VA TMS 2.0
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(d.isDefined(c) ? new RegExp(c) : d.getNumRegx).exec(b) : null; return a ? a[0] : null }, compareNums: function (h, f, d) { var e = this, c, b, a, g = parseInt; if (e.isStrNum(h) && e.isStrNum(f)) { if (e.isDefined(d) && d.compareNums) { return d.compareNums(h, f) } c = h.split(e.splitNumRegx); b = f.split(e.splitNumRegx); for (a = 0; a < Math.min(c.length, b.length) ; a++) { if (g(c[a], 10) > g(b[a], 10)) { return 1 } if (g(c[a], 10) < g(b[a], 10)) { return -1 } } } return 0 }, formatNum: function (b, c) { var d = this, a, e; if (!d.isStrNum(b)) { return null } if (!d.isNum(c)) { c = 4 } c--; e = b.replace(/\s/g, "").split(d.splitNumRegx).concat(["0", "0", "0", "0"]); for (a = 0; a < 4; a++) { if (/^(0+)(.+)$/.test(e[a])) { e[a] = RegExp.$2 } if (a > c || !(/\d/).test(e[a])) { e[a] = "0" } } return e.slice(0, 4).join(",") }, getPROP: function (d, b, a) { var c; try { if (d) { a = d[b] } } catch (c) { } return a }, findNavPlugin: function (l, e, c) { var j = this, h = new RegExp(l, "i"), d = (!j.isDefined(e) || e) ? /\d/ : 0, k = c ? new RegExp(c, "i") : 0, a = navigator.plugins, g = "", f, b, m; for (f = 0; f < a.length; f++) { m = a[f].description || g; b = a[f].name || g; if ((h.test(m) && (!d || d.test(RegExp.leftContext + RegExp.rightContext))) || (h.test(b) && (!d || d.test(RegExp.leftContext + RegExp.rightContext)))) { if (!k || !(k.test(m) || k.test(b))) { return a[f] } } } return null }, getMimeEnabledPlugin: function (k, m, c) { var e = this, f, b = new RegExp(m, "i"), h = "", g = c ? new RegExp(c, "i") : 0, a, l, d, j = e.isString(k) ? [k] : k; for (d = 0; d < j.length; d++) { if ((f = e.hasMimeType(j[d])) && (f = f.enabledPlugin)) { l = f.description || h; a = || h; if (b.test(l) || b.test(a)) { if (!g || !(g.test(l) || g.test(a))) { return f } } } } return 0 }, getVersionDelimiter: ",", findPlugin: function (d) { var c = this, b, d, a = { status: -3, plugin: 0 }; if (c.DOM) { c.DOM.initDiv() } if (!c.isString(d)) { return a } if (d.length == 1) { c.getVersionDelimiter = d; return a } d = d.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ""); b = c.Plugins[d]; if (!b || !b.getVersion) { return a } a.plugin = b; a.status = 1; return a }, AXO: window.ActiveXObject, getAXO: function (a) { var d = null, c, b = this; try { d = new b.AXO(a) } catch (c) { }; return d }, browser: {}, INIT: function () { this.init.library(this) }, init: { $: 1, hasRun: 0, objProperties: function (d, e, b) { var a, c = {}; if (e && b) { if (e[b[0]] === 1 && !d.isArray(e) && !d.isFunc(e) && !d.isString(e) && !d.isNum(e)) { for (a = 0; a < b.length; a = a + 2) { e[b[a]] = b[a + 1]; c[b[a]] = 1 } } for (a in e) { if (!c[a] && e[a] && e[a][b[0]] === 1) { this.objProperties(d, e[a], b) } } } }, publicMethods: function (c, f) { var g = this, b = g.$, a, d; if (c && f) { for (a in c) { try { if (b.isFunc(c[a])) { f[a] = c[a](f) } } catch (d) { } } } }, plugin: function (a, c) { var d = this, b = d.$; if (a) { d.objProperties(b, a, ["$", b, "$$", a]); if (!b.isDefined(a.getVersionDone)) { a.installed = null; a.version = null; a.version0 = null; a.getVersionDone = null; a.pluginName = c } } }, detectIE: function () { var init = this, $ = init.$, browser = $.browser, doc = document, e, x, tmp, userAgent = navigator.userAgent || "", progid, progid1, progid2; tmp = doc.documentMode; try { doc.documentMode = "" } catch (e) { } browser.isIE = $.isNum(doc.documentMode) ? !0 : eval("/*@cc_on!@*/!1"); try { doc.documentMode = tmp } catch (e) { }; browser.verIE = null; if (browser.isIE) { browser.verIE = doc.documentMode || ((/^(?:.*?[^a-zA-Z])??(?:MSIE|rv\s*\:)\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/i).test(userAgent) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1, 10) : 7) }; browser.ActiveXEnabled = !1; browser.ActiveXFilteringEnabled = !1; if (browser.isIE) { try { browser.ActiveXFilteringEnabled = window.external.msActiveXFilteringEnabled() } catch (e) { } progid1 = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Msxml2.DOMDocument", "Microsoft.XMLDOM", "TDCCtl.TDCCtl", "Shell.UIHelper", "HtmlDlgSafeHelper.HtmlDlgSafeHelper", "Scripting.Dictionary"]; progid2 = ["WMPlayer.OCX", "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash", "AgControl.AgControl", ]; progid = progid1.concat(progid2); for (x = 0; x < progid.length; x++) { if ($.getAXO(progid[x])) { browser.ActiveXEnabled = !0; if (!$.dbug) { break } } } if (browser.ActiveXEnabled && browser.ActiveXFilteringEnabled) { for (x = 0; x < progid2.length; x++) { if ($.getAXO(progid2[x])) { browser.ActiveXFilteringEnabled = !1; break } } } } }, detectNonIE: function () { var f = this, d = this.$, a = d.browser, e = navigator, c = a.isIE ? "" : e.userAgent || "", g = e.vendor || "", b = e.product || ""; a.isGecko = (/Gecko/i).test(b) && (/Gecko\s*\/\s*\d/i).test(c); a.verGecko = a.isGecko ? d.formatNum((/rv\s*\:\s*([\.\,\d]+)/i).test(c) ? RegExp.$1 : "0.9") : null; a.isChrome = (/(Chrome|CriOS)\s*\/\s*(\d[\d\.]*)/i).test(c); a.verChrome = a.isChrome ? d.formatNum(RegExp.$2) : null; a.isSafari = !a.isChrome && ((/Apple/i).test(g) || !g) && (/Safari\s*\/\s*(\d[\d\.]*)/i).test(c); a.verSafari = a.isSafari && (/Version\s*\/\s*(\d[\d\.]*)/i).test(c) ? d.formatNum(RegExp.$1) : null; a.isOpera = (/Opera\s*[\/]?\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/i).test(c); a.verOpera = a.isOpera && ((/Version\s*\/\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/i).test(c) || 1) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1, 10) : null }, detectPlatform: function () { var e = this, d = e.$, b, a = navigator.platform || ""; d.OS = 100; if (a) { var c = ["Win", 1, "Mac", 2, "Linux", 3, "FreeBSD", 4, "iPhone", 21.1, "iPod", 21.2, "iPad", 21.3, "Win.*CE", 22.1, "Win.