Our Company - eBay Inc.

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Our technology empowers our customers, providing everyone the opportunity to grow and thrive — no matter who they are or where they are in the world. And the ripple effect of our work creates waves of change for our customers, our company, our communities and our planet.</p> </div> </content-section> <content-section data-csv1id="1096" data-csv2id="621" width="full-mobile" styleclasses="cs-type-sb layout3 clear" data-ga-cs-title="For Buyers and Sellers" data-ga-cs-type="Stacked Blinds" > <div class="container round-corners round-corners--desktop-only"> <div class="tlc clear"> <section class="has-link white-bg no-theme round-corners round-corners--desktop-only"> <div class="col media"> <div class="large-image-wrapper round-corners--medium "> <picture class="re__pic "><img class="re__img " src="" alt="" height="414" width="736"></picture> </div> </div> <div class="col content"> <div class="pane visible outer-container"> <a class="button link button-right" href="/impact/economic-opportunity/">Learn more</a> <div class="pane-item outer-content"> <h3 class="pane-item-heading"><span class="eyebrow">For Sellers</span>Reach new customers & grow your business</h3> <div class="cms-content"><p>We offer sellers the ability to grow a business with little barrier to entry regardless of size, background or geographic location. We never compete with our sellers. We win when our sellers succeed.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="has-link white-bg no-theme round-corners round-corners--desktop-only"> <div class="col media"> <div class="large-image-wrapper round-corners--medium "> <picture class="re__pic "><img class="re__img " src="" alt="" height="422" width="750"></picture> </div> </div> <div class="col content"> <div class="pane visible outer-container"> <a class="button link button-right" href="">Learn more</a> <div class="pane-item outer-content"> <h3 class="pane-item-heading"><span class="eyebrow">For Buyers</span>Explore vast inventory & unique selection</h3> <div class="cms-content"><p>Buyers who shop on the marketplace and its localized counterparts, as well as the eBay mobile apps, enjoy a highly personalized experience with an unparalleled selection at great value.</p></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </content-section> <content-section data-csv1id="1928" data-csv2id="1318" width="content" styleclasses="cs-type-fwm clear" heading="Our Purpose in Action" data-ga-cs-title="Our Purpose in Action" data-ga-cs-type="Full-Width Media" > <div slot="intro"> <p>Our marketplace uplifts and <a href="/company/our-purpose-in-action/">brings people together</a>.</p> </div> <div class="round-corners"> <video-embed url="" imageurl="" hideinfo></video-embed> </div> </content-section> <content-section data-csv1id="1097" data-csv2id="622" width="content" styleclasses="cs-type-mg clear" data-ga-cs-title="Global Scale & Reach" data-ga-cs-type="Micrographics" > <div class="cs-type-mg__wrap round-corners"> <h2 class="outer-heading"> Global Scale &amp; Reach </h2> <div class="cs-type-mg__flex"> <div class="cs-type-mg__item"> <div class="micrographic " data-value="2.1" data-stop="100" data-precision="1" style="--micrographic-ring-color: var(--teal5);"> <div class="micrographic__wrap"> <div class="micrographic__value"> <span class="micrographic__val">2.1</span><span class="micrographic__sign">B</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cs-type-mg__ext">Approximate number of live listings</div> </div> <div class="cs-type-mg__item"> <div class="micrographic " data-value="133" data-stop="100" data-precision="0" style="--micrographic-ring-color: var(--teal5);"> <div class="micrographic__wrap"> <div class="micrographic__value"> <span class="micrographic__val">133</span><span class="micrographic__sign">M</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cs-type-mg__ext">Active buyers worldwide</div> </div> <div class="cs-type-mg__item"> <div class="micrographic " data-value="190" data-stop="100" data-precision="0" style="--micrographic-ring-color: var(--teal5);"> <div class="micrographic__wrap"> <div class="micrographic__value"> <span class="micrographic__val">190</span><span class="micrographic__sign">+</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cs-type-mg__ext">Markets around the world</div> </div> </div> </div> </content-section> <content-section data-csv1id="1098" data-csv2id="623" width="full-mobile" styleclasses="cs-type-gt " data-ga-cs-title="Our Leaders" data-ga-cs-type="Graphic Text Blocks" > <div class="container"> <section class="theme2 has-theme full has-media round-corners round-corners--desktop-only"> <div class="media image"> <picture class="re__pic "><source srcset="" media="(min-width: 481px) and (min-resolution: 144dpi), (min-width: 481px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)"><source srcset="" media="(min-width: 481px)"><img class="re__img cover" src="" alt="" height="366" width="650"></picture> </div> <div class="text"> <h2>Our Leaders</h2> <p>Meet the leaders at eBay who are shaping the vision for our company and driving the future of ecommerce.