August 2015 – World Rowing
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Championships</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Israel’s Samuel off to good start in para heats</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">August 31, 2015</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <figure class="featured-media"> <div class="featured-media-inner section-inner medium"> <img width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1980w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /> </div><!-- .featured-media-inner --> </figure><!-- .featured-media --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p><strong>Para Women’s Single Sculls (ASW1x) – Heats</strong></p> <p>A packed field of 15 nations had entered in this category and they were divided into three heats with the top three boats in each heat getting to go directly to the semifinals. In Heat One it was 2012 Paralympian Liudmila Vauchok of Belarus that got away the quickest. Rating 46 strokes per minut. Vauchok got to the half way point first. But margins were close and both Claudia Santos of Brazil and Rachel Morris of Great Britain were in striking distance. In the close of the race Morris managed to sprint past Santos, who had moved into the lead, and cross the line first.</p> <p>Heat Two saw reigning World Champion, Birgit Skarstein of Norway in the lead. Skarstein then went to row her own race as she moved away to a huge lead. Skarstein used a relatively low 32 stroke rate pace with long powerful strokes to stay ahead as Sandra Khumalo of South Africa and Jacqueline Kapinowski of the United States battled it out for second. In the close of the race Kapinowski managed to get ahead of Khumalo with all three crews qualifying.</p> <p>Moran Samuel took a gold medal earlier this season and is the 2014 silver medallists making her the favourite to do well in Heat Three. Samuel rated 32 through the body of the race to hold her place in the lead and move away from the rest of the field. Italy’s Eleonora De Paolis followed a long way back in second and this race turned into a procession. Samuel had now dropped her stroke rate to 28 as she was under no threat of losing her leading position. Despite under no pressure Samuel had recorded the fastest qualifying time.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: GBR, BRA, BLR, NOR, USA, RSA, ISR, ITA, GER</em></p> <p><strong>Para Men’s Single Sculls (ASM1x) – Heats</strong></p> <p>This boat class attracted 23 nations. They were divided into four heats with the top boat only from each heat getting to go directly to the semifinals. The 2008 Paralympic Champion, Tom Aggar of Great Britain had the edge in Heat One. The long reaching Aggar held a 33 stroke rate to stay ahead of Germany’s Johannes Schmidt. The 2012 Paralympic Champion, Cheng Huang of China followed in third. Aggar had built up enough of a lead that he was able to drop his stroke rate to 27 in the close of the race.</p> <p>The favourite in Heat Two must have been Alexey Chuvashev of Russia who has been medalling at the World Rowing Championships regularly for the last four years. The gold, however, still eludes him. But it was Igor Bondar, 49, of Ukraine who was challenging Chuvachev. Bondar medalled at the 2013 World Rowing Championships, finishing in silver ahead of Chuvashev’s bronze. Chuvashev and Bondar went through the middle of the race neck-and-neck. The higher, 38 stroke rate, pace of Bondar kept him up with Chuvashev, but the Russian held on and crossed the line just a fraction ahead of Ukraine.</p> <p>Heat Three featured the reigning World Champion, Erik Horrie of Australia. The long stroking Horrie soon moved into a handy lead against his less experienced competition. Using a 30 stroke rate pace, Horrie was able to move further away from the rest of the field. Fabrizio Caselli of Italy followed a way back in second. In the last 200m of the race Horrie dropped his stroke rate to 29 and looked like he was cruising home. Horrie recorded a time of 4:42 – just seven seconds outside of the World Best Time.</p> <p>Heat Four featured a relatively new field of para-rowers making it hard to pick the winner. Two were making their international debut. Rene Pereira of Brazil was the first to show and he was able to get to the half way point first. But then Pereira appeared to lose his early momentum with Steven Haxton of the United States able to push on through.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: GBR, RUS, AUS, USA</em></p> <p><strong>Para Mixed Double Sculls (TAMix2x) – Heats</strong></p> <p>The rule here was to be first for a direct path to the final. There were two heats, and Heat One featured France’s para stars Perle Bouge and Stephanie Tardieu. Brazil got away the quickest with the very experienced Josiane Lima paired up with Michel Gomes Pessanha. The Brazilian duo went through the half way point at under two minutes with Bouge and Tardieu hot on their heels. These two boats then went head to head right through to the finish line. Brazil managed to stay just a fraction ahead and crossed the line 0.26 of a second before France.</p> <p>The World Champions, Gavin Bellis and Kathryn Ross of Australia got away the quickest in Heat Two. Their opening stroke rate was around 40 strokes per minute. But Australia’s lead was tiny with Ukraine and the Netherlands moving closely with them. Bellis and Ross were keeping their stroke rate at 38 to try and stay ahead with Great Britain also in striking distance. In a show of beautiful synchronicity, Ross and Bellis stayed just in front. The Australian finishing time of 3:59 was the fastest qualifying time and just five seconds outside of the World Best Time.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: BRA, AUS</em></p> <p><strong>Para Mixed Coxed Four (LTAMix4+) – Heats</strong></p> <p>Slotted into the para four were 17 nations all ready to battle each other. Today they were divided into three heats and the idea here was to be in a top two spot as this would earn a direct path to the semifinals. The first to show in Heat One was the Italians. Italy took silver in 2014 and they are coxed by Olympic Champion, Giuseppe di Capua. Italy made it to the half way point first with Germany and South Africa in hot pursuit. Holding a 35 stroke rate at the finish, Italy stayed just ahead of South Africa at 38. These became the two qualifying boats with Germany unlucky to miss out on qualifying.</p> <p>The World Champions, Great Britain were the obvious hot favourite in Heat Two. The crew of Fox, Relph, Brown, Clough and coxswain James from Great Britain were the first to show driving through water that had now become a little rough at the start. The British then settled into a 34 stroke rate pace being chased hard by Canada. The Canadians also rated 34 and kept the British very honest who crossed the line in a time of 3:20. This time was just seven seconds short of a World Best Time.</p> <p>Heat Three saw the United States take a flyer at the start of their race. The US are the world silver medallists and they crossed the 500m mark in just 1:38. Behind them Korea and France went neck-and-neck with Israel also very much on the pace. Smith, Hansen, Burns, Vandergrift and coxswain Sichel for the United States then moved away from the field to qualify with a quick time of 3:21. France broke away to take the second qualifying spot.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: ITA, RSA, GBR, CAN, USA, FRA</em></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-6900 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-elite category-world-rowing-championships" id="post-6900"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> <a href="" rel="category tag">World Rowing Championships</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">From lightweights to big boats; a full day two of Aiguebelette racing</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">August 31, 2015</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <figure class="featured-media"> <div class="featured-media-inner section-inner medium"> <img width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1980w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /> </div><!