Receptor serine/threonine kinase (RSTK) family | Catalytic receptors | IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY

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href="FamilyDisplayForward?familyId=699">Receptor kinases</a></li> <li><a href="FamilyDisplayForward?familyId=687">TKL: Tyrosine kinase-like</a></li> <li>Receptor serine/threonine kinase (RSTK) family</li> </ul> </div> <!-- ==================== BREADCRUMBS END ======================================== --> <!-- ==================== CONTENT START ==================== --> <div class="grid_12"> <!-- ==================== GRID 16 START ==================== --> <div class="grid_16 alpha"> <a name="top"></a> <div class="contentboxfull"> <h2 style="margin-top: 0px;">Receptor serine/threonine kinase (RSTK) family<span class='cgtp'> C</span></h2> <div class="textright"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ==================== GRID 16 END ========================================--> <!-- ==================== GRID 16 START ==================== --> <div class="grid_16 alpha list"> <h4>Contents</h4> <ul style="list-style:none;"> <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li> <li><a href="#subfamilies">Subfamilies</a></li> <li><a href="#comments">Comments</a></li> <li><a href="#reading">Further reading</a></li> <li><a href="#references">References</a></li> <li><a href="#citing">How to cite this family page</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- end .grid_16 --> <!-- ==================== GRID 16 START ==================== --> <div class="grid_16 alpha"> <a name="overview"></a> <h4>Overview</h4> <div class="contentboxfullhelp"> <div class="imageleft"> <a style="color:white;" href="JavaScript:callRef('helpPagePopup.jsp#overview', 800, 400)" title="Click here for help"><img style="vertical-align:baseline;" src="images/help_blue_small.png" alt="Click here for help"/></a> </div> <div class="textright"> <p class="split_para"> <a id="show_overview" style="display:none;" href="javascript:toggleLayerAndLink('overview_text', 'show_overview', 'hide_overview');"><small>Show</small> &#187;</a><a id="hide_overview" href="javascript:toggleLayerAndLink('overview_text', 'show_overview', 'hide_overview');">&#171; <small>Hide</small></a> </p> <div id="overview_text"> <p class="grac_text"> Receptor serine/threonine kinases (RSTK), <a href="">EC</a>, respond to particular cytokines, the transforming growth factor &beta; (TGF&beta;) and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) families, and may be divided into two subfamilies on the basis of structural similarities. Agonist binding initiates formation of a cell-surface complex of type I and type II RSTK, possibly heterotetrameric, where both subunits express serine/threonine kinase activity. The type I receptor serine/threonine kinases are also known as activin receptors or activin receptor-like kinases, ALKs, for which a systematic nomenclature has been proposed (ALK1-7). The type II protein phosphorylates the kinase domain of the type I partner (sometimes referred to as the signal propagating subunit), causing displacement of the protein partners, such as the FKBP12 FK506-binding protein <a href="!/hgnc_id/HGNC:3711"><i>FKBP1A</i></a> (<a href="">P62942</a>) and allowing the binding and phosphorylation of particular members of the Smad family. These migrate to the nucleus and act as complexes to regulate gene transcription. Type III receptors, sometimes called co-receptors or accessory proteins, regulate the signalling of the receptor complex, in either enhancing (for example, presenting the ligand to the receptor) or inhibitory manners. TGF&beta; family ligand signalling may be inhibited by endogenous proteins, such as <a href="LigandDisplayForward?ligandId=4933">follistatin</a> (<a href="!/hgnc_id/HGNC:3971" target="_blank" title="HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) database"><i>FST</i></a>, <a href="" target="_blank" title="Universal Protein Resource catalog of information on proteins">P19883</a>), which binds and neutralizes activins to prevent activation of the target receptors.<br><br>Endogenous agonists, approximately 30 in man, are often described as paracrine messengers acting close to the source of production. They are characterized by six conserved cysteine residues and are divided into two subfamilies on the basis of sequence comparison and signalling pathways activated, the TGF&beta;/activin/nodal subfamily and the BMP/GDF (growth/differentiation factor)/MIS (M&uuml;llerian inhibiting substance) subfamily. Ligands active at RSTKs appear to be generated as large precursors which undergo complex maturation processes [<a href='javascript:callRef("ReferenceDisplayForward?referenceId=16946&displayId=2", 960, 600)' title="2. Li MO, Flavell RA. (2008) Cell. 134 (3): 392-404">2</a>]. Some are known to form disulphide-linked homo- and/or heterodimeric complexes. Thus, inhibins are &alpha; subunits linked to a variety of &beta; chains, while activins are combinations of &beta; subunits. