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The heralds are appointed by the [[Monarchy of the United Kingdom|British Sovereign]] and are delegated authority to act on behalf of [[the Crown]] in all matters of [[heraldry]], the granting of new [[coat of arms|coats of arms]], [[Genealogy|genealogical research]] and the recording of [[pedigree chart|pedigrees]]. The College is also the official body responsible for matters relating to the flying of flags on land, and it maintains the official registers of flags and other national symbols. Though a part of the [[Royal Household of the United Kingdom]], the College is self-financed, unsupported by any public funds. Founded by [[royal charter]] in 1484 by King [[Richard III of England]], the College is one of the few remaining official [[heraldic authority|heraldic authorities]] in Europe. Within the United Kingdom, there are two such authorities, the [[Court of the Lord Lyon]] in [[Scotland]] and the College of Arms for [[Countries of the United Kingdom|the rest]] of the United Kingdom. The College has had its home in the [[City of London]] since its foundation, and has been at its present location, on [[Queen Victoria Street, London|Queen Victoria Street]], since 1555.{{efn|The College originally occupied a property between [[St Paul's Cathedral|St Paul's]] and Thames St, known as Derby Place, which burned in the [[Great Fire of London|Great Fire]]. The replacement building, known simply as the College of Arms or Herald's College, was built on the same property. When Queen Victoria St was built it crossed the south end of the College's property; the building was then remodelled to front onto the new street.}} The College of Arms also undertakes and consults on the planning of many [[Ceremony|ceremonial occasion]]s such as [[Coronation of the British monarch|coronation]]s, [[State funerals in the United Kingdom|state funerals]], the annual [[Garter Service]] and the [[State Opening of Parliament]]. Heralds of the College accompany the sovereign on many of these occasions. The College comprises thirteen officers or heralds: three [[Kings of Arms]], six [[Herald|Heralds of Arms]] and four [[Pursuivant|Pursuivants of Arms]]. There are also seven officers extraordinary, who take part in ceremonial occasions but are not part of the College. The entire corporation is overseen by the [[Earl Marshal]], a hereditary office always held by the [[Duke of Norfolk]]. ==History== ===Foundation=== [[File:Rous Roll - Richard and family.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Depiction of [[Richard III of England|King Richard III]], the College of Arms' founder, his wife Queen [[Anne Neville]], and their son [[Edward of Middleham, Prince of Wales]], with their heraldic crests and badges from the [[John Rous (historian)#Rous Roll|Rous Roll]]. A roll of arms painted by [[John Rous (historian)|John Rous]] around 1483–1485 for the [[Edward Plantagenet, 17th Earl of Warwick|Earl of Warwick]].]] King [[Richard III of England|Richard III]]'s interest in heraldry was indicated by his possession of two important [[roll of arms|rolls of arms]].&lt;ref name="Wagner 130">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=130}}&lt;/ref> While still [[Duke of Gloucester]] and [[Constable of England]] for his brother ([[Edward IV]]) from 1469, he in the latter capacity supervised the heralds and made plans for the reform of their organisation. Soon after his accession to the throne he created [[John Howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk|Sir John Howard]] as [[Duke of Norfolk]] and [[Earl Marshal of England]], who became the first [[House of Howard|Howard]] appointed to both positions.&lt;ref name="Wagner 130"/> In the first year of his reign, the royal heralds were incorporated under [[royal charter]] dated 2 March 1484, under the [[Latin]] name "''Le Garter regis armorum Anglicorum, regis armorum partium Australium, regis armorum partium Borealium, regis armorum Wallæ et heraldorum, prosecutorum, sive pursevandorum armorum.''"&lt;ref>{{cite web | url= | title=LITERÆ DE INCORPORATIONE HERALDORUM | publisher=S.Uemura's Web Page | access-date=27 January 2012 | archive-url= | archive-date=20 March 2012 | url-status=live }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Robson 36">{{harvnb|Robson|1830|p=36}}&lt;/ref> Translated as: "the Garter King of Arms of England, the King of Arms of the Southern parts, the King of Arms of the Northern parts, the King of Arms of Wales, and all other heralds and pursuivants of arms".&lt;ref name="Fox1900 95">{{harvnb|Fox-Davies|1900|p=95}} (translated by author from Latin)&lt;/ref> The charter then goes on to state that the heralds "for the time being, shall be in perpetuity a body corporate in fact and name, and shall preserve a succession unbroken."&lt;ref name="Fox1900 95"/> This charter titled "''Literæ de incorporatione heraldorum''" is now held in the [[British Museum]].&lt;ref name="Fox1900 88">{{harvnb|Fox-Davies|1900|p=88}}&lt;/ref> There has been some evidence that prior to this charter, the royal heralds had already in some ways behaved like a corporation as early as 1420.&lt;ref name="CoA history"/>&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=68}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Woodcock 140"/> Nevertheless, the charter is the earliest surviving document to affirm the chapter as a [[Legal personality|corporate body]] of heralds.&lt;ref name="Fox1900 88"/> The charter outlines the constitution of the officers, their hierarchy, the privileges conferred upon them and their jurisdiction over all heraldic matters in the [[Kingdom of England]].&lt;ref name="Fox1900 89">{{harvnb|Fox-Davies|1900|p=89}}&lt;/ref> The King empowered the College to have and use only one common [[Seal (emblem)|seal of authority]], and also instructed them to find a chaplain to celebrate [[Mass (liturgy)|mass]] daily for himself, [[Anne Neville]], the [[Queen Consort]], and his heir, [[Edward of Middleham, Prince of Wales|Prince Edward]].&lt;ref name="Wagner 130"/>&lt;ref name="Robson 36"/> The College was also granted a house named [[Coldharbour House|Coldharbour]] (formerly Poulteney's Inn) on [[Thames Street (London)|Upper Thames Street]] in the parish of [[All-Hallows-the-Less]], for storing records and living space for the heralds.&lt;ref name="Wagner 130"/>&lt;ref name="Bedingfeld 32">{{harvnb|Bedingfeld|Gwynn-Jones|1993|p=32}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="CoA architecture">{{cite web | url= | title=Architecture of the College | publisher=College of Arms | access-date=14 June 2016 | archive-url= | archive-date=17 August 2016 | url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> The house, built by [[Sir John de Pulteney]], four times [[Lord Mayor of London]], was said to be one of the greatest in the City of London.&lt;ref name="Noble 54">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=54}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Wagner 131">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=131}}&lt;/ref> ===Varying fortunes=== [[File:Prince Arthur's Book Armorial.png|thumb|right|upright|Prince Arthur's Book, an armorial of arms for [[Arthur, Prince of Wales]], c.&amp;nbsp;1520, depicting the proliferation of lions in [[English heraldry]]]] The defeat and death of Richard III at [[Battle of Bosworth Field|Bosworth field]] was a double blow for the heralds, for they lost both their patron, the King, and their benefactor, the Earl Marshal, who was also slain.&lt;ref name="Noble 55">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=55}}&lt;/ref> The victorious Henry Tudor was crowned King [[Henry VII of England|Henry VII]] soon after the battle. Henry's first Parliament of 1485 passed an Act of Resumption, in which large grants of crown properties made by his two predecessors to their supporters were cancelled.&lt;ref name="Wagner 134">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=134}}&lt;/ref> Whether this act affected the status of the College's charter is debatable; however, the act did facilitate the de facto recovery of Coldharbour to the crown. Henry then granted the house to his mother [[Lady Margaret Beaufort]], for life.&lt;ref name="Wagner 135">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=135}}&lt;/ref> This was because it was supposed that the house was granted personally to [[John Writhe]] the Garter King of Arms and not to the heralds as a corporation. As a result, the heralds were left destitute and many of their books and records were lost.&lt;ref name="CoA history"/>&lt;ref name="Robson 36"/>&lt;ref name="Woodcock 140"/> Despite this ill treatment from the King, the heralds' position at the [[royal court]] remained, and they were compelled by the King to attend him at all times (albeit in rotation).&lt;ref name="Wagner 136">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=136}}&lt;/ref> Of the reign of King [[Henry VIII of England|Henry VIII]], it has been said that: "at no time since its establishment, was [the college] in higher estimation, nor in fuller employment, than in this reign."&lt;ref name="the Noble 101">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=101}}&lt;/ref> Henry VIII was fond of pomp and magnificence, and thus gave the heralds plenty of opportunity to exercise their roles in his court. In addition, the members of the College were also expected to be regularly despatched to foreign courts on missions, whether to declare war, accompany armies, summon garrisons or deliver messages to foreign potentates and generals.&lt;ref name="the Noble 101" /> During his magnificent meeting with [[Francis I of France]] at the [[Field of the Cloth of Gold]] in 1520, Henry VIII brought with him eighteen officers of arms, probably all he had, to regulate the many tournaments and ceremonies held there.&lt;ref name="Noble 107">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=107}}&lt;/ref> [[File:English Officers of Arms 1511.jpg|thumb|left|upright=1.35|Officers of the College of Arms riding in procession to the [[Tournament (medieval)|Westminster Tournament]], from a tourney roll, made during the reign of King Henry VIII in 1511. The pursuivants to the left are identified by their reversed tabards, while the figure in the right (with the black hat) is probably Garter King of Arms [[Thomas Wriothesley|Sir Thomas Wriothesley]].]] Nevertheless, the College's petitions to the King and to the [[Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk|Duke of Suffolk]] in 1524 and 1533 for the return of their chapter house were rejected, and the heralds were left to hold chapter in whichever palace the royal court happened to be at the time. They even resorted to meeting at each other's houses, at various guildhalls and even a hospital.&lt;ref name="Wagner 181">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=181}}&lt;/ref> Furthermore, Henry VIII's habit of raising ladies in the situation of subjects to queens, and then awarding them many [[Augmentation of honour|heraldic augmentations]], which also extended to their respective families, was considered harmful to the science of heraldry.&lt;ref name="Noble 107"/> The noted antiquarian and heraldist [[Charles Boutell]] commented in 1863, that the: "Arms of Queen [[Anne Boleyn]] are the first which exemplify the usage, introduced by Henry VIII, of granting to his Consorts 'Augmentations' to their paternal arms. It is a striking illustration of the degenerate condition of Heraldry under the second Tudor Sovereign."&lt;ref name="Boutell (1863) 242">{{harvnb|Boutell|1863|p=242}}&lt;/ref> It was also in this reign in 1530, that Henry VIII conferred on the College one of its most important duties for almost a century, the [[heraldic visitation]].&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Boutell|1863|p=125}}&lt;/ref> The provincial Kings of Arms were commissioned under a royal warrant to enter all houses and churches and given authority to deface and destroy all arms unlawfully used by any knight, esquire, or gentleman. Around the time of the [[Dissolution of the Monasteries]] this duty became even more necessary as the monasteries were previously repositories of local genealogical records. From then on, all genealogical records and the duty of recording them was subsumed by the College. These visitations were serious affairs, and many individuals were charged and heavily fined for breaking the [[law of arms]]. Hundreds of these visitations were carried out well into the 17th century; the last was in 1686.&lt;ref name="Woodcock 140"/>&lt;ref name="Noble 105">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=105}}&lt;/ref> ===Reincorporation=== [[File:Tudor Roll of arms, Sir Thomas Wriothesley.png|thumb|right|upright|Roll of grants of arms during the [[Tudor period]] by Sir Thomas Wriothesley, c&amp;nbsp;1528]] The College found a patroness in [[Mary I of England|Mary I]], although it must have been embarrassing for both sides, after the heralds initially proclaimed the right of her rival [[Lady Jane Grey]] to the throne. When King [[Edward VI of England|Edward VI]] died on 6 July 1553, Lady Jane Grey was proclaimed queen four days later, first in [[Cheapside]] then in [[Fleet Street]] by two heralds, trumpets blowing before them. However, when popular support swung to Mary's side, the Lord Mayor of London and his councils accompanied by the Garter King of Arms, two other heralds, and four trumpeters returned to Cheapside to proclaim Mary's ascension as rightful queen instead.&lt;ref name="Noble 149">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=149}}&lt;/ref> The College's excuse was that they had been compelled in their earlier act by the [[John Dudley, 1st Duke of Northumberland|Duke of Northumberland]] (Lady Jane's father-in-law, who was later executed), an excuse that Mary accepted.&lt;ref name="Noble 150">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=150}}&lt;/ref> The queen and her husband (and co-sovereign) [[Philip II of Spain]] then set about granting the College a new house called Derby Place or Derby House, under a new charter, dated 18 July 1555 at [[Hampton Court Palace]].