Pictures: Giant Mars Pits Revealed in Sharp Detail
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Arizona</p><p><strong>Looking like <a id="b9_a" title="space slug" href="">space slug</a> hidey-holes, huge pits gouge a bright, dusty plain near the <a id="fpq1" title="Mars" href="">Martian</a><a id="lm.x" title="volcano" href="">volcano</a> Ascraeus Mons in a picture taken between October 1 and November 1 by NASA's <a id="e_e0" title="Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)" href="">Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)</a>.<br/></strong></p><p>Released in December, the image is among a series of new views snapped by MRO's HiRISE camera that show intriguing geological features on Mars. Each image covers a strip of Martian ground 3.7 miles (6 kilometers) wide and can reveal a detail about as small as a desk鈥攁nd so far no sign of <em>Star Wars</em> monsters.</p><p>MRO's sister orbiter, <a id="ovu6" title="Mars Odyssey" href="">Mars Odyssey</a>, first noticed the two deep pits鈥攚hich are about 590 feet (180 meters) and 1,017 feet (310 meters), respectively鈥攁 year earlier using its infrared camera, THEMIS. (Related: <a id="yls3" title=""Seven Great Mars Pictures From Record-Breaking Probe."" href="">"Seven Great Mars Pictures From Record-Breaking Probe."</a>)</p><p>"When compared to the surrounding surface, the dark interiors of the holes gave off heat at night but were cool by day," said <a id="hqci" title="Alfred McEwen" href="">Alfred McEwen</a>, principal investigator on the HiRISE camera.</p><p>"So we then decided to target these with MRO because this thermal information may be evidence for these being caves鈥攂ut the jury is still out on that."</p><p>(See <a id="r.lg" title=""Mars Has Cave Networks, New Photos Suggest."" href="">"Mars Has Cave Networks, New Photos Suggest."</a>)</p><p>The MRO has been studying Mars since 2006, beaming back more data than all other past and current missions to the planet combined.</p><p><em> 鈥擜ndrew Fazekas</em></p><p class="publication_time">Published December 21, 2010</p></div> </li> <li> <a class="thumb" href=""> <img src="" width="100" height="75" alt=" Mars pit (NASA space picture)"/> </a> <div><h2>Down the Martian Hole</h2><p class="credit">Image courtesy NASA/JPL/University of Arizona</p><p>A sharp close-up of the the larger Martian pit revealed sediment and boulders (seen in a picture taken in fall 2010 by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's <a id="uf2m" title="HiRISE camera" href="">HiRISE camera</a>), as well as hints of sand that was blown inside and trapped in the deepest and darkest parts of the hole, according to NASA.</p><p>The holes are believed to be vertical shafts that cut through lava flows along the edges of the Ascraeus volcano. Similar features called pit craters鈥攖he result of the ground collapsing above a void鈥攃an be found on <a href="">Hawaii</a>'s volcanoes. (See <a id="lc8d" title=""Mars Volcanoes May Re-Erupt, Hawaii Comparison Shows."" href="">"Mars Volcanoes May Re-Erupt, Hawaii Comparison Shows."</a>)</p><p>Scientists are still debating if these are genuine pits, which are simply vertical shafts in the ground, or caves鈥攈oles that lead into hidden horizontal undergound passageways.</p><p>"The big question is if these are in fact caves,"聽principal investigator McEwen said. "And do they provide some sort of micro-environment that could have supported life on Mars in the past?"</p><p class="publication_time">Published December 21, 2010</p></div> </li> <li> <a class="thumb" href=""> <img src="" width="100" height="75" alt=" Mars pit (NASA space picture)"/> </a> <div><h2>Youthful Pit on Mars</h2><p class="credit">Image courtesy NASA/JPL/University of Arizona</p><p>Car-size boulders punctuate the bottom of the smaller Martian pit (pictured in a fall 2010 HiRISE image). A bright sand dune laced with windblown ripples covers the sloping western side of the hole.