36435 – Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files
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(2.10 KB, patch) <br> <a href="#attach_164240" title="Go to the comment associated with the attachment">2024-04-02 08:42 UTC</a>, <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Aleisha Amohia</span> </span> </span> </td> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=164240&action=edit">Details</a> | <a href="attachment.cgi?id=164240&action=diff">Diff</a>  | <a href=""> Splinter Review</a> </td> </tr> <tr id="a3" class="bz_contenttype_text_plain bz_patch bz_tr_obsolete bz_default_hidden"> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=164491" title="View the content of the attachment"> <b><span class="bz_obsolete">Bug 36435: Always delete old backup files</span></b></a> <span class="bz_attach_extra_info"> (1.34 KB, patch) <br> <a href="#attach_164491" title="Go to the comment associated with the attachment">2024-04-08 02:24 UTC</a>, <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Danyon Sewell</span> </span> </span> </td> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=164491&action=edit">Details</a> | <a 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36435: Always delete old backup files</span></b></a> <span class="bz_attach_extra_info"> (2.81 KB, patch) <br> <a href="#attach_165937" title="Go to the comment associated with the attachment">2024-05-01 02:22 UTC</a>, <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Aleisha Amohia</span> </span> </span> </td> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=165937&action=edit">Details</a> | <a href="attachment.cgi?id=165937&action=diff">Diff</a>  | <a href=""> Splinter Review</a> </td> </tr> <tr id="a6" class="bz_contenttype_text_plain bz_patch bz_tr_obsolete bz_default_hidden"> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=165943" title="View the content of the attachment"> <b><span class="bz_obsolete">Bug 36435: [alternative] Catch harmless errors in koha-dump</span></b></a> <span class="bz_attach_extra_info"> (1.96 KB, patch) <br> <a href="#attach_165943" title="Go to the comment associated with the attachment">2024-05-01 07:23 UTC</a>, <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">David Nind</span> </span> </span> </td> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=165943&action=edit">Details</a> | <a href="attachment.cgi?id=165943&action=diff">Diff</a>  | <a href=""> Splinter Review</a> </td> </tr> <tr id="a7" class="bz_contenttype_text_plain bz_patch bz_tr_obsolete bz_default_hidden"> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=165944" title="View the content of the attachment"> <b><span class="bz_obsolete">Bug 36435: Always delete old backup files</span></b></a> <span class="bz_attach_extra_info"> (2.85 KB, patch) <br> <a href="#attach_165944" title="Go to the comment associated with the attachment">2024-05-01 07:23 UTC</a>, <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">David Nind</span> </span> </span> </td> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=165944&action=edit">Details</a> | <a href="attachment.cgi?id=165944&action=diff">Diff</a>  | <a href=""> Splinter Review</a> </td> </tr> <tr id="a8" class="bz_contenttype_text_plain bz_patch bz_tr_obsolete bz_default_hidden"> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=171178" title="View the content of the attachment"> <b><span class="bz_obsolete">Bug 36435: [alternative] Catch harmless errors in koha-dump</span></b></a> <span class="bz_attach_extra_info"> (3.58 KB, patch) <br> <a href="#attach_171178" title="Go to the comment associated with the attachment">2024-09-09 09:07 UTC</a>, <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Michał</span> </span> </span> </td> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=171178&action=edit">Details</a> | <a href="attachment.cgi?id=171178&action=diff">Diff</a>  | <a href=""> Splinter Review</a> </td> </tr> <tr id="a9" class="bz_contenttype_text_plain bz_patch bz_tr_obsolete bz_default_hidden"> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=171179" title="View the content of the attachment"> <b><span class="bz_obsolete">Bug 36435: Always delete old backup files</span></b></a> <span class="bz_attach_extra_info"> (3.02 KB, patch) <br> <a href="#attach_171179" title="Go to the comment associated with the attachment">2024-09-09 09:08 UTC</a>, <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Michał</span> </span> </span> </td> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=171179&action=edit">Details</a> | <a href="attachment.cgi?id=171179&action=diff">Diff</a>  | <a href=""> Splinter Review</a> </td> </tr> <tr id="a10" class="bz_contenttype_text_plain bz_patch bz_tr_obsolete bz_default_hidden"> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=172133" title="View the content of the attachment"> <b><span class="bz_obsolete">Bug 36435: Catch harmless errors in koha-dump</span></b></a> <span class="bz_attach_extra_info"> (3.56 KB, patch) <br> <a href="#attach_172133" title="Go to the comment associated with the attachment">2024-09-27 15:37 UTC</a>, <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Aleisha Amohia</span> </span> </span> </td> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=172133&action=edit">Details</a> | <a href="attachment.cgi?id=172133&action=diff">Diff</a>  | <a href=""> Splinter Review</a> </td> </tr> <tr id="a11" class="bz_contenttype_text_plain bz_patch"> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=172528" title="View the content of the attachment"> <b>Bug 36435: Catch harmless errors in koha-dump</b></a> <span class="bz_attach_extra_info"> (3.66 KB, patch) <br> <a href="#attach_172528" title="Go to the comment associated with the attachment">2024-10-08 14:36 UTC</a>, <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Marcel de Rooy</span> </span> </span> </td> <td> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=172528&action=edit">Details</a> | <a href="attachment.cgi?id=172528&action=diff">Diff</a>  | <a href=""> Splinter Review</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="bz_attach_footer"> <td colspan="2"> <span class="bz_attach_view_hide"> <a href="#a0" onclick="return toggle_display(this);">Show Obsolete</a> (10) <a id="view_all" href="attachment.cgi?bugid=36435&action=viewall&hide_obsolete=1">View All</a> </span> <a href="attachment.cgi?bugid=36435&action=enter">Add an attachment</a> (proposed patch, testcase, etc.) </td> </tr> </table> <br> <div id="add_comment" class="bz_section_additional_comments"> <table> <tr> <td> <fieldset> <legend>Note</legend> You need to <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435&GoAheadAndLogIn=1">log in</a> before you can comment on or make changes to this bug. </fieldset> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> <td> </td> </tr></table> <div id="comments"><script src="js/comments.