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</td> <td width="15%" ><span>{{list.lastPublished | date :'yyyy MMM dd' : 'UTC'}}</span></td> <td width="10%" ><span ng-if="list.version.indexOf('.') > 0">{{list.version}}</span> <span ng-if="list.version.indexOf('.') == -1">{{list.version+'.0'}}</span> </td> </tr> <tr class="childRow" ng-show="activePosition == $index"> <td colspan="5"><div class="colsChildWrap clearfix"> <div class="childRowCol0"> <p ng-if="list.hasOwnProperty('cve') && list.cve != '--' " ng-class= "list.cve.split(',').length > 1 ? 'mar-b5' : '' " ><span class="colsLable">CVE:</span><span ng-class= "list.cve.split(',').length > 1 ? 'top6' : '' " > <span ng-bind="list.cve.split(',')[0] " > </span> <br> <span ng-bind="list.cve.split(',')[1] " > </span> <span class="cveSpan" ng-if="list.cve.split(',').length > 2"> <a href="#" class="showCVE" > ... </a> <span class="cveInput" ng-hide="true" > {{list.cve}} </span> </span> </span> </p> <div class="cves" > <a class="closeCVE" href="#" ></a> <div class="cveParentIWidth" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="childRowCol1" > <p ng-if="list.identifier && list.hasOwnProperty('identifier')" style="margin: 0 0 -18px 0;"><span class="colsLable">Publication ID:</span><span>{{ list.identifier }}</span></p> <p ng-if="list.version && list.hasOwnProperty('version')"><span class="colsLable">Version:</span> <span ng-if="list.version.indexOf('.') > 0" >{{list.version}}</span> <span ng-if="list.version.indexOf('.') == -1" >{{list.version+'.0'}}</span> </p> <p ng-if="list.firstPublished != null && list.hasOwnProperty('firstPublished')" style="margin-top: -12px;"><span class="colsLable">First Published:</span><span>{{ list.firstPublished | date :'yyyy MMM dd HH:mm' : 'UTC'}} GMT</span></p> </div> <div class="childRowCol2"> <p ng-if="list.workarounds && list.hasOwnProperty('workarounds')" style="margin-top:auto;"><span class="colsLable">Workaround:</span><span>{{ list.workarounds }} </span></p> <p ng-if=" != 1 && != 3 && != 6 && != 9 && list.hasOwnProperty('affectedCiscoProducts') "><span class="colsLable">Affects Cisco Products:</span><span>{{ list.affectedCiscoProducts }}</span><span ng-if="!list.affectedCiscoProducts">No</span></p> </div> <div class="childRowCol3"> <p ng-if="list.summary && list.hasOwnProperty('summary')" style="margin-top:auto;"><span class="colsLable">Summary:</span><span ng-bind-html="renderHtml(list.summary,list.url)"> </span></p> </div> </div></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr class="no-matches text-center" ><td colspan="5" class="text-center"> {{message}} </td></tr> <tfoot> <tr class ="xs-hide" > <td colspan="5" class="text-center" ng-show="dataPresent" > <span class="" >Showing {{parseInt(offset) + 1}} - {{ ( parseInt(limit) + parseInt(offset) ) < total ? ( parseInt(limit) + parseInt(offset) ) : total }} of {{ parseInt(total) }} </span> </td> </tr> <tr ng-show="dataPresent" > <td colspan="5" ><div class="custom-select pagntn">Items per page: <!--<select placeholder="5" ng-model="limit" class="input-xlarge limit" ng-init="limit='20'" ng-change = "changePerPageLimit()" > <option ng-selected="{{20 == limit}}" value= "20" >20</option> <option ng-selected="{{50 == limit}}" value= "50" >50</option> <option ng-selected="{{100 == limit}}" value= "100" >100</option> </select>--> <select placeholder="5" ng-model="limit" class="input-xlarge limit" ng-change = "changePerPageLimit()" ng-options="opt for opt in ItemsPerPageChoice"> <option ng-selected="{{opt == limit}}" value= "{{ opt }}" ></option> </select></div> <div class="pagination" > <span class="showPageStat" >Showing {{parseInt(offset) + 1}} - {{ ( parseInt(limit) + parseInt(offset) ) < total ? ( parseInt(limit) + parseInt(offset) ) : total }} of {{ parseInt(total) }} </span> <span class='partition' > | </span> <button ng-click="previousPage($event)" class="prevPage {{ currentSelectedPage == 1 ? 