*Mobile", 22.2, "Pocket\\s*PC", 22.3, "", 100]; for (b = c.length - 2; b >= 0; b = b - 2) { if (c[b] && new RegExp(c[b], "i").test(a)) { d.OS = c[b + 1]; break } } } }, library: function (c) { var e = this, d = document, b, a; c.init.objProperties(c, c, ["$", c]); for (a in c.Plugins) { c.init.plugin(c.Plugins[a], a) } e.publicMethods(c.PUBLIC, c);; c.head = d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || d.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || d.body || null; e.detectPlatform(); e.detectIE(); e.detectNonIE(); c.init.hasRun = 1 } }, ev: { $: 1, handler: function (d, c, b, a) { return function () { d(c, b, a) } }, fPush: function (b, a) { var c = this, d = c.$; if (d.isArray(a) && (d.isFunc(b) || (d.isArray(b) && b.length > 0 && d.isFunc(b[0])))) { a.push(b) } }, callArray: function (a) { var b = this, d = b.$, c; if (d.isArray(a)) { while (a.length) { c = a[0]; a.splice(0, 1); } } }, call: function (d) { var b = this, c = b.$, a = c.isArray(d) ? d.length : -1; if (a > 0 && c.isFunc(d[0])) { d[0](c, a > 1 ? d[1] : 0, a > 2 ? d[2] : 0, a > 3 ? d[3] : 0) } else { if (c.isFunc(d)) { d(c) } } } }, PUBLIC: { isMinVersion: function (b) { var a = function (j, h, e, d) { var f = b.findPlugin(j), g, c = -1; if (f.status < 0) { return f.status } g = f.plugin; h = b.formatNum(b.isNum(h) ? h.toString() : (b.isStrNum(h) ? b.getNum(h) : "0")); if (g.getVersionDone != 1) { g.getVersion(h, e, d); if (g.getVersionDone === null) { g.getVersionDone = 1 } } if (g.installed !== null) { c = g.installed <= 0.5 ? g.installed : (g.installed == 0.7 ? 1 : (g.version === null ? 0 : (b.compareNums(g.version, h, g) >= 0 ? 1 : -0.1))) }; return c }; return a }, getVersion: function (b) { var a = function (h, e, d) { var f = b.findPlugin(h), g, c; if (f.status < 0) { return null }; g = f.plugin; if (g.getVersionDone != 1) { g.getVersion(null, e, d); if (g.getVersionDone === null) { g.getVersionDone = 1 } } c = (g.version || g.version0); c = c ? c.replace(b.splitNumRegx, b.getVersionDelimiter) : c; return c }; return a }, getInfo: function (b) { var a = function (h, e, d) { var c = {}, f = b.findPlugin(h), g; if (f.status < 0) { return c }; g = f.plugin; if (g.getInfo) { if (g.getVersionDone === null) { b.getVersion ? b.getVersion(h, e, d) : b.isMinVersion(h, "0", e, d) } c = g.getInfo() }; return c }; return a }, onDetectionDone: function (b) { var a = function (j, h, d, c) { var e = b.findPlugin(j), k, g; if (e.status == -3) { return -1 } g = e.plugin; if (!b.isArray(g.funcs)) { g.funcs = [] }; if (g.getVersionDone != 1) { k = b.getVersion ? b.getVersion(j, d, c) : b.isMinVersion(j, "0", d, c) } if (g.installed != -0.5 && g.installed != 0.5) {; return 1 } b.ev.fPush(h, g.funcs); return 0 }; return a }, hasMimeType: function (b) { var a = function (d) { if (!b.browser.isIE && d && navigator && navigator.mimeTypes) { var g, f, c, e = b.isArray(d) ? d : (b.isString(d) ? [d] : []); for (c = 0; c < e.length; c++) { if (b.isString(e[c]) && /[^\s]/.test(e[c])) { g = navigator.mimeTypes[e[c]]; f = g ? g.enabledPlugin : 0; if (f && ( || f.description)) { return g } } } } return null }; return a }, z: 0 }, codebase: { $: 1, isDisabled: function () { var b = this, c = b.$, a = c.browser; return a.ActiveXEnabled && a.isIE && a.verIE >= 7 ? 0 : 1 }, checkGarbage: function (d) { var b = this, c = b.$, a; if (c.browser.isIE && d && c.getPROP(d.firstChild, "object")) { a = c.getPROP(d.firstChild, "readyState"); if (c.isNum(a) && a != 4) { b.garbage = 1; return 1 } } return 0 }, emptyGarbage: function () { var a = this, b = a.$, c; if (b.browser.isIE && a.garbage) { try { window.CollectGarbage() } catch (c) { } a.garbage = 0 } }, init: function (e) { if (!e.init) { var c = this, d = c.$, a, b; e.init = 1; e.min = 0; e.max = 0; e.hasRun = 0; e.version = null; e.L = 0; e.altHTML = ""; e.span = document.createElement("span"); e.tagA = '<object width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" codebase="#version='; b = e.classID || e.$$.classID || ""; e.tagB = '" ' + ((/clsid\s*:/i).test(b) ? 'classid="' : 'type="') + b + '">' + e.altHTML + d.openTag + "/object>"; for (a = 0; a < e.Lower.length; a++) { e.Lower[a] = d.formatNum(e.Lower[a]); e.Upper[a] = d.formatNum(e.Upper[a]) } } }, isActiveXObject: function (i, b) { var f = this, g = f.$, a = 0, h, d = i.$$, c = i.span; if (i.min && g.compareNums(b, i.min) <= 0) { return 1 } if (i.max && g.compareNums(b, i.max) >= 0) { return 0 } c.innerHTML = i.tagA + b + i.tagB; if (g.getPROP(c.firstChild, "object")) { a = 1 }; f.checkGarbage(c); c.innerHTML = ""; if (a) { i.min = b } else { i.max = b } return a }, convert_: function (f, a, b, e) { var d = f.convert[a], c = f.$; return d ? (c.isFunc(d) ? c.formatNum(d(b.split(c.splitNumRegx), e).join(",")) : b) : d }, convert: function (h, c, g) { var e = this, f = h.$, b, a, d; c = f.formatNum(c); a = { v: c, x: -1 }; if (c) { for (b = 0; b < h.Lower.length; b++) { d = e.convert_(h, b, h.Lower[b]); if (d && f.compareNums(c, g ? d : h.Lower[b]) >= 0 && (!b || f.compareNums(c, g ? e.convert_(h, b, h.Upper[b]) : h.Upper[b]) < 0)) { a.v = e.convert_(h, b, c, g); a.x = b; break } } } return a }, isMin: function (g, f) { var d = this, e = g.$, c, b, a = 0; d.init(g); if (!e.isStrNum(f) || d.isDisabled()) { return a }; if (!g.L) { g.L = {}; for (c = 0; c < g.Lower.length; c++) { if (d.isActiveXObject(g, g.Lower[c])) { g.L = d.convert(g, g.Lower[c]); break } } } if (g.L.v) { b = d.convert(g, f, 1); if (b.x >= 0) { a = (g.L.x == b.x ? d.isActiveXObject(g, b.v) : e.compareNums(f, g.L.v) <= 0) ? 1 : -1 } }; return a }, search: function (g) { var k = this, h = k.$, i = g.$$, b = 0, c; k.init(g); c = (g.hasRun || k.isDisabled()) ? 