GeoNames Webservice Client Libraries

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" > <title>GeoNames Webservice Client Libraries</title> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="GeoNames" href=""> <link href="/geonames.ico" rel="shortcut icon"> <link rel="StyleSheet" href="/geonames.css" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <table id="topmenutable"><tbody><tr> <td class="topmenu">&nbsp;<a href="/" title="GeoName Home">&nbsp;GeoNames Home</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="/postal-codes/" title="Postal Codes">Postal Codes</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="/export/" title="Database Dump and Webservice API">Download / Webservice</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="/about.html" title="About GeoNames">About</a>&nbsp;</td> <td class="topsearch"> <form class="topsearch" name="searchForm" method="post" action="/servlet/geonames" onsubmit="javascript:fulltextsearch();return false;"> search <input class="topmenu" name="q" size="20" value="" type="text"> <input name="srv" value="1" type="hidden"> </form> </td></tr> </tbody></table> <div style="margin: auto; width: 600px; text-align: left;"> <h3>Client Libraries</h3> Client libraries to simplify access to the GeoNames <a href="/export/web-services.html">web services</a> exist in a couple of programming languages. <ul class="list"> <li> <a href="/source-code/">Java Client</a> developed by the GeoNames team. <li> <a href="">pgeocode - Python</a> <li> <a href="">Packagist PHP</a> <li> <a href="">GeoClue-GeoNames - Ubuntu</a> <li> <a href="">ES-GEONAMES transform and load with logstash</a> <li> <a href="">cloudrail</a> Universal API. <li> <a href="">Objective-C</a> <li> <a href="">GeoNames Ruby API Wrapper</a> <li> <a href="">GeoNames Ruby</a> (fork from>Ruby Client</a>) <li> Drupal :<a href="">Drupal Module</a> and <a href="">Project Page</a> <li> <a href="">Geocoder - Python</a> <li> <a href="">geopy - Geocoding Toolbox for Python</a> <li> <a href="">Perl GeoNames Client</a> <li> <a href="">Lisp Client</a> <li> <a href="">Elixir Client</a> <li> <a href="">Pear PHP</a> <li> <a href="">Leaflet.Geonames</a> <li> <a href="">Zend Framework PHP</a> <li> <a href="">SOLMETRA Maps (PHP)</a> <li> <a href="">Yii (PHP)</a> <li> <a href="">PHP Laravel</a> <li> <a href="">R-Project</a> <li> .NET NGeo <a href="">sourcecode</a> and <a href="">NuGet Package</a> <li> <a href="">.NET WCF</a> <li> <a href="">.NET 3.5</a> <li> <a href="">GeoExt</a> <li> <a href="">GeoNames api for actionscript 3</a> <li> <a href="">jeoQuery - jQuery for GeoNames</a> <li> <a href="">geocoder for NodeJS</a> <li> <a href="">Geode for NodeJS</a> <li> <a href="">NodeJS streaming parser</a> <li> <a href="">nodeJs-geonames-client</a> <li> <a href="">NodeJs geonames.js library</a> <li> <a href="">python rdf api client</a> <li> <a href="">Swift - SimpleGeo</a> </ul> <h4>Tools</h4> <ul class="list"> <li> <a href="">GeoNames csv files to shp file converter</a> <li> <a href="">GeoNames couchbase importer</a> by Ermanno Pirotta <li> <a href="">wiki-place-rank</a> <li> <a href="">Geonames data parser into Shapefile/KML</a> </ul> <h4>Plugins</h4> <ul class="list"> <li> <a href="javascript:window.external.AddSearchProvider('');">opensearch plugin</a> for Firefox and IE7 <li> <a href=";category=all&amp;country=all&amp;language=all&amp;submitform=Search&amp;sherlock=yes">Mozilla Plugin</a> by Emilio Gomez Fernandez <li> <a href="">Geocode plugin for Geomajas</a> <li> <a href=""> plugin</a> </ul> <h4>Frameworks</h4> <ul> <li> <a href="">Gisgraphy</a>: an open source framework for GeoNames data, with importer, geolocalisatoin and fulltext search. <li> <a href="">NGeoNames</a>:.Net package. provides classes for downloading and parsing files from and provides (reverse) geocoding methods like NearestNeighbourSearch() and RadialSearch() on the downloaded dataset(s). </ul> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> <div id="pageFooter"> <img src="/img/smallant.gif" alt="ant" align="middle" hspace="40" border="0"> <p> <a href="/">GeoNames Home</a> <span class="separator">&#8226;</span> <a href="/postal-codes/">Postal Codes</a> <span class="separator">&#8226;</span> <a href="/export/">Download / Webservice</a> <span class="separator">&#8226;</span> <a href="">Forum</a> <span class="separator">&#8226;</span> <a href="">Blog</a> <span class="separator">&#8226;</span> <a href="/sitemap.html">Sitemap</a> </div> </body> </html>

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