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ==================== GRID 16 END ========================================--> <!-- ==================== GRID 16 START ==================== --> <div class="grid_16 alpha"> <a name="subfamilies"></a> <h4>Subfamilies</h4> <div class="contentboxfullhelp"> <div class="textright"> <div style="text-align:right;"> <button class="button_gtoimmupdb_off" onClick='window.location.href=""; return false;'>GtoImmuPdb View OFF</button> </div> <table> <tr> <td width="400px"> <ul class="mktree" id ="family_tree"><li class="liOpen"><a id="link318" href="FamilyDisplayForward?familyId=318">Type I receptor serine/threonine kinases</a><span class="cgtp"> C</span></li><li class="liOpen"><a id="link319" href="FamilyDisplayForward?familyId=319">Type II receptor serine/threonine kinases</a><span class="cgtp"> C</span></li><li class="liOpen"><a id="link798" href="FamilyDisplayForward?familyId=798">Type III receptor serine/threonine kinases</a><span class="cgtp"> C</span></li><li class="liOpen"><a id="link797" href="FamilyDisplayForward?familyId=797">RSTK functional heteromers</a><span class="cgtp"> C</span></li> </td> <td width="400px" valign="top" text-align="right" style="padding:25px 0px 0px 25px"> <img id="myImg" src="images/approved_Ki_targets_kinome.jpg" alt="The Kinome image shown here was obtained from Chartier et al. (2013, <a href='' target='_blank'>Figure 4</a>) <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and has been annotated to show the kinases that are targeted by currently approved kinase inhibitor drugs (last updated in April 2018)." width="377px" height="357px"> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ==================== GRID 16 LIST END ========================================--> <!-- ==================== GRID 16 START ==================== --> <div class="grid_16 alpha"> <a name="comments"></a> <h4>Comments</h4> <div class="contentboxfullhelp"> <div class="imageleft"> <a style="color:white;" href="JavaScript:callRef('helpPagePopup.jsp#comments', 800, 400)" title="Click here for help"><img style="vertical-align:baseline;" src="images/help_blue_small.png" alt="Click here for help"/></a> </div> <div class="textright"> <p> <a id="show_comments" style="display:none;" href="javascript:toggleLayerAndLink('comments_text', 'show_comments', 'hide_comments');"><small>Show</small> &#187;</a><a id="hide_comments" href="javascript:toggleLayerAndLink('comments_text', 'show_comments', 'hide_comments');">&#171; <small>Hide</small></a> </p> <div id="comments_text"> <p class="grac_text"> A number of endogenous inhibitory ligands have been identified for RSTKs, including <a href="LigandDisplayForward?ligandId=4882">BMP-3</a> (<a href="!/hgnc_id/HGNC:1070" target="_blank" title="HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) database"><i>BMP3</i></a>, <a href="" target="_blank" title="Universal Protein Resource catalog of information on proteins">P12645</a>), <a href="LigandDisplayForward?ligandId=5005">inhibin &alpha;</a> (<a href="!/hgnc_id/HGNC:6065" target="_blank" title="HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) database"><i>INHA</i></a>, <a href="" target="_blank" title="Universal Protein Resource catalog of information on proteins">P05111</a>), <a href="LigandDisplayForward?ligandId=5008">inhibin &beta;C</a> (<a href="!/hgnc_id/HGNC:6068" target="_blank" title="HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) database"><i>INHBC</i></a>, <a href="" target="_blank" title="Universal Protein Resource catalog of information on proteins">P55103</a>) and <a href="LigandDisplayForward?ligandId=5009">inhibin &beta;E</a> (<a href="!/hgnc_id/HGNC:24029" target="_blank" title="HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) database"><i>INHBE</i></a>, <a href="" target="_blank" title="Universal Protein Resource catalog of information on proteins">P58166</a>).<br><br> An appraisal of small molecule inhibitors of TGF&beta; and BMP signalling concluded that TGF&beta; pathway inhibitors were more selective than BMP signalling inhibitors [<a href='javascript:callRef("ReferenceDisplayForward?referenceId=17369&displayId=3", 960, 600)' title="3. Vogt J, Traynor R, Sapkota GP. (2011) Cell Signal. 