Mark Foley, former Representative for Florida's 16th Congressional District -
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Mark Foley </h1> <p> Former Representative for Florida’s 16<sup>th</sup> District </p> </div> <div class="action-row clearfix"> </div> <div class="row group"> <div id="track_panel_base" class="col-sm-8 col-md-6"> <div style="margin: .5em 0 1em 0"> <p> Foley was the representative for <a href="/congress/members/FL">Florida</a>’s 16<sup>th</sup> congressional district and was a Republican. He served from 1995 to 2006. </p> </div> <div id="seealso-links" style="margin-bottom: 30px;"> <span> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa-solid fa-money-check-dollar" style="margin-right: 7px"></i>OpenSecrets</a> </span> <span> <a href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa-solid fa-user" style="margin-right: 7px"></i>Bioguide</a> </span> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="aside col-sm-4 col-md-3"> <div id="event_subscribe_inline_container"> </div> <div class="photo" style="margin-bottom: 10px"> <img src="/static/legislator-photos/400136-200px.jpeg" alt="Photo of Rep. Mark Foley [R-FL16, 1995-2006]" class="img-fluid"/> </div> </div><!-- /photo container --> <div class="col-md-3 hidden-xs hidden-sm"> <div class="ads" data-zone="sidebar"> <div class="explainer">(<a href="/advertising">About Ads</a> | <a href="/accounts/membership">Hide These Ads</a>)</div> </div> <!-- /ads --> </div><!-- /col --> </div> <!-- /row --> <!-- Harris --> <!-- JD Vance --> <!-- Walz --> <!-- Kraken Caucus Labels --> <!-- contact panel --> <style> #contact_modal .list-group-item input[type=radio] { float: left; text-align: right; width: 7%; } #contact_modal h4 { margin-top: -3px; } #contact_modal .list-group-item > div { float: left; width: 93%; } #contact_modal .list-group-item label { font-weight: normal; } #contact_modal .list-group-item .contact_expando { display: none; padding-top: .75em; } .list-group-item, .list-group-item .list-group-item-text { text-shadow: none; color: #444; /* inverts color */ }, .list-group-item-text { color: #FFE; /* now override our override to kind of put it back */ } #contact_modal .contact_expando a { color: #FFE; } #contact_modal { background-color: #9D2146; } </style> <div id="contact_modal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="contact_modalTitle" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <h2 class="modal-title" id="contact_modalTitle">Contact Rep. 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Mark Foley’s website »</a></p> <p>Look for a contact form on <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="$('#contact_modal').modal('hide')">Rep. Mark Foley’s website</a> to express your opinion.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="list-group-item clearfix"> <input type="radio" name="contact_constituent_why" id="contact_constituent_casework"> <div> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"><label for="contact_constituent_casework"><b>I need help, have a question, or want to schedule a tour.</b></label></h4> <p class="list-group-item-text"><label for="contact_constituent_casework">I’m having a problem with a government agency, need legal help, want to schedule a meeting or White House tour, or have another question.</label></p> <div class="contact_expando"> <p><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="$('#contact_modal').modal('hide')" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">Visit Foley’s Website »</a></p> <p>Head over to Rep. Mark Foley’s <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="$('#contact_modal').modal('hide')">website</a>. If you are having a problem with a government agency, look for a contact link for <b>casework</b> to submit a request for help. Otherwise, look for a phone number on that website to call his office if you have a question.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="list-group-item clearfix"> <input type="radio" name="contact_constituent" id="contact_constituent_no"> <div> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"><label for="contact_constituent_no"><b>I am not a constituent.</b></label></h4> <p class="list-group-item-text"><label for="contact_constituent_no">I live elsewhere.</label></p> <div class="contact_expando"> <p>Not all Members of Congress will accept messages from non-constituents. You can try your luck by visiting <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="$('#contact_modal').modal('hide')">Foley’s website</a>. Otherwise, try contacting your own representative:</p> <p><a href="/congress/members" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">Find Your Representative »</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="list-group-item clearfix"> <input type="radio" name="contact_constituent" id="contact_constituent_notsure"> <div> <h4 class="list-group-item-heading"><label for="contact_constituent_notsure"><b>I am not sure.</b></label></h4> <p class="list-group-item-text"><label for="contact_constituent_notsure">I’m not sure if I live in his district.</label></p> <div class="contact_expando"> <p><a href="/congress/members" class="btn btn-lg btn-success">Find Your Representative »</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p style="margin: 1em 0; font-size: 90%; line-height: 120%;">You are currently on the website, which has no affiliation with Foley and is <b>not</b> a government website. Choose from the options above to find the right way to contact Foley.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /contact panel --> <div id="member-details"> <section id="sponsorship_analysis"> <h2><span>Analysis</span></h2> <h3>Ideology–Leadership Chart</h3> <p> Foley is shown as a purple triangle <span style="color: #df53df">▲</span> in our ideology-leadership chart below. Each dot was a member of the House of Representatives in 2006 positioned according to our ideology score (left to right) and our leadership score (leaders are toward the top).</p> <div id="sponsorship_analysis_chart"> </div> <p style="margin-top: -7px; color: #555; font-size: 90%; line-height: 120%;">The chart is based on the bills legislators sponsored and cosponsored from Jan 3, 2001 to Dec 8, 2006. See full <a href="/about/analysis">analysis methodology</a>.</p> </section><!-- /analysis --> <section> <h2><span>Enacted Legislation</span></h2> <p>Foley was the primary sponsor of 3 bills that were enacted:</p> <ul style="list-style: none; padding: 0;"> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/109/hr3830" title="H.R. 3830 (109th): To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 130 East Marion Avenue in Punta Gorda, Florida, as the “U.S. Cleveland Post Office Building”.">H.R. 3830 (109th): To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 130 East Marion Avenue in Punta Gorda, Florida, as the “U.S. Cleveland Post Office Building”.</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/109/hr1134" title="H.R. 1134 (109th): To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for the proper tax treatment of certain disaster mitigation payments.">H.R. 1134 (109th): To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for the proper tax treatment of certain disaster mitigation payments.</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/107/hr4014" title="H.R. 4014 (107th): Rare Diseases Orphan Product Development Act of 2002">H.R. 4014 (107th): Rare Diseases Orphan Product Development Act of 2002</a></li> </ul> <p><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400136#enacted_ex=on">View All »</a></p> <p><i>Does 3 not sound like a lot? Very few bills are ever enacted — most legislators sponsor only a handful that are signed into law. But there are other legislative activities that we don’t track that are also important, including offering amendments, committee work and oversight of the other branches, and constituent services.</i></p> <p style="font-size: 90%; line-height: 120%;">We consider a bill enacted if one of the following is true: a) it is enacted itself, b) it has a companion bill in the other chamber (as identified by Congress) which was enacted, or c) if at least about half of its provisions were incorporated into bills that were enacted (as determined by an automated text analysis, applicable beginning with bills in the 110<sup>th</sup> Congress).</p> </section> <section id="sponsorship"> <h2><span>Bills Sponsored</span></h2> <h3>Issue Areas</h3> <p>Foley sponsored bills primarily in these issue areas:</p> <p style="margin-left: 1em; line-height: 155%"> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400136&subject=6096">Government Operations and Politics</a> (19%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400136&subject=5914">Commerce</a> (14%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400136&subject=6253">Law</a> (12%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400136&subject=6342">Taxation</a> (12%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400136&subject=5952">Crime and Law Enforcement</a> (11%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400136&subject=5978">Economics and Public Finance</a> (11%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400136&subject=6235">Labor and Employment</a> (11%)</span> <span style="margin-right: 2em; display: inline-block;"><a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400136&subject=6293">Science, Technology, Communications</a> (10%)</span> </p> <h3>Recently Introduced Bills</h3> <p>Foley recently introduced the following legislation:</p> <ul style="list-style: none; padding: 0;"> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/109/hconres471" title="H.Con.Res. 471 (109th): Congratulating The Professional Golfers’ Association of America on its 90th anniversary and commending the members of The Professional Golfers’ Association of America and The PGA Foundation for the charitable contributions they pr">H.Con.Res. 471 (109th): Congratulating The Professional Golfers’ Association of America on its 90th anniversary and …</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/109/hr5773" title="H.R. 5773 (109th): Child Fingerprints Safekeeping Act of 2006">H.R. 5773 (109th): Child Fingerprints Safekeeping Act of 2006</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/109/hr5758" title="H.R. 5758 (109th): To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide that World War II merchant mariners who were awarded the Mariners Medal shall be provided eligibility for Department of Veterans Affairs health care on the same basis as veterans who ha">H.R. 5758 (109th): To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide that World War …</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/109/hr5749" title="H.R. 5749 (109th): Internet Stopping Adults Facilitating the Exploitation of Today’s Youth Act (SAFETY) of 2006">H.R. 5749 (109th): Internet Stopping Adults Facilitating the Exploitation of Today’s Youth Act (SAFETY) of …</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/109/hres729" title="H.Res. 729 (109th): Supporting National Tourism Week.">H.Res. 729 (109th): Supporting National Tourism Week.