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data-srcset="/-/media/apt-responsive-website/asia/hero-panel-12-5/vietnam-12-5/hc-a-as-vietnam-ha-long-bay-birds-eye-view-from-above-309150293-s-12-5.jpg?useCustomFunctions=1&amp;rw=1536&amp;w=360&amp;h=640&amp;cropX=211&amp;cropY=0" /> <source media="(min-width: 1px)" data-srcset="/-/media/apt-responsive-website/asia/hero-panel-12-5/vietnam-12-5/hc-a-as-vietnam-ha-long-bay-birds-eye-view-from-above-309150293-s-12-5.webp?useCustomFunctions=1&amp;rw=864&amp;w=640&amp;h=360&amp;cropX=40&amp;cropY=0&amp;format=webp" type="image/webp" /> <source media="(min-width: 1px)" data-srcset="/-/media/apt-responsive-website/asia/hero-panel-12-5/vietnam-12-5/hc-a-as-vietnam-ha-long-bay-birds-eye-view-from-above-309150293-s-12-5.jpg?useCustomFunctions=1&amp;rw=864&amp;w=640&amp;h=360&amp;cropX=40&amp;cropY=0" /> <img class="lazyload quicksearch-hero__background lazyload img-responsive" alt="Birds eye view of inlets and boats in Ha Long Bay, Vietnam" src="" data-src="/-/media/apt-responsive-website/asia/hero-panel-12-5/vietnam-12-5/hc-a-as-vietnam-ha-long-bay-birds-eye-view-from-above-309150293-s-12-5.jpg?useCustomFunctions=1&amp;rw=2280&amp;w=1900&amp;h=950&amp;cropX=68&amp;cropY=0" /> </picture> <div class="quicksearch-content"> </div> <div class="quicksearch-hero-camera lazyload"> <span class="icon-camera"></span> <div class="quicksearch-hero-popover"> <p class="quicksearch-hero-popover__title">Ha Long Bay</p> <p class="quicksearch-hero-popover__description small">Marvel at this uniquely beautiful site, named one of new world&#39;s seven wonders of nature</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="brand-bar"></div> </section> <div class="grid-component "> <div class="container " > <div class="row " > <div class="col-xs-12 col-no-min-height row-12__col " > </div> </div> </div> </div> <section id="accordion" class="apt-accordion accordion" data-trip-itinerary> <div class="container"> <h2 class="title">Terms &amp; Conditions</h2> <div class="panel-group accordion__panel-group" id="destination-regions-accordion_f30d7a326f794ccb8b0a5dadd228788f" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true"> <div class="panel apt-panel accordion__panel "> <div class="panel-heading collapsed" role="tab" id="heading_1-f30d7a326f794ccb8b0a5dadd228788f" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse_1-f30d7a326f794ccb8b0a5dadd228788f" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseOne"> <div class="panel-heading-detail"> <h3 class="h4 panel-heading__title accordion__panel-title">General Terms & Conditions</h3> </div> </div> <div id="collapse_1-f30d7a326f794ccb8b0a5dadd228788f" class="panel-collapse collapse " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading_1-f30d7a326f794ccb8b0a5dadd228788f"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="trip-day-content accordion__content"> <div class="trip-day-content__description"><p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">The following terms and conditions (&lsquo;booking conditions&rsquo;) form the basis of your contract with Australian Pacific Touring Pty Ltd (&lsquo;APT&rsquo;, &lsquo;we&rsquo; or &lsquo;our&rsquo;). Please read them carefully as they set out your and our respective rights and obligations.&nbsp;<br /> These Terms &amp; Conditions were correct at time of publication.&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><strong><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Our terms and conditions are divided in two sections - those of generic nature that are consistent across all APT holidays; and those of a specific nature that relate to particular holiday packages. </span></strong></p> <p class="APT2020TCsHeading0"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>GENERAL CONDITIONS:</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">By asking us to confirm your booking, we are entitled to assume that you have had the opportunity to read and have read these booking conditions, that you agree to them and that you agree to them applying to your holiday arrangements that you book with us and which we agree to make, provide or perform (as applicable) as part of our contract with you. References in these booking conditions to your &lsquo;holiday package&rsquo; are references to the tour package you have booked with APT. References to &lsquo;excursions&rsquo; are references to short trips or tours included or available as part of your holiday package.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Governing Law</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">These booking conditions are governed by the law in force in Victoria, Australia.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsHeading1"><span style="color: windowtext;"><strong>BEFORE YOU BOOK</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsHeading2" style="margin-top: 0cm;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Price Validity</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="margin-top: 0cm;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Published prices are valid at the time of publication but are subject to change. They may be varied by advertising or special offers, or changed after the publication date for any reason, including without limitation, to cover changes in government taxes and charges, exchange rate variations, fuel surcharges, airline charges, a force majeure event or other material increases by suppliers. The most up to date pricing may be found on our website &ndash; <a href="/"></a>. Prices will be confirmed at time of booking and honoured for up to seven days. All holidays are subject to availability at the time of booking.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="margin-top: 0cm;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Please see important information listed under Specific Destination Terms &amp; Conditions for relevant deposit and final payment terms.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="margin-top: 0cm;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Transfers</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Airport transfers are included on the first and last day of the holiday package at designated times. No refund will be given for unused transfers. Transfers cannot be re-routed to other pick-up points or destinations. Passengers who miss the pre-booked transfers must make their own way to/from the hotel at their own expense. A group transfer is generally a shared transfer and the type of vehicle used will normally be dependent upon the size of the group.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Freedom of Choice<sup>TM</sup> &amp; Signature Experiences</strong> </span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Minimum and maximum group numbers apply on some Freedom of Choice or Signature Experience inclusions. If your first choice of Freedom of Choice or Signature Experience is unavailable you may be asked to choose an alternative.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Public Holidays &amp; Festivals</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Most countries have public holidays, religious or otherwise. Festivities may temporarily disrupt your holiday and some religious holidays may result in a reduction of facilities and entertainment.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Superdeals &amp; Special Offers</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Conditions Apply. For full terms and conditions relating to any Superdeal or special offer on your booking, please go to <a href="/specialdeals"></a>.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Other Special Offers</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Special Deals and Special Offers other than those advertised herein may be promoted by APT after the program is released. These new special deals/offers do not apply to existing bookings unless otherwise stated.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"></span><strong><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">APT Club</span></strong></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Details including the full range of benefits and conditions, are available on our website at <a href="/aptclub"></a>.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"></span><span style="color: windowtext;"><strong>BOOKING &amp; PAYING FOR YOUR HOLIDAY</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsHeading2" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Airfares</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Air travel is arranged with independent airlines. APT will arrange air travel as advertised in connection with your holiday package or otherwise arranged with APT. All airfares are subject to flight and booking class availability. Airfares will be booked and ticketed upon receipt of your deposit to avoid price or tax increases. Airport taxes vary for each departure point and routing of airline. Airline schedules are subject to change without notice. Once air tickets are issued, airline amendment and/or cancellation fees apply and, in some cases, are non-refundable. Name changes and voluntary date and schedule changes will incur fees. APT is not liable for delays or disruptions of air travel. Once tickets are issued APT will have no other liability and will not be responsible for refunding the cost of any services booked in conjunction with the flights.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Airline Loyalty Points Eligibility</strong> </span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">APT uses the services of a range of airlines in its packages. APT does not warrant that its airfares attract loyalty points as airlines control the application of loyalty points in all cases. Requests to use loyalty points to upgrade travel need to be directed to the airline concerned by the member.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>APT Deposit Cancellation Peace of Mind</strong> </span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Applicable when an upfront fee of $95 per person is paid with your deposit. The holiday package can be cancelled prior to the final payment date and your deposit will be retained as an APT holding credit to be used for future bookings. If Deposit Cancellation Peace of Mind is claimed, monies held must be used on a future tour and cannot be redeemed against the original tour departure date. Deposits held in credit will exclude fees imposed by third parties, including but not limited to air travel, rail travel and hotels. When booking airfares through APT (including when taking advantage of a special offer that includes air travel), standard airline cancellation fees will apply. In some cases, airfares will be non-refundable. In the event of cancellation, these fees will be deducted from the deposit paid, and therefore the credit being held. APT Deposit Cancellation Peace of Mind applies to new bookings only and is only valid up until 100 days prior to travel. After three years, unused credit funds will incur the original cancellation conditions. This does not replace travel insurance, which you are required to purchase at the time of booking.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Travel Insurance</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Travel Insurance is not included in your holiday package. For your protection, you are required to purchase comprehensive travel insurance that includes (without limitation) coverage for the full cost of your holiday package, medical expenses, loss of luggage, land content and airfare charges that may occur due to cancellation, impossibility of performance or other frustration, disruption, loss of deposit or strikes.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Travel Information &amp; Documents</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">After booking you will receive an invoice with all important information relevant to your holiday package. We strongly recommend you check the details carefully and read the included information. Please ensure that you check your flight timings carefully on your tickets, particularly early morning departures. Approximately 21 days before departure you will receive your e-ticket together with your final itinerary. However, in the case of late bookings, charges or late payment, tickets may be emailed to you.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Special Requests</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Where a special request (e.g. diet, room location, twin or double bedded room, a particular facility at a hotel, flight seat requests and/or particular meals) is an important factor in your choice of holiday, you must advise us when your booking is made. APT will pass your request onto the hotel, airline or other supplier but cannot guarantee that it will be accommodated. APT will also pass on any dietary requests to the airline but we strongly recommend that you check directly with the airline once your tickets have been issued. The provision of any special request does not constitute a term of your contract with us. Confirmation that a special request has been noted or passed on to the supplier or the inclusion of the special request on your confirmation invoice or any other documentation is not confirmation that the request will be met. Unless and until specifically confirmed, all special requests are subject to availability.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Credit &amp; Debit Card Surcharges</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">If you pay APT by credit or debit card, surcharges will apply. In the case of credit cards a surcharge of between 1% and 3% (depending on the card used), will be added to the tour price. In the case of debit cards a charge of 0.5% will be added to the tour price.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Accuracy</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">APT has endeavoured to ensure that the information provided about accommodation, itineraries etc., is correct to the best of its knowledge at the time of publication. However, advertised descriptions and facilities and prices may change after publication. We recommend that you confirm the details of your chosen holiday package at the time of booking. Additionally, flight times, carriers and routes are given for guidance only as there may be changes. Final details will be shown on your tickets. Holiday package or excursion itineraries may change or be different from those described in our collateral as a result of local conditions, weather conditions, annual events. APT will endeavour to notify you of any significant changes prior to your departure.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"></span><strong><span style="color: windowtext;">Disruption to Cruising and&nbsp;Itinerary&nbsp;Arrangements </span></strong></p> <p class="TCBody" style="margin-bottom: 0.85pt;"><span style="color: windowtext;">Itineraries are intended as a guide only and are subject to alteration without notice. Alternations may be necessary for various reasons including, without limitation, road, rail, river or weather conditions, strikes or other reasons beyond APT&rsquo;s control. If conditions render any routes unsafe for navigation, APT reserves the right to provide alternative services including, but not limited to, accommodation on the docked ship or substitute land arrangements. Under normal river conditions, itineraries will operate as far as possible as published. However, sometimes for reasons beyond our control, it may be necessary to make alterations to your itinerary. For example, without limitation, if there is a water level problem on a river, it may be necessary to operate part of the itinerary by coach and alternative sightseeing may be included. APT will not be liable for any direct or indirect costs that you incur as a result of any event or other factor beyond our control which necessitates a change in your itinerary. Additionally, you are not entitled to any refund for any alterations to your itinerary that are caused or contributed to by any flood or water level events or such other events which are beyond our control. APT cannot guarantee exact arrival and departure times for carriers and operators used by APT and APT will not be liable for failure to make connections with any other services or attractions beyond its control.</span></p> <p class="TCBody" style="margin-bottom: 0.85pt;"><span style="color: windowtext;"></span><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Flight Changes</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">The flight timings detailed on your confirmation invoice are for guidance only and are subject to alteration and confirmation. Flight timings are set by airlines and affected by events outside our control. Scheduled and charter flight timings, and days of operation are also subject to change. APT will advise you of any significant changes as soon as it is informed by the airline. Minor timing changes will be shown on your flight tickets. Any change in the identity of the airline, flight timings or aircraft type (if advised) will not entitle you to cancel or change to other arrangements without paying any applicable cancellation fees except where specified in these booking conditions.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Out of Date Range Flights</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">If airlines have not published their schedules or airfares at the time of your booking, APT will estimate the cost of airfares connected with your holiday package. When the airline releases flight inventory and airfares, APT will confirm seats and pricing by sending you an updated invoice. Once flights have been confirmed by you and payment has been received, APT will issue your tickets.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Force Majeure</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Force Majeure event means the occurrence of an event that is beyond APT&rsquo;s reasonable control and which could not have been reasonably prevented by APT, which includes, but is not limited to: (a) war, armed conflict, criminal damage, riot, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity or the threat of any such acts; (b) natural disaster (including but not limited to flooding, fire, earthquake, landslide), adverse weather conditions, high or low water levels; (c) nuclear or other industrial accident causing environmental pollution or contamination; or (d) change in law, meaning, enactment, amendment (including repeal) in the law or administration of any law in Australia or any jurisdiction or territory relevant to the booking contract, which includes changes in statute, regulation, determination, by-law, declaration, license and the common law as applicable from time to time, including changes or amendments in regulations or access to services, sites or countries caused by declared epidemic or pandemic events.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Termination of Booking Contract or Change&nbsp;of Travel&nbsp;Arrangements due to&nbsp;Force Majeure</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">If APT, in its reasonable opinion, considers that any Force Majeure event prevents APT (whether directly or through its employees, contractors, subcontractors and agents) from lawfully or safely providing any products or services subject of the booking contract with you, APT may immediately by written notice: (a) terminate the booking contract (in whole or in part); or (b) change your travel arrangements as reasonably practicable to ensure your safety and invoice you for any additional costs.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Limitation of Liability in the Event of Force Majeure</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="color: windowtext;">In the event that APT cancels or changes your travel arrangements in any way due to a Force Majeure event, APT will not be liable to you in contract, tort, statute or restitution for any loss (including, but not limited to, loss of deposit or purchase price and loss of enjoyment), damage, costs, charges, expenses or injury resulting from or in connection with (whether directly or indirectly): (a) the cancellation or change to your travel arrangements; or (b) the Force Majeure event. APT is not liable to refund any part of the deposit or purchase price paid by you if APT subsequently changes or cancels your travel arrangements in connection with a Force Majeure event. Force Majeure events are unpredictable and beyond APT&rsquo;s control. As you are required to purchase travel insurance to adequately protect yourself against these risks, your policy needs to respond to these risks. You acknowledge and accept that these terms are reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of APT based on expected non-recoverable costs and expenses to be incurred by APT, including but not limited to overhead expenses and works or services performed personally by APT, leading up to the commencement of the holiday package, alternatively prior to the Force Majeure event.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="color: windowtext;"></span><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Data Protection Policy</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="color: windowtext;">Any personal information (including sensitive information and health information) that APT obtains and retains from you or about you is necessary for our business purposes. Our Privacy Policy details why we collect this information, who we may disclose it to (including overseas recipients), and the main consequences if we do not collect it. Our Privacy Policy also contains information about how you may seek access to, or correction of, the personal information held about you, and our complaint resolution procedures. Our Privacy Policy is available at <a href="/legal/privacy-policy"></a>&nbsp;or by request to us. By providing personal or sensitive information to us, you are agreeing to the terms of our Privacy Policy.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody" style="border: none;"><span style="color: windowtext;"></span><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Limitation of Liability</strong> </span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">1. Our holiday packages include the services of independent providers, such as hoteliers, airlines, cruise companies and other operators, who are not agents, servants or employees of APT. Although we take care in selecting the independent service providers and the optional excursions conducted by some independent service providers, APT is not responsible for the conduct of the independent service providers, their servants and agents or for any ramifications of that conduct. Optional excursions may, depending on your holiday package, include activities such as climbing, exploring, bike riding, swimming and snorkelling. You accept and assume the risk involved with these activities.