SFE: London

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Tagged: Theme.</p><div class="browsingBtns"> <span> <input class="button PNI previous" type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/next.php?id=p&entry=london'" value="Prev" /> </span> <span> <input class="button PNI next" type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/next.php?&entry=london'" value="Next" /> </span> <span> <input class="button PNI incoming" type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/incoming.php?entry=london'" value="About This Entry" title="What links to the entry; contributor initials explained; how to cite; other information" /> </span> </div><p style='float:right; margin-bottom:0; margin-left:10px; position: relative; top: 3px;'> <a href='/gallery.php?id=Wilkinson-PhantArch.jpg' target='_blank'> <img src='' alt='pic'></a></p> <p>As the <a href="/entry/cities">City</a> at the heart of the British Empire (see <a href="/entry/imperialism">Imperialism</a>), London was long seen by UK speculative authors as bearing the brunt of whatever <a href="/entry/disaster">Disaster</a> the future might bring. There are many proleptic post-imperial visions of London destroyed or depopulated, as in William Delisle <a href="/entry/hay_william_delisle">Hay</a>'s <i>The Doom of the Great City; Being the Narrative of a Survivor, Written A.D. 1942</i> (<b>1880</b> chap), and other works discussed under <a href="/entry/ruins_and_futurity">Ruins and Futurity</a>, this being perhaps the first tale to conflate the growing health crises caused by London fog with a first-person narrative of the destruction of the colossal city, which &ndash; as in this case &ndash; is sometimes viewed through the memorializing gaze of an archetypal <a href="/entry/new_zealander">New Zealander</a> or similar visitor from afar. George Bernard <a href="/entry/shaw_george_bernard">Shaw</a>'s play <i>Back to Methuselah</i> (<b>1921</b>; revs <b>1921</b>-<b>1945</b>) goes beyond mere ruination: in the enlightened England of 3000 CE, a would-be pilgrim is disappointed to learn that nothing at all of London remains. The apparently more glorious stature of future London at the opening of Robert W <a href="/entry/cole_robert_w">Cole</a>'s <i>The Struggle for Empire: A Story of the Year 2236</i> (<b>1900</b>) proves to be a fa&ccedil;ade for interplanetary <a href="/entry/dystopias">Dystopia</a>:</p> <div class="quote"> <p>It was early in the morning of the 10th of June, in the year 2236. The sun rose in unrivalled splendour over the immense city of London, the superb capital, not only of England, but of the world, the Solar System, and the stars.</p> </div> <p>London comes under attack and/or is occupied in innumerable <a href="/entry/future_war">Future-War</a> and <a href="/entry/invasion">Invasion</a> scenarios. Some examples are: E Douglas <a href="/entry/fawcett_e_douglas">Fawcett</a>'s <i>Hartmann the Anarchist, or The Doom of the Great City</i> (June-September 1893 <i>The English Illustrated Magazine</i>; <b>1893</b>); Jingo <a href="/entry/jones_jingo_m_p">Jones</a>'s <i>The Sack of London by the Highland Host: A Romance of the Period</i> (<b>1900</b>); Henry <a href="/entry/curties_henry">Curties</a>'s <i>When England Slept</i> (<b>1909</b>), in which German occupiers are eventually ousted; <a href="/entry/saki">Saki</a>'s <i>When William Came: A Story of London under the Hohenzollerns</i> (<b>1913</b>), a relatively rare portrayal of the city in the context of <a href="/entry/world_war_one">World War One</a>, here only imminent; Stella <a href="/entry/benson_stella">Benson</a>'s <a href="/entry/equipoise">Equipoisal</a> fantasy <i>Living Alone</i> (<b>1919</b>), featuring witch-zeppelin combat (but only published after its end); Emerson C <a href="/entry/hambrook_emerson_c">Hambrook</a>'s <i>The Red To-Morrow</i> (<b>1920</b>); Cicely <a href="/entry/hamilton_cicely">Hamilton</a>'s <i>Theodore Savage: A Story of the Past or the Future</i> (<b>1922</b>; rev vt <i>Lest Ye Die: A Story from the Past or of the