</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/109/hr4905" title="H.R. 4905 (109th): Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act">H.R. 4905 (109th): Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act</a></li> <li style="margin-bottom: .3em"><a href="/congress/bills/109/hr4813" title="H.R. 4813 (109th): United States Security Improvement Act of 2006">H.R. 4813 (109th): United States Security Improvement Act of 2006</a></li> </ul> <p> <a href="/congress/bills/browse?sponsor=400136">View All »</a> | <a href="/congress/members/mark_foley/400136/cosponsors">View Cosponsors »</a> <p style="font-size: 90%; line-height: 120%;">Most legislation has no activity after being introduced.</p> </p> </section><!-- /sponsorship --> <div class="ads footer leaderboard" data-zone="footer"> <div class="explainer">(<a href="/advertising">About Ads</a> | <a href="/accounts/membership">Hide These Ads</a>)</div> </div> <section id="voting-record"> <h2><span>Voting Record</span></h2> <h3>Missed Votes</h3> <p>From Jan 1995 to Sep 2006, Foley missed 164 of 7,145 roll call votes, which is 2.3%. This is on par with the median of 2.9% among the lifetime records of representatives serving in Sep 2006. The chart below reports missed votes over time.</p> <p><i> We don’t track why legislators miss votes, but it’s often due to medical absenses, major life events, and running for higher office. </i></p> <div id="voting_record_chart"> </div> <p style="text-align: center; margin-top: .5em; font-size: 90%;"><a href="#" onclick="$('#missedvotestable').slideDown(); $(this).hide(); return false;">Show the numbers...</a></p> <table id="missedvotestable" style="display: none"> <tr> <th>Time Period</th> <th>Votes Eligible</th> <th>Missed Votes</th> <th>Percent</th> <th>Percentile</th> </tr> <tr><td title="104th Congress, 1995, House, Q1"> 1995 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">279</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.4%</td> <td style="text-align: center">19<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="104th Congress, 1995, House, Q2"> 1995 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">189</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">19<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="104th Congress, 1995, House, Q3"> 1995 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">232</td> <td style="text-align: center">5</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.2%</td> <td style="text-align: center">61<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="104th Congress, 1995, House, Q4"> 1995 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">185</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.1%</td> <td style="text-align: center">31<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="104th Congress, 1996, House, Q1"> 1996 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">110</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="104th Congress, 1996, House, Q2"> 1996 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">182</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.6%</td> <td style="text-align: center">38<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="104th Congress, 1996, House, Q3"> 1996 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">163</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.2%</td> <td style="text-align: center">37<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="105th Congress, 1997, House, Q1"> 1997 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">71</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.8%</td> <td style="text-align: center">58<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="105th Congress, 1997, House, Q2"> 1997 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">174</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.1%</td> <td style="text-align: center">35<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="105th Congress, 1997, House, Q3"> 1997 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">232</td> <td style="text-align: center">5</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.2%</td> <td style="text-align: center">57<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="105th Congress, 1997, House, Q4"> 1997 Oct-Nov </td> <td style="text-align: center">163</td> <td style="text-align: center">6</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.7%</td> <td style="text-align: center">66<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="105th Congress, 1998, House, Q1"> 1998 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">89</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.4%</td> <td style="text-align: center">62<sup>nd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="105th Congress, 1998, House, Q2"> 1998 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">185</td> <td style="text-align: center">17</td> <td style="text-align: center">9.2%</td> <td style="text-align: center">90<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="105th Congress, 1998, House, Q3"> 1998 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">199</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="105th Congress, 1998, House, Q4"> 1998 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">74</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="106th Congress, 1999, House, Q1"> 1999 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">77</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="106th Congress, 1999, House, Q2"> 1999 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">184</td> <td style="text-align: center">6</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.3%</td> <td style="text-align: center">67<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="106th Congress, 1999, House, Q3"> 1999 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">204</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="106th Congress, 1999, House, Q4"> 1999 Oct-Nov </td> <td style="text-align: center">146</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="106th Congress, 2000, House, Q1"> 2000 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">95</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.1%</td> <td style="text-align: center">22<sup>nd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="106th Congress, 2000, House, Q2"> 2000 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">277</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.7%</td> <td style="text-align: center">22<sup>nd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="106th Congress, 2000, House, Q3"> 2000 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">130</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="106th Congress, 2000, House, Q4"> 2000 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">101</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">25<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="107th Congress, 2001, House, Q1"> 2001 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">75</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.3%</td> <td style="text-align: center">34<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="107th Congress, 2001, House, Q2"> 2001 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">135</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.2%</td> <td style="text-align: center">46<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="107th Congress, 2001, House, Q3"> 2001 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">149</td> <td style="text-align: center">5</td> <td style="text-align: center">3.4%</td> <td style="text-align: center">70<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="107th Congress, 2001, House, Q4"> 2001 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">153</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">45<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="107th Congress, 2002, House, Q1"> 2002 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">79</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="107th Congress, 2002, House, Q2"> 2002 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">203</td> <td style="text-align: center">4</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">40<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="107th Congress, 2002, House, Q3"> 2002 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">141</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.4%</td> <td style="text-align: center">35<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="107th Congress, 2002, House, Q4"> 2002 Oct-Nov </td> <td style="text-align: center">61</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">4.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">65<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2003, House, Q1"> 2003 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">94</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2003, House, Q2"> 2003 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">239</td> <td style="text-align: center">4</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.7%</td> <td style="text-align: center">42<sup>nd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2003, House, Q3"> 2003 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">193</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.6%</td> <td style="text-align: center">42<sup>nd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2003, House, Q4"> 2003 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">151</td> <td style="text-align: center">10</td> <td style="text-align: center">6.6%</td> <td style="text-align: center">74<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2004, House, Q1"> 2004 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">104</td> <td style="text-align: center">3</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">41<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2004, House, Q2"> 2004 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">221</td> <td style="text-align: center">1</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">14<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2004, House, Q3"> 2004 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">161</td> <td style="text-align: center">4</td> <td style="text-align: center">2.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">44<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="108th Congress, 2004, House, Q4"> 2004 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">58</td> <td style="text-align: center">4</td> <td style="text-align: center">6.