Video Gallery | Topics

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fs_av = navigator.appVersion; fs_ua = navigator.userAgent; // check for windows IE 4 and greater not containing Opera FlashSound.winIE = ((fs_an.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) && (fs_av.indexOf("Windows") != -1) && (parseFloat(fs_av) >= 4) && (fs_ua.indexOf("Opera") == -1)); // check for Mozilla browsers versions 5 or greater FlashSound.Mozilla = ((fs_an == "Netscape") && (fs_ua.indexOf("Mozilla") != -1) && (parseFloat(fs_av) >= 5)); // check for Opera version 6.x FlashSound.Opera = ((fs_ua.indexOf("Opera") != -1) && (parseFloat(fs_av) >= 4)); // check for Netscape versions 4.x but not greater FlashSound.NN4 = ((fs_an == "Netscape") && (fs_ua.indexOf("Mozilla") != -1) && (parseFloat(fs_av) >= 4) && (parseFloat(fs_av) < 5)); // Netscape 3 is unsupported FlashSound.oldNN = ((fs_an == "Netscape") && (fs_ua.indexOf("Mozilla") != -1) && (parseFloat(fs_av) < 4)); // browsers that support plug-in detection but are not to be supported by FSAPI // set true for Netscape 3 - no longer supported FlashSound.unsupportedPluginBrowser = (FlashSound.oldNN); // check for Netscape style plugin support FlashSound.Plugin = (navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes.length > 0 && !FlashSound.unsupportedPluginBrowser); // assign javascript interactive technology type based upon browser support FlashSound.ActiveX = FlashSound.winIE; FlashSound.LiveConnect = (FlashSound.NN4 || FlashSound.Opera); FlashSound.XPConnect = FlashSound.Mozilla; FlashSound.XPConnectInstallError = false; // Detect if ActiveX enabled using VBScript - only applicable for online use // ActiveX must be enabled for players to engage and be interactive if(FlashSound.ActiveX){ document.write( '<scr' + 'ipt language=VBScript>' + '\n' + 'On error resume next' + '\n' + 'activeXEnabled = false' + '\n' + 'activeXEnabled = IsObject(CreateObject(\"Microsoft.ActiveXPlugin.1\"))' + '\n' + '<\/scr' + 'ipt>' ); FlashSound.ActiveXEnabled = activeXEnabled; // DOCUMENTTED STATIC PROPERTY } else { FlashSound.ActiveXEnabled = false; } FlashSound.ActiveXEnabled_Browser_Reports = FlashSound.ActiveXEnabled; // override because not all windows systems support above detection technique FlashSound.ActiveXEnabled = true; // DOCUMENTED STATIC PROPERTIES FlashSound.supportsPlayerDetection = ((FlashSound.ActiveX && FlashSound.ActiveXEnabled) || FlashSound.Plugin); if(FlashSound.supportsPlayerDetection){ // for browsers supporting plug-ins or interactive players FlashSound.supportsInteraction = (FlashSound.ActiveX ||(FlashSound.LiveConnect && navigator.javaEnabled()) || FlashSound.XPConnect); } else { FlashSound.supportsInteraction = false; // false for unsupported browsers } /* Begin checking for installed player and version */ fs_mt = "application/x-shockwave-flash"; // return plug-in installation status function fs_checkForPlugIn(){ if(FlashSound.Plugin && navigator.mimeTypes[fs_mt]){ return (navigator.mimeTypes[fs_mt].enabledPlugin); } else { return false; } } // plug-in major version function fs_getPlugInVers(){ if(fs_checkForPlugIn()){ p = navigator.mimeTypes[fs_mt].enabledPlugin; var pluginversion = parseInt(p.description.substring(p.description.indexOf(".")-1)) return pluginversion; } else { return 0; } } // plug-in release version function fs_getPlugInReleaseVers(){ if(fs_checkForPlugIn()){ p = navigator.mimeTypes[fs_mt].enabledPlugin; if(p.description.indexOf("r") != -1){ var rversion = parseInt(p.description.substring(p.description.indexOf("r")+1, p.description.length)); } else { rversion = 0; } return rversion; } else { return 0; } } // vbscript get Flash ActiveX control version for windows IE if(FlashSound.ActiveX){ document.write( '<scr' + 'ipt language=VBScript>' + '\n' + 'Function fs_getActiveXVersion()' + '\n' + 'On Error Resume Next' + '\n' + 'Dim hasPlayer, playerversion' + '\n' + 'hasPlayer = false' + '\n' + 'playerversion = 15' + '\n' + 'Do While playerversion > 0' + '\n' + 'hasPlayer = (IsObject(CreateObject(\"ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.