'disabled' : 'active' }}" ng-disabled = "{{ offset == 0 ? 'disabled' : '' }}" > &lt; Prev </button> <div class="custom-select"> <select class="input-xlarge currentSelectedPage" ng-model="currentSelectedPage" ng-change="changePageNumber(currentSelectedPage)" ng-options = "opt for opt in numberOfPages" > <option ng-selected="{{opt == currentSelectedPage}}" value= "{{ opt }}" >{{opt}}</option> </select> </div> <button ng-click="nextPage()" class="nextPage {{ currentSelectedPage >= total/limit ? 'disabled' : 'active' }}" ng-disabled="{{ offset >= total/limit -1 ? 'disabled' : '' }}" > Next &gt; </button> </div> </td> </tr> </tfoot> </tbody> </table> </div> <!--//tableContent --> <h3 class="addProdText" ng-show="alertText" >Select at least one checkbox to view vulnerabilities that affect Cisco products </h3> </div> <div id="tab-2" class="tabContent" ng-show="tab.isSet(2)" ng-controller = "productFilter as pf" > <div class="remove-div text-right " > <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="removeALL text-right" ng-click ="removeAll()" > Remove All </a> </div> <div class="poductDiv"> <product ng-repeat = "product in productArray" ></product> <span class="row" id = "advancedSearchProductMobile"><a href="/security/center/Search.x"><i> Advanced Search</i></a></span> <div class="productAdd"><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="addIcon" ng-click="addProductDiv()"></a> <span>Add a Product</span> </div> <div class="clearfix" ></div> </div> <div class="row" id = "advancedSearchProductDesktop"><a href="/security/center/Search.x"><i style="font-size: 14px;"> Advanced Search</i></a></div> <!-- <div class="erpDiv"> <div class="erpFilter"> <select ng-model="erpValue" ng-change="FilterDataTableByERP()" > <option value="">Filter by Security Event</option> <option value="ERP-75300">Cisco Event Response: October 2024 Cisco ASA, FMC, and FTD Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> <option value="ERP-75169">Cisco Event Response: September 2024 Semiannual Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> <option value="ERP-75416">Cisco Event Response: September 2024 Semiannual Cisco IOS XR Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> <option value="ERP-75417">Cisco Event Response: August 2024 Semiannual Cisco FXOS and NX-OS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> <option value="ERP-75298">Cisco Event Response: May 2024 Cisco ASA, FMC, and FTD Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> <option value="ERP-75056">Cisco Event Response: March 2024 Semiannual Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> <option value="ERP-75299">Cisco Event Response: March 2024 Semiannual Cisco IOS XR Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> <option value="ERP-75059">Cisco Event Response: February 2024 Semiannual Cisco FXOS and NX-OS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> <option value="ERP-74985">Cisco Event Response: November 2023 Cisco ASA, FMC, and FTD Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> <option value="ERP-74916">Cisco Event Response: September 2023 Semiannual Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> <option value="ERP-75241">Cisco Event Response: September 2023 Semiannual Cisco IOS XR Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> <option value="ERP-75058">Cisco Event Response: August 2023 Semiannual Cisco FXOS and NX-OS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> <option value="ERP-74842">Cisco Event Response: March 2023 Semiannual Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> <option value="ERP-74917">Cisco Event Response: March 2023 Semiannual Cisco IOS XR Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> <option value="ERP-75057">Cisco Event Response: February 2023 Semiannual Cisco FXOS and NX-OS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication</option> </select> </div> </div> --> <div class="tableContent" id="tab2Content" > <!