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">69<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2005, House, Q1"> 2005 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">90</td> <td style="text-align: center">11</td> <td style="text-align: center">12.2%</td> <td style="text-align: center">93<sup>rd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2005, House, Q2"> 2005 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">272</td> <td style="text-align: center">4</td> <td style="text-align: center">1.5%</td> <td style="text-align: center">42<sup>nd</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2005, House, Q3"> 2005 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">146</td> <td style="text-align: center">0</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.0%</td> <td style="text-align: center">0<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2005, House, Q4"> 2005 Oct-Dec </td> <td style="text-align: center">163</td> <td style="text-align: center">21</td> <td style="text-align: center">12.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">91<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2006, House, Q1"> 2006 Jan-Mar </td> <td style="text-align: center">81</td> <td style="text-align: center">4</td> <td style="text-align: center">4.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">76<sup>th</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2006, House, Q2"> 2006 Apr-Jun </td> <td style="text-align: center">276</td> <td style="text-align: center">2</td> <td style="text-align: center">0.7%</td> <td style="text-align: center">21<sup>st</sup></td></tr> <tr><td title="109th Congress, 2006, House, Q3"> 2006 Jul-Sep </td> <td style="text-align: center">159</td> <td style="text-align: center">11</td> <td style="text-align: center">6.9%</td> <td style="text-align: center">83<sup>rd</sup></td></tr> </table> <!-- <div class="alert alert-info"> See how <a href="/congress/votes/presidential-candidates">presidential campaigns affect voting records</a>. </div> --> </section><!-- /voting-record --> <section> <h2><span>Primary Sources</span></h2> <p>The information on this page is originally sourced from a variety of materials, including:</p> <ul style="list-style: none; padding: 0;"> <li><a href="">unitedstates/congress-legislators</a>, a community project gathering congressional information</li> <li>The <a href="">House</a> and <a href="">Senate</a> websites, for committee membership and voting records</li> <li><a href="">Congressional Pictorial Directory</a> for the photo</li> <li><a href=""></a>, for sponsored bills</li> </ul> </section> </div><!-- /member-details --> <div id="pronunciation_modal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="pronunciationModalTitle" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> 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0.462391192813, name: "Clyburn\n<br>7 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_clyburn/400075" } , { x: 0.205256601668, y: 0.64215756139, name: "Davis [IL7]\n<br>426 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/danny_davis/400093" } , { x: 0.219371926881, y: 0.662290471957, name: "Jackson Lee\n<br>613 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sheila_jackson_lee/400199" } , { x: 0.129941006762, y: 0.376939064374, name: "Norton\n<br>172 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/eleanor_norton/400295" } , { x: 0.170483482823, y: 0.521857227052, name: "Payne\n<br>419 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/donald_payne/400312" } , { x: 0.272835351674, y: 0.30426152532, name: "Towns\n<br>52 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/edolphus_towns/400409" } , { x: 0.0986113816198, y: 0.585240293323, name: "Stark\n<br>678 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/fortney_stark/400387" } , { x: 0.251403203526, y: 0.628831791326, name: "Crowley\n<br>393 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joseph_crowley/400087" } , { x: 0.240321549189, y: 0.368742289969, name: "Fattah\n<br>152 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/chaka_fattah/400130" } , { x: 0.227285302166, y: 0.7738436041, name: "Filner\n<br>958 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bob_filner/400133" } , { x: 0.170977336658, y: 0.585400819846, name: "Hinchey\n<br>546 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/maurice_hinchey/400178" } , { x: 0.0, y: 0.685458888937, name: "Lee\n<br>1672 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/barbara_lee/400237" } , { x: 0.114270628053, y: 0.504431128207, name: "McDermott\n<br>489 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jim_mcdermott/400262" } , { x: 0.183709323896, y: 0.615793478966, name: "McGovern\n<br>409 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_mcgovern/400263" } , { x: 0.252769912625, y: 0.354098165788, name: "McKinney\n<br>81 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/cynthia_mckinney/400513" } , { x: 0.226316274058, y: 0.741587644923, name: "Slaughter\n<br>713 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/louise_slaughter/400378" } , { x: 0.270964189733, y: 0.510058948104, name: "Wynn\n<br>71 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/albert_wynn/400438" } , { x: 0.176797446642, y: 0.63909831975, name: "Millender\u002DMcDonald\n<br>759 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/juanita_millender_mcdonald/400275" } , { x: 0.520958334593, y: 0.291178492463, name: "Skelton\n<br>91 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ike_skelton/400377" } , { x: 0.410545457907, y: 0.464606904814, name: "Cardin\n<br>167 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/benjamin_cardin/400064" } , { x: 0.255098700482, y: 0.573252063822, name: "Hastings [FL23]\n<br>501 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/alcee_hastings/400170" } , { x: 0.401944459546, y: 0.627677814066, name: "Hoyer\n<br>477 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/steny_hoyer/400189" } , { x: 0.303480644276, y: 0.539234870369, name: "Blumenauer\n<br>408 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/earl_blumenauer/400033" } , { x: 0.470088455647, y: 0.274015684631, name: "Costello\n<br>47 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jerry_costello/400082" } , { x: 0.324698681407, y: 0.448953909522, name: "Davis [CA53]\n<br>166 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/susan_davis/400097" } , { x: 0.217610770301, y: 0.597887701355, name: "Frank\n<br>442 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/barney_frank/400140" } , { x: 0.210900268325, y: 0.45883162511, name: "Honda\n<br>276 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_honda/400185" } , { x: 0.441736491491, y: 0.194175890327, name: "Larsen\n<br>43 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rick_larsen/400232" } , { x: 0.60374659213, y: 0.551257392432, name: "McIntyre\n<br>393 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_mcintyre/400266" } , { x: 0.387652278416, y: 0.576358873428, name: "Oberstar\n<br>514 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_oberstar/400299" } , { x: 0.628202719586, y: 0.558234301325, name: "Peterson [MN7]\n<br>185 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/collin_peterson/400316" } , { x: 0.267300333405, y: 0.515494865745, name: "Rush\n<br>377 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bobby_rush/400350" } , { x: 0.141569739303, y: 0.597038813911, name: "Solis\n<br>722 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/hilda_solis/400384" } , { x: 0.421875407635, y: 0.619497120103, name: "Thompson [CA1]\n<br>496 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_thompson/400403" } , { x: 0.350428319656, y: 0.492694553587, name: "Udall [NM3]\n<br>210 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tom_udall/400413" } , { x: 0.530912675894, y: 0.550931137922, name: "Edwards\n<br>368 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thomas_edwards/400118" } , { x: 0.0757613450443, y: 0.469967620391, name: "Kucinich\n<br>758 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dennis_kucinich/400227" } , { x: 0.213977921655, y: 0.59242314712, name: "Brown [OH13]\n<br>335 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sherrod_brown/400050" } , { x: 0.17014944112, y: 0.284186441803, name: "Carson\n<br>56 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/julia_carson/400067" } , { x: 0.323461586877, y: 0.371436866948, name: "DeFazio\n<br>107 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/peter_defazio/400100" } , { x: 0.158941985589, y: 0.456746560692, name: "Gutiérrez\n<br>84 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/luis_gutierrez/400163" } , { x: 0.199222387849, y: 0.422534015815, name: "Jackson\n<br>361 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jesse_jackson/400198" } , { x: 0.17006783322, y: 0.548378727499, name: "Nadler\n<br>537 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jerrold_nadler/400289" } , { x: 0.189439891926, y: 0.275816085086, name: "Olver\n<br>55 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_olver/400301" } , { x: 0.0851426300937, y: 0.254773128732, name: "Owens\n<br>66 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/major_owens/400306" } , { x: 0.26396848236, y: 0.610238087728, name: "Pallone\n<br>675 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/frank_pallone/400308" } , { x: 0.259083033446, y: 0.33268142361, name: "Velázquez\n<br>183 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nydia_velazquez/400416" } , { x: 0.176561727539, y: 0.536206451995, name: "Waters\n<br>680 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/maxine_waters/400422" } , { x: 0.17577504557, y: 0.600214998352, name: "Watson\n<br>87 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/diane_watson/400423" } , { x: 0.0928984117327, y: 0.540719407948, name: "Woolsey\n<br>695 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lynn_woolsey/400436" } , { x: 0.445848920824, y: 0.312826704661, name: "Smith [WA9]\n<br>187 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/adam_smith/400379" } , { x: 0.427297027191, y: 0.553395351606, name: "Green [TX29]\n<br>178 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gene_green/400160" } , { x: 0.389527774153, y: 0.547335622504, name: "Hinojosa\n<br>430 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ruben_hinojosa/400179" } , { x: 0.400891098247, y: 0.254324179142, name: "Reyes\n<br>61 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/silvestre_reyes/400337" } , { x: 0.261688090344, y: 0.402144961791, name: "Abercrombie\n<br>246 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/neil_abercrombie/400001" } , { x: 0.523776144947, y: 0.346733420859, name: "Boswell\n<br>235 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/leonard_boswell/400042" } , { x: 0.454851746695, y: 0.407055090981, name: "Davis [FL11]\n<br>172 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_davis/400094" } , { x: 0.388715520572, y: 0.187179928123, name: "Faleomavaega\n<br>72 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/eni_faleomavaega/400128" } , { x: 