Bespoke Digital Asset Trading Software for your Business
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16.6888 14.9241C16.4766 14.9241 16.3049 15.0963 16.3049 15.308V15.9711H17.0722V15.308ZM13.8034 15.0969C13.7592 14.9868 13.6644 14.932 13.5454 14.9204C13.4058 14.9067 13.2942 14.9631 13.1931 15.0526C13.1525 15.0879 13.1341 15.1406 13.1341 15.1406L13.1362 17.9828V18.0528C13.1362 18.0528 13.1604 18.0855 13.1641 18.0897C13.2463 18.1787 13.3421 18.2492 13.4648 18.2745C13.6671 18.3161 13.8098 18.2319 13.8493 18.0444C13.8593 17.9975 13.8651 17.9491 13.8651 17.9011C13.8661 17.0548 13.8677 16.2091 13.8635 15.3633C13.863 15.2737 13.8366 15.1805 13.8034 15.0969Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M16.0038 5.0022L16.0035 9.75468H15.1229L15.1239 9.24412C15.0266 9.34002 14.9435 9.4296 14.8522 9.51007C14.6903 9.65268 14.5069 9.759 14.2924 9.80098C13.9631 9.86538 13.6826 9.76127 13.5776 9.42022C13.5426 9.30663 13.5215 9.18419 13.5206 9.06559V5.0022H14.3946V8.62649C14.3946 8.67452 14.3985 8.72308 14.4069 8.77016C14.4334 8.91951 14.5438 8.98981 14.6876 8.93994C14.8629 8.87927 14.9967 8.75789 15.1102 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class="navigation__inner swiper-container-navigation"> <div class="navigation__wrapper swiper-wrapper"> <a class="navigation__link swiper-slide" data-author="implementation"> Implementation principles </a> <a class="navigation__link swiper-slide" data-author="our-expertise"> Our expertise </a> <a class="navigation__link swiper-slide" data-author="services"> Custom services </a> <a class="navigation__link swiper-slide" data-author="closer"> Software components </a> </div> <div class="swiper-button-right"></div> <div class="swiper-button-left"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="core"> <div class="container"> <div class="core__container"> <h2>The core of infinite possibilities</h2> </div> </div> </section> <section class="implementation" id="implementation"> <div class="container"> <div class="implementation__inner"> <h2 class="implementation__headline">Implement<span class="white-part">ation</span><br> principles</h2> <p class="implementation__description"> Our Digital Asset Trading Software is the foundation for a customized software package that will help you create a technology platform that provides ultimate commercial freedom. <br><br> We will accomplish this with a sequence of steps that we have perfected over the years. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section class="conditions-list" id="conditions-list"> <div class="container"> <div class="conditions__inner"> <div class="conditions-list__wrapper"> <div class="condition__item"> <span class="number">1</span> <span class="title">Gathering customer requirements</span> <span class="description">A series of interviews is conducted with both marketing and technical staff. </span> </div> <div class="condition__item"> <span class="number">2</span> <span class="title">Business data acquisition</span> <span class="description"> Selection of information critical to decide on the future design of the software structure. </span> </div> <div class="condition__item"> <span class="number">3</span> <span class="title">Analysis and additional data sampling</span> <span class="description"> The information obtained is matched to the current state of the industry and specific business objectives. </span> </div> <div class="condition__item"> <span class="number">4</span> <span class="title">Software structure development</span> <span class="description"> Development and approval of the software package structure that will be delivered to the client. </span> </div> <div class="condition__item"> <span class="number">5</span> <span class="title">Development and deployment of an approved software package</span> <span class="description"> Each step of the development and implementation of the requested functions is cleared with the client. </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="our-expertise" id="our-expertise"> <div class="container"> <div class="our-expertise__inner"> <div class="our-expertise__text"> <h2 class="our-expertise__headline">Our expertise</h2> <p class="our-expertise__description"> <span class="bold"> Soft-FX has all the key resources to implement your project. We have been studying the digital asset market since 2005, moreover, we participate in its development. </span> We can provide the client with proven technologies to work in the most unusual conditions, and most importantly, our knowledge of how to customize the software for such an environment. <br><br> The minimal time to market for software infrastructure can provide another significant competitive advantage. </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="services" id="services"> <div class="container"> <div class="services__inner"> <div class="services__text"> <h2 class="services__headline">Custom services</h2> <p class="services__description"> In addition to the technology components, we will also supply our customer with premium services designed to minimize the routine operational burden on the customer's team. </p> <div class="services__list"> <div class="services__list-item"> <h3 class="title">Counseling</h3> <p class="subtitle">Legal and financial advising on demand.