&lt;ref name="Woodcock 140"/>&lt;ref name="Noble 150"/> The house was built by [[Thomas Stanley, 1st Earl of Derby]], who married Lady Margaret Beaufort in 1482 and was created the 1st [[Earl of Derby]] in 1485.&lt;ref name="Wagner 182">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=182}}&lt;/ref> The house was built in 1503 and was given to the Crown by the [[Edward Stanley, 3rd Earl of Derby|3rd Earl]] in 1552/3 in exchange for some land.&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=183}}&lt;/ref> The charter stated that the house would: "enable them [the College] to assemble together, and consult, and agree amongst themselves, for the good of their faculty, and that the records and rolls might be more safely and conveniently deposited."&lt;ref name="Noble 150"/> The charter also reincorporated the three kings of arms, six heralds and all other heralds and pursuivants, and their successors, into a corporation with perpetual succession. A new seal of authority, with the College's full coat of arms was also engraved. On 16 May 1565, the name "the House of the Office of Arms" was used, thereafter in May 1566 "our Colledge of Armes", and in January 1567 "our House of the College of the office of arms".&lt;ref name="Wagner 182"/> Derby Place was situated in the parish of St Benedict and St Peter, south of [[Old St Paul's Cathedral|St Paul's Cathedral]], more or less on the College's present location.&lt;ref name="CoA history"/>&lt;ref name="Robson 36"/> There are records of the heralds carrying out modifications to the structure of Derby Place over many years. However, little record of its appearance has survived, except the description that the buildings formed three sides of a quadrangle, entered through a gate with a portcullis on the west side. On the south range, roughly where [[Queen Victoria Street, London|Queen Victoria Street]] now stands, was a large hall on the western end.&lt;ref name="CoA architecture"/> Derby Place's [[hearth tax]] bill from 1663, discovered in 2009 at the [[The National Archives (United Kingdom)|National Archives]] at [[Kew]], showed that the building had about thirty-two rooms, which were the workplace as well as the home to eleven officers of arms.&lt;ref>{{cite web | url= | title=The College of Arms Newsletter, December 2009 | publisher=College of Arms | access-date=27 January 2012 | archive-url= | archive-date=28 July 2012 | url-status=dead }}&lt;/ref> [[File:Lant's Roll Achievents of the College of Arms.png|thumb|left|upright|Armorial achievement of the College and its Kings of Arms, from Lant's Roll painted by [[Thomas Lant]] around 1595. It depicts the arms of Garter, Clarenceux, Norroy and Ulster. The additional charge in the first quarter of the first two shields, does not appear subsequently.]] The reign of Mary's sister [[Elizabeth I of England|Elizabeth I]] saw the college's privileges confirmed by an act of Parliament{{which|date=January 2024}} in 1566. As well as the drawing up of many important internal statutes and ordinances for the College by [[Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk|Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk]], the Earl Marshal, dated 18 July 1568.&lt;ref name="Noble 160">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=160}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Fox1900 101">{{harvnb|Fox-Davies|1900|p=101}}&lt;/ref> The long reign saw the College distracted by the many quarrels between [[William Dethick|Garter William Dethick]], [[Robert Cooke (officer of arms)|Clarenceux Robert Cooke]] and [[Ralph Brooke|York Herald Ralph Brooke]] about their rights and annulments.&lt;ref name="Wagner 199">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=199}}&lt;/ref> Disputes in which the other officers also took part, often occurred among the lesser heralds against each other. Historian [[Mark Noble (biographer)|Mark Noble]] wrote in 1805, that these fights often involved the use of "every epithet that was disgraceful to themselves and their opponents." and that "Their accusations against each other would fill a volume."&lt;ref name="Noble 160"/> During these years, the College's reputation was greatly injured in the eyes of the public.&lt;ref name="Noble 195">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=195}}&lt;/ref> The reason behind these discords were laid on the imperfect execution of the reorganisation of the College in 1568 and the uncertainty over issue of granting arms to the new and emerging [[Landed gentry|gentry]] of the era.&lt;ref name="Wagner 199"/> An enquiry into the state of the College lasted for one year, finally reporting to [[William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley|William Cecil, Baron Burghley]] in 1596; as a consequence, many important measures of reform for the College were made in the reign of [[James I of England|James I]].&lt;ref name="Wagner 222">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=222}}&lt;/ref> Eventually, these animosities among the heralds in the College ended only after the expulsion of one and the death of another.&lt;ref name="Noble 160"/> ===Civil War=== When the [[English Civil War]] began in 1642 during the reign of King [[Charles I of England|Charles I]], the College was divided: three kings of arms, three heralds and one pursuivant sided with the King and the [[Cavalier|Royalists]], while the other officers began to court the services of the [[Roundhead|Parliamentarian side]].&lt;ref name="Noble 227">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=227}}&lt;/ref> Nevertheless, the heralds petitioned Parliament in the same year, to protect their: "Books of Record, Registers, Entries, Precedents, Arms, Pedigrees and Dignities."&lt;ref name="Wagner 256">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=256}}&lt;/ref> In 1643 the heralds joined the King at Oxford, and were with him at [[Battle of Naseby|Naseby]] and followed him on all of his campaigns. [[Edward Walker (officer of arms)|Sir Edward Walker]] the Garter King of Arms (from 1645) was even appointed, with the permission of Parliament, to act as the King's chief secretary at the [[Treaty of Newport|negotiations at Newport]]. After the execution of Charles I, Walker joined [[Charles II of England|Charles II]] in his exile in the Netherlands.&lt;ref name="Wagner 254">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=254}}&lt;/ref> Meanwhile, on 3 August 1646 the [[Committee for Compounding with Delinquents|Committee of Sequestration]] took possession of the College premises, and kept it under its own authority. Later in October, [[Long Parliament|Parliament]] ordered the committee to directly remove those officers whose loyalties were with the King and to nominate their own candidates to fill these vacant offices.&lt;ref name="Noble 227"/> Those officers whose loyalty remained with the King were persecuted; first they were deprived of their offices, then of their emoluments, then a fine was imposed and some were even imprisoned.&lt;ref name="Noble 228">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=228}}&lt;/ref> In spite of this, the institutional College was protected by the Parliamentarians, and their rights and work continued unabated.&lt;ref name="Noble 228"/>&lt;ref name="Wagner 257">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=257}}&lt;/ref> [[Edward Bysshe]] a [[Member of Parliament (UK)#United Kingdom|Member of Parliament]] from [[Bletchingley (UK Parliament constituency)|Bletchingley]] was appointed Garter, thus "Parliament which rejected its King created for itself a King of Arms".&lt;ref name="Wagner 258">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=258}}&lt;/ref> During this time the heralds continued their work and were even present on 26 June 1657 at [[Oliver Cromwell]]'s second installation ceremony as [[Lord Protector]] of the [[The Protectorate|Commonwealth]].&lt;ref name="Wagner 259">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=259}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Noble 256">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=256}}&lt;/ref> ===Survival=== [[File:Banner and Crest of Charles II and James II.png|thumb|right|upright|Heraldic banners and crests of King Charles II and his brother James, Duke of York (later James II), observed by [[Elias Ashmole]], Windsor Herald. On a visitation to [[Berkshire]] in 1664–1665, the banners and crests were found at the choir stalls of [[St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle]].]] On 8 May 1660, the heralds at the command of the [[Convention Parliament (1660)#Convention Parliament of 1660|Convention Parliament]] proclaimed Charles II, King at Westminster Hall Gate. It was said that William Ryley, who was originally appointed Lancaster Herald by Charles I but then sided with Cromwell, did not even have a tabard with the Royal Arms, as his own had been "plundered in the wars". He had to borrow a decorative one from the tomb of James I in [[Westminster Abbey]] instead; the garment was duly returned the next day.&lt;ref name="Wagner 263">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=263}}&lt;/ref> [[Stuart Restoration|The Restoration]] of Charles II annulled all the Acts of the Parliament and all the actions of the Lord Protector, without penalising any of their supporters (except for [[List of regicides of Charles I|the regicides]]). Accordingly, all the grant of arms of the Commonwealth College was declared null and void. Furthermore, all heralds appointed during the [[Interregnum (England)|Interregnum]] lost their offices, while those appointed originally by Charles I returned to their places.&lt;ref name="Noble 267">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=267}}&lt;/ref> The exception was Edward Bysshe, who was removed as Garter, but was instead appointed Clarenceux in 1661, much to the chagrin of Garter Edward Walker.&lt;ref name="Wagner 263"/> In 1666 as the [[Great Fire of London]] swept through the city, Derby Place, the College's home since 1555, was completely gutted and destroyed.&lt;ref name="CoA history"/>&lt;ref name="CoA architecture"/>&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Boutell|1863|p=108}}&lt;/ref> Fortunately the College's library was saved, and at first was stored in the [[Palace of Whitehall]], then later moved to the [[Palace of Westminster]], where a temporary office was opened in an apartment called the Queen's court.&lt;ref name="Robson 37">{{harvnb|Robson|1830|p=37}}&lt;/ref> An announcement was also made in the ''[[London Gazette]]'' to draw public notice to the situation.&lt;ref name="Noble 269">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=269}}&lt;/ref> Due to a shortage of funds, the planned rebuilding of a new College was delayed until 1670.&lt;ref name="Noble 269"/> It was then that [[Francis Sandford (herald)|Francis Sandford]], the Rouge Dragon Pursuivant and Morris Emmett, the King's bricklayer, were together able to design and begin construction of a new structure on the old site.&lt;ref name="Woodcock 140"/>&lt;ref name="Wagner 306">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=306}}&lt;/ref> The costs of the rebuilding was financed in stages, and the structure was erected slowly in parts. The heralds contributed significantly out of their own pockets; at the same time, they also sought subscriptions among the nobility, with the names of contributors recorded into a series of splendid manuscripts known as the Benefactors Books.&lt;ref name="CoA architecture"/>&lt;ref name="Robson 37"/> [[File:College of Arms Engraving from 1756 (cropped).jpg|thumb|left|The College of Arms as it looked in the 18th century, engraved by [[Benjamin Cole (instrument maker)|Benjamin Cole]], and published in [[William Maitland (historian)|William Maitland]]'s ''The History and Survey of London From Its Evolution to the Present Time'' in 1756.]] By 1683 the College part of the structure was finished. The new building was built out of plain bricks of three storeys, with basement and attic levels in addition.&lt;ref name="Noble 270">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=270}}&lt;/ref> The College consists of an extensive range of quadrangular buildings.&lt;ref name="Robson 37"/> Apart from the hall, a porter's lodge and a public office, the rest of the building was given over to the heralds as accommodation.&lt;ref name="Noble 271">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=271}}&lt;/ref> To the east and south sides three [[terraced house]]s were constructed for leases, their façade in keeping with the original design. In 1699 the hall, which for some time had been used as a library, was transformed into the Earl Marshal's Court or the Court of Chivalry; it remains so to this day. In 1776 some stylistic changes were made to the exterior of the building and some details, such as [[pediment]]s and [[cornice]]s were removed, transforming the building to the then popular but austere [[Neo-Classical style]].&lt;ref name="CoA architecture"/> The magnificent coronation of [[James II of England|James II]] in 1685 saw the College revived as an institution of state and the monarchy.&lt;ref name="Noble 295">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=295}}&lt;/ref> However, the abrupt end of his reign saw all but one of the heralds taking the side of [[William III of England|William of Orange]] and [[Mary II of England|Mary II]] in the [[Glorious Revolution]].&lt;ref name="Noble 301">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=301}}&lt;/ref> The period from 1704 to 1706 saw not a single grant of arms being made by the College; this nadir was attributed to the changes in attitude of the times.&lt;ref name="Wagner 318">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=318}}&lt;/ref> The [[Acts of Union 1707]] between England and Scotland, in the reign of [[Anne, Queen of Great Britain|Anne]] did not affect the jurisdiction or the rights of the College. The College of Arms and the [[Court of the Lord Lyon]] were to exist side by side in their respective realms. However, in the matter of [[Orders of precedence in the United Kingdom|precedence]]; the [[Lord Lyon]], when in England, was to take immediate precedence behind Garter King of Arms.