0.358591613228, y: 0.526827653776, name: "Jefferson\n<br>197 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/william_jefferson/400201" } , { x: 0.257214529515, y: 0.432659723318, name: "Kaptur\n<br>142 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/marcy_kaptur/400211" } , { x: 0.232108939863, y: 0.70682606261, name: "Lantos\n<br>745 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tom_lantos/400231" } , { x: 0.343449009729, y: 0.500762377744, name: "Levin\n<br>133 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sander_levin/400238" } , { x: 0.272356688776, y: 0.315294881379, name: "Meeks\n<br>219 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gregory_meeks/400271" } , { x: 0.249869537928, y: 0.265298798935, name: "Napolitano\n<br>123 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/grace_napolitano/400290" } , { x: 0.341254138244, y: 0.555492303437, name: "Schiff\n<br>370 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/adam_schiff/400361" } , { x: 0.296990350371, y: 0.557788982671, name: "Weiner\n<br>351 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/anthony_weiner/400426" } , { x: 0.54391270464, y: 0.187973932079, name: "Boucher\n<br>64 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/frederick_boucher/400043" } , { x: 0.322640446979, y: 0.772781984113, name: "Engel\n<br>514 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/eliot_engel/400122" } , { x: 0.297381107237, y: 0.350999031761, name: "Eshoo\n<br>129 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/anna_eshoo/400124" } , { x: 0.400291220468, y: 0.377323173078, name: "Harman\n<br>241 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jane_harman/400166" } , { x: 0.463466475288, y: 0.573886880074, name: "Stupak\n<br>431 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bart_stupak/400391" } , { x: 0.407497818564, y: 0.466239275009, name: "Udall [CO2]\n<br>122 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mark_udall/400412" } , { x: 0.456168174435, y: 0.468650117752, name: "Etheridge\n<br>20 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bob_etheridge/400125" } , { x: 0.26479545337, y: 0.612511373492, name: "Markey\n<br>671 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/edward_markey/400253" } , { x: 0.456009236863, y: 0.186868741028, name: "Ortiz\n<br>91 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/solomon_ortiz/400302" } , { x: 0.445372820106, y: 0.336656125538, name: "Price [NC4]\n<br>218 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/david_price/400326" } , { x: 0.313681844313, y: 0.23247059358, name: "Watt\n<br>135 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/melvin_watt/400424" } , { x: 0.134655978537, y: 0.724210868355, name: "Miller [CA7]\n<br>1380 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/george_miller/400278" } , { x: 0.499244312162, y: 0.288425117032, name: "Mollohan\n<br>209 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/alan_mollohan/400281" } , { x: 0.33475606419, y: 0.638273104715, name: "Pascrell\n<br>687 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bill_pascrell/400309" } , { x: 0.500188354417, y: 0.416184527442, name: "Rahall\n<br>246 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nick_rahall/400331" } , { x: 0.218892960195, y: 0.468161284478, name: "Roybal\u002DAllard\n<br>236 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lucille_roybal_allard/400347" } , { x: 0.18506585746, y: 0.667347376977, name: "Waxman\n<br>1046 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/henry_waxman/400425" } , { x: 0.187118350026, y: 0.685435179109, name: "DeLauro\n<br>1031 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rosa_delauro/400103" } , { x: 0.311258124872, y: 0.420833093448, name: "Allen\n<br>159 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thomas_allen/400007" } , { x: 0.276597044534, y: 0.465750510939, name: "Baldwin\n<br>275 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tammy_baldwin/400013" } , { x: 0.243062095759, y: 0.319141054184, name: "Brown [FL3]\n<br>1 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/corrine_brown/400048" } , { x: 0.245293751682, y: 0.222950485304, name: "Clay\n<br>77 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lacy_clay/400074" } , { x: 0.203337465879, y: 0.522718357052, name: "Farr\n<br>218 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sam_farr/400129" } , { x: 0.453263634366, y: 0.230466146235, name: "Ford\n<br>150 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/harold_ford/400138" } , { x: 0.302421595632, y: 0.688468389387, name: "Holt\n<br>1131 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rush_holt/400184" } , { x: 0.326663017081, y: 0.288909452081, name: "Lynch\n<br>211 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/stephen_lynch/400249" } , { x: 0.223645509235, y: 0.426413590118, name: "McCollum\n<br>300 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/betty_mccollum/400259" } , { x: 0.296731925284, y: 0.139613264446, name: "McNulty\n<br>4 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_mcnulty/400268" } , { x: 0.322495799394, y: 0.285797175141, name: "Moran [VA8]\n<br>123 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_moran/400283" } , { x: 0.376636264233, y: 0.558490090989, name: "Neal\n<br>12 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/richard_neal/400291" } , { x: 0.332601119155, y: 0.47504757559, name: "Sanchez\n<br>176 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/loretta_sanchez/400356" } , { x: 0.0794794166022, y: 0.488198832775, name: "Schakowsky\n<br>384 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/janice_schakowsky/400360" } , { x: 0.305565203481, y: 0.54027829208, name: "Wexler\n<br>132 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_wexler/400430" } , { x: 0.375554014496, y: 0.582223642732, name: "Dingell\n<br>677 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_dingell/400110" } , { x: 0.369334039292, y: 0.449307861175, name: "Baird\n<br>221 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/brian_baird/400011" } , { x: 0.431145457003, y: 0.283589130663, name: "Doyle\n<br>18 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_doyle/400114" } , { x: 0.597036618794, y: 0.507294430441, name: "Gordon\n<br>290 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/barton_gordon/400155" } , { x: 0.52509365595, y: 0.2104750157, name: "Holden\n<br>31 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tim_holden/400183" } , { x: 0.283780599019, y: 0.580270075154, name: "Kildee\n<br>226 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dale_kildee/400216" } , { x: 0.192498914457, y: 0.327838307198, name: "Kilpatrick\n<br>281 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/carolyn_kilpatrick/400217" } , { x: 0.24881477028, y: 0.610442031807, name: "Lewis [GA5]\n<br>123 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_lewis/400240" } , { x: 0.265096653325, y: 0.729001988722, name: "Capps\n<br>424 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lois_capps/400062" } , { x: 0.533364205709, y: 0.332667042867, name: "Berry\n<br>194 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_berry/400026" } , { x: 0.190102065343, y: 0.365319947584, name: "Cummings\n<br>189 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/elijah_cummings/400090" } , { x: 0.594560228248, y: 0.188617891122, name: "Tanner\n<br>88 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_tanner/400395" } , { x: 0.263821210549, y: 0.650705809535, name: "Evans\n<br>594 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lane_evans/400126" } , { x: 0.272988064697, y: 0.21361533495, name: "Berman\n<br>22 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/howard_berman/400025" } , { x: 0.265858117515, y: 0.522804423271, name: "Capuano\n<br>93 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_capuano/400063" } , { x: 0.279596646918, y: 0.43860355131, name: "Delahunt\n<br>56 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/william_delahunt/400102" } , { x: 0.278715904956, y: 0.397637143503, name: "Meehan\n<br>293 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/martin_meehan/400269" } , { x: 0.201384168696, y: 0.457732212357, name: "Tierney\n<br>363 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_tierney/400407" } , { x: 0.194239693617, y: 0.510539830338, name: "Jones [OH11]\n<br>449 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/stephanie_jones/400208" } , { x: 0.435590911995, y: 0.598664231257, name: "Kind\n<br>257 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ron_kind/400218" } , { x: 0.318945063942, y: 0.160084259485, name: "Scott [VA3]\n<br>36 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_scott/400364" } , { x: 0.419440435625, y: 0.440336571612, name: "Hooley\n<br>180 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/darlene_hooley/400186" } , { x: 0.571408529924, y: 0.311592009089, name: "Pomeroy\n<br>53 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/earl_pomeroy/400323" } , { x: 0.552136043848, y: 0.244109394997, name: "Ross\n<br>35 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_ross/400345" } , { x: 0.449617250718, y: 0.56270618869, name: "Snyder\n<br>343 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/victor_snyder/400383" } , { x: 0.313584338213, y: 0.633489887703, name: "Ackerman\n<br>366 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gary_ackerman/400003" } , { x: 0.333059121121, y: 0.44812394174, name: "Sherman\n<br>138 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/brad_sherman/400371" } , { x: 0.29789422003, y: 0.271849943199, name: "Brady [PA1]\n<br>81 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_brady/400047" } , { x: 0.294289044437, y: 0.309500561675, name: "Thompson [MS2]\n<br>231 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bennie_thompson/400402" } , { x: 0.484311263709, y: 0.637624490931, name: "Murtha\n<br>128 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_murtha/400286" } , { x: 0.317642314299, y: 0.645391833486, name: "Baca\n<br>825 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joe_baca/400009" } , { x: 0.304478475277, y: 0.571435891864, name: "Kennedy [RI1]\n<br>425 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/patrick_kennedy/400215" } , { x: 0.292602423383, y: 0.763468451876, name: "Lowey\n<br>1110 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nita_lowey/400246" } , { x: 0.231634943124, y: 0.761972117402, name: "Maloney\n<br>1519 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/carolyn_maloney/400251" } , { x: 0.563540829654, y: 0.324949334964, name: "Matheson\n<br>194 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jim_matheson/400255" } , { x: 0.321736728453, y: 0.548103028229, name: "McCarthy\n<br>413 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/carolyn_mccarthy/400257" } , { x: 0.452230876728, y: 0.649411020686, name: "Moore [KS3]\n<br>249 