Future</i> <b>1928</b>); Hugh <a href="/entry/addison_hugh">Addison</a>'s <i>The Battle of London</i> (<b>1923</b>); Roy <a href="/entry/connolly_roy">Connolly</a>'s and Frank McIlraith's <i>Invasion from the Air: A Prophetic Novel</i> (<b>1934</b>) ... and many further works in which <a href="/entry/hitler_wins">Hitler Wins</a>. A nuclear attack on the city is observed during a pause in futureward <a href="/entry/time_travel">Time Travel</a> in <i>The</i> <a href="/entry/time_machine_the">Time Machine</a> (<i>1960</i>). Terrorism rather than outright war causes damage or devastation to London in Coulson <a href="/entry/kernahan_coulson">Kernahan</a>'s <i>Captain Shannon</i> (<b>1896</b>), J S <a href="/entry/fletcher_j_s">Fletcher</a>'s <i>The Three Days' Terror</i> (<b>1901</b>) and Fred <a href="/entry/hoyle_fred">Hoyle</a>'s <i>The Westminster Disaster</i> (<b>1978</b>).</p> <p>Alternatively, the city may be afflicted by natural <a href="/entry/disaster">Disaster</a>, like William Delisle <a href="/entry/hay_william_delisle">Hay</a>'s poison fog in the above-cited <i>The Doom of the Great City</i>; the earthquake of Robert <a href="/entry/buchanan_robert">Buchanan</a>'s poem <i>The Earthquake: Or Six days and a Sabbath</i> (<b>1885</b>); a whole spectrum of unpleasantness in Fred M <a href="/entry/white_fred_m">White</a>'s <b>Doom of London</b> stories (January 1903-October 1904 <a href="/entry/pearsons_magazine">Pearson's Magazine</a>); another earthquake in W <a href="/entry/holt-white_w">Holt-White</a>'s <i>The Earthquake: A Romance of London in 1907</i> (<b>1906</b>); the <a href="/entry/pandemic">Pandemic</a> in Penelope <a href="/entry/gilliatt_penelope">Gilliatt</a>'s <i>One by One</i> (<b>1965</b>); the flood of Richard <a href="/entry/doyle_richard">Doyle</a>'s <i>Deluge</i> (<b>1976</b>); and flood again in the second play of Steve <a href="/entry/waters_steve">Waters</a>'s <i>The Contingency Plan: On the Beach &amp; Resilience</i> (coll of linked plays <b>2009</b>).</p> <p>More exotic threats to London include H G <a href="/entry/wells_h_g">Wells</a>'s Martian tripods and Heat <a href="/entry/rays">Rays</a> in <i>The War of the Worlds</i> (April-December 1897 <a href="/entry/pearsons_magazine">Pearson's</a>; <b>1898</b>), the most famous of all; <a href="/entry/vampires">Vampires</a> from space in Alan <a href="/entry/hyder_alan">Hyder</a>'s <i>Vampires Overhead</i> (<b>1935</b>); the epidemic of blindness (worldwide but shown primarily through its effect on London) that gives the shambling vegetable <a href="/entry/triffid">Triffids</a> an advantage over most of humanity in John <a href="/entry/wyndham_john">Wyndham</a>'s <i>The Day of the Triffids</i> (6 January-3 February 1951 <a href="/entry/colliers_weekly">Collier's Weekly</a>; as "Revolt of the Triffids"; <b>1951</b>; rev <b>1951</b>; orig version vt <i>Revolt of the Triffids</i> <b>1952</b>); rapidly and explosively spawning alien puffballs in the <a href="/entry/dan_dare_pilot_of_the_future">Dan Dare &ndash; Pilot of the Future</a> story "Operation Moss" (in <i>Eagle Annual Number 8</i>, graph anth <b>1959</b>); the titular <a href="/entry/dinosaurs">Dinosaur</a> of <a href="/entry/gorgo">Gorgo</a> (<i>1961</i>) and gigantic ape of <a href="/entry/konga">Konga</a> (<i>1961</i>); <a href="/entry/daleks">Daleks</a> &ndash; who would later return &ndash; in the <a href="/entry/doctor_who">Doctor Who</a> storyline <i>The Dalek Invasion of Earth</i> (<i>1964</i>); the hugely enlarged white kitten which destroys the Post Office Tower (now Telecom Tower) and St Paul's Cathedral amid other havoc in a <a href="/entry/monster_movies">Monster Movie</a> spoof episode of the BBC comedy series <i>The Goodies</i>, titled "Kitten Kong" (12 November <i>1971</i>); a <a href="/entry/zombies">Zombie</a> plague as a side-effect of psychic vampire invasion in <a href="/entry/lifeforce">Lifeforce</a> (<i>1985</i>); <a href="/entry/monsters">Monsters</a> from a literal mirror world in China <a href="/entry/mieville_china">Mi&eacute;ville</a>'s <i>The Tain</i> (<b>2002</b> chap); and dragons (see <a href="/entry/supernatural_creatures">Supernatural Creatures</a>) in <a href="/entry/reign_of_fire">Reign of Fire</a> (<i>2002</i>).