&lt;ref name="Noble 350">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=350}}&lt;/ref> ===Comfortable decay=== [[File:Robert Abraham's design for the College of Arms in Trafalgar Square.png|thumb|right|upright=1.15|Design by Robert Abraham (1773–1850) for a new College of Arms in Trafalgar Square, at the heart of Regency London in the 1820s; the plan was not executed due to a lack of funds.]] The [[Hanoverian succession]] to the throne of Great Britain led to reigns with less ceremony than in any since the incorporation of the heralds.&lt;ref name="Noble 348">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=348}}&lt;/ref> The only notable incident for the college in this period, during the reign of [[George I of Great Britain|George I]], happened in 1727 when an impostor called Robert Harman pretended to be a herald. The knave was prosecuted by the College in the county of Suffolk, and was sentenced to be [[pillory|pilloried]] in several market towns on public market days and afterwards to be imprisoned and pay a fine. This hefty sentence was executed, proving that the rights of the College were still respected.&lt;ref name="Noble 352">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=352}}&lt;/ref> In 1737, during the reign of [[George II of Great Britain|George II]] the College petitioned for another charter, to reaffirm their rights and remuneration; this effort proved unsuccessful. Apart from these events the influence of the College was greatly diminished.&lt;ref name="Noble 375">{{harvnb|Noble|1805|p=375}}&lt;/ref> In 1742 a Sugar House was built against the wall of the College. This structure was a fire risk and the cause of great anxiety among the heralds. In 1775 the College Surveyor drew attention to this problem, but to no avail. In February 1800, the College was asked by a Select Committee of the [[House of Commons of the United Kingdom|House of Commons]] to report to them the state of public records; again the heralds drew attention to the proximity of the Sugar House. Members of the committee inspected the College premises and reported to the House that the College must either be moved to a new building or secured against the risk of fire. Again nothing was done; in 1812 water seeped through the walls of the College damaging records. The Surveyor traced the leak back to a shed recently erected by Alderman Smith, owner of the Sugar House, who declared his readiness to do everything he could, but who actually did very little to rectify the situation.&lt;ref name="Wagner 472">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=472}}&lt;/ref> After years of negotiation the College, in 1820, bought the Sugar House from Smith for the sum of £1,500.&lt;ref name="Wagner 474">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=474}}&lt;/ref> [[File:Herald's College April 17, 1830.jpg|thumb|left|Herald's College, Bennet's Hill. Drawn by [[Thomas H. Shepherd]], engraved by W. Wallis. Jones &amp; Co. Temple of the Muses, Finsbury Square, London, 17 April 1830]] Great financial strains placed upon the College during these times were relieved when the extravagant Prince Regent (the future [[George IV]]) granted to the College an annual endowment by Royal Warrant on 29 February 1820. This generous endowment from the crown, the first since 1555, was applied towards the reparation and support of the College.&lt;ref name="Wagner 475">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=475}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Woodcock 141"/> Despite the successes of the purchase of the Sugar House and the royal endowment, the College still looked upon the possibility of moving its location to a more suitable and fashionable place.&lt;ref name="Wagner 475"/> [[John Nash (architect)|John Nash]] was at the same time laying out his plans for a new London, and, in 1822, the College, through the Deputy Earl Marshal, asked the government for a portion of land in the new districts on which to build a house to keep their records. A petition from the College was given to the Lords of the Treasury setting out the herald's reason for the move: "that the local situation of the College is so widely detached from the proper scene of the official duties and occupations of Your Memorialists and from the residences of that class of persons by whom the records in their charge are chiefly and most frequently consulted."&lt;ref name="Wagner 477">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=477}}&lt;/ref> Nash himself was asked by the College to design a new building near fashionable [[Trafalgar Square]] but Nash's elaborate plan proved too costly and ambitious for the College.&lt;ref name="Wagner 478">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=478}}&lt;/ref> At the same time the College also asked [[Robert Abraham (architect)|Robert Abraham]] to submit to them a second plan for the building. When Nash heard that another architect was approached behind his back he reacted vehemently, and attacked the heralds.&lt;ref name="Wagner 479">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=479}}&lt;/ref> The College nevertheless continued with their plans. However they were constantly beset by conflicts between the different officers over the amount needed to build a new building. By 1827 the college still had no coherent plan; the [[Bernard Howard, 12th Duke of Norfolk|Duke of Norfolk]] ordered the College to drop the matter altogether.&lt;ref name="Wagner 486">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=486}}&lt;/ref> By 1842 the heralds were reconciled with their location and once again commissioned Abraham to build a new octagonal-shaped Record Room on the site of the old Sugar House.&lt;ref name="CoA architecture"/> In 1861 a proposal was made to construct a road from [[Blackfriars, London|Blackfriars]] to the [[Mansion House, London|Mansion House]]; this would have resulted in the complete demolition of the College. However, protests from the heralds resulted in only parts of the south east and south west wings being sliced off, requiring extensive remodelling. The College was now a three-sided building with an open courtyard facing the New Queen Victoria Street laid out in 1866. The terrace, steps and entrance porch were also added around this time.&lt;ref name="CoA architecture"/>&lt;ref name="Wagner 489">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=489}}&lt;/ref> ===Reform=== [[File:Herald Office, London - Stanford Map of London, 1862.jpg|thumb|right|upright=1.3|1862 map showing layout of the College (labelled Herald Off.). Carter Lane and Upper Thames Street can be seen running parallel to the north and south of the College, respectively. [[St Benet's, Paul's Wharf]], the official church of the College since 1555, can be seen to the south west.]] On 18 October 1869, a warrant for a commission of inquiry into the state of the College was established. The warrant, issued on the behalf of the [[Henry Fitzalan-Howard, 15th Duke of Norfolk|Duke of Norfolk]], stated "that it is desirable that the College of Arms should be visited, and an inquiry instituted with the view of ascertaining whether the Rules and Orders for the good government of the said College&amp;nbsp;... are duly obeyed and fulfilled&amp;nbsp;... and whether by change of circumstances or any other cause, any new Laws, Ordinances or Regulations are necessary to be made&amp;nbsp;... for the said College."&lt;ref name="Wagner 518">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=518}}&lt;/ref> The commission had three members: [[Edward Fitzalan-Howard, 1st Baron Howard of Glossop|Lord Edward Fitzalan-Howard]] (the Deputy Earl Marshal), [[Sir William Alexander, 3rd Baronet|Sir William Alexander]] (Queen's Counsel) and [[Edward Bellasis (lawyer)|Edward Bellasis]] (a Sergeant at Law).&lt;ref name="Wagner 507">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=507}}&lt;/ref> [[Bernard Burke|Sir Bernard Burke]] (of the famous [[Burke's Peerage]]), at the time Ulster King of Arms, gave the commission the advice that the College should "be made a Government Department, let its Officers receive fixed salaries from Government, and let all its fees be paid into the public exchequer. This arrangement would, I am sure, be self-supporting and would raise at once the character of the Office and the status of the Heralds."&lt;ref name="Wagner 512">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=512}}&lt;/ref> Burke's suggestion for reform was the same arrangement that had already been applied to the Lord Lyon Court in Scotland in 1867,&lt;ref>{{cite web | url= | title=Lyon King of Arms Act of 1867 | | date=5 September 2001 | access-date=27 January 2012 | archive-url= | archive-date=13 October 2010 | url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> and was to be applied to his own office in 1871. However unlike the Lyon Court, which was a [[court of law]] and part of the [[Courts of Scotland|Scottish Judiciary]], the College of Arms has always been an independent corporate body overseen by the Earl Marshal. While the Lord Lyon depended on the Government for its reforms and statutes, the College has always been able to carry out changes from within itself.&lt;ref name="Wagner 513">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=513}}&lt;/ref> The commission also drew attention to the fees, annulments and library of the College, as well as the general modernisation of the chapter as a whole. When the commission made its report in 1870, it recommended many changes, and these were duly made in another warrant dated 27 April 1871. Burke's recommendation, however, was not implemented.&lt;ref name="Wagner 527">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=527}}&lt;/ref> [[File:Player's cigarettes Norroy King of Arms cropped.jpeg|thumb|left|upright|Sir [[Algar Howard]], [[Order of the Bath|KCB]], [[Royal Victorian Order|KCVO]], [[Military Cross|MC]], [[Territorial Decoration|TD]], was appointed Norroy King of Arms in 1931. In 1943 he became the first [[Norroy and Ulster King of Arms]], when the two titles were merged. He served in this office until 1944 when he was promoted to Garter King of Arms; he retired in 1950.]] Despite the findings of this inquiry, the issues surrounding the status and position of the College continued. At the beginning of the 20th century these issues were once again brought to the forefront. In 1903 an inquiry was set up at the instructions of [[Arthur Balfour]], soon to be [[Prime Minister of the United Kingdom|Prime Minister]]. The committee of inquiry was to consist of eight members; [[Algernon West|Sir Algernon West]] was made chairman. They were tasked to investigate "the constitution, duties and administration of the Heralds' College"; the main issues being the anomalous position of the College, who are theoretically officials of the Royal Household, but actually derive their income from fees paid by private individuals for their services.&lt;ref name="Wagner 535">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=535}}&lt;/ref> Some of the members of the committee (a minority) wanted (like Burke thirty-four years earlier) to make officers of the College of Arms into "salaried civil servants of the state".&lt;ref name="Wagner 535"/> Despite concluding that some form of change was necessary, the inquiry categorically stated that any change "is at the present time and in present circumstances impracticable."&lt;ref name="Wagner 536">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=536}}&lt;/ref> In 1905 the generous endowment from the Crown (as instituted by George IV) was stopped by the [[Liberal Government 1905–1915|Liberal Government of the day]] as part of its campaign against the [[House of Lords]] and the [[Social structure of the United Kingdom|class system]].&lt;ref name="Woodcock 141"/> A second inquiry was established in 1928 under the chairmanship of [[F. E. Smith, 1st Earl of Birkenhead|Lord Birkenhead]].&lt;ref name="1928 inquiry">{{cite web |url=;resultcount=1&amp;Edoc_Id=8044113 |title=Committee on the Heralds' College |publisher=The National Archives |access-date= 27 January 2012}}&lt;/ref> The inquiry was called soon after a secret memorandum, written in 1927, was circulated by the [[Home Office]], criticising the constitution and workings of the heralds.&lt;ref name="1927 Memorandum">{{cite web |url=;resultcount=1&amp;Edoc_Id=8043845 |title=Constitution and Working of the College of Heralds |publisher=The National Archives |access-date= 27 January 2012}}&lt;/ref> The memorandum states that "They have, as will be seen from this memorandum, in many cases attempted to interfere with the exercise by the [[Home Secretary|Secretary of State]] of his constitutional responsibility for advising the Crown",&lt;ref name="1927 Memorandum"/> and that the College had "adopted practices in connection with matters within their jurisdiction which seem highly improper in themselves, and calculated to bring the [[royal prerogative]] into contempt."&lt;ref name="1927 Memorandum"/> These accusations concern the actions of certain heralds, who overzealously advocate the cases of their paid clients, even against the opposition of the ministers of the day.&lt;ref name="1927 Memorandum"/> [[Anthony Wagner|Sir Anthony Wagner]] writes that "The officers of these departments, no doubt, in the overconfident way of their generation, esteemed the College an anachronistic and anomalous institution overdue for reform or abolition."&lt;ref name="Wagner 540">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=540}}&lt;/ref> The memorandum ended by saying that "the College of Arms is a small and highly organised luxury trade, dependent for its living on supplying the demand for a fancy article among the well to do: and like many such trades it has in very many cases to create the demand before it can supply it."&lt;ref name="1927 Memorandum"/> When the committee made their report in June 1928 they suggested several reforms to tackle the main issues which had brought the College into so much conflict with the Home Office. Firstly they concluded that the fees systems were adequate and no change was necessary in that regard. They justified this by stating that "placing all or even a few of the Officers on a fixed salary outweigh any advantages which might be expected to result from the change."