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dennis_moore/400282" } , { x: 0.377840773441, y: 0.181197979076, name: "Pastor\n<br>7 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ed_pastor/400310" } , { x: 0.212977355755, y: 0.615509025461, name: "Pelosi\n<br>495 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nancy_pelosi/400314" } , { x: 0.192455258754, y: 0.746341019208, name: "Rangel\n<br>742 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/charles_rangel/400333" } , { x: 0.391134169698, y: 0.440298288421, name: "Rothman\n<br>396 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/steven_rothman/400346" } , { x: 0.417614022174, y: 0.515003721264, name: "Strickland\n<br>263 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ted_strickland/400390" } , { x: 0.301372032847, y: 0.507613941256, name: "Lofgren\n<br>283 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/zoe_lofgren/400245" } , { x: 0.344863180289, y: 0.459231825649, name: "Larson\n<br>263 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_larson/400233" } , { x: 0.359880237609, y: 0.393854954553, name: "Wu\n<br>151 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/david_wu/400437" } , { x: 0.334027468275, y: 0.406617174466, name: "Becerra\n<br>280 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/xavier_becerra/400021" } , { x: 0.460014284961, y: 0.123266043082, name: "Spratt\n<br>63 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_spratt/400386" } , { x: 0.374783364853, y: 0.499236362613, name: "Inslee\n<br>301 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jay_inslee/400193" } , { x: 0.318189403045, y: 0.509045949327, name: "DeGette\n<br>307 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/diana_degette/400101" } , { x: 0.0740708851039, y: 0.340865966124, name: "Serrano\n<br>138 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jose_serrano/400366" } , { x: 0.284841997356, y: 0.555233858918, name: "Doggett\n<br>750 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lloyd_doggett/400111" } , { x: 0.327171697946, y: 0.220513930829, name: "Gonzalez\n<br>166 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/charles_gonzalez/400152" } , { x: 0.231752015032, y: 0.558235045659, name: "Johnson [TX30]\n<br>623 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/eddie_johnson/400204" } , { x: 0.350170227352, y: 0.446945392122, name: "Langevin\n<br>96 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_langevin/400230" } , { x: 0.587733190447, y: 0.180678317396, name: "Taylor [MS4]\n<br>91 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gene_taylor/400399" } , { x: 0.479260874064, y: 0.21045884215, name: "Kanjorski\n<br>36 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/paul_kanjorski/400210" } , { x: 0.436388659619, y: 0.50264660966, name: "Visclosky\n<br>125 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/peter_visclosky/400417" } , { x: 0.3518288653, y: 0.456070444841, name: "Israel\n<br>169 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/steve_israel/400195" } , { x: 0.155067783169, y: 0.732603808412, name: "Conyers\n<br>1169 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_conyers/400080" } , { x: 0.350580185109, y: 0.135655082589, name: "Sabo\n<br>35 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/martin_sabo/400354" } , { x: 0.349342886577, y: 0.392869623205, name: "Tauscher\n<br>208 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ellen_tauscher/400396" } , { x: 0.402650209991, y: 0.299787339672, name: "Obey\n<br>141 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/david_obey/400300" } , { x: 0.430757786739, y: 0.204183891676, name: "Davis [AL7]\n<br>96 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/artur_davis/400092" } , { x: 0.113415293912, y: 0.235504524418, name: "Grijalva\n<br>44 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/raul_grijalva/400162" } , { x: 0.40363460605, y: 0.304387087622, name: "Meek\n<br>167 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/kendrick_meek/400270" } , { x: 0.47285287562, y: 0.28012703862, name: "Cardoza\n<br>173 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dennis_cardoza/400065" } , { x: 0.247674675437, y: 0.254063677349, name: "Sánchez\n<br>173 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/linda_sanchez/400355" } , { x: 0.325155757072, y: 0.290355924176, name: "Bishop [NY1]\n<br>106 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/timothy_bishop/400031" } , { x: 0.391696799493, y: 0.265452780199, name: "Case\n<br>94 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ed_case/400069" } , { x: 0.353676462232, y: 0.54527606229, name: "Emanuel\n<br>525 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rahm_emanuel/400120" } , { x: 0.404418623624, y: 0.269390432662, name: "Michaud\n<br>131 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_michaud/400274" } , { x: 0.419562184196, y: 0.181400310804, name: "Miller [NC13]\n<br>133 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bradley_miller/400280" } , { x: 0.353944380102, y: 0.451673830831, name: "Ryan [OH17]\n<br>311 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tim_ryan/400352" } , { x: 0.293169227228, y: 0.565888536358, name: "Van Hollen\n<br>390 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/chris_van_hollen/400415" } , { x: 0.431422719172, y: 0.285806280365, name: "Bordallo\n<br>157 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/madeleine_bordallo/400041" } , { x: 0.510102293957, y: 0.402916282446, name: "Herseth Sandlin\n<br>375 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/stephanie_herseth_sandlin/400443" } , { x: 0.616589817031, y: 0.103256489822, name: "Marshall\n<br>44 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_marshall/400254" } , { x: 0.462349891599, y: 0.230265228793, name: "Ruppersberger\n<br>43 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/a_dutch_ruppersberger/400349" } , { x: 0.464415729626, y: 0.26998748912, name: "Scott [GA13]\n<br>52 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/david_scott/400363" } , { x: 0.485178957925, y: 0.372454164887, name: "Cooper\n<br>283 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jim_cooper/400081" } , { x: 0.641319819669, y: 0.113037360013, name: "Davis [TN4]\n<br>30 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lincoln_davis/400096" } , { x: 0.539068239648, y: 0.284571584446, name: "Barrow\n<br>267 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_barrow/400628" } , { x: 0.490185820947, y: 0.277117053755, name: "Bean\n<br>257 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/melissa_bean/400631" } , { x: 0.376321132457, y: 0.168297040099, name: "Cleaver\n<br>103 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/emanuel_cleaver/400639" } , { x: 0.362086562449, y: 0.257619767574, name: "Green [TX9]\n<br>292 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/al_green/400653" } , { x: 0.332323490791, y: 0.251660977598, name: "Moore [WI4]\n<br>199 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gwen_moore/400661" } , { x: 0.387090093979, y: 0.456297030803, name: "Wasserman Schultz\n<br>366 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/debbie_wasserman_schultz/400623" } , { x: 0.423862050554, y: 0.313665001635, name: "Schwartz\n<br>285 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/allyson_schwartz/400647" } , { x: 0.422916402609, y: 0.315735313829, name: "Higgins\n<br>288 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/brian_higgins/400641" } , { x: 0.444415883134, y: 0.214777367219, name: "Carnahan\n<br>171 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/russ_carnahan/400638" } , { x: 0.521472526564, y: 0.397799526734, name: "Salazar\n<br>420 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_salazar/400620" } , { x: 0.512328213874, y: 0.141024057268, name: "Cuellar\n<br>62 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/henry_cuellar/400657" } , { x: 0.560184942253, y: 0.237412671098, name: "Boren\n<br>129 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dan_boren/400645" } ] } , { marker: { symbol: "circle", radius: 3 }, name: 'Independents', color: party_colors['Independent'], cursor: "pointer", point: { events: { click: function () { location.href =; } } }, data: [ { x: 0.171321490148, y: 0.652617237043, name: "Sanders\n<br>613 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bernard_sanders/400357" } ] } , { marker: { symbol: "circle", radius: 3 }, name: 'Republicans', color: party_colors['Republican'], cursor: "pointer", point: { events: { click: function () { location.href =; } } }, data: [ { x: 0.741371274798, y: 0.593447288766, name: "Emerson\n<br>393 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jo_ann_emerson/400121" } , { x: 0.855022393311, y: 1.0, name: "English\n<br>1294 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/philip_english/400123" } , { x: 0.680920184918, y: 0.50375329541, name: "Kolbe\n<br>160 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_kolbe/400226" } , { x: 0.828527733579, y: 0.659155159439, name: "Flake\n<br>477 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jeff_flake/400134" } , { x: 0.908662622514, y: 0.670273671014, name: "Hayworth\n<br>355 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_hayworth/400173" } , { x: 0.903982333243, y: 0.493141739139, name: "Otter\n<br>194 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/otter/400305" } , { x: 0.783508433381, y: 0.533846782791, name: "Peterson [PA5]\n<br>267 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_peterson/400317" } , { x: 0.814900664403, y: 0.210228244241, name: "Rehberg\n<br>25 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dennis_rehberg/400335" } , { x: 0.982500603182, y: 0.757946754758, name: "Souder\n<br>523 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mark_souder/400385" } , { x: 0.711915921245, y: 0.951952301925, name: "Smith [NJ4]\n<br>1370 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/christopher_smith/400380" } , { x: 0.89155125671, y: 0.657764425416, name: "Pitts\n<br>399 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joseph_pitts/400320" } , { x: 0.845997381478, y: 0.356097549096, name: "Wamp\n<br>187 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/zach_wamp/400421" } , { x: 0.728026820628, y: 0.533243044733, name: "Wolf\n<br>272 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/frank_wolf/400435" } , { x: 0.888364653686, y: 0.738775856719, name: "Johnson [TX3]\n<br>432 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sam_johnson/400206" } , { x: 0.780077143111, y: 0.519359965415, name: "Boehner\n<br>97 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_boehner/400036" } , { x: 0.926600521236, y: 0.696501689941, name: "Norwood\n<br>487 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/charles_norwood/400296" } , { x: 0.667223473172, y: 0.700237239803, name: "Kirk\n<br>530 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mark_kirk/400222" } , { x: 