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">2. If, in the opinion of any representative of APT, your mental or physical condition, or general behaviour is such as to affect your own health and safety, render you incapable to care for yourself, cause you to become a hazard to yourself or other passengers or result in you becoming objectionable to other passengers or staff, you will not be permitted to embark or continue on the whole or any part of the holiday package. APT representatives are empowered to ask guests to depart a holiday package if they are displaying known COVID-19 symptoms. Abuse or harassment of any kind toward crew, contracted suppliers or other guests may result in immediate removal from a holiday package. Guests will be responsible for arranging and paying for their own transport home if they are asked to leave the tour. APT is not liable to you for any costs associated with such decision and you will not be refunded for any part of the holiday package.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">3. APT accepts no responsibility for any death, injury, illness, loss (including loss of enjoyment), damage, detention, delay (including mechanical breakdown) beyond its control.&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">4. Any term, condition or warranty expressed or implied by statute or otherwise in respect of the holiday packages contained in any of our collateral are excluded to the full extent permitted by law. Nothing in these booking conditions excludes, restricts or modifies the application of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) as amended, consolidated, supplemented or replaced.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">5. To the full extent permitted by law, APT&rsquo;s liability arising under or in connection with these booking conditions: (a) is limited to the re-supply of the products or services or the payment of the cost of re-supply of the products or services to you; and (b) excludes liability for any indirect or consequential losses suffered by you or any third party, howsoever caused, including but not limited to pure economic loss or any special, extraordinary or punitive damage to you or any other party.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">6. Your travel agent will forward deposits and other payments to us on your behalf, but your travel agent is not our agent for the purpose of receipt of monies. Receipt of deposits and subsequent payments by the travel agent does not constitute receipt of those monies by us and the travel agent has no authority expressed or implied to receive monies on our behalf. There is no liability on the part of APT in respect to any monies paid to your travel agent unless and until APT notifies you (by way of a booking confirmation advice or payment receipt advice) that monies have been received by APT. APT reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or refuse to carry any passenger where payment has not been received by APT within the specified time.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">7. Specific meal requests are requests only and cannot be guaranteed. </span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><strong><span style="color: windowtext;">COVID-19 Requirements</span></strong></p> <p class="APT2020TCsHeading2" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0.85pt;"><span style="color: windowtext;">Before booking and before you travel, ensure that you check the latest Government travel requirements and APT updates which include the on board protocols (which will be available on APT&rsquo;s website at <a href="/about-us/travel-updates"></a>&nbsp;which will set out the obligations which apply to customers departing on tours. This may include obtaining proof of negative test results prior to embarkation, completion of health questionnaire, mask wearing, requirement to isolate if COVID-19 symptoms present during tour and removal of passengers from the tour if deemed necessary by medical staff. Compliance with the travel requirements and APT updates is mandatory and anyone refusing to comply can be denied access to the tour or removed from the tour at APTs absolute discretion.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsHeading2" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0.85pt;"><span style="color: windowtext;">&nbsp;</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsHeading2" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0.85pt;"><span style="color: windowtext;"></span><strong style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Medical Assistance</strong></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">APT does not employ medical staff on its tours. If you require medical attention, local medical services can be contacted immediately. You are responsible for all charges that result from a visiting a medical facility, or for a medical practitioner visiting you. APT is not responsible for the type or quality of the medical services you may receive.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsHeading2" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0.85pt;"><span style="color: windowtext;"></span><strong style="color: windowtext;">Local Purchases</strong></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="color: windowtext;">APT is not responsible for any items you may purchase locally i.e. jewellery/furniture etc. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any import duty or freight costs.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="color: windowtext;"><strong>Personal Belongings &amp; Lost Items</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="color: windowtext;">For security reasons, valuables should be kept to a minimum and packed in your hand luggage along with your medicines. It is your responsibility to look after your property at all times and you must ensure you are adequately covered by comprehensive travel insurance in the event of any loss.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="color: windowtext;"></span><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Smoking</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Government regulations forbid smoking in tourist coaches however frequent stops are made for those wishing to smoke. Smoking is not permitted in hotel rooms or ship cabins. Requests for smoking/non-smoking rooms will be passed on to hotels but cannot be guaranteed.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Responsible Service of Alcohol</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Our staff are trained in the responsible service of alcohol and are obliged by law to refuse service to any guest who, in their reasonable opinion appears to be intoxicated or behaves in an aggressive or offensive manner.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Service Enquiries</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">If a problem occurs during your holiday you should, in your own interests, advise your tour director so that steps can be taken to resolve the matter. If you remain dissatisfied, any complaint must be made in writing to APT within 30 days.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;"><strong>Luggage Limits</strong></span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Each passenger is entitled to take one piece of luggage that does not exceed 160cm (63 inches), or weigh more than 23kg (50 pounds). Dimensions for checked baggage are calculated by adding together the width, height and depth of the piece of baggage. An extra charge will be imposed to cover porterage handling of any additional luggage. Your tour director will advise you of the exact additional charge.</span></p> <p class="APT2020TCsbody"><span style="letter-spacing: 0pt; color: windowtext;">Some holiday packages may have restricted luggage limits, please refer to Specific Terms &amp; Conditions under relevant destination for more information.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em><span style="color: black;">Last Updated 17 October 2022</span></em></p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="grid-component "> <div class="container " > <div class="row " > <div class="col-xs-12 col-no-min-height row-12__col " > </div> </div> </div> </div> <section id="accordion" class="apt-accordion accordion" data-trip-itinerary> <div class="container"> <h2 class="title">Specific Destination Terms &amp; Conditions</h2> <div class="panel-group accordion__panel-group" id="destination-regions-accordion_373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true"> <div class="panel apt-panel accordion__panel "> <div class="panel-heading collapsed" role="tab" id="heading_1-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse_1-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseOne"> <div class="panel-heading-detail"> <h3 class="h4 panel-heading__title accordion__panel-title">Antarctica & South America</h3> </div> </div> <div id="collapse_1-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" class="panel-collapse collapse " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading_1-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="trip-day-content accordion__content"> <div class="trip-day-content__description"><p><strong>SPECIFIC TERMS &amp; CONDITIONS FOR ANTARCTICA &amp; SOUTH AMERICA HOLIDAYS:</strong></p> <p>A $1,500 security deposit per person, per holiday package, and an additional $1,500 security deposit per person, per holiday package 190 days prior to departure.&nbsp; Deposit requirements may vary when booking a special offer. Final payment of the balance of your holiday package price is due 100 days prior to departure unless stated in the terms of a special offer. APT reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or, refuse to honour any price or carry any passenger where any payment has not been received by APT within the specified time. All fares and charges are in Australian currency. Payment in full is required at time of booking for reservations made less than 100 days before departure from Australia or New Zealand. If APT is unable to confirm your reservation, all monies will be refunded.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Travelling with Minors</strong><br /> Children under 12 years of age are not recommended on tours and cruises. Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and share their accommodation with an adult.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Included in Our Land Tour Price</strong><br /> All flights within South America as stated in each itinerary, airport transfers on the first and last day of the tour, minimum airport taxes, coach/cruise travel, gratuities for all land/cruise arrangements including local guides, drivers, restaurants, luggage service (one bag) and port charges if applicable. Accommodation, sightseeing, shore excursions on Amazon and Gal&aacute;pagos Cruises.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Not Included in Our Tour and/or Cruise Price</strong><br /> Airfares between Australia or New Zealand and South America, optional tours, meals and drinks other than those specified in the itinerary, passport and visa fees, excess baggage, vaccinations, government taxes and laundry. Unforeseen changes to flight schedules may require you to book additional accommodation and services at your own expense<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>APT Tour Director</strong><br /> The services of an APT Tour Director are included in all escorted itineraries. Belmond Train, Gal&aacute;pagos and Amazon cruises will not include an APT Tour Director/Cruise Director if minimum numbers are not met.&nbsp; Some tour extensions are considered unescorted and you will be travelling with local guides.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Flights within South America</strong><br /> Economy flights within South America and airport taxes are included in the price as stated in each itinerary. These flights must be booked by APT and are subject to passengers booking an international flight to South America with LATAM. Surcharges will apply when flying Qantas or any other airline. Airport taxes are an estimate only and are subject to change without notice. Internal air prices are valid at the time of publication.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Gratuities</strong><br /> Have been prepaid for all services as indicated in the itinerary on all APT Tour and Cruises and cannot be redeemed for a cash refund. Gratuities are not included for holiday extensions.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Travel Insurance for Antarctica</strong><br /> All passengers are required to carry valid travel insurance. This insurance must contain medical and evacuation coverage and should include cancellation and trip interruption as well. As any potential evacuation from Antarctica can cost approximately $200,000 we recommend that no policy carry less than this amount of coverage. As part of the pre-departure forms we will require your travel insurance policy number and a 24-hour contact number.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Hotels</strong><br /> In more remote places, hotel standards may not be quite as high as in major centres. APT endeavours to utilise the most suitable accommodation available in each destination to ensure that passengers enjoy high levels of cleanliness, comfort and service. The hotels listed in this brochure will be used on almost all holiday packages, however, if a change is necessary for any reason, APT will endeavour to ensure that alternative accommodation is of an equivalent standard to those shown.<br /> Hotel rooms are generally not available for check-in before 3pm and require check-out by 10am.<br /> Twin or Double Rooms<br /> Accommodation in all hotels, regardless of the rating, is in standard rooms (sometimes named superior/deluxe) based on twins or doubles unless otherwise stated. In South America, twin-bedded rooms are very common and double beds are either not available or limited in number.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Solo Travellers</strong><br /> A limited number of single rooms/suites/cabins may be available by request at time of booking your cruise/holiday package. Single room/suites/cabins are not available on certain cruises. Single rooms/suites/cabins are usually smaller than standard twin or double rooms and often only have one single bed.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Cruising &ndash; Cabin/Suite/Stateroom Selection</strong><br /> APT will make every effort to assign specific cabins, cabin numbers or locations on the ship if requested. If this is not possible, APT reserves the right to make changes to cabin assignment, within the category booked, without prior notice.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <ol> <li>Passengers Needing Special Assistance<br /> APT welcomes passengers with disabilities or special needs however, please note the following:<br /> Any disability or medical condition requiring special attention must be reported to APT at the time of booking including all important information relating to your health, mobility and fitness which may affect your partial or total participation in the cruise or tour. This information is also crucial to allow APT to ensure the tour you have chosen is suitable and meets your needs. Any changes to health, mobility and fitness must also be reported to APT as soon as possible and prior to departure. Where possible APT will make reasonable adjustments to the tour to accommodate your special needs however, it cannot do so if the adjustment required would be unreasonable in all of the circumstances, including if such adjustments would affect your safety and/or the safety and/or enjoyment of other passengers.</li> <li>If you require special assistance or care (such as pushing a wheelchair, assistance with dressing or assistance with walking), you must travel with a companion capable of providing the required assistance or care. Please be aware that APT does not provide personal assistance. APT is unable to assist any passenger with walking, dining, boarding or disembarking any transportation vehicles (including river and ocean cruise ships and trains). To safely participate in embarkation and disembarkation you must be able to do so without the need for special assistance. You must also be able to do so without unreasonably impacting other passengers&rsquo; safety and/or enjoyment.</li> <li>While APT will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the special needs of disabled passengers, it is not responsible for any denial of services by any third party entities it has travel arrangements with, such as carriers, hotels, trains, restaurants or other independent suppliers, or for any additional associated expenses charges by those parties.</li> <li>Please note coaches and minibuses are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. Most river and ocean ships have elevators, however not all APT ships have elevators. Many ships require the use of stairs to go between decks. Further, side by side docking may require passengers to climb and descent stairs to cross over vessels to disembark and embark at times.<br /> APT ships often sail through remote areas that do not have convenient docking facilities. In such circumstances it will be necessary for passengers to negotiate temporary gangplanks and uneven surfaces. If the crew decide that it is not safe for a passenger to negotiate such operations they may require passengers to stay on board. Cabin doors and restrooms may not be wide enough to allow access by standard wheelchairs. Wheelchairs and walkers cannot be carried on coaches, due to space limitations. For safety reasons, passengers in wheelchairs cannot be carried on ramps in ports where the river or ocean cruise ship is at anchor.<br /> <strong></strong></li> </ol> <p><strong>Visas &amp; Passports</strong><br /> All passengers must have a valid passport that is valid for at least six months after the holiday package return date.<br /> Passengers must consult with the appropriate consulates to ensure that they have any applicable visas for countries included in the holiday package prior to departure. Passengers are solely responsible for meeting necessary passport and visa entry requirements and paying all associated costs. APT is not responsible for delays or missed portions of the holiday package resulting from incorrect travel documents or visas.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Optional Tours at Machu Picchu</strong><br /> If you choose to do the Inca Trail Hike Option this is subject to availability and must be pre-booked before you leave Australia. The hike does not operate in February. If you choose a second day visit to Machu Picchu, the permit is based on availability while you are on tour.</p> <p><strong>IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY<br /> </strong></p> <p><strong>Changes or Additions to Your Holiday</strong><br /> If you want to change any part of your holiday arrangements after the invoice has been issued, we will do our best to make the change, but it may not be possible. Any request for changes must be made in writing by the person who made the original booking, or his or her travel agent. If it is possible to make the change, it will be subject to an administration charge and payment of any further costs incurred as a result of the change.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Cancellation Policy</strong><br /> For all holiday packages in this brochure, the following APT cancellation fees apply (in addition to charges of any independent suppliers e.g. airlines and hotels):</p> <p>Days of Notice:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span></span>Fee Per Person:<br /> 100 days or more<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Loss of deposit<br /> 99-61 days&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span></span>50% of holiday package price<br /> 60 days or less&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>100% of holiday package price</p> <p>All cancellations must be received in writing by APT and are not effective until this notification has been received. If your holiday has commenced, 100% of the full holiday package price is charged. There is no refund for unused services or if portions of the holiday package are missed. Additional cancellation fees may also be charged in respect of accommodation reserved outside the holiday package dates. These cancellation fees are in addition to any fees that may be levied by APT and your travel agent (if any). You acknowledge that the amounts estimated under the Cancellation Policy are reasonable and represent a genuine pre-estimate of APT&rsquo;s loss and are otherwise reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of APT. If you request changes after APT has issued your documents, APT may charge you an administration and processing fee of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fees.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Cancellation of Ticketed Airfares</strong><br /> An APT cancellation fee of $50 per person applies for ticketed airfares, in addition to any airline cancellation fees that are applicable.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Changes to Ticketed Airfares</strong><br /> If you wish to amend the date or routing on your ticketed air booking, an APT amendment fee of $30 per person for the first change and $85 for any subsequent changes will be charged in addition to airline change fees and additional taxes that are applicable. If, for any reason, a name change to a ticketed airfare is required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airline fees.</p> <p><strong>IF WE CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY</strong></p> <p> If we change or cancel your holiday before your departure, APT endeavours to provide you with all the services confirmed to you at the time of your booking. However, we plan arrangements a long time in advance of your departure date using independent suppliers such as airlines, hotels etc., over whom we have no direct control. On occasion changes do have to be made, and APT reserves the right to cancel or amend holiday packages/excursions accordingly. All tours require a minimum number of bookings in order to be financially viable and to have a pleasant group atmosphere. In the event adequate numbers cannot be achieved, it may be necessary to cancel a scheduled departure and offer the nearest possible alternative date (or a refund of the monies paid for arrangements made by APT).</p> <p><strong>ON HOLIDAY<br /> </strong></p> <p><strong>Noise &amp; Vibration</strong><br /> APT takes reasonable steps to minimise noise and vibrations on its cruising vessels. You acknowledge and accept that some noise and vibration may be experienced on vessels and that APT is not liable to you for any such noise or vibration.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Luggage Limits</strong><br /> Downsizing to an overnight bag is required when taking the train journey to Machu Picchu and on board the Belmond Andean Explorer Train.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Seat Allocation on Coach Tours</strong><br /> To ensure all passengers enjoy forward and window facing seats, on longer tours a daily seat rotation system may apply at the discretion of the tour director. We do not warrant that the seat rotation will be adjusted to suit personal preference.