&lt;ref name="1928 inquiry"/> Secondly they concluded that from now on the College was to be entirely subordinated to the Home Office, and that a standing inter-departmental committee be established to settle any future conflicts.&lt;ref name="1928 inquiry"/> ===Present=== [[File:London College of Arms 2011 05.jpg|thumb|right|upright=1.25|Main entrance to the College of Arms, 2011]] In 1934, on the 450th anniversary of the incorporation of the College of Arms, an exhibition was held at the College of the heralds' principal treasures and other associated interests. The exhibition was opened by the [[Bernard Fitzalan-Howard, 16th Duke of Norfolk|Earl Marshal]] and ran from 28 June to 26 July, during which time it received more than 10,000&amp;nbsp;visitors, including the Duke ([[George VI]]) and Duchess of York ([[Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother|Elizabeth]]).&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=547}}&lt;/ref> In 1939 at the beginning of the Second World War the College's records were moved to [[Thornbury Castle]] in Gloucestershire, the home of Major [[Algar Howard]] (the Norroy King of Arms). Meanwhile, on 10 and 11 May 1941 the College building was almost consumed by fire, which had already levelled all the buildings to the east of the College on Queen Victoria Street. The building was given up for lost, when a change in the wind saved it. At the end of the war, all of the records were returned safely to the College.&lt;ref name="Wagner 548">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=548}}&lt;/ref> In 1943 the College was given new responsibilities when the office of Ulster King of Arms was annexed and combined with those of the Norroy King of Arms, creating a new office called Norroy and Ulster King of Arms; Sir Algar Howard thus became the first to hold this office.&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=551}}&lt;/ref> Although the College building was saved from the war, its walls and roof were left in a perilous state. In 1954 a decision was forced upon heralds, whether to abandon the old building (which would have been profitable financially) or repair it on a scale far beyond the College's resources. Eventually with the help of the [[Ministry of Works (United Kingdom)|Ministry of Works]] and a public subscription, the building was repaired in time for the College's 4th centenary of being in possession of Derby Place.&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=528}}&lt;/ref> The present gates to the building were added in 1956, and came originally from [[Goodrich Court]] in Herefordshire. The new gates displayed the College's arms and crest.&lt;ref name="CoA architecture"/> [[File:College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street, London EC4 - - 1202629.jpg|thumb|upright=1.3|right|The College of Arms in March 2009, with scaffolding on the west wing of the building after the 2009 fire]] In the year of the quincentenary of the incorporation of the College of Arms, the College held a special service of thanksgiving at [[St Benet's, Paul's Wharf]] (the College's official church since 1555) on 2 March 1984. The Kings of Arms, Heralds and Pursuivants, ordinary and extraordinary, of the College in full uniform processed from the College towards the church together with [[Elizabeth II|Queen Elizabeth II]], the [[Miles Fitzalan-Howard, 17th Duke of Norfolk|Duke of Norfolk]], the Earl Marshal and the [[Edward Fitzalan-Howard, 18th Duke of Norfolk|Earl of Arundel]], the Deputy Earl Marshal.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=The Guild Church of St Benet, Paul's Wharf: A Brief History | |access-date=27 January 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=12 June 2013 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> On 5 February 2009 a fire broke out at the west wing on the third and fourth floor of the College building. Eight [[London Fire Brigade]] fire engines were able to bring the flames under control, in the meantime 35 people were evacuated from the building and a further 100 from adjacent buildings.&lt;ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Fire at heraldry records building |work=BBC News |access-date=27 January 2012 |date=5 February 2009 |archive-url= |archive-date=8 February 2009 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> No records or books of the College were damaged.&lt;ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Fire hits College of Arms |work=The Independent |location=UK |access-date=27 January 2012 |first=Wesley |last=Johnson |date=5 February 2009 |archive-url= |archive-date=17 March 2009 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web | url= | title=The College of Arms Newsletter, March 2009 | publisher=College of Arms | access-date=27 January 2012 | archive-url= | archive-date=4 February 2012 | url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> Repairs to the smoke-damaged rooms and exterior brickwork were completed in December 2009.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url = |title =The College of Arms Newsletter, October 2009 |publisher =College of Arms |access-date =27 January 2012 |archive-url = |archive-date =21 January 2012 |url-status =live }}&lt;/ref>{{Clear}} ==Roles== ===Ceremonial=== [[File:Heralds at Garter Service.jpg|thumb|right|upright|Heralds in procession to [[St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle]], for the annual service of the [[Order of the Garter]], 19 June 2006]] The College of Arms is a part of the [[Royal Households of the United Kingdom|Royal Household]] of the [[Monarchy of the United Kingdom|Sovereign of the United Kingdom]]. As such they accompany the monarch on various state occasions.&lt;ref name="CoA history"/> These occasions are centred around the institution of the monarchy as the [[Head of state|symbol of the state]], and the expression of majesty and power through public pomp and ceremony. Currently the heralds appear in their full uniforms only twice a year: at the [[State Opening of Parliament]] and at the Garter Service at [[Windsor Castle]] in June. The organisation and planning of all State ceremonies falls within the prerogative of the Earl Marshal, the College's chief.&lt;ref name="Earl Marshal">{{cite web |url= |title=Official Royal posts: Earl Marshal |publisher=The Royal Household |access-date=27 January 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=17 January 2013 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> As a result, the heralds have a role to perform within every significant royal ceremony.&lt;ref name="Bedingfeld 37">{{harvnb|Bedingfeld|Gwynn-Jones|1993|p=37}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Boutell|1863|p=110}}&lt;/ref> The (usually annual) State Opening of Parliament takes place at the Houses of Parliament. The heralds, including both ordinary and extraordinary officers, form the front part of the [[Procession|Royal Procession]], preceding the Sovereign and other [[Great Officers of State]].&lt;ref name="CoA history"/>&lt;ref>{{cite news |url = |title=UK Politics: A–Z of Parliament: State Opening of Parliament – Royal Procession |work=BBC News |access-date =27 January 2012 |date =15 October 1998 |archive-url= |archive-date =2 April 2015 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> The procession starts at the bottom of the [[Victoria Tower]], then proceeds up the Norman Porch to the Robing Chamber. Once the Sovereign has put on the [[Imperial State Crown]], the heralds lead the monarch once again through the Royal Gallery into the House of Lords, remain with the monarch during [[Speech from the throne|the speech]] and accompany the monarch to the bounds of the Palace.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Pomp and Circumstance at Westminster |publisher=Christine Riding for BBC Online |access-date=27 January 2012 | archive-url= |archive-date=6 February 2012 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> Garter Service or Garter Day is held in [[St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle]] every June on the Monday of [[Royal Ascot|Royal Ascot week]]. On this occasion, new Companions of the [[Order of the Garter]] are personally invested with their insignia in the Throne Room of Windsor Castle by the Sovereign. All the members then have lunch in [[the Waterloo Chamber]], wearing their blue velvet robes and black velvet hats with white plumes. Afterwards the members walk from the Upper Ward of the castle towards St George's Chapel. During their procession they are led by members of the College of Arms in their tabards, the [[Military Knights of Windsor]] and contingents of the [[Sovereign's Bodyguard]]. After the service, the members return to the Upper Ward by [[carriage]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=The Monarchy Today – Royal events and ceremonies – Garter Service |publisher=The Royal Household |access-date=27 January 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=12 November 2013 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> This ceremony is especially significant for the Garter King of Arms, the senior officer of the College, who is an officer of the Order.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Members of the Order of the Garter |publisher=The Royal Household |access-date=27 January 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=24 June 2009 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> [[File:King Edward VIII opening Parliament.jpg|thumb|left|upright|King [[Edward VIII]] surrounded by heralds of the College of Arms prior to his only [[State Opening of Parliament]] on 3 November 1936]] Participation in these two annual ceremonies is considered the least time-consuming part of the herald's roles.&lt;ref name="Woodcock 142">{{harvnb|Woodcock|Robinson|1988|p=142}}&lt;/ref> However at other times they are involved in some of the most important ceremonies concerning the life of the British monarch. After the [[Demise of the Crown|death of a Sovereign]] the [[Accession Council]] (made up of [[Privy Council of the United Kingdom|Privy Councillors]] and other officers such as the Lord Mayor of London) meets at [[St. James's Palace]] to make a formal proclamation of the accession of the next Sovereign. Traditionally, this proclamation is made by being physically read out.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Rules of Royal Succession |publisher=Political and Constitutional Reform Committee |access-date=27 January 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=4 March 2012 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> This task is assigned to the various members of the College by way of the Earl Marshal, who receives the text of the proclamation in person from the council. The proclamation is to be read at several locations in London. Traditionally the first reading is made from the [[Friary Court]] balcony at St James's Palace.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Royal Residences: St. James's Palace |publisher=The Royal Household |access-date=27 January 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=9 March 2009 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> Another reading and ceremony is held at [[Temple Bar, London|Temple Bar]]. There a detachment of heralds, accompanied by troops of the [[Royal Horse Guards]], formally demand admission to the precinct of the City of London from the City Marshall and [[City Remembrancer]]. The barrier, consisting of a silken rope (in place of the ancient bar), is then removed and the detachment marches forward to meet the Lord Mayor and [[Sheriffs of the City of London|City Sheriffs]], where the proclamation would be read. There are also other readings by members of the College at the corner of [[Chancery Lane]], in [[Fleet Street]], and at the [[Royal Exchange, London|Royal Exchange]].&lt;ref>{{cite news |url= |title=How a New King Succeeds to the Throne |work=The New York Times |access-date= 27 January 2012 |date=25 June 1902}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite news |url= |title=New King proclaimed to-morrow |work=The Guardian |location=UK |access-date=27 January 2012 |date=6 April 2000 |archive-url= |archive-date=3 April 2015 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> During the [[Coronation of the British monarch|Coronation Ceremony]], members of the College form part of the Royal procession as it enters [[Westminster Abbey]].&lt;ref name="CoA history"/> The members of the College walk in the procession in virtue of them being His Majesty's "Kings, Heralds and Pursuivants of Arms of England." They do so alongside their Scottish colleagues: the Lord Lyon, the Heralds and Pursuivants of Arms of the Lyon Court. The Garter King of Arms is usually placed next to the [[Lord Great Chamberlain]] in the procession; he has the duty of guiding, but not performing, the ceremony. Garter's duties during the coronation ceremony are therefore not unlike those of a [[Master of Ceremonies]].&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Ancient Coronation Traditions &amp; Etiquette: Part 5 |publisher=London Online |access-date=27 January 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=28 November 2011 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> It is only during this ceremony that the Kings of Arms are allowed to wear their distinctive [[crown (headgear)|crown]]s, the only group of individuals, apart from the King and Queen, authorised to do so.