-- <h3 class="affectedProd" ng-hide="addProdText" >Your product(s) has/have been affected by the ERP. Please read information below. <p> This Is An Advisory/Alert Name/Link And It Mignt Be Very Long, Like Really Long For Reals You Guys So This is A Demonstration </p> </h3> --> <!--<div class="grid1" ng-show="grid1" id="grid1" > <h3 class="affectedProd" >Your product(s) has/have been affected by the ERP. Please read information below. <p> This Is An Advisory/Alert Name/Link And It Mignt Be Very Long, Like Really Long For Reals You Guys So This is A Demonstration </p> </h3> <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="advisoryAlertTable" > <thead> <tr class="tableHeading"> <th width="50%" >Advisory/Alert</th> <th width="10%" ng-click="sortData('impact')" >Impact <span id='pb_sir' ng-click="getSortClass('sir')" class="sortDefault" ></span></th> <th width="15%" >CVE</th> <th width="15%" ng-click="sortData('lastPublished')">Last Updated <span id="pb_last_published" ng-click="getSortClass('last_published')" class="sortDefault" ></span></th> <th width="10%" >Version</th> </tr> </thead> <tr style="border-bottom:1px solid #e5e5e6;"><td colspan="5"></td></tr> <tbody> <tr ng-class-even="'even'" ng-class-odd="'odd'" ng-repeat="list in advisoryList_affected" class="rowRepeat" > <td colspan="5" ng-class="{ activeColRow: $index == activePosition }" > <table> <tbody> <tr ng-click="toggleDetail($index,'doaction',$event)" ><td width="50%" ><div ng-click="setPageNumber($index)"><span class="colsIcon" ng-hide="colsIcon == $index" ></span> <span class="activeColsIcon" ng-show="activeColsIcon == $index" ></span> <span class="lockIcon" ><img src="/security/center/Resources/images/none-cisco-products.svg" ng-if=" != 1 && != 3" /> <img src="/security/center/Resources/images/lock-icon.svg" ng-if=" == 1 " /> <img src="/security/center/Resources/images/CiscoShield.svg.svg" ng-if=" == 3 " /> </span><span class="advListItem"><a href="{{list.url}}" ng-click="preventExpand($event)" >{{list.title}}</a></span></div></td> <td width="10%" class="impactTD" ><span ng-if="list.severity"><span ng-class="list.severity"></span><span>{{list.severity}}</span></span><span ng-if="!list.severity">--</span></td> <td width="15%" style="position:relative;" > <p ng-if="list.hasOwnProperty('cve') && list.cve != '--' " ><span > <span ng-bind="list.cve.split(',')[0] " > </span> <br> <span ng-bind="list.cve.split(',')[1] " > </span> <span class="cveSpan" ng-if="list.cve.split(',').length > 2"> <a href="#" class="showCVE" ng-click="toggleDetail($index,'noaction',$event)" > ... </a> <span class="cveInput" ng-hide="true" > {{list.cve}} </span> </span> </span> </p> <div class="cves" ng-click="preventExpand($event)" > <a class="closeCVE" href="#" ng-click="closeCVEpopUp( $event)"></a> <div class="cveParentIWidth" > </div> </div> </td> <td width="15%" ><span>{{list.lastPublished | date :'yyyy MMM dd' : 'UTC' }}</span></td> <td width="10%" ><span ng-if="list.version.indexOf('.') > 0" >{{list.version}}</span> <span ng-if="list.version.indexOf('.') == -1" >{{list.version+'.0'}}</span></td> </tr> <tr class="childRow" ng-show="activePosition == $index"> <td colspan="5"><div class="colsChildWrap clearfix"> <div class="childRowCol0"> <p ng-if="list.hasOwnProperty('cve') && list.cve != '--' " ng-class= "list.cve.split(',').length > 1 ? 'mar-b5' : '' " ><span class="colsLable">CVE:</span><span ng-class= "list.cve.split(',').length > 1 ? 