</p> <div class="text-link"> <a class="button" href="/company/our-leaders/">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </section> </div> </content-section> <content-section data-csv1id="1099" data-csv2id="624" width="full-mobile" styleclasses="cs-type-gt " data-ga-cs-title="Tech, Impact, Culture" data-ga-cs-type="Graphic Text Blocks" > <div class="container"> <section class="theme13 has-theme half round-corners round-corners--desktop-only"> <h2>Technology</h2> <p>eBay creates inspiring ecommerce experiences for our buyers, sellers and developers. Embracing innovation has been a cornerstone of our growth and customer loyalty for more than 25 years – encompassing technologies such as AI, computer vision, natural language processing and machine translation.</p> <div class="text-link"> <a class="button" href="">Learn more</a> </div> </section> <section class="theme17 has-theme half round-corners round-corners--desktop-only"> <h2>Impact</h2> <p>Every day, people build businesses on eBay. Nonprofit organizations raise vital funds. Entrepreneurs gain new skills and access to new markets where they can turn their dreams and ideas into business success.</p> <div class="text-link"> <a class="button" href="/impact/">Learn more</a> </div> </section> </div> </content-section> <content-section data-csv1id="1100" data-csv2id="625" width="content" styleclasses="cs-type-intro clear" heading="Awards &amp; Recognition" data-ga-cs-title="Awards & Recognition" data-ga-cs-type="Intro Blurb" > <div slot="intro"> <p>From creating a workplace environment where employees can be their authentic selves, to being a responsible business with a commitment to the community – we're breaking down barriers and helping to foster opportunity for all.</p> </div> </content-section> <content-section data-csv1id="1743" data-csv2id="1147" width="content" styleclasses="cs-type-ig columns-4 image-layout clear" data-ga-cs-title="Awards & Recognition" data-ga-cs-type="Image Grid (v2)" > <div class="grid round-corners"> <div class="item"> <div class="image" style=""><picture class="re__pic "><img class="re__img " src="" alt="" height="501" width="539"></picture> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image" style=""><picture class="re__pic "><img class="re__img " src="" alt="" height="501" width="539"></picture> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image" style=""><picture class="re__pic "><img class="re__img " src="" alt="" height="501" width="539"></picture> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image" style=""><picture class="re__pic "><img class="re__img " src="" alt="" height="501" width="539"></picture> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image" style=""><picture class="re__pic "><img class="re__img " src="" alt="" height="501" width="539"></picture> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image" style=""><picture class="re__pic "><img class="re__img " src="" alt="" height="501" width="539"></picture> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="image" style=""><picture class="re__pic 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class="article-content"> <div class="date-tag clear"> <time datetime="2024-11-25" class="article-date" aria-label="November 25, 2024" role="contentinfo"><span aria-hidden="true">Nov 25, 2024</span></time> <span class="primary-attrib">eBay</span> </div> <h3 class="article-title internal"> Living Our Values Assessment Update </h3> <div class="article-intro"> <p>At eBay, we remain committed to living by our values, and fostering an inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued, respected and empowered.</p> <div class="article-subtitle">Press Release</div> </div> </div> <span class="icon right"></span> </a> <div class="hover-icons left"><share-icons title="Living Our Values Assessment Update" link="" twitter="" linkedin="" facebook=""></share-icons></div> </div> <div class="article-wrapper internal-article round-corners" data-id="9534"> <a class="article-link block-level-link has-media" href="/stories/news/one-of-the-worlds-fastest-race-car-drivers-is-a-top-ebay-motors-seller/" data-ga-title="Article: One of the World’s Fastest Race Car Drivers is a Top eBay Motors Seller"> <div class="internal-article-media"> <video-embed url="" imageurl="" allowlink="false" hideinfo></video-embed> </div> <div class="article-content"> <div class="date-tag clear"> <time datetime="2024-11-19" class="article-date" aria-label="November 19, 2024" role="contentinfo"><span aria-hidden="true">Nov 19, 2024</span></time> <span class="primary-attrib">Seller Spotlight</span> </div> <h3 class="article-title internal"> One of the World’s Fastest Race Car Drivers is a Top eBay Motors Seller </h3> <div class="article-intro"> <p>Mark Rau turned his passion for racing into a high-performance auto salvage business on eBay.</p> <div class="article-subtitle">Nicole Grant Kriege, eBay News Team</div> </div> </div> <span class="icon right"></span> </a> <div class="hover-icons left"><share-icons title="One of the World’s Fastest Race Car Drivers is a Top eBay Motors Seller" link="" twitter="" 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