&lt;ref name="Robson 35">{{harvnb|Robson|1830|p=35}}&lt;/ref> [[File:Procession of the Heralds at the Funeral of Elizabeth I.JPG|thumb|right|upright=2|The heraldic funeral procession of Queen [[Elizabeth I of England]] in 1603, depicting some the heralds of the College of Arms, each carrying a piece of the Sovereign's armour]] At [[State funerals in the United Kingdom|State funeral]]s the heralds once again take their place at the front of the royal procession as it enters the place of worship. Historically during the procession of royal funerals (usually of the Sovereign) the heralds would carry a piece of armour, representing the various marks of chivalry. These included the [[Helmet (heraldry)|helm]] and [[Crest (heraldry)|crest]], [[spur]]s, [[Gauntlet (glove)|gauntlet]], [[Escutcheon (heraldry)|target (shield of arms)]], [[sword]] and a literal 'coat of arms' (a heraldic [[surcoat]]). This procession of chivalry was an integral part of the heraldic royal funeral. One of the most solemn roles for the heralds during a royal funeral is the reading of the full list of the styles and titles of the deceased monarch. On 9 April 2002, Garter King of Arms [[Peter Gwynn-Jones]] read out the full [[List of titles and honours of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon|styles and titles]] of [[Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother]] at the end of her funeral service at Westminster Abbey.&lt;ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Queen Mother's 'human side' seen in poems and hymns |newspaper=The Telegraph |access-date=27 January 2012 |location=London |first1=Andrew |last1=Alderson |first2=Adam |last2=Lusher |date=7 April 2002 |archive-url= |archive-date=24 January 2012 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite news |url= |title=Wit, wisdom, and not a burgundy tie in sight |work=The Guardian |location=UK |access-date=27 January 2012 |first=Stephen |last=Moss |date=10 April 2002 |archive-url= |archive-date=13 June 2014 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> ===Granting and proving descent of arms=== [[File:Grant of Arms for Henry Draper of Colnbrook 1571.jpg|thumb|left|A grant of Arms for Henry Draper of [[Colnbrook]], as issued by the Clarenceux King of Arms, Robert Cooke in 1571. The grant gave him the right to use the arms shown. The blazon reads: ''Golde, on a ffesse betwene thre Annulettes gules, thre standing cuppes of the felde''.]] [[File:William-Shakespeare CoA 1602.jpg|thumb|left|1602 drawing of the [[Shakespeare coat of arms]], granted in 1596]] The granting of [[armorial bearings]] ([[coat of arms|coats of arms]]) within the United Kingdom is the sole prerogative of the British monarch. However, the monarch has delegated this power to two authorities: the Lord Lyon, with jurisdiction over Scotland, and the College of Arms, over England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Under the latter's jurisdiction, the right to arms is acquired exclusively either by proving descent in an unbroken male line from someone registered as so entitled or by a new grant from the King of Arms.&lt;ref name="Grant Arms">{{cite web | url= | title=Granting of Arms | publisher=College of Arms | access-date=1 August 2024 }}&lt;/ref> Technically, however, arms can also be gained by a grant from the Crown, by prescription (meaning in use since [[time immemorial]]), by succeeding to an office, or by marriage. The descent of arms closely follows the [[Law of heraldic arms]], which is a branch of English law, interpreted by civil lawyers in the Court of Chivalry. Sir Edward Coke in his ''Commentary upon Littleton'' (1628) wrote that "gentry and armes is the nature of [[gavelkind]]e, for they descend to all the sonnes." Arms in England therefore descend to all of the male lines, and not just the most senior alone (unlike in Scotland).&lt;ref name="Brooke-Little 265">{{harvnb|Brooke-Little|1978|p=265}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Woodcock 33">{{harvnb|Woodcock|Robinson|1988|p=33}}&lt;/ref> When a new grant of arms is to be made, it is granted through [[Letters Patent]]. The Crown delegates all of this authority to the King of Arms, however before any letters can be issued they must have a warrant from the Earl Marshal agreeing to the granting of arms. This has been the case since 1673, when the authority of the Earl Marshal, which the heralds had challenged, was established by a royal declaration stating, among other things, that no patents of arms should be granted without his consent. This established the present system whereby royal authority to approve candidates for grants of arms is exercised by the Earl Marshal, and royal authority to grant the arms themselves is exercised by the Kings of Arms. First a petition, called a memorial, is submitted to the Earl Marshal. This memorial will be drawn up for the petitioner by an officer of arms, if it is felt that such a petition would be accepted.&lt;ref name="Grant Arms"/>&lt;ref name="Brooke-Little 267">{{harvnb|Brooke-Little|1978|p=267}}&lt;/ref> Currently there are no set criteria for eligibility for a grant of arms; however the College recommends that "awards or honours from the Crown, civil or military commissions, university degrees, professional qualifications, public and charitable services, and eminence or good standing in national or local life" will be taken into account.&lt;ref name="Woodcock 142"/>&lt;ref name="Grant Arms"/>&lt;ref name="Woodcock 143"/> ===History=== [[File:To all and Singular, Grant of Arms.gif|thumb|right|A section of a modern grant of arms for the Rt. Rev [[Archibald Cullen|Archibald Howard Cullen]] the 6th [[Anglican Diocese of Grahamstown|Bishop of Grahamstown]]. The grant was issued by the Garter King of Arms, Sir [[George Bellew|George Rothe Bellew]] in the 1950s.]] In the past this issue of eligibility has been a source of great conflict between the heralds; such submissions are made on an officer for clients basis, which meant some "unsuitability" was ignored in lieu of profit by past officers.{{clarify|date=April 2024}} Suitability rested on the phrase "eminent men"; originally the test applied was one of wealth or social status, as any man entitled to bear a coat of arms was expected to be a [[gentleman]].&lt;ref name="Woodcock 142"/> By 1530, the heralds applied a property qualification, requiring successful candidates for a grant of arms to have an income from land of £10 per annum, or movable wealth of £300. However this was not always the case: in 1616 Ralph Brooke, York Herald, tricked Garter King of Arms, [[William Segar]], into granting a coat of arms to [[Gregory Brandon]], a common hangman, for a fee of 22 shillings (£1.10).&lt;ref>{{cite book |last=Pegge |first=Samuel |author-link=Samuel Pegge |title=Curialia Miscellanea; or, Anecdotes of Old Times; Regal, Noble, Gentilitial, and Miscellaneous: ... |url= |year=1818 |publisher=J. Nichols, Son, and Bentley |location=London |pages=[ 335]–336}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=219}}&lt;/ref> When the king found out he had them both imprisoned at [[Marshalsea]]; they were freed a few days later.&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=220}}&lt;/ref> ===Current procedure=== The fee for the grant of arms is due when the memorial is submitted; the amount is set out in the Earl Marshal's Warrant. As of 1 January 2024 the fees for a personal grant of arms, including a [[Crest (heraldry)|crest]], is £8,950; a grant to a non-profit body is £18,415; and to a commercial company is £27,450. This grant may include a grant of a [[Heraldic badge|badge]], [[supporter]]s or a [[Heraldic flag|standard]], depending on the letters patent.&lt;ref name="Grant Arms"/> The fees mainly go towards commissioning the artwork and calligraphy on the [[vellum]] [[Letters Patent]], which must be done by hand and is in a sense a work of art in itself, plus other administrative costs borne by the heralds, and for the upkeep of the College. Once the Earl Marshal has approved the petition he will issue his Warrant to the King of Arms. This will allow them to proceed with the granting of the arms. Now the designing and formation of the arms begin. Although the King of Arms has full discretion over the composition of the arms, he will take into full account the wishes of the applicant. These will include allusions and references to the applicant's life and achievements. The design of any new coat of arms must abide by all the rules of heraldry as well as being entirely original and distinct from all previous arms recorded in the College's archives. A preliminary sketch will then be approved and sent to the petitioner for approval.&lt;ref name="Grant Arms"/>&lt;ref name="Brooke-Little 267"/> [[File:City of Bridgetown, Barbados Armorial bearing.jpg|thumb|left|upright|The coat of arms of city of [[Bridgetown]] in the capital and largest city of [[Barbados]]. The arms were granted to the city on 20 September 1960 by the College of Arms.]] As soon as the composition of the [[blazon]] is agreed by both parties a final grant can be created. This takes the form of a handmade colourfully illuminated and decorated Letters Patent. The letter is written and painted in vellum by a College artist and [[scrivener]]. The grant is then signed and sealed by the King of Arms. It is then handed to the petitioner, authorising the use of arms blazoned therein as the perpetual property of himself and his heirs. A copy of the grant is always made for the College's own register.&lt;ref name="Grant Arms"/>&lt;ref name="Brooke-Little 267"/> Once granted, a coat of arms becomes the hereditary and inheritable property of the owner and his descendants. But it can only be inherited by a legitimate male-line descendant of the original grantee of the arms. To establish the right to arms by descent, one must be able to prove that an ancestor had his arms recorded in the registers of the College. If there is a possibility of such an inheritance, one must first contact an officer-in-waiting{{clarify|date=April 2024}} at the College, who could then advise on the course of action and the cost of such a search. The research into a descent of arms requires details of paternal ancestry, which will involve the examination of genealogical records. First there is a search of the family name in the College's archives, as coats of arms and family name has no connection{{clarify|date=April 2024}}, the officer could prove, through this method, that there is in fact no descent. However, if a connection is found the genealogy would be researched outside of the College's archives to provide definitive evidence of descent from an armigerous individual.&lt;ref name="Woodcock 143"/>&lt;ref name="Descent Arms">{{cite web | url= | title=Proving a right to arms | publisher=College of Arms | access-date=14 June 2016 | archive-url= | archive-date=31 May 2016 | url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> ===Change of names=== The College of Arms is also an authorised location for enrolling a [[Name change|change of name]]. In common law there is no obligation to undergo any particular formality to change one's name. However, it is possible to execute a [[deed poll]], more specifically a [[deed of change of name]], as a demonstration of intention to adopt and henceforth use a new name, and deeds poll may be enrolled either in the [[High Court]] or in the College. On being enrolled the deed is customarily 'gazetted', that is published in the ''[[London Gazette]]''. The deed poll is not entered on the registers, but is still published, if the name change only affects one's [[given name]].&lt;ref name="Change name">{{cite web | url= | title=Changes of Name | publisher=College of Arms | access-date=14 June 2016 | archive-url= | archive-date=21 June 2016 | url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> ===Change of name and arms=== It is also possible to change one's coat of arms, with or without adopting or appending a new surname, by Royal Licence, that is to say a licence in the form of a warrant from [[the Crown]] directed to the Kings of Arms instructing them to exemplify the transferred arms or a version of them to the licensee in his or her new name. Royal Licences are issued on the advice of Garter King of Arms and are usually dependent on there being some constraining circumstances such as a testamentary injunction (a requirement in a will) or a good reason to wish to perpetuate a particular coat of arms. The Royal Licence is of no effect until and unless the exemplification is issued and recorded in the College. Royal Licences are [[gazetted]] and make a [[deed poll]] unnecessary.&lt;ref name="Change name"/> ===Genealogical records=== [[File:Robert Glover Pedigree de Euro.jpg|thumb|right|An example of an Elizabethan pedigree of the Euery (de Euro) family of [[Northumberland]], barons of Warkworth and Clavering. Scrivened and illuminated by Somerset Herald, [[Robert Glover (officer of arms)|Robert Glover]] circa 1570 to 1588]] Due to the inheritable nature of coats of arms the College have also been involved in [[genealogy]] since the 15th century. The College regularly conduct genealogical research for individuals with families in the British Isles of all social classes. As the College is also the official repository of genealogical materials such as [[pedigree chart]]s and [[family tree]]s.&lt;ref name="Pedigree">{{cite web | url= | title=Registering a Pedigree | publisher=College of Arms | access-date=14 June 2016 | archive-url= | archive-date=21 June 2016 | url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> The College's extensive records within this realm of study dates back over five centuries.&lt;ref name="Descent Arms"/> An individual could, if he so wishes, have his family's pedigree placed inside the College's records. This would require the services of an officer of the College who would then draft a pedigree. The officer would ensure that the pedigree was in the correct format and also advise the client on the documentary evidences necessary to supports such a draft. After this is done, the officer would submit the pedigree to a chapter of two other officers, who would then examine the pedigree for any mistakes or in some cases demand more research. After this examination is completed the pedigree would then be scrivened and placed into the pedigree register of the College.&lt;ref name="Pedigree"/> ===Roll of the Peerage=== {{Main article|Roll of the Peerage}} The [[House of Lords Act 1999]] removed the automatic right of [[hereditary peer]]s to a seat in the House of Lords. Prior to the passage of this Act, anyone succeeding to a title in the [[peerage of England]], [[Peerage of Scotland|Scotland]], [[Peerage of Ireland|Ireland]], [[Peerage of Great Britain|Great Britain]] and the [[Peerage of the United Kingdom|United Kingdom]], would prove their succession by a [[Hereditary peer#Writs of summons|writ of summons]] to Parliament.