RISM Online
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If the user has set it in * localstorage, returns this. If localstorage is null, then detect * the locale of the browser, and return the first part of it. * * @returns {string} */ const detectLanguage = () => { return getStoredLanguage() || navigator.language.split("-")[0]; } /** * If the browser does not support localstorage storing (for whatever reason) * then return false; otherwise return true. * * @param incoming {object} The JavaScript object to save. Converted to a string. * @returns {boolean} True if successful; false if setItem raised an error. */ const setSearchPreferences = (incoming) => { try { localStorage.setItem(SEARCH_PREFERENCES_KEY, JSON.stringify(incoming)); } catch (err) { return false; } return true; } /** * Gets any current search preferences, or an empty object if not set. * * @returns {object} */ const getSearchPreferences = () => { let _prefs = localStorage.getItem(SEARCH_PREFERENCES_KEY); if (_prefs !== null) { return JSON.parse(_prefs); } return {}; } const resetSearchPreferences = () => { localStorage.removeItem(SEARCH_PREFERENCES_KEY); } /** * If the user has a specific value set in localStorage, * then show links to Muscat. The user needs to be logged * in the Muscat; this won't authenticate them. Its only * purpose is to ensure that links to Muscat are shown only * if the user has explicitly enabled them. * * @returns {boolean} */ const detectMuscatLinks = () => { const linkSet = localStorage.getItem(MUSCAT_KEY); return linkSet !== null && linkSet === "true"; } /** * Enables or disables the links to Muscat in the footer. * * @param {boolean} isEnabled * @returns {boolean} */ const setMuscatLinks = (isEnabled) => { try { localStorage.setItem(MUSCAT_KEY, JSON.stringify(isEnabled)); } catch (err) { console.error("Could not set localstorage item.") return false; } // return the value that was successfully set. We'll send this back // to Elm as a confirmation of the value. return isEnabled; } /** * Takes an update message of form {updateKey: updateValue} and the * current preferences, and returns a new preference object * with the specific property updated. * * Uses object destructuring and the spread operator to * update the specific key. Also relies on computed property * names for the variable [updateKey]. * * @param update {object} * @param currentPrefs {object} * @returns {object} */ const applySearchPreferenceUpdate = ({key, value}, currentPrefs) => { return {...currentPrefs, [key]: value} } /** * Checks to see if the page is embedded in an iframe. This * is passed into the application to do things like control * the visibility of the side bar or other navigation controls * that are too complex for viewing when the page is embedded * in an external site. * * @returns {boolean} */ const detectIsInFrame = () => { return window.self !==; } // define these to be global, but only initialize if we have a // page interaction that requires the audio context to initialize let audioCtx = null; let virtualAudioCtx = null; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { const app = Elm.Main.init({ node: document.getElementById('elm'), flags: { locale: detectLanguage(), windowWidth: window.innerWidth, windowHeight: window.innerHeight, showMuscatLinks: detectMuscatLinks(), nationalCollection: getNationalCollectionSelection(), searchPreferences: getSearchPreferences(), isFramed: detectIsInFrame(), cacheBuster: false } }); /** Listen for messages coming from Elm and route them accordingly. */ app.ports.sendOutgoingMessageOnPort.subscribe( ({ msg, value }) => { switch (msg) { case incomingMessages.SAVE_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE: setStoredLanguage(value); break; case incomingMessages.SET_NATIONAL_COLLECTION_SELECTION: setNationalCollectionSelection(value); // after setting the national collection, send a message // back to Elm telling the UI to refresh the page and perform // a search with the new NC parameters. There is no value // to send, so set it to null. app.ports.receiveIncomingMessageFromPort.send({ "msg": outgoingMessages.TRIGGER_SEARCH, "value": null }); break; case incomingMessages.SAVE_SEARCH_PREFERENCE: /* The incoming value is an object with a key string, and either a single value string, or a list of strings. */ let currentPrefs = getSearchPreferences(); let newPrefs = applySearchPreferenceUpdate(value, currentPrefs); let _ = setSearchPreferences(newPrefs); /* NB: It's Elm that is receiving the incoming messages! */ app.ports.receiveIncomingMessageFromPort.send({ "msg": outgoingMessages.SEARCH_PREFERENCES_SET, "value": newPrefs }); break; case incomingMessages.SET_META_INFO: /* */ const { description } = value; let descriptionTag = document.querySelector('meta[name="description"]'); if (descriptionTag === null) { descriptionTag = document.createElement("meta"); document.head.appendChild(descriptionTag); } descriptionTag.setAttribute("name", "description"); descriptionTag.setAttribute("content", description); break; case incomingMessages.GENERATE_PIANO_KEYBOARD_NOTE: // if this is the first time we interact with audio, then initialize // the audioCtx & virtualAudioCtx objects. if (!audioCtx && !virtualAudioCtx) { audioCtx = new AudioContext(); virtualAudioCtx = new VirtualAudioGraph(audioCtx); } virtualAudioCtx.update(value); break; case incomingMessages.ENABLE_MUSCAT_LINKS: let newValue = setMuscatLinks(value); /* Send a message back to Elm letting it know that the muscat links value has been set so that it can update it's internal state. */ app.ports.receiveIncomingMessageFromPort.send({ "msg": outgoingMessages.MUSCAT_LINKS_SET, "value": newValue }); break; default: console.log("Could not understand incoming " + msg ); } }); }) </script> </head> <body> <div id="elm"></div> </body> </html>