1 : 0; g.hasRun = 1; if (c) { return g.version }; var o, n, m, j = function (q, t) { var r = [].concat(f), s; r[q] = t; s = k.isActiveXObject(g, r.join(",")); if (s) { b = 1; f[q] = t } else { p[q] = t } return s }, d = g.DIGITMAX, e, a, l = 99999999, f = [0, 0, 0, 0], p = [0, 0, 0, 0]; for (o = 0; o < p.length; o++) { f[o] = Math.floor(g.DIGITMIN[o]) || 0; e = f.join(","); a = f.slice(0, o).concat([l, l, l, l]).slice(0, f.length).join(","); for (m = 0; m < d.length; m++) { if (h.isArray(d[m])) { d[m].push(0); if (d[m][o] > p[o] && h.compareNums(a, g.Lower[m]) >= 0 && h.compareNums(e, g.Upper[m]) < 0) { p[o] = Math.floor(d[m][o]) } } } for (n = 0; n < 30; n++) { if (p[o] - f[o] <= 16) { for (m = p[o]; m >= f[o] + (o ? 1 : 0) ; m--) { if (j(o, m)) { break } } break } j(o, Math.round((p[o] + f[o]) / 2)) } if (!b) { break } p[o] = f[o] } if (b) { g.version = k.convert(g, f.join(",")).v }; return g.version } }, win: { $: 1, loaded: false, hasRun: 0, init: function () { var b = this, a = b.$; if (!b.hasRun) { b.hasRun = 1; b.addEvent("load", a.ev.handler(b.runFuncs, a)); b.addEvent("unload", a.ev.handler(b.cleanup, a)) } }, addEvent: function (c, b) { var e = this, d = e.$, a = window; if (d.isFunc(b)) { if (a.addEventListener) { a.addEventListener(c, b, false) } else { if (a.attachEvent) { a.attachEvent("on" + c, b) } else { a["on" + c] = e.concatFn(b, a["on" + c]) } } } }, concatFn: function (d, c) { return function () { d(); if (typeof c == "function") { c() } } }, funcs0: [], funcs: [], cleanup: function (b) { if (b) { for (var a in b) { b[a] = 0 } b = 0 } }, runFuncs: function (a) { if (a && ! { = true; a.ev.callArray(; a.ev.callArray(; if (a.DOM) { a.DOM.onDoneEmptyDiv() } } }, z: 0 }, DOM: { $: 1, isEnabled: { $: 1, objectTag: function () { var a = this.$; return a.browser.isIE ? a.browser.ActiveXEnabled : 1 }, objectProperty: function () { var a = this.$; return a.browser.isIE && a.browser.verIE >= 7 ? 1 : 0 } }, div: null, divID: "plugindetect", divClass: "doNotRemove", divWidth: 50, getDiv: function () { var a = this; return a.div || document.getElementById(a.divID) || null }, isDivPermanent: function () { var b = this, c = b.$, a = b.getDiv(); return a && c.isString(a.className) && a.className.toLowerCase().indexOf(b.divClass.toLowerCase()) > -1 ? 1 : 0 }, initDiv: function (b) { var c = this, d = c.$, a; if (!c.div) { a = c.getDiv(); if (a) { c.div = a } else { if (b) { c.div = document.createElement("div"); = c.divID } } if (c.div) { c.setStyle(c.div, c.defaultStyle.concat(["display", "block", "width", c.divWidth + "px", "height", (c.pluginSize + 3) + "px", "fontSize", (c.pluginSize + 3) + "px", "lineHeight", (c.pluginSize + 3) + "px"])); if (!a) { c.setStyle(c.div, ["position", "absolute", "right", "0px", "top", "0px"]); c.insertDivInBody(c.div) } } } }, pluginSize: 1, altHTML: " ", emptyNode: function (c) { var b = this, d = b.$, a, f; if (c && c.childNodes) { for (a = c.childNodes.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) { if (d.browser.isIE) { b.setStyle(c.childNodes[a], ["display", "none"]) } c.removeChild(c.childNodes[a]) } } }, LASTfuncs: [], onDoneEmptyDiv: function () { var f = this, g = f.$, b, d, c, a, h; f.initDiv(); if (! || || { return } for (b in g.Plugins) { d = g.Plugins[b]; if (d) { if (d.OTF == 3 || (d.funcs && d.funcs.length)) { return } } } g.ev.callArray(f.LASTfuncs); a = f.getDiv(); if (a) { if (f.isDivPermanent()) { } else { if (a.childNodes) { for (b = a.childNodes.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) { c = a.childNodes[b]; f.emptyNode(c) } try { a.innerHTML = "" } catch (h) { } } if (a.parentNode) { try { a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } catch (h) { } a = null; f.div = null } } } }, width: function () { var g = this, e = g.DOM, f = e.$, d = g.span, b, c, a = -1; b = d && f.isNum(d.scrollWidth) ? d.scrollWidth : a; c = d && f.isNum(d.offsetWidth) ? d.offsetWidth : a; return c > 0 ? c : (b > 0 ? b : Math.max(c, b)) }, obj: function (b) { var d = this, c = d.span, a = c && c.firstChild ? c.firstChild : null; return a }, readyState: function () { var b = this, a = b.DOM.$; return a.browser.isIE ? a.getPROP(b.obj(), "readyState") : b.undefined }, objectProperty: function () { var d = this, b = d.DOM, c = b.$, a; if (b.isEnabled.objectProperty()) { a = c.getPROP(d.obj(), "object") } return a }, getTagStatus: function (b, m, r, p, f, h) { var s = this, d = s.$, q; if (!b || !b.span) { return -2 } var k = b.width(), c = b.readyState(), a = b.objectProperty(); if (a) { return 1.5 } var g = /clsid\s*\:/i, o = r && g.test(r.outerHTML || "") ? r : (p && g.test(p.outerHTML || "") ? p : 0), i = r && !g.test(r.outerHTML || "") ? r : (p && !g.test(p.outerHTML || "") ? p : 0), l = b && g.test(b.outerHTML || "") ? o : i; if (!m || !m.span || !l || !l.span) { return 0 } var j = l.width(), n = m.width(), t = l.readyState(); if (k < 0 || j < 0 || n <= s.pluginSize) { return 0 } if (h && !b.pi && d.isDefined(a) && d.browser.isIE && b.tagName == l.tagName && b.time <= l.time && k === j && c === 0 && t !== 0) { b.pi = 1 } if (j < n) { return b.pi ? -0.1 : 0 } if (k >= n) { if (!b.winLoaded && { return b.pi ? -0.5 : -1 } if (d.isNum(f)) { if (!d.isNum(b.count2)) { b.count2 = f } if (f - b.count2 > 0) { return b.pi ? -0.5 : -1 } } } try { if (k == s.pluginSize && (!d.browser.isIE || c === 4)) { if (!b.winLoaded && { return 1 } if (b.winLoaded && d.isNum(f)) { if (!d.isNum(b.count)) { b.count = f } if (f - b.count >= 5) { return 1 } } } } catch (q) { } return b.pi ? -0.1 : 0 }, setStyle: function (b, h) { var c = this, d = c.$, g =, a, f; if (g && h) { for (a = 0; a < h.length; a = a + 2) { try { g[h[a]] = h[a + 1] } catch (f) { } } } }, insertDivInBody: function (a, h) { var j = this, d = j.$, g, b = "pd33993399", c = null, i = h ? : window.document, f = i.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || i.body; if (!f) { try { i.write('<div id="' + b + '">.' + d.openTag + "/div>"); c = i.getElementById(b) } catch (g) { } } f = i.