&lt;ref>{{cite web | url= | title=House of Lords Act 1999 | | date=11 November 1999 | access-date=27 January 2012 | archive-url= | archive-date=19 July 2012 | url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> All peers receiving such writs were enrolled in the ''Register of Lords Spiritual and Temporal'', a document maintained by the [[Clerk of the Parliaments]]. As a result of the Act, the Register of Lords Spiritual and Temporal only records the name of [[life peer]]s and the 92 hereditary peers left in the House of Lords. This meant that the register was incomplete as it excludes most of the other hereditary peers, who are not part of the House of Lords.&lt;ref name="COA roll">{{cite web | url= | title=Introductory text to the Roll of the Peerage | publisher=College of Arms | date=1 June 2004 | access-date=27 January 2012 | archive-url= | archive-date=18 March 2013 | url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> On 1 June 2004 a Royal Warrant issued by Queen Elizabeth II states "that it is desirable for a full record to be kept of all of Our subjects who are Peers", this new record would be named the ''Roll of the Peerage''. The warrant was later published in the ''London Gazette'' on 11 June 2004.&lt;ref>{{London Gazette |issue=57314 |date=11 June 2004 |pages=7320–7321 }}&lt;/ref> The warrant handed the responsibility of maintaining the roll to the [[Department for Constitutional Affairs|Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs]], in 2007 this responsibility was assumed by the [[Clerk of the Crown in Chancery|Crown Office]] within the newly created [[Ministry of Justice (United Kingdom)|Ministry of Justice]]. The warrant also stipulated that the Secretary of State would act in consultation with the Garter King of Arms and the Lord Lyon King of Arms. The roll would then be published by the College of Arms; currently an online edition is available.&lt;ref>{{cite web |url= |title=The Roll of the Peerage |publisher=College of Arms |date=1 June 2004 |access-date=27 January 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=3 March 2012 |url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> ===Outside the UK=== The College of Arms states that it is the "official heraldic authority for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and much of the Commonwealth including Australia and New Zealand".&lt;ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Home|publisher=College of Arms|access-date=24 April 2020|quote=The College of Arms is the official heraldic authority for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and much of the Commonwealth including Australia and New Zealand.}}&lt;/ref> The position of [[New Zealand Herald Extraordinary]] was established in 1978, subordinate to the Garter Principal King of Arms.&lt;ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=New Zealand Herald of Arms Extraordinary|publisher=Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet|access-date=24 April 2020}}&lt;/ref> However, the official status of the college in Australia has not been confirmed by the federal government. The [[Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (Australia)|Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet]] advised in 2018 that grants from the College of Arms were "well established as one way Australians can obtain heraldic insignia if they wish to do so", but that they had the same status as those by "a local artist, graphics studio or heraldry specialist".&lt;ref>{{cite news|url=;db=CHAMBER;id=chamber%2Fhansardr%2F8f7b4904-e5ab-452a-8736-6158744bd454%2F0301;query=Id%3A%22chamber%2Fhansardr%2F8f7b4904-e5ab-452a-8736-6158744bd454%2F0000%22|title=College of Arms (Question No. 806)|work=Hansard|publisher=Australian House of Representatives|date=7 February 2018|access-date=24 April 2020}}&lt;/ref> The policy of the Australian Heraldry Society is that the College of Arms does not have official heraldic authority over Australia, but that the federal government should establish a national body equivalent to the [[Canadian Heraldic Authority]] or South Africa's [[Bureau of Heraldry]].&lt;ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Australian Heraldic Authority|publisher=Australian Heraldry Society|access-date=24 April 2020}}&lt;/ref> ==Earl Marshal== {{Main article|Earl Marshal}} [[Image:Courtroom of the Earl Marshall, Court of Chivalry, College of Arms, London.jpg|thumb|upright=1.15|right|Courtroom of the Earl Marshal, Court of Chivalry, College of Arms, London]] The Earl Marshal is one of the Great Officers of State, and the office has existed since 1386. Many of the holders of the office have been related to each other; however, it was not until 1672 that the office became fully hereditary. In that year [[Henry Howard, 6th Duke of Norfolk|Henry Howard]] was appointed to the position by King Charles II. In 1677 he also succeeded to the [[Duke of Norfolk|Dukedom of Norfolk]] as the 6th Duke, thus combining the two titles for his successors.&lt;ref name="Earl Marshal"/>&lt;ref name="Boutell (1863) 109"/> The office originates from that of [[Marshal]], one of the English monarch's chief military officers. As such he became responsible for all matters concerning war and together with the [[Lord High Constable of England|Lord High Constable]] held the joint post as judges of the Court of Chivalry. After the decline of medieval [[chivalry]], the role of Earl Marshal came to concern all matters of state and royal ceremonies. By the 16th century this supervision came to include the College of Arms and its heralds.&lt;ref name="CoA history"/>&lt;ref name="Earl Marshal"/> Thus the Earl Marshal became the head and chief of the College of Arms; all important matters concerning its governance, including the appointment of new heralds, must meet with his approval.&lt;ref name="CoA current officers">{{cite web | url= | title=The current officers of arms | publisher=College of Arms | access-date=14 June 2016 | archive-url= | archive-date=21 June 2016 | url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> The Earl Marshal also has authority over the flying of flags within England and Wales, as does Lord Lyon King of Arms in Scotland. The Officers of Arms at the College of Arms maintain the only official registers of national and other flags and they advise national and local Government, and other bodies and individuals, on the flying of flags.{{citation needed|date=January 2013}} {| class="wikitable" style="width:100%; margin:0.5em 1em 0.5em 0; background:#f9f9f9;" |- ! colspan="4" style="background:#ccf;" | Head of the College of Arms |- ! style="width:90px;" | Arms ! style="width:20%;" | Titles and offices ! style="width:25%;" | Name&lt;br />(date of succession) ! Notes |- | style="text-align:center;" | [[File:Arms of the Duke of Norfolk, the Earl Marshal.svg|80px]] | style="text-align:center;" | [[Duke of Norfolk]],&lt;br>[[Earl Marshal|Earl Marshal and Hereditary Marshal of England]] | style="text-align:center;" | [[Edward Fitzalan-Howard, 18th Duke of Norfolk|Edward William Fitzalan-Howard, 18th Duke of Norfolk, GCVO, DL]]&lt;br>(24 June 2002){{cn|date=September 2020}} | Edward, Duke of Norfolk (born 2 December 1956) assumed the office of Earl Marshal on the death of his father [[Miles Stapleton-Fitzalan-Howard, 17th Duke of Norfolk|Miles, 17th Duke of Norfolk]] in 2002. The heir-apparent to the office is the incumbent's oldest son [[Henry Fitzalan-Howard, Earl of Arundel]] (born 3 December 1987).{{cn|date=September 2020}} |} ===Court of Chivalry=== {{Main article|Court of Chivalry}} The [[High Court of Chivalry]] or the Earl Marshal's Court is a specialised civil court in England, presided over by the Earl Marshal.&lt;ref name="Bedingfeld 32"/> The first references made about the court was in 1348. The court has jurisdiction over all matters relating to heraldry as it legalises and enforce decisions of the College of Arms. The court considers all cases relating to questions of status, including disputes over social rank and the law of arms, for example complaints on the infringement of the use of another individual's coat of arms. The Court of Chivalry meets on the premises of the College of Arms, however the last time it met was in 1954, the first time in 230 years.&lt;ref>{{cite book |url= |title=Medieval Justice: Cases and Laws in France, England and Germany, 500–1500 |last=Janin |first=Hunt |year=2004 |publisher=McFarland &amp; Company |location=London |isbn=0-7864-1841-9 |pages=145–146 |access-date=7 February 2016}}&lt;/ref> ==Heralds of the College== The College of Arms is a corporation of thirteen heralds, styled Officers in Ordinary. This thirteen can be divided hierarchically into three distinctive ranks: three [[Kings of Arms]], six [[Herald|Heralds of Arms]] and four [[Pursuivant|Pursuivants of Arms]]. There are also presently seven Officers Extraordinary, who take part in ceremonial occasions but are not part of the College. As members of the Royal Household, the heralds are appointed at the pleasure of the Sovereign on the recommendation of the Earl Marshal.&lt;ref name="CoA current officers"/>&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Bedingfeld|Gwynn-Jones|1993|p=24}}&lt;/ref> The Officers in Ordinary are appointed by Letters Patent under the [[Great Seal of the Realm]], and the Officers Extraordinary by [[Royal Sign Manual]]; all appointments are announced in the ''[[London Gazette]]''.&lt;ref name="Woodcock 139">{{harvnb|Woodcock|Robinson|1988|p=139}}&lt;/ref> All of the officers in Ordinary of the College were first instituted at different dates (some even before the incorporation of the College), some originating as private servants of noblemen, some being Royal from the start. They take their names and badges from the titles and [[Royal Badges of England|royal badges]] of the monarchs of England.&lt;ref name="Woodcock 139"/> The officers Extraordinary, however take their names from the titles and estates of the Earl Marshal, they were also created at different dates for ceremonial purposes.&lt;ref name="Woodcock 140">{{harvnb|Woodcock|Robinson|1988|p=140}}&lt;/ref> ===Wages=== The College is almost entirely self-financed, and receives no regular public funding.&lt;ref name="CoA work"/> Its officers do have official salaries, which are paid by the Crown. These salaries were increased in the reign of King James I, but were reduced under [[William IV of the United Kingdom|William IV]].&lt;ref name="Woodcock 141">{{harvnb|Woodcock|Robinson|1988|p=141}}&lt;/ref> These annual salaries reflected the living costs of the day; however today the amount is merely a nominal payment. In addition to their official duties, the heralds have for many centuries undertaken private practice in heraldry and genealogy, for which professional fees are charged.&lt;ref name="CoA work"/>&lt;ref name="CoA current officers"/> HM Treasury pays Garter King of Arms for work undertaken for the Government.&lt;ref name=":0">{{Cite web|date=2021-01-03|title=HM Treasury Payments to Garter King of Arms Sir Thomas Woodcock – a Freedom of Information request to Her Majesty's Treasury|url=|access-date=2021-01-27|website=WhatDoTheyKnow|language=en}}&lt;/ref> {{asof|2021|1|27|post=,}} the payments made to Sir [[Thomas Woodcock (officer of arms)|Thomas Woodcock]] since his appointment as Garter totalled £651,515.&lt;ref name=":0" /> Additionally, since 2018, the Treasury has provided Garter with an expenses fund of £35,000 per annum to cover business expenses such as secretarial support, cleaning and postage.&lt;ref name=":0" /> As of 27 January 2021, Garter has received £74,579.02 to cover expenses.&lt;ref name=":0" /> {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" ! style="background:#ccf;" | Officers in Ordinary ! style="background:#ccf;" | 1618&lt;ref name="Wagner 100">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=100}}&lt;/ref> ! style="background:#ccf;" | 1831&lt;ref name="Wagner 100"/> ! style="background:#ccf;" | Present&lt;ref name="CoA current officers"/> |- | Garter King of Arms||[[Pound sterling|£]]100||£49 1[[Shilling|s.]] 4[[Penny (British pre-decimal coin)|d]]||£49.07 |- | Provincial Kings of Arms||£40||£20 5s.||£20.25 |- | Heralds||£26 13s. 4d&lt;br>&lt;small>(40 [[mark (currency)|marks]])&lt;/small>||£17 16s.||£17.80 |- | Pursuivants||£20||£13 19s.||£13.95 |} Note: The right-hand column is merely the decimal equivalent of the 1831 column. ===Uniforms=== [[File:Funeral procession of Elizabeth I William Camden Clarenceux 1603.jpg|thumb|right|upright|[[William Camden]] as Clarenceux King of Arms in the funeral procession of Elizabeth I in 1603. Camden is holding a "coate" possibly a royal tabard or [[surcoat]] bearing the [[Royal Arms of England]].]] The most recognisable item of the herald's wardrobe has always been their [[tabard]]s. Since the 13th century, records of this distinctive garment were apparent. At first it is likely that the herald wore his master's cast-off coat, but even from the beginning that would have had special significance, signifying that he was in effect his master's representative. Especially when his master was a sovereign prince, the wearing of his coat would haven given the herald a natural diplomatic status.&lt;ref name="Wagner 79">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=79}}&lt;/ref> [[John Anstis]] wrote that: "The Wearing the outward Robes of the Prince, hath been esteemed by the Consent of Nations, to be an extraordinary Instance of Favour and Honour, as in the Precedent of ''[[Mordecai]]'', under a king of Persia."&lt;ref name="Wagner 79"/> (a reference to the [[Book of Esther]]). The last King of England to have worn a tabard with his arms was probably King Henry VII. Today the herald's tabard is a survivor of history, much like the [[Court dress#Judges|judges' wigs]] and (until the last century) the bishop's [[gaiter]]s.