-- .featured-media-inner --> </figure><!-- .featured-media --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p><strong>Men’s Coxed Pair (M2+) – Heats</strong></p> <p>This International (non-Olympic) boat class had rowers going after World Championship titles. There were two heats with the top boat in each heat getting to go directly to the finals. In Heat One, Great Britain featured two World Champions from their country’s eight and also the winners from World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne. Nathaniel Reilly-O’Donnell and Matthew Tarrant of Great Britain led the way. They kept their stroke rate in the low 30s guided by coxswain Henry Fieldman and executing beautiful catches to remain in front to the line and recorded the fastest overall qualifying time.</p> <p>Heat Two had Jakob Schneider and Clemens Ernsting of Germany in the lead. With Jonas Weisen in the coxswain seat, Germany stayed out in front for the entire race. Keeping a steady 34 stroke rate, the Germans crossed the line in first place to secure a spot in the final where they will face Great Britain who beat them at Lucerne last month.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: GBR, GER</em></p> <p><strong>Lightweight Men’s Pair (LM2-) – Heats</strong></p> <p>There were three heats that lined up in this boat class and the goal here was to finish in a top three position for a direct path to the semifinals. Heat One featured the winners of World Rowing Cup III, Petru Zaharia and Armando Dell’Aquila of Italy. Spain followed in second. With Italy remaining in front, the United States challenged Spain and these two crews challenged each other before Spain got a way to cross the line in second behind Italy.</p> <p>After an initial lead by the Czech Republic, France’s Augustin Mouterde and Theophile Onfroy took over in front and never looked back. An appreciative applause greeted Mouterde and Onfroy as they rowed through to the close of the race. Behind them China and Russia was able to pull away from the Czech’s to grab the remaining qualifying spots.</p> <p>Great Britain’s Joel Cassells and Sam Scrimgeour had the fastest start in Heat Three and by the middle of the race they had pulled away from a battle going on between Germany, Australia and Japan. This battle was intense and continued through the middle of the race before Germany broke away with Japan not handling the pace. Cassells and Scrimgeour had recorded the fastest qualifying time, but only by a fraction of a second over France.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: ITA, ESP, USA, FRA, CHN, RUS, GBR, GER, AUS</em></p> <p><strong>Lightweight Men’s Quadruple Sculls (LM4x) – Heats</strong></p> <p>The two heats lining up were aiming to be in a top two position as this would give them a direct path to the finals. In Heat One, Germany had the fastest opening pace. Italy, who has in the past dominated this boat class, followed in second and managed to make up ground through the middle of the race. Despite Italy’s challenge, the order remained the same through to the line and Germany and Italy became the qualifying boats.</p> <p>Heat Two saw France’s entry show their style. This boat included three members of the under-23 World Champion crew. Also the very accomplished single sculls, Pierre Houin sat in three seat. The French remained in front and enjoyed the support of a very appreciative crowd as they sculled through to the finish line at a 37 stroke rate pace. France crossed the line with the fastest qualifying time by a handy four seconds.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: GER, ITA, FRA, DEN</em></p> <p><strong>Lightweight Women’s Quadruple Sculls (LW4x) – Heats</strong></p> <p>This boat class had two heats and the goal here was to be in a top two position for a direct path to the final. Heat One featured the reigning World Champions, the Netherlands. They had retained two members of the World Champion crew. But it was Great Britain that had the upper hand today. The Dutch instead had to work their way through China and Italy to get into a qualifying position. China did not give away the spot easily, but the Netherlands proved to be stronger.</p> <p>Australia and Germany took silver and bronze respectively at last year’s World Rowing Championship and it was not surprising to see them being the dominating crews in Heat Two. Today Germany made it difficult for Australia and kept their boat ahead to cross the line in first. But full credit to Australia who chased hard. This helped Germany to achieve the fastest qualifying time of 6:31, a good eight seconds faster than Great Britain in heat one.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: GBR, NED, GER, AUS</em></p> <p><strong>Women’s Quadruple Sculls (W4x) – Heats</strong></p> <p> This boat class saw 11 entries making for two heats with the top boat in each heat getting to go directly to the final. This boat class has been dominated by World Champions, Germany over the last couple of years and they contested Heat One in dominating style. Thiele, Baer, Arnold and Schmidla of Germany got away quickly. But Poland was giving the Germans a run for their money being less than two seconds down going through the middle of the race. Then Germany showed their true form and pushed way from the field. In the final sprint the Netherlands closed on Poland and went after the Germans. Germany kept a 35 stroke rate to cross the line in first.</p> <p>The Beijing Olympic Champions, China have come back on the scene this year and they raced in Heat Two. China had the quickest start, but margins were close with the United States and Australia right on their tails. Then the Australians showed their stamina and pushed into the lead with the United States chasing hard. China tried hard to keep up as Australia and the United States held their own battle at the head of the field. Rating 41, Australia got to the line first. The Australian time was just a fraction slower than that of Germany’s in heat one.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: GER, AUS</em></p> <p><strong>Women’s Double Sculls (W2x) – Heats</strong></p> <p>A fine field of 24 countries lined up in this boatclass. They were divided into four heats with the aim to be in the winning position for a direct path to the semifinals. In Heat One the German crew of Julia Lier and Mareike Adams took off quickly and got a very slight lead over the World Champions, New Zealand. Going through the middle of the raced Eve MacFarlane and Zoe Stevenson of New Zealand took on the Germans stroke for stroke. Then MacFarlane and Stevenson proved that they wanted this race more and did a piece that moved them away from the Germans to take their boat home in first place. Lier and Adams did not seem to have another gear to fight back.</p> <p>Coming directly from racing the single at the World Rowing Junior Championships, Sofia Asoumanaki of Greece led the way with her partner, Aikaterini Nikolaidou in Heat Two. Meanwhile Belarus followed in second. Belarus included the rowing legend, Ekaterina Karsten. Karsten, 41, raced in Aiguebelette in 1997 when it last hosted the World Rowing Championships. In that year Karsten was in the single and became a World Champion, it was also the year in which Asoumanaki was born. The Greeks stayed ahead and by the final sprint they had broken away to an open water lead.</p> <p>Heat Three also represented one of the legends of rowing. Great Britain’s Katherine Grainger raced in Aiguebelette in 1997 as part of her country’s eight. She won bronze. Today Grainger got away the quickest with her partner Victoria Thornley. Then Australia’s Olympia Aldersey and Sally Kehoe got their nose in front. But margins were close and a burst by 2013 World Champions, Lithuania got ahead. Donata Vistartaite and Milda Valciukaite of Lithuania then moved away from the field and looked all class as they crossed the line in first.