</p> </div> <div class="services__list-item"> <h3 class="title">Tech assistance</h3> <p class="subtitle">Liquidity issues, trading desk, KYC and AML compliance.</p> </div> <div class="services__list-item"> <h3 class="title">Support</h3> <p class="subtitle">Round-the-clock support seven days a week.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="make-estimate" id="make-estimate"> <div class="container"> <h2>Make the first estimate for your software configuration cost</h2> <h2>It won’t take long</h2> <div class="hs-cta hs-cta-btn hs-cta-btn-gold hs-cta-btn-center"> <!--HubSpot Call-to-Action Code --> <span class="hs-cta-wrapper" id="hs-cta-wrapper-9904885f-619e-4f3d-90ad-a4b7516810b3"> <span class="hs-cta-node hs-cta-9904885f-619e-4f3d-90ad-a4b7516810b3" id="hs-cta-9904885f-619e-4f3d-90ad-a4b7516810b3"> <!--[if lte IE 8]><div id="hs-cta-ie-element"></div><![endif]--> <a href="" target="_blank"> </a> </span> <script charset="utf-8" src=""></script> <script 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12.1214 53.2666 14.9465 53.2666 17.7725H50.9921C50.9953 15.0132 50.9921 12.2535 50.9953 9.49197V6.72177C51.0255 5.72139 50.9084 4.70474 51.0853 3.71403C51.3378 2.37813 52.3054 1.20813 53.5696 0.732431C54.2048 0.472249 54.8768 0.426758 55.5528 0.426758H57.0006V0.435197H57.0016C57.0014 0.50189 57.0004 0.568375 57.0004 0.635067Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M65.6467 17.5632V17.7715H64.1989C63.5229 17.7715 62.8511 17.7261 62.2156 17.4659C60.9517 16.99 59.9841 15.8202 59.7313 14.4845C59.5543 13.4938 59.6716 12.4769 59.6416 11.4765V8.70633C59.6381 5.94478 59.6416 3.18528 59.6381 0.425781H61.9127C61.9127 2.43437 61.9137 4.44276 61.9137 6.45115V7.07525H65.6465V9.29421H61.9137V11.1229H61.9086V12.205H61.9117C61.9096 12.663 61.9056 13.1231 61.9296 13.5821C61.9955 14.4567 62.6224 15.2986 63.4914 15.4902C63.7974 15.5398 64.1067 15.5526 64.4158 15.5526H65.6475C65.6434 16.223 65.6434 16.8936 65.6467 17.5632Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M102 17.7728H99.0275L98.8534 17.4436L98.2056 16.2076C97.9803 15.7683 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97.2914 8.95602C97.2914 9.30821 97.3763 9.64023 97.5273 9.93314L97.6131 10.0844L98.198 11.1073L98.2317 11.1663C98.3031 11.2954 98.3751 11.4224 98.4465 11.5482V11.5492C98.6949 11.9819 98.9424 12.4143 99.1898 12.847L102 17.7728Z" fill="white"/> <path d="M40.2532 3.12297C41.9735 2.8278 43.8472 2.92537 45.4007 3.79525C46.644 4.48667 47.4678 5.77317 47.8187 7.1381C48.1824 8.47482 48.1569 9.87166 48.134 11.2442C48.0859 12.9208 47.6763 14.691 46.5245 15.9584C45.3778 17.227 43.6336 17.7798 41.967 17.7696C40.3064 17.8146 38.5127 17.4231 37.3064 16.1957C36.1112 15.0053 35.6701 13.2684 35.5785 11.6225C35.5149 9.66129 35.478 7.57263 36.4468 5.80013C37.1981 4.35451 38.6767 3.39489 40.2532 3.12297ZM40.899 4.9214C40.0663 5.06384 39.2807 5.52081 38.8066 6.23652C38.1124 7.28816 37.9574 8.59154 37.9455 9.82699C37.938 11.0326 37.9113 12.2705 38.298 13.4292C38.5659 14.2832 39.1114 15.0877 39.929 15.4851C40.9449 15.9662 42.14 16.0034 43.2116 15.7006C44.1128 15.4442 44.8503 14.7439 45.215 13.8804C45.815 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25.8172 5.52363C25.2458 5.89209 24.9286 6.6395 25.1517 7.30168C25.3382 7.89224 25.9004 8.24341 26.441 8.45954C27.6164 8.89489 28.8005 9.3004 29.9775 9.73266C30.9341 10.0855 31.8814 10.5906 32.5208 11.4127C33.2956 12.4012 33.4076 13.7982 33.0151 14.967Z" fill="white"/> <defs> <lineargradient id="paint2_linear" x1="17.9486" y1="-4.86591e-07" x2="9.78527" y2="8.08984" gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="#4EBA4E"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#20AD65"/> </lineargradient> </defs> </svg> <h4>TickTrader <br>Trader’s Room</h4> <p>A carefully designed back-office broker software dedicated to maintaining a healthy trading ecosystem.</p> <a href="" root="en">Learn more</a> </article> </div> </div> </section> </div><!--kg-card-end: html--><!--kg-card-begin: html--><section class="education"> <div class="container"> <div class="education-top"> <h2 class="education-top__headline" data-animate-top style="transition-delay: 0s;">Read more on this topic</h2> <div 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