IIARADMIN -- About "Cookies"
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We do not use cookies to track what other sites you have visited, or to look at or track any personal or confidential information about you. We make use of cookies to enable authorization control for online subscriptions. We delete all our cookies when you click "Sign Out". <A NAME="tips"><!-- null --></A> <P> <P><FONT SIZE="+1" FACE="trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><strong><FONT COLOR="#000000">If you keep seeing the sign in page and can't get past it, here are some likely explanations:</font></strong></font> <P><P><FONT SIZE="+1" FACE="trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><strong>General Problems:</strong></font><p> <strong>You haven't activated your subscription.</strong><br /> If you have subscribed to IIARADMIN Online but have not yet activated your subscription. <A HREF="/subscriptions/">Do so now</A>. <P> <P><FONT SIZE="+1" FACE="trebuchet ms,verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><strong>Cookie Problems:</strong></font><p> <strong>You are not accepting cookies.</strong><br /> Make sure that your browser's preferences are set to accept cookies.<p> <strong>You are using a program on your computer that automatically deletes cookies</strong>.<br /> You will need to create an exception for IIARADMIN Online.<p> <strong>The date is set incorrectly on your computer.</strong><br /> This confuses our cookies (they have expiration dates). Check to see that your date is set accurately.<p> <strong>Your browser does not support cookies.</strong><br /> You will need to upgrade it. <p> <strong>You are accessing IIARADMIN Online via a "proxy server" that is deleting cookies automatically.</strong><br /> You should contact your network administrator to determine whether your institution's proxy server is the source of the trouble.<p> <P> <strong><FONT COLOR="#000000">If you still have difficulty, send us <A HREF="/cgi/feedback">feedback</A> </strong> <P><HR NOSHADE SIZE="1" COLOR="#000000"><P> <P>There are four cookies used in our system: "acceptsCookies" certifies that you are using a browser which accepts cookies. "username" identifies you to our system as a valid user. "pswd" tracks your password (encrypted). "JServSessionId" identifies your session to our computer. <P> Unless you use the "Auto Sign In" option on the sign in page, the cookie information we create in your browser is destroyed as soon as you quit your browser. On the other hand, if you use the "Auto Sign In" option once and accept the cookies, on future occasions, the system will only set one cookie, since the other cookies remain resident on your computer until you delete them using "Sign Out." </div><!-- close #admin-content --> <div id="footer"> <div id="footerlogo"> <img src="/help/maint-img/logo_highwire_footer.png"><br/> <div class="address"> HighWire Inc<br/> | Los Gatos, CA | Belfast, NI | Brighton, UK<br/> </div> </div> <div class="credits"> <p>Admin Center<br/>© 1995-2024</p> </div> </div> </BODY> </HTML>