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There is a kiwi Christmas song in the NZ Singles chart though. In 1985 Billy J James relsaed A Maori Christmas. That very funny track finally shows up in our chart, at #16 in the NZ Singles Chart. There are also a couple in the NZ Hot 20 from Reb Fountain and PERE as well. With the new entries, we now have 71 Christmas singles charted since 1957.<br>The first is an oldie. Perry Como was huge in the charts from 1938 right through to his last recording in 1987. He recorded one of the most popular versions of It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas in 1951. As charts are missing from back then we don't know how the single went in New Zealand but it did reach #12 in the US. This week he enters our chart at #28. <br>Kelly Clarkson and Ariana Grande are next with Santa, Can't You Hear Me? at #37. Recorded in December 2022, it comes from Clarkson's second Christmas album When Christmas Comes Around, which debuts at #19.<br>The newest Christmas song comes from Cher. DJ Play A Christmas Song at #39, is taken from her new album Christmas, which debuts at #18. It is her 27th studio album.<br>Kylie Monogue has the final of three new albums. Kylie Christmas, new at #37, is her thirteenth album and came out in 2015.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2023, 11, 29, 9, 1, 11);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/12/2023 10:01</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1549493"><a name="2"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 0, 5, 3, 33, 18);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>05/01/2024 04:33</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 8 January, 2024<br><br>Thirty re-entry singles come back to the Top 40 this week as all 32 festive songs leave the chart. That does give space for two new singles.<br>Hip Hop artist Rocko Ballin from New York has the first new single for 2024 with Praise Jah In The Moonlight. New at #22, this is his first hit single. <br>Not new to the chart is Nicki Minaj. FTCU at #26 has more F words than you can poke a stick at. The title stands for **** The Club Up and is taken from her new album Pink Friday 2. I try to leave my opinion out of the mix when reporting the weekly chart but it's about time we start banning some songs. I'd start with this artist. <br>And that's it for new entries. There are also eleven re-entries in the album chart as it corrects after the festive season. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1549900"><a name="3"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 0, 12, 3, 34, 9);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>12/01/2024 04:34</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 15 January, 2024<br><br>Canadian Abel Tesfaye (aka The Weeknd) has the only new single this week. One Of The Girls new at #38, is the first single from the series The Idol Episode 4  and includes vocals from South Korean singer and rapper JENNIE and French-American actress and singer Lily-Rose Depp.<br>Taking you back to 2002 now. That's when Sophie Ellis-Bextor had a huge #2 hit with Murder On The Dancefloor. This week, 22 years after her last chart appearance, the song is back, at #24. It appears in the film Saltburn, being the reason for its sudden popularity.<br>Once again, no new albums, but Will Swinton does make an appearance at #20 in the NZ Albums chart with Better Days.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 0, 12, 3, 35, 33);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>12/01/2024 04:36</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1550135"><a name="4"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 0, 19, 4, 12, 28);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/01/2024 05:12</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 22 January, 2024<br><br>Taken from her upcoming album Eternal Sunshine, Ariana Grande gains the highest new single this week with yes, and? New at #3, this is the American's 33rd Top 40 single here, and was inspired by Madonna's 1990 number one Vogue. <br>Shéyaa Abraham-Joseph (aka 21 Savage) lists three new singles with redrum (#20), née-nah (#23) and n.h.i.e. (#37). The tracks are taken from the 31 year-old's new album American Dream, which debuts at the top. redrum samples vocals from Antônio Carlos Jobim's Serenata do adeus who was a Brazilian composer, pianist, guitarist, songwriter, arranger, and singer who passed away in 1994.<br>American rapper Flo Milli has been recording since 2019 but it's taken until now to gain a hit single. Never Lose Me opens at #38.<br>Over on the album chart Kid Cudi lists his ninth long player (and fourth to chart here) at #19. INSANO could be his last album for a while as he wants to persure other ventures.<br>American singer Kali Uchis finishes off this weeks new albums with ORQUÍDEAS at #39. Apperently she has two albums ready, this is the first and is all in Spanish.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1550416"><a name="5"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 0, 26, 6, 17, 38);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/01/2024 07:18</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 29 January, 2024<br><br>Single #3 from American singer/sonwriter Benson Boone opens this week at #18. Beautiful Things is a "ballad about the meaning of life" according to Benson, and second highest single to date here in New Zealand.<br>Back in 1979 Suzi Quatro & Chris Norman had a top 2 single with Stumblin' In. Fast forward to 2024 and CYRIL lists a remake at #26. I can find nothing about the artist except that he is Australian (I think).<br>The album chart this week is all about Foo Fighters. As they tour the country, their compilation The Essential Foo Fighters jumps up 12 knotches to the top of the chart. There has been a Foo's compilation in the chart now for 96 consecutive weeks but this one is into it's 64th. For the record, the most chart weeks to reach the number one slot belongs to Pink Floyd who took 285 weeks to top the chart with Dark Side Of The Moon. Last years Foo Fighters album But Here We Are also finds itself back in the chart, at #21.<br>Green Day list their 14th studio album at #6. Saviors was recorded in London and Los Angeles and has the number one rock song on this weeks RadioScope charts with The American Dream Is Killing Me.<br>American Reneé Rapp has the final new album this week with her first, Snow Angel. New at #34, most of the album was written, recorded and mixed over the course of six months in early 2023</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1550904"><a name="6"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 1, 2, 4, 5, 36);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>02/02/2024 05:06</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 5 February, 2024<br><br>AAfter ten non-consecutive weeks, Jack Harlow vacates the top spot for YG Marley. Praise Jah In The Moonlight has been topping charts around the world and can now add New Zealand to the list. It's the first time since 1999 that a member of the Marley family has been at number one. It was co-written by Marley with his mother Layrn Hill , and samples his grandfather Bob Marley's 1978 song Crisis performed with The Wailers. <br>Two new singles enter this weeks Top 40 and they are both newcomers. <br>Michael Marcagi comes from Ohio, and was part of the band Heavy Hours. Scared To Start debuts at #31.<br>Dance number Saving Up places Dom Dolla at #33. Born Dominic Matheson, he was born in Manila and now resides in Melbourne. Saving Up is his third aussie hit single from 14 since 2013. Thats perseverance for you.<br>Supergroup The Smile opened their account in 2022 with A Light For Attracting Attention which peaked at #25. Second long player Wall Of Eyes opens this week at #6. The trio consists of two Radiohead members Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood with drummer Tom Skinner. These songs were developed on tour promoting their last album. <br>Lyrical Lemonade has the final new album. All Is Yellow is the first album from the multi-media company run by Cole Bennett. File this one under hip hop.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 1, 2, 4, 21, 49);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>02/02/2024 05:22</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1551120"><a name="7"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 1, 4, 22, 39, 25);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/02/2024 23:39</noscript><br><b><script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var first = "bridget_oconnor31"; var second = ""; document.write('<a href="mailto:'); document.write(first); document.write('@'); document.write(second); document.write('">Bridget O\'connor</a>'); // --> </script></b><br>Guest</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">I love you Tempest. Love your work. Email me we have a chat.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1551234"><a name="8"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 1, 9, 4, 8, 17);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/02/2024 05:08</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 12 February, 2024<br><br>Newcomers Good Neighbours open with Home at #32. Based in London, the duo worked on their craft last year and, now with a hit single, it's paid off.<br>Yung Filly is also new to our charts with Grey at #37. Born Andrés Barrientos, the 28 year old was born in Colombia and later moving to the United Kingdom, He has four Top 70 hits to date in England. <br>Muni Long has been here before. In 2022 she peaked at #15 with Hrs And Hrs. Now she's back with her beautiful sophomore single Made For Me at #38.<br>I've been watching this one for a few weeks. Natasha Bedingfield has been steadily rising in the Catalogue singles chart and this week crosses back to the Top 40 with Unwritten. Originally, in 2005 the song peaked at #15. This week, with help from the film Anyone But You, she is back at #20. It's also gone to #1 in Austria.<br>American animated adult comedy television series Hazbin Hotel is the first soundtrack for the year, new at #6. This is an extended play soundtrack album released in three parts from the series.<br>Arjan Dhillon has the other new album entry. Dhillon gave us Saroor last year, peaking at #24.Chober is new at #23.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1551536"><a name="9"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 1, 16, 4, 13, 26);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/02/2024 05:13</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 19 February, 2024<br><br>The lead single from Beyoncé's next album opens at #26. Texas Hold 'Em is a very different style to her usual R&B set, making its debut at the recent Super Bowl. The album (which is still unamed) is due out at the end of next month.<br>And then it's Kanye West. Billed as super-duo ¥$, the seven singles debuting in the singles chart are the work of Kanye West and Ty Dolla $ign and the first in a trilogy of albums called Vultures, which debuts at number one. So, we have Carnival (#9), Burn (#13), Back To Me (#19), Fuk Sumn (#21), Stars (#30), Talking (#32) and Vultures (#39). This rule of multiple new entries is very annoying. Next week, expect most, if not all, to leave the chart.<br>This week at the movies we have the long awaited flick One Love. Staring Kingsley Ben-Adir  as the man himself, the soundtrack features 17 tracks from Marley and The Wailers and debuts this week at #8.<br>Usher has the final new album. Coming Home, new at #22, is his ninth studio album and first in six years. Like Beyoncé, it was released two days before his Super Bowl performance.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 1, 16, 4, 17, 24);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/02/2024 05:17</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1551855"><a name="10"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 1, 23, 6, 20, 50);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>23/02/2024 07:21</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 26 February 2024<br><br>Beyoncé lands her fifth Number one by jumping up 26 knotches. Texas Hold ‘Em is only in its second week too. <br>Training Season by Dua Lipa is the highest debut at #10. It’s the second single after Houdini from her third as yet unnamed album. She premiered the song at the recent Grammy Awards. <br>The other new single comes from Djo. New at #36, End Of Beginning is the debut single from the indie artist Djo is pronounced Joe. <br>Over on the album chart the highest debut is also at #10. British rockers IDLES place their fourth highest album TANGK as their highest peak yet. This one is the first with a major producer. <br>American rapper Yeat debuts 2093 at #14. This one is a generous 22 tracks over 70 minutes. <br>DIVINE and Karan Aujla are new with Sweet Dreams at #27. This is the third Divine we have had in the charts. Firstly there was Divine from the UK who had two Top 50 singles. Then there was divine from the US who had a top 20 single in 1998. The divine who is working with Aujla is from Mumbai. Sweet Dreams is the third hit album from Punjabi-Canadian rapper Karan Aujla. <br>Finally, South Korean girl group LE SSERAFIM open with EP Easy at #30. It follows the #28 peak last years album Unforgiven. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1552179"><a name="11"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 2, 1, 3, 56, 3);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/03/2024 04:56</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 4 March, 2024<br><br>Hit #10 for Solána Rowe (aka SZA) is this weeks only new entry. New at #5, Saturn is from the 34 year old's upcoming reissue album Lana, which is a re-ssue of her album SOS. All will be revealed later in the year. <br>If you wanted more evidence the New Zealand charts are hard on locals then look no further. Since the rules changed allowing multiple songs to enter the singles chart in a single week, there have been six artists monopolise the chart. Whilst I'm not a fan of that rule, when it comes to possibly the biggest kiwi album in a while, none of them chart. Instead, L.A.B. only manage seven new singles on the NZ Singles chart. The album, however, does fly to the top. L.A.B. VI is their eighth charting album and first new material since L.A.B. V in 2021. It's also their third number one. <br>South Korean girl group TWICE have the other new album. With YOU-th is the nine-piece groups thirteenth EP alongside four full length albums. It's their first to chart here.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1552434"><a name="12"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 2, 8, 7, 19, 12);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/03/2024 08:19</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 11 March, 2024<br><br>Whatever She Wants from Bryson Tiller is the only new single in this weeks Top 40. It’s the American singer/rappers first NZ Top 40 hit despite charting since 2015 in his home country. <br>Darts were a nine-piece British doo-wop revival band in the seventies and scored three UK top 2 singles. That’s not to be confused with this weeks new number one album. Dartz dive into the number one slot with album Dangerous Day To Be A Cold One. These guys come from Wellington and are described as a party punk foursome. They reached #4 in 2022 with The Band From Wellington New Zealand. Watch out for them on tour. <br>Blue Lips from ScHoolboy Q opens at #18. Born Quincy Hanley, this is his fourth top 20 album but first to miss the top 10. <br>Liam Gallagher and John Squire debut their self titled album at #32. You might remember Squire as the guitarist from Stone Roses. Gallagher of course needs no introduction. Watch out for singles Just Another Rainbow and Mars To Liverpool. <br>RAYE is new at #34 with My 21st Century Blues. It’s her first full length album and first time in the album chart. <br>The final new album comes from Faye Webster. New at #37, Underdressed At The Symphony. It’s the American singers fifth long player but first to chart in Godzone. <br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 2, 10, 0, 20, 17);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>10/03/2024 01:20</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1552650"><a name="13"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 2, 15, 4, 10, 52);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/03/2024 05:11</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 18 March, 2024<br><br>The 756th number one single since the chart began goes to another of those artists to monopolise the chart. Ariana Grande has a new album so eight tracks enter this weeks Top 40. We Can't Be Friends (Wait For Your Love) goes to the top whilst we also have Bye (#20), The Boy Is Mine (#23), Supernatural (#24), Eternal Sunshine (#25), Don't Wanna Break Up Again (#30), the shortest song at only 1:32 - Intro (End Of The World) (#31) and True Story (#38). The album Eternal Sunshine debuts at the top giving her a fifth chart topping album.<br>Neko Bennett (aka 4batz) has the other new single. act iii: on god? (she like) debuts at #15 and is the 22 year olds first single.<br>This weeks singles all fall under three minutes (except two) taking the yearly average song length to just 3:17 . That's the shortest since 1972.<br>British rockers Judas Priest first charted in 1990 and enjoyed five hit albums. Now, six years after their last, they debut with Invincible Shield at #25. This is actually the highest they have charted here. Invisible Shield is their 19th studio album. The deluxe edition comes with a bonus 7" vinyl three track single.<br>The Bootleg Tapes (Caress Your Soul) from Sticky Fingers is next at #36. Their fourth album entry is an EP.<br>Finally, Norah Jones is back with Visions. New at #38, this is her ninth Top 40 album, with most of the songs coming in the middle of the night or in that moment right before sleep. I know that feeling.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1553085"><a name="14"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 2, 29, 9, 13, 23);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/03/2024 10:13</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat – 25 March, 2024<br>Two new singles and five new albums this week.<br>V comes first. FRI(END)S, new at 22, is Kim Tae-hyung's second hit single after the 2023 #38 peak of Slow Dancing. Back in South Korea he has yet to score a Top 10 with Sweet Night from 2020 being his highest to date, at #14.<br>Dasha is a singer songwriter from San Luis Obispo, California. Born Anna Dasha Novotny, the Nashville based country singer places her debut single Austin at #27.<br>With five hit singles on the NZ Singles Chart, it's over time for Kaylee Bell to cross over to the big time. Her first charting album debuts at #3. Nights Like This is actually the Toyota Star Maker award winners third album along with a 2021 EP. Expect big things from the Waimate resident. She is currently on tour.<br>Kacey Musgraves first charted in 2021 with the #30 peak of star-crossed. This week she flies to #9 on entry with Deeper Well. The album was preceded by the release of two singles: the title track, and Too Good to Be True.<br>It's been a long time between drinks for Justin Timberlake. The last time he was in the chart was back in 2018. Now, the actor singer producer has a new long player. Everything I Thought It Was is his sixth album and comes in at a whopping 77 minutes. <br>Hip Hop artist Nemzzz opens his account at #38 with Do Not Disturb, and Ōtautahi resident Hannah Everingham also opens with her first, Siempre Tiene Flores at #39.<br> - <br>We are already quarter of the way through the year. Here's a look at new entries this year with last years figue in brackets:<br>SINGLES: 41 (33)<br>NZ SINGLES: 16 (4)<br>ALBUMS: 35 (24)<br>NZ ALBUMS. 20 (9)<br>We have had no new kiwi singles chart in the Top 40 and 4 new kiwi albums.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1553086"><a name="15"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 2, 29, 9, 14, 7);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/03/2024 10:14</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 1 April, 2024<br><br>Once upon a time, back in the day when Adam was still a boy, there was no chart at Easter. That all finished in 1984. This years Easter chart gives us a new number one single and a whopping nine new entries.<br>Benson Boone has been charting since 2021 but finally get's his first number one with Beautiful Things. The track is also going number one globally. <br>Future and Metro Boomin come first with three newbies. Like That (#2), Type S**t (#23) and Cinderella (#28) come from the collaborative album We Still Don't Trust You which debut's at the top.<br>Fred Again.. also has three, along with two others. Delilah (pull me out of this) (#11), Jungle (#33) and stayinit (#35) all chart due to his recent visit to our shores. <br>Too Sweet from Hozier is next at #12. This one comes from his new EP Unheard and is his fourth NZ hit.<br>Olivia Rodrigo lists obsessed at #26. This track comes from the Spilled edition of her current album Guts, which jumps up 11 knotches to #3.<br>Finally, for the singles chart, we have Artemas. Born Artemas Diamandis, the British-Cypriot producer is more well known for songs from the other side of the desk. i like the way you kiss me, new at #30, is his first single here but second overall.<br>The chart conitinues giving with seven debut albums.<br>Tyla is up first with TYLA. This is the first long player from the South African. New at #16, she describes it as an "experimental album."<br>Our own Greg Johnson hasn't charted since 2012 so it's nice to see him back with Thunder In Fall. New at #17, it's the Aucklanders 12th album.<br>American Fletcher is back with her second at #23. In Search Of The Antidote doesn't reach the heights of her first, which peaked at #9 but it has reached #11 across the ditch on the Vinyl Chart.<br>Newcomer Adrianne Lenker is an American vocalist and member of the band Big Thief. Bright Future debuts at #28 and is her sixth solo album despite failing to chart here until now. <br>Waxahatchee (aka Katie Crutchfield) is also new to our charts. Tigers Blood at #35 is also her sixth album.<br>Finally, British Electrovic DJ duo Hybrid Minds open their account at #37 with Tides. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1553224"><a name="16"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 3, 5, 4, 10, 23);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>05/04/2024 06:10</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 8 April, 2024<br><br>Two music genres have been making a strong comeback in the singles chart for a while now, and this weeks chart reflects that. Those styles are reggae and country.<br>Keeping with the theme of her recent number one (Texas Hold 'Em), Beyoncé debuts with two. II Most Wanted is a duet with Miley Cyrus and debuts at #17. Pronounced Two Most Wanted, it is a reference to their status in the music industry. Her other new single is a country standard. Jolene originally peaked at #6 in 1974 for Dolly Parton. The remake is new at #23. Both songs come from Beyoncé's new album Cowboy Carter, which debuts at number one.<br>Switching to reggae, we have an artist that has been charting on the album chart for 49 weeks with no single. Maoli changes that with Every Night Every Morning at #24.The group comes from Hawaii, with their name meaning native, indigenous, genuine, true or real. <br>Benson Boone holds onto the top spot as new single Slow It Down opens at #31. His debut album Fireworks & Rollerblades is just out.<br>ILLIT is a South Korean girl group. Their debut single Magnetic is new at #32<br>The sixth new single comes from Jungle. The London based band recently peaked at #30 with their fourth (but first here) album Volcano. Back In 74 debuts at #3.<br>Instigators won Auckland’s Battle of the Bands in 1981 and released two seminal ska/punk singles but never charted. Now a compilation, The Best Of Instigators: Auckland Ska Punk 1981-1982 debuts at #27.<br>Back to South Korea, j-hope lists his third album entry at #29. EP Hope On The Street Vol.1 currently sits at #2 in his homeland.<br>Honorable mention this week goes to veteran rockers AC/DC. In 1980 the Australian's took their eighth album to #24. Now Back In Black, which has been charting in American for 599 weeks is back on black and white swirl vinyl to celebrate 50 years. <br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 3, 5, 5, 34, 9);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>05/04/2024 07:34</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1553394"><a name="17"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 3, 12, 5, 18, 6);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>12/04/2024 07:18</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat, 15 April, 2024<br><br>In ten years Hozier has never had a number one. He came very close in 2014 with Take Me To Church which peaked at #2. This week that all changes as Too Sweet reaches the penthouse in its third week. <br>J. Cole posts two new singles. 7 Minute Drill (#26) and H.Y.B. (#36), come from his new mixtape Might Delete Later which debuts at the top.<br>Mark Ambor has the third and final new single at #40. Belong Together is the American's first hit.<br>Benson Boone may have vacated the top spot but Slow It Down is far from slow with a 9 knotch jump up to #22. His album Fireworks & Rollerblades also debuts this week at #5. This is the American's first full length album on the back of two EP's<br>Khruangbin are back with A La Sala. New at #14, this is the trio's fourth entry in our album chart.