\" & playerversion)))' + '\n' + 'If hasPlayer Then Exit Do' + '\n' + 'playerversion = playerversion - 1' + '\n' + 'Loop' + '\n' + 'fs_getActiveXVersion = playerversion' + '\n' + 'End Function' + '\n' + '<\/scr' + 'ipt>' ); } // checks for minimum player version required for non interaction // sets playerVersion for supported browsers FlashSound.playerVersion = 0; // DOCUMENTED STATIC PROPERTY function fs_hasMinPlayer(){ if(!FlashSound.supportsPlayerDetection) {return false;} if(FlashSound.Plugin) {FlashSound.playerVersion = fs_getPlugInVers();} if(FlashSound.ActiveX) {FlashSound.playerVersion = fs_getActiveXVersion();} if(FlashSound.playerVersion >= FlashSound.minPlayer) {return true} else{return false} } // checks for minimum player version required for interaction function fs_hasMinInteractivePlayer(){ if(!FlashSound.hasMinPlayer() || !FlashSound.supportsInteraction) {return false;} // does not have minimum player if(FlashSound.ActiveX || FlashSound.LiveConnect) { return true; // same as hasMinPlayer() } if(FlashSound.XPConnect){ // XPConnect works with version 6 r40 or greater FlashSound.playerVersion = fs_getPlugInVers(); // get version releaseVers = fs_getPlugInReleaseVers(); // get release version if(FlashSound.playerVersion > 6) { return true; } else if(FlashSound.playerVersion == 6 && releaseVers >=40){ // check release vers only for vers 6 return true; } else { return false; // version less than 6 r 40 do not support XPConnect } } } // check interactive configuration function fs_configuredForInteraction(){ return (FlashSound.supportsInteraction && !FlashSound.XPConnectInstallError && FlashSound.hasMinInteractivePlayer()) } // vers is integer function fs_setMinPlayer(vers){ if(FlashSound.supportsPlayerDetection){ FlashSound.minPlayer = (vers != null && vers >= 4) ? vers : 4; // default to 4 } } // compatibility methods FlashSound.configuredForInteraction = fs_configuredForInteraction; // DOCUMENTED STATIC METHOD FlashSound.hasMinPlayer = fs_hasMinPlayer; // DOCUMENTED STATIC METHOD FlashSound.hasMinInteractivePlayer = fs_hasMinInteractivePlayer; // DOCUMENTED STATIC METHOD FlashSound.setMinPlayer = fs_setMinPlayer; // DOCUMENTED STATIC METHOD FlashSound.setMinPlayer(); // establish default playerVersion /* ============== FlashSound Instance methods =============== */ /* javascript embed functions -------------------------------- */ function fs_setAttributeDefaultValues(){ this.attributes = new Object(); // create associative array // set default embed attribute values this.attributes["SRC"] = this.attributes["MOVIE"] = null; this.attributes["CLASSID"]="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"; if(this.playerID != null) {this.attributes["NAME"]=this.attributes["ID"]=this.playerID;} // only for js control this.attributes["TYPE"]=fs_mt; this.attributes["HEIGHT"]="2"; this.attributes["WIDTH"]="1"; this.attributes["PLAY"]="true"; this.attributes["LOOP"]="true"; this.attributes["QUALITY"]="low"; this.attributes["BGCOLOR"]=(document.bgColor != null) ? document.bgColor : "#ffffff"; this.attributes["WMODE"]="Transparent"; this.attributes["SWLIVECONNECT"]=(this.playerID != null) ? "true" : null // only true for js control this.attributes["CODEBASE"]=",0,0,0"; this.attributes["PLUGINSPAGE"]=""; } // parse embed attributes and save name value pairs in associative array function fs_parseAttributes(embedStr){ if(typeof RegExp == "undefined") { return; } // prevent errors on old browsers //remove extra spaces, " and ' characters var sglqt = new RegExp("'","gi"); embedStr = embedStr.replace(sglqt, ""); var dblqt = new RegExp('"',"gi"); embedStr = embedStr.replace(dblqt, ""); var xtraspc = new RegExp("\\s+","gi"); embedStr = embedStr.replace(xtraspc," "); var eqspc = new RegExp("\\s*=\\s*","gi"); embedStr = embedStr.replace(eqspc, "="); var i = 0; while(embedStr.charAt(i) == " "){i++;} startpos = i; // find first non space character var j = embedStr.length - 1; while(embedStr.charAt(j) == " "){j--;} endpos = j + 