FOSDEM 2024 - About FOSDEM
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The goal is to provide free and open source software developers and communities a place to meet to: </p><ul class="info-list"> <li> get in touch with other developers and projects; </li> <li> be informed about the latest developments in the free software world; </li> <li> be informed about the latest developments in the open source world; </li> <li> attend interesting talks and presentations on various topics by project leaders and committers; </li> <li> to promote the development and benefits of free software and open source solutions. </li> </ul> <p> Participation and attendance is <em>totally free</em>, though the organisers gratefully accept donations and sponsorship. </p> </div> <div class="text-block"> <h2>Developer rooms</h2> <p> The FOSDEM team feels it is very important for free and open source software developers around the world to be able to meet in “real life”. </p> <p> To this end, we have set up developer rooms (devrooms) with network/internet connectivity and projectors where teams can meet and showcase their projects. Devrooms are a place for teams to discuss, hack and publicly present latest directions, lightning talks, news and discussions. We believe developers can benefit a lot from these meetings. </p> </div> <div class="text-block"> <h2>A bit of history</h2> <p> In 2000, Raphael Bauduin, a fan of the Linux movement in Belgium, decided to organise a small meeting for developers of Open Source software. He called it 'Open Source Developers’ European Meeting' (OSDEM). </p> <p> Raphael created a mailing list, a small website and spread the word to people around him. Only a few weeks later, lots of people were waiting for an exciting event in Brussels! Invitations were sent to well-known figures in the community: Rasterman, Fyodor, Jeremy Allison and so on. They all gave a very positive response, and OSDEM was on the road to success. </p> <p> For the second year, OSDEM was renamed FOSDEM. And now, many years later, it has grown into the event it is today. We now try to cover a wide spectrum of free and open source software projects, and offer a platform for people to collaborate. Every year, we host more than 5000 developers at the ULB Solbosch campus. </p> <p> Raphael is no longer the driving force behind FOSDEM. After 7 years of hard work he left the team for new Open Source plans. The FOSDEM flag is now proudly carried by the following people: </p> </div> <div class="text-block"> <a name="team" id="team"></a><h2>The team</h2> <small>in alphabetical order</small> <ul> <li>Linda Calders</li> <li>Dan Clark</li> <li>Quint Daenen</li> <li>Gerry Demaret</li> <li>Julien Detroz</li> <li>Pieter De Praetere</li> <li>Michael De Swert</li> <li>Philippe De Swert</li> <li>Christian Eisenhammer</li> <li>Koen Glotzbach</li> <li>Geert Goossens</li> <li>Sebastian Grömcke</li> <li>Jan Gyselinck</li> <li>Richard Hartmann</li> <li>Alex Howe</li> <li>Alasdair Kergon</li> <li>Vasil Kolev</li> <li>Marthe Parada Delgado</li> <li>Jonas Scheers</li> <li>Kristian Schuhmacher</li> <li>Sebastian Schubert</li> <li>Wouter Simons</li> <li>Ieva Supjeva</li> <li>Louis Taylor</li> <li>Johan Van de Wauw</li> <li>Mark Van den Borre</li> <li>Peter Van Eynde</li> <li>Wouter Verhelst</li> <li>The many volunteers who help out during the weekend</li> <li>...</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #main --> <div id="footer"> <div class="footer-holder"> <div class="panel-block"> <div class="panel-column"> <h3>FOSDEM</h3> <ul class="panel"> <li class="home"><a accesskey="1" href="/2024/">Home</a></li> <li><a accesskey="2" href="/2024/news/">News</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/about/">About</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/about/sponsors/">Sponsors</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/support/donate/">Donate</a></li> <li><a accesskey="5" href="/2024/faq/">FAQ</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/archives/">Archives</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- .panel-column --> <div class="panel-column"> <h3>This year</h3> <ul class="panel"> <li><a accesskey="s" href="/2024/schedule/">Schedule</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/stands/">Stands</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/certification/">Certification exams</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/volunteer/">Volunteer</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/fringe/">Fringe</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- .panel-column --> <div class="panel-column"> <h3>Practical information</h3> <ul class="panel"> <li><a href="/2024/practical/accessibility/">Accessibility</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/practical/conduct/">Code of Conduct</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/practical/services/">During the Event</a></li> <li><a href="/2024/practical/covid/">COVID-19 policy</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- .panel-column --> <div class="panel-column"> <h3>Media and press</h3> <ul class="panel"> <li><a href="/2024/social/">Social media</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- .panel-column --> </div> <!-- .panel-block --> <div class="company-info"> <div class="company-info-logo"></div> <strong class="logo-small"><a href="/2024/schedule/">fosdem-2024</a></strong> <p>Brussels <span>/</span> <strong>3 & 4 February 2024</strong></p> </div> <div class="license-info"> <div class="license-info-logo"></div> This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Belgium Licence.<br/> To view a copy of this licence, visit <a class="quiet" rel="license" href=""></a><br/> or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.<br /> All content such as talks and biographies is the sole responsibility of the speaker. </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>