EAST | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

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Learn more." /> <meta itemprop="copyrightHolder" content="&copy; Cambridge University Press" /> <meta itemprop="copyrightYear" content="2025" /> <meta itemprop="inLanguage" content="en" /> <meta itemprop="genre" content="Towns &amp; regions: named regions of countries" /> <meta itemprop="genre" content="Wind &amp; winds" /> <meta itemprop="genre" content="Towns &amp; regions: parts of countries" /> <meta itemprop="genre" content="Countries, nationalities &amp; continents: continents &amp; regions of the world" /> <meta itemprop="genre" content="Direction of motion" /> <meta itemprop="genre" content="Points of the compass" /> <h1 class="ti fs fs12 lmb-0 hw superentry">Meaning of <b class='tb ttn'>east</b> in English</h1> <div class="page"><div class="pr dictionary" data-type="sorted" data-id="cald4" data-tab="ds-cald4" role="tabpanel"><div class="cid" id="dataset_cald4"></div><div class="link"><div class="pr di superentry" itemprop="text"><div class="cid" id="dataset_cald4"></div> <div 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class="lab dlab">also</span> <span class="v dv lmr-0">East</span>)</span> <div ></div><span class="uk dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">uk</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio1" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/uk_pron/u/uke/ukeas/ukeasil004.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/uk_pron_ogg/u/uke/ukeas/ukeasil004.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the British English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio1.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">iːst</span>/</span></span> <span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio2" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser 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meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00010018_01', wotd: ' east ' } }),"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"><span class="epp-xref dxref A2">A2</span> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">the <a class="query" href="" title="direction" rel="">direction</a> from which the <a class="query" href="" title="sun" rel="">sun</a> <a class="query" href="" title="rises" rel="">rises</a> in the <a class="query" href="" title="morning" rel="">morning</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="opposite" rel="">opposite</a> to the <a class="query" href="" title="west" rel="">west</a>, or the <a class="query" href="" title="part" rel="">part</a> of an <a class="query" href="" title="area" rel="">area</a> or <a class="query" href="" title="country" rel="">country</a> that is in this <a class="query" href="" title="direction" rel="">direction</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="points" rel="">points</a> of the <a class="query" href="" title="compass" rel="">compass</a> are <a class="query" href="" title="north" rel="">north</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="south" rel="">south</a>, east, and <a class="query" href="" title="west" rel="">west</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">Which way is east?</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">Most of the <a class="query" href="" title="country" rel="">country</a>, except the east, is <a class="query" href="" title="rural" rel="">rural</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">in the east of</span> <span class="eg deg">Her <a class="query" href="" title="home" rel="">home</a> is in the east of France.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">to the east of</span> <span class="eg deg">According to the <a class="query" href="" title="map" rel="">map</a>, the <a class="query" href="" title="village" rel="">village</a> <a class="query" href="" title="lies" rel="">lies</a> about ten <a class="query" href="" title="kilometres" rel="">kilometres</a> to the east of here.</span></div> </div></div><div class="pr phrase-block dphrase-block "><div class="cid" id="cald4-1-1-2"></div><div class="phrase-head dphrase_h"><i class="i i-caret-right dtrans fs18 lpb-4" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="phrase-title dphrase-title"><b>the East</b></span></div><div class="phrase-body dphrase_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00010018_03"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00010018_03', wotd: ' east ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"><span class="epp-xref dxref B2">B2</span> </span><div class="def ddef_d db"><a class="query" href="" title="Asia" rel="">Asia</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="especially" rel="">especially</a> <a class="query" href="" title="its" rel="">its</a> <a class="query" href="" title="eastern" rel="">eastern</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="southern" rel="">southern</a> <a class="query" href="" title="parts" rel="">parts</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">She <a class="query" href="" title="spent" rel="">spent</a> her <a class="query" href="" title="childhood" rel="">childhood</a> in the East - <a class="query" href="" title="mostly" rel="">mostly</a> in <a class="query" href="" title="China" rel="">China</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">In this <a class="query" href="" title="class" rel="">class</a>, we will be <a class="query" href="" title="studying" rel="">studying</a> how <a class="query" href="" title="medieval" rel="">medieval</a> <a class="query" href="" title="trade" rel="">trade</a> <a class="query" href="" title="routes" rel="">routes</a> <a class="query" href="" title="westernized" rel="">westernized</a> the East.</span></div> </div></div><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00010018_02"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00010018_02', wotd: ' east ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">those <a class="query" href="" title="countries" rel="">countries</a> in <a class="query" href="" title="Europe" rel="">Europe</a> that had <span class="nondv-xref dnondv-xref"><a class="query" href="" title="communist" rel="">communist</a></span> <a class="query" href="" title="governments" rel="">governments</a> before the 1990s: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="collapse" rel="">collapse</a> of <a class="query" href="" title="Communism" rel="">Communism</a> <a class="query" href="" title="changed" rel="">changed</a> East-West <a class="query" href="" title="relations" rel="">relations</a> for <a class="query" href="" title="ever" rel="">ever</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">If you were from the US or the UK, it was <a class="query" href="" title="nearly" rel="">nearly</a> <a class="query" href="" title="impossible" rel="">impossible</a> to get a <a class="query" href="" title="tourist" rel="">tourist</a> <a class="query" href="" title="visa" rel="">visa</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="visit" rel="">visit</a> any <a class="query" href="" title="countries" rel="">countries</a> in the <a class="query" href="" title="communist" rel="">communist</a> East. </span></div> </div></div></div></div> <div class="daccord"><amp-accordion> <section expanded > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="showmore">More examples</span><span class="showless">Fewer examples</span></header><div><ul class="hul-u hul-u0 ca_b daccord_b lm-0"><li class="eg dexamp hax">The <a class="query" href="" title="sun" rel="">sun</a> <a class="query" href="" title="rises" rel="">rises</a> in the east and sets in the <a class="query" href="" title="west" rel="">west</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">The <a class="query" href="" title="transcontinental" rel="">transcontinental</a> <a class="query" href="" title="railway" rel="">railway</a> goes from New York in the east to <a class="query" href="" title="San" rel="">San</a> Francisco in the <a class="query" href="" title="west" rel="">west</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">There will be <a class="query" href="" title="rain" rel="">rain</a> <a class="query" href="" title="showers" rel="">showers</a> in the east.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">The <a class="query" href="" title="climate" rel="">climate</a> is <a class="query" href="" title="cooler" rel="">cooler</a> in the east of the <a class="query" href="" title="country" rel="">country</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">The <a class="query" href="" title="army" rel="">army</a> had been <a class="query" href="" title="positioned" rel="">positioned</a> to the <a class="query" href="" title="north" rel="">north</a> and east of the <a class="query" href="" title="city" rel="">city</a>.