'top6' : '' " > <span ng-bind="list.cve.split(',')[0] " > </span> <br> <span ng-bind="list.cve.split(',')[1] " > </span> <span class="cveSpan" ng-if="list.cve.split(',').length > 2"> <a href="#" class="showCVE" > ... </a> <span class="cveInput" ng-hide="true" > {{list.cve}} </span> </span> </span> </p> <div class="cves" > <a class="closeCVE" href="#" ></a> <div class="cveParentIWidth" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="childRowCol1"> <p ng-if="list.identifier && list.hasOwnProperty('identifier')"><span class="colsLable">Publication ID:</span><span>{{ list.identifier }}</span></p> <p ng-if="list.version && list.hasOwnProperty('version')"><span class="colsLable">Version:</span> <span ng-if="list.version.indexOf('.') > 0" >{{list.version}}</span> <span ng-if="list.version.indexOf('.') == -1" >{{list.version+'.0'}}</span></p> <p ng-if="list.firstPublished && list.hasOwnProperty('firstPublished')"><span class="colsLable">First Published:</span><span>{{ list.firstPublished | date :'yyyy MMM dd HH:mm' : 'UTC' }} GMT</span></p> </div> <div class="childRowCol2"> <p ng-if="list.workarounds && list.hasOwnProperty('workarounds')"><span class="colsLable">Workaround:</span><span>{{ list.workarounds }} </span></p> <p ng-if="list.cwe && list.hasOwnProperty('cwe')"><span class="colsLable">CWE:</span><span>{{ list.cwe }}</span></p> <p ng-if=" != 1 && != 3 && != 6 && != 9 && list.hasOwnProperty('affectedCiscoProducts')"><span class="colsLable">Affects Cisco Products:</span><span>{{ list.affectedCiscoProducts }}</span><span ng-if="!list.affectedCiscoProducts">No</span></p> </div> <div class="childRowCol3"> <p ng-if="list.summary && list.hasOwnProperty('summary')"><span class="colsLable">Summary:</span><span ng-bind-html="renderHtml(list.summary,list.url)"> </span></p> </div> </div></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr class="no-matches text-center" ><td colspan="5" class="text-center"> {{message}} </td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> --> <style> .text-center{ color: rgb(82, 82, 82); } </style> <div class="grid2" ng-show="grid2" id="grid2" > <!--<h3 class="affectedProd" ng-hide="isOnlyProductSelected" > Not affected products </h3> --> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="advisoryAlertTable" > <thead> <tr class="tableHeading"> <th width="50%" >Advisory</th> <th width="10%" ng-click="sortData('impact')" >Impact <span id='pb_sir' ng-click="getSortClass('sir')" class="sortDefault" ></span></th> <th width="15%" >CVE</th> <th width="15%" ng-click="sortData('lastPublished')">Last Updated <span id="pb_last_published" ng-click="getSortClass('last_published')" class="sortDefault" ></span></th> <th width="10%" >Version</th> </tr> </thead> <tr class="fieldCol" > <!--<tr class="fieldCol" ng-show="isOnlyProductSelected" > uncomment for erp --> <td><input type="text" placeholder="Search Advisory Name" ng-model="title" ng-keyup = "FilterByTitle($event,title)" /></td> <td ><!-- <select name="select" ng-model="securityImpactRatings" ng-change="FilterDataTableByImpact()" > <option value="" >All</option> <option value="critical" selected>Critical</option> <option value="high" selected>High</option> <option value="medium" >Medium</option> <option value="low" >Low</option> </select> --> <div id="prdFltSvrCheckBoxesDiv" ng-click="showPrdFltSvrCheckboxes();">{{prdFltrSvrDrpDwnValue}}</div> <div class="prdFltSvrCheckboxDiv prdFltSvrFilterSection" id="prdFltSvrMultiSel"> <div class="severityTypeCheckbox"><input type="checkbox" id="prdFltSvrAll" name="prdFltSvrAll" class="selectAllTypes" value="All" checked=""><label for="prdFltSvrAll" class="allTypes">&nbsp;&nbsp;All</label></div> <div class="severityTypeCheckbox"><input type="checkbox" id="prdFltSvrCritical" name="prdFltSvrOTH" class="selectType" value="critical" checked=""><label for="prdFltSvrCritical">&nbsp;&nbsp;Critical</label></div> <div class="severityTypeCheckbox"><input type="checkbox" id="prdFltSvrHigh" name="prdFltSvrOTH" class="selectType" value="high" checked=""><label for="prdFltSvrHigh">&nbsp;&nbsp;High</label></div> <div