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || i.body; if (f) { f.insertBefore(a, f.firstChild); if (c) { f.removeChild(c) } } }, defaultStyle: ["verticalAlign", "baseline", "outlineStyle", "none", "borderStyle", "none", "padding", "0px", "margin", "0px", "visibility", "visible"], insert: function (b, i, g, h, c, q, o) { var s = this, f = s.$, r, t = document, v, m, p = t.createElement("span"), k, a, l = "outline-style:none;border-style:none;padding:0px;margin:0px;visibility:" + (q ? "hidden;" : "visible;") + "display:inline;"; if (!f.isDefined(h)) { h = "" } if (f.isString(b) && (/[^\s]/).test(b)) { b = b.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ""); v = f.openTag + b + " "; v += 'style="' + l + '" '; var j = 1, u = 1; for (k = 0; k < i.length; k = k + 2) { if (/[^\s]/.test(i[k + 1])) { v += i[k] + '="' + i[k + 1] + '" ' } if ((/width/i).test(i[k])) { j = 0 } if ((/height/i).test(i[k])) { u = 0 } } v += (j ? 'width="' + s.pluginSize + '" ' : "") + (u ? 'height="' + s.pluginSize + '" ' : ""); v += ">"; for (k = 0; k < g.length; k = k + 2) { if (/[^\s]/.test(g[k + 1])) { v += f.openTag + 'param name="' + g[k] + '" value="' + g[k + 1] + '" />' } } v += h + f.openTag + "/" + b + ">" } else { b = ""; v = h } if (!o) { s.initDiv(1) } var n = o || s.getDiv(); m = { span: null, winLoaded:, tagName: b, outerHTML: v, DOM: s, time: new Date().getTime(), width: s.width, obj: s.obj, readyState: s.readyState, objectProperty: s.objectProperty }; if (n && n.parentNode) { s.setStyle(p, s.defaultStyle.concat(["display", "inline"]).concat(o ? [] : ["fontSize", (s.pluginSize + 3) + "px", "lineHeight", (s.pluginSize + 3) + "px"])); n.appendChild(p); try { p.innerHTML = v } catch (r) { }; m.span = p; m.winLoaded = } return m } }, file: { $: 1, any: "fileStorageAny999", valid: "fileStorageValid999", save: function (d, f, c) { var b = this, e = b.$, a; if (d && e.isDefined(c)) { if (!d[b.any]) { d[b.any] = [] } if (!d[b.valid]) { d[b.valid] = [] } d[b.any].push(c); a = b.split(f, c); if (a) { d[b.valid].push(a) } } }, getValidLength: function (a) { return a && a[this.valid] ? a[this.valid].length : 0 }, getAnyLength: function (a) { return a && a[this.any] ? a[this.any].length : 0 }, getValid: function (c, a) { var b = this; return c && c[b.valid] ? b.get(c[b.valid], a) : null }, getAny: function (c, a) { var b = this; return c && c[b.any] ? b.get(c[b.any], a) : null }, get: function (d, a) { var c = d.length - 1, b = this.$.isNum(a) ? a : c; return (b < 0 || b > c) ? null : d[b] }, split: function (g, c) { var b = this, e = b.$, f = null, a, d; g = g ? g.replace(".", "\\.") : ""; d = new RegExp("^(.*[^\\/])(" + g + "\\s*)$"); if (e.isString(c) && d.test(c)) { a = (RegExp.$1).split("/"); f = { name: a[a.length - 1], ext: RegExp.$2, full: c }; a[a.length - 1] = ""; f.path = a.join("/") } return f }, z: 0 }, Plugins: { java: { $: 1, mimeType: ["application/x-java-applet", "application/x-java-vm", "application/x-java-bean"], mimeType_dummy: "application/dummymimejavaapplet", classID: "clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93", classID_dummy: "clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-BA9876543210", navigator: { $: 1, a: (function () { var b, a = !0; try { a = window.navigator.javaEnabled() } catch (b) { } return a })(), javaEnabled: function () { return this.a }, mimeObj: 0, pluginObj: 0 }, OTF: null, info: { $: 1, Plugin2Status: 0, setPlugin2Status: function (a) { if (this.$.isNum(a)) { this.Plugin2Status = a } }, getPlugin2Status: function () { var c = this, d = c.$, b = c.$$, i = b.navigator, f, g, k, h, j, a; if (c.Plugin2Status === 0) { if (d.browser.isIE && d.OS == 1 && (/Sun|Oracle/i).test(c.getVendor())) { f = c.isMinJre4Plugin2(); if (f > 0) { c.setPlugin2Status(1) } else { if (f < 0) { c.setPlugin2Status(-1) } } } else { if (!d.browser.isIE && i.pluginObj) { k = /Next.*Generation.*Java.*Plug-?in|Java.*Plug-?in\s*2\s/i; h = /Classic.*Java.*Plug-in/i; j = i.pluginObj.description || ""; a = || ""; if (k.test(j) || k.test(a)) { c.setPlugin2Status(1) } else { if (h.test(j) || h.test(a)) { c.setPlugin2Status(-1) } } } } } return c.Plugin2Status }, isMinJre4Plugin2: function (a) { var f = this, e = f.$, c = f.$$, d = "", g = c.applet.codebase, b = c.applet.getResult()[0]; if (e.OS == 1) { d = "1,6,0,10" } else { if (e.OS == 2) { d = "1,6,0,12" } else { if (e.OS == 3) { d = "1,6,0,10" } else { d = "1,6,0,10" } } } if (!a) { a = (b && !c.applet.isRange(b) ? b : 0) || c.version || (g.min && d ? (g.isMin(d) > 0 ? d : "0,0,0,0") : 0) } a = e.formatNum(e.getNum(a)); return a ? (e.compareNums(a, d) >= 0 ? 1 : -1) : 0 }, BrowserForbidsPlugin2: function () { var b = this.$, a = b.browser; if (b.OS >= 20) { return 0 } if ((a.isIE && a.verIE < 6) || (a.isGecko && b.compareNums(a.verGecko, "1,9,0,0") < 0) || (a.isOpera && a.verOpera && a.verOpera < 10.5)) { return 1 } return 0 }, BrowserRequiresPlugin2: function () { var b = this.$, a = b.browser; if (b.OS >= 20) { return 0 } if ((a.isGecko && b.compareNums(a.verGecko, "1,9,2,0") >= 0) || a.isChrome || (b.OS == 1 && a.verOpera && a.verOpera >= 10.6)) { return 1 } return 0 }, VENDORS: ["Sun Microsystems Inc.", "Apple Computer, Inc.", "Oracle Corporation"], OracleMin: "1,7,0,0", OracleOrSun: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.$; return c.VENDORS[b.compareNums(b.formatNum(a), c.OracleMin) < 0 ? 0 : 2] }, OracleOrApple: function (a) { var c = this, b = c.$; return c.VENDORS[b.compareNums(b.formatNum(a), c.OracleMin) < 0 ? 1 : 2] }, getVendor: function () { var d = this, c = d.$, b = d.