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These principles govern professional conduct in serving the interests of the public, clients, employers, colleagues, and the profession.</p> <h3>SPE Professionals:</h3> <ol> <li>Offer services in the areas of their competence and experience affording full disclosure of their qualifications.<br> </li> <li>Consider the consequences of their work and societal issues pertinent to it and seek to extend public understanding of those relationships.<br> </li> <li>Are honest, truthful, ethical, and fair in presenting information and in making public statements reflecting on colleagues professional matters and their professional role, whether verbal or through printed or electronic media.<br> </li> <li>Engage in professional relationships without bias or prejudice based on race, religion, gender, age, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, socioeconomic status, political affiliation, or disability.<br> </li> <li>Act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees by not disclosing without consent, or taking improper advantage of, anything of a proprietary or confidential nature concerning the business affairs or technical processes of any present or former client or employer.<br> </li> <li>Disclose to affected parties known or potential conflicts of interest or other circumstances which might influence - or appear to influence - judgment or impair the fairness or quality of their performance.<br> </li> <li>Are responsible for enhancing their professional competence throughout their careers, for promoting others to advance their learning and competence, and not falsely obtaining competency credentials through misrepresentation of experience or misconduct.<br> </li> <li>Accept responsibility for their actions; seek and acknowledge criticism of their work; offer honest and constructive criticism of the work of others; properly credit the contributions of others; and do not accept credit for work that is not their own work.<br> </li> <li>When perceiving a consequence of their professional duties to adversely affect the present or future public health and safety shall formally advise their employers or clients, and subordinates and, if warranted, consider further disclosure to appropriate parties.<br> </li> <li>Seek to adopt technical and economic measures to render potentially adverse impacts to environment or the health, safety, and security of the public as low as reasonably practicable.<br> </li> <li>Act in accordance with all applicable laws and the canons of ethics as applicable to the practice of engineering as stated in the laws and regulations governing the practice of engineering in their country, territory, or state, and lend support to others who strive to do likewise.<br> </li> <li>Do not engage to offer or accept bribes or facilitate payments, either directly or indirectly, not only in compliance with anti-bribery laws but also in maintenance of high professional and ethical standards.</li> </ol> <p><em>— Approved by the Board of Directors February 25, 1985<br> — Revised by the Board of Directors September 26, 2004<br> — Revised by the Board of Directors September 19, 2010<br> — Revised by the Board of Directors September 29, 2013</em></p> <p>Violation of the SPE Code of Conduct may result in non-compliance filed with the SPE Conduct Review Committee, and the Committee can recommend actions that may include no penalty, to give a warning, to suspend the member’s SPE membership for a set period, or to permanently expel the member from SPE membership.</p> <p>Non-compliance filing can be initiated by contacting <a href=""><strong>.</strong></a></p> </div> </div> </div> <!--/.Content--> </div> <!--Main layout--> <!--Footer--> <!-- #spe-footer short begin --> <footer class="pt-4 pb-5 pt-md-5 bg-white position-relative spe-shadow-top"> <div class="container main-footer__container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-md text-left"> <ul class="list-unstyled"> 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