0.952041006622, y: 0.70567645952, name: "Bartlett\n<br>370 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/roscoe_bartlett/400017" } , { x: 0.890428617241, y: 0.75975241081, name: "Davis [VA1]\n<br>465 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jo_ann_davis/400095" } , { x: 0.83585390104, y: 0.726579047098, name: "Green [WI8]\n<br>524 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mark_green/400159" } , { x: 0.769773288462, y: 0.809052920177, name: "Issa\n<br>934 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/darrell_issa/400196" } , { x: 0.661667012536, y: 0.835445773922, name: "Kelly\n<br>1100 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sue_kelly/400213" } , { x: 0.713323391652, y: 0.455649028799, name: "McHugh\n<br>222 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_mchugh/400264" } , { x: 0.77970856752, y: 0.384384912217, name: "Platts\n<br>189 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/todd_platts/400321" } , { x: 0.716341754744, y: 0.750486402622, name: "Saxton\n<br>537 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_saxton/400359" } , { x: 0.714742848309, y: 0.636212202667, name: "Simmons\n<br>375 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_simmons/400375" } , { x: 0.679459424808, y: 0.158073230237, name: "Johnson [IL15]\n<br>31 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/timothy_johnson/400207" } , { x: 0.841469924667, y: 0.715696531147, name: "Blunt\n<br>408 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/roy_blunt/400034" } , { x: 0.537388349413, y: 0.659994186779, name: "Leach\n<br>277 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_leach/400236" } , { x: 0.777108787564, y: 0.615762331762, name: "Miller [CA42]\n<br>340 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gary_miller/400277" } , { x: 0.763512519119, y: 0.741249156608, name: "Ramstad\n<br>605 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_ramstad/400332" } , { x: 0.920833581406, y: 0.730227585252, name: "Weldon [FL15]\n<br>447 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/david_weldon/400427" } , { x: 0.897539214379, y: 0.57014876473, name: "Hostettler\n<br>241 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_hostettler/400187" } , { x: 0.852056224251, y: 0.483341354911, name: "Kingston\n<br>137 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jack_kingston/400221" } , { x: 0.762474269824, y: 0.370054373229, name: "Linder\n<br>111 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_linder/400242" } , { x: 0.988475071476, y: 0.737373868747, name: "Miller [FL1]\n<br>239 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jeff_miller/400279" } , { x: 0.934954470337, y: 0.67127993314, name: "Pence\n<br>410 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_pence/400315" } , { x: 0.823473350505, y: 0.501234081042, name: "Sullivan\n<br>158 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_sullivan/400392" } , { x: 0.898757636126, y: 0.679486568654, name: "Tancredo\n<br>124 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thomas_tancredo/400394" } , { x: 0.732462345428, y: 0.868522751625, name: "Cunningham\n<br>315 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/randall_cunningham/400091" } , { x: 0.662187698604, y: 0.713361111135, name: "Weldon [PA7]\n<br>366 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/curtis_weldon/400428" } , { x: 0.842920385918, y: 0.687808663738, name: "Cannon\n<br>237 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/christopher_cannon/400059" } , { x: 0.997699039725, y: 0.83676465369, name: "Sessions\n<br>275 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/pete_sessions/400367" } , { x: 0.757057768169, y: 0.712679599847, name: "Upton\n<br>314 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/fred_upton/400414" } , { x: 0.723468923452, y: 0.535689397759, name: "Barton\n<br>308 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joe_barton/400018" } , { x: 0.680421617253, y: 0.564892514044, name: "Bass\n<br>230 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/charles_bass/400019" } , { x: 0.738643120527, y: 0.952723205337, name: "Bilirakis\n<br>1002 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_bilirakis/400028" } , { x: 0.595028560543, y: 0.600685555281, name: "Boehlert\n<br>312 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sherwood_boehlert/400035" } , { x: 0.671391397716, y: 0.657528836767, name: "Bono Mack\n<br>352 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mary_bono_mack/400039" } , { x: 0.694961407123, y: 0.373309421009, name: "Buyer\n<br>183 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/stephen_buyer/400056" } , { x: 0.801170889748, y: 0.859871724079, name: "Camp\n<br>581 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dave_camp/400058" } , { x: 0.673987451553, y: 0.886742471812, name: "Cox\n<br>540 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/christopher_cox/400083" } , { x: 0.688969333227, y: 0.89098308075, name: "Davis [VA11]\n<br>1262 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thomas_davis/400098" } , { x: 0.805626843983, y: 0.517659193324, name: "Deal\n<br>182 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nathan_deal/400099" } , { x: 0.705610492689, y: 0.547897542534, name: "DeLay\n<br>26 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thomas_delay/400104" } , { x: 0.641130512339, y: 0.678490747022, name: "Dreier\n<br>393 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/david_dreier/400115" } , { x: 0.673960058645, y: 0.685482127334, name: "Fossella\n<br>798 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/vito_fossella/400139" } , { x: 0.775677691493, y: 0.502715197175, name: "Gillmor\n<br>204 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/paul_gillmor/400150" } , { x: 0.860657700187, y: 0.769444436785, name: "Goodlatte\n<br>602 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bob_goodlatte/400154" } , { x: 0.795362757632, y: 0.676145854625, name: "Hoekstra\n<br>196 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/peter_hoekstra/400182" } , { x: 0.764599140879, y: 0.590151408234, name: "LaHood\n<br>417 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ray_lahood/400228" } , { x: 0.748356562488, y: 0.524455944777, name: "Osborne\n<br>339 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thomas_osborne/400303" } , { x: 0.842504505656, y: 0.770656941222, name: "Pickering\n<br>718 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/charles_pickering/400319" } , { x: 0.63403161461, y: 0.766828140834, name: "Portman\n<br>157 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_portman/400325" } , { x: 0.722331261278, y: 0.796732548077, name: "Pryce\n<br>478 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/deborah_pryce/400327" } , { x: 0.753387709509, y: 0.613044042924, name: "Radanovich\n<br>352 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/george_radanovich/400330" } , { x: 0.835346518652, y: 0.714474195584, name: "Rogers [MI8]\n<br>586 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_rogers/400342" } , { x: 0.858896804688, y: 0.660971510329, name: "Shadegg\n<br>444 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_shadegg/400368" } , { x: 0.801372391291, y: 0.613841134607, name: "Shimkus\n<br>285 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_shimkus/400373" } , { x: 0.793916464816, y: 0.872064679189, name: "Stearns\n<br>731 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/clifford_stearns/400388" } , { x: 0.924612224751, y: 0.632838399844, name: "Terry\n<br>423 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lee_terry/400400" } , { x: 0.808408573946, y: 0.374769227021, name: "Tiberi\n<br>131 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/patrick_tiberi/400406" } , { x: 0.755173965266, y: 0.577943210215, name: "Whitfield\n<br>99 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ed_whitfield/400431" } , { x: 0.669682887948, y: 0.813030342771, name: "Wilson [NM1]\n<br>630 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/heather_wilson/400434" } , { x: 0.855521955919, y: 0.717907114483, name: "Brady [TX8]\n<br>529 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/kevin_brady/400046" } , { x: 0.740766221637, y: 0.327095808785, name: "Capito\n<br>55 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/shelley_capito/400061" } , { x: 0.692078962294, y: 0.480971727144, name: "Diaz\u002DBalart [FL21]\n<br>116 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lincoln_diaz_balart/400107" } , { x: 0.741547291506, y: 0.542777544198, name: "Ehlers\n<br>213 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/vernon_ehlers/400119" } , { x: 0.798368699981, y: 0.631344948301, name: "Hall\n<br>436 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ralph_hall/400165" } , { x: 0.8695651049, y: 0.725375912546, name: "Hart\n<br>553 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/melissa_hart/400168" } , { x: 0.934056659116, y: 0.811648844266, name: "Jones [NC3]\n<br>576 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/walter_jones/400209" } , { x: 0.817040772807, y: 0.553452605045, name: "Duncan\n<br>371 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_duncan/400116" } , { x: 0.58682760603, y: 0.340923979713, name: "Frelinghuysen\n<br>22 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rodney_frelinghuysen/400142" } , { x: 0.941702588193, y: 0.471846020038, name: "Goode\n<br>264 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/virgil_goode/400153" } , { x: 0.751548982472, y: 0.851121763382, name: "Shaw\n<br>879 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/clay_shaw/400369" } , { x: 0.69007480408, y: 0.880816107788, name: "Young [AK0]\n<br>722 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/don_young/400440" } , { x: 0.573957249744, y: 0.684198549538, name: "Shays\n<br>584 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/christopher_shays/400370" } , { x: 0.754735712605, y: 0.732401053253, name: "McKeon\n<br>356 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/howard_mckeon/400267" } , { x: 0.727806639843, y: 0.819212866058, name: "Gallegly\n<br>338 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/elton_gallegly/400144" } , { x: 0.853456568412, y: 0.624361798567, name: "Paul\n<br>339 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ronald_paul/400311" } , { x: 0.752105073412, y: 0.190583376644, name: "Everett\n<br>80 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/terry_everett/400127" } , { x: 0.779071041421, y: 0.594511982358, name: "Hefley\n<br>246 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joel_hefley/400174" } , { x: 0.740732918982, y: 0.633985655408, name: "Pombo\n<br>405 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/richard_pombo/400322" } , { x: 0.738586070815, y: 0.515347211644, name: "Coble\n<br>183 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/howard_coble/400076" } , { x: 