</li></ul></div> </section> </amp-accordion></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to east in the topic Points of the compass">Points of the compass</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="cardinal point" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">cardinal point</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="compass reading" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">compass reading</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="compass rose" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">compass rose</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="E, e" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">E, e</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="easterly" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">easterly</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="eastern" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">eastern</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="easternmost" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">easternmost</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="geomagnetic pole" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">geomagnetic pole</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="magnetic north" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">magnetic north</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="magnetic pole" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">magnetic pole</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a 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pronoun.">adjective</span></div> <span class="spellvar dspellvar">(<span class="lab dlab">also</span> <span class="v dv lmr-0">East</span>)</span> <div ></div><span class="uk dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">uk</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio3" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/uk_pron/u/uke/ukeas/ukeasil004.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/uk_pron_ogg/u/uke/ukeas/ukeasil004.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the British English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio3.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">iːst</span>/</span></span> <span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio4" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/us_pron/e/eas/east_/east.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/us_pron_ogg/e/eas/east_/east.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the American English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio4.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">iːst</span>/</span></span><div class="lmt--5" ></div> <span class="var dvar">(<span class="lab dlab"><span class="usage dusage">written abbreviation</span></span> <span class="v dv lmr-0">E</span>)</span></div><div class="pos-body"> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cald4-2-1"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00010018_05"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00010018_05', wotd: ' east ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"><span class="epp-xref dxref A2">A2</span> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">in or <a class="query" href="" title="forming" rel="">forming</a> the east <a class="query" href="" title="part" rel="">part</a> of something: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">Cambridge is in East Anglia.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">The east <a class="query" href="" title="wall" rel="">wall</a> of the <a class="query" href="" title="mosque" rel="">mosque</a> is <a class="query" href="" title="covered" rel="">covered</a> with a <a class="query" href="" title="beautiful" rel="">beautiful</a> <a class="query" href="" title="mosaic" rel="">mosaic</a>.</span></div> </div></div><div class="pr phrase-block dphrase-block "><div class="cid" id="cald4-2-1-2"></div><div class="phrase-head dphrase_h"><i class="i i-caret-right dtrans fs18 lpb-4" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="phrase-title dphrase-title"><b>east wind</b></span></div><div class="phrase-body dphrase_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00010018_06_panel"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00010018_06_panel', wotd: ' east ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">a <a class="query" href="" title="wind" rel="">wind</a> coming from the east: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">Officials are <a class="query" href="" title="worried" rel="">worried</a> that the east <a class="query" href="" title="wind" rel="">wind</a> will <a class="query" href="" title="continue" rel="">continue</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="spread" rel="">spread</a> <a class="query" href="" title="wildfires" rel="">wildfires</a>.</span></div> </div></div></div><span class="dbtn"> <a class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w tb" href="/dictionary/english/east-wind" title="meaning of east wind"> See more </a></span></div> <div class="daccord"><amp-accordion> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="showmore">More examples</span><span class="showless">Fewer examples</span></header><div><ul class="hul-u hul-u0 ca_b daccord_b lm-0"><li class="eg dexamp hax">Rimini is a <a class="query" href="" title="thriving" rel="">thriving</a> <a class="query" href="" title="holiday" rel="">holiday</a> <a class="query" href="" title="resort" rel="">resort</a> on the east <a class="query" href="" title="coast" rel="">coast</a> of Italy.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">There was a <a class="query" href="" title="cool" rel="">cool</a> east <a class="query" href="" title="wind" rel="">wind</a> <a class="query" href="" title="blowing" rel="">blowing</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="clouds" rel="">clouds</a> were <a class="query" href="" title="gathering" rel="">gathering</a> on the <a class="query" href="" title="horizon" rel="">horizon</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">On the east <a class="query" href="" title="side" rel="">side</a> of the <a class="query" href="" title="hill" rel="">hill</a>, the <a class="query" href="" title="land" rel="">land</a> <a class="query" href="" title="falls" rel="">falls</a> away <a class="query" href="" title="sharply" rel="">sharply</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">Few <a class="query" href="" title="climbers" rel="">climbers</a> <a class="query" href="" title="attempt" rel="">attempt</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="ascend" rel="">ascend</a> the east <a class="query" href="" title="face" rel="">face</a> of the <a class="query" href="" title="mountain" rel="">mountain</a>.</li><li class="eg dexamp hax">The <a class="query" href="" title="visitors" rel="">visitors</a> <a class="query" href="" title="stood" rel="">stood</a> for several <a class="query" href="" title="minutes" rel="">minutes</a> at the east <a class="query" href="" title="door" rel="">door</a> of the <a class="query" href="" title="cathedral" rel="">cathedral</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="looking" rel="">looking</a> down the <a class="query" href="" title="nave" rel="">nave</a>.</li></ul></div> </section> </amp-accordion></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to east in the topic Points of the compass">Points of the compass</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="cardinal point" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">cardinal point</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="compass reading" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">compass reading</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="compass rose" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">compass rose</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="E, e" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">E, e</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="easterly" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">easterly</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="eastern" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">eastern</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="easternmost" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">easternmost</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="geomagnetic pole" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">geomagnetic pole</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="magnetic north" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">magnetic north</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="magnetic pole" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">magnetic pole</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="northeastern" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">northeastern</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="northeastward" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">northeastward</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="northerly" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">northerly</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="northern" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">northern</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="northernmost" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">northernmost</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="southern" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">southern</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="southwestern" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">southwestern</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="SW" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">SW</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="western" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">western</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="westernmost" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">westernmost</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to east in the topic Points of the compass">See more results »</a> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div><div class="xref grammar hax dxref-w lmt-25 lmb-25"><h3 class="bb fs16 lp-10 lmb-0"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">Grammar</strong></h3><div class="hax lp-10 lb lb-cm lbt0"> <div class="item lpb-10" data-position="1"><a href="/grammar/british-grammar/east-or-eastern-north-or-northern" title="grammar for East or eastern; north or northern?"