class="severityTypeCheckbox"><input type="checkbox" id="prdFltSvrMedium" name="prdFltSvrOTH" class="selectType" value="medium" checked=""><label for="prdFltSvrMedium">&nbsp;&nbsp;Medium</label></div> <div class="severityTypeCheckbox"><input type="checkbox" id="prdFltSvrLow" name="prdFltSvrOTH" class="selectType" value="low" checked=""><label for="prdFltSvrLow">&nbsp;&nbsp;Low</label></div> <div class="severityTypeCheckbox"><input type="checkbox" id="prdFltSvrInformational" name="prdFltSvrOTH" class="selectType" value="informational" checked=""><label for="prdFltSvrInformational">&nbsp;&nbsp;Informational</label></div> <div class="bottomHr"> <div><span ng-click="FilterDataTableByImpact();" style="color: #009cde;"> Done </span></div> </div> </div> </td> <td><input type="text" placeholder="Search CVE" ng-model="cves" ng-keyup = "FilterByCVE($event,cves)" /></td> <td><select name="select" ng-model="last_published" ng-change="FilterDataTableByLastDate()" > <option value="">Most Recent</option> <option value="2025 Feb">2025 Feb</option> <option value="2025 Jan">2025 Jan</option> <option value="2024 Dec">2024 Dec</option> <option value="2024 Nov">2024 Nov</option> <option value="2024 Oct">2024 Oct</option> <option value="2024 Sep">2024 Sep</option> <option value="2024 Aug">2024 Aug</option> <option value="2024 Jul">2024 Jul</option> <option value="2024 Jun">2024 Jun</option> <option value="2024 May">2024 May</option> <option value="2024 Apr">2024 Apr</option> <option value="2024 Mar">2024 Mar</option> </select></td> <td> </td> </tr> <tbody> <tr ng-class-even="'even'" ng-class-odd="'odd'" ng-repeat="list in advisoryList" class="rowRepeat" > <td colspan="5" ng-class="{ activeColRow: $index == activePosition }" > <table> <tbody> <tr ng-click="toggleDetail($index,'doaction',$event)" ><td width="50%" ><div ng-click="setPageNumber($index)"><span class="colsIcon" ng-hide="colsIcon == $index" ></span> <span class="activeColsIcon" ng-show="activeColsIcon == $index" ></span> <span class="lockIcon" ><img src="/security/center/Resources/images/none-cisco-products.svg" ng-if=" != 1 && != 3" /> <img src="/security/center/Resources/images/lock-icon.svg" ng-if=" == 1 " /> <img src="/security/center/Resources/images/CiscoShield.svg.svg" ng-if=" == 3 " /> </span><span class="advListItem"><a href="{{list.url}}" ng-click="preventExpand($event)" >{{list.title}}</a></span></div></td> <td width="11%" class="impactTD" ><span ng-if="list.severity"><span ng-class="list.severity"></span><span>{{list.severity}}</span></span><span ng-if="!list.severity">--</span></td> <td width="15%" style="position:relative;" > <p ng-if="list.hasOwnProperty('cve') && list.cve != '--' " ><span > <span ng-bind="list.cve.split(',')[0] " > </span> <br> <span ng-bind="list.cve.split(',')[1] " > </span> <span class="cveSpan" ng-if="list.cve.split(',').length > 2"> <a href="#" class="showCVE" ng-click="toggleDetail($index,'noaction',$event)" > ... </a> <span class="cveInput" ng-hide="true" > {{list.cve}} </span> </span> </span> </p> <div class="cves" ng-click="preventExpand($event)" > <a class="closeCVE" href="#" ng-click="closeCVEpopUp( $event)"></a> <div class="cveParentIWidth" > </div> </div> </td> <td width="15%" ><span>{{list.lastPublished | date :'yyyy MMM dd' : 'UTC' }}</span></td> <td width="10%" ><span ng-if="list.version.indexOf('.') > 0" >{{list.version}}</span> <span ng-if="list.version.indexOf('.') == -1" >{{list.version+'.0'}}</span></td> </tr> <tr class="childRow" ng-show="activePosition == $index"> <td colspan="5"><div class="colsChildWrap clearfix"> <div class="childRowCol0"> <p ng-if="list.hasOwnProperty('cve') && list.cve != '--' " ng-class= "list.cve.split(',').length > 1 ? 'mar-b5' : '' " ><span class="colsLable">CVE:</span><span ng-class= "list.cve.split(',').length > 1 ? 