&nbsp;<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Medical Assistance</strong><br /> The MV Ocean Victory has an on board doctor and infirmary. Guests are responsible for all charges that result from visiting either the on-board medical practitioner or a local medical facility.&nbsp; APT is not responsible for the type or quality of medical services you may receive.</p> <p style="text-align: right;"><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p style="text-align: right;"><em>Last updated 01 March 2021</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel apt-panel accordion__panel "> <div class="panel-heading collapsed" role="tab" id="heading_2-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse_2-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseOne"> <div class="panel-heading-detail"> <h3 class="h4 panel-heading__title accordion__panel-title">Africa</h3> </div> </div> <div id="collapse_2-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" class="panel-collapse collapse " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading_2-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="trip-day-content accordion__content"> <div class="trip-day-content__description"><p><strong>SPECIAL CONDITIONS PERTAINING TO AFRICA PACKAGES</strong></p> <p><strong>Deposits and Payments</strong></p> <p>A $1,500 security deposit per person, per holiday package for all tours is required within seven days of booking Confirmation. Additional non-refundable deposit of $500 per person is required when booking a Rovos Rail Extension. Deposit requirements may vary when booking a special offer. Final payment of the balance of your holiday package price is due 120 days prior to departure unless stated in the terms of a special offer.</p> <p>APT reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or, refuse to honour any price or carry any passenger where any payment has not been received by APT within the specified time. All fares and charges are in Australian currency. Payment in full is required at time of booking for reservations made less than 120 days before departure from Australia or New Zealand. If APT is unable to confirm your reservation, all monies will be refunded.</p> <p><strong>Travelling with Minors</strong></p> <p>Children under 12 years of age are not recommended on tours and cruises. Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and share their accommodation with an adult.</p> <p><strong>Included in Holiday Package Price</strong></p> <p>As indicated in individual itineraries &ndash; all transport, accommodation, All coach, rail and cruise travel, accommodation, sightseeing, internal airfares, game park fees, gratuities, port charges, admissions, luggage service (one bag), local guides, services of a Tour Director, and meals (as specified and indicated in each individual itinerary).</p> <p><strong>Not Included in Holiday Package Price</strong></p> <p>Airfares between Australia or New Zealand and Africa, optional tours, meals other than those specified in the itinerary, drinks, laundry, passport and visa fees, excess baggage and vaccinations. Rovos Rail is not included in the tour price. Changes to flight schedules may require you to book additional accommodation and services at your own expense.</p> <p><strong>Flights Within Africa</strong></p> <p>Economy flights within Africa and airport taxes are included in the tour price but subject to surcharge. All internal air must be booked by APT.</p> <p><strong>Gratuities</strong></p> <p>Gratuities are included for the land of your tour. Gratuities cannot be redeemed for cash. Gratuities are not included for any individual purchases. Gratuities are not included on the Rovos Rail Extensions.</p> <p><strong>APT Tour Director</strong></p> <p>The services of an APT Tour Director are included on land tours. An APT Tour Director is not included on Rovos Rail Extensions. Choosing Your Holiday</p> <p>To maximise your enjoyment of your APT holiday and to ensure that it lives up to your expectations, it is important that you choose the right holiday package for your requirements. Our brochures contain limited information, however, there is more information online at and our qualified staff are available to discuss your options.</p> <p><strong>Hotels</strong></p> <p>In more remote places, hotel, lodge and camp standards may not be quite as high as in major city centres. APT endeavours to utilise the most suitable accommodation available in each destination to ensure that passengers enjoy high levels of cleanliness, comfort and service. The hotels listed in this brochure will be used on almost all holiday packages; however, if a change is necessary for any reason, APT will endeavour to ensure that alternative accommodation is of an equivalent standard to those shown. Hotel rooms are generally not available for check-in before 3 pm and require check-out by 10 am.</p> <p><strong>Twin or Double Rooms</strong></p> <p>Accommodation in all hotels, regardless of the rating, is in standard rooms (sometimes named superior) based on twins or doubles unless otherwise stated.</p> <p><strong>Solo Travellers</strong></p> <p>A limited number of single rooms/suites/cabins may be available by request at time of booking your cruise/holiday package. Single rooms/suites/cabins are not available on certain cruises. Single rooms/suites/cabins are usually smaller than standard twin or double rooms and often only have one single bed.</p> <p><strong>Passengers Needing Assistance</strong></p> <p>APT welcomes all passengers. Guests with limited mobility are asked to please note the following:</p> <p>1.<span> </span>Guests with a disability or medical condition requiring assistance must inform APT of any important information relating to their health, mobility and/or fitness which may affect their partial or total participation in the cruise or tour. This information will allow APT to ensure the chosen tour is suitable and meets their needs. Any changes to health, mobility and fitness must also be reported to APT as soon as possible and prior to departure. Where possible, APT will make reasonable adjustments to the tour to assist all guests, however, it cannot do so if the adjustment required would be unreasonable in all of the circumstances, including if such adjustments would affect your safety and/or the safety and/or enjoyment of other passengers.</p> <p>2.<span> </span>If guests require assistance or care (such as pushing a wheelchair, assistance with dressing or assistance with walking), they must travel with a companion capable of providing the required assistance or care. APT is unable to assist any passenger with walking, dining, boarding or disembarking any transportation vehicles (including river and ocean cruise ships and trains). To safely participate in embarkation and disembarkation you must be able to do so without the need for assistance. Guests must also be able to do so without unreasonably impacting other passengers&rsquo; safety and/or enjoyment.</p> <p>3.<span> </span>While APT will make reasonable efforts to accommodate everyone, it is not responsible for any denial of services by any third-party entities it has travel arrangements with, such as carriers, hotels, trains, restaurants or other independent suppliers, or for any additional associated expenses charges by those parties.</p> <p>4.<span> </span>Please note coaches and minibuses are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. Passengers who use a wheelchair should reconsider travelling on these tours.</p> <p><strong>Health and Fitness</strong></p> <p>A good level of fitness and health is required to participate on APT&rsquo;s holiday packages. In some destinations there are extensive sightseeing excursions by foot which includes the climbing of stairs. Travel is in 4WD vehicles in game parks and in East Africa. Anyone with back conditions or limited mobility should seek advice from their doctor about joining this tour. Dust may also irritate contact lenses, therefore we suggest bringing glasses. In many of the cities and game lodges, walking is required on uneven ground and gravel paths, and good mobility is needed getting on/off 4WD vehicles, small planes, coaches, river ships and trains. We recommend a visit to the doctor before travelling to overseas destinations and consult with them regarding any travel vaccinations which may be required. It is your responsibility to advise APT of any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect the normal conduct of a holiday package and the enjoyment of other passengers. </p> <p>A Health, Fitness &amp; Mobility Questionnaire will be provided and requested to be completed at the time of booking if you advise of any health, fitness or mobility issues. APT is not liable for any injury, illness, or loss of enjoyment which could have been reasonably prevented had we been made aware of a pre-existing condition and been provided an opportunity to review it. We will not be responsible for any costs associated with cancellation penalties or the return of passengers from a tour, and a refund for lost touring cannot be claimed.</p> <p><strong>Visa and Passports</strong></p> <p>A passport that is valid for at least six months after you return home is required. Some African countries also require a minimum number of blank passport pages. Passengers must consult with the appropriate consulates to ensure that they have any applicable visas for countries included in the holiday package prior to departure. Passengers are solely responsible for meeting necessary passport and visa entry requirements and paying all associated costs. APT is not responsible for delays or missed portions of the holiday package resulting from incorrect travel documents or visas. </p> <p>If you want to change any part of your holiday arrangements after the invoice has been issued, we will do our best to make the change, but it may not be possible. Any request for changes must be made in writing by the person who made the original booking, or their travel agent. If it is possible to make the change, it will be subject to an administration charge and payment of any further costs incurred as a result of the change.</p> <p><strong>IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY</strong></p> <p><strong>Cancellation Policy</strong></p> <p>For all holiday packages in this brochure, APT cancellation fees apply as follows (in addition to charges of any independent suppliers e.g.: airlines and hotels):</p> <p>Days of Notice:<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Fee Per Person:</p> <p>(Prior to Departure)</p> <p>120 days or more<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Loss of deposit<br /> 119-61 days <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>50% of holiday package price<br /> 60 days or less <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>100% of holiday package price</p> <p>For Rovos Rail Extensions, the following applies:</p> <p>Days of Notice:<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Fee Per Person:</p> <p>(Prior to Departure)</p> <p>130 days or more<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Loss of deposit<br /> 129-61 days <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>20% of extension price<br /> 60 days or less <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>100% of extension price</p> <p>All cancellations must be received in writing by APT and are not effective until this notification has been received. If your holiday has commenced, 100% of the full holiday package price is charged. There is no refund for unused services or if portions of the holiday package are missed. Additional cancellation fees may also be charged in respect of accommodation reserved outside the holiday package dates. These cancellation fees are in addition to any fees that may be levied by APT and your travel agent (if any). </p> <p>You acknowledge that the amounts estimated under the Cancellation Policy are reasonable and represent a genuine pre- estimate of APT&rsquo;s loss and are otherwise reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of APT. If you request changes after APT has issued your documents, APT may charge you an administration and processing fee of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fees.</p> <p><strong>Cancellation of Ticketed Airfares</strong></p> <p>An APT cancellation fee of $50 per person applies for ticketed airfares, in addition to any airline cancellation fees that are applicable.</p> <p><strong>Changes to Ticketed Airfares</strong></p> <p>If you wish to amend the date or touring on your ticketed air booking, an APT amendment fee of $30 per person for the first change and $85 per person for any subsequent changes will be charged in addition to airline change fees and additional taxes that are applicable. If, for any reason, a name change to a ticketed airfare is required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airline fees.</p> <p><strong>IF WE NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY</strong></p> <p>If we change or cancel your holiday before your departure, APT endeavours to provide you with all the services confirmed to you at the time of your booking. However, we plan arrangements a long time in advance of your departure date using independent suppliers such as airlines, hotels etc., over whom we have no direct control. On occasion changes do have to be made, and APT reserves the right to cancel or amend holiday packages/ excursions accordingly. All tours require a minimum number of bookings in order to be financially viable and to have a pleasant group atmosphere. In the event adequate numbers cannot be achieved, it may be necessary to cancel a scheduled departure and offer the nearest possible alternative date (or a refund of the monies paid for arrangements made by APT).</p> <p><strong>ON HOLIDAY</strong></p> <p><strong>Noise &amp; Vibration</strong></p> <p>You acknowledge and accept that some noise and vibration may be experienced and APT is not liable to you for any such noise or vibration.</p> <p><strong>Seat Rotation</strong></p> <p>Passengers rotate seats in the coach daily, so everyone enjoys window and front seating. In fairness to all passengers, no exceptions will be made.</p> <p><strong>Changes Due to Weather</strong></p> <p>Sometimes due to elements beyond our control it may be necessary to make alternations to our itinerary. A number of sightseeing options are weather dependant.</p> <p><strong>Luggage Limits</strong></p> <p>Each passenger is entitled to take one case and generally luggage limits are 20kg per adult passenger. There are strict luggage restrictions in Kenya and Tanzania due to travelling in 4WD vehicles and flying in a smaller plane where you will need to pack down to a soft bag of 15kg. APT will provide a soft bag for you to use in East Africa. Suitcases will be securely stored for you in Nairobi. Luggage limits are strictly enforced, and airline-imposed excess baggage charges will apply if this weight is exceeded. Luggage is carried at owner&rsquo;s risk.</p> <div>&nbsp;</div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel apt-panel accordion__panel "> <div class="panel-heading collapsed" role="tab" id="heading_3-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse_3-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseOne"> <div class="panel-heading-detail"> <h3 class="h4 panel-heading__title accordion__panel-title">Asia</h3> </div> </div> <div id="collapse_3-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" class="panel-collapse collapse " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading_3-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="trip-day-content accordion__content"> <div class="trip-day-content__description"><p><strong>SPECIFIC TERMS &amp; CONDITIONS FOR ASIA HOLIDAYS:</strong></p> <p><strong>Deposit and Payment<br /> </strong>A $1,000 security deposit per person, per holiday package is required within seven days of booking confirmation. Final payment of the balance of your holiday package price is due 100 days prior to departure unless stated in the terms of a special offer. Deposit requirements may vary when booking a special offer. APT reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or, refuse to honour any price or carry any passenger where any payment has not been received by APT within the specified time. All fares and charges are in Australian currency. Payment in full is required at time of booking for all reservations made less than 100 days before departure from Australia or New Zealand. If APT is unable to confirm your reservation, all monies will be refunded. Hotels may apply surcharges for late booking requests.</p> <p><strong>Travelling with Minors<br /> </strong>Children under 12 years of age are not permitted on tours and cruises. All children under 18 years must be accompanied by an adult and share their accommodation with an adult.</p> <p><strong>Included in Our Land Tour Price</strong><br /> All coach/cruise and hotel, accommodation, airfares (if indicated in the individual itinerary), gratuities, airport transfers on the first and last day, sightseeing, specified excursions, meals, admissions, port charges and the services of a cruise or Tour Director as stated in your itinerary. APT Mekong River cruises also include complimentary beverages served on board your river ship (French Champagne and premium spirits are not included). Complimentary beverages are not available during city stays excursions or on land tours.</p> <p><strong>Not Included in Our Tour and/or Cruise Price</strong><br /> Airfares (unless stated), airport taxes, laundry (other than indicated on page 21), passport and visa fees, drinks not indicated as included in your itinerary, excess baggage, fuel surcharges and optional excursions and gratuities not specified in your itinerary.</p> <p><strong>Gratuities</strong><br /> Have been included for all services as indicated in the itinerary on all APT Tours and Cruises and cannot be redeemed for a cash refund.</p> <p><strong>Flights Within Asia<br /> </strong>Economy flights within Asia and airport taxes are included in the price. All internal flights must be booked by APT. Airline schedules and fares are subject to change without notice. Flights will be based on best fare available at the time of booking, however surcharges may apply. Once air tickets are issued, airline amendment and/ or cancellation fees apply and in some cases are non-refundable. Deposits are considered as a guarantee of the invoiced flight arrangements and once deposit is received, flights will be ticketed.<br /> Full names as per passport, including middle name are required for all flights within Asia. Name changes and voluntary date and schedule changes will incur fees. The maximum luggage allowance on all flights within Asia is 20 kilograms.</p> <p><strong>Hotels</strong><br /> Hotel rooms in Asia may differ in size from those in Australia and New Zealand. In more remote places, hotel standards may not be quite as high as in major centres. APT endeavours to utilise the most suitable accommodation available in each destination to ensure that passengers enjoy high levels of cleanliness, comfort and service. The hotels mentioned in the itinerary will be used on almost all holiday packages, however, if a change is necessary for any reason, APT will endeavour to ensure that alternative accommodation is of an equivalent standard to those shown. Hotel rooms are generally not available for check-in before 3pm and require check-out by 10am.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Twin or Double Rooms<br /> </strong>Accommodation in all hotels, regardless of the rating, is in standard rooms (sometimes named superior/deluxe) based on twins or doubles unless otherwise stated.</p> <p><strong>Single Accommodation<br /> </strong>A limited number of single rooms/suites/cabins may be available by request at time of booking your cruise/holiday package. Single room/suites/cabins are not available on certain cruises. Single rooms/suites/cabins are usually smaller than standard twin or double rooms and often only have one single bed.</p> <p><strong>Cruising &ndash; Cabin/Suite/Stateroom Selection<br /> </strong>APT will make every effort to assign specific numbers or locations on the ship if requested. If this is not possible, APT reserves the right to make changes to cabin</p> <p><strong>Passengers Needing Assistance<br /> </strong>APT welcomes all passengers. Guests with a disability or limited mobility are asked to please note the following:</p> <ol> <li>Guests with a disability or a medical condition requiring assistance must inform APT of any important information relating to their health, mobility and/or fitness which may affect their partial or total participation in the cruise or tour. This information will allow APT to ensure the chosen tour is suitable and meets their needs. Any changes to health, mobility and fitness must be also reported to APT as soon as possible and prior to departure. Where possible, APT will make reasonable adjustments to the tour to assist all guests, however, it cannot do so if the adjustment required would be unreasonable in all of the circumstances, including if such adjustments would affect your safety and/or the safety and/or enjoyment of other passengers.</li> <li>If you require assistance or care (such as pushing a wheelchair, assistance with dressing or assistance with walking), you must travel with a companion capable of providing the required assistance or care. APT is unable to assist any passenger with walking, dining, boarding or disembarking any transportation vehicles (including river and ocean cruise ships and trains). To safely participate in embarkation and disembarkation you must be able to do so without the need for assistance. You must also be able to do so without unreasonably impacting other passengers&rsquo; safety and/or enjoyment.</li> <li>While APT will make reasonable efforts to accommodate everyone, it is not responsible for any denial of services by any third party entities it has travel arrangements with, such as carriers, hotels, trains, restaurants or other independent suppliers, or for any additional associated expenses charges by those parties.</li> <li>Please note coaches and minibuses are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. Wheelchairs and walkers cannot be carried on coaches, due to space limitations.</li> <li>River ships routinely dock mid-stream and require the use of tenders to access the shore. Not all river cruise ships or decks have elevators and some have multiple stairs to each level. Cabin doors and restrooms on river cruise ships are not wide enough to allow access by standard wheelchairs. For safety reasons, passengers using wheelchairs cannot be carried on ramps in ports where the river cruise ship is at anchor. APT is unable to provide individual assistance to any passenger for walking, dining, disembarking or embarking cruise ships and/or coaches or other transportation vehicles or other personal needs.