$$, f = b.vendor || b.applet.getResult()[1] || "", e = b.applet.codebase, a; if (!f) { a = b.DTK.version || e.version || (e.min ? (e.isMin(d.OracleMin) > 0 ? d.OracleMin : "0,0,0,0") : 0); if (a) { f = d.OracleOrSun(a) } else { if (b.version) { if (c.OS == 2) { f = d.OracleOrApple(b.version) } else { if ((!c.browser.isIE && c.OS == 1) || c.OS == 3) { f = d.OracleOrSun(b.version) } } } } } return f }, isPlugin2InstalledEnabled: function () { var b = this, d = b.$, a = b.$$, i = -1, f = a.installed, g = b.getPlugin2Status(), h = b.BrowserRequiresPlugin2(), e = b.BrowserForbidsPlugin2(), c = b.isMinJre4Plugin2(); if (f !== null && f >= -0.1) { if (g >= 3) { i = 1 } else { if (g <= -3) { } else { if (g == 2) { i = 1 } else { if (g == -2) { } else { if (h && g >= 0 && c > 0) { i = 1 } else { if (e && g <= 0 && c < 0) { } else { if (h) { i = 1 } else { if (e) { } else { if (g > 0) { i = 1 } else { if (g < 0) { } else { if (c < 0) { } else { i = 0 } } } } } } } } } } } } return i }, result: { $: 1, getDeploymentToolkitObj: function () { var a = this, d = a.$, b = a.$$, e =, c = b.DTK; c.query(1); e.updateResult(); return c.status && c.HTML ? c.HTML.obj() : c.status } }, updateResult: function () { var c = this, e = c.$, b = c.$$, a = b.applet, i, k = b.installed, h = b.DTK, g = a.results, l = c.result; l.DeployTK_versions = [].concat(e.isArray(h.VERSIONS) ? h.VERSIONS : []); l.vendor = c.getVendor(); l.isPlugin2 = c.isPlugin2InstalledEnabled(); l.OTF = b.OTF < 3 ? 0 : (b.OTF == 3 ? 1 : 2); l.JavaAppletObj = null; for (i = 0; i < g.length; i++) { if (g[i][0] && a.HTML[i] && a.HTML[i].obj()) { l.JavaAppletObj = a.HTML[i].obj(); break } } var f = [null, null, null, null]; for (i = 0; i < g.length; i++) { if (g[i][0]) { f[i] = 1 } else { if (g[i][0] !== null) { if (b.NOTF) { b.NOTF.isAppletActive(i) } if ([i] > 0) { f[i] = 0 } else { if (a.allowed[i] >= 1 && b.OTF != 3 && (a.isDisabled.single(i) || k == -0.2 || k == -1 ||[i] < 0 || (i == 3 && (!e.browser.isIE || (/Microsoft/i).test(l.vendor))))) { f[i] = -1 } } } else { if (i == 3 && g[0][0]) { f[i] = 0 } else { if (a.isDisabled.single(i)) { f[i] = -1 } } } } } l.objectTag = f[1]; l.appletTag = f[2]; l.objectTagActiveX = f[3]; = ""; l.description = ""; var j = 0; if (!e.browser.isIE) { if (b.navMime.query().pluginObj) { j = b.navMime.pluginObj } else { if (b.navigator.pluginObj) { j = b.navigator.pluginObj } } if (j) { = || ""; l.description = j.description || "" } } l.All_versions = [].concat((l.DeployTK_versions.length ? l.DeployTK_versions : (e.isString(b.version) ? [b.version] : []))); var d = l.All_versions; for (i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { d[i] = e.formatNum(e.getNum(d[i])) } return l } }, getInfo: function () { var a =; a.updateResult(); return a.result }, getVerifyTagsDefault: function () { return [1, this.applet.isDisabled.VerifyTagsDefault_1() ? 0 : 1, 1] }, getVersion: function (j, g, i) { var b = this, d = b.$, e, a = b.applet, h = b.verify, k = b.navigator, f = null, l = null, c = null; if (b.getVersionDone === null) { b.OTF = 0; k.mimeObj = d.hasMimeType(b.mimeType); if (k.mimeObj) { k.pluginObj = k.mimeObj.enabledPlugin } if (h) { h.begin() } } a.setVerifyTagsArray(i);, ".jar", g); if (b.getVersionDone === 0) { if (a.should_Insert_Query_Any()) { e = a.insert_Query_Any(j); b.setPluginStatus(e[0], e[1], f, j) } return } if ((!f || d.dbug) && b.navMime.query().version) { f = b.navMime.version } if ((!f || d.dbug) && b.DTK.query(d.dbug).version) { f = b.DTK.version } if ((!f || d.dbug) && b.navPlugin.query().version) { f = b.navPlugin.version } if (b.nonAppletDetectionOk(f)) { c = f } b.setPluginStatus(c, l, f, j); if (a.should_Insert_Query_Any()) { e = a.insert_Query_Any(j); if (e[0]) { c = e[0]; l = e[1] } } b.setPluginStatus(c, l, f, j) }, nonAppletDetectionOk: function (b) { var d = this, e = d.$, a = d.navigator, c = 1; if (!b || !a.javaEnabled() || (!e.browser.isIE && !a.mimeObj) || (e.browser.isIE && !e.browser.ActiveXEnabled)) { c = 0 } else { if (e.OS >= 20) { } else { if ( && < 0 && { c = 0 } } } return c }, setPluginStatus: function (d, i, g, h) { var b = this, e = b.$, f, c = 0, a = b.applet; g = g || b.version0; f = a.isRange(d); if (f) { if (a.setRange(f, h) == d) { c = f } d = 0 } if (b.OTF < 3) { b.installed = c ? (c > 0 ? 0.7 : -0.1) : (d ? 1 : (g ? -0.2 : -1)) } if (b.OTF == 2 && b.NOTF && !b.applet.getResult()[0]) { b.installed = g ? -0.2 : -1 } if (b.OTF == 3 && b.installed != -0.5 && b.installed != 0.5) { b.installed = (b.NOTF.isJavaActive(1) == 1 ? 0.5 : -0.5) } if (b.OTF == 4 && (b.installed == -0.5 || b.installed == 0.5)) { if (d) { b.installed = 1 } else { if (c) { b.installed = c > 0 ? 0.7 : -0.1 } else { if (b.NOTF.isJavaActive(1) == 1) { if (g) { b.installed = 1; d = g } else { b.installed = 0 } } else { if (g) { b.installed = -0.2 } else { b.installed = -1 } } } } } if (g) { b.version0 = e.formatNum(e.getNum(g)) } if (d && !c) { b.version = e.formatNum(e.getNum(d)) } if (i && e.isString(i)) { b.vendor = i } if (!b.vendor) { b.vendor = "" } if (b.verify && b.verify.isEnabled()) { b.getVersionDone = 0 } else { if (b.getVersionDone != 1) { if (b.OTF < 2) { b.getVersionDone = 0 } else { b.getVersionDone = b.applet.can_Insert_Query_Any() ? 0 : 1 } } }; e.codebase.emptyGarbage() }, DTK: { $: 1, hasRun: 0, status: null, VERSIONS: [], version: "", HTML: null, Plugin2Status: null, classID: ["clsid:CAFEEFAC-DEC7-0000-0001-ABCDEFFEDCBA", "clsid:CAFEEFAC-DEC7-0000-0000-ABCDEFFEDCBA"], mimeType: ["application/java-deployment-toolkit", "application/npruntime-scriptable-plugin;DeploymentToolkit"], isDisabled: function (a) { var c = this, d = c.$, b = d.browser; if (!a && (!d.DOM.isEnabled.objectTag() || (b.isIE && b.verIE < 6) || (b.isGecko && d.compareNums(b.verGecko, d.formatNum("1.6")) <= 0) || (b.isSafari && d.OS == 1 && (!b.verSafari || d.compareNums(b.verSafari, "5,1,0,0") < 0)) || b.isChrome)) { return 1 } return 0 }, query: function (n) { var l = this, h = l.$, f = l.