><div class="x-h dx-h"><span class="obj dobj">East</span> or <span class="obj dobj">eastern</span>; <span class="obj dobj">north</span> or <span class="obj dobj">northern</span>?</div> … </a></div></div></div></div></div> <div class="pr x lbb lb-cm"> <div class="hfr lpb-2"> <div class="pr hdib i i-facebook lp-5 lmr-10"> <a class="pa p0" onclick="sendGAEvent('share_this_entry', 'facebook')" target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" title="Share on Facebook"></a> </div> <div class="pr hdib i i-x lp-5 lmr-10"> <a class="pa p0" onclick="sendGAEvent('share_this_entry', 'twitter')" target="_blank" rel="noopener" href="" title="Share on X"></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr entry-body__el"><div class="cid" id="cald4-3"></div><div class="pos-header dpos-h"><div class="di-title"><span class="headword hdb tw-bw dhw dpos-h_hw "><span class="hw dhw">east</span></span></div><div class="posgram dpos-g hdib lmr-5"><span class="pos dpos" title="A word that describes or gives more information about a verb, adjective or other adverb.">adverb</span></div> <span class="spellvar dspellvar">(<span class="lab dlab">also</span> <span class="v dv lmr-0">East</span>)</span> <div ></div><span class="uk dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">uk</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio5" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/uk_pron/u/uke/ukeas/ukeasil004.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/uk_pron_ogg/u/uke/ukeas/ukeasil004.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the British English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio5.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">iːst</span>/</span></span> <span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio6" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/us_pron/e/eas/east_/east.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/us_pron_ogg/e/eas/east_/east.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the American English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio6.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">iːst</span>/</span></span><div class="lmt--5" ></div> <span class="var dvar">(<span class="lab dlab"><span class="usage dusage">written abbreviation</span></span> <span class="v dv lmr-0">E</span>)</span></div><div class="pos-body"> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cald4-3-1"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="ID_00010018_07"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'ID_00010018_07', wotd: ' east ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"><span class="epp-xref dxref A2">A2</span> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">towards the east: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">We'll <a class="query" href="" title="drive" rel="">drive</a> east for a few more <a class="query" href="" title="miles" rel="">miles</a>, then <a class="query" href="" title="turn" rel="">turn</a> <a class="query" href="" title="south" rel="">south</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">east of</span> <span class="eg deg">They were the first <a class="query" href="" title="people" rel="">people</a> to <a class="query" href="" title="travel" rel="">travel</a> east of the <a class="query" href="" title="mountains" rel="">mountains</a> <span class="gloss dgloss">(= into the <a class="query" href="" title="area" rel="">area</a> beyond and to the east of the <a class="query" href="" title="mountains" rel="">mountains</a>)</span>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">due east</span> <span class="eg deg">We <a class="query" href="" title="walked" rel="">walked</a> <a class="query" href="" title="due" rel="">due</a> <span class="gloss dgloss">(= <a class="query" href="" title="directly" rel="">directly</a>)</span> east for two <a class="query" href="" title="kilometres" rel="">kilometres</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="lu dlu">face east</span> <span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="garden" rel="">garden</a> <a class="query" href="" title="faces" rel="">faces</a> east, so we'll get the <a class="query" href="" title="morning" rel="">morning</a> <a class="query" href="" title="sun" rel="">sun</a>.</span></div> </div></div></div> <div class="smartt daccord"> <amp-accordion disable-session-states> <section > <header class="ca_h daccord_h"> <i class="i i-plus ca_hi" aria-hidden="true"></i> SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases </header> <div class="ca_b had daccord_b daccord_l"> <div class="daccord_lt"> <a href="" title="Words and phrases related to east in the topic Direction of motion">Direction of motion</a> </div> <div class="daccord_lb"> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 hax lmb-10 lcs"> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="abduct" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">abduct</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="abduction" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">abduction</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="adduct" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">adduct</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="adduction" class="topic_0 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">adduction</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="against the current" class="topic_0 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">against the current</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="circumduction" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">circumduction</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="cross-country" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">cross-country</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="destined" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">destined</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="direction" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">direction</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="direction of travel" class="topic_1 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">direction of travel</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="en route" class="topic_1 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">en route</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="face" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">face</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="inbound" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">inbound</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="into" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">into</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="leftward" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">leftward</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="multidirectional" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">multidirectional</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="outbound" class="topic_2 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">outbound</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="overland" class="topic_2 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">overland</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="right" class="topic_3 odd " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">right</span></span></span> </a> </li> <li class="lc lc1 lc-xs6-12 lpb-5 lpr-10"> <a title="west" class="topic_3 even " href=" "> <span class="results"><span class="base"><span class="hw haf">west</span></span></span> </a> </li> </ul> <a href="" class="had tb" title="Words and phrases related to east in the topic Direction of motion">See more results »</a> </div> <div class="lmt-20"> <p>You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:</p> <div> <div class="lmb-5"> <a href="" class="tb" title="Words and phrases related to east in the topic Points of the compass">Points of the compass</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </amp-accordion> </div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> <div id='ad_contentslot_1' class='am-default_moreslots contentslot'> <script type="text/javascript">iaw.cmd.push(function() { iaw.display('ad_contentslot_1'); });</script> </div> </div><div class="xref grammar hax dxref-w lmt-25 lmb-25"><h3 class="bb fs16 lp-10 lmb-0"><strong class="xref-title dxref-t">Grammar</strong></h3><div class="hax lp-10 lb lb-cm lbt0"> <div class="item lpb-10" data-position="1"><a href="/grammar/british-grammar/east-or-eastern-north-or-northern" title="grammar for East or eastern; north or northern?"