<br /> <strong></strong></li> </ol> <p><strong>Health and Fitness<br /> </strong>A good level of fitness and health is required to participate on APT&rsquo;s holiday packages. In some destinations there are extensive sightseeing excursions by foot which includes the climbing of stairs. Mobility is needed boarding or alighting coaches, river cruise ships and trains. We recommend a visit to the doctor before travelling to overseas destinations and consult with them regarding any vaccinations which may be required. It is your responsibility to advise APT of any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect the normal conduct of a holiday package and the enjoyment of other passengers. A Health, Fitness &amp; Mobility Questionnaire will be provided and requested to be completed at the time of booking if you advise of any health, fitness or mobility issues. APT is not liable for any injury, illness, or loss of enjoyment which could have been reasonably prevented had we been made aware of a pre-existing condition and been provided an opportunity to review it. We will not be responsible for any costs associated with cancellation penalties or the return of passengers from a tour, and a refund for lost touring cannot be claimed.</p> <p><strong>Visas &amp; Passports</strong><br /> All passengers must have a valid passport that is valid for at least six months after the holiday package return date. Passengers must consult with the appropriate consulates to ensure that they have any applicable visas for countries included in the holiday package prior to departure. Passengers are solely responsible for meeting necessary passport and visa entry requirements and paying all associated costs. APT cannot obtain group visas on your behalf. APT is not responsible for delays or missed portions of the holiday package resulting from incorrect travel documents or visas.<br /> <strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Shore Excursions<br /> </strong>The timing of the shore excursions on all river cruise ship holiday packages may differ slightly for each package. The published times are a guide only and are subject to change without notice. It is impossible for large coaches to be used for some city sightseeing excursions and many tours and cities will be visited by way of walking tours. Venue closures outside of APT&rsquo;s control may affect our ability to operate some excursions.</p> <p><strong>IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY<br /> </strong></p> <p><strong>Changes or Additions to Your Holiday</strong><br /> If you want to change any part of your holiday arrangements after the invoice has been issued, we will do our best to make the change, but it may not be possible. Any request for changes must be made in writing by the person who made the original booking, or their travel agent. If it is possible to make the change, it will be subject to an administration charge of $70 per person and payment of any further costs incurred as a result of the change.</p> <p><strong>Cancellation Policy</strong><br /> For all holiday packages in this brochure, the following APT cancellation fees apply (in addition to charges of any independent suppliers e.g. airlines and hotels):</p> <p><strong>Days of Notice:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span></span>Fee Per Person:<br /> </strong> 100 days or more<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Loss of deposit<br /> 99-61 days&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span></span>50% of holiday package price<br /> 60 days or less&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>100% of holiday package price</p> <p>All cancellations must be received in writing by APT and are not effective until this notification has been received. If your holiday has commenced, 100% of the full holiday package price is charged. There is no refund for unused services or if portions of the holiday package are missed. Additional cancellation fees may also be charged in respect of accommodation reserved outside the holiday package dates. These cancellation fees are in addition to any fees that may be levied by APT and your travel agent (if any). You acknowledge that the amounts estimated under the Cancellation Policy are reasonable and represent a genuine pre-estimate of APT&rsquo;s loss and are otherwise reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of APT. If you request changes, or amend your booking in any way after APT has issued your documents, APT may charge you an administration and processing fee of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fees.</p> <p><strong>Cancellation of Ticketed Airfares</strong><br /> An APT cancellation fee of $50 per person applies for ticketed airfares, in addition to any airline cancellation fees that are applicable.</p> <p><strong>Changes to Ticketed Airfares</strong><br /> If you wish to amend the date or routing on your ticketed air booking, an APT amendment fee of $30 per person for the first change and $85 per person for any subsequent changes will be charged in addition to airline change fees and additional taxes that are applicable. If you wish to amend and already ticketed Singapore Stopover package, a $30 per person APT charge fee will apply along with any applicable airline fees. If, for any reason, a name change to a ticketed Airfare is required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airline fees.</p> <p><strong>IF WE CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY</strong></p> <p> APT endeavours to provide you with all the services confirmed to you at the time of your booking. However, we plan arrangements a long time in advance of your departure date using independent suppliers such as airline, hotels etc., over whom we have no direct control. On occasions changes do have to be made, and APT reserves the right to cancel or amend holiday packages/excursions accordingly. All tours require a minimum number of bookings in order to be financially viable and to have a pleasant group atmosphere. In the event adequate numbers cannot be achieved, it may be necessary to cancel a scheduled departure and offer the nearest possible alternative date (or a refund of the monies paid for arrangements made by APT).</p> <p><strong>ON HOLIDAY<br /> </strong></p> <p><strong>Noise &amp; Vibration</strong><br /> APT takes reasonable steps to minimise noise and vibration on river cruise ships. You acknowledge and accept that some noise and vibration may be experienced on vessels and that APT is not liable to you for any such noise and vibration.</p> <p><strong>Docking Position<br /> </strong> During port stops river cruise ships may dock side by side, obstructing views and requiring you to pass through other ships to embark or disembark. River cruise ships may moor overnight midstream rather than dock at a port.</p> <p><strong>APT Tour Directors<br /> </strong>A dedicated APT Tour Director will only be available on tours with 10 or more passengers unless indicated otherwise. For groups of nine passengers and under an experienced local guide in each city will accompany you. Tour Directors do not escort passengers while travelling in Sapa, regardless of group size, you will be escorted by an experienced local guide.</p> <p><strong>Seat Allocation on Coach Tours</strong><br /> To ensure all passengers enjoy forward facing and window seats, we have incorporated a daily seat rotation system. This system is not able to be adjusted to suit individual needs under any circumstances.</p> <p style="text-align: right;"><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p style="text-align: right;"><em>Last updated 6 November 2023</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel apt-panel accordion__panel "> <div class="panel-heading collapsed" role="tab" id="heading_4-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse_4-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseOne"> <div class="panel-heading-detail"> <h3 class="h4 panel-heading__title accordion__panel-title">Egypt and Jordan</h3> </div> </div> <div id="collapse_4-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" class="panel-collapse collapse " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading_4-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="trip-day-content accordion__content"> <div class="trip-day-content__description"><p><strong>SPECIAL CONDITIONS PERTAINING TO EGYPT, JORDAN &amp; ISRAEL PACKAGES</strong></p> <p><strong>Deposits and Payments<br /> </strong>A $1,500 non-refundable security deposit per person, per holiday package is required within seven days of booking confirmation. Final payment of the balance of your holiday package price is due 100 days prior to departure unless stated in the terms of a special offer. Deposit conditions may vary when booking a special offer. APT reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or to refuse to carry any passenger where payment has not been received by APT within the specified time. All fares and charges are in Australian currency. Payment in full is required at time of booking for reservations made less than 100 days before departure from&nbsp;Australia. If APT is unable to confirm your reservation, all monies will be refunded. Hotels may apply surcharges for late booking requests.</p> <p><strong>Travelling with Minors</strong><br /> Children of less than 12 years of age are not permitted on tours and cruises. Minors under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and share their accommodation with an adult.</p> <p><strong>Included in Holiday Package Price</strong><br /> All coach and cruise travel, accommodation, sightseeing, internal airfares including taxes (subject to surcharge), gratuities, port charges, admissions, luggage service (one bag), local guides, services of a Tour Director, and meals (as specified and indicated in each individual itinerary). While on board your Egypt river cruise, complimentary local beer, wine and spirits are provided.</p> <p><strong>Not Included in Holiday Package Price</strong><br /> Airfares between Australia and Egypt, Jordan or Israel, border crossing fees, optional tours, meals other than those specified in the itinerary, drinks, laundry, passport and visa fees (unless specified) excess baggage and vaccinations.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Gratuities</strong><br /> Gratuities have been prepaid for all services as indicated in the itinerary on all APT tours and cruises and cannot be redeemed for a cash refund. Gratuities are not included for your Alexandria Extension.</p> <p><strong>Flights Within Egypt &amp; Jordan<br /> </strong>Economy flights within and between Egypt and Jordan and airport taxes are included in the price. Airline schedules and fares are subject to change without notice. Flights will be based on best fare available at the time of booking, however surcharges may apply. Once air tickets are issued, airline amendment and/or cancellation fees apply and in some cases are non-refundable. Full passport details are required for all flights within Egypt and Jordan. Name changes and voluntary date and schedule changes will incur fees. The maximum luggage allowance on all flights within Egypt and Jordan is 20 kilograms.</p> <p><strong>Choosing Your Holiday<br /> </strong>To maximise your enjoyment of your APT holiday and to ensure that it lives up to your expectations, it is important that you choose the right holiday package for you. Our publication contains limited information, however, there is more information on our website at and our qualified staff are available to discuss your options.</p> <p><strong>Hotels</strong><br /> In more remote places, hotel standards may not be quite as high as in major centres. APT endeavours to utilise the most suitable accommodation available in each destination to ensure that passengers enjoy high levels of cleanliness, comfort and service. The hotels listed in this brochure will be used on almost all holiday packages, however, if a change is necessary for any reason, APT will endeavour to ensure that alternative accommodation is of an equivalent standard to those shown. Hotel rooms are generally not available for check-in before 3pm and require check-out by 10am.</p> <p><strong>Twin or Double Rooms<br /> </strong>Accommodation in all hotels, regardless of the rating, is in standard rooms (sometimes named superior/deluxe) based on twins or doubles unless otherwise stated.</p> <p><strong>Solo Travellers<br /> </strong>A limited number of single rooms/suites/cabins may be available by request at time of booking your cruise/holiday package. Single rooms/suites/cabins are not available on certain cruises. Single rooms/suites/cabins are usually smaller than standard twin or double rooms and often only have one single bed.</p> <p><strong>Cruising - Cabin/Suite/Stateroom Selection<br /> </strong>Cabin selection is not available for your Egypt river cruise and cabin numbers will be assigned upon embarkation. Requests for specific cabin numbers or locations will be passed on to the cruise operator but cannot be guaranteed.</p> <p> <strong>Passengers Needing Assistance<br /> </strong> APT welcomes all passengers. Guests with disability or limited mobility are asked to please note the following:</p> <ol> <li>Guests with disability or a medical condition requiring assistance must inform APT of any important information relating to their health, mobility and/or fitness which may affect their partial or total participation in the cruise or tour. This information will allow APT to ensure the chosen tour is suitable and meets their needs.&nbsp; Any changes to health, mobility and fitness must also be reported to APT as soon as possible and prior to departure. Where possible, APT will make reasonable adjustments to the tour to assist all guests, however, it cannot do so if the adjustment required would be unreasonable in all of the circumstances, including if such adjustments would affect your safety and/or the safety and/or enjoyment of other passengers.</li> <li>If guests require assistance or care (such as pushing a wheelchair, assistance with dressing or assistance with walking), they must travel with a companion capable of providing the required assistance or care. People who are deaf or hard of hearing must share accommodation with a person capable of hearing alarms in cabins. APT is unable to assist any passenger with walking, dining, boarding or disembarking any transportation vehicles (including river and ocean cruise ships and trains). To safely participate in embarkation and disembarkation you must be able to do so without the need for assistance. Guests must also be able to do so without unreasonably impacting other passengers&rsquo; safety and/or enjoyment.&nbsp;</li> <li>While APT will make reasonable efforts to accommodate everyone, it is not responsible for any denial of services by any third-party entities it has travel arrangements with, such as carriers, hotels, trains, restaurants or other independent suppliers, or for any additional associated expenses charges by those parties.&nbsp;</li> <li>Please note coaches and minibuses are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. Many ships require the use of stairs to go between decks. Further, side-by-side docking may require passengers to climb and descend stairs to cross over vessels to disembark and embark at times. APT ships occasionally sail through remote areas that do not have convenient docking facilities. In such circumstances it will be necessary for passengers to negotiate temporary gangplanks, tender boats, riverbanks and uneven surfaces. If the crew decide that it is not safe for a passenger to negotiate such operations, they may require passengers to stay on board. Due to the lack of infrastructure along the riverbanks, and absence of lifts on board vessels, wheelchairs will be of minimal use. Cabin doors and restrooms on river cruise ships are not wide enough to allow access by standard wheelchairs. For safety reasons, passengers using wheelchairs cannot be carried on ramps in ports where the river cruise ship is at anchor. APT is unable to provide individual assistance to any passenger for walking, dining, disembarking or embarking cruise ships and/or coaches or other transportation vehicles or other personal needs.</li> </ol> <p> <strong>Health and Fitness<br /> </strong> A good level of fitness and health is required to participate on APT&rsquo;s holiday packages. In some destinations there are extensive sightseeing excursions by foot, which includes the climbing of stairs. Mobility is needed boarding or alighting coaches, river cruise ships and trains. We recommend a visit to the doctor before travelling to overseas destinations and consult with them regarding any vaccinations which may be required. It is your responsibility to advise APT of any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect the normal conduct of a holiday package and the enjoyment of other passengers. A Health, Fitness and Mobility Questionnaire will be provided and requested to be completed at the time of booking if you advise of any health, fitness or mobility issues. APT is not liable for any injury, illness, or loss of enjoyment which could have been reasonably prevented had we been made aware of a pre-existing condition and been provided an opportunity to review it. We will<br /> not be responsible for any costs associated with cancellation penalties or the return of passengers from a tour, and a refund for lost touring cannot be claimed.</p> <p> <strong>Visa and Passports<br /> </strong> All passengers must have a valid passport that is valid for at least six months after the holiday package return date. Passengers must consult with the appropriate consulates to ensure that they have any applicable visas for countries included in the holiday package prior to departure. Passengers are solely responsible for meeting necessary passport and visa entry requirements and paying all associated costs. APT is not responsible for delays or missed portions of the holiday package resulting from incorrect travel documents or visas. Tourist visas are included in the tour package for Egypt and Jordan when taking an APT transfer and will be arranged on arrival. Passport details are required to be provided to APT no later than 60 days prior to arrival. Passengers on own&nbsp;<br /> arrangements will need to purchase their own visas for Egypt and Jordan. No refunds will be provided.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY</span></strong></p> <p> <strong>Changes or Additions to Your Holiday<br /> </strong> If you want to change any part of your holiday arrangements after the invoice has been issued, we will do our best to make the change, but it may not be possible. Any request for changes must be made in writing by the person who made the original booking, or their travel agent. If it is possible to make the change, it will be subject to an administration charge of $70 per person and payment of any further costs incurred as a result of the change. A change to your departure date may be treated as a cancellation, therefore cancellation fees rather than change fees will apply.</p> <p> <strong>Cancellation Policy<br /> </strong> The following APT cancellation fees apply (in addition to charges of any independent suppliers e.g., airlines and hotels):<br /> Days of Notice: <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span></span>Fee Per Person:<br /> (Prior to Departure)<br /> 100 days or more<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Loss of deposit<br /> 99-61 days <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span></span>50% of holiday package price<br /> 60 days or less <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span></span>100% of holiday package price<br /> If your holiday has commenced, 100% of the full holiday package price is charged. There is no refund for unused services or if portions of the holiday package are missed. Additional cancellation fees may also be charged in respect of accommodation reserved outside the holiday package dates. These cancellation fees are in addition to any fees that may be levied by APT and your travel agent (if any). You acknowledge that the amounts estimated under the Cancellation Policy are reasonable and represent a genuine pre-estimate of APT&rsquo;s loss and are otherwise reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of APT. If you request changes or amend your booking in any way after APT has issued your documents, APT may charge you an administration and processing fee of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fees.</p> <p> <strong>Cancellation of Ticketed Airfares<br /> </strong> An APT cancellation fee of $50 per person applies for ticketed airfares, in addition to any airline cancellation fees that are applicable.</p> <p> <strong>Changes to Ticketed Airfares<br /> </strong> If you wish to amend the date or routing on your ticketed air booking, an APT amendment fee of $30 per person for the first change and $85 per person for any subsequent changes will be charged in addition to airline change fees and additional taxes that are applicable. If, for any reason, a name change to a ticketed airfare is required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airline fees.</p> <p> <strong>IF WE NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY<br /> </strong> APT endeavours to provide you with all the services confirmed to you at the time of your booking. However, we plan arrangements a long time in advance of your departure date using independent suppliers such as airline, hotels etc., over whom we have no direct control. On occasions changes do have to be made, APT reserves the right to cancel or amend holiday packages/excursions accordingly. All tours require a minimum number of bookings in order to be financially viable and to have a pleasant group atmosphere. In the event adequate numbers cannot be achieved, it may be necessary to cancel a scheduled departure and offer the nearest possible alternative date (or a refund of the monies paid for arrangements made by APT).</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">ON HOLIDAY</span></strong></p> <p> <strong>Noise &amp; Vibration<br /> </strong> APT takes reasonable steps to minimise noise and vibrations on river cruise ships. You acknowledge and accept that some noise and vibration may be experienced on vessels and that APT is not liable to you for any such noise or vibration.&nbsp;</p> <p> <strong>Docking Position<br /> </strong> During port stops river cruise ships may dock side by side, obstructing views and requiring you to pass through other ships to embark or disembark.</p> <p> <strong>APT Tour Director<br /> </strong> Alexandria Extension tours are not escorted by an APT Tour Director, but you will have the services of an APT guide.