</p> <p>On paper Poland’s Magdalena Fularczyk and Natalia Madaj had the best pedigree. As the European Champions and last year’s silver medallists, Fularczyk and Madaj took this into consideration and got away quickly in Heat Four. By the middle of the race only China was close to attacking Poland, but the Chinese would have to do something very special to catch Fularczyk and Madaj. In the final sprint, Poland kept their stroke rate high and kept their boat ahead of China, who in turn did not give up. Poland crossed the line to record the fastest qualifying time – just ten seconds outside of the World Best Time.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: NZL, GRE, LTU, POL</em></p> <p><strong>Men’s Double Sculls (M2x) – Heats</strong></p> <p>This boat class had attracted 29 nations to today’s racing and they were divided into five heats with the first four boats progressing to the quarterfinals from each heat. In Heat One the 2014 World Champions, Croatia led the way from the start. Martin and Valent Sinkovic of Croatia have a style that is beautiful to watch in their perfect synchronicity and by the middle of the race they had pulled away to an open water lead over Serbia. Then it looked as though the Sinkovic brothers were doing just enough to remain in the lead – which they did.</p> <p>The second heat, Heat Two featured winners of World Rowing Cup I, Germany. The German crew included Marcel Hacker who raced in Aiguebelette at the 1997 World Rowing Championships and won silver in the men’s quadruple sculls. Now teamed up with Stephan Krueger, the duo left the start in third behind China and the United States. By the middle of the race Hacker and Krueger were leading the way with the United States duo of Benjamin Dann and John Graves in second. Hacker and Krueger looked relatively comfortable rating 35 as they crossed the line in first. Ukraine’s Sergii Gryn and Ivan Futryk followed in second after getting ahead of Dann and Graves.</p> <p>Italy’s Giacomo Gentili and Romano Battisti had the best start in Heat Three with Great Britain and Hungary the nearest challengers. In the second half of the race only John Collins and Jonathan Walton of Great Britain looked within striking distance of the Italians. These two crews then managed to move away from the field and neither boat sprinted the finish.</p> <p>After an opening lead by France, New Zealand’s Robert Manson and Chris Harris took over in the lead in Heat Four. The New Zealand duo have had an inconsistent season which included some health issues and so their true speed is yet to be seen . Today they gave an indication of their speed by leading through the middle of the race. Then France’s Hugo Boucheron and Matthieu Androdias brought the crowd to their feet. The French duo, using a 41 stroke rate, closed on New Zealand and then overtook them. Manson and Harris, rating 40, held on to second. France had recorded the fastest qualifying time, a time just nine seconds outside of the World Best Time.</p> <p>Lithuania has had Rolandas Mascinskas and Saulius Ritter together in the double for quite some time. Today they raced in Heat Five by taking off the quickest leaving an almost complete line to form behind them. By the middle of the race, Mascinskas and Ritter continued to lead with Norway now fighting for second. A very solid race by Cuba’s Eduardo Rubio Rodriguez and Adrian Oquendo Ibanez then brought them into second and ahead of the 2013 World Champions, Norway. Lithuania, rating a calm 35, remained in the lead.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: CRO, SRB, DEN, CZE, GER, UKR, USA, ESP, ITA, GBR, SLO, HUN, FRA, NZL, AUS, AZE, LTU, CUB, NOR, POL</em></p> <p><strong>Lightweight Men’s Four (LM4-) – Heats</strong></p> <p>With four heats lining up, the job here was to finish in a first place to get to advance directly to the semifinals. In Heat One Italy had the lead for the first half of the race before World Champion, Denmark took over in front. The Danes have had one change to their 2014 crew with the boat now made up of Larsen, Barsoe, Vilhelmsen and Winther. Former stroke, Joergensen was out of the boat and battling with health issues. Denmark remained ahead right through to the line rating a steady 38 stroke rate at the end.</p> <p>France’s Solforosi, Baroukh, Colard and Raineau led the way from start to finish in Heat Two. China put in a very good effort to try and catch the French, but France looked in control and loving being on their home waters. Rating 40 at the end, France became the sole crew to advance to the semifinals from Heat Two.</p> <p>On paper New Zealand and Great Britain looked to be the crews that would be in front in Heat Three. These two crews took silver and bronze respectively at last year’s World Rowing Championships and so far this season New Zealand has had a very good showing. But at the start of the race it was the Czech Republic that grabbed the race with all their power and held the lead. New Zealand, however was not going to let the Czechs get away and by the middle of the race, New Zealand had the lead. Hunter, Bond, Lassche and Rapley of New Zealand then showed their true pace and, followed by Great Britain, New Zealand took their stroke rate to 41 and charged through into the final 500m. Outpacing the British, New Zealand crossed the line in first.</p> <p>A solid season by the 2012 Olympic Swiss crew has put them into good stead for this World Championship regatta. They raced in Heat Four with a reshuffled line-up which saw Mario Gyr back in stroke seat. The Swiss crew of Tramer, Schuerch, Niepmann and Gyr got away the quickest and by the middle of the race they had a nice lead. The Netherlands followed in second, but the Swiss were took quick and rating a very comfortable 36 in the final sprint, Switzerland crossed the line in first and with the fastest overall qualifying time – a time of 5:55.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: DEN, FRA, NZL, SUI</em></p> <p><strong>Women’s Eight (W8+) – Heats</strong></p> <p>It is not often that ten boats enter in this very tough boat class, the women’s eight. Here in Aiguebelette it happened, with the ten boats divided into two heats. The top two boats in each heat would get to go directly to the finals. At the start of Heat One, Romania had the lead. But then Canada, who are the 2014 silver medallists, got their boat into first. Canada is coxed by Lesley Thompson-Willie who coxed here at Aiguebelette for the 1997 World Rowing Championships. In that year her Canadian boat won silver. Canada remained in the lead with New Zealand now storming down the middle of the course, rating high and trying to grab a qualifying spot. In the final sprint, New Zealand not only overtook Romania, but they closed on Canada. The Canadians, rating 42, held off New Zealand .</p> <p>At the start of Heat Two it was the Netherlands that had the lead. But margins were closed and by the middle of the race the United States had pulled out in front. The United States are on an incredible winning streak that goes back to 2006 and there is no indication that they will relinquish this streak. Using an aggressive, all-power style the United States started to pull away from the more relaxed-looking Dutch. Rating 36 in the final sprint, the United States powered home to a time of 5:59 – just five seconds outside of the World Best Time.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: CAN, NZL, USA, NED</em></p> <p><strong>Men’s Eight (M8+) – Heats</strong></p> <p>A full field of two heats had these crews aiming to be first in their heat if they wanted to have a direct path to the final. Heat One got under way with Poland in the lead. The Polish have kept a very constant crew over the last couple of years and they have earned medals along the way including a silver at World Rowing Cup I this season. Coming through the middle of the race, the Olympic Champions and current world silver medallists, Germany closed on Poland. Poland tried to hold on. In the final sprint Germany, rating 35, managed to pull away from Poland and earn the sole qualifying spot.