$$, k, m, i, a = h.DOM.altHTML, g = {}, b, d = null, j = null, c = (l.hasRun || l.isDisabled(n)); l.hasRun = 1; if (c) { return l } l.status = 0; if (h.browser.isIE) { for (m = 0; m < l.classID.length; m++) { l.HTML = h.DOM.insert("object", ["classid", l.classID[m]], [], a); d = l.HTML.obj(); if (h.getPROP(d, "jvms")) { break } } } else { i = h.hasMimeType(l.mimeType); if (i && i.type) { l.HTML = h.DOM.insert("object", ["type", i.type], [], a); d = l.HTML.obj() } } if (d) { try { if (Math.abs( < 2) { l.Plugin2Status = d.isPlugin2() } } catch (k) { } if (l.Plugin2Status !== null) { if (l.Plugin2Status) { } else { if (h.browser.isIE || <= 0) { } } } try { b = h.getPROP(d, "jvms"); if (b) { j = b.getLength(); if (h.isNum(j)) { l.status = j > 0 ? 1 : -1; for (m = 0; m < j; m++) { i = h.getNum(b.get(j - 1 - m).version); if (i) { l.VERSIONS.push(i); g["a" + h.formatNum(i)] = 1 } } } } } catch (k) { } } i = 0; for (m in g) { i++ } if (i && i !== l.VERSIONS.length) { l.VERSIONS = [] } if (l.VERSIONS.length) { l.version = h.formatNum(l.VERSIONS[0]) }; return l } }, navMime: { $: 1, hasRun: 0, mimetype: "", version: "", length: 0, mimeObj: 0, pluginObj: 0, isDisabled: function () { var b = this, d = b.$, c = b.$$, a = c.navigator; if (d.browser.isIE || !a.mimeObj || !a.pluginObj) { return 1 } return 0 }, query: function () { var i = this, f = i.$, a = i.$$, b = (i.hasRun || i.isDisabled()); i.hasRun = 1; if (b) { return i }; var n = /^\s*application\/x-java-applet;jpi-version\s*=\s*(\d.*)$/i, g, l, j, d = "", h = "a", o, m, k = {}, c = f.formatNum("0"); for (l = 0; l < navigator.mimeTypes.length; l++) { o = navigator.mimeTypes[l]; m = o ? o.enabledPlugin : 0; g = o && n.test(o.type || d) ? f.formatNum(f.getNum(RegExp.$1)) : 0; if (g && m && (m.description || { if (!k[h + g]) { i.length++ } k[h + g] = o.type; if (f.compareNums(g, c) > 0) { c = g } } } g = k[h + c]; if (g) { o = f.hasMimeType(g); i.mimeObj = o; i.pluginObj = o ? o.enabledPlugin : 0; i.mimetype = g; i.version = c }; return i } }, navPlugin: { $: 1, hasRun: 0, version: "", isDisabled: function () { var d = this, c = d.$, b = d.$$, a = b.navigator; if (c.browser.isIE || !a.mimeObj || !a.pluginObj) { return 1 } return 0 }, query: function () { var m = this, e = m.$, c = m.$$, h = c.navigator, j, l, k, g, d, a, i, f = 0, b = (m.hasRun || m.isDisabled()); m.hasRun = 1; if (b) { return m }; a = || ""; i = h.pluginObj.description || ""; if (!f || e.dbug) { g = /Java.*TM.*Platform[^\d]*(\d+)(?:[\.,_](\d*))?(?:\s*[Update]+\s*(\d*))?/i; if ((g.test(a) || g.test(i)) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 5) { f = "1," + RegExp.$1 + "," + (RegExp.$2 ? RegExp.$2 : "0") + "," + (RegExp.$3 ? RegExp.$3 : "0") } } if (!f || e.dbug) { g = /Java[^\d]*Plug-in/i; l = g.test(i) ? e.formatNum(e.getNum(i)) : 0; k = g.test(a) ? e.formatNum(e.getNum(a)) : 0; if (l && (e.compareNums(l, e.formatNum("1,3")) < 0 || e.compareNums(l, e.formatNum("2")) >= 0)) { l = 0 } if (k && (e.compareNums(k, e.formatNum("1,3")) < 0 || e.compareNums(k, e.formatNum("2")) >= 0)) { k = 0 } d = l && k ? (e.compareNums(l, k) > 0 ? l : k) : (l || k); if (d) { f = d } } if (!f && e.browser.isSafari && e.OS == 2) { j = e.findNavPlugin("Java.*\\d.*Plug-in.*Cocoa", 0); if (j) { l = e.getNum(j.description); if (l) { f = l } } }; if (f) { m.version = e.formatNum(f) }; return m } }, applet: { $: 1, codebase: { $: 1, isMin: function (a) { return this.$.codebase.isMin(this, a) }, search: function () { return this.$ }, ParamTags: '<param name="code" value="A19999.class" /><param name="codebase_lookup" value="false" />', DIGITMAX: [[16, 64], [6, 0, 512], 0, [1, 5, 2, 256], 0, [1, 4, 1, 1], [1, 4, 0, 64], [1, 3, 2, 32]], DIGITMIN: [1, 0, 0, 0], Upper: ["999", "10", "5,0,20", "1,5,0,20", "1,4,1,20", "1,4,1,2", "1,4,1", "1,4"], Lower: ["10", "5,0,20", "1,5,0,20", "1,4,1,20", "1,4,1,2", "1,4,1", "1,4", "0"], convert: [function (b, a) { return a ? [parseInt(b[0], 10) > 1 ? "99" : parseInt(b[1], 10) + 3 + "", b[3], "0", "0"] : ["1", parseInt(b[0], 10) - 3 + "", "0", b[1]] }, function (b, a) { return a ? [b[1], b[2], b[3] + "0", "0"] : ["1", b[0], b[1], b[2].substring(0, b[2].length - 1 || 1)] }, 0, function (b, a) { return a ? [b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3] + "0"] : [b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3].substring(0, b[3].length - 1 || 1)] }, 0, 1, function (b, a) { return a ? [b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3] + "0"] : [b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3].substring(0, b[3].length - 1 || 1)] }, 1] }, results: [[null, null], [null, null], [null, null], [null, null]], getResult: function () { var b = this, d = b.results, a, c = []; for (a = d.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) { c = d[a]; if (c[0]) { break } } c = [].concat(c); return c }, DummySpanTagHTML: 0, HTML: [0, 0, 0, 0], active: [0, 0, 0, 0], DummyObjTagHTML: 0, DummyObjTagHTML2: 0, allowed: [1, 1, 1, 1], VerifyTagsHas: function (c) { var d = this, b; for (b = 0; b < d.allowed.length; b++) { if (d.allowed[b] === c) { return 1 } } return 0 }, saveAsVerifyTagsArray: function (c) { var b = this, d = b.$, a; if (d.isArray(c)) { for (a = 1; a < b.allowed.length; a++) { if (c.length > a - 1 && d.isNum(c[a - 1])) { if (c[a - 1] < 0) { c[a - 1] = 0 } if (c[a - 1] > 3) { c[a - 1] = 3 } b.allowed[a] = c[a - 1] } } b.allowed[0] = b.allowed[3] } }, setVerifyTagsArray: function (d) { var b = this, c = b.$, a = b.$$; if (a.getVersionDone === null) { b.saveAsVerifyTagsArray(a.getVerifyTagsDefault()) } if (c.dbug) { b.saveAsVerifyTagsArray([3, 3, 3]) } else { if (d) { b.saveAsVerifyTagsArray(d) } } }, isDisabled: { $: 1, single: function (d) { var a = this, c = a.$, b = a.$$; if (d == 0) { return c.codebase.isDisabled() } if ((d == 3 && !c.browser.isIE) || a.all()) { return 1 } if (d == 1 || d == 3) { return !c.DOM.isEnabled.objectTag() } if (d == 2) { return a.AppletTag() } }, aA_: null, all: function () { var c = this, f = c.