</p> <p><a href="/entry/post-holocaust">Post-Holocaust</a>, post-<a href="/entry/disaster">Disaster</a> and <a href="/entry/ruined_earth">Ruined-Earth</a> (which see) portrayals of a devastated London include: Richard <a href="/entry/jefferies_richard">Jefferies</a>'s <i>After London; Or, Wild England</i> (<b>1885</b>); H G <a href="/entry/wells_h_g">Wells</a>'s <i>The Shape of Things to Come</i> (<b>1933</b>), which gleefully describes the devastated city and its reconstruction, along lines prophetic of the attempts by Modernist architects after <a href="/entry/world_war_two">World War Two</a> to rebuild working class areas through schemes that focused on improved sanitation, physical and cultural: the resulting <a href="/entry/dystopias">Dystopian</a> tower blocks (now mostly demolished) fed sf writers for decades with imageries of London as a great <a href="/entry/disaster">Disaster</a> area; Gerald <a href="/entry/kersh_gerald">Kersh</a>'s "Voices in the Dust of Annan" (13 September 1947 <a href="/entry/saturday_evening_post">Saturday Evening Post</a> as "Voices in the Dust"; vt in <i>Sad Road to the Sea</i>, coll <b>1947</b>); Lord <a href="/entry/dunsany_lord">Dunsany</a>'s <i>The Pleasures of a Futuroscope</i> (written 1955; <b>2003</b>); H C <a href="/entry/asterley_h_c">Asterley</a>'s <i>Escape to Berkshire</i> (<b>1961</b>); J G <a href="/entry/ballard_j_g">Ballard</a>'s <i>The Drowned World</i> (January 1962 <a href="/entry/science_fiction_adventures">Science Fiction Adventures</a>; exp <b>1962</b>), generating a potent yet languid strangeness by submerging the grey city in tropical waters; Arthur <a href="/entry/sellings_arthur">Sellings</a>'s <i>Junk Day</i> (<b>1970</b>); H R F <a href="/entry/keating_h_r_f">Keating</a>'s <i>A Long Walk to Wimbledon</i> (<b>1978</b>); and Garry <a href="/entry/kilworth_garry">Kilworth</a>'s <i>Abandonati</i> (<b>1988</b>).</p> <p>Inevitably, a number of <a href="/entry/dystopias">Dystopias</a> are set in variously horrid future or <a href="/entry/near_future">Near-Future</a> Londons. Some examples from before <a href="/entry/world_war_two">World War Two</a> devastation transformed the reconstruction of London into a subject fit for <a href="/entry/futures_studies">Futures Studies</a> include Guy <a href="/entry/dent_guy">Dent</a>'s <i>Emperor of the If</i> (<b>1926</b>) and Barbara <a href="/entry/wootton_barbara">Wootton</a>'s <i>London's Burning: A Novel for the Decline and Fall of the Liberal Age</i> (<b>1936</b>). By 1944, urban planners were seeing the ruins of London as an opportunity (see <a href="/entry/ruins_and_futurity">Ruins and Futurity</a>) to build literally upon the ruins of the past, as promulgated in works like Sir Patrick Abercrombie's <i>Greater London Plan 1944</i> (<b>1945</b>); but few if any sf writers swallowed the bait. A far more typical rendering of the fate of the city is George <a href="/entry/orwell_george">Orwell</a>'s <i>Nineteen Eighty-Four</i> (<b>1949</b>), which is set primarily in London, capital of Airstrip One. Other dystopian visions include Sid <a href="/entry/chaplin_sid">Chaplin</a>'s <i>Sam in the Morning</i> (<b>1965</b>), Gill <a href="/entry/edmonds_gill">Edmonds</a>'s <i>The Common</i> (<b>1984</b>), Graham <a href="/entry/marks_graham">Marks</a>'s <i>Omega Place</i> (<b>2007</b>) and Jonathan <a href="/entry/trigell_jonathan">Trigell</a>'s <i>Genus</i> (<b>2011</b>).