<br>The Ohio Players were a polular funk band back in the 70's best known for their song FireI. Also from Ohio are The Black Keys. Their album Ohio Players has no resemblence on the 70's band but it's described as one of their best. It's only the second time they have charted an album here; the last one was in 2012.<br>Bryson Tiller is next with his self titled fourth long player at #24. His fourth album since 2015, it's his third to chart here.<br>Conan Gray alos returns, with his third. Found Heaven at #33 is his slowest starter with his high tide mark sitting at #11 with Superache from 2022.<br>Newcomer Lizzy McAlpine also comes from the States. Older is the 24 year olds third album but first here. New Zealand is the first country to chart the album. <br>Finally, alt rockers Vampire Weekend list their fifth album at #38. Only God Was Above Us is theirt fourth charting album here.<br>Over on the NZ Album Chart, New Urban Polynesian by Fuemana makes it's first appearance. The album from the late Phil Fuemana (OMC) came out in 1994 but failed to chart. Now out on vinyl, the disc makes it to #7.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 3, 13, 3, 12, 1);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/04/2024 05:12</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1553594"><a name="18"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 3, 19, 5, 50, 20);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/04/2024 07:50</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat 22 April, 2024<br><br>A closer look at this weeks Top 40 singles shows an average song length of 3 minutes, 12 seconds. You have to go back to 1970 to match that.<br>Quite a few of this weeks new entries clock in under three minutes. Sabrina Carpenter is one of them, just. Espresso, new at #9, is the highest new single. Her second single is her highest entry yet. It was written in France.<br>Newcomer Lay Bankz is an American rapper. Her song Tell Ur Girlfriend enters at #20 and is the shortest of this weeks newbies, clocking in ay 2:03. This is the 19-year old's first hit single anywhere.<br>SZA is having a big week with two re-entries and one new single as album SOS goes back to the top. It takes this weeks total to five. Open Arms at #29 is the Americam's 11th hit single <br>Dua Lipa lists the third single from her uncoming album, Illusion at #32. Watch out for Radical Optimism on 3 May. <br>I can't find much at all about the last new entry. Badger lists These Words at #39 and is a remake of the Natasha Beddingfield hit from 2004.<br>Over on the album chart we have five new entries.<br>Linkin Park last charted in 2017. Now Papercuts puts them right back at #2. This one is a compilation with 20 tracks from 2000 to 2023.<br>Future and Metro Boomin gave us We Don't Trust You four weeks ago. Now We Still Don't Trust You debuts at #6. It's another 88 minutes of mistrust. <br>Mark Knopfler recenty recorded a nearly ten minute version of his 1987 single Going Home. Sadly that guitar hero version is not on his new album One Deep River which is his 12th album post Dire Straits.<br>The Eagles are also no strangers to the chart. To The Limit: The Essential Collection debuts at #25 and marks the fifteenth time they have been in the chart.<br>Kayleigh Amstutz (aka Chappell Roan) gives us The Rise And Fall Of A Midwest Princess at #31. This is the American's first album which came out in September 2023.<br>Next week, expect Taylor Swift to take over the singles chart ... again!<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 3, 21, 1, 53, 11);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/04/2024 03:53</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1553785"><a name="19"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 3, 26, 5, 12, 57);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/04/2024 07:13</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 29 April, 2024<br><br>She's done it again, taken over the Singles Chart. For the third time, Taylor Swift monopolises the chart with 23 tracks from her new album. The Tortured Poets Department, which tops the chart, is full of venom as she hangs her dirty washing out for all to see. That takes her to 122 hit singles, mostly due to monopolising the chart with a new album. Those entries total 42 songs. In my book, with current chart rules, that's cheating.<br>Believe it or not, we do have two non Taylor Swift new singles.<br>Shaboozey crosses over from the Hot40 chart with A Bar Song (Tipsy) at #32. Born Collins Chibueze, the Nigerian-American country artist combines hip hop, country, rock, and Americana in his music.<br>Drake has the other single at #39. Push Ups is his 50th hit single, and featuring samples from Get Money by Junior M.A.F.I.A which peaked at #35 in 1996.<br>Pearl Jam very nearly top the charts with their 12th studio album. Dark Matter opens at #3 and is the highest they have charted since 2013. It only took the lads three weeks to record the 11 tracks, and is described as a lot heavier than you would expect. <br>Best Of Bruce Springsteen drops in at #29 taking him to 30 NZ hit albums. This one is a good coverage of 18 tracks from 1973 to 2020.<br>Dark Side Of The Moon from Pink Floyd is back again in it's 311th week (excluding Catalogue Chart weeks). This version is quite the artwork with both sides of the album showing up on separate clear vinyl discs and a UV printed design on the other<br>Finally, back in 2002, Tadpole took <br>The Medusa to #10. Now for the first time on vinyl, its back. This record is blue.<br>Whilst on the topic of re-issues (well it was Record Store Day) The Chills have a re-issue of The Lost EP from 1985 on yellow vinyl. It drops in at #19 on the NZ Album chart.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 3, 26, 5, 57, 34);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/04/2024 07:58</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1554030"><a name="20"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 4, 3, 4, 52, 0);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>03/05/2024 06:52</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 6 May, 2024<br><br>After just one week, nine Taylor songs make a Swift exit, whilst the others drop, some dramatically. As a result, we have nine re-entries and one new single.<br>Tommy Richman has been making music since 2016. The American takes his debut single Million Dollar Baby all the way to #4 on debut. File this one under 'catchy'.<br>The Six60 Collection is the highest new album of the week. Coming in at #5, this is their seventh album to hit the charts.<br>Canadia rapper PartyNextDoor has the other new album. Partynextdoor 4, new at #26, is his fourth studio album and first in four years. It's his third hit album here. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1554219"><a name="21"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 4, 10, 5, 13, 52);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>10/05/2024 07:14</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 13 May, 2024<br><br>In just it's second week, Million Dollar Baby from Tommy Richman makes it to the top of the singles pile. Remember, this is his first hit, ever, anywhere, and he has been recording since 2019.<br>Kendrick Lamar has the biggest gains this week with three new singles. euphoria (#5), Not Like Us (#6) and meet the grahams (#22). They are all non album singles and take his tally to 24.<br>Drake lists his second new single in three weeks at #16. Family Matters, like Push Ups, is also a non album single. This one clocks in at 7 minutes 36 seconds and is the longest song to chart this year. <br>Gloria Hallelujah Woods, aka GloRilla opens her account at #31 with Yeah Glo! The American rapper has been in the Hot40 chart three times since 2022 but this is her first hit on the singles list. <br>Finally for singles, Chappell Roan has the only non rap new entry at #40. Good Luck, Babe! is her first NZ hit.<br>Dua Lipa has the highest new album. Radical Optimism takes her to #2, just one shy of her high tide mark that took Future Nostalgia to the top. This is her third album, and first in four years.<br>To date,Devilskin have charted 75 weeks with four albums. They increase that with the new EP Surfacing, new at #4. The EP includes three new songs and three live favourites.<br>28-year-old Dominic Fike is back with his third album at #33. 14 Minutes is actually eight new songs over 45 minutes.<br>Australian Sia lists Reasonable Woman at #35. This is her tenth long player and features guest appearances from Chaka Khan and Kylie Minogue, <br>Beat Rhythm Fashion last charted way back in 1981 with Beings Rest Finally. The single only reached #49 and until this week, their only chart entry. Now the Wellingon post punk band are back with Critical Mass at #37. They broke up in 1982 but reformed in 2019. Critical Mass includes eleven new songs.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 4, 10, 6, 22, 13);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>10/05/2024 08:22</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1554400"><a name="22"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 4, 17, 6, 2, 30);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>17/05/2024 08:02</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 20 May, 2024<br><br>Post Malone ropes in Morgan Wallen for a catchy little number at #2. I Had Some Help is this weeks highest new single and Malones 24th hit single since he opened his account in 2017. <br>Newcomer Myles Smith gives us Stargazing at #21. The Luton UK singer issued an eight song album Scars in 2020, but that failed to chart here.<br>We haven't heard from Macklemore since 2019, that's despite his 2023 album Ben. Fourth solo single Hind's Hall opens at #33 and is a protest song about what's currently happening in Palestine. <br>Kings Of Leon have had a couple of singles in the Hot40 lately but no success crossing over to the "real" charts. That is until this week. Can We Please Have Fun is their ninth long player and it sees a #3 debut. <br>Sisters In Country is Jodi Vaughan and Aly Cook. Their album Down Under Girls debuts at #9. Vaughan is a kiwi whilst Cook is Australian. Maybe we should just call them both kiwis. <br>Gunna follows closely debuting at #10 with One Of Wun. This is the sixth time the rapper has been in our album chart.<br>Angus And Julia Stone are back with Cape Forestier at #19. This is the Aussie brother and sister duo's fifth album. The describe the disc as "holds a really special place in our hearts".<br>Childish Gambino is next with Atavista at #31. Donald Glover Jr. last charted in 2016 with Awaken, My Love! which peaked at #21. This one is a re-issue of his 3.15.20 album under a new title.<br>Finally, Jordan Rakei debuts at #38 with The Loop. This is a first for the UK producer <br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 4, 17, 6, 15, 27);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>17/05/2024 08:15</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1554579"><a name="23"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 4, 24, 5, 1, 19);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>24/05/2024 07:01</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 27 May, 2024<br><br>Here we go again, one artist taking over quarter of the singles chart with songs from her new album. Billie Eilish calls in at number one on the album chart with her fourth long player Hit Me Hard And Soft. This is her third number one. Ten songs from the disc open inside the Top 20 on the singles chart taking her to sixth equal with Olivia Rodrigo for most songs to enter the chart in one week.<br>Saul Hudson has now released six studio albums since leaving Guns n Roses. Orgy Of The Damned is a collaborative blues album including Billy Gibbons (of ZZ Top fame), Iggy Pop, Paul Rodgers (Bad Company), Demi Lovato, Brian Johnson (AC/DC) and Beth Hart just to name a few. It's not the first time Slash has released a blues album. His first dates from 1996 just after he left Guns n Roses. It debuts at #29,<br>C418 is German Daniel Rosenfeld. The 26 year old has 15 albums to his credit but it's his seventh from 2011 that breaks the ice here at #31. Minecraft: Volume Alpha comprises mostly of the music featured in the game<br>English singer songwriter Beth Gibbons is best known as lead singer in the band Portishead. Lives Outgrown, new at #37, is her third solo outing with songs written over a decade.<br>ZAYN is back at #38 with Room Under The Stairs. This is his third appearance in the NZ Album chart but lowest debut to date.