQS.remove("mode"); //remove dataelem if CH3. Actually var datatypeElemID = "attr_25"; var eType = strType if (eType == "CH3") { inputsQS.remove(datatypeElemID); } var newLocation = "/dataelements/add/?"; if (document.forms["form1"].reg_status){ newLocation = newLocation + "reg_status=" + escape(document.forms["form1"].reg_status.value) + "&"; } newLocation = newLocation + requestQS.toString() + "&" + inputsQS.toString(); window.location.assign(newLocation); } function onBodyLoad(){ var formName = "form1"; var inputName; var popValues; } function changeDatatype(){ var elmDataType = document.forms["form1"].attr_25.value; if (elmDataType == null || elmDataType.length==0) return; var arr = new Array(); arr[0] = elmDataType; var requestQS = new Querystring(); requestQS.setValues_("elm_datatype", arr); requestQS.remove("attr_25"); slctAllValues(); var s = visibleInputsToQueryString("form1"); var inputsQS = new Querystring(s); inputsQS.remove("attr_25"); requestQS.removeAll(inputsQS); // The reason we want to exclude "reg_status" is that IE will change occurance // of "&reg_status" substring to "庐_status". So we will add reg_status explicitly // right to the start of the query string, so that in the final URL it appears right after the question mark. requestQS.remove("reg_status"); requestQS.remove("mode"); inputsQS.remove("reg_status"); inputsQS.remove("mode"); var newLocation = "/dataelements/62326/view?"; if (document.forms["form1"].reg_status){ newLocation = newLocation + "reg_status=" + escape(document.forms["form1"].reg_status.value) + "&"; } newLocation = newLocation + requestQS.toString() + "&" + inputsQS.toString(); window.location.assign(newLocation); } function slctAllValues(){ var elems = document.forms["form1"].elements; if (elems == null) return true; for (var j=0; j<elems.length; j++){ var elem = elems[j]; var elemName =; if (startsWith(elemName, "attr_mult_")){ var slct = document.forms["form1"].elements[elemName]; if (slct.options && slct.length){ if (slct.length==1 && slct.options[0].value=="" && slct.options[0].text==""){ slct.remove(0); slct.length = 0; } for (var i=0; i<slct.length; i++){ slct.options[i].selected = "true"; } } } } } function copyElem(){ var isCommon = false; if (hasWhiteSpace("idfier")){ alert("Identifier cannot contain any white space!"); return; } if (!validForXMLTag(document.forms["form1"].elements["idfier"].value, isCommon)) { alert("Identifier not valid for usage as an XML tag! " + "In the first character only underscore or latin characters are allowed! " + "In the rest of characters only underscore or hyphen or dot or 0-9 or latin characters are allowed!"); return; } var ds = document.forms["form1"].elements["ds_id"].value; if (ds==null || ds==""){ alert('Dataset not specified!'); return; } var tbl = document.forms["form1"].elements["table_id"].value; if (tbl==null || tbl==""){ alert('Table not specified!'); return; } var url="/search.jsp?ctx=popup"; wAdd =,"Search","height=800,width=1200,status=yes,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=no,location=no"); if (window.focus){ wAdd.focus(); } } function pickElemForLink(id, name){ if (pickMode=="link") { document.forms["form1"].elements["successor_id"].value = id; document.getElementById("successorName").href = "/dataelements/"+id; document.getElementById("successorName").innerHTML = name; document.getElementById("successorName").onclick = "return true"; return true; } } function pickElem(id) { document.forms["form1"].elements["copy_elem_id"].value=id; document.forms["form1"].elements["mode"].value = "copy"; document.forms["form1"].submit(); return true; } function validForXMLTag(str, isCommon){ var colonCount = 0; // if empty string not allowed for XML tag if (str==null || str.length==0){ return false; } // check the first character (only underscore or A-Z or a-z allowed) var ch = str.charCodeAt(0); if (!(ch==95 || (ch>=65 && ch<=90) || (ch>=97 && ch<=122))){ return false; } // check the rest of characters ((only underscore or hyphen or dot or 0-9 or A-Z or a-z allowed)) if (str.length==1) return true; for (var i=1; i<str.length; i++){ ch = str.charCodeAt(i); if (ch == 58) { colonCount = colonCount + 1; } //only common elements may have colon if (!((ch == 58 && isCommon) || ch==95 || ch==45 || ch==46 || (ch>=48 && ch<=57) || (ch>=65 && ch<=90) || (ch>=97 && ch<=122))){ return false; } if (colonCount > 1) { return false; } } //xml element name can contain only one colon: return true; } // ]]> </script> </head> <body 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main table body --> <!-- quick links --> <!-- type --> <h2> DATA ELEMENT WITH QUANTITATIVE VALUES <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=element&amp;area=type"></a> </h2> <!-- start dotted --> <div id="outerframe"> <!-- attributes --> <table class="datatable results"> <!