</p> <p style="text-align: right;"> <span> </span><br /> <em>Updated: 13 September 2023</em></p> <div>&nbsp;</div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel apt-panel accordion__panel "> <div class="panel-heading collapsed" role="tab" id="heading_5-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse_5-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseOne"> <div class="panel-heading-detail"> <h3 class="h4 panel-heading__title accordion__panel-title">Europe</h3> </div> </div> <div id="collapse_5-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" class="panel-collapse collapse " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading_5-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="trip-day-content accordion__content"> <div class="trip-day-content__description"><p><strong>SPECIFIC TERMS &amp; CONDITIONS FOR EUROPE HOLIDAYS:</strong></p> <p>A $1,000 security deposit per person, per holiday package for all tours is required within seven days of booking confirmation. Deposit requirements may vary when booking a special offer. Final payment of the balance of your holiday package price is due 100 days prior to departure unless stated in the terms of a special offer. APT reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or, refuse to honour any price or carry any passenger where any payment has not been received by APT within the specified time. All fares and charges are in Australian currency. Payment in full is required at time of booking for reservations made less than 100 days before departure from Australia or New Zealand. If APT is unable to confirm your reservation, all monies will be refunded. </p> <p><strong>Travelling with Minors<br /> </strong>Children under 12 years of age are not recommended on tours and cruises. Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and share their accommodation with an adult. </p> <p><strong>Included in Holiday Package Price</strong> <br /> All coach and travel, accommodation, airfares (if indicated in individual itinerary), gratuities, airport transfers on the first and last day, sightseeing, specified excursions, meals, admissions, port charges and the services of a cruise or tour director as stated in your itinerary. APT river cruises and expedition cruises in Europe also include complimentary beverages served on board your ship throughout the day (French Champagne and premium spirits are not included). APT river cruises in Voyages river cruises operated by AmaWaterways include beer, wine &amp; soft drink with lunch and dinner only. Complimentary beverages are not available during city stay extensions or on land tours. </p> <p><strong>Not Included in Holiday Package Price</strong> <br /> Airfares (unless stated), airport taxes, meals and drinks other than those specified in the itinerary, passport and visa fees, excess baggage, fuel surcharges, gratuities not specified in your itinerary, vaccinations, government taxes and laundry (unless stated). </p> <p><strong>Choosing Your Holiday</strong> <br /> To maximise enjoyment of your APT holiday and to ensure that it lives up to your expectations, it is important that you choose the right holiday package for your requirements. Our marketing collateral contains limited information, however, there is more information online at and our qualified staff are available to discuss your options. </p> <p><strong>Gratuities</strong> <br /> Gratuities for the land portion of your tour, shore excursions, and on board your river or expedition cruises are included within the tour price. Gratuities cannot be redeemed for cash. </p> <p><strong>Hotels</strong> <br /> Hotel rooms in Europe are often smaller than those in Australia and New Zealand. In more remote places, hotel standards may not be quite as high as in major centres. APT endeavours to utilise the most suitable accommodation available in each destination to ensure that passengers enjoy high levels of cleanliness, comfort and service. The hotels listed will be used on almost all holiday packages, however, if a change is necessary for any reason, APT will endeavour to ensure that alternative accommodation is of an equivalent standard to those shown. Hotel rooms are generally not available for check-in before 3pm and require check-out by 10am. </p> <p><strong>Twin or Double Rooms</strong> <br /> Accommodation in all hotels, regardless of the rating, is in standard rooms (sometimes named superior/deluxe) based on twins or doubles unless otherwise stated. </p> <p><strong>Solo Travellers</strong> <br /> A limited number of single rooms/suites/cabins may be available by request at time of booking your cruise/holiday package. Single room/suites/cabins are not available on certain cruises. Single rooms/suites/cabins are usually smaller than standard twin or double rooms and often only have one single bed. </p> <p><strong>Cruising &ndash; Cabin/Suite/Stateroom Selection</strong> <br /> APT will make every effort to assign specific cabins, cabin numbers or locations on the ship if requested. If this is not possible, APT reserves the right to make changes to cabin assignment, within the category booked, without prior notice. </p> <p><strong>Passengers&nbsp;Needing Special Assistance</strong> <br /> APT welcomes passengers with disabilities or special needs however, please note the following:</p> <ol> <li>Any disability or medical condition requiring special attention must be reported to APT at the time of booking including all important information relating to your health, mobility and fitness which may affect your partial or total participation in the cruise or tour. This information is also crucial to allow APT to ensure the tour you have chosen is suitable and meets your needs. Any changes to health, mobility and fitness must also be reported to APT as soon as possible and prior to departure. Where possible APT will make reasonable adjustments to the tour to accommodate your special needs however, it cannot do so if the adjustment required would be unreasonable in all of the circumstances, including if such adjustments would affect your safety and/or the safety and/or enjoyment of other passengers. </li> <li>If you require special assistance or care (such as pushing a wheelchair, assistance with dressing or assistance with walking or hearing emergency alarms unaided), you must travel with a companion capable of providing the required assistance or care. Please be aware that APT does not provide personal assistance and consequently deaf passengers must share accommodation with a person capable of hearing alarms in cabins. APT is unable to assist any passenger with walking, dining, boarding or disembarking any transportation vehicles (including river and ocean cruise ships and trains). To safely participate in embarkation and disembarkation you must be able to do so without the need for special assistance. You must also be able to do so without unreasonably impacting other passengers&rsquo; safety and/or enjoyment. </li> <li>While APT will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the special needs of disabled passengers, it is not responsible for any denial of services by any third party entities it has travel arrangements with, such as carriers, hotels, trains, restaurants or other independent suppliers, or for any additional associated expenses charges by those parties. </li> <li>Please note coaches and minibuses are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. Most river and ocean ships have elevators, however not all APT ships have elevators. Many ships require the use of stairs to go between decks. Further, side by side docking may require passengers to climb and descent stairs to cross over vessels to disembark and embark at times. APT ships often sail through remote areas that do not have convenient docking facilities. In such circumstances it will be necessary for passengers to negotiate temporary gangplanks and uneven surfaces. If the crew decide that it is not safe for a passenger to negotiate such operations they may require passengers to stay on board. Cabin doors and restrooms may not be wide enough to allow access by standard wheelchairs. Wheelchairs and walkers cannot be carried on coaches, due to space limitations. For safety reasons, passengers in wheelchairs cannot be carried on ramps in ports where the river or ocean cruise ship is at anchor. APT is unable to provide individual assistance to any passenger for walking, dining, disembarking or embarking cruise ships and/or coaches or other transportation vehicles or other personal needs.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Health and Fitness</strong> <br /> A good level of fitness and health is required to participate on APT&rsquo;s holiday packages. In some destinations there are extensive sightseeing excursions by foot which includes the climbing of stairs. Mobility is needed boarding or alighting coaches, river cruise ships and trains. We recommend a visit to the doctor before travelling to overseas destinations and consult with them regarding any vaccinations which may be required. It is your responsibility to advise APT of any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect the normal conduct of a holiday package and the enjoyment of other passengers. A Health, Fitness &amp; Mobility Questionnaire will be provided and requested to be completed at the time of booking if you advise of any health, fitness or mobility issues. APT is not liable for any injury, illness, or loss of enjoyment which could have been reasonably prevented had we been made aware of a pre-existing condition and been provided an opportunity to review it. We will not be responsible for any costs associated with cancellation penalties or the return of passengers from a tour, and a refund for lost touring cannot be claimed. </p> <p> <strong>Visa and Passports</strong> <br /> All passengers must have a valid passport that is valid for at least six months after the holiday package return date. Passengers must consult with the appropriate consulates to ensure that they have any applicable visas for countries included in the holiday package prior to departure. Passengers are solely responsible for meeting necessary passport and visa entry requirements and paying all associated costs. APT is not responsible for delays or missed portions of the holiday package resulting from incorrect travel documents or visas. </p> <p> <strong>Shore Excursions <br /> </strong> The timing of shore excursions on all river ship and expedition ship holiday packages may differ slightly for each package. Published times are a guide only and are subject to change without notice. It is impossible for large coaches to be used for some city sightseeing excursions and many towns and cities will be visited by way of walking tours. For river cruising, clients must be able to climb ramps to embark or disembark river cruise ships. Depending on river water levels, these may have a number of steep steps. Venue closures outside of APT&rsquo;s control may affect our ability to operate some excursions. Holiday packages including time in Switzerland and other alpine regions may include excursions to, at times, high altitudes. </p> <p> <strong>Signature Experiences</strong> <br /> The Mozart Boys&rsquo; Choir members do not perform on all departures and may be substituted with an alternative children&rsquo;s choir. The Grand Empress steam train is offered on departures from April to September only. </p> <p> <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY </span></strong></p> <p> <strong>Changes or Additions to Your Holiday</strong> <br /> If you want to change any part of your holiday arrangements after the invoice has been issued, we will do our best to make the change, but it may not be possible. Any request for changes must be made in writing by the person who made the original booking, or his or her travel agent. If it is possible to make the change, it will be subject to an administration charge and payment of any further costs incurred as a result of the change. </p> <p> <strong>Cancellation Policy</strong> <br /> The following APT cancellation fees apply (in addition to charges of any independent suppliers e.g. airlines and hotels):</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Days of Notice <br /> </span> Prior To Departure <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Fee Per Person <br /> 100 days or more <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Loss of deposit <br /> 99-61 days <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>50% of holiday package price <br /> 60 days or less <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>100% of holiday package price </p> <p> All cancellations must be received in writing by APT and are not effective until this notification has been received. If your holiday has commenced, 100% of the full holiday package price is charged. There is no refund for unused services or if portions of the holiday package are missed. Additional cancellation fees may also be charged in respect of accommodation reserved outside the holiday package dates. These cancellation fees are in addition to any fees that may be levied by APT and your travel agent (if any). You acknowledge that the amounts estimated under the Cancellation Policy are reasonable and represent a genuine pre-estimate of APT&rsquo;s loss and are otherwise reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of APT. If you request changes after APT has issued your documents, APT may charge you an administration and processing fee of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fees. </p> <p> <strong>Cancellation of Ticketed Airfares</strong> <br /> An APT cancellation fee of $50 per person applies for ticketed airfares, in addition to any airline cancellation fees that are applicable. </p> <p> <strong>Changes to Ticketed Airfares</strong> <br /> If you wish to amend the date or routing on your ticketed air booking, an APT amendment fee of $30 per person for the first change and $85 for any subsequent changes will be charged in addition to airline change fees and additional taxes that are applicable. If, for any reason, a name change to a ticketed airfare is required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airline fees. </p> <p> <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">IF WE NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY</span></strong> </p> <p> If we change or cancel your holiday before your departure, APT endeavours to provide you with all the services confirmed to you at the time of your booking. However, we plan arrangements a long time in advance of your departure date using independent suppliers such as airlines, hotels etc., over whom we have no direct control. On occasion changes do have to be made, and APT reserves the right to cancel or amend holiday packages/excursions accordingly. All tours require a minimum number of bookings in order to be financially viable and to have a pleasant group atmosphere. In the event adequate numbers cannot be achieved, it may be necessary to cancel a scheduled departure and offer the nearest possible alternative date (or a refund of the monies paid for arrangements made by APT). </p> <p> <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">ON HOLIDAY</span></strong> </p> <p> <strong>Noise and Vibration</strong> <br /> APT takes reasonable steps to minimise noise and vibrations on its cruising vessels. You acknowledge and accept that some noise and vibration may be experienced on vessels and that APT is not liable to you for any such noise or vibration. </p> <p> <strong>Docking Position</strong> <br /> During port stops river cruise ships may dock side by side, obstructing views and requiring you to pass through other ships to embark or disembark. </p> <p> <strong>Sun Deck</strong><br /> During passage through locks or under low bridges, or in the case of adverse weather, it may be necessary to close the main sun deck for passenger use. In the interests of safety, sun deck closures are rigidly enforced. While circumstances will vary and are beyond control, closures of the main sun deck may amount to 4-6 days on average per 15-day cruise. The lower sun deck may also close for short periods of time. </p> <p> <strong>Seat Allocation on Coach Tours</strong> <br /> To ensure all passengers enjoy forward and window facing seats, on longer tours a daily seat rotation system may apply at the discretion of the tour director. We do not warrant that the seat rotation will be adjusted to suit personal preference. Coaches used on Small Group Journeys or Classic Tours are 40-seater vehicles. In the unlikely event of unforeseen circumstances, a replacement vehicle may be offered which may not fulfil this specification. </p> <p> <strong>WiFi Internet - River &amp; Expedition Cruising</strong> <br /> Wi-Fi internet is available without charge aboard your vessel although APT cannot guarantee the consistency of the service throughout the cruise. </p> <p style="text-align: right;"> <em>Last updated 22 January 2021</em></p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel apt-panel accordion__panel "> <div class="panel-heading collapsed" role="tab" id="heading_6-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse_6-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseOne"> <div class="panel-heading-detail"> <h3 class="h4 panel-heading__title accordion__panel-title">Kimberley & Outback Wilderness Adventures</h3> </div> </div> <div id="collapse_6-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" class="panel-collapse collapse " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading_6-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="trip-day-content accordion__content"> <div class="trip-day-content__description"><p>A non-refundable security deposit per person, per holiday package is required within seven days of booking confirmation. $500 per person is required for Kimberley Wilderness Adventures and Outback Wilderness Adventures. $1,000 per person is required for Small Ship Luxury Expedition Cruising. Deposit requirements may vary when booking a special offer. Final payment of the balance of your holiday package price is due 100 days prior to departure unless stated in the terms of a special offer. APT reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or, refuse to honour any price or carry any passenger where any payment has not been received by APT within the specified time. All fares and charges are in Australian currency. Payment in full is required at time of booking for reservations made less than 100 days before departure from Australia. If APT is unable to confirm your reservation, all monies will be refunded. Hotels may apply surcharges for late booking requests.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>Travelling with Minors</strong>&nbsp;<br /> Children under 12 years of age are not recommended on tours and cruises. Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and share their accommodation with an adult.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>Included in your Holiday Package Price</strong><br /> All coach and travel, accommodation, airfares (if indicated in individual itinerary), airport transfers on the first and last day, sightseeing, specified excursions, meals, admissions, National Park fees, port charges and the services of a Tour or Cruise Director, Driver, Driver-Guide as stated in your itinerary. Small Ship Luxury Expedition cruises also include complimentary beverages served on board your ship throughout the day (with the exception of French Champagne, premium spirits and selected wines on board Ponant). Complimentary beverages are included only on board your cruise and do not apply to land touring.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>Not Included in Your Holiday Package Price&nbsp;</strong><br /> Airfares (unless stated), airport taxes, laundry, food not on the regular table d&rsquo;h&ocirc;te menu, drinks may or may not be included as indicated in your itinerary, excess baggage, wi-fi (unless stated), fuel surcharges and optional excursions not specified in the itinerary. Extra overnight accommodation is not included at the start or end of the tour if not specified in the itinerary.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>Gratuities&nbsp;</strong><br /> Gratuities are included on your Small Ship Luxury Expedition Cruise but not included on land holiday packages. Gratuities are not included for any additional excursions purchased while on tour. Gratuities cannot be redeemed for a cash refund.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>Hotels&nbsp;</strong><br /> In more remote locations, hotel standards may not be as high as in major centres. APT endeavours to utilise the most suitable accommodation available in each destination to ensure that passengers enjoy high levels of cleanliness, comfort and service. The hotels listed in this publication will be used on almost all holiday packages, however, if a change is necessary for any reason, APT will endeavour to ensure that alternative accommodation is of an equivalent standard to those shown.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>Solo Travellers&nbsp;<br /> </strong> A limited number of single rooms may be available at time of booking. Single rooms may be smaller than twin or double bedded rooms and may have a single bed.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>Cruising &ndash; Cabin/Suite/Stateroom Selection&nbsp;</strong><br /> APT will make every effort to assign specific cabins, cabin numbers or locations on the ship if requested. If this is not possible, APT reserves the right to make changes to cabin assignment, within the category booked, without prior notice.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>Passengers Needing Special Assistance&nbsp;</strong><br /> APT welcomes passengers with disabilities or special needs however, please note the following:&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li>Any disability or medical condition requiring special attention must be reported to APT at the time of booking including all important information relating to your health, mobility and fitness which may affect your partial or total participation in the cruise or tour. This information is also crucial to allow APT to ensure the tour you have chosen is suitable and meets your needs. Any changes to health, mobility and fitness must also be reported to APT as soon as possible and prior to departure. Where possible APT will make reasonable adjustments to the tour to accommodate your special needs however, it cannot do so if the adjustment required would be unreasonable in all of the circumstances, including if such adjustments would affect your safety and/or the safety and/or enjoyment of other passengers.<br /> <br /> </li> <li>If you require special assistance or care (such as pushing a wheelchair, assistance with dressing or assistance with walking), you must travel with a companion capable of providing the required assistance or care. Please be aware that APT does not provide personal assistance. APT is unable to assist any passenger with walking, dining, boarding or disembarking any transportation vehicles (including river and ocean cruise ships and trains). To safely participate in embarkation and disembarkation you must be able to do so without the need for special assistance. You must also be able to do so without unreasonably impacting other passengers&rsquo; safety and/ or enjoyment.<br /> <br /> </li> <li>While APT will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the special needs of disabled passengers, it is not responsible for any denial of services by any third party entities it has travel arrangements with, such as carriers, hotels, trains, restaurants or other independent suppliers, or for any additional associated expenses charges by those parties.