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[1208021,1208022,1208025,1208023,1167540,1167541,1208020,1207943,1207942,1167543,1167545,1167546,1167548,1198057,1167551,1167552,1196422,1167553,1204017,1185521,1167557,1167558,1167560,1167561,1178309,1178340,1173487,1167569,1167571,1167573,1167578,1205457,1167579,1167580,1167582,1178262,1167585,1167784,1167589,1167590,1167591,1198532,1167593,1204182,1167594,1187007,1173491,1167595,1167596,1167597,1186678,1174094,1206281,1167601,1167603,1167605,1167608,1167610,1199839,1167611,1178349,1167612,1196614,1167613,1173494,1179876,1167615,1167616,1167617,1187761,1167619,1167621,1167622,1167623,1207696,1167625,1167626,1175506,1197978,1167629,1167631,1167632,1199373,1167634,1173496,1208161,1167638,1173620,1179961,1167640,1199410,1187777,1167641,1186539,1167644,1167646,1167648,1167650,1196729,1167653,1167654,1178471,1178462,1205757,1199326,1167660,1186560,1205413,1167664,1167665,1167666,1184544,1167668,1184666,1205533,1196433,1198521,1187136,1167671,1167672,1204176,1167674,1167676,1184912,1199336,1178555,1167681,1167682,1196525,1206220,1184951,1185934,1178575,1194052,1185728,1206343,1206880,1167698,1167700,1187924,1167705,1167706,1184981,1206103,1187803,1167712,1199365,1185756,1206144,1167718,1167722,1167723,1196587,1167724,1167725,1167727,1167728,1167729,1167732,1167733,1167736,1186568,1167737,1199123,1205340,1175511,1167741,1167742,1167744,1167752,1167754,1199040,1178609,1205447,1167757,1167758,1184953,1167767,1205455,1167768,1167769,1186840,1167773,1167775,1206137,1167778,1168020,1167780,1184511,1184977,1185704,1168140,1167786,1186868,1167790,1196485,1167791,1167793,1187997,1197990,1167797,1167798,1199957,1167801,1167802,1167805,1167806,1167807,1167808,1206096,1167812,1167813,1178044,1167815,1167817,1196461,1205393,1167825,1206259,1205633,1173522,1173626,1205703,1204127,1167834,1167836,1167837,1167838,1167841,1167842,1167843,1167844,1179078,1178490,1167847,1184944,1167849,1167850,1167851,1196504,1167855,1185903,1186472,1167856,1187657,1167860,1179169,1206455,1179938,1167863,1167865,1167866,1167867,1194197,1167875,1167876,1167878,1206124,1167884,1199085,1167888,1194058,1196700,1205677,1187846,1178361,1206580,1167891,1179997,1167894,1167895,1167897,1187604,1186605,1204066,1167900,1167904,1179131,1199038,1198484,1204112,1167916,1167917,1167919,1173628,1167921,1167922,1184522,1179313,1167925,1167926,1178215,1167928,1184672,1167929,1186484,1199998,1167933,1167574,1167935,1167936,1205642,1205379,1167939,1167941,1184905,1167943,1174096,1206207,1198032,1167947,1186599,1167949,1173535,1167951,1167952,1173630,1167957,1167959,1197967,1167960,1167961,1167962,1167964,1167969,1167972,1167974,1184504,1187078,1194046,1167979,1167983,1199317,1199266,1173553,1187002,1167986,1167987,1199855,1199814,1185006,1196513,1186728,1167991,1196745,1186470,1167992,1167994,1185527,1167996,1167997,1173539,1168002,1168003,1168004,1168005,1186891,1178110,1168009,1186929,1168010,1175475,1168014,1168015,1168016,1168019,1175609,1168022,1168023,1167879,1168028,1168030,1168031,1198018,1198471,1173545,1168037,1168038,1168039,1168042,1168043,1168046,1168047,1168048,1168049,1168051,1168054,1168055,1185051,1168059,1168060,1168061,1198812,1207685,1167861,1199436,1187892,1168068,1205509,1196692,1205712,1178166,1168062,1198500,1168074,1187691,1196385,1168084,1206852,1206252,1168085,1168087,1168089,1168090,1168091,1168092,1168093,1198454,1168094,1168095,1168098,1168100,1173552,1168103,1199256,1168106,1168108,1168109,1179230,1196738,1168112,1204159,1168116,1184009]; var masterCompanyData = { "1208021": { "reskey": 1208021, "company": "# Concessions", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1208022": { "reskey": 1208022, "company": "# Exhibitor Lounge", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1208025": { "reskey": 1208025, "company": "# Lead Tracking", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1208023": { "reskey": 1208023, "company": "# Services Desk", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167540": { "reskey": 1167540, "company": "#Association", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167541": { "reskey": 1167541, "company": "#Available Booth", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Description<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Brittany Parvi", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1208020": { "reskey": 1208020, "company": "#Meeting Rooms in Expo Hall", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1207943": { "reskey": 1207943, "company": "#Rounds", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1207942": { "reskey": 1207942, "company": "#Sales Office", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167543": { "reskey": 1167543, "company": "3Doodler", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Educators recognize 3Doodler 3D printing pens as versatile tools to enhance learning in STEM, SPED, and CTE classrooms, as well as makerspaces and afterschool programs. 3Doodler Start+ and Create+ pens have won over 20 awards, including Academics, Parents, and Family Choice, Wirecutter\u2019s Best 3D Pen, and Mashable's Best 3D Printers.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1936", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/3Doodler", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/3doodler\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/3doodler\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/3Doodler", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265117'>Making for Good<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270276'>Makerspace Alphabet Soup: The ABCs of STEAM for ALL Learners<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167545": { "reskey": 1167545, "company": "3P Learning (Home of Reading Eggs, Mathseeds and Mathletics)", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>At 3P Learning, we proudly partner with more than 18,000 schools in over 130 countries around the globe. Created by experienced educators, our multi-award winning Better Ways of Learning suite offers schools a comprehensive education technology solution that encompasses reading and arithmetic, complemented by a robust standardized assessment tool and Professional Development. Backed by 20 years of research, our solutions equip schools with effective strategies to boost overall performance, empower teachers with valuable resources, and foster students\u2019 educational growth. The Better Ways of Learning suite includes Mathletic (grades 4-9), Mathseeds (grades PreK-3), Reading Eggs (grades PreK-6) and Brightpath Progress for teachers (grades K-9).<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1800", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/3plearning\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/3p_learning\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/3p-learning", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/3plearning", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167546": { "reskey": 1167546, "company": "3PI Tech Solutions Inc", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Based in Rosemont IL, 3PI Tech Solutions (3PI) is the exclusive provider and licensee of the Dremel DigiLab 3D printers and 3D printer accessories. Former Bosch (Dremel) associates joined 3PI to bring years of 3D printer innovation, software expertise and operational excellence, along with relationships and experience working with top universities, school districts and EDU focused organizations such as Project Lead the Way. Contact 3PI with confidence for your Dremel DigiLab 3D printer needs.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "885", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008309542113", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203540'>Project-Based Learning and Makerspaces Across the Curriculum<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167548": { "reskey": 1167548, "company": "Absolute Software", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Absolute Software accelerates its customers\u2019 shift to work-from-anywhere through the industry\u2019s first self-healing Zero Trust platform, helping to ensure maximum security and uncompromised productivity. Absolute is the only solution embedded in more than half a billion devices, offering a permanent digital connection that intelligently and dynamically applies visibility, control and self-healing capabilities to endpoints, applications, and network access to help ensure their cyber resilience tailored for distributed workforces. Trusted by nearly 16,000 customers, G2 recognized Absolute as a leader in Zero Trust Networking and Endpoint Management in the Winter of 2022.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1736", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008305347807::285814008327367914", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/absolutesoftware\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/14388\/admin\/feed\/posts\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/absolutecorp", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/en", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1198057": { "reskey": 1198057, "company": "Accelerate ASU (Arizona State University)", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Accelerate ASU offers an innovative and flexible way for your students to experience college while still in high school. Our partnerships with high schools across the country enable students to take college-level courses designed and assessed by expert faculty at ASU, ranked #1 in the nation for innovation by U.S. News and World Report.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "889", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815986796293474::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204422'>STEAM and PBL: Creating Innovation in the 21st Century Middle School Classroom,<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265547'>Instructional Design Playground: Teach Boldly in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167551": { "reskey": 1167551, "company": "Acer America Corporation", "url": "\/education", "guide_text": "<p>We believe in education because we believe in tomorrow. We know that when supported by empowering tools, only the sky is the limit for students and teachers. <\/p>\n<p>Acer's education devices aim to engage and empower students and teachers of all ages in a secure environment, whether teaching, learning, or collaborating.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1436", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167552": { "reskey": 1167552, "company": "Activefloor", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Interactive learning - THROUGH PLAY AND MOVEMENT ActiveFloor brings movement into everyday life and introduces learning through physical movement in your teaching. ActiveFloor helps to further social skills, improve teamwork, form a creative learning environment, plus it is SO MUCH FUN!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1349", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "http:\/\/\/activefloordk", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/activefloorglobal\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/activefloorglobal", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/active_floor", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196422": { "reskey": 1196422, "company": "Adaptive Reader & Thinkverse", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Adaptive Reader<\/strong> is dedicated to providing inclusive literature for students of all backgrounds and abilities. Our platform offers novels at multiple reading levels and in over 30 languages, ensuring that every student, including those with IEPs and ELLs, can access and enjoy high-quality literature.<\/p>\n<p>Available both in print and online, Adaptive Reader enables dignified differentiation, allowing educators to meet diverse learning needs without compromising on the richness of content.<\/p>\n<p>By supporting bilingual readers and students with learning differences, we empower educators and students alike, fostering a love for reading and learning in an inclusive and supportive environment. <\/p>\n<p>______ <\/p>\n<p><strong>Thinkverse<\/strong> is an AI math tutor for every student. We partner with schools and districts to improve math proficiency and boost student confidence. During in-class practice, our AI tutor guides students step-by-step without revealing answers, addressing their questions and adapting instructions to bridge each student's learning gaps.<\/p>\n<p>The teacher dashboard offers real-time, actionable insights, enabling teachers to monitor, engage, and support those who need it most.<\/p>\n<p>Our solution integrates seamlessly with any curriculum and is effortless for teachers to implement. We also offer multi-language support, including Spanish, to ensure effective learning for all students.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1751", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008262356179::285814008299056345::285814008317930726", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/profile.php?id=1000940559", "instagram_handle": "@adaptive_reader", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/adaptive-reader", "twitter_handle": "@adaptive_reader", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/people\/Adaptive-Reader\/100094055920546\/", "virtual profile instagram": "adaptive_reader", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/adaptive-reader", "virtual profile twitter": "@adaptive_reader", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263691'>Youth Innovators in AI: How NYCPS Connect Students To Real World Industries<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167553": { "reskey": 1167553, "company": "Adobe", "url": "\/education", "guide_text": "<p>Create, Collaborate, Inspire: Adobe Express for Education - free for K12! <\/p>\n<p>Adobe is on a mission to unlock \u201cCreativity for All\u201d in education with Adobe Express! Free for all K-12 students and staff and backed by Adobe\u2019s industry-leading tools, Express gives students in all grade levels and subject areas the power to tell their stories, amplify their voices, and demonstrate their learning in authentic and engaging ways. <\/p>\n<p>It\u2019s never been easier for students to create standout graphics, engaging videos, meaningful portfolios, fun animations, and more (...exciting news to come). <\/p>\n<p>At Adobe, we help teachers and students build the skills they need for future-ready learning, K-12 and beyond.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1600", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008303250653", "tags": "Meeting Room Renter", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "David Montgomery", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/AdobeforEducation", "instagram_handle": "@adobeforedu", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/adobe", "twitter_handle": "@AdobeForEdu", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/AdobeforEducation", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/adobeforedu\/?hl=en", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/showcase\/adobe-creative-cloud\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/AdobeForEdu", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/education\/express\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/education\/express\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203540'>Project-Based Learning and Makerspaces Across the Curriculum<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203575'>All the Waze to Support School Improvement Goals from the Media Center<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203622'>Multimodal Digital Composing: Teaching Composing Process in a Digital Age<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204693'>The Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs of a First-Year EdTech Coach<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117277031'>World Languages Teachers, Are You Curious About Podcasting in Your Classes?<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276170'>World Languages Teachers, Cultivate Student Agency by Personalizing Learning Using Interactive Technology!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117206222'>The Future of Creativity in a Tech Driven World<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117368318'>Be an A11y Ally: Creating Acccessible Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203727'>Getting Creative With Assessments: Adobe Express<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117271146'>Posterize Primary Sources: Using Adobe AI to Create Classroom Resources<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263691'>Youth Innovators in AI: How NYCPS Connect Students To Real World Industries<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117199092'>STEM-ulating Minds: Unleashing Creativity in the School Library<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117215414'>Cultivating Student Leadership Through Technology<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273673'>Project Examples to Implement Technology into your Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117364882'>Accessibility, Equity, and Inclusion Across Colorado<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117543098'>Engaging Students With Video Creation<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209257'>Creative Escape: Game Design With Adobe and Breakout EDU<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117206746'>ARTificial: A Gallery of Artificial Intelligence Exploring Intellectual Property<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1204017": { "reskey": 1204017, "company": "AED Log", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>AED Log offers a comprehensive AED program management software tailored for schools. Our platform efficiently manages AED inspections, tracks battery and pad expirations, and logs certification details. Designed to support multiple locations and users, our software ensures that educational institutions can maintain AED readiness and compliance effortlessly, enhancing safety across campuses.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1395", "keywords": "aedaed program managementaedssafetymedicalasset management", "tagids": "285814008293813460", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/aedlog\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/aedlog\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/aedlog", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1185521": { "reskey": 1185521, "company": "Agile Education Marketing", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Agile Education Marketing is focused solely on providing sales and marketing teams the best information and intelligence on the K-12 & Higher Education markets. Agile Education Marketing delivers the most accurate and comprehensive education data, seamless integrations into CRM and Marketing Automation systems to easily update and manage data, custom database services, multi-channel marketing solutions, as well as the best-in-class customer service.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "6403", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008300104922::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/agile-education-m", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117277556'>Computer Science: Advice from Future Female Tech Leaders to Their Younger Selves<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167557": { "reskey": 1167557, "company": "AGiRepair", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>AGiRepair stands at the forefront of K-12 mobile device lifecycle management, specializing in the seamless maintenance of Apple and Chromebook devices.With over 23 years of unparalleled experience, AGiRepair is fortified by cutting-edge technical capabilities including mobile device protection plans, device repair, device buyback, and the supply of repair parts. Our expertise has garnered the trust of more than 6,000 innovative 1:1 school districts nationwide, showcasing our commitment to supporting education through reliable technological solutions.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "737", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/AGiRepair\/", "instagram_handle": "@AGiRepair", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/agirepair\/", "twitter_handle": "@AGiRepair", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/AGiRepair", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/agirepair\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/25010045", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/AGiRepair", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167558": { "reskey": 1167558, "company": "AGParts Education", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>AGParts Education supports 7,500+ US school districts in their 1:1 Chromebook programs. We\u2019ve been in the classroom since Chromebooks were first introduced, partnering with Council Bluff School District, a Google 1:1 pilot school. Our services include OEM new & reclaimed Chromebook parts supply, tech buyback & more. Our 20+ years of experience & financial stability have made us the most trusted parts supplier in the industry.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "439", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@agpartseducation", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167560": { "reskey": 1167560, "company": "Airtame Inc", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Airtame's hardware-based SaaS platform transforms screen connectivity in diverse spaces. Revolutionizing engagement in meeting rooms, classrooms, and common areas, it provides user-friendly technology for on-site and remote experiences. Airtame excels with intuitive hybrid conferencing, screen sharing, and digital signage managed through a unified interface. Established in 2013, Airtame is trusted by 25,000+ organizations globally, facilitating 1.5 million monthly meetings in 100,000+ spaces.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1443", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008295910614::285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167561": { "reskey": 1167561, "company": "ALEE", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>ALEE\u2019s instructional tool provides teachers with everything they need to teach a book effectively \u2013 all in one place. Teachers use ALEE to create standards-aligned novel units, plan rigorous and differentiated lessons, find relevant paired texts, and develop content expertise.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "457", "keywords": "teacherliteracylesson planningpaired textsnovel studyread aloudsupplemental instructionprofessional developmentdifferentiation", "tagids": "285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@my_alee_", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/myalee\/?viewAsMem", "twitter_handle": "@my_alee_", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/profile.php?id=100083413747332", "virtual profile instagram": "@my_alee_", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/myalee\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@my_alee_", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178309": { "reskey": 1178309, "company": "AllCourse", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>AllCourse is a <strong>marketplace connecting schools with online, certified teachers<\/strong>. Schools can choose from a selection of qualified teachers for every role and hire for a day, a year, or anything in between with no obligation. AllCourse teachers can be used to fill vacancies, find subs, or expand course offerings to just about any subject! AllCourse is generally <strong>50-70% lower cost<\/strong> than other online teacher providers\u2014while providing more flexibility, more subjects, and better teachers because YOU decide which teachers you work with. <\/p>\n<p>AllCourse is free for teachers to create profiles, and free for administrators to search profiles and post jobs. And unlike with other providers that create their own curriculum and keep almost all the revenue, AllCourse <strong>teachers keep 85% or more of the revenue<\/strong> they generate. <\/p>\n<p>AllCourse\u2019s revolutionary curriculum generator, BookBaker, uses <strong>AI to create entire books or textbooks in minutes, at 99% less cost than traditional materials.<\/strong> Or generate thousands of worksheets at a time\u2014also for less than 1% the cost of traditional materials. Everything you create can be standards-aligned and can include review questions & answers, sidebar content, and images. You can <strong>edit, download, and freely distribute your resources to an unlimited number of teachers and students.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "437", "keywords": "online teachers::staffing solutions::online courses::elearning::ai::textbooks::books::worksheets", "tagids": "285814008302202076::307369150013500364::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/AllCourseInc\/", "instagram_handle": "@allcourse_inc", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/allcourse\/", "twitter_handle": "@realallcourse", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178340": { "reskey": 1178340, "company": "Allied Powers LLC", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Our product employs the latest in Electric Muscle Stimulation technology. With a fully rechargeable lithium battery, our devices are portable and easy to use.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1777", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008262356179", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1173487": { "reskey": 1173487, "company": "Amazon Business", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Amazon Business for Education is education procurement, made smarter. Through a seamless, user-friendly purchasing experience, buyers can source and purchase millions of educational supplies, from textbooks and classroom materials to technology and facility maintenance supplies. School business offices save time by overseeing and managing spend through one centralized account with approval workflows that drive compliance, and empower staff and faculty through competitive pricing and bulk discounts. Amazon Business for Education simplifies buying for educators so they can focus on their primary mission of providing quality education to students.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1998", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008304299230::285814008305347807::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "\/facebook", "instagram_handle": "@amazonbusiness_in", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/amazon-business\/", "twitter_handle": "@AmazonBusiness", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/amazon-business\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@AmazonBusiness", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/en\/find-solutions\/simplify-buying\/selection\/education", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264533'>Scientists and mathematicians who changed the world: A story in Miro App<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167569": { "reskey": 1167569, "company": "American College of Education", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>American College of Education (ACE) is an accredited, online college specializing in high-quality, affordable programs in education, business, leadership, healthcare and nursing. Headquartered in Indianapolis, ACE offers more than 70 innovative and engaging programs for adult students to pursue a doctorate, specialist, master\u2019s or bachelor\u2019s degree, along with micro-credentials and graduate-level certificate programs. In addition to being a leader in online education, ACE is a Certified B Corporation. Certified B Corporations are leaders of a global movement to use the power of business to solve social and environmental problems.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "636", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/AmericanCollegeofEducatio", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/ace_edu\/reels\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/school\/american-college-o", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/ACEedu", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167571": { "reskey": 1167571, "company": "Anatomage, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Anatomage is a medical company, driving innovation through advanced solutions in hospitals and educational institutions. Our digital cadaver table, the Anatomage Table, allows a hands-on approach to learning the human body through unique visualization options, dissection tools, and quiz mode features, making it a strong asset to any anatomy class.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2205", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/Anatomage\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/anatomage-inc.", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/Anatomage?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoog", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167573": { "reskey": 1167573, "company": "ANTON", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>ANTON, the free learning app for school, is trusted by over 18 million learners and teachers in over 60,000 schools globally. The app offers a complete all-in-one curriculum for all subjects: reading and writing, math, science, languages and music for preschool to grade 8. All of our learning content is completely free without any extra costs involved \u2014 no subscription needed. The content is aligned to U.S. state standards with over 100,000 exercises, 200 interactive exercise types, explanations, and learning games. Parents and teachers can easily create a class, assign homework, and follow students' learning progress both in the classroom and at home. Students earn coins through learning and have fun playing games and designing avatars. ANTON works on all devices and in the browser so you can use us anytime, anywhere. We are perfect for homeschooling and distance learning as well as suitable for kids with dyslexia and dyscalculia. New content is released periodically!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1188", "keywords": "learning appgamificationdifferentiationengagementaffordablefreecurriculum", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/AntonAppEN", "virtual profile instagram": "", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@antonapp_en", "virtual profile url direct": "\/en_us", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167578": { "reskey": 1167578, "company": "Apptegy", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>The roles of school leaders are changing. They face competition for students\u2019 enrollment, teacher recruitment, and public trust. Apptegy works with school administrators across the country to create a powerful identity by building technology that makes it easy to establish your brand across web, mobile, social media, and alerts.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "704", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/apptegy\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/apptegy\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/apptegy", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1205457": { "reskey": 1205457, "company": "ArborXR", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Our vision is to help people live more meaningful lives through the power of XR. To give them time to be more present. For purposeful work, deeper relationships, and a better world. <\/p>\n<p>With ArborXR, you have everything you need to manage XR at your school-- Remotely manage AR & VR devices, install content, and control what students can see & do in the headset. <\/p>\n<p>ArborXR\u2019s platform is easy to use for teachers and admins to manage XR headsets and install content remotely. Once ArborXR is installed, everything else can be controlled from the web portal. Fully lock down the device and guide users with a customized headset experience. Take back control with the ArborXR Home launcher and single-app Kiosk Mode.<\/p>\n<p>We provide education discounts for any school to make XR as frictionless as possible.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1397", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285814008324222185::285814008303250653", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/arborxr\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167579": { "reskey": 1167579, "company": "Archangel Education + Technology", "url": "archangel education + technology", "guide_text": "<p>Archangel is a leading supplier of quality technology to schools nationwide. We breathe life and soul into technology by ensuring that the process of obtaining technology is effortless for students and teachers.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1646", "keywords": "edtechchromebookstabletsvirtual realitylaptopsinteractive panelwhite gloveits servicesrepair servicesprofessional developmenttitle funding", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008311639266::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/ArchangelEduTech", "instagram_handle": "@archangel_edu_tech", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/archangeledutech\/", "twitter_handle": "@ArchangelEdu", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167580": { "reskey": 1167580, "company": "Arckit", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>A new tool for a new era in education. Arckit's multi-award winning platform is igniting talent, inspiring creativity and instilling confidence is schools globally from primary through to third level institutions, after schools clubs to makerspaces.<br \/>\nBased on real modern modular building methods, Arckit hands-on architectural model building blocks, frequently described as \u2018architect\u2019s Lego\u2019, open up the possibility for students of all ages to freely explore their designs and bring their ideas to life as never before possible. Arckit can be used over and over again with unlimited potential, envisioned at different scales according to its surroundings and assembled with speed and precision.<br \/>\nArckit curriculum based lesson plans align with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) (while also offering more advanced lessons for secondary level schools). They focus on experiential project based learning, student lead classrooms and up skilling a new generation for today's new world. Through the medium of architecture, students will address sustainability, tackle environmental issues including energy, water, waste, transport, food and farming and provide meaningful solutions to healing and enhancing our fragile planet. In addition, Arckit addresses STEAM, the 5C\u2019s and building a more fair and inclusive society.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "540", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/arckitmodel\/", "instagram_handle": "@arckitmodel", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/arckit\/?viewAsMem", "twitter_handle": "@arckitmodel", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167582": { "reskey": 1167582, "company": "AristotleK12", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>AristotleK12 is the modern, all-in-one EdTech solution built to take the complexity out of managing student technology. Delivered through a user-friendly interface, AristotleK12 encompasses student-centric filtering, asset utilization and reporting, student behavior analytics, and classroom management. Compatible with a variety of device types, as well as integrations with Google, Active Directory, and many student information systems, AristotleK12 provides the convenience and flexibility needed when managing student technology. AristotleK12 is made to make life easier.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2118", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285814008294862037", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/aristotlek12\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/sergeant-laborato", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/Sergeant_Labs\/status\/165704015014306", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/aristotlek12\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/sergeant-laboratories-inc", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/sergeant_labs", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178262": { "reskey": 1178262, "company": "ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology", "url": "\/ti", "guide_text": "<p>ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology is a donor-funded staff development opportunity for educators who wish to enhance their STEM curriculum using wireless technology. ARRL is the National Association for Amateur Radio. ARISS, or Amateur Radio on the International Space Station provides educational opportunities for students to make contact with astronauts using amateur radio.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1895", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008295910614::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/share\/qLKbGzmsQzoNDvur\/?m", "instagram_handle": "@arrlhq", "twitter_handle": "@arrl", "virtual profile url direct": "ARRL.ORG\/TI", "virtual profile url display": "\/ti", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167585": { "reskey": 1167585, "company": "ASUS", "url": "\/us\/site\/iste2022\/", "guide_text": "<p>ASUS is passionate about technology and driven by innovation. We dream, we dare and we strive to create an effortless and joyful digital life for everyone. We're always in search of incredible ideas and experiences, and we aspire to deliver the incredible in everything we do. Established in 1989, ASUS is a multinational company known for the world\u2019s best motherboards and high-quality personal computers, monitors, graphics cards, routers and other technology solutions. Today, ASUS is designing and building next-generation smart technologies to provide incredible experiences that enhance the lives of people everywhere.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1900", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008296959191", "tags": "Meeting Room Renter", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167784": { "reskey": 1167784, "company": "Ativion", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Impero\u2019s innovative suite of cloud-based web filtering, classroom management and wellbeing solutions help schools ensure the safety and wellbeing of students. At Impero, we are dedicated to supporting the success of all learners by providing the proactive tools required for school leaders to enable safe and effective digital learning. Unmatched cross-platform intelligence and in-depth analytics provide granular visibility and controls along with seamless reporting required to support a safe digital learning experience for every child. In 2022, Impero acquired ContentKeeper, an industry leading web filtering solution for K-12.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1808", "keywords": "filteringclassroom managementmonitoringsafeguardingwellbeingparent portal", "tagids": "285814008303250653::285814008305347807::285814008294862037::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/?ur", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/ImperoUS", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/us\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167589": { "reskey": 1167589, "company": "Autodesk", "url": "\/education\/home", "guide_text": "<p>Autodesk\u00ae Tinkercad\u00ae is a free, easy-to-use online app for learning 3D design, electronics, and coding. The tool supports design thinking and maker education. Teachers can easily moderate their students and safely onboard those under 13. Come say hello to find out more about this great free resource.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "748", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/AutodeskEducation\/", "instagram_handle": "@autodeskedu", "twitter_handle": "@AutodeskEDU", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/AutodeskEducation\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@autodeskedu", "virtual profile twitter": "@AutodeskEDU", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/education\/home", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/education\/home", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117268185'>Harness the Power of Virtual Makerspaces to Create Equitable Access to STEAM!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264796'>Using STEm to Foster Creativity in the Middle School History Class<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265117'>Making for Good<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117277556'>Computer Science: Advice from Future Female Tech Leaders to Their Younger Selves<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201350'>So Much Tech...So Little Time<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117214689'>Living Green With STEAM: Sustainability Activities in Elementary Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117374813'>Back to the Future: Using 3D printing to explore pre-history<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167590": { "reskey": 1167590, "company": "AVer Information, Inc.", "url": "\/education\/", "guide_text": "<p>We are AVer, the source of business and educational technology solutions. We believe that technology inspires the way we connect with people and the way we interact with each other. We also believe that technology should be affordable, easy to use, and meaningful. Our educational and business technology solutions enable impactful learning and business growth. Experience our products with unsurpassed customer support and the best warranty programs.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2117", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/AVerUSA\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/averinformation\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/AVerUSA", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/AVerInformation\/", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/AVerUSA", "virtual profile instagram": "@AVerUSA", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/averusa\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@AVerUSA", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/education\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/education\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167591": { "reskey": 1167591, "company": "AVID Products", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Learning is no longer limited to the classroom. Now, with educational opportunities available to all types of learners, audio is more important than ever. The team at AVID Products develops high-quality, accessible audio solutions designed to empower the lifelong learning journey.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2007", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/avidproductsinc", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/avidproductsinc\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/avid-products", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/avidproductsinc", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1198532": { "reskey": 1198532, "company": "AViPAS, INC.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>AVIPAS is a leading provider of online learning solutions, specializing in the development of cutting-edge video streaming and distance learning technologies. Our offerings include a diverse selection of equipment such as webcams, PTZ cameras, audio and video wireless systems, as well as advanced auto-tracking and auto-switching systems. Moreover, our innovative teaching behavior analysis system, which seamlessly integrates hardware and software components to provide insightful analytics for educators and administrators. These solutions are meticulously crafted to enhance the learning and collaboration experiences within educational and corporate settings alike. visit us to see more at booth#1789<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1789", "keywords": "elearningptz camerasauto trackingteaching behavior analysis systemwireless", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008262356179::285814008295910614", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/avipasinc\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/avipasinc\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/avipasinc", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/avipasinc\/", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167593": { "reskey": 1167593, "company": "B&H B2B", "url": "\/b2b", "guide_text": "<p>B&H B2B has over 500,00 products from the top technology manufacturers including photo,video\/audio gear, computers, peripherals, visual displays, remote learning solutions, and more. B&H has the tools you need to do your job and to help your students advance their education.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "716", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008296959191::285814008294862037", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1204182": { "reskey": 1204182, "company": "Babylon Micro-Farms", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Babylon offers modular vertical farms to bring the farm to the table in the heart of your community, enhancing STEM curriculums with hands-on learning<\/strong>.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1445", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008305347807::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "\/BabylonMicroFarms\/", "instagram_handle": "\/babylonmicrofarms\/", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/babylon-micro-farms\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167594": { "reskey": 1167594, "company": "BALANCEBOX \/ e-BOX", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>BalanceBox\u00ae and e-Box\u00ae height adjustable mounting solutions for (interactive) flat panels and whiteboards. Make touch screen techology accessible to everyone, small and tall. Wall mounts and mobile solutions, manually operated and motorized options available.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "756", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008304299230::285814008305347807::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1187007": { "reskey": 1187007, "company": "Banzai", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Banzai is an online scenario-based education platform that teaches personal finance, digital awareness, soft skills, and more with FREE courses, worksheets, printed workbooks, articles, and calculators. Learn about Banzai and grab some free materials!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1867", "keywords": "financial literacypersonal financeonline gamesclassroom gamesdigital citizenshipdigital literacyinternet safetydigital wellness", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008307444960::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/TeachBanzai", "instagram_handle": "@teachbanzai", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/teach-banzai-\/?vi", "twitter_handle": "@teachbanzai", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/teachbanzai", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/teachbanzai\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/teach-banzai-", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/teachbanzai", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1173491": { "reskey": 1173491, "company": "Barracuda Networks, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>At Barracuda we strive to make the world a safer place. We believe every business deserves access to cloud-first, enterprise-grade security solutions that are easy to buy, deploy, and use. We protect email, networks, data and applications with innovative solutions that grow and adapt with our customers\u2019 journey. More than 200,000 organizations worldwide trust Barracuda to protect them \u2014 in ways they may not even know they are at risk \u2014 so they can focus on taking their business to the next level. For more information, visit<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1391", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167595": { "reskey": 1167595, "company": "Beanstack", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Instead of a quiz-based approach, Beanstack uses competition, recognition, and proven gamification principles to motivate students to read and grow a school district\u2019s reading culture. The flagship product of Zoobean Inc., Beanstack is licensed by over 10,000 customers around the world. Its investors include Mark Cuban from ABC\u2019s Shark Tank and its founding members were previously Washington, DC's teacher of the year and Google's first head of K-12 education outreach.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1782", "keywords": "beanstackreading competitionsreading challengesclassroom library softwarereading softwarelexilefundraising", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008307444960::285814008317930726", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/Zoobean", "instagram_handle": "@zoobean", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/beanstack-by-zoobean", "twitter_handle": "@zoobeanreads", "virtual profile facebook": "@beanstack", "virtual profile instagram": "@zoobean", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/beanstack-by-zoobean", "virtual profile twitter": "@zoobeanreads", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167596": { "reskey": 1167596, "company": "Belkin International, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>At Belkin, we believe that today can be extraordinary. Our products exist at the intersection of people and technology. Our human-centric designs empower individuals to get more out of their daily life. From our humble beginnings in Southern California to a diverse, global country in more than 50 countries, our focus is harnessing technology and design to improve the lives of people around the world. Today, our team consists of more than 1,200 employees across 23 countries. While our main office stays true to our Southern California roots, you\u2019ll find Belkin offices around the world. We\u2019re proud to be a global village, connecting our employees in environments that champion inclusivity, diversity, innovation and connectivity. People are at the center of everything we do and you can be part of our mission to help others Be Ready For Today.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1567", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008305347807::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Joseph Soriano", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167597": { "reskey": 1167597, "company": "BenQ Education", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>BenQ Education is helping teachers shape the future of learning with interactive display solutions that maximize engagement in and out of the classroom while improving student performance. For over 10 years, BenQ has been the No.1-selling TI DLP projector brand worldwide, according to FutureSource. The award-winning BenQ Boards \u2014 now in the top five of smart boards sold in North America \u2014 are the first and only interactive displays to feature T\u00dcV and SIAA-certified germ-resistant screens, interfaces, and pens as part of its purpose-built ClassroomCare and Eyesafe technologies designed for healthier classrooms. Industry-recognized, BenQ\u2019s Tap and Teach technology for fast sign-on, EZWrite license-free annotation and whiteboard software, InstaShare wireless screen presentation system, and IT-friendly monitoring and management tools create exciting and intuitive active learning experiences. Educators can focus on giving lessons that leave an impact and give the leaders of tomorrow the tools they need to reach their maximum potential.\u200b The company\u2019s products are available across North America through leading value-added distributors, resellers, and retailers. More information is available at<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1246", "keywords": "benqboardedtechprojectorswireless presentation systemsmart boardinteractive whiteboardlaser projector", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/BenQNorthAmerica", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/benq-america\/", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/BenQNorthAmerica\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/benq-america\/", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117200349'>Arts and Technology STEAM Playground: Creativity and Engagement for All Learners<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117279989'>Leveraging Large Language Models to Advance Assessment Paradigms - Introducing Bright Eva<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1186678": { "reskey": 1186678, "company": "BERPL Distribution", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>BERPL is a designer, manufacturer and distributor providing quality furniture and technology products for almost any commercial or industrial environment. Products include a vast line of seating, storage, tables, desks, chairs, modular furniture, headsets, outdoor and playground equipment. BERPL offers certified quality, top-notch customer care, North America and global manufacturing excellence, on-time delivery, custom white label products for OEM and much more. Our entire business is built around our values and a mission to enhance spaces and experiences through our distribution network. Our values put customers and people first, empower us to do things the right way and treat people the way they want to be treated. BERPL - Manufacturing - Design - Distribution.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1864", "keywords": "north america manufacturersourcingdistributorfurnitureoemdaycarepreschoolclassroomlibraryesportsgamingheadsetsheadphonecafeteriadeskchairtablecartsshelvingseatingsoft seating", "tagids": "285814008295910614::285814008304299230::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "twitter_handle": "@Berpl", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1174094": { "reskey": 1174094, "company": "Best Buy Education", "url": "\/education", "guide_text": "<p>Creating an end-to-end tech solution for a school can be a daunting task. That's why Best Buy Education is here to help with everything from planning and installation to ongoing tech support. Contact a dedicated Education Account Manager to get started and customize a complete solution for your school.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1697", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211916'>Equals, Let's Make a Difference: Video Game Against Bullying and School Discrimination<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1206281": { "reskey": 1206281, "company": "Bini Games\/MaPanda", "url": "\/en", "guide_text": "<p>What: immersive video lesson app<br \/>\nFor whom: teachers, tutors, psychologists, edu businesses<br \/>\nTechnology: we apply magical character upon real teacher<br \/>\nWhy: 91% of kids pay more attention as they have visual interest <\/p>\n<p>MaPanda revolutionizes learning through video calls, captivating educators as animated characters. The app uniquely blends real-world and digital elements creating a more relaxed and effective learning environment and making learning engaging and intuitive for children.<br \/>\nDesigned for educators child psychologists, and parents, this app redefines interactive learning through video calls. Crafted with insights by the company with 20 years of experience together with psychologists and educators, it aligns with a child's curiosity and understanding.<br \/>\nAccording to teachers' reports, 95.3% of preschool children are successfully kept within the curriculum and complete most tasks. 91% of school-age children focus on the topic and tasks during the lesson, working productively and diligently.\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b\u200b<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1669", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008302202076::285814008262356179::285814008295910614", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/mapanda", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167601": { "reskey": 1167601, "company": "BirdBrain Technologies", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p><strong>BirdBrain Technologies inspires deep and joyful hands-on learning in all students.<\/strong> BirdBrain cultivates creativity and makes abstract concepts hands-on by providing flexible and inspiring classroom tools: the Finch Robot, the Hummingbird Robotics Kit, and the new Owlet Math Tools collection. Founded at the CREATE Lab at Carnegie Mellon University in 2010, BirdBrain is a research-based company that promotes gender equality and diversity in STEM, with a focus on computer science, engineering, math, and robotics. We support teachers with free standards-aligned curriculum and professional development. Our products have been used by thousands of teachers around the world to bring creative design, computational thinking, math understanding, and robotics fun into the classroom! Check out some of the wonderful things teachers are doing on our Twitter or Instagram feeds.<\/p>\n<p>CREATE Lab: http:\/\/\nProfessional Development: https:\/\/\/professional-development\/\nTwitter: https:\/\/\/birdbraintech\nInstagram: https:\/\/\/birdbraintech\/<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "564", "keywords": "robotroboticsstemcomputer sciencecodingcomputational literacycomputational thinkinghandson learningcreative roboticssteamstreammathmanipulativesdigital manipulatives", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008294862037::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/birdbraintech\/", "instagram_handle": "@birdbraintech", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/birdbrain-technol", "twitter_handle": "@birdbraintech", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/birdbraintech\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@birdbraintech", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/birdbrain-technologies-llc\/mycompany\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@birdbraintech", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263063'>Cultivating Potential: Mini Courses for Empowering Elementary Students<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269442'>Cardbotics! Beyond Cardboard Engineering: Simple Machines, Smart Robotics<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117262997'>Hands-On Robotics: Bringing Simple Machines to Solve Real World Problems<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167603": { "reskey": 1167603, "company": "Blocksi", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Blocksi is a leader in the edTech space regarding effective classroom management and district-wide internet filtering. It enables schools to eliminate students\u2019 distractions and retain their focus, using custom dashboards for school and remote educators, IT admins, principals, and parents. It contains category-based filters, live screen monitoring, AI detects threats with extra human review, an Anti-theft tool, and more.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "856", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815475758099805::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167605": { "reskey": 1167605, "company": "Bloomz", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>The Bloomz all-in-one platform handles district, school, and classroom communication (alerts, announcements, attendance, grades, conferences, forms, permission slips) and centralizes information for sports teams, clubs, before-\/after-school programs, bus routes, and PTOs in a one-stop platform. Teachers can strengthen family connections through direct messages, posts, photos, and videos; administrators can send mass notifications and auto notices and simultaneously maintain visibility into all communications and analyze behavior and attendance data. We offer two-way, AI-powered translation in 133 languages and a behavior module that lets educators standardize, track, analyze, and reward student behavior.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2201", "keywords": "district communicationschool communicationschool home connectionclassroom communicationparent engagementbehavior management", "tagids": "285814008295910614::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/BloomzApp\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/bloomzapp\/?hl=en", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/bloomz-inc-\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/bloomzapp", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/BloomzApp\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/bloomz-inc-\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@BloomzApp", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167608": { "reskey": 1167608, "company": "Bolton Install Pros", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>The Bolton Install Pro Team provides nationwide site surveys and installation of commercial and private cellular and internet. With dozens of combined years of experience in RF implementation and installation, the Bolton Install Pro Team can handle everything from active DAS, to Hybrid, to Passive, FirstNet, Public Safety, WiFi and LoRa Wan. Our team\u2019s installations bring out the most in your cellular or network equipment.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1361", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008327367914", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167610": { "reskey": 1167610, "company": "Book Creator", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Students love it. Teachers love it. Book Creator is the simplest, most inclusive way to create content in the classroom. It\u2019s so easy to use that everyone can get started straight away, whatever their age or ability, but it\u2019s powerful enough to build stunning interactive creations of all kinds. Make your students proud. Empower your teachers. Supercharge engagement right across the curriculum. Over 200 million books have been created so far - what will you create today?<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "936", "keywords": "creativitystudent engagementpdsimplicityaccessibilityequitydigital bookspublishingdigital portfoliosebooksgraphic organizerslibrary", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/BookCreator", "instagram_handle": "@bookcreatorapp", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/bookcreator", "twitter_handle": "@BookCreatorApp", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/BookCreator", "virtual profile instagram": "@bookcreatorapp", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/bookcreator", "virtual profile twitter": "@BookCreatorApp", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117275894'>Digital Storytelling for All: Book Creator\u2019s Accessbility Features Everyone Can Use<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117205915'>So You\u2019ve Never Tried Vegemite: A Global Collaboration Project<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204693'>The Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs of a First-Year EdTech Coach<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117202303'>Building Learning Museums: Book Creator's Impact on Deep Learning and Transfer Skills<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276170'>World Languages Teachers, Cultivate Student Agency by Personalizing Learning Using Interactive Technology!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117368318'>Be an A11y Ally: Creating Acccessible Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117205038'>It\u2019s My PD, I Can Party If I Want To<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211910'>The One Where Everyone Learns: Leveraging Book Creator for Universal Design for Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117267813'>Essential for Some, Beneficial to All \u2014 Accessibility Playground<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117199092'>STEM-ulating Minds: Unleashing Creativity in the School Library<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117594160'>Enhancing Classroom Accessibility with AI: Innovative Strategies for Inclusive Education<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209106'>Staying rELevant with assistive technology<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265547'>Instructional Design Playground: Teach Boldly in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209260'>The 'Chopped' Playground \u2014 Edtech Kitchen<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117206025'>Go for a Walk: Learn and Connect with Your Community<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117206746'>ARTificial: A Gallery of Artificial Intelligence Exploring Intellectual Property<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199839": { "reskey": 1199839, "company": "Boxie", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>*<em>**Empower Educators and Enrich Student Learning with B\u00f6xie: Revolutionizing Education with a Secure AI-Powered Immersive Experiences*\\<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>Why embrace B\u00f6xie?**<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong><strong>B\u00f6xie is the ultimate ally for educators seeking to elevate their teaching methodologies through immersive, AI-driven education. At its core, B\u00f6xie is a dynamic platform meticulously designed to empower educators in harnessing the transformative potential of video and digital content, seamlessly integrated into the learning experience.<\/strong><\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>Capturing the essence of innovation, B\u00f6xie caters to the diverse needs of both educators and students alike. It serves as a catalyst for educators to unlock the full potential of their teaching prowess, enabling them to craft lesson plans that captivate, inspire, and leave an indelible mark on their students' academic journey.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>Unlike conventional platforms that confine educators to pre-selected videos and rigid transcription services like those offered by YouTube or Vimeo, B\u00f6xie transcends boundaries. It liberates educators to curate a myriad of content sources, ranging from personalized recordings to educational videos, and even bespoke textual materials. This flexibility empowers educators to infuse their lessons with dynamic and interactive tasks, fostering deeper engagement and comprehension among students.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1851", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167611": { "reskey": 1167611, "company": "Boxlight", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>For over 35 years, Boxlight has dedicated time and energy to offer innovative solutions that help users take collaboration, teaching, and learning to the next level. Our award-winning solutions have made Boxlight become a standout in the education technology market, not only in the U.S., but around the world. We want to ensure that we offer a robust portfolio of comprehensive solutions from display technology to audio systems, and STEM tools to professional development services. With Boxlight and its brands Mimio, Clevertouch, and FrontRow, designing a powerful, cutting-edge learning space is as simple as ticking off the needs on your checklist. Need user-friendly interactive displays that come with hundreds of learning apps and screen mirroring features? Check. Looking for school wide communications systems to support smooth stakeholder connections? Check. Want turnkey STEM solutions that can form the base of a dynamic makerspace? Planning for customized professional development and training \u2013 in-person and virtual? Searching for funding options to supplement your budget? Check. Check. Check. We\u2019re excited to collaborate with you so that your educators are empowered and confident about transforming the learning experience for all.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1256", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/boxlightusa", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/boxlight_solutions\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/boxlight-inc\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/boxlightinc", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178349": { "reskey": 1178349, "company": "BPLAB Steam Education", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "471", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211916'>Equals, Let's Make a Difference: Video Game Against Bullying and School Discrimination<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167612": { "reskey": 1167612, "company": "Brainfuse", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Founded in 1999, Brainfuse is America\u2019s premier online tutoring provider to colleges and universities. With Brainfuse, students receive live tutoring from certified instructors via our proprietary online classroom. In addition, Brainfuse provides intensive writing support, targeted remedial assistance, test preparation, and collaborative learning\/self-study tools. Learn more about Brainfuse at http:\/\/, or email us at to schedule a personal webinar.