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- /* Adds the reply text to the 'comment' textarea */ function replyToComment(id, real_id, name) { var prefix = "(In reply to " + name + " from comment #" + id + ")\n"; var replytext = ""; /* pre id="comment_name_N" */ var text_elem = document.getElementById('comment_text_'+id); var text = getText(text_elem); replytext = prefix + wrapReplyText(text); /* <textarea id="comment"> */ var textarea = document.getElementById('comment'); if (textarea.value != replytext) { textarea.value += replytext; } textarea.focus(); } //--> </script> <!-- This auto-sizes the comments and positions the collapse/expand links to the right. --> <table class="bz_comment_table"> <tr> <td> <div id="c0" class="bz_comment bz_first_comment"> <div class="bz_first_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c0">Description</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Aleisha Amohia</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-03-27 02:01:35 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Since the changes at <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_oldstable " title="Pushed to oldstable - koha-run-backups delete the backup files after finished its job without caring days option" href="show_bug.cgi?id=30627">Bug 30627</a>, sometimes backup files older than X days don't get deleted as they are meant to. In our case, this happens when: - koha-dump does not return a success status - because `tar -c` throws a warning "tar: var/log/koha/INSTANCENAME/opac-access.log: file changed as we read it" The new dump is created, but the warning is enough to interrupt koha-run-backups before it gets to deleting old backups. This causes excess backups to be stored and fills up the disk.</pre> </div> <div id="c1" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c1">Comment 1</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Aleisha Amohia</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-03-27 02:53:00 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Created <span class="bz_obsolete"><a href="attachment.cgi?id=163970&action=diff" name="attach_163970" title="Bug 36435: Specify to not show warnings if file changed while koha-dump running">attachment 163970</a> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=163970&action=edit" title="Bug 36435: Specify to not show warnings if file changed while koha-dump running">[details]</a></span> <a href='page.cgi?id=splinter.html&bug=36435&attachment=163970'>[review]</a> <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: Specify to not show warnings if file changed while koha-dump running This patch adds a switch to the tar --create command called by koha-dump to prevent 'file changed' warnings, which stop koha-dump from returning a success status, which interrupts koha-run-backups before it can delete old backup files. Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT</pre> </div> <div id="c2" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c2">Comment 2</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Aleisha Amohia</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-03-27 20:01:38 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">This fix did not work unfortunately, will propose an alternative</pre> </div> <div id="c3" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c3">Comment 3</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Aleisha Amohia</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-04-02 08:42:02 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Created <span class="bz_obsolete"><a href="attachment.cgi?id=164240&action=diff" name="attach_164240" title="Bug 36435: Always delete old backup files">attachment 164240</a> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=164240&action=edit" title="Bug 36435: Always delete old backup files">[details]</a></span> <a href='page.cgi?id=splinter.html&bug=36435&attachment=164240'>[review]</a> <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: Always delete old backup files Recently this step was moved inside the condition so would only run if koha-dump returned a success status. If a log file is being written to while koha-dump runs tar, tar returns a warning and a non-zero exit status. When this happens, koha-dump still completes but the success status condition is not true, so the old backups files are not deleted. There is no nice way to ignore the non-zero exit status from tar, and large libraries receive enough traffic for the tar 'file changed as we read it' warning to cause enough problems that old backup files begin to fill up the disk. This patch moves the step to delete old backup files outside of the koha-dump condition. This returns the script to the behaviour before it was changed in <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_oldstable " title="Pushed to oldstable - koha-run-backups delete the backup files after finished its job without caring days option" href="show_bug.cgi?id=30627">Bug 30627</a>. Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT</pre> </div> <div id="c4" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c4">Comment 4</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Danyon Sewell</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-04-08 02:24:39 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Created <span class="bz_obsolete"><a href="attachment.cgi?id=164491&action=diff" name="attach_164491" title="Bug 36435: Always delete old backup files">attachment 164491</a> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=164491&action=edit" title="Bug 36435: Always delete old backup files">[details]</a></span> <a href='page.cgi?id=splinter.html&bug=36435&attachment=164491'>[review]</a> <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: Always delete old backup files</pre> </div> <div id="c5" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c5">Comment 5</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Danyon Sewell</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-04-08 02:28:22 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Have written patch to break the conditional that koha-dump was inside so that the deletion of old logs will still happen. As Aleisha pointed out this has essentially changed the behavior back to how it was prior to the enhancement being written. Test plan: 1. Create a number of backups and edit their modify time to being older than 2 days 2. run the koha-run-backups script and try and write to one of the files it includes while it's being backed up (you'll trigger a warning from tar saying the file changed as it was being read) 3. verify that the older backups are not being cleaned up and deleted despite new backups being made. 4. Apply this patch 5. Complete steps 1-2 again and then go and look to see if the older backups are being deleted.</pre> </div> <div id="c6" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c6">Comment 6</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Fridolin Somers</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-04-24 05:35:36 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Rise importance to major since it can break the server</pre> </div> <div id="c7" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c7">Comment 7</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Andreas Jonsson</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-04-26 00:27:11 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">I think is more important that old backups are not deleted unless a new backup have been created and that we should instead catch errors that are harmless. diff --git a/debian/scripts/koha-dump b/debian/scripts/koha-dump index 29f02bc45a..85ffc7e4d4 100755 --- a/debian/scripts/koha-dump +++ b/debian/scripts/koha-dump @@ -124,6 +124,10 @@ dump_instance() output="$output to $metadump" [ "$quiet" = "no" ] && echo "$output" + # tar has exit status 1 if any file has changed while being read, + # which is likely to happen as the logfiles are included. + set +e + tar -czf "$metadump" -C / $excludes \ "etc/koha/sites/$name" \ "etc/apache2/sites-available/$instancefile" \ @@ -133,6 +137,12 @@ dump_instance() $uploaded_files_dir \ $uploaded_temp_files_dir + if [ "$?" != "1" -a "$?" != "0" ]; then + exit $? + fi + + set -e + chown "root:$name-koha" "$metadump" chmod g+r "$metadump"</pre> </div> <div id="c8" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c8">Comment 8</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">David Nind</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-04-30 22:41:50 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">I'm getting a sha1/fake ancestor error when trying to apply the pacth 8-(... git bz apply 36435 <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a> - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files 164491 - <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: Always delete old backup files Apply? [(y)es, (n)o, (i)nteractive] y Applying: <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: Always delete old backup files .git/rebase-apply/patch:23: trailing whitespace. error: sha1 information is lacking or useless (debian/scripts/koha-run-backups). error: could not build fake ancestor Patch failed at 0001 <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: Always delete old backup files Testing notes (using KTD): 1. I used the script in <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_oldstable " title="Pushed to oldstable - koha-run-backups delete the backup files after finished its job without caring days option" href="show_bug.cgi?id=30627">bug 30627</a>#c9 to create the backups with different dates. 2. I couldn't replicate the issue, as the backup with the sample data in KTD runs too fast! Is there a way to slow down the backup?</pre> </div> <div id="c9" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c9">Comment 9</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Aleisha Amohia</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-05-01 02:20:16 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Created <span class="bz_obsolete"><a href="attachment.cgi?id=165936&action=diff" name="attach_165936" title="Bug 36435: [alternative] Catch harmless errors in koha-dump">attachment 165936</a> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=165936&action=edit" title="Bug 36435: [alternative] Catch harmless errors in koha-dump">[details]</a></span> <a href='page.cgi?id=splinter.html&bug=36435&attachment=165936'>[review]</a> <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: [alternative] Catch harmless errors in koha-dump tar has exit status 1 if any file has changed while being read, which is likely to happen as the logfiles are included. this patch will catch these harmless errors so that koha-dump will still return a success code. Test plan: 1. Create a number of backups and edit their modify time to being older than 2 days 2. run the koha-run-backups script and try and write to one of the files it includes while it's being backed up (you'll trigger a warning from tar saying the file changed as it was being read) 3. verify that the older backups are not being cleaned up and deleted despite new backups being made. 4. Apply this patch 5. Complete steps 1-2 again and then go and look to see if the older backups are being deleted. Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT</pre> </div> <div id="c10" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c10">Comment 10</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Aleisha Amohia</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-05-01 02:22:46 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Created <span class="bz_obsolete"><a href="attachment.cgi?id=165937&action=diff" name="attach_165937" title="Bug 36435: Always delete old backup files">attachment 165937</a> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=165937&action=edit" title="Bug 36435: Always delete old backup files">[details]</a></span> <a href='page.cgi?id=splinter.html&bug=36435&attachment=165937'>[review]</a> <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: Always delete old backup files Recently this step was moved inside the condition so would only run if koha-dump returned a success status. If a log file is being written to while koha-dump runs tar, tar returns a warning and a non-zero exit status. When this happens, koha-dump still completes but the success status condition is not true, so the old backups files are not deleted. There is no nice way to ignore the non-zero exit status from tar, and large libraries receive enough traffic for the tar 'file changed as we read it' warning to cause enough problems that old backup files begin to fill up the disk. This patch removes the koha-dump conditional. This returns the script to the behaviour before it was changed in <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_oldstable " title="Pushed to oldstable - koha-run-backups delete the backup files after finished its job without caring days option" href="show_bug.cgi?id=30627">Bug 30627</a>. Test plan: 1. Create a number of backups and edit their modify time to being older than 2 days 2. run the koha-run-backups script and try and write to one of the files it includes while it's being backed up (you'll trigger a warning from tar saying the file changed as it was being read) 3. verify that the older backups are not being cleaned up and deleted despite new backups being made. 4. Apply this patch 5. Complete steps 1-2 again and then go and look to see if the older backups are being deleted. Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT</pre> </div> <div id="c11" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c11">Comment 11</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Aleisha Amohia</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-05-01 02:23:53 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">(In reply to David Nind from <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c8">comment #8</a>) <span class="quote">> I'm getting a sha1/fake ancestor error when trying to apply the pacth 8-(... > > git bz apply 36435 > > <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a> - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when > deleting old backup files > > 164491 - <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: Always delete old backup files > > Apply? [(y)es, (n)o, (i)nteractive] y > Applying: <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: Always delete old backup files > .git/rebase-apply/patch:23: trailing whitespace. > > error: sha1 information is lacking or useless > (debian/scripts/koha-run-backups). > error: could not build fake ancestor > Patch failed at 0001 <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: Always delete old backup files > > Testing notes (using KTD): > > 1. I used the script in <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_oldstable " title="Pushed to oldstable - koha-run-backups delete the backup files after finished its job without caring days option" href="show_bug.cgi?id=30627">bug 30627</a>#c9 to create the backups with different > dates. > > 2. I couldn't replicate the issue, as the backup with the sample data in KTD > runs too fast! Is there a way to slow down the backup?</span > I've attached Andreas' suggestion as an alternative patch, and fixed Danyon's patch. I think from memory the only way we were able to write to the logs fast enough was by accessing the OPAC so the opac-access.log or opac-access-ssl.log was written to!</pre> </div> <div id="c12" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c12">Comment 12</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">David Nind</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-05-01 07:23:21 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Created <span class="bz_obsolete"><a href="attachment.cgi?id=165943&action=diff" name="attach_165943" title="Bug 36435: [alternative] Catch harmless errors in koha-dump">attachment 165943</a> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=165943&action=edit" title="Bug 36435: [alternative] Catch harmless errors in koha-dump">[details]</a></span> <a href='page.cgi?id=splinter.html&bug=36435&attachment=165943'>[review]</a> <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: [alternative] Catch harmless errors in koha-dump tar has exit status 1 if any file has changed while being read, which is likely to happen as the logfiles are included. this patch will catch these harmless errors so that koha-dump will still return a success code. Test plan: 1. Create a number of backups and edit their modify time to being older than 2 days 2. run the koha-run-backups script and try and write to one of the files it includes while it's being backed up (you'll trigger a warning from tar saying the file changed as it was being read) 3. verify that the older backups are not being cleaned up and deleted despite new backups being made. 4. Apply this patch 5. Complete steps 1-2 again and then go and look to see if the older backups are being deleted. Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT Signed-off-by: David Nind <<a href=""></a>></pre> </div> <div id="c13" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c13">Comment 13</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">David Nind</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-05-01 07:23:24 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Created <span class="bz_obsolete"><a href="attachment.cgi?id=165944&action=diff" name="attach_165944" title="Bug 36435: Always delete old backup files">attachment 165944</a> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=165944&action=edit" title="Bug 36435: Always delete old backup files">[details]</a></span> <a href='page.cgi?id=splinter.html&bug=36435&attachment=165944'>[review]</a> <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: Always delete old backup files Recently this step was moved inside the condition so would only run if koha-dump returned a success status. If a log file is being written to while koha-dump runs tar, tar returns a warning and a non-zero exit status. When this happens, koha-dump still completes but the success status condition is not true, so the old backups files are not deleted. There is no nice way to ignore the non-zero exit status from tar, and large libraries receive enough traffic for the tar 'file changed as we read it' warning to cause enough problems that old backup files begin to fill up the disk. This patch removes the koha-dump conditional. This returns the script to the behaviour before it was changed in <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_oldstable " title="Pushed to oldstable - koha-run-backups delete the backup files after finished its job without caring days option" href="show_bug.cgi?id=30627">Bug 30627</a>. Test plan: 1. Create a number of backups and edit their modify time to being older than 2 days 2. run the koha-run-backups script and try and write to one of the files it includes while it's being backed up (you'll trigger a warning from tar saying the file changed as it was being read) 3. verify that the older backups are not being cleaned up and deleted despite new backups being made. 4. Apply this patch 5. Complete steps 1-2 again and then go and look to see if the older backups are being deleted. Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT Signed-off-by: David Nind <<a href=""></a>></pre> </div> <div id="c14" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c14">Comment 14</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">David Nind</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-05-01 07:27:06 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">I've signed off both patches, despite not being able to replicate the issue. (Not able to successfully interrupt backup by reloading the OPAC home or running a search at the same time) Backups are still run successfully with the updated changes and older backups are deleted. Feel free to change back to needs sign off if that is not sufficient, or more rigorous testing is required.</pre> </div> <div id="c15" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c15">Comment 15</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Danyon Sewell</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-05-02 22:50:31 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">After applying the patch to one of our more active clients that gets a lot of traffic it seems this doesn't seem to fix the issue. It did remove the oldest DB backup but not the .tar.gz file due to the same reasons as before `tar: var/log/koha/<instance>/plack.log: file changed as we read it`</pre> </div> <div id="c16" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c16">Comment 16</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Andreas Jonsson</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-05-05 14:19:19 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">If the sql-file is deleted but not the tar.gz-file, it is due to <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_NEW " title="NEW - koha-run-backups deletes old backup files based on number of hours since modification - not date of modification" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36425">bug 36425</a> (because the tar.gz file will be newer than the sql.gz file, and you are hitting time interval between n x 24 hours after the sql dump but before n x 24 hours after the tar.gz file is created.)</pre> </div> <div id="c17" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c17">Comment 17</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Michał</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-08-14 13:25:48 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">I confirm that we face the same issue as described in the bug. As for reproduction, it's worth noting that our opac/plack can be as big as 500+ MB in size, it's worth accounting for that as it has to take some time for full file to be read to more easily hit this problem. And the OPAC should be refreshed in the background with some script that does it rapidly, think each 100 ms rather than 1+ sec. To address the comments 15 and 16: if the issue mentioned by Danyon is indeed <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_NEW " title="NEW - koha-run-backups deletes old backup files based on number of hours since modification - not date of modification" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36425">bug 36425</a> and not this one, can we change the status of this bug back to Signed Off? Danyon, could you please confirm this? If I understand correctly, if it's the case of <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_NEW " title="NEW - koha-run-backups deletes old backup files based on number of hours since modification - not date of modification" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36425">bug 36425</a>, then the .tar.gz file from 2 days ago wouldn't be removed, but the next one then should, giving you an odd (not even) number of files, but still no files older than N+1 days of configured backup retention, so no older than 3 days... Whereas if this primary bug still occurs, you'd see files not getting deleted at all like we see now, no matter how many days pass. Logically speaking, with this patch, the outcome of koha-dump should not affect the attempt of deletion of old backups at all in fact. Meaning that if backups still fail to get deleted, it has to be due to some other problem unrelated to this bug and its fix, despite the warning message still logged in the process possibly suggesting otherwise.