><div class="x-h dx-h"><span class="obj dobj">East</span> or <span class="obj dobj">eastern</span>; <span class="obj dobj">north</span> or <span class="obj dobj">northern</span>?</div> … </a></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div> </div></div><small class="lbt lb-cm lpb-10 lpt-10 lpb-25 lmb-10 ddef had hdb"> (Definition of <b>east</b> from the <a href="" title="Cambridge Advanced Learner&apos;s Dictionary & Thesaurus" class="a--rev"><b>Cambridge Advanced Learner&apos;s Dictionary & Thesaurus</b></a> © Cambridge University Press) </small></div><div class="pr dictionary" data-type="sorted" data-id="cacd" data-tab="ds-cacd" role="tabpanel"><div class="cid" id="dataset_cacd"></div><div class="link"><div class="pr di superentry" itemprop="text"><div class="cid" id="dataset_cacd"></div> <div class="di-head c_h di_h"><div class="di-title di_t"><h2 class="c_hh"><b class='tb ttn'>east</b> | American Dictionary</h2></div></div> <div class="di-body"><div class="entry"><div class="entry-body"> <div class="pr entry-body__el"><div class="cid" id="cacd-1"></div><div class="pos-header dpos-h"><div class="di-title"><span class="headword hdb tw-bw dhw dpos-h_hw "><span class="hw dhw">east</span></span></div><div class="posgram dpos-g hdib lmr-5"><span class="pos dpos" title="A word that refers to a person, place, idea, event or thing.">noun</span> <span class="gram dgram"><a href="/help/codes.html">[ <span class="gc dgc">U</span> ]</a></span></div> <div ></div><span class="us dpron-i "><span class="region dreg">us</span><span class="daud"> <audio class="hdn" preload="none" id="audio7" controlsList="nodownload"> <div class="hdib" fallback> <p>Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio</p> </div> <source type="audio/mpeg" src="/media/english/us_pron/e/eas/east_/east.mp3"/> <source type="audio/ogg" src="/media/english/us_pron_ogg/e/eas/east_/east.ogg"/> </audio> <div title="Listen to the American English pronunciation" class="i i-volume-up c_aud htc hdib hp hv-1 fon tcu tc-bd lmr-10 lpt-3 fs20 hv-3" onclick="audio7.load();;" role="button" tabindex="0"></div> </span><span class="pron dpron">/<span class="ipa dipa lpr-2 lpl-1">ist</span>/</span></span><div class="lmt--5" ></div> <span class="var dvar">(<span class="lab dlab"><span class="usage dusage">abbreviation</span></span> <span class="v dv lmr-0">E.</span>)</span></div><div class="pos-body"> <div class="pr dsense dsense-noh"><div class="cid" id="cacd-1-1"></div> <div class="sense-body dsense_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00005476_01"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00005476_01', wotd: ' east ' } }),"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <span class='tb fs10 hvm'>Add to word list</span> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">the <a class="query" href="" title="direction" rel="">direction</a> where the <a class="query" href="" title="sun" rel="">sun</a> <a class="query" href="" title="rises" rel="">rises</a> in the <a class="query" href="" title="morning" rel="">morning</a> that is <a class="query" href="" title="opposite" rel="">opposite</a> <a class="query" href="" title="west" rel="">west</a>, or the <a class="query" href="" title="part" rel="">part</a> of an <a class="query" href="" title="area" rel="">area</a> or <a class="query" href="" title="country" rel="">country</a> that is in this <a class="query" href="" title="direction" rel="">direction</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">The <a class="query" href="" title="points" rel="">points</a> of the <a class="query" href="" title="compass" rel="">compass</a> are <a class="query" href="" title="north" rel="">north</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="south" rel="">south</a>, east, and <a class="query" href="" title="west" rel="">west</a>.</span></div><div class="examp dexamp"> <span class="eg deg">Most of the state’s <a class="query" href="" title="heavy" rel="">heavy</a> <a class="query" href="" title="industry" rel="">industry</a> is in the east.</span></div> </div></div><div class="pr phrase-block dphrase-block lmb-25"><div class="cid" id="cacd-1-1-2"></div><div class="phrase-head dphrase_h"><i class="i i-caret-right dtrans fs18 lpb-4" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="phrase-title dphrase-title"><b>the East</b></span></div><div class="phrase-body dphrase_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00005476_02"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00005476_02', wotd: ' east ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">The East is <a class="query" href="" title="Asia" rel="">Asia</a>, <a class="query" href="" title="esp" rel="">esp</a>. <a class="query" href="" title="its" rel="">its</a> <a class="query" href="" title="eastern" rel="">eastern</a> and <a class="query" href="" title="southern" rel="">southern</a> <a class="query" href="" title="parts" rel="">parts</a>: </div> </div><div class="def-body ddef_b"><div class="examp dexamp"><span class="eg deg">She <a class="query" href="" title="spent" rel="">spent</a> her <a class="query" href="" title="childhood" rel="">childhood</a> in the East, <a class="query" href="" title="mostly" rel="">mostly</a> in <a class="query" href="" title="China" rel="">China</a> and Japan.</span></div> </div></div></div></div><div class="pr phrase-block dphrase-block "><div class="cid" id="cacd-1-1-3"></div><div class="phrase-head dphrase_h"><i class="i i-caret-right dtrans fs18 lpb-4" aria-hidden="true"> </i><span class="phrase-title dphrase-title"><b>the East</b></span></div><div class="phrase-body dphrase_b"><div class="def-block ddef_block " data-wl-senseid="CACD_00005476_03"> <div class="dwl hax"> <a amp-access="loggedIn" amp-access-hide class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateGlobal: { wlSenseId: 'CACD_00005476_03', wotd: ' east ' } }),"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a amp-access="NOT loggedIn" class="dwla wordlist-add-button" title="Add this meaning to a word list" on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in"> <i class='i i-plus' aria-hidden='true'></i> <i class="i i-list-ul" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="ddef_h"><span class="def-info ddef-info"> </span><div class="def ddef_d db">In the US, the East is the <a class="query" href="" title="part" rel="">part</a> of the <a class="query" href="" title="country" rel="">country</a> east of the Mississippi River.</div> </div></div></div></div></div> <div class="pb-inline-sense"></div> </div></div></div></div></div></div> </div></div><small class="lbt lb-cm lpb-10 lpt-10 lpb-25 lmb-10 ddef had hdb"> (Definition of <b>east</b> from the <a href="" title="Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary" class="a--rev"><b>Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary</b></a> © Cambridge University Press) </small></div> <div class="dataset dd pr lmb-20" data-type="sorted" data-id="examples" data-tab="ds-examples" role="tabpanel"><div class="cid" id="dataset_examples"></div> <div id="dataset-example" data-tab="ds-example" role="tabpanel"> <div class="c_h"> <h2 class="c_hh">Examples <span class="tcl">of </span><span class="tb tci">east</span></h2></div> <div class="lp-10"> <div class="h2 dhw dpos-h_hw lpt-5 lpb-10"> east </div> <div class="degs had lbt lb-cm"> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> The study area is surrounded by large expanses (>200 km) of mainly continuous forest to the west, north and <em>east</em>. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717303" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717303', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> As we move from <em>east</em> to west through this area, a change is visible in the landscape. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717304" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717304', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> The latter two individuals had their skulls placed toward the <em>east</em>. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717305" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717305', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> The <em>east</em> has a longer history of settlement and is more urbanized than the west, which is somewhat of a frontier zone. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717306" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717306', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Integral to the pricing mechanism behind residential property was an <em>east</em>-west axis not re-ected in the distribution of businesses. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717307" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717307', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> With no support in the south and <em>east</em>, his presidential bid was all but doomed even before it was launched. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717308" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717308', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Moving north-south, one is directed towards the fireplaces [1 and 22]; moving <em>east</em>-west, one is directed toward the exterior landscape. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717309" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717309', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> The severity of famine gradually increased in the <em>east</em> which slowly proceeded from west through the decades. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717310" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717310', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> The vaulted roof and <em>east</em> facade of the pyramid platform are hypothetical. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717311" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717311', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> Thus leaves v to the <em>east</em> or south. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717312" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717312', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> This process was set to continue, and it was settled that these larger buildings should run mostly in an <em>east</em>-west direction. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717313" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717313', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> In the final design iteration, we decided that we wanted the south and <em>east</em> edges of the canopy to follow the walls. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717314" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717314', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> The structure was anchored in the south-<em>east</em> and south-west corners to start construction. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717315" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717315', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> The mountains steeply rise from the sea on the west side, and from the vast lowland on the <em>east</em> side. </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717316" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717316', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="lbb lb-cm lpt-10"> <span class="deg"> For a one-dimensional grid, each cell has two neighbours, west (left) and <em>east</em> (right). </span> <div class="dsource lpr-20 pr"> From the <a href= class='italic' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Cambridge English Corpus</a> <a class="report-example-inappropriate pa pt0 pr0" data-example-id="11717317" data-dataset-id="11666238" role="button" aria-label="Tell us what you think" title="Tell us what you think" tabindex="0" on="tap: formTellUs.clear,formTellUsDefinition.clear,AMP.setState({ stateSidebarEntryTellUs: { success: false, example_id: '11717317', dataset_id: '11666238' } })," > <i class="i i-comment fs14" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="tc-w hax"> <a href="" class="hao hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w tb lmt-20"> See all examples of <span class="bold">east</span> </a> </div> <div class="tc-bi fs12 lpt-10 lpb-10 break"> These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. </div> </div> </div> </div></div> <div class="lmt-10 hax"> <a href="/pronunciation/english/east" title="east pronunciation in English" class="hao hbtn hbtn-tab hbtn-b hbtn-tl bh tc-w tb pr"> <span class="hdib w95">What is the pronunciation of <em>east</em>?</span> <i class="i i-angle-right iw tb pa pr0 pt0 lmt-5 lmr-20" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </div> <div class="lmb-25 lch0">&nbsp;</div> </div> <div class="pr lcs bh"> <!-- translation --> <div class="cid" id="dataset_translations"></div> <div class="lc lc1 lc-m7-12 lp-20 lbb lbb0-m lbr-m lb-cn cdo-translations" id="translations"> <h2 class="h3 fs19 tn tc-w">Translations of <span class="tb">east</span></h2> <!-- market data set + localized data set --> <div class="lmb-10"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <div class="tc-bd fs14 lmb-10" tabindex="0"> in Chinese (Traditional) </div> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25 break-cj" lang="zh-Hant"> 東, 東方, 東方的&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-chinese-traditional/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Chinese (Traditional) translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <div class="tc-bd fs14 lmb-10" tabindex="0"> in Chinese (Simplified) </div> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25 break-cj" lang="zh-Hans"> 东, 东方, 东方的&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-chinese-simplified/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Chinese (Simplified) translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <div class="tc-bd fs14 lmb-10" tabindex="0"> in Spanish </div> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="es"> este, del este, oriental&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-spanish/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east Spanish translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <div class="tc-bd fs14 lmb-10" tabindex="0"> in Portuguese </div> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="pt"> leste, do leste, oriental&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-portuguese/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Portuguese translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <!-- other data set--> <div amp-access="1=1"> <div class="lmb-5 pr"> <div class="cid" id="dataset_translations_down"></div> <template amp-access-template type="amp-mustache"> <amp-state id="stateDictTrans"> <script type="application/json"> { "dataset": "", "dataset_text": "in more languages" } </script> </amp-state> </template> <amp-accordion id="accordEntryTrans" disable-session-states> <section> <header class="pr bt ca_h lpt-0 lpb-0 lpl-0 lpr-0"> <span class="hbtn hbtn-tab hbtn-b hbtn-tl bw tc-bd tn fs14"> <span [text]="stateDictTrans.dataset_text">in more languages</span> <i class="i i-chevron-down il tn pa pr0 pt0 lpt-5 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[class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-marathi' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="mr"> पूर्व, पूर्वेकडील, पूर्व दिशेला&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-marathi/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Marathi translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-japanese' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ja"> 東, 東(ひがし), 東(ひがし)の&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-japanese/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Japanese translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-french' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="fr"> est [masculine], d’est, à l’est&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-french/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: French translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-turkish' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="tr"> doğu, Doğu, doğuda&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-turkish/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east Turkish translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-catalan' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ca"> est&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-catalan/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Catalan translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-dutch' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="nl"> oosten, oost, oostelijk&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-dutch/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Dutch translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-tamil' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ta"> சூரியன் காலையில் உதிக்கும் திசை, மேற்கு நோக்கி எதிரே, அல்லது இந்த திசையில் இருக்கும் ஒரு பகுதி அல்லது நாட்டின் ஒரு பகுதி&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-tamil/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Tamil translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-hindi' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="hi"> पूर्व, पूर्वी, किसी चीज का पूर्व भाग बनाना या इस दिशा में&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-hindi/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Hindi translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-gujarati' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="gu"> પૂર્વ, પૂર્વ ભાગ, તરફ&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-gujarati/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Gujarati translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-danish' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="da"> øst, Ø, østlig&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-danish/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Danish translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-swedish' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="sv"> öster, östra, öst-&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-swedish/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Swedish translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-malaysian' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ms"> timur, pantai timur, angin timur&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-malaysian/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Malay translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-german' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="de"> der Osten, Ost-…, östlich&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-german/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: German translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-norwegian' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="no"> øst [neuter], øst, østlig&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-norwegian/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Norwegian translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-urdu' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ur"> پورب, مشرق, مشرقی&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-urdu/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Urdu translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-ukrainian' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="uk"> схід, східний, зі сходу&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-ukrainian/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Ukrainian translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-telugu' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="te"> తూర్పు, తూర్పు భాగాన, లేదా తూర్పుగా&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-telugu/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Telugu translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-arabic' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="ar"> الشَّرْق, جِهة الشَّرْق&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-arabic/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Arabic translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-bengali' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="bn"> পূর্ব দিক, কোনো এলাকা বা দেশের পূর্বদিক, পূর্ব&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-bengali/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Bengali translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-czech' ? 'pr lmt-10' : 'pr lmt-10 nojs'"> <div class="pr bw lp-10 lmt-5"> <span class="pa cs-tw"></span> <div class="tc-bb tb lpb-25" lang="cs"> východ, východní, na východ&hellip; </div> <div class="pa pr0 pb0 lp-5 fs13"> <a href="/dictionary/english-czech/east" class="hbtn hbtn-tab bh tc-w" title="east: Czech translation"> See more </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pr lmt-10 nojs" [class]="stateDictTrans.dataset == 'english-indonesian' ? 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'lpl-15 lpr-15' : 'hdn'"> <div class="tc-bl lmb-5 lmt--3 break"> Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English </div> <div class="hul-u tc-d fs16 hlh1_5 lmb-20"> <span data-dictCode="english" class="hp hdb hp" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english', dataset_text: 'English', dataset_search: 'Search English', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English" tabindex="0" title="English">English</span> <span data-dictCode="learner-english" class="hp hdb hp" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'learner-english', dataset_text: 'Learner&rsquo;s Dictionary', dataset_search: 'Search Learner&rsquo;s Dictionary', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Learner&rsquo;s Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Learner&rsquo;s Dictionary">Learner&rsquo;s Dictionary</span> <span data-dictCode="essential-british-english" class="hp hdb hp" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'essential-british-english', dataset_text: 'Essential British English', dataset_search: 'Search Essential British English', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Essential British English" tabindex="0" title="Essential British English">Essential British English</span> <span data-dictCode="essential-american-english" class="hp hdb hp" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'essential-american-english', dataset_text: 'Essential American English', dataset_search: 'Search Essential American English', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Essential American English" tabindex="0" title="Essential American English">Essential American English</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class="lbt lb-cm"> <span class="hdb hax lp-10 lpl-15 lpr-15 hp" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDict: { gram: ! stateSidebarDict.gram } })"> <span class="pr hdb"> <span class="fs12 tcu">Grammar and thesaurus</span> <i aria-hidden="true" class="i i-minus ibd pa pr0 lpt-2" [class]="stateSidebarDict.gram ? 'i i-minus ibd pa pr0 lpt-2' : 'i i-plus ibd pa pr0 lpt-2'"> </i> </span> </span> <div class="lpl-15 lpr-15" [class]="stateSidebarDict.gram ? 'lpl-15 lpr-15' : 'hdn'"> <div class="tc-bl lmb-5 lmt--3 break"> Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English </div> <div class="hul-u tc-d fs16 hlh1_5 lmb-20"> <span data-dictCode="british-grammar" class="hp hdb" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'british-grammar', dataset_text: 'Grammar', dataset_search: 'Search Grammar', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Grammar" tabindex="0" title="Grammar">Grammar</span> <!-- need to rework this part when we have the spec for the thesaurus dataset selector --> <span data-dictCode="thesaurus" class="hp" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'thesaurus', dataset_text: 'Thesaurus', dataset_search: 'Search Thesaurus', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Thesaurus" tabindex="0" title="Thesaurus">Thesaurus</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class="lbt lb-cm"> <span class="hdb hax lp-10 lpl-15 lpr-15 hp" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDict: { pron: ! stateSidebarDict.pron } })"> <span class="pr hdb"> <span class="fs12 tcu">Pronunciation</span> <i aria-hidden="true" class="i i-minus ibd pa pr0 lpt-2" [class]="stateSidebarDict.pron ? 'i i-minus ibd pa pr0 lpt-2' : 'i i-plus ibd pa pr0 lpt-2'"> </i> </span> </span> <div class="lpl-15 lpr-15" [class]="stateSidebarDict.pron ? 'lpl-15 lpr-15' : 'hdn'"> <div class="tc-bl lmb-5 lmt--3 break"> British and American pronunciations with audio </div> <div class="hul-u tc-d fs16 hlh1_5 lmb-20"> <span data-dictCode="pronunciation" class="hp hdb lmb-5 hp" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'pronunciation', dataset_text: 'English Pronunciation', dataset_search: 'Search English Pronunciation', isbilang: false } }), sidebarDict.close, searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English Pronunciation" tabindex="0" title="English Pronunciation">English Pronunciation</span> </div> </div> </li> <li class="lbt lb-cm"> <span class="hdb hax lp-10 lpl-15 lpr-15 hp" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDict: { trans: ! stateSidebarDict.trans } })"> <span class="pr hdb"> <span class="fs12 tcu">Translation</span> <i aria-hidden="true" class="i i-minus ibd pa pr0 lpt-2" [class]="stateSidebarDict.trans ? 'i i-minus ibd pa pr0 lpt-2' : 'i i-plus ibd pa pr0 lpt-2'"> </i> </span> </span> <div class="lpl-15 lpr-15" [class]="stateSidebarDict.trans ? 'lpl-15 lpr-15' : 'hdn'"> <amp-state id="stateSidebarDictBi"> <script type="application/json"> { "english_chinese_simplified": false, "english_chinese_traditional": false, "english_dutch": false, "english_french": false, "english_german": false, "english_indonesian": false, "english_italian": false, "english_japanese": false, "english_norwegian": false, "english_polish": false, "english_portuguese": false, "english_spanish": false, "english_swedish": false, "erroneous_extra_item": false } </script> </amp-state> <div class="tc-bl lmb-5 lmt--3 break"> Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. </div> <div class="tb lmt-10 lmb-5">Bilingual Dictionaries</div> <ul class="hul-u tc-d fs16 lmb-15"> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_chinese_simplified: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_simplified }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_simplified ? 'english-chinese-simplified' : 'chinese-simplified-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_simplified ? 'English&ndash;Chinese (Simplified)' : 'Chinese (Simplified)&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_simplified ? 