23 (11): 1831-42">3</a>]. The authors confirmed the selectivity of <a href="LigandDisplayForward?ligandId=6049">TGF-beta RI inhibitor III</a> to inhibit TGFβ signalling through ALK4, ALK5, ALK7 [<a href='javascript:callRef("ReferenceDisplayForward?referenceId=17368&displayId=1", 960, 600)' title="1. DaCosta Byfield S, Major C, Laping NJ, Roberts AB. (2004) Mol Pharmacol. 65 (3): 744-52">1</a>]. <a href="LigandDisplayForward?ligandId=4907">Dorsomorphin</a> inhibits BMP signalling through ALK2 and ALK3, it also inhibits AMP kinase [<a href='javascript:callRef("ReferenceDisplayForward?referenceId=17367&displayId=4", 960, 600)' title="4. Zhou G, Myers R, Li Y, Chen Y, Shen X, Fenyk-Melody J, Wu M, Ventre J, Doebber T, Fujii N et al.. (2001) J Clin Invest. 108 (8): 1167-74">4</a>]. <br><br><b>Smads</b> were identified as mammalian orthologues of Drosophila genes termed “mothers against decapentaplegic” and may be divided into Receptor-regulated Smads (R-Smads, including Smad1, Smad2, Smad3, Smad5 and Smad8), Co-mediated Smad (Co-Smad, Smad4) and Inhibitory Smads (I-Smad, Smad6 and Smad7). R-Smads form heteromeric complexes with Co-Smad. I-Smads compete for binding of R-Smad with both receptors and Co-Smad.<br><br><table class="comment_table_no_border"><tr><td><b><u>Nomenclature</u></b></td><td><b><u>HGNC gene symbol</u></b></td><td><b><u>Uniprot ID</u></b></td><td><b><u>Other names</u></b></td></tr><tr><td>Smad1</td><td><a href="!/hgnc_id/HGNC:6767"><i>SMAD1</i></a></td><td><a href="">Q15797</a></td><td>JV4-1, MADH1, MADR1</td></tr><tr><td>Smad2</td><td><a href="!/hgnc_id/HGNC:6768"><i>SMAD2</i></a></td><td><a href="">Q15796</a></td><td>JV18-1, MADH2, MADR2</td></tr><tr><td>Smad3</td><td><a href="!/hgnc_id/HGNC:6769"><i>SMAD3</i></a></td><td><a href="">P84022</a></td><td>HsT17436, JV15-2, MADH3</td></tr><tr><td>Smad4</td><td><a href="!/hgnc_id/HGNC:6770"><i>SMAD4</i></a></td><td><a href="">Q13485</a></td><td>DPC4, MADH4</td></tr><tr><td>Smad5</td><td><a href="!/hgnc_id/HGNC:6771"><i>SMAD5</i></a></td><td><a href="">Q99717</a></td><td>Dwfc, JV5-1, MADH5</td></tr><tr><td>Smad6</td><td><a href="!/hgnc_id/HGNC:6772"><i>SMAD6</i></a></td><td><a href="">O43541</a></td><td>HsT17432, MADH6, MADH7</td></tr><tr><td>Smad7</td><td><a href="!/hgnc_id/HGNC:6773"><i>SMAD7</i></a></td><td><a href="">O15105</a></td><td>MADH7, MADH8</td></tr><tr><td>Smad8</td><td><a href="!/hgnc_id/HGNC:6774"><i>SMAD9</i></a></td><td><a href="">O15198</a></td><td>MADH6, MADH9</td></tr></table><br> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ==================== GRID 16 END ========================================--> <!-- ==================== GRID 16 START ==================== --> <div class="grid_16 alpha"> <a name="reading"></a> <h4>Further reading</h4> <div class="contentboxfullhelp"> <div class="imageleft"> <a style="color:white;" href="JavaScript:callRef('helpPagePopup.jsp#furtherReading', 800, 400)" title="Click here for help"><img style="vertical-align:baseline;" src="images/help_blue_small.png" alt="Click here for help"/></a> </div> <div class="textright"> <p> <a id="show_fr" href="javascript:toggleLayerAndLink('fr', 'show_fr', 'hide_fr');"><small>Show</small> &#187;</a><a id="hide_fr" style="display:none;" href="javascript:toggleLayerAndLink('fr', 'show_fr', 'hide_fr');">&#171; <small>Hide</small></a> </p> <div id="fr" style="display: none;"> <p>* Key recommended reading is highlighted with an asterisk</p> <p class="grac_text"> Bragdon B, Moseychuk O, Saldanha S, King D, Julian J, Nohe A.&nbsp;(2011)&nbsp;Bone morphogenetic proteins: a critical review. <i>Cell Signal</i>, <b>23</b> (4): 609-20. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">20959140</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> * Budi EH, Duan D, Derynck R.&nbsp;(2017)&nbsp;Transforming Growth Factor-β Receptors and Smads: Regulatory Complexity and Functional Versatility. <i>Trends Cell Biol</i>, <b>27</b> (9): 658-672. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">28552280</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> * Chen W, Ten Dijke P.&nbsp;(2016)&nbsp;Immunoregulation by members of the TGFβ superfamily. <i>Nat Rev Immunol</i>, <b>16</b> (12): 723-740. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">27885276</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Clarke DC, Liu X.&nbsp;(2008)&nbsp;Decoding the quantitative nature of TGF-beta/Smad signaling. <i>Trends Cell Biol</i>, <b>18</b> (9): 430-42. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">18706811</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Ehrlich M, Horbelt D, Marom B, Knaus P, Henis YI.