0.783613393963, y: 0.443661931727, name: "Graves\n<br>251 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sam_graves/400158" } , { x: 0.868225838937, y: 0.680598014195, name: "Kennedy [MN6]\n<br>515 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mark_kennedy/400214" } , { x: 0.741759701626, y: 0.71824976422, name: "Moran [KS1]\n<br>379 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jerry_moran/400284" } , { x: 0.695312420599, y: 0.47539495028, name: "Petri\n<br>150 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thomas_petri/400318" } , { x: 0.802894810324, y: 0.445258421764, name: "Shuster\n<br>257 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bill_shuster/409888" } , { x: 0.708171870259, y: 0.540453478046, name: "Rohrabacher\n<br>128 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dana_rohrabacher/400343" } , { x: 0.613757421617, y: 0.523817881077, name: "Walsh\n<br>111 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_walsh/400420" } , { x: 0.717113378675, y: 0.35995480399, name: "Mica\n<br>30 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_mica/400273" } , { x: 0.644988766252, y: 0.368575751587, name: "LaTourette\n<br>134 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/steven_latourette/400235" } , { x: 0.740878795894, y: 0.631246795346, name: "Walden\n<br>555 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/greg_walden/400419" } , { x: 0.915099949329, y: 0.4702590134, name: "Doolittle\n<br>225 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_doolittle/400113" } , { x: 0.795031202927, y: 0.744866151161, name: "Gibbons\n<br>225 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_gibbons/400148" } , { x: 0.746548195112, y: 0.201277156104, name: "Hastings [WA4]\n<br>18 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/doc_hastings/400171" } , { x: 0.932839861726, y: 0.521868379346, name: "Herger\n<br>106 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/walter_herger/400176" } , { x: 0.814057961677, y: 0.366121202561, name: "Simpson\n<br>13 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_simpson/400376" } , { x: 0.699404254777, y: 0.555194878364, name: "Granger\n<br>314 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/kay_granger/400157" } , { x: 0.87144968506, y: 0.649683527187, name: "Ryun\n<br>426 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jim_ryun/400353" } , { x: 1.0, y: 0.784888180363, name: "Wilson [SC2]\n<br>633 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joe_wilson/400433" } , { x: 0.796293783224, y: 0.596566021272, name: "Keller\n<br>228 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ric_keller/400212" } , { x: 0.852520220427, y: 0.586701704275, name: "Baker\n<br>220 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/richard_baker/400012" } , { x: 0.682603570539, y: 0.769106094579, name: "Biggert\n<br>643 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/judy_biggert/400027" } , { x: 0.849357642475, y: 0.554153843738, name: "Brown [SC1]\n<br>242 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/henry_brown/400049" } , { x: 0.874802909215, y: 0.598646259778, name: "Burton\n<br>369 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dan_burton/400055" } , { x: 0.669018477201, y: 0.649476576629, name: "Sweeney\n<br>440 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_sweeney/400393" } , { x: 0.842037328663, y: 0.442855815897, name: "Cubin\n<br>204 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/barbara_cubin/400088" } , { x: 0.654370343411, y: 0.571295917685, name: "Gilchrest\n<br>346 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/wayne_gilchrest/400149" } , { x: 0.836842128713, y: 0.503113476133, name: "Hayes\n<br>162 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robin_hayes/400172" } , { x: 0.912458092043, y: 0.610678086296, name: "Lewis [KY2]\n<br>405 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ron_lewis/400241" } , { x: 0.687904557034, y: 0.423480048455, name: "Nussle\n<br>49 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_nussle/400298" } , { x: 0.81479451865, y: 0.162392919335, name: "Putnam\n<br>46 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/adam_putnam/400328" } , { x: 0.858976450088, y: 0.795997935694, name: "Wicker\n<br>343 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/roger_wicker/400432" } , { x: 0.688254933139, y: 0.71205066134, name: "Hyde\n<br>581 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/henry_hyde/400192" } , { x: 0.707480217059, y: 0.597003586562, name: "Royce\n<br>272 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/edward_royce/400348" } , { x: 0.747849445796, y: 0.913181508387, name: "Sensenbrenner\n<br>1177 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_sensenbrenner/400365" } , { x: 0.845803676074, y: 0.731308636831, name: "Bachus\n<br>514 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/spencer_bachus/400010" } , { x: 0.758588364227, y: 0.456560107627, name: "Bonilla\n<br>149 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/henry_bonilla/400037" } , { x: 0.885419037508, y: 0.738117903658, name: "Calvert\n<br>433 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ken_calvert/400057" } , { x: 0.601297676698, y: 0.817499397143, name: "Castle\n<br>658 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_castle/400070" } , { x: 0.781592037877, y: 0.551532462447, name: "Jenkins\n<br>26 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/william_jenkins/400202" } , { x: 0.594171638629, y: 0.192285621818, name: "Lewis [CA41]\n<br>8 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jerry_lewis/400239" } , { x: 0.779464748562, y: 0.755281301831, name: "Ryan [WI1]\n<br>557 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/paul_ryan/400351" } , { x: 0.775121367202, y: 0.691939966334, name: "Smith [TX21]\n<br>365 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lamar_smith/400381" } , { x: 0.805348439245, y: 0.784222587552, name: "Weller\n<br>183 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gerald_weller/400429" } , { x: 0.899417833099, y: 0.701873401492, name: "Cantor\n<br>373 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/eric_cantor/400060" } , { x: 0.841357968115, y: 0.360062380866, name: "Forbes\n<br>62 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/randy_forbes/400137" } , { x: 0.797083908289, y: 0.565969991749, name: "Gutknecht\n<br>451 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/gilbert_gutknecht/400164" } , { x: 0.668843254471, y: 0.743861920429, name: "Hulshof\n<br>361 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/kenny_hulshof/400190" } , { x: 0.631172740157, y: 0.916761853406, name: "King [NY3]\n<br>926 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/peter_king/400219" } , { x: 0.818903662126, y: 0.592913903661, name: "Manzullo\n<br>138 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/donald_manzullo/400252" } , { x: 0.927892642425, y: 0.460397224132, name: "Myrick\n<br>301 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/sue_myrick/400288" } , { x: 0.841101046101, y: 0.471669815744, name: "Tiahrt\n<br>231 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/todd_tiahrt/400405" } , { x: 0.808214928889, y: 0.403981064385, name: "Aderholt\n<br>59 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_aderholt/400004" } , { x: 0.746943220416, y: 0.770085844338, name: "Ney\n<br>584 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/robert_ney/400293" } , { x: 0.733044147701, y: 0.581314890123, name: "Latham\n<br>447 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tom_latham/400234" } , { x: 0.545178831465, y: 0.633948182058, name: "Hastert\n<br>19 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/dennis_hastert/400169" } , { x: 0.601403618895, y: 0.897629331814, name: "Johnson [CT5]\n<br>760 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/nancy_johnson/400205" } , { x: 0.669879981087, y: 0.516726153762, name: "Ferguson\n<br>318 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_ferguson/400132" } , { x: 0.625030779199, y: 0.519852550735, name: "LoBiondo\n<br>346 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/frank_lobiondo/400244" } , { x: 0.619658096538, y: 0.945209338379, name: "Ros\u002DLehtinen\n<br>1980 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ileana_ros_lehtinen/400344" } , { x: 0.661273852155, y: 0.636262521071, name: "Knollenberg\n<br>323 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/joseph_knollenberg/400225" } , { x: 0.926301896122, y: 0.688546604521, name: "Akin\n<br>295 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/todd_akin/400005" } , { x: 0.769104988337, y: 0.677802681106, name: "Istook\n<br>325 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ernest_istook/400197" } , { x: 0.724598397652, y: 0.542920335141, name: "McCrery\n<br>312 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_mccrery/400261" } , { x: 0.749041831729, y: 0.244221672676, name: "Oxley\n<br>2 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_oxley/400307" } , { x: 0.847663218841, y: 0.734457659261, name: "Culberson\n<br>442 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_culberson/400089" } , { x: 0.703377526717, y: 0.401454592673, name: "Thornberry\n<br>17 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mac_thornberry/400404" } , { x: 0.728892645203, y: 0.349251796642, name: "Crenshaw\n<br>34 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ander_crenshaw/400086" } , { x: 0.836705419179, y: 0.475033605257, name: "Boozman\n<br>333 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_boozman/400040" } , { x: 0.80965130685, y: 0.677463167019, name: "Chabot\n<br>235 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/steve_chabot/400071" } , { x: 0.60931626307, y: 0.458935721781, name: "Hobson\n<br>168 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/david_hobson/400180" } , { x: 0.717985952991, y: 0.171742444148, name: "Lucas\n<br>71 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/frank_lucas/400247" } , { x: 0.753671992344, y: 0.32644525929, name: "Northup\n<br>13 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/anne_northup/400294" } , { x: 0.625066618429, y: 0.328853567297, name: "Regula\n<br>56 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ralph_regula/400334" } , { x: 0.706939140889, y: 0.719092591946, name: "Reynolds\n<br>553 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thomas_reynolds/400338" } , { x: 0.567379937878, y: 0.697514004839, name: "Thomas\n<br>225 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/william_thomas/400401" } , { x: 0.729067234426, y: 0.629977323557, name: "Hunter\n<br>273 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/duncan_hunter/400191" } , { x: 0.629493132328, y: 0.391413067253, name: "Sherwood\n<br>96 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/donald_sherwood/400372" } , { x: 0.591562460675, y: 0.509000470242, name: "Young [FL10]\n<br>0 