MAEST陌A / MMO Detay / tv2 Oyun

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<a href="/web/20130814233450/">MMO</a> &gt; <a class="btn-menu"> MAEST陌A</a></h3> </div> <!-- Left Column --> <div class="cnt-left"> <!-- Game Images --> <div class="box slider gameimages"> <div class="sld-image"> <div class="sld-wrap"> <div class="sld-item"> <a class="sld-big" href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" width="508" height="278" alt="MAEST陌A"/></a> </div> <div class="sld-item"> <a class="sld-big" href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" width="508" height="278" alt="MAEST陌A"/></a> </div> <div class="sld-item"> <a class="sld-big" href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" width="508" height="278" alt="MAEST陌A"/></a> </div> <div class="sld-item"> <a class="sld-big" href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" width="508" height="278" alt="MAEST陌A"/></a> </div> </div> </div> <a href="javascript:;" class="sld-prev">Geri</a> <a href="javascript:;" class="sld-next">陌leri</a> <div class="sld-slide"> <div class="sld-wrap"> <div class="sld-item"> <a class="sld-tmb"> <img src="" width="135" height="92" alt="MAEST陌A"/></a> <a class="sld-tmb"> <img src="" width="135" height="92" alt="MAEST陌A"/></a> <a class="sld-tmb"> <img src="" width="135" height="92" alt="MAEST陌A"/></a> </div> <div class="sld-item"> <a class="sld-tmb"> <img src="" width="135" height="92" alt="MAEST陌A"/></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Game News --> <div class="box"> </div> </div> <!-- Right Column --> <div class="cnt-right"> <!-- Game Info --> <div class="box gametitle"> <div class="box-html"> <div class="htm-logo"> <a href="javascript:;"> </a> </div> <div class="htm-share"> </div> <a href="" class="img img-playnowBig" target="_blank" style="text-indent:0px !important;">MAEST陌A OYNA</a> </div> </div> <!-- Game Info --> <div class="box gameinfo"> <div class="box-title"> <h3> <a href="javascript:;"> MAEST陌A <span>INFO</span></a></h3> </div> <div class="box-html"> <h2 style="display: block;"> <p> Maestia鈥檇a Superion Muhaf谋zlar谋 ve Tap谋nak 艦枚valyeleri olarak adland谋r谋lan 2 ana 谋rk bulunmaktad谋r ve sava艧lar bu 谋rklar aras谋nda ya艧an谋yor. Bunun yan谋 s谋ra oyunda 4 farkl谋 s谋n谋f bulunuyor. Bir mmorpg oyun i莽in her ne kadar 4 s谋n谋f az gibi g枚r眉nsede her s谋n谋f谋 2 farkl谋 艧ekilde yap谋land谋rabilece臒imizi d眉艧眉n眉nce bu 枚zellik d眉艧眉k s谋n谋f say谋s谋 s谋k谋nt谋s谋n谋 birazda olsa azalt谋yor. Irk谋n谋 se莽 ve bu maceraya sen de at谋l! </p> </h2> <div class="htm-video"> <a href="javascript:;"> </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Other Games --> <div class="box othergames"> <div class="box-title"> <h3> <a href="javascript:;">BENZER <span>OYUNLAR</span></a></h3> </div> <div class="box-body"> <div class="tmb" rel="mmo#15"> <h2 style="display:block;"> <a href="/web/20130814233450/" title="Yepyeni bir 莽iftlik ser眉venine haz谋r m谋s谋n?"> <img src="" width="135" height="92" alt="Yepyeni bir 莽iftlik ser眉venine haz谋r m谋s谋n?" title="Yepyeni bir 莽iftlik ser眉venine haz谋r m谋s谋n?"