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2231", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008305347807::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/brainfuselearning", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/brainfuse", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/brainfuse", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/brainfuse", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196614": { "reskey": 1196614, "company": "Brainly, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Brainly, the world's No. 1 app for homework help, is leading the AI revolution in education. The AI-powered technology, connected to Brainly\u2019s Knowledge Base of over 250 million moderated answers, gives every student 24\/7 access to personalized learning assistance, enabling them to receive verified and tailored answers to their homework and study questions. Hundreds of millions of students, parents, and educators rely on Brainly as the proven platform to accelerate understanding and learning.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1689", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167613": { "reskey": 1167613, "company": "BrainPOP", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>BrainPOP makes rigorous learning experiences accessible and engaging for all. Proven to raise academic achievement, educators and parents have trusted the BrainPOP brand worldwide for over two decades. BrainPOP has a presence in over two-thirds of U.S. districts through school and district subscriptions and an estimated reach of 25 million students annually. Beloved by kids, BrainPOP provides endless opportunities to take agency over their learning through playful, knowledge-building content and learner-driven experiences that strengthen critical, computational, and creative thinking across the curriculum. The company is committed to empowering kids t to succeed and thrive in the classroom and beyond.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1282", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/brainpopofficial", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/brainpop_official\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/brainpop\/posts\/?feedView=all", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/brainpop", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/classroom-solutions", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204164'>ARe You READY for This? Augmented Reality, Art and Children's Books<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117398238'>Baby, You're a Firework! Igniting Student Engagement through EdTech<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1173494": { "reskey": 1173494, "company": "Brainstorm US, Inc", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>INNOVATIVE TOOLS FOR POWERFUL IMMERSIVE TEACHING AND VIRTUAL PRODUCTION Modern AV technology including AR and VR is increasingly being adopted in all areas of education as it presents educators with a wealth of new and exciting possibilities for providing their students with new and enhanced teaching and learning experiences within classroom and pop-up or fixed production studio environments. Virtual production including AR VR are specifically significant in distance learning, delivering much more immersive and inclusive learning experiences to remote learners. 3D graphic simulations and models help teachers explain complex subjects more comprehensively and accurately, helping learners to better visualize the concepts and engage deeper. Brainstorm Technology makes learning substantially more engaging, improving retention of knowledge. Since Brainstorm provides media industry standard tools those teaching the craft of virtual production will prepare students for real world experience. Brainstorm\u2019s vast experience in education includes providing [virtual studio](https:\/\/\/solutions\/virtual-studios\/) techniques, [augmented reality](https:\/\/\/solutions\/augmented-reality\/) and [real-time 3D graphics](https:\/\/\/solutions\/motion-graphics\/) technology to education environments serving several needs including in classroom lectures, Radio\/Film\/TV Studio technics and specializations as well as school and campus events and live presentations.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1896", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008302202076::285814008307444960::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/brainstorm3d\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1179876": { "reskey": 1179876, "company": "Breakout, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Unlock the love of learning with Breakout EDU!<br \/>\nBreakout EDU gamifies learning to create an engaging and empowering experience for students of all grade levels.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2057", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "http:\/\/\/BreakoutEDU", "instagram_handle": "@BreakoutEDU", "linkedin_handle": "http:\/\/\/BreakoutEDU", "twitter_handle": "@BreakoutEDU", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117398238'>Baby, You're a Firework! Igniting Student Engagement through EdTech<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209257'>Creative Escape: Game Design With Adobe and Breakout EDU<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167615": { "reskey": 1167615, "company": "Bretford", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>At Bretford\u00ae, we are a proud leading global manufacturer of technology-enabled products, and thought leaders on ways to intuitively incorporate technology into work and learning environments.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1163", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167616": { "reskey": 1167616, "company": "Bright Thinker, Inc.", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>We offer Customizable K-12 online curriculum to schools and districts across the country. We serve these schools with a range of solutions which include direct instruciton, remote learning, blended learning, credit recovery, CTE, Special Education and intervention. We do this with an individualized, self-paced and tightly aligned curriculum.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1357", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/_BrightThinker", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167617": { "reskey": 1167617, "company": "Bright White Paper Co", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong><em>ALL NEW<\/em> to Bright White Paper Co. :<\/strong> <strong><em>Cricut for Schools, The Education Pro Awards Maker & Sisser!<\/em><\/strong> Brighten your halls and walls with display and print products designed for Educators! <em>THE EDUCATION PRO ELITE COLOR POSTER MAKER<\/em> by EPSON & Our 'Do It Yourself' products allow you to create posters, banners, awards, personalized decals, custom classroom organization, yard signs, a-frame displays, & SO MUCH MORE! Make what you need, when you need it! Easily change out for curriculum, holidays, and special events. We carry a full line of ink-jet paper rolls, poster maker ink refills, vinyl, canvas, banner material & photo paper rolls. We also offer <em>thermal<\/em> poster paper rolls in an array of colors, re-usable display boards (Easyboards), EasyFrames, & our full line of EasySnap Frame products. With our Xyron <strong>cold laminators<\/strong>, you\u2019ll be laminating without electricity or heat! We offer 3 different sizes, full color poster maker packages: 24\u201d, 36\u201d & 44\u201d widths, along with all refills required. We are a one-stop-shop! Please give us a call or visit our website for more details. We gladly accept school purchase orders!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "701", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008295910614::285814008299056345::285814008307444960::285814008309542113", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/brightwhitepaper\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/brightwhitepaper\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/bright-white-paper", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/brightwhitepape", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1187761": { "reskey": 1187761, "company": "Brisk Teaching", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Brisk Teaching is the #1 AI-powered time-saving Chrome extension for educators. With Brisk, you can quickly transform articles, YouTube videos, Google docs, and other content into worksheets, quizzes, presentations, and more - right from the original sources. Brisk seamlessly integrates with your existing tools \u2014 no new apps to manage, no added stress. Use Brisk to breeze through your time-consuming tasks and enjoy more free time for you.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "451", "keywords": "ai powered chrome extensiontimesaving chrome extensionai tools for teachersfree ai for teachersai lesson plansai feedbackai rubric creatorai quiz generatorai presentation makerai lexile conversionai for chrome browserai for administratorsai for educatorsai for google teacherseasy ai for teachers", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/briskteaching", "instagram_handle": "@briskteaching", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/brisk-teaching\/", "twitter_handle": "@briskteaching", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/groups\/briskeducators", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/briskteaching\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/brisk-teaching", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/briskteaching", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117206290'>AI as a Tool for Success: Helping Preservice Teachers Benefit from AI<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204693'>The Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs of a First-Year EdTech Coach<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263474'>AI in a School District: A Yearlong Odyssey - Vision, Implementation, and Reality<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117207738'>AI in Education: 10 Things to Try and 10 to Avoid<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211377'>AI-Powered Classrooms: Bridging the Gap between Humans and Machines<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117259050'>Instructional Approaches to Combat Misuse of AI Writing in 7-12 Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273737'>ELAi: 10 Ways to Elevate Teaching & Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117386508'>Modeling the Teaching of Artificial Intelligence to Early Childhood and Elementary Students<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117274623'>Find Your Way with Chrome Extensions: Becoming an Innovative Educator<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263866'>Harnessing AI Tools for Enhancing Secondary Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269230'>A.I. Playbook for Educators: Your Top 10 Toolkit<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167619": { "reskey": 1167619, "company": "Britannica Education", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>At Britannica Education, our purpose is to empower educators to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences that ignite curiosity in their students. We believe that every student has the ability to learn and grow, and we are committed to supporting educators in their efforts to help their learners reach their full potential.<\/strong> <\/p>\n<p><strong>Our products and services include a vast selection of standards-aligned digital curriculum resources, assessment tools, and professional learning programs that are designed to help educators effectively and efficiently plan, deliver, and assess instruction. Whether you are a teacher, curriculum specialist, or administrator, Britannica Education has the go-to support you need to help you succeed in your role.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1767", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211916'>Equals, Let's Make a Difference: Video Game Against Bullying and School Discrimination<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167621": { "reskey": 1167621, "company": "Brown Dog Gadgets", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Brown Dog Gadgets\u00ae creates engaging STEM education products for all ages! Our hands-on craft projects have students creating everything from Bristlebots and Solar Bugs, to Paper Crafts and Wearables. Come test drive our new Bit Board Rover which combines building blocks with Micro:Bit\u2122to teach programming. Free Samples available for educators!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "6300", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "http:\/\/\/browndoggadgets", "instagram_handle": "@browndoggadgets", "twitter_handle": "@browndoggadgets", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117271758'>School Library Playground<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117195541'>Makerspace Make & Take: Integration Across the Content Areas<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117207239'>SELing Design Thinkers Using Bloxels<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117261707'>Oh The Places We Will Grow: Integrating Technology with School Gardens<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167622": { "reskey": 1167622, "company": "Bump Armor", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Bump Armor offers the ultimate protection for iPads, Chromebooks, laptops, and tablets for the classroom. Bump Armor's protective solutions provide the best protection from a world full of dangers, including the rigors of the classroom.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "582", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008307444960::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167623": { "reskey": 1167623, "company": "Camcor", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Camcor provides audio visual, instructional technology, and STEM solutions. Allow the Camcor team to assist you with your next projector. Whether your school needs a single headset or needing a large scale technology deployment, you can count on Camcor. Experience the Camcor difference!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "882", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008305347807::285814008294862037::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1207696": { "reskey": 1207696, "company": "CamNet, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>CamNet, Inc. is a full-service IT firm specializing in educational IT solutions such as:<br \/>\nCommunication Technology (Specifically Intercom, Clock, and Telecommunication Systems)<br \/>\nCloud Computing<br \/>\nComputer Hardware<br \/>\nData Management and Storage<br \/>\nMobile Device Management<br \/>\nWireless Infrastructure<br \/>\nAudio\/Visual Systems<br \/>\nData and Fiber Infrastructure<br \/>\nNetwork Infrastructure,<br \/>\nand more... <\/p>\n<p>This year we are partnering with Carehawk, the industry-leading intercom solution for any educational entity as well as coporate offices, and support locations, as well. <\/p>\n<p>Please stop by to learn more about our portfolio of IT solutions and how we can support your students, staff, and campus(es).<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1775", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008318979303::285814008295910614::285814008296959191::285814008327367914", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "http:\/\/profile.php?id=100063014629604", "instagram_handle": "", "linkedin_handle": "\/Camnet, Inc.", "twitter_handle": "@CamNet_Inc", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167625": { "reskey": 1167625, "company": "Canva for Education", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Canva for Education makes it easy to create, collaborate, and communicate visually in the classroom and beyond. It\u2019s 100% free for K12 districts, teachers and their students. Set up your classroom space, invite students, and manage lessons, activities, or projects, all in one place. You can create lessons, learning materials and activities in minutes with our easy to use platform. Access thousands of high-quality, educational templates for every subject, grade, and ability. Discover worksheets, lesson plans, presentations, posters, reports, and more, all ready to customize. It's 100% free for K-12 districts and students.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "808", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008312687843", "tags": "Meeting Room Renter", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Wonder London LTD", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/canva", "instagram_handle": "@Canva", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/canva\/", "twitter_handle": "@CanvaEdu", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117274984'>Crafting an Impact Dashboard to Showcase Your Stats!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117275780'>Canva and AI: Not Just a Bunch of Hocus-Pocus<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117202242'>Pressing Play: Engaging Students Through Learning Playlists<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204164'>ARe You READY for This? Augmented Reality, Art and Children's Books<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117274717'>AI in the Classroom for Educators: A Quantum Leap for Educational Equity<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211760'>Transforming Chilean Narrative into Interactive Photocomics through AI and Gamification<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203485'>Canva Tips and Tricks You May Not Know About!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203524'>Catalyzing a Change in Africa\u2019s Youths Perception About Farming<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203622'>Multimodal Digital Composing: Teaching Composing Process in a Digital Age<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117202303'>Building Learning Museums: Book Creator's Impact on Deep Learning and Transfer Skills<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117206222'>The Future of Creativity in a Tech Driven World<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263063'>Cultivating Potential: Mini Courses for Empowering Elementary Students<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117210647'>Inclusive Tech! with AI, Machine Learning, and Microcontrollers for Disability Assistance.<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273549'>Designing Inclusive Coaching Activities for Edtech Integration<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117338270'>Higher Education Innovation Carnival! Connecting, Including, and Unleashing Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117398238'>Baby, You're a Firework! Igniting Student Engagement through EdTech<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117357070'>Regional Library\/Media Showcase<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117207738'>AI in Education: 10 Things to Try and 10 to Avoid<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117259050'>Instructional Approaches to Combat Misuse of AI Writing in 7-12 Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117208818'>Creating AI Magic with Canva for Education<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263691'>Youth Innovators in AI: How NYCPS Connect Students To Real World Industries<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117208883'>Creating Content with 1 minute Documentaries in Student-Led Video Announcements<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117215414'>Cultivating Student Leadership Through Technology<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273673'>Project Examples to Implement Technology into your Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117279236'>EdTech For Little - Tech Integration to Support Standards and Research Based Instruction<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117364882'>Accessibility, Equity, and Inclusion Across Colorado<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273737'>ELAi: 10 Ways to Elevate Teaching & Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270176'>Esports: Just do it!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209106'>Staying rELevant with assistive technology<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265547'>Instructional Design Playground: Teach Boldly in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209260'>The 'Chopped' Playground \u2014 Edtech Kitchen<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117206689'>Mile-High Innovation: Reaching the Peak with Edtech Coaching<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276248'>Bring Learning to Life With Green Screen & Augmented Reality<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270713'>Leveraging Innovative EdTech Tools for Student-Centered Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117261707'>Oh The Places We Will Grow: Integrating Technology with School Gardens<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264533'>Scientists and mathematicians who changed the world: A story in Miro App<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117210343'>Turn Your District into a Social Media Sensation: From Likes to LOLs!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117200349'>Arts and Technology STEAM Playground: Creativity and Engagement for All Learners<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117277083'>The Campus Chatter: Amplifying Virtual Voices<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201542'>Words Matter in Math too!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117361748'>RoboPlay: A Hands-On Exploration of STEM, Computer Science, and Robotics<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211916'>Equals, Let's Make a Difference: Video Game Against Bullying and School Discrimination<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117272325'>Maximizing Your Time With Canva: 12 Tips for Busy Teachers<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269230'>A.I. Playbook for Educators: Your Top 10 Toolkit<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167626": { "reskey": 1167626, "company": "Capstone", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Capstone publishes and creates content for students in grades K-5. You may know us through our print books, interactive eBooks, or from our curricular content hub PebbleGo. We support teaching and learning with amazing content that engages students, inspires teachers, and connects families and communities to move literacy forward.<\/p>\n<p>We work with you to curate a content-rich program specific to your goals and challenges that does not contradict, crowd, or replace your existing resources. Capstone\u2019s content creates harmony across digital and print, fiction and nonfiction, library and classroom, building on your efforts to create a consistently high-quality learning experience that educators and students, schools and their communities will love and trust.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "724", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008307444960::285814008317930726", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url direct": "http:\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117279236'>EdTech For Little - Tech Integration to Support Standards and Research Based Instruction<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209260'>The 'Chopped' Playground \u2014 Edtech Kitchen<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1175506": { "reskey": 1175506, "company": "Carahsoft Technology Corp.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Carahsoft is The Trusted Public Sector IT Solutions Provider\u2122. Our technology manufacturers and reseller partners are committed to providing IT products, services and training to support Government agencies as well as Healthcare and Education organizations. Carahsoft is a leading IT distributor and top-performing E&I, Internet2, NJSBA and The Quilt contract holder, enhancing student learning and enabling faculty to meet the needs of Higher Education institutions and K-12 schools.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "432", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1197978": { "reskey": 1197978, "company": "Carnegie Hall", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Carnegie Hall Kids is a kid-friendly website that invites children ages 5\u201312 to learn about music through interactive digital activities. Carnegie Hall Kids ignites the imagination, offering kids activities that both encourage musical curiosity and develop knowledge of musical concepts.<\/p>\n<p>Our platform offers a wide variety of interactive content. Kids can take educational quizzes such as \u201cWeird and Wild Instruments,\u201d play musical games like \u201cTune Crafter,\u201d and explore the world through music using the interactive \u201cMusical Explorers\u201d map, featuring artists and musical traditions from all over the globe. With more than 24,000 users each month, Carnegie Hall Kids is making interactive musical education fun for kids everywhere; all activities in the portal are free, available on all devices, and accessible anywhere in the world.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "429", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/carnegiehall\/", "instagram_handle": "@carnegiehall", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/carnegie-hall", "twitter_handle": "@carnegiehall", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167629": { "reskey": 1167629, "company": "Case Logic", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>The Thule Group offers protective cases under the Thule and Case Logic brands. Since 1984, we have been manufacturing bags and cases that keep you organized and your devices protected while on the go. Although technology has changed over the years, our design philosophy has always remained \u2013 create a balance of style, organization and performance to make life easier and more accessible. <\/p>\n<p>Sold in over 100 countries, Case Logic is the brand of choice for students and faculty worldwide. With our focus on style, organization, and performance, our backpacks, Chromebook cases, and sleeves will keep everything organized and at their fingertips. And, with a 25-year product warranty, you can trust. Case Logic to protect all your devices for years to come. <\/p>\n<p>We also offer Custom Logo services and can put a school logo on many of our products.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1876", "keywords": "backpackssleeveschrome book caselaptop protectionwork in caselaptop case", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008303250653::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/caselogic", "virtual profile instagram": "@caselogic", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167631": { "reskey": 1167631, "company": "CDW", "url": "\/k12", "guide_text": "<p>CDW CDW Government (CDW-G) is a leading provider of technology solutions to government, education and healthcare customers. The company features dedicated Account Managers, Solutions Architects and Engineers who help customers choose the right technology products and services to meet their needs and assist customers with the implementation and long-term management of those solutions.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1224", "keywords": "", "tagids": "307369150013500364::285814008296959191::285814008304299230::285814008327367914", "tags": "Meeting Room Renter::Sponsor", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url direct": "\/k12", "virtual profile url display": "\/k12", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517816'>From Zero to Hero: Learn How to Build an Esports Program!<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517706'>Scaling GenAI | Building Tomorrow from Lessons Learned Today<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517722'>Operation: AI Taskforce<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517738'>Keeping Our Most Vulnerable Students Safe with Technology<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517752'>The Ever-Changing Role of the CTO- School Safety<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517774'>Google Admin Essentials: Mastering EDU Best Practices<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517786'>Tackling the Challenges Together: How K12 IT Admins Get IT done<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517816'>From Zero to Hero: Learn How to Build an Esports Program!<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517829'>Chrome Command Center: Effective Management in the Google Admin Console<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517840'>Windows 11 Readiness for EDU<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517864'>Beyond the Firewall: Pioneering Cybersecurity Strategies in K12 Education<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517876'>Measure K-12 Cybersecurity Effectiveness Like a Pro<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517897'>The Intersection of School Safety and Technology<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517905'>Esports Leaders Tell All<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517915'>Breaking Barriers: Equity and Access in Education Demystified<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117517939'>Fortifying Your Domain: Next-Level Security in the Google Admin Console<\/p>" }, "1167632": { "reskey": 1167632, "company": "Cell Mechanic", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Cell Mechanic is a leader in the mobile device management field. Full lifecycle management, including repair, accessories, and end of life buyback. We specialize in repair, doing pickup and delivery in the NY area.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2218", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199373": { "reskey": 1199373, "company": "Centric Learning", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Centric Learning offers project-based learning for grades 3-12 through live and asynchronous courses, as well as tutoring, AP courses and accelerated credit recovery options.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1394", "keywords": "project based learningcompetency based assessmentonline learningcredit recoveryalternativeatriskhigh schooltutoringtutorsliveasyncprojectspblvirtualhomeschooldualdiploma", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "@learnatcentric", "instagram_handle": "@learnatcentric", "linkedin_handle": "@learnatcentric", "twitter_handle": "@learnatcentric", "virtual profile facebook": "\/learnatcentric", "virtual profile instagram": "@learnatcentric", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/learnatcentric\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@learnatcentric", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117338270'>Higher Education Innovation Carnival! Connecting, Including, and Unleashing Learning<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167634": { "reskey": 1167634, "company": "Certify-Ed, LLC", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Certify-Ed is a CTE curriculum company which focuses on courses with authentic learning experiences that are designed to lead to industry certifications and\/or college credit. Lessons are delivered by engaging videos and interactive simulations that use virtual reality. This gives students the opportunity to practice what they have learned in the course. Computers, laptops, or virtual reality goggles can be used to complete each of the courses and simulations. <\/p>\n<p>The courses engage the student with three modes: <\/p>\n<p><strong>LEARN<\/strong>: Videos, each with interactive transcript<br \/>\n<strong>APPLY:<\/strong> Assessment questions and WebVR simulations<br \/>\n<strong>CREATE:<\/strong> Student creates their own VR video<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1571", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008299056345::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "@Certify-ED", "instagram_handle": "@official_CertifyED", "linkedin_handle": "@Certify-ED", "twitter_handle": "@CertifyED_LLC", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117278223'>We need stinkin' badges! What do we need to know?<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1173496": { "reskey": 1173496, "company": "CharaChorder", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Cancelled", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1208161": { "reskey": 1208161, "company": "ChessUp", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>ChessUp is the #1 smart chess board. ChessUp's built in Ai instructor teaches kids as they play. With patented Ai touch assistance, everyone can learn and enjoy chess.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "324", "keywords": "", "tagids": "307369150013500364::285814008262356179::285814008296959191::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167638": { "reskey": 1167638, "company": "", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>While supplying high quality replacement hardware for chromebooks in a fast and cost-effective manner, we help our customers get results in less money spent and less electronics being thrown away or replaced. Fast shipping, bulk discounts, orders delivered with rock star customer service.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1688", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/chromebookparts-com", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1173620": { "reskey": 1173620, "company": "Cidi Labs", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Cidi Labs provides clever, affordable plug-in tools for Canvas that help course designers and educators dramatically increase productivity, ignite creativity, and scale the delivery of high-quality, accessible learning for all students.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "844", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1179961": { "reskey": 1179961, "company": "Class Creator LLC", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Creating balanced classes has never been so easy! Class Creator empowers educators with all the tools they need to make the best classes for their students, teachers and school community. Designed, developed and supported by educators, Class Creator understands that every school is unique, that\u2019s why our software is so flexible. Now with offices and support in Australia and the United States, schools around the globe trust Class Creator to take the hassle out of making classes. Visit to find out more!<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1691", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008293813460", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "\/classcreation", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/class-creator\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167640": { "reskey": 1167640, "company": "Class Technologies", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Class is software developed by Class Technologies Inc., a company founded by education software pioneer, Michael Chasen. Class adds teaching and learning tools to Zoom and makes online classes feel as natural as face-to-face learning. The online platform makes it easy for educators to engage with students and run immersive, interactive lessons without leaving a secure learning environment. Class is headquartered in Washington, DC, with staff around the world.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1441", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203524'>Catalyzing a Change in Africa\u2019s Youths Perception About Farming<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117338270'>Higher Education Innovation Carnival! Connecting, Including, and Unleashing Learning<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199410": { "reskey": 1199410, "company": "ClassBank (Formerly ClassEquity)", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>TLDR: FREE Digital Classroom Economy Platform<\/p>\n<p>For leaders and teachers who want to foster a positive school culture, ClassBank is a classroom engagement platform built on financial literacy concepts \u2013 like having a job, budgeting, paying bills, and saving money \u2013 which help students learn important life skills while becoming contributing members of your community.<\/p>\n<p>ClassBank was founded by two former middle school math teachers who wanted to create meaningful learning experiences that taught students real-life skills. Launched in the fall of 2021, ClassEquity is helping over 200,000 students succeed both inside and outside the classroom.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "745", "keywords": "classroom economy::pbis::student engagement::positive reinforcement::school bucks::class cash", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "@ClassEquity", "instagram_handle": "@classequity", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/classequity\/", "twitter_handle": "@Class_Equity_", "virtual profile instagram": "@myclassbank", "virtual profile twitter": "@ClassBank", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1187777": { "reskey": 1187777, "company": "ClassDojo", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>ClassDojo is a free app for districts, schools and classrooms. It\u2019s a secure, all-in-one platform for school culture and climate and offers two-way messaging, positive behavior recognition and multilingual communication.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1956", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008295910614", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/classdojo\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@ClassDojo", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/classdojo", "virtual profile twitter": "@ClassDojo", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117278223'>We need stinkin' badges! What do we need to know?<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167641": { "reskey": 1167641, "company": "ClassLink", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>ClassLink is a global education provider of identity, access and analytics products that create more time for learning and help schools better understand digital engagement. As leading advocates for open data standards, we offer instant access to apps and files with single sign-on, streamline class rostering, automate account provisioning, and provide actionable analytics. ClassLink empowers 21 million students and staff in over 2,600 school systems. Visit <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\"><\/a> to learn more.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1362", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/classlinkinc\/", "instagram_handle": "@classlink_edu", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/classlink\/", "twitter_handle": "@ClassLink", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117200349'>Arts and Technology STEAM Playground: Creativity and Engagement for All Learners<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1186539": { "reskey": 1186539, "company": "Classter", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Classter is an end-to-end Student Information, School, and Learning Management System designed to streamline administrative processes and digitalize educational institutions. <\/p>\n<p>It is a comprehensive solution offering a range of integrated modules including Admissions, Billing, CRM, Learning Management Systems (LMS), Student Information Systems (SIS), Transportation, Library Management, and Alumni Management. All these modules come integrated into one simple and intuitive platform. <\/p>\n<p>Classter aims to provide an easy-to-use, reliable, secure, and efficient way for educational institutions to manage their administrative processes from enrollment to alumni management. It's designed to help schools and universities save time and money by streamlining their administrative tasks, automating repetitive processes, and digitalizing their operations. <\/p>\n<p>Classter also integrates with over 40 popular educational tools, making it a versatile solution that can fit seamlessly into existing educational workflows.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "684", "keywords": "student information systemsisschool management systemsmslearning management systemlmseducation crmeducation erphigher educationk12softwaresaascloudazure", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285814008295910614::285814008300104922::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Nikolaos Nikou", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/classtercloud", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/classtercloud\/", "twitter_handle": "@classtercloud", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/classtercloud\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@classtercloud", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/classtercloud", "virtual profile twitter": "@classtercloud", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117338270'>Higher Education Innovation Carnival! Connecting, Including, and Unleashing Learning<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167644": { "reskey": 1167644, "company": "ClassVR", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>ClassVR is the all-in-one virtual reality solution that provides everything you need to \u200beasily implement virtual reality into your classroom. Designed specifically for education, ClassVR provides \u200ball-in-one headsets, curriculum-aligned educational resources, teacher controls and charging stations to help you create immersive and engaging lessons for your students \u2013 all at an affordable cost for schools and districts.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1700", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008296959191::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Nicole Covelli", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/ClassVR\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@classvr_official", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/showcase\/classvr-virtual-reality-for-the-classroom\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@ClassVR", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/us\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264796'>Using STEm to Foster Creativity in the Middle School History Class<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117210173'>VR in the Classroom: Transport Learners, Transform Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117202758'>Think Inside the Box: This Ain't Your Grandma's Diorama<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167646": { "reskey": 1167646, "company": "Clear Touch", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Clear Touch<\/strong> is an innovative and fast-growing technology provider based in the booming city of Greenville, South Carolina. <strong>Clear Touch<\/strong> has disrupted the tech industry with reliable products ranging from smart-touch interactive panels, compatible accessories like web cameras and tripods, and integrated software designed to make the lives of educators and school administrators easier. <strong>Clear Touch\u2019s<\/strong> products and software suite are used in educational settings to encourage collaborative, interactive learning, and we pride ourselves on high customer satisfaction, continuous professional development opportunities, and a quick support response rate. <strong>Clear Touch<\/strong> is also the exclusive reseller of <strong>Clear Digital<\/strong> products, including digital signage solutions such as LED video walls, digital sanitizer stations, portable digital signage and remote content management software.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1074, 1068, 974", "keywords": "interactive panelsdigital signagesoftwarecamerasmicrophonescontent management systemcastingscreen mirroringstandsmobile cartstrainingpdprofessional developmentwireless castingposaiaudio", "tagids": "285815475758099805::307369150013500364::285814008294862037::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/getcleartouch", "virtual profile instagram": "@getcleartouch", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/clear-touch-interactive", "virtual profile twitter": "@getcleartouch", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "Https:\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167648": { "reskey": 1167648, "company": "Clever", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Clever is on a mission to connect every student to a world of learning. More than 100,000 schools worldwide use Clever to power secure digital learning experiences. And, with Clever\u2019s layered security solutions, K-12 schools can protect district access and identities for all staff, teachers, and students. With a secure platform for schools and a network of leading application providers, Clever is committed to advancing education with technology that works for students everywhere.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "824", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile linkedin": "\/company\/clever-inc-\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@clever", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "Clever Inc.", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117338270'>Higher Education Innovation Carnival! Connecting, Including, and Unleashing Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117398238'>Baby, You're a Firework! Igniting Student Engagement through EdTech<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117357070'>Regional Library\/Media Showcase<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167650": { "reskey": 1167650, "company": "ClickView", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>ClickView is home to curated, standards-aligned videos for every grade, subject and topic - making it easy for teachers to find the perfect video in seconds.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1268", "keywords": "videosedtechvideo learninginteractive quizzesinteractive videoslearning resources", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/ClickView\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/clickvieweducation\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/clickview\/mycompany\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/clickview", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/?utm_source=mkt&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=iste-2024&utm_content=exhibitor-profile", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270713'>Leveraging Innovative EdTech Tools for Student-Centered Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265547'>Instructional Design Playground: Teach Boldly in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196729": { "reskey": 1196729, "company": "Clixo by Toyish Labs", "url": "\/classroom", "guide_text": "<p>Clixo is a first-of-its-kind, multi-sensory, flexible magnetic building toy that can be build in both 2D and 3D, unlocking endless imagination and creativity. With its stackable packing, universal design, and magnets keeping the pieces together with a click, Clixo opens up new channels for learning creative expression, problem solving, STEAM and critical thinking skills through endless classroom discoveries.<\/p>\n<p>The Clixo Classroom pack and online portal offer unique learning materials suitable for multiple topics, skill levels, abilities and educational settings, including STEAM curricula, play areas, occupational therapy, and individual and collaborative activities. Discover the Clixo building pieces, activity cards, lesson plans, concept and design videos, and tesrimonials and blogs from creative Clixo educators.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "577", "keywords": "inclusive playopen endedmagnetsflexibleaccessibilityexplorationmagneticinnovationsteamstemeducationalbuildingclassroom", "tagids": "285814008262356179::285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/myclixo", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/my_clixo\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/toyish-labs\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/my_clixo", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/myclixom\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/my_clixo\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/toyish-labs\/", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/classroom\/", "virtual profile url display": "\/classroom", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209834'>\u201cSTEAM\u201d up your Curriculum by Infusing Cultural Responsiveness, Literacy, and Inclusivity!<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167653": { "reskey": 1167653, "company": "", "url": "\/istelive24\/", "guide_text": "<p>\u00ae is an education innovation nonprofit dedicated to the vision that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science. With a focus on increasing participation by young women and other underrepresented groups, supports schools and districts through K-12 computer science curriculum and professional learning.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2124", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008312687843", "tags": "Advertiser::Pending Sponsor", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269051'>Increasing Uptake of Coding for Girls - Make It a Language Choice<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203524'>Catalyzing a Change in Africa\u2019s Youths Perception About Farming<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265117'>Making for Good<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263063'>Cultivating Potential: Mini Courses for Empowering Elementary Students<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201350'>So Much Tech...So Little Time<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273673'>Project Examples to Implement Technology into your Classroom<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167654": { "reskey": 1167654, "company": "CodeCombat", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>CodeCombat offers solutions that make learning Computer Science (CS) fun and enjoyable to teach. Our learning tools combine engaging gameplay with a standards-aligned curriculum and educator resources, creating an experience that both students and teachers love. With our game-based approach, students embrace learning as they play and write code from the very start of their adventure, promoting active learning and a growth mindset. Educators rely on our comprehensive teacher dashboard, which allows them to track student progress, assign coursework, and access all the necessary resources to teach CS effectively. Our core programs meet CSTA and ISTE standards, have helped over 20 million students enjoy learning Computer Science, and have supported 320,000 educators in teaching it.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "336", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/codecombat", "instagram_handle": "@CodeCombat", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/codecombat", "twitter_handle": "@CodeCombat", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/codecombat", "virtual profile instagram": "@CodeCombat", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/codecombat", "virtual profile twitter": "@CodeCombat", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/schools", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269051'>Increasing Uptake of Coding for Girls - Make It a Language Choice<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178471": { "reskey": 1178471, "company": "CodeMonkey Studios", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>CodeMonkey is a leading, fun and intuitive curriculum where students learn to code in real programming languages. Through game and project-based courses, students as young as 5 use real programming languages to solve puzzles and build games and apps.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "6209", "keywords": "coding for kids computer science curriculum", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/CodeMonkeySTU", "instagram_handle": "@CodeMonkeySTU", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/codemonkeystu\/", "twitter_handle": "@CodeMonkeySTU", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/CodeMonkeySTU", "virtual profile instagram": "@codemonkeystu", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/codemonkeystu\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@CodeMonkeySTU", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269051'>Increasing Uptake of Coding for Girls - Make It a Language Choice<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201350'>So Much Tech...So Little Time<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178462": { "reskey": 1178462, "company": "CoderZ", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Barriers to STEM Coding and robotics are numerous and powerful. Furthermore, the number of teachers out there able and empowered to surmount those barriers is disproportionate to the present need. CoderZ removes these barriers by eliminating fear through meaningful support and preparation of educators by implementing fun, flexible, and engaging instruction in a real-world context. With CoderZ, educators open pathways for students inspired and motivated to discover their future. CoderZ is discovery-based, standards-aligned, self-paced, and designed to help kids embrace failures as part of learning while providing opportunities to show off their coding skills on a global scale! From tech-nerds to the computer shy, with CoderZ, anyone can learn coding. ANYONE. All you need to start is an internet connection and the knowledge that you can solve anything.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "331", "keywords": "coderzk12 codingrobotics codingcoding competitionscyber robotics 101codefarmamazon cyber robotics challengecoderz adventurecyber robotics 102python gymblocklyjavapythoncsta alignmentngss alignmentsocial emotional learningstem21st century skillsselfpacedscaffolded instructiondifferentiated learning", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/GoCoderZ", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/gocoderz\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/GoCoderZ", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/gocoderz\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/GoCoderZ", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269051'>Increasing Uptake of Coding for Girls - Make It a Language Choice<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1205757": { "reskey": 1205757, "company": "CODi Worldwide", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "1744", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199326": { "reskey": 1199326, "company": "Common Sense Education", "url": "\/education\/", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Common Sense is the world's leading source of media reviews and recommendations for families and educators. Common Sense Education provides free digital learning tools and resources for the classroom, including our award-winning Digital Citizenship Curriculum and AI literacy lessons, our edtech ratings and reviews, and our edtech privacy evaluations, as well as our best-in-class professional development resources.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "343", "keywords": "digital citizenshipdigital literacyedtechprivacysel", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "\/CommonSenseEd\/", "instagram_handle": "@commonsenseorg", "twitter_handle": "@CommonSenseEd", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/CommonSenseEd\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@commonsenseorg", "virtual profile twitter": "@CommonSenseEd", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/education", "virtual profile url display": "\/education", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117275438'>Digital Citizenship IS Preparation for Generative Artificial Intelligence<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201350'>So Much Tech...So Little Time<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167660": { "reskey": 1167660, "company": "CommonLit", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>CommonLit is a digital literacy program for students in grades 3-12. CommonLit offers over 3,000 high-quality reading lessons in English and Spanish. Each lesson can be easily customized and includes planning materials for teachers. When students complete lessons on CommonLit, they can answer comprehension questions, utilize text-to-speech technology, digitally translate text into 30+ languages, and take digital notes. CommonLit 360, a full ELA curriculum, is also available for grades 6-12. Email to get in touch!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "767", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815475758099805::285814008299056345::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/commonlit", "instagram_handle": "@commonlit", "virtual profile facebook": "http:\/\/\/commonlit", "virtual profile instagram": "@commonlit", "virtual profile linkedin": "http:\/\/\/commonlit", "virtual profile twitter": "@commonlit", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117202242'>Pressing Play: Engaging Students Through Learning Playlists<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1186560": { "reskey": 1186560, "company": "Compass Partners in Learning", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Leading requires learning. As schools and students change, teachers and administrators must be a step ahead. The future of education is constantly evolving. So are we. Compass Partners in Learning has decades of experience providing expert resources, support and direction for professional progress, and better student outcomes. By identifying needs and customizing solutions, we help educational communities build relationships, navigate obstacles to learning, and chart a course to educational excellence. Provided by you. Guided by us. Compass. Guiding education forward.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "483", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285815986796293474::285814008305347807::285814008312687843::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/learnwithcompass", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117279989'>Leveraging Large Language Models to Advance Assessment Paradigms - Introducing Bright Eva<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1205413": { "reskey": 1205413, "company": "Compro Technologies", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Compro Technologies assists educational publishers in creating next-generation learning technology solutions. For over two decades, multinational educational publishers have relied on our expertise to envision, develop, and deploy high-performance digital products, serving millions of students and educators worldwide.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1540", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::307369150013500364::285814008262356179::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/comprodls\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/compro-technologi", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/comprodls", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167664": { "reskey": 1167664, "company": "Conen Mounts", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "2148", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167665": { "reskey": 1167665, "company": "Connection, Public Sector Solutions", "url": "\/ps", "guide_text": "<p>Connection\u00ae Public Sector Solutions is dedicated to fulfilling the unique, specialized IT needs of public education institutions throughout the United States. We understand there's a lot more to IT than just technology. Our customer-centric approach focuses on the unique IT goals and challenges facing your district. We work closely with you before, during and after every purchase to make sure you get exactly what you need, when you need it. As part of the total Connection solution, we support all the technology we sell with a complete portfolio of IT services designed to help you get more out of your investment. We'll also identify and apply the federal, state, and local contracts and purchasing vehicles that enable you to achieve your school's goals\u2014on time and on budget. We'll help you get it done right the first time.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1641", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008299056345::285814008309542113::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/Connection4IT\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/connectionit\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/connection-it", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/ConnectionIT", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167666": { "reskey": 1167666, "company": "Construct", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Cancelled", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1184544": { "reskey": 1184544, "company": "Converge Technology Solutions", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Converge Technology Solutions Corp. is a services-led, software-enabled, IT & Cloud Solutions provider focused on delivering industry-leading solutions. As a trusted advisor to top-tier organizations, Converge delivers advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), application modernization, cloud platforms, cybersecurity, digital infrastructure, and digital workplace offerings to schools around the globe.<\/p>\n<p>We support these solutions with advisory, implementation, and managed services expertise across all major IT partners in the marketplace.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "445", "keywords": "clouddata centerserversstoragenetworkingwirelesssecurityaiartificial intelligencecustomerateservicesprintfinancingorchestrationdesignadviseimplementmanageinteractiveprometheanibmhphpeciscoarubajunipercrowd strikebond planningcetlswitchpaloaltofirewallrecyclinglifecycleanalyticsinfrastructuredelllenovo", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008303250653::285814008309542113::285814008327367914", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile instagram": "@Converge Technology Solutions Corp", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/converge-technology-solutions-corp\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@ConvergeTSC", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167668": { "reskey": 1167668, "company": "Copernicus Educational Products", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Copernicus Educational Products is a leading North American designer and manufacturer of innovative classroom furniture, sanitization and technology support solutions. We design and build from sound foundations; ensuring that mobility, functionality and affordability are evident in all we do. Our products are developed and tested with teachers in real classroom environments, to ensure that they have real purpose in the real world. It is that simple.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1263", "keywords": "copernicuspointersbamboo pointersirover2tech tubclassroom bikestationary bikeselfregulation classroom cruisertech tub2b corpcopernicus educational productsinteractive flat panel carts", "tagids": "285814008304299230::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/copernicused", "instagram_handle": "@copernicuseducationalproducts", "twitter_handle": "@copernicused", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/copernicused", "virtual profile instagram": "@copernicuseducationalproducts", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/copernicus-educational-products\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@copernicused", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204164'>ARe You READY for This? Augmented Reality, Art and Children's Books<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1184666": { "reskey": 1184666, "company": "Copyleaks", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>We're dedicated to creating secure environments to share ideas and learn confidently. Each day the world\u2019s largest businesses and educational institutes\u2014along with millions of individuals\u2014trust our exclusive AI-powered text analysis to identify potential plagiarism in over 100 languages, uncover AI-generated content, ensure responsible generative AI adoption, verify authenticity and ownership, and empower error-free writing.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1662", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285815475758099805::285814008262356179::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/Copyleaks\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/copyleaksai\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/copyleaks\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/Copyleaks", "virtual profile instagram": "@copyleaksai", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/copyleaks", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117207312'>Improving Computational Thinking with Machine Learning and AI with Robotics<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1205533": { "reskey": 1205533, "company": "Copyright Clearance Center", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) provides copyright licensing and content solutions for the world\u2019s most sought-after books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and more. For over two decades CCC has served academic institutions of all types and sizes by providing innovative solutions that enable educators, librarians, staff, and those that serve the academic market to use and share published content to enrich instruction while managing copyright compliance. As a not-for-profit organization, CCC aims to simplify licensing of content for use in academic settings, while compensating publishers and creators for the use of their works.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "641", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/copyrightclearanc", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196433": { "reskey": 1196433, "company": "Corsair for Business", "url": "\/business", "guide_text": "<p>ABOUT CORSAIR FOR BUSINESS <\/p>\n<p>Corsair for Business enables the educational<br \/>\njourney\u2014from traditional classrooms to remote learning setups\u2014with cutting-edge technology solutions designed for every educator, student, and learning environment. With Corsair for Business, you\u2019re not just choosing technology; you\u2019re choosing a partner in education. We are ready to meet the rigorus demands for STEM, Esports, EdTech, K-12, and Higher Education. Together, we can evolve the educational landscapes of tomorrow.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1262", "keywords": "esportsvirtual learningremote learningstem learningproblem solvingbuild kitsperipheralskeyboardsmicemousepadsdocking stationsstream deckhead setlaptopshigh performance computingpcswork stationswebcamslightsmountspromptermicrophonesgreen screenspc controllerscustomizationsoftwarezoommicrosoft teamsslackgoogle suitegoogle workspaceamdnvidiaintelelgatocorsairdroporigin pcscufgaminggaming chairsmmofpswirelesswired", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008300104922::285814008303250653::285814008305347807", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/CORSAIR\/", "instagram_handle": "@Corsair", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/17663\/admin\/feed\/", "twitter_handle": "@Corsair", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/Corsair", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/corsair\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/corsair", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/CORSAIR", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/us\/en\/s\/business-industries-education", "virtual profile url display": "Corsair For Education", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1198521": { "reskey": 1198521, "company": "CounterTrade Products, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>CounterTrade Products, Inc. has been a trusted, woman owned technology provider for 39 years. A small business with large buying capability. In addition to our core lines of business, Promethean, HP, Google and Storage As A Service, CPI will utilize our industry knowledge and vast partnerships to source all of your technology needs. We are your reseller on demand.