-- Identifier --> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Identifier <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=dataset&amp;area=identifier"></a> </th> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <b>Telephone</b> <input type="hidden" name="idfier" value="Telephone"/> </td> </tr> <!-- short name --> <tr id="short_name_row" class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row short_name"> Short name <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=dataset&amp;area=short_name"></a> </th> <td class="short_name_value"> Telephone <input type="hidden" name="delem_name" value="Telephone"/> </td> </tr> <!-- dataset & table part, relevant for non-common elements only --> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Dataset <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=table&amp;area=dataset"></a> </th> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <em> <a href="/datasets/2920"> <b>NoiseDirectiveDF0</b> </a> </em> <input type="hidden" name="ds_id" value="2920"/> </td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Table <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=element&amp;area=table"></a> </th> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <em> <a href="/tables/7243"> DF0_MAir </a> </em> <input type="hidden" name="table_id" value="7243"/> </td> </tr> <!-- RegistrationStatus, relevant for common elements only --> <!-- Reference URL --> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Reference URL <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?screen=dataset&amp;area=refurl"></a> </th> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <small><a href=""></a></small> </td> </tr> <!-- dynamic attributes --> <tr class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Name <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=1&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> Telephone <input type="hidden" name="oblig_1" value="M"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Datatype <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=25&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> string <input type="hidden" name="oblig_25" value="M"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Minimum size <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=8&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> 1 <input type="hidden" name="oblig_8" value="M"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Maximum size <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=24&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> 16 <input type="hidden" name="oblig_24" value="M"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Public or Internal <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=28&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> undefined <input type="hidden" name="oblig_28" value="O"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Owner (Accountable) <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=61&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <input type="hidden" name="oblig_61" value="O"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Responsible <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=62&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <input type="hidden" name="oblig_62" value="M"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Reporting obligation <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=60&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> <input type="hidden" name="oblig_60" value="O"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <tr class="even"> <th scope="row" class="scope-row simple_attr_title"> Is language used <a class="helpButton" href="/help.jsp?attrid=58&amp;attrtype=SIMPLE"></a> </th> <!-- dynamic attribute value display --> <td class="simple_attr_value"> No <input type="hidden" name="oblig_58" value="O"/> </td> <!-- end dynamic attribute value display --> </tr> <!-- end dynamic attributes --> <!-- version (or the so-called CheckInNo), relevant for common elements only --> <!-- add, save, check-in, undo check-out buttons --> </table> <!-- end of attributes --> <!-- allowable/suggested values --> <!-- foreign key relations, relevant for non-common elements only --> <!-- referring tables , relevant for common elements only --> <!-- Inference Rules --> <!-- end Inference Rules --> <!-- end dotted --> </div> <!-- end main table body --> <!-- end main table --> <div style="display:none"> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="view"/> <input type="hidden" name="check_in" value="false"/> <input type="hidden" name="switch_type" value="false"/> <input type="hidden" name="copy_elem_id" value=""/> <input type="hidden" name="changed" value="0"/> <input type="hidden" name="saveclose" value="false"/> <input type="hidden" name="remove_values" value="false"/> <input 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