1; // find last non space character embedStr = embedStr.substring(startpos,endpos); // get string without leading or trailing spaces var nvPairs = embedStr.split(" "); // split embed string into name value pairs var readOnlyAttributes = new Array("CLASSID","CODEBASE","ID","NAME","PLUGINSPAGE","SWLIVECONNECT"); // add name value pairs to the global attributes associative array for(k=0; k<nvPairs.length; k++){ var equalPos = nvPairs[k].indexOf("="); // find equal sign // ignore attributes with no equal sign or assigned value if(equalPos > -1 && equalPos != nvPairs[k].length - 1){ var attributeName = nvPairs[k].substring(0,equalPos).toUpperCase(); // get name in upper case var attributeValue = nvPairs[k].substring(equalPos + 1, nvPairs[k].length); // get value // determine if attribute is read only for(l=0; l<readOnlyAttributes.length; l++){ var isReadOnly = (attributeName == readOnlyAttributes[l]) if(isReadOnly) { break; } } // do not overwrite read only attribute default values, do not add null values if(!isReadOnly && attributeValue != null) { this.attributes[attributeName] = attributeValue; // assign name value to associative array } } } return; } // return value of a given attribute function fs_getAttributeValue(attributeName){ if(FlashSound.configuredForInteraction() && this.attributes[attributeName] != null){ return this.attributes[attributeName.toUpperCase()]; } else { return null; // return null for attributes with blank values or undefined attributes } } // create embed code from names and values in attributes associative array function fs_createEmbedHTML(){ if(arguments[0] != null && typeof(arguments[0]) != "undefined"){ var src = arguments[0] this.attributes["SRC"] = src; } if(this.attributes["SRC"].charAt(0) == "/" && location.href.indexOf("http://") != -1) { // no server root relative urls this.attributes["SRC"] = "http://" + + this.attributes["SRC"]; } this.attributes["MOVIE"] = this.attributes["SRC"]; var objectAttributes = new Array("CLASSID","ID","HEIGHT","WIDTH","CODEBASE"); var objectParams = new Array("MOVIE","WMODE"); var embedAttributes = new Array("SRC","TYPE","NAME","SWLIVECONNECT","PLUGINSPAGE"); // build list of object tag attributes var objectAttributesList = "" for(var i=0; i<objectAttributes.length; i++){ if(typeof this.attributes[objectAttributes[i]] != "undefined"){ if(this.attributes[objectAttributes[i]] != null){ // do not print blank values objectAttributesList += objectAttributes[i] + '="' + this.attributes[objectAttributes[i]] + '" '; } } } objectAttributesList = objectAttributesList.substring(0,objectAttributesList.length-1); // trim last space character // build list of object parameter tags var nonParams = embedAttributes.join(" ") + " " + objectAttributes.join(" "); var objectParamsList = ""; for(attname in this.attributes){ // DO NOT USE name to represent properies with for/in loops if(attname == "BASE" || nonParams.indexOf(attname) == -1){ // do not print blank values if(this.attributes[attname] != null){ objectParamsList += '<PARAM NAME="' + attname + '" VALUE="' + this.attributes[attname] + '">\n'; } } } // build list of embed attributes var nonEmbeds = objectParams.join(" ") + " " + objectAttributes.join(" "); var embedAttributesList = ""; for(attname in this.attributes){ // DO NOT USE name to represent properies with for/in loops if(attname == "WIDTH" || attname == "HEIGHT" || attname == "BASE" || nonEmbeds.indexOf(attname) == -1){ if(this.attributes[attname] != null){ // do not print blank values embedAttributesList += '\t' + attname + '="' + this.attributes[attname] + '"\n'; } } } embedAttributesList = embedAttributesList.substring(0,embedAttributesList.length-1); // trim last new line character HTML = '<OBJECT ' + objectAttributesList + '>\n' + objectParamsList + '<EMBED\n' + embedAttributesList + '>\n</EMBED>\n</OBJECT>'; return HTML; } // embed a hidden interactive player. function fs_embedSWF(srcURL){ if (!FlashSound.configuredForInteraction()) {return "";} this.setAttributeDefaultValues(); // overwrite any previous attribute