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1092", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008300104922::285814008303250653", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/countertrade-prod", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/countertrade-products-inc-", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1187136": { "reskey": 1187136, "company": "Creacube Co., Ltd.", "url": "\/eng", "guide_text": "<p>With corporations in the U.S. and South Korea, CREACUBE is a company that designs and develops apps and IOT products and also formulates mathematical learning solutions.<br \/>\nEstablished in 2017, the company holds a number of patents up to date and has obtained notable results in various competitions and exhibitions throughout the world.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "961", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@creacube", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167671": { "reskey": 1167671, "company": "Cricut", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "1556", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008307444960", "tags": "Meeting Room Renter", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203575'>All the Waze to Support School Improvement Goals from the Media Center<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117398238'>Baby, You're a Firework! Igniting Student Engagement through EdTech<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269442'>Cardbotics! Beyond Cardboard Engineering: Simple Machines, Smart Robotics<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270176'>Esports: Just do it!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117261707'>Oh The Places We Will Grow: Integrating Technology with School Gardens<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167672": { "reskey": 1167672, "company": "CTL Corporation", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>CTL is a global computing solutions manufacturer empowering success at school and in the workplace with award-winning technology products and industry-leading services. For 35+ years, customers in more than 55 countries have relied on CTL\u2019s award-winning offerings of Chromebooks, Chromeboxes, laptop and desktop PCs, monitors, high-end servers, and video collaboration tools. CTL serves as a computing configuration partner to deliver customized solutions with comprehensive lifecycle services and support from purchase through recycling. CTL\u2019s expertise has earned designations as a Google Education Premier Partner, a Google Cloud Partner, and an Intel Technology Platinum Partner. In 2024, CTL was officially certified as a B Corp\u2122 for its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. For further information and to purchase products, visit <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\"><\/a>.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1774", "keywords": "ctlchromeoschromebookchromeboxedtechenterprisechromebooks for educationchromebooks for schoolseducationdevicechromeos devices", "tagids": "285814008296959191", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "ctl.n et", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1204176": { "reskey": 1204176, "company": "Curipod Inc", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Curipod is a student engagement tool using AI to help teachers plan engagement lessons faster. Teachers can put in any standard or topic and get standard aligned curriculum in seconds that students love!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1538", "keywords": "", "tagids": "307369150013500364::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/curipod", "instagram_handle": "@curipod", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/curipod", "twitter_handle": "@curipodofficial", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211377'>AI-Powered Classrooms: Bridging the Gap between Humans and Machines<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117207738'>AI in Education: 10 Things to Try and 10 to Avoid<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117259050'>Instructional Approaches to Combat Misuse of AI Writing in 7-12 Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273737'>ELAi: 10 Ways to Elevate Teaching & Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117200349'>Arts and Technology STEAM Playground: Creativity and Engagement for All Learners<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167674": { "reskey": 1167674, "company": "Curriculum Associates", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Bringing our research-based, award-winning products to your classroom to help all of your students succeed. i-Ready\u00ae, i-Ready Classroom Mathematics\u00ae, Ready\u00ae, and the brand-new supplemental reading program Magnetic Reading\u00ae provide flexible and culturally relevant resources that deliver meaningful assessment and data-driven, differentiated instruction for children. Curriculum Associates serves millions of students with a laser focus on educators\u2019 needs and the belief that thoughtful, continuous innovation leads to positive impact on classrooms and measurable growth for students. By providing high-quality, engaging, culturally relevant, and anti-racist content to the schools we serve, along with assessment tools for setting high expectations, we at Curriculum Associates believe that we can help schools create a learning environment where every student succeeds.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1856", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Meeting Room Renter", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/curriculumassociates", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/curriculum_associates\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/curriculum-associates\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/CurriculumAssoc", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167676": { "reskey": 1167676, "company": "Cyber Acoustics", "url": "\/education", "guide_text": "<p>Founded in 1996 Cyber Acoustics is a leading manufacturer of reliable and affordable computer peripherals used in schools, businesses, and homes, including speakers, headsets, headphones, microphones, docking stations, and webcams. Our commitment to today\u2019s lifestyle technologies reaches back more than 25 years in developing and delivering computer-related products found in homes, businesses, and schools across the world.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "776", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1184912": { "reskey": 1184912, "company": "CYBER.ORG", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>CYBER.ORG's goal is to empower educators as they prepare the next generation to succeed in the cyber workforce of tomorrow.<br \/>\nVision: To build a future where the nation\u2019s cybersecurity needs are met by a knowledgeable, skilled, and passionate workforce.<br \/>\nMission: To ensure that every K-12 student gains foundational and technical cybersecurity knowledge and skills.<br \/>\nApproach: Empower educators and caregivers with resources and training needed to deliver cyber content to students.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "342", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285815986796293474::285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269051'>Increasing Uptake of Coding for Girls - Make It a Language Choice<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203524'>Catalyzing a Change in Africa\u2019s Youths Perception About Farming<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199336": { "reskey": 1199336, "company": "D2EMOTION Co.,Ltd", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>D2emotion (Dream Design emotion), It was founded by an elementary school teacher who, after teaching students in schools for 17 years, felt the difficulties of empathy and communication with students. Wanting to truly understand and support the students, they developed the FeelBot system and started the business <\/p>\n<p>Since 2013, we have been researching psychological care solutions to effectively address the increasing and serious psychological problems of students in the contemporary social environment (school environment).<br \/>\nFeelBot is the name of an avatar character and refers to a platform service. It has been developed for purposes such as emotional communication and psychological care for children,<br \/>\nFor students, the psychological care provided through FeelBot not only alleviates anxiety but also enhances emotional regulation, consideration for others, empathy, and peer relationships. For teachers, it assists in classroom management by providing visualized data that analyzes the psychological relationships and states of the students in real time. The Philbot system is a program designed to help provide timely psychological care to students before it's too late.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "867", "keywords": "psychological care solutionsel social emotional learningcounseling ai chatbot serviceclass management support program", "tagids": "285814008262356179::285814008318979303::285814008295910614", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178555": { "reskey": 1178555, "company": "D2L Ltd", "url": "\/solutions\/k-12\/", "guide_text": "<p>Brightspace is the best K-12 learning management system for people that care deeply about making sure that all students reach their potential. Use Brightspace to help: Address learning recovery and help increase acceleration back into the classroom with tools to help identify learning opportunities. Promote social-emotional learning and wellbeing with an all-encompassing LMS that goes beyond your basic needs. Provide professional learning for your teachers in an authentic way that encourages continuous professional development. Seamlessly return to a blended classroom environment that is easy for teachers, students and principals.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "524", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/D2Linc", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/d2l\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/d2l\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/D2L", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/solutions\/k-12\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117278223'>We need stinkin' badges! What do we need to know?<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167681": { "reskey": 1167681, "company": "Datamation Systems Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Datamation Systems, Inc. designs, manufactures, and sells solutions that encompass secure storage, intelligent and fast charging, and software sync enablement for the management of large quantities of mobile devices. Our customers use a variety of iOS, Android and proprietary handheld devices, tablets, Chromebooks, and laptop computers in a shared use environment. Our customers include school districts and universities and large hospital systems,. Additionally, hospitality industry and retailers use these devices to drive organizational processes, provide secure access to critical information and facilitate communication. Our customers in the United States include several of the largest school districts many of the top ten hospital systems, and many of the Fortune 500. We estimate our products support over a million mobile devices in North America and throughout the world.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "846", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/datamation-system", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167682": { "reskey": 1167682, "company": "Datavideo", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Datavideo Corporation is a leading manufacturer for live video equipment which provides complete production and streaming solutions that are reliable, affordable and easy to use. Datavideo has been serving the broadcast, education, sports, and house of worship markets for over 35 years.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "639", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "datavideousa", "instagram_handle": "@datavideo", "linkedin_handle": "http:\/\/\/company\/datavideo-us", "twitter_handle": "@datavideousa", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196525": { "reskey": 1196525, "company": "DaySmart Appointments", "url": "\/appointments\/", "guide_text": "<p>Since 2001, DaySmart Appointments (formerly AppointmentPlus) has been a trusted provider of cloud-based appointment scheduling software. Our powerhouse online booking, payment, and communication platform is the preferred choice for thousands of businesses, institutions, and agencies, regardless of size. Unlike one-size-fits-all solutions, DaySmart Appointments focuses on customization, designed to support businesses in boosting customer engagement and streamlining administrative tasks, allowing you to dedicate more time to doing what you love.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1874", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008318979303::285814008295910614::285814008303250653::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "\/DaySmartAppointments", "instagram_handle": "\/daysmartappointments", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/daysmartappointments", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1206220": { "reskey": 1206220, "company": "Decept10", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>We package a next-generation breach detection platform with a Security Operations Center to fully protect sensitive data. Our SOC is equipped with next-generation deception technology which distributes a series of decoys into your infrastructure and emulates actual assets. In the event an attacker hits a decoy we will log and monitor the attack throughout the entire attempt. The deception technology significantly reduces the down time caused by threats to your network. Your organization will be backed by a full suite of best-in-class security technology, giving you peace of mind in today\u2019s ever-changing cybersecurity landscape.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1935", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008293813460::307369150013500364::285814008305347807::285814008327367914", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/decept10", "twitter_handle": "", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/decept10", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1184951": { "reskey": 1184951, "company": "Dell Technologies", "url": "\/k12", "guide_text": "<p>We are <strong>among the world's leading technology companies helping to transform people's lives with extraordinary capabilities<\/strong>. From hybrid cloud solutions to high-performance computing to ambitious social impact and sustainability initiatives, what we do impacts everyone, everywhere<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "6507", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008305347807", "tags": "Sponsor", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "twitter_handle": "@DellTech", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117528996'>Empowering the Future: Navigating Learning in the Age of AI<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117529034'>Developing STEM and Leadership Skills Through Gaming<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117529154'>How AI Impacts Data Privacy and Security<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117529169'>Data Dunkers (Digital Inclusion\/ Digital Skills)<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117529227'>Take AI - Powered Productivity to the next level: CoPilot for Microsoft 365<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117530894'>From Knowledge Retrieval to Digital Humans: AI Deployments for Interactive Systems<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117533768'>Learning in the Age of AI: Opportunities and Challenges<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117533780'>Student TechCrew<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117533812'>AI in Education: How to Harness the Power for Real Transformation<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117533826'>Girls Who Game: Networking and Program Exploration<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117533850'>Esports: Changing the Game in Education<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117660478'>Solving Real Problems Quickly with GenAI<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117660602'>Unlocking\u00a0AI Literacy\u00a0with Intel Skills for Innovation<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117693942'>Unlocking AI: Prompt Engineering for Education<\/p>" }, "1185934": { "reskey": 1185934, "company": "Destination Knowledge", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Destination Knowledge is the official national distributor of ASTROMAKER\u00ae program. The educational robotics program uses project books, tablets, and Lego\u00ae Education technology sets to teach students STEAM and 21st century skills and competencies.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "789", "keywords": "roboticsstemsteamsoftwarecodingrobotics kits", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/destinationknowledge\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/destination-knowl", "twitter_handle": "@destknow", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/destinationknowledge", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/destination-knowledge", "virtual profile twitter": "@destknow", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117258982'>Ignite the Classroom Fire with Hands-on STEM and Coding<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204422'>STEAM and PBL: Creating Innovation in the 21st Century Middle School Classroom,<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178575": { "reskey": 1178575, "company": "DHE Computer Systems LLC", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Established in 1989, DHE Computer Systems combines the capabilities of a global technology provider with the personalized service of a local partner. With an extensive history in the education space, DHE procures tailored technology solutions and services for the connected campus serving over 800k students nationally.<\/p>\n<p>When it comes to education technology, DHE does it all. With end-to-end solutions through a network of partnerships with global brands, DHE helps education institutions work more efficiently by providing the best technology and service solutions built for the unique needs of each school and district.<\/p>\n<p>DHE can scale, grow, and flex with your school's needs providing best in class solutions including AI, specialized classroom technologies, desktop deployment services, premier hands-on support, and our exclusive DHE Student Repair Academy. Our education experts are located throughout the US and strive to make a complex world of technology management easy and convenient.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1382", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008303250653::285814008305347807::285814008327367914", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/dhecomputer\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@dhecomp", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/dhe-computer-systems-llc\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@dhecomp", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "DHE Computer Systems, LLC", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1194052": { "reskey": 1194052, "company": "Diffit for Teachers", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Teachers use Diffit to get \u201cjust right\u201d instructional materials, saving tons of time and helping all students to access grade level content.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2056", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "twitter_handle": "@diffitapp", "virtual profile twitter": "diffitapp", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204693'>The Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs of a First-Year EdTech Coach<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264294'>Tech Tools Sprint for Inclusive Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211377'>AI-Powered Classrooms: Bridging the Gap between Humans and Machines<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117259050'>Instructional Approaches to Combat Misuse of AI Writing in 7-12 Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117386508'>Modeling the Teaching of Artificial Intelligence to Early Childhood and Elementary Students<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201542'>Words Matter in Math too!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269230'>A.I. Playbook for Educators: Your Top 10 Toolkit<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1185728": { "reskey": 1185728, "company": "Dr. Marion's Learning Lab", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Dr. Marion's Learning Lab<\/strong> <\/p>\n<p>Dr. Marion\u2019s Learning Lab is the creator of <em>Comprendi<\/em>\u2122, the new computer-based reading comprehension program for 4th grade and beyond that combines a new form of writing, compelling true stories and carefully designed illustrations to help children learn to master all key components of comprehension. Based on over six decades of research, Dr. Marion\u2019s innovative <em>NarrEx\u2122<\/em> text blends the motivational pull of narratives with the essential but challenging information-laden content of expository texts. Dr. Marion\u2019s approach to illustration, called <em>NarraVis\u2122<\/em>, helps students gain essential background knowledge and other key information conveyed in the story via an extensive use of informative graphics. Together, <em>NarrEx<\/em>\u2122 and <em>NarraVis<\/em>\u2122 produce rapid and significant improvement in reading comprehension \u2013 while the kids actually enjoy using the program!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "840", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/profile.php?id=6155285631", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/dmlearninglab\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/dmlearninglab\/", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1206343": { "reskey": 1206343, "company": "Drone Sports Inc", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>**Aviation is a Team Sport!** Drone Sports, Inc is the Official Training and Equipment provider for the U.S. Drone Soccer league. Their STEM Accredited Drone Soccer program is designed for early aviation workforce development to establish lasting aerospace pathways. Drone Sports gamifies engineering problem solving for middle and high school programs (ages 12+) with immersive industry skills training as students build, program, innovate, and learn to fly open-source aircraft in a COED team dynamic. The sport of Drone Soccer is full-contact, taking place inside netted arenas that fit inside any school. Drone Sports develops products for competitive leagues to foster mentorship, teamwork, and leadership while teaching the safety culture of aviation. Drone Sports is committed to promote gender equity in STEM fields, retaining women and underserved students in aerospace until the age of sixteen when they are eligible to earn FAA licenses. Skills developed in the program translate directly to rewarding high paying careers such as UAS operators, aircraft maintenance technicians, or continuing on to flight school. Drone Sports is steadfast in its dedication to supporting educators every step of the way and has earned its trusted reputation in the Drone Soccer community.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1843", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008305347807::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/dronesportsus", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203845'>Bringing Drones and Coding to the PK-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1206880": { "reskey": 1206880, "company": "Dynamoid", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Based in Oakland, CA, Dynamoid is an educational software company committed to democratizing science education through our flagship product, 10k Science. 10k Science empowers students to explore complex scientific concepts in extraordinary ways through a growing library of captivating immersive experiences in VR and on the web. Using an innovative, semi-crowdsourced model, Dynamoid leverages a community of scientists and educators to rapidly produce new content. Dynamoid is dedicated to transforming the way scientific knowledge is shared and learned, fostering a deeper understanding in students and pursuing a long-term goal of accelerating scientific discovery itself.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1086", "keywords": "vr::xr::ar::science::ai::10k science", "tagids": "285814008324222185::307369150013500364::285814008299056345::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile twitter": "@Dynamoid", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "10k Science", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167698": { "reskey": 1167698, "company": "EBSCO Information Services", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the preeminent provider of online research content and search technologies serving academic, school and public libraries including research, acquisition management, subscription services, discovery and analytics. EBSCO provides access to content and resources to serve the information and workflow needs of library users and organizations.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "548", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Elise Gold", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/EBSCOInfoServices\/", "instagram_handle": "@ebscoinformationservices", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/ebsco-information", "twitter_handle": "@EBSCO", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167700": { "reskey": 1167700, "company": "EdBrix", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>EdBrix helps customize and modernize student learning and educational experiences with easy-to-use applications that integrate to build a foundation for support. With applications for every need, build an integrated platform that supports instruction, school administration, professional development, and more. For example, streamline principal communications with the Leader's Portal; manage student devices and other assets in Assets by EdBrix; and, elevate educator support and student experiences with the EMS 360.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "833", "keywords": "student device managementmobile asset managementprincipal communicationsschool communicationssoftware as a serviceenrollment managementstudent experiencedigital learninggenai", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008303250653", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1187924": { "reskey": 1187924, "company": "EDINT", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Proctormatic is a mobile-based online exam proctoring service developed by EDINT to assist organizations in monitoring test-takers and detecting cheating. One of the main challenges in preventing cheating in online exams is the lack of control over the testing environment. Traditional proctoring services provide a limited camera angle, making it difficult for administrators to monitor the exam effectively. EDINT has found a solution to this problem by employing mobile devices for online exams. Mobile devices offer a wider camera angle, which enables administrators to monitor the exam more effectively and detect potential cheating attempts. Proctormatic boasts an impressive 99% accuracy rate, tracks the test-taker's gaze direction, movements, and nearby objects, and analyzes sound patterns to detect suspicious behavior. This technology empowers administrators to have better control over the online exam environment, which can help prevent cheating and ensure the exam's integrity.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "765", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815475758099805", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/edint.official\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167705": { "reskey": 1167705, "company": "Edmentum", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Edmentum is committed to making it easier for educators to individualize learning for every student through research-based digital curriculum, interim assessments, and educational consulting. We are committed to delivering rigorous, research-based curricula that is aligned to the most up-to-date state or national standards and designed to engage all students.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1162", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Meeting Room Renter", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/Edmentum\/", "instagram_handle": "@edmentum", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/edmentum", "twitter_handle": "@edmentum", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167706": { "reskey": 1167706, "company": "Edpuzzle", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Edpuzzle empowers teachers to make any video their lesson. They can easily embed formative assessment into videos. Students learn at their own pace anywhere, anytime while the teacher holds them accountable through beautiful hassle-free analytics.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "941", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Sage Streicher", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/edpuzzle\/", "instagram_handle": "@edpuzzle", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/edpuzzle-inc-", "twitter_handle": "@edpuzzle", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204590'>How Students Must Learn: 10 School Features in the AI Era<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117202242'>Pressing Play: Engaging Students Through Learning Playlists<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117259050'>Instructional Approaches to Combat Misuse of AI Writing in 7-12 Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117364882'>Accessibility, Equity, and Inclusion Across Colorado<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203344'>UDL in Action in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117543098'>Engaging Students With Video Creation<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1184981": { "reskey": 1184981, "company": "Edshed", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>EdShed\u2122 is a provider of curriculum and digital products for PK-5 literacy. <\/p>\n<p>Phonics Shed\u2122 and Spelling Shed\u2122 use the Science of Reading and Science of Spelling\u2122 to provide curricula that use phonics, morphology, etymology and orthographic knowledge to teach reading and spelling. Our online and mobile platform enables adaptive spelling practice, remote multiplayer games and tests.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "571", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265547'>Instructional Design Playground: Teach Boldly in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1206103": { "reskey": 1206103, "company": "Edsoma", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "1963", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::307369150013500364::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "\/EdsomaReads", "instagram_handle": "@Edsoma_Reads", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/edsoma", "twitter_handle": "@Edsoma_Reads", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1187803": { "reskey": 1187803, "company": "Educaplay", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Motivate<\/strong> your students with the power of <strong>game-based learning<\/strong>. Make <strong>your own educational games, created instantly<\/strong> from your content with the help of our Artificial Intelligence. Your students can play directly from your LMS and scores are automatically saved in its gradebook. <\/p>\n<p><strong>More than 15 types of customizable games<\/strong> to learn saving Froggy Jumps with the correct answers, solving escape games, locating points on a map, forming pairs in memory, solving alphabet games, completing crossword puzzles and word searches, unscrambling words and letters, filling the blanks in a text, answering questions with videos and multimedia... <\/p>\n<p>Get your Basic Plan for free at <strong>https:\/\/<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "983", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815475758099805::285814008305347807::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/educaplay.en\/", "instagram_handle": "@educaplay_en", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/74292743\/", "twitter_handle": "@EDUCAPLAY_en", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/educaplay.en", "virtual profile instagram": "@educaplay_en", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/74292743\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@EDUCAPLAY_en", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167712": { "reskey": 1167712, "company": "eGlass l HoverCam", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>About eGlass<\/strong>\u2122 We're excited to announce our biggest breakthrough in engaging instructional technology: eGlass, a transparent writing glass with a built-in camera. eGlass is the new whiteboard that will change the way we teach in-class, online, everywhere and anywhere. eGlass marks a dramatic shift in pedagogical methodology. Never before has a teacher been able to "write on the board" while facing and making eye contact with their students. No educational technology has been this game-changing since the introduction of the chalkboard hundreds of years ago. Are you ready to enhance your lessons with the NEW whiteboard?\nLearn more at: http:\/\/\/<\/p>\n<p><strong>About Hovercam<\/strong>\u2122 Headquartered in San Diego, CA, Hovercam is an innovative technology leader in the education market. Our streamlined operations produce these market-changing products to keep learning environments engaging and interactive: - Document Cameras (HDMI, USB, Wireless) - Wireless Teaching Stations (Windows 10 PC, Document Camera, Mobile) - Software (Virtual Whiteboarding, Document Camera Viewer)\nLearn more at: https:\/\/\/<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1530", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199365": { "reskey": 1199365, "company": "Elenco Electronics", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Elenco, the creators of the award-winning SNAP CIRCUITS\u00ae brand, provides quality, innovative educational products that are fun, engaging, and designed to instill a passion for learning and creating. <\/p>\n<p>SNAP CIRCUITS\u00ae are endorsed by educators worldwide and are a gateway to future STEAM careers. Offering a wide variety of STEAM activity kits, we inspire creativity, problem solving and confidence. SNAP CIRCUITS\u00ae are perfect for classrooms, media centers, STEM labs and Makerspaces and can be paired with our new digital curriculum. <\/p>\n<p>We are committed to inspiring imagination, invention, and exploration and believe the best way to learn is by doing. *Learn more at*.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1497", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008307444960::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "\/SnapCircuits", "instagram_handle": "@snapcircuits", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/elenco-electronics-inc", "twitter_handle": "@SnapCircuits", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/SnapCircuits", "virtual profile instagram": "@snapcircuits", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/elenco-electronics-inc", "virtual profile twitter": "@SnapCircuits", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1185756": { "reskey": 1185756, "company": "Elephant Robotics", "url": "\/en\/", "guide_text": "<p>Elephant Robotics is a company that specializes in designing and producing STEM education robots. Elephant Robotics' portfolio of robotics solutions includes various innovations in collaborative robots, mobile vehicles, bionic pets, and AI kits.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "866", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008294862037::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/mycobotcreator", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/18319865", "twitter_handle": "@CobotMy", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/3QqmszU", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/elephantrobotics\/mycompany\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/CobotMy", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1206144": { "reskey": 1206144, "company": "Elice Inc.", "url": "\/en", "guide_text": "<p>Elice offers a SaaS-based AI education solution designed for educators, learners, and administrators. Our platform, EliceLXP, facilitates education, assessment, project management, and the creation of learning materials, providing access to a library of over 1,000 practice content items. Elice's mission is to provide equitable educational opportunities to everyone, regardless of time and location constraints. Our key services include EliceLXP, EliceLibrary, EliceTest and EliceCloud. We are continuously advancing our technology and expanding our services to bring innovation to education through AI.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1668", "keywords": "learning experience platform::personalized learning::content management system", "tagids": "285815475758099805::307369150013500364::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/elice\/mycompany\/", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117207164'>AI Prompt Engineering to Support Learner Variability & Lighten Educator Workload<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117202323'>See with your hands, hear with your mind; understanding Palenque through technology.<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117208739'>AI in the Classroom: Good practices around the school<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167718": { "reskey": 1167718, "company": "Encore Data Products", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Encore Data Products supplies the education industry with high-quality AV equipment and technology solutions for listening and learning. We carry top brands at everyday low prices 5-45% below MSRP. From headphones, headsets and earbuds to webcams, document cameras and group communication systems, plus device cases, charging and equipment cleaning supplies, we've got all your edtech solutions. We offer easy online ordering, highly-rated customer service, a consultative approach and expertise working with schools, districts and purchasing cooperatives. Samples available, quotes provided, and PO's\/P-Cards accepted. FREE shipping on orders of $49.99 or more. To maximize your investment and enrich your learning environment, visit us at or call 866-926-1669. We're here to help!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2006", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008295910614::285814008299056345::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167722": { "reskey": 1167722, "company": "Epson America, Inc", "url": "\/education", "guide_text": "<p>Epson\u2019s award-winning education solutions are designed to empower teachers to rise above digital distractions and deliver interactive, creative and laser-focused learning environments with super-flexible, low-maintenance and budget-conscious technology. Specifically designed with educators in mind, Epson laser displays deliver big, bright, immersive learning experiences to captivate, engage and inspire every student in the room \u2013 without compromising whiteboard space. Epson\u2019s high-definition document cameras offer affordability and exceptional feature sets with brilliant image quality and advanced zoom capabilities for added engagement. Epson\u2019s innovative presentation display and projector technologies make bright, collaborative learning environments a reality.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1124", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Sponsor", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/Epson", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/epsonamerica\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/epson-america-inc", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/EpsonEducation", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167723": { "reskey": 1167723, "company": "Esri - Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Esri, the global leader in geographic mapping and analysis (GIS) software, helps educators use digital,interactive mapping tools in a range of subjects and instructional settings \u2013 from lecture to problem-basedlearning. The no-cost ArcGIS School bundle is available globally from Esri and includes StoryMaps, Survey123,and many more mapping tools With its pioneering commitment to geospatial information technology, Esriengineers the most innovative solutions for digital transformation, the Internet of Things (IoT), and advancedanalytics. Visit us at https:\/\/\/schools<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "640", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008262356179", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196587": { "reskey": 1196587, "company": "ETS", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>To come at a later date<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2228", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815986796293474::285814008299056345", "tags": "Meeting Room Renter::Sponsor", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/ETSPraxis\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/showcase\/ets-praxis\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167724": { "reskey": 1167724, "company": "EVERFI", "url": "\/k-12", "guide_text": "<p>EVERFI is an ed tech company that shares digital lessons to support student learning at no cost to the schools and districts here in the U.S. and across the globe. EVERFI's resources cover critical, real-world topics that sometimes get overlooked in our standard core curriculum. Topics include financial literacy, mental health and wellness, social-emotional learning, including compassion and character-building, early childhood literacy, diversity, equity, and inclusion, college and career readiness, prescription drug safety, and more. EVERFI\u2019s digital platform offers dozens of free, interactive, game-based lessons that can serve as stand-alone lessons or short, supplemental lessons used to review and reinforce critical skills. Join the 50,000+ schools nationwide using EVERFI's courses! Proud member of #DigCitCommit<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "732", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/EVERFI.K12\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@EVERFIK12", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/everfifromblackbaud", "virtual profile twitter": "@EVERFIK12", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/k-12\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265117'>Making for Good<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167725": { "reskey": 1167725, "company": "ExploreLearning", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>ExploreLearning\u00ae creates seriously fun ed tech solutions for the most critical challenges in K-12 STEM learning. Effective and fun, our programs help students not only succeed at math and science, but also love it as much as we do. Learn more about Gizmos\u00ae, Reflex\u00ae, Frax\u00ae and Science4Us\u00ae at<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1563", "keywords": "stemsciencemathgizmosreflexscience4usfraxexplorelearningsimulationsmath fact fluencyfractions", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/ExploreLearningK12STEMSol", "instagram_handle": "@elgizmos", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/explorelearning\/", "twitter_handle": "@ExploreLearning", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167727": { "reskey": 1167727, "company": "Extreme Networks", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Progress is achieved when we connect \u2013 allowing us to learn, understand, create, and grow. Extreme Networks make connecting simple and easy with effortless networking experiences that enable educators to advance and improve learning outcomes. We push the boundaries of technology leveraging the powers of machine learning, artificial intelligence, analytics, and automation. With a culture of agility, we anticipate the needs of educators and their students as they develop. Over 20,000 schools and universities globally trust our end-to-end, cloud-driven networking solutions and rely on our top-rated services and support to accelerate the digital transformation of education and deliver progress like never before.<\/p>\n<p>Extreme Networks' K-12 Solutions make education easier for everyone. With cloud-based solutions, you can support more sophisticated educational approaches and build the future of learning.\u200b<\/p>\n<p>\ud83d\udcbb Network automation, data insights, and assurance features take the burden off IT, allowing teachers to focus on educating instead of managing devices. Powerful cloud management creates more efficient networks, delivering a more effective return on investment for schools.\u200b<\/p>\n<p>\ud83c\udf93 Join Extreme Networks to improve K-12 education today and empower the next generation. \u200b<\/p>\n<p>#K12Education #FutureOfLearning #EfficientNetworks #EmpoweringTheNextGeneration\u200b<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "804", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008318979303::285814008303250653::285814008305347807::285814008327367914", "tags": "Full Transfer of Funds from 23 to 24", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/extremenetworks", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/extremenetworks", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/extreme-networks\/", "twitter_handle": "@http:\/\/\/extremenetworks", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167728": { "reskey": 1167728, "company": "Extron", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Extron is a leading manufacturer of classroom AV solutions, including PoleVault\u00ae classroom systems, VoiceLift\u00ae microphone systems, and GlobalViewer\u00ae Campus Communications Suite, AV streaming, AV resource management, AV technology for Esports, recording solutions and campus communication software.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "830", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/extron-electronic", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/extron", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167729": { "reskey": 1167729, "company": "FACTS", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>FACTS is dedicated to elevating the education experience for schools, teachers, and families through modern and user-friendly integrated solutions and services.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "937", "keywords": "sis::video::services::coaching::media::enrollment::billing::professional development::mobile communication::website", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285814008294862037::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/FACTSmgt", "instagram_handle": "@factsmgt1", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/facts-management-", "twitter_handle": "@FACTSMgt", "virtual profile facebook": "\/FACTSmgt", "virtual profile instagram": "@factsmgt1", "virtual profile linkedin": "\/company\/facts-management-company", "virtual profile twitter": "@Factsmgt", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167732": { "reskey": 1167732, "company": "Figma for Education", "url": "\/education\/", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "1312", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/groups\/1113248099790758", "twitter_handle": "@FigmaEdu_Alex", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117214635'>Playing to Learn: Using Technology to Engage and Support All Learners<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167733": { "reskey": 1167733, "company": "FileWave Endpoint Management", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "749", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/filewave", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167736": { "reskey": 1167736, "company": "Flat for Education (Tutteo Inc.)", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Flat for Education is your one-stop shop for music teaching. We've transformed outdated and complex platforms into a simple, elegant solution that's suitable for everyone, from kindergarten to Berkeley. As the only platform featuring collaboration, autosave, and history capabilities, we offer more than just notation software.<\/p>\n<p>Flat for Education also provides engaging class assignments covering music theory, composition, and performance. With tools for student assessment, shareable assignments, LMS integrations, and robust data security, we equip you with everything needed to enhance your music classroom.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "813", "keywords": "music::music education::music teaching::music learning::music notation software::engaging student activities::intuitive layout::automatic student assessment::student collaboration::lms integration", "tagids": "285815475758099805::285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile instagram": "", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/tutteo", "virtual profile twitter": "@flat_io", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/fr\/edu", "virtual profile url display": "Flat for Education", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1186568": { "reskey": 1186568, "company": "FlexPoint Education Cloud", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>FlexPoint\u00ae is an internationally recognized PreKindergarten\u201312th grade online education leader. For more than 20 years, FlexPoint has supported schools and districts worldwide with the highest quality education products and services, including individual courses, comprehensive online learning programs, professional development, and more.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "964", "keywords": "curriculumonline learningdigital learningedtechdigitalonlinesuperintendenteducationprincipalprofessional developmentpdplctecraplanguageflexpointk12readinessvirtualclassroomteachercto", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/flexpoint-educati", "twitter_handle": "@FlexPointEdu", "virtual profile facebook": "http:\/\/\/flexpointedu", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/flexpoint-education\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@FlexPointEdu", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167737": { "reskey": 1167737, "company": "Flinn Scientific", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Flinn Scientific's PAVO is an award-winning gateway to comprehensive science content that streamlines instruction and engages students with dynamic digital and hands-on learning. Customizable content & labs paired with our physical kits for grades 6-12, including Advanced Placement science. PAVO includes all standards-aligned content: FLINNprep, Science2Go, 360Science and WhiteBox Learning\u2122 with our additional programs including our Lab Safety, FLINNLabs and classic kits, POGIL\u00ae, Getting Nerdy, and FLINNSTEM in one easy-to-manage platform.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "436", "keywords": "sciencescience kitspavoflinnchemistrybiologyenvironmental sciencephysicsearth science360scienceflinnprepap prepflinnconnectstemscience safetyprofessional learning", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/FlinnScientific\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@FlinnSci", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199123": { "reskey": 1199123, "company": "Flipnode", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Yodeck offers an innovative digital signage solution tailored to meet the dynamic needs of schools, universities, and educational institutions. Our cloud-based platform simplifies the creation and management of engaging visual content, transforming how educational messages and information are communicated within the learning community. With Yodeck, educators can effortlessly design, schedule, and broadcast a variety of multimedia content, from lesson highlights and student achievements to event announcements and emergency alerts, across multiple screens throughout the campus.<\/p>\n<p>Our platform is designed to enhance educational environments by promoting a vibrant and informative atmosphere that captures the attention of students and staff alike. It supports a wide array of media types including images, videos, web pages, and live feeds, enabling the display of rich, educational content that stimulates learning and participation. Yodeck's user-friendly interface ensures that educators can focus on creating impactful messages without the need for technical expertise.<\/p>\n<p>We invite you to join us at the ISTE Denver event to explore how Yodeck can elevate your educational communication strategies. Discover how our digital signage solution can create a more connected, informed, and inspired educational community, making every message count.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1888", "keywords": "educational technology::edtech solutions::screen displays for education::digital screens in education::digital signage in education::k12 education technology::higher education technology::student engagement tools::virtual learning screens::classroom management solutions::engage students with displays::interactive digital displays::educational digital signage solutions::classroom digital signage::school announcement displays::digital information boards::campus communication tools::interactive touchscreen displays::digital bulletin boards::educational content management systemsrealtime classroom information displays::digital wayfinding solutions::digital signage software for schools::visual learning tools::student engagement displays::administrative digital displays::event information displays for schools::digital noticeboards for schools::educational video walls::engaging social media walls for k12 schools and higher education", "tagids": "285814008318979303::285814008295910614", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/yodeck_signage\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/flipnode-llc\/mycompany\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/yodecksignage", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/solutions\/education-digital-signage\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1205340": { "reskey": 1205340, "company": "Focus School Software", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Focus School Software's suite of K-12 solutions includes our flagship K12 Student Information System (SIS), CTE\/Adult Ed Student Information System (SIS), Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP), Assessment, Before and After-Care Solution, Special Student Services System (IEP, 504, Programs), Attendance and Tardy Solutions, Community Mobile App, Analytics and Dashboards, and our stand-alone Gradebook and Scheduling Solutions. <\/p>\n<p>We provide this suite of SOLUTIONS to both the K-12 and postsecondary educational software marketplace, and our success now includes implementing these solutions in five (5) of the largest districts 10 in the country, three-fourths of the districts in Florida and serving 3,000,000 students across the county in Arizona, California, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Washington.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "663", "keywords": "adult ed softwareadult ed student information systemanalyticsassessmentcommunicationscte softwareenterprise resource planningerpfinance softwarefinancial management student informationfinancialsoftwarehuman resource softwarelotterymaster schedule softwaremaster scheduling softwaremaster scheduling solutiononline enrollment softwareonline registration softwarepoint of sale systempost secondaryinformationsystemschool accounting softwareschool nutrition management systemsisspecial education systemstudent and business information systemstudent and finance software systemstudent body accountingstudent information managementstudent information systemstudentmanagementsystem", "tagids": "285814008293813460::307369150013500364::285814008303250653::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/FocusSchoolSoftware", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/focus-school-software\/?trk=company_name", "virtual profile twitter": "@FocusSchool", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "Focus School Software", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211663'>The Leadership & Technology Synergy in Ector Independent School District<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1175511": { "reskey": 1175511, "company": "Fort Hays State University", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Fort Hays State University offers quality, affordable graduate degrees in Instructional Technology. Concentrations are in Instructional Coaching, Instructional Design, and Instructional Technology. We also offer an EdS. in Digital Leadership.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "556", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "twitter_handle": "@Fort Hays State University", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/aep\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167741": { "reskey": 1167741, "company": "Forward Edge: Edge-U Badges", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Edge\u2022U Badges\u2122 is a powerful, instruction-focused professional learning system that adapts to the needs of educators. Edge\u2022U\u2122 builds teacher capacity and directly impacts student learning by offering concise, just-in-time professional learning opportunities to support educators with the challenges they face every day. With more instruction online and an ever increasing number of edtech tools, our program makes a real difference for teachers in utilizing necessary tools for learning. Edge\u2022U\u2122 received the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Seal of Alignment for the Educator Standards in February 2020, and a renewal of the Seal of Alignment in 2022. By earning a Seal of Alignment, our solution is shown to consciously, purposefully and meaningfully support best practices for digital age teaching and learning.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "933", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "http:\/\/\/edgeubadges", "instagram_handle": "@edgeubadges", "twitter_handle": "@EdgeUBadges", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167742": { "reskey": 1167742, "company": "Forward Education", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Forward Edu specializes in delivering meaningful, purpose-driven coding education through a turnkey robotics platform. We do this by presenting real-world climate change issues as opportunities for learners to develop STEM solutions using our physical robotics kit and online learning platform. \u200b With the help of educators, we're empowering the next generation with the digital skills they'll need to create a better world for us all and solve the problems of tomorrow.\u200b<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "949", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/Forward.EDU.Learn\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/forward__edu\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/forward-edu", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/Forward__EDU", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276685'>Empowering Sustainability Solutionaries through Inclusion, Virtual Reality, and PBL<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117278914'>Symbiotic Spectrums: Bridging Ancient Eco-Wisdom and Emerging Digital Frontiers<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167744": { "reskey": 1167744, "company": "Framework Development Group", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Framework provides customized, effective K-12 EdTech workforce management and strategic leadership solutions in response to challenges, change, and growth. The Framework team is a valued partner to organizations across the country and all over the world with services to adapt and scale that deliver quality and positive impact. Framework is also the approved distributor for innovative and effective educational software solutions in mathematics, community engagement, and interactive digital authoring. Find out more at [https:\/\/](https:\/\/\/)<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2219", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167752": { "reskey": 1167752, "company": "GENIALLY", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Genially is an online tool for creating digital content, which anyone can use to make presentations, infographics, gamifications, images, and other content interactive. It's simple and free. Genially's aim is clear; we want everyone to be able to communicate effectively and keep their audience on its toes while reaching a whole new level and creating content they didn't know they were capable of making. Our mission is to enable anyone to create content that's astonishing, visual, and interactive. That's why we want interactive content to be the new standard. Our content formats aren't just presentations or infographics; they're geniallys. Match with most used platform: Creating with Genially means making content that's more alive than ever. One of its big advantages is its seamless integration with a multitude of platforms, allowing you to enrich a genially with images, video, audio, GIFs and other elements and insert the genially in other platforms such as websites, articles, social media, and the most-used LMS.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "916", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/Geniallyofficial", "instagram_handle": "@genially_official", "twitter_handle": "@genially", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117202242'>Pressing Play: Engaging Students Through Learning Playlists<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270713'>Leveraging Innovative EdTech Tools for Student-Centered Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264533'>Scientists and mathematicians who changed the world: A story in Miro App<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117202206'>Breaking Out Creativity: Mastering Genially' s Digital Escape Rooms<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167754": { "reskey": 1167754, "company": "Geyer Instructional Products", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Math, Science, STEM & General Supplies:<\/strong> Geyer Instructional is an educational supplier focusing in Math, Science, STEM and General Supplies.<br \/>\n<strong>Robotics Mats:<\/strong> Choose from 130+ robotics mats. For all types of play and competition training, our mats help you advance your students\u2019 coding skills.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1570", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/GeyerInstructional", "virtual profile instagram": "@geyerinstructional", "virtual profile twitter": "@geyerclassroom", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199040": { "reskey": 1199040, "company": "Gimkit", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Gimkit makes learning games your students will beg to play! Gimkit started as a high school project in 2017. Now, it's used by millions of educators to spark excitement and engagement. Gimkit can be found in classrooms at every K-12 grade level and every subject from World Languages and History to Math and Coding. Gimkit gives educators a variety tools, including Live Games, Assignments, built-in student incentives, detailed reporting, and a way for teachers to build their own games. We've stayed small and independently owned since the beginning. Come say "Hi!" to that same high school student who started Gimkit and see what we're working on! Learn more at!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "763", "keywords": "formative assessmenttechnologygamesgamificationengagementreviewstemcomputer sciencecoding", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "twitter_handle": "@gimkit", "virtual profile twitter": "@gimkit", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178609": { "reskey": 1178609, "company": "Girls Who Code", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Girls Who Code<\/strong> is an international non-profit organization leading the movement to close the gender gap in technology. Through their <strong>free<\/strong> and flexible computer science programs and resources across all skill levels \u2014 including the Virtual Summer Immersion Program and Self-Paced Program, after-school Clubs Program curriculum and resources (for all genders), downloadable Code at Home activities, and comprehensive College and Career Programs \u2014 they are working to inspire, educate, and equip students to be brave and resilient as they learn to use code to change the world. Since they were founded in 2012, Girls Who Code has reached over <strong>500,000 students around the world,<\/strong> with their <strong>college- or post-college-aged alumni<\/strong> majoring in CS and related fields at <strong>7x the national average!<\/strong> Join the Girls Who Code movement to close the gender gap today!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "430", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269051'>Increasing Uptake of Coding for Girls - Make It a Language Choice<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117199092'>STEM-ulating Minds: Unleashing Creativity in the School Library<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1205447": { "reskey": 1205447, "company": "GLOBAL CELLUTIONS DISTRIBUTORS CORP", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Since its founding in 2012, Global Cellutions Distributors has aimed to be the top distributor of gaming consoles and accessories, passionately serving gamers globally. Our mission is to provide the ultimate gaming experience through a comprehensive selection of high-quality products and exceptional customer service.<\/p>\n<p>At the heart of our operations is a genuine love for gaming and a commitment to the community we serve. As gamers ourselves, we understand the gaming world's dynamics, allowing us to select and offer the best in gaming technology, from the newest consoles and games to essential accessories.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "667", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285814008324222185::285814008262356179::285814008296959191", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167757": { "reskey": 1167757, "company": "GoGuardian + Pear Deck Learning", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "738", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815475758099805::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "Meeting Room Renter::Sponsor", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117268362'>Take Your Classroom Out of the Box! Modernize Your Class Instantaneously<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203344'>UDL in Action in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209260'>The 'Chopped' Playground \u2014 Edtech Kitchen<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167758": { "reskey": 1167758, "company": "GoNoodle", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "1748", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1184953": { "reskey": 1184953, "company": "Google, Inc.", "url": "\/edu", "guide_text": "<p>Products that power education<\/p>\n<p>Google for Education tools work together to transform teaching and learning so every student and educator can pursue their personal potential.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1424", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285814008262356179::285814008303250653::285814008294862037", "tags": "Advertiser::Meeting Room Renter::Sponsor::Pending Sponsor", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Accounts Payable", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117274898'>Using technology and artificial intelligence for inclusivity in education<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201311'>The Power of Visualization: Building a Strong School Data Culture<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263063'>Cultivating Potential: Mini Courses for Empowering Elementary Students<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117398058'>Don't You Forget About Me: Gen X, Ed Tech, and Inclusion<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117365824'>Empowering Visual Literacy<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117277556'>Computer Science: Advice from Future Female Tech Leaders to Their Younger Selves<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117208883'>Creating Content with 1 minute Documentaries in Student-Led Video Announcements<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117357067'>Colorado Rural School Spotlight<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117215414'>Cultivating Student Leadership Through Technology<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117206025'>Go for a Walk: Learn and Connect with Your Community<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273673'>Project Examples to Implement Technology into your Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117364882'>Accessibility, Equity, and Inclusion Across Colorado<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273737'>ELAi: 10 Ways to Elevate Teaching & Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201909'>Changing the Game With Games in Google Slides<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270176'>Esports: Just do it!