</p> <p>First to show in Heat Two was the Russian crew. Russia has been building their eight through this Olympic quadrennial coached by the unstoppable Mike Spracklen. Russia remained in the lead by just a fraction over the World Champions, Great Britain. Margins though the middle of the race were incredibly tight with just one second separating the top four boats. In that mix was also the Netherlands and New Zealand. Great Britain, rating 39, pushed into the lead and once there, they remained there to the line. Great Britain recorded the fastest qualifying time of 5:27 – just eight seconds outside of the World Best Time. </p> <p> <em>Qualifiers: GER, GBR</em></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-6902 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-elite category-world-rowing-championships" id="post-6902"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> <a href="" rel="category tag">World Rowing Championships</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">First step on way to Rio Olympic qualification</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">August 30, 2015</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <figure class="featured-media"> <div class="featured-media-inner section-inner medium"> <img width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Stany Delayre (b), Jeremie Azou (s), Fran_" loading="lazy" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1980w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /> <figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Stany Delayre (b), Jeremie Azou (s), France, Lightweight Men's Double Sculls, Heat 4, 2015 World Rowing Championships, Aiguebelette, France</figcaption> </div><!-- .featured-media-inner --> </figure><!-- .featured-media --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p><strong>Lightweight Men’s Single Sculls (LM1x) – Heats</strong></p> <p>With six heats lined up made of a huge 32-nation pack, these scullers had to finish in a top three position to make it to the quarterfinals. Heat One got off to a bang featuring the current World Champion, Marcello Miani of Italy. The 31-year-old Italian set the World Best Time in this boat class last year and he showed his skill today against a field made up mainly of development countries. Algeria and Poland kept up early on, but Miani only really had to push for half the race to secure his spot.</p> <p>Japan shot out fast in Heat Two with the United States in hot pursuit. By the middle of the race Nicholas Trojan of the United States had edged into the lead with New Zealand’s Adam Ling moving into second. Ling then pulled away leaving an incredible fight for the line between Peru, USA and Japan. Japan was the unlucky one, missing out by just 0.30 of a second.</p> <p>Heat Three had Tim Brys of Belgium leading the way with Germany’s Konstantin Steinhuebel right on the pace. Brys and Steinheubel then spent the middle of the race going neck-and-neck and, despite both being in qualifying positions, the pair battled it out right to the line. A 40 stroke rate burst by Steinheubel gave him first. </p> <p> Heat Four had Jamie Kirkwood of Great Britain and Rajko Hrvat of Slovenia get away the quickest and followed a similar style of racing to Heat Three. Birthday boy Kirkwood, 26, and Hrvat went together through the middle of the race before Hrvat broke away leaving Kirkwood in a relatively content second place. Hrvat had recorded the fastest qualifying time.</p> <p>Serbia’s Milos Stanojevic led the way in Heat Five. Stanojevic took silver at World Rowing Cup III in July and he was able to move entirely away from the field, crossing the line with a huge open water lead.</p> <p>The sixth and final heat, Heat Six had Yajun Li of China showing the best start. But Li was soon reeled in by Gabor Csepregi of Hungary. Then Luka Radonic of Croatia did a push, found the lead and remained there. Radonic was third at this year’s World Rowing Under 23 Championships and he must be a favourite to do well at this regatta.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: ITA, POL, ALG, NZL, USA, PER, GER, BEL, GRE, SLO, GBR, TUR, SRB, POR, TUN, CRO, HUN, CHN</em></p> <p><strong>Lightweight Women’s Single Sculls (LW1x) – Heats</strong></p> <p>Four heats of lightweight women lined up with the first place only getting to go directly to the semifinals. This must have been quite an incentive for Brazil’s Fabiana Beltrame who overtook the Netherlands to take the lead in Heat One. Once out in front the 2011 World Champion, Beltrame was able to push away. Despite a big push by Australia’s Georgia Nesbitt in the close of the race, Beltrame still finished first using a steady 36 stroke rate. Beltrame is likely to go into a lightweight double later this season with the aim of qualifying for the Rio Olympics at the South American Continental Qualification Regatta.</p> <p>It was a dominating performance by Kathleen Bertko of the United States in Heat Two. Bertko has not raced internationally this season, but she was the world bronze medallist in 2014 and is known for her gutsy personality. Bertko led over Mexico with enough of a margin that she was able to drop her stroke rate to 26 in the closing metres of the race. Bertko had qualified for the semifinals.</p> <p>Zoe McBride of New Zealand has become quite a sensation. She set a new World Best Time in this boat class earlier in the season and then went on to win the lightweight double at the World Rowing Under 23 Championships. The 19-year-old raced in Heat Three and is a favourite to take gold at this regatta. McBride got away quickly and by the middle of the race had earned a huge lead over Canada. Retaining the lead McBride strode home at a 33 stroke rate pace and recorded the fastest qualifying time of a quick 7:40.</p> <p>Heat Four had Great Britain’s Imogen Walsh out in front. Walsh was formerly in her country’s lightweight double. Now back in the single Walsh won the European Championships earlier this year and took silver at World Rowing Cup II. Today was an easy win for Walsh who now moves on to the semifinals. </p> <p><em>Qualifiers: BRA, USA, NZL, GBR</em></p> <p><strong>Women’s Pair (W2-) – Heats</strong></p> <p>With 21 countries lining up, these pair rowers were divided into four heats with the top boat in each heat getting to go directly to the semifinals. Heat One turned into a full 2000m battle between Elisabeth Hogerwerf and Olivia van Rooijen of the Netherlands and Cristina Grigoras and Laura Oprea of Romania. Poland joined in the battle for the first half of the race but couldn’t handle the pace. Taking it to the final stroke, Hogerwerf and van Rooijen crossed just a bow ball ahead of Romania. Hogerwerf and Rooijen will also race in their country’s eight.</p> <p>With the reigning World and Olympic Champions in Heat Two, the race was practically over before it started. Heather Stanning and Helen Glover of Great Britain are unbeaten since 2012 in this boat class and they got out fast and into a dominating position by the middle of the race. South Africa tried hard to keep up, but did not have the power to keep up. Rating an easy 29, Stanning and Glover crossed the line in first.</p> <p>It was a battle between Denmark and the United States in Heat Three. At the start Denmark’s Hedvig Rasmussen and Anne Andersen had the edge, but Felice Mueller and Eleanor Logan of the United States stuck with them. Then a third 500 push by Mueller and Logan put their boat ahead. Denmark gave it their all to regain the lead. Both boats rated 38 in the final sprint with the United States winning by a boat length and recording the fastest qualifying time.