<br>And that's the end of NZ Music Month. Again, not one kiwi ventured into the singles chart and we still fail to have a new kiwi song in the chart this year. Not good, not good! My annual NZ music month chart will follow...<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 4, 24, 5, 34, 10);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>24/05/2024 07:34</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1554704"><a name="24"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 4, 29, 3, 45, 14);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/05/2024 05:45</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - NZ Music Week<br><br>Once again we went the entire month with no new kiwi songs charting in the Top 40. In fact, there' ve been no new local songs in the chart since September 2023 and only two in 18 months. A look at this years Top songs for May shows some great songs. It's such a shame they don't chart. There is a bigger collection of albums in this years NZ Music Month list. Six60's streaming only album The Six60 Collection takes the prize for top album, whilst Corella top the singles list with Blue Eyed Māori.<br><br>The following charts are based on points for the month of May:<br><br>NZ TOP SINGLES - May 2024<br><br><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="border-bottom:1px solid #888888;border-right:1px solid #888888;"><tr><td class="ft">Place</td><td class="ft">Points</td><td class="ft">No. Wks</td><td class="ft">Title/Artist</td><td class="ft">Peak </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">1</td><td class="ft">80</td><td class="ft">49</td><td class="ft">Blue Eyed Māori - Corrella</td><td class="ft">1(40) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">2</td><td class="ft">76</td><td class="ft">13</td><td class="ft">Māori Ki Te Ao - Stan Walker </td><td class="ft">2(4) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">3</td><td class="ft">70</td><td class="ft">35</td><td class="ft">Casanova - L.A.B.</td><td class="ft">2(18) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">4</td><td class="ft">66</td><td class="ft">76</td><td class="ft">Take It Away - L.A.B.</td><td class="ft">1(29) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">5</td><td class="ft">61</td><td class="ft">26</td><td class="ft">I AM - Stan Walker</td><td class="ft">2(2) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">6</td><td class="ft">56</td><td class="ft">54</td><td class="ft">Still The One - DJ Noiz and Mikey Mayz</td><td class="ft">4(11) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">7</td><td class="ft">54</td><td class="ft">31</td><td class="ft">Country Roads - Hori Shaw</td><td class="ft">6(4) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">8</td><td class="ft">49</td><td class="ft">15</td><td class="ft">Have You Ever Seen The Rain - House Of Shem</td><td class="ft">7 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">9</td><td class="ft">49</td><td class="ft">23</td><td class="ft">Oh No (Pt. 2) - L.A.B.</td><td class="ft">5(2) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">10</td><td class="ft">41</td><td class="ft">44</td><td class="ft">Paradise 35 - Hori Shaw feat. Classick J</td><td class="ft">4 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">11</td><td class="ft">36</td><td class="ft">25</td><td class="ft">Sway - Myshaan</td><td class="ft">4 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">12</td><td class="ft">36</td><td class="ft">2</td><td class="ft">Back In My Arms - Hori Shaw</td><td class="ft">3(2) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">13</td><td class="ft">34</td><td class="ft">17</td><td class="ft">Ocean Demon - L.A.B.</td><td class="ft">4 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">14</td><td class="ft">34</td><td class="ft">13</td><td class="ft">Give Me That Feeling - L.A.B.</td><td class="ft">4 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">15</td><td class="ft">19</td><td class="ft">29</td><td class="ft">Natural High - The Lads Of The Mist</td><td class="ft">6(2) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">16</td><td class="ft">18</td><td class="ft">3</td><td class="ft">Yeiyo - Stallyano and Mista LT</td><td class="ft">14 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">17</td><td class="ft">17</td><td class="ft">75</td><td class="ft">One Night - Sons Of Zion</td><td class="ft">6(5) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">18</td><td class="ft">16</td><td class="ft">8</td><td class="ft">Eyes On Me - Rova</td><td class="ft">16 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">19</td><td class="ft">7</td><td class="ft">42</td><td class="ft">Keep That Smile - Son & Water</td><td class="ft">7(4) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">20</td><td class="ft">7</td><td class="ft">5</td><td class="ft">Dead Or Alive - Te Wehi</td><td class="ft">18(4) </td></tr></table> <br>NZ Albums:<br><br><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="border-bottom:1px solid #888888;border-right:1px solid #888888;"><tr><td class="ft">Place</td><td class="ft">Points</td><td class="ft">No. Wks</td><td class="ft">Title/Artist</td><td class="ft">Peak </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">1</td><td class="ft">79</td><td class="ft">4</td><td class="ft">The Six60 Collection - Six60</td><td class="ft">1(3) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">2</td><td class="ft">73</td><td class="ft">23</td><td class="ft">Introducing L.A.B. - L.A.B.</td><td class="ft">1(12) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">3</td><td class="ft">71</td><td class="ft">13</td><td class="ft">L.A.B. VI - L.A.B.</td><td class="ft">1(3) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">4</td><td class="ft">58</td><td class="ft">10</td><td class="ft">Nights Like This - Kaylee Bell</td><td class="ft">1(2) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">5</td><td class="ft">55</td><td class="ft">76</td><td class="ft">Coterie - Coterie</td><td class="ft">1(1) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">6</td><td class="ft">51</td><td class="ft">3</td><td class="ft">Surfacing (EP) - Devilskin</td><td class="ft">1(1) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">7</td><td class="ft">50</td><td class="ft">24</td><td class="ft">Run It Back - Home Brew</td><td class="ft">1(1) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">8</td><td class="ft">43</td><td class="ft">50</td><td class="ft">Road From 26 - Corrella</td><td class="ft">6(5) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">9</td><td class="ft">39</td><td class="ft">12</td><td class="ft">Exit - Lee Mvtthews</td><td class="ft">7(2) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">10</td><td class="ft">36</td><td class="ft">2</td><td class="ft">Down Under Girls - Sisters In Country</td><td class="ft">2 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">11</td><td class="ft">34</td><td class="ft">5</td><td class="ft">Driftwood - Casual Healing</td><td class="ft">9 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">12</td><td class="ft">28</td><td class="ft">24</td><td class="ft">The Great Escape - No Cigar</td><td class="ft">8(2) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">13</td><td class="ft">28</td><td class="ft">4</td><td class="ft">The Winter Light - Amiria Grenell</td><td class="ft">9 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">14</td><td class="ft">23</td><td class="ft">4</td><td class="ft">Māui & The Sin - Diaz Grimm</td><td class="ft">6 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">15</td><td class="ft">19</td><td class="ft">25</td><td class="ft">Upside - DRAX Project</td><td class="ft">3 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">16</td><td class="ft">17</td><td class="ft">1</td><td class="ft">C O L L I D E - Bad Schematics</td><td class="ft">4 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">17</td><td class="ft">16</td><td class="ft">1</td><td class="ft">Infinite II - The Nomad</td><td class="ft">5 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">18</td><td class="ft">16</td><td class="ft">1</td><td class="ft">Critical Mass - Beat Rhythm Fashion</td><td class="ft">5 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">19</td><td class="ft">16</td><td class="ft">1</td><td class="ft">Take Time - Carb On Carb</td><td class="ft">5 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">20</td><td class="ft">15</td><td class="ft">26</td><td class="ft">Eight - Brooke Ligertwood</td><td class="ft">6 </td></tr></table> <br>TE REO MAORI:<br><br><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="border-bottom:1px solid #888888;border-right:1px solid #888888;"><tr><td class="ft">Points</td><td class="ft">No. Wks</td><td class="ft">Title/Artist</td><td class="ft">Peak </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">40</td><td class="ft">13</td><td class="ft">Māori Ki Te Ao - Stan Walker </td><td class="ft">1(13) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">36</td><td class="ft">45</td><td class="ft">He Aho - TAWAZ</td><td class="ft">1(27) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">32</td><td class="ft">54</td><td class="ft">Whakatau Wairua - Tuari Brothers</td><td class="ft">3(15) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">28</td><td class="ft">53</td><td class="ft">Ko Tāua - Origin Roots Aotearoa (O.R.A.)</td><td class="ft">2(2) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">19</td><td class="ft">8</td><td class="ft">Raumati - Jordyn with a Why</td><td class="ft">5(2) </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">18</td><td class="ft">21</td><td class="ft">Purotu - Jackson Owens</td><td class="ft">2 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">17</td><td class="ft">33</td><td class="ft">Nui Te Aroha - Origin Roots Aotearoa (O.R.A)</td><td class="ft">2 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">16</td><td class="ft">36</td><td class="ft">Koia Ko Koe (So True) - The Black Seeds</td><td class="ft">3 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">10</td><td class="ft">10</td><td class="ft">Mauri Tau - Casual Healing</td><td class="ft">4 </td></tr><tr><td class="ft">4</td><td class="ft">20</td><td class="ft">AI, E KŌ - Mikey Dam, TAWAZ and Jackson Owens</td><td class="ft">6</td></tr></table><br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 4, 29, 3, 47, 33);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/05/2024 05:48</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1554763"><a name="25"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 4, 31, 4, 59, 3);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>31/05/2024 06:59</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat. 3 June, 2024<br><br>Two new singles, one rap, one country.<br>The fifth hit single for British rapper Central Cee comes in at #19. Featuring Lil Baby, BAND4BAND opens at #19.<br>It seems approapriate that we have a new country song in the charts for Gore's Gold Guitars, which is on this weekend. Pink Skies is Zach Bryan's third Top 40 hit. New at #22, it is taken from his upcoming album The Great American Bar Scene.<br>American duo Twenty One Pilots are back with the highest new album of the week. Clancy is the lads seventh studio album. <br>British rockers Bring Me The Horizon last charted in 2020. Now, they are back at #8 with Post Human: NeX Gen. It's the second installment of their Post Human series, which started with their last offering.<br>South Korean rapper RM is back with his second at #20. Right Place, Wrong Person has so far peaked at #2 in his homeland. <br>Staying with rap, Vince Staples gives us Dark Times at #37. This is his fourth NZ chart hit.<br>One more entry makes a surprise re-entry at #5. Fleetwood Mac have been hanging around with single Dreams and album Rumours for years now. You can now get it on blue vinyl.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 4, 31, 5, 43, 54);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>31/05/2024 07:44</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1554944"><a name="26"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 5, 7, 4, 54, 17);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>07/06/2024 06:54</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 10 June, 2024<br><br>The 41st hit single for Eminem opens in style. New at #2, Houdini has more samples than you can throw a stick at. The lead single from upcoming album The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce), includes samples of his own songs Without Me, My Name Is and Just Lose It but is mainly based around the 1982 Steve Miller Band hit Abracadabra which peaked at #8 here. <br>30 year old British producer and multi-instrumentalist Fred Again.., places his seventh hit at #28. Places To Be looks like it could be from an upcoming album. Watch this space.