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209106'>Staying rELevant with assistive technology<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117338270'>Higher Education Innovation Carnival! Connecting, Including, and Unleashing Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265547'>Instructional Design Playground: Teach Boldly in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209260'>The 'Chopped' Playground \u2014 Edtech Kitchen<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117261707'>Oh The Places We Will Grow: Integrating Technology with School Gardens<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263919'>Denver Walking Scavenger Hunt: Using EdTech Tools to Create Innovative Learning Experiences<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117277083'>The Campus Chatter: Amplifying Virtual Voices<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201542'>Words Matter in Math too!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117279989'>Leveraging Large Language Models to Advance Assessment Paradigms - Introducing Bright Eva<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211916'>Equals, Let's Make a Difference: Video Game Against Bullying and School Discrimination<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117372642'>Igniting Peace: Augmented Reality for Global Understanding<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167767": { "reskey": 1167767, "company": "Gumdrop", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>For over a decade, Gumdrop has worked with trusted brands, including Dell, HP, Lenovo, Asus, Acer and Microsoft, to design custom-molded, ruggedly protective device cases and premium audio solutions that open learning for the K-12 environment and beyond. Upgrade your classroom and student devices with Gumdrop today!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1783", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008296959191::285814008294862037::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/gogumdrop\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/gumdropcases", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/gogumdrop", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/gumdropcases\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/6471907", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1205455": { "reskey": 1205455, "company": "Hackersjack, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Hackersjack provides the first and only comprehensive, web-based learning platform designed to teach kids how to identify, avoid and mitigate cyber threats and thrive in the online environment. Our cyber education programs focus on all K-12 grade levels. Our flexible educational modules allow schools to easily satisfy state educational standards <strong>plus<\/strong> engage students to expand their cyber knowledge with at-home enrichment opportunities. Students are incentivized to complete modules by earning achievement certificates.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2106", "keywords": "k12 cybersecuritycyber safetycyber hygienecyber wellbeingonline safetyscreen timedigital citizenshipmedia literacydigital footprintcyberbullyingsextortion", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008307444960::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/Hackersjackapp", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/hackersjackapp\/", "linkedin_handle": "Hackersjack: Company Page Admin | LinkedIn", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/hackersjackapp", "virtual profile twitter": "hackersjackapp", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167768": { "reskey": 1167768, "company": "HamiltonBuhl", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>HamiltonBuhl\u00ae is a leading EdTech brand offering extensive line of Headphones, Headsets, Media Production, Esports Kits, Podcast Kits, Remote Learning Hardware, STEAM, Classroom Audio, PPE & Clean Safe Classroom Products, and many more ed tech products for every grade level.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "646", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008262356179::285814008307444960::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167769": { "reskey": 1167769, "company": "Hapara, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>The H\u0101para Instructional Management Suite enables educators to create visible, differentiated and focused learning experiences with Google Workspace for Education. Our tools help teachers see student efforts across Google Workspace applications, support collaborative assignments, encourage real-time engagement and highlight student browsing while empowering students to take control of their digital learning experience in a responsible and secure way.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1724", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Kathryn Kinser", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/\/", "instagram_handle": "@hapara_team", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/2510652\/", "twitter_handle": "@hapara_team", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117272712'>From Screens to Social Skills: How Technology Enhances DEI and SEL<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1186840": { "reskey": 1186840, "company": "Happy Numbers inc", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Over 2 Million Teachers and Students Love<\/p>\n<p>Happy Numbers Math Centers Deliver \u2013 Differentiation Done Right. While you teach small groups, Happy Numbers individualizes instruction for the rest of the class and provides actionable insights about student growth.<\/p>\n<p>As an online math instructional tool, Happy Numbers fosters growth for Pre-K to Grade 5 students at all levels and enhances teacher effectiveness. It supports learning recovery, enabling your students to close learning gaps and achieve readiness for the next grade.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "838", "keywords": "mathmath centersclassroom managementassessmentspecial ed", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/happynumberscom", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/happynumbers\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/happynumbers\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/happynumbers", "virtual profile facebook": "happynumberscom", "virtual profile instagram": "happynumbers", "virtual profile linkedin": "happynumbers", "virtual profile twitter": "happynumbers", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117215042'>Full STEAM Ahead<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201058'>Putting the 'E' in integrative STEM instruction<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167773": { "reskey": 1167773, "company": "Higher Ground Gear", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Focused on functionality, Higher Ground<strong>\u00ae<\/strong> designs protective solutions for educational institutions and mobile users with a simple goal: purposeful, universal products that prevent damage while making technology more accessible and easier to use anytime, anywhere.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1716", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167775": { "reskey": 1167775, "company": "Howard Technology Solutions", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Howard Technology Solutions leads the way when it comes to progressive concepts in education. In addition to our own custom-built laptops, desktops, and servers, we offer over 250,000 brand name technology products, including distance learning and interactive classroom solutions. We also provide a powerful array of network security tools to ensure that your system is fully protected. <\/p>\n<p>We understand the requirements and challenges associated with education networks, and we\u2019ve got what you need to build a solid IT infrastructure. From end-to-end planning, design, and implementation of storage and backup solutions to robust email archiving systems that preserve file integrity and safeguard data, our professional services team has both the technical expertise and experience required to meet your network needs. <\/p>\n<p>Our goal is to assist in creating blended learning environments that engage students and foster achievement by providing the latest, most advanced technology and making it affordable.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "900", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008300104922::285814008304299230", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1206137": { "reskey": 1206137, "company": "I Hate Flying Bugs Inc.", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>[Addressing the societal 'education gap' bug] <\/p>\n<p>Since its launch of the adaptive learning service called \u201cMildang English\u201d in 2013, IHateFlyingBugs has been paving a new path in the education market for nearly 11 years with a mission focused on \u2018equal opportunities for high-quality education.\u2019 Introducing innovative learning and teaching experiences, they have brought forth the AI-based online personalized teaching service, MilDangPT, and an AI digital textbook platform, SchoolPT, which prioritizes teachers. <\/p>\n<p>Based on the belief that only humans can make studying engaging until the end, IHateFlyingBugs is gradually refining areas that can be entrusted to AI technology, aiming to resolve the societal \u2018education gap\u2019 bug.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1664", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167778": { "reskey": 1167778, "company": "iBenzer Inc", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>iBenzer is a leading laptop\/tablet protection provider for Chromebooks, Macbooks, and iPads. We are the only company received CES Honoree Award among all US case and sleeve companies. We make products that are for its purpose- helping students and staff protect their laptop device with a variety of choices.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2138", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168020": { "reskey": 1168020, "company": "iBoard", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Schools and businesses are using StarBoard interactive whiteboards and displays to improve engagement, performance and learning experiences. Our technology is designed for productivity and empowers people to collaborate across devices, workplaces and time zones as if they were in the same room. StarBoard technology solutions offer advanced collaboration and connectivity. Our training and technical support resources provide peace of mind that your technology investment will provide results. This hand sanitizer dispenser comes with a digital signage touch screen and stand. The digital signage window allows you to display a series of advertisements, messages, videos, and other forms of communication.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "782", "keywords": "starboardusa starboard solution interactive technology interactive flat panel display mobile stands classroom technology starboardsolutionusa interactive whiteboard", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Sam Dai", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/profile.php?id=100075734386558", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/starboardsolutionusa\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/starboard-solution-inc-\/?viewAsMember=true", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167780": { "reskey": 1167780, "company": "ideamapper", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>ideamapper is a powerful **mind mapping**, **visual learning** and **writing tool**, which produces well-structured documents.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2206", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008262356179::285814008299056345::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Elaine Kruse", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/ideamappersoftware", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/idea_mapper\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/ideamapper-inc\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/idea_mapper", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1184511": { "reskey": 1184511, "company": "IDLS Group Ltd", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>International Dyslexia Learning Solutions (IDLS) provides specialist multi-sensory software programmes to schools around the world. Our main goal is to provide learning support to those most in need and our software is used by thousands of children across the globe. IDL was developed to support the growing number of young people who are falling through the gaps in literacy and numeracy. IDL Literacy has been around for 40 years and can dramatically increase reading and spelling ages for those with dyslexia or low literacy ability. In addition, research has shown it can also have a hugely positive impact on the confidence and self-esteem of those using the programme. IDL Numeracy is our most recent programme designed for children with dyscalculia, those struggling with math or who are experiencing math anxiety. It includes a fully graded course to support the Curriculum for numeracy ages 5-11. IDLS has been part of the Ascentis family since 2013. Ascentis are an educational charity with a mission to enable learners to realise their full potential and achieve their lifelong aspirations.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1798", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1184977": { "reskey": 1184977, "company": "IF INTERACTIVE LIMITED", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>IF Interactive has been a pioneer in the research of interactive applications for special education, rehabilitation and elderly care. Founded in 2003, IF Interactive currently runs two research labs in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, focusing on the research of hybrid sensing technologies and the development of interactive systems. <\/p>\n<p>As a four-time winner of the Hong Kong Information & Communications Technology Awards (HKICT) and with over 20 years experience, IF Interactive has long been recognized as an innovative force in Hong Kong. We have developed a whole range of interactive therapy and interactive learning systems built upon cutting-edge VR (virtual reality), AR (augmented reality), MR (mixed reality) and wearable technologies. <\/p>\n<p>Some of our solutions include activity-based learning system equipped with wearable sensor, interactive projection system featuring hybrid sensing technology, capable of projecting onto walls, floors and tables. These cutting-edge solutions have been widely adopted by over 1000 schools and NGOs, receiving positive feedback and recognition.\u200d<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "448", "keywords": "edtechelearningvrarmrgopodsuperme projectonsand playinteractive learningiprojectioninteractive therapyif interactive", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008302202076", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1185704": { "reskey": 1185704, "company": "IMAGO TECHNOLOGIES LLC", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Started in the US, IMAGO Technologies is dedicated to bringing seamless and effortless smart collaboration technologies into every classroom and boardroom across the globe. We continue to strive to enrich lives by enabling connectivity and collaboration in the classroom and boardroom with our future-proof technologies. We aim to make working and learning easy and fun by ensuring a secure connection too. In 2023, our dedication to providing cutting-edge classroom solutions earned us a spot among the year\u2019s list of top 10 Classroom Solutions Providers by Education Technology Insights. Our efforts have also been recognized over the years with awards, such as the Red Dot Award for Product Design 2022. We are also proud to be listed in the Silicon Review\u2019s 50 Smartest Companies in 2022.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "6600", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008295910614::285814008303250653::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/imagotechnologies", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/imagotechs\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/imagotechnologies", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/IMAGOTECHS", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168140": { "reskey": 1168140, "company": "Immersive Reality", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Immersive Reality create immersive learning experiences that are accessible, adaptable and give every student the opportunity to succeed. By harnessing the power of Virtual Reality, without the headset, we provide a shared space to collaborate, discover and engage with a world beyond the restrictions of the room. State of the art technology combined with a wide range of highly engaging cross-curricular content provide an interactive multimedia platform to engage with learners of all grades and abilities.<br \/>\nStudents and teachers can encounter immersive experiences together, creating unique, collaborative opportunities, develop key skills and encourage independence. With a wide range of highly engaging content, our spaces use the latest Laser projection technology to provide a full 360\u02da experience, with a fully integrated floor. Full hi-fi audio and full gesture control further enhance the ability of the platform. We have developed a range of innovative gamification solutions to improve student motivation and enjoyment as they learn. Immersive learning experiences have also been proven to increase knowledge retention and are an ideal enabling environment for the social and emotional learning needs of all users. They provide opportunity and adventures to worlds they may never encounter in real life, ensuring a truly authentic learning experience.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1740", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/30655685", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117372642'>Igniting Peace: Augmented Reality for Global Understanding<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167786": { "reskey": 1167786, "company": "Incident IQ", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Incident IQ is the workflow management platform built exclusively for K-12 schools, featuring asset management, help ticketing, facilities maintenance solutions, and more. Millions of students and teachers in districts across 49 states rely on the Incident IQ platform to manage and deliver mission-critical services. Incident IQ is based in Atlanta.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1832", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Bhavna Singh", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/incidentiq", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/incidentiq", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/incidentiq", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/incidentiq", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/incidentiq", "virtual profile twitter": "@incidentiq", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "Incident IQ", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1186868": { "reskey": 1186868, "company": "Infinite Campus", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>As the most trusted name in student information, Infinite Campus manages 10 million students in 46 states through schools, school districts, regional consortia, state departments of education and the federal government. Since our founding in 1993, our mission has been to Transform K12 Education\u00ae. We are dedicated to providing solutions that help schools run more efficiently, allow teachers to spend more time with students, and encourage students to rediscover the joy of learning. <a href=\"http:\/\/\"><\/a><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1682", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/infinitecampus\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/infinite-campus\/m", "twitter_handle": "@InfiniteCampus", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/infinitecampus\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/infinite-campus", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167790": { "reskey": 1167790, "company": "InnovateEDU", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>InnovateEDU catalyzes education transformation by bridging gaps in data, policy, practice, and research to center the needs of the field in accelerating innovation towards an equitable, inclusive and radically different future for all learners. Project Unicorn aims to improve data interoperability within K12 education by creating a community of innovators including schools and vendors who make the broader case for interoperability. The Educating All Learners Alliance (EALA) is an uncommon coalition of organizations committed to resource sharing and community-building that supports the efforts of the education community to meet the needs of students with disabilities.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1766", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008300104922::285814008312687843", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "InnovateEDU", "linkedin_handle": "InnovateEDU", "twitter_handle": "@innovateedunyc", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/innovateedu\/", "virtual profile twitter": "innovateEDUNYC", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117210647'>Inclusive Tech! with AI, Machine Learning, and Microcontrollers for Disability Assistance.<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117279989'>Leveraging Large Language Models to Advance Assessment Paradigms - Introducing Bright Eva<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117372642'>Igniting Peace: Augmented Reality for Global Understanding<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196485": { "reskey": 1196485, "company": "Inspirit Learning Inc", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Inspirit is a research-driven education technology company that is revolutionizing STEM and career education. Inspirit's Innovative Learning Hub gives students the ability to explore complex concepts through immersive, interactive, 3D experiences for both STEM and CTE education all in one subscription. With cross-platform compatibility and a deep commitment to accessibility, Inspirit is pioneering the field of XR education.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1388", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276685'>Empowering Sustainability Solutionaries through Inclusion, Virtual Reality, and PBL<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117278914'>Symbiotic Spectrums: Bridging Ancient Eco-Wisdom and Emerging Digital Frontiers<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167791": { "reskey": 1167791, "company": "Instructure", "url": "\/canvas\/", "guide_text": "<p>Instructure, the maker of Canvas LMS, is a leading education technology company dedicated to elevating student success, amplifying the power of teaching, and inspiring everyone to learn together. The Instructure Learning Ecosystem, comprised of several products serving K-12, higher education, and professional education, supports tens of millions of educators and learners worldwide, making learning more personal and student success more equitable. Learn more at<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1610", "keywords": "canvascanvas lmsmasterymastery connectlearnplatformparchmentimpactlmslearning management systemamsformative assessmentitem bankcredentialsevidenceedtech management", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815475758099805::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/Instructure", "virtual profile instagram": "@Instructure", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/instructure-inc-\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@Instructure", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117202242'>Pressing Play: Engaging Students Through Learning Playlists<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117278223'>We need stinkin' badges! What do we need to know?<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269270'>From Low-Performance to State-Leaders: How Formative Assessment Rewrote Our Story<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273673'>Project Examples to Implement Technology into your Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117532331'>Leveraging AI for Meaningful and Actionable Insights from YOUR data!<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167793": { "reskey": 1167793, "company": "intelino", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Intelino\u00ae<\/strong> offers a progressive K-12 Coding\/STEM learning system that is amazingly engaging, versatile and scalable. Designed to captivate and teach, the award-winning <strong>intelino smart train<\/strong> is intuitive and not intimidating for students and teachers. The smart train robot enables both screen-free & digital learning and a comprehensive standards-aligned curriculum. Intelino offers 4 programming modes: color-based screen-free tactile coding, app-based command editor, Scratch and Python. Stop by our booth to discover why intelino captured the imagination of students and educators alike!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1456", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008322125032", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@intelino", "twitter_handle": "@intelino", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1187997": { "reskey": 1187997, "company": "Interplay Learning", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Enhance Your Curriculum with 3D Simulations for Students<\/p>\n<p>Give your students the tools they need to succeed with online, on-demand skilled trades training that brings <a href=\"http:\/\/\/digital-experiential-learning\">field-like, 3D simulations<\/a> and virtual reality to your classroom and beyond. By applying the science behind how students learn best, SkillMill helps your students learn faster and easier than ever before.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1585", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285815986796293474::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/interplaylearning\/", "instagram_handle": "@interplaylearn", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/interplaylearning", "twitter_handle": "@interplaylearn", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1197990": { "reskey": 1197990, "company": "Intrado", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Intrado's Safety Suite for Education allows schools and organizations to prevent, respond to and recover from any type of emergency with services spanning unified alerts over IP-based endpoints, mass notifications, visitor management, reunification and more. Whether incidents occur on cmapus opr beyond school grounds, Safety Suite helps keep staff and students safe while providing critical information to first responders.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "842", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008295910614::285814008303250653::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/IntradoSafety\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/intrado-safety\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/IntradoSafety", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167797": { "reskey": 1167797, "company": "iPearl Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>iPearl Inc, USA is a company located in Apex, North Carolina, USA, specialized in custom-fit hard shell cases for Mac\/PC\/Chromebook laptop computers to provide 24\/7 protection. iPearl Inc is a BBB Accredited Business with "A+" rating proudly served 6,400+ K12 schools and 5,400,000+ satisfied customers around the world.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "809", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167798": { "reskey": 1167798, "company": "IPEVO, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>IPEVO Inc. is a leading brand dedicated to the research and development of professional video communication products. With advanced technology and intuitive user experience design, it provides customers with solutions to improve communication efficiency. Since its inception in 2007, IPEVO has been focusing on changing the face of video communication. Overturning the traditional overhead cameras for teaching, it redefined and designed a series of simple, lightweight, and easy-to-use document cameras and video teaching software. It further entered the field of commercial applications in 2022 by launching video collaboration products, enabling video-based teaching, learning, communication, conferencing, and creative sharing, to be as natural and unrestrained as being in-person.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1910", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204164'>ARe You READY for This? Augmented Reality, Art and Children's Books<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199957": { "reskey": 1199957, "company": "IRIS, Inc.", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>IRIS (a Canon Group company) is a world leader in portable scanner, PDF, OCR, and document classification software.<br \/>\nSince 1987, IRIS experts successfully support customers all over the world, helping them overcome their main business or personal challenges through the use of scanning, capture, and digital transformation solutions.<\/p>\n<p>IRIS invests in the development of a complete range of products serving as indispensable tools for the daily help of students\u2019 educational evolution, their families and teachers, revolutionizing the educational landscape. These innovative solutions represent a lifeline for dyslexic individuals and abeacon of support for families and educators alike.<br \/>\nAs a technology company, IRIS has built a vast ecosystem of innovation, technology and distribution partners. IRIS is a centre of excellence within the Canon Group.<\/p>\n<p>Iris serves more than 30 million consumers and has delivered over 1 million personal mobile scanners. Its customers include government organizations, schools and universities, multinationals, local companies, SMBs, and end-users.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2045", "keywords": "portable scannerpen scannerdyslexicocrdigitalizationbook scanners", "tagids": "285814008262356179::285814008295910614::285814008305347807::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/irisocr\/", "instagram_handle": "@iris_ocr", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/irisgroup\/", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/irisocr\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@iris_ocr", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/irisgroup", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/portable-scanners\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167801": { "reskey": 1167801, "company": "itopia", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>itopia, up and coming in the ed-tech space and Google's 2023 Partner of the Year, specializes in making web student browsers a 24\/7 secure learning environment. Through its innovative cloud technology and CloudApps, itopia enables the streaming of over 150 essential learning applications directly into any major web browser.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1596", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008318979303::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167802": { "reskey": 1167802, "company": "ITsavvy", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>ITsavvy assists K-12 districts with their 1:1 journey. From device selection, procurement, and white glove services to Google Workspace for Education and accidental warranty, we support every step. Most districts seek out ITsavvy specifically for our popular ChromeCare warranty, a 1-4 year fully accidental warranty offering on new or existing devices (Chromebook\/Windows\/iPad). ITsavvy also provides comprehensive solutions for cybersecurity, networking, and device buyback.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1674", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/ITsavvyLLC", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/ITsavvyLLC\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/itsavvy\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@ITsavvyLLC", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167805": { "reskey": 1167805, "company": "IXL Learning", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Used in 95 of the top 100 districts, IXL is an all-inclusive teaching and learning platform with thousands of K-12 curriculum and instructional resources, actionable analytics, and state-of the-art assessments. In addition to boosting academic success, IXL uncovers hidden obstacles to learning and develops students\u2019 intrinsic motivation to learn.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1172", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/IXL", "instagram_handle": "@ixl", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/ixl-learning", "twitter_handle": "@IXLLearning", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204590'>How Students Must Learn: 10 School Features in the AI Era<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117398238'>Baby, You're a Firework! Igniting Student Engagement through EdTech<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167806": { "reskey": 1167806, "company": "j5create", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>At j5create, we create high-tech products that help improve the way we experience our everyday lives. We tackle issues that affect you daily and turn to technological innovation to find solutions. While we strive for innovation, we never compromise the quality in product design. Our products are all carefully engineered and designed with durable materials, while maintaining a compact and sleek design. Today our products empower people from all over the world - from individuals and IT professionals to digital nomads and entrepreneurs - to utilize their computers to their fullest potential and create an impactful experience. Looking ahead, we aim to elevate your computing experience to be more efficient and more productive.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1309", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008303250653", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Nicole Lyu", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167807": { "reskey": 1167807, "company": "Jamf", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Jamf offers both management and security solutions that make it easier than ever for schools of all sizes to safely deploy Apple devices. Jamf School, designed specifically for education, includes Teacher, Parent and Students apps built to simplify education technology workflows. Or Jamf Pro, which offers powerful management and customization for IT professionals managing multiple schools or a district. Paired with Jamf Safe Internet to secure your institution from web based threats as well as easy to deploy content filtering.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1930", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167808": { "reskey": 1167808, "company": "JAR Systems", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Simplify charging, reduce disruptions during instruction, and keep student devices active all day with JAR Systems USB-C solutions. AC adapter-free charging carts, stations, and portable Active Charge power banks provide versatile charging for every classroom. <\/p>\n<p>JAR Systems designs cost-effective USB-C charging to save technicians time with fast, plug-and-play deployments because of low-maintenance hubs that eliminate the AC adapter wiring mess inside charging carts and stations. Keep student devices active while in use with our portable 65W power banks that charge student devices at the desk, without power strips or outlets needed. Get simple, fast charging with easy-to-use equipment from JAR Systems.\u200b\u200b <\/p>\n<p>Since 2004, JAR Systems has provided universal ways to charge and secure ever-evolving technologies. We work closely with our clients to develop products that support and streamline how mobile technology is used for learning and working in real-world environments. We focus on being a leading manufacturer of innovative charging solutions that will work dependably for many years.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "482", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008304299230::285814008307444960::285814008311639266", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/JARSystems", "instagram_handle": "@JARcarts", "linkedin_handle": "http:\/\/\/company\/jar-systems-llc", "twitter_handle": "@jarcarts", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1206096": { "reskey": 1206096, "company": "JoVE", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>JoVE was founded in 2006 and is now the world's largest producer of research and education videos. JoVE Education is a trusted platform used by over 1,700 institutions and over seven million faculty and students. With over 19,000 vetted videos authored by field experts, our library is a reliable source for course content. Available in 15 languages, JoVE improves learning outcomes, contributing to a significant increase of up to 2 letter grades in academic performance\u2014a statistic validated by independent, peer-reviewed research. JoVE videos align with major textbooks and curricula and are a comprehensive replacement or valuable supplement to existing materials. JoVE's comprehensive library covers diverse disciplines, including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Nursing, Statistics, Clinical Skills, Engineering, Environmental Science, Pharmacology, and Psychology.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "442", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/jove\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/JoVEjournal", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/JoVEjournal", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/jove", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/JoVEjournal", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "JoVE", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167812": { "reskey": 1167812, "company": "Jupiter", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Jupiter supports school districts of every size with everything they need to manage teaching, learning, information, and engagement in a single, all-in-one platform. Jupiter was founded in 2004 by an educator frustrated by large companies that missed the small, important details that are so essential to teachers. While those providers had their sights set on becoming the biggest, we\u2019ve never lost sight of what really matters. Whether it's gradebooks, assessments, classroom management, communications, student information - our work centers around the way teachers and students work, which is why we\u2019ve served over 4 million students to date, and we hope to serve you in the future.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "708", "keywords": "student information systemsislearning management systemlmsgradebookattendancestandardscommunication", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285814008299056345::285814008300104922::285814008294862037", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/JupiterEducation", "instagram_handle": "@jupiter.ed", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/jupiter-ed", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/JupiterEducation", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/jupiter-ed\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@JupiterEdu", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167813": { "reskey": 1167813, "company": "Kahoot! EDU, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Kahoot! is on a mission to make learning awesome! We want to empower everyone, including children, students, and employees to unlock their full learning potential. Our learning platform makes it easy for any individual or corporation to create, share, and host learning sessions that drive compelling engagement. Launched in 2013, Kahoot!\u2019s vision is to build the leading learning platform in the world. Since launch, Kahoot! has hosted hundreds of millions of learning sessions with over 9 billion participants (non-unique) in more than 200 countries and regions. The Kahoot! Group includes Clever, the leading US K-12 EdTech learning platform, together with the learning apps DragonBox, Poio, Drops, Actimo, Motimate, and The Kahoot! Group is headquartered in Oslo, Norway with offices in the US, the UK, France, Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Spain and Poland. Kahoot! is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker KAHOT. Let\u2019s play!<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "924", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Luj\u00e1n Fern\u00e1ndez", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/getkahoot", "instagram_handle": "@Kahoot", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/kahoot\/", "twitter_handle": "@Kahoot", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/getkahoot", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/kahoot\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/kahoot", "virtual profile twitter": "@Kahoot", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273673'>Project Examples to Implement Technology into your Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264533'>Scientists and mathematicians who changed the world: A story in Miro App<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117200349'>Arts and Technology STEAM Playground: Creativity and Engagement for All Learners<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178044": { "reskey": 1178044, "company": "Kai's Education", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>\ud83e\udd16Kai's Education, headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand, stands at the forefront of revolutionizing STEM education. Our pioneering suite, including Kai's Clan, KaiBot, and the Kainundrum Lite app, offers an unparalleled, interactive learning journey in coding, robotics, and STEM for children aged 7 to 15. Kai's Clan merges cutting-edge technologies like AR, VR, AI, IoT, Tinkercad, and Minecraft into an all-in-one STEAM toolbox, making complex concepts accessible and engaging. The innovative KaiBot robot, with its unique screen-free coding cards, introduces the basics of programming, fostering problem-solving skills and creativity. Meanwhile, the Kainundrum Lite app extends this ecosystem, providing a seamless transition from tangible coding cards to text-based programming, readying young minds for future technological advancements. Honored with prestigious awards like the Smart AI Toy Award and the Common Sense Top Pick for Learning, Kai's Education is reshaping the educational landscape, ensuring that today's learners become tomorrow's innovators. Join us in crafting a brighter, smarter future.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1474", "keywords": "codingsteamroboticsinclusivearvrscreenfreeblocklypythonbraillecoding", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008262356179::285814008307444960::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/KaisEducation\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/34221738", "twitter_handle": "@kaiseducation", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/KaisEducation", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/34221738\/admin\/inbox\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/kais_education", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204968'>Programming Extended Realities (XR) for STEM Educators: Kai\u2019s Clan Edition<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117385997'>Digging for Data on Mars using Coding, Augmented and Virtual Reality<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117215135'>Unlocking Compassion with Tech: Inventive AT Inspired by \"Out of My Mind\"<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117278237'>Robotics and Virtual Reality<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204482'>Bring STEM to Every Classroom<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167815": { "reskey": 1167815, "company": "Kajeet, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Kajeet provides optimized IoT connectivity, software and hardware solutions that deliver safe, reliable and controlled Internet connectivity to students, enterprises, state and local governments, and IoT solution providers. Kajeet is the only managed IoT connectivity services provider in the industry to offer a scalable IoT management platform, Sentinel\u00ae, that includes complete visibility into real-time data usage, policy control management, custom content filters for added security and multi-network flexibility. Whether to enable digital access that ensures student success, empower companies to connect and control devices in the field, or offer support and a platform to launch a complex mobile solution, Kajeet is trusted by many to make powerful and flexible wireless solutions easy. Kajeet is available for hybrid and multi-network access across all major North American wireless networks, globally in 24 other countries, and on multiple licensed and unlicensed networks.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1334", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Sheila Hawkins", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/KajeetWireless", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/kajeet\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/Kajeet", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167817": { "reskey": 1167817, "company": "Kami", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Kami is the go-to PDF annotator and classroom sidekick that makes it easier for teachers to assign, assess, and feedback, all in one place. Kami\u2019s seamless integration with Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Classroom helps simplify workflows and ensure instant access for all.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1624", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Pending Sponsor", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201317'>Empowering Creative and Critical Thinking with PBL<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117205621'>Making Thinking Visible: Strategies for Enhancing Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117510364'>Revolutionize Assessment with Kami Questions AI: Engaging Evaluations & Data-Driven Insights<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203344'>UDL in Action in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196461": { "reskey": 1196461, "company": "Kaplan Early Learning Company", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>For more than 50 years, Kaplan Early Learning Company has been a champion for play. From our research-based curricula to enriching classroom environments and innovative technology solutions, Kaplan's products and services inspire a lifelong love of learning in children and educators. We transform lives through play.<br \/>\nFor more than 50 years, Kaplan Early Learning Company has been a champion for play. From our research-based curricula to enriching classroom environments and innovative technology solutions, Kaplan's products and services inspire a lifelong love of learning in children and educators. We transform lives through play.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1892", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008304299230::285814008294862037::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/KaplanCo", "virtual profile instagram": "@kaplanco", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/kaplan-early-learning-company", "virtual profile twitter": "@KaplanCo", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1205393": { "reskey": 1205393, "company": "Kensington", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>From docks to locks and everything in between, we\u2019ve got what you need. And we\u2019re proud to be a leader in desktop and mobile device accessories, trusted by organizations around the world for more than 40 years.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1544", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008305347807::285814008294862037::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167825": { "reskey": 1167825, "company": "KinderLab Robotics, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Come and get hands-on with KIBO\u2122 - the playful and creative STEAM coding robot! With KIBO, PreK-5th graders create, design, decorate and bring their own robot to life with screen-free, hands-on programmable robotics. KinderLab Robotics is the creator of KIBO, a robot kit based on 20+ years of child development research, where young learners build, program, decorate, and run their own robot. KIBO is used in over 60 countries with proven efficacy in helping kids learn STEAM\u2014and getting them excited about it! Bring coding and robotics into your young learners\u2019 hands for them to develop computational thinking and invaluable STEAM skills that will lead them on the path for success! KinderLab offers a complete suite of curriculum to integrate STEAM elements into any subject. STEAM learning has never been so much fun! Build. Art. Code. Play!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "912", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008307444960::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/KinderLabRobotics", "instagram_handle": "@kinderlabrobot\/", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/kinderlab-robotics-inc-\/", "twitter_handle": "@KinderLabRobot", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263847'>Teaching AI in Early Edu<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204482'>Bring STEM to Every Classroom<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1206259": { "reskey": 1206259, "company": "Kira Learning", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Kira Learning is transforming computer science and AI education for K-12 learners. We\u2019ve built the tools, curriculum, and resources to empower educators and inspire the next generation of innovators.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "985", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::307369150013500364::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117259050'>Instructional Approaches to Combat Misuse of AI Writing in 7-12 Classrooms<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1205633": { "reskey": 1205633, "company": "Kitaboo", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>KITABOO offers eBook store solutions for <strong>Creating, Publishing, and Distributing eBooks & Digital Textbooks<\/strong> with <strong>DRM Protection<\/strong> to Publishers, Associations & Enterprises. <\/p>\n<p>KITABOO is a <strong>White-label platform<\/strong> that helps publishers create native digital content. <\/p>\n<p>We also offer an eBook <strong>SDK for building custom platforms for Publishers.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "427", "keywords": "kitabooebook store solutionscreating ebookspublishing ebooksdistributing ebooksdigital textbooksdrmdrm protectionwhitelabel platformdigital contentsdk", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/KITABOOCloud\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/showcase\/kitaboo-cloud\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/KitabooTweets", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/events\/iste-2024\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1173522": { "reskey": 1173522, "company": "Kyron Learning", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Kyron isn\u2019t just another video lesson platform. Students can learn interactively anytime, anywhere with expert teachers of their choice. In a Kyron video, teachers ask questions to students to gauge their understanding of a topic. Students answer the question through voice or text. Using conversational AI, Kyron provides immediate, one-on-one, differentiated support with pre-recorded teacher responses to guide students to conceptual understanding.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1907", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/profile.php?id=1000932906", "instagram_handle": "@kyronlearning", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/kyronlearning\/", "twitter_handle": "@kyronlearning", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211377'>AI-Powered Classrooms: Bridging the Gap between Humans and Machines<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1173626": { "reskey": 1173626, "company": "Learn to Solder Kits", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Learn to Solder Kits produces hands-on, electronics and soldering practice kits. All of our kits are designed to be assembled in a 30-minute to 1-hour lesson and provide students with an introductory spark into the world of electronics. <\/p>\n<p>All of our kits are open-source and designed, assembled, and shipped from Sacramento, California.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "348", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008312687843", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1205703": { "reskey": 1205703, "company": "Learn with Mochi", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Our mission at Learn With Mochi is to prepare young learners for an uncertain future by teaching skills to break down complex problems into simple steps. <\/p>\n<p>Join Mochi, a curious little bear, and learn functional programming concepts without screens using wooden blocks, a coding language you can touch. Explore together through beautifully illustrated adventures covering a variety of STEM subjects. <\/p>\n<p>Play, spark curiousity, and strengthen foundational skills through games and puzzles at home or in the classroom.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1458", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1204127": { "reskey": 1204127, "company": "Learnetic", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Learnetic<\/strong> supports current and future leaders of <strong>educational publishing in digital transformation and acceleration<\/strong>. As an experienced technology company, we collaborate with leading educational publishers, edtech entrepreneurs, universities and school networks, educational ministries and agencies across six continents.<\/p>\n<p>Our flagship <strong>Learnetic Educational ePublishing Suite<\/strong> is a comprehensive platform that streamlines the entire ePublishing process - from collaborative authoring and interactive multimedia-rich design to multi-format distribution and insightful analytics (LMS). The Suite is built upon our 20+ years of incremental expertise gained through <strong>over 350 projects in 50 countries worldwide<\/strong> and is being utilized by nearly a hundred publishers, thousands of authors, and millions of students daily.<\/p>\n<p>Explore our premium <strong>ready-made eContent packages<\/strong>. They include <strong>over 4500 enriched digital lessons<\/strong> across various fields like <strong>STEM, ESL, Special Education<\/strong>. We also offer a team of seasoned graphic artists, instructional designers, and subject matter experts dedicated to crafting <strong>top-quality educational digital content tailored to your needs<\/strong>.<\/p>\n<p>With a <strong>global team of experts<\/strong> and deep understanding of regional nuances, we are uniquely positioned to discuss your publishing processes, state and national standards alignment, the richness of your resources, and possibilities of implementation of new technologies. <strong>Let's meet and talk.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "537", "keywords": "edtecheducational publishingk12special educationauthoring toollmsdigital lessonsetextbookslpotstemesl", "tagids": "285814008302202076::307369150013500364::285814008299056345::285814008303250653", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "VAT: PL5842705459", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/Learnetic", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/learnetic", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/Learnetic", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/learnetic\/", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167834": { "reskey": 1167834, "company": "", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Founded in 1999, partners with 1,300 U.S. school districts and serves more than 1.7 million students each year. Since launching our first K-8 digital literacy product, EasyTech, we have been focused on helping educators use technology to improve student learning. Over the years, we have grown into a K-12 company offering a suite of education solutions that support districts as they build students\u2019 digital literacy and computer science skills.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "816", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Abby Daniels", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167836": { "reskey": 1167836, "company": "Lectec", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Lectec enables kids to learn STEM skills through interactive children's electric vehicle kits. These kits include all of the parts, tools, and educational materials to build your own electric skateboard, scooter, or bike. Throughout the process kids learn how motors, pulleys, and batteries work all while building skills such as teamwork, critical thinking, and problem solving.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "714", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@golectec", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/lectec\/", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/golectec", "virtual profile instagram": "@golectec", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/lectec\/", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167837": { "reskey": 1167837, "company": "LEGO Education", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>LEGO\u00ae Education solutions reignite joy in the classroom and foster a lifelong love of learning that is vital for success in the workforce and in life. Rooted in purposeful play, LEGO Education STEAM solutions build student confidence and resilience, support their social and emotional well-being, and help them develop critical skills like problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, and communication, setting them up for future success. **Learn more at**.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1401", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008322125032", "tags": "Meeting Room Renter", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/LEGOeducationOfficial\/", "instagram_handle": "@legoeducation", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/lego-education\/", "twitter_handle": "@LEGO_Education", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263063'>Cultivating Potential: Mini Courses for Empowering Elementary Students<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117210647'>Inclusive Tech! with AI, Machine Learning, and Microcontrollers for Disability Assistance.<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117199092'>STEM-ulating Minds: Unleashing Creativity in the School Library<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270276'>Makerspace Alphabet Soup: The ABCs of STEAM for ALL Learners<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264533'>Scientists and mathematicians who changed the world: A story in Miro App<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117214635'>Playing to Learn: Using Technology to Engage and Support All Learners<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211916'>Equals, Let's Make a Difference: Video Game Against Bullying and School Discrimination<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167838": { "reskey": 1167838, "company": "Lenovo", "url": "\/us\/en\/solutions\/k-12-education", "guide_text": "<p>Lenovo is a trusted, global technology provider that is connected to emerging issues, needs, and opportunities in K-12 and higher education. Focused on a bold vision to deliver smarter technology for all, we are developing world-changing technologies that create a more inclusive, trustworthy and sustainable digital society. By designing, engineering and building the world\u2019s most complete portfolio of smart devices and solutions, powered by Window 11, and other prominent technologies we are leading an Intelligent Transformation \u2013 to create better experiences and opportunities for the academic community around the world.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "874", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191", "tags": "Meeting Room Renter", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167841": { "reskey": 1167841, "company": "LG Electronics", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>LG Electronics Business Solutions continues to drive results for educational institutions with advanced technologies that elevate the end-user experience. Whether in the auditorium, cafeteria, classroom, library or administration office, LG continues to deliver advanced technologies by seamlessly integrating high-resolution, innovative displays designed to transform the education environment.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1356", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117200100'>Combining PBL, Digital Design and SEL in a Logo Project<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167842": { "reskey": 1167842, "company": "Lightspeed Systems", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Lightspeed Systems\u00ae is dedicated to providing time-saving solutions and empowering districts to focus where it matters most\u2014students and learning. Lightspeed provides one integrated platform of cloud-managed solutions: Security & Compliance, Safety & Wellness, and Engagement & Impact, purpose-built for school networks and devices. Lightspeed solutions are designed to surface insights and facilitate workflows needed to ensure a safe, secure, and compliant learning environment that works on any device, anywhere learning takes place. As a committed partner in privacy and security for more than 20 years, Lightspeed ensures secure student data with technical and administrative safeguards in place. And with a keen understanding of the staff and resource shortages in primary education, Lightspeed has focused resources on client success to provide implementation guidance, support, and an easy procurement process. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Lightspeed serves more than 20 million students using 11 million devices in 28,000 schools throughout 42 countries.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2000", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/lightspeedsystems\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/lightspeed-systems\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/lightspeedsys", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167843": { "reskey": 1167843, "company": "Lightspeed Technologies", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Lightspeed is on a mission to help every student hear every word. To that end, the company has brought powerful instructional audio solutions to K-12 institutions around the globe for more than 30 years. Each product inspires communication and collaboration by delivering crystal-clear, low-volume, and highly intelligible sound. Lightspeed offers solutions for several learning environments, including whole- and small-group instruction, distance, and hybrid. Passionate about its culture of service, Lightspeed remains dedicated to improving the lives of educators and students through its products, research, and partnerships.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1062", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008262356179::285814008295910614::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/lightspeedtek\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/lightspeedtek\/", "twitter_handle": "@lightspeedtek", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167844": { "reskey": 1167844, "company": "Linewize", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>At Linewize, we are helping to lead the digital transformation for children within schools and at home. We provide cutting-edge technology that helps school districts and parents keep their kids safe and secure online, on any device, by delivering both cloud-based and on-site solutions for web filtering, classroom management, and student safety. Leveraging our industry-leading technology, Linewize protects thousands of school districts and millions of children worldwide. Our technology is designed and supported by former K12 IT Admins and industry experts to ensure that we meet the unique challenges of the modern learning environments our clients face.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1548", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Stephen Mirante", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/linewize-usa", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1179078": { "reskey": 1179078, "company": "LINQ", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>LINQ brings a new level of digital transformation and operation efficiency to K-12 leaders across districts and states. Built by a team of K-12 experts, our solutions include Nutrition for districts and states, Education Resource Planning (ERP), Forms & Workflows for districts and Payment portals for Parents and Guardians. Through our first-of-its kind K-12 Business Platform, LINQ is committed to Empowering the Business of K-12.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "449", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008293813460", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/EMSLINQ", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/ems-linq-inc", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/emslinq", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178490": { "reskey": 1178490, "company": "LiteTouch", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Tomorrow\u2019s innovators are today\u2019s students. At Lite the Nite, we believe every student has limitless potential. As the manufacturer of LiteTouch Interactive Touchscreens, we offer the highest quality hardware in the industry at a fair price.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "424", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008303250653::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167847": { "reskey": 1167847, "company": "LocknCharge", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>LocknCharge helps districts of all sizes facilitate mobile device workflow and management with multi-device charging stations, charging carts and smart lockers. These solutions save time and money by efficiently managing and securing devices to reduce breakage, loss and theft. Ensure your students and teachers always have access to a working device, and curriculum continues uninterrupted. All LocknCharge products are designed to make life easier in the classroom\/school environment \u2013 efficiently charge, store, secure and transport mobile devices. Learn more at<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1442", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008305347807::285814008307444960::285814008311639266", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/lockncharge\/", "instagram_handle": "@lockncharge", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/1774799\/", "twitter_handle": "@LocknCharge", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1184944": { "reskey": 1184944, "company": "Logitech Inc.", "url": "\/education", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Learning is not one-size-fits-all.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>It happens anytime, anywhere: between the assignments, inside and outside the classroom walls. Every student learns in a different way, at a different pace. And as learning evolves, so must the technology that enables it.