'top6' : '' " > <span ng-bind="list.cve.split(',')[0] " > </span> <br> <span ng-bind="list.cve.split(',')[1] " > </span> <span class="cveSpan" ng-if="list.cve.split(',').length > 2"> <a href="#" class="showCVE" > ... </a> <span class="cveInput" ng-hide="true" > {{list.cve}} </span> </span> </span> </p> <div class="cves" > <a class="closeCVE" href="#" ></a> <div class="cveParentIWidth" > </div> </div> </div> <div class="childRowCol1"> <p ng-if="list.identifier && list.hasOwnProperty('identifier')" style=" margin-top: auto;"><span class="colsLable">Publication ID:</span><span>{{ list.identifier }}</span></p> <p ng-if="list.version && list.hasOwnProperty('version')" style=" margin-top:-15px;"><span class="colsLable">Version:</span> <span ng-if="list.version.indexOf('.') > 0" >{{list.version}}</span> <span ng-if="list.version.indexOf('.') == -1" >{{list.version+'.0'}}</span></p> <p ng-if="list.firstPublished && list.hasOwnProperty('firstPublished')" style="margin-top: -15px;"><span class="colsLable">First Published:</span><span>{{ list.firstPublished | date :'yyyy MMM dd HH:mm' : 'UTC' }} GMT</span></p> </div> <div class="childRowCol2"> <p ng-if="list.workarounds && list.hasOwnProperty('workarounds')" style=" margin-top: auto;"><span class="colsLable">Workaround:</span><span>{{ list.workarounds }} </span></p> <p ng-if=" != 1 && != 3 && != 6 && != 9 && list.hasOwnProperty('affectedCiscoProducts')"><span class="colsLable">Affects Cisco Products:</span><span>{{ list.affectedCiscoProducts }}</span><span ng-if="!list.affectedCiscoProducts">No</span></p> </div> <div class="childRowCol3"> <p ng-if="list.summary && list.hasOwnProperty('summary')" style="margin-top: auto;"><span class="colsLable">Summary:</span><span ng-bind-html="renderHtml(list.summary,list.url)"> </span></p> </div> </div></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr class="no-matches text-center" ><td colspan="5" class="text-center"> {{message}} </td></tr> <tfoot> <tr class ="xs-hide" > <td colspan="5" class="text-center" ng-show="dataPresent" > <span class="" >Showing {{parseInt(offset) + 1}} - {{ ( parseInt(limit) + parseInt(offset) ) < total ? ( parseInt(limit) + parseInt(offset) ) : total }} of {{ parseInt(total) }} </span> </td> </tr> <tr ng-show="dataPresent" > <td colspan="5" ><div class="custom-select pagntn">Items per page: <!--<select placeholder="5" ng-model="limit" class="input-xlarge limit" ng-init="limit='20'" ng-change = "changePerPageLimit()" > <option ng-selected="{{20 == limit}}" value= "20" >20</option> <option ng-selected="{{50 == limit}}" value= "50" >50</option> <option ng-selected="{{100 == limit}}" value= "100" >100</option> </select>--> <select placeholder="5" ng-model="limit" class="input-xlarge limit" ng-change = "changePerPageLimit()" ng-options="opt for opt in ItemsPerPageChoice"> <option ng-selected="{{opt == limit}}" value= "{{ opt }}" ></option> </select></div> <div class="pagination" > <span class="showPageStat" >Showing {{parseInt(offset) + 1}} - {{ ( parseInt(limit) + parseInt(offset) ) < total ? ( parseInt(limit) + parseInt(offset) ) : total }} of {{ parseInt(total) }} </span> <span class='partition' > | </span> <button ng-click="previousPage($event)" class="prevPage {{ currentSelectedPage == 1 ? 'disabled' : 'active' }}" ng-disabled = "{{ offset == 0 ? 'disabled' : '' }}" > &lt; Prev </button> <div class="custom-select"> <select class="input-xlarge currentSelectedPage" ng-model="currentSelectedPage" ng-change="changePageNumber(currentSelectedPage)" ng-options = "opt for opt in numberOfPages" > <option ng-selected="{{opt == currentSelectedPage}}" value= "{{ opt }}" >{{opt}}</option> </select> </div> <button ng-click="nextPage()" class="nextPage {{ currentSelectedPage >= total/limit ? 'disabled' : 'active' }}" ng-disabled="{{ offset >= total/limit -1 ? 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