</p> <p>At the start of Heat Four it was Grace Prendergast and Kerri Gowler of New Zealand in the lead. The New Zealand duo raced in the women’s four at last year’s World Rowing Championships and won. Now in the pair they took second at World Rowing Cup III in July. Canada followed in second, but did not look like they would be able to get ahead of a very comfortable looking Prendergast and Gowler. </p> <p><em>Qualifiers: NED, GBR, USA, NZL</em></p> <p><strong>Men’s Pair (M2-) – Heats</strong></p> <p> Five heats had been formed out of the 27 countries entered in this boat class. This meant that the top four boats in each heat would earn a direct path to the quarterfinals. The racing opened with the unbeaten New Zealand crew of Hamish Bond and Eric Murray doing what they do best – leading. The New Zealanders have been training as a team in Europe to prepare for these World Rowing Championships and today Bond and Murray looked well-seasoned and in good form. They led the way over Spain, Russia and Belarus.</p> <p>It was Milos Vasic and Nenad Bedik of Serbia who were doing like New Zealand in Heat Two – leading. Vasic and Bedik had the lead at the start and, despite being chased hard by the United States, they managed to keep their nose in front through to the finish line. Vasic and Bedik have had a great season so far and at the World Rowing Cup III in July they were the bronze medallists.</p> <p>After an initial lead by Romania in Heat Three, Great Britain’s James Foad and Matt Langridge got in front. Foad and Langridge are likely to be the strongest challengers to New Zealand’s domination of this race after becoming European Champions earlier this season and then taking second at World Rowing Cup III last month. Today Foad and Langridge broke away from the field with Germany and Romania fighting for second. A show of pure style, Foad and Langridge crossed the line easily in front and under no pressure.</p> <p>It was David Hunt and Shaun Keeling of South Africa who had the leading edge in Heat Four with Australia’s Jack Hargreaves and Nicholas Wheatley right with them in second. These two crews remained locked together for the entire race with Hunt and Keeling holding the edge. The last time these two crews met, it was the final of the pair at World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne, Australia finished fifth and South Africa was sixth. A slight turnaround today had Hunt and Keeling ahead of Hargreaves and Wheatley.</p> <p>Heat Five had full crowd support, not only because France was racing, but also because the race went to a near tie between three boats at the end. Throughout the race Italy, the Netherlands and France were all closely tied to each other, with Turkey also on the pace early on. Italy had the very accomplished Niccolo Mornati teamed up with Vincenzo Capelli. France Olympic medallists Germain Chardin and Dorian Mortelette and the Netherlands was former single sculler Roel Braas teamed up with sweep rower Mitchel Steenman. At the line Italy rated 40, France 47 and the Netherlands 40. Italy was first and recorded the fastest qualifying time of 6:28.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: NZL, ESP, RUS, BLR, SRB, USA, CAN, POL, GBR, ROU, GER, HUN, RSA, AUS, MEX, CHI, ITA, NED, FRA, TUR</em></p> <p><strong>Lightweight Men’s Double Sculls (LM2x) – Heats</strong></p> <p>This boat class saw 32 countries entered and they were divided into six heats with the top three boats in each heat getting to go to the quarterfinal. Last year’s World Champions, James Thompson and John Smith of South Africa led the way in Heat One. Thompson and Smith come from Olympic Champion lightweight men’s four and today they headed off Mexico to remain in the lead right through to the line.</p> <p>It looked to be a relatively easy ride for William Fletcher and Richard Chambers of Great Britain in Heat Two. The duo had the lead at the start and broke away to a clear water margin by the half way point. This meant at the other end of the race Fletcher and Chambers only had to rate 27 to cross the line first. Behind them Switzerland’s Daniel Wiederkehr and Michael Schmid managed to get the better in a battle with Huseyin Kandermir and Enes Kusku of Turkey. All of these crews qualified for the quarterfinal.</p> <p>The 2013 World Champions, Kristoffer Brun and Are Strandli of Norway had the fastest start in Heat Three. By the middle of the race, New Zealand had moved into second ahead of Germany. New Zealand has a new crew for 2015 made up of Olympic medallist Peter Taylor with former heavyweight rower, Hayden Cohen. Germany had the young duo of Moritz Moos and Jason Osborne. In the close of the race Brun and Strandli rated a comfortable 35 to cross the line first. Germany took their stroke to 42 to take second and New Zealand, on 36 looked rather relaxed.</p> <p>Heat Four opened with World Cup winners, France in the lead and closed with them still in the lead. Stany Delayre and Jeremie Azou of France were unlucky to finish with silver in 2014 and they are not planning to let that happen this year on their home course. Behind France, Ireland and Hungary battled it out right through to the line as France looked like comfortable leaders.</p> <p>Italy’s Andrea Micheletti and Pietro Ruta were the quickest starters in Heat Four and as the race progressed they were able to pull away to a boat length lead over the United States. These two boats moved away from Poland in third with the qualifiers thus all but decided. In the final sprint Italy and the new American combination of Andrew Campbell and Joshua Kinieczny kept their stroke rate high with Poland following suit. Micheletti and Ruta had recorded the fastest qualifying time of 6:15.</p> <p>Panagiotis Magdanis and Eleftherios Konsolas of Greece were just a bow ball ahead of the Netherlands in Heat Six. This gave them the lead which they held through the middle of the race. But the Dutch twins, Tycho and Vincent Muda held on as these two boats remained the leading crews through to the finish. Meanwhile coming up through the outside lane, Denmark’s Henrik Stephansen and Jens Nielsen, did a big sprint to grab the third and final qualifying spot.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: RSA, MEX, AUT, GBR, SUI, TUR, NOR, GER, NZL, FRA, IRL, HUN, GRE, NED, DEN</em></p> <p><strong>Lightweight Women’s Double Sculls (LW2x) – Heats</strong></p> <p>One of the biggest fields among the women, the lightweight double had 26 countries entered. They were divided into five heats and the rule here was to be in a top four spot to earn a direct path to the quarterfinals. Heat One featured the World Champion New Zealand crew of Sophie MacKenzie and Julia Edward. But it was Vietnam that had the fastest start. This did not last long as Denmark then got their nose into the lead. Edward and MacKenzie took over in front in the third 500. But Denmark’s Juliane Rasmussen and Anne Lolk Thomsen did not let the World Champions away lightly. Taking their stroke rate to 40, Rasmussen and Thomsen fought back and crossed the line in first and with the fastest qualifying time.</p> <p>Germany has put together a new combination for 2015 with young Fini Sturm teamed up with veteran Marie-Louise Draeger. They raced at the head of the field in Heat Two. But then Australia’s Alice McNamara and Ella Flecker did a push and got into the lead. Canada followed suit and after overtaking Germany, Lindsay Jennerich and Particia Obee went after Australia. Rating 40, Canada crossed the line in first. In a flurry to the line Australia only just held on to second over Germany with Greece taking fourth.</p> <p>Heat Three had Poland out in front at the start but with very close margins over the entire field, except for Italy who were left standing. Going through the middle of the race margins remained tight with four boats within two seconds of each other. Rating 36, Joanna Dorociak and Weronika Deresz of Poland remained just in front with Devery Karz and Michelle Sechser of the United States pushing through into second.