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>Logitech knows that creating education-first tools requires an education-first design process. That\u2019s why we work hand-in-hand with thousands of educators and students \u2013 from concept to final prototype \u2013 to ensure that our solutions are grounded in insight and tested in the rigor of a real world classroom. We design with juice boxes, backpacks, small hands, developing minds and motor skills, dynamic curriculum, differing learning styles, and the need to collaborate all at the ready. We design from a deep understanding of the learning experience, creating tools that open up new possibilities, without getting in the way. Because when technology adapts to every size and shape of learning, it becomes more accessible and more impactful.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1396", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285815475758099805::285814008295910614::285814008299056345::285814008307444960", "tags": "Pending Sponsor", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117210647'>Inclusive Tech! with AI, Machine Learning, and Microcontrollers for Disability Assistance.<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117543098'>Engaging Students With Video Creation<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117279989'>Leveraging Large Language Models to Advance Assessment Paradigms - Introducing Bright Eva<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167849": { "reskey": 1167849, "company": "LU - Interactive Playground", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>L\u00fc Interactive Playground is a Canadian educational technology and content development company that transforms learning spaces into immersive learning environments. L\u00fc hardware comprises giant wall projections, 3D cameras, and light and audio systems that create larger-than-life interactive learning experiences. L\u00fc software also comprises a diverse catalogue of curriculum-based games and activities.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1000", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "\/LuInteractivePlayground", "virtual profile instagram": "\/play_lu\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "\/company\/lu-interactive-playground\/", "virtual profile twitter": "\/@luplayground", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167850": { "reskey": 1167850, "company": "Lucid for Education", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>The Lucid for Education Learning Suite motivates students to actively participate in the entire learning process. Begin with brainstorming on a digital whiteboard, then move to idea mapping on an infinite canvas and finish by demonstrating what has been learned through online, collaborative publishing. Integrate assignments and group work with your LMS and other common learning tools with a suite of integrations.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1564", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117214635'>Playing to Learn: Using Technology to Engage and Support All Learners<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167851": { "reskey": 1167851, "company": "Lumens Integration, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Lumens\u00ae offers videoconferencing cameras, PTZ cameras, a media processor, AVoIP solutions and document cameras with superior image quality. Lumens cameras can be easily set up and display 4K and Full HD images. Our products have been utilized in various applications such as Conferencing and Collaboration, Content, Production and Streaming, and Digital Signage, and Collaborative Learning.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2017", "keywords": "ladibugdocument camerasvideoconferencinghybrid classroomsremote learningcollaborative learning", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "twitter_handle": "@Lumensladibug", "virtual profile facebook": "http:\/\/\/lumensladibug", "virtual profile linkedin": "http:\/\/\/lumensusa", "virtual profile twitter": "@Lumensladibug", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196504": { "reskey": 1196504, "company": "Lumu Technologies", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Lumu is focused on helping organizations illuminate threats and isolate confirmed instances of compromise. Applying principles of continuous compromise assessment, Lumu has built a powerful closed-loop, self-learning solution that helps security teams accelerate compromise detection, gain real-time visibility across their infrastructure, and close the breach detection gap from months to minutes<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "431", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008300104922::285814008303250653", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/lumutech", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/lumutech\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/lumutech", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/lumutech", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263691'>Youth Innovators in AI: How NYCPS Connect Students To Real World Industries<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167855": { "reskey": 1167855, "company": "M & A Technology, Inc", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>M&A Technology\u2019s focus is on providing complete solutions to its customers, from product selection to delivery, followed by excellent support. We work closely with our customers to understand their unique requirements and then build a support plan to provide complete customer satisfaction.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2040", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008318979303::285814008296959191::285814008300104922::285814008303250653", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@mandatechnology23instagram", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1185903": { "reskey": 1185903, "company": "M&G ENT.Co.,Ltd", "url": "http:\/\/\/eng", "guide_text": "<p>M&G ENT Co., Ltd is a leading smart education ICT device manufacturer in South Korea.<br \/>\nWe have continuously developed and launched innovative ICT devices optimized for education and business, such as the world's first dual-booting tablet PC and zero-delay HDMI mirroring device.<br \/>\nOur major business areas currently include OEM\/ODM manufacturing of projectors and front-type e-boards, as well as establishing SMART education environments. We have acquired a considerable domestic market share in these B2G\/B2B sectors.<br \/>\nSince our founding in 2005, we have explored and innovated learning and collaboration tools to empower educators. Our user-centric technology delivers comfortable, useful and practical outcomes. We provide excellent maintenance support to all clients through our ISO 9001\/14001 certified facilities.<br \/>\nAdditionally, we expanded overseas by opening US branches last year. We look forward to discovering new business opportunities and partners.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1370", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008305347807::285814008294862037::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url direct": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1186472": { "reskey": 1186472, "company": "Machan International Co., Ltd.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Machan offers charging cart solutions that are customizable to provide a secure, stylish, and vertically integrated charging solution for all mobile devices.<br \/>\nOur charging system features safety electrical and stable voltages, And sync carts feature a user-friendly design to supports concurrent charging of iPads and Android tablets, Chromebooks and laptops up to 16 inches. making it ideal for managing Chromebooks, laptops, and tablets.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "382", "keywords": "machancharging cartipadtabletchargingodmoemjdmdevice managementstorage systemeducationsmart charging cartschoolcharging technologymobility", "tagids": "285814008300104922::285814008303250653::285814008304299230::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/MachanTaiwan", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/machan_1976_tw\/", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167856": { "reskey": 1167856, "company": "Mackin Educational Resources", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>For 40 years, Mackin has provided library and classroom materials for grades K-12 with access to 18,000 publishers, and more than 3.5 million printed titles and 3 million digital titles. From MackinVIA, the free, multiple-award-winning digital content management system, to their Maker Education, Classroom and Professional Learning divisions, Mackin is the most complete choice for your print and digital educational resources. <\/p>\n<p>A true partner in education, Mackin\u2019s continued success and unblemished reputation is known by thousands of teachers, administrators, and librarians across the country and throughout the world.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1824", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/MackinLibrary\/", "instagram_handle": "@MackinLibrary", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/mackin-educationa", "twitter_handle": "@MackinLibrary", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270508'>Down the Rabbit Hole: Curating Digital Content to Encourage Curiosity<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211916'>Equals, Let's Make a Difference: Video Game Against Bullying and School Discrimination<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1187657": { "reskey": 1187657, "company": "MagicSchool AI", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Join over a million teachers saving hours of time using MagicSchool to help lesson plan, differentiate, write assessments, write IEPs, communicate clearly, and more. The most used and loved AI platform for teachers worldwide.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "869", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "magicschoolai", "instagram_handle": "@magicschoolai", "linkedin_handle": "magicschoolai", "twitter_handle": "@magicschoolai", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/magicschoolai", "virtual profile instagram": "@magicschoolai", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/magicschool-ai\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@magicschoolai", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117398238'>Baby, You're a Firework! Igniting Student Engagement through EdTech<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117207738'>AI in Education: 10 Things to Try and 10 to Avoid<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117259050'>Instructional Approaches to Combat Misuse of AI Writing in 7-12 Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117357017'>Emerging Technologies, Online Tools, Apps & Resources Across Colorado<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204837'>Teaching Smarter Not Harder: Revolutionizing Teaching with AI-Support<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269439'>Exploring Generative AI for Writing and Beyond<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117364882'>Accessibility, Equity, and Inclusion Across Colorado<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273737'>ELAi: 10 Ways to Elevate Teaching & Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270176'>Esports: Just do it!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203344'>UDL in Action in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117338270'>Higher Education Innovation Carnival! Connecting, Including, and Unleashing Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117261707'>Oh The Places We Will Grow: Integrating Technology with School Gardens<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117386508'>Modeling the Teaching of Artificial Intelligence to Early Childhood and Elementary Students<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209136'>Empowering Educational Leaders: Collaborative Approaches to Transform Teaching and Learning with Technology<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117543920'>Empowering Educators: Reigniting Passion and Cultivating Empathy<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117274623'>Find Your Way with Chrome Extensions: Becoming an Innovative Educator<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263866'>Harnessing AI Tools for Enhancing Secondary Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269230'>A.I. Playbook for Educators: Your Top 10 Toolkit<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167860": { "reskey": 1167860, "company": "Makeblock", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Makeblock Co., Ltd started with the aim of helping people turn their ideas into real objects. With the power of innovation and technology, Makeblock builds educational infrastructures by making robotic modules, mechanical parts, coding software, and xTool laser engraving & cutting machines for educational purposes. As a company dedicating itself to making creation more straightforward, Makeblock sees innovation as our cornerstone. Makeblock targets unsolved problems and commits itself to create innovative, powerful, and popular products.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1924", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008315833573::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1179169": { "reskey": 1179169, "company": "Makedo", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>\u200b\u200bMakedo\u00ae is a series of safe and effective cardboard construction tools designed for kids to imagine and build the world they want to see, and they're perfect for every learning space from k-12.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>It's easy to get started with Makedo\u00ae! Find some cardboard - it's everywhere, and it's free. Then, using your Makedo\u00ae tools, cut, fold, and connect the cardboard to make, prototype, and learn. Finally, repurpose the cardboard and reuse your Makedo\u00ae Scrus to make something new.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>Makedo\u00ae tools support STEAM learning, integrate with digi-tech robotics and other maker-ed products, are for all ages and stages, can be used to build at scale, promote sustainability in the form of reuse, and our library of free, interdisciplinary resources easily link to curriculum standards.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>With a mission to 'Repurpose today. Solve tomorrow.' Makedo\u00ae is engaging kids in open-ended making to develop the skills and mindset to positively impact people and the planet.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "462", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/makedo", "instagram_handle": "@http:\/\/\/makedo", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/makedo\/", "twitter_handle": "@http:\/\/\/makedo", "virtual profile facebook": "@makedo", "virtual profile instagram": "@makedo", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/makedo", "virtual profile twitter": "@makedo", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/pages\/education", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203540'>Project-Based Learning and Makerspaces Across the Curriculum<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265117'>Making for Good<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117267570'>Change Today. Invent Tomorrow. Engaging Students in Social Justice Through MakeDo Change<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263063'>Cultivating Potential: Mini Courses for Empowering Elementary Students<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269442'>Cardbotics! Beyond Cardboard Engineering: Simple Machines, Smart Robotics<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117207239'>SELing Design Thinkers Using Bloxels<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1206455": { "reskey": 1206455, "company": "Maker and Coder", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Maker and Coder presents a new way of experiencing AIOT, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Create innovative STEM Projects while learning the basics of Python Programming, robotics, AI and the Internet of Things (IoT). Maker and Coder offers a community that provides a Hands-On Experience in Computer Science, STEAM learning, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2036", "keywords": "aiiotroboticshome automationcodingmulticoding", "tagids": "307369150013500364::285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/Makerandcoderglobal", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/makerandcoderglobal", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/92494158", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/Makerandcoderglobal", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/makerandcoderglobal\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/maker-and-coder-global\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211916'>Equals, Let's Make a Difference: Video Game Against Bullying and School Discrimination<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1179938": { "reskey": 1179938, "company": "MARSHALL CAVENDISH EDUCATION PTE LTD", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Marshall Cavendish Education (MCE) is a global education solutions provider dedicated to nurturing the joy of learning and preparing students for the future. We believe the best way to do so is by simplifying learning and listening to the needs of schools, teachers, students, and parents. <\/p>\n<p>We make our world-class educational content more accessible through a seamless experience that integrates both print and digital resources. We provide holistic and end-to-end solutions customised to the school's requirements, with professional development to help educators implement the curriculum. <\/p>\n<p>MCE has worked with ministries, policymakers, educators, and parents in over 85 countries, designing education solutions in 14 languages for Pre-K to 12. We are the only Asia-based publisher that is an endorsement partner of Cambridge Assessment International Education.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "464", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008315833573::285814008317930726", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167863": { "reskey": 1167863, "company": "Mastery Coding", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Using a research-based approach to instruction, <strong>Mastery Coding\u2122<\/strong> provides award-winning, standards-based computer science, esports, and STEM curriculum that combines critical thinking with project-based fun. Channel your students' passion for gaming into career and college opportunities.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1069", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815986796293474::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/masterycoding", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/masterycoding", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/masterycoding\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/masterycoding", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/masterycoding", "virtual profile instagram": "@masterycoding", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/masterycoding", "virtual profile twitter": "@masterycoding", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167865": { "reskey": 1167865, "company": "MATATALAB CO.,LTD.", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>MATATALAB CO., LTD., is an education technology company striving to provide innovative learning and entertainment experiences through technology, and empowers children with the skills, mindset, and confidence to excel in a rapidly evolving world.<br \/>\nSpecializing in early programming, MatataStudio has developed programming robots and artificial intelligence products for children and teenagers aged 3-18, providing teaching tools and professional educational content for the K-12 education stage. In 2023, the company expanded its business to the field of technology exploration, offering a variety of digital microscope products that combine curiosity with scientific exploration, adding new dimensions to the journey of understanding the world.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "656", "keywords": "matatalabmatatastudiovincibotnous ai setcoding settalebot proprogramming toysprogramming robotstangible robotrobotics educationrobot toyscoding toyprogrammable robotrobotics kits for elementary studentspreschool robotrobot setrobot kitsstem robot kitearly coding toyseducational robotclassroom robotscoding giftssteamstemscratchpythonblocklyartificial intelligencedigital microscopeintelligent microscopesciencecomputer sciencecomputational thinkingistengssneural networkface recognitionobject trackingwifi image transmissionautopilotchatgptaigciotmachine learningai4k12coding app", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008322125032", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/MatataStudio\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/matatastudioedu\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/matatastudio\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/MatataStudioEDU", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211377'>AI-Powered Classrooms: Bridging the Gap between Humans and Machines<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204482'>Bring STEM to Every Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117207738'>AI in Education: 10 Things to Try and 10 to Avoid<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117510610'>Revolutionizing K12 STEAM Education with AI and Digitization<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167866": { "reskey": 1167866, "company": "MatterHackers", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>MatterHackers is the largest 3D printing retailer in the U.S. that's on a mission to make 3D printing easier and more accessible for everyone. With the lowest prices available on thousands of 3D printing products, award-winning customer support, and customized in-person and virtual staff training, MatterHackers is your one-stop-shop for everything 3D printing. MatterHackers is here to provide schools, businesses, and libraries with the latest digital manufacturing tools and resources to set up their makerspaces and teach students the skills they'll need for the STEAM careers of the future. Contact us at to speak with one of our experts and learn more about introducing or expanding 3D printing in your classroom.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1714", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@matterhackers", "twitter_handle": "@matterhackers", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167867": { "reskey": 1167867, "company": "MAXCases", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>MAXCases is U.S. company dedicated providing protective cases that help educators maximize their edtech budgets and keep students learning in any environment. We provide 100% U.S.-based service and support to help educators find their best-fit MAXCases iPad, Chromebook, tablet and\/or laptop cases. Based in Southern California, the MAXCases team works closely with educators and leading technology providers like Apple\u00ae, Asus\u2122, Dell\u2122 and HP\u2122 to create solutions guaranteed to deliver a perfect fit and outstanding protective performance. Our uniquely designed cases integrate the latest robust materials and features to maximize protection and comfort while providing a great user experience. Our extensive line of protective products includes custom-fit cases, work-in cases, iPad & tablet cases and bags\/sleeves.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1728", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "twitter_handle": "@Maxcases", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1194197": { "reskey": 1194197, "company": "MEandMine", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Blending gamifications and neuroscience, our solution enhances mental health in youngsters. Based on the student's daily regulation spectrum, our algorithms launched individualized learning games and AI-flag at-risk students with 160+ vitals and in-game behaviors.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "675", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815475758099805::285814008262356179::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "MEandMineBox", "instagram_handle": "@meandminekids", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/20365441\/admin\/fe", "twitter_handle": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167875": { "reskey": 1167875, "company": "MERGE", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Merge EDU is a hands-on digital learning platform that helps students learn science and STEM with 3D objects and simulations they can touch, hold and interact with. Bringing AR into your school with Merge EDU will deepen student engagement in science and STEM, help students understand complex concepts more effectively, give them first-hand experience with technology that will shape their future, and teachers will be experts in no time with easy-to-follow guides and curriculum-aligned activities. To learn more about Merge EDU, visit<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1948", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/MergeVR\/", "instagram_handle": "@merge", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/mergeedu\/", "twitter_handle": "@mergevr, mergeedu", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264796'>Using STEm to Foster Creativity in the Middle School History Class<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167876": { "reskey": 1167876, "company": "Merlyn Mind Inc", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><em>Merlyn<\/em> is the world\u2019s first digital assistant for education. Our team of AI engineers created Merlyn to help teachers navigate all of the technology that has poured into the teaching and learning experience over the past few years. It all begins with untethering them from the front of the room and their computer so they can teach how they want from where they want. Further, Merlyn\u2019s multimodal, naturally-intuitive interface surfaces suggestions, hints, and other intelligence to support teachers when they need it. It was our founders who began and led the IBM Watson for Education R&D lab who recognized how AI and a digital voice assistant could serve as a tremendous value to educators by automating many of the things they do each day, while also having them become more present with the students.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1656", "keywords": "", "tagids": "307369150013500364::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/merlyn-for-education", "twitter_handle": "@MerlynforEDU", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/merlyn-for-education\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/MerlynforEDU", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167878": { "reskey": 1167878, "company": "Microsoft Corporation", "url": "\/education", "guide_text": "<p>AI is transforming the world of education, with generative AI tools having an incredible impact on the way we learn, work, and play. With over 1.5 billion students around the world, preparing them for the future is one of society\u2019s most urgent priorities. It\u2019s up to all of us to develop ethical and responsible behaviors and solutions that will equip students with the skills they need to thrive today and into their future careers. With the vision to empower every student on the planet to achieve more, Microsoft collaborates with educators and leaders to design solutions, tools, and devices that are equitable, inclusive, efficient, and secure, to effectively support teaching and learning now and into the future. <\/p>\n<p>Our all-in-one platforms like Microsoft 365 and Windows 11, along with Copilot, Learning Accelerators, security offerings, and more, provide everything schools, teachers, and students need to thrive in today's educational environment.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1300", "keywords": "microsoftofficeaiteamsflipminecraftdeviceslaptopsinclusiveaccessibilitycybersecuritysecurityproductivity", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008300104922", "tags": "Meeting Room Renter::Sponsor", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/microsoftineducation", "instagram_handle": "@microsoftedu", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/showcase\/microsoft-education", "twitter_handle": "@MicrosoftEDU", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/microsoftineducation\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/microsoftedu\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/showcase\/microsoft-education", "virtual profile twitter": "@MicrosoftEDU", "virtual profile url direct": "\/education", "virtual profile url display": "\/education", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203540'>Project-Based Learning and Makerspaces Across the Curriculum<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204590'>How Students Must Learn: 10 School Features in the AI Era<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117271639'>AI Reaction: Deploying AI Technology in the Coding Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117274717'>AI in the Classroom for Educators: A Quantum Leap for Educational Equity<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211760'>Transforming Chilean Narrative into Interactive Photocomics through AI and Gamification<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204693'>The Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs of a First-Year EdTech Coach<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117268396'>Creative Ways to Promote Student Voice & SEL with Microsoft Flip<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117398058'>Don't You Forget About Me: Gen X, Ed Tech, and Inclusion<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117277935'>Work with a Copilot: Everything You Can Do With Microsoft's AI-Powered Assistant<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117365824'>Empowering Visual Literacy<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117277556'>Computer Science: Advice from Future Female Tech Leaders to Their Younger Selves<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117398238'>Baby, You're a Firework! Igniting Student Engagement through EdTech<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117534580'>Navigating AI: Strategies for statewide education transformation<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209602'>5 Key Strategies for Cultivating Global Collaboration Through Project-Based Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117279236'>EdTech For Little - Tech Integration to Support Standards and Research Based Instruction<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273673'>Project Examples to Implement Technology into your Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264533'>Scientists and mathematicians who changed the world: A story in Miro App<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117543098'>Engaging Students With Video Creation<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263919'>Denver Walking Scavenger Hunt: Using EdTech Tools to Create Innovative Learning Experiences<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117268006'>Creating Projects for the Planet: Climate Action Education for PK-12 Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117210068'>It's OK to Not be OK<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117372642'>Igniting Peace: Augmented Reality for Global Understanding<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117554612'>Nurture student well-being with Microsoft Reflect in the era of AI<\/p>" }, "1206124": { "reskey": 1206124, "company": "Ministry of Education (Republic of Korea)", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>The Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS) is a public institution under the Korean Ministry of Education that promotes various projects and academic research related to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education ranging from primary to higher education.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1666", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117279989'>Leveraging Large Language Models to Advance Assessment Paradigms - Introducing Bright Eva<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167884": { "reskey": 1167884, "company": "Mote", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Mote Technologies proudly presents Mote and Conker<br \/>\nMOTE: Type less. Talk more. Mote brings you fast, friendly voice messaging integrated into the applications you know and love - including Google Workspace, Instructure Canvas - for easy recording and playback. We have proven a huge win for schools looking to level-up feedback, accessibility, language learning and wellbeing.<br \/>\nCONKER: Effortless Assessment, powered by AI. Conker offers a uniquely powerful combination of curriculum and standards aligned questions, integration with Google Workspace and Instructure Canvas, and extensive accessibility features.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "538", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285815475758099805::285814008262356179::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/moteHQ\/", "instagram_handle": "@justmotehq", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/motehq\/", "twitter_handle": "@justmotehq", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263691'>Youth Innovators in AI: How NYCPS Connect Students To Real World Industries<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203344'>UDL in Action in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117357017'>Emerging Technologies, Online Tools, Apps & Resources Across Colorado<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117274623'>Find Your Way with Chrome Extensions: Becoming an Innovative Educator<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199085": { "reskey": 1199085, "company": "Moxie AI Robot", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Moxie\u00ae, a robot companion powered by SocialX\u2122 and developed by a team of world-class roboticists, neuroscientists, child development specialists, creative storytellers and more. Designed for neurodiverse kids ages 5-10, Moxie uses generative AI, natural language processing, and computer vision to continuously learn from \u2014 and create curated content for \u2014 children as it targets all aspects of child development through play, including building social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and academic skills. Moxie delivers content that is highly tailored to the user\u2019s unique needs, interests, and developmental goals. Because of this, Moxie is able to deliver the most impactful content for each child.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "573", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/embodiedinc", "instagram_handle": "@moxierobot", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/embodiedinc\/", "twitter_handle": "@embodiedinc", "virtual profile instagram": "@moxierobot", "virtual profile twitter": "@embodiedinc", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167888": { "reskey": 1167888, "company": "MSI Computer Corp.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>MSI is a global provider of high-performance PC hardware for applications requiring premium computing power. We offer a wide range of hardware solutions for Esports, STEM learning, and many more in the K-12 and higher-education space.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "662", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008296959191::285814008299056345::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Carrie Hsiao", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1194058": { "reskey": 1194058, "company": "myShakespeare", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>myShakespeare provides media-rich, digital editions of six Shakespeare plays as a free, online resource. We replace traditional footnotes with interactive media and classroom features including quizzes and note-taking tools to keep Shakespeare relevant to today's students.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "766", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008317930726", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196700": { "reskey": 1196700, "company": "Nagarro, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Transforming an educational institute\u2019s vision into reality requires the right people, processes, and technologies in place. Nagarro has worked in the education domain for a decade and our education arm aims to establish Nagarro as a global thought leader in Education and Learning domain. We help our customers by - **Digital Transformations -** Provide consulting and implementation of greenfield projects to transform IT infrastructure, build integrated Apps and Websites coupled with digital technologies like AI, ML AR\/VR, Big Data, etc. **Streamlining the IT operations through process consulting -** We leverage process consulting services such as strategizing an IT framework, process implementation, risk analysis, and change management to help you streamline IT operations and meet business objectives. **Creation of data-driven culture -** We leverage our analytic ability to derive insights from data, make informed decisions based on predictions and help educational institutes to collaborate with all stakeholders by creating a data-centered culture. **Technology expertise -** Our rich experience in application development and maintenance allows us to build world-class technology platform solutions. **Optimization and automation -** We help our customers ideate and execute strategies to deliver breakthroughs and produce quick results in their marketing campaigns & other IT processes<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1692", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008303250653::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1205677": { "reskey": 1205677, "company": "National Assessment of Educational Progress", "url": "\/nationsreportcard\/", "guide_text": "<p>The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) provides important information about student academic achievement and learning experiences in various subjects. Also known as The Nation\u2019s Report Card, NAEP has provided meaningful results to improve education policy and practice since 1969. Results are available for the nation, states, and 27 urban districts.<\/p>\n<p>NAEP is a congressionally mandated program that is overseen and administered by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), within the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences. The National Assessment Governing Board, an independent body appointed by the Secretary of Education, sets NAEP policy.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "665", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285815475758099805", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/NationalAssessmentofEduca", "instagram_handle": "@naep_nces", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/showcase\/naep-nces\/", "twitter_handle": "@NAEP_NCES", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1187846": { "reskey": 1187846, "company": "National PTA", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>National PTA\u00ae is the oldest and largest child advocacy association in America. For 125 years, PTA has worked with school communities and decision makers to solve the toughest problems in our nation\u2019s history. Join us as we <a href=\"https:\/\/\/home\/events\/125th-anniversary\">celebrate the mission and work of PTA<\/a> and plan for the future.<\/p>\n<p>PTA is a network of millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1899", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/ParentTeacherAssociation", "instagram_handle": "@nationalpta", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/national-pta\/", "twitter_handle": "@NationalPTA", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/ParentTeacherAssociation", "virtual profile instagram": "@nationalpta", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/national-pta\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@National PTA", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178361": { "reskey": 1178361, "company": "National Training Network", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>At National Training Network we believe that every math student is a problem solver with access to any future they desire. National Training Network, Inc. (NTN), is a professional development company that specializes in providing professional development, coaching services, and education technology resources to math teachers, including resources called MathKEYmatics and KEMS.<\/p>\n<p>MathKEYmatics is a web based, standards aligned assessment tool designed to make creating, administering and scoring math assessments a quick and seamless experience. MathKEYmatics is easy to use, aligned to the standards in all states, presents the data in real time in various reports, and provides educators with insight regarding common student misconceptions. Any multiple-choice questions are automatically scored upon student submission so that educators can focus their time on reviewing the data for planning purposes.<\/p>\n<p>KEMS is a series of standards-based lessons available for Grades 3-8 that focus on building conceptual understanding of math concepts. These electronic lessons help students develop a deep conceptual understanding of grade level mathematics. Included are on-demand grade specific professional development videos that can be viewed by educators and students alike to make connections with key math concepts through multiple representations.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1496", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/NTNMath\/", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/national-training-network", "twitter_handle": "@ntnmath", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/ntnmath", "virtual profile twitter": "@ntnmath", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1206580": { "reskey": 1206580, "company": "NatureEye, Inc.", "url": "\/education\/", "guide_text": "<p>NatureEye engages and inspires students with live virtual field trips to iconic destinations around the world. Students embark on real-time interactive experiences where they can remotely fly a drone over African wildlife, Icelandic volcanos, the Peruvian cloud forest, or other amazing places without leaving the classroom. An expert guide interacts with the class and ensures the safe operation of the drone. With companion materials customized to your grade and subject and opportunities to collaborate with other schools, learning has never been so much fun. <\/p>\n<p>To learn more, visit https:\/\/\/education\/<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1942", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/natureeyecom", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/natureeyeco\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/natureeye\/about\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/natureeye", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167891": { "reskey": 1167891, "company": "Nearpod\/Renaissance", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>As a global leader in pre-K\u2013grade 12 education technology, <strong>Renaissance<\/strong> is committed to providing educators with insights and resources to accelerate growth and help all students build a strong foundation for success. Renaissance\u2019s interconnected solutions help you to clearly see every learner\u2019s strengths and needs\u2014so you can provide the right instruction at the right time for success. Accurate assessment tools show teachers exactly where students are and what they\u2019re ready to learn next. Engaging and flexible practice and instructional tools personalize learning to each student\u2019s unique needs, while insights and data solutions provide administrators with x-ray vision into what\u2019s happening in their schools. <strong>Nearpod<\/strong> is a key component of Renaissance\u2019s instructional ecosystem. Nearpod is the most comprehensive instructional platform that brings together the best of technology, pedagogy, and content so teachers can see and support every student. Interactive, standards-aligned K\u201312 lessons and activities engage and immerse students into the curriculum, while real-time insights and formative assessment guide instruction. Nearpod also offers Flocabulary, a learning platform that accelerates learning and academic vocabulary through rigorous and authentically engaging instructional experiences.<\/p>\n<p><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1272", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Advertiser::Seal of Alignment", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/RenLearnUS\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/RenLearnUS\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/renaissance-learn", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/RenLearnUS", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117202242'>Pressing Play: Engaging Students Through Learning Playlists<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117210639'>Nearpod for Littles<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117368318'>Be an A11y Ally: Creating Acccessible Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204482'>Bring STEM to Every Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201350'>So Much Tech...So Little Time<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209565'>Assess, Connect, & Play: Gaming & Game Design With Nearpod<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1179997": { "reskey": 1179997, "company": "Neptune Navigate", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Neptune Navigate is a comprehensive, turnkey Digital Citizenship curriculum customized for both students and staff -- and we also provide resources designed to engage parents of your students. Each of our comprehensive Digital Citizenship lessons are available entirely online and designed to take 20 minutes or less to complete.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "888", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167894": { "reskey": 1167894, "company": "NetSupport", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>With 34 years\u2019 experience and 21 million users worldwide, NetSupport is a leading producer of education software solutions, supporting successful IT management and technology-enhanced teaching. <strong>NetSupport DNA<\/strong> provides technicians IT management features to effectively monitor, manage and maximize school technology from one central point, while its built-in online safety toolkit ensures students are safe. <strong>NetSupport School<\/strong> is the market-leading and most feature-rich classroom instruction and monitoring solution available for multiple platforms across LAN and WAN offering a wealth of monitoring, control, collaboration and assessment features to enable teachers to deliver engaging and meaningful learning experiences. Meanwhile, <strong><\/strong> provides essential cloud-based classroom management, online safety and IT management tools to help teachers manage and control online class activity, and support learning \u2013 whether it\u2019s taking place in school or remotely. Lastly, <strong>NetSupport Notify<\/strong> helps schools ensure all staff\/students are informed with one-way messages that can\u2019t be ignored \u2013 perfect for supporting risk assessments and school communication. Try our solutions for FREE at!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1613", "keywords": "classroom managementclassroom instructionnetsupportedtech solutionsit managementonline safetyesafetysafeguardingmanage devices11administrative toolsinstruction toolsmanage technologystudent engagementstudent safetyinstructional toolsinstructional technologies", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285814008295910614::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/NetSupportLtd\/", "instagram_handle": "@netsupportgroup", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/642889\/", "twitter_handle": "@NetSupportGroup", "virtual profile twitter": "@NetSupportInc", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117208880'>Essential Updates Needed Today for a School\u2019s Digital Strategy<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117215135'>Unlocking Compassion with Tech: Inventive AT Inspired by \"Out of My Mind\"<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167895": { "reskey": 1167895, "company": "Netsweeper Inc.", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>The Netsweeper Education Ecosystem provides real-time analysis of content that is often missed by other filtering and security products. Using AI technology and 20+ years\u2019 experience, we constantly monitor and categorize content in over 90 categories and 47 languages. We go beyond standard URL lists to ensure students are always protected from inappropriate or malicious content. Our BYOD capabilities provides peace of mind and allows students to learn safely in and out of the classroom when connected to your network. Netsweeper delivers the flexibility and control you need to adapt instantly and proactively to the next digital dilemma. Districts across the US are using Netsweeper to consolidate and simplify their filtering needs from 2 or 3 solutions down to a single, flexible, robust offering the meets or exceeds their requirements. Guided by our decades-long educator partnerships we develop the most effective, easy-to-use web filtering, digital safety monitoring, and detailed reporting technologies for K-12.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "772", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/netsweeperinc\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/netsweeperinc", "twitter_handle": "@netsweeper", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/netsweeperinc", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/netsweeperinc", "virtual profile twitter": "@netsweeper", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/solutions\/industries\/education-web-filtering-schools", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167897": { "reskey": 1167897, "company": "Newline Interactive", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Newline Interactive is a manufacturer of award-winning interactive displays, intuitive software, and other interactive innovations to improve student engagement and increase productivity in the classroom. We are a leading provider of software and hardware that helps teachers find ways to be more effective, collaborative, and provide more enjoyment in the learning environment. Newline continues to push the envelope of technology, and has set the foundation to become the worldwide leader in interactive displays.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1914", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "twitter_handle": "@NewlineIDEAMAX", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1187604": { "reskey": 1187604, "company": "Nightlock Lockdown", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Nightlock Lockdown security products protect schools, students and staff during emergency lockdown events such as an active shooter situations. Classroom Door Barricade devices and Clasroom Door Window Safety Shades to block the view, are installed in over 4000 school districts across the USA.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1966", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "nightlocks", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1186605": { "reskey": 1186605, "company": "Ningbo Hi-Tech Zone WebiT Telecommunication Equipments Co.,Ltd", "url": " ,", "guide_text": "<p>Our company located in Ningbo,China,focus on educational equipments including laptop charging cabinets,charging trolley,desktop sockets,office furnitures under brand XCART.We have more than 10 years production experience,the products pass CE,RoHS,UL,FC certificates.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "446", "keywords": "laptop charging cabinetdesktop socketstablet charging cartcharging suitcasemodular charging cartav cartmonitor mount stands", "tagids": "285814008295910614::285814008304299230::285814008305347807::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/ningbo-hi-tech-zone-webit-telecommunication-equipments-co-ltd\/", "virtual profile url direct": "http:\/\/\/index.php\/product\/index.html", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1204066": { "reskey": 1204066, "company": "Niryo", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Niryo est une start-up fran\u00e7aise cr\u00e9\u00e9e en 2016, qui a pour objectif de d\u00e9mocratiser la robotique dans le monde. Avec ses solutions p\u00e9dagogiques, Niryo d\u00e9veloppe des bras robotis\u00e9s 6 axes pour l'enseignement et la recherche avec des atouts sp\u00e9cifiques : flexibles, compacts, l\u00e9gers et abordables. Les robots Ned s'adressent aussi bien aux n\u00e9ophytes en robotique qu'aux experts qui souhaitent approfondir leurs connaissances avec ce robot open source pour reproduire des cas d'usage industriels. Niryo permet aux \u00e9tudiants et aux chercheurs de s'engager directement dans une technologie de pointe et d'acqu\u00e9rir une exp\u00e9rience pratique inestimable.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1747", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008312687843::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@niryo_robotics", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/niryo", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167900": { "reskey": 1167900, "company": "NoRedInk", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>For students to improve their writing skills, they need a continuous loop of modeling, practice, and feedback. Enter: NoRedInk, a provider of adaptive online writing curriculum used in over 60% of US school districts. NoRedInk\u2019s approach is based on a simple premise: students learn best from their immediate social context. We take their favorite celebrities, characters, athletes, and other interests and use them to generate personalized content. We then incorporate this content into writing and grammar activities that are rigorous and engaging. NoRedInk includes diagnostic tools, instructional resources, targeted skills practice, and scaffolded writing activities. Our curriculum boosts students\u2019 skills with adaptive practice and guides them step by step through the writing and revision process. Through interactive tutorials, models, and lessons, we provide students with just-in-time support to help them unlock their potential as writers. NoRedInk\u2019s assessment and reporting features help teachers differentiate assignments, monitor trends, and track student growth, enabling them to make informed instructional decisions. We offer teachers an array of tools and resources that are aligned with state and national standards, including diagnostic assessments, skills exercises, and writing activities.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "541", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167904": { "reskey": 1167904, "company": "NutKase Accessories USA", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>NutKase Accessories is a leading B2B accessory brand focused on designing and manufacturing high-quality ruggedized Chromebook, iPad, and Laptop cases. We sell our protective cases to Schools, Hospitals, and Companies in over 50 countries around the world and have been in business since 2011. Our team is globally distributed based in LA, Chicago, Minneapolis, Orlando, Miami, Rome IT, & Guangzhou CN.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1389", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1179131": { "reskey": 1179131, "company": "OneScreen", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>OneScreen, based in San Diego, CA, is a comprehensive technology provider known for their customized interactive whiteboards, video collaboration, security and AI applications for education and business clients. OneScreen has led the market for over a decade with innovations in EdTech and collaboration software. From the classroom to the conference room, OneScreen creates smarter, more secure, solutions tailored to the client\u2019s specific needs.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1482", "keywords": "touchscreensinteractive flat panelsifpdvideo wallsinteractive learning", "tagids": "285814008295910614::285814008296959191::285814008305347807", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/onescreenglobal\/", "instagram_handle": "@onescreenus", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/onescreensolutions", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/onescreenglobal", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/onescreenglobal", "virtual profile instagram": "@OneScreenUS", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/onescreensolutions", "virtual profile twitter": "@onescreenglobal", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/en", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/en", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199038": { "reskey": 1199038, "company": "Optima Independent", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Optima Independent is a distinguished virtual instruction provider that is dedicated to forging partnerships with independent schools across the nation to catalyze student learning and teacher development. We firmly believe that learning is innately social, and our platform empowers teachers to embark on an enriching journey WITH their students to the destinations of their choosing. All while having access to the classroom management tools that they would have in a traditional classroom. Created by former Independent School educators, OptimaEd has the largest immersive Web 3.0 educational content library available today, equipping educators with the resources to excel in their craft and do what they do best - inspire the next generation.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "444", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "", "twitter_handle": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1198484": { "reskey": 1198484, "company": "Optoma Technology", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Optoma has Projectors, Interactive Flat Panel Displays, and Professional Displays that suit any education installation \u2013 small to large classrooms, lecture halls, auditoriums, cafeterias, gymnasiums or any large venue.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "326", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008305347807::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile twitter": "@OptomaUSA", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1204112": { "reskey": 1204112, "company": "OTRS Inc.", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>OTRS is a service management solution provider. The solution structures communication and work processes for teams that provide services to others, either internally or externally. From IT and administration to libraries and maintenance, OTRS is the ideal solution empowering better service delivery. <\/p>\n<p>Among its capabilities are:<br \/>\n- Ticketing<br \/>\n- Workflow and process automation<br \/>\n- Asset management<br \/>\n- Knowledge base<br \/>\n- Resource scheduling <\/p>\n<p>Stop by our booth to learn more and see a demo.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "747", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008303250653::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/OTRSGroup\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/otrs_group\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/otrs-ag\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/otrsgroup", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167916": { "reskey": 1167916, "company": "OtterBusiness", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>OtterBusiness is the commercial division of Otter Products, the creator of OtterBox, the No. 1 most trusted smartphone case brand in the U.S. OtterBusiness is dedicated to bold innovation and bringing industry leading solutions for businesses, schools and governments to market. We are committed to activating business solutions that break barriers and empower our customers and partners to unlock their full potential.<\/p>\n<p>At the center of every OtterBusiness innovation is a deeper goal to affect positive, lasting change. In partnership with the OtterCares Foundation, OtterBusiness grows to give back by inspiring kids to change the world through entrepreneurship and philanthropy. To learn more about this mission, visit\/GivingBack.<\/p>\n<p>For more information, visit <a href=\"https:\/\/\/c\/link\/?t=0&l=en&o=4080016-1&h=2069277501&\"><\/a>.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2135", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/otterbox", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/otterbox\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/otterbox\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/otterbox", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/otterbox", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/otterbox\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/showcase\/otterbusiness\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/otterbox", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "OtterBusiness", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167917": { "reskey": 1167917, "company": "Otus", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Otus significantly improves the way we support students by providing an all-in-one platform for educators to gather, visualize, and act on student data to ensure every child \u2013 no matter their learning level or background \u2013 is on a trajectory to achieve their true potential. Otus was created and built for teachers, by teachers. It saves educators time through the streamlined integration of assessment, performance tracking, and third-party data, while its gradebook and dashboard reports make it easy for teachers, administrators, and families to understand each student\u2019s growth. Otus has delivered improved results for more than 1 million learners. Learn more at<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "583", "keywords": "standards based gradingprogress monitoringdata analyticsassessmentsstandardsmastery based gradingsbg", "tagids": "285815475758099805::285814008299056345::285814008300104922", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/OtusK12\/", "instagram_handle": "OtusK12", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/otusk12\/", "twitter_handle": "OtusK12", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/OtusK12\/", "virtual profile instagram": "OtusK12", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/otusk12\/", "virtual profile twitter": "OtusK12", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/?utm_source=conference&utm_medium=partnership_page&utm_campaign=ISTE%20Conference%20(2024)", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167919": { "reskey": 1167919, "company": "Ozobot", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Ozobot is redefining the role of robotics in education with award-winning programmable robots, patented screen-free coding programs, and STEAM-based learning solutions that transform the way children learn and create across all grades, subjects and environments. Led by a world-class team of educators, engineers and computer scientists, Ozobot delivers award-winning solutions by integrating innovative product design with leading LMS platforms and emerging technologies, including Augmented Reality-based learning, powered by Ozobot\u2019s coding platform, Ozobot Blockly, that supports its proprietary JavaScript and Python editors that run native code on connected devices. Together with students, educators and parents around the world, Ozobot has become the #1 most trusted robotics platform in education and continues to empower the next generation of creators to discover new and exciting ways to learn. For more information on Ozobot, please visit \\[\\](http:\/\/\/).<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "956", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@ozobot", "twitter_handle": "@ozobot", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201350'>So Much Tech...So Little Time<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117199092'>STEM-ulating Minds: Unleashing Creativity in the School Library<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117214689'>Living Green With STEAM: Sustainability Activities in Elementary Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117214635'>Playing to Learn: Using Technology to Engage and Support All Learners<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117361748'>RoboPlay: A Hands-On Exploration of STEM, Computer Science, and Robotics<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1173628": { "reskey": 1173628, "company": "Padlet", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Make beautiful boards to collect, organize, and present anything.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2014", "keywords": "collaborationcollaboratecreativitycreativepadlet", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "padlet", "instagram_handle": "@padlet", "linkedin_handle": "padlet", "twitter_handle": "@padlet", "virtual profile facebook": "padlet", "virtual profile instagram": "padlet", "virtual profile linkedin": "padlet", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/padlet", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117202242'>Pressing Play: Engaging Students Through Learning Playlists<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204164'>ARe You READY for This? Augmented Reality, Art and Children's Books<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117277031'>World Languages Teachers, Are You Curious About Podcasting in Your Classes?<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276170'>World Languages Teachers, Cultivate Student Agency by Personalizing Learning Using Interactive Technology!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273549'>Designing Inclusive Coaching Activities for Edtech Integration<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117279236'>EdTech For Little - Tech Integration to Support Standards and Research Based Instruction<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117364882'>Accessibility, Equity, and Inclusion Across Colorado<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209260'>The 'Chopped' Playground \u2014 Edtech Kitchen<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263962'>Starting with Access: Expert Panel on OER, Climate Education, and Student Action<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117200100'>Combining PBL, Digital Design and SEL in a Logo Project<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263919'>Denver Walking Scavenger Hunt: Using EdTech Tools to Create Innovative Learning Experiences<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209136'>Empowering Educational Leaders: Collaborative Approaches to Transform Teaching and Learning with Technology<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167921": { "reskey": 1167921, "company": "Panasonic LUMIX", "url": "\/pages\/lumix", "guide_text": "<p>Whether your students are creating engaging content for social media, live sports broadcast, or a student news program, Panasonic LUMIX cameras can efficiently deliver high-resolution photos and video in a compact form factor. Our lineup of full-frame and Micro Four Thirds hybrid mirrorless and box camera systems can be the foundation of an advanced curriculum to guide your students for film, broadcast, and journalism study at university, or jobs in the entertainment industry.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "669", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Neil Matsumoto", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/lumixusa\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@lumixusa", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/pages\/lumix", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167922": { "reskey": 1167922, "company": "Panorama Education", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Panorama Education<\/strong> partners with K-12 schools and districts across the country to collect and analyze data about social emotional learning, school climate, family engagement, and more. With research-backed surveys and a leading technology platform, Panorama helps educators act on data and improve student outcomes. Panorama supports over 15 million students in 25,000 schools and 2,000 districts across 50 states, including those in the New York City Department of Education, Dallas Independent School District, Seattle Public Schools, and San Francisco Unified School District. <\/p>\n<p>To learn more about Panorama Education, visit: http:\/\/<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "673", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285814008300104922::285814008303250653::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/PanoramaEd\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/panorama_education\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/panorama-education", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/PanoramaEd", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/3zdYtka", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201311'>The Power of Visualization: Building a Strong School Data Culture<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263691'>Youth Innovators in AI: How NYCPS Connect Students To Real World Industries<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1184522": { "reskey": 1184522, "company": "Parallax Inc", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Parallax prvides curriculum and hardware for STEM and cybersecurity education.