</p> <p>London is echoed in imaginary <a href="/entry/cities">Cities</a> portrayed by several UK authors, rather as the fanciful metropoli of Italo <a href="/entry/calvino_italo">Calvino</a>'s <i>Le citt&aacute; invisibili</i> (<b>1972</b>; trans as <i>Invisible Cities</i> <b>1974</b>) are all in some way aspects of Venice. Terry <a href="/entry/pratchett_terry">Pratchett</a>'s Ankh-Morpork, as developed in later volumes of his <b>Discworld</b> sequence, reeks of Victorian London &ndash; almost literally so in <i>The Truth</i> (<b>2000</b>), with its refuse baron who knows there is "<i>nothing</i>, however gross, that you can't sell to the tanners", and other suggestions of intensive research in <i>London Labour and the London Poor</i> (<b>1851-1861</b> 4vols) by Henry Mayhew (1812-1887); Pratchett's standalone historical comedy <i>Dodger</i> (<b>2012</b>) is actually set in Victorian London and its sewers. A similar flavour of London sleaze pervades China <a href="/entry/mieville_china">Mi&eacute;ville</a>'s New Crobuzon, as first seen in <i>Perdido Street Station</i> (<b>2000</b>), though more melodramatically evident in the <a href="/entry/underground">Underground</a> London portrayed in <i>King Rat</i> (<b>1998</b>); his later London tales, where sleaze is light-shot, include <i>Un Lun Dun</i> (<b>2007</b>) and <i>Kraken</i> (<b>2010</b>). Even the eternal city Diaspar of Arthur C <a href="/entry/clarke_arthur_c">Clarke</a>'s <i>The City and the Stars</i> (<b>1956</b>) conceals, far beneath its futuristic towers, a <a href="/entry/transportation">Transportation</a> system uncannily like the London Underground.</p> <p><a href="/entry/underground">Underground</a> London has a grimy mystique of its own. Many a <a href="/entry/doctor_who">Doctor Who</a> storyline &ndash; most famously perhaps "The Web of Fear" (3-14 February <i>1968</i> 4 episodes) &ndash; sees portions of the Tube network infested with <a href="/entry/aliens">Aliens</a> or <a href="/entry/monsters">Monsters</a>; a Tube train is the setting for monstrous confrontation in <a href="/entry/split_second">Split Second</a> (<i>1991</i>). There are hidden <a href="/entry/wainscot_societies">Wainscot Societies</a> and other wonders or horrors down there in such works as Bruce <a href="/entry/graeme_bruce">Graeme</a>'s <i>Blackshirt the Adventurer</i> (<b>1936</b>), Nigel <a href="/entry/kneale_nigel">Kneale</a>'s BBC <a href="/entry/television">Television</a> serial <i>Quatermass and the Pit</i> (22 December <i>1958</i>-26 January <i>1959</i> 6 episodes), novelized as <i>Quatermass and the Pit</i> (<b>1960</b>), Lawrence <a href="/entry/leonard_lawrence">Leonard</a>'s <i>The Horn of Mortal Danger</i> (<b>1980</b>), William <a href="/entry/corlett_william">Corlett</a>'s <i>The Secret Line</i> (<b>1988</b>), Laurence <a href="/entry/staig_laurence">Staig</a>'s <i>The Network</i> (<b>1988</b>), Peter <a href="/entry/beere_peter">Beere</a>'s <b>Underworld</b> sequence beginning with <i>Underworld</i> (<b>1992</b>), and such Urban Fantasies [see <i>The</i> <a href="/entry/encyclopedia_of_fantasy_the">Encyclopedia of Fantasy</a> under <b>links</b> below] as Neil <a href="/entry/gaiman_neil">Gaiman</a>'s <i>Neverwhere</i> (<b>1996</b>; rev <b>1997</b>) and Ben <a href="/entry/aaronovitch_ben">Aaronovitch</a>'s <i>Whispers Under Ground</i> (<b>2012</b>). Gaiman's settings also include the city's vertiginously high places, the home and battlefield of another secret London in <i>Roofworld</i> (<b>1988</b>) by Christopher <a href="/entry/fowler_christopher">Fowler</a>.</p> <p>Although the subgenre of <a href="/entry/steampunk">Steampunk</a> (which see) is largely of American origin, London is its natural home and favoured setting. Its precursors include stories set in the variously fantasticated Londons imagined by Charles <a href="/entry/dickens_charles">Dickens</a> (passim), Robert Louis <a href="/entry/stevenson_robert_louis">Stevenson</a> in <i>New Arabian Nights</i> (coll <b>1882</b>), and G K <a href="/entry/chesterton_g_k">Chesterton</a> in <i>The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare</i> (<b>1908</b>; vt <i>The Annotated Thursday</i> <b>1999</b>). In another novel with a steampunk flavour, Philip <a href="/entry/reeve_philip">Reeve</a>'s <i>Mortal Engines</i> (<i>2001</i>), London has become a mobile "Traction City" first seen "chasing a small mining town across the dried-out bed of the old North Sea".