</pre> </div> <div id="c18" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c18">Comment 18</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Michał</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-08-14 13:36:27 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">I confirmed that the patch fixes the issues for us too now, I'll probably sign-off the patch on Monday and change the bug's status back to move it forward, unless we receive some follow-up feedback that something in it is still broken by that time...</pre> </div> <div id="c19" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c19">Comment 19</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Danyon Sewell</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-08-14 21:08:56 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">(In reply to Michał from <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c18">comment #18</a>) <span class="quote">> I confirmed that the patch fixes the issues for us too now, I'll probably > sign-off the patch on Monday and change the bug's status back to move it > forward, unless we receive some follow-up feedback that something in it is > still broken by that time...</span > (In reply to Michał from <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c17">comment #17</a>) <span class="quote">> I confirm that we face the same issue as described in the bug. As for > reproduction, it's worth noting that our opac/plack can be as big as 500+ MB > in size, it's worth accounting for that as it has to take some time for full > file to be read to more easily hit this problem. And the OPAC should be > refreshed in the background with some script that does it rapidly, think > each 100 ms rather than 1+ sec. > > To address the comments 15 and 16: if the issue mentioned by Danyon is > indeed <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_NEW " title="NEW - koha-run-backups deletes old backup files based on number of hours since modification - not date of modification" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36425">bug 36425</a> and not this one, can we change the status of this bug back > to Signed Off? > > Danyon, could you please confirm this? If I understand correctly, if it's > the case of <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_NEW " title="NEW - koha-run-backups deletes old backup files based on number of hours since modification - not date of modification" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36425">bug 36425</a>, then the .tar.gz file from 2 days ago wouldn't be > removed, but the next one then should, giving you an odd (not even) number > of files, but still no files older than N+1 days of configured backup > retention, so no older than 3 days... Whereas if this primary bug still > occurs, you'd see files not getting deleted at all like we see now, no > matter how many days pass. > > Logically speaking, with this patch, the outcome of koha-dump should not > affect the attempt of deletion of old backups at all in fact. Meaning that > if backups still fail to get deleted, it has to be due to some other problem > unrelated to this bug and its fix, despite the warning message still logged > in the process possibly suggesting otherwise.</span > Hi Michal. Yes you are correct, the behavior we experience is also better described in 36425</pre> </div> <div id="c20" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c20">Comment 20</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Michał</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-09-09 09:07:47 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Created <span class="bz_obsolete"><a href="attachment.cgi?id=171178&action=diff" name="attach_171178" title="Bug 36435: [alternative] Catch harmless errors in koha-dump">attachment 171178</a> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=171178&action=edit" title="Bug 36435: [alternative] Catch harmless errors in koha-dump">[details]</a></span> <a href='page.cgi?id=splinter.html&bug=36435&attachment=171178'>[review]</a> <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: [alternative] Catch harmless errors in koha-dump tar has exit status 1 if any file has changed while being read, which is likely to happen as the logfiles are included. this patch will catch these harmless errors so that koha-dump will still return a success code. Test plan: 1. Create a number of backups and edit their modify time to being older than 2 days 2. run the koha-run-backups script and try and write to one of the files it includes while it's being backed up (you'll trigger a warning from tar saying the file changed as it was being read) 3. verify that the older backups are not being cleaned up and deleted despite new backups being made. 4. Apply this patch 5. Complete steps 1-2 again and then go and look to see if the older backups are being deleted. Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT Signed-off-by: David Nind <<a href=""></a>> Co-authored-by: Michał Kula <<a href=""></a>> Signed-off-by: Michał Kula <<a href=""></a>></pre> </div> <div id="c21" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c21">Comment 21</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Michał</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-09-09 09:08:36 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Created <span class="bz_obsolete"><a href="attachment.cgi?id=171179&action=diff" name="attach_171179" title="Bug 36435: Always delete old backup files">attachment 171179</a> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=171179&action=edit" title="Bug 36435: Always delete old backup files">[details]</a></span> <a href='page.cgi?id=splinter.html&bug=36435&attachment=171179'>[review]</a> <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: Always delete old backup files Recently this step was moved inside the condition so would only run if koha-dump returned a success status. If a log file is being written to while koha-dump runs tar, tar returns a warning and a non-zero exit status. When this happens, koha-dump still completes but the success status condition is not true, so the old backups files are not deleted. There is no nice way to ignore the non-zero exit status from tar, and large libraries receive enough traffic for the tar 'file changed as we read it' warning to cause enough problems that old backup files begin to fill up the disk. This patch removes the koha-dump conditional. This returns the script to the behaviour before it was changed in <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_oldstable " title="Pushed to oldstable - koha-run-backups delete the backup files after finished its job without caring days option" href="show_bug.cgi?id=30627">Bug 30627</a>. Test plan: 1. Create a number of backups and edit their modify time to being older than 2 days 2. run the koha-run-backups script and try and write to one of the files it includes while it's being backed up (you'll trigger a warning from tar saying the file changed as it was being read) 3. verify that the older backups are not being cleaned up and deleted despite new backups being made. 4. Apply this patch 5. Complete steps 1-2 again and then go and look to see if the older backups are being deleted. Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT Signed-off-by: David Nind <<a href=""></a>> Signed-off-by: Michał Kula <<a href=""></a>></pre> </div> <div id="c22" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c22">Comment 22</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Michał</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-09-09 09:12:48 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">As discussed above, reverting status back to Signed Off now (took me a bit of delay, but we got there). I rebased the two patches on top of current main. For the "[alternative]" patch touching koha-dump script, I also sorted out some problems with previous patch there that caused some code duplication and broken whitespacing, so that now it's looking all neat again (and thus also added myself to Co-authored-by, since I technically changed the original commit a bit, hopefully that's okay? if not, feel free to remove that line from commit message...).</pre> </div> <div id="c23" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c23">Comment 23</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Marcel de Rooy</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-09-20 09:34:59 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">It is not clear how to proceed here with both patches. One marked as alternative. Also note a comment about not deleting old backup files unless new ones are created. Please clarify and adjust. Changing status.</pre> </div> <div id="c24" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c24">Comment 24</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Aleisha Amohia</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-09-27 15:37:16 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Created <span class="bz_obsolete"><a href="attachment.cgi?id=172133&action=diff" name="attach_172133" title="Bug 36435: Catch harmless errors in koha-dump">attachment 172133</a> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=172133&action=edit" title="Bug 36435: Catch harmless errors in koha-dump">[details]</a></span> <a href='page.cgi?id=splinter.html&bug=36435&attachment=172133'>[review]</a> <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: Catch harmless errors in koha-dump tar has exit status 1 if any file has changed while being read, which is likely to happen as the logfiles are included. this patch will catch these harmless errors so that koha-dump will still return a success code. Test plan: 1. Create a number of backups and edit their modify time to being older than 2 days 2. run the koha-run-backups script and try and write to one of the files it includes while it's being backed up (you'll trigger a warning from tar saying the file changed as it was being read) 3. verify that the older backups are not being cleaned up and deleted despite new backups being made. 4. Apply this patch 5. Complete steps 1-2 again and then go and look to see if the older backups are being deleted. Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT Signed-off-by: David Nind <<a href=""></a>> Co-authored-by: Michał Kula <<a href=""></a>> Signed-off-by: Michał Kula <<a href=""></a>></pre> </div> <div id="c25" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c25">Comment 25</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Aleisha Amohia</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-09-27 15:38:42 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">(In reply to Marcel de Rooy from <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c23">comment #23</a>) <span class="quote">> It is not clear how to proceed here with both patches. One marked as > alternative. Also note a comment about not deleting old backup files unless > new ones are created. > > Please clarify and adjust. Changing status.</span > Hi Marcel I believe the alternative patch became the main patch. The hope is that koha-dump will not return a harmless error so old dumps will get removed.</pre> </div> <div id="c26" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c26">Comment 26</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Michał</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-09-27 17:09:31 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">I agree. This is the better approach, as the function won't return an error on a harmless warning, plus its remainder will continue to run, including the chmod+chown invokations afterwards, which is intended. If there's an actual error from tar (error code different than 0 or 1), the function will return early and then deleting old files will be blocked like previously, which is also still good behavior (since an actual error could mean no backup was made, and thus all good backups would be deleted otherwise). Turning the status back to Signed Off then, the patch contents themselves haven't changed (including the existing Signed Off), other than removing "[alternative]" from the Subject title.</pre> </div> <div id="c27" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c27">Comment 27</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Aleisha Amohia</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-09-27 17:37:41 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Thanks Michal! I also set the Assignee to you.