&lt;ref name="Wagner 79"/> [[File:W H Weldon Norroy.jpg|thumb|left|upright|[[William Weldon (officer of arms)|Sir William Henry Weldon]], the Norroy King of Arms from 1894 until 1911, wearing the tabard and donning the crown of the King of Arms at the 1902 coronation of [[King Edward VII]]]] The tabards of the different officers can be distinguished by the type of fabric used to make them. A tabard of a King of Arms is made of velvet and cloth of gold, the tabard of a Herald of satin, and that of a Pursuivant of damask silk. The tabards of all heralds (Ordinary and Extraordinary) are inscribed with the [[royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom|Sovereign's royal arms]], richly embroidered. It was once the custom for pursuivants to wear their tabards with the sleeves at the front and back, in fact in 1576 a pursuivant was fined for presuming to wear his tabard like a herald,&lt;ref name="Boutell (1863) 109"/>&lt;ref name="Wagner 80">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=80}}&lt;/ref> but this practice was ended during the reign of James II. Until 1888 all tabards were provided to the heralds by the Crown; however in that year a parsimonious Treasury refused to ask [[Parliament of the United Kingdom|Parliament]] for funds for the purpose. Ever since then heralds either paid for their own tabards or bought the one used by their predecessors. The newest tabard was made in 1963 for the Welsh Herald Extraordinary. A stock of them is now held by the [[Lord Chamberlain]], from which a loan "during tenure of office" is made upon each appointment.&lt;ref name="Wagner 83">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=83}}&lt;/ref> They are often sent to [[Ede &amp; Ravenscroft]] for repair or replacement. In addition, heralds and pursuivants wear black velvet caps with a badge embroidered. [[File:Pursuivant tabard.jpg|thumb|right|upright|A modern-day tabard of a Herald of Arms, made of silk satin]] Apart from the tabards, the heralds also wear scarlet [[Court uniform and dress in the United Kingdom|court uniforms]] with gold embroidery during formal events; with white breeches and stockings for coronations and black for all other times together with black patent court shoes with gold buckles (the Scottish heralds wear black wool serge military style trousers with wide gold oak leaf lace on the side seams and black patent ankle boots; or for women, a long black skirt). The heralds are also entitled to distinctive [[sceptre]]s, which have been a symbol of their office since the Tudor period.&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=91}}&lt;/ref> In 1906 new sceptres were made, most likely the initiative of [[Alfred Scott-Gatty|Sir Alfred Scott-Gatty]]. These take the form of short black [[Baton (symbol)|baton]]s with gilded ends, each with a representation of the badges of the different offices of the heralds. In 1953 these were replaced by white staves, with gilded metal handles and at its head a blue dove in a golden coronet or a "martinet".&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=93}}&lt;/ref> These blue martinets are derived from the arms of the College.&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=92}}&lt;/ref> Another of the heralds' insignia of office is the [[Livery collar|Collar of SS]], which they wear over their uniforms.&lt;ref name="Robson 35"/> During inclement weather, a large black cape is worn. At state funerals, they would wear a wide sash of black silk sarsenet (a thin tissue of fine silk) over their tabards. (In ancient times, they would have worn long black hooded cloaks under their tabards.) The three Kings of Arms have also been entitled to wear a [[Crown (headgear)|crown]] since the 13th century. However, it was not until much later that the specific design of the crown was regulated. The silver-gilt crown is composed of sixteen acanthus leaves alternating in height, inscribed with a line from [[Psalm 51]] in Latin: ''Miserere mei Deus secundum magnam misericordiam tuam'' ([[King James Version|KJV]]: Have mercy upon me O God according to thy lovingkindness).&lt;ref name="Boutell (1863) 109">{{harvnb|Boutell|1863|p=109}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Wagner 90">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=90}}&lt;/ref> Within the crown is a cap of crimson velvet, lined with [[Stoat|ermine]], having at the top a large tuft of tassels, wrought in gold. In medieval times the kings of arms were required to wear their crowns and attend to the Sovereign on four high feasts of the year: Christmas, Easter, [[Whitsuntide]] and [[All Saint's Day]]. Today, the crown is reserved for the most solemn of occasions. The last time these crowns were worn was at the [[Coronation of Charles III and Camilla|coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla]] in 2023.&lt;ref name="Robson 35"/> At other times, kings of arms wear a black [[bicorne]] trimmed with white ostrich feathers when performing duties outdoors, or a black velvet cap, depending on circumstances of occasion. The New Zealand Herald of Arms Extraordinary is a special case when it comes to uniform. Although they do wear the tabard, they only do so when in the UK performing duties. When in New Zealand, they simply wear [[morning dress]] as official uniform, together with their chains and baton. ===Qualifications=== [[File:Crown of a British King of Arms.svg|thumb|left|upright|Heraldic representation of a King of Arms's crown]] There are no formal qualifications for a herald, but certain specialist knowledge and discipline are required. Most of the current officers are trained lawyers and historians. Noted heraldist and writer [[John Ferne|Sir John Ferne]] wrote in ''The Glory of Generositie'' in 1586 that a herald "ought to be a Gentlemen and an Old man not admitting into that sacred office everie glasier, painter &amp; tricker, or a meere blazonner of Armes: for to the office of a herald is requisite the skill of many faculties and professions of literature, and likewise the knowledge of warres."&lt;ref name="Woodcock 143">{{harvnb|Woodcock|Robinson|1988|p=143}}&lt;/ref> Some of the greatest scholars and eminent antiquarians of their age were members of the College, such as [[Robert Glover (officer of arms)|Robert Glover]], [[William Camden]], [[William Dugdale|Sir William Dugdale]], [[Elias Ashmole]], [[John Anstis]], [[Anthony Wagner|Sir Anthony Wagner]] and [[John Brooke-Little]].&lt;ref name="CoA past heralds"/> Even with these examples, many controversial appointments were made throughout the College's history. For example, in 1704 the architect and dramatist [[John Vanbrugh|Sir John Vanbrugh]] was appointed Clarenceux King of Arms, although he knew little of heraldry and genealogy and was known to have ridiculed both.&lt;ref name="Bedingfeld 37"/>&lt;ref name="CoA past heralds"/> Nevertheless, he was also described as "possibly the most distinguished man who has ever worn a herald's tabard."&lt;ref name="Wagner 326">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=326}}&lt;/ref> Noted antiquarian [[William Oldys]], appointed Norroy King of Arms in 1756, was described as being "rarely sober in the afternoon, never after supper", and "much addicted to low company".&lt;ref name="CoA past heralds">{{cite web | url= | title=Some past heralds | publisher=College of Arms | access-date=14 June 2016 | archive-url= | archive-date=18 August 2016 | url-status=live }}&lt;/ref> ===List of heralds=== ====Officers in Ordinary==== {| class="wikitable" style="width:100%; margin:0.5em 1em 0.5em 0; background:#f9f9f9;" |- ! colspan="4" style="background:#ccf;" | Kings of Arms&lt;ref name="CoA current officers"/> |- ! style="width:90px;" | Arms ! style="width:20%;" | Office ! style="width:25%;" | Name&lt;br />(date of appointment) ! Notes |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Coat of Arms of the Garter King of Arms.svg|80px]]||{{center|[[Garter King of Arms]]}}||{{center|[[David White (officer of arms)|David Vines White, MA (Cantab), MA (Londin)]]&lt;br>(1 July 2021)&lt;ref>{{London Gazette|issue=63408 |page=77 |date=5 July 2021|nolink=yes}}&lt;/ref>}}||The senior King of Arms (his title is a reference to the Order of the Garter). The office was instituted in 1415 by King [[Henry V of England|Henry V]].&lt;ref name="CoA officers history">{{cite web | url= | title=The origin and history of the various heraldic offices | publisher=College of Arms | archive-url= | archive-date=4 February 2012 | access-date=2 March 2017 | url-status=dead | df=dmy-all }}&lt;/ref> |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Coat of Arms of the Clarenceux King of Arms.svg|80px]]||{{center|[[Clarenceux King of Arms]]}}||{{center|[[Robert Noel (officer of arms)|Robert John Baptist Noel, MA (Oxon), MPhil (Cantab)]]&lt;br>(28 October 2024)&lt;ref>[ "Crown Office"], ''[[The London Gazette]]'', 1 November 2024. Retrieved 2 November 2024.&lt;/ref>}}||Whose province is the part of England south of the [[River Trent]]. Clarenceux is the senior of the provincial King of Arms. The office was instituted around 1334.&lt;ref name="CoA officers history"/> Its name derives from the royal [[Duke of Clarence|Dukedom of Clarence]]. |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Coat of Arms of the Norroy and Ulster King of Arms.svg|80px]]||{{center|[[Norroy and Ulster King of Arms]]}}||{{center|[[Clive Cheesman|Clive Edwin Alexander Cheesman, MA (Oxon), PhD (San Marino)]], [[Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London|FSA]]&lt;br>(14 November 2024)&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |publisher=College of Arms |accessdate=15 November 2024 |title=New Appointments}}&lt;/ref>}}||Whose province is the part of England north of the River Trent (Norroy) and Northern Ireland (Ulster). The office was created in 1943, when the office of Norroy King of Arms and Ulster King of Arms were combined. Independently, the office of Norroy was instituted around 1276, probably the most ancient of all the heralds. While Ulster was instituted in 1552 under Edward VI.&lt;ref name="CoA officers history"/> "Norroy" is simply French for "north king", while [[Ulster]] is the name of a traditional province roughly equivalent to modern-day Northern Ireland. |- ! colspan="4" style="background:#ccf;" | Heralds of Arms in Ordinary&lt;ref name="CoA current officers"/> |- ! Badge ! Office ! Name&lt;br />(date of appointment) ! Notes |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the York Herald.svg|80px]]||{{center|[[York Herald|York Herald of Arms in Ordinary]]}}||{{center|[[Peter O'Donoghue (officer of arms)|Michael Peter Desmond O'Donoghue, MA (Cantab)]], [[Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London|FSA]]&lt;br>(31 May 2012)&lt;ref name="LG60243">{{London Gazette | issue = 62064 | date = 27 September 2017 | page = 18030 | nolink = yes }}&lt;/ref>}}||The first York Herald is believed to have been an officer to [[Edmund of Langley]], [[Duke of York]] around the year 1385. The office became a royal herald in 1484.&lt;ref name="CoA officers history"/> |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the Windsor Herald.svg|80px]]||{{center|[[Windsor Herald|Windsor Herald of Arms in Ordinary]]}}||{{center|[[John Allen-Petrie|John Michael Allen-Petrie, OBE, MSc (Londin), MSc (Oxon)]]&lt;br>(5 July 2019)&lt;ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Windsor Herald |date=13 July 2019 |website=College of Arms |access-date=13 July 2019 |archive-url= |archive-date=13 July 2019 |url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>}}||It has been suggested that the office was instituted specifically for the Order of the Garter in 1348, or that it predates the Order and was in use as early as 1338.&lt;ref name="CoA officers history"/> |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the Lancaster Herald.svg|80px]]||{{center|[[Lancaster Herald|Lancaster Herald of Arms in Ordinary]]}}||{{center|[[Adam Tuck|Adam Simon Tuck, MA (Cantab), MA (LCC)]]&lt;br>(2 November 2023)&lt;ref>{{London Gazette |issue=64221 |page=22370 |date=7 November 2023 |nolink=yes }}&lt;/ref>}}||Originally a servant of the Earls and [[Duke of Lancaster|Dukes of Lancaster]], first appeared in 1347, making a proclamation at the [[Siege of Calais (1346)|Siege of Calais]].&lt;ref name="CoA officers history"/> |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the Somerset Herald.svg|80px]]||{{center|[[Somerset Herald|Somerset Herald of Arms in Ordinary]]}}||{{center|Mark John Rosborough Scott, MA (Oxon)&lt;br>(12 April 2024)&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title = Somerset Herald - College of Arms}}&lt;/ref>}}||In the year 1448, Somerset Herald is known to have served the [[Edmund Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset|Duke of Somerset]].&lt;ref name="CoA officers history"/> |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the Chester Herald.svg|80px]]||{{center|[[Chester Herald|Chester Herald of Arms in Ordinary]]}}||{{center|Dominic Charles Davenport Ingram, MA, MSt, DPhil (Oxon) &lt;br> (2 December 2024)&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title = Chester Herald - College of Arms}}&lt;/ref>}}||Said to have been created by King [[Edward III of England|Edward III]], as a herald to [[Edward, the Black Prince]], who was also [[Earl of Chester]].&lt;ref name="CoA officers history"/> |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the Richmond Herald.svg|80px]]||{{center|[[Richmond Herald|Richmond Herald of Arms in Ordinary]]}}||{{center|''Vacant''&lt;br>''Since 2024''}}||From 1421 to 1485 Richmond was a herald to John, [[Duke of Bedford]], George, [[Duke of Clarence]], and Henry, [[Earl of Richmond]], all of whom held the Honour (estate) of Richmond.&lt;ref name="CoA officers history"/> |- ! colspan="4" style="background:#ccf;" | Pursuivants of Arms in Ordinary&lt;ref name="CoA current officers"/> |- ! Badge ! Office ! Name&lt;br />(date of appointment) ! Notes |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the Rouge Croix Pursuivant.svg|70px]]||{{center|[[Rouge Croix Pursuivant|Rouge Croix Pursuivant of Arms in Ordinary]]}}||{{center|Thomas Andrew Johnston, BA (Tasmania) &lt;br> (20 February 2023)&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title = Rouge Croix Pursuivant - College of Arms}}&lt;/ref>}}||Named after [[St George's Cross]] which has been a symbol of England since the time of the [[Crusades]], instituted around 1418.