ADS Z39.50 Server Configuration Guidelines

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>ADS Z39.50 Server Configuration Guidelines</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <H1>ADS Z39.50 Server Configuration Guidelines</H1> <p> This document provides detailed technical information for Z39.50 client developers and implementors that is necessary in order to access and interwork with the ADS Z39.50 Server. This document assumes a general familiarity with Z39.50. <p> The ADS Z39.50 Server conforms to Z39.50-1992 (Version 2) of the standard. A subset of attributes from the bib-1 attribute set are supported, and codes from the bib-1 diagnostic set are utilized. <p> <hr> <h4><a name="toc">Table of Contents</a></h4> <ul> <li><a href="#serv">Z39.50 Services Supported</a> <li><a href="#addr">Internet Addresses and Hours of Availability</a> <li><a href="#init">Initialization Service</a> <li><a href="#srch">Search Service</a> <li><a href="#dbns">Database Names</a> <li><a href="#usea">Use Attributes Supported</a> <li><a href="#rela">Relation Attributes Supported</a> <li><a href="#posa">Position Attributes Supported</a> <li><a href="#stra">Structure Attributes Supported</a> <li><a href="#trua">Truncation Attributes Supported</a> <li><a href="#coma">Completeness Attributes Supported</a> <li><a href="#reqa">Required and Default Attributes</a> <li><a href="#proc">Search Term Processing in LC System</a> </ul> <hr> <h4><a name="serv">Z39.50 Services Supported</a></h4><p> The ADS server supports the following services: <p> <pre> <b>Initialization Search Present</b> </pre> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <hr> <h4><a name="addr">Internet Addresses and Hours of Availability</a></h4><p> <dl> <dt>Production Server</dt> <dd>Domain name: (</dd> <dd>Port: 210</dd> <dd>Availability: 24 hours, 7 days</dd> </dl> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <hr> <h4><a name="init">Initialization Service</a></h4><p> <dl> <dt>Protocol Version</dt> <dd>Z39.50-1992 (Version 2)</dd> <dt>Options Supported</dt> <dd>Search</dd> <dd>Present</dd> <dt>Preferred Message Size</dt> <dd>There is no restriction on message size. However, the ADS will only return a maximum of 500 records at a time.</dd> <dt>Maximum Record Size</dt> <dd>n/a</dd> <dt>ID Authentication</dt> <dd>User-id and password are not required by ADS Servers at this time.</dd> </dl> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <hr> <h4><a name="srch">Search Service</a></h4><p> <dl> <dt>Result Set Name</dt> <dd>No named result sets are supported.</dd> <dt><a href="#dbns">Database Names (case sensitive)</a></dt> <dd>(ADS Server supports searching one database at a time) <dt>Element Set Names</dt> <dd>ADS will return either brief, full, or tagged records. Database specific Element Set Names are not supported.</dd> <dt>Query</dt> <dd>Type-1 only is supported.</dd> <dt>Attribute Set ID</dt> <dd>Bib-1 only is supported.</dd> <dt>Operators Supported:</dt> <dd>AND</dd> <dd>OR</dd> <dd>AND-NOT</dd> </dl> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <hr> <h4><a name="dbns">Database Names Supported:</a></h4><p> <PRE> Value Description ------ ---------------------------------------------------------- AST Astronomy Database. Contains references from Astronomy relates articles. PHY Physics Database. Contains references from Physics relates articles. PRE Preprint Database. Contains references from the Los Alamos preprint server related to Astronomy </PRE> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <hr> <h4><a name="usea">Use Attributes Supported:</a></h4><p> <PRE> Value Description Databases Supporting ----- ---------------------- -------------------- 1 Personal name All 1003 Author All (These search the same field) 4 Title All 5 Title series All (This limits the searches to the journal speficied in the ADS <a href="">journal abbreviation</a>) 62 Abstract All 31 Publication Date All 1011 Entry Date in Database All 12 Local Number All This use attribute accepts our <a href="">bibliographic codes</a> and returns the abstract for that code. </PRE> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <hr> <h4><a name="rela">Relation Attributes Supported</a></h4><p> <PRE> Value Description Databases Fields Supporting ----- --------------------- ---------- ----------------- 3 Equal All All except Entry Date 2 Less than or Equal All Publication Date, Entry Date 4 Greater than or Equal All Publication Date, Entry Date 102 Relevance All Title, Abstract, Author Relation Equal searches for exact words, relation Relevance searches for words and their synonyms. </PRE> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <hr> <h4><a name="posa">Position Attributes Supported</a></h4><p> <PRE> Value Description Databases Fields Supporting ----- --------------- --------- ----------------- 3 Any All All </PRE> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <hr> <h4><a name="stra">Structure Attributes Supported</a></h4><p> <PRE> Value Description Databases Fields Supporting ----- --------------- --------- ----------------- 1 quoted phrase All Title, Abstract 2 word All Title, Abstract, Author, Series 6 word list All Title, Abstract, Author, Series 5 date All Publication Date, Entry Date </PRE> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <hr> <h4><a name="trua">Truncation Attributes Supported</a></h4><p> <PRE> Value Description Databases Fields Supporting ----- --------------- --------- ----------------- 100 Do not truncate All All </PRE> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <hr> <h4><a name="coma">Completeness Attributes Supported</a></h4><p> <PRE> Value Description Databases Fields Supporting ----- ------------------ --------- ----------------- 1 Incomplete subfield All All </PRE> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <hr> <h4><a name="coma">Record Syntax Supported</a></h4><p> <PRE> Value Description Databases -------------------------- --------------- --------- 1.2.840.10003.5.101 SUTRS Records All 1.2.840.10003.5.109.3 HTML Records All 1.2.840.10003.5.109.10 XML Records All 1.2.840.10003.5.1000.147.1 ADS Tagged Records All </PRE> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <hr> <h4><a name="coma">Record Format Supported</a></h4><p> <PRE> Value Description Databases ----- ---------------------------------------- --------- B Brief Records (Title, Authors) All F Full Records (all available information) All </PRE> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <hr> <h4><a name="reqa">Required and Default Attributes</a></h4><p> <PRE> Requirements and Defaults: The Use attribute is REQUIRED. For the other attributes, if an attribute type and value are not supplied by the client, the following defaults are applied at ADS: RELATION: -- Equal (value=3) for Publication Date and Series fields Relevance (value=102) for Title, Author and Abstract fields POSITION: -- Any (value=3) STRUCTURE -- Date (value=5) for Publication Date field Word list (value=6) for all other TRUNCATION: -- Do not truncate (value=100) COMPLETENESS: -- Incomplete subfield (value=1) </PRE> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <hr> <h4><a name="proc">Search Term Processing in ADS System</a></h4><p> <PRE> Phrase searches (title, abstract): Phrase search terms can appear anywhere in the field. Wild Card: ADS supports wthe wildcard character '*' at the beginning and the end of a word, but not within a word. Helpful Hints: 1. Within a field, words are OR'd by default. This can be changed by pre-fixing a word with a '+' to require that word in the result, or by pre-fixing it with a '-' to select only references that do not contain this word. Enclosing several words in double quotes searches for the sequence of the words in quotes. </PRE> <p> <i><a href="#toc">Return to <b>Table of Contents</b></a></i><p> <HR> </BODY></HTML>

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