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "340", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/ParallaxInc", "instagram_handle": "@parallaxinc", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/parallax\/", "twitter_handle": "@ParallaxInc", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1179313": { "reskey": 1179313, "company": "Parchment, An Instructure Company", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Parchment<\/strong> believes credentials matter in the lifelong journey of a learner, from applying to college to advancing their career. We deliver a comprehensive, award-winning credential management platform and global network, providing millions of learners as well as over 13,000 K-12 and higher education offices and agencies the ability to innovate, request, verify and share credentials simply and securely.<\/p>\n<p>We help turn credentials into opportunities.<\/p>\n<p>https:\/\/\/<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2221", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285815986796293474::285814008300104922::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/ParchmentCredentials", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/parchment", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/parchment", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/parchment", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117278223'>We need stinkin' badges! What do we need to know?<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167925": { "reskey": 1167925, "company": "Peace Corps", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Volunteer Short-term. High-impact. Experience required. Seeking professionals with diverse skills and the know-how to hit the ground ready to serve. Bring your expertise and experience to the projects where you are needed the most.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1790", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167926": { "reskey": 1167926, "company": "PEPPM", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>PEPPM is a cooperative purchasing program for competitively bid technology products for schools, libraries, colleges and universities, BOCES, intermediate units, charter schools, private schools, and non-profit educational organizations. The co-op is operated by an education agency to aggregate buyers and demand across the country. It seeks lowest bid prices while saving time and money for buyers who can forego the typical 60-day bidding process. <\/p>\n<p>Whether you are an IT director, business official, media coach, or teacher, PEPPM \u2014 with its 700 contracts and 4 million products \u2014 is the best place to start your research for technology products.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "957", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178215": { "reskey": 1178215, "company": "PhET Interactive Simulations", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Founded in 2002 by Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman, the PhET Interactive Simulations\u2122 project at the University of Colorado Boulder creates FREE interactive math and science simulations. PhET sims are based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1494", "keywords": "science::math::mathematics::simulation::interactive::game::classroom::tools::physics::chemistry::earth science::space science::astronomy::statistics::biology::sim::translation::translated::accessible::inclusive::fun::open::source", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008312687843", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/PhETSims\/", "instagram_handle": "@phetsims", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/phet-interactive-", "twitter_handle": "@PhETSims", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/PhETSims\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@PhETsims", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/phet-interactive-simulations\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@PhETsims", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117267851'>New STEM Teacher Professional Development Resources for PhET Interactive Simulations<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201542'>Words Matter in Math too!<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167928": { "reskey": 1167928, "company": "PikMyKid", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Pikmykid is the leading safety and dismissal platform that empowers schools to simplify dismissal, engage parents, and keep students safe without the need to purchase, install, or support additional hardware. Designed by former educators and parents, Pikmykid has helped more than 2,000 schools in all 50 states eliminate the busy work and vulnerabilities of dismissal so that teachers have more time to teach, admins aren\u2019t bogged down in carpool calls, and principals can account for every student at the end of the day. And with extensive SIS integrations, Pikmykid easily fits into your schools\u2019 existing ecosystems to make the tools you already have that much more powerful.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1371", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008303250653", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1184672": { "reskey": 1184672, "company": "Pilot Corporation of America", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Pilot Corporation of America prides itself on being a leading manufacturer and marketer of quality writing instruments in the United States. Our sales continue to grow year after year because of the quality of our products, and the innovation of our Research and Development teams. Our spirit of innovation has always focused on serving consumer\u2019s writing needs and making writing a pleasure. <\/p>\n<p>Known for our #1 Selling Brands including G2, FriXion and Preicse. We are fueled by a passion for design, innovation quality performance and bringing trusted value to the consumer. Our creations inspire creativity. We <strong>innovate<\/strong> for all who think, learn, play, create and communicate. We <strong>generate<\/strong> original technology and great ideas so creativity can be freely unleashed. We <strong>inspire<\/strong> joyful thinking and facilitate visionary experiences for everyone. <\/p>\n<p>Our FriXion erasable pens, highlighters and marker pens are the <strong>1st and ONLY<\/strong> Pen authenticated by FriXion features unique thermo-sensitive ink; heat makes the ink turn to clear and cooling can make the ink reappear. These properties can be used to demonstrate a wide range of scientific principles on everything from thermo-sensitivity to covalent bonds.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1082", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@pilotpenusa", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/pilot-pen", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/pilotpen\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@pilotpenusa", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/pilot-pen", "virtual profile twitter": "@PilotPenUSA", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167929": { "reskey": 1167929, "company": "Piper", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>We founded Piper in 2014 with a simple vision: to **create experiences around learning with technology that are hands-on, effective, and fun. Since then, Piper has grown into an award-winning EdTech company based in San Francisco, CA committed to providing quality STEAM educational opportunities to students around the globe. Piper manufactures and sells the Piper Computer Kit, Piper Make and associated curriculum. Piper is a Google for Education partner.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "800", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008312687843::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@startwithpiper", "twitter_handle": "@startwithpiper", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1186484": { "reskey": 1186484, "company": "Pitsco Education", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>For more than 50 years Pitsco Education has been a leader in future-ready learning fundamentally rooted in STEM. We help schools personalize learning and create learning environments that address all learning styles and help all students find success while solving problems, being creative, articulating ideas, exploring careers, and thinking with their hands. Our competency based and collaborative hands-on STEM, coding, and robotics programs effectively integrate core disciplines while helping students master the essential collaboration, critical-thinking, and problem-solving skills that will last a lifetime and translate in any college or career path. Pitsco's K-12 coninuum - created in partnership with the best edtech brands in the world - delivers hands-on, age-appropriate coding, robotics, and mechatronics solutions that enable all learners to thrive. Accompanying resources, curriculum, and support mean teachers need no prior knowledge of these subjects and can focus on what they do best.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "547", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008307444960::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "", "instagram_handle": "@pitscoed", "twitter_handle": "@pitscoed", "virtual profile facebook": "http:\/\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@pitscoed", "virtual profile twitter": "@pitscoed", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276830'>Skybound STEM\/STEAM: Elevating Education with Drones<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199998": { "reskey": 1199998, "company": "PN California Inc", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>PN California works to get our clients top prices for their old and obsolete technology equipment. Our services include processing E-waste management, IT asset buybacks, and secure data destruction. If you have any older devices or IT equipment that you don't need anymore or are due for a refresh in the near future, we've got what you need to make the process simple and rewarding.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "566", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008303250653", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167933": { "reskey": 1167933, "company": "Pocketalk", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>**Pocketalk is the global leader in translation, connecting the world and facilitating conversation through the only translation solutions on the market that enable an authentic communication experience between business partners, coworkers and friends. Pocketalk, which is HIPAA and GDPR compliant, connects people of all backgrounds through fast, easy and accurate language translation. Originally developed, manufactured and distributed by Sourcenext, the largest distributor and creator of software, hardware, and IoT products in Japan, Pocketalk officially launched in the U.S. in 2018 with headquarters in Palo Alto, CA. Now operating as its own company, Pocketalk offers translation solutions through the handheld Pocketalk collection, the cloud-based Pocketalk App and the business-oriented Pocketalk Console. The two-way translation solutions can translate 82 languages and be utilized anywhere in the world with an internet or data connection. <\/p>\n<p>For more information or to purchase Pocketalk, visit**<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1297", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008295910614::285814008300104922::285814008303250653::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167574": { "reskey": 1167574, "company": "Power Technologies", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Power Technologies\u2122 empowers educators and students with innovative mobile device management solutions designed to minimize disruptions and maximize productivity. Our secure charging carts and cabinets help ensure that devices are always charged, secure, and ready for use, eliminating downtime caused by uncharged batteries. We understand the critical role technology plays in modern learning environments, and our solutions are specifically tailored to enhance efficiency, streamline device management, and foster a productive atmosphere. Our groundbreaking and cost-effective charging and storage solutions are trusted in diverse markets worldwide, making us the leader in mobile device management.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1840", "keywords": "multi device charging stations::charging carts::lockers::secure device management::charging::secure::classroom solutions", "tagids": "285814008304299230::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/powertechnologies", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/powertechnologiescompany\/", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "Company Website", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167935": { "reskey": 1167935, "company": "PowerGistics", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>PowerGistics builds vertical storage and charging stations for educators who want multiple laptops, Chromebooks, or tablets always charged and ready to use when they need them. Unlike cart manufacturers, our patented designed Towers solve the issues of tangled cords, take up less floor space, and allow teachers to see when devices have been returned and are charging with the open concept door. Our US-made Towers have a platform design that can be mobile, free-standing, or wall-mounted. When students manage the devices, we create over two weeks of classroom time per year.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "982", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "http:\/\/\/powergistics", "instagram_handle": "@powergistics", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/powergistics\/", "twitter_handle": "@powergistics", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167936": { "reskey": 1167936, "company": "PowerSchool Group LLC", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>PowerSchool (NYSE: PWSC) is the leading provider of cloud-based software for K-12 education in North America. Its mission is to empower educators, administrators, and families to ensure personalized education for every student journey. PowerSchool offers end-to-end product clouds that connect the central office to the classroom to the home with award-winning products including Schoology Learning and Naviance CCLR, so school districts can securely manage student data, enrollment, attendance, grades, instruction, assessments, human resources, talent, professional development, special education, data analytics and insights, communications, and college and career readiness. PowerSchool supports over 50 million students in more than 90 countries and over 16,000 customers, including more than 90 of the top 100 districts by student enrollment in the United States. Learn more at <a href=\"http:\/\/\/\"><\/a>.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1112", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285815475758099805::285814008295910614::285814008299056345::285814008300104922", "tags": "Sponsor", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/powerschool", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/mypowerschool\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/powerschool-group-llc\/mycompany\/verification\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/MyPowerSchool", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117585822'>Learning Objectives & Mastery Learning in Schoology\u200b<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117585814'>How to Modernize Your Classroom Using Schoology<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117279989'>Leveraging Large Language Models to Advance Assessment Paradigms - Introducing Bright Eva<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117579432'>Schoology and HTML Codes: How to Embed Almost Anything<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117580034'>Optimizing Feedback in Schoology: Leveraging Diverse Modes for Personalized Guidance<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117580064'>Learning is Served! Personalized Professional Learning Menus & Catering to Teacher's Needs- Schoology<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117585814'>How to Modernize Your Classroom Using Schoology<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117585822'>Learning Objectives & Mastery Learning in Schoology\u200b<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117585829'>New Schoology Administrators Top 5 \u201cWish we would have known\u201d<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117607329'>Schoology: Admin Awesomeness How SGY Admin can support teachers<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117607372'>Breakfast & Sneak Peak of the 2024 Education Focus Report Findings<\/p>" }, "1205642": { "reskey": 1205642, "company": "Pragmatic Works", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "1670", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/pragmaticworks", "instagram_handle": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/pragmaticworks", "twitter_handle": "@PragmaticWorks", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1205379": { "reskey": 1205379, "company": "Printed Solid", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Printed Solid is your one stop shop for 3D printing machines, materials, parts, service, support and training. We are also the exclusive reseller in the USA for Prusa printers, materials, parts and service center.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1933", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008305347807::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167939": { "reskey": 1167939, "company": "PrinterLogic", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>We help IT professionals eliminate all print servers and deliver a highly available Serverless Printing Infrastructure. With our centrally managed Direct IP printing platform, you\u2019ll empower end users with mobile printing, Chromebook printing, secure release printing, and many advanced features that legacy print management applications can\u2019t provide. PrinterLogic also eliminates Print Nightmare vulnerabilities and headache.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "532", "keywords": "printprinterprintersprinterlogicserverserversprint serverscloudscanscantocapturedigitizedigital documenteformformsstorageworkflowautomationautomated workflowdigital transformationhyperautomationmobile printsecurereleasebadge scanfollow me print", "tagids": "285814008300104922::285814008303250653::285814008309542113", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/printerlogic\/", "twitter_handle": "@PrinterLogic", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/printerlogic\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@PrinterLogic", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/education\/", "virtual profile url display": "PrinterLogic for Education", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167941": { "reskey": 1167941, "company": "Prodigy Education", "url": "\/main-en\/", "guide_text": "<p>Prodigy Education is a global leader in game-based learning. Our mission is to help every student in the world love learning, motivating millions worldwide via fun, secure and accessible standards-aligned gameplay experiences. At Prodigy Education, we believe maximizing student motivation helps develop a lifetime love of learning. Prodigy\u2019s approach to fun, game-based learning means kids no longer have to choose between homework and playtime. Visit to learn more.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "544", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/ProdigyGame\/", "instagram_handle": "@prodigygame", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/prodigyedu\/", "twitter_handle": "@ProdigyGame", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1184905": { "reskey": 1184905, "company": "Project Lead The Way (PLTW)", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Inspiring and Empowering PreK-12 Students and Teachers in Thousands of Schools Across the U.S.<\/p>\n<p>We believe all students \u2013 beginning at a young age \u2013 need access to real-world, applied learning experiences that empower them to gain the skills they need to thrive in college, career, and beyond.<\/p>\n<p>Through our programs, students develop in-demand, transportable skills \u2013 such as problem solving, critical and creative thinking, collaboration, and communication \u2013 that they will use both in school and for the rest of their lives, on any career path they take. As PLTW students progress through grades PreK-12, they are empowered to explore career paths.<\/p>\n<p>We believe teachers play an immeasurable role in empowering students every day. PLTW programs provide teachers with the support and resources they need to devote more time to inspiring students. Through PLTW professional development, teachers learn to facilitate, coach, and become comfortable in these roles as their students guide their own learning.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "984", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/pltworg\/", "virtual profile instagram": "pltworg", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/project-lead-the-way", "virtual profile twitter": "@PLTWorg", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203524'>Catalyzing a Change in Africa\u2019s Youths Perception About Farming<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167943": { "reskey": 1167943, "company": "Promethean Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Promethean has been a leader in the world of education technology for almost a quarter of a century. From our beginnings in Blackburn, England, to our global operations in 22 countries today, we\u2019ve continued to explore, innovate, and inspire\u2014designing learning and collaboration tools that are built for breakthroughs. Our award-winning interactive display, ActivPanel, and lesson delivery software, ActivInspire and ClassFlow, were designed to engage students, connect colleagues, and bring out the brilliance in everyone. Our complete edtech solution also includes superior professional development and comprehensive customer support.We've put together an exciting line-up of sessions, and best of all everyone who attends one of our sessions will get the chance to win a Promethean ActivPanel!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1212", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008305347807", "tags": "Meeting Room Renter::Sponsor", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117497393'>Engagement in a Ron Clark Academy Classroom<\/p>" }, "1174096": { "reskey": 1174096, "company": "Propello", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Propello is a teaching and learning platform that makes it easier for schools and districts to give every student a first-class learning experience. We combine engaging, standards-aligned curricula with built-in learner supports like leveled texts, read aloud, and translations to 100+ languages. Every student gets the individualized support they need\u2014and every teacher gets valuable time back in their day. With classroom-ready, high-quality instructional materials and accomodations at your fingertips\u2014plus insights and tools to easily customize lessons to meet the unique needs of every community, classroom, and student\u2014Propello helps every student and teacher reach new heights. Learn more at<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "459", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile instagram": "@PropelloLearn", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/propellolearn", "virtual profile twitter": "@PropelloLearn", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1206207": { "reskey": 1206207, "company": "", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Truly Personalized Learning. A platform that customizes learning for each student, adapting to their pace and style. It supports teachers with 24\/7 AI Assistants, content creation and automatic and instant feedback. It promotes interactive learning and builds communities.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1850", "keywords": "", "tagids": "307369150013500364", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117259050'>Instructional Approaches to Combat Misuse of AI Writing in 7-12 Classrooms<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1198032": { "reskey": 1198032, "company": "Proteus VR", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Proteus VR<\/strong>, based in Montreal, Quebec, is an innovative Canadian company specializing in the development of augmented reality educational solutions. Our ambition is to transform scientific learning by making practical experiments accessible to everyone, anywhere and at any time, thanks to virtual reality.<\/p>\n<p>With a multidisciplinary team of scientists, teachers, and developers, we are at the forefront of augmented reality research. We are collaborating closely with the University of Sherbrooke on the <strong>ProtUdeS<\/strong> project, demonstrating our ability to innovate and integrate authentic data into immersive learning experiences.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "568", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/proteusvr", "instagram_handle": "@proteusvr", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/proteus-vr", "twitter_handle": "@proteus_vr", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167947": { "reskey": 1167947, "company": "Qball", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Qball\u2122 - The throwable wireless microphone as seen on Shark Tank!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1409", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008262356179::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276475'>Leveraging Instruction for Multilingual English Language Learners with Quizizz<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270176'>Esports: Just do it!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117261707'>Oh The Places We Will Grow: Integrating Technology with School Gardens<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1186599": { "reskey": 1186599, "company": "Qubits Learning LLC", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Qubits\u00ae<\/strong> is redefining computer science education for the K-12 spectrum with our state-of-the-art, AI-driven learning platform. We specialize in creating customized, modular curricula that adapt to the needs of each educational institution, seamlessly integrating with major educational platforms. Our curriculum, constantly updated to reflect the latest in technology and pedagogy, ensures students receive the most current and comprehensive education. <\/p>\n<p>Our advanced platform features an AI assistant, automatic grading, adaptive assessments, a versatile lesson generator, and an AI debugger, all integrated with major coding platforms. This creates a unified, immersive learning experience for students, fostering both foundational and advanced computational skills. <\/p>\n<p>For educators, Qubits offers extensive resources, including lesson plans, video content, and sophisticated assessment tools, simplifying the teaching process and enhancing effectiveness. Our platform is designed to empower educators and students alike, making computer science education engaging, accessible, and adaptable to various learning environments. <\/p>\n<p>With Qubits, institutions can confidently equip their students for the digital future, ensuring they are well-prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities of the evolving technological landscape.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1267", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008317930726", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/QubitsCS\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/qubitscs", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/qubitscs", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167949": { "reskey": 1167949, "company": "Quizizz Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Quizizz is a teaching platform that lets you deliver instruction that\u2019s relevant for every student with a boost from AI. With Quizizz teachers can plan engaging yet rigorous assessments, lessons, or activities in a matter of minutes for any grade level or subject.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "948, 849", "keywords": "aiaccommodationsaccessibilitycontentlessonsquizzesassessmentsinteractive videopassagesreadingstudent engagement", "tagids": "285815475758099805::307369150013500364::285814008262356179::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/quizizz", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/quizizz", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/quizizz", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/quizizz", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/quizizz", "virtual profile instagram": "@quizizz", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/quizizz", "virtual profile twitter": "@quizizz", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "Quizizz", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211760'>Transforming Chilean Narrative into Interactive Photocomics through AI and Gamification<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276475'>Leveraging Instruction for Multilingual English Language Learners with Quizizz<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211377'>AI-Powered Classrooms: Bridging the Gap between Humans and Machines<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117274356'>AI & Edtech Power Hour: Turbocharged Tools for Every Subject and Grade<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117208474'>Global Collaboration Playground: Passport to Social Good<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1173535": { "reskey": 1173535, "company": "Radix", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Radix delivers cutting-edge device and classroom management solutions. Our mission is to consolidate all devices, related work processes and stakeholders in one easy-to-use management platform. Including app management, device configuration and settings management, remote support, monitoring & analysis (telemetry), OTA firmware management and much more! The all-in-one cloud-based management platform is OS and device-agnostic (considered Android first), enables users to increase administrative effectiveness, reduce operational complexity, save time and money, reduce customer churn and increase overall satisfaction. Radix TeacherView allows teachers the "over the shoulder" teaching experience they are used to in remote, hybrid or local setting, stay in touch with their students while keeping their digital safety at a high level, and provide them the best possible learning experience. Trusted by leading global device manufacturers and vendors our solutions are implemented in millions of devices worldwide, helping to increase performance and stability while minimizing downtime, serving a wide range of clients. We welcome all customers looking to manage their devices and facilitate the best possible classroom management experience.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1883", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008318979303::285814008299056345::285814008303250653::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/radixtechnologiesltd\/", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/radix-technologies-ltd.\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/radixtech", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/radixtechnologiesltd\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/radix-technologies-ltd.\/", "virtual profile twitter": "radixtech", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204590'>How Students Must Learn: 10 School Features in the AI Era<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167951": { "reskey": 1167951, "company": "Rapidmooc Inc", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Rapidmooc range of self-serve all-in-one video studios enables anyone to create professional quality videos and content in minutes. Easy to use for both students and staff who want to create amazing and engaging content (Hardware+app, no technical expertise required, no crew needed).<\/p>\n<p>> Rapidmooc can be deployed in classrooms, libraries or STEAM rooms and is the ideal solution to develop <strong>digital storytelling initiative<\/strong> (school movies, school broadcasts, students\u2019 assignments).<br \/>\n> Rapidmooc can be deployed at school events as <strong>photo\/video booth<\/strong> to take pictures or make videos that you can immediately share via QR codes with all participants.<br \/>\n> Rapidmooc has an <strong>integrated AI video assistant<\/strong> that make it the perfect companion for students (an teachers) to learn how to interact with and use AI in a safe way.<br \/>\n> Rapidmooc has also had an incredible impact on <strong>reading grade levels<\/strong> in schools where it has already been deployed with its <strong>integrated teleprompter and engaging activities<\/strong> allowing for lagging students to catch up with their literacy levels.<\/p>\n<p>Stop by <strong>booth # 1712<\/strong> and see why Rapidmooc is being adopted by many school districts such as San Bernardino City USD, Redlands USD, Perris ESD and many more.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1712", "keywords": "videoai labliteracydigitalstorytellingphotoboothmoviesbroadcast", "tagids": "285814008302202076::307369150013500364::285814008294862037::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/rapidmooc\/?viewAsMember=true", "virtual profile twitter": "@rapidmooc", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/references-en\/case-study-redlands-part-2\/", "virtual profile url display": "Rapidmooc and Redlands USD case study", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167952": { "reskey": 1167952, "company": "Read Naturally", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>For over 30 years, Read Naturally's reading interventions have helped millions of students go from struggling to successful. Our programs target phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Read Naturally is committed to applying the best reading research to provide solutions that help students become proficient readers quickly. Scientific research on how students learn to read is the backbone of the evidence-based Read Naturally Strategy and all of our programs. Start a free trial today and see the results!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2125", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008317930726", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/ReadNaturally\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/readnaturallyinc\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/read-naturally", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/readnaturally?lang=en", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1173630": { "reskey": 1173630, "company": "Read Theory", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>ReadTheory is a free, personalized reading program for grades K-12 & ELL. Today, 18 million students are improving their reading skills with ReadTheory. Like a personal tutor, ReadTheory assigns adaptive practice and engaging quizzes at each student's 'just right' level. Students receive real-time feedback and are empowered with their own reporting and insights. Teachers receive standards-based insights, data, and evidence, knowing exactly what to teach next.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Our theory is, when students receive a custom tailored curriculum, everyone achieves more. Come by booth 751 for a complimentary coffee and learn how to meet your school's reading goals this year.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "751", "keywords": "readtheoryread theory", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815475758099805::285814008299056345::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/ReadTheory\/", "instagram_handle": "@readtheorynation", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/readtheory\/", "twitter_handle": "@readtheory", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/ReadTheory\/", "virtual profile instagram": "ReadTheoryNation", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/readtheory\/", "virtual profile twitter": "ReadTheory", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209286'>Promoting English Literacy in the Face of Growing Language Barriers<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167957": { "reskey": 1167957, "company": "Respondus", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Respondus develops assessment tools that integrate with learning systems such as Canvas and Schoology. LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down computers during online tests. It prevents students from switching applications or searching the internet for answers (ChatGPT, Chegg, Google, etc.). StudyMate Campus allows teachers and students to create flash cards, self-assessments, and learning games \u2013 all from within the learning system.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2011", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815475758099805::285814008299056345::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/respondus", "twitter_handle": "@respondus", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/respondus", "virtual profile twitter": "@respondus", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167959": { "reskey": 1167959, "company": "Rhombus", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>The New Standard in Physical Security. Trusted by school districts, cities, and Fortune 500 companies -- Rhombus is a cloud-based physical security platform designed to unify and streamline operations. Comprised of intelligent security cameras, connected IoT sensors, third-party integrations, and an intuitive web-based VMS -- Rhombus eliminates complexity from security management to help organizations see, understand, and respond to critical events in real-time. Learn more at<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2223", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/rhombus", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/rhombus_hq", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/rhombus-systems\/", "twitter_handle": "@https.\/\/\/rhombussystems", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1197967": { "reskey": 1197967, "company": "Rise Gardens", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>At Rise Gardens, we\u2019re planting the seeds of sustainability and healthy eating in young hearts and minds. Our mission is a vibrant blend of education and growth, where kids delight in watching their meals sprout in our eco-friendly indoor hydroponic gardens. We\u2019re passionate about empowering the next generation with the joys of nutritious, homegrown food while nurturing a love for our planet. It\u2019s more than gardening; it\u2019s a year-round journey of sustainable living and wholesome eating, inspiring little ones to become guardians of their health and the Earth.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "330", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285815986796293474::285814008299056345::285814008304299230::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270176'>Esports: Just do it!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117261707'>Oh The Places We Will Grow: Integrating Technology with School Gardens<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167960": { "reskey": 1167960, "company": "Rise Vision", "url": "", "guide_text": "1 Rated Digital Signage Software Solution for K-12 Schools! Managing your communications should be easy and fast. Rise Vision is cloud-based digital signage software that helps you save time, money, and paper, so you can be the hero that your people need.", "boothnumbers": "1372", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167961": { "reskey": 1167961, "company": "Riverside Technologies, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Riverside Technologies, Inc. (RTI) is an IT service provider specializing in managed services, IT hardware, warehouse services, and technology deployment. We understand your challenges, develop creative solutions, and provide unmatched responsiveness. Nationwide, we service corporate clients, educational institutions, and state and local governments. RTI is your complete IT source.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "682", "keywords": "it::technology solutions::it services::white glove services::managed services::it hardware::data center solutions::chromebooks::backpacks::managed print::virtual reality", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008296959191::285814008303250653::285814008327367914", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/riversidetechnologiesinc", "virtual profile instagram": "@RTIinc", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/riverside-technologies\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@RiversideTech", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167962": { "reskey": 1167962, "company": "Robolink", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Robolink is a leading provider of robotics and emerging educational technology solutions that empower all students with real-world learning experiences. Robolink\u2019s CoDrone EDU is a classroom-optimized drone that students program with Blockly and Python\u2013building engagement, retention, and future-readiness from the first flight to the final mission.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2130", "keywords": "drone::stem::steam::curriculum::instructional technology::computer science", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276830'>Skybound STEM\/STEAM: Elevating Education with Drones<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203524'>Catalyzing a Change in Africa\u2019s Youths Perception About Farming<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117199832'>Drones & UDL: Increasing STEM Career Thinking for Middle School Girls<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203845'>Bringing Drones and Coding to the PK-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167964": { "reskey": 1167964, "company": "Robotical", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Robotical design and manufacture Marty the Robot\u2122 - a walking, dancing, soccer-playing robot that\u2019s full of character and helps introduce learners aged 4+ to the world of coding and robotics in a fun, engaging and imaginative way. From unplugged to block coding, and right through to advanced programming on Python, Marty is a flexible learning tool that grows with students. As the most affordable humanoid robot used in education today, Marty\u2019s design and functionality appeals to all kids and can be used from Pre-K and kindergarten all the way through to middle school and beyond. The physical product is supported with extensive teaching resources that align to various national and regional standards (including ISTE), require minimal preparation and helps build confidence for teachers who may be new to teaching coding and STEM. These resources also enable Marty to be integrated with other areas of the curriculum, such as ELA, math and social emotional learning. All of this makes Marty an exceptional \u2018out-of-the-box\u2019 STEM learning solution!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1295", "keywords": "roboticscodingintro codingadvanced codingphysical computingrobotscoding robotsblock codingscratchscratchjrpythonlearning codingteaching codingk5 codingk5 cscomputer science", "tagids": "", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/robotical", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/roboticalltd\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/robotical", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/RoboticalLtd", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/robotical", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/roboticalltd\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/robotical", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/RoboticalLtd", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276298'>It's never too early to teach robotics<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117361748'>RoboPlay: A Hands-On Exploration of STEM, Computer Science, and Robotics<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204482'>Bring STEM to Every Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117206353'>Come Play With BIG Ideas for Little Learners Ages 3-8 Years!<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167969": { "reskey": 1167969, "company": "Rosen Classroom", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Rosen Classroom provides grades PreK\u201312 with resources that support academic and independent reading through digital and print programs. Our high-interest, leveled standards-based content supports foundational literacy, writing, word study, and personalized learning through various platforms and programs, including LevelUp Reader, a 2022 SIIA CODiE finalist in two categories. More digital solutions include the award-winning Teen Health & Wellness platform that provides middle and high school students with up-to-date, nonjudgmental, straightforward, curricular, and self-help support and the PowerKnowledge Science program that empowers students to \u201cThink and Play Like Scientists.\u201d<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "862", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/RosenPublishing\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/rosen.publishing\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/rosen-publishing", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/RosenPublishing?ref_src=twsrc%", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/RosenClassroom\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@ rosenclassroom", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/rosen-classroom\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@rosenclassroom", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167972": { "reskey": 1167972, "company": "Samsung Electronics", "url": "\/us\/business\/solutions\/industries\/education\/", "guide_text": "<p>As a global technology leader, Samsung Electronics provides a diverse portfolio of enterprise technologies including Smart Signage, Interactive Displays, Mobility, Hybrid Learning Solutions, LED Screens, Outdoor LED Monument Signs ,Video Walls, and Monitors. Samsung puts the customer at the core of everything we do by delivering comprehensive products, solutions and services. Discover our latest educational solutions that combine Samsung technology, easy-to-use device management tools and our partner ecosystem to deliver powerful digital learning experiences, inside and outside the classroom.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1632", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203524'>Catalyzing a Change in Africa\u2019s Youths Perception About Farming<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117208986'>Make 3D Quilt Codes<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276511'>BIPOC Educators: Bridging Gaps, Building Futures in Education<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117275438'>Digital Citizenship IS Preparation for Generative Artificial Intelligence<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117268534'>Amplifying Diverse Voices in Education Through Publishing, Products, Podcasts & Promotion<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117268256'>AI in Education: Inspiring, Equitable, and Empowering Futures<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117271171'>Unlocking Creativity: AI-Powered Visual Storytelling and Creativity for Educators<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209602'>5 Key Strategies for Cultivating Global Collaboration Through Project-Based Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117272712'>From Screens to Social Skills: How Technology Enhances DEI and SEL<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211742'>From Solos to Synergy: Harnessing the Potential of Your PLF<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167974": { "reskey": 1167974, "company": "Savvas Learning Company", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>At Savvas, we believe learning should inspire. By combining new ideas, new ways of thinking, and new ways of interacting, we design next-generation learning solutions that help prepare students to become global citizens in an interconnected, digital world. We take pride in offering the highest-quality PreK-12 core curricula, supplemental content, and intervention programs used by educators and students in more than 10,000 school districts. Our award-winning programs, developed by leading authors and educators and supported by best-in-class professional services, leverage adaptive learning practices and advanced technology to deliver immersive, personalized, and flexible content across all grade levels and disciplines. Our digital solutions are powered by Savvas Realize, the publishing industry\u2019s most versatile learning management system (LMS) that provides educators with the most advanced features, content, and resources on one easy-to-use platform. With its proven scalability, flexibility, and seamless integrations with the digital tools schools use most, Savvas Realize is a game-changing platform that enables students to learn anytime, anywhere. To learn more, visit \\[Savvas Learning Company\\](https:\/\/\/index.cfm?locator=PS3d1m).<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1290", "keywords": "assessmentscreenercurriculumk12digitalblendedonlinetextbookspublisherpersonalized learningindividualized learningblended classroomonline learningauthorsresearchscience of readingscience of writingwhoos readingbraining campsavvassavvas learning companypearsoncteapmathsciencehumanitiesstemsteamliteracyelaelementarysecondarymiddle schoolhigh schoolelementary schoollearning", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285815475758099805::285814008299056345::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/SavvasLearning", "instagram_handle": "@SavvasLearning", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/savvaslearning", "twitter_handle": "@SavvasLearning", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/SavvasLearning", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/SavvasLearning\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/savvaslearning\/mycompany\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/SavvasLearning", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1184504": { "reskey": 1184504, "company": "Schneider Electric", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Schneider\u2019s purpose is to <strong>empower all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability<\/strong> for all. We call this <strong>Life Is On<\/strong>.<\/p>\n<p>Our mission is to be your <strong>digital partner for Sustainability and Efficiency<\/strong>.<\/p>\n<p>We drive digital transformation by integrating world-leading process and energy technologies, end-point to cloud connecting products, controls, software and services, across the entire lifecycle, enabling integrated company management, for homes, buildings, data centers, infrastructure, and industries.<\/p>\n<p>We are the <strong>most local of global companies<\/strong>. We are advocates of open standards and partnership ecosystems that are passionate about our shared <strong>Meaningful Purpose, Inclusive and Empowered<\/strong> values.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "458", "keywords": "apcupsmicro data centerdcim", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285814008303250653", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/SchneiderElectricUS\/", "instagram_handle": "@schneiderelectric", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/schneider-electric", "twitter_handle": "@SchneiderNA", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/SchneiderElectricUS\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/schneiderelectric", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/schneider-electric", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/SchneiderNA", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/us\/en\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1187078": { "reskey": 1187078, "company": "School Device Coverage", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Keeping devices in good working order can be a challenge. School Device Coverage insures your devices against accidental damage, loss, and theft. We have local and mail-in repair solutions ready to serve you. Contact an agent now and learn more about our District, Parent, and Hybrid coverage options.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1863", "keywords": "11 school device coverage", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203524'>Catalyzing a Change in Africa\u2019s Youths Perception About Farming<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1194046": { "reskey": 1194046, "company": "SchoolAI", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>We're reimagining how learning happens when every student has their own classroom-connected AI mentor from kindergarten to career. <\/p>\n<p>Today that means we're building GPT-powered activities that make it easy for teachers to bring safe, managed AI experiences into the classroom. <\/p>\n<p>Learning about the Civil War? Let every student interview Abraham Lincoln about the Gettysburg Address. Want to know how every student is doing? Run a quick Pulse Check and find out in seconds. Writing essays? Give every student their own writing coach. Every teacher gets a live dashboard of how their students are doing and feeling so they can orchestrate a classroom and school experience that works for every student. <\/p>\n<p>SchoolAI is integrated with the curriculum & tools teachers and schools are already using, and brings school goals, teaching style, and parents' aspirations for their kids to truly personalize every student interaction \u2013 all in service of better learning for every kid.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "528", "keywords": "ai::studentfacing ai::student engagement::ai for teachers::ai for students::teacher tools::mll::iep::teacher aide::teacher assistant::assistants::tools::ai magic::power of ai::magic of ai", "tagids": "285814008302202076::307369150013500364::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/groups\/1071569380753181", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/getschoolai\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/getschoolai\/", "twitter_handle": "@GetSchoolAI", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/groups\/1071569380753181", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/getschoolai\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/getschoolai\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/GetSchoolAI", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204693'>The Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs of a First-Year EdTech Coach<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211377'>AI-Powered Classrooms: Bridging the Gap between Humans and Machines<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117207738'>AI in Education: 10 Things to Try and 10 to Avoid<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117397033'>How Chatbots Enhance Student Learning in a Virtual Environment<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264533'>Scientists and mathematicians who changed the world: A story in Miro App<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117386508'>Modeling the Teaching of Artificial Intelligence to Early Childhood and Elementary Students<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117543098'>Engaging Students With Video Creation<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269230'>A.I. Playbook for Educators: Your Top 10 Toolkit<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167979": { "reskey": 1167979, "company": " div of Connections Unlimited, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>SchoolPHONES<strong>\u00ae<\/strong> "Factory direct" since 1997, high quality headphones & headsets designed in collaboration with classroom educators for pre-school through secondary students. PLUS>>> ChatterVOX<strong>\u00ae<\/strong> personal voice amplifiers, ChatROOM<strong>\u2122<\/strong> collaboration systems, ChatPACK<strong>\u2122<\/strong> totable soundfield & AudioLINK<strong>\u2122<\/strong> assistive listening devices.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "870", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008262356179::285814008294862037::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "SchoolPHONES", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117200349'>Arts and Technology STEAM Playground: Creativity and Engagement for All Learners<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167983": { "reskey": 1167983, "company": "ScreenPal", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Video simplifies communication. We simplify how videos get created. ScreenPal takes visual collaboration to the next level with its easy-to-use screen capture, storyboarding, video editing, interactive quizzing, and hosting platform. Through videos, ScreenPal empowers educators to capture ideas, demonstrate abstract concepts, engage students, and drive video conversations. ScreenPal enables educators, schools, and universities to safely create videos for learning, including flipped\/blended scenarios, lecture capture, feedback and mentorship, student assignments, quick communication, and professional development. Videos and screenshots can easily be incorporated into existing workflows. ScreenPal also integrates with popular LMS platforms, including Blackboard, Google Classroom, Schoology, Moodle, D2L Brightspace, and Canvas. With more than 11 million users around the world, there's no doubt why more educators are choosing ScreenPal for their content creation and hosting needs.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "945", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "http:\/\/\/screenpal", "instagram_handle": "@screenpal", "linkedin_handle": "http:\/\/\/company\/screenpal", "twitter_handle": "@screenpalapp", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117277031'>World Languages Teachers, Are You Curious About Podcasting in Your Classes?<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276170'>World Languages Teachers, Cultivate Student Agency by Personalizing Learning Using Interactive Technology!<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199317": { "reskey": 1199317, "company": "Second Avenue Learning", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Second Avenue Learning is an award-winning developer, bringing together best practices in learning design and technology development. Our team has developed hundreds of industry-leading simulations and solutions in diverse areas of education. Founded in 2006 by educators and designers, Second Avenue provides custom development and managed services to K-12, higher education, and corporate clients. The Second Avenue team builds custom LMS platforms, content authoring platforms, and software, as well as award-winning content, courses, simulations, interactives, animations, and illustrations that are learner-centered and backed by research. Our name, Second Avenue Learning, is a metaphor for providing an alternative path to learning. Second Avenue believes that thoughtful technology interventions are a critical enabler to impactful teaching and learning. We integrate creativity and innovation with disciplined testing and quality assurance process to ensure the products we develop provide unique value.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1898", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "twitter_handle": "@2ndAveLearning", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199266": { "reskey": 1199266, "company": "Second Life Mac", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Second Life Mac<\/p>\n<p>Second Life Mac is the unrivaled authority in Apple device<\/p>\n<p>buyback, offering unparalleled expertise honed over 80<\/p>\n<p>years of combined Apple knowledge within our team. Our<\/p>\n<p>commitment to providing competitive pricing, supported by<\/p>\n<p>a dedicated on-site team, ensures a worry-free process for<\/p>\n<p>our buyback partners. We pride ourselves on transforming<\/p>\n<p>the complex into the effortless, partnering with organizations<\/p>\n<p>to optimize their Apple device buyback experience.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Upgrade Today, Unleash Tomorrow.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "689", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008305347807::285814008294862037", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/secondlifemac\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/secondlifemac\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/second-life-mac\/m", "twitter_handle": "@Second Life Mac", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1173553": { "reskey": 1173553, "company": "Secure Schools", "url": "\/en-us", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Helping schools solve cybersecurity problems fast<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1230", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285814008318979303::285814008300104922::285814008303250653", "tags": "Sponsor", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "@secure schools", "virtual profile linkedin": "@secureschools", "virtual profile twitter": "@secureschoolsuk", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/?utm_source=event&utm_medium=iste2024&utm_campaign=profile", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117497389'>When Schools Get Cybersecurity Specialists: A Game-Changer for K-12<\/p>" }, "1187002": { "reskey": 1187002, "company": "SecureW2", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>.flipX video::-webkit-media-text-track-display { transform: matrix(-1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) !important; } .flipXY video::-webkit-media-text-track-display { transform: matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0) !important; } .flipXYX video::-webkit-media-text-track-display { transform: matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0) !important; } @keyframes blinkWarning { 0% { color: red; } 100% { color: white; } } @-webkit-keyframes blinkWarning { 0% { color: red; } 100% { color: white; } } .blinkWarning { -webkit-animation: blinkWarning 1s linear infinite; -moz-animation: blinkWarning 1s linear infinite; animation: blinkWarning 1s linear infinite; } SecureW2 is a cybersecurity SaaS company focused on making certificate-based passwordless security attainable for organizations of every size and stripe. Founded by Tom Rixom and Bert Kashyap with the principle that credential compromise should never impact an organization's network security, they set out in 2014 to build a next-generation passwordless security platform with the user in mind. The 100% cloud-based and turnkey deployable passwordless technology has helped hundreds of organizations safeguard their networks, apps and devices. SecureW2 services its global customers from its headquarters in Amsterdam Netherlands with regional hubs in Seattle, Washington and Chennai, India.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "551", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008295910614::285814008327367914", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167986": { "reskey": 1167986, "company": "Securly, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Securly\u2019s mission is to keep K-12 students safe, secure and ready to learn. We empower school leaders with real-time information, and the response tools required to save student\u2019s lives.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p>**We are a team of parents, former educators, and technologists who wake up everyday committed to helping K-12 schools keep their students safe, secure, and ready to learn. <\/p>\n<p>You can rely on us to help you:**<\/p>\n<p><strong>\ufeff\ufeffProtect your students from harm online and on campus<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\ufeff\ufeffIdentify suicide, bullying, and violence risks and intervene quickly<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>\ufeff\ufeffHelp your students prepare for and engage in learning<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>Securly provides a broad range of K-12 safety and wellness software solutions. The company is deployed across more than 20,000 schools, supporting more than 20 million students.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>Securly Student Wellness Solution monitors students' digital footprint and online interactions, then marries that digital information with student voice and teacher observations, to identify which students need help today, right now.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>Working with our district partners, Securly has documented more than 2000 students' lives saved by alerting school leaders on indicators of self-harm and enabling parents and school resources to intervene and avoid tragedy.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "743", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008318979303::285814008311639266::285814008327367914", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265703'>How AI Helps Districts Keep Students Safe, Secure, and Ready to Learn<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167987": { "reskey": 1167987, "company": "Seesaw Learning", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Seesaw is trusted and loved by 25 million educators, students, and families worldwide and is the only elementary Learning Experience Platform that offers a suite of award-winning tools, resources, and curriculum for teachers to deliver joyful, inclusive instruction. Through interactive lessons, digital portfolios, and two-way communication features, Seesaw keeps everyone in the learning loop by providing continuous visibility into the student's learning experience to support and celebrate their learning.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1490", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815475758099805::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/seesawlearning\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/seesawlearning\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/seesaw-learning\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/seesaw", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/seesawlearning\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/seesawlearning\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/seesaw-learning\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/seesaw", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203540'>Project-Based Learning and Makerspaces Across the Curriculum<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117202531'>Integrating Educational Technology in Primary Classrooms: Purpose and Pedagogy<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201311'>The Power of Visualization: Building a Strong School Data Culture<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117277031'>World Languages Teachers, Are You Curious About Podcasting in Your Classes?<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276170'>World Languages Teachers, Cultivate Student Agency by Personalizing Learning Using Interactive Technology!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201350'>So Much Tech...So Little Time<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117279236'>EdTech For Little - Tech Integration to Support Standards and Research Based Instruction<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270176'>Esports: Just do it!