{"title":"A Convenient Model for I-V Characteristic of a Solar Cell Generator as an Active Two-Pole with Self-Limitation of Current","authors":"A. A. Penin, A. S. Sidorenko","volume":28,"journal":"International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering","pagesStart":890,"pagesEnd":895,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/9926","abstract":"<p>A convenient and physically sound mathematical model of the external or I - V characteristic of solar cells generators is presented in this paper. This model is compared with the traditional model of p-n junction. The direct analytical calculation of load regime leads to a quadratic equation, which is importantly to simplify the calculations in the real time.<\/p>\r\n","references":"[1] K. Ishibashi,Y. Kimura, and M. Nivano, \"An extensively valid and\r\nstable method for derivation of all parameters of a solar cell\r\nfrom a single current-voltage characteristic\", Journal of applied\r\nphysics, 103, 094507 (2008).\r\n[2] V. A. Pilipovich, S. A. Sergienya, A. K. Esman, and V. B. Zalesskii,\r\n\"An automated system for measuring the current-voltage characteristics\r\nof solar cells\",Measurement Techniques, vol.48, 6, 2005, pp.595-600.\r\n[3] M. Akbaba and M. A. A. Alattavi,\"A new model for I-V characteristic\r\nof solar cell generators and its applications\", Solar Energy Mater. Solar\r\nCells , 37, 1995, pp.123-132.\r\n[4] A. A. Penin,\"The voltage current characteristics of an active two\r\npole with self limitation of current\", Electrichestvo, 7, 2008, pp.54-\r\n60, (Russian).","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 28, 2009"}