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He will retain his current title of Managing Director Curtis Balkan.</p> <p><strong>Clare Allsopp</strong> is the European Supply Chain & Systems Manager, with the added responsibility for SIOP in Europe, and reports directly to Ruslan Papazyan.</p> <p><strong>David Gottwald</strong> is the European Logistics Manager, and reports directly to Ruslan Papazyan.</p> <p><strong>Rob Francis</strong> is the Director of Quality Assurance & Operations, Europe and has the additional responsibility for operational compliance worldwide. Rob will also report<br> directly to Ruslan Papazyan.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="news-item-250" class="row background-white"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <img class="img-responsive img-cap-max" src=""> </div> <div class="col-sm-8"> <h4>Curtis Instruments Announces the Retirement of President Stuart Marwell, Transitioning to Senior Advisor & President Emeritus</h4> <div class="news-content"> <p><strong>Mount Kisco, NY – [Jan. 2025]</strong> – Curtis Instruments announces the retirement of longtime President Stuart Marwell, who will transition to the role of Senior Advisor and President Emeritus after decades of dedicated leadership. Under Stuart’s guidance, Curtis has evolved from its roots in Mount Kisco, NY, into a global leader in off-highway electric vehicle technology, now operating thirteen wholly owned entities worldwide.</p> <p>Throughout his career, Stuart has led by example, demonstrating a tireless work ethic, a collaborative mindset, and a meticulous attention to detail. His unwavering commitment to customer success has been balanced with a deep passion for Curtis’ core values—including the belief that “People are our most important resource.”</p> <p>His achievements extend beyond Curtis, reflecting his lifelong dedication to both industry and community. Stuart was honored as Humanitarian of the Year in 2014 by the Boys & Girls Club of Northern Westchester, where he has served on the board since 1987. In 2010, he was invited to a private roundtable discussion at the White House, where he and fellow business leaders engaged with President Obama on U.S.-India technology collaborations.</p> <p>Continuing the Marwell family legacy, Nick Marwell, representing the third generation of leadership, assumed the role of President effective September 30, 2024. While stepping back from day-to-day operations, Stuart will remain a valued resource, offering guidance and strategic insight in his new advisory role.</p> <p>Curtis Instruments extends its deepest gratitude to Stuart Marwell for his vision, leadership, and unwavering dedication, and we look forward to his continued contributions in this next chapter.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="news-item-249" class="row background-white"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <img class="img-responsive img-cap-max" src=""> </div> <div class="col-sm-8"> <h4>Kohler Energy Rebrands as Rehlko</h4> <div class="news-content"> <p><br> — Ushering in New Era of Sustainable Energy Innovation —<br> — Rehlko builds on a 100-plus-year legacy of powering an energy resilient world for a better future —<br> KOHLER, Wis. – September 17th, 2024 – Kohler Energy today officially rebranded under its new corporate name Rehlko (pronounced REL-co), marking a major milestone in the company’s 100 -plus-year history delivering innovative, resilient energy solutions that provide independence, agility, and security to mission-critical infrastructure, facilities and residences.</p> <p>Rehlko will continue operating as an independent enterprise. The company became a stand-alone entity in May 2024 when Platinum Equity completed a transaction with Kohler Company to establish then-Kohler Energy as a stand-alone business. Platinum Equity is the majority owner of Rehlko with Kohler Company remaining an investment partner. “We are embracing our future as an independent company with the new Rehlko brand and celebrating our legacy and our commitment for tackling the most complex energy challenges, and the values that guide everything we do and stand for,” said Brian Melka, Rehlko chief executive officer. “Our company’s new name is derived from the six letters of Kohler and reflects the reliability, resolve, reinvention, and resilience that have been – and will remain – the hallmarks of this organization in addressing the ever-evolving distributed energy needs of the marketplace.” </p><p><a href="#" role="button" onclick="$('#more-249').removeClass('hidden'); $(this).remove(); return false;">Read More...</a></p><div id="more-249" class="hidden"><p>Rehlko will continue to provide control, resilience and innovation through a comprehensive range of energy solutions, including power generation, energy storage, and renewable energy technologies among others. Rehlko operates a broad portfolio of leading businesses including Power Systems, Engines, Uninterruptible Power, Home Energy, Clarke Energy, Curtis Instruments, and Heila Technologies. Kohler Power Systems and Kohler Engines will lead the enterprise portfolio brand transition by officially becoming Rehlko branded by the end of 2024.</p> <p>“This rebranding is more than just a clever name change. The letters that comprise the name Rehlko reflect our 100-plus years of rich heritage under the Kohler brand and represent a bold step forward in our journey to continue building and powering a sustainable energy future,” said Francis Perrin, chief brand and sustainability officer at Rehlko. “Our new brand repositions our business at the forefront of innovation and energy resilience technology and showcases our proven ability to deliver to our customers with the energy reliability and control that they demand and require. The Rehlko brand is more focused and purpose-driven than ever before.”