</p><p>The two pits are believed to be relatively young, according to NASA. As the pits age, the slopes become shallow and widen as they material at the edges collapses inward.</p><p>"There are probably thousands of the older ones, and the younger ones like these, which are very steep and dark, may number be up to dozens," principal investigator McEwen said.</p><p>(Related: <a id="f__y" title=""Mars Has Liquid Water Close to Surface, Study Hints."" href="">"Mars Has Liquid Water Close to Surface, Study Hints."</a>)</p><p class="publication_time">Published December 21, 2010</p></div> </li> <li> <a class="thumb" href=""> <img src="" width="100" height="75" alt=" Sedimentary mounds on Mars (NASA space picture)"/> </a> <div><h2> Martian Mud Volcanoes</h2><p class="credit">Image courtesy NASA/JPL/University of Arizona</p><p>Among other recently released pictures from NASA's Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter are these images of apparent mud volcanoes on in Acidalia Planitia, a large basin in Mars's northern lowlands (seen in a fall 2010 HiRISE picture).</p><p>Mud volcanoes鈥攚hich also exist on Earth鈥攆orm when wet, pressurized sediment buried at depth erupts onto the surface. (Related <a id="zff1" title="photo: "&squot;Medusa&squot; Worms Found in Mud Volcano."" href="">photo: "'Medusa' Worms Found in Mud Volcano."</a>)</p><p>The Martian mud volcanoes might be prime targets in the search for past life on the red planet, according to NASA. (<a id="r9j2" title="See Mars pictures." href="">See Mars pictures.</a>)</p><p>"If this mud is produced at depth, it could have brought up organic materials that may show biosignatures of some sort of ancient life on Mars," principal investigator McEwen said.</p><p>(Also see <a id="mu9:" title=""Does Mars Methane Indicate Life Underground?"" href="">"Does Mars Methane Indicate Life Underground?"</a>)</p><p class="publication_time">Published December 21, 2010</p></div> </li> <li> <a class="thumb" href=""> <img src="" width="100" height="75" alt=" Pit on Mars (NASA space picture)"/> </a> <div><h2>Scar in Martian Lava</h2><p class="credit">Image courtesy NASA/JPL/University of Arizona</p><p>A gigantic trough (center) slices through Mars's Tharsis volcanic region in a fall 2010 picture by HiRISE.</p><p>Called a graben, the 1.2-mile-wide (2-kilometer-wide) depression formed when a block of the planet's crust dropped down between two faults. In this case, the tectonic movement left nearly vertical walls鈥攅ach about a kilometer (0.6 mile) deep鈥攐n either side. (<a id="r.dd" title="See another picture of a Mars graben." href="">See another picture of a Mars graben.</a>)</p><p>"From the scarcity of craters inside the graben, it's estimated to be less than a billion years old," principal investigator McEwen said. "This one is nicely defined because it cuts a well-preserved lava flow."</p><p class="publication_time">Published December 21, 2010</p></div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="article_body"> <div class="gallery_item_container"></div> <div id="ng_comments" class="ng_comments photo-comments-0"> <pas:natgeo_pluck_comments plckcommentonkeytype="article" plckcommentonkey="wpf:page:14376:galleryphoto:14229" plcksort="TimeStampDescending" plckitemsperpage="5" plckdiscoverysection="news" plckdiscoverycategories="news object:galleryphoto layout:gallery 442 448"></pas:natgeo_pluck_comments> </div> <div id="ng_comments" class="ng_comments photo-comments-1"> <pas:natgeo_pluck_comments plckcommentonkeytype="article" plckcommentonkey="wpf:page:14376:galleryphoto:14230" plcksort="TimeStampDescending" plckitemsperpage="5" plckdiscoverysection="news" plckdiscoverycategories="news object:galleryphoto layout:gallery 442 448"></pas:natgeo_pluck_comments> </div> <div id="ng_comments" class="ng_comments 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