values if(arguments[1] == false) { return this.createEmbedHTML(srcURL); // return embed HTML code for debug } else { document.write(this.createEmbedHTML(srcURL)); // print out embed HTML code } return ""; } // embed a hidden non interactive player function fs_no_js_embedSWF(srcURL){ if (!FlashSound.hasMinPlayer()) {return "";} this.setAttributeDefaultValues(); // overwrite any previous attribute values if(arguments[1] == false) { return this.createEmbedHTML(srcURL); // return embed HTML code for debug } else { document.write(this.createEmbedHTML(srcURL)); // print out embed HTML code } return ""; } // embed an interactive player with custom attribute values function fs_customEmbedSWF(customEmbedStr){ if (!FlashSound.configuredForInteraction()) {return "";} this.setAttributeDefaultValues(); // overwrite any previous attribute values this.parseAttributes(customEmbedStr); // assign embed attributes to attributes array if(arguments[1] == false) { return this.createEmbedHTML(); // return embed HTML code for debug } else { document.write(this.createEmbedHTML()); // print out embed HTML code } return ""; } // embed a non interactive player with custom attribute values function fs_no_js_customEmbedSWF(customEmbedStr){ if (!FlashSound.hasMinPlayer()) {return "";} this.setAttributeDefaultValues(); // overwrite any previous attribute values this.parseAttributes(customEmbedStr); // assign embed attributes to attributes array if(arguments[1] == false) { return this.createEmbedHTML(); // return embed HTML code for debug } else { document.write(this.createEmbedHTML()); // print out embed HTML code } return ""; } /* check for player readiness ------------------------ */ function fs_checkForInstance(){ if (window.document[this.playerID] == null) {return false;} return true; } function fs_recognizeMethod(objstr){ if(!this.checkForInstance()){ return false; } else if (typeof window.document[this.playerID][objstr] == "undefined") { FlashSound.XPConnectInstallError = true; // XPConnect component is not installed correctly return false; } else { return true; } } function fs_isPlayerReady(){ if(!FlashSound.configuredForInteraction()) {return false;} if(!this.engageInteraction) {return false;} if(!this.checkForInstance()) {return false;} if(!this.recognizeMethod("PercentLoaded")) {return false;} // block browsers that do not recognize Flash javascript methods if(window.document[this.playerID].PercentLoaded() > 0) {return true;} return false; } /* flash javascript api functions ------------------------ */ function fs_gotoAndPlay(target,frame){ if(!this.isPlayerReady()) {return} if(typeof(frame) == "number"){ window.document[this.playerID].TGotoFrame(target,frame - 1); window.document[this.playerID].TPlay(target); } if(typeof(frame) == "string"){ window.document[this.playerID].TGotoLabel(target,frame); window.document[this.playerID].TPlay(target); } } function fs_gotoAndStop(target,frame){ if(!this.isPlayerReady()) {return} if(typeof(frame) == "number"){ window.document[this.playerID].TGotoFrame(target,frame - 1); } if(typeof(frame) == "string"){ window.document[this.playerID].TGotoLabel(target,frame); } } function fs_api_PercentLoaded(){ if(this.recognizeMethod("PercentLoaded")) { return parseInt(window.document[this.playerID].PercentLoaded()); } else { return 0; } } function fs_api_TPlay(target){ if(!this.isPlayerReady()) {return;} window.document[this.playerID].TPlay(target); } function fs_api_TStopPlay(target){ if(!this.isPlayerReady()) {return;} window.document[this.playerID].TStopPlay(target); } function fs_api_IsPlaying(){ if(!this.isPlayerReady()) {return false;} return window.document[this.playerID].IsPlaying(); } // layerNumber is integer, url is string function fs_api_LoadMovie(layerNumber,url){ if(!this.isPlayerReady()) {return;} window.document[this.playerID].LoadMovie(layerNumber,url); } /* re-order arguments to mimic equivalent actionscript command. */ function fs_LoadMovieNum(url, layerNumber){ if(!this.isPlayerReady()) {return;} window.document[this.playerID].LoadMovie(layerNumber,url); } /* load