</p> <p>The pace was set by Kirsten McCann and Ursula Grobler of South Africa in Heat Four. They had a blistering start and they broke away with a virtual line forming for second. By the middle of the race McCann and Grobler remained in front with a relaxed looking Romania following in second. When the lightweight double became an Olympic boat class in 1996, Romania dominated and did for the next couple of Olympics. That has all changed in recent years, but this Romanian crew was looking good. Going to the line, South Africa was still in the lead with the Netherlands overtaking Romania to take second.</p> <p>Heat Five featured the incredible comeback of Ireland’s Sinead Jennings. The 39-year-old was a World Champion back in 2001 and after taking a break from the sport which included having three kids and trying for the Irish Olympic cycling team, Jennings came back to rowing for 2015. Teamed up with Claire Lambe, the duo was heading the field. Great Britain, which included Olympic Champion Katherine Copelend, followed in second. This order remained the same as the Irish and the British led the way.</p> <p>The spread of winning times over these five heats was just two seconds. This boat class is going to be very tight.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: DEN, NZL, RUS, VIE, CAN, AUS, GER, GRE, POL, USA, SWE, CHN, RSA, NED, ROU, JPN, IRL, GBR, AUT, SUI</em></p> <p><strong>Men’s Four (M4-) – Heats</strong></p> <p>Four heats made up the men’s four with the top boat only getting to go directly to the semifinals. Italy had the lead for the entire race in Heat One. The Italians managed to build up a bit of a lead over Great Britain to keep out of trouble to cross the line in first. Some very competent crews will now have to contest the repechage. Italy recorded the fastest qualifying time of all of the heats.</p> <p>Winners of World Rowing Cup I, Belarus had the fastest start in Heat Two. But the margin was small and going through the middle of the race there was just three seconds separating the field. Canada had now got in front and once in that position, they managed to pull away. Then Russia put on a spurt down the outside, but Canada was ready and looked confident and together to cross the line in first.</p> <p>All boats got away rather evenly in Heat Three with the Netherlands earning just a slight lead. This did not last long as winners of World Rowing Cup III, Australia pushed in front. But between World Cup III and this regatta, the Australian crew was involved in a cycling accident during training that saw one crew member injured badly. Joshua Dunkley-Smith was brought into the boat. It must have been the right move as Australia won their heat today on the waters of Lake Aiguebelette.</p> <p>Serbia had the lead at the start of Heat Four, but they could not retain it as the United States charged through. Glenn Ochal, Charles Cole, Henrik Rummel and Seth Weil of the United States have not been seen much this season, but as 2014 silver medallists, they must have had a hunch that they were pretty good. Coming into the final sprint the United States kept the pressure on as South Africa kept them honest. South Africa included Lawrence Brittain who has overcome a fight with cancer to get to this regatta. The United States won, but South Africa looked very happy with their second place.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: ITA, CAN, AUS, USA</em></p> <p><strong>Men’s Quadruple Sculls (M4x) – Heats</strong></p> <p>This boat class had three heats and the top two boats in each heat would get to go to the semifinals. Heat One was almost a repeat of the final at World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne last month. Today Ukraine, who are the current World Champions, had the lead. But the lead was slight between the entire field and by the middle of the race only two seconds separated the field. Then Australia managed to push into the lead with Poland following suit. Ukraine could not get themselves back into a qualifying spot.</p> <p>Heat Two was almost as tight as Heat One. Switzerland had a slight lead and held it through the middle of the race with the rest of the field spread over just two seconds. The field then began to spread in the all important third 500 with Switzerland and the United States managing to get an ever so slight edge. Then in the final sprint New Zealand took their stroke rate into the mid-40s and closed on Switzerland. The Swiss fought back and a 46-48 stroke rate was seen. These became the two qualifying boats.</p> <p>Heat Three was nothing like the former two heats. Germany took the lead and pulled away to nearly a boat length lead going through the middle of the race. Canada did their best to hold on to the German Olympic Champions, but it was Lithuania that came storming through into second using an fabulous closing sprint.</p> <p>All three heat winners finished with a time of 5:43. This boat class is going to be close.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: AUS, POL, SUI, NZL, GER, LTU</em></p> <p><strong>Men’s Single Sculls (M1x) – Heats</strong></p> <p>The biggest boat class of the regatta – the men’s single had attracted 41 countries – the largest ever entry at a World Rowing event. This required a whopping eight heats with the top two boats in each heat getting to go directly to the quarterfinals. In Heat One Mindaugas Griskonis of Lithuania set the pace. Griskonis has been in the single for nearly his entire rowing career and now 29 years old, he’s continually improving. Griskonis crossed the line fist with Sverri Nielsen of Denmark taking second. Heat Two had last year’s silver medallist, Angel Fournier Rodriguez of Cuba dominating for the entire 2000m. Argentina’s Brian Rosso followed in second before being overtaken by Brazil’s Steve Hiestand.</p> <p>Heat Three had Canada’s Pascal Lussier get away quickly and hold the lead through the middle of the race. Then Belgium’s Hannes Obreno got his boat ahead of Lussier with Olaf Tufte of Norway in hot pursuit. Tufte is the 2004 and 2008 Olympic Champion, but has not been so successful in recent years. Today Tufte qualified along with Obreno.</p> <p>In the lead of Heat Four was the Olympic Champion, Mahe Drysdale of New Zealand. Drysdale showed his superiority in this heat by not really having to push it and instead saving himself for a busy week of racing. Using a 32 stroke rate pace, Drysdale did just enough to stay ahead of Juan Carlos Cabrera of Mexico. There were no other crews putting pressure on the two leading crews and the race order remained the same through to the line.</p> <p>The 2012 Olympic bronze medallist, Alan Campbell of Great Britain is back after an injury-plagued 2014 season. Campbell made easy work of Heat Five, leading with open water over Kenneth Jurkowski of the United States. These became the two qualifying boats. Heat Six did not present any surprises as World Champion, Ondrej Synek of the Czech Republic led the way and did just enough work to stay ahead of Dani Fridman of Israel. This order stayed the same right through to the end of the 2000m course.</p> <p>Damir Martin of Croatia came back from injury in 2014 and came into the single this year. He became the European Champion in May and proved that he was on form. Today, Martin raced at the head of the field in Heat Seven. Finland’s Robert Ven followed in second and the order remained the same through to the line.</p> <p>Heat Eight had Lars Hartig of Germany in the lead. Hartig has come from being a lightweight rower and into this boat class for the season. By the middle of the race Natan Wegrzycki-Szymczyk of Poland had overtaken Hartig as these two scullers moved away from the rest of the field. The tall under-23 medallist, Wegrzycki-Szymczyk remained in front as Stanislau Shcharbachenia of Belarus pushed past Hartig and into second. The two qualifiers had been decided with Hartig taking the pressure off.