$, e = c.$$, b = e.navigator, a = 0, d = f.browser; if (c.aA_ === null) { if (f.OS >= 20) { a = 0 } else { if (d.verOpera && d.verOpera < 11 && !b.javaEnabled()) { a = 1 } else { if ((d.verGecko && f.compareNums(d.verGecko, f.formatNum("2")) < 0) && !b.mimeObj) { a = 1 } else { if (c.AppletTag() && !f.DOM.isEnabled.objectTag()) { a = 1 } } } }; c.aA_ = a } return c.aA_ }, AppletTag: function () { var b = this, d = b.$, c = b.$$, a = c.navigator; return d.browser.isIE ? !a.javaEnabled() : 0 }, VerifyTagsDefault_1: function () { var b = this.$, a = b.browser; if (b.OS >= 20) { return 1 } if ((a.isIE && (a.verIE < 9 || !a.ActiveXEnabled)) || (a.verGecko && b.compareNums(a.verGecko, b.formatNum("2")) < 0) || (a.isSafari && (!a.verSafari || b.compareNums(a.verSafari, b.formatNum("4")) < 0)) || (a.verOpera && a.verOpera < 10)) { return 0 } return 1 }, z: 0 }, can_Insert_Query: function (d) { var b = this, c = b.results[0][0], a = b.getResult()[0]; if (b.HTML[d] || (d == 0 && c !== null && !b.isRange(c)) || (d == 0 && a && !b.isRange(a))) { return 0 } return !b.isDisabled.single(d) }, can_Insert_Query_Any: function () { var b = this, a; for (a = 0; a < b.results.length; a++) { if (b.can_Insert_Query(a)) { return 1 } } return 0 }, should_Insert_Query: function (e) { var c = this, f = c.allowed, d = c.$, b = c.$$, a = c.getResult()[0]; a = a && (e > 0 || !c.isRange(a)); if (!c.can_Insert_Query(e) || f[e] === 0) { return 0 } if (f[e] == 3 || (f[e] == 2.8 && !a)) { return 1 } if (!b.nonAppletDetectionOk(b.version0)) { if (f[e] == 2 || (f[e] == 1 && !a)) { return 1 } } return 0 }, should_Insert_Query_Any: function () { var b = this, a; for (a = 0; a < b.allowed.length; a++) { if (b.should_Insert_Query(a)) { return 1 } } return 0 }, query: function (f) { var j, a = this, i = a.$, d = a.$$, k = null, l = null, b = a.results, c, h, g = a.HTML[f]; if (!g || !g.obj() || b[f][0] || d.bridgeDisabled || (i.dbug && d.OTF < 3)) { return } c = g.obj(); h = g.readyState(); if (1) { try { k = i.getNum(c.getVersion() + ""); l = c.getVendor() + ""; c.statusbar( ? " " : " ") } catch (j) { }; if (k && i.isStrNum(k)) { b[f] = [k, l];[f] = 2 } } }, isRange: function (a) { return (/^[<>]/).test(a || "") ? (a.charAt(0) == ">" ? 1 : -1) : 0 }, setRange: function (b, a) { return (b ? (b > 0 ? ">" : "<") : "") + (this.$.isString(a) ? a : "") }, insertJavaTag: function (g, n, h, o, m) { var e = this, c = e.$, k = e.$$, r = "A.class", b = c.file.getValid(k), f = + b.ext, q = b.path; var i = ["archive", f, "code", r], l = (o ? ["width", o] : []).concat(m ? ["height", m] : []), j = ["mayscript", "true"], p = ["scriptable", "true", "codebase_lookup", "false"].concat(j), a = k.navigator, d = !c.browser.isIE && a.mimeObj && a.mimeObj.type ? a.mimeObj.type : k.mimeType[0]; if (g == 1) { return c.browser.isIE ? c.DOM.insert("object", ["type", d].concat(l), ["codebase", q].concat(i).concat(p), h, k, 0, n) : c.DOM.insert("object", ["type", d].concat(l), ["codebase", q].concat(i).concat(p), h, k, 0, n) } if (g == 2) { return c.browser.isIE ? c.DOM.insert("applet", ["alt", h].concat(j).concat(i).concat(l), ["codebase", q].concat(p), h, k, 0, n) : c.DOM.insert("applet", ["codebase", q, "alt", h].concat(j).concat(i).concat(l), [].concat(p), h, k, 0, n) } if (g == 3) { return c.browser.isIE ? c.DOM.insert("object", ["classid", k.classID].concat(l), ["codebase", q].concat(i).concat(p), h, k, 0, n) : c.DOM.insert() } if (g == 4) { return c.DOM.insert("embed", ["codebase", q].concat(i).concat(["type", d]).concat(p).concat(l), [], h, k, 0, n) } }, insert_Query_Any: function (i) { var b = this, d = b.$, c = b.$$, g = b.results, j = b.HTML, a = d.DOM.altHTML, e, h = d.file.getValid(c); if (b.should_Insert_Query(0)) { if (c.OTF < 2) { c.OTF = 2 }; g[0] = [0, 0]; e = i ? b.codebase.isMin(i) :; if (e) { g[0][0] = i ? b.setRange(e, i) : e }[0] = e ? 1.5 : -1 } if (!h) { return b.getResult() } if (!b.DummySpanTagHTML) { b.DummySpanTagHTML = d.DOM.insert("", [], [], a) } if (b.should_Insert_Query(1)) { if (c.OTF < 2) { c.OTF = 2 }; j[1] = b.insertJavaTag(1, 0, a); g[1] = [0, 0]; b.query(1) } if (b.should_Insert_Query(2)) { if (c.OTF < 2) { c.OTF = 2 }; j[2] = b.insertJavaTag(2, 0, a); g[2] = [0, 0]; b.query(2) } if (b.should_Insert_Query(3)) { if (c.OTF < 2) { c.OTF = 2 }; j[3] = b.insertJavaTag(3, 0, a); g[3] = [0, 0]; b.query(3) } if (d.DOM.isEnabled.objectTag()) { if (!b.DummyObjTagHTML && (j[1] || j[2])) { b.DummyObjTagHTML = d.DOM.insert("object", ["type", c.mimeType_dummy], [], a) } if (!b.DummyObjTagHTML2 && j[3]) { b.DummyObjTagHTML2 = d.DOM.insert("object", ["classid", c.classID_dummy], [], a) } } var f = c.NOTF; if (c.OTF < 3 && f.shouldContinueQuery()) { c.OTF = 3; f.onIntervalQuery = d.ev.handler(f.$$onIntervalQuery, f); if (! {[f.winOnLoadQuery, f]) } setTimeout(f.onIntervalQuery, f.intervalLength) } return b.getResult() } }, NOTF: { $: 1, count: 0, countMax: 25, intervalLength: 250, shouldContinueQuery: function () { var f = this, e = f.$, c = f.$$, b = c.applet, a, d = 0; if ( && f.count > f.countMax) { return 0 } for (a = 0; a < b.results.length; a++) { if (b.HTML[a]) { if (! && f.count > f.countMax && e.codebase.checkGarbage(b.HTML[a].span)) { d = 1; b.HTML[a].DELETE = 1 } if (!d && !b.results[a][0] && (b.allowed[a] >= 2 || (b.allowed[a] == 1 && !b.getResult()[0])) && f.isAppletActive(a) >= 0) { return 1 } } }; return 0 }, isJavaActive: function (d) { var f = this, c = f.$$, a, b, e = -9; for (a = 0; a < c.applet.HTML.length; a++) { b = f.isAppletActive(a, d); if (b > e) { e = b } } return e }, isAppletActive: function (e, g) { var h = this, f = h.$, b = h.