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formattedParagraph + '</blockquote>'); // Add custom CSS for the blockquote to add a line to the left $(".excerpt").css({ "border-left": "4px solid #ccc", // Line on the left "padding-left": "10px", // Padding between line and text "font-style": "italic", // Italicize the text "color": "#555", // Optional: change text color to gray "margin-top": "20px" // Optional: add some space above the blockquote }); } }); } } else { console.log("No valid 'Link' button with URL found."); } // Modify titles on pages with one forward slash and external links $(" a").each(function() { var linkHref = $(this).attr("href"); if (!isInternalUrl(linkHref) && hasOneForwardSlash(currentUrl)) { $(this).html($(this).html() + ' →'); // Append space and right arrow to the title } }); // Target only SVGs within anchor tags that have the class 'blog-more-link' $(' svg').css({ 'transition': 'transform 0.3s ease' // Smooth transition for SVG }); // Apply hover effect specifically to anchor tags with the class 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// List of strings to match in the URL var currentUrl = window.location.href; // Function to check if the current URL includes any of the specified strings function urlMatchesList() { return urlIncludes.some(function(item) { return currentUrl.includes(item); }); } // If the URL matches, inject CSS if (urlMatchesList()) { var css = ` /* Sidebar styling */ :root { --sidebar-width: 30vw; /* Sidebar width */ --header-height: 0px; /* Default header height */ --footer-height: 0px; /* Default footer height */ } @media screen and (min-width: 700px) { .parent-container { display: flex; flex-wrap: nowrap; width: 100%; } .sidebar { flex: 0 0 var(--sidebar-width); /* Ensures the sidebar takes up the set width */ width: var(--sidebar-width); height: calc(100vh - var(--header-height) - var(--footer-height)); /* Adjust height dynamically */ overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; position: fixed; background-color: white; padding-left: 55px; z-index: 800; padding-right: 20px; top: var(--header-height); 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} .sidebar-title { font-size: 1.5em; padding-bottom: 40px; } { padding-right: 10px; } `; // Dynamically set CSS variables for header and footer height var header = document.querySelector('header'); var footer = document.querySelector('.footer-background'); if (header) { var headerHeight = header.offsetHeight + 'px';'--header-height', headerHeight); } if (footer) { var footerHeight = footer.offsetHeight + 'px';'--footer-height', footerHeight); } // Monitor header and footer height changes var resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(() => { if (header) { var dynamicHeaderHeight = header.offsetHeight + 'px';'--header-height', dynamicHeaderHeight); } if (footer) { var dynamicFooterHeight = footer.offsetHeight + 'px';'--footer-height', dynamicFooterHeight); } }); if (header) resizeObserver.observe(header); if (footer) resizeObserver.observe(footer); var styleSheet = document.createElement('style'); styleSheet.type = 'text/css'; styleSheet.innerText = css; document.head.appendChild(styleSheet); } }); //Refresh when transitioning from a wide to a narrow screen (function() { // Define the threshold for screen width var widthThreshold = 768; // Variable to store the width of the screen on the last check var lastWidth = window.innerWidth; window.addEventListener('resize', function() { // Check the current width of the window var currentWidth = window.innerWidth; // Check if we've crossed the threshold since the last resize event if ((lastWidth < widthThreshold && currentWidth >= widthThreshold) || (lastWidth >= widthThreshold && currentWidth < widthThreshold)) { // Refresh the page window.location.reload(); } // Update the lastWidth for the next event lastWidth = currentWidth; }); })(); //Sidebar functionality document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // Check URL to determine if the script should run if ( !window.location.href.includes("/journal") && !window.location.href.includes("/magazine") && !window.location.href.includes("/reports") && !window.location.href.includes("/news") && !window.location.href.includes("/books") && !window.location.href.includes("/papers") && !window.location.href.includes("/audio") && !window.location.href.includes("/events") && !window.location.href.includes("/exhibitions") && !window.location.href.includes("/images") && !window.location.href.includes("/maps") && !window.location.href.includes("/minutes") && !window.location.href.includes("/join") && !window.location.href.includes("/support") && !window.location.href.includes("/guidance") && !window.location.href.includes("/models") && !window.location.href.includes("/notes") && !window.location.href.includes("/records") && !window.location.href.includes("/contact") && !window.location.href.includes("/search") && !window.location.href.includes("/videos") && !window.location.href.includes("/grants") && !window.location.href.includes("/collections") && !window.location.href.includes("/library") && !window.location.href.includes("/licensing") && !window.location.href.includes("/about") && !window.location.href.includes("/shop") && !window.location.href.includes("/stores") && !window.location.href.includes("/groups") && !window.location.href.includes("/documents") && !window.location.href.includes("/affiliates") && !window.location.href.includes("/people") ) { console.log("URL does not match list, script will not run."); return; } // Create and add sidebar to the DOM var sidebar = document.createElement('div'); sidebar.className = 'sidebar'; document.body.appendChild(sidebar); // Ensure it's added to the correct parent container // Store the original URL of the page when the script first loads const originalUrl = document.location.href; // Function to check if the sliding sidebar header has functioned function hasSlidingHeaderFunctioned() { // Use the stored original URL instead of the potentially modified current URL const urlPath = new URL(originalUrl).pathname; // Check if the URL path contains more than one forward slash const hasMultipleSlashes = urlPath.split('/').filter(Boolean).length > 1; // Check if the original URL contains specific strings that should allow the function to run const shouldInclude = originalUrl.includes('journal/category/') || originalUrl.includes('magazine/category/') || originalUrl.includes('reference/category/') || originalUrl.includes('records/category/') || originalUrl.includes('affiliates/') || originalUrl.includes('groups/') || originalUrl.includes('grants/'); // Exclude the URL if it does not have more than one forward slash or meets other exclusion conditions const isExcluded = !hasMultipleSlashes && !shouldInclude || originalUrl.includes('?') || originalUrl.includes('/tag/') || originalUrl.includes('/shop/') || originalUrl.includes('/category/') && !shouldInclude; // Check if the sliding header should function return !isExcluded && window.innerWidth >= 900; } // Function to insert the div before the og:image after it has loaded function insertDivBeforeImage() { // Check if the window width is greater than 750px if (window.innerWidth > 750) { // Find the og:image element const ogImage = document.querySelector('meta[property="og:image"]'); // Get the current URL path const path = window.location.pathname; const slashCount = (path.match(/\//g) || []).length; // Count the number of forward slashes in the URL // Determine the height of the spacer div based on the number of slashes const spacerHeight = (slashCount === 1) ? '15vh' : '5vh'; // If the og:image element is found if (ogImage) { const imageUrl = ogImage.getAttribute('content'); const img = new Image(); img.src = imageUrl; // Wait for the image to load img.onload = createAndInsertDiv; } else { // Fallback if no og:image is found createAndInsertDiv(); } } } // Helper function to fetch og:image from a given URL async function fetchOgImage(url) { try { const response = await fetch(url); const html = await response.text(); const parser = new DOMParser(); const doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); const ogImageMeta = doc.querySelector('meta[property="og:image"]'); return ogImageMeta ? ogImageMeta.content : null; } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to fetch og:image from URL:', url, error); return null; } } // Function to convert the category name to a URL-friendly format function convertToUrlFormat(categoryName) { return categoryName.replace(/\+/g, ' ').trim().toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '-'); } // Main function to handle the image loading logic async function loadImage() { const currentUrl = window.location.href; const urlPattern = /https:\/\/www\.kentarchaeology\.org\.uk\/(journal|magazine|reference|records|grants|groups|affiliates)\/category\/([^\/]+)/; let imageUrl = ''; if (currentUrl === '') { // Use the specific image for the /contact page imageUrl = '/s/icon-contact.png'; } else if (currentUrl.includes('')) { // Use the specific image for the /search page imageUrl = '/s/search-icon.png'; } else if (urlPattern.test(currentUrl)) { const match = currentUrl.match(urlPattern); const basePath = match[1]; const categoryName = match[2]; const convertedCategoryName = convertToUrlFormat(categoryName); const modifiedUrl = `${basePath}/${convertedCategoryName}`; imageUrl = await fetchOgImage(modifiedUrl); if (!imageUrl) { console.log('No corresponding page found; defaulting to current page og:image.'); imageUrl = document.querySelector('meta[property="og:image"]') ? document.querySelector('meta[property="og:image"]').content : ''; } } else { imageUrl = document.querySelector('meta[property="og:image"]') ? document.querySelector('meta[property="og:image"]').content : ''; } if (imageUrl) { let featuredImageContainer = document.createElement('div'); featuredImageContainer.className = 'featured-image'; var imgElement = document.createElement('img'); imgElement.src = imageUrl; // Wait for the image to load before inserting the div imgElement.onload = function () { insertDivBeforeImage(); // Call the function to insert the div after the image has loaded }; featuredImageContainer.appendChild(imgElement); sidebar.insertBefore(featuredImageContainer, sidebar.firstChild); // Keep this as the first child of the sidebar } else { console.log('Meta tag for og:image not found.'); insertDivBeforeImage(); // Call the function to insert the div if no image is found } } // Call the main function loadImage(); // Optionally, call the function on window resize to ensure the condition is re-evaluated if the window size changes window.addEventListener('resize', insertDivBeforeImage); // Create and add the sidebar title var sidebarTitle = document.createElement('h1'); // Use h1 instead of div sidebarTitle.className = 'sidebar-title'; = '10px'; = '5px'; = '2em'; // Set font size to 2em // Remove specified strings from the document title var modifiedTitle = document.title.replace(/ — Kent Archaeological Society|Volumes — |Issues — |Sources — |Society Affiliates — |Society Groups — |Funds — /g, ''); // Italicize 'Archaeologia Cantiana' modifiedTitle = modifiedTitle.replace(/Archaeologia Cantiana/g, '<i>Archaeologia Cantiana</i>'); sidebarTitle.innerHTML = modifiedTitle; // Set modified title as innerHTML of h1 sidebar.appendChild(sidebarTitle); // Function to fetch og:description or og:image from the target URL function fetchDescriptionOrImage(url, fetchImageIfNoDescription) { fetch(url).then(response => response.text()).then(html => { var parser = new DOMParser(); var doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); var metaElement = doc.querySelector('meta[property="og:description"]'); var descriptionDiv; if (metaElement) { var description = metaElement.getAttribute('content'); // Insert the description below the title descriptionDiv = document.createElement('div'); descriptionDiv.innerHTML = description; = '20px'; = '10px'; // Insert description after the title sidebarTitle.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', descriptionDiv); } else if (fetchImageIfNoDescription) { // If no description found, fetch og:image instead var imageElement = doc.querySelector('meta[property="og:image"]'); if (imageElement) { var imageUrl = imageElement.getAttribute('content'); // Create an image element to display the og:image var imageDiv = document.createElement('div'); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = imageUrl; = '100%'; = '10px'; imageDiv.appendChild(img); = '20px'; // Insert the image below the title sidebarTitle.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', imageDiv); } } }).catch(error => console.error('Error fetching description or image:', error)); } // Check the current URL and fetch the correct description var currentUrl = window.location.href; var match; // Array of URLs that need redirection to their landing pages for description fetching var categoryUrls = { "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "" }; // Check if the current URL matches any of the specified category URLs if (categoryUrls[currentUrl]) { fetchDescriptionOrImage(categoryUrls[currentUrl], true); } else if (match = currentUrl.match(/\/(journal|magazine|records)\/category\/(?:Volumes|Issues|Sources)/)) { // Match for journal, magazine, or records category pages with 'Volumes', 'Issues', or 'Sources' fetchDescriptionOrImage(`${match[1]}`, true); } else if (match = currentUrl.match(/\/(groups|records|affiliates|grants)\/category\/(.+)/)) { // Match for groups, affiliates, or grants category pages var decodedName = match[2].toLowerCase().replace(/\+/g, '-'); fetchDescriptionOrImage(`${match[1]}/${decodedName}`, true); } // Existing meta description handling code var metaElement = document.querySelector('meta[property="og:description"]'); var titleElement = document.querySelector('title'); var descriptionFound = false; if (metaElement) { var metaContent = metaElement.getAttribute('content'); metaContent = metaContent.replace(/ ,/g, ','); var pattern = /Archaeologia Cantiana, Volume (\d+)/; var match = metaContent.match(pattern); if (match) { var volumeNo = match[1]; var journalLink = ''; var volumeLink = `${volumeNo}`; // Extract the author's name and year part of the original description var authorPattern = /^(.