/> <b> Goodgame Big Farm</b></a></h2> </div> <div class="tmb" rel="mmo#23"> <h2 style="display:block;"> <a href="/web/20130814233450/" title="Shooter severler i莽in aksiyon dolu bir oyun."> <img src="" width="135" height="92" alt="Shooter severler i莽in aksiyon dolu bir oyun." title="Shooter severler i莽in aksiyon dolu bir oyun."/> <b> S4 League</b></a></h2> </div> <div class="tmb" rel="mmo#21"> <h2 style="display:block;"> <a href="/web/20130814233450/" title="En do臒al 莽iftlik oyunu sizlerle.."> <img src="" width="135" height="92" alt="En do臒al 莽iftlik oyunu sizlerle.." title="En do臒al 莽iftlik oyunu sizlerle.."/> <b> Farmerama</b></a></h2> </div> <div class="tmb" rel="mmo#20"> <h2 style="display:block;"> <a href="/web/20130814233450/" title="陌mparatorlu臒un emrine haz谋r!"> <img src="" width="135" height="92" alt="陌mparatorlu臒un emrine haz谋r!" title="陌mparatorlu臒un emrine haz谋r!"/> <b> 陌mparator</b></a></h2> </div> <div class="tmb" rel="mmo#19"> <h2 style="display:block;"> <a href="/web/20130814233450/" title="E艧siz bir maceraya haz谋r olun!"> <img src="" width="135" height="92" alt="E艧siz bir maceraya haz谋r olun!" title="E艧siz bir maceraya haz谋r olun!"/> <b> DC Universe Online</b></a></h2> </div> <div class="tmb" rel="mmo#16"> <h2 style="display:block;"> <a href="/web/20130814233450/" title="Denizlerin efendisi olmaya haz谋r m谋s谋n?"> <img src="" width="135" height="92" alt="Denizlerin efendisi olmaya haz谋r m谋s谋n?" title="Denizlerin efendisi olmaya haz谋r m谋s谋n?"/> <b> Pirate Storm</b></a></h2> </div> <div class="tmb" rel="mmo#17"> <h2 style="display:block;"> <a href="/web/20130814233450/" title="Ge莽mi艧in g枚lgeleriyle kar艧谋la艧maya haz谋r m谋s谋n?"> <img src="" width="135" height="92" alt="Ge莽mi艧in g枚lgeleriyle kar艧谋la艧maya haz谋r m谋s谋n?" title="Ge莽mi艧in g枚lgeleriyle kar艧谋la艧maya haz谋r m谋s谋n?"/> <b> Drakensang Online</b></a></h2> </div> <div class="tmb" rel="mmo#14"> <h2 style="display:block;"> <a href="/web/20130814233450/" title="脺cretsiz 艧ehir ya艧am谋 oyunu!"> <img src="" width="135" height="92" alt="脺cretsiz 艧ehir ya艧am谋 oyunu!" title="脺cretsiz 艧ehir ya艧am谋 oyunu!"/> <b> Trendykent</b></a></h2> </div> <div class="tmb" rel="mmo#22"> <h2 style="display:block;"> <a href="/web/20130814233450/" title="Uzayda maceraya var m谋s谋n?"> <img src="" width="135" height="92" alt="Uzayda maceraya var m谋s谋n?" title="Uzayda maceraya var m谋s谋n?"/> <b> Darkorbit</b></a></h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clr"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Footer --> <div style="clear:both; padding-top:20px;"></div> <div id="footer"> <div class="ftr-wrap"> <div class="ftr-logo"> <a href="" class="img img-tv2">TV2</a> </div> <div class="ftr-site"> <a href="" target="_blank">B陌ZE ULA艦IN</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">陌ZLEY陌C陌 TEMS陌LC陌S陌</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">K脺NYE</a> </div> <div class="ftr-menu"> <a href="/web/20130814233450/">MMO</a> <a href="/web/20130814233450/">HABERLER</a> <a href="/web/20130814233450/">VIDEOLAR</a> </div> <div class="ftr-text"> <p> Copyright &copy; 2013 TV2. 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