'Search English&ndash;Chinese (Simplified)' : 'Search Chinese (Simplified)&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-chinese-simplified" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_simplified ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-chinese-simplified', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Chinese (Simplified)', dataset_search: 'Search English–Chinese (Simplified)', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'chinese-simplified-english', datasetrev_text: 'Chinese (Simplified)&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Chinese (Simplified)–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Chinese (Simplified) Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Chinese (Simplified) Dictionary">English&ndash;Chinese (Simplified)</span> <span data-dictCode="chinese-simplified-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_simplified ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'chinese-simplified-english', dataset_text: 'Chinese (Simplified)&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Chinese (Simplified)–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-chinese-simplified', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Chinese (Simplified)', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Chinese (Simplified)'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge Chinese (Simplified)-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge Chinese (Simplified)-English Dictionary">Chinese (Simplified)&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_chinese_traditional: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'english-chinese-traditional' : 'chinese-traditional-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'English&ndash;Chinese (Traditional)' : 'Chinese (Traditional)&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'Search English&ndash;Chinese (Traditional)' : 'Search Chinese (Traditional)&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-chinese-traditional" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-chinese-traditional', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Chinese (Traditional)', dataset_search: 'Search English–Chinese (Traditional)', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'chinese-traditional-english', datasetrev_text: 'Chinese (Traditional)&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Chinese (Traditional)–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Chinese (Traditional) Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Chinese (Traditional) Dictionary">English&ndash;Chinese (Traditional)</span> <span data-dictCode="chinese-traditional-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_chinese_traditional ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'chinese-traditional-english', dataset_text: 'Chinese (Traditional)&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Chinese (Traditional)–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-chinese-traditional', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Chinese (Traditional)', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Chinese (Traditional)'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary">Chinese (Traditional)&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_dutch: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'english-dutch' : 'dutch-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'English&ndash;Dutch' : 'Dutch&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'Search English&ndash;Dutch' : 'Search Dutch&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-dutch" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-dutch', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Dutch', dataset_search: 'Search English–Dutch', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'dutch-english', datasetrev_text: 'Dutch&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Dutch–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Dutch Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Dutch Dictionary">English&ndash;Dutch</span> <span data-dictCode="dutch-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_dutch ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'dutch-english', dataset_text: 'Dutch&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Dutch–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-dutch', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Dutch', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Dutch'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Dutch-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Dutch-English Dictionary">Dutch&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_french: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_french }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'english-french' : 'french-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'English&ndash;French' : 'French&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'Search English&ndash;French' : 'Search French&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-french" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-french', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;French', dataset_search: 'Search English–French', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'french-english', datasetrev_text: 'French&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search French–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-French Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-French Dictionary">English&ndash;French</span> <span data-dictCode="french-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_french ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'french-english', dataset_text: 'French&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search French–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-french', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;French', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–French'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to French-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="French-English Dictionary">French&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_german: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_german }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'english-german' : 'german-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'English&ndash;German' : 'German&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'Search English&ndash;German' : 'Search German&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-german" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-german', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;German', dataset_search: 'Search English–German', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'german-english', datasetrev_text: 'German&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search German–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-German Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-German Dictionary">English&ndash;German</span> <span data-dictCode="german-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_german ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'german-english', dataset_text: 'German&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search German–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-german', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;German', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–German'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to German-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="German-English Dictionary">German&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_indonesian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'english-indonesian' : 'indonesian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'English&ndash;Indonesian' : 'Indonesian&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'Search English&ndash;Indonesian' : 'Search Indonesian&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-indonesian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-indonesian', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Indonesian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Indonesian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'indonesian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Indonesian&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Indonesian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Indonesian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Indonesian Dictionary">English&ndash;Indonesian</span> <span data-dictCode="indonesian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_indonesian ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'indonesian-english', dataset_text: 'Indonesian&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Indonesian–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-indonesian', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Indonesian', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Indonesian'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Indonesian-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Indonesian-English Dictionary">Indonesian&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_italian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'english-italian' : 'italian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'English&ndash;Italian' : 'Italian&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'Search English&ndash;Italian' : 'Search Italian&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-italian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-italian', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Italian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Italian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'italian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Italian&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Italian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary">English&ndash;Italian</span> <span data-dictCode="italian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_italian ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'italian-english', dataset_text: 'Italian&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Italian–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-italian', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Italian', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Italian'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Italian-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Italian-English Dictionary">Italian&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_japanese: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'english-japanese' : 'japanese-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'English&ndash;Japanese' : 'Japanese&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'Search English&ndash;Japanese' : 'Search Japanese&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-japanese" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-japanese', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Japanese', dataset_search: 'Search English–Japanese', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'japanese-english', datasetrev_text: 'Japanese&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Japanese–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Japanese Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Japanese Dictionary">English&ndash;Japanese</span> <span data-dictCode="japanese-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_japanese ? 