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if (sQuery_lem_id != null){ // show the search div (which is first hidden for layout reasons) $("div#query_div").css("opacity", 1.0); // put the search query from url into the search box if (sQuery_q != null) $("div#query_word_div input").val( sQuery_q.replace(/%3f/gi, '?') ); try { plausible('Search', {props: {lem_id: sQuery_lem_id, via_url: true}}); } catch(error){ // do nothing when plausible malfunctions } searchForLemmaId( sQuery_lem_id ); } // otherwise: usual word search else { // if pos parameter was given, click grammatical categories accordingly if (sQuery_pos != null){ // show the search div (which is first hidden for layout reasons) $("div#query_div").css("opacity", 1.0); var aPos = sQuery_pos.split("\|"); for (var i=0; i<aPos.length; i++){ $("#query_pos_div input[id*='"+aPos[i]+"']").prop("checked", true); } } // if q parameter was given, trigger search automatically if (sQuery_q != null){ // show the search div (which is first hidden for layout reasons) $("div#query_div").css("opacity", 1.0); // put the search query from url into the search box $("div#query_word_div input").val( sQuery_q.replace(/%3f/gi, '?') ); if ( isWildcard( sQuery_q ) ){ try { plausible('Search', {props: {word: sQuery_q, pos: coalesce(sQuery_pos), wildcard: true, via_url: true}}); } catch(error){ // do nothing when plausible malfunctions } searchForWildCard(); } else { try { plausible('Search', {props: {word: sQuery_q, pos: coalesce(sQuery_pos), wildcard: isWildcard(sQuery_q), original_search: sQuery_os, via_url: true}}); } catch(error){ // do nothing when plausible malfunctions } searchForLemma(); } } // normal mode: hide part-of-speech search field else { if ( sQuery_leidraad == null ){ // show the search div (which is first hidden for layout reasons) $("div#query_div").css("opacity", 1.0); $("div#query_pos_div").css("opacity", .7); $( "div#query_pos_div input" ).checkboxradio({ disabled: true }); } } } // initialize checkboxes if ( sQuery_leidraad == null ){ $( "div#query_pos_div input" ).checkboxradio(); setTimeout(function(){ $("div#query_pos_div").css("visibility", "visible"); }, 200); } // if URL tells op open leidraad at a specified location // // ...?leidraad=7-5 means open section 7.5 // if (sQuery_leidraad != null){ setTimeout(function(){ $("#footer_div").remove(); $("#suggestions_div").empty().hide(); // remove filter button for parts-of-speech filter $("#query_word_div").find("button.ui-button").remove(); // and remove parts-of-speech filter too $("#query_pos_div").remove(); $("div#query_div fieldset legend").text("Zoek in de Leidraad"); $("div#query_word_div input").off("click"); $("div#query_word_div input").off("keyup"); $("#query_word_input").autocomplete( "disable" ); $("#query_word_input").val(""); $("#query_word_input").focus(); // remove tooltip if active $("#query_word_div input").tooltip("close"); // prevent scrolling $('html, body').css({ overflow: 'hidden', height: '100%' }); $("#query_word_input").keyup(function(e){ var sSearchVal = $(this).val(); // Enter striken if (e.which == 13){ // start search $("#results_div").empty().html("<object class='leidraad_main' type='text/html' data='./leidraad.html?q="+sSearchVal+"'></object>"); } }); // put the search query from url into the search box if (sQuery_show != null) $("div#query_word_div input").val( sQuery_show.replace(/%3f/gi, '?') ); $("div#query_word_div").addClass("leidraad"); // prevent padding bottom to be applied in this case, which causes stickybar to malfunction $("div#main_div").addClass("leidraad_loaded"); // toggle 'Woordenlijst'/'Spellingregels' label $("#wrdlst_button").css("display", "inline"); $("#leidraad_button").css("display", "none"); // go to specified destination var sDestination = sQuery_leidraad; if (sDestination == 'menu'){ $("#results_div").empty().html("<object class='leidraad_main' type='text/html' data='./leidraad.html'></object>"); } else { // we might have a section number // or a title without section number if (sDestination.match(/[\d]+(|\-[\d]+)/)){ sDestination = sDestination.replace(/\-/g, "/") } // build url var sDestinationUrl = "./leidraad/"+sDestination+".html" + (sQuery_show != null ? "#"+sQuery_show : ""); $("#results_div").empty().html("<object class='leidraad_main' type='text/html' data='"+sDestinationUrl+"'></object>"); } // show the search div (which is first hidden for layout reasons) $("div#query_div").css("opacity", 1.0); }, 500); } // ********************************* // Set sticky header // ********************************* setStickyHeader(); // ********************************* // when to start a search // ********************************* $("div#query_word_div input").keyup(function(e){ // make absolutely sure that we won't have capitals (in any silly browser) $(this).val($(this).val().toLowerCase()); // set part-of-speech filters resetPartOfSpeechFilters(); // remove tooltip if user has started typing $("div#query_word_div input").tooltip("close"); // Enter striken if (e.which == 13){ window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' }); // autocomplete not needed anymore setTimeout(function(){ if ( $("ul.ui-autocomplete").length>0) { $("#query_word_input").autocomplete("close"); } }, 500); // update the URL const url = (window.location.href).replace(/\?.