*?, \d{4},)/; var authorMatch = metaContent.match(authorPattern); var authorPart = authorMatch ? authorMatch[1] : ''; metaContent = metaContent.replace('Archaeologia Cantiana', `<a href="${journalLink}" style="color: #00539B; font-style: italic;">Archaeologia Cantiana</a>`); metaContent = metaContent.replace(new RegExp(`Volume ${volumeNo}`), `<a href="${volumeLink}" style="color: #00539B;">Volume ${volumeNo}</a>`); if (titleElement) { var pageTitle = titleElement.textContent.trim(); pageTitle = pageTitle.replace(' — Kent Archaeological Society', '').trim(); // Use the extracted author part instead of hardcoding "Gillian M. Metcalfe" var formattedDescription = `${authorPart} '${pageTitle}', <a href="${journalLink}" style="color: #00539B; font-style: italic;">Archaeologia Cantiana</a>, <a href="${volumeLink}" style="color: #00539B;">Volume ${volumeNo}</a>. Maidstone: Kent Archaeological Society.`; metaContent = formattedDescription; } } var descriptionDiv = document.createElement('div'); descriptionDiv.innerHTML = metaContent; = '20px'; = '10px'; sidebarTitle.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', descriptionDiv); // Insert description after the title descriptionFound = true; // Mark that a description has been found } // Check if the current page URL includes the specified URL if (window.location.href.includes('')) { var customHtmlContent = document.createElement('div'); customHtmlContent.innerHTML = '<p>Contributions to the news blog are welcome. See the guidance for contributors and contact Digital Manager <a href="">Jacob Scott</a>.</p><br><br>'; = '20px'; // Increase vertical space below the custom HTML content = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(customHtmlContent); } // Check if the current page URL includes the specified URL if (window.location.href.includes('')) { var customHtmlContent = document.createElement('div'); customHtmlContent.innerHTML = '<p>Contributions to the records section are welcome. Contact Digital Manager <a href="">Jacob Scott</a>.</p><br><br>'; = '20px'; // Increase vertical space below the custom HTML content = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(customHtmlContent); } // Check if the current page URL matches the specified URL if (window.location.href.includes('')) { var customHtmlContent = document.createElement('div'); customHtmlContent.innerHTML = '<p>A list of patrons, trustees and members of staff is available on the Society <a href="">homepage</a> and you can find out more about the team, group chairs and secretaries in the <a href="">People</a> section.</p><br><br>'; = '20px'; // Increase vertical space below the custom HTML content = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(customHtmlContent); } // Check if the current page URL matches the specified URL if (window.location.href.includes('')) { var customHtmlContent = document.createElement('div'); customHtmlContent.innerHTML = '<p>Use this contact form for general queries to the Society. Email addresses are provided for members of the Management Team, contacts for Society Grants and Group Members. For membership queries contact <a href=""></a></p><br><br>'; = '20px'; // Increase vertical space below the custom HTML content = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(customHtmlContent); } // Check if the current page URL matches the specified URL if (window.location.href.includes('')) { var customHtmlContent = document.createElement('div'); customHtmlContent.innerHTML = '<p>Search the entire website here or use the search icon on the left of each index page to search within a section.</p><br><br>'; = '20px'; // Increase vertical space below the custom HTML content = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(customHtmlContent); } // Check if the current page URL matches the specified URL if (window.location.href.includes('')) { var customHtmlContent = document.createElement('div'); customHtmlContent.innerHTML = '<p>The Library is open to members for research by arrangement. Please email the <a href="">Archivist</a> to arrange your visit during the open hours of <a href="">Maidstone Museum</a>. Archival material is held in store at our offices and should be requested ahead of your visit. Additional Society archives and historical documents are held in deposit at the <a href="">Kent History and Library Centre</a>.</p><br><br>'; = '20px'; // Increase vertical space below the custom HTML content = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(customHtmlContent); } // Check if the current page URL matches the specified URL if (window.location.href.includes('')) { var customHtmlContent = document.createElement('div'); customHtmlContent.innerHTML = '<p>Contributions to the next volume are welcome. See the <a href="">guidance for contributors</a> and contact Editor <a href="">Jason Mazzocchi</a>.</p><br><br>'; = '20px'; // Increase vertical space below the custom HTML content = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(customHtmlContent); } // Check if the current page URL matches the specified URL if (window.location.href.includes('')) { var customHtmlContent = document.createElement('div'); customHtmlContent.innerHTML = '<p>Archive reports are generated at the conclusion of projects and typically filed with the local authority. Reports are made available here for the purpose of independent research. Many reports are available only through <a href="">Kent Archives</a> or <a href="">Kent Historic Environment Record</a>.</p><br><br>'; = '20px'; // Increase vertical space below the custom HTML content = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(customHtmlContent); } // Check if the current page URL matches the specified URL exactly if (window.location.href === '') { var customHtmlContent = document.createElement('div'); customHtmlContent.innerHTML = '<p>Also see the minutes of the Society <a href="">Publications Committee</a>.</p><br><br>'; = '20px'; // Increase vertical space below the custom HTML content = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(customHtmlContent); } // Check if the current page URL matches the specified URL exactly if (window.location.href === '') { var customHtmlContent = document.createElement('div'); customHtmlContent.innerHTML = '<p>Become a Society Member to list your online store here.</p><br><br>'; = '20px'; // Increase vertical space below the custom HTML content = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(customHtmlContent); } // Check if the current page URL includes the specified URL if (window.location.href.includes('')) { var customHtmlContent = document.createElement('div'); customHtmlContent.innerHTML = '<p>Contributions to the next issue are welcome. Contact Editor <a href="">Craig Campbell</a>.</p><br><br>'; = '20px'; // Increase vertical space below the custom HTML content = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(customHtmlContent); } // Check if the current page URL includes the specified URL if (window.location.href.includes('')) { var customHtmlContent = document.createElement('div'); customHtmlContent.innerHTML = '<p>Contributions to the next issue are welcome. Contact Editor <a href="">Craig Campbell</a>.</p><br><br>'; = '20px'; // Increase vertical space below the custom HTML content = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(customHtmlContent); } (function() { // Check if the URL matches any of the specified patterns and does not contain '/tag/' or 'offset' if ( (window.location.href.includes('/affiliates/category/') || window.location.href.includes('/records/category/') || window.location.href.includes('/notes/category/') || window.location.href.includes('/journal/category/') || window.location.href.includes('/grants/category/') || window.location.href.includes('/magazine/category/') || window.location.href.includes('/groups/category/')) && !window.location.href.includes('/tag/') && !window.location.href.includes('offset') ) { // Get the current URL and decode it to match the target structure let currentUrl = window.location.href; let decodedUrl = decodeURIComponent(currentUrl); // Determine which category the URL belongs to and extract the entity name accordingly let entityName = ''; let basePath = ''; if (decodedUrl.includes('/affiliates/category/')) { entityName = decodedUrl.split('/affiliates/category/')[1]; basePath = 'affiliates'; } else if (decodedUrl.includes('/records/category/')) { entityName = decodedUrl.split('/records/category/')[1]; basePath = 'records'; } else if (decodedUrl.includes('/notes/category/')) { entityName = decodedUrl.split('/notes/category/')[1]; basePath = 'notes'; } else if (decodedUrl.includes('/journal/category/')) { entityName = decodedUrl.split('/journal/category/')[1]; basePath = 'journal'; } else if (decodedUrl.includes('/grants/category/')) { entityName = decodedUrl.split('/grants/category/')[1]; basePath = 'grants'; } else if (decodedUrl.includes('/magazine/category/')) { entityName = decodedUrl.split('/magazine/category/')[1]; basePath = 'magazine'; } else if (decodedUrl.includes('/groups/category/')) { entityName = decodedUrl.split('/groups/category/')[1]; basePath = 'groups'; } if (entityName) { // Replace + with - and remove any additional special characters (you may need to refine this step based on actual URL patterns) let targetEntityName = entityName.replace(/\+/g, '-').toLowerCase(); // Construct the target URL based on the base path let targetUrl = '' + basePath + '/' + targetEntityName; // Fetch the target page's HTML content fetch(targetUrl) .then(response => { if (response.ok) { return response.text(); } else { throw new Error('Network response was not ok.'); } }) .then(html => { // Parse the HTML content let parser = new DOMParser(); let doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); // Get all content within the div with class 'blog-item-content-wrapper' except buttons let contentWrapper = doc.querySelector('.blog-item-content-wrapper'); let contentElements = []; if (contentWrapper) { // Clone all children of the content wrapper except button containers (div.sqs-block-button-container) contentElements = Array.from(contentWrapper.children).filter(el => !el.classList.contains('sqs-block-button-container')).map(el => el.cloneNode(true)); } // Append the content elements to the sidebar let sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); if (sidebar) { // Append all other content from the content wrapper (excluding buttons) contentElements.forEach(element => { sidebar.appendChild(element); }); } else { console.error('Sidebar not found.'); } }) .catch(error => { console.error('There was a problem with the fetch operation:', error); }); } else { console.error('Entity name could not be extracted from the URL.'); } } })(); // Check the URL to determine if it includes '/search' var contentElement; if (window.location.href.includes('/search')) { // If URL contains '/search', use the #page element contentElement = document.querySelector('#page'); } else { // Otherwise, use the .content element contentElement = document.querySelector('.content'); } // If no content element is found, log a message and return if (!contentElement) { console.log('Content element not found'); return; } // Create the parent container and insert it into the DOM var parentContainer = document.createElement('div'); parentContainer.className = 'parent-container'; contentElement.parentNode.insertBefore(parentContainer, contentElement); // Move the sidebar and content element into the parent container parentContainer.appendChild(sidebar); parentContainer.appendChild(contentElement); // Optionally set some basic layout styles directly in JS (can also be done in CSS) = 'flex'; = '0 0 250px'; // Set sidebar width, adjust as needed = '1'; // Allow content to take the remaining space // Function to copy and append the image to the sidebar, considering lazy loading attributes function copyAndAppendLazyLoadedImage() { // Select the image by its class const image = document.querySelector('.author-avatar-image'); // Check if the image exists and has a data-src or data-image attribute if (image && (image.dataset.src || image.dataset.image)) { // Clone the image node const imageClone = image.cloneNode(true); // If the image uses lazy loading, set the src attribute of the clone directly // Prefer data-src over data-image if both are present const imageUrl = image.dataset.src || image.dataset.image; imageClone.src = imageUrl; // Ensure the onerror handler is correctly set for the clone imageClone.onerror = function() { this.src = 'default-avatar.png'; }; // Remove lazy loading attributes to ensure the image loads imageClone.removeAttribute('data-src'); imageClone.removeAttribute('data-image'); imageClone.removeAttribute('data-load'); // Select the div with the class "sidebar" const sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); // Append the cloned image to the sidebar if (sidebar) { sidebar.appendChild(imageClone); } else { console.log('Sidebar not found'); } } else { console.log('Image with lazy loading attributes not found'); } } // Call the function to copy and append the lazy loaded image copyAndAppendLazyLoadedImage(); // Assuming the image already exists and just needs to be styled and positioned... function styleAndPositionAuthorImage() { const sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); if (!sidebar) { console.log('Sidebar not found'); return; } // Create or select the container for the author's image let imageContainer = sidebar.querySelector('.author-avatar-image'); if (!imageContainer) { imageContainer = document.createElement('div'); imageContainer.className = 'author-avatar-image'; sidebar.prepend(imageContainer); // Add the image container at the top of the sidebar } } // Call the function where appropriate in your script styleAndPositionAuthorImage(); // Select the original div and the existing sidebar const originalDiv = document.querySelector('.blog-item-author-profile-wrapper'); const sidebarDiv = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); // Assuming the sidebar div already exists // Extract the necessary elements and data from the original div const authorLink = originalDiv.querySelector('a').getAttribute('href'); const authorName = originalDiv.querySelector('.author-name').textContent; const authorBio = originalDiv.querySelector('.author-bio').innerHTML; // Using innerHTML to keep formatting and any nested tags // Create new elements for insertion into the sidebar const newContentDiv = document.createElement('div'); // Wrapper for the new content newContentDiv.innerHTML = ` <a href="${authorLink}"> <span class="author-name">${authorName}</span> </a> <div class="author-bio">${authorBio}</div> <br> `; // Append the new elements to the sidebar div, ensuring they are added below all other items sidebarDiv.appendChild(newContentDiv); }); //Tag clouds on index pages document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { // Predefined periods and a placeholder for place names const periodsOrder = ['Prehistoric', 'Bronze Age', 'Iron Age', 'Medieval', 'Modern']; let placeNames = new Set(); let spacerDiv; // To store the reference of the spacer above the spinner // Extract the section from the URL (e.g., 'books', 'news') function getSectionFromUrl() { const url = window.location.href; const pathParts = url.split('/'); return pathParts.length > 3 ? pathParts[3].toLowerCase() : null; } // Check if the current URL is the homepage, contains more than 2 forward slashes, or includes certain excluded paths function isExcludedUrl() { const url = window.location.href; const pathParts = url.split('/').filter(Boolean); // Filter out empty parts // Check if it's the homepage or contains more than 2 forward slashes (excluding protocol) const isHomePage = url === ''; const hasMoreThanTwoSlashes = pathParts.length > 3; // Check if the URL contains any of the excluded paths const excludedPaths = ['/documents', '/guidance', '/licensing', '/privacy', '/search', '/contact', '/join', '/shop', '/stores', '/support']; const containsExcludedPath = excludedPaths.some(path => url.includes(path)); // Return true if any of the conditions are met return isHomePage || hasMoreThanTwoSlashes || containsExcludedPath; } // Show a loading spinner in the sidebar beneath a 30vh spacer function showLoadingSpinner() { const sidebar = document.querySelector('.tags-container'); if (sidebar) { // Create a spacer div of 30vh spacerDiv = document.createElement('div'); = '30vh'; sidebar.appendChild(spacerDiv); // Create spinner const spinner = document.createElement('div'); spinner.classList.add('loading-spinner'); = '50px'; = '50px'; = '5px solid #f3f3f3'; = '5px solid #12518D'; = '50%'; = 'spin 1s linear infinite'; = '20px auto'; sidebar.appendChild(spinner); // Add CSS for spinner animation const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = ` @keyframes spin { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } } `; document.head.appendChild(style); } } // Hide the loading spinner and remove the spacer function hideLoadingSpinner() { const spinner = document.querySelector('.loading-spinner'); if (spinner) { spinner.remove(); } if (spacerDiv) { spacerDiv.remove(); } } // Fetch and parse tag data async function fetchTagData() { try { const response = await fetch(''); const pageText = await response.text(); const parser = new DOMParser(); const pageHTML = parser.parseFromString(pageText, 'text/html'); // Find the #tags div and get its content const tagDiv = pageHTML.querySelector('#tags'); if (!tagDiv) { console.error('Tag data div not found on!'); return null; } // Parse the comma-separated data const tagArray = tagDiv.textContent.trim().split('\n'); const headers = tagArray[0].split(',').map(h => h.trim()); const data = tagArray.slice(1).map(row => row.split(',').map(cell => cell.trim())); return { headers, data }; } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching tag data:', error); return null; } } // Fetch and parse place names for mapping async function fetchPlaceNames() { try { const response = await fetch(''); const pageText = await response.text(); const rows = pageText.trim().split('\n').slice(1); // Remove headers rows.forEach(row => { const columns = row.split(','); placeNames.add(columns[0].trim()); // Assuming first column is the place name }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching place data:', error); } } // Get the section with the maximum tag count for a given tag function getMaxTagSection(row, headers) { let maxCount = -1; let maxSection = ''; for (let i = 1; i < row.length; i++) { // Skip the tag name column const count = parseInt(row[i], 10); if (count > maxCount) { maxCount = count; maxSection = headers[i].toLowerCase(); } } return maxSection; } // Filter and categorize tags function categorizeTags(tagData, section = null) { const headers = tagData.headers; const categories = { periods: [], places: [], topics: [] }; => { const tagName = row[0].replace(/\+/g, ' '); // Get the count of tagged items for the specified section or all sections if null let tagCount = 0; if (section) { const sectionIndex = headers.findIndex(header => header.toLowerCase() === section); tagCount = parseInt(row[sectionIndex], 10); } else { // Sum all counts across sections tagCount = row.slice(1).reduce((sum, val) => sum + parseInt(val, 10), 0); } // Skip tags with no items in the section if (tagCount <= 0) return; // Determine category if (periodsOrder.includes(tagName)) { categories.periods.push({ name: tagName, count: tagCount, row }); } else if (placeNames.has(tagName)) { categories.places.push({ name: tagName, count: tagCount, row }); } else { categories.topics.push({ name: tagName, count: tagCount, row }); } }); // Order periods according to periodsOrder array categories.periods.sort((a, b) => periodsOrder.indexOf( - periodsOrder.indexOf(; // Alphabetically order places and topics categories.places.sort((a, b) =>; categories.topics.sort((a, b) =>; return categories; } // Append a search box for filtering tags function appendSearchBox(sidebar) { const searchBox = document.createElement('input'); searchBox.type = 'text'; searchBox.placeholder = 'Search tags...'; searchBox.className = 'tag-search-box'; = '10px 0'; = '100%'; // Fill 100% of the sidebar width = '30px'; // Slightly taller height = '5px'; = 'border-box'; // Ensure padding does not affect width sidebar.appendChild(searchBox); return searchBox; } // Append a category of tags to the sidebar function appendCategoryToSidebar(categoryName, tags, headers, searchBox = null) { const sidebar = document.querySelector('.tags-container'); // Create header for category const header = document.createElement('h3'); header.textContent = categoryName; sidebar.appendChild(header); // Container to hold tags const tagsContainer = document.createElement('div'); tagsContainer.className = `${categoryName.toLowerCase()}-tags`; sidebar.appendChild(tagsContainer); // Append each tag as a link tags.forEach(tag => { const tagLink = document.createElement('a'); tagLink.textContent =; // Get section with the maximum count if in search view; otherwise use the specified section const section = window.location.href.includes('/search') ? getMaxTagSection(tag.row, headers) : getSectionFromUrl(); // Encode spaces as '+' instead of '%20' tagLink.href = `${section}/tag/${encodeURIComponent(, '+')}`; = `${Math.min(1 + tag.count * 0.1, 2)}em`; // Cap font size = '10px'; // Add spacing between words = 'inline-block'; tagLink.title = `${tag.count} tagged items`; // If it's a period, make it appear on a new line if (categoryName === 'Periods') { = 'block'; } tagsContainer.appendChild(tagLink); }); // Add search functionality if search box is provided if (searchBox) { searchBox.addEventListener('input', function () { const query = searchBox.value.toLowerCase(); Array.from(tagsContainer.children).forEach(tagLink => { = tagLink.textContent.toLowerCase().includes(query) ? '' : 'none'; }); }); } } // Toggle sidebar content visibility when the icon is clicked async function toggleSidebarContent() { // Hide all other content in the sidebar before starting the spinner and fetching data document.querySelectorAll('.sidebar > *:not(.tags-container)').forEach(child => { = 'none'; }); showLoadingSpinner(); // Fetch data only once if (!placeNames.size) await fetchPlaceNames(); const tagData = await fetchTagData(); hideLoadingSpinner(); // Check if showing all tags or filtering by section const isSearchView = window.location.href.includes('/search'); const section = isSearchView ? null : getSectionFromUrl(); if (tagData) { const sidebar = document.querySelector('.tags-container'); // Insert header for all tags or section tags const headerText = isSearchView ? 'All tags' : `${section.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + section.slice(1)} tags`; const sectionHeader = document.createElement('h2'); sectionHeader.textContent = headerText; sidebar.appendChild(sectionHeader); // Append search box always, regardless of the number of tags const searchBox = appendSearchBox(sidebar); const categorizedTags = categorizeTags(tagData, section); appendCategoryToSidebar('Periods', categorizedTags.periods, tagData.headers, searchBox); appendCategoryToSidebar('Places', categorizedTags.places, tagData.headers, searchBox); appendCategoryToSidebar('Topics', categorizedTags.topics, tagData.headers, searchBox); } } // Check if the current URL is excluded before proceeding if (!isExcludedUrl() && !window.location.href.includes('/tag/')) { // Create tags icon and add click event const icon = document.createElement('div'); icon.innerHTML = `<svg width="30px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 54.140942 54.175812" version="1.1" id="svg5" xmlns="" xmlns:svg=""><defs id="defs2" /><g id="layer1" transform="translate(-7.6233961,-81.345457)"><path style="fill:#1b4f8b;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.105625" d="m 37.832305,81.47701 c -3.29096,0.51802 -5.601932,3.86552 -7.816256,6.07989 l -16.160638,16.16064 -3.802503,3.8025 c -1.1675275,1.16747 -2.3485215,2.36769 -2.4252155,4.11938 -0.125071,2.8561 2.5079305,4.73021 4.3264675,6.54875 l 13.203135,13.20314 c 1.80038,1.80038 3.766908,4.50026 6.65438,4.08769 2.182003,-0.31181 3.604562,-2.19975 5.070005,-3.66519 l 8.978132,-8.97813 10.351258,-10.35126 c 1.651241,-1.65124 3.950481,-3.33247 4.931421,-5.49251 0.89433,-1.96959 0.56108,-4.33411 0.56108,-6.44313 V 88.19065 c 0,-2.23088 0.13742,-4.47787 -1.90125,-5.93733 -1.75158,-1.25399 -4.308551,-0.82268 -6.337503,-0.82268 H 43.11356 c -1.710387,0 -3.591359,-0.21962 -5.281255,0.0464 m 10.351259,8.99208 c 5.812231,0 5.805894,8.96313 0,8.96313 -5.80431,0 -5.819203,-8.96313 0,-8.96313 z" id="path496" /></g></svg>`; icon.className = 'tags-icon'; icon.title = 'Tags'; document.body.appendChild(icon); // Create container for tags in sidebar const sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); const tagsContainer = document.createElement('div'); tagsContainer.className = 'tags-container'; sidebar.appendChild(tagsContainer); = 'none'; // On icon click, toggle content visibility icon.addEventListener('click', function() { const isVisible = !== 'none'; = isVisible ? 'none' : ''; // Only fetch and display tags if showing for the first time if (!isVisible) { toggleSidebarContent(); } else { // Restore the original sidebar content when hiding document.querySelectorAll('.sidebar > *:not(.tags-container)').forEach(child => { = ''; }); } }); // Initial setup: display the first tag cloud on load if URL does not contain '/tag/' or '/category/' if (!window.location.href.includes('/tag/') && !window.location.href.includes('/category/')) { const firstTagCloud = document.querySelector('.content .sqs-block.tagcloud-block'); if (firstTagCloud) { // Create h3 'Categories' title with 10px left padding const categoriesTitle = document.createElement('h3'); categoriesTitle.textContent = 'Categories'; = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(categoriesTitle); // Append the cloned tag cloud const tagCloudClone = firstTagCloud.cloneNode(true); sidebar.appendChild(tagCloudClone); } } } }); // Metadata icon to store and restore the sidebar content, and insert the SVG dynamically document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { // List of URL segments to block the script's execution, including the homepage const blockedPaths = ['/', '/licensing', '/privacy', '/cart', '/documents', '/guidance', '/shop', '/contact', '/search', '/support', '/stores', '/join', '/donate']; // Check if the current URL matches any of the blocked paths const urlContainsBlockedPath = blockedPaths.some(path => window.location.pathname === path || window.location.pathname.startsWith(path + '/')); // Exit early if a blocked path is found in the URL if (urlContainsBlockedPath) return; // Continue with the script if no blocked paths are found and window width is greater than 700 if (window.innerWidth > 700) { const sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); // Select the first .sidebar element let originalChildren = []; // Variable to hold the original children nodes // Create SVG element for the restore icon const svgNS = ""; const restoreIcon = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "svg"); restoreIcon.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 51.463867 51.565079"); restoreIcon.setAttribute("id", "restoreIcon"); // Set initial size let defaultWidth = 35; let defaultHeight = 35; = `${defaultWidth}px`; = `${defaultHeight}px`; // Set styles for transition and scaling from the center = 'transform 0.3s ease'; = 'center center'; // Ensure scaling from center = 'scale(1.2)'; // Start larger by default // Add a title element for tooltip const title = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "title"); title.textContent = "Showing page metadata"; // Default tooltip text restoreIcon.appendChild(title); const g = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g"); g.setAttribute("transform", "translate(-343.5825,-128.79629)"); const path = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "path"); path.setAttribute("d", "m 367.76707,128.90583 c -6.40917,0.84152 -11.94131,2.80986 -16.68052,7.42949 -2.16998,2.11527 -3.8833,4.6857 -5.17697,7.41485 -1.29616,2.73439 -2.15008,5.82244 -2.2876,8.85175 -0.18291,4.02926 0.24693,7.88782 1.75913,11.66822 4.34801,10.86965 15.88807,17.41733 27.41536,15.86455 12.18715,-1.6418 21.68941,-12.1605 22.22604,-24.41454 0.53664,-12.25686 -8.03739,-23.50864 -20.0131,-26.21833 -2.28757,-0.5176 -4.89823,-0.90377 -7.24234,-0.59599 m 3.01764,9.9457 c 1.63657,-0.23588 3.3015,0.32943 4.19734,1.78041 1.33129,2.15601 -0.13479,5.01924 -2.58793,5.40198 -1.60045,0.24966 -3.31045,-0.25559 -4.22781,-1.68022 -1.4025,-2.17824 0.11799,-5.14166 2.6184,-5.50217 m 4.32529,28.13449 c -0.14253,0.50585 -0.18548,1.35884 -0.55967,1.7453 -0.46613,0.48131 -1.53628,0.67283 -2.15621,0.90207 -2.54799,0.94201 -6.38593,1.42493 -8.13677,-1.23914 -0.68631,-1.04441 -0.63129,-2.23778 -0.52134,-3.42 0.26263,-2.8228 1.49956,-5.4921 2.09877,-8.24822 0.23366,-1.07458 0.72272,-2.46813 0.17673,-3.52018 -0.84021,-1.61916 -3.21299,-0.71468 -4.4809,-0.30216 0.10562,-0.5122 0.14555,-1.3506 0.48826,-1.7604 0.44771,-0.53533 1.59321,-0.69878 2.22762,-0.9245 2.42216,-0.86194 6.10499,-1.471 7.88268,0.975 0.76317,1.05014 0.73057,2.19755 0.67123,3.41989 -0.12805,2.63259 -1.23009,5.32162 -1.94427,7.84587 -0.35256,1.24619 -1.19146,3.67157 0.0478,4.66236 1.18362,0.94623 2.95085,0.1545 4.20609,-0.13589 z"); path.setAttribute("style", "fill:#1b4f8a;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.100588"); path.setAttribute("fill-rule", "evenodd"); g.appendChild(path); restoreIcon.appendChild(g); document.body.appendChild(restoreIcon); // Add initial CSS class for hover effects restoreIcon.classList.add('no-hover'); // Capture the sidebar children nodes after a delay setTimeout(function() { // Store each child node in the originalChildren array originalChildren = Array.from(sidebar.children).map(child => child.cloneNode(true)); // Start content checking interval only after capturing original children setInterval(function() { if (!isOriginalContent(sidebar, originalChildren)) { // Content has changed, update tooltip, reduce icon size, and enable hover effect title.textContent = "Show page metadata"; = 'scale(1)'; // Default size restoreIcon.classList.remove('no-hover'); restoreIcon.classList.add('has-hover'); } else { // Content is original, update tooltip, keep icon size larger, and disable hover effect title.textContent = "Showing page metadata"; = 'scale(1.2)'; // 20% larger restoreIcon.classList.remove('has-hover'); restoreIcon.classList.add('no-hover'); } }, 500); // Check every 500 milliseconds }, 1000); // Delay of 1 second // Add an event listener to restore the sidebar children when clicked restoreIcon.addEventListener('click', function() { // Check if the sidebar content has been altered if (!isOriginalContent(sidebar, originalChildren)) { // Clear current sidebar content and restore original children nodes sidebar.innerHTML = ''; originalChildren.forEach(child => sidebar.appendChild(child.cloneNode(true))); } }); // Function to check if the sidebar content is equal to the original children function isOriginalContent(sidebar, originalChildren) { if (sidebar.children.length !