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209106'>Staying rELevant with assistive technology<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265547'>Instructional Design Playground: Teach Boldly in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209260'>The 'Chopped' Playground \u2014 Edtech Kitchen<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117261707'>Oh The Places We Will Grow: Integrating Technology with School Gardens<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199855": { "reskey": 1199855, "company": "Shape Robotics", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "456", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008305347807::285814008294862037::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/shaperobotics", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/shape-robotics\/my", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199814": { "reskey": 1199814, "company": "Sharp Electronics Corporation", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Today\u2019s tech-savvy students and teachers thrive in collaborative environments. To encourage student engagement, classrooms need technology that can keep up and help boost productivity. <\/p>\n<p>Sharp offers a wide array of award-winning printers and copiers, commercial and interactive displays, laptops and more. <\/p>\n<p>K-12 and higher ed schools require document management and controls. By placing a monetary value on printing and switching output away from desktop printers to more efficient multifunctional devices, schools can reduce print output, cut printing costs and improve sustainability. <\/p>\n<p>Sharp can also help promote communication and encourage learning from anywhere with our collaboration and digital displays. <\/p>\n<p>Additionally, laptops are vital to collaboration with classmates and teachers, inside and outside of the classroom. Feature-rich Dynabook laptops ensure that all students and staff excel\u2014making success a part of every day.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1498", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008303250653::285814008305347807::285814008309542113", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/SharpBusiness", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/sharpbusiness\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/sharpbusiness\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/SharpBusinessUS", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/SharpBusiness\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/sharp-business", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/Sharp_Business", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1185006": { "reskey": 1185006, "company": "Shenzhen Eloam Technology Co., Ltd", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Found in 2005, Shenzhen Eloam Technology CO., Ltd is a professional portable camera scanner solution provider and manufacturer, mainly provide O D M & O E M service for the clients all over the world. Our camera scanner can provide professional images and documents processing solutions for schools, banks, office and so on. Eloam affiliates to Lianchuang Technology Group, which bringing together more than 30 years of experience, including rich resources and advanced technology.<br \/>\nOver 18 years of research and development, we possess intellectual property, independent workshop, professional technicians and strict quality control.Eloam aims at achieving paperless working and diversified teaching. We provide superior best solutions and valuable products at the best price to our customers.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "349", "keywords": "camera scannerdocument cameravisualizerdocument scannerbook scanner", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008296959191::285814008305347807::285814008309542113", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196513": { "reskey": 1196513, "company": "Shenzhen Huikeyuan Co., Ltd.", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "1684", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008309542113::285814008311639266::285814008312687843", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1186728": { "reskey": 1186728, "company": "Shenzhen Jimuyida Technology Co., Limited", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>3DMakerpro is specializes in 3D scanning devices, aiming to bringing our users professional and consumer-friendly 3D scanners so that everyone can create their own 3D world.<br \/>\n3DMakerpro is an overseas brand of Shenzhen Jimuyida Technology Co., Ltd., officially founded in 2015, which is also a renowned 3D service provider. In our team, there are more than 100 R&D members, and has independently developed industry-leading software algorithms, such as the multi-spectral projection system, the visual tracking and no-marking registration algorithm, and the automatic model processing algorithm.<br \/>\nAttaching great importance to R&D investment, 3DMakerpro has spent over 30 million dollars in research and development up till now. Our products have been granted patents more than 60 times and awarded software copyright patents over 30 times. Furthermore, our software R&D system has been certified as CMMI level 3, while the quality system has been certified by ISO9001.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "991", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167991": { "reskey": 1167991, "company": "Shenzhen Kitten Technology Co., Ltd", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Open-sourced robotics learning platform, share the Scratch, Arduino, micro:bit and Robotics projects.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "425", "keywords": "kittenbotmicrobitscratchmakecodemakeode arcademeowbitjacdac", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/kittenbotcc", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/company\/kittenbot", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/kittenbot", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/KittenBot1", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/pages\/about-us", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196745": { "reskey": 1196745, "company": "Shenzhen LVSUN Electronics Technology Co., LTD.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Founded in 2003, LVSUN Group as a market leader in the innovation power industry, offers a wide range of products, including multifunctional USB chargers,PD3.1 charger, universal AC adapters, lithium cells, lithium batteries, raw materials for communication, and more. The company places a strong emphasis on product depth cultivation, R&D independence, and innovation in technology. With many assembly manufacturing bases and investments in advanced technology and facilities, LVSUN Group has achieved ISO 9001, Sedex certifications and formed a total quality management system. <\/p>\n<p>LVSUN has also been awarded over 300 patents for the feasibility, functionality, and features of its products. LVSUN has partnerships with leading brands such as FUJITSU, ACCO, SHARP and CASIO, and has received several awards for its products, including the High-Tech Enterprise of Nation and the Independent Innovation Demonstration Enterprise of Guangdong Province etc. With a strong culture of ethical values, the shared vision of LVSUN Group is to be a leader in the field of innovation and power.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "741", "keywords": "lvsunusbc pd charging dockmulti usb charging stationcharging cartcharging cabineteducation technologyindustrial power supplyusbc charging stationvr chargerchromebook charging stationipad charging stationpd chargercharging trolley", "tagids": "285814008300104922::285814008303250653::285814008305347807::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/marina.yu.52", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/in\/marina-chargersolution\/recent-activity\/all\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1186470": { "reskey": 1186470, "company": "Shenzhen Zoweetek Electronics Limited", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Shenzhen Zoweetek Electronics Limited, founded in 2011, is an enterprise integrating product development, production and sales in industry and trade. The company mainly specializes in wired and wireless voice amplifier, Bluetooth audio receiver and transmitter, DAC Decoder, etc, which are suitable for education, tourism, office, home and so on. All products have CE, FCC and RoHS certificates and design patents, and we provide OEM and ODM services. At the same time, products are exported to countries all over the world, such as Europe, North America, South Korea, Japan, Australia, India, Brazil and so on.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "347", "keywords": "zoweetekzoweetek voice amplifiervoice amplifiervoice amplifier for teachersvoice amplifier wireless microphoneportable voice amplifierwireless voice amplifiervoice amplifier wirelessvoice amplifier for elderlypersonal voice amplifiermini voice amplifier", "tagids": "285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167992": { "reskey": 1167992, "company": "SHI International Corp.", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Think of SHI Public Sector as your personal technology counselor. We connect your team with the IT solutions and services you need to inspire lifelong learners, collaborate effortlessly, and secure your network.<\/p>\n<p>We know schools have tight budget constraints. That\u2019s why we offer comprehensive support to help you identify and secure federal funding \u2013 including grants and E-Rate \u2013 to extend your resources and improve educational outcomes sooner.<\/p>\n<p>Whether you\u2019re designing collaborative modern learning environments, investing in professional development for educators, crafting innovative STEAM initiatives, or building an esports program, our team of 175+ education experts is ready to solve what\u2019s next for you and your students.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1814", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/SHIInternational\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/shi_intl\/?hl=en", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/showcase\/shi-public-secto", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/SHI_Intl?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogl", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167994": { "reskey": 1167994, "company": "Sibme", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Cancelled", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1185527": { "reskey": 1185527, "company": "Simple Solutions Learning", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Founded by teachers for teachers, <em>Simple Solutions<\/em> is a supplemental K-8 program that consists of daily, 15-minute lessons to promote the long-term retention of learned standards and concepts throughout the school year. These lessons incorporate the research-based practices of retrieval, interleaving, and spiraling to increase student test scores and build confidence in test-taking. Weekly assessments provide teachers with standards-based data reporting, allowing them to effectively utilize data-driven instruction and target learning gaps in their classrooms. Simple Solutions is virtually no-prep and is available in all core subjects, including Math, Reading\/Writing, English Grammar, Science (including NextGen), Social Studies, Phonics, and Study Skills.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1399", "keywords": "supplementarycurriculummathsciencereadingwritingsocial studiesstudy skillsonlinedigitaldatadata analysisassessmentspiralreviewpracticeworkbookstandardsbasedtest prepalgebraphonicsk8prekelementarymiddlejunior high", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815475758099805::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/SimpleSolutionsinEducation", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/simple_solutions_in_educ", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/simple-solutions-in-education", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/MinutesADay", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/SimpleSolutionsinEducation\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/simple_solutions_in_education\/?hl=en", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/MinutesADay", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167996": { "reskey": 1167996, "company": "SketchUp", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>SketchUp for Schools is a free, browser-based 3D modeling tool for Primary and Secondary schools signed up with G Suite for Education or Microsoft Education. Whether you're teaching a dedicated technology course, language arts, geography or math, SketchUp for Schools can bring your curriculum to life!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "630", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/sketchup\/", "instagram_handle": "@sketchup_official", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/sketchup\/", "twitter_handle": "@SketchUp", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167997": { "reskey": 1167997, "company": "Skill Struck", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Skill Struck is committed to providing a comprehensively engaging yet rigorous computer science solution for grades K-12. Our grade specific platforms significantly lighten the lift for teachers. In addition, the content is available in both English and Spanish and developed with a concerted effort to offer representation and inclusion for all students. Our newly introduced Chat For Schools turns AI into the ultimate teaching assistant by providing a safe and secure way for classrooms to incorporate ChatGPT, while also allowing for personalized and differentiated student learning.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "712", "keywords": "computer scienceaieducation technologyedtechcodingtech educationai in educationai in the classroom", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/skillstruck", "instagram_handle": "@SkillStruck", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/skill-struck\/", "twitter_handle": "@SkillStruck", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/skillstruck", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/skill_struck\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/skill-struck\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/SkillStruck", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1173539": { "reskey": 1173539, "company": "Slidesgo by Freepik", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Slidesgo provides over 22K themed templates with exclusive and customizable designs to help you create great presentations, faster. Ready to be downloaded in popular formats, many of them are fully editable with our online editor\u2014no tech skills needed! <\/p>\n<p><strong>AI-powered presentations<\/strong><br \/>\nCreate presentations from scratch in minutes, find inspiration to break the ice, and finish with a cherry on the top with our AI tools\u2014available on our website. <\/p>\n<p><strong>Create, teach, learn<\/strong><br \/>\nSlidesgo makes creating amazing presentations a breeze\u2014just edit and share directly with your students via Google Classroom. And if you\u2019re looking to boost your presentation skills, join Slidesgo Academy. Become a student to be a top-notch teacher. <\/p>\n<p><strong>Ready-to-use lessons<\/strong><br \/>\nWith your Premium account, Slidesclass offers downloadable lessons and materials made for and by educators. Available in 6 languages and designed for accessibility, these lessons ensure every student can join the learning journey.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "963", "keywords": "presentationsaitemplatesgoogle slidespowerpoint", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "slidesgo", "virtual profile instagram": "slidesgo", "virtual profile linkedin": "slidesgo", "virtual profile twitter": "slidesgo", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117267073'>Empowering Educators: AI Tools for Lesson Creation<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117207941'>Leveraging AI to Create a Universally Designed Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117267728'>Artificial Intelligence in Education: Enhancing Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes FULL<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117357070'>Regional Library\/Media Showcase<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168002": { "reskey": 1168002, "company": "SMART", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>SMART Technologies is a leading provider of technology solutions that inspire greatness in classrooms and workplaces across the world. The right technology, used in the right way, inspires all of us to discover, develop, and share our unique greatness. SMART delivers an integrated solution of software, hardware, training, and services that are designed for superior performance and ease of use. After 30 years in the market, SMART remains a world leader in interactive displays.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1132", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285815475758099805::285814008262356179::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Roderick Akrigg", "virtual profile facebook": "\/SMARTTechnologies\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/smarttech_social\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/166007", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/SMART_Tech", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117271462'>The Wisdom of Wild Horses: How to Build Connections in the Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117202531'>Integrating Educational Technology in Primary Classrooms: Purpose and Pedagogy<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264294'>Tech Tools Sprint for Inclusive Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203344'>UDL in Action in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117279989'>Leveraging Large Language Models to Advance Assessment Paradigms - Introducing Bright Eva<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168003": { "reskey": 1168003, "company": "Smart Tech Insurance", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Smart Tech Insurance is the leader providing coverage and repair solutions to the education community since 2009.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2100", "keywords": "warrantycoverageinsurance", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168004": { "reskey": 1168004, "company": "SmartPass", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>SmartPass is a digital hall pass solution with a focus on school safety. It provides administrators the whereabouts of which students are outside the classroom at any point. In case of emergencies such as fires, severe weather, or building intruders, administrators have real-time access to this critical information. Beyond the uses for emergency situations, the transition from paper to digital makes identifying drug use in bathrooms or students who may be taking advantage of hallway privileges easier than ever. This leads to more effective and informative parent-teacher\u200b conferences, as well as **ensuring students are where they should be\u2014in the classroom learning.**<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "762", "keywords": "digital hall passhall passflex timeid cardsattendanceprevent meetupsinstant emergency lockdowntardy and early dismissals", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285814008295910614", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/smartpass", "instagram_handle": "@getsmartpass", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/smartpassco\/", "twitter_handle": "@getsmartpass", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/smartpass", "virtual profile instagram": "@getsmartpass", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/smartpass-app\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@GetSmartPass", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168005": { "reskey": 1168005, "company": "Smith System", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>We believe (with a heck of a lot of passion) that every student and teacher deserves the best possible space to inspire learning. And that\u2019s what led us to what we are today: A company designed to deliver on the needs of education better than anyone else in the industry. What teachers do day in, day out, flat-out humbles us. And we believe the right tools have a seriously positive impact on them. For us, those tools are seats, desks, commons areas, storage units, and anything else that inspires better learning. Flexibility, versatility, comfort, style. It all matters. Because at the end of the day, it supports one cause. To enable the genius inside every student. \\*\\*And because of that, we don\u2019t make educational furniture as part of what we do.\\*\\* \\*\\*It\u2019s the only thing we do.\\*\\*<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1909", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008304299230", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/smithsystem\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/smithsystem\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/smith-system_2\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1186891": { "reskey": 1186891, "company": "Softdocs", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Softdocs is a leading provider of process automation and document management solutions for the public sector. Our suite of products enable organizations to modernize operations and drive organizational success. Cloud-first, browser agnostic, and SOC 2 Type I and II compliant, Softdocs is a trusted partner of nearly 1,000 organizations.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1583", "keywords": "process automationdocument managementoperationsorganizational successcloudsoc 2 type isoc 2 type ii", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285814008318979303::285814008300104922::285814008303250653", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "http:\/\/\/softdocs", "instagram_handle": "@softdocs", "linkedin_handle": "http:\/\/\/softdocs", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/softdocs", "virtual profile instagram": "@softdocs", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/softdocs", "virtual profile twitter": "@softdocs", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/k-12", "virtual profile url display": "Softdocs", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178110": { "reskey": 1178110, "company": "Solution Tree", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Since 1998, Solution Tree has worked to empower educators. We share your vision to "transform education to ensure learning for all:, and we can help you make this vision a reality. No other professional learning company provides our unique blend of research-based, results-driven services that improve learning outcomes for students.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "6500", "keywords": "education technologyprofessional developmentpublisheredtechpdplc at worksolution treemarzano resourcesresults coaching global", "tagids": "285814008315833573::285814008317930726", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/SolutionTree", "instagram_handle": "@solutiontree", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/solutiontree", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/SolutionTree", "virtual profile instagram": "@SolutionTree", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/solutiontree", "virtual profile twitter": "@SolutionTree", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168009": { "reskey": 1168009, "company": "Sora", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>The <a href=\"https:\/\/\/k-12-schools\/discover-sora\/\">Sora<\/a> student reading platform is designed to ignite a love of reading. Named one of <em>TIME<\/em>'s Best Inventions, Sora provides every student digital access to the right books, including required curriculum titles, class sets and choice reading. Sora serves 62,000 schools worldwide with the industry\u2019s largest catalog of ebooks, audiobooks and digital magazines and provides 24\/7 access to powerful learning tools to meet the needs of students and educators. Sora\u2019s sister company, <a href=\"https:\/\/\/\"><\/a> offers 300,000 supplemental resources that "bring books to life." Sora is a division of OverDrive, the world\u2019s leader in digital content for libraries and schools.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1524", "keywords": "ebooks::audiobooks::magazines::digital media::digital books::overdrive::sora", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008262356179::285814008299056345::285814008307444960", "tags": "Sponsor", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/Sorareadingapp\/", "instagram_handle": "@sorareadingapp", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/overdrive1", "twitter_handle": "@Sorareadingapp", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/Sorareadingapp\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@Sorareadingapp", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/overdrive1", "virtual profile twitter": "@Sorareadingapp", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117214367'>Reimagine Required Reading: Support Student Choice and Voice with Digital Books<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117272231'>Developing Technology Commitments to Guide your District<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117262540'>CURATE A MILLION-DOLLAR LIBRARY ON A SHOESTRING BUDGET<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117259147'>Leveraging Technology and Choice to Reach Students with Learning Differences<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117274757'>Collaborate, Create, Curate: Building Statewide Digital Collections for $1.65 a Student<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117207812'>The IT Girls: Tech Solutions for ELL and Students with Disabilities<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203575'>All the Waze to Support School Improvement Goals from the Media Center<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117357070'>Regional Library\/Media Showcase<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117493792'>A Book for Every Reader: How One District Succeeds with Digital<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117530211'>The power of $1: The RESA District roadmap to reading success<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117530233'>Building a community of readers: How one literacy campaign made a difference<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117530268'>Simple ways digital creates differentiation and empowers lifelong readers<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117530290'>Equity in action: How consortiums help create reading equity<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117530313'>Books & Resources Together: Sora-ing to New Heights with TeachingBooks<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263691'>Youth Innovators in AI: How NYCPS Connect Students To Real World Industries<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117493792'>A Book for Every Reader: How One District Succeeds with Digital<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117530211'>The power of $1: The RESA District roadmap to reading success<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117530233'>Building a community of readers: How one literacy campaign made a difference<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117530268'>Simple ways digital creates differentiation and empowers lifelong readers<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117530290'>Equity in action: How consortiums help create reading equity<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117530313'>Books & Resources Together: Sora-ing to New Heights with TeachingBooks<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117546594'>Quick tips to reach readers of all ages with digital books<\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117546715'>Eye-popping promotional strategies to boost student readership<\/p>" }, "1186929": { "reskey": 1186929, "company": "Soundking Electronics & Sound Co., LTD", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Founded in 1988, Soundking Group has become one of the leading enterprises in the global audio and video intelligent integration industry after 35 years of development.<br \/>\nThe United Nations Industrial Development Organization awarded the company as a demonstration base for innovation in the global innovation network sound king industry. It ranked 16th in the world among the top 225 in the global professional audio and musical instruments industry as assessed by international authoritative institutions.<br \/>\nWe have become the first manufacturer and service provider of audio and video intelligent system overall solutions with independent intellectual property rights, covering professional audio, theater audio, digital musical instruments, intelligent education, optical communication technology, intelligent audio and video command centers, intelligent education systems, digital media matrices, and beam-adjustable pointing speakers.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "149", "keywords": "soundkingmixerconsoledigitalmixerlinearraylinearraysystemaudioaudioequipmentaudioandvideoavintellegentequipmentamplifierspeakerspeakers", "tagids": "285814008303250653::285814008305347807::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "Soundking.Global (https:\/\/\/Soundking.Global\/)", "virtual profile instagram": " (https:\/\/\/\/)", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/31753848\/admin\/feed\/posts\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168010": { "reskey": 1168010, "company": "Soundtrap for Education", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Soundtrap for Education is on a mission to make music creation and storytelling simple and collaborative for everyone. Soundtrap is your everywhere studio. An online music and podcast studio, that\u2019s easy to use and highly collaborative. Soundtrap enables music makers to create, podcasters to tell stories, and students and teachers to explore communication and co-creation, in and outside the classroom. Students and teachers can collaborate in a safe, online environment - anytime, anyplace! While harnessing critical thinking & communication skills through creative audio recording projects, Soundtrap bridges the necessary skills for preparing our connected, digital learners.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2013", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269337'>Promoting Positivity in Education: The Power of Podcasts<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209602'>5 Key Strategies for Cultivating Global Collaboration Through Project-Based Learning<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1175475": { "reskey": 1175475, "company": "Spectrum Enterprise", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Spectrum Enterprise \u2122, a part of Charter Communications, Inc., is a national provider of scalable, fiber technology solutions serving America\u2019s largest businesses and communications service providers. The broad Spectrum Enterprise portfolio includes networking and managed services solutions: Internet access, Ethernet access and networks, Voice and TV solutions. Spectrum Enterprise\u2019s industry-leading team of experts works closely with clients to achieve greater business success by providing solutions designed to meet their evolving needs.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "6601", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/SpectrumEnterprise\u200b", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/spectrumenterpris", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168014": { "reskey": 1168014, "company": "Spectrum Industries, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Connecting You with Emerging Technology<\/strong> Spectrum Industries, a leading US-based manufacturer, designs furniture for Esports arenas, active learning, agile and collaborative classrooms, makerspaces, and libraries. Our solutions range from specialty desks and chairs to instructor\u2019s desks and audio-visual lecterns; from chromebook, tablet and virtual reality carts to completely customized solutions. Spectrum, Quality Solutions by Design!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1182", "keywords": "esportsfurniturelecternscartsdeskschairs", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/spectrumfurniture\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/spectrum_industries\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/415176?trk=tyah&t", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/spectrumind\/", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/spectrum_industries\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/spectrum_industries\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/spectrum-industries-inc.\/mycompany\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/i\/flow\/login?redirect_after_login=%2Fspectrumind%2F", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/en\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168015": { "reskey": 1168015, "company": "Sphero", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Sphero is transforming K\u201312 education with accessible tools that encourage exploration, imagination, and perseverance through STEAM and computer science. With the help of educators around the world, we are empowering learners of all backgrounds and abilities to discover their interests and passions while equipping them with the skills they need to be the world\u2019s future Changemakers.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2024", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008307444960::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203540'>Project-Based Learning and Makerspaces Across the Curriculum<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203524'>Catalyzing a Change in Africa\u2019s Youths Perception About Farming<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204693'>The Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs of a First-Year EdTech Coach<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263063'>Cultivating Potential: Mini Courses for Empowering Elementary Students<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117199092'>STEM-ulating Minds: Unleashing Creativity in the School Library<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117214689'>Living Green With STEAM: Sustainability Activities in Elementary Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270276'>Makerspace Alphabet Soup: The ABCs of STEAM for ALL Learners<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117261707'>Oh The Places We Will Grow: Integrating Technology with School Gardens<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117214635'>Playing to Learn: Using Technology to Engage and Support All Learners<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168016": { "reskey": 1168016, "company": "Splashtop", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Cancelled", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168019": { "reskey": 1168019, "company": "ST Math, Created by MIND Education", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>ST Math is a PreK-8 visual instructional program that leverages the brain's innate spatial-temporal reasoning ability to solve mathematical problems. Its unique, patented approach provides students with equitable access to learning through challenging puzzles, non-routine problem solving, and informative feedback. With ST Math, students build deep conceptual understanding, and schools see proven, repeatable results. Learn more at<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1866", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Advertiser::Meeting Room Renter", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/MindEduORG", "instagram_handle": "@mindeducationorg", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/mindeducation", "twitter_handle": "@MINDEduOrg", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1175609": { "reskey": 1175609, "company": "StarLab", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>StarLab has helped schools, districts, and museums create unforgettable learning experiences for over 30 years. Our portable planetarium facilitates fully immersive lessons that inspire students, creating magical moments that help them better understand the world around them. From the furthest stretches of space to the bottom of the ocean, StarLab can take your students anywhere. To learn more, visit us at <a href=\"http:\/\/\/\"><\/a><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "374", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/StarlabUniverse\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/starlabuniverse\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/StarlabDome", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/StarlabUniverse\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/starlabuniverse\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168022": { "reskey": 1168022, "company": "STEM Education Works", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>At STEM Education Works, we are passionate about education and learning. That\u2019s why we bring together the <strong>best technologies<\/strong> with outstanding <strong>STEM-based curriculum<\/strong>. We provide learners with the tools they need to be successful in the ever-changing workforce, and teachers with the support and training they need to implement educational technology with confidence.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1944", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "\/STEMEducationWorks", "instagram_handle": "@stemeducationworks", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/stem-education-works", "twitter_handle": "@STEMeduWorks", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/STEMEducationWorks\/", "virtual profile instagram": "stemeducationworks", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/stem-education-works\/", "virtual profile twitter": "STEMeduWorks", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203524'>Catalyzing a Change in Africa\u2019s Youths Perception About Farming<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264533'>Scientists and mathematicians who changed the world: A story in Miro App<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211916'>Equals, Let's Make a Difference: Video Game Against Bullying and School Discrimination<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168023": { "reskey": 1168023, "company": "STEMfinity", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>STEMfinity is your One-Stop STEM Shop for infusing PreK-12 STEAM education. Whether you\u2019re working with early learners or soon-to-be graduates, STEMfinity has STEAM solutions for classrooms, at-home, makerspace, afterschool and summer programs. Our hands-on resources cover many subject areas such as: STEAM, Robotics, 3D Printing, Drone Technology, AR\/VR\/AI, Computer Science, Circuitry and Beyond.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "6900", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008296959191::285814008299056345::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/STEMfinity\/", "instagram_handle": "@stemfinity", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/STEMfinity", "twitter_handle": "@stemfinity", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/STEMfinity\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@stemfinity", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/STEMfinity\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@stemfinity", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "Click here for a Custom STEM Solution", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117276830'>Skybound STEM\/STEAM: Elevating Education with Drones<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265547'>Instructional Design Playground: Teach Boldly in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264533'>Scientists and mathematicians who changed the world: A story in Miro App<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167879": { "reskey": 1167879, "company": "STEMI", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>STEMI provides project-based, career-connected STEM\/Tech programs for middle and high schools. From software and AI, to engineering and cybersecurity to drones and robotics \u2013 our curriculum, professional development, and continuous coaching allow teachers and schools to easily bring new-age tech into their classrooms and to their students. Powered by an educational platform for teachers and students our programs are built for everyday students to gain blended career and tech skills with a low floor, and high ceiling on the learning students can achieve. Our professional development is designed for teachers without a background in these subjects, with workshop training, coaching and implementation support.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1657", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/\/?hl=en", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/stemi---learning-", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/stemi_edu?t=i4l6M1J6FxAta-Qwon", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265547'>Instructional Design Playground: Teach Boldly in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264533'>Scientists and mathematicians who changed the world: A story in Miro App<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168028": { "reskey": 1168028, "company": "STM", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>STM Goods offers a brilliant suite of smarter solutions for the growing demand for versatile technologies within education and corporate settings. Designed with input from educators and IT professionals, our cases go through rigorous testing and are guaranteed to fit your device perfectly to meet Apple Partner program and Microsoft Designed for Surface program standards. Tested to exceed U.S. Department of Defense Standard 810H drop tests for proven superior bump and drop protection to withstand the unique rigors of the classroom, work, or everyday environment. Protect your savvy investment with smarter bags and cases \u2013 don\u2019t rely on luck alone to safeguard your device!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1374", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008305347807::285814008307444960::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "STMGoods", "instagram_handle": "@stmgoods", "linkedin_handle": "stm-goods", "twitter_handle": "@stmgoods", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168030": { "reskey": 1168030, "company": "Storyboard That", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Storyboard That empowers users to create storyboards, comics, and graphic organizers with its award-winning, browser-based Storyboard Creator. Focusing on the Four C's of learning, students will create content that's creative, communicative, collaborative and critical. We Offer a customizable art library featuring drag and drop characters, scenes, and props in many layouts. Featuring 5,000 standards-aligned teacher guides for ELA, History, Foreign Language, Special-Education, Social Studies, and STEM. Storyboard That supports Rostering\/LMS and endless training opportunities.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "474", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "@StoryboardThat", "virtual profile instagram": "@StoryboardThat", "virtual profile linkedin": "@StoryboardThat", "virtual profile twitter": "@StoryboardThat", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "Storyboard That", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117215414'>Cultivating Student Leadership Through Technology<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168031": { "reskey": 1168031, "company": "Strawbees AB", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>We\u2019re an award-winning Swedish edtech company here to inspire the next generation of inventors! All kids speak Strawbees, it's the language of creativity. Therefore we say: \u2018Let kids create the change our world needs!\u2019 by coding, creative confidence, and hands-on rapid prototyping! No matter your kids age or ability, our flexible building kits adding coding help develop complex problem-solving, critical thinking and creative skills on and offline, for fun at home or in the classroom. We are the kids first choice! That's why we are currently present in over 20\u2019000 schools and 100\u2019000 homes in 40 countries worldwide. Strawbees is on a mission to empower teachers and parents to lead the young people from today into a future that will look radically different!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "470", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008307444960::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203540'>Project-Based Learning and Makerspaces Across the Curriculum<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117199092'>STEM-ulating Minds: Unleashing Creativity in the School Library<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1198018": { "reskey": 1198018, "company": "Stryker", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "1865", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008295910614", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1198471": { "reskey": 1198471, "company": "Swank K-12", "url": "\/k12schools\/", "guide_text": "<p>Swank offers public performance licensing and movie streaming to ensure easy, safe and legal movie access. Our library of 40,000 films allows teachers to stream movies in class or assign to students without the hassle of DVDs or blocked personal streaming accounts. The annual license provides comprehensive copyright protection for unlimited movie events.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1967", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117357070'>Regional Library\/Media Showcase<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1173545": { "reskey": 1173545, "company": "Switch Vehicles Inc", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>At Switch Vehicles, we manufacture a fun, sporty and safe Electric Vehicle created as a \u201cbuild-it-yourself\u201d kit for education. Our all-inclusive program is called The Switch Lab\u2122 \u2013 which challenges students to build a full size, road-worthy electric vehicle as a classroom project. Used in high schools, colleges and junior high schools across the US, the program delivers high quality project-based learning with real world experience and impact. Founded in 2013, we practice what we teach, with EV Kits that are hand-crafted in our Sebastopol, CA shop.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "6800", "keywords": "workforce development::auto shop::ev education::programming::stem::cte", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@switchvehicles", "linkedin_handle": "\/company\/switch-vehicles-inc", "twitter_handle": "@Switch_Vehicles", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/theswitchlab", "virtual profile instagram": "@switchvehicles", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/switch-vehicles-inc\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@Switch_Vehicles", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "The Switch Lab", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168037": { "reskey": 1168037, "company": "Swivl, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>By fostering reflective practices, Swivl\u2019s solutions transform organizations in 4 key areas\u2014teacher adaptability, human connection, new sources of motivation, and self-regulation. Our solutions are trusted by 75,000 schools and over 150 teacher preparation programs.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1464", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "http:\/\/\/goswivl", "instagram_handle": "@goswivl", "linkedin_handle": "http:\/\/\/swivl", "twitter_handle": "@swivl", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168038": { "reskey": 1168038, "company": "SXSW EDU", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>The SXSW EDU\u00ae Conference & Festival is a reflection of the world's most critical social issues as seen through the lens of education. Join the passionate and innovative community at SXSW EDU, March 3-6, 2025 in Austin, Texas.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "676", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204590'>How Students Must Learn: 10 School Features in the AI Era<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168039": { "reskey": 1168039, "company": "SymbalooEDU", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Symbaloo is the #1 Homepage for educators! Save, organize, and share the best of the web in your classroom, library, or 1:1 environment.Use Symbaloo to create the perfect online hub with one-click access to your favorite websites, articles, videos, web docs, and more! Available anywhere, on any device.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2046", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/Symbaloo\/", "virtual profile instagram": "@symbaloo", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/symbaloo-com", "virtual profile twitter": "@symbaloo", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269341'>Empowering Elementary Students with School-Wide STEM Integration with Symbaloo<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168042": { "reskey": 1168042, "company": "TalkingPoints", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Cancelled", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168043": { "reskey": 1168043, "company": "Targus", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>For 40 years, Targus\u00ae has been revolutionizing mobile computing accessories for large enterprises and consumers, alike \u2014 connecting people and technology in meaningful ways. From laptop bags to tablet cases, to peripherals and universal docking stations, we persistently conceive, design, and produce innovative, productivity-boosting solutions that make the complex, simple; and seamlessly integrate into the lifestyles of mobile professionals wherever they work \u2013 at home, in the office, or wherever they go. We cross categories, regions, industries, and lifestyles with a breadth and depth of products that provide you with the solutions you need to live, dream, and do. Headquartered in Anaheim, California, Targus has global operations in more than 24 offices and distribution in more than 100 countries. Learn more about us at \\[\\*\\*\\*\\*\\](https:\/\/\/), like or follow us on \\[\\*\\*Facebook\\*\\*\\](https:\/\/\/targus\/), and \\[\\*\\*LinkedIn\\*\\*\\](https:\/\/\/company\/targus\/).<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1882", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/targus\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/targus\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/tarhus\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168046": { "reskey": 1168046, "company": "Teaching Channel", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Teaching Channel is a one-stop shop for teacher learning and development. From professional development courses to our innovative video platform for self-reflection and coaching, along with our vast library of exemplar videos, we are here to be your education ally. \u00a9 2023 Teaching Channel<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2041", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "http:\/\/\/teachingchannel", "instagram_handle": "@teachingchannel", "linkedin_handle": "http:\/\/\/teachingchannel", "twitter_handle": "@teachingchannel", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168047": { "reskey": 1168047, "company": "TeachLogic", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Since 1994, TeachLogic instructional audio systems have prevented learning loss by creating equitable access to the teacher\u2019s voice and connected audio sources by overcoming barriers to communication such as poor acoustics, distance, noise, and learning impairments. Our systems are designed to be teacher-friendly, stay in service longer than other EdTech, and be low maintenance over its lifespan. We are the easy button for quality classroom audio systems but with the features every school needs.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "569", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/TeachLogicAudio\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/teachlogic", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/Teach_Logic", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168048": { "reskey": 1168048, "company": "Tech to School", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Tech to School buys and sells refurbished Apple and Chromebook technology to K12. Our mission is to provide the best devices to as many students as possible. We serve public and private schools and districts throughout all 50 states, and we strive to deliver the best value and service to our customers.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "560", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204590'>How Students Must Learn: 10 School Features in the AI Era<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168049": { "reskey": 1168049, "company": "TechNType - Typesy", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>TechNType, your keyboarding expert brings you Typesy. Typesy offers Common Core, BEST, and TEKS-aligned, grade-differentiated keyboarding, so your students will be learning while typing. Features include<\/p>\n<p>-Separate modules for K-2, grades 3 to 9, and three modules for high school<br \/>\n-An AI immersive reader will read to your students in English, Spanish, and other languages<br \/>\n-Modules for Vocabulary, Digital Literacy, and much more<br \/>\n-Rosters with Google Classroom, Classlink, Clever, and others<br \/>\n-Typesy Pets that will get your students begging to practice keyboarding<br \/>\n-Student and Data Privacy<\/p>\n<p>Visit our booth to get free All-Access to Typesy for three months<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1168", "keywords": "typetypingkeyboardkeyboardingclubvocabularydigital citizenshipyetitearscommon coreteksbest", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Linda Lulic", "instagram_handle": "@techntype", "linkedin_handle": "\/in\/linda-lulic-4340aa37", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "TechNType", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117204482'>Bring STEM to Every Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273673'>Project Examples to Implement Technology into your Classroom<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168051": { "reskey": 1168051, "company": "TechProtectus Inc", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Since day one, Techprotectus has been focusing on designing and offers the best-value protection solution to K12 customers. We provide supreme-quality product lines that meet K-12 students' and teachers' needs in school and remote learning environments. From Macbook cases, Chromebook cases, and iPad cases, to headphones, and backpacks, we protect your valuable devices. TechProtectus, Protect Your Tech!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1886", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168054": { "reskey": 1168054, "company": "Teq", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>At Teq, we ensure your students are given the tools that inspire curiosity, promote critical-thinking, and encourage growth. We provide <em>the means<\/em> with our STEM catalogue of over 30 integrative products, - <em>the application<\/em> - with iBlocks, our project-based learning pathways - and <em>the training<\/em> - with OTIS for Educators, our online professional development resource - to drive success for students and educators alike. We offer an effective blend of technology and instruction that supports the ever-changing educational climate and sparks the \u201cComplete Thought\u201d.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1973", "keywords": "stem::steam::project based learning::otis::pbl::professional development::curriculum::innovative::complete thought::tech::technology::integrate::support::supplement::robotics::vr::coding::code::robots::teq::panel::3d printer::laser::laser engraver::iblock::smart", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008315833573::285814008322125032", "tags": "Meeting Room Renter", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/myTeq", "instagram_handle": "@edtech", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/1102354\/", "twitter_handle": "@iBlocksPBL", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/myTeq", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/edteq\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/1102354\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/iBlocksPBL", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117262058'>Hacking Classroom Activities with Makey Makey & Scratch<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168055": { "reskey": 1168055, "company": "TEQlease Education Finance", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Since 2000, TEQlease Capital has specialized in providing best-in-class equipment lease financing solutions for business and enterprise accounts, educational institutions and federal, state and local governments, as well as offering equipment manufacturer and vendor finance programs across all industries. TEQlease Capital focuses on providing unparalleled service and on lowering acquisition finance costs, working with customers and equipment vendors through the entire equipment acquisition financing process. For more information, visit our website at or call (818) 222-1006.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "788", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1185051": { "reskey": 1185051, "company": "The Coding School", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>The Coding School (TCS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization on a mission to ensure that the next generation is prepared with the technical skills needed for the future of work. As pioneers in emerging technology education, we believe there is a critical and unmet need to provide students - especially students from underrepresented backgrounds in STEM - with skills and knowledge in the technologies that will change the nature of how we conduct business, how we interact and connect, and society at large.<\/p>\n<p>TCS specializes in teaching programs on emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Data Science, and Quantum Computing. Our programs are designed for K-12 students and educators, community college and university students, faculty, and current members of the workforce to gain in-depth knowledge and real world skills.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Our Mission:<\/strong> At TCS, our goal is to provide students of all backgrounds with accessible and high quality STEM education, increase diversity in STEM, and ultimately train the next generation of responsible STEM leaders.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Our Impact:<\/strong> To date, we have taught over 50,000 students and educators from all 50 states and 125 countries. More than 55% of our students come from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds in STEM.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "6203", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008315833573", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/thecodingschool\/", "instagram_handle": "@the_coding_school", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/thecodingschool", "twitter_handle": "@qubitbyqubit", "virtual profile instagram": "@the_coding_school", "virtual profile linkedin": "the_coding_school", "virtual profile twitter": "@qubitbyqubit", "virtual profile url display": "the-cs.rg", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269051'>Increasing Uptake of Coding for Girls - Make It a Language Choice<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168059": { "reskey": 1168059, "company": "The Juice Learning", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>The Juice\u00ae learning platform for grades 5-12 brings today\u2019s news into the classroom, fosters a love of reading, builds media literacy skills, and prepares students to become tomorrow\u2019s leaders. Published five days a week, our daily content teaches critically important civics lessons as fresh as the day\u2019s headlines, laying the foundation for active participation in democracy. Each day, students receive a vibrant mix of original news articles, vocabulary builders, standards-aligned quizzes, infographics, deep dives on important topics and issues, and educational STEAM videos. The Juice\u2019s robust, data-driven dashboard provides teachers real-time, detailed reports and insights on student performance based on Common Core or state-specific standards. Learn more at<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "536", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008307444960::285814008317930726", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/TheJuiceLearning", "instagram_handle": "@thejuicelearning", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/the-juice\/", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/TheJuiceLearning\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/the-juice", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/juice_learning?lang=en", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201542'>Words Matter in Math too!<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168060": { "reskey": 1168060, "company": "The Princeton Review\/", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Together we created better futures through Better Grades, Better Scores, and Better Applications. Student success is at the heart of everything we do.Over 19 million tutoring sessions, has provided integrated and targeted student support services to hundreds of colleges and universities with engaging, responsive, and easily accessible 1:1 tutoring sessions\u2014scheduled or on-demand\u201424\/7. With 3,000+ highly-vetted subject matter experts available to tutor in more than 200 subjects. Students and their families have also trusted The Princeton Review to help them get into their dream schools. Our mission is to provide personalized, innovative, best-in-class private tutoring, test prep, and admission products and services to help students knock down barriers and achieve their academic goals. We are solely on the side of the students\u2014we are not affiliated with any of the test developers. Students Love Us.We put students in the driver's seat\u2014tutoring specific to your subject, your question, around your schedule. And they love it. You will, too.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "959", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008305347807::285814008317930726", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/tutordotcom\/", "instagram_handle": "@tutordotcom", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/\/", "twitter_handle": "@tutordotcom", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117357070'>Regional Library\/Media Showcase<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168061": { "reskey": 1168061, "company": "The Social Institute", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>The Social Institute (TSI) is the leader in understanding student experiences and creator of #WinAtSocial, a gamified, online learning platform that empowers students and their role models to navigate social experiences \u2014 online and offline \u2014 in healthy ways. Our unique, student-respected approach incorporates topics like social media, technology use, and current events that have a significant impact on student well-being. Lessons teach life skills for the modern day to inspire high-character decisions that support students' health, happiness, and future success, while capturing data that provides insights to school leaders to inform school policy and communications, and enable high-impact teaching and a healthy learning environment. For schools, our turnkey technology allows for easy implementation and a comprehensive game plan to support the well-being of school communities.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "771", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@thesocialinst", "twitter_handle": "@thesocialinst", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1198812": { "reskey": 1198812, "company": "Third Iron", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Third Iron is a leading provider of education technology and we are pleased to introduce LibKey Nomad School Edition! LibKey Nomad seamlessly connects students searching the open web to resources provided by the school, county or state. Are students trying to complete assignments by searching Google, Wikipedia, and other sites on the open web? LibKey Nomad notifies students that databases from Gale, EBSCO, ProQuest and other vendors are available, then seamlessly connects to them. This intelligent messaging and linking, combined with other powerful features, makes LibKey Nomad a powerful way for schools easily to promote information literacy and increase use of resources.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1693", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008303250653::285814008294862037::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/third-iron\/", "twitter_handle": "@third_iron", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1207685": { "reskey": 1207685, "company": "Third Space Learning", "url": "\/us\/", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Third Space Learning was set up in 2013 to deliver affordable and high quality online one on one math tutoring to disadvantaged students in schools globally, with the goal of helping to close the achievement gap. We have delivered 2,069,511 one to one sessions to 160,626 students in 4,064 schools. Third Space Learning<\/strong> <strong>is a Vetted Texas Tutoring Provider in Texas, an approved high quality tutoring program in Ohio, an approved high quality tutoring provider in Arkansas and an approved vendor in New York.**<\/strong>Third Space Learning provides high quality online one on one math tutoring to schools across the United States. We partner with elementary, middle, and high schools to design, and deliver high impact tutoring programs for their students. Typically, tutors support students working below grade level expectations and our tutoring programs accelerate learning. All our lessons are delivered via a purpose-built school tutoring platform with our curriculum, content, and tutor training aligning to local state standards. Third Space Learning provides tutors with high quality instructional materials, as well as an extensive tutor training program.**<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1962", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::307369150013500364::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/thirdspacelearning", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/third-space-learning\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/thirdspacetweet", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1167861": { "reskey": 1167861, "company": "ThreatDown", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Cyberprotection for every one.<\/strong> <strong>Malwarebytes<\/strong> believes when people and organizations are free from threats, they are free to thrive. Our world-class team of threat researchers and security experts combat existing and never-before-seen threats using artificial intelligence and machine learning to protect millions of customers with device protection, privacy, and prevention.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2107", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/malwarebytes", "twitter_handle": "@malwarebytes", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199436": { "reskey": 1199436, "company": "TimelyCare", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>TimelyCare is higher education\u2019s most trusted virtual health and well-being provider, serving 2.3 million students at over 350 campuses nationwide. Founded in 2017, TimelyCare pioneered the first telehealth solution built exclusively for higher education, with a mission to improve the health and well-being of college students by making virtual medical and mental health care accessible anytime, anywhere. Today its comprehensive suite of services \u2013 including mental health counseling, on-demand emotional support, medical care, psychiatric care, health coaching, basic needs assistance, faculty and staff guidance, peer support and self-guided wellness tools \u2013 expands the breadth of campus resources and empowers students to be well and thrive.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1797", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/TimelyCare", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/timelycare\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/timelycare\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/Timely_Care", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1187892": { "reskey": 1187892, "company": "TORBU", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>TORBU is an advanced learning experience platform, integrating feedback, streamlining communication, and empowering collaboration. We simplify content management and personalize user engagement for modern learning needs.