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: LTU, DEN, CUB, BRA, BEL, NOR, NZL, MEX, GBR, USA, CZE, ISR, CRO, FIN, POL, BLR</em></p> <p><strong>Women’s Single Sculls (W1x) – Heats</strong></p> <p>This boat class attracted 33 countries to compete making it the biggest field among the women’s boat classes. The goal here was to be in a top three position for a direct path to the quarterfinals. In Heat One, Germany’s Julia Richter went out into the lead at the start and by the middle of the race Richter had a handy lead over Magdalena Lobnig of Austria. Richter is part of Germany’s powerful women’s sculling squad and not making the leading boat, the quad, Richter was put into the single. In the final sprint Lobnig pushed ahead of Richter to finish first. Richter took second and Fiona Bourke of New Zealand qualified from third.</p> <p>Micheen Thornycroft of Zimbabwe led the way in Heat Two. Thornycroft has already been to one Olympic Games and is aiming for her second. Then Carling Zeeman of Canada closed on Thornycroft and pushed into the lead. Zeeman is known for her impressive erg score and power in the boat. Once in the lead Zeeman could not sit on her laurels as Lina Saltyte of Lithuania came storming through and took first right on the line.</p> <p>Heat Three had Olympic Champion Mirka Knapkova of the Czech Republic in the lead with the Netherlands and Ireland following very, very closely. Knapkova then inch by inch worked her way away from the rest of the field to an open water lead. Sanita Puspure of Ireland then slotted into second with Lisa Scheenaard of the Netherlands qualifying from third.</p> <p>Nigeria faced their first ever World Championship competition in Heat Four. Chierika Ukogo of Nigeria moved away in third place and she was still there at the 1000m mark. Leading the way was Fie Udby Erichsen of Denmark. Erichsen took silver at the 2012 Olympics and then took time out to have a baby before coming back to the sport. She led the way over Genevra Stone of the United States. The race then became very spread out with Ukogo being the third qualifier and thus the first Nigerian to make a rowing quarterfinal.</p> <p>It was a race for second in Heat Five with Olympic medallist, Kim Crow of Australia lining up. Crow comes to Aiguebelette following an unbeaten season and she does not look to be slowing down. Crow had an open water lead well within the first half of the race with Jeannine Gmelin of Switzerland back in second. Last year’s World Champion in the lightweight single, Eveline Peleman of Belgium followed in third. The order remained the same.</p> <p>After an initial lead by Belarus’s Tatsiana Kukhta, Heat Six saw Jingli Duan of China take over in front. Duan took bronze at last year’s World Championships but has been relatively quiet this season. Duan remained in the lead until the line with Kukhta qualifying from second and Olympic Champion from the women’s quad, Nataliya Dovgodko of Ukraine qualifying from third.</p> <p><em>Qualifiers: AUT, GER, NZL, LTU, CAN, ZIM, CZE, IRL, NED, DEN, USA, NGR, AUS, SUI, BEL, CHN, BLR, UKR</em></p> <p> </p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-6904 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-elite" id="post-6904"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">It’s Rowing Week on the Olympic Channel</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">August 29, 2015</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <figure class="featured-media"> <div class="featured-media-inner section-inner medium"> <img width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Rowing Faster Eric Murray and Hamish Bond (NZL) at the 2012 London Olympics" loading="lazy" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1980w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /> <figcaption class="wp-caption-text">2012 London Olympics</figcaption> </div><!-- .featured-media-inner --> </figure><!-- .featured-media --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p>Each day a new video will be posted on the Olympic Channel featuring a whole range of subjects including flashbacks of Olympic Champions and interviews with some of rowing’s favourite athletes. </p> <p>Tune in after 10am CEST to check out the latest posting on YouTube’s Olympic Channel.</p> <p> [YOUTUBE ID=”mdNzefoyxZ4″] </p> <p> [YOUTUBE ID=”Zx-VTQbrtSc”]</p> <p> [YOUTUBE ID=”5hoil6jVMdw”] </p> <p> [YOUTUBE ID=”5dSHUzzX7jI”] </p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-6906 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-other-regattas" id="post-6906"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Other Regattas</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">China hosts international university regatta</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">August 28, 2015</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <figure class="featured-media"> <div class="featured-media-inner section-inner medium"> <img width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1980w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /> </div><!-- .featured-media-inner --> </figure><!-- .featured-media --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p>Home to some 1.35 billion people, China has built a reputation for doing almost everything on an epic scale. Since the success of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, sport has played an increasingly major part of China’s policy. Rowing has enjoyed an explosion of popularity, especially within China’s university towns – although the term ‘town’ is hardly the right word for these metropolises.</p> <p>Rowers took centre stage in two of these university cities earlier this August when some of the top when many international university teams traveled to face off against the top university rowing talent from China. Two regattas for eights followed by a 10 day cultural programme and exchange gave athletes plenty to do throughout the duration of this unique event organised by the Chinese Water Sports Administration (the Chinese Rowing Association).</p> <p>Pavia University (ITA) took top honours in the final of the first regatta, the “Xinzhu Cup 2015 the 6<sup>th</sup> International University Rowing Regatta” in Chengdu, western China. Racing over 800m, Pavia had the advantage over Shanghai University (CHN) and University of Amsterdam (NED). </p> <p>Local favorites, Wuhan University claimed victory in the second regatta ahead of Amsterdam and Pavia. The race, called the “Graceful Dragon International Universities Rowing Regatta and Cultural Exchanges 2015” took place over 800m in Wuhan City, which is nearly 1,200 kilometers east of Xinjin City.</p> <p>Racing was only a small part of the series of events, with seminars and cultural activities taking place in both cities that aimed at building international partnerships and developing university rowing in China. Wuhan alone is home to 80 universities and colleges serving close to 1 million undergraduate students. Rowing is becoming more and more common on university campuses with new teams starting each year.</p> <p>Xidian University, which fielded a crew in these events, established their rowing team in April of this year and in the first four months, they have attracted more than 350 students to their programme. These races and, perhaps more importantly, cultural exchanges, are helping fuel this exponential growth in the sport of rowing in China.</p> <p>The local and international rowers attended conferences that focused on leadership, education and innovation. Students heard from leaders in global business and also made their own presentations on a variety of subjects. The topics ranged from ‘Functions of rowing to the forming of college students’ personality and competence’ to ‘The promotion of rowing to the construction of campus culture in universities and the problems of holding rowing in universities’.