+$/, ""); const state = {q: encodeURIComponent($("div#query_word_div input").val())}; window.history.pushState(state, "", url); window.location.replace(url+"?q="+encodeURIComponent($("div#query_word_div input").val())); // start search if ( isWildcard( $("div#query_word_div input").val() ) ){ try { plausible('Search', {props: {word: $("div#query_word_div input").val(), pos: "", wildcard: true, via_url: false}}); } catch(error){ // do nothing when plausible malfunctions } searchForWildCard(); } else { try { plausible('Search', {props: {word: $("div#query_word_div input").val(), pos: "", wildcard: false, via_url: false}}); } catch(error){ // do nothing when plausible malfunctions } searchForLemma(); } } // backspace: reset filters if (e.which == 8){ resetPartOfSpeechFilters(); } }); // ********************************* // set up AUTO-COMPLETE // ********************************* $("#query_word_input").autocomplete({ delay: (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1 ? 750 : 500), // 250 is too low for FireFox (gets very slow then!) minLength: 2, source: function(request, response){ var sPos = getPartOfSpeechFilters(); sWord = request.term; if ( isWildcard(sWord) ){ // we don't want suggestions anymore if ( $("ul.ui-autocomplete").length>0) { $("#query_word_input").autocomplete("close"); } } else { $.ajax({ "type": "GET", "url": sSpellingServiceUrl+"/lexicon/get_suggestions", "data": { "database": sSpellingResource, "wordform": sWord.replace(/%/g, '\\%').replace(/\?/g, '_').replace(/\*/g, '%').trim(), // take care of wild cards too "part_of_speech": sPos.trim(), "onlyvalid": true, "max": 10, "dummy": new Date().getTime() }, "success": function(xml) { var sSuggestionsList = $(xml).find("suggestions").text(); var aSuggestionsList = sSuggestionsList.split(" \| "); // if we have any useful results, generate a pulldown if (aSuggestionsList.length > 0 && aSuggestionsList[0] != '' && aSuggestionsList[0] != 'UNKNOWN'){ response($.map(aSuggestionsList, function (item) { return { label: item, value: item }; })); } else if ( $("ul.ui-autocomplete").length>0) { $("#query_word_input").autocomplete("close"); } }, "error": function(xhr, error, thrown){ // keep silent if autocomplete malfunctions // We will give a useful error message when the search start // if it is still relevant at that stage } }); } } }); // ********************************* // re-starting to edit the word means the filter must be reset // ********************************* $("div#query_word_div input").click(function(){ resetPartOfSpeechFilters(); }); // ********************************* // mouse over search box // ********************************* var mouseEnterId, mouseLeaveId; $("div#query_word_div input").mouseenter(function(){ clearTimeout(mouseEnterId); clearTimeout(mouseLeaveId); var $this = $(this); $this.attr("data-tooltip", true); $this.attr("data-tooltip-content", "U kunt jokers gebruiken:<BR><BR><B>?</B> voor &eacute;&eacute;n onbekend teken<BR><B>*</B> voor meer onbekende tekens") mouseEnterId = setTimeout(function(){ $this.tooltip("open"); // auto hide after few seconds setTimeout(function(){ $this.tooltip("close"); }, 5000); }, 500); }); $("div#query_word_div input").mouseleave(function(){ clearTimeout(mouseLeaveId); var $this = $(this); mouseLeaveId = setTimeout(function(){ $this.tooltip("close"); }, 500); }); // ********************************* // part-of-speech filters clicked! // ********************************* $("div#query_pos_div input").click(function(e){ // it mustn't be allowed to uncheck the very last selected filter if (getNumberOfSelectedFilters() ==0) return false; // update the URL const url = (window.location.href).replace(/\?.+$/, ""); const state = {q: encodeURIComponent($("div#query_word_div input").val()), pos: encodeURIComponent(getPartOfSpeechFilters())}; window.history.pushState(state, "", url); window.location.replace(url+"?q="+encodeURIComponent($("div#query_word_div input").val())+"&pos="+encodeURIComponent(getPartOfSpeechFilters())); // start search if ( isWildcard( $("div#query_word_div input").val() ) ){ try { plausible('Search', {props: {word: $("div#query_word_div input").val(), pos: getPartOfSpeechFilters(), wildcard: true, via_url: false}}); } catch(error){ // do nothing when plausible malfunctions } searchForWildCard(); } else { try { plausible('Search', {props: {word: $("div#query_word_div input").val(), pos: getPartOfSpeechFilters(), wildcard: false, via_url: false}}); } catch(error){ // do nothing when plausible malfunctions } searchForLemma(false); } }); // ********************************* // Buttons in header // ********************************* $(".menu_item").click(function(){ $("div#menu").find("").removeClass("active"); $(this).parent().addClass("active"); }); $("#leidraad_button").click(function(){ window.location.replace("./?leidraad=menu"); const url = (window.location.href).replace(/\?.+$/, ""); const state = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify("")); window.history.pushState(state, "", url); }); }; // end of start up function // if first call (no parameters), // wake up the database! if (params == null){ $.ajax({ "type": "GET", "url": sSpellingServiceUrl+"/lexicon/find_wordform", "data": { "database": sSpellingResource, "wordform": "wakker", "part_of_speech": "", "paradigm": true, "diminutive": true, "onlyvalid": true, "regex": false, "dummy": new Date().getTime() }, "success": function(xml) { startUp(); }, "error": function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ console.log("Oh dear! Had a bad night?"); } }); } // else just start up else { startUp(); } }); </script> </body> </html>

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