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "672", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008295910614::285814008305347807::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/torbucompany\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/torbu\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/torbucompany\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/79787332", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168068": { "reskey": 1168068, "company": "Trafera", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Now more than ever, technology is critical to helping students succeed. Trafera partners with you to provide the technology and support to help you achieve your education goals and inspire your students to excellence. Right Technology. Right Support. Bright Future.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1582", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/TraferaOfficial\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/traferaofficial\/", "twitter_handle": "@TraferaOfficial", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1205509": { "reskey": 1205509, "company": "trAIlblazer Stage and Experience", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196692": { "reskey": 1196692, "company": "Transfr, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Transfr is creating classroom-to-careers pathways, training the next generation of workers for well-paying jobs across every industry via hands-on, simulated training that teaches critical skills for in-demand jobs.<\/p>\n<p>As an economic development platform, we work together with community organizations, workforce development groups, educational institutions, and industry leaders to help create better futures for workers, employers, and the communities that they call home. <\/p>\n<p>Transfr\u2019s hands-on simulation training provides an immersive learning environment that gives trainees real-world experience in the skills they need for well-paying jobs. <\/p>\n<p>Guided by a digital coach, they receive expert, personal instruction that teaches them how to perform essential tasks, gives feedback based on their specific actions, and assesses performance in order to help students improve. <\/p>\n<p>Transfr\u2019s community partners have used immersive, simulated training modules to help workers build skills, increase job placement rates, and improve job retention rates.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1591", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/Transfr-Inc-106001218691433", "virtual profile instagram": "@transfrinc", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/transfr-inc\/", "virtual profile twitter": "@Transfrinc", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1205712": { "reskey": 1205712, "company": "Traxart Toys", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Kinazium\u00a9 is an incredible versatile K-College construction set for robot programs, engineering, math and physics concepts and integrated curriculums. Students create robot challenges, games, and test beds, applying coding skills to route their robots. Math, Physics and Structural Engineering can be taught in applied and intrinsic methods as students build ramps, hoops, teeter-totters, and towers. Engaging for all genders. Students can design all kinds of environments adding other elements like figurines and handmade signage. Each kit has 4 mats 48 varied walls and 100 interconnecting pegs. <\/p>\n<p>Starter Videos and Curriculum are free. Optional accelerometer sensors are used with a free app for timed racing, points games and other applications. It's great with nearly all Robots in the classroom; particularly wonderful with Sphero\u00a9 indi, Bolt, RVR, VEX\u00a9 and so many more. Kits can be combined for infinite expandability, repeatability and so easy to clean up! <\/p>\n<p>Skill building and benefits include:<br \/>\nThree-Dimensional Design, Creativity, Math and Physics and Engineering Concepts, Trial and Error, Team work and Cooperation, Fine Motor Skills, Game Design, Project Directed Learning, Spatial Reasoning, Coding Skills for Robots, Drawing, Design, Architecture<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2037", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008294862037::285814008307444960::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/playmoreonthefloor", "instagram_handle": "@kinazium", "linkedin_handle": "http:\/\/\/susan-crouse\/", "twitter_handle": "@kinazium", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117258982'>Ignite the Classroom Fire with Hands-on STEM and Coding<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209364'>Venturing Into New Possibilities - Robotics Lessons Designed by Students for Students<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265547'>Instructional Design Playground: Teach Boldly in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117271936'>Level Up Learning: Let\u2019s Gamify Your Classroom<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1178166": { "reskey": 1178166, "company": "Twotrees Technologies", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Twotrees Technologies has been providing educational technology tools and services for over 30 years. We specialize in procurement contracts for devices, STEM tools, Interactive Panels, Networking Hardware including E-Rate Projects. Featured partners at our booth are FightSong!, Sophos and Lenovo.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1696", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168062": { "reskey": 1168062, "company": "TWT Audio \/ ThinkWrite Technologies", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Help your student stay engaged and connected to remote lessons, the classroom, and everything in between with TWT Audio \/ ThinkWrite Technologies headphones and headsets. Whether you need an over ear or on ear, all headphone and headsets are built with comfort, clarity, and your student's success in mind.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "744", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1198500": { "reskey": 1198500, "company": "", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "1090", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273673'>Project Examples to Implement Technology into your Classroom<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168074": { "reskey": 1168074, "company": "UBTECH Education", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>UBTECH Education\u2019s solutions are ideal for classrooms, virtual learning environments, makerspaces, and other STEM programs. uKit AI is an all-encompassing STEM, engineering, robotics, coding, and AI solution designed to introduce innovative technology and curriculum into the classroom. Ideal for Grades 3-12, our robotics kits provide students with immersive hands-on experiences utilizing enhanced technology that integrates real AI, expanded coding platforms, and a multi-tiered curriculum.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1875", "keywords": "robotics coding artificial intelligence ai stem", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008315833573::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Joseph Yun", "virtual profile facebook": "@UBTECHEDU", "virtual profile instagram": "@UBTECHEDU", "virtual profile linkedin": "ubtechedu", "virtual profile twitter": "@UBTECHEDU", "virtual profile url display": "http:\/\/", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211916'>Equals, Let's Make a Difference: Video Game Against Bullying and School Discrimination<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1187691": { "reskey": 1187691, "company": "Umety Solutions Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Umety provides an immersive learning platform that offers the globe's largest curated collection of interactive standards aligned content. Our platform features over 670 modules in STEM, Tours, and ELL, all delivering an unrivaled user experience. Added to that content Umety will release on Feb. 14th Career Discovery and Exploration content and platform. All of these VR experiences are accessible through Umety\u2019s VR headset or on any internet connected device with a keyboard and mouse or touchpad.<br \/>\nThe learning-focused platform, meticulously designed by educators and instructional designers, ensures seamless integration of content into existing classroom lessons, making it truly meaningful. The platform provides powerful and personalized data analytics, enabling teachers to track learners' progress and comprehension levels, and empowering them with actionable feedback. Umety's platform allows you to easily create classes and add relevant lessons, providing flexibility in choosing the most appropriate modules, tours, or 360-degree videos for each class. With Umety's multicast feature, teachers can launch and control VR content modules simultaneously on all students' VR devices or a specific group of devices, streamlining the learning experience. All content on the Umety platform is carefully aligned with educational standards and curriculum, ensuring that your lessons meet educational guidelines.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "624", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008324222185::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/share\/2q9xbkbXX1tQgC5V\/?mibextid=LQQJ4d", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/umety_global?igsh=MXgzZnY0M2x5NHA5aQ==", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/umety\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/umety_global\/status\/1790273393540923526", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196385": { "reskey": 1196385, "company": "United Robotics Group, Inc.", "url": "\/en-us", "guide_text": "<p>Visit booth 1590 to immerse yourself in a world of innovation, featuring the United Robotics Group's cutting-edge EdTech solutions. The United Robotics Group, Inc. is empowering the classrooms of today for opportunities of tomorrow. Whether K-12, higher ed, or beyond, we are focused on providing contextual, experiential learning through robotics & AI. Our chowcase invludes presentations, interactive experiences\/demos with five tested and trust robots in the field - NAO, Pepper, Photon, Kairos, and Abii.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1590", "keywords": "", "tagids": "307369150013500364::285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile instagram": "@unitedroboticsgroup", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/showcase\/urg-usa\/", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/en-us", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168084": { "reskey": 1168084, "company": "Urban Armor Gear, LLC", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Driven by design and engineered for adventure, Urban Armor Gear\u2019s assortment of protective cases for handsets, laptops, and tablets will protect your gear from the rigors of an active lifestyle. Est. 2012, UAG is built on a mission to make quality protective gear that enhances our community's lives. Rugged, lightweight, drop-tested protection is the core of our DNA and each product is thoughtfully designed to achieve these goals and give consumers a case that stands out from the pack.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "570", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008303250653::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/UrbanArmorGear\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/urbanarmorgear", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/urban-armor-gear-", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1206852": { "reskey": 1206852, "company": "US CENSUS BUREAU", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "1746", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/uscensusbureau\/", "instagram_handle": "@USCENSUSBUREAU", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/us-census-bureau\/", "twitter_handle": "@USCENSUSBUREAU", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1206252": { "reskey": 1206252, "company": "USAC", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>The Universal Service Fund helps communiites and people across the U.S. stay connected to the information, resources, and care they need.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1846", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/usac", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168085": { "reskey": 1168085, "company": "V7 Ingram Micro Products", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>V7 offers affordable solutions for classrooms of any size and budget that promote learning by enhancing collaboration and engagement. V7 carries essential computer accessories and tools to help make efficiency a habit. These include interactive flat panels, monitors, antimicrobial keyboards & mice, mounts, cables, charge carts, antimicrobial headsets, charging stations, anti-blue light protective screen filters, eco-friendly bags, sleeves, and more. Come see how V7 can make the most of your space, budget, and time with affordable, productivity-enhancing products for the class.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "574", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168087": { "reskey": 1168087, "company": "VariQuest Visual Learning Tools", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>The VariQuest\u00ae Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Suite was designed to support educators and engage every student in their quest for learning by providing easy-to-use visual and kinesthetic learning tools paired with leading-edge content. Our award-winning Perfecta\u00ae Series Poster Design Systems, which now features our NEW Q36 printer that provides an eco-friendly wide-format print solution, was created to enable educators to bolster student engagement with full-color classroom and hallway visuals. Added to the VariQuest Suite is the Cutout Maker 1800 Digital Die-Cut System, Motiva\u00ae 400 Specialty Printer, and the Cold Laminator 2510. The VariQuest Suite works together using our Engage Every Learner\u00ae Content and VariQuest Design Software to create and edit posters, banners, flash cards, labels, bulletin board cutouts, learning supports, anchor charts, and so much more, all conveniently pre-loaded on the VariQuest Design Center 2300. With over 22,000 curriculum-based templates, cutouts, fonts, graphics, and collections to choose from, the possibilities are endless in supporting students through learning curriculum, social-emotional growth, safety reminders, extracurricular events, and classroom organization, while saving precious time for staff. Visit to learn more and stop by our VariQuest booth to see the entire suite of products in action!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1269", "keywords": "posters::banners::awards::flashcards::stickers::labels::plaques::cutouts::manipulatives::bulletin boards::lamination::software::templates::graphics::engage::learners::kinesthetic::visual::cte::sel::safety::inclusivity::efficacy::printer::sped::curriculum::motivate::communicate", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008307444960::285814008309542113", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "billing_contact": "Tyler Butts", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/VariQuest\/", "instagram_handle": "@variquest", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/VariQuest", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/VariQuest\/", "virtual profile instagram": "Instagram@VariQuest", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/variquest", "virtual profile twitter": "Twitter@VariQuest", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168089": { "reskey": 1168089, "company": "Veracity Verification Solutions", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Veracity\u2019s Technology Management System helps K-12 schools and districts better manage their time, resources, and investments by providing a centralized hub for purchasing, adopting, and managing instructional technologies like a business. With Veracity's TMS, technology coaches and leaders can: House all applications by district, school, and groups. Open lines of communication with teachers, students, and families Store resources and helpful training materials for ongoing learning and adoption Help identify redundant technologies in the current portfolio Incorporate key purchasing data and processes into ongoing management<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "836", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008307444960", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168090": { "reskey": 1168090, "company": "Verkada", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Verkada is a leader in cloud-managed enterprise building security, enabling over 15,000 organizations worldwide to protect their people and assets while prioritizing privacy. Designed with simplicity in mind, Verkada\u2019s seven product lines provide unparalleled visibility through a single secure cloud-based software platform.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "700", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/VerkadaHQ\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/verkadahq\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/12699415\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/VerkadaHQ", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168091": { "reskey": 1168091, "company": "VEX Robotics, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>VEX Robotics is a leading provider of educational and competitive robotics products to schools, universities, and robotics teams around the world. The VEX 123, GO, IQ, V5, V5 Workcell, and VEXcode VR product lines span from elementary school all the way through college with accessible, scalable, and affordable robotics solutions. Beyond science and engineering principles, a VEX Robotics project encourages teamwork, leadership, and problem solving among groups. It allows educators to easily customize projects to meet the level of students' abilities as they inspire and prepare the STEM problem-solvers of tomorrow.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1100", "keywords": "roboticsstemcurriculmstem labscomputer sciencecseducational roboticscompetitionvexrec", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/vexrobotics", "instagram_handle": "@vexrobotics", "linkedin_handle": "\/vexrobotics", "twitter_handle": "@VEXRobotics", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/vexrobotics", "virtual profile instagram": "@vexrobotics", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/vexrobotics", "virtual profile twitter": "@VEXRobotics", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117265117'>Making for Good<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263063'>Cultivating Potential: Mini Courses for Empowering Elementary Students<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117338270'>Higher Education Innovation Carnival! Connecting, Including, and Unleashing Learning<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117361748'>RoboPlay: A Hands-On Exploration of STEM, Computer Science, and Robotics<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117215414'>Cultivating Student Leadership Through Technology<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117207239'>SELing Design Thinkers Using Bloxels<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270176'>Esports: Just do it!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117261707'>Oh The Places We Will Grow: Integrating Technology with School Gardens<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168092": { "reskey": 1168092, "company": "ViewSonic Corporation", "url": "\/us\/", "guide_text": "<p>Visual Solutions for Learning Spaces ViewSonic has over three decades of experience helping the world to See the Difference\u00ae between the ordinary and the extraordinary. A leader in EdTech, ViewSonic offers a full suite of immersive, cutting-edge products and solutions for any academic environment. Designed by teachers for teachers to support student-centric learning, our education hardware, software, and services deliver improved outcomes for teaching, learning and collaboration everywhere, every time. For educators and learners, we provide visual display solutions with unparalleled clarity and functionality. From desktop monitors to our ViewBoard\u00ae interactive flat panel displays, we have been a part of millions of classrooms, computer labs and school campuses for multiple generations of learning. In addition, our myViewBoard\u2122 suite is an easy-to-use platform that enables teachers to build dynamic lesson plans, import engaging content, and share lessons with students no matter where they are. In the changing landscape of education and a more connected world, \\\\\\*\\\\\\*ViewSonic is leading the way to a brighter, more connected future for this generation and those that will follow.\\\\\\*\\\\\\*<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1338, 1238", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/viewsonicedu", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/viewsonicedu", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/viewsonic", "twitter_handle": "@ViewSonicEDU_US", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117398238'>Baby, You're a Firework! Igniting Student Engagement through EdTech<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168093": { "reskey": 1168093, "company": "Visible Body", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Visible Body's best-in-class 3D biology and AR human anatomy and physiology apps, labs, and teaching and learning platforms improve in-class and online education outcomes while making learning anatomy easy and fun. Visible Body's Courseware platform integrates with Canvas and Blackboard and allows instructors to assign auto-graded labs and homework, customize 3D models and flashcards, and easily share them with students.<\/strong> <strong>Read how students and professors feel about Visible Body:<\/strong> http:\/\/\/customer-stories<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2116", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/visiblebody", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/visible.body\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/visiblebody\/", "twitter_handle": "@* https:\/\/\/VisibleBody", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1198454": { "reskey": 1198454, "company": "VitalSource", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>VitalSource\u2122 is the leading education technology solutions provider committed to helping partners create, deliver, and distribute affordable, accessible, and impactful learning experiences worldwide. VitalSource\u2122 is best known for partnering with content creators and professional organizations to deliver extraordinary learning experiences to millions of active users globally.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1393", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008303250653::285814008305347807", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/vitalsourcebookshelf\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/vitalsource\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/vitalsource-techn", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/vitalsource", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/verbasoftware\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/vitalsource\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/vitalsource-technologies\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/vitalsource", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/what-we-offer\/impactful-learning-experiences", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168094": { "reskey": 1168094, "company": "Vivacity Tech PBC", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Vivacity Tech has earned the title of the nation\u2019s \u201cFastest Growing Chromebook Reseller\u201d two years running and doesn\u2019t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. The rapid growth is spurred on by several unique, proprietary offerings aimed at helping school districts do what they do best:<\/strong> <strong>-Student Repair Academy; self-paced, online curriculum to teach students to repair e-learning devices and gain career certifications -Customer Central; free and robust asset management software to maintain devices<\/strong> <strong>-Custom charging carts and carrying cases; from our factory to your door with no middlemen, delivering the lowest cost and best value<\/strong> <strong>To top it off, we\u2019re the first Public Benefit Corporation to provide IT hardware to schools. From devoting volunteering time to making donations, we do whatever we can to ensure K-12 education and our local communities succeed.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1512", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008296959191::285814008299056345::285814008304299230", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/vivacitytech", "instagram_handle": "@vivacitytech", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/vivacity-tech-pbc", "twitter_handle": "@vivacitytech", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117398238'>Baby, You're a Firework! Igniting Student Engagement through EdTech<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117206812'>Create a Robust Student Technician Program to Help Solve IT Challenges<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270176'>Esports: Just do it!<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168095": { "reskey": 1168095, "company": "Vivi", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Vivi transforms any space with a screen into a dynamic and collaborative learning environment. In real-time, teachers can encourage active participation and boost creativity in every lesson, across all devices. Vivi also provides a centrally managed wireless digital signage solution that turns any display into a schoolwide communication tool!<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1845", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008295910614::285814008299056345::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/ViviEducation\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/vivieducation\/", "twitter_handle": "@vivieducation", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168098": { "reskey": 1168098, "company": "VS America, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>VS has always been focused on designing inspiring spaces for learning. As one of the leading manufacturers of school furniture and a full-range supplier with a wide portfolio, this is what we offer our customers: comprehensive, stimulating furniture solutions for educational establishments.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1574", "keywords": "", "tagids": "", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@vs_america", "linkedin_handle": "www.\\\/company\/vsamericainc", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117264986'>Innovative & Flexible Learning Environments in Higher Education: Research & Applications of Flexible Seating<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168100": { "reskey": 1168100, "company": "Wakelet", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>Wakelet is a platform that allows you to save, organise, and present all kinds of online content into visual, engaging collections. It supports independent learning, group based learning, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication and digital citizenship.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>With Wakelet you can simply copy and paste any content on the web into a collection, and it will embed - allowing viewers to experience multiple pieces of mixed media all in one place. Anything can be added to a Wakelet collection; videos, social media posts, podcasts, music, articles, quizzes, presentations and much more. You can also add online documents, and upload your own content like text, PDFs, images, and even Flip videos. Wakelet has a long list of integrations, layouts and options that allow you to activate a wide variety of learning outcomes.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>Wakelet has a powerful collaboration feature that allows students to create and contribute to collections or spaces - perfect for collaborative activities and lessons, group projects, and shared research. Students can both access and contribute to collections across devices without needing Wakelet accounts.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>Educators across the world are using Wakelet to organise, create and share resources, lesson plans, presentations, newsletters, digital storytelling assignments, online portfolios, journals and much more.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "942", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008305347807::285814008307444960", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "twitter_handle": "@wakelet", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117368318'>Be an A11y Ally: Creating Acccessible Classrooms<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117199092'>STEM-ulating Minds: Unleashing Creativity in the School Library<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117206025'>Go for a Walk: Learn and Connect with Your Community<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117203344'>UDL in Action in the K-12 Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117211742'>From Solos to Synergy: Harnessing the Potential of Your PLF<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117209136'>Empowering Educational Leaders: Collaborative Approaches to Transform Teaching and Learning with Technology<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117201542'>Words Matter in Math too!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117543920'>Empowering Educators: Reigniting Passion and Cultivating Empathy<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1173552": { "reskey": 1173552, "company": "WeAreTeachers", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>We Are Teachers is more than a website, it is a proud community of educators\u2014 over 3 million strong\u2014who share ideas, resources, and stories of the amazing things happening in classrooms around the country.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1359", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168103": { "reskey": 1168103, "company": "WeVideo, Inc.", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>WeVideo is a cloud-based interactive video platform used by millions of educators and students. Easily create videos, podcasts, GIFs, and more. Embed interactive elements like multiple choice questions, free responses, and discussion prompts into new or existing video content, and track performance. Create your own video assignments for students, or pull pre-made projects from the Assignment Ideas Library, and collaborate with your learners in real time. Meet students where they are, in a medium they love, and develop crucial 21st-century skills like creativity, communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. With WeVideo, it's never been easier to save time in the classroom, increase engagement, and improve learning for all.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "2200", "keywords": "video creationinteractive videomultimedia creation", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008299056345::285814008303250653::285814008305347807", "tags": "Advertiser", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/wevideo\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/wevideo", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/wevideo", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/wevideo\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/wevideo", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/wevideo", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117205915'>So You\u2019ve Never Tried Vegemite: A Global Collaboration Project<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117199412'>Multimedia Extravaganza Playground \u2026 Explore and Interact With Tools for MultiMedia Learning Experiences<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117198952'>Higher-Order Thinking Playground \u2014 Engage in Critical Creative Thinking Activities and Resources!<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117199200'>Storytelling Done Digitally to Showcase Student Voice, Views and Perspectives<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117269337'>Promoting Positivity in Education: The Power of Podcasts<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117263691'>Youth Innovators in AI: How NYCPS Connect Students To Real World Industries<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117208883'>Creating Content with 1 minute Documentaries in Student-Led Video Announcements<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117357067'>Colorado Rural School Spotlight<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117215718'>The Third Dimension of Literacy: Giving Your Students a Voice Through Film<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117273673'>Project Examples to Implement Technology into your Classroom<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117543098'>Engaging Students With Video Creation<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1199256": { "reskey": 1199256, "company": "Win Elements LLC", "url": "\/", "guide_text": "<p>Win Elements' Multi-Tiered Safe Pouch\u00ae helps schools safely regulate phones to create phone-free schools and improve PBIS while allowing communications, quick phone access, and accommodations: NO ANNUAL FEE and a FREE REPAIR. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive Blended Classroom Solution with LMS and ready-to-use resources.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "865", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008293813460::285815475758099805::285814008294862037::285814008311639266", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168106": { "reskey": 1168106, "company": "WIRIS", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Wiris is a software development company founded 20 years ago and headquartered in Barcelona, Spain, with offices in Long Beach, California. Our goal is to continually develop advanced tools for the STEM fields by working with the most important productivity solutions used by education, scientific, and publishing communities.<br \/>\nWe want to allow all users to have the best experience in STEM by integrating our products in all environments to make it as easy as possible.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "6501", "keywords": "edtechstemmathtypewirisquizzeslearning lemur", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815475758099805::285814008305347807::285814008317930726", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/wiris", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/mathtype_by_wiris\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/maths-for-more\/?v", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/MathType", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/wiris\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/mathtype_by_wiris\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/maths-for-more\/mycompany\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/wiris_science", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/en\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168108": { "reskey": 1168108, "company": "Wonder Workshop", "url": "", "guide_text": "", "boothnumbers": "1661", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008299056345::285814008294862037::285814008322125032", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117207239'>SELing Design Thinkers Using Bloxels<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270276'>Makerspace Alphabet Soup: The ABCs of STEAM for ALL Learners<\/a><\/p><p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117361748'>RoboPlay: A Hands-On Exploration of STEM, Computer Science, and Robotics<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168109": { "reskey": 1168109, "company": "Worth Ave. Group", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>For over 46 years, Worth Ave. Group has provided a sense of security for individuals nationwide. We specialize in providing electronic device insurance for educational institutions, businesses, and individuals. Our low deductibles and affordable premiums make our insurance beneficial to anyone who owns a portable electronic device.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1460", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008303250653", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1179230": { "reskey": 1179230, "company": "Writable", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Writable scaffolds student learning and builds lifelong writing and reading skills for students in grades 3-12, while saving teachers time on daily instruction and feedback.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "703", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815475758099805::285814008299056345::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1196738": { "reskey": 1196738, "company": "Wyebot, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>Wyebot's Wireless Intelligence Platform\u2122 (WIP) is a vendor-agnostic WiFi and Wired quality assurance solution that is deployed as an overlay to an existing WiFi infrastructure. It consists of WIP\u2122 sensors and WIP\u2122 Cloud Portal with embedded Artificial Intelligence, running in a regional AWS Cloud. WIP\u2122 supports learning with high-performing, problem-free WiFi Networks, by providing complete wireless ecosystem visibility, AI-based automated problem and solution identification, historical forensics, wired and wireless network testing, and support for WiFi-6E. It proactively alerts schools to network issues, empowering IT to address problems before students and teachers are affected. Ending the time-consuming, manual process of network optimization; restoring time, money, and energy to IT teams and their schools.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "674", "keywords": "", "tagids": "285814008327367914", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/Wyebot\/", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/wyebot-inc\/", "twitter_handle": "@https:\/\/\/Wyebot_inc", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168112": { "reskey": 1168112, "company": "ZAGG Inc", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>ZAGG is a global leader in accessories and technologies that empower schools to stay productive and protected. Our award-winning product portfolio includes screen protection, power management solutions, mobile keyboards, cases and more.<br \/>\nOur company has an award-winning product portfolio sold under the Invisible Shield\u00ae, mophie\u00ae, ZAGG\u00ae brands.<br \/>\nZAGG Brands has operations in the United States, Ireland, the U.K., and China. For more information, please visit the company\u2019s website at<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1937", "keywords": "ruggedkeyboardscreen protectionpowerbatteriescasesrugged cases", "tagids": "285814008296959191", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1204159": { "reskey": 1204159, "company": "ZEZEDU Corp.", "url": "\/en", "guide_text": "<p>CherryPot is <strong>process-oriented math learning application<\/strong>. Anyone can receive high-quality education with our AI technology: handwritten equation OCR & feedback generation AI that provides individualized process-level feedback. We are also currently engaged in a <strong>DX project<\/strong> with a major offline education provider, utilizing our exceptional technical expertise.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1439", "keywords": "ai::dx::math::assessment::process level feedback", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285815475758099805::307369150013500364", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "linkedin_handle": "https:\/\/\/company\/zezedu\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/company\/zezedu\/", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/en", "virtual profile url display": "https:\/\/\/en", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1168116": { "reskey": 1168116, "company": "zSpace, Inc.", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p><strong>zSpace is a leading evidence-based augmented\/virtual reality (AR\/VR) platform providing innovative hands-on, experiential learning to improve achievement in STEM, CTE, and Career Readiness.<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>The zSpace Inspire is a comprehensive solution consisting of Windows-based AR\/VR laptops, software, standards-aligned content, and professional development. The Inspire laptop is an ultra-high-definition stereo display with 4K Pantone capabilities and a powerful CPU that supports K12 STEM, CTE, and advanced professional applications, including eSports, modeling and simulation, and data visualization - without an HMD or glasses!<\/strong><\/p>\n<p><strong>zSpace can be implemented in-school or in hybrid learning environments - anytime, anywhere, anyplace.<\/strong><\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1640", "keywords": "ar::vr::ai::augmented reality::virtual reality::artificial intelligence::computer hardware::software::stem::cte::career readiness", "tagids": "285814008324222185::307369150013500364::285814008296959191", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/zSpace3D", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/\/", "virtual profile linkedin": "https:\/\/\/company\/zspace-3d\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/zSpace", "virtual profile url direct": "https:\/\/\/", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "<p><a href='\/2024\/program\/search\/detail_session.php?id=117270176'>Esports: Just do it!<\/a><\/p>", "hosted_activities": "" }, "1184009": { "reskey": 1184009, "company": "ZUGU", "url": "", "guide_text": "<p>ZUGU\u00ae has been designing and manufacturing high-quality innovative products since 2010. Our iPad cases offer an adjustable magnetic kickstand that can also adhere to metal surfaces. With a customized internal shell our cases offer drop protection, which is an asset for in person or remote learning. ZUGU\u00ae is the highest rated iPad case on Amazon and is even recommended by ChatGPT as the overall best choice. Consumers have come to appreciate the stability and flexibility of our cases, which spans now to Schools, Hospitals, and Corporations. ZUGU\u00ae is passionate about providing the best iPad cases to enhance the overall experience of using an iPad.<\/p>", "boothnumbers": "1671", "keywords": "adjustable kickstandkickstandmagneticmagnetic standipadcaseipad caseipad pro", "tagids": "285814008302202076::285814008305347807::285814008294862037", "tags": "", "attributes": "", "subsidiary_keys": "", "exhibitor_profiles": "", "facebook_handle": "https:\/\/\/ZUGUCASE\/", "instagram_handle": "@https:\/\/\/zugucase\/", "virtual profile facebook": "https:\/\/\/ZUGUCASE\/", "virtual profile instagram": "https:\/\/\/zugucase\/", "virtual profile twitter": "https:\/\/\/ZUGU_CASE", "virtual profile url direct": "", "virtual profile url display": "", "c2c": "", "hosted_activities": "" } }; /** * Holder for the current zoom value */ var currentZoom = null; /** * Holder for the last search stack */ var lastSearch = []; /** * Main floor plan window contents */ var mainFloorplan = null; var mainFloorplanWindow = null; /** * Initialized reskey */ var initResKey = 0; /** * Initialized available */ var initAvailable = 0; /** * jQuery OnReady (init) */ jQuery( function() { //*---* Setup content windows mainFloorplan = jQuery('iframe#fp'); mainFloorplanWindow = mainFloorplan[0].contentWindow; //*---* Initialize the floor plan menu // if (mainFloorplanWindow.location.href === 'about:blank') { // jQuery('iframe#fp').on("load", floorplanMenuInit); // } else { // floorplanMenuInit(); // } jQuery('iframe#fp').on("load", floorplanMenuInit); } ); /** * Render an exhibitor in the menu * * @param object spec An array full of exhibitor data */ function floorplanMenuGetExhibitorHTML(spec) { //*---* Init var exhibitorHtml = ""; //*---* If this is a consortium company, list its subsidiaries if (typeof spec['subsidiaries'] !== 'undefined' && spec['subsidiaries'] !== '') { exhibitorHtml += "<h2>" + spec['company'] + "</h2>"; exhibitorHtml += floorplanMenuGetExhibitorListHTML(spec['subsidiaries']); return exhibitorHtml; } //*---* Store this into the last search lastSearch.push(function () { floorplanMenuGetExhibitorHTML(spec); }); //*---* If there is a planner, create a link var plannerLink = ""; if (typeof spec['planner'] !== 'undefined' && spec['planner'] !== '') { plannerLink = "<a onclick=\"plannerAddItem(" + spec['reskey'] + ", 'reskey');\" title=\"Add This Exhibitor To Your Planner!\">Add To Planner!</a><br><br>"; } //*---* If there is a favorite, show a favorite star var favoriteStar = ""; if (typeof spec['favorite'] !== 'undefined' && spec['favorite'] !== '') { favoriteStar = spec['favorite']; } //*---* Show their logo if (typeof spec['attributes'] !== 'undefined' && spec['attributes'] !== '') { var logo = spec['attributes']['description_logo']; if (typeof logo !== 'undefined' && logo !== '') { exhibitorHtml += "<img src=\"" + logo + "\" style=\"width: 100%; max-width: 150px; margin: 10px auto;\">"; } } //*---* Render the company data exhibitorHtml += "<h2>" + favoriteStar + spec['company'] + "</h2>"; exhibitorHtml += "<p>"; exhibitorHtml += plannerLink; if (typeof spec['boothnumbers'] !== 'undefined' && spec['boothnumbers'] !== '') { exhibitorHtml += "Booth(s): " + spec['boothnumbers'] + "<br><br>"; } if (typeof spec['address'] !== 'undefined' && spec['address'] !== '') { exhibitorHtml += spec['address'] + "<br>" + spec['city'] + ", " + spec['state'] + " " + spec['zip'] + "<br>"; } if (typeof spec['phone1'] !== 'undefined' && spec['phone1'] !== '') { exhibitorHtml += "<br>Phone: " + spec['phone1']; } if (typeof spec['fax'] !== 'undefined' && spec['fax'] !== '') { exhibitorHtml += "<br>Fax: " + spec['fax']; } if (typeof spec['email'] !== 'undefined' && spec['email'] !== '') { exhibitorHtml += "<br>" + spec['email']; } function displayURL(specName){ if (typeof spec[specName] !== 'undefined' && spec[specName] !== '') { if(specName == 'url' && spec['virtual profile url display']){ var display = spec['virtual profile url display'].toLowerCase().replace(/http:\/\/|https:\/\//, ""); if(spec['virtual profile url direct']){ var url = spec['virtual profile url direct'].toLowerCase().replace(/http:\/\/|https:\/\//, "");; }else{ var url = display; } }else{ var url = spec[specName].toLowerCase().replace(/http:\/\/|https:\/\//, ""); var display = url; } if (!url.includes('http')) { var url = 'https://' + url; } if(specName.includes("instagram")){ display = '<i class="fa-brands fa-instagram fa-2x" style="color: #000000;"></i>'; }else if (specName.includes("facebook")){ display = '<i class="fa-brands fa-facebook fa-2x" style="color: #000000;"></i>'; }else if (specName.includes("linkedin")){ display = '<i class="fa-brands fa-linkedin fa-2x" style="color: #000000;"></i>'; }else if (specName.includes("youtube")){ display = '<i class="fa-brands fa-youtube fa-2x" style="color: #000000;"></i>'; }else if (specName.includes("twitter")){ display = '<i class="fa-brands fa-x-twitter fa-2x" style="color: #000000;"></i>'; } exhibitorHtml += "<a style='margin: 0 10px' href='" + url + "' target='_blank'>" + display + "</a>"; } } displayURL('facebook_handle'); displayURL('instagram_handle'); displayURL('linkedin_handle'); displayURL('youtube_handle'); displayURL('twitter_handle'); exhibitorHtml += "<br><br>"; displayURL('url'); exhibitorHtml += "</p>"; //*---* Render the guide text var guide_text = spec['guide_text']; if (typeof guide_text !== 'undefined' && guide_text !== '') { guide_text = guide_text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "<br>"); exhibitorHtml += "<p>" + guide_text + "</p>"; } if(spec['c2c']){ exhibitorHtml +="<p><strong>Connected Sessions</strong>"; exhibitorHtml += spec['c2c'] + "</p>"; } if(spec['hosted_activities']){ exhibitorHtml +="<p><strong>Hosted Activities</strong>"; exhibitorHtml += spec['hosted_activities'] + "</p>"; } //*---* Return return exhibitorHtml; } /** * Render an exhibitor list in the menu * * @param object spec An array full of exhibitors and their booths */ function floorplanMenuGetExhibitorListHTML(exhibitorList) { var listHtml = ""; for (var i in exhibitorList) { var spec = exhibitorList[i]; listHtml += "<div style=\"margin-bottom: 5px;\">"; listHtml += "<a onclick=\"flooprlanMenuSelectExhibitorFromList(" + spec['reskey'] + ");\" class=\"list_company\">" + spec['company'] + "</a><br>"; listHtml += "<span class=\"list_booth\">" + spec['boothnumbers'] + "</span>"; listHtml += "</div>"; } return listHtml; } /** * Handle logic for loaded window and loaded frame */ function floorplanMenuInit() { //*---* If we have a reskey, load up that exhibitor //*---* Otherwise, if we have an available flag, search available if (initResKey !== 0) { floorplanMenuSelectExhibitorFromExternalLink(initResKey); } else if (initAvailable !== 0) { floorplanMenuSearchAvailableBooths(); } } /** * Render the last executed search */ function floorplanMenuRenderLastSearch() { //*---* If there isn't a last search, end here if (lastSearch.length == 0) { return; } //*---* UnHighlight all booths mainFloorplanWindow.unHighlightBooths(); //*---* Pop off the last search and do it lastSearch.pop(); var lastSearchExec = lastSearch.pop(); //*---* Render the last search lastSearchExec(); } /** * Render the search menu home */ function floorplanMenuRender() { //*---* UnHighlight all booths mainFloorplanWindow.unHighlightBooths(); //*---* Render the main menu if(document.body.clientWidth < 1000){ setTimeout(() => { $('#searchModal').modal('show'); }, 200); } jQuery('#fp_menu_search').fadeIn(); jQuery('#fp_menu_search_results').hide(); jQuery('#fp_menu_search_results').html(''); //*---* Default search fields jQuery("select[onchange^=floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByTagId]").val(''); jQuery("input[name=search_by_keyword]").val(''); //*---* If zoom was used, set it correctly if (currentZoom !== null) { jQuery("select[onchange^=zoom]").val(currentZoom); } } /** * Render search results html to the menu */ function floorplanMenuRenderSearchResultsHTML(html) { if(document.body.clientWidth < 1000){ setTimeout(() => { $('#searchModal').modal('show'); }, 200); } jQuery('#fp_menu_search').hide(); jQuery('#fp_menu_search_results').html(html); jQuery('#fp_menu_search_results').fadeIn(); } /** * Search available booths on the floor plan */ function floorplanMenuSearchAvailableBooths() { //*---* Highlight available on the floor plan mainFloorplanWindow.highlightBoothsAvailable(); } /** * Search companies by first letter * * @param string letter A letter to list companies by */ function floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter(letter) { //*---* Store this into the last search lastSearch.push(function () { floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter(letter); }); //*---* Build up the list var thisList = []; for (var i = 0; i < masterCompanyOrder.length; i++) { var thisCompanyData = masterCompanyData[masterCompanyOrder[i]]; if (typeof === 'string' && !== '') { if (letter === 'NUM') { var re = new RegExp("^[0-9]", 'i'); } else { var re = new RegExp("^" + letter, 'i'); } if ( { thisList.push(thisCompanyData); } } } //*---* If we were successful, print the list of exhibitors var html = "<p class=\"return_to_search\"><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"floorplanMenuRender(); return false;\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\">Return to search menu</a></p>"; if (typeof thisList === 'object' && thisList !== null && Object.keys(thisList).length > 0) { //*---* Make a header html += "<h2>Company and booths</h2>"; //*---* Render the exhibitor list html += floorplanMenuGetExhibitorListHTML(thisList); } else { html += "There are no companies matching that search."; } //*---* Populate html floorplanMenuRenderSearchResultsHTML(html); } /** * Search companies by full list */ function floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFullList() { //*---* Store this into the last search lastSearch.push(function () { floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFullList(); }); //*---* Build up the list var thisList = []; for (var i = 0; i < masterCompanyOrder.length; i++) { var thisCompanyData = masterCompanyData[masterCompanyOrder[i]]; if (typeof === 'string' && !== '') { thisList.push(thisCompanyData); } } //*---* If we were successful, print the list of exhibitors var html = "<p class=\"return_to_search\"><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"floorplanMenuRender(); return false;\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\">Return to search menu</a></p>"; if (typeof thisList === 'object' && thisList !== null && thisList.length > 0) { //*---* Make a header html += "<h2>Company and booths</h2>"; //*---* Render the exhibitor list html += floorplanMenuGetExhibitorListHTML(thisList); } else { html += "There are no companies matching that search."; } //*---* Populate html floorplanMenuRenderSearchResultsHTML(html); } /** * Search companies by keyword * * @param string keyword A keyword to search for and list by */ function floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByKeyword(keyword) { //*---* Store this into the last search lastSearch.push(function () { floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByKeyword(keyword); }); //*---* Build up the list var thisList = []; var thisListKeys = []; for (var i = 0; i < masterCompanyOrder.length; i++) { var thisCompanyData = masterCompanyData[masterCompanyOrder[i]]; var thisCompanyMatches = false; var re = new RegExp(keyword, 'ig'); if (typeof === 'string' && !== '' && { thisCompanyMatches = true; } else if (typeof thisCompanyData.guide_text === 'string' && thisCompanyData.guide_text !== '' && thisCompanyData.guide_text.match(re)) { thisCompanyMatches = true; } else if (typeof thisCompanyData.boothnumbers === 'string' && thisCompanyData.boothnumbers !== '' && thisCompanyData.boothnumbers.match(re)) { thisCompanyMatches = true; } else if (typeof thisCompanyData.keywords === 'string' && thisCompanyData.keywords !== '' && thisCompanyData.keywords.match(re)) { thisCompanyMatches = true; } if (thisCompanyMatches) { thisList.push(thisCompanyData); thisListKeys.push(thisCompanyData.reskey); } } //*---* If we were successful, print the list of exhibitors var html = "<p class=\"return_to_search\"><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"floorplanMenuRender(); return false;\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\">Return to search menu</a></p>"; if (typeof thisList === 'object' && thisList !== null && thisList.length > 0) { //*---* UnHighlight all booths mainFloorplanWindow.unHighlightBooths(); //*---* Highlight booths on the floor plan mainFloorplanWindow.highlightExhibitorGroup(thisListKeys); //*---* Make a header html += "<h2>Company and booths</h2>"; //*---* Render the exhibitor list html += floorplanMenuGetExhibitorListHTML(thisList); } else { html += "There are no companies matching that search."; } //*---* Populate html floorplanMenuRenderSearchResultsHTML(html); } /** * Search companies by tag * * @param string tag A tag to search for and list by */ function floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByTag(tag) { //*---* Store this into the last search lastSearch.push(function () { floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByTag(tag); }); //*---* Build up the list var thisList = []; var thisListKeys = []; for (var i = 0; i < masterCompanyOrder.length; i++) { var thisCompanyData = masterCompanyData[masterCompanyOrder[i]]; var thisCompanyMatches = false; var re = new RegExp("" + tag + "", 'i'); if (typeof thisCompanyData.tags === 'string' && thisCompanyData.tags !== '' && thisCompanyData.tags.match(re)) { thisCompanyMatches = true; } if (thisCompanyMatches) { thisList.push(thisCompanyData); thisListKeys.push(thisCompanyData.reskey); } } //*---* If we were successful, print the list of exhibitors var html = "<p class=\"return_to_search\"><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"floorplanMenuRender(); return false;\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\">Return to search menu</a></p>"; if (typeof thisList === 'object' && thisList !== null && thisList.length > 0) { //*---* UnHighlight all booths mainFloorplanWindow.unHighlightBooths(); //*---* Highlight booths on the floor plan mainFloorplanWindow.highlightExhibitorGroup(thisListKeys); //*---* Make a header html += "<h2>Company and booths</h2>"; //*---* Render the exhibitor list html += floorplanMenuGetExhibitorListHTML(thisList); } else { html += "There are no companies matching that search."; } //*---* Populate html floorplanMenuRenderSearchResultsHTML(html); } /** * Search companies by tag id * * @param int tagid A tagid to search for and list by */ function floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByTagId(tagid) { //*---* Store this into the last search lastSearch.push(function () { floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByTagId(tagid); }); //*---* Build up the list var thisList = []; var thisListKeys = []; for (var i = 0; i < masterCompanyOrder.length; i++) { var thisCompanyData = masterCompanyData[masterCompanyOrder[i]]; var thisCompanyMatches = false; var re = new RegExp("" + tagid + "", 'i'); if (typeof thisCompanyData.tagids === 'string' && thisCompanyData.tagids !== '' && thisCompanyData.tagids.match(re)) { thisCompanyMatches = true; } if (thisCompanyMatches) { thisList.push(thisCompanyData); thisListKeys.push(thisCompanyData.reskey); } } //*---* If we were successful, print the list of exhibitors var html = "<p class=\"return_to_search\"><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"floorplanMenuRender(); return false;\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\">Return to search menu</a></p>"; if (typeof thisList === 'object' && thisList !== null && thisList.length > 0) { //*---* UnHighlight all booths mainFloorplanWindow.unHighlightBooths(); //*---* Highlight booths on the floor plan mainFloorplanWindow.highlightExhibitorGroup(thisListKeys); //*---* Make a header html += "<h2>Company and booths</h2>"; //*---* Render the exhibitor list html += floorplanMenuGetExhibitorListHTML(thisList); } else { html += "There are no companies matching that search."; } //*---* Populate html floorplanMenuRenderSearchResultsHTML(html); } /** * Select exhibitor from external link */ function floorplanMenuSelectExhibitorFromExternalLink(reskey) { //*---* Get exhibitor data var thisCompanyData = masterCompanyData[reskey]; //*---* If we were successful, select their booth, send analytics, and render data var html = "<p class=\"return_to_search\"><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"floorplanMenuRender(); return false;\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\">Return to search menu</a></p>"; if (typeof === 'string' && !== '') { //*---* Select the exhibitor on the floor plan mainFloorplanWindow.selectExhibitor(reskey); //*---* Send a google analytics event for external load if (typeof gtag === 'function') { gtag('event', 'external load', {'event_category' : 'Interactive Floor Plan', 'event_label' :}); } //*---* Render the exhibitor html += floorplanMenuGetExhibitorHTML(thisCompanyData); } //*---* Populate html floorplanMenuRenderSearchResultsHTML(html); } /** * Select exhibitor from headline banner */ function floorplanMenuSelectExhibitorFromHeadlineBanner(reskey) { //*---* Get exhibitor data var thisCompanyData = masterCompanyData[reskey]; //*---* If we were successful, select their booth, send analytics, and render data var html = "<p class=\"return_to_search\"><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"floorplanMenuRenderLastSearch(); return false;\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\">Return to last search</a></p>"; if (typeof === 'string' && !== '') { //*---* Select the exhibitor on the floor plan mainFloorplanWindow.selectExhibitor(reskey); //*---* Send a google analytics event for banner click if (typeof gtag === 'function') { gtag('event', 'banner click', {'event_category' : 'Interactive Floor Plan', 'event_label' :}); } //*---* Render the exhibitor html += floorplanMenuGetExhibitorHTML(thisCompanyData); } //*---* Populate html floorplanMenuRenderSearchResultsHTML(html); } /** * Select exhibitor from floor plan */ function floorplanMenuSelectExhibitorFromFloorPlan(reskey) { //*---* Get exhibitor data var thisCompanyData = masterCompanyData[reskey]; //*---* If we were successful, just list the company info var html = "<p class=\"return_to_search\"><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"floorplanMenuRender(); return false;\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\">Return to search menu</a></p>"; if (typeof === 'string' && !== '') { //*---* If this is a consortium, this is a second stage last search if (typeof thisCompanyData['subsidiaries'] !== 'undefined' && thisCompanyData['subsidiaries'] !== '') { lastSearch.push(function () { floorplanMenuSelectExhibitorFromFloorPlan(reskey); }); } //*---* Render the exhibitor html += floorplanMenuGetExhibitorHTML(thisCompanyData); } //*---* Populate html floorplanMenuRenderSearchResultsHTML(html); } /** * Select exhibitor from list on the menu */ function flooprlanMenuSelectExhibitorFromList(reskey) { //*---* Get exhibitor data var thisCompanyData = masterCompanyData[reskey]; //*---* If we were successful, select their booth, send analytics, and render data var html = "<p class=\"return_to_search\"><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"floorplanMenuRenderLastSearch(); return false;\" style=\"cursor: pointer;\">Return to last search</a></p>"; if (typeof === 'string' && !== '') { //*---* Select the exhibitor on the floor plan mainFloorplanWindow.selectExhibitor(reskey); //*---* Send a google analytics event for sidebar click if (typeof gtag === 'function') { gtag('event', 'sidebar click', {'event_category' : 'Interactive Floor Plan', 'event_label' :}); } //*---* If this is a consortium, this is a second stage last search if (typeof thisCompanyData['subsidiaries'] !== 'undefined' && thisCompanyData['subsidiaries'] !== '') { lastSearch.push(function () { flooprlanMenuSelectExhibitorFromList(reskey); }); } //*---* Render the exhibitor html += floorplanMenuGetExhibitorHTML(thisCompanyData); } //*---* Populate html floorplanMenuRenderSearchResultsHTML(html); } /** * Zoom * * @param float zoom A number to zoom the floorplan to */ function floorplanMenuZoom(zoom) { //*---* Set the current zoom currentZoom = zoom; //*---* Zoom the floor plan mainFloorplanWindow.GLOBALS.scale_factor = zoom; mainFloorplanWindow.reloadFloorPlan(); } </script> <div id="fp_menu"> <div id="fp_menu_search"> <h2>Explore the Exhibit Hall</h2> <p><em>Note: This floor plan is an approximation of the actual exhibit hall. Structural details may vary from what is pictured.</em></p><p>Use the scrollbar at the bottom of the screen to view the entire floor plan. <div id='zoom-container'><h2>Magnify</h2><p><select onchange="floorplanMenuZoom(this.value);" style="width: 50%; margin: 0px;"><option value="0.35">35%</option><option value="0.50">50%</option><option value="0.75">75%</option><option value="1.00" selected>100%</option><option value="1.25">125%</option><option value="1.50">150%</option><option value="2.00">200%</option></select></p> </div><h2>Search</h2> <form onsubmit="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByKeyword(this.elements[0].value); return false;"><p><input type="text" name="search_by_keyword" style="display: inline; width: 50%;"> <input type="submit" value="Go" style="display: inline; width: initial; min-width: initial;"></p></form> <p>Search by name, keyword or booth number</p> <h2>List by category</h2> <p><select onchange="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByTagId(this.value)" style="width: 90%; margin: 0px;"><option value="">Please choose</option><option value="285814008293813460">Administrative Technologies</option><option value="285814008324222185">AR/VR/XR</option><option value="307369150013500364">Artificial Intelligence (AI)</option><option value="285815475758099805">Assessment Technologies</option><option value="285814008262356179">Assistive Technologies</option><option value="285814008318979303">Cloud Computing</option><option value="285814008295910614">Communication Technologies</option><option value="285814008296959191">Computer Hardware</option><option value="285815986796293474">Continuing Education and Credentials</option><option value="285814008299056345">Curriculum and Instructional Tools</option><option value="285814008300104922">Data Management and Storage</option><option value="285814008302202076">E-Learning</option><option value="285814008303250653">Enterprise Solutions</option><option value="285814008304299230">Furniture</option><option value="285814008305347807">Higher Education Products and Services</option><option value="285814008294862037">Instructional Technologies</option><option value="285814008307444960">Library and Media Technology</option><option value="285814008309542113">Managed Print Services, Printers and Peripherals</option><option value="285814008311639266">Mobile Device Management</option><option value="285814008312687843">Open-source Products and Services</option><option value="285814008315833573">Professional Development, Conference and Workshops</option><option value="285814008317930726">Publishers</option><option value="285814008322125032">Robotics</option><option value="285814008327367914">Wireless and Internet Infrastructure</option></select></p> <h2>List by name</h2><p><a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('NUM')">#</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('A')">A</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('B')">B</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('C')">C</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('D')">D</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('E')">E</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('F')">F</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('G')">G</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('H')">H</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('I')">I</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('J')">J</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('K')">K</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('L')">L</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('M')">M</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('N')">N</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('O')">O</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('P')">P</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('Q')">Q</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('R')">R</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('S')">S</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('T')">T</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('U')">U</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('V')">V</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('W')">W</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('X')">X</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('Y')">Y</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('Z')">Z</a> <a onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFirstLetter('#')">#</a></p><p><strong><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick="floorplanMenuSearchCompaniesByFullList()">All exhibitors</a></strong></p><h2>View available booths</h2><p>See <a href='javascript:void(0)' id="ViewBoothsLink" onclick="floorplanMenuSearchAvailableBooths()">available booths</a> at the exhibit hall!</p></div> <div id="fp_menu_search_results"> </div> </div> <div class=""> <img src="/GLOBAL/icons/arrow_refresh.png"> <a onclick="document.getElementById('fp').contentWindow.location.reload();">Refresh</a> </div> </div> <script> jQuery( function() { jQuery('#fp').height(window.innerHeight); centerFloorplan(); } ); //get html elements that we want to move around var menu = $('#capture-menu'); var iframe = $('#fp'); $('#capture-menu').remove(); //function to move html elements depending on if we are on mobile function resizeFunction(){ if(document.body.clientWidth < 1000){ //if the mobile menu is already filled we move on if($('#mobile-menu').html().trim() !== ""){ return; } //fill new menu and remove old and move iframe $('#mobile-menu').html(menu); $('#fp').remove(); $('#floorplan-container').html(iframe); //get rid of zoom we don't need it on mobile and add modal control to available booth button $('#zoom-container').hide(); $('#ViewBoothsLink').attr('data-bs-toggle', 'modal'); $('#ViewBoothsLink').attr('data-bs-target', '#searchModal'); //base.js uses this variable. 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