<br /> <br /> </li> <li>Please note coaches and minibuses are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. Further, side by side docking may require passengers to climb. APT ships often sail through remote areas that do not have convenient docking facilities. In such circumstances it will be necessary for passengers to negotiate temporary gangplanks and uneven surfaces. If the crew decide that it is not safe for a passenger to negotiate such operations they may require passengers to stay on board. Cabin doors and restrooms may not be wide enough to allow access by standard wheelchairs. Wheelchairs and walkers cannot be carried on coaches, due to space limitations. For safety reasons, passengers in wheelchairs cannot be carried on ramps in ports where the river or ocean cruise ship is at anchor. APT is unable to provide individual assistance to any passenger for walking, dining, disembarking or embarking cruise ships and/or coaches or other transportation vehicles or other personal needs.&nbsp;</li> </ol> <p><strong>Passports &amp; Visas<br /> </strong> All Small Ship Luxury Expedition Cruise passengers must carry a passport which is valid for a duration of your cruise. Meeting necessary passport and visa requirements and cost is the sole responsibility of the passenger. Non-Australian passport holders, or passengers who are not permanent resident permit holders for Australia, may require a visa to enter Australia. APT is not responsible for delays or missed portions of cruise/tour relating to incorrect travel documents.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>Health &amp; Fitness&nbsp;<br /> </strong> A good level of fitness and health is required to participate on APT&rsquo;s holiday packages. In some destinations there are extensive sightseeing excursions by foot which includes the climbing of stairs and walking on uneven surfaces. Mobility is needed boarding or alighting coaches and trains. Our Small Ship Luxury Expedition cruises require you to be able to climb in and out of Zodiacs and some of our excursions may involve wet landings (see Shore Excursions for more information). We recommend a visit to the doctor before travelling to overseas destinations and consulting with them regarding any vaccinations which may be required. It is your responsibility to advise APT of any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect the normal conduct of a holiday package and the enjoyment of other passengers. A Health, Fitness &amp; Mobility Questionnaire will be provided and requested to be completed at the time of booking if you advise of any health, fitness or mobility issues. APT is not liable for any injury, illness, or loss of enjoyment which could have been reasonably prevented had we been made aware of a pre-existing condition and been provided an opportunity to review it. We will not be responsible for any costs associated with cancellation penalties or the return of passengers from a tour, and a refund for lost touring cannot be claimed.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>Shore Excursions&nbsp;<br /> </strong> The timing of the shore excursions on all cruise ship holiday packages may differ slightly for each package. The published times are a guide only and are subject to change without notice. Passengers must be able to climb ramps to embark or disembark cruise ships and tenders. Small Ship Luxury Expedition cruising holidays require several wet landings, whereby feet and legs may be fully immersed in water during embarkation and disembarkation of Zodiacs or tenders.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>IF YOU CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY&nbsp;<br /> </strong> Changes or Additions to your Holiday&nbsp;<br /> If you want to change any part of your holiday arrangements after the invoice has been issued, we will do our best to make the change, but it may not be possible. Any request for changes must be made in writing by the person who made the original booking, or their travel agent. If it is possible to make the change, it will be subject to an administration charge of $70 per person and payment of any further costs incurred as a result of the change.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>Cancellation Policy&nbsp;<br /> </strong> For all holiday packages in this publication, the following APT cancellation fees apply:&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: left;"><strong>Days of Notice</strong> <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><strong>Fee Per Person</strong>&nbsp;<br /> 100 days or more <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span></span>Loss of deposit&nbsp;<br /> 99-61 days <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span></span>50% of holiday package price&nbsp;<br /> 60 days or less<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>100% of holiday package price<br /> <br /> If your holiday has commenced, 100% of the full holiday package price is charged. There is no refund for unused services or if portions of the holiday package are missed. Additional cancellation fees may also be charged in respect of accommodation reserved outside the holiday package dates. These cancellation fees are in addition to any fees that may be levied by APT and your travel agent (if any). You acknowledge that the amounts estimated under the Cancellation Policy are reasonable and represent a genuine pre-estimate of APT&rsquo;s loss and are otherwise reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of APT. If you request changes or amend your booking in any way after APT has issued your documents, APT may charge you an administration and processing fee of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fees.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>Cancellation of Ticketed Airfares&nbsp;</strong><br /> An APT cancellation fee of $50 per person applies for ticketed airfares, in addition to any airline cancellation fees that are applicable. Changes to Ticketed Airfares If you wish to amend the date or routing on your ticketed air booking, an APT amendment fee of $30 per person for the first change and $85 per person for any subsequent changes will be charged in addition to airline change fees and additional taxes that are applicable. If, for any reason, a name change to a ticketed Airfare is required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airline fees.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>IF WE NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY<br /> </strong> If we change or cancel your holiday before your departure, APT endeavours to provide you with all the services confirmed to you at the time of your booking. However, we plan arrangements a long time in advance of your departure date using independent suppliers such as airlines, hotels etc., over whom we have no direct control. On occasion changes do have to be made, and APT reserves the right to cancel or amend holiday packages/excursions accordingly. All tours require a minimum number of bookings in order to be financially viable and to have a pleasant group atmosphere. In the event adequate numbers cannot be achieved, it may be necessary to cancel a scheduled departure and offer the nearest possible alternative date (or a refund of the monies paid for arrangements made by APT).&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>ON HOLIDAY</strong>&nbsp;<br /> Noise and Vibration&nbsp;<br /> Reasonable steps are taken to minimise noise and vibration on vehicles and cruise vessels. You acknowledge and accept that some noise and vibration may be experienced on vessels and that APT is not liable to you for any such noise and vibration.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>Seat Allocation on Land Touring&nbsp;</strong><br /> To ensure all passengers enjoy window seats and forward located seats, on longer tours a daily seat rotation system may apply at the discretion of the Tour Director/Driver-Guide. We do not warrant that the seat rotation will be adjusted to suit personal preference. Medical Assistance Small Ship Luxury Expedition cruises have an onboard doctor and infirmary. Passengers are responsible for all charges that result from visiting either the onboard medical practitioner or a local medical facility. APT is not responsible for the type or quality of medical services you may receive.<br /> <br /> <strong>Adventure Pack and Day Kit&nbsp;</strong><br /> Each passenger on a land tour of six days or longer will receive an adventure pack including items for your tour.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> <strong>Luggage Limits</strong><br /> Land touring is conducted in 4WD vehicles with limited luggage capacity. Each passenger is requested to limit their luggage to one small/medium soft bag or suitcase weighing no more than 16kg (35 lb approx.) and with dimensions of no more than 66cm length x 35cm width x 32cm height. Cameras, make-up bags etc should be carried separately. Should you have excess luggage, it is your responsibility to organise for this to be forwarded to your final destination. For Expedition Cruises luggage restrictions apply as outlined in General Conditions.</p> <p style="text-align: right;"><span>Last Updated: 01 March 2024</span></p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel apt-panel accordion__panel "> <div class="panel-heading collapsed" role="tab" id="heading_7-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse_7-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseOne"> <div class="panel-heading-detail"> <h3 class="h4 panel-heading__title accordion__panel-title">Murray River</h3> </div> </div> <div id="collapse_7-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" class="panel-collapse collapse " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading_7-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="trip-day-content accordion__content"> <div class="trip-day-content__description"><p>A non-refundable security deposit of $500 per person, per holiday package is required within seven days of booking.</p> <p>Deposit requirements may vary when booking a special offer. Final payment of the balance of your holiday package price is due 100 days prior to departure unless stated in the terms of a special offer. APT reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or, refuse to honour any price or carry any passenger where any payment has not been received by APT within the specified time. All fares and charges are in New Zealand currency. Payment in full is required at time of booking for reservations made less than 100 days before departure from Australia or New Zealand. If APT is unable to confirm your reservation, all monies will be refunded. Hotels may apply surcharges for late booking requests.</p> <p><strong>Travelling with Minors</strong></p> <p>Children under 12 years of age are not recommended on tours and cruises. Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and share their accommodation with an adult.</p> <p><strong>Included in your Holiday Package Price&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>All coach and travel, accommodation, transfers on the first and last day, sightseeing, specified excursions, meals, admissions, National Park fees, port charges and the services of a Cruise Director, Murray River cruises also include complimentary beverages served on board your ship throughout the day (with the exception of French&nbsp;Champagne, premium spirits and selected wines). Complimentary beverages are included only on board your cruise and do not apply to land touring.</p> <p><strong>Not Included in Your Holiday Package Price</strong></p> <p>Airfares (unless stated), airport taxes, laundry, food not on the regular table d&rsquo;h&ocirc;te menu, drinks may or may not be included as indicated in your itinerary, excess baggage, fuel surcharges and optional excursions not specified in the itinerary. Extra overnight accommodation is not included at the start or end of the tour if not specified in the itinerary.</p> <p><strong>Choosing Your Holiday</strong></p> <p>To maximise your enjoyment of your APT holiday and to ensure that it lives up to your expectations it is&nbsp; Important that you choose the right holiday package for you. Our publication contain limited information, however, there is more information on our website and our qualified staff are available to discuss your options.</p> <p><strong>Cruising &ndash; Cabin/Suite/Stateroom Selection</strong></p> <p>APT will make every effort to assign specific cabins, cabin numbers or locations on the ship if requested. If this is not possible, APT reserves the right to make changes to cabin assignment, within the category booked, without prior notice.</p> <p><strong>Passengers Needing Special Assistance</strong></p> <p>APT welcomes passengers with disabilities or special needs however, please note the following:</p> <ol> <li>Any disability or medical condition requiring special attention must be reported to APT at the time of booking including all important information relating to your health, mobility and fitness which may affect your partial or total participation in the cruise or tour. This information is also crucial to allow APT to ensure the tour you have chosen is suitable and meets your needs. Any changes to health, mobility and fitness must also be reported to APT as soon as possible and prior to departure. Where possible APT will make reasonable adjustments to the tour to accommodate your special needs however, it cannot do so if the adjustment required would be unreasonable in all of the circumstances, including if such adjustments would affect your safety and/or the safety and/or enjoyment of other passengers.<br /> <br /> </li> <li>If you require special assistance or care (such as pushing a wheelchair, assistance with dressing or assistance with walking), you must travel with a companion capable of providing the required assistance or care. Please be aware that APT does not provide personal assistance. APT is unable to assist any passenger with walking, dining, boarding or disembarking any transportation vehicles (including river and ocean cruise ships and trains). To safely participate in embarkation and disembarkation you must be able to do so without the need for special assistance. You must also be able to do so without unreasonably impacting other passengers&rsquo; safety and/or enjoyment.<br /> <br /> </li> <li>While APT will make reasonable efforts to accommodate the special needs of disabled passengers, it is not responsible for any denial of services by any third party entities it has travel arrangements with, such as carriers, hotels, trains, restaurants or other independent suppliers, or for any additional associated expenses charges by those parties.<br /> <br /> </li> <li>Please note coaches and minibuses are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. Further, side by side docking may require passengers to climb. APT ships often sail through remote areas that do not have convenient docking facilities. In such circumstances it will be necessary for passengers to negotiate temporary gangplanks and uneven surfaces. If the crew decide that it is not safe for a passenger to negotiate such operations they may require passengers to stay on board. Cabin doors and restrooms may not be wide enough to allow access by standard wheelchairs. Wheelchairs and walkers cannot be carried on coaches, due to space limitations. For safety reasons, passengers in wheelchairs cannot be carried on ramps in ports where the river or ocean cruise ship is at anchor. APT is unable to provide individual assistance to any passenger for walking, dining, disembarking or embarking cruise ships and/or coaches or other transportation vehicles or other personal needs.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li> </ol> <p> <br /> <strong>Health &amp; Fitness&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>A good level of fitness and health is required to participate on APT&rsquo;s holiday packages. In some destinations there are extensive sightseeing excursions by foot which includes the climbing of stairs and walking on uneven surfaces. Mobility is needed boarding or alighting coaches and trains. We recommend a visit to the doctor before travelling to overseas destinations and consulting with them regarding any vaccinations which may be required. It is your responsibility to advise APT of any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect the normal conduct of a holiday package and the enjoyment of other passengers. A Health, Fitness &amp; Mobility Questionnaire will be provided and requested to be completed at the time of booking if you advise of any health, fitness or mobility issues. APT is not liable for any injury, illness, or loss of enjoyment which could have been reasonably prevented had we been made aware of a pre-existing condition and been provided an opportunity to review it. We will not be responsible for any costs associated with cancellation penalties or the&nbsp;return of passengers from a tour, and a refund for lost touring cannot be claimed.</p> <p><strong>Shore Excursions&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>The timing of the shore excursions on all cruise ship holiday packages may differ slightly for each package. The published times are a guide only and are subject to change without notice. Passengers must be able to climb ramps to embark or disembark cruise ships.</p> <p><strong>IF YOU CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY</strong></p> <p><strong>Changes or Additions to your Holiday</strong></p> <p>If you want to change any part of your holiday arrangements after the invoice has been issued, we will do our best to make the change, but it may not be possible. Any request for changes must be made in writing by the person who made the original booking, or their travel agent. If it is possible to make the change, it will be subject to an administration charge of $70 per person and payment of any further costs incurred as a result of the change.</p> <p><strong>Cancellation Policy&nbsp;<br /> </strong> <br /> For all holiday packages in this publication, the following APT cancellation fees apply:</p> <p><strong>Days of Notice</strong> <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span></span><strong>Fee Per Person</strong><br /> 100 days or more <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Loss of deposit<br /> 99-61 days <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>50% of holiday package price<br /> 60 days or less <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>100% of holiday package price</p> <p>If your holiday has commenced, 100% of the full holiday package price is charged. There is no refund for unused services or if portions of the holiday package are missed. Additional cancellation fees may also be charged in respect of accommodation reserved outside the holiday package dates. These cancellation fees are in addition to any fees that may be levied by APT and your travel agent (if any). You acknowledge that the amounts estimated under the Cancellation Policy are reasonable and represent a genuine pre-estimate of APT&rsquo;s loss and are otherwise reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of APT. If you request changes, or amend your booking in any way after APT has issued your documents, APT may charge you an administration and processing fee of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fees.</p> <p><strong>Cancellation of Ticketed Airfares</strong></p> <p>An APT cancellation fee of $50 per person applies for ticketed airfares, in addition to any airline cancellation fees that are applicable.</p> <p><strong>Changes to Ticketed Airfares</strong></p> <p>If you wish to amend the date or routing on your ticketed air booking, an APT amendment fee of $30 per person for the first change and $85 per person for any subsequent changes will be charged in addition to airline change fees and additional taxes that are applicable. If, for any reason, a name change to a ticketed Airfare is required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airline fees.</p> <p><strong>IF WE NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY</strong></p> <p>If we change or cancel your holiday before your departure, APT endeavours to provide you with all the services confirmed to you at the time of your booking. However, we plan arrangements a long time in advance of your departure date using independent suppliers such as airlines, hotels etc., over whom we have no direct control. On occasion changes do have to be made, and APT reserves the right to cancel or amend holiday packages/excursions accordingly. All tours require a minimum number of bookings in order to be financially viable and to have a pleasant group atmosphere. In the event adequate numbers cannot be achieved, it may be necessary to cancel a scheduled departure and offer the nearest possible alternative date (or a refund of the monies paid for arrangements made by APT).</p> <p><strong>ON HOLIDAY</strong></p> <p><strong>Noise and Vibration</strong></p> <p>Reasonable steps are taken to minimise noise and vibration on vehicles and cruise vessels. You acknowledge and accept that some noise and vibration may be experienced on vessels and that APT is not liable to you for any such noise and vibration.</p> <p><strong>Luggage Limits</strong></p> <p>Each passenger is requested to limit their luggage to one small/medium soft bag or suitcase weighing no more than 16kg (35 lb approx.).</p> <p style="text-align: right;"> <br /> &nbsp;<br /> <br /> <em>Late Update: 21 February 2024&nbsp;</em></p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel apt-panel accordion__panel "> <div class="panel-heading collapsed" role="tab" id="heading_8-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse_8-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseOne"> <div class="panel-heading-detail"> <h3 class="h4 panel-heading__title accordion__panel-title">North America</h3> </div> </div> <div id="collapse_8-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" class="panel-collapse collapse " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading_8-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="trip-day-content accordion__content"> <div class="trip-day-content__description"><p><strong>SPECIFIC TERMS &amp; CONDITIONS FOR NORTH AMERICAN HOLIDAYS</strong></p> <p>A $1,000 security deposit per person, per holiday package for all tours is required within seven days of booking confirmation. Additional deposits are required when booking a Wilderness Lodge Extension. Deposit requirements may vary when booking a special offer. Final payment of the balance of your holiday package price is due 100 days prior to departure unless stated in the terms of a special offer. APT reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or, refuse to honour any price or carry any passenger where any payment has not been received by APT within the specified time. All fares and charges are in Australian currency. Payment in full is required at time of booking for reservations made less than 100 days before departure from Australia. If APT is unable to confirm your reservation, all monies will be refunded.