== originalChildren.length) return false; return Array.from(sidebar.children).every((child, index) => child.isEqualNode(originalChildren[index])); } // Style for hover effect when content has changed const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = ` .has-hover { transition: transform 0.3s ease; transform-origin: center center; /* Ensure scaling from center */ } .has-hover:hover { transform: scale(1.1); /* Slightly increase size on hover */ } .no-hover { transition: transform 0.3s ease; /* Smooth transition for size change */ } `; document.head.appendChild(style); } }); // Tags icon on blog pages // Tags icon on blog pages document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { // Count forward slashes in the URL var url = window.location.href; var slashCount = (url.match(/\//g) || []).length; // Define substrings to prevent script execution var excludedSubstrings = [ '/shop', '/join', '/stores', '/search', '/contact', '/support', '/documents', '/p/', '/guidance', '/minutes' ]; // Check if the current URL contains any excluded substrings if (excludedSubstrings.some(substring => url.includes(substring))) { console.log("Script execution skipped due to URL containing excluded substrings:", url); return; // Exit the script early if any of the substrings are found } // Only run script if there are four or more slashes if (slashCount >= 4) { var tagsExist = document.querySelectorAll('.blog-meta-item--tags').length > 0; // Hide tags on initial page load document.querySelectorAll('.blog-meta-item--tags').forEach(function(tagElement) { = 'none'; // Hide the tag elements initially }); // Create the icon element var icon = document.createElement('div'); icon.innerHTML = `<svg width="30px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 54.140942 54.175812" version="1.1" id="svg5" xmlns="" xmlns:svg=""><defs id="defs2" /><g id="layer1" transform="translate(-7.6233961,-81.345457)"><path style="fill:${tagsExist ? '#1b4f8b' : '#d3d3d3'};stroke:none;stroke-width:0.105625" d="m 37.832305,81.47701 c -3.29096,0.51802 -5.601932,3.86552 -7.816256,6.07989 l -16.160638,16.16064 -3.802503,3.8025 c -1.1675275,1.16747 -2.3485215,2.36769 -2.4252155,4.11938 -0.125071,2.8561 2.5079305,4.73021 4.3264675,6.54875 l 13.203135,13.20314 c 1.80038,1.80038 3.766908,4.50026 6.65438,4.08769 2.182003,-0.31181 3.604562,-2.19975 5.070005,-3.66519 l 8.978132,-8.97813 10.351258,-10.35126 c 1.651241,-1.65124 3.950481,-3.33247 4.931421,-5.49251 0.89433,-1.96959 0.56108,-4.33411 0.56108,-6.44313 V 88.19065 c 0,-2.23088 0.13742,-4.47787 -1.90125,-5.93733 -1.75158,-1.25399 -4.308551,-0.82268 -6.337503,-0.82268 H 43.11356 c -1.710387,0 -3.591359,-0.21962 -5.281255,0.0464 m 10.351259,8.99208 c 5.812231,0 5.805894,8.96313 0,8.96313 -5.80431,0 -5.819203,-8.96313 0,-8.96313 z" id="path496" /></g></svg>`; icon.className = 'tags-icon'; // Use class for CSS positioning icon.title = tagsExist ? 'Tags' : 'No tags'; // Set tooltip text based on tags existence document.body.appendChild(icon); if (tagsExist) { var sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); var tagsMoved = false; var showingTags = false; icon.addEventListener('click', function() { showingTags = !showingTags; toggleSidebarContent(showingTags); }); function toggleSidebarContent(show) { // Hide all children of the sidebar initially Array.from(sidebar.children).forEach(function(child) { = show ? 'none' : ''; // Hide or show child element based on `show` }); if (show) { if (!tagsMoved) { moveTagsToSidebar(); tagsMoved = true; } // Show the tags container after hiding all other sidebar content var tagsContainer = sidebar.querySelector('.tags-container'); if (tagsContainer) { = ''; } } } function moveTagsToSidebar() { var tagsContainer = document.createElement('div'); tagsContainer.className = 'tags-container'; = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(tagsContainer); var tagsTitle = document.createElement('h3'); tagsTitle.textContent = 'Tags'; = 'padding-top: 50px; padding-bottom: 10px; margin-left: 10px;'; tagsContainer.appendChild(tagsTitle); document.querySelectorAll('.blog-meta-item--tags').forEach(function(tagElement) { var tagClone = tagElement.cloneNode(true); = ''; // Ensure the cloned tag element is visible = '10px'; // Add margin-left to individual tag elements tagsContainer.appendChild(tagClone); // Remove the original tag element from the page tagElement.remove(); }); } // Update tags icon position based on sidebar visibility var updateTagsIconPosition = function(isSidebarVisible) { = isSidebarVisible ? '10px' : '-60px'; // Update position }; // Assuming sidebar event listeners are in place to call updateTagsIconPosition // Modify the sidebar script as necessary to call this function when its visibility changes } } }); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { // Check if the current URL matches the desired URL if (window.location.href === "") { // Find the div with id="index" const indexDiv = document.getElementById("index"); // Find the div with class="sidebar" const sidebarDiv = document.querySelector(".sidebar"); // If both elements are found, append the content of #index to .sidebar if (indexDiv && sidebarDiv) { // Add 5px padding to the left of #index = "10px"; sidebarDiv.appendChild(indexDiv.cloneNode(true)); // Clone the node and append console.log("Content from #index appended to .sidebar."); } else { console.warn("Required elements not found on the page."); } } else { console.log("The current URL does not match the target URL."); } // Add hover effect to underline links const style = document.createElement("style"); style.textContent = ` a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } `; document.head.appendChild(style); }); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async () => { // Function to check URL format function isValidVolumeUrl(url) { const regex = /^https:\/\/www\.kentarchaeology\.org\.uk\/journal\/category\/Volume\+(\d+)$/; return regex.test(url); } // Function to extract volume number from URL function getVolumeNumber(url) { const regex = /^https:\/\/www\.kentarchaeology\.org\.uk\/journal\/category\/Volume\+(\d+)$/; const match = url.match(regex); return match ? match[1] : null; } // Function to fetch content from the corresponding page async function fetchVolumeContent(volumeNumber) { const url = `${volumeNumber}`; try { const response = await fetch(url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Failed to fetch content from ${url}`); } const htmlText = await response.text(); const parser = new DOMParser(); const doc = parser.parseFromString(htmlText, "text/html"); const contentWrapper = doc.querySelector(".blog-item-content-wrapper"); if (contentWrapper) { // Remove buttons containing the word "Articles" const links = contentWrapper.querySelectorAll("a"); links.forEach(link => { if (link.textContent.trim() === "Articles") { link.remove(); } }); return contentWrapper.innerHTML; } return null; } catch (error) { console.error(error); return null; } } // Main logic const currentUrl = window.location.href; if (isValidVolumeUrl(currentUrl)) { const volumeNumber = getVolumeNumber(currentUrl); if (volumeNumber) { const sidebar = document.querySelector(".sidebar"); if (sidebar) { const content = await fetchVolumeContent(volumeNumber); if (content) { const newContentDiv = document.createElement("div"); newContentDiv.innerHTML = content; // Add 10px left padding to the new div = "10px"; sidebar.appendChild(newContentDiv); } else { console.error("No content found in '.blog-item-content-wrapper' for the specified volume."); } } else { console.error('Sidebar element with class "sidebar" not found.'); } } } }); // Search Icon on index pages document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { // Define substrings to prevent script execution var excludedSubstrings = [ 'journal/category/', '/shop', '/join', '/search', '/licensing', '/contact', '/stores', '/support', '/documents', '/p/', '/guidance', '/minutes' ]; // Check if the current URL contains any excluded substrings if (excludedSubstrings.some(substring => window.location.href.includes(substring))) { console.log("Script execution skipped due to URL containing excluded substrings:", window.location.href); return; // Exit the script if any of the substrings are found } var searchBlocks = document.querySelectorAll(''); if (!searchBlocks.length) return; // Early exit if no search blocks found var searchBlock = document.querySelector(''); = 'none'; // Initially hide the search block var sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); var originalContent = Array.from(sidebar.children); // Grab all original sidebar children var tagsContainer = document.querySelector('.tags-container'); // Select the tags container var icon = document.createElement('div'); icon.innerHTML = `<svg width="35px" height="35px" viewBox="0 0 53.00032 53.086411" version="1.1" id="svg5" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="" xmlns:svg=""><defs id="defs2" /><g id="layer1" transform="translate(-227.1513,-199.29986)"><path style="fill:#1b4f8a;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.111636" d="m 268.01565,234.52082 c 6.64244,-8.64285 4.61748,-22.02609 -3.12581,-29.23861 -5.99552,-5.58454 -15.1721,-7.52025 -22.88536,-4.69276 -2.77337,1.01667 -5.3919,2.49192 -7.59124,4.47845 -8.49897,7.67644 -9.58301,20.80181 -3.01416,30.0111 1.5015,2.10501 3.421,3.92981 5.58179,5.3497 5.6183,3.69214 12.64187,4.74955 19.08974,2.86402 1.38774,-0.4059 2.74736,-0.97391 4.01889,-1.6617 0.58932,-0.31872 1.35023,-1.02973 2.00777,-1.136 0.44788,-0.0723 0.83816,0.4529 1.11971,0.72831 0.82633,0.80858 1.6368,1.63413 2.45431,2.45163 l 6.13998,6.13998 c 1.51523,1.51523 2.9118,3.01048 5.24688,2.45152 2.5808,-0.61779 3.89353,-3.73656 2.57265,-6.02387 -0.97637,-1.69073 -2.87429,-3.09254 -4.24719,-4.46544 -2.34725,-2.34725 -4.65666,-5.34646 -7.36796,-7.25633 m -19.98283,-26.98407 c 1.71361,-0.20485 3.58485,-0.0367 5.24689,0.40178 1.65835,0.4375 3.1881,1.1628 4.57707,2.16697 8.17565,5.91033 7.81083,18.79881 -1.00472,23.9843 -1.64931,0.97011 -3.45402,1.6157 -5.35852,1.85036 -2.89495,0.35668 -6.00144,-0.0566 -8.59597,-1.45383 -7.34359,-3.95515 -10.04987,-13.7694 -5.24409,-20.72978 1.14817,-1.66293 2.6451,-3.10795 4.351,-4.19349 1.82849,-1.1637 3.89052,-1.77055 6.02834,-2.02631 z" id="path453" /></g></svg>`; // Directly inject your SVG code here icon.className = 'search-icon'; // Use class for CSS positioning icon.title = 'Search this section'; // Tooltip text added here = '35px'; // Set the width of the icon = 'auto'; // Set the height of the icon to auto for scaling = '1000'; // Ensure the icon stays on top with z-index document.body.appendChild(icon); var isSearchVisible = false; // Track visibility state of the search // Create a header for the search block var header = document.createElement('h2'); header.textContent = 'Search'; = 'left'; = '20px'; = '10px'; // Create a title div for the search block var titleLine1 = document.createElement('p'); titleLine1.textContent = 'Search the current section below or use the icon in the header to search the website.'; = 'left'; = '10px'; = '10px'; // Create a footer message for below the search block var footerMessage = document.createElement('p'); footerMessage.textContent = 'Enter keyword or search term + Return/⏎'; = 'left'; = '-55vh'; = '10px'; // Add 20px padding below the footer message = '20px'; // Toggle sidebar content visibility based on the search icon's click icon.addEventListener('click', function() { isSearchVisible = !isSearchVisible; // Toggle search visibility state on click showSearchInSidebar(isSearchVisible); }); function showSearchInSidebar(show) { if (show) { // Hide all original content and tags container if it exists originalContent.forEach(child => = 'none'); if (tagsContainer) = 'none'; // Hide tags container sidebar.appendChild(header); // Add the header to the sidebar sidebar.appendChild(titleLine1); // Add the first title line to the sidebar sidebar.appendChild(searchBlock); // Move the search block to the sidebar if not already there sidebar.appendChild(footerMessage); // Add the footer message below the search block = 'block'; // Display the search block sidebar.classList.add('stuck'); // Stick the sidebar open // Now append the list of volumes appendVolumeIndex(); // Add this line to append volumes when the search block is shown } else { // Show all original content and tags container if it exists originalContent.forEach(child => = ''); if (tagsContainer) = ''; // Show tags container header.remove(); // Remove the header from the sidebar titleLine1.remove(); // Remove the first title line from the sidebar footerMessage.remove(); // Remove the footer message from the sidebar = 'none'; // Hide the search block sidebar.classList.remove('stuck'); // Unstick the sidebar // Remove the list of volumes if they exist removeVolumeIndex(); // Ensure the volume list