&lt;ref name="CoA officers history"/> |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the Rouge Dragon Pursuivant.svg|70px]]||{{center|[[Rouge Dragon Pursuivant|Rouge Dragon Pursuivant of Arms in Ordinary]]}}||{{center|Phillip Alan Bone, BA, MSt, DPhil (Oxon) &lt;br> (6 November 2023)&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title = New Appointments - College of Arms}}&lt;/ref>}}||Instituted by Henry VII on 29 October 1485, the office is named after the [[Welsh Dragon|red dragon]] of [[Wales]].&lt;ref name="CoA officers history"/> |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the Blue Mantle Pursuivant.svg|70px]]||{{center|[[Bluemantle Pursuivant|Bluemantle Pursuivant of Arms in Ordinary]]}}||{{center|James van Someren Peill, MA (Edin), [[Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London|FSA]] &lt;br> (16 April 2024)&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title = Bluemantle Pursuivant - College of Arms}}&lt;/ref>}}||Said to have been instituted by Henry V for the [[Order of the Garter]] service, from where the title probably derives.&lt;ref name="CoA officers history"/> |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the Portcullis Pursuivant.svg|70px]]||{{center|[[Portcullis Pursuivant|Portcullis Pursuivant of Arms in Ordinary]]}}||{{center|''Vacant''&lt;br>''Since 2024''}}||Instituted by Henry VII around 1490 in reference to the badge of his mother [[Lady Margaret Beaufort]].&lt;ref name="CoA officers history"/> |- |} ====Officers Extraordinary==== {| class="wikitable" style="width:100%; margin:0.5em 1em 0.5em 0; background:#f9f9f9;" |- ! colspan="4" style="background:#ccf;" | Officers of Arms Extraordinary&lt;ref name="CoA current officers"/> |- ! style="width:90px;" | Badge ! style="width:20%;" | Office ! style="width:25%;" | Name&lt;br />(date of appointment) ! Notes |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the New Zealand Herald Extraordinary.svg|70px]]||{{center|[[New Zealand Herald Extraordinary|New Zealand Herald of Arms Extraordinary]]}}||{{center|[[Phillip O'Shea|Phillip Patrick O'Shea, CNZM, CVO]]&lt;br>(6 February 1978)&lt;ref name="NZ herald">{{cite web | url= | title=New Zealand Herald of Arms Extraordinary | publisher=[[Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (New Zealand)|Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet]] | access-date=27 January 2012 | archive-url= | archive-date=29 January 2012 | url-status=live }}&lt;/ref>}}||Created in 1978, one special case, who, although not a member of the College, holds a permanent post created to oversee heraldry in New Zealand; he works together with the College to grant new arms for people and bodies in that country (where he himself lives and works).&lt;ref name="NZ herald"/>&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Chesshyre|Ailes|1986|p=47}}&lt;/ref> The badge is a crowned Maori [[koru]]. |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the Maltravers Herald Extraordinary.svg|70px]]||{{center|[[Maltravers Herald Extraordinary|Maltravers Herald of Arms Extraordinary]]}}||{{center|[[John Martin Robinson|John Martin Robinson, MA (St And), DPhil (Oxon), FSA]]&lt;br>(25 January 1989)&lt;ref>{{London Gazette|issue=51716 |page=5041 |date=27 April 1989 |nolink=yes}}&lt;/ref>}}||Revived in 1887 by the Earl Marshal, who was also the Duke of Norfolk and [[Baron Maltravers]], originally instituted around 1540.&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Chesshyre|Ailes|1986|p=43}}&lt;/ref> |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the Norfolk Herald Extraordinary.svg|70px]]||{{center|[[Norfolk Herald Extraordinary|Norfolk Herald of Arms Extraordinary]]}}||{{center|[[David Rankin-Hunt|David Rankin-Hunt, CVO, MBE, TD]]&lt;br>(25 October 1994)&lt;ref>{{London Gazette|issue=53849 |page=15981 |date=15 November 1994 |nolink=yes}}&lt;/ref>}}||Beginning in 1539 this officer was a herald to the [[dukes of Norfolk]], though the first holder, John James, was paid a salary by King Henry VIII.&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Chesshyre|Ailes|1986|p=45}}&lt;/ref> |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the Wales Herald Extraordinary.svg|70px]]||{{center|[[Wales Herald Extraordinary|Wales Herald of Arms Extraordinary]]}}||{{center|Thomas Owen Saunders Lloyd, OBE, DL, MA (Cantab), FSA&lt;br>(2 August 2010)&lt;ref>{{London Gazette|issue=59505 |page=14735 |date=2 August 2010 |nolink=yes}}&lt;/ref>}}||There was a Wales Herald in the late fourteenth century, around 1393, but the office was short-lived. It was re-established in 1963 as an officer of arms extraordinary.&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Chesshyre|Ailes|1986|p=49}}&lt;/ref> |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the Arundel Herald Extraordinary.svg|90px]]||{{center|[[Arundel Herald Extraordinary|Arundel Herald of Arms Extraordinary]]}}||{{center|[[Anne Curry|Anne Elizabeth Curry, BA, MA (Manc), PhD (Tees), FSA]]&lt;br>(3 May 2022)&lt;ref>{{Cite web|url=|title = Arundel Herald - College of Arms}}&lt;/ref>}}||Though a royal herald, Arundel is not a member of the College of Arms, and was originally a private herald in the household of [[Thomas Fitzalan]], [[Earl of Arundel]], originally instituted around 1413. The office was revived in 1727.&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Chesshyre|Ailes|1986|p=40}}&lt;/ref> |- | style="text-align:center;"|[[File:Badge of the Fitzalan Pursuivant Extraordinary.svg|70px]]||{{center|[[Fitzalan Pursuivant Extraordinary|Fitzalan Pursuivant of Arms Extraordinary]]}}||{{center|[[Major General]] [[Alastair Bruce of Crionaich|Alastair Andrew Bernard Reibey Bruce of Crionaich, OBE, VR, DL]]&lt;br>(7 October 1998)&lt;ref name="98 Gazette">{{London Gazette |issue=55291 |page=11553 |date=26 October 1998 }}&lt;/ref>}}||As with the other extraordinary offices of arms and inspired by baronies held by the Duke of Norfolk, its appointment was first made for the coronation of Queen Victoria in 1837.&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Chesshyre|Ailes|1986|p=42}}&lt;/ref> |} ==Armorial achievement of the College== {{Infobox COA wide |image = Coat of Arms of the College of Arms.svg |image size = |badgeimage = Badge of the College of Arms.svg |notes = The [[Doves as symbols|doves]] in the arms of the College of Arms are always represented with the sinister wing closed, and dexter wing extended and inverted. The positions of the wings have given rise to much curious speculation. [[Arthur Charles Fox-Davies]] wrote in 1909, that the arms was clearly based on the [[attributed arms]] of King [[Edward the Confessor]], which was composed of ''a cross patonce between five martlets, all or''.&lt;ref name="Fox1909 244">{{harvnb|Fox-Davies|Johnston|1909|p=244}}&lt;/ref> John Brooke-Little on the other hand wrote in 1950 that: "These arms may have been derived from those used by John Wrythe who was Garter at the time of the foundation of the College of Arms in 1484."&lt;ref name="Brooke-Little 232">{{harvnb|Brooke-Little|1978|p=232}}&lt;/ref> |year_adopted = 1484 (hypothetical), 1555 (definite)&lt;ref name="Wagner 133">{{harvnb|Wagner|1967|p=133}}&lt;/ref> |crest = ''On a ducal coronet or, a dove rising azure''&lt;ref name="Boutell (1867) 131">{{harvnb|Boutell|1867|p=131}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref name="Fox1909 47">{{harvnb|Fox-Davies|Johnston|1909|p=47}}&lt;/ref> |helm = |escutcheon = ''Argent, a cross gules (Cross of St. George) between four doves, the dexter wing of each expanded and inverted azure''&lt;ref name="Boutell (1867) 131"/>&lt;ref name="Fox1909 47"/> |supporters = ''Two lions rampant guardant argent, ducally gorged or''&lt;ref name="Fox1909 47"/>&lt;ref>{{harvnb|Boutell|1867|p=132}}&lt;/ref> |motto = '''DILIGENT AND SECRET'''&lt;ref name="Wagner 133"/> |banner =[[File:Banner of Arms of the College of Arms.svg|border|50px]] Banner of Arms of the College of Arms |badge = ''A dove, the dexter wing expanded and inverted azure, ducally gorged or'' |symbolism = The dove has always been a traditional symbol of the herald's office.&lt;ref name="Brooke-Little 232"/> [[John de Bado Aureo]] in his heraldic treatise ({{Circa|1390}}), wrote that the dove was a messenger of peace and gladness, as appeared in the eighth chapter of the [[Book of Genesis]].&lt;ref name="Wagner 133"/> }} ==See also== ;Other institutions linked to the College of Arms: * [[St Benet Paul's Wharf]] – The official church of the College * [[Heralds' Museum]] – Former museum displaying objects from the College, situated within Waterloo Barracks, [[Tower of London]] (now closed). * [[White Lion Society]] – founded in 1986 as a society to benefit the College of Arms through donations of useful items and publications. * [[The Heraldry Society]] – An organisation devoted to the studying of heraldry. ;Similar [[heraldic authority|heraldic authorities]] in other parts of the world: * [[Court of the Lord Lyon]] – Scotland, United Kingdom * [[Canadian Heraldic Authority]] – Canada * [[Genealogical Office]] – Republic of Ireland * [[Council of Heraldry and Vexillology]] - French Community, Belgium * [[Flemish Heraldic Council]] – Flemish Community, Belgium * [[Bureau of Heraldry]] – South Africa * [[National Archives of Sweden]] * [[United States Army Institute of Heraldry]] ;Subjects under the jurisdiction of the College: * [[English heraldry]] * [[Welsh heraldry]] * [[Heraldry of Northern Ireland|Northern Irish Heraldry]] * [[Australian heraldry]] * [[New Zealand heraldry]] ==Notes== {{notelist}} ==References== ;Citations: {{reflist|24em}} ;Bibliography: {{Refbegin}} * {{Cite book |last1=Bedingfeld |first1=Henry |author-link=Henry Paston-Bedingfeld |last2=Gwynn-Jones |first2=Peter |author-link2=Peter Gwynn-Jones |title=Heraldry |year=1993 |publisher=Bison Books |location=London |isbn=1-85422-433-6 |url= }} * {{Cite book |last=Brooke-Little |first=J.P. |author-link=John Brooke-Little |title=Boutell's Heraldry |orig-year=1950 |edition=Revised |year=1978 |url= |publisher=Frederick Warne |location=London |isbn=0-7232-2096-4 }} * {{cite book |last=Boutell |first=Charles |author-link=Charles Boutell |url= |title=A Manual of Heraldry, Historical and Popular |year=1863 |publisher=Windsor And Newton |location=London |isbn=1-146-28954-5 }} * {{cite book |last=Boutell |first=Charles |author-link=Charles Boutell |url= |title=English Heraldry |year=1867 |publisher=Cassell, Petter, and Galpin |location=London |oclc=315176864 }} * {{Cite book |last1= Chesshyre |first1= Hubert |author-link= Hubert Chesshyre |last2= Ailes |first2= Adrian |url= |title= Heralds of Today; A Biographical List of the Officers of the College of Arms, London, 1963–86 |year= 1986 |publisher= Van Duren Publishers Limited |location= Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire |isbn= 978-0905715315 }} * {{Cite book |last1= Chesshyre |first1= Hubert |author-link= Hubert Chesshyre |last2= Ailes |first2= Adrian |url= |title= Heralds of Today; A Biographical List of the Officers of the College of Arms, London, 1987–2001 |year= 2001 |publisher= Illuminata Publishers |location= London |isbn= 0-9537845-1-7 }} * {{Cite book |last= Fox-Davies |first= Arthur Charles |author-link= Arthur Charles Fox-Davies |url= |title= The right to bear arms |year= 1900 |publisher= E. Stock |location= London |asin= B000SII87Q }} * {{Cite book |last1= Fox-Davies |first1= Arthur Charles |author-link= Arthur Charles Fox-Davies |last2= Johnston |first2= Graham |url= |title= A Complete Guide to Heraldry |year= 1909 |publisher= Dodge Pub. Co. |location= New York |isbn= 0-517-26643-1 }} * {{Cite book |last= Noble |first= Mark |author-link= Mark Noble (biographer) |url= |title= A History of the College of Arms: And the Lives of All the Kings, Heralds, and Pursuivants, from the Reign of Richard III, Founder of the College Until the Present Time |year= 1805 |publisher= J. Debrett |location= London |isbn= 1-142-50652-5 }} * {{Cite book |last=Robson |first=Thomas |url= |title=The British herald; or, Cabinet of armorial bearings of the nobility &amp; gentry of Great Britain &amp; Ireland, from the earliest to the present time |year=1830 |publisher=Turner &amp; Marwood |location=United Kingdom |isbn=1-142-19756-5 }} * {{Cite book |last= Wagner |first= Sir Anthony |author-link= Anthony Wagner |url= |title= Heralds of England: A History of the Office and College of Arms |year= 1967 |publisher= Her Majesty's Stationery Office |location= London |asin= B000X8511W }}{{Dead link|date=December 2023 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }} * {{Cite book |last1=Woodcock |first1=Thomas |author-link=Thomas Woodcock (officer of arms) |last2=Robinson |first2=John Martin |url= |title=The Oxford Guide to Heraldry |year=1988 |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=London |isbn=0-19-211658-4 }} {{Refend}} ==Further reading== * {{cite web| title=Survey of London Monograph 16 – College of Arms, Queen Victoria Street |author=Wagner, Sir Anthony |author-link=Anthony Wagner |author2=Godfrey, Walter H. |year=1963 |publisher=[[British History Online]] |url= |access-date=11 February 2012}} == External links == {{Commons category}} * {{Official website}} * [;SubsidiaryNumber=0 College of Arms Trust] * [ The National Archives' page for the College of Arms] * [ The White Lion Society] * [ College of Arms Foundation USA] {{Webarchive|url= |date=11 April 2013 }} * [ The Heraldry Society] {{College of Arms}} {{Navboxes |title=Articles related to {{PAGENAME}} |list1= {{Royal heraldry in the United Kingdom}} {{City of London}} {{Heraldic Authorities}} }}{{British nobility}}{{Portal bar|Australia|Heraldry|England|London|New Zealand|Northern Ireland|Wales}} {{Authority control}} {{Coord|51|30|44|N|0|05|56|W|display=title|format=dms}} {{DEFAULTSORT:College Of Arms}} [[Category:College of Arms| ]] [[Category:1484 establishments in England]] [[Category:Buildings 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