</pre> </div> <div id="c28" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c28">Comment 28</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Marcel de Rooy</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-10-08 14:36:36 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Created <span class=""><a href="attachment.cgi?id=172528&action=diff" name="attach_172528" title="Bug 36435: Catch harmless errors in koha-dump">attachment 172528</a> <a href="attachment.cgi?id=172528&action=edit" title="Bug 36435: Catch harmless errors in koha-dump">[details]</a></span> <a href='page.cgi?id=splinter.html&bug=36435&attachment=172528'>[review]</a> <a class="bz_bug_link bz_status_Pushed_to_stable " title="Pushed to stable - Prevent warnings from interrupting koha-run-backups when deleting old backup files" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435">Bug 36435</a>: Catch harmless errors in koha-dump tar has exit status 1 if any file has changed while being read, which is likely to happen as the logfiles are included. this patch will catch these harmless errors so that koha-dump will still return a success code. Test plan: 1. Create a number of backups and edit their modify time to being older than 2 days 2. run the koha-run-backups script and try and write to one of the files it includes while it's being backed up (you'll trigger a warning from tar saying the file changed as it was being read) 3. verify that the older backups are not being cleaned up and deleted despite new backups being made. 4. Apply this patch 5. Complete steps 1-2 again and then go and look to see if the older backups are being deleted. Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT Signed-off-by: David Nind <<a href=""></a>> Co-authored-by: Michał Kula <<a href=""></a>> Signed-off-by: Michał Kula <<a href=""></a>> Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <<a href=""></a>></pre> </div> <div id="c29" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c29">Comment 29</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Katrin Fischer</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-10-11 09:15:32 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Pushed for 24.11! Well done everyone, thank you!</pre> </div> <div id="c30" class="bz_comment"> <div class="bz_comment_head"> <span class="bz_comment_number"> <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435#c30">Comment 30</a> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user"> <span class="vcard"><span class="fn">Lucas Gass (lukeg)</span> </span> </span> <span class="bz_comment_user_images"> </span> <span class="bz_comment_time"> 2024-11-18 23:17:00 UTC </span> </div> <pre class="bz_comment_text">Backported to 24.05.x for upcoming 24.05.06</pre> </div> </td> <td> </td> </tr></table> </div> </form> <hr> <ul class="related_actions"> <li><a href="show_bug.cgi?format=multiple&id=36435">Format For Printing</a></li> <li> - <a href="show_bug.cgi?ctype=xml&id=36435">XML</a></li> <li> - <a href="enter_bug.cgi?cloned_bug_id=36435">Clone This Bug</a></li> <li> - <a href="#">Top of page </a></li> </ul> <br> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="intro"></div> <ul id="useful-links"> <li id="links-actions"><ul class="links"> <li><a href="./">Home</a></li> <li><span class="separator">| </span><a href="enter_bug.cgi">New</a></li> <li><span class="separator">| </span><a href="describecomponents.cgi">Browse</a></li> <li><span class="separator">| </span><a href="query.cgi">Search</a></li> <li class="form"> <span class="separator">| </span> <form action="buglist.cgi" method="get" onsubmit="if (this.quicksearch.value == '') { alert('Please enter one or more search terms first.'); return false; } return true;"> <input type="hidden" id="no_redirect_bottom" name="no_redirect" value="0"> <script type="text/javascript"> if (history && history.replaceState) { var no_redirect = document.getElementById("no_redirect_bottom"); no_redirect.value = 1; } </script> <input class="txt" type="text" id="quicksearch_bottom" name="quicksearch" aria-labelledby="find_bottom" title="Quick Search" value=""> <input class="btn" type="submit" value="Search" id="find_bottom"></form> <a href="page.cgi?id=quicksearch.html" title="Quicksearch Help">[?]</a></li> <li><span class="separator">| </span><a href="report.cgi">Reports</a></li> <li></li> <li> <span class="separator">| </span> <a href="" target="_blank">Help</a> </li> <li id="new_account_container_bottom"> <span class="separator">| </span> <a href="createaccount.cgi">New Account</a> </li> <li id="mini_login_container_bottom"> <span class="separator">| </span> <a id="login_link_bottom" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435&GoAheadAndLogIn=1" onclick="return show_mini_login_form('_bottom')">Log In</a> <form action="show_bug.cgi?id=36435" method="POST" class="mini_login bz_default_hidden" id="mini_login_bottom"> <input id="Bugzilla_login_bottom" required name="Bugzilla_login" class="bz_login" type="email" placeholder="Email Address"> <input class="bz_password" name="Bugzilla_password" type="password" id="Bugzilla_password_bottom" required placeholder="Password"> <input type="hidden" name="Bugzilla_login_token" value=""> <input type="submit" name="GoAheadAndLogIn" value="Log in" id="log_in_bottom"> <a href="#" onclick="return hide_mini_login_form('_bottom')">[x]</a> </form> </li> <li id="forgot_container_bottom"> <span class="separator">| </span> <a id="forgot_link_bottom" href="show_bug.cgi?id=36435&GoAheadAndLogIn=1#forgot" onclick="return show_forgot_form('_bottom')">Forgot Password</a> <form action="token.cgi" method="post" id="forgot_form_bottom" class="mini_forgot bz_default_hidden"> <label for="login_bottom">Login:</label> <input name="loginname" size="20" id="login_bottom" required type="email" placeholder="Your Email Address"> <input id="forgot_button_bottom" value="Reset Password" type="submit"> <input type="hidden" name="a" value="reqpw"> <input type="hidden" id="token_bottom" name="token" value="1732728877-eVb3YIWLDrqqcnsvlDTNMgi4CM5GzogyScpcaBCiHD4"> <a href="#" onclick="return hide_forgot_form('_bottom')">[x]</a> </form> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <div class="outro"></div> </div> </body> </html>