is removed when search is hidden } = '100%'; // Fill the sidebar width when visible = `calc(${sidebar.offsetHeight}px - 20vh)`; // Adjust height to fill the sidebar minus the space for the title, header, and footer } }); //Search Icon on blog pages document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { var exclusionList = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ]; // Check if current URL is in the exclusion list or contains certain strings var currentUrl = window.location.href; // Define additional substrings to prevent script execution var exclusionSubstrings = [ '/category/', '/tag/', 'offset', '/shop', '/join', '/search', '/contact', '/stores', '/support', '/documents', '/p/', '/guidance', '/minutes' ]; 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// Directly inject your SVG code here icon.className = 'search-icon'; icon.title = 'Search this section'; // Tooltip text added here = 'pointer'; = '35px'; = 'auto'; = '1000'; document.body.appendChild(icon); // Create elements for the search functionality within the sidebar var searchContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'none'; // Initially hidden = 'calc(100% - 20px)'; = '10px'; sidebar.appendChild(searchContainer); var searchTitle = document.createElement('h3'); searchTitle.textContent = 'Search page'; searchContainer.appendChild(searchTitle); var searchDescription = document.createElement('p'); searchDescription.textContent = 'Search within this page here, search the collection page or search the website.'; searchContainer.appendChild(searchDescription); var searchInput = document.createElement('input'); searchInput.type = 'text'; searchInput.placeholder = 'Type to search...'; = '100%'; = '5px'; = '10px'; = '10px'; searchContainer.appendChild(searchInput); var searchResults = document.createElement('div'); = 'auto'; = '200px'; // Adjust as needed searchContainer.appendChild(searchResults); // Toggle search container and original content visibility icon.addEventListener('click', function () { toggleSearchVisibility(); }); function toggleSearchVisibility() { isSearchVisible = !isSearchVisible; if (isSearchVisible) { // Hide original content and show search container originalContent.forEach(child => = 'none'); = 'block'; searchInput.focus(); } else { // Show original content and hide search container originalContent.forEach(child => = ''); = 'none'; clearHighlights(); searchResults.textContent = ''; searchInput.value = ''; } } searchInput.addEventListener('input', function () { performSearch(this.value); }); function performSearch(text) { clearHighlights(); if (!text) { searchResults.textContent = ''; return; } var results = highlightText(document.body, text); searchResults.innerHTML = ''; // Clear previous results if (results.length) { results.forEach((item, index) => { var resultItem = document.createElement('div'); resultItem.textContent = `Result ${index + 1}: ...${item.context}...`; = 'pointer'; resultItem.onclick = function () { item.element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center' }); }; searchResults.appendChild(resultItem); }); } else { searchResults.textContent = 'No results found.'; } } function highlightText(node, text) { var results = []; if (node.nodeType === 3) { // Text node if (window.getComputedStyle(node.parentNode).display === 'none') return results; // Exclude hidden text var index =; if (index >= 0) { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.textContent =, index + text.length); = 'yellow'; var restText = node.splitText(index); =; node.parentNode.insertBefore(span, restText); var contextStart = Math.max(0, index - 20); var contextEnd = Math.min(, index + text.length + 20); var context =, contextEnd); results.push({ element: span, context: context }); results = results.concat(highlightText(restText, text)); } } else if (node.nodeType === 1 && node.childNodes && !/(script|style|textarea)/i.test(node.tagName)) { Array.from(node.childNodes).forEach(function (child) { results = results.concat(highlightText(child, text)); 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var longitude = document.querySelector('meta[property="og:longitude"]')?.getAttribute('content'); return { latitude, longitude }; } var { latitude, longitude } = getCoordinatesFromMeta(); var coordinatesMatchNoData = latitude === "40.7207559" && longitude === "-74.0007613"; // Check for exact match var coordinatesQuery = latitude && longitude && !coordinatesMatchNoData ? `¢er=${longitude};${latitude}&level=14` : ''; // Only append if coordinates exist and do not match no-data values var showDisclaimer = coordinatesQuery !== ''; // Only show disclaimer if coordinates are present and valid // Determine icon fill color and tooltip based on the presence of map-link meta tag and coordinate validity var iconFill = mapLinkFound && !coordinatesMatchNoData ? '#1b4f8a' : '#d3d3d3'; // Blue if map-link is found and coordinates are valid, grey otherwise var iconTitle = mapLinkFound && !coordinatesMatchNoData ? 'Location' : 'No location data'; // Tooltip based on presence and validity // Create the icon element with dynamic fill and tooltip var icon = document.createElement('div'); icon.innerHTML = `<svg width="40px" height="40px" viewBox="0 0 57.700378 58.215332" version="1.1" id="svg5" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="" xmlns:svg=""> <defs id="defs2" /> <g id="layer1" transform="translate(-163.35871,-319.77773)"> <path style="fill:${iconFill};stroke:none;stroke-width:0.0588972" d="m 187.09873,319.86262 c -2.97207,0.39025 -5.74153,0.89908 -8.4223,2.34908 -6.67688,3.61148 -11.57424,11.48798 -10.58471,19.2412 0.31115,2.43758 1.25186,4.74553 2.2931,6.94987 1.63581,3.46316 3.74557,6.72318 5.96982,9.83584 2.65008,3.70869 5.48233,7.30967 8.50894,10.71929 0.68203,0.76837 1.34616,1.55424 2.05616,2.29693 0.38702,0.4048 0.80083,0.82073 1.41583,0.74717 1.15498,-0.13811 2.25806,-1.92535 2.96984,-2.74962 2.35317,-2.72523 4.66778,-5.48168 6.82907,-8.3634 2.81275,-3.75028 5.49022,-7.63814 7.59032,-11.83834 1.20221,-2.40448 2.29275,-4.96485 2.61898,-7.65663 1.15886,-9.56108 -6.19204,-18.69858 -15.23753,-20.95996 -1.88089,-0.47022 -4.06727,-0.82618 -6.00752,-0.57143 m 0.35338,13.24373 c 0.89077,-0.10549 1.84355,-0.005 2.70928,0.21126 5.40334,1.35051 7.60516,8.1476 4.09783,12.43479 -0.56006,0.68456 -1.21505,1.27677 -1.97753,1.73134 -0.9625,0.57378 -2.00905,0.94407 -3.12156,1.07894 -0.93905,0.11379 -1.90738,0.0732 -2.82706,-0.16898 -5.2706,-1.38814 -7.52659,-7.60103 -4.45575,-12.06485 0.57218,-0.83169 1.35999,-1.55501 2.21765,-2.08426 1.03082,-0.63609 2.15776,-0.9963 3.35714,-1.13824 m 0.1767,2.65856 c -0.77727,0.10583 -1.51407,0.34278 -2.1792,0.76631 -0.53602,0.34131 -1.01804,0.81343 -1.38833,1.32895 -2.5804,3.59303 0.50422,8.61837 4.86326,8.0519 0.68486,-0.089 1.35158,-0.33978 1.94361,-0.69063 3.8464,-2.27908 2.88467,-8.27347 -1.41353,-9.34168 -0.58308,-0.14489 -1.22871,-0.19613 -1.82581,-0.11485" id="path1330" /> </g> </svg> `; // Inject SVG code with dynamic color icon.className = 'map-icon'; icon.title = iconTitle; // Tooltip text added dynamically // Check if the current URL contains any of the excluded strings var currentUrl = window.location.href; var excludedPaths = ['/shop', '/licensing', '/search', '/contact', '/join', '/stores', '/support', '/documents', '/p/', '/guidance', '/minutes']; var shouldHideIcons = excludedPaths.some(path => currentUrl.includes(path)); // If the URL contains any excluded paths, do not append the map icon if (!shouldHideIcons) { document.body.appendChild(icon); } var isMapVisible = false; // Track visibility state of the map // Only proceed if map link is found and coordinates do not match the no-data values if (mapLinkFound && !coordinatesMatchNoData && !shouldHideIcons) { var mapLink = mapLinkHeader.getAttribute('content'); // Extract content from the meta tag // Append coordinates to the map link var iframeSrc = `${mapLink}${coordinatesQuery}`; var viewLargerMapLink = `${mapLink}${coordinatesQuery}`; // Also append coordinates to the "Open in new tab" link // Create a small icon link for "View larger map" var viewLargerMapIcon = document.createElement('a'); viewLargerMapIcon.href = viewLargerMapLink; = '_blank'; viewLargerMapIcon.title = 'Open in new tab'; viewLargerMapIcon.innerHTML = '🗗'; = 'block'; = '1rem'; = 'right'; // Align to the right = '10px'; // Ensure it's on the right side = '0'; // Remove padding/margin from the top // Create the embed HTML with the map link var embedHTML = ` <style> .embed-container {position: relative; padding-bottom: 0; max-width: 100%; height: 75vh !important;} .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } small {position: absolute; z-index: 40; bottom: 0; margin-bottom: -15px;} </style> <div class="embed-container"> <iframe id="map-iframe" width="500" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" title="3D Models & VR" src="${iframeSrc}"></iframe> </div>`; // Create a container for the embed var embedContainer = document.createElement('div'); embedContainer.innerHTML = embedHTML; // Styled disclaimer text in HTML form (only show if coordinates are present and valid) var disclaimer = document.createElement('div'); if (showDisclaimer) { disclaimer.innerHTML = `<strong style="color:red; vertical-align: top;">❗</strong> <span style="display:inline-block;">Please note location data is approximate. Be advised of local land ownership and public access restrictions.</span>`; = '1px solid lightgray'; = '#f9f9f9'; = '8px'; = '10px'; = '5px'; = '1rem'; // Increase font size = '#333'; = '1.3'; // Reduce line spacing = 'flex'; = 'center'; } icon.addEventListener('click', function () { isMapVisible = !isMapVisible; toggleSidebarContent(isMapVisible); }); function toggleSidebarContent(show) { // Get all children of the sidebar var allChildren = Array.from(sidebar.children); if (show) { // Hide all children except the search icon allChildren.forEach(child => { if (child !== searchIcon) { = 'none'; } }); sidebar.appendChild(viewLargerMapIcon); // Add the "View larger map" icon above the iframe sidebar.appendChild(embedContainer); // Add the embed code to the sidebar if (showDisclaimer) sidebar.appendChild(disclaimer); // Add the disclaimer text below the iframe only if needed = 'block'; // Display the embed container sidebar.classList.add('stuck'); // Stick the sidebar open } else { // Show all original content allChildren.forEach(child => { = ''; }); viewLargerMapIcon.remove(); // Remove the "View larger map" icon = 'none'; // Hide the embed container if (showDisclaimer) disclaimer.remove(); // Remove the disclaimer text if it was added sidebar.classList.remove('stuck'); // Unstick the sidebar } = '100%'; // Fill the sidebar width when visible = '75vh'; // Force height to 75% of the viewport = '75vh'; // Ensure minimum height is 75% of the viewport } } else { console.warn('Meta tag for map-link not found, coordinates match no-data values, or URL does not match criteria for iframe embed.'); } }); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { var currentUrl = window.location.href; // Define the base URL pattern for the excluded homepage var homepagePattern = /^https:\/\/www\.kentarchaeology\.org\.uk\/?$/; // List of URL segments to exclude var excludedSegments = ['/shop', '/search', '/contact', '/licensing', '/join', '/stores', '/support', '/documents', '/p/', '/guidance', '/minutes']; // If the current URL matches the homepage pattern or contains any excluded segments, exit early if (homepagePattern.test(currentUrl) || excludedSegments.some(segment => currentUrl.includes(segment))) { return; } // Trim URL after '?' character currentUrl = currentUrl.split('?')[0]; // Substitute '-latest/' with '/' in both the lookup URL and the display URL var lookupUrl = currentUrl.replace('-latest/', '/'); var displayUrl = currentUrl.replace('-latest/', '/'); // List of strings to remove entirely from the URL for display purposes var removeStrings = [ '/category/society-affiliates', '/category/society-groups', '/category/sources', '/category/funds', 'category/Volume+', 'category/Issue+' ]; // List of strings where only 'category/' should be removed var partialRemoveStrings = [ '/affiliates/category/', '/groups/category/', '/records/category/', '/notes/category/', '/grants/category/' ]; // Remove any of the specified strings from the display URL removeStrings.forEach(function (str) { displayUrl = displayUrl.replace(str, ''); }); // Remove 'category/' from the specified partial strings in the display URL partialRemoveStrings.forEach(function (str) { displayUrl = displayUrl.replace(str, str.replace('category/', '')); 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= 'position: fixed; top: 80vh; left: 10px; cursor: pointer; z-index: 1000;'; document.body.appendChild(dataIcon); var originalContent = sidebar.innerHTML; var isUrlVisible = false; dataIcon.addEventListener('click', function () { if (!isUrlVisible) { let urlPart = lookupUrl.split('')[1].trim(); // Extract and trim the relevant part of the URL // Replace 'articles/' with 'journal/' in the search term urlPart = urlPart.replace('articles/', 'journal/'); // Create a new XMLHttpRequest object const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '', false); // Synchronous request xhr.send(); // Use a regular expression to find all <p> elements const regex = /<p[^>]*>(.*?)