</p> <p><strong>Travelling with Minors<br /> </strong>Children under 12 years of age are not recommended on tours and cruises. Children under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and share their accommodation with an adult.</p> <p><strong>Included in Holiday Package Price<br /> </strong>As indicated in individual itineraries &ndash; all transport, accommodation, airfares, gratuities, airport transfers on the first and last day, sightseeing, excursions, meals, admissions and port charges. wi-fi access is included on coaches during land tours, however black spots may cause intermittent interference. wi-fi is not included on coaches during tours in Alaska.</p> <p><strong>Not Included in Holiday Package Price<br /> </strong>Airfares (unless stated), airport taxes, laundry (unless stated), passport and visa fees, food not on the regular table d&rsquo;Hote menu, drinks may or may not be included as indicated in your itinerary, all baggage fees in North America unless the flight is in conjunction with an international flight, all excess baggage beyond allocated limits&nbsp; on international flights, fuel surcharges, optional excursions and gratuities not specified in your itinerary.</p> <p><strong>Gratuities<br /> </strong>Gratuities are included for the land and cruise portion of your tour. Gratuities cannot be redeemed for cash. Gratuities are not included for any individual purchases.</p> <p><strong>APT Tour Director<br /> </strong>The services of an APT Tour Director are included on land tours and a cruise liaison where specified (subject to minimum numbers). The cruise liaison may differ from the land Tour Director. An APT Tour Director is not included on Wilderness Lodge Extensions.</p> <p><strong>Choosing Your Holiday<br /> </strong>To maximise your enjoyment of your APT holiday and to ensure that it lives up to your expectations, it is important that you choose the right holiday package for your requirements. Our brochures contain limited information, however, there is more information online at and our qualified staff are available to discuss your options.</p> <p><strong>Hotels</strong><br /> Hotel rooms in North America are often smaller than those in Australia and New Zealand. In more remote places, hotel standards may not be quite as high as in major centres. APT endeavours to utilise the most suitable accommodation available in each destination to ensure that passengers enjoy high levels of cleanliness, comfort and service. The hotels listed will be used on almost all holiday packages, however, if a change is necessary for any reason, APT will endeavour to ensure that alternative accommodation is of an equivalent standard to those shown. Hotel rooms are generally not available for check-in before 4pm and require check-out by 11am.</p> <p><strong>Twin/Triple Rooms<br /> </strong>Twin/Triple Room prices are subject to availability and based on existing room/cabin sizes, hotel bedding (twin/double) or stateroom availability on cruises (normally max. two beds per room).</p> <p><strong>Solo Travellers<br /> </strong>A limited number of single rooms/suites/cabins may be available by request at time of booking your cruise/holiday package. Single room/suites/cabins are not available on certain cruises. Single rooms/suites/cabins are usually smaller than standard twin or double rooms and often only have one single bed.</p> <p><strong>Cruising &ndash; Cabin/Suite/Stateroom Selection<br /> </strong>APT will make every effort to assign specific cabins, cabin numbers or locations on the ship if requested. If this is not possible, APT reserves the right to make changes to cabin assignment, within the category booked, without prior notice.</p> <p><strong>Passengers Needing Assistance<br /> </strong>APT welcomes all passengers. Guests with limited mobility are asked to please note the following:</p> <ol> <li>Guests with a disability or medical condition requiring assistance must inform APT of any important information relating to their health, mobility and/or fitness which may affect their partial or total participation in the cruise or tour. This information will allow APT to ensure the chosen tour is suitable and meets their needs. Any changes to health, mobility and fitness must also be reported to APT as soon as possible and prior to departure. Where possible, APT will make reasonable adjustments to the tour to assist all guests, however, it cannot do so if the adjustment required would be unreasonable in all of the circumstances, including if such adjustments would affect your safety and/or the safety and/or enjoyment of other passengers.&nbsp;</li> <li>If guests require assistance or care (such as pushing a wheelchair, assistance with dressing or assistance with walking), they must travel with a companion capable of providing the required assistance or care. APT is unable to assist any passenger with walking, dining, boarding or disembarking any transportation vehicles (including river and ocean cruise ships and trains). To safely participate in embarkation and disembarkation you must be able to do so without the need for assistance. Guests must also be able to do so without unreasonably impacting other passengers&rsquo; safety and/or enjoyment.&nbsp;</li> <li>While APT will make reasonable efforts to accommodate everyone, it is not responsible for any denial of services by any third-party entities it has travel arrangements with, such as carriers, hotels, trains, restaurants or other independent suppliers, or for any additional associated expenses charges by those parties.&nbsp;</li> <li>Please note coaches and minibuses are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. Many ships require the use of stairs to go between decks. Further, side by side docking may require passengers to climb and descend stairs to cross over vessels to disembark and embark at times. APT ships occasionally sail through remote areas that do not have convenient docking facilities. In such circumstances it will be necessary for passengers to negotiate temporary gangplanks, tender boats, riverbanks and uneven surfaces. If the crew decide that it is not safe for a passenger to negotiate such operations, they may require passengers to stay on board. Due to the lack of infrastructure along the riverbanks, and absence of lifts on board vessels, wheelchairs will be of minimal use. Passengers who use a wheelchair should reconsider travelling on these tours.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Health and Fitness<br /> </strong>A good level of fitness and health is required to participate on APT&rsquo;s holiday packages. In some destinations there are extensive sightseeing excursions by foot which includes the climbing of stairs. Mobility is needed boarding or alighting coaches, river and ocean cruise ships and trains. We recommend a visit to the doctor before travelling to overseas destinations and consult with them regarding any travel vaccinations which may be required. It is your responsibility to advise APT of any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect the normal conduct of a holiday package and the enjoyment of other passengers. A Health, Fitness &amp; Mobility Questionnaire will be provided and requested to be completed at the time of booking if you advise of any health, fitness or mobility issues. If your holiday package includes a Holland America cruise, you may be required to complete an additional Holland America form. APT is not liable for any injury, illness, or loss of enjoyment which could have been reasonably prevented had we been made aware of a pre-existing condition and been provided an opportunity to review it. We will not be responsible for any costs associated with cancellation penalties or the return of passengers from a tour, and a refund for lost touring cannot be claimed.</p> <p><strong>Visas &amp; Passports<br /> </strong>All passengers must have a valid passport that is valid for at least six months after the holiday package return date. Passengers must consult with the appropriate consulates to ensure that they have any applicable visas for countries included in the holiday package prior to departure. Passengers are solely responsible for meeting necessary passport and visa entry requirements and paying all associated costs. APT is not responsible for delays or missed portions of the holiday package resulting from incorrect travel documents or visas.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY</span></strong></p> <p><strong>Changes or Additions to Your Holiday<br /> </strong>If you want to change any part of your holiday arrangements after the invoice has been issued, we will do our best to make the change, but it may not be possible. Any request for changes must be made in writing by the person who made the original booking, or their travel agent. If it is possible to make the change, it will be subject to an administration charge and payment of any further costs incurred as a result of the change.</p> <p><strong>Cancellation Policy<br /> </strong>The following APT cancellation fees apply (in addition to charges of any independent suppliers e.g. airlines and hotels): For all holiday packages, excluding Wilderness Lodge Extensions, the following applies:</p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Days of Notice&nbsp;<br /> </span> Prior to Departure <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span></span>Fee Per Person<br /> 100 days or more <span style="white-space: pre; white-space:pre;"> </span><span></span>Loss of deposit<br /> 99-61 days <span style="white-space: pre; white-space:pre;"> </span><span></span>50% of holiday package price<br /> 60 days or less <span style="white-space: pre; white-space:pre;"> </span>100% of holiday package price</p> <p>For Wilderness Lodge Extensions, the following applies:<br /> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Days of Notice<br /> </span> Prior to Departure <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span></span>Fee Per Person<br /> 100 days or more <span style="white-space: pre; white-space:pre;"> </span><span></span>Loss of deposit<br /> 99 days or less <span style="white-space: pre; white-space:pre;"> </span><span></span>100% of holiday package price</p> <p> If your holiday has commenced, 100% of the full holiday package price is charged. There is no refund for unused services or if portions of the holiday package are missed. Additional cancellation fees may also be charged in respect of accommodation reserved outside the holiday package dates. These cancellation fees are in addition to any fees that may be levied by APT and your travel agent (if any). You acknowledge that the amounts estimated under the Cancellation Policy are reasonable and represent a genuine pre-estimate of APT&rsquo;s loss and are otherwise reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of APT. If you request changes after APT has issued your documents, APT may charge you an administration and processing fee of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fees.</p> <p><strong>Cancellation of Ticketed Airfares<br /> </strong>An APT cancellation fee of $50 per person applies for ticketed airfares, in addition to any airline cancellation fees that are applicable.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Changes to Ticketed Airfares<br /> </strong>If you wish to amend the date or routing on your ticketed air booking, an APT amendment fee of $30 per person for the first change and $85 for any subsequent changes will be charged in addition to airline change fees and additional taxes that are applicable. If, for any reason, a name change to a ticketed airfare is required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airline fees.</p> <p><strong>IF WE NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY<br /> </strong>If we change or cancel your holiday before your departure, APT endeavours to provide you with all the services confirmed to you at the time of your booking. However, we plan arrangements a long time in advance of your departure date using independent suppliers such as airlines, hotels etc., over whom we have no direct control. On occasion changes do have to be made, and APT reserves the right to cancel or amend holiday packages/excursions accordingly. All tours require a minimum number of bookings in order to be financially viable and to have a pleasant group atmosphere. In the event adequate numbers cannot be achieved, it may be necessary to cancel a scheduled departure and offer the nearest possible alternative date (or a refund of the monies paid for arrangements made by APT). I.e. alternative date (or refund of the monies paid for arrangements made by APT).</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">ON HOLIDAY</span></strong></p> <p><strong>Noise &amp; Vibration<br /> </strong>You acknowledge and accept that some noise and vibration may be experienced on vessels and that APT is not liable to you for any such noise or vibration.</p> <p><strong>Seat Allocation on Coach Tours<br /> </strong>To ensure all passengers enjoy forward and window facing seats, on longer tours a daily seat rotation system may apply at the discretion of the Tour Director. We do not warrant that the seat rotation will be adjusted to suit personal preference.</p> <p><strong>Cruise Categories<br /> </strong>On board Holland America Line, a Verandah Stateroom is defined by the following categories:<br /> Koningsdam, Noordam, Zuiderdam, Nieuw Amsterdam &ndash; VC &ndash; VE.<br /> A Vista Suite is defined by the following categories: Koningsdam, Zaandam, Volendam &ndash; A &ndash; BB.<br /> A Signature Suite is defined by the following categories: Koningsdam, Zuiderdam, Noordam, Nieuw Amsterdam &ndash; SS-SY.<br /> A Neptune Suite is defined by the following category: Zaandam, Volendam &ndash; SA.<br /> Once allocation of staterooms/suites is sold out, all further requests are subject to availability and a surcharge may apply. On occasion, where cabin numbers are not confirmed in advance, cruise companies will guarantee a particular category instead. It should be noted that the position and layout of cabins may vary and allocation of cabins is at the sole discretion of the cruise company.</p> <p><strong>Holland America Line Package<br /> </strong>For guests who purchase Holland America Line&rsquo;s &lsquo;Have it all&rsquo; Premium Package the below conditions apply: Signature Beverage Package has a daily limit of 15 beverages, which includes all beverages priced at US$11.00 or lower. Guests must order one beverage at a time, sharing of this package is not permitted. Signature Beverage Package excludes purchases made in Signature Shops, Mini Bar, In Room Dining. The wi-fi Surf Package includes use of one device at a time, per guest. Satellite transmissions are inherently slower than shore-side connections. The Surf Package may not allow for audio/video calling and streaming, and the daily volume of data is restricted.<br /> One shore excursion is included up to US$100 value or US$100 off any one tour. &lsquo;Have it all&rsquo; Premium Package is not redeemable for cash.</p> <p><strong>Tour Operators<br /> </strong>Alaska Land Tours: The Alaska land touring portion of UTAH15, UTAH25 is operated by Holland America Line.</p> <p><strong>Variation to Itineraries<br /> </strong><em>UT22BEVV</em>: 10 July, 21 August. Cruise ship is the Zaandam<br /> <em>UT22BEVV</em>: 8 September. Cruise ship is the Nieuw Amsterdam.<br /> <em>UT22BEVV</em>: 13 April, 14 September. Glacier Bay is not available. Cruise ships stops at Hubbard Glacier in lieu of Glacier Bay.<br /> <em>UT22BWIV</em>: 13 April, 14 September. Glacier Bay is not available. Cruiseships stops at Hubbard Glacier in lieu of Glacier Bay.<br /> <em>UT15JWBV</em>: 20 April. Glacier Bay is not available. Cruise ships stops at Hubbard Glacier in lieu of Glacier Bay.<br /> <em>UT15JWBV</em>: 14 September. This tour will stay at The Rimrock Resort Hotel in lieu of Fairmont Banff Springs.<br /> <em>UT19BEVV</em>: 20 April. Glacier Bay is not available. Cruise ships stops at Hubbard Glacier in lieu of Glacier Bay.<br /> <em>UT19BEVV</em>: 11 September. Cruise ship is the Nieuw Amsterdam.<br /> <em>UT20JEVV</em>: 16 September. Glacier Bay is not available. Cruise ships stops at Hubbard Glacier in lieu of Glacier Bay.<br /> <em>UTE10</em>: 22 August, 5 September. This holiday package is different to the brochure itinerary &ndash; guests will stay in Montr&eacute;al on Days 07 and 08 and in Qu&eacute;bec City on Days 09 and 10.<br /> <em>UTE17</em>: 22 August, 5 September. This holiday package is different to the brochure itinerary &ndash; guests will stay in Montr&eacute;al on Days 07 and 08 and in Qu&eacute;bec City on Days 09 and 10. Cruise departs from Qu&eacute;bec City. Cruise itinerary: Qu&eacute;bec, Day at Sea, Charlottetown, Sydney, Halifax, Bar Harbor, Boston.<br /> <em>UTE25</em>: 7, 21 August, 18 September. This holiday package is different to the brochure itinerary - guests will cruise from Boston to Qu&eacute;bec<br /> City. Cruise itinerary: Depart Boston, Bar Harbor, Halifax, Sydney, Charlottetown, Day at Sea, Qu&eacute;bec.<br /> <em>UTE31</em>: 1 July, 12 August. Cruise ship is the Zaandam.<br /> <em>UTE31</em>: 5 September. This holiday package is different to the brochure itinerary &ndash; guests will stay in Montr&eacute;al on Days 07 and 08 and in Qu&eacute;bec City on Days 09 and 10. Glacier Bay is not available. Cruise ships stops at Hubbard Glacier in lieu of Glacier Bay.&nbsp;<br /> <em>UTEW24</em>: 5 September. This holiday package is different to the brochure itinerary &ndash; guests will stay in Montr&eacute;al on Days 07 and 08 and in Qu&eacute;bec City on Days 09 and 10.<br /> <em>UTE28</em>: 22 August. This holiday package is different to the brochure itinerary &ndash; guests will stay in Montr&eacute;al on Days 07 and 08 and in Qu&eacute;bec City on Days 09 and 10.<br /> <em>UTE24</em>: 22 August, 5 September. This holiday package is different to the brochure itinerary &ndash; guests will stay in Montr&eacute;al on Days 07 and 08 and in Qu&eacute;bec City on Days 09 and 10.</p> <p><strong>Changes due to Weather<br /> </strong>Sometimes due to elements beyond our control it may be necessary to make alternations to our itinerary. The Columbia Icefield may not operate until early May. If unavailable a refund or alternative will be offered on tour.<br /> A number of sightseeing locations are weather dependent.</p> <p><strong>Luggage Limits<br /> </strong><em>STOGB5 </em>&ndash; Port Hardy to Great Bear Lodge &ndash; Baggage allowance of 14kg applies. Excess baggage can be stored in Port Hardy.&nbsp;<br /> <em>STOHBO</em>/<em>STOBBB </em>&ndash; Checked baggage allowance of 20kg per person applies and a soft sided bag is to be used. Restrictions require the length x height x width to be less than 55 inches. Excess baggage can be stored at Winnipeg hotel.</p> <p style="text-align: right;"> <em>Updated 02 June 2023<br /> </em></p> <div>&nbsp;</div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel apt-panel accordion__panel "> <div class="panel-heading collapsed" role="tab" id="heading_9-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse_9-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseOne"> <div class="panel-heading-detail"> <h3 class="h4 panel-heading__title accordion__panel-title">Private Jet Tours Australia</h3> </div> </div> <div id="collapse_9-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99" class="panel-collapse collapse " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading_9-373e4d199df34c109b6cbeb9ef930b99"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="trip-day-content accordion__content"> <div class="trip-day-content__description"><p style="color: #000000;"><strong>SPECIFIC TERMS &amp; CONDITIONS FOR AUSTRALIA PRIVATE JET HOLIDAYS<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">A $1,000 security deposit per person, per holiday package for all tours is required within seven days of booking confirmation. Deposit requirements may vary when booking a special offer.&nbsp; Final payment of the balance of your holiday package price is due 100 days prior to departure unless stated in the terms of a special offer. APT reserves the right to cancel any ticket or booking or, refuse to honour any price or carry any passenger where any payment has not been received by APT within the specified time. All fares and charges are in Australian currency. Payment in full is required at time of booking for reservations made less than 100 days before departure from Australia. If APT is unable to confirm your reservation, all monies will be refunded.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Travelling with Minors<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">Children under 12 years of age are not recommended to participate in an air tour. Children under 18 years must be accompanied by an adult and share their accommodation with an adult.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Included in Holiday Package Price<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">All coach and air travel as listed, accommodation, airport transfers as listed, sightseeing, specified excursions, meals, tour, admissions as stated in your itinerary.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Not Included in Your Holiday Package<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">Airfares (unless stated), airport taxes, airport transfers unless stated, laundry, gratuities, food not on the regular table d&rsquo;hote menu, drinks may or may not be included as indicated in your itinerary, excess baggage, fuel surcharges and optional excursions and gratuities not specified in your itinerary.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>APT Tour Director<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">The services of an APT Tour Director is included as stated in each itinerary.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Choosing Your Holiday<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">To maximise your enjoyment of your APT holiday and to ensure that it lives up to your expectations, it is important that you choose the right holiday package for your requirements. Our brochures contain limited information, however, there is more information online at and our qualified staff are available to discuss your options.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Hotels<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">In more remote places, hotel standards may not be quite as high as in major centres. APT endeavours to utilise the most suitable accommodation available in each destination to ensure that passengers enjoy high levels of cleanliness, comfort and service. The hotels listed will be used on almost all holiday packages, however, if a change is necessary for any reason, APT will endeavour to ensure that alternative accommodation is of an equivalent standard to those shown.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Twin or Double Rooms<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">Accommodation in all hotels, regardless of the rating, is in standard rooms (sometimes named superior/deluxe) based on twins or doubles unless otherwise stated.