</p> <p>Modern authors deeply involved with London's history and mythology include Peter <a href="/entry/ackroyd_peter">Ackroyd</a> with <i>Hawksmoor</i> (<b>1985</b>) and <i>The Plato Papers</i> (<b>1999</b>); Michael <a href="/entry/moorcock_michael">Moorcock</a>, most evidently in the borderline-fantastic <i>Mother London</i> (<b>1988</b>) and the semi-fantastical <i>The Whispering Swarm</i> (<b>2015</b>); Iain <a href="/entry/sinclair_iain">Sinclair</a> with <i>White Chappell, Scarlet Tracings</i> (<b>1987</b>), <i>Downriver</i> (<b>1991</b>) and <i>Radon Daughters</i> (<b>1994</b>); and Connie <a href="/entry/willis_connie">Willis</a>, whose <a href="/entry/time_travel">Time-Travelling</a> historical researchers endure the Blitz of <a href="/entry/world_war_two">World War Two</a> in her two-volume story <i>Blackout</i> (<b>2010</b>) and <i>All Clear</i> (<b>2010</b>).</p> <p>Among the notable fictional inhabitants of London are <a href="/entry/sherlock_holmes">Sherlock Holmes</a>, his lesser imitators Sexton Blake (see <a href="/entry/sexton_blake_library">Sexton Blake Library</a>) and Solar Pons (see August <a href="/entry/derleth_august">Derleth</a>), and, somewhere in the slums of old Limehouse, Sax <a href="/entry/rohmer_sax">Rohmer</a>'s villainous <a href="/entry/fu_manchu">Fu Manchu</a>. Not fictional, but anonymous and amenable to almost any fantastic interpretation, is the grisly figure of <a href="/entry/jack_the_ripper">Jack the Ripper</a>.</p> <p>Anthologies focused on London include <i>Soot and Steel: Dark Tales of London</i> (anth <b>2019</b>) and <i>London Centric: Tales of Future London</i> (anth <b>2020</b>), both edited by Ian <a href="/entry/whates_ian">Whates</a>. [DRL]</p> <p><b>see also:</b> <i>The</i> <a href="/entry/fugitive_futurist_the">Fugitive Futurist</a>; <a href="/entry/fallen_london">Fallen London</a>.</p> <p><b>further reading</b></p> <ul class="x"> <li>Patrick Abercrombie. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=Greater+London+Plan+1944+A+Report+Prepared+on&field-author=Patrick+Abercrombie" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">Greater London Plan 1944: A Report Prepared on Behalf of the Standing Conference on London Regional Planning by PROFESSOR ABERCROMBIE at the Request of the Minister of Town and Country Planning</a></em> (London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, <b>1945</b>) [nonfiction: illus/various: hb/nonpictorial]</li> <li>C B Purdom. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=How+Should+We+Rebuild+London&field-author=C+B+Purdom" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">How Should We Rebuild London?</a></em> (London: J M Dent and Sons, <b>1945</b>) [nonfiction: illus/hb/Batt]</li> <li>Felix Barker and Ralph Hyde. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=London+As+It+Might+Have+Been&field-author=Felix+Barker+and+Ralph+Hyde" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">London As It Might Have Been</a></em> (London: John Murray, <b>1982</b>) [nonfiction: hb/detail of proposed Imperial Monumental Halls and Tower, 1904]</li> <li>Antony Milne. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=London+Drowning&field-author=Antony+Milne" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">London's Drowning</a></em> (London: Thames Methuen, <b>1982</b>) [nonfiction: hb/uncredited]</li> <li>Richard Maxwell. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=The+Mysteries+of+Paris+and+London&field-author=Richard+Maxwell" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">The Mysteries of Paris and London</a></em> (Charlottesville, Virginia: University Press of Virginia, <b>1992</b>) [nonfiction: hb/Dennis Stillwell from Charles Meryon]</li> <li>Mireille Galinou and John Hayes, editors. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=London+in+Paint+Oil+Paintings+in+the+Collection&field-author=Mireille+Galinou+and+John+Hayes" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">London in Paint: Oil Paintings in the Collection at the Museum of London</a></em> (London: Museum of London, <b>1996</b>) [nonfiction: anth: heavily illustrated: hb/from Richard Wynne Nevinson, "London, Winter"]</li> <li>Stephen Jones and Jo Fletcher, editors. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=Secret+City+Strange+Tales+of+London&field-author=Stephen+Jones+and+Jo+Fletcher" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">Secret City: Strange Tales of London</a></em> (London: Titan Books, <b>1997</b>) [nonfiction/fiction: anth: illus/Seamus A Ryan: hb/nonpictorial: pb issue/Bob <a href="/entry/eggleton_bob">Eggleton</a>]</li> <li>Pamela K Gilbert, editor. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=Imagined+Londons&field-author=Pamela+K+Gilbert" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">Imagined Londons</a></em> (Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, <b>2002</b>) [nonfiction: anth: hb/]</li> <li>Barnaby Wright, editor. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=Frank+Auerbach+London+Building+Sites+1952-62&field-author=Barnaby+Wright" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">Frank Auerbach: London Building Sites 1952-62</a></em> (London: The Courtauld Gallery/Paul Holberton Publishing, <b>2009</b>) [nonfiction: graph: illus/pb/Frank Auerbach]</li> <li>David Ashford. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=London+Underground+A+Cultural+Geography&field-author=David+Ashford" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">London Underground: A Cultural Geography</a></em> (Liverpool, England: Liverpool University Press, <b>2013</b>) [nonfiction: hb/uncredited]</li> <li>Christine Corton. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=London+Fog+The+Biography&field-author=Christine+Corton" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">London Fog: The Biography</a></em> (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard, <b>2015</b>) [nonfiction: hb/]</li> <li>Philip Wilkinson. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=Phantom+Architecture&field-author=Philip+Wilkinson" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">Phantom Architecture</a></em> (London: Simon and Schuster UK, <b>2017</b>) [nonfiction: including seven sections on London: illus/various sources: hb/S&amp;S Art Dept]</li> <li>Edward <a href="/entry/lucie-smith_edward">Lucie-Smith</a>. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=London+The+Metamorphosis&field-author=Lucie+Smith+Edward" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">London: The Metamorphosis</a></em> (London: Unicorn Publishing Group, <b>2020</b>) [nonfiction: commentary on illustrations of London by Anna Keen: illus/hb/Anna Keen]</li> <li>Hadas Elber-Aviram. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=Fairy+Tales+of+London+British+Urban+Fantasy&field-author=Hadas+Elber-Aviram" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">Fairy Tales of London: British Urban Fantasy, 1840 to the Present</a></em> (London: Bloomsbury Academic, <b>2020</b>) [nonfiction: pb/]</li> <li>Charles G <a href="/entry/waugh_charles_g">Waugh</a> and Don <a href="/entry/wismer_don">Wismer</a>, editors. <em><a href="/sfeshop.php?field-keywords=Killing+London&field-author=Waugh+Charles+G" class="link-amazon" target="_blank">Killing London</a></em> (Orem, Utah: Hemelein Publications, <b>2021</b>) [anth: pb/Henrique Alvim Corr&ecirc;a]</li> </ul> <p><b>links</b></p> <ul class="x"> <li><a target="_blank" href="">Fantastic London</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href=""><em>The Encyclopedia of Fantasy</em></a>: <a target="_blank" href="">Urban Fantasy</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href=";thumb=y">Picture Gallery Montage: Images of London</a></li> </ul> <p><b>previous versions of this entry</b></p> <ul><li><a href='*/' target='_blank'>Internet Archive</a></li></ul><br /><br /></article></div> <div class="sideBarsWrapper"> <div class="sideBarsColsWrapper clearfix"> <div class="column sideBar12 clearfix"> <div class="columnForm"><aside id="blogFeed" 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