Australia gets an official Xbox 360 price drop - The Gamer Gene

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The not-quite-entry-level, hard-drive-less Xbox 360 Arcade is now priced at AU$349, and the Elite at AU$649 - but most impressive is the massive drop on the Xbox 360 Pro - now $499.</p> <div class="utwtags"><b>Read More:</b> <a href="" rel="tag">Australia</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Price Drop</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">Xbox 360</a></div> <div class="subscribe" style="padding-bottom: 10px"><b>Like this post?</b> <a href="/web/20080706005209/"><img src="/web/20080706005209im_/">Subscribe to our RSS feed</a>.</div> <p class="postmetadata alt"> <small> This entry was posted by Tim Hanlon on Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008 at 9:35 am and is filed under <a href="" title="View all posts in Xbox 360" rel="category tag">Xbox 360</a>. You can follow any responses to this entry through the <a href="">RSS 2.0</a> feed. 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Here&#8217;s a quick excerpt: [&#8230;]</p> </li> <li id="comment-3991"> <cite><a onclick="javascript:urchinTracker ('/outgoing/');" href="" rel="external nofollow">&raquo; Australia gets an official Xbox 360 price drop</a></cite> Says: <br/> <small class="commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-3991" title="">July 2nd, 2008 at 9:47 am</a> </small> <p>[&#8230;] Read the rest of this great post here [&#8230;]</p> </li> <li class="alt" id="comment-3992"> <cite><a onclick="javascript:urchinTracker ('/outgoing/');" href="" rel="external nofollow">This is Your Console PlayGround &raquo; Australia gets an official Xbox 360 price drop</a></cite> Says: <br/> <small class="commentmetadata"><a href="#comment-3992" title="">July 2nd, 2008 at 9:59 am</a> </small> <p>[&#8230;] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere&#8217;s a quick excerptAustralian Xbox 360 price drop; Xbox 360 price cut for Canada; Australian Deals: Xbox 360 Pro for AU$449; Update on the Xbox 360 $50 price drop; Xbox 360 Arcade, Pro bundles get price, release date for Australia &#8230; [&#8230;]</p> </li> </ol> <h3 id="respond">Leave a Reply</h3> <form action="" method="post" id="commentform"> <p><input type="text" name="author" id="author" value="" size="22" tabindex="1"/> <label for="author"><small>Name (required)</small></label></p> <p><input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="" size="22" tabindex="2"/> <label for="email"><small>Mail (will not be published) (required)</small></label></p> <p><input type="text" name="url" id="url" value="" size="22" tabindex="3"/> <label for="url"><small>Website</small></label></p> <!--<p><small><strong>XHTML:</strong> You can use these tags: <code>&lt;a href=&quot;&quot; title=&quot;&quot;&gt; &lt;abbr title=&quot;&quot;&gt; &lt;acronym title=&quot;&quot;&gt; &lt;b&gt; &lt;blockquote cite=&quot;&quot;&gt; &lt;code&gt; &lt;em&gt; &lt;i&gt; &lt;strike&gt; &lt;strong&gt; </code></small></p>--> <p><textarea name="comment" id="comment" cols="100%" rows="10" tabindex="4"></textarea></p> <p><input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" tabindex="5" value="Submit Comment"/> <input type="hidden" name="comment_post_ID" value="2538"/> </p> <input type="hidden" id="sk2_my_js_check1" name="sk2_my_js_check1" value="t2gmj3uyqj"/> <input type="hidden" id="sk2_my_js_check2" name="sk2_my_js_check2" value="311ce6791e6aca6178eca7a12eadac3e"/> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.write('<input type="hidden" id="sk2_my_js_payload" name="sk2_my_js_payload" value="'); 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