progress message functions */ // read PercentLoaded, execute callback methods, if defined function fs_checkPercent(){ if(!this.isPlayerReady()){ return; } this.currentPercent = this.PercentLoaded(); if(this.currentPercent >= 100){ // SWF loaded if(this.onLoadChange) {this.onLoadChange(100);} clearInterval(this.monitorLoadLoop); //stop interval loop if(this.onLoadComplete){this.onLoadComplete();} // only if onLoadComplete callback defined } else { // SWF loading // execute callback if onLoadChange is defined and new percent value if(this.onLoadChange && (this.currentPercent > this.prevPercent)){ this.onLoadChange(this.PercentLoaded()); } } this.prevPercent = this.currentPercent; } // initiate set interval loop to read PercentLoaded function fs_monitorLoadProgress(){ if(window.setInterval){ // only if browser supports setInterval var codestr = "FlashSound.players[" + this.playersIndex +"].checkPercent()" this.monitorLoadLoop = setInterval(codestr,100); } } /* onLoadChange - callback method returns value PercentLoaded to assigned function onLoadComplete - callback method executes assigned function when PercentLoaded is 100% */ /* static properties */ FlashSound.playerCount = 0; FlashSound.IDstringPrefix = "FlashSound_swf"; FlashSound.players = new Array(); // DOCUMENTED /* static methods */ function fs_engageInteraction(state){ if(FlashSound.supportsPlayerDetection){ state = (state == null) ? true : state; // default to true for(var i=0; i<FlashSound.players.length; i++){ FlashSound.players[i].engageInteraction = state; } } } FlashSound.embedSWF = fs_no_js_embedSWF; // DOCUMENTED FlashSound.engageInteraction = fs_engageInteraction // DOCUMENTED FlashSound.customEmbedSWF = fs_no_js_customEmbedSWF; // DOCUMENTED FlashSound.createEmbedHTML = fs_createEmbedHTML; FlashSound.parseAttributes = fs_parseAttributes; FlashSound.setAttributeDefaultValues = fs_setAttributeDefaultValues; /* flash sound object constructor function --------------------------- */ function FlashSound(){ // instance properties this.engageInteraction = true; this.playerID = FlashSound.IDstringPrefix + FlashSound.playerCount; // DOCUMENTED this.playersIndex = FlashSound.playerCount; // DOCUMENTED FlashSound.players[FlashSound.playerCount] = this; FlashSound.playerCount++; // instance methods this.setAttributeDefaultValues = fs_setAttributeDefaultValues; this.parseAttributes = fs_parseAttributes; this.getAttributeValue = fs_getAttributeValue; // DOCUMENTED this.createEmbedHTML = fs_createEmbedHTML; this.embedSWF = fs_embedSWF; // DOCUMENTED this.customEmbedSWF = fs_customEmbedSWF; // DOCUMENTED this.checkForInstance = fs_checkForInstance; this.recognizeMethod = fs_recognizeMethod; this.isPlayerReady = fs_isPlayerReady; // DOCUMENTED this.gotoAndPlay = this.TGotoAndPlay = fs_gotoAndPlay; // DOCUMENTED this.gotoAndStop = this.TGotoAndStop = fs_gotoAndStop; // DOCUMENTED this.loadMovieNum = this.LoadMovieNum = fs_LoadMovieNum; // DOCUMENTED this.checkPercent = fs_checkPercent; this.monitorLoadProgress = fs_monitorLoadProgress; // DOCUMENTED // flash javascript api alias methods this.PercentLoaded = fs_api_PercentLoaded; // DOCUMENTED = this.TPlay = fs_api_TPlay; // DOCUMENTED this.stop = this.TStopPlay = fs_api_TStopPlay; // DOCUMENTED this.IsPlaying = fs_api_IsPlaying; // DOCUMENTED this.LoadMovie = fs_api_LoadMovie; // DOCUMENTED } var niceSound = new FlashSound(); </script> <!-- Ad space start --> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div id="adspace"> <div class="ad"> <div id="DartAd0"> <script type="text/javascript"> function setSurroundCookie(value) { document.cookie = "surroundId=" + escape(value) + "; path=/"; } function getSurroundCookie() { var dc = document.cookie; var prefix = "surroundId="; var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix); if (begin == -1) { begin = dc.indexOf(prefix); if (begin != 0) return null; } else begin += 2; var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin); if (end 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