</p> <p>Mr. Melka will officially unveil the new enterprise Rehlko brand at the Fast Company Innovation Festival on September 17th and will soon launch its new corporate website –<a href=""></a>. Over the coming weeks and months, the company will support its new enterprise rebranding through a multi-faceted marketing effort including a targeted advertising campaign to introduce Rehlko across top-tier business and trade industry media publications, with the theme “Resilience is Reinvention”. The company is also thrilled to continue its partnership with two of the Interpublic Group’s ("IPG") global communications and branding agencies, The Weber Shandwick Collective and FutureBrand, who have been supporting brand launch and brand design efforts, respectively.</p> <p>Headquartered in Wisconsin, Rehlko will maintain operations in more than 100 locations across the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.</p> <p><strong>About Rehlko</strong><br /> A global leader in energy resilience, Rehlko delivers innovative energy solutions critical to sustain and improve life across home energy, industrial energy systems, and powertrain technologies, by delivering control, resilience and innovation. Leveraging the strength of its portfolio of businesses – Power Systems, Home Energy, Kohler Uninterruptible Power, Clarke Energy, Heila Technologies, Curtis Instruments, and Engines, and more than a century of industry leadership, Rehlko builds resilience where and when the grid cannot, and goes beyond functional, individual recovery to create better lives and communities, and a more durable and reliable energy future. For more details, learn more at <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>About Platinum Equity</strong><br /> Founded in 1995 by Tom Gores, Platinum Equity is a global investment firm with more than $48 billion of assets under management and a portfolio of approximately 50 operating companies that serve customers around the world. Platinum Equity specializes in mergers, acquisitions and operations – a trademarked strategy it calls M&A&O® – acquiring and operating companies in a broad range of business markets, including manufacturing, distribution, transportation and logistics, equipment rental, metals services, media and entertainment, technology, telecommunications and other industries. Over the past 28 years Platinum Equity has completed more than 450 acquisitions.</p> <p>###<br /> Media Contact:<br /> Suzanne Cutway<br /> Director, Corporate Communications<br /> Rehlko<br /><br /> <br /> Patrick Rose<br /> Vice President, Corporate Affairs<br /> Weber Shandwick<br /></p> <p> </p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="news-item-248" class="row background-white"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <img class="img-responsive img-cap-max" src=""> </div> <div class="col-sm-8"> <h4>Kohler Co. and Platinum Equity Close Transaction to Establish Kohler Energy as Independent Business</h4> <div class="news-content"> <p><strong>KOHLER</strong>, Wis. – May 6, 2024 – Kohler Co. and Platinum Equity announced today the companies have closed the transaction to establish Kohler Energy as a separate, independent business. Platinum Equity is now the majority owner of the Energy business and Kohler Co. remains an investment partner. Financial details are not being disclosed.</p> <p>Kohler Energy is strategically positioned to continue strong performance in the global energy resilience marketplace, now operating as a standalone company outside of Kohler Co. Brian Melka is CEO of the Energy business, elevating his leadership role after more than 10 years working at Kohler and driving the group’s growth and success. David Kohler serves on its Board of Directors.</p><p><a href="#" role="button" onclick="$('#more-248').removeClass('hidden'); $(this).remove(); return false;">Read More...</a></p><div id="more-248" class="hidden"><p>“This strategic move allows Kohler to focus and invest in our global Kitchen & Bath, Wellness, and Hospitality businesses while also positioning the Energy business to reach its full potential under the ownership of Platinum Equity,” said David Kohler, Chair and CEO of Kohler Co. “I want to thank the entire Energy team; the performance of this business over the last three years has been remarkable. Exciting times are ahead, and Energy will forever have a special place in our company’s heritage.”</p> <p>Brian Melka, CEO of Kohler Energy, added: “We are excited for this next phase of Kohler Energy with Platinum Equity as a partner. The demand for resilient energy is growing, and the world needs much more of what we do. Kohler has been an excellent steward of our business for more than 100 years, and this decision positions Kohler Energy to better deliver on that demand. Platinum Equity firmly supports our growth path ahead and can help further accelerate our progress in the global energy resilience industry.”</p> <p>Platinum Equity is a global investment firm with more than $48 billion of assets under management and is an experienced partner in the industrial products sector.</p> <p>“Platinum is committed to strengthening Kohler Energy’s position as an industry leader and investing in development of a new generation of innovative energy resilience solutions,” said Platinum Equity Co-President Jacob Kotzubei. “We are excited about the prospects for the business, which has been at the forefront of energy resilience for more than a century. We have tremendous respect for David Kohler and the Kohler leadership team, appreciate their confidence in us, and are grateful for their continued partnership.”</p> <p>“The energy resilience business has an outstanding leadership team, dedicated employees and an opportunity to capitalize on the tailwinds driving demand for reliable power solutions for individuals, businesses, and communities around the world,” said Platinum Equity Managing Director Matthew Louie. “We are thrilled to work with Brian and the management team to continue investing in the company’s human capital, infrastructure, customer and vendor partnerships, and growth.”