&nbsp;(2011)&nbsp;Homomeric and heteromeric complexes among TGF-β and BMP receptors and their roles in signaling. <i>Cell Signal</i>, <b>23</b> (9): 1424-32. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">21515362</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Gatza CE, Oh SY, Blobe GC.&nbsp;(2010)&nbsp;Roles for the type III TGF-beta receptor in human cancer. <i>Cell Signal</i>, <b>22</b> (8): 1163-74. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">20153821</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> * Heger J, Schulz R, Euler G.&nbsp;(2016)&nbsp;Molecular switches under TGFβ signalling during progression from cardiac hypertrophy to heart failure. <i>Br J Pharmacol</i>, <b>173</b> (1): 3-14. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">26431212</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Hinck AP.&nbsp;(2012)&nbsp;Structural studies of the TGF-βs and their receptors - insights into evolution of the TGF-β superfamily. <i>FEBS Lett</i>, <b>586</b> (14): 1860-70. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">22651914</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Kang JS, Liu C, Derynck R.&nbsp;(2009)&nbsp;New regulatory mechanisms of TGF-beta receptor function. <i>Trends Cell Biol</i>, <b>19</b> (8): 385-94. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">19648010</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Kardassis D, Murphy C, Fotsis T, Moustakas A, Stournaras C.&nbsp;(2009)&nbsp;Control of transforming growth factor beta signal transduction by small GTPases. <i>FEBS J</i>, <b>276</b> (11): 2947-65. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">19490100</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Li MO, Flavell RA.&nbsp;(2008)&nbsp;TGF-beta: a master of all T cell trades. <i>Cell</i>, <b>134</b> (3): 392-404. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">18692464</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> * Luo JY, Zhang Y, Wang L, Huang Y.&nbsp;(2015)&nbsp;Regulators and effectors of bone morphogenetic protein signalling in the cardiovascular system. <i>J Physiol (Lond.)</i>, <b>593</b> (14): 2995-3011. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">25952563</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> * Macias MJ, Martin-Malpartida P, Massagué J.&nbsp;(2015)&nbsp;Structural determinants of Smad function in TGF-β signaling. <i>Trends Biochem Sci</i>, <b>40</b> (6): 296-308. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">25935112</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Massagué J.&nbsp;(2012)&nbsp;TGFβ signalling in context. <i>Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol</i>, <b>13</b> (10): 616-30. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">22992590</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Miyazono K, Kamiya Y, Morikawa M.&nbsp;(2010)&nbsp;Bone morphogenetic protein receptors and signal transduction. <i>J Biochem</i>, <b>147</b> (1): 35-51. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">19762341</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> * Morrell NW, Bloch DB, ten Dijke P, Goumans MJ, Hata A, Smith J, Yu PB, Bloch KD.&nbsp;(2016)&nbsp;Targeting BMP signalling in cardiovascular disease and anaemia. <i>Nat Rev Cardiol</i>, <b>13</b> (2): 106-20. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">26461965</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Moustakas A, Heldin CH.&nbsp;(2009)&nbsp;The regulation of TGFbeta signal transduction. <i>Development</i>, <b>136</b> (22): 3699-714. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">19855013</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> * Neuzillet C, Tijeras-Raballand A, Cohen R, Cros J, Faivre S, Raymond E, de Gramont A.&nbsp;(2015)&nbsp;Targeting the TGFβ pathway for cancer therapy. <i>Pharmacol Ther</i>, <b>147</b>: 22-31. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">25444759</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Pardali E, Goumans MJ, ten Dijke P.&nbsp;(2010)&nbsp;Signaling by members of the TGF-beta family in vascular morphogenesis and disease. <i>Trends Cell Biol</i>, <b>20</b> (9): 556-67. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">20656490</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Rider CC, Mulloy B.&nbsp;(2010)&nbsp;Bone morphogenetic protein and growth differentiation factor cytokine families and their protein antagonists. <i>Biochem J</i>, <b>429</b> (1): 1-12. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">20545624</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Santibañez JF, Quintanilla M, Bernabeu C.&nbsp;(2011)&nbsp;TGF-β/TGF-β receptor system and its role in physiological and pathological conditions. <i>Clin Sci</i>, <b>121</b> (6): 233-51. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">21615335</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Shi Y, Massagué J.&nbsp;(2003)&nbsp;Mechanisms of TGF-beta signaling from cell membrane to the nucleus. <i>Cell</i>, <b>113</b> (6): 685-700. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">12809600</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Sprague AH, Khalil RA.&nbsp;(2009)&nbsp;Inflammatory cytokines in vascular dysfunction and vascular disease. <i>Biochem Pharmacol</i>, <b>78</b> (6): 539-52. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">19413999</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> * van der Kraan PM.&nbsp;(2017)&nbsp;The changing role of TGFβ in healthy, ageing and osteoarthritic joints. <i>Nat Rev Rheumatol</i>, <b>13</b> (3): 155-163. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">28148919</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Xia Y, Schneyer AL.&nbsp;(2009)&nbsp;The biology of activin: recent advances in structure, regulation and function. <i>J Endocrinol</i>, <b>202</b> (1): 1-12. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">19273500</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Xiao YT, Xiang LX, Shao JZ.&nbsp;(2007)&nbsp;Bone morphogenetic protein. <i>Biochem Biophys Res Commun</i>, <b>362</b> (3): 550-3. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">17719560</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> Xu P, Liu J, Derynck R.&nbsp;(2012)&nbsp;Post-translational regulation of TGF-β receptor and Smad signaling. <i>FEBS Lett</i>, <b>586</b> (14): 1871-84. 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[PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">20060893</a>] </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ==================== GRID 16 END ========================================--> <!-- ==================== GRID 16 START ==================== --> <div class="grid_16 alpha"> <a name="references"></a> <h4>References</h4> <div class="contentboxfullhelp"> <div class="imageleft"> <a style="color:white;" href="JavaScript:callRef('helpPagePopup.jsp#references', 800, 400)" title="Click here for help"><img style="vertical-align:baseline;" src="images/help_blue_small.png" alt="Click here for help"/></a> </div> <div class="textright"> <p> <a id="show_refs" href="javascript:toggleLayerAndLink('refs', 'show_refs', 'hide_refs');"><small>Show</small> &#187;</a><a id="hide_refs" style="display:none;" href="javascript:toggleLayerAndLink('refs', 'show_refs', 'hide_refs');">&#171; <small>Hide</small></a> </p> <div id="refs" style="display: none;"> <p class="grac_text"> 1. DaCosta Byfield S, Major C, Laping NJ, Roberts AB.&nbsp;(2004)&nbsp;SB-505124 is a selective inhibitor of transforming growth factor-beta type I receptors ALK4, ALK5, and ALK7. <i>Mol Pharmacol</i>, <b>65</b> (3): 744-52. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">14978253</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> 2. Li MO, Flavell RA.&nbsp;(2008)&nbsp;TGF-beta: a master of all T cell trades. <i>Cell</i>, <b>134</b> (3): 392-404. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">18692464</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> 3. Vogt J, Traynor R, Sapkota GP.&nbsp;(2011)&nbsp;The specificities of small molecule inhibitors of the TGFß and BMP pathways. <i>Cell Signal</i>, <b>23</b> (11): 1831-42. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">21740966</a>] </p> <p class="grac_text"> 4. Zhou G, Myers R, Li Y, Chen Y, Shen X, Fenyk-Melody J, Wu M, Ventre J, Doebber T, Fujii N <i>et al.</i>.&nbsp;(2001)&nbsp;Role of AMP-activated protein kinase in mechanism of metformin action. <i>J Clin Invest</i>, <b>108</b> (8): 1167-74. [PMID:<a href="javascript:newWindow('', 800, 500)">11602624</a>] </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ==================== GRID 16 END ========================================--> <!-- ==================== GRID 16 START ==================== --> <div class="grid_16 alpha"> <a name="citing"></a> <h4>How to cite this family page</h4> <div class="contentboxfullhelp"> <div class="textright"> <!-- Old database citation --> <p style="font-style:italic;"> Database page citation: </p> <p> Receptor serine/threonine kinase (RSTK) family. Accessed on 01/12/2024. 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