<br>The eighth studio album from Crowded House enters the chart at #4. Gravity Stairs is expected to chart well in the UK and US as well. The band wanted to create a "dreamy quality" yet be more "lyrically direct". I listened to the album last night and they have certainly done that. Crowded House now have 12 Top 30 albums, 8 of them Top 10 and 3 number one. It also gives Neil Finn a total of 33 hit albums (12 Crowded House, 12 Split Enz, 2 Finn Brothers and 7 Solo). Despite 17 hit singles, the lads haven't charted a single since 1996.<br>The lads don't have the only new kiwi album this week. Christoph El Truento charts his second at #25. Dubs From The Neighbourhood is his fourth long player since 2013.<br>Finally, Becky Hill is back with Believe Me Now? at #29. With two hit singles to her credit, her first album, Only Honest On The Weekend failed to chart. <br>NZ Highwaymen give us the final new album at #40. Live From The James Hay Theatre showcases the quartet who are all well known artists in their own right. Brendan Dugan, Dennis Marsh, Gray Bartlett and Frankie Steven’s are currently on tour. Stevens replaced Eddie Low last minute due to poor health. <br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 5, 7, 6, 16, 21);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>07/06/2024 08:16</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1555160"><a name="27"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 5, 14, 7, 37, 34);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>14/06/2024 09:38</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 17 June, 2024<br><br>Eminem scores his first number one with Houdini since … the last one. <br>Meanwhile, Sabrina Carpenter gives him some competition debuting at #3 with Please Please Please. Her last single Espresso topped the charts in Ireland, England and Australia. This one comes from the same album Short ‘n’ Sweet. <br>American Gracie Abrams has the other new single. New at #31, Close To You opens her singles account. She has charted before though. Album Good Riddance peaked at #40 last year. This track is taken from her upcoming second album The Secret Of Us. <br>Over on the album chart, we have six newbies. <br>Kiwi Georgia Lines is new at #3 with The Rose Of Jericho. The Mt Maunganui resident is just back from Austin, Texas after performing at a festival. <br>31-year old Charli XCX is next at #4 with BRAT. Her sixth long player is her second NZ top 10 album. <br>Then we have Mel Parsons at #5 with Sabotage. This album makes it four NZ top ten albums this week. Sabotage is the Westport lass’ sixth long player. <br>Further down the chart comes Kaytranada with Timeless. Born Louis Celestine, this is the Haitian/Canadian DJ’s fourth album but first here. <br>Bon Jovi are back with their sixteenth. They first came on the scene in 1984. Forever, new at #28, is their first album since singer Jon Bon Jovi had surgery on his vocal cord in 2022. <br>Kiwis No Cigar have been charting in the NZ Album chart with The Great Escape for 27 weeks. Now they finally make the Top 40 at #32. If you haven’t heard these guys before it’s well worth a spin. <br>It’s not often that a kiwi album charts overseas. After the release of last week’s new album by Crowded House Gravity Stairs, the album found a place at #3 in Australia, #6 in Scotland and #8 in the UK. <br><br>Written in Wellington. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1555418"><a name="28"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 5, 21, 8, 46, 6);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>21/06/2024 10:46</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 24 June, 2024<br><br>After just one week Eminem vacates the penthouse so Sabrina Carpenter can claim her first number one. Please Please Please only entered the chart last week. The American actually has the top and bottom spot with Feather entering the chart at #40 as well as Espresso at #4. <br>Tommy Richman has the other new single. Devil Is A Lie comes in at #14. It’s his second Top 40 hit. <br>We have four new albums, three entering in the Top 10. <br>First up is $uicideBoy$ at #3. New World Depression is their fourth and highest placed album in New Zealand. They also had two EP’s which only managed a spot at the bottom of the chart. <br>Luke Combs is next with Father’s And Son’s at #5. His fifth studio album was released two days before America’s Fathers Day with Combs partnering with American Greetings to allow people to use his lyrics in their virtual greeting cards. <br>Just behind Combs is Don Tolliver at #6 with Hardstone Psycho. It’s his fifth visit to the album chart. <br>Earth Tongue come in at #21 with Great Haunting. This is a first for the Wellington psych rock duo. <br>Finally, there are two Shapeshifter albums back in the Top 40 and five in the NZ Album chart. Riddem Wise LP from 2004 is at #29 and Soulstice from 2006 re-enters at #39. All five are back due to being re-issued on vinyl. <br><br>Written in Methven</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1555640"><a name="29"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 5, 28, 5, 11, 40);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>28/06/2024 07:12</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 1 July, 2024<br><br>This time last year, at the end of June, we had 77 new Top 40 singles. The rules changed and now we have 117 to the end of June. All this is due to artists monopolising the chart with multiple new entries in the same week.<br>The first remix from Charli XCX's new album Brat opens in the chart at #24. The girl, so confusing version with lorde is the tenth track on her album and fourth single to chart here.<br>American 24 year old Gracie Abrams lists her second singles at #30. Titled simply us., it comes from her second long player The Secret Of Us, which debuts at #2. This one features Taylor Swift in the vocals.<br>Post Malone continues to please. Pour Me A Drink at #37 is his latest single and follows on the success of I Had Some Help which is still in the Top 10 and peaked at #2. Both songs come from his upcoming album F-1 Trillion due in August<br>The Kid LAROI is back with Nights Like This, new at #38. This is his ninth NZ hit single.<br>Kyrre Gørvell-Dahll (aka Kygo) last charted an album in 2020. Finally, the Norwegian DJ is back with a self titled album. New at #40, it has the lead single Whatever.<br>A 10th Anniversary Edition of Ed Sheeran's 2014 album X is back in the chart for it's 257th week in the Top 40. Originally, the album peaked at the top for 13 weeks. To celebrate, there are nine new tracks added to the list.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1555845"><a name="30"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 6, 5, 4, 51, 51);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>05/07/2024 06:52</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 8 July, 2024<br><br>We continue to have no local content in the Top 40 singles chart (unless you count the Charli XCX collaboration with Lorde last week).  The last new entry was way back on 4 September last year. Over in Australia; they have had three local singles enter the Top 40 this year. The RadioScope Top 40 (which measures radio airplay) is listing four kiwi artists, so radio is clearly playing new local content.  My theory is streaming services are dictating what we listen to and excluding kiwi artists. What do you think?<br>The top six stays the same but biggest mover goes to the artist with the highest new single. As Nights Like This jumps up 22 knotches, The Kid Laroi lists his new single Girls at #26. This is his tenth NZ hit single.<br>26-year-old Chappell Roan lists her second hit single at #37. HOT TO GO! comes from last years album The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess, which sits at #3 this week. The highest the track has gone globally so far is #27 in Ireland.<br>Alabama resident Ella Langley scores the third new single at #39. you look like you love me can be filed under country. <br>The Sixth studio album from American's Imagine Dragons opens at #12. LOOM marks the band’s first release as a trio, due to the absence of drummer Daniel Platzam, who has been on an indefinite hiatus from the band since March 2023.<br>Camila Cabello scores a fourth Top 40 album with C,XOXO at #25. It's a very short album by todays standards, clocking in at 32 minutes.<br>Megan Thee Stallion has the final new album of the week. MEGAN, new at #33, is her third studio album and follows a snake-based theme through the song titles.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1556045"><a name="31"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 6, 12, 5, 58, 19);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>12/07/2024 07:58</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 15 July, 2024<br><br>It’s taken ten weeks but Kendrick Lamar bounces back up the chart to claim the top spot with Not Like Us. It’s his second number one, the first being Humble in 2017. <br>Only two new singles enter this week’s chart. <br>Tough from Quavo with Lana Del Rey starts its journey at #23. Despite seven singles as a collaboration artist, this is his first hit single. <br>Tobey follows Eminem’s recent number one at #34. The track comes from the 51-year-old’s new album The Death Of Slim Shady (coup de grâce). <br>It’s slim picking for new entries over on the album chart too. <br>Zach Bryan has the first of two new albums at #4. The Great American Bar Scene is the country singer’s fifth studio album and was preceded by the single Pink Skies which peaked at #18. <br>Ken Carson has the other newbie at #36. A Great Chaos is the 24 year old rappers third album but first to chart here. <br><br>Written in Palm Cove, Australia. <br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 6, 12, 6, 1, 28);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>12/07/2024 08:01</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1556303"><a name="32"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 6, 19, 5, 35, 26);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>19/07/2024 07:35</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 22 July, 2024<br><br>I thought this might happen. We have a new Eminem album and 11 tracks enter the singles chart. The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce) goes straight to the top giving the rapper 11 number one albums. That puts him in third place behind Taylor Swift and U2. <br>Chairo has the second new album with Charm at #12. All I can find about Chairo is it’s a Christian school. Somehow I don’t think that’s right. <br>One artist I can find is OneRepublic. Artificial Paradise is the bands sixth long player, new at #25. The album began its life way back in 2016 with single West Coast. <br>Two more albums, which will probably only chart one week, come from Cigarettes After Sex and Enhypen. X’s is CAS’s third album since 2017 but first to chart here, at #32. <br>Romance: Untold from Enhypen is also a first for the South Korean boy band. They debut at #34. <br><br>Written in Gold Coast, Australia. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1556526"><a name="33"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 6, 26, 5, 35, 51);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>26/07/2024 07:36</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 29 July, 2024<br><br>It’s taken 10 weeks but Billie Eilish manages to climb one more flight to the penthouse. Birds Of A Feather is the American’s third number one single. <br>There are more re-entries than new entry singles this week as the chart corrects itself from last week’s Eminem takeover. <br>Ice Spice with Central Cee comes first with Did It First at #20. The 1 minute 58 second song is one of this year’s shortest and the fourth single from her debut album Y2K!<br>Dominic Fike has the other newbie. Misses, new at #29, comes from his EP 14 Minutes. <br>Seven new albums enter this weeks Top 40. <br>At #6 we have Highly Suspect with As Above, See Below. This is the Massachusetts rockers fourth NZ hit album and first in five years. <br>England’s Glass Animals fall in just behind with I Love You So F***ing Much. It beats the last albums peak by one knotch. It’s their fourth long player. <br>Stray Kids are next at #9 with ATE. This one is the South Korean boy bands ninth EP and is supported by lead single Chk Chk Boom. <br>Staying in South Korea, Jimin presents MUSE at #17. It’s a second for the BTS member following Face from last year. <br>Then comes Childish Gambino. Bando Stone And The New World comes in at #18 and is the 40 year olds fifth long player if will also be the final album under his current moniker. It’s taken from the upcoming film with the same name. <br>Denzel Curry lists King Of The Mischievous South Vol. 2 at #31. This is the rappers fifth album entry and billed as a mixtape rather than an album. <br>Finally, we have the soundtrack to Twisters at #35. It features brand new tracks from Luke Combs, Thomas Rhett, Miranda Lambert and many more. <br><br>Written in Brisbane, Australia. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1556690"><a name="34"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 7, 2, 5, 2, 48);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>02/08/2024 07:03</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 5 August, 2024<br><br>Post Malone continues his country theme, this time roping in Luke Combs. Guy For That, new at #20, is the third and final single from his upcoming album F-1 Trillion, due out 16 August.<br>Rapper Hanumankind starts his chart career at #25 with Big Dawgs. Currently living in Karala, India, this first single has already received 7 million views.<br>Further down the chart, Charli XCX debuts with 360 at #36. Taken from her current album Brat, it has so far peaked at #18 in the UK<br>Gigi Perez has the final new single. Sailor Song, new at #37, is her debut single.<br>Lime Cordiale have the only new album this week, with Enough Of The Sweet Talk coming in at #37. This is the Australian pop duo's second album since 2020, with seven singles preceded the album's release.<br>- <br>On Monday we lost one of New Zealand's best songwriters. Martin Phillips was frontman for The Chills, who enjoyed 8 hit singles and 9 albums from 1982 to 2021. They were a very real part of The Dunedin Sound which was famous right around the world. Born in 1963, he leaves behind a legacy in the NZ music industry. A true gentleman, sadly missed.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1556854"><a name="35"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 7, 9, 4, 58, 50);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/08/2024 06:59</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 12 August, 2024<br><br>The biggest mover on the singles chart this week comes from Hanumankind who entered the chart last week with Big Dawgs. The track jumps 16 knotches to #9.<br>The biggest artist is Charli XCS. The British singer makes it three new singles in two weeks with Guess crashing in at #1 and Apple #22. Guess is her first number one here and, in fact, anywhere globally.<br>Irish hip hopper Jordan Adetunji has the other new single with Kehlani at #24.<br>In February Kanye West and Ty Dolla $ign took their collaborative album Vultures 1 to the top of the chart and monopolised the singles chart with seven singles. The week, Vultures 2 launches itself into the charts but missing out on the top spot, dropping in at #3. Expect Vultures 3 by Christmas. <br>Khalid is new at #27 with Sincere. It's been three years since his last release, explaining that he needed time to understand what kind of artist he wanted to be.<br>Barrington Hendricks (aka JPEGMAFIA) has the final new album at #33. I Lay Down My Life For You is his first taste of chart success here.<br>In 2014 Sam Smith took his debut album In The Lonely Hour to the top for 8 weeks, spending 154 weeks in the chart. Now a 10th Anniversary Edition brings him back into the top 40 at #15.<br>Finally, remember TrueBliss? In 1999 the reality TV stars stormed the charts with album Dream and two singles, Tonight and Number One. Well; they're back. That album makes it's debut on the NZ Album chart. Had the chart been around in 1999 it would have been at the top for seven weeks.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 7, 9, 5, 28, 29);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/08/2024 07:28</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1556996"><a name="36"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 7, 16, 6, 49, 26);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>16/08/2024 08:49</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 19 August 2024<br><br>Two new singles and two new albums enter this weeks chart. <br>Backbone from Chase and Status and grime artist Stormzy is this week’s highest new single. Debuting at #3, it’s their second hit here after Baddadan peaked at #23 last year. <br>Gracie Abrams continues her success with single I Love You, I’m Sorry at #35. All three of her singles have, to date, peaked in the bottom quarter of the chart. Album The Secret Of Us is currently at #12. <br>It’s taken 18 weeks but Chappell Roan finally takes her album The Rise And Fall Of A Midwest Princess to the top. New Zealand is the fourth country to give the American a number one. <br>Further down the chart, Amy Shark enters the Top 40 with Sunday Sadness at #28. This is her third charting album here with 2018’s Love Monster holding peak position of #7. <br>Jazz saxophonist Nathan Haines first charted in 1999 with the #26 peak of Shift Left. Since then he has racked up 9 albums. Disc #10, Notes, debuts this week at #39. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1557146"><a name="37"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 7, 23, 4, 54, 0);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>23/08/2024 06:54</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 26 August, 2024<br><br>Only one new single this week but it debuts in style. The last time Lady Gaga was at number one was six years ago with Shallow. Now, with help from Bruno Mars, Stefani Germanotta is back with Die With A Smile. She co-wrote the song with Mars after being invited to his studio. There, he played the unfinished song to her, and went on to finish the song together. <br>Post Malone re-enters with three singles as his new studio album, F-1 Trillion (Long Bed), debuts at the top. His third number one long player marks his genre to country and featuring some of todays most well-known country stars. <br>Another artist who consistently changes genres is Troy Kingi. Leatherman And The Mojave Green new at #5, is his latest offering as he continues his 10-10-10 goal. This one can be filed under rock.<br>Cold Chisel are no strangers to our shores. The aussies first charted in 1981 and have been ever since. 50 Years: The Best Of is their third compilation. It debuts at #23.<br>Scott Calvin Harris debuts his seventh studio album 96 Months at #26. It's his fifth to chart here. <br>Finally, American rockers Falling In Reverse are back after nine years with Popular Monster. New at #28, this is their fifth studio album with the title track being released in 2019. <br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 7, 23, 5, 4, 48);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>23/08/2024 07:05</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1557313"><a name="38"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 7, 30, 4, 56, 39);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>30/08/2024 06:57</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 2 September, 2024<br><br>Well, we have a new record and it's not one to be proud of. On 4 September last year, Corella entered the chart with Blue Eyes Maori. It's now been a year since a kiwi was in the singles chart. Not even the RadioScope 100 shows a kiwi in it's Top 40; however there are seven singles from #44 to #100. How we fix this I have no idea. <br>For the fifth time this year we have one artist monopolise the singles chart. Sabrina Carpenter has a new album and we feature every song from Short n' Sweet, bar one. <br>Taste, Bed Chem, Good Graces, Juno, Sharpest Tool, Coincidence, Slim Pickins, Dumb & Poetic and Don't Smile are scattered all over the Top 40. The album debuts at #1.<br>Dublin punk rockers Fontaines D.C. are back with their second hit album at #6. Skinty Fia from 2022 only managed a #22 peak, giving Romance a higher peak for the quintet. <br>Travis Scott is back with Days Before Rodeo at #12. This disc is a mixtape and goes by the genre Psychedelic music.<br>The big news this week was the reforming of Oasis. Not to be overshadowed, we have a kiwi band that has also reformed. Zed broke up in 2004 after two very successful albums and nine hit singles. In 2023 they announced a comeback, releasing single Future You. Now their album Future Memory brings them back with a #13 debut.<br>Avril Lavigne has the final new album with Greatest Hits at #39.<br>Over on the NZ Albums Chart, Tim Finn is back with his debut solo album Escapade. The album spent 21 weeks in the chart in 1983 and gave us three singles. The album is now available on red vinyl and comes in at #17 on the NZ Albums Chart. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1557557"><a name="39"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 8, 6, 4, 50, 28);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>06/09/2024 06:50</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 9 September, 2024<br><br>Charlton Howard has the only new single in this weeks Top 40. Better known by stage name The Kid LAROI, Baby I'm Back, new at #35, is about regret, longing, and the complexities of fame.<br>66-year-old Nick Cave with the Bad Seeds flies into the #4 spot with their 18th studio album. Wild God began it's live on New Years Day, 2023, as Cave started writing. It's their 14th hit album here since 1992.<br>The second EP this year from South Korean girl group LE SSERAFIM opens at #26. Playing at just under 15 minutes, Crazy contains five songs.<br>Jorge Rivera-Herrans also opens with an EP. <br>EPIC: The Wisdom Saga (Official Concept Album) is the Puerto Rican's first time in out charts.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1557731"><a name="40"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 8, 13, 5, 26, 52);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>13/09/2024 07:27</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 16 September. 2024<br><br>I can't remember when we had a truly rock song in the chart - especially hard rock. I'll have to take note of this date. Well, now we have one. The last time Linkin Park had a hit single was way back in 2015. The Emptiness Machine, new at #18, comes from their new album From Zero and the first without lead vocalist Chester Bennington and drummer Rob Burdon. Instead, new vocalist Emily Armstrong (yes a woman) leads off with a blistering vocal and well able to match Bennington. Some fans are not happy but hey, you rock girl.<br>The other new single comes from Addison Rae. New at #40, Diet Pepsi is the American's first hit single, after rising to popularity on TikTok.<br>Rounding off their Grassroots tour in Balclutha, playing to a 1500 strong audience, sees Six60 launch their first live album. The Grassroots Album enters the chart at #2 as the lads head for Europe. <br>Fred Again.. is back, again, with ten days. New at #5, his fourth hit album is about ten songs about ten days. <br>It's been seven years since 78 year old David Gilmour charted, but he breaks the drought with Luck And Strange at #10. His fifth solo album is his first Top 10 since 2015. The title track actually features keyboards from former Pink Floyd keyboardist Richard Wright who passed away in 2008.<br>Tami Neilson recently spent some time with friend Willie Nelson. Now the kiwi country star has Neilson Sings Nelson new at #12. This is her sixth chart entry.<br>Finally, American Jessie Murph opens her account with first long player That Ain't No Man That's The Devil at #32. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1557914"><a name="41"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 8, 20, 5, 2, 40);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>20/09/2024 07:03</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 23 September, 2024<br><br>For the third week in a row the Top 4 remains static; in fact, the whole Top 10 is very stable.<br>21-year-old Tate McRae lists single #5 with this weeks highest new entry. It's OK I'm OK at #12 is from her upcoming new album. As yet, no name and no release date. <br>Playboi Carti is next at #20 with All Red. This is the American rappers third hit single here and also comes from an upcoming new album. That album will be called I Am Music. <br>The Weeknd lists hit single #28 at #32. Dancing In The Flames follows the theme, as it too comes from an upcoming album. Hurry Up Tomorrow also has no release date.<br>Not to be confused with Ke$ha, American male singer keshi (born Casey Luong) has two albums to his credit. The first one Gabriel missed our charts but we are the first country in the world to chart his second. Requiem is new at #21.<br>The sixth solo album from Jack White is this weeks final new long player. No Name at #34, was released through unmarked vinyl records secretly included with purchases at Third Man Records store.<br>Waiata / Anthems from 2019 topped the chart for one week. Now released on vinyl for the first time, it's back, at #38.<br>And on that topic, it's Maori language week, so to celebrate, a very special Top 30 chart was released this week showing the biggest Te Māori hits of all time. That chart can be viewed on Soudcloud but it's great to see Patea Maori Club on top with Poi E.