<\/p>/g; const matches = [...xhr.responseText.matchAll(regex)]; console.log('Matched paragraphs:', matches.length); // Debugging: log matched paragraphs // Iterate through each match to find the matching link let foundMatch = false; for (let match of matches) { const text = match[1].trim(); const parts = text.split('\t'); // Split by tab character console.log('Current parts:', parts); 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overflow-x: auto; white-space: nowrap; padding: 5px; scrollbar-width: thin; scrollbar-color: gray lightgray;" title="For referencing"> ${newUrl} </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid lightgray; background-color: #fff; color: #333; position: relative; border-radius: 5px;" title="For sharing online"> <div style="position: absolute; top: 5px; left: 10px; font-weight: bold;" title="For sharing online">URL</div> <div style="position: absolute; top: 5px; right: 10px;"> <div class="sqs-block-button-container sqs-block-button-container--center preFade fadeIn" data-animation-role="button" data-alignment="center" data-button-size="medium" data-button-type="primary" style="transition-timing-function: ease; transition-duration: 1.5s; transition-delay: 0.385714s; padding-bottom: 10px;"> <button id="copyURL" class="sqs-block-button-element--medium sqs-button-element--primary sqs-block-button-element" title="Copy to clipboard">Copy</button> </div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 30px; overflow-x: auto; white-space: nowrap; padding: 5px; scrollbar-width: thin; scrollbar-color: gray lightgray;" title="For sharing online"> ${displayUrl} </div> </div> <h1 style="text-align: left;">Citations</h1> <div style="margin-top: 10vh; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid lightgray; background-color: #fff; color: #333; position: relative; border-radius: 5px;" title="Chicago citation"> <div style="position: absolute; top: 5px; left: 10px; font-weight: bold;">Chicago</div> <div style="position: absolute; top: 5px; right: 10px;"> <button id="copyChicagoCitation" class="sqs-block-button-element--medium sqs-button-element--primary sqs-block-button-element" title="Copy to clipboard">Copy</button> </div> <div style="margin-top: 30px; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: normal; padding: 5px;">${chicagoCitation}</div> </div> <div style="margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid lightgray; background-color: #fff; color: #333; position: relative; border-radius: 5px;" title="Harvard citation"> <div style="position: absolute; top: 5px; left: 10px; font-weight: bold;">Harvard</div> <div style="position: absolute; top: 5px; right: 10px;"> <button id="copyHarvardCitation" class="sqs-block-button-element--medium sqs-button-element--primary sqs-block-button-element" title="Copy to clipboard">Copy</button> </div> <div style="margin-top: 30px; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: normal; padding: 5px;">${harvardCitation}</div> </div> `; // Add CSS for even thinner scrollbars and hiding scrollbar arrows const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = ` ::-webkit-scrollbar { height: 3px; /* Thinner scrollbar */ } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color: gray; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background-color: darkgray; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-button { width: 0; height: 0; display: none; /* Hide arrows */ } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece { background: transparent; } `; document.head.appendChild(style); // Add event listeners to copy buttons document.getElementById('copyPermalink').addEventListener('click', function () { navigator.clipboard.writeText(newUrl); alert('Permalink copied to clipboard!'); }); document.getElementById('copyURL').addEventListener('click', function () { navigator.clipboard.writeText(displayUrl); alert('URL copied to clipboard!'); }); document.getElementById('copyChicagoCitation').addEventListener('click', function () { navigator.clipboard.writeText(chicagoCitation); alert('Chicago citation copied to clipboard!'); }); document.getElementById('copyHarvardCitation').addEventListener('click', function () { navigator.clipboard.writeText(harvardCitation); alert('Harvard citation copied to clipboard!'); }); isUrlVisible = true; foundMatch = true; break; } } if (!foundMatch) { // If no match is found, only display the second box with the current URL sidebar.innerHTML = ` <h3 style="text-align: left;">Hyperlinks</h3> <div style="margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid lightgray; background-color: #fff; color: #333; position: relative; border-radius: 5px;" title="For sharing online"> <div style="position: absolute; 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wrap the grid layout const gridContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; gap: 0; width: 100%;'; data.forEach(({ entity, type, properties }) => { // Only process unique entities if (seenEntities.has(type)) return; seenEntities.add(type); properties.forEach(({ propName, value, uniqueId }) => { const entityContainer = document.createElement('div'); = ` flex: 1; margin: 1px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; background-color: #fff; text-align: left; cursor: pointer; box-shadow: inset -1px -1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); transition: background-color 0.3s, color 0.3s; `; entityContainer.title = 'Related pages'; // Add entity reference in the upper left corner const entityReference = document.createElement('div'); = 'font-size: 0.8em; margin-bottom: 3px;'; entityReference.textContent = propName; // Add value as the main text const valueDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.2em; word-wrap: break-word;'; valueDiv.textContent 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margin-top: 5vh; background-color: #0a4e8c; /* Dark blue background */ color: white; /* White text */ border-radius: 30px; /* Rounded corners */ font-weight: bold; /* Bold text */ font-size: 16px; /* Similar size to your example */ text-align: center; width: 150px; /* Width to match your example */ transition: background-color 0.3s; `; backButton.classList.add('back-button'); backButton.textContent = 'All Linked Data'; // Add hover effect to back button backButton.addEventListener('mouseover', () => { = '#083a6a'; // Slightly darker blue on hover }); backButton.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { = '#0a4e8c'; // Revert to original blue }); // Handle back button click to revert to initial state backButton.addEventListener('click', () => { sidebar.innerHTML = '<h2>Linked Data</h2><h3 class="foaf-title">Friend Of A Friend (FOAF)</h3>'; const foafData = extractRDFaFOAF(document.body); displayFOAFDataInSidebar(foafData); }); // Add "Related Pages" title above the selected tile const 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console.error('Failed to fetch FOAF data:', error); relatedSection.innerHTML = '<div>No results found</div>'; sidebar.appendChild(relatedSection); }); } // Highlight and scroll to the associated property when tile is hovered function highlightAndScrollToEntity(uniqueId) { // Clear previous highlights document.querySelectorAll('.highlight-entity, .highlight-property').forEach(el => { el.classList.remove('highlight-entity', 'highlight-property'); }); // Find the element by its unique identifier const propertyElement = document.querySelector(`[data-foaf-id="${uniqueId}"]`); if (propertyElement) { // Highlight the property element in yellow propertyElement.classList.add('highlight-property'); // Highlight the parent entity (if it's a name element) in yellow const nameElement = propertyElement.closest('[property="foaf:name"]'); if (nameElement) nameElement.classList.add('highlight-entity'); // Scroll smoothly to the property element propertyElement.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', 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display Dublin Core metadata if present if (isPublicationPage) { const publicationData = extractPublicationDetails(); appendDublinCoreDetails(metadataContainer, publicationData); } // Extract and display CIDOC RDFa if present if (isCidocPage) { const cidocData = extractRDFaCIDOC(document.body); appendCIDOCData(metadataContainer, cidocData); } }); // Function to extract publication details from <meta property="og:description"> and <title> function extractPublicationDetails() { const ogDescriptionMeta = document.querySelector('meta[property="og:description"]'); const titleElement = document.querySelector('title'); // Extract the title, removing " — Kent Archaeological Society" if present let pageTitle = titleElement ? titleElement.textContent.replace(' — Kent Archaeological Society', '').trim() : 'N/A'; if (ogDescriptionMeta) { const content = ogDescriptionMeta.getAttribute('content'); return parseHarvardReference(content, pageTitle); } return null; } // Function to parse the Harvard reference content function parseHarvardReference(reference, pageTitle) { const match = reference.match(/^(.+?),\s*(\d{4}),\s*(.+)\.\s+(.+?)\.$/); if (match) { return { creator: match[1].trim(), date: match[2].trim(), title: pageTitle, publication: match[3].trim(), publisher: match[4].trim() }; } return null; } // Function to append Dublin Core metadata to a container function appendDublinCoreDetails(container, publicationData) { if (!publicationData) return; const dublinCoreTriples = [ { label: 'dc:creator', value: publicationData.creator }, { label: 'dc:date', value: }, { label: 'dc:title', value: publicationData.title }, { label: 'dc:publication', value: publicationData.publication }, { label: 'dc:publisher', value: publicationData.publisher } ]; dublinCoreTriples.forEach(triple => { const itemContainer = document.createElement('div'); = ` flex: 1; margin: 1px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; background-color: #fff; text-align: left; cursor: pointer; box-shadow: inset -1px -1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); transition: background-color 0.3s, color 0.3s; `; const labelDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'font-size: 0.9em; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 5px;'; labelDiv.textContent = triple.label; const valueDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'font-size: 1em; word-wrap: break-word;'; valueDiv.textContent = triple.value; // Add hover and click effects for Dublin Core addHoverAndClickEffects(itemContainer, triple.label, triple.value); itemContainer.appendChild(labelDiv); itemContainer.appendChild(valueDiv); container.appendChild(itemContainer); }); } // Function to insert Dublin Core metadata as JSON-LD function insertJSONLDDublinCore(publicationData) { if (!publicationData) return; const jsonLdScript = document.createElement('script'); jsonLdScript.type = 'application/ld+json'; const jsonLdData = { "@context": "", "@type": "CreativeWork", "name": publicationData.title, "creator": publicationData.creator, "datePublished":, "publisher": publicationData.publisher, "description": publicationData.publication }; jsonLdScript.textContent = JSON.stringify(jsonLdData); document.head.appendChild(jsonLdScript); } // Function to extract CIDOC RDFa data from the page function extractRDFaCIDOC(element) { const rdfaData = []; // Find all entities marked with typeof const entities = element.querySelectorAll('[typeof]'); entities.forEach((entity, index) => { const type = entity.getAttribute('typeof').replace('cidoc:', ''); // Remove 'cidoc:' prefix const properties = Array.from(entity.querySelectorAll('[property]')).map((property, propIndex) => { const uniqueId = `cidoc-prop-${index}-${propIndex}`; property.setAttribute('data-cidoc-id', uniqueId); // Style RDFa items to match the FOAF script color and hover behavior = '#2952a3'; // Exact blue used in FOAF = 'pointer'; const propName = property.getAttribute('property').replace('cidoc:', ''); const value = property.textContent.trim(); property.setAttribute('title', `crm:${propName}: ${value}`); // Add hover to underline text property.addEventListener('mouseover', () => { = 'underline'; }); property.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { = 'none'; }); return { propName: `crm:${propName}`, value: value, uniqueId: uniqueId }; }); rdfaData.push({ entity, type, properties }); }); return rdfaData; } // Function to append CIDOC data to a container function appendCIDOCData(container, data) { data.forEach(({ properties }) => { properties.forEach(({ propName, value, uniqueId }) => { const entityContainer = document.createElement('div'); = ` flex: 1; margin: 1px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid #ccc; background-color: #fff; text-align: left; cursor: pointer; box-shadow: inset -1px -1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); transition: background-color 0.3s, color 0.3s; `; const entityReference = document.createElement('div'); = 'font-size: 0.8em; margin-bottom: 3px; font-weight: bold;'; entityReference.textContent = propName; const valueDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.2em; word-wrap: break-word;'; valueDiv.textContent = value; // Add hover and click effects for CIDOC addHoverAndClickEffects(entityContainer, propName, value, uniqueId); entityContainer.appendChild(entityReference); entityContainer.appendChild(valueDiv); container.appendChild(entityContainer); }); }); } // Function to add hover and click effects function addHoverAndClickEffects(container, propName, value, uniqueId = null) { // Add hover effect for black background and white text container.addEventListener('mouseover', () => { = '#000'; // Black background on hover = '#fff'; // White text on hover highlightAndScrollToRDFa(uniqueId); // Highlight and scroll to the RDFa item }); container.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { = '#fff'; // Revert to white background = '#000'; // Revert to black text }); // Add click functionality for full-width tile container.addEventListener('click', () => { clearSidebarAndDisplay(propName, value); }); } // Function to highlight RDFa item and scroll into view on hover function highlightAndScrollToRDFa(uniqueId) { if (!uniqueId) return; const rdfaElement = document.querySelector(`[data-cidoc-id="${uniqueId}"]`); if (rdfaElement) { // Highlight the element = '#ffff99'; // Light yellow highlight rdfaElement.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center' }); // Remove the highlight after hover setTimeout(() => { = ''; // Remove highlight after a short duration }, 1000); } } // Clear sidebar and display a full-width tile and related pages function clearSidebarAndDisplay(propName, value) { sidebar.innerHTML = ''; // Clear sidebar // Create a container for the selected tile const selectedTileContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'width: 90%; margin: 0 auto 10px auto; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #ccc; background-color: #e0e0e0; text-align: left;'; selectedTileContainer.classList.add('selected-tile'); // Add property name and value selectedTileContainer.innerHTML = ` <div style="font-size: 0.9em; margin-bottom: 5px;">${propName}</div> <div style="font-size: 1.2em; word-wrap: break-word;">${value}</div> `; // Add back button to show all data const backButton = document.createElement('div'); = ` margin-bottom: 10px; cursor: pointer; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; padding: 10px 20px; margin-top: 5vh; background-color: #0a4e8c; /* Dark blue background */ color: white; /* White text */ border-radius: 30px; /* Rounded corners */ font-weight: bold; /* Bold text */ font-size: 16px; /* Similar size to your example */ text-align: center; width: 150px; /* Width to match your example */ transition: background-color 0.3s; `; backButton.classList.add('back-button'); backButton.textContent = 'All Linked Data'; // Add hover effect to back button backButton.addEventListener('mouseover', () => { = '#083a6a'; // Slightly darker blue on hover }); backButton.