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/w_bill_young/400439" } , { x: 0.839908412813, y: 0.702328984052, name: "Brown\u002DWaite\n<br>414 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/virginia_brown_waite/400051" } , { x: 0.786088159247, y: 0.603767823503, name: "Chocola\n<br>420 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/chris_chocola/400072" } , { x: 0.657096852532, y: 0.293296695139, name: "Nunes\n<br>109 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/devin_nunes/400297" } , { x: 0.738447969868, y: 0.292450703591, name: "Bradley\n<br>108 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jeb_bradley/400045" } , { x: 0.763654171507, y: 0.484960473081, name: "Harris\n<br>237 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/katherine_harris/400167" } , { x: 0.772893245804, y: 0.386184442069, name: "Renzi\n<br>111 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rick_renzi/400336" } , { x: 0.848185285494, y: 0.306498079909, name: "Kline\n<br>101 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_kline/400224" } , { x: 0.834780090965, y: 0.45584088181, name: "McCotter\n<br>234 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thaddeus_mccotter/400260" } , { x: 0.73278067528, y: 0.231981385875, name: "Miller [MI10]\n<br>75 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/candice_miller/400276" } , { x: 0.914567963339, y: 0.632535694987, name: "Musgrave\n<br>289 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/marilyn_musgrave/400287" } , { x: 0.740701318104, y: 0.633175510515, name: "Porter\n<br>432 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jon_porter/400324" } , { x: 0.888697716596, y: 0.533982263825, name: "Feeney\n<br>320 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tom_feeney/400131" } , { x: 0.859600993388, y: 0.29853534433, name: "Franks\n<br>81 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/trent_franks/400141" } , { x: 0.877430187785, y: 0.42740853332, name: "Garrett\n<br>174 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/scott_garrett/400145" } , { x: 0.716402760281, y: 0.536660779721, name: "Gerlach\n<br>351 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jim_gerlach/400147" } , { x: 0.682225890343, y: 0.30919157108, name: "Turner\n<br>85 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_turner/400411" } , { x: 0.869685229292, y: 0.285638063003, name: "Barrett\n<br>106 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/james_barrett/400016" } , { x: 0.835093784082, y: 0.446204607163, name: "Blackburn\n<br>266 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/marsha_blackburn/400032" } , { x: 0.796281190608, y: 0.687921595359, name: "Burgess\n<br>619 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_burgess/400052" } , { x: 0.822083074514, y: 0.431443954762, name: "Carter\n<br>138 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_carter/400068" } , { x: 0.790402244188, y: 0.375823733046, name: "Cole\n<br>147 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tom_cole/400077" } , { x: 0.825346257152, y: 0.590048128719, name: "Gingrey\n<br>394 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/phil_gingrey/400151" } , { x: 0.875836636128, y: 0.656482899008, name: "King [IA5]\n<br>548 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/steve_king/400220" } , { x: 0.84921912969, y: 0.225729834218, name: "Beauprez\n<br>26 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bob_beauprez/400020" } , { x: 0.790266330798, y: 0.513190208553, name: "Hensarling\n<br>246 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jeb_hensarling/400175" } , { x: 0.784304940531, y: 0.163923136254, name: "Pearce\n<br>48 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/stevan_pearce/400313" } , { x: 0.793635333182, y: 0.135861742127, name: "Bishop [UT1]\n<br>60 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/rob_bishop/400029" } , { x: 0.76874091926, y: 0.437181559303, name: "Rogers [AL3]\n<br>298 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mike_rogers/400341" } , { x: 0.717943396064, y: 0.29959527224, name: "Diaz\u002DBalart [FL25]\n<br>127 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/mario_diaz_balart/400108" } , { x: 0.712017160315, y: 0.428221176944, name: "Murphy\n<br>253 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tim_murphy/400285" } , { x: 0.8210856533, y: 0.379526242447, name: "Neugebauer\n<br>169 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/randy_neugebauer/400441" } , { x: 0.749719962476, y: 0.207780532636, name: "McHenry\n<br>92 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/patrick_mchenry/400644" } , { x: 0.728382949847, y: 0.421807686655, name: "Boustany\n<br>297 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/charles_boustany/400636" } , { x: 0.636042490711, y: 0.313905407889, name: "Fortuño\n<br>165 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/luis_fortuno/400662" } , { x: 0.715284778538, y: 0.528591307962, name: "Jindal\n<br>441 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/bobby_jindal/400634" } , { x: 0.7389177056, y: 0.379934102689, name: "Kuhl\n<br>220 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_kuhl/400642" } , { x: 0.761359918635, y: 0.100755375649, name: "Marchant\n<br>31 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/kenny_marchant/400656" } , { x: 0.692856256877, y: 0.482473347448, name: "Poe\n<br>406 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/ted_poe/400652" } , { x: 0.700860567556, y: 0.185701133894, name: "Gohmert\n<br>76 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/louie_gohmert/400651" } , { x: 0.758422091886, y: 0.23918962238, name: "Conaway\n<br>115 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_conaway/400655" } , { x: 0.593024971034, y: 0.203743650108, name: "Fortenberry\n<br>83 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/jeff_fortenberry/400640" } , { x: 0.768634070567, y: 0.243834369293, name: "Foxx\n<br>96 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/virginia_foxx/400643" } , { x: 0.795488863511, y: 0.319330205226, name: "McCaul\n<br>189 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_mccaul/400654" } , { x: 0.657776447267, y: 0.105989940455, name: "McMorris Rodgers\n<br>53 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/cathy_mcmorris_rodgers/400659" } , { x: 0.608343563923, y: 0.249022547643, name: "Schwarz\n<br>146 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_schwarz/400637" } , { x: 0.721230666955, y: 0.135220287281, name: "Westmoreland\n<br>53 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/lynn_westmoreland/400627" } , { x: 0.60367719112, y: 0.191384171357, name: "Campbell\n<br>74 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/john_campbell/412011" } , { x: 0.72264152229, y: 0.167754403915, name: "Davis [KY4]\n<br>68 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/geoff_davis/400633" } , { x: 0.725061463079, y: 0.158583705783, name: "Drake\n<br>56 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/thelma_drake/400658" } , { x: 0.660793134905, y: 0.228777918537, name: "Sodrel\n<br>113 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_sodrel/400632" } , { x: 0.608023395634, y: 0.295862927367, name: "Lungren\n<br>189 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/daniel_lungren/400617" } , { x: 0.590642379554, y: 0.399550361307, name: "Reichert\n<br>281 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/david_reichert/400660" } , { x: 0.636066414947, y: 0.144082788358, name: "Dent\n<br>80 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/charles_dent/400648" } , { x: 0.625837247435, y: 0.337027032258, name: "Fitzpatrick\n<br>233 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/michael_fitzpatrick/400646" } , { x: 0.696667454374, y: 0.426507874415, name: "Price [GA6]\n<br>298 cosponsors (109th Congress)", link: "/congress/members/tom_price/400626" } ] } ] }); var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'voting_record_chart', type: 'spline', height: 225, marginTop: 5, }, title: { text: 'Missed Votes (%)' }, legend: { enabled: false }, credits: { enabled: false }, xAxis: { labels: { rotation: -90, align: "right" , step: 4 }, categories: ["1995 Jan\u002DMar", "1995 Apr\u002DJun", "1995 Jul\u002DSep", "1995 Oct\u002DDec", "1996 Jan\u002DMar", "1996 Apr\u002DJun", "1996 Jul\u002DSep", "1997 Jan\u002DMar", "1997 Apr\u002DJun", "1997 Jul\u002DSep", "1997 Oct\u002DNov", "1998 Jan\u002DMar", "1998 Apr\u002DJun", "1998 Jul\u002DSep", "1998 Oct\u002DDec", "1999 Jan\u002DMar", "1999 Apr\u002DJun", "1999 Jul\u002DSep", "1999 Oct\u002DNov", "2000 Jan\u002DMar", "2000 Apr\u002DJun", "2000 Jul\u002DSep", "2000 Oct\u002DDec", "2001 Jan\u002DMar", "2001 Apr\u002DJun", "2001 Jul\u002DSep", "2001 Oct\u002DDec", "2002 Jan\u002DMar", "2002 Apr\u002DJun", "2002 Jul\u002DSep", "2002 Oct\u002DNov", "2003 Jan\u002DMar", "2003 Apr\u002DJun", "2003 Jul\u002DSep", "2003 Oct\u002DDec", "2004 Jan\u002DMar", "2004 Apr\u002DJun", "2004 Jul\u002DSep", "2004 Oct\u002DDec", "2005 Jan\u002DMar", "2005 Apr\u002DJun", "2005 Jul\u002DSep", "2005 Oct\u002DDec", "2006 Jan\u002DMar", "2006 Apr\u002DJun", "2006 Jul\u002DSep" ] }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Missed Votes (%)' }, min: 0, minorGridLineWidth: 0, gridLineWidth: 0, alternateGridColor: null, plotBands: [{ from: 0, to: 1.8069815195071868, color: 'rgba(68, 170, 213, 0.1)', label: { text: '25th Percentile', verticalAlign: 'top', style: { color: '#606060' } } }, { from: 1.8069815195071868, to: 2.8632938643702905, color: 'rgba(68, 170, 213, 0.3)', label: { text: 'Median', verticalAlign: 'top', style: { color: '#606060' } } }, { from: 2.8632938643702905, to: 4.680773661553387, color: 'rgba(68, 170, 213, 0.1)', label: { text: '75th Percentile', verticalAlign: 'top', style: { color: '#606060' } } }, { from: 4.680773661553387, to: 6.906932017727235, color: 'rgba(68, 170, 213, 0.3)', label: { text: '90th Percentile', verticalAlign: 'top', style: { color: '#606060' } } }] }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return this.x +': '+ this.y +'% votes missed'; } }, plotOptions: { spline: { lineWidth: 2, marker: { radius: 3 }, states: { hover: { lineWidth: 2 } } } }, series: [{ name: 'Foley - Missed Votes %', data: [0.4, 0.5, 2.2, 1.1, 0.0, 1.6, 1.2, 2.8, 1.1, 2.2, 3.7, 3.4, 9.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.1, 0.7, 0.0, 3.0, 1.3, 2.2, 3.4, 2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.4, 4.9, 0.0, 1.7, 1.6, 6.6, 2.9, 0.5, 2.5, 6.9, 12.2, 1.5, 0.0, 12.9, 4.9, 0.7, 6.9 ] }], navigation: { menuItemStyle: { fontSize: '10px' } } }); }) function show_pronunciation_guide() { new bootstrap.Modal("#pronunciation_modal").show(); } </script> <!-- Quantcast Tag --> <script type="text/javascript"> var _qevents = _qevents || []; (function() { var elem = document.createElement('script'); elem.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? 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