Press Release_2005 [MOE]

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The number of municipalities with areas subject to EQSs for noise has reached 1,614, comprising approximately 63.4% of the total municipalities in Japan (<a href="1129a-01.pdf">Table 1</a>). The number of municipalities that conducted the environmental noise survey in FY 2004 was 672.</p> <table class="t0"><tr><td>2.</td><td>Status of complaints about noise</td></tr></table> <p>Complaints about noise totaled 16,215 in FY 2004 (15,928 in FY 2003), showing an increase of 287 complaints (an approx. 1.8% increase) from the previous year. A breakdown of these complaints by noise source shows that factories and business establishments accounted for 5,650 complaints (34.8% of the total), construction work 4,653 complaints (28.7%) and business operations 1,775 (11.0%).</p> <p>Compared to the previous year, the number of complaints related to factories and business establishments and construction work increased by 309 and 351, respectively, while those regarding business operations decreased by 388 (<a href="1129a-02.pdf">Figs. 1</a> , <a href="1129a-03.pdf">2</a> and <a href="1129a-04.pdf">3</a>).</p> <table class="t0"><tr><td>3.</td><td>Enforcement status of the Noise Regulation Law</td></tr></table> <p>As of March 31, 2005, the number of municipalities having areas designated under the Noise Regulation Law (hereinafter referred to as "the Law") was 1,763, comprising approximately 69.3% of the total number of municipalities throughout Japan.</p> <p>The total number of factories and business establishments registered under the Law as subject to noise control (specified factories, etc.) was 207,494 as of March 31, 2005 (207,950 in FY 2003) (<a href="1129a-05.pdf">Table 2</a>). The number of on-site inspections of these specified factories conducted under the Law was 937 (889 in FY 2003), out of which 4 sites were issued improvement recommendations to redress problems (6 sites in FY 2003). Orders for improvement were issued to no factories or business establishments in FY 2004 (no cases in FY 2003). Administrative guidance was given to 1,189 cases (924 in FY 2003) (<a href="1129a-06.pdf">Table 3</a>). </p> <p>The total number of construction work registered under the Law as subject to noise control (specified construction work) was 67,942 (68,333 in FY 2003) (<a href="1129a-07.pdf">Table 4</a>). The number of on-site inspections of these specified construction work conducted under the Law was 1,176 (1,271 in FY 2003), and neither improvement recommendations (1 case in FY 2003) nor improvement orders (zero cases in FY 2003) was issued. Administrative guidance was given to 1,510 cases (1,352 in FY 2003) (<a href="1129a-08.pdf">Table 5</a>).</p> <hr> [LINK]<br> <table class="t0" id="link"> <tr> <td class="wn">* Table 1</td> <td><a href="1129a-01.pdf">Number of Municipalities with Areas Subject to Environmental Quality Standards (EQSs) for Noise under the Noise Regulation Law</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="wn">* Fig. 1</td> <td><a href="1129a-02.pdf">Changes in the Number of Complaints about Noise</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="wn">* Fig. 2</td> <td><a href="1129a-03.pdf">Breakdown of Complaints about Noise by Source</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="wn">* Fig. 3</td> <td><a href="1129a-04.pdf">Changes in the Number of Complaints about Noise by Source (FY2002 - FY 2004) </a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="wn">* Table 2</td> <td><a href="1129a-05.pdf">Number of Factories and Business Establishments Registered under the Noise Regulation Law as Subject to Noise Control (Specified Factories and Specified Facilities)</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="wn">* Table 3</td> <td><a href="1129a-06.pdf">Number of Complaints about Noise and Cases in which Administrative Measures were Taken against Specified Factories within Areas Designated under the Noise Regulation Law</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="wn">* Table 4</td> <td><a href="1129a-07.pdf">Number of Specified Construction Work Registered under the Noise Regulation Law</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="wn">* Table 5</td> <td><a href="1129a-08.pdf">Number of Complaints about and Administrative Measures Taken against Noise Caused by Specified Construction Work in Areas Designated under the Noise Regulation Law</a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <!--main end--> <!--webbot bot="Include" U-Include="../../common/tips/footer.html" TAG="BODY" startspan --> <p class="pagetop" id="end"><a href="#top">Page Top</a></p> </div><!--contens end--> <!--==========common footer_start==========--> <div class="border-dot"> <img src="../../common/img/sp.gif" alt="" class="navi" width="1" height="1"></div> <div id="footer"> <p>Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan<br> Godochosha No. 5, 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8975, Japan.<br> Tel: +81-(0)3-3581-3351 E-mail: <a class="mail" href="">MOE-mail</a></p> <p>&gt;&gt;<a href="../../aboutus/location/index.html">Location (Map)</a></p> <ul> <li>|&nbsp;<a href="../../utility/privacy.html">Privacy Policy</a>&nbsp;</li> <li>|&nbsp;<a href="../../utility/copyright.html">Copyright / Link</a>&nbsp;|</li> </ul> </div> <!--==========common footer_end==========--> </div><!--id=all_end--> <!--webbot bot="Include" i-checksum="16010" endspan --> </body></html>

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