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { = '#0a4e8c'; // Revert to original blue }); // Handle back button click to revert to initial state backButton.addEventListener('click', () => { sidebar.innerHTML = '<h2>Linked Data</h2>'; const metadataContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; gap: 0; width: 100%;'; sidebar.appendChild(metadataContainer); if (isPublicationPage) { const publicationData = extractPublicationDetails(); appendDublinCoreDetails(metadataContainer, publicationData); } if (isCidocPage) { const cidocData = extractRDFaCIDOC(document.body); appendCIDOCData(metadataContainer, cidocData); } }); // Append back button and selected tile to sidebar sidebar.appendChild(backButton); sidebar.appendChild(selectedTileContainer); // Fetch related data and display results fetchRelatedDataFromCRMStore(value); } // Fetch related data from CRM array based on matching entity function fetchRelatedDataFromCRMStore(searchValue) { // Clear any existing related pages section const existingRelatedSection = sidebar.querySelector('.related-pages-section'); if (existingRelatedSection) existingRelatedSection.remove(); // Create a container for related pages const relatedSection = document.createElement('div'); relatedSection.classList.add('related-pages-section'); = 'margin-top: 10px;'; fetch('') .then(response => response.text()) .then(text => { // Extract the CRM array data const crmData = text.trim().split('\n'); const matchingPages = new Set(); // Search through the CRM array for matching entities crmData.forEach(line => { const cells = line.split(','); const name = cells[0].trim(); const object = cells[2].trim(); // Check if the search value matches any name or object if (name.includes(searchValue) || object.includes(searchValue)) { matchingPages.add(cells[3].trim()); // Assume the URL is in the fourth cell } }); // Display related pages or no results message if (matchingPages.size === 0) { relatedSection.innerHTML = '<div>No results found</div>'; } else { matchingPages.forEach(pageUrl => { const pageLinkDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'padding: 5px; margin: 5px;'; pageLinkDiv.innerHTML = `<a href="${pageUrl}" target="_blank">${pageUrl}</a>`; relatedSection.appendChild(pageLinkDiv); }); } sidebar.appendChild(relatedSection); }) .catch(error => { console.error('Failed to fetch related data:', error); relatedSection.innerHTML = '<div>No results found</div>'; sidebar.appendChild(relatedSection); }); } }); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { // Function to extract the tag from the URL function getTagFromUrl() { const url = window.location.href; const tagIndex = url.indexOf('/tag/'); if (tagIndex !== -1) { const tagPart = url.substring(tagIndex + 5); // Get part after /tag/ const nextSlashIndex = tagPart.indexOf('/'); return nextSlashIndex !== -1 ? tagPart.substring(0, nextSlashIndex) : tagPart; } return null; } // Function to create and show a loading spinner function showLoadingSpinner() { const sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); if (sidebar) { const spinner = document.createElement('div'); spinner.classList.add('loading-spinner'); = '50px'; = '50px'; = '5px solid #f3f3f3'; = '5px solid #12518D'; = '50%'; = 'spin 1s linear infinite'; = '20px auto'; = 'block'; sidebar.appendChild(spinner); // Add CSS for spinner animation const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = ` @keyframes spin { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); } } `; document.head.appendChild(style); } } // Function to remove the loading spinner function hideLoadingSpinner() { const spinner = document.querySelector('.loading-spinner'); if (spinner) { spinner.remove(); } } // Function to fetch tag data from async function fetchTagData() { try { const response = await fetch(''); const pageText = await response.text(); const parser = new DOMParser(); const pageHTML = parser.parseFromString(pageText, 'text/html'); // Find the #tags div and get its content const tagDiv = pageHTML.querySelector('#tags'); if (!tagDiv) { console.error('Tag data div not found on!'); return null; } // Parse the comma-separated data const tagArray = tagDiv.textContent.trim().split('\n'); const headers = tagArray[0].split(',').map(h => h.trim()); const data = tagArray.slice(1).map(row => row.split(',').map(cell => cell.trim())); return { headers, data }; } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching tag data:', error); return null; } } // Function to search the tag data for the given tag function searchTagInData(tag, tagData) { const results = []; if (!tagData) { console.error('No tag data available!'); return results; } // Find the row matching the tag (case-insensitive) const matchingRow = => decodeURIComponent(row[0]).toLowerCase() === tag.toLowerCase()); if (!matchingRow) { console.log(`No matching data found for tag: ${tag}`); return results; } // Loop through the columns to find non-zero values for (let i = 1; i < matchingRow.length; i++) { const sectionName = tagData.headers[i]; const articlesCount = parseInt(matchingRow[i], 10); if (articlesCount > 0) { const url = `${window.location.origin}/${sectionName.toLowerCase()}/tag/${tag}`; // Only add result if the URL does not match the current page if (url !== window.location.href) { results.push({ name: sectionName, articlesCount, url }); } } } return results; } // Function to append results to the sidebar with varying font sizes and tooltips function appendToSidebar(results) { const sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); if (!sidebar) { console.error('Sidebar not found!'); return; } if (results.length > 0) { const title = document.createElement('p'); title.innerText = 'Also tagged in:'; = '15px'; sidebar.appendChild(title); const tagCloud = document.createElement('div'); tagCloud.classList.add('tag-cloud'); = '15px'; = '20vh'; = 'flex'; = 'wrap'; = '0.5em'; results.forEach(result => { const tagLink = document.createElement('a'); tagLink.innerText =; tagLink.href = result.url; // Calculate font size, limited to a maximum of 3em const fontSize = Math.min(1 + result.articlesCount * 0.1, 3); = 'nowrap'; // Prevent wrapping = `${fontSize}em`; // Tooltip showing the exact number of posts tagLink.title = `${result.articlesCount} tagged items`; tagCloud.appendChild(tagLink); }); sidebar.appendChild(tagCloud); } else { console.log('No results to display.'); } } // Main function to execute the above steps async function main() { showLoadingSpinner(); const tag = getTagFromUrl(); console.log(`Tag extracted from URL: ${tag}`); const tagData = await fetchTagData(); console.log('Tag data fetched:', tagData); if (tag && tagData) { const results = searchTagInData(tag, tagData); console.log('Results to be displayed:', results); appendToSidebar(results); } hideLoadingSpinner(); } main(); }); //Sliding sidebar document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var isSidebarStuckOpen = false; var isStuck = false; // Declare the variable properly to track the "stuck" state of the sidebar function toggleSidebarVisibility(isVisible, adjustPadding = false) { var sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); var content = document.querySelector('.content'); var icons = document.querySelectorAll('.map-icon, .tags-icon, .comment-icon-container, .search-icon, .link-icon, .timeline-icon, #restoreIcon'); var timelineIcon = document.querySelector('.timeline-icon'); // Specific selector for the timeline icon = isVisible ? '0' : '-50vw'; = isVisible ? 'white' : ''; icons.forEach(icon => { = isVisible ? '10px' : '-60px'; // Adjust icons including cinema button }); // Specifically handle timeline icon visibility if (timelineIcon) { = isVisible ? 'block' : 'none'; // Adjust visibility based on sidebar state } if (adjustPadding) { = isVisible ? '35vw' : '0'; = isSidebarStuckOpen ? '0' : ''; } setTimeout(() => { allowHover = true; }, 500); if (isVisible) { content.classList.add('sidebar-visible'); } else { content.classList.remove('sidebar-visible'); } if (isVisible && !isStuck && isSidebarStuckOpen) { isSidebarStuckOpen = true; } else { isSidebarStuckOpen = false; } } function initializeSidebar() { // Check if window width is less than 700 pixels if (window.innerWidth < 700) { return; // Exit the function early if the window is too small } var sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); var content = document.querySelector('.content'); var icons = document.querySelectorAll('.map-icon, .tags-icon, .comment-icon-container, .search-icon, .link-icon, .timeline-icon, #restoreIcon'); var allowHover = true; // Allows hover to affect visibility only when true // Define substrings to check in the URL var excludedPaths = ['/journal-/', '/books-/', '/papers-/', '/about/']; // Function to check if the current URL contains any of the excluded paths function isUrlExcluded(url) { return excludedPaths.some(excludedPath => url.includes(excludedPath)); 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/* Initially visible with the close icon */ } #toggle-icon.hidden { display: none; /* Hide toggle icon when sidebar is visible */ } .new-icons-container.hidden { display: none; /* Hide new container when sidebar is hidden */ } .center-tooltip { position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); padding: 10px 20px; background-color: #333; color: #fff; border-radius: 5px; font-size: 16px; box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); z-index: 1003; display: none; /* Hidden by default */ display: flex; /* Use flexbox to align items */ align-items: center; /* Center align vertically */ gap: 10px; /* Add space between icon and text */ } .center-tooltip svg { fill: #fff; /* Color of the hand icon */ width: 24px; /* Width of the hand icon */ height: 24px; /* Height of the hand icon */ } `; document.head.appendChild(style); } // Create the toggle icon dynamically var toggleIcon = document.createElement('div'); = 'toggle-icon'; // Define the "close" and "info" icons var closeIconSvg = ` <svg width="36px" height="36px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""> <path d="M18 6L6 18M6 6l12 12" stroke="rgb(18, 81, 141)" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-linejoin="square"/> </svg> `; 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// Set the initial icon to "close" toggleIcon.innerHTML = closeIconSvg; document.body.appendChild(toggleIcon); function updateToggleIcon() { var sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); // Ensure only one icon is visible at a time if (sidebar.classList.contains('hidden')) { // Sidebar is hidden, show "info" icon toggleIcon.innerHTML = infoIconSvg; } else { // Sidebar is visible, show "close" icon toggleIcon.innerHTML = closeIconSvg; } } function initializeSidebar() { injectCSS(); // Add click event listener to toggle sidebar visibility toggleIcon.addEventListener('click', function () { var sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); var newIconsContainer = document.querySelector('.new-icons-container'); var elementsToToggle = document.querySelectorAll('.map-icon, .tags-icon, .cinema-mode-button, .search-icon, .link-icon, .timeline-icon, #restoreIcon, .comment-icon-container, .custom-arrow-left, .pdf-icon, .toggle-icon, .license-svg, #speechIconContainer, .translate-icon'); if (sidebar.classList.contains('hidden')) { sidebar.classList.remove('hidden'); sidebar.scrollTop = 0; // Scroll to the top when sidebar is opened elementsToToggle.forEach(function(element) { element.classList.remove('hidden'); }); if (newIconsContainer) newIconsContainer.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { sidebar.classList.add('hidden'); elementsToToggle.forEach(function(element) { element.classList.add('hidden'); }); if (newIconsContainer) newIconsContainer.classList.add('hidden'); // Show tooltip in the center when the sidebar is hidden showCenterTooltip(); } // Update the icon based on the sidebar state updateToggleIcon(); }); } // Function to create and display the center tooltip function showCenterTooltip() { // Get the current URL var currentUrl = window.location.href; // Remove the protocol part (e.g., 'http://', 'https://') var urlWithoutProtocol = currentUrl.replace(/^[a-zA-Z]+:\/\//, ''); // Check if there are two or more forward slashes in the URL (excluding the protocol) if ((urlWithoutProtocol.match(/\//g) || []).length >= 2) { return; // If two or more slashes are found, do not show the tooltip } // Remove any existing center tooltip first to avoid duplicates var existingTooltip = document.getElementById('center-tooltip'); if (existingTooltip) { existingTooltip.remove(); } // Create a new tooltip element var tooltip = document.createElement('div'); = 'center-tooltip'; tooltip.className = 'center-tooltip'; // Use the CSS class defined for styling // Create the hand icon SVG var handIconSvg = ` <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns=""> <path d="M12 0C11.4477 0 11 0.447715 11 1V10H9.41421L5.70711 6.29289C5.31658 5.90237 4.68342 5.90237 4.29289 6.29289C3.90237 6.68342 3.90237 7.31658 4.29289 7.70711L8 11.4142V13H3C1.34315 13 0 14.3431 0 16V20C0 21.6569 1.34315 23 3 23H10.1213C11.2081 23 12.2529 22.5536 13 21.7574L20.4142 14.3431C21.1953 13.562 21.1953 12.438 20.4142 11.6569L16.6569 7.89949C15.8758 7.11837 14.7518 7.11837 13.9706 7.89949L13 8.87005V1C13 0.447715 12.5523 0 12 0Z" /> </svg> `; // Add the hand icon and text to the tooltip tooltip.innerHTML = handIconSvg + '<br><span style="white-space: nowrap;">Swipe and select</span>'; document.body.appendChild(tooltip); // Display the tooltip = 'flex'; // Remove the tooltip after a few seconds setTimeout(function() { = 'none'; 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0.85609,0.84781 1.28631,2.03246 1.17236,3.22832 -0.0509,0.53449 -0.15798,0.91564 -0.39255,1.39753 -0.62426,1.28246 -1.80861,2.08982 -3.27494,2.23251 -0.20984,0.0204 -1.66567,0.0376 -3.23518,0.0381 l -2.85365,10e-4 -0.0214,0.0889 c -0.0118,0.0489 -0.13666,0.58646 -0.27752,1.19459 -0.95008,4.10183 -2.23942,8.096 -3.90973,12.11175 -1.54552,3.71573 -3.4485,7.4138 -5.611857,10.90558 -0.66496,1.07328 -1.95108,2.99841 -2.74238,4.10493 -0.39624,0.55409 -0.72743,1.01868 -0.73597,1.03243 -0.0178,0.0287 0.58752,0.70367 1.493,1.66487 0.34334,0.36447 0.70542,0.77337 0.80462,0.90867 0.56735,0.77374 0.85357,1.87533 0.73115,2.81396 -0.12245,0.93885 -0.46309,1.65287 -1.11001,2.32672 -1.16188,1.21024 -2.91073,1.56097 -4.463814,0.89524 -0.669409,-0.28695 -1.060477,-0.61242 -2.185508,-1.8189 l -0.459987,-0.49329 -0.521685,0.55255 c -4.977714,5.27225 -10.261284,9.5647 -16.291319,13.23531 -1.548629,0.94268 -3.620262,2.09485 -5.095278,2.83381 -0.803873,0.40272 -1.093606,0.52022 -1.496717,0.60695 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translateY(-50%); cursor: pointer; transition: transform 0.2s ease; /* Smooth transition for hover effect */ z-index: 9999; /* Ensure the button is always on top */ } .license-icon:hover { transform: translateY(-50%) scale(1.1); /* Grow by 10% on hover */ } .license-svg { width: 35px; /* Set the desired size */ height: 35px; /* Set the desired size */ fill: rgb(18, 81, 141); /* Set the fill color to the correct RGB */ } </style> <script id="Licensing button"> // Function to check URL validity function isValidUrl() { const url = window.location.href; // Get the current URL // Count the number of forward slashes in the URL const slashCount = (url.match(/\//g) || []).length; // Define the strings that should prevent the script from running const excludedStrings = ['/category/', '/tag/', '/shop/', '/models/', '/maps/', '/images/', '/videos/', '/audio/']; // Check if the URL has more than 3 slashes and does not contain any of the excluded strings return ( slashCount > 3 && 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-11.31596,-0.84441 m 0,7.935092 c 2.73535,-0.32274 5.76475,0.005 8.46537,0.4579 12.668165,2.12442 23.372805,11.37492 27.668635,23.445066 1.58484,4.45304 2.1629,9.28522 1.9568,13.99378 -0.52641,12.02117 -6.95569,22.23845 -17.10014,28.58791 -4.37876,2.74071 -9.54722,4.53614 -14.684825,5.08648 -4.79529,0.51371 -9.61494,0.1129 -14.25292,-1.22014 -4.10951,-1.18118 -7.996412,-3.19896 -11.402342,-5.77364 -3.259946,-2.4642 -6.164433,-5.48401 -8.436608,-8.88605 -2.131373,-3.19128 -3.776506,-6.67279 -4.829236,-10.36576 -4.181989,-14.67162 2.238055,-30.297566 14.388802,-39.117626 5.514064,-4.00256 11.607664,-5.42699 18.226464,-6.20792 m 20.518945,47.300076 -8.54412,-4.20424 c -2.329823,5.59436 -10.321951,8.35669 -14.741977,3.25436 -3.488032,-4.02657 -3.800096,-11.3082 -1.964603,-16.13834 2.755408,-7.25068 12.768425,-7.27646 15.757232,-0.13565 l 3.119288,-1.45833 6.23856,-3.2884 c -5.31458,-11.369484 -22.640267,-12.925331 -31.599653,-5.36529 -5.499966,4.64095 -7.380756,11.97261 -6.904455,18.92738 0.436834,6.38083 2.982708,12.30827 8.396283,15.99931 9.395265,6.40619 25.586495,3.53565 30.243445,-7.59083" id="path312" /> </g> </svg> `; // Set the appropriate SVG icon based on the URL condition licenseButton.innerHTML = isLatest ? latestSvgIcon : defaultSvgIcon; // Append the button to the body document.body.appendChild(licenseButton); } // Insert the button after the DOM content is fully loaded if URL is valid document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { if (isValidUrl()) { createLicenseButton(); } }); </script> <style> /* Styling for the tour button */ .tour-icon { position: fixed; bottom: 5vh; right: 27px; cursor: pointer; z-index: 1001; width: 6.6933mm; /* One-quarter of the original width */ height: 10.2078mm; /* One-quarter of the original height */ transition: transform 0.2s ease-in-out; } /* On hover, increase size by 20% */ .tour-icon:hover { transform: scale(1.2); } /* SVG styling */ .tour-svg { fill: #12518D; stroke-width: 0.0697015; transition: transform 0.2s ease-in-out; } /* Dark overlay, initially covering the full screen */ .dark-overlay { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); z-index: 1000; display: none; } /* Center title styling using <h2> styles */ .center-title { position: fixed; top: 30%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); z-index: 1002; text-align: center; display: none; } .center-title h2 { margin: 0; color: white; /* Header in white */ } /* Paragraphs in white */ .tour-description { margin-top: 20px; font-size: 1.2em; color: white; } /* Links for tours */ .tour-links { margin-top: 20px; font-size: 1.2em; } .tour-links a { color: white; text-decoration: underline; margin: 0 10px; cursor: pointer; } /* Navigation buttons for slides */ .tour-navigation { margin-top: 30px; font-size: 1.2em; color: white; } .tour-navigation a { margin: 0 20px; color: white; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer; } </style> <script id="Tour button"> function 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'Section tour' : 'Article page tour'; } function createTourButton() { // Create the button div const tourButton = document.createElement('div'); tourButton.className = 'tour-icon'; tourButton.title = 'Tour'; // Tooltip // Create the dark overlay const overlay = document.createElement('div'); overlay.className = 'dark-overlay'; // Create the centered title container const titleContainer = document.createElement('div'); titleContainer.className = 'center-title'; // Create the <h2> title const title = document.createElement('h2'); title.textContent = getTitleBasedOnUrl(); // Create description below title const description = document.createElement('p'); description.className = 'tour-description'; description.textContent = 'This tour will guide you around the website.'; // Create links for different tours const linksContainer = document.createElement('div'); linksContainer.className = 'tour-links'; linksContainer.innerHTML = ` <a id="website-tour">Website tour</a> <a id="section-tour">Section tour</a> <a id="page-tour">Page tour</a> `; // Navigation for slides const navigationContainer = document.createElement('div'); navigationContainer.className = 'tour-navigation'; navigationContainer.innerHTML = ` <a id="prev-slide" style="display: none;">Previous</a> <a id="next-slide">Next</a> `; // Append title, description, links, and navigation to title container titleContainer.appendChild(title); titleContainer.appendChild(description); titleContainer.appendChild(linksContainer); titleContainer.appendChild(navigationContainer); // Add elements to the body document.body.appendChild(overlay); document.body.appendChild(titleContainer); // Create the SVG for the button const svgIcon = ` <svg class="tour-svg" viewBox="0 0 26.773285 40.831322" xmlns=""> <g transform="translate(-106.47037,-51.927092)"> <path d="m 119.2306,92.723741 c -1.16422,-0.19585 -2.24684,-0.99615 -2.77025,-2.04784 -0.41303,-0.82991 -0.52715,-1.71053 -0.33001,-2.54674 0.4124,-1.74934 1.96958,-3.00443 3.72757,-3.00443 1.76269,0 3.31358,1.24798 3.72618,2.99841 0.43399,1.84115 -0.63004,3.7621 -2.44936,4.42199 -0.5037,0.1827 -1.38718,0.26557 -1.90413,0.17861 z m -0.36134,-9.760363 c -0.5805,-0.15889 -1.18693,-0.53121 -1.69604,-1.04128 -0.57015,-0.57124 -0.82003,-1.00391 -1.011,-1.75062 -0.12553,-0.49079 -0.13788,0.81049 -0.13787,-1.60653 1e-5,-3.33488 0.0559,-2.662477 0.73265,-4.001297 0.389,-0.76956 0.6193,-1.08374 1.28324,-1.75063 0.92492,-0.92904 1.81182,-1.44734 3.37302,-1.97118 0.88995,-0.29861 1.19381,-0.44482 1.75547,-0.84471 1.55181,-1.10485 2.40613,-2.77005 2.40363,-4.68507 -0.001,-0.9626 -0.15099,-1.66175 -0.52529,-2.4527 -0.74719,-1.57892 -1.96012,-2.56772 -3.86483,-3.15068 -0.20484,-0.0627 -0.66427,-0.096 -1.32433,-0.096 -0.66005,0 -1.11948,0.0333 -1.32432,0.096 -1.46219,0.44752 -2.31922,0.99797 -3.14609,2.02065 -0.73103,0.90415 -1.23872,2.21386 -1.24646,3.21552 -0.0133,1.72168 -0.81197,3.11438 -2.16394,3.77348 -2.13728,1.04195 -4.58448,-0.005 -5.32681,-2.27921 -0.38653,-1.18408 -0.13342,-3.57547 0.59778,-5.64794 0.81548,-2.31137 2.52828,-4.65194 4.4871,-6.13171 0.40955,-0.30939 1.33671,-0.93656 1.38453,-0.93656 0.0184,0 0.21685,-0.10362 0.44096,-0.23026 0.54139,-0.30594 1.44214,-0.68665 2.25,-0.95099 2.50672,-0.82021 5.61233,-0.81931 8.1241,0.002 4.94346,1.61713 8.41936,5.73956 9.19943,10.91056 0.22971,1.52271 0.0856,3.92582 -0.31712,5.28899 -0.35575,1.20415 -0.53228,1.64809 -1.09155,2.74506 -1.54398,3.02845 -4.03645,5.19829 -7.44156,6.47832 l -0.55761,0.20962 -0.0394,1.160467 c -0.0591,1.739861 -0.0633,0.70993 -0.15025,0.99618 -0.37705,1.24165 -1.49047,2.31032 -2.74844,2.63798 -0.45802,0.1193 -1.4696,0.11518 -1.91896,-0.008 z" id="path431" /> </g> </svg> `; tourButton.innerHTML = svgIcon; document.body.appendChild(tourButton); // Toggle dark overlay, cross state, and show/hide title on click tourButton.addEventListener('click', function() { const overlayVisible = === 'none' || === ''; = overlayVisible ? 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} } } // Handle slide navigation navigationContainer.querySelector('#next-slide').addEventListener('click', function() { title.textContent = 'Next Section'; description.textContent = 'This section will provide further details.'; = '0'; // Dark overlay covers full screen again }); navigationContainer.querySelector('#prev-slide').addEventListener('click', function() { title.textContent = 'Header'; description.textContent = 'Use the site header to navigate the sections of the website.'; = '15vh'; // Reveal top 15vh again checkAndClickHeader(); }); } // Initialize button on DOMContentLoaded if URL is valid document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { if (isValidUrl()) { createTourButton(); } }); </script> <style> /* Gallery Button */ .gallery-icon { position: fixed; right: 12px; top: 63vh; transform: translateY(-50%); cursor: pointer; transition: transform 0.2s ease; z-index: 9999; } { cursor: default; /* Disable pointer events if no images are found */ } .gallery-icon:hover { transform: translateY(-50%) scale(1.2); 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= '#ffffff'; upArrowIcon.appendChild(upArrowPath); const rightArrow = document.createElement('div'); rightArrow.className = 'gallery-right-arrow'; rightArrow.title = 'Next image'; rightArrow.appendChild(upArrowIcon); rightArrow.onclick = function() { navigateGallery(1); }; document.body.appendChild(rightArrow); const galleryContent = document.createElement('div'); galleryContent.className = 'gallery-content'; // Add og:image as the first image, if it exists if (ogImage) { const galleryItem = document.createElement('div'); galleryItem.className = 'gallery-item'; = 'block'; // First image, show by default const imageElement = document.createElement('img'); imageElement.src = ogImage; imageElement.alt = 'Featured image'; = '100%'; = '90vh'; = 'contain'; const caption = document.createElement('div'); caption.className = 'caption'; if ('Featured image') { caption.textContent = 'Featured image'; galleryItem.appendChild(caption); } galleryItem.appendChild(imageElement); galleryContent.appendChild(galleryItem); 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= 'position: fixed; right: 25px; top: 51vh; transform: translateY(-50%) rotate(270deg); z-index: 2000; cursor: pointer; transition: transform 0.5s ease;'; document.body.appendChild(iconContainer); iconContainer.addEventListener('mouseover', function() { = 'transform 0.5s ease'; // Easing on scale = getCurrentTransform() + ' scale(1.2)'; }); iconContainer.addEventListener('mouseleave', function() { = getCurrentTransform(); }); iconContainer.addEventListener('click', function() { toggleIcons(iconContainer); }); } // Function to get the current transform state of the icon function getCurrentTransform() { var iconContainer = document.getElementById('dynamic-right-icon'); return'rotate(90deg)') ? 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return; // Exit the script early if the URL is excluded } // Check if the current URL contains any excluded substrings if (excludedSubstrings.some(substring => currentUrl.includes(substring))) { console.log("Script execution skipped due to URL containing excluded substrings:", currentUrl); return; // Exit the script early if any of the substrings are found } console.log("Proceeding with script execution."); // Select the comments section const commentsSection = document.querySelector(''); console.log("Comments section found:", commentsSection); // Select the target sidebar where the comments will be moved const sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); console.log("Sidebar found:", sidebar); // Create a div container for the SVG icon const svgIconContainer = document.createElement('div'); svgIconContainer.className = 'comment-icon-container'; // Use the class for styling if (commentsSection && sidebar) { console.log("Both comments section and sidebar are available. Proceeding with DOM manipulation."); // Move the comments section to the sidebar sidebar.appendChild(commentsSection); // Hide the comments section initially = 'none'; // Set the tooltip for available comments svgIconContainer.title = 'Comments'; // Add the SVG icon to the container (normal blue version) svgIconContainer.innerHTML = ` <svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 60 60" version="1.1" id="svg5" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="" xmlns:svg=""><defs id="defs2" /><g id="layer1" transform="translate(-56.419706,-164.20289)"><path style="fill:#12518D;stroke-width:0.264583" d="m 68.500199,210.38933 c -0.0643,0 0.01872,-0.84153 0.1427,-1.76896 0.123985,-0.92742 0.355458,-2.74105 0.514394,-4.03027 0.158937,-1.28923 0.333728,-2.41648 0.388436,-2.50499 0.248053,-0.40135 -1.811076,-1.40119 -2.902837,-2.03525 -4.673001,-2.71395 -7.912785,-6.53172 -9.617656,-11.3335 -0.802303,-2.25969 -0.808271,-6.67196 -0.01236,-9.1688 2.276212,-7.14099 9.164633,-12.52533 19.086543,-14.91901 1.501879,-0.36234 2.816613,-0.43846 7.32222,-0.42401 4.914849,0.0158 5.696756,0.0752 7.444265,0.56527 1.073919,0.3012 2.342852,0.64593 2.819841,0.76606 1.030802,0.2596 4.033945,1.51835 5.306808,2.22432 4.569507,2.53437 8.259747,6.3988 9.872907,10.33894 1.03023,2.51636 1.19734,3.50151 1.09782,6.47191 -0.14184,4.23327 -1.0428,6.60307 -3.8266,10.06507 -2.6775,3.32979 -7.351935,6.44978 -11.975782,7.99332 -3.629386,1.21157 -8.562057,1.836 -12.831011,1.62429 -3.424677,-0.16984 -3.894697,-0.9033 -7.183054,1.82354 -1.247336,1.03434 -2.433534,2.01768 -2.635987,2.18519 -0.202459,0.16752 -0.773969,0.62825 -1.27002,1.02387 -0.496052,0.39562 -0.967198,0.82425 -1.046996,0.95251 -0.1425,0.22904 -0.463362,0.1505 -0.693602,0.1505 z m 3.836996,-23.25074 c 1.608324,-1.05381 2.067417,-3.45389 0.942724,-4.92843 -1.176574,-1.54257 -2.88579,-1.95814 -4.506558,-1.09571 -0.969642,0.51596 -1.938832,2.0286 -1.944772,3.03524 -0.0046,0.73395 0.734094,2.36416 1.259532,2.78068 1.066512,0.84544 3.122767,0.9462 4.249074,0.20822 z m 12.703209,0.0794 c 0.781631,-0.37095 1.798236,-2.14716 1.798236,-3.14188 0,-0.34741 -0.298313,-1.09171 -0.662916,-1.654 -2.005794,-3.09341 -6.415233,-1.831 -6.415233,1.83666 0,2.64605 2.723488,4.17247 5.279913,2.95922 z m 12.520148,0.0946 c 1.723782,-0.87898 2.433458,-3.01362 1.556129,-4.68069 -1.727711,-3.28291 -6.524865,-2.12136 -6.524865,1.57988 0,2.69808 2.589432,4.31406 4.968736,3.10081 z" id="path279" /></g></svg> `; 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