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class="slide-body w-100 ps-4 h-100 d-flex flex-column align-items-start"> <p class="card-text text-white fw-light flex-md-grow-1 flex-grow-0">The next Young Members&#x27; Seminar will be held on 13th March at 8 AM (UTC) and will feature presentations from two researchers from China and one from Australia.</p> <a href="" class="pe-5 ps-2 more fw-light">Read More</a> </div> </div> <img src="/download/media.file.8e4593ef895d5fa8.SVNSTV9ZTV9XZWJpbmFyX01hcjIwMjVfdjEuMC5wbmc%3D.png" class="ms-md-auto order-1 order-md-2 mb-3 mb-md-0 taller" style="object-fit: contain;"> </div> </div> <div class="carousel-item "> <div class="d-flex flex-md-row flex-column w-100 position-relative p-md-0 h-100 p-md-3 p-4"> <div class="carousel-caption d-md-flex flex-column order-2 order-md-1 align-items-baseline text-start position-relative p-md-5 p-0 mt-auto mt-md-0"> <h3 class="slide-title w-100 ps-4">The 48th ISRM Online Lecture is online</h3> <div class="slide-body w-100 ps-4 h-100 d-flex flex-column align-items-start"> <p class="card-text text-white fw-light flex-md-grow-1 flex-grow-0">The 48th ISRM Online Lecture “New frontiers for deep geothermal energy: some rock mechanics issues...” by Dr. Sylvie Gentier from France is now online.</p> <a href="" class="pe-5 ps-2 more fw-light">Read More</a> </div> </div> <img src="/download/media.file.8471e082b41e1bf7.U3lsdmllIEdlbnRpZXIgMi5qcGc%3D.jpg" class="ms-md-auto order-1 order-md-2 mb-3 mb-md-0 taller" style="object-fit: contain;"> </div> </div> <div class="carousel-item "> <div class="d-flex flex-md-row flex-column w-100 position-relative p-md-0 h-100 p-md-3 p-4"> <div class="carousel-caption d-md-flex flex-column order-2 order-md-1 align-items-baseline text-start position-relative p-md-5 p-0 mt-auto mt-md-0"> <h3 class="slide-title w-100 ps-4">Scientific farewell for Dr Evert Hoek</h3> <div class="slide-body w-100 ps-4 h-100 d-flex flex-column align-items-start"> <p class="card-text text-white fw-light flex-md-grow-1 flex-grow-0">ISRM publishes the scientific farewell for Dr Evert Hoek on the occasion of the first International Rock Mass Classification Conference.</p> <a href="" class="pe-5 ps-2 more fw-light">Read More</a> </div> </div> <img src="/download/media.file.817c9c1ef3f8c95f.RXZlcnQtSG9lay1mZWF0dXJlZF9pbWFnZS0xNTM2eDg2NC5qcGVn.jpeg" class="ms-md-auto order-1 order-md-2 mb-3 mb-md-0 wider" style="object-fit: contain;"> </div> </div> <div class="carousel-item "> <div class="d-flex flex-md-row flex-column w-100 position-relative p-md-0 h-100 p-md-3 p-4"> <div class="carousel-caption d-md-flex flex-column order-2 order-md-1 align-items-baseline text-start position-relative p-md-5 p-0 mt-auto mt-md-0"> <h3 class="slide-title w-100 ps-4">2024 John Hudson Rock Engineering Award</h3> <div class="slide-body w-100 ps-4 h-100 d-flex flex-column align-items-start"> <p class="card-text text-white fw-light flex-md-grow-1 flex-grow-0">Video of the 2024 John Hudson Rock Engineering Award, awarded to Dr. Yufang Zhang from China, has been published in the ISRM website.</p> <a href="" class="pe-5 ps-2 more fw-light">Read More</a> </div> </div> <img src="/download/media.file.8755f534736b719e.Sm9obiBIdWRzb24gQXdhcmQgMjAyNC5wbmc%3D.png" class="ms-md-auto order-1 order-md-2 mb-3 mb-md-0 wider" style="object-fit: contain;"> </div> </div> </div> <button class="carousel-control-prev d-none d-md-block" style="left: -3rem;" type="button" data-bs-target="#carouselExampleCaptions" data-bs-slide="prev"> <span aria-hidden="true"><i class="bi bi-chevron-compact-left link-primary fs-2"></i></span> <span class="visually-hidden">Previous</span> </button> <button class="carousel-control-next d-none d-md-block" style="right: -3rem;" type="button" data-bs-target="#carouselExampleCaptions" data-bs-slide="next"> <span aria-hidden="true"><i class="bi bi-chevron-compact-right link-primary fs-2"></i></span> <span class="visually-hidden">Next</span> </button> </div> <section class="news"> <div 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