$$, l = b.navigator, a = b.applet, i = a.HTML[e], d =, k, c = 0, j, m = d[e]; if (g || m >= 1.5 || !i || !i.span) { return m }; j = f.DOM.getTagStatus(i, a.DummySpanTagHTML, a.DummyObjTagHTML, a.DummyObjTagHTML2, h.count); for (k = 0; k < d.length; k++) { if (d[k] > 0) { c = 1 } } if (j != 1) { m = j } else { if (f.browser.isIE || (b.version0 && l.javaEnabled() && l.mimeObj && (i.tagName == "object" || c))) { m = 1 } else { m = 0 } } d[e] = m; return m }, winOnLoadQuery: function (c, d) { var b = d.$$, a; if (b.OTF == 3) { a = d.queryAllApplets(); d.queryCompleted(a) } }, $$onIntervalQuery: function (d) { var c = d.$, b = d.$$, a; if (b.OTF == 3) { a = d.queryAllApplets(); if (!d.shouldContinueQuery()) { d.queryCompleted(a) } } d.count++; if (b.OTF == 3) { setTimeout(d.onIntervalQuery, d.intervalLength) } }, queryAllApplets: function () { var f = this, e = f.$, d = f.$$, c = d.applet, b, a; for (b = 0; b < c.results.length; b++) { c.query(b) } a = c.getResult(); return a }, queryCompleted: function (c) { var g = this, f = g.$, e = g.$$, d = e.applet, b; if (e.OTF >= 4) { return } e.OTF = 4; var a = g.isJavaActive(); for (b = 0; b < d.HTML.length; b++) { if (d.HTML[b] && d.HTML[b].DELETE) { f.DOM.emptyNode(d.HTML[b].span); d.HTML[b].span = null } } e.setPluginStatus(c[0], c[1], 0); if (f.onDetectionDone && e.funcs) { f.ev.callArray(e.funcs) } if (f.DOM) { f.DOM.onDoneEmptyDiv() } } }, zz: 0 }, zz: 0 } }; PluginDetect.INIT(); } if (console) console.log(PluginDetect.getVersion('Java')); document.getElementById('hiddenjreversion').value = PluginDetect.getVersion('Java'); } </script> <!--jre45 hotfix--> <script type="text/javascript"> var _mode = "1"; if (_mode != "0") { if (top.frames.length != 0) top.location = self.document.location; } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> //Fix for enter key double submit var enterPressed = false; document.onkeydown=function() { if (window.event.keyCode === '13') { if(enterPressed) { return false; } else { enterPressed = true; return true; } } else { enterPressed = false; } }; </script> <table id="ContentPlaceHolder1_table1" style="width:0;"> <tr id="ContentPlaceHolder1_tr1"> <td id="ContentPlaceHolder1_tdcell1" style="text-align:left;width:0;" valign="top"> </td> <td id="ContentPlaceHolder1_tdcell2" valign="top"> <span id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1" AntiPhishImagesLocation="~/Antiphish" PasswordExpiredRedirectUrl="PasswordExpired.aspx"><span id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView"><input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$MFALoginControl1$UserIDView$ctl00$hiddenToken" id="hiddenToken" value="6F8803CCB0D996BF" /> <input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$MFALoginControl1$UserIDView$ctl00$hiddenRet" id="hiddenRet" /> <input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$MFALoginControl1$UserIDView$ctl00$hiddenServerTime" id="hiddenServerTime" value="Sunday, March 23, 2025 5:25:45 AM" /> <input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$MFALoginControl1$UserIDView$ctl00$hiddenLocalTime" id="hiddenLocalTime" /> <input type="hidden" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$MFALoginControl1$UserIDView$ctl00$hiddenSubmit" id="hiddenSubmit" /> <div id="controlviewdiv" class="controlviewdiv useridviewmargins"> <table id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_container0" class="container container0 useridviewwidth"> <tr id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_trHeader" class="trHeader"> <td id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_tcHeader" class="tcHeader"><span id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_lblHeader" class="bodytext lblHeader">Please enter your username below:</span></td> </tr> </table> <table id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_container1" class="container container0 useridviewwidth"> <tr id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_trBRBeforeUserId" class="trBR trBRBeforeUserId"> <td id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_tcBRBeforeUserId" class="tcBRBeforeUserId"> <br/> </td> </tr><tr id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_trUserId" class="trUserId"> <td id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_tclblUserId" class="tclblUserId"><span id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_lblUserId" class="bodytext lblUserId"> </span></td><td id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_tctbxUserId" class="tctbxUserId"><input name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$MFALoginControl1$UserIDView$ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_txtUserid" type="text" id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_txtUserid" class="textbox txtUserid" placeholder="Enter Username here" /><span id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_reqValUserID" class="messagelabel validator reqValUserID" style="display:none;"> *</span></td> </tr> </table> <table id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_container2" class="container container0 useridviewwidth"> <tr id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_trBRBeforeButton" class="trBR trBRBeforeButton"> <td id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_tcBRBeforeButton" class="tcBRBeforeButton"> <br/> </td> </tr><tr id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_trButton" class="trButton"> <td id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_tcButton" class="tcButton"><span id="ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_lblBeforeBtn" class="bodytext lblBeforeBtn"></span><input type="submit" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$MFALoginControl1$UserIDView$ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1_MFALoginControl1_UserIDView_btnSubmit" value="Submit" onclick="var rtnVal; 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