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Solo Travellers<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">A limited number of single rooms may be available at time of booking. Single rooms may be smaller than twin or double bedded rooms and may have a single bed.&nbsp;</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Passengers Needing Assistance<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">APT welcomes passengers with disabilities or special needs however, please note the following:</p> <p style="color: #000000;">1. Any disability or medical condition requiring special attention must be reported to APT at the time of booking including all important information relating to your health, mobility and fitness which may affect your partial or total participation in the cruise or tour. This information is also crucial to allow APT to ensure the tour you have chosen is suitable and meets your needs. Any changes to health, mobility and fitness must also be reported to&nbsp;<br /> APT as soon as possible and prior to departure. Where possible APT will make reasonable adjustments to the tour to accommodate your special needs however, it cannot do so if the adjustment required would be unreasonable in all of the circumstances, including if such adjustments would affect your safety and/or the safety and/or enjoyment of other passengers.</p> <p style="color: #000000;">2. If guests require assistance or care (such as pushing a wheelchair, assistance with dressing or assistance with walking), they must travel with a companion capable of providing the required assistance or care. APT is unable to assist any passenger with walking, dining, boarding or disembarking any transportation vehicles (including river and ocean cruise ships and trains). To safely participate in embarkation and disembarkation you must be able to do so without the need for assistance. Guests must also be able to do so without unreasonably impacting other passengers&rsquo; safety and/or enjoyment.</p> <p style="color: #000000;">3. While APT will make reasonable efforts to accommodate everyone, it is not responsible for any denial of services by any third-party entities it has travel arrangements with, such as carriers, hotels, trains, restaurants or other independent suppliers, or for any additional associated expenses charges by those parties.</p> <p style="color: #000000;">4. Please note coaches and minibuses are not equipped with wheelchair ramps. APT is unable to provide individual assistance to any passenger for walking, dining, disembarking or embarking coaches or other transportation vehicles or other personal needs.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Health and Fitness<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">A good level of fitness and health is required to participate on APT&rsquo;s holiday packages. In some destinations there are extensive sightseeing excursions by foot which includes the climbing of stairs. Mobility is needed boarding or alighting coaches, ocean cruise ships and trains. We recommend a visit to the doctor before travelling to overseas destinations and consult with them regarding any vaccinations which may be required. It is your responsibility to advise APT of any pre-existing medical conditions that may affect the normal conduct of a holiday package and the enjoyment of other passengers. A Health, Fitness &amp; Mobility Questionnaire will be provided and requested to be completed at the time of booking if you advise of any health, fitness or mobility issues. APT is not liable for any injury, illness, or loss of enjoyment which could have been reasonably prevented had we been made aware of a pre-existing condition and been provided an opportunity to review it. We will not be responsible for any costs associated with cancellation penalties or the return of passengers from a tour, and a refund for lost touring cannot be claimed.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>IF YOU NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY</strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Changes or Additions to Your Holiday<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">If you want to change any part of your holiday arrangements after the invoice has been issued, we will do our best to make the change, but it may not be possible. If it is possible to make the change, it will be subject to an administration charge and payment of any further costs incurred as a result of the change. If you are changing the date of your holiday package, this may be treated as a cancellation and therefore the below cancellation fees may be applied.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Cancellation Policy<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">Days of Notice<br /> Prior to Departure: <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Fee Per Person:<br /> 100 days or more <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>Loss of deposit<br /> 99-61 days <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span></span>50% of holiday package price<br /> 60-0 days or less <span style="white-space: pre;"> </span><span></span>100% of holiday package price</p> <p style="color: #000000;">If your holiday has commenced, 100% of the full holiday package price is charged. There is no refund of unused services or if portions of the holiday package are missed. Additional cancellation fees may also be charged in respect of accommodation reserved outside the holiday package dates. These cancellation fees are in addition to any fees that may be levied by APT and your travel agent (if any). You acknowledge that the amounts estimated under the Cancellation Policy are reasonable and represent a genuine pre-estimate of APT&rsquo;s loss<br /> and are otherwise reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of APT. If you request changes or amend your booking in any way after APT has issued your documents, APT may charge you an administration and processing fee of $70 per person in addition to any applicable cancellation fees.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Cancellation of Ticketed Airfares<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">An APT cancellation fee of $50 per person applies for ticketed airfares, in addition to any airline cancellation fees that are applicable.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Changes to Ticketed Airfares<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">If you wish to amend the date or routing on your ticketed air booking, an APT amendment fee of $30 per person for the first change and $85 for any subsequent changes will be charged in addition to airline change fees and additional taxes that are applicable. If, for any reason, a name change to a ticketed airfare is required, a $125 per person name change fee will apply for every change in addition to any applicable airline fees.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>IF WE NEED TO CHANGE OR CANCEL YOUR HOLIDAY<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">If we change or cancel your holiday before your departure, APT endeavours to provide you with all the services confirmed to you at the time of your booking. However, we plan arrangements a long time in advance of your departure date using independent suppliers such as airlines, hotels etc., over whom we have no direct control. On occasion changes do have to be made, and APT reserves the right to cancel or amend holiday packages/<br /> excursions accordingly. All tours require a minimum number of bookings in order to be financially viable and to have a pleasant group atmosphere. In the event adequate numbers cannot be achieved, it may be necessary to cancel a scheduled departure and offer the nearest possible alternative date (or a refund of the monies paid for arrangements made by APT).</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>ON HOLIDAY<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Noise &amp; Vibration<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">You acknowledge and accept that some noise and vibration may be experienced on aircraft, vehicles and trains and that APT is not liable to you for any such noise or vibration.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Seat Allocation on our Aircraft/Coach Tours<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">To ensure all passengers enjoy forward and window facing seats, we have incorporated a daily seat rotation system. This system is not able to be adjusted to suit individual needs under any circumstances.</p> <p style="color: #000000;"><strong>Luggage Limits&nbsp;<br /> </strong></p> <p style="color: #000000;">Our aircraft has strict luggage restrictions. Checked luggage must weight no more than 16kg. 1 piece of hand luggage is permitted weighing no more than 5kg and must be a soft bag with no wheels.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Updated: 15 August 2023<br /> <br /> <br /> </p></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div class="grid-component "> <div class="container " > <div class="row " > <div class="col-xs-12 col-no-min-height row-12__col " > </div> </div> </div> </div> <section id="accordion" class="apt-accordion accordion" data-trip-itinerary> <div class="container"> <h2 class="title">Website Image Credit</h2> <div class="panel-group accordion__panel-group" id="destination-regions-accordion_bc7d1e291aa0497da597e200974203b6" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true"> <div class="panel apt-panel accordion__panel "> <div class="panel-heading collapsed" role="tab" id="heading_1-bc7d1e291aa0497da597e200974203b6" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse_1-bc7d1e291aa0497da597e200974203b6" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseOne"> <div class="panel-heading-detail"> <h3 class="h4 panel-heading__title accordion__panel-title">Image Credit</h3> </div> </div> <div id="collapse_1-bc7d1e291aa0497da597e200974203b6" class="panel-collapse collapse " role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading_1-bc7d1e291aa0497da597e200974203b6"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="trip-day-content accordion__content"> <div class="trip-day-content__description"><h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">A</h3> Abaca Press, Abanob Nabil, Abel Mitja Varela, Abstract Aerial Act, Adam Bruzzone, Adam Gibson, Adobestock images, Adrian Pope, Aerial Inspections, Aerometrex, Aetherial, Agrodome, Ahmed El-Kabbani, Al Alaily, Alamy Stock Photo, Alastair Bett, Albatros Expeditions, Albert Normandin, Alberto Cassani, Alesha Bradford, alexlibris 2021, Alexandre B, Alexandr Spatari, Allan Scott Winemakers, Blenheim, aluxum, alxpin, AmaCerto, AmaDagio, AmaDante, AmaDolce, Ama Generic, AmaLyra, AmaMagna, AmaMekong, AmaPrima, AmaReina, AmaSerena, AmaStella, AmaVenita, Amazing Aerial Premium, AAmi Parikh, minkorea,&nbsp; Anastasia Aleksieieva, Andre Erlich, Andrea Forlani, Andreas Gerth, Andreas Harbarth, Andrew Gregory, Andrew Hagen, Andrew Mayovskyy, anek.soowannaphoom, Angus Macgillivray, <span>Anibal Trejo Visuals,&nbsp;</span>Ante Prtenjaca, Anthology Travel, Anton Aleksenko, anupampphotomix, Apertunity Productions, Antonio Luis Martinez Cano, Apexphotos, Archie Sartracom, Artie Photography, ARV, Ashit Desai, Au Co, Aurora Village, Automidori Photography &amp; Art, AzmanL, ASFW, ASSAF PINVHUK, Australian Corporate Jet Centres, Art Deco Trust, Artie Ng, Aleksandar Todorovic, Aleksander Tomic, Alexander Spatari, Andreas Harms, Ayzenstayn, ajijchan, Andr&eacute;s Benitez,&nbsp;Ashley Heimbigner,&nbsp;Ayobami Olanrewaju,&nbsp;Andreanita,&nbsp;Alexey Stiop,&nbsp;Allan Scott Wines,&nbsp;<span>ASFW</span> <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">B</h3> Baia Dzangnidze, Balate Dorin, Barry Murphy Photography, Bartosz Hasyniak, Base Imagery, bbsferrari, Beatice Preve, Beerpixs, belafona87, Belmond - Andrean Explorer, Belmond - Copacabana Palace, Belmond - Hotel das Cataratas, Ben Goode, Benny Marty, Bernina Express, Bill Bachman, Bhaskar Dutta, Bhuminan Piyathasaan, Blake Jorgenson Photography, BlurryMe, BoucherPhotoStudio, Boule13, Bradley Grove, Branislav Petkovic, Brett Edmonds Photography, Brian Scantlebury, Brij Lakshman Hotel, Broome Cruises, Bruce Munro, Buena Vista Images, Bulgac, Bullet Train, burroblando, Butchart Gardens, Byelikova_Oksana,, Bartosz Hadyniak,&nbsp;Boris Stroujko,&nbsp;Bartosz Hadyniak <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">C</h3> Calin Stan, Cameracrew, Camilla Rutherford, Canada Via Rail, Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, Carl Dupont, Carol Yepes, Caroline Brundle Bugge, Cezary Wojtkowski, Chalffy, Chalermkiat Seedokmai, Chase Teron, Charles Hill, Charles Mahaux, Chateau Neercanne, Chinagam Kunachera, Chinaface, Chris Amat, Chris Andrews Fern Bay, Chris Bray, Christian Heynert, Christian Tisdale, Christian R&uuml;ger, Christophe Dugied, Christof Sonderegger, Churchill Wild, Cloudy Bay Winery, Cloudy Bay Vineyard, Copthorne Hotel &amp; Resort - Bay of Islands, Cradle Mountain Hotel, Craig Smith, Craig Zerbe, cristaltran, Cristian Bortes, Guntsoophack Yuktahnon,cworthy, Cybernesco, Caroline Ozog-Orzegowski, CandyRetriever, CTrantina, Coral Expeditions - Coral Discoverer,&nbsp;Cristina Villar Martin,&nbsp;CJNattanai,&nbsp;Chris McLennan Photography Ltd,&nbsp;Cordis Auckland, Curioso Photography <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">D</h3> D.Sugimura, Daliu80, Dallas and John Heaton, Damien Nikora, Dan Proud, Daniel Avram, Daniel Trans, Daniel Proud, Danny Photography, Daphnusia Images, Dave Thomas, David Cowles, David Merron Photography, David Rose, David Wall, Delfin III, Dennis Fast, Delstudio/Dreamstime, dgmsgallery, dhughes9, Diego Toapanta Garcia, Dieter Meyrl, dolphinphoto, <span>Dolphin Encounter,&nbsp;</span>Dominik Eckelt, Dominic Jeanmaire, Dominicus Malleotus, DON MASTEN_2017, donvictorio, Douro Serenity, donvictorio, Dovmakabaw sundry, DPK-Photo, Dr Ajay Kumar Singh, Dragan, Dreamer4787,,, Dudlajzov, Duy Dash, DVrcan, Dong Nhat Huy, Destination NSW,&nbsp;DINA AVILA 2019,&nbsp;Dennis Stogsdill,&nbsp;David Dolci&nbsp; <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">E</h3> Eclipse Images, ecstk22, Ed Norton, Eduardgutescu, Edgardo Contreras, efired, Elena Aleksandrovna,&nbsp;el viaje, emk(c) 2020, Erick Larrieu, Ermakova, Eston Cabigas, Eva Robert, Evenfh, EyeEm, Extra Miles Pictures, Ellen Rooney,&nbsp;ERIC LAIGNEL,&nbsp;Emilie Chaix,&nbsp;extravagantni <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">F</h3> f11photo, Fairmont - Banff Springs, Fairmont - Chateau Lake Louise, Fairmont - Jasper Park Lodge, Fairmont - Le Chateau Frontenac, Fairmont - Le Montreux Palace, Fay Lam, Felix L. Feng Wei Photography, Steck, Field of Light Uluru, Filippo Bacci, Finn Stock, Fotofritz16, Fotoping, fotovoyager, Four Seasons - Alexandria, Frances Andrijich, Francesco Riccardo Iacomino, Francois Lefebvre, franckreporter, Frentusha, Frederik Wissink, Freycinet Lodge, Freyjal, Fritz Hiersche, fitrimohdrashid, funky_food London - paul williams,&nbsp;Figliulo and Partners <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">G</h3> Gabriel Perez, Gabriel Tudor, Gary Bremner, Gaspar Janos, GBP Creative Media, Gehringj, Gennadiy V.krasko, Geoff Marshall, George Clerk, George Karbus Photography, George Pachantouris, Giannis K.Katsaros (elgreko),Givaga, Ghoong Jackie, Givenworks, Glacier Express, Glen Richard, Glenbrook Steam Train, GlobalVision Communication, Godong, Goldern Eagle Trans Siberian Express, GoranQ, Gordon River Cruise, Graham Werner, Grand Millennium Auckland, Grand Empress, Grant Faint, Grant Harder, Grant Hunt, Great Bear Lodge, Great Southern Train, Grobler du Preez, Guntsoophack Yuktahnon, Gex AG, Galaxiid, Ganges Voyager,&nbsp;Grootbos Private Nature Reserve,&nbsp;,&nbsp;goldistocks <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">H</h3> Hamid Khan, Hamiio7, Hamilton Lund, Hanneberg, Harald Nachtmann, Henry Jones Art Hotel, Heracles Kritikos, Heritage Adv Photographer, Hermitage Hotel, Hideo Kurihara, Hiroshi Ichikawa, Holland America Line, Horizontal Falls Seaplane Adventures, Horst Lieber, hornyak 2010, Hren Phung Thu, hadynyah, huythoai, HonestTraveller,&nbsp;H&Atilde;&copy;l&Atilde;&uml;ne Vall&Atilde;&copy;e,&nbsp;Heyworth R&amp;F <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">I</h3> Ignacio Palacios, Ilija Ascic, Illustrations Photography, imageBROKER, Ina Tsitovich,, info634860, Instants, InterContinental - Wellington, Interislander, Irina Panyukiva, Istvan Kadar Photography, IvonneW, Izabela23, <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">J</h3> JaCZhou, Jad Davenport, Jaimie Harmsen, Jaka Zvan, Jan Prerovsky, Jane Barnes, Janifest, Janoka82, Janos Gehrig, Jarno Verdonk, Jarrad Seng, Jason Charles Hill, Jason Jones, Jan Geerk, Jayakumar, Jay R. McDonald, Jeff Penner, Jetgo, Jo Ann Snover, John Elk III, John King, John Montesi,&nbsp;John Shedwick, John Steele, John White Photos, Jon Arnold Images Ltd, Jon Bower, Jorg Greuel, Jorge Morales Avendano, Josef Chromy Wines, Joshua Rablin, Juan Carlos Hern&aacute;ndez, Juanjoflou, Jules Ingall, Julie Fletcher Photography, Jungfrau Railway, Justina Elgaafary, Johan Siebke, Janmiko1 |,&nbsp;John and Tina Reid <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">K</h3> Kangheewan, Kari Medig, Kat Clay, Kathryn Leahy, Kaori Chin, Kempinski - Tatra Mountains, KavalenkavaVolha, Kayihan Bolukbasi, Kempinski - Ishtar Dead Sea, KennyChan 823, Kenny So, Ken Welsh, Kevin Miller, Kieran Stone, Kieu Images, Kitti Boonnitrod, Kirsten Walla, Kojihirano, Koldertsov Alex, Kimberley Cultural Adventures,&nbsp;Kit Korzun,&nbsp;Karen Blixen Camp,&nbsp;Kempinski Palace, Engelberg <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">L</h3> La Pinta Ship, Laara Cerman, Lady Eleganza, Laganovskis Uldis, lalocracio, Larigan, Laura Grier, Laurens Verhoeven, Laurence Crossman-Emms, Laurence Fischer, LGM, Liborigo, Lightpix, Lilyana Karadjova, Lingxiao Xie, Lisa Kuilenburg, Lise Gangne, liubomir Paul, l LSOphoto, Luciano Mortula, Lucio, lucky-photographer, Luis Pedrosa, Luke Tscharke, Lucky Photographer, Lyd Todos los derechos reservados, Lise Gagne, Luz G&oacute;mez,&nbsp;laurent <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">M</h3> MAC, MackoFlower, Manfred Gottschalk Mago-world-image, Manjik photography, Manual Romaris, Mara Brandl, marat yakhin, Maridav, Marc Guitard, Marcel Strelow, Marco Bottigelli, Marco_Piunti, Margaret River Tourism, Maerie, Mario Gomi, Mark Farwell, Mark Fitzgerald, Mark Katzman, Mark Pickthall, Maria Feklistova, Marina Massel, Martin Lehmann, Martin McCarthy, Mat Hayward Photography,&nbsp;Matthias Buchholz-Kenner, Mathieu Gesta, Mathieu Rivrin, Matteo Colombo, Matjaz Slanic, mbbirdy, mediaphotos, Meaghan Coles, Metropolitan Touring, Mgr. Martin Mecnarowski, mgturner, Michael Poliza, Michel Angeloop, Michel Arnault, Michael Evans Photograher 2028, Michael Nolan, Michael Schollum, Michel Verdure, Michel-Verdure-Studio Inc, Migration Media - Underwater Imaging, Miguel Sotomayor, Mike Crane Photography, Mike Langford, Mike Seehagel, Mike Matas, MikeMareen, miniseries, Miroslav_1, Mistervlad, mitifoto, Milan Gonda, Miles Holden, Milos Kubus, Ming Yeung, minnystock, miroslav_1, Mount Falcon Estate Ireland, MS_Sonesta_Sun_Goddess, msan10, muha04, McPherson Media Group, Maurizio De Mattei, Mark Fitzpatrick,, Michael Abid,&nbsp;Morten Falch Sortland,&nbsp;McKinley Explorer,&nbsp;Marco Taliani de Marchio,&nbsp;Manfred Muenzl,&nbsp;marchello74,&nbsp;mtphoto19,&nbsp;MartinM303,&nbsp;Miles Holden<br /> <div>&nbsp;</div> <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">N</h3> Nanuk Polar Bear Lodge, Narin Hem, Natasha Wheatley, Nathalie Michel, Nature Smart Images. nazar_ab, Nazar Abbas Photography, NGONHATHOANG. Nguyen Quang Ngoc Tonkin, Nicole_N, Nick Dale Photography, Nick Ocean, Nick Rains, Nick Suturin, NicoElNino, Nicolas Matheus, Nikada, Nitsawan Katerattanakul, Noble Caledonia Island Sky, Noble Caledonia Hebridean Sky, Noppawat Tom Charoensinphon, Noppasinw, Noppasin Wongchum, Northern Lights Resort &amp; Spa, Novotel Queenstown Lakeside, NZSteve, Nicholas Kavo, Nature's Charm, Nilot Paul,&nbsp;Nick Odroft <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">O</h3> ojphoto, OlegD, Oleg Zhukov, Oleksiy Mark, Olena Tur, Ophelie Bleunven, Orpheus, Osprey Creative, Outback Photographics NT, Olena OLIVIER BLAUD,&nbsp;Ozbalci,&nbsp;Onfokus <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">P</h3> PB57photos, Pajar Pawel, Pakin Songmor, Panwasin Seemala, Paparwin Tanupatarachai, Patricia Hamilton, Paul Fleming, Paul Kingsley, Paul Zizka, Peio Al faro, Peema Thummasan, Pete Ark, Pete Eve, Peter Lehmann, Peter Rowe, Peter Unger, PeopleImages, Phattana, Phillip Pilson, Philippe Lissac, Philippe Louzon, PhotoLinda, PhotoTalk, Phung Huynh Vu Qui, Picasa, Pierre VioleET, Pixelchrome Inc, Pleh Slobodeniuk, PobladuraFCG, Ponant, Ponant - L'Austral, Ponant - Le Boreal, Ponant-Le Jacques Cartier, Pontant - Nick Rains, Poon Wai Nang, Posnov, Prasit Chansarekorn, Prasit Photo, Pravit Kimtong, primeimages, Princess Heidi Burg Namedy, Pullman Bunker Bay Resort, PAWEL KAZMIERCZAK, pytyczech, PetrovVadim, Peter Windrim,&nbsp;Piermont Retreat,&nbsp;phant,&nbsp;PATIC,&nbsp;Prime Perspectives,&nbsp;Petri Oeschger,&nbsp;phototropic <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">Q</h3> Queen Adelaide Restaurant, Queen Eleganza, Quent Plett, Queensland Tourism <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">R</h3> Radisson Blu - Alcron, rajdeep ghosh, Ramonda Boone, Ram Natrajhen, RBPHOTO, Real Journeys, Reuben Krabbe, Reuben Nutt, Rhaetische Bahn, Richard Briggs, Richard James Taylor, Rick Tomlinson, Ridgeline, RgStudio, roam ROBANNESLEY, Rob Burnett Images, Robert Downie, Robert Postma, Roberto Moiola, Roban Nesley, Robyn Brody, Roman Babakin, Roland Nagy, Romrodinka, Rudi1976, Rudolf Balasko, Russell Millard, Russel Ord Photography, Ragnar Th Sigurdsson photographer, rusm, Russell Millard, Robert Blackburn, RICOH IMAGING COMPANY, LTD. PENTAX K-S2, rabbit75_ist, Rachel Claire <h3 class="text-center" style="color: #122f60; text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.4000000059604645px;">S</h3> Sabirmallick, 艦. U臒ur OK&Ccedil;u, Sails in the Desert, Salty Wings, Samantha Ohlsen, Sammyvision, Samot, samvaltenbergs, Sandra Petrowitz, Santiago Gonzalez Redondo, Santanu Banik, SAP, saravutvanset, Sara Winter, Scanrail, Scott McCook, Scotton Photography, Sean Scott, Seppeltsfield Vineyard Cottage, Serawood3,MS Serenity, Sergey Alimov, Sergey Dzyuba, Sergey Novikov (SerrNovik), Sergii Figurnyi, Sharleen Chao, Shawn.ccf, Sherif Tamim Photography, shmenny50, Shutterstock, Siempreverde22, Simon Bradfield, Sina Ettmer, Skadr, Skynesher, snjewelry, Sofitel - Angkor, Sofitel - Legend Metropole Hanoi, South Australia Tourism Commission, Southern Faith Studio, Spicers-Guesthouse, Sportpoint, SrdjanPav, Srijan Roy Choudhury, St Hugo Winery, Stefan Schaal, Stefantoonstra, Stephane Bowker, Steve Heap, Steve Smith, Steve Strike, Stirling Design International, StreetFlash, Steve Strike, Stock for you, StockstudioX, Stu Gibson, Studio Ponant, Sugere Loic, Surkov Dimitri, Suzie Blake, SwissMediaVision, 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