'hp' : 'hdn'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'japanese-english', dataset_text: 'Japanese&ndash;English', dataset_search: 'Search Japanese–English', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'english-japanese', datasetrev_text: 'English&ndash;Japanese', datasetrev_search: 'Search English–Japanese'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Japanese-English Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Japanese-English Dictionary">Japanese&ndash;English</span> </li> <li> <i class="hp i i-exchange fs14 hv0 tc-p lpl-5 lpr-10" title="Change language direction" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarDictBi: { english_norwegian: ! stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian }, stateSearch: { dataset: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'english-norwegian' : 'norwegian-english', dataset_text: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'English&ndash;Norwegian' : 'Norwegian&ndash;English', dataset_search: stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'Search English&ndash;Norwegian' : 'Search Norwegian&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-norwegian" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-norwegian', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Norwegian', dataset_search: 'Search English–Norwegian', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'norwegian-english', datasetrev_text: 'Norwegian&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Norwegian–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to English-Norwegian Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="English-Norwegian Dictionary">English&ndash;Norwegian</span> <span data-dictCode="norwegian-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_norwegian ? 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'Search English&ndash;Polish' : 'Search Polish&ndash;English' } })" role="button" aria-label="Change language direction" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="true"> </i> <span data-dictCode="english-polish" class="hp" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 'hdn' : 'hp'" on="tap:AMP.setState({ stateSearch: { dataset: 'english-polish', dataset_text: 'English&ndash;Polish', dataset_search: 'Search English–Polish', isbilang: true, datasetrev: 'polish-english', datasetrev_text: 'Polish&ndash;English', datasetrev_search: 'Search Polish–English'} }),sidebarDict.close,searchword.focus" role="button" aria-label="Set dictionary search to Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary" tabindex="0" title="Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary">English&ndash;Polish</span> <span data-dictCode="polish-english" class="hdn" [class]="stateSidebarDictBi.english_polish ? 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'' : 'hdn'"><div class="lbt lml-15 lmr-15 lpt-10 lpb-10 lpl-10"><a href="#cald4-3"><span class="ti tb">Adverb</span></a></div></div> </li><li class="lbb lb-cm " data-dataset="cacd"> <div class="habg hax lp-15 lpt-10 lpb-10"><a class="pr tcu hdb lpt-2 lpb-2" role="button" aria-label="Open variations list" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarContentNav: {'cacd': !stateSidebarContentNav['cacd'] } })"> American  <i class=" i-plus i ibd pa pr5 " [class]="stateSidebarContentNav['cacd'] ? 'i i-minus ibd pa pr5' : 'i i-plus ibd pa pr5'"> </i></a></div><div class=" hdn " [class]="stateSidebarContentNav['cacd'] ? '' : 'hdn'"><ul class="hul-u hul-un hul-u0 lm-0 lbt lb-cm lml-15 lmr-15"><li class="lbb lb-cm"> <div class="pr hp lpt-10 lpb-10 lpl-10" role="button" aria-label="Open variations list" tabindex="0" on="tap: AMP.setState({ stateSidebarContentNav: {'cacd_Noun': !stateSidebarContentNav['cacd_Noun'] } })"> <span class="ti tb">Noun</span><i class=" i i-plus ibd pa pr5 lpt-2 " [class]="stateSidebarContentNav['cacd_Noun'] ? 'i i-minus ibd pa pr5 lpt-2' : 'i i-plus ibd pa pr5 lpt-2'"> </i> </div> <div class=" hdn " [class]="stateSidebarContentNav['cacd_Noun'] ? 'lpl-20' : 'hdn'" data-key-open="cald4_Noun" data-key-current="cacd_Noun"><ul class="lmb-5"> <li class="lpt-5 lpb-5"><a class="js-trigger" data-onclick=" sendGAEvent('navigation', 'navigation-link') " href="#cacd-1" title="east meaning "><span class="hw">east</span></a></li> <li class="lpt-5 lpb-5"><a class="js-trigger" data-onclick=" sendGAEvent('navigation', 'navigation-link') " href="#cacd-1-1-2" title="the East meaning "><span class="hw">the East</span></a></li> <li class="lpt-5 lpb-5"><a class="js-trigger" data-onclick=" sendGAEvent('navigation', 'navigation-link') " href="#cacd-1-1-3" title="the East meaning "><span class="hw">the East</span></a></li> </ul></div> </li> </ul></div> </li><li class="lbb lb-cm lp-15 lpt-10 lpb-10"><a class="habg hax tcu hdb lpt-2 lpb-2" href="#dataset_examples"> Examples </a></li></ul> </div> <ul class="hul-u hul-u0 fs14"> <li class="lbb lb-cm lp-15 lpt-10 lpb-10"> <a href="#dataset_translations" class="habg hax tcu hdb lpt-2 lpb-2"> Translations </a> </li> <li class="lbb lb-cm lp-15 lpt-10 lpb-10"> <a href="" class="pr habg hax tcu hdb lpt-2 lpb-2"> Grammar <i class="i i-external-link-alt ibd pa pr5 lpt-2" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </li> <li class="lp-15 lpt-10 lpb-10"> <a href="" class="pr habg hax tcu hdb lpt-2 lpb-2"> All translations <i class="i i-external-link-alt ibd pa pr5 lpt-2" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </amp-sidebar> <amp-state id="stateSidebarWordList"> <script type="application/json"> { "wordlist_id": "", "word": "", "wordlist": "", "dictCode": "english", "url": "", "expended": false } </script> </amp-state> <amp-state id="stateSidebarWordListItems" [src]="'/plus/getWordlists?foo=' + stateSidebarWordList.wordlist_id" credentials="include"> <script type="application/json"> [] </script> </amp-state> <amp-sidebar id="sidebarWordList" layout="nodisplay" side="left" class="bw cm-f" amp-access-hide> <div class="pr hdf hflxy lminh100"> <div class="pr cm-fc hflx1 lm-auto"> <span class="pa pt0 pr0 lmt-5 lmr-15 lpt-15 hp fon" role="button" tabindex="0" on="tap:formAddToWordlistNew.clear, formAddToWordlist.clear, sidebarWordList.close" aria-label='Close' title='Close'> <i class="i i-close ibd lpr-5" aria-hidden="true"></i> </span> <div class="han tc-bd lp-15 lpt-5 lpb-25" amp-access="NOT loggedIn"> <div class="fs18 lpt-20 lmb-25">My word lists</div> <p>To add <strong class='tb' [text]='stateGlobal.wotd'>east</strong> to a word list please sign up or log in.</p> <div> <span on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-up" class="boa hao hbtn hbtn-tab tb tc-bd">Sign up</span> <span class="lpl-5 lpr-5">or</span> <span on="tap:amp-access.login-sign-in" class="bh hao hbtn hbtn-tab tb">Log in</span> </div> </div> <div class="han tc-bd lp-15 lpt-5 lpb-25" amp-access="loggedIn"> <div class="fs18 lpt-20 lmb-25">My word lists</div> <p>Add <strong class='tb' [text]='stateGlobal.wotd'>east</strong> to one of your lists below, or create a new one.</p> <div class="lp-10 lc1 lmb-10"> <form class="x" id="formAddToWordlistNew" method="post" action-xhr="" verify-xhr="" target="_top" on="submit-success:AMP.setState({ stateSidebarWordList: { wordlist_id: event.response.wordlistId } }),formAddToWordlist.submit"> <div> <div class="hfr"> <button type="submit" class="bo iwc iwc-40 hao lb0" aria-label="Create side bar" title="Create"> <i class="i i-check" aria-hidden="true"></i> </button> </div> <div class="hoh lpr-5"> <input type="text" name="name" class="ft fon pr pt0 hbr-20 lc1 lp-10 lpl-15" placeholder="New word list name" /> </div> </div> <div submitting> <template type="amp-mustache"> <div class="pa p0 lp-5 bl-l"> <div class="pa p0 bload"> </div> </div> </template> </div> <div submit-error> <template type="amp-mustache"> <div class="fs14 lpt-5 tc-err"> {{#verifyErrors}} <p>{{message}}</p> {{/verifyErrors}} {{^verifyErrors}} {{#message}} <p>{{message}}</p> {{/message}} {{^message}} <p>Something went wrong.</p> {{/message}} {{/verifyErrors}} </div> </template> </div> </form> </div> <amp-list id="sideBarWordListLists" height="0" layout="fixed-height" items="." 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