Exxon Mobil signs non-binding lithium supply deal with LG Chem - Mining Engineering Online

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South Korea-based LG Chem plans to use the lithium at its Tennessee cathode facility, slated to open next year.</p> <p>&quot;This is about building a relationship with a company that has the same ambitions as building out the North American (battery) supply chain as us,&quot; Patrick Howarth, head of Exxon's lithium business, told Reuters.</p> <p>Exxon expects lithium demand to rise despite U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's campaign vow to end the &quot;EV mandate,&quot; Howarth said.</p> <p>&quot;We know that the world's going to need a lot more lithium than it's producing today,&quot; he said.</p> <p>Financial terms of the deal - including the price per metric ton of lithium that LG Chem would pay Exxon - would be negotiated as part of any final contract. SK On, a unit of SK Innovation, signed a non-binding lithium supply deal with Exxon in June.</p> <p>Despite recent lithium market turbulence, Howarth said Exxon has &quot;seen really strong support from our potential customer base.&quot;</p> <p>Arkansas officials earlier this month rejected a proposed lithium royalty rate of 1.82 percent from Exxon and others.</p> <p>Officials have been debating a lithium royalty since at least 2018, with tension centering on how the metal should be valued given the cost for equipment to filter it from brine, which unlike oil typically has no intrinsic market value.</p> <p>Landowners want a higher rate, noting that most U.S. oil royalties pay between 8 percent and 12 percent.</p> <p>&quot;It's one of the key regulatory issues that we need to resolve to bring these projects to market,&quot; Howarth said, adding that Exxon could leave Arkansas - where it has invested more than $100 million - if the rate was too high.</p> <p>Officials hinted a 2.5 percent rate could be acceptable, which Howarth said would be &quot;in the range that we would be able to move forward.&quot; Exxon would need to formally propose a new rate, which is likely in the near future, he added.</p> <p>Exxon declined to say how much lithium it expects to produce annually in Arkansas, although the amount would depend on which DLE technology it chooses.</p> <p>&quot;We're definitely narrowing down the selection,&quot; Howarth said. &quot;But we're still keeping multiple providers in play.&quot;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>(Reporting by Ernest Scheyder; Editing by Jamie Freed)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </p> </span> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <style> /* Slideshow container */ .slideshow-RightColumn { } /* Hide the images by default */ .mySlidesRightColumn1 { display: none; } /* Hide the images by default */ .mySlidesRightColumn2 { display: none; } /* Hide the images by default */ .mySlidesRightColumn3 { display: none; } </style> <div class="slideshow-RightColumn" style="background-color:#FFFFFF; border-top:20px solid white; border-right:10px solid white;"> <center> </center> </div> <script> var slideRightColumn1Index = 0; 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