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1558060"><a name="42"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 8, 27, 5, 15, 1);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>27/09/2024 07:15</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 30 September, 2024<br><br>Another stable Top 10 this week with the Top 6 remaining static. It's been like this for four weeks. Speaking of four, there are four new singles in this weeks Top 40. <br>American singer Alex Warren has had a love of music since an early age. Now the 24 year old has a hit single. Burning Down, new at #31, comes from his album You'll Be Alright, Kid (Chapter 1).<br>North London-based Angolan rapper Ndotz is also a new artist. His 1:45 opening single Embrase It opens at #34.<br>Chappell Roan continues her success with single #3 Pink Pony Club. New at #35, it's taken from her chart topping album The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess.<br>Luke Combs rounds off the newbies with a real country rocker. Ain't No Love In Oklahoma at #39 is taken from the soundtrack to Twisters.<br>Nayvadius Cash lists his 10th hit album at #8. Known professionally as Future, Mixtape Pluto is the rappers seventeenth mixtape.<br>It's been four years since we heard from Katy Perry. Now album number seven, 143, debuts at #9. Perry stated that the numeric title is a symbolic "angel number"<br>English musician, DJ, record producer, and remixer Jamie XX charts his second at #11 with In Waves. The 35 year old is also known for his work with the band The XX who listed three albums from 2010 to 2013.<br>Kiwi hip hoppers Mokomokai list Whakarehu at #17. This is their second album.<br>Lil Tecca has the final new long player. Plan A, new at #31 is the rappers fourth studio album. <br>Cast your mind back to 1997. That's the year that kiwi rappers Dam Native took Kaupapa Driven Rhymes Uplifted to #37. Making a re-entry at #5 and on vinyl for the first time, the lads create a new peak for their only charting album.<br>After 57 weeks at the top of the NZ Singles chart, and creating a new record in the process, Corella finaly vacate the spot to Hori Smith with Back In My Arms. <br>-<br>We lost another kiwi legend this week. Eddie Low began his career in the early sixties and produced 18 albums from 1970 to 2021 along with four EP's. On the charts his biggest hit was Help Me Make It Through The Night which peaked at #18 in 1971. He was to have joined the recent NZ Highwaymen tour with Dennis Marsh, Gray Bartlett and Brendan Dugan but was too sick. He passed away on 21 September age 81 after a battle with gastric cancer. Called a voice in a million by Joe Brown, his music will surley live on.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 8, 27, 5, 53, 46);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>27/09/2024 07:54</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1558242"><a name="43"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 9, 4, 4, 17, 35);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>04/10/2024 06:18</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 7 October, 2024<br><br>Canadian The Weeknd has the only new single this week but it debuts in style. Timeless, new at #4, is the second single from his forthcoming album Hurry Up Tomorrow due out soon. <br>Ed Sheeran has the first new album. New at #3, +-=÷× (Tour Collection) is a compilation covering studio versions of Sheeran's biggest hits, along with hidden access to exclusive memos, available when purchasing the vinyl or CD.  A tour will follow.<br>Last week Alex Warren opened his account with single Burning Down. That track leaves the chart this week but the album it comes from, You'll Be Alright, Kid (Chapter 1), is new in the chart at #20.<br>Lady Gaga has the final new album. Harlequin at #28, is a soundtrack album described by Gaga as "vintage pop"<br><br>-<br>It's the end of the third quarter so here's a list of new entries in this years main charts to the end of September with last years figure in brackets:<br>SINGLE: 169 (148)<br>NZ SINGLE: 44 (33)<br>ALBUM: 147 (138)<br>NZ ALBUM: 97 (74)<br>New local singles in the Top 40: 0 (1)<br>New local albums in the Top 40: 23 (17)<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 9, 9, 6, 7, 8);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>09/10/2024 08:07</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1558432"><a name="44"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 9, 11, 4, 3, 32);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>11/10/2024 06:04</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 14 October 2024<br><br>No new singles this week but the top 3 stays the same. It's been that way now for six weeks.<br>The biggest new album this week comes from an artist that needs no introduction. Coldplay first started charting in 2000; now they have 14 albums. Moon Music (new at #2) is the bands tenth Top 5 album. This one is a sequel to Vol. 1: From Earth With Love from 2021 in their third of the Music of the Spheres project.<br>English rockers The Smile list their second hit album at #26. Cutouts was promoted with singles Don't Get Me Started, The Slip, Foreign Spies, Zero Sum and Bodies Laughing. None of them have charted on mainstream charts to date. <br>Newcomer FINNEAS is American singer-songwriter, record producer, and actor Finneas O'Connell. For Cryin' Out Loud!, new at #31, is the 27 year old's second long player but first to chart. He may be more known for his acting career, appearing in Bad Teacher and the final series of Glee.<br>Leon Bridges open his fifth hit album at #38. Simply called Leon, it takes him to a total of 14 chart weeks but this album looks to peak the lowest. <br>Kiwi Louis Baker last charted in 2014. Now, ten years later, EP Medicine enters at #39. Born in Wellington, he is one of the capitals most high profile artists. He released his only album Open in 2019 with EP Louis Baker from 2014 peaking at #8.<br>Finally, we have a new number one on the NZ Singles Chart. AVA from Rokkō is the kiwi's first single.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1558582"><a name="45"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 9, 18, 4, 1, 29);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>18/10/2024 06:01</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 21 October 2024<br><br>What has happened to the bands?! The last time a band topped the singles chart was in 2023 for South Korean girl group Fifty Fifty with Cupid. There have only been 11 band number ones in the past twenty years from the list of 131 chart toppers. Compare that to the last twenty years of the century, there were 158 number ones from bands, 1980 to 1999 from 329 chart toppers. <br>It's not very often we get a professional boxer in the chart. This week London's Olajide Olatunji (aka KSI) places third hit single Thick Of It at #17.<br>Staying in Britain, Charli XSX is new at #18 with Sympathy Is A Knife. This is the latest single from her current album, now listed as the remixed Brat and it's completely different but also still brat which jumps nine knotches to the top of the chart..<br>South Korean's Jennie has the final new single at #32. Mantra is her second solo single alongside seven singles for BlackPink.<br>We are getting a lot of newcomers to the album chart lately, This week we have four more. The first is new...but then he is not. 53 year old Jon Toogood is, of course, front man for Shihad but Last Of The Lonely Gods at #9 is his first solo album. <br>Jelly Roll is next. Born Jason DeFord, the American rapper/songer actually has 10 albums in his resume. Beautifully Broken (Pickin' Up The Pieces) debuts at #22.<br>Australian dance group Rüfüs Du Sol is new at #23 with Inhale / Exhale. Watch out for lead track Music Is Better.<br>BigXthaPlug is another American rapper new to our charts. Born Xavier Landum, Take Care at #27 is his second album but first here.<br>Wellington's Revulva open with their self titled disc at #30. Place this eight member band under soul, pop and jazz.<br>Finally, American rapper Rod Wave places his second hit album, Last Lap, at #33.<br>-<br>We lost two big artists this week, on the same day. Liam Payne died after falling from a third-floor balcony aged 31. The former One Direction member had two solo hits with Strip That Down from 2017 being his biggest. That track reached #4. On the same day, Alan Mansfied lost his battle with cancer treatment complications. The Dragon keyboardist and husband to Sharon O'Neill played for the band from 1983 - 1997 appearing on four albums. He was 72.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1558798"><a name="46"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 9, 25, 7, 43, 16);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>25/10/2024 09:43</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 28 October, 2024<br><br>APT by Rosé and Bruno Mars debuts at #1, giving Mars the top two spots and second number one in a row. Only a handful of artists have managed that with our own Jon Steven’s the most spectacular charting side by side number ones in two decades (1979 and 1980). Anyway, BlackPink member Rosé scores her first chart topper. APT is a Korean drinking game and is pronounced as it's sung in the chorus; ap-a-teu. It stands for apartment. <br>Love Somebody by American country pop singer Morgan Wallen is new at #22. New Zealand is the first to chart the song which comes from his upcoming as-yet-untitled new album. <br>That’s So True from Gracie Abrams is new at #24. The track is taken from the deluxe edition of her current album The Secret Of Us. <br>Back In My Arms from Hori Shaw becomes the first kiwi song to chart since 4 September last year. New at #40, the song has been in the NZ Singles chart for 24 weeks making it a very slow mover. Shaw is a roots reggae artist from Ōpōtiki. All I can say is it’s about time this song hit the Top 40. It’s well worth a listen. <br>Over on the album chart Kylie Minogue has the highest new album with Tension II at #22. Her 17th studio album follows last years Tension and follows the successful formula that took the album to the top of the charts across the ditch. This disc gives her four number ones in a row in Australia. <br>American rapper Yeat has the final new album. Lifestyle, new at #29, is his fifth studio album. <br>One Direction make a surprise re-entry with single Night Changes at #17. The track peaked at #11 in 2014. The album chart lists four re-entry One Direction albums: Midnight Memories (#9), FOUR (#13), Made In The AM (#17) and Take Me Home (#18). Of course it all marks the death of Liam Payne that shocked fans last week. Pity none of his solo work charted although one Direction songs Story Of My Life and What Makes You Beautiful appear in the catalogue singles chart. <br>Over on the NZ album chart, a reissued Strawpeople album makes its debut. Broadcast came out in 1994 and peaked at #7. Now it’s out on vinyl. <br><br>Written in Waikairi</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1558943"><a name="47"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 10, 1, 4, 12, 34);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/11/2024 05:13</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 4 November, 2024<br><br>Tyler, The Creator is the latest artist to monopolise new entry singles. The five new singles (St. Chroma , Noid, Darlin, I, Rah Tah Tah and Sticky) come from his new album CHROMAKOPIA which debuts at number one.<br>The 11th hit album from Fat Freddy’s Drop is new at #3. Slo Mo made headlines this week for being released on vinyl first before digital formats.<br>Amyl And The Sniffers are an Australian pub band based in Melbourne. Cartoon Darkness, new at #17, is actually their third studio album but first to chart here. Their last from 2021, Comfort To Me, peaked at #2 across the ditch.<br>Ashley Frangipane (aka Halsey), is back with disc number five. New at #33, The Great Impersonator is her first full length album since 2021.<br>-<br>The chart has a complete new look this week with some new features on the website. It's well worth checking out.