FAQs About EarthRanger

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Our solution collects, integrates and displays all historical and real-time remote sensing data available and combines it with reports from the field to provide one unified view of collared wildlife, field observations, rangers, enforcement assets, and infrastructure within a protected area. The visualized data are analyzed by operational teams and scientists to track and study animal movements, identify and respond to potential threats, and understand ecological changes.</p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="faq-item w-dyn-item"><a href="#" class="faq-button w-button">What is the intended use of EarthRanger?</a> <div class="faq-content w-richtext"> <p>EarthRanger was designed with conservation and technology partners for those interested in security, resolution of human wildlife conflict, and ecological monitoring in forest, savanna, or plains landscapes. In particular, EarthRanger can be used by protected area managers, ecologists, and wildlife biologists to monitor overall activity in their landscapes, wildlife movement, and identify potential threats.<strong><br /></strong></p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="faq-item w-dyn-item"><a href="#" class="faq-button w-button">What does the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) do?</a> <div class="faq-content w-richtext"> <p>AI2 conducts high-impact research and engineering in the field of artificial intelligence, all for the common good. Founded in 2014, AI2 is the creation of philanthropist and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. AI2 employs a diverse team of over 150 top-notch researchers and engineers from around the world, taking a results-oriented approach to complex challenges across several important domains of AI.<br /><br />To learn more about AI2&#x27;s work, visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="faq-item w-dyn-item"><a href="#" class="faq-button w-button">How do I get started?</a> <div class="faq-content w-richtext"> <p>To begin working with EarthRanger, contact us at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or request a demo by completing an online form on the <a href="" target="_blank">EarthRanger website</a>.<br /></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-w-tab="Capabilities" class="w-tab-pane"> <div class="faq-list-wrapper w-dyn-list"> <div role="list" class="faq-list w-dyn-items"> <div role="listitem" class="faq-item w-dyn-item"><a href="#" class="faq-button w-button">What other technology solutions or data are integrated with EarthRanger?</a> <div class="faq-content w-richtext"> <p>The EarthRanger team is continuously working with other technology organizations to expand our community. Integrations with standard GIS tools allow you to leverage your existing data and to analyze the data from EarthRanger. A generous grant from Tableau enables further reporting and data sharing with key stakeholders or funding partners.</p> </div> </div> <div role="listitem" class="faq-item w-dyn-item"><a href="#" class="faq-button w-button">How does EarthRanger secure user data?</a> <div class="faq-content w-richtext"> <p>EarthRanger鈥痠s built鈥痺ith data security at its core.鈥疶he software stores and transmits鈥痑ll data securely,鈥痑nd EarthRanger鈥痠s built on top of the industry鈥檚 most rigorous security standards.鈥疻e also conduct regular security audits. Further, all data logged into EarthRanger is completely owned by the end user. Please see <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> for a more detailed description of our privacy policies.<br /></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-w-tab="Pricing and costs" class="w-tab-pane"> <div class="faq-list-wrapper w-dyn-list"> <div role="list" class="faq-list w-dyn-items"> <div role="listitem" class="faq-item w-dyn-item"><a href="#" class="faq-button w-button">Are there any costs to use EarthRanger?</a> <div class="faq-content w-richtext"> <p>There is no cost for EarthRanger software. EarthRanger is part of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence鈥檚 commitment to offer technology solutions to help protected areas monitor and safeguard the world鈥檚 wildlife and their habitats.<br /></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div data-w-tab="Requirements" class="w-tab-pane"> <div class="faq-list-wrapper w-dyn-list"> <div role="list" class="faq-list w-dyn-items"> <div role="listitem" class="faq-item w-dyn-item"><a href="#" class="faq-button w-button">What is necessary to start using EarthRanger?</a> <div class="faq-content w-richtext"> <p>EarthRanger is hosted in the cloud. All that is required to use it is an internet connection. It can be viewed on a big screen running the Chrome browser in an operations center, on a tablet or on a phone. Data collected from the field using mobile applications, Cybertracker, EarthRanger Track, and the Save the Elephants app, can be viewed and linked to EarthRanger.<br /></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="footer"><a href="#" class="footer-brand w-inline-block"><img src="" loading="lazy" alt="" /></a> <div id="w-node-_99facf4e-85ed-da8b-0009-0f7def6d1f7a-ef6d1f76" class="footer-links-primary"><a href="/technology" class="footer-link">Technology</a><a href="/success-stories" class="footer-link">Success Stories</a><a href="/news" class="footer-link">News</a><a href="/partners" class="footer-link">Partners</a><a href="/about-us" class="footer-link">About Us</a><a href="/contact-us" class="button nav w-button">Request Demo</a></div> <div id="w-node-_99facf4e-85ed-da8b-0009-0f7def6d1f94-ef6d1f76" class="footer-copyright">漏2024 THE ALLEN INSTITUTE FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 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