</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="news-item-247" class="row background-white"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <img class="img-responsive img-cap-max" src=""> </div> <div class="col-sm-8"> <h4>New EU Application Group Director, Asen Stamenov</h4> <div class="news-content"> <p>Curtis Instruments is proud to announce the promotion of Asen Stamenov to the position of EU Application Group Director, effective January 2024. In his new role, Asen will lead the European Application engineering team, overseeing daily customer support activities, providing guidance to customers, sales teams, and distributors, evaluating customer requirements, assisting in new project approvals, and mentoring application engineers as needed.</p> <p>With 24 years of invaluable experience at Curtis Instruments, Asen brings a wealth of expertise and a proven track record of success to his new role. Previously serving as Director of Sales and Customer Support for Eastern Europe, Asen has demonstrated exceptional leadership and dedication throughout his tenure.</p> <p>Asen began his journey at Curtis Instruments in production as a tester of PCB boards before transitioning to roles such as test engineer and manufacturing engineer. His passion for meeting people and serving customers led him to customer support engineering and eventually to the position of European Application Engineer for various projects. In 2013, Asen took on the role of Sales Manager for Eastern European countries, further showcasing his versatility and commitment to the company.</p> <p>Throughout his career, Asen has achieved remarkable milestones, including working with key customers in Europe such as Combilift, Goupil, Charlatte, and JLG. He has successfully revived lost customers in the Bulgarian market and even contributed his expertise to projects like the Jungheinrich EKS project in the US.</p><p><a href="#" role="button" onclick="$('#more-247').removeClass('hidden'); $(this).remove(); return false;">Read More...</a></p><div id="more-247" class="hidden"><p>Asen’s immediate goals for his new position include fostering unity within the European Application Engineering group, enhancing project development processes and documentation, and improving team communication.</p> <p>Outside of work, Asen enjoys spending quality time with his family outdoors, particularly skiing in the winter and hiking during the summer.</p> <p>Curtis Instruments congratulates Asen Stamenov on his well-deserved promotion and looks forward to his continued contributions and leadership in his new role.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="news-item-246" class="row background-white"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <img class="img-responsive img-cap-max" src=""> </div> <div class="col-sm-8"> <h4>Curtis Instruments Welcomes Jon Hourihan as New Sales Director for Curtis Instruments UK</h4> <div class="news-content"> <p>London, UK - March, 2024 - Curtis Instruments, a global leader in instrumentation, controls, and integrated systems for a wide range of industries, proudly announces the appointment of Jon Hourihan as the Sales Director for the UK & Ireland market, effective January 8th, 2024.</p> <p>With over 30 years of experience in supplying engineered products to various sectors, including Automotive OEMs, motorsport, military, and agriculture, Jon brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Curtis Instruments. Prior to joining Curtis, Jon held technical, commercial, quality, and production roles with renowned companies such as divisions of Klockner Werke group and TI in the UK. Additionally, Jon has significant commercial management experience with UK-based suppliers, as well as international exposure gained from living and working in the USA, Japan, and Europe.</p> <p>Jon holds a Bachelor's degree in Electro-Mechanical Engineering, a Post Grad diploma, and an MBA, reflecting his commitment to continuous learning and professional development. His notable achievements include successfully launching an Electric ATV to the market, which has given him a deep appreciation of Curtis products in application.</p><p><a href="#" role="button" onclick="$('#more-246').removeClass('hidden'); $(this).remove(); return false;">Read More...</a></p><div id="more-246" class="hidden"><p>In his new role, Jon will be responsible for developing the growing Construction, Agriculture, and Turf-care (CAT) markets in the UK & Ireland, focusing on both new business development and key account management. His immediate goals include growing the target market sectors while maintaining excellent customer support and profitability.</p> <p>Outside of work, Jon is an avid rugby fan and enjoys traveling with his wife, particularly to Portugal, their favorite destination. He also has a passion for classic cars and has previously indulged in rebuilding older classics.</p> <p>"We are thrilled to welcome Jon to the Curtis Instruments team," said Kerry Green, Managing Director at Curtis Instruments UK. "His extensive experience and proven track record in sales and business development will be instrumental in driving our growth and strengthening our presence in the UK & Ireland market."</p> <p>Please join us in welcoming Jon to Curtis Instruments.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Social icon section start --> <div class="social-share bg-light border-top mt-5"> <div class="container-fluid container-md"> <!-- Change here: just replace align-items-center to text-center and remove justify-content-center class as it's not useful, that's all. --> <div class="bottom-social text-center"> <h4 class="text-uppercase">Share This: </h4> <ul class="list-inline"> <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-facebook-f"></i></a></li> <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-linkedin"></i></a></li> <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a></li> <li class="list-inline-item pinterest hidden"><a href="#" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-pinterest"></i></a></li> <li class="list-inline-item"><a href="mailto:?subject=Take a look at this page from Curtis Instruments&" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(function(){ pinterestImg = $('.container.push-down img, .main img').first().attr('src'); 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