<br><font color="#999999">Last edited: <script>tDate = new Date(2024, 10, 1, 4, 55, 9);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>01/11/2024 05:55</noscript></font></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1559115"><a name="48"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 10, 8, 8, 11, 0);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>08/11/2024 09:11</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 11 November, 2024<br><br>Last week Tyler, The Creator debuted five new singles. This week, Like Him is added at #28. It give the rapper a second week where only his songs debut in the singles chart. The album they come from, CHROMAKOPA, remains at the top of the album chart. <br>It’s been 16 years since The Cure released a new album and were in our charts. This week, Songs Of A Lost World has the highest new album at #3. Formed in 1976, this is their 14th studio album and biggest since Wish in 1992. Songs of a Lost World was several years in the making and originally intended for release in 2019. <br>Chase Atlantic come from Cairns, Australia. Formed in 2014, Lost In Heaven is their fourth long player but first here. It debuts at #8 and #4 across the ditch. It’s the three-piece’s first hit album in both countries. <br>Symere Woods (aka Lil Uzi Vert) is back with Eternal Atake 2 #19. The first edition of Eternal Atake peaked at #2 in 2020. This is the rappers fourth long player. <br>Playwrite, composer lyricist and actor Jorge Rivera-Herrans places EP Epic: The Vengeance Saga (official Concept Album) at #26. The Wisdom Saga peaked at #27 in September. <br><br>Written in Dunedin. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1559269"><a name="49"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 10, 15, 4, 4, 1);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>15/11/2024 05:04</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 18 November 2024<br><br>One quarter of this weeks Singles Chart is 30 weeks old or older with several ready to join the longevity list. Teddy Swims has one of those songs with Lose Conrtol sitting at #7 in it's 64th week. His latest new single joins the ranks at #28. Bad Dreams gives the 32 year old a third Top 40 single in this weeks chart. The single is taken from his new album I've Tried Everything But Therapy Part 2 due out 24 January.<br>Coldplay played our shores this week. Along with Pearl Jam and Crowded House doing concerts in NZ it's been quite a week. <br>feelslikeimfallinginlove, new at #38, it taken from Coldplay's new album Moon Music and is their 23rd hit single here.<br>The second hit album from Indian rapper Arjan Dhillon debuts at #27. Patander is his sixth longer player overall.<br>The TV series Arcane League Of Legends places the soundtrack to Season 2 at #32. Most artists I don't recognise by Sting and Imagine Dragons are amongst the mix.<br>Englishman Myles Smith places his EP A Minute... at #40. This is his second time in our album chart following album Stargazing from early on this year.<br>If I was to mention the name Corban Simpson most people would say "who?". If I was to mention the BLERTA song Dance Around The World and your old like me, you would instantly recognise it. Well, he was the lead singer. Many don't know he also had a solo career. This week The Corben Simpson Collection and 3 both enter the NZ Singles Chart at #5 and #7. Both albums are the latest from the Frenzy record label.</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1559457"><a name="50"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 10, 22, 8, 20, 26);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>22/11/2024 09:20</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 25 November, 2024<br><br>Figures out this week interestingly show for the 2022 to 2023 chart years on the billboard singles chart, country music is up 150% and rock music up 58%, whilst hip-hop is down 37%. Whilst these statistics come from America, we tend to follow their trend over here with American artists having a stranglehold on the Top 40. Country music has certainly been on the rise in New Zealand with hip-hop declining. 2024 is no different. <br>Following charts overseas, Gracie Abrams adds number one single to her resume with That’s So True. She has also topped the Australian, Irish and UK charts. <br>Tate McRae has the first of three new entries with 2 Hands at #16. This is the second single from her third album So Close To What. <br>Coldplay continue their current success thanks to concerts in Godzone. Feelslikeimfallinginlovs jumps 21 knotches to #17 whilst new single We Pray enters the Top 40 at #21. This one has 11 different writers. <br>GloRilla (aka Gloria Woods) has the third and final new single at #30. Whatcha Kno About Me is the rappers second kiwi hit single. <br>Over on the album chart, one of the most anticipated albums of the year debuts at the top. Linkin Park’s From Zero has certainly got the fans talking. Lead singer Chester Bennington passed away in 2017 and has now been replaced by Emily Armstrong. It’s <br>divided their fan base. but personally. I think it works. This is now their sixth number one album. Nothing like a big of controversy to get you back at the top. <br>31 year old kiwi Fazerdaze is next at #11 with Soft Power. Following 2017’s Morningside, which peaked at #23, this is a big improvement. <br>Also age 31 is Kim Seok-Jin. Known simply as Jin, his EP Happy debuts at #16. It’s the BTS members first solo long player. <br>It’s been four years since since we had a new album from Canadian Shawn Mendez. Now, simply titled Shawn, he debuts at #31 after what he calls a mental health break. Watch out for lead single Why Why Why. </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="text"><div style="width:108px;overflow:hidden"><a name="1559580"><a name="51"><script>tDate = new Date(2024, 10, 29, 4, 21, 9);writeDateTime(tDate);</script><noscript>29/11/2024 05:21</noscript><br><b><a href="members_search.asp?login=Tempest">Tempest</a></b><br>Member</div></td><td class="text"><div style="width:658px;overflow:hidden;" class="forumtext">Chart Beat - 2 December, 2024<br><br>Last week we looked at a genre trend change in the singles chart, this week, another trend. I've been following this for a few years but looking at the Billboard statistics, we are not alone. I'm talking about the average song length. In the 60's, the average song length in the States was 2:52, compared to 2:47 in New Zealand. In the 90's: 4:14 in the States and 4:03 here. So far in the 20's: 3:15 compared to 3:21 in New Zealand. It was claimed the reason for shorter songs in the 20's is due to a shorter attention span. Interesting!<br>Kendrick Lamar becomes the seventh artist this year to monopolise the chart with 12 new singles. luther, squabble up, tv off, wacced out murals , hey now, reincarnated, dodger blue, man at the garden, heart pt. 6, gloria, peekaboo and gnx are taken from his sixth studio album GNX which debuts at the top. It's the second time the rapper has monopolised the singles chart the last time in 2017 with nine new entries.<br>Stromae and Pomme have the other new single. Ma Meilleure Ennemie, new at #20, is the Belgium duo's debut single here. Translated, the title means I love you, I'm waiting for you.<br>The soundtrack to the movie Wicked with Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande debuts at #3. The movie, produced by Marc Platt and Davis Stone is basically 90% singing, 10% plot.<br>Four other new albums graze the bottom of the chart.<br>American Kim Deal was the original bassist and co-vocalist in the band Pixies. Nobody Loves You More at #29 is the 63-year old's first solo album.<br>Marilyn Manson is next at #35 with One Assassination Under God: Chapter 1. It's the bands 13th hit album and first in four years.<br>American rapper Jhené Aiko lists her second album at #39. The Magic Hour Collection is a digital compilation running in conjunction with her tour of the same name.<br>Finally, Englishman Michael Kiwanuka lists his first charting album since 2012 with Small Changes at #40. It's his first new recordings since 2019.</div></div></td></tr><tr class="notmobile"><td style="padding:0px;background-color:#FFFFFF;"><img src="/images/trans.gif" height=1 width=120></td><td style="padding:0px;background-color:#FFFFFF;"><img src="/images/trans.gif" height=1 width=530></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF";></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"></td><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"><br><br><b>Add a message</b> (*=mandatory field)</td></tr><form action="forum.asp" method=post name=textform><input type=hidden name=id value=70592><input type=hidden name=todo value=add><input type=hidden name=pages value=><input type=hidden name=subforum value=33><script>num1 = 8222208146;num2 = 20241203;num3 = num1-num2;document.write('<input type=hidden name=guestkey value=' + num3 + '>');</script><tr><td align=right style="background-color:#FFFFFF;">Name* </td><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"><input type=text value="" name=name maxlength=50></td></tr><tr><td align=right style="background-color:#FFFFFF;">E-Mail </td><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"><input type=text value="" name=email maxlength=50></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"></td><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;">Add Smilies: <script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function adds(text) { add(" "+text); } function add(text) { if (document.textform.text.createTextRange && document.textform.text.caretPos) { var caretPos = document.textform.text.caretPos; caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? text + ' ' : text; } else { document.textform.text.value += text; } document.textform.text.focus(caretPos) } if((navigator.appName == "Netscape" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) >= 4) || (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) >= 4) || (navigator.appName == "Opera" && navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) >= 4)) { document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":)")><IMG SRC="/images/smiley.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Smiley"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(";)")><IMG SRC="/images/wink.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Wink"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":D")><IMG SRC="/images/cheesy.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Cheesy"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(";D")><IMG SRC="/images/grin.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Grin"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(">:(")><IMG SRC="/images/angry.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Angry"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":(")><IMG SRC="/images/sad.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Sad"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":o")><IMG SRC="/images/shocked.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Shocked"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds("8-)")><IMG SRC="/images/cool.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Cool"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds("???")><IMG SRC="/images/huh.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Huh"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds("::)")><IMG SRC="/images/rolleyes.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Roll Eyes"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":P")><IMG SRC="/images/tongue.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Tongue"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":-[")><IMG SRC="/images/embarassed.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="embarassed"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":-X")><IMG SRC="/images/lipsrsealed.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="lips sealed"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":-/")><IMG SRC="/images/undecided.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="undecided"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":-*")><IMG SRC="/images/kiss.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="kiss"></a> '); document.write('<a href=javascript:adds(":\'(")><IMG SRC="/images/cry.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="cry"></a> '); } else { document.write("<font size='1'>Your browser is not compatible with our extra feature buttons.</font>"); } //--> </script> <noscript> <font size="1">Your browser is not compatible with our extra feature buttons.</font> </noscript> </td></tr><tr><td align=right style="background-color:#FFFFFF;">Text* </td><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"><textarea name=text rows=10 cols=60 class="formtextarea"></textarea></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"></td><td style="background-color:#FFFFFF;"><input type=submit value="Submit"><input type=submit value="Cancel" onclick="location.href='forum.asp?todo=subforum&id=33&pages=';return false;"></td></tr></form></table></form><br></td></tr></table> <br> </td></tr></table></td></tr></table><img src="/images/trans.gif" width=1 height=1"><br><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 height=18 width=999><tr><td align=center bgcolor="#000000" style="color:#FFFFFF;vertical-align:middle;">Copyright © 2024 Hung Medien. 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