</p> <p> [PHOTO src=”120799″ size=”mediumLandscape” align=”right”]</p> <p>“Rowing is one of the traditional and influential Olympic events,” says Antonio Bassi, member of the Lombardy Rowing Committee and affiliated with the Pavia University team. “It is good for nurturing teamwork, spirit and passion. All these regattas will facilitate the development of rowing in China, enhance cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries and spread the image of an open and confident country.”</p> <p>“More than sport,” says Bassi, “this event was really an exciting human adventure of cultural exchange. It was an amazing meeting of so many international university crews from all over the world. And the chance to discover the Chinese culture by seeing some beautiful Chinese places and tasting great local food.”</p> <p>Participating crews at this year’s events came from across China and around the world. From China were Shanghai Jiaotong University, the Fourth Military Medical University (in Wuhan, established 2009), Xidian Univeristy (founded April 2015), Peking University and Wuhan University. International teams travelled from Canada (Queen’s University), Germany (Macromedia University), Great Britain (London University), Italy (Pavia University), the Netherlands (University of Amsterdam ), New Zealand (Otago University), Russia (Saint Petersburg University) and the United States of America (Yale University). A local high school also attended the event.</p> <p>“From all the international crews,” states Bassi, “a big thank you to the organizing committee, to the judges, coaches, working staff and the wonderful volunteers… and ready for next year!”</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-6908 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-elite category-world-rowing-championships" id="post-6908"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> <a href="" rel="category tag">World Rowing Championships</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Who to watch; 2015 World Rowing Championships</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">August 27, 2015</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <figure class="featured-media"> <div class="featured-media-inner section-inner medium"> <img width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1980w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /> </div><!-- .featured-media-inner --> </figure><!-- .featured-media --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p><strong>Women’s Pair (W2-)</strong></p> <p>This boat class remains the domain of the unstoppable British women’s pair of Heather Stanning and Helen Glover. The duo have not lost a single race together since their Olympic gold medal at London 2012 and they’ve created a race plan that sees them lead from start to finish. </p> <p>The only crew that looks able to rattle the British is the young New Zealand line up of Kerri Gowler and Grace Prendergast. Their enthusiasm has shown that Stanning and Glover cannot sit back and relax. </p> <p>Also regular medal contenders is the United States. Although their line ups regularly change, the strength of the US women’s sweep squad is well-known and for Aiguebelette head coach Tom Terhaar has put together two top rowers, Eleanor Logan and Felice Mueller to take on the British. </p> <p>Keep an eye out too for the Netherlands. At the European Rowing Championships Elisabeth Hogerwerf and Olivia Van Rooijen chased the British to the line. </p> <p><strong>Men’s Pair (M2-) </strong></p> <p>Unbeatable? Hamish Bond and Eric Murray, the New Zealand duo reign supreme. They are the Olympic Champions, multi World Champions and World Best Time holders and at the 2015 World Rowing Cup in Lucerne recorded their 57<sup>th</sup> straight win. </p> <p>Great Britain’s Matt Langdridge and James Foad may be the best bet to challenge the leaders. They are last year’s world silver medallists and this year became the 2015 European Rowing Champions with a silver behind New Zealand at World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne. Crossing the line on the heels of the British boat in Lucerne were the Serbs Milos Vasic and Nenad Bedik. They also won a bronze medal at the European champs this year. </p> <p>Watch out too for the Dutch boat of Mitchel Steenman and Roel Braas. The duo won the most World Cup points in 2015 in this event. They also took bronze at the World Rowing Cup in Varese and in Lucerne they finished fourth.</p> <p><strong>Lightweight Men’s Double Sculls (LM2x)</strong></p> <p>France’s Jeremie Azou and Stany Delayre have dominated this season coming to Aiguebelette unbeaten. But after they finished with silver at the 2014 World Rowing Championships, everyone knows the unexpected can happen. The 2014 winners, John Smith and James Thompson of South Africa have raced just once this season finishing second to the French. Their powerful sprint will no doubt be in the thoughts of Azou and Delayre. </p> <p>Norwegians Kristoffer Brun and Are Strandli are the 2013 World Champions and have since medalled at each World Rowing regatta that they entered. In Lucerne they took bronze. With 33 countries entered there will also be challenges coming from Germany, Great Britain and Denmark.</p> <p> [PHOTO src=”120775″ size=”mediumLandscape” align=”right”] </p> <p><strong>Lightweight Women’s Double Sculls (LW2x)</strong></p> <p>Great Britain’s Charlotte Taylor and Katherine Copeland set a new World Best Time at the World Rowing Cup in Varese, but in Lucerne the duo were overcome by New Zealand’s World Champion crew of Julia Edward and Sophie Mackenzie. These two boats are likely to form the leading clash. </p> <p>Challenging them is likely to be South Africa and the United States. South Africans Ursula Grobler and Kirsten McCann finished fourth overall at the 2014 World Rowing Championships and this year in Lucerne they took silver behind New Zealand. United States rowers Devery Karz and Michelle Sechser won bronze at the final stage of this year’s World Rowing Cup in Lucerne. Also keep Germany’s Marie-Louise Draeger and Fini Sturm on the radar – they medalled twice this year so far.</p> <p><strong>Men’s Four (M4-)</strong></p> <p>Traditionally the domain of the British, when head coach Juergen Grobler decided to prioritise the men’s eight, the four became less of a focus. Still, Great Britain won the European Rowing Championships before the field opened up. Belarus won the first World Cup, United States won the second with Australia winning the third World Cup.</p> <p>With this variety at the head of the field, it is anyone’s guess who will win in Aiguebelette. But the above countries will certainly stand out. Add Canada to the mix as well as the Italians and the Greeks and you will have a race where the fight to get into the final is likely to be incredibly tight. </p> <p><strong>Women’s Quadruple Sculls (W4x)</strong></p> <p>Germany has been calling the shots recently in this boat class. They own the World Championship title from 2013 and 2014 and also own the World Best Time. </p> <p>Other podium contenders include The Netherlands, who took silver at the European Rowing Championships this year and bronze in Lucerne, as well as Poland who took bronze at the Europeans and silver in Varese. Look out too for Australia and the United States who were also in the mix of medals during the World Rowing Cup season. </p> <p><strong>Men’s Quadruple Sculls (M4x)</strong></p> <p>When Great Britain beat Germany earlier this season, it opened the door to excitement and uncertainly in this boat class. The Germans are the Olympic Champions and after finishing third in 2014 they will be aiming to be back on top.</p> <p>But watch out for the reigning World Champions, Ukraine. They raced once only this season, at the European Rowing Championships, and took silver behind Russia who took the European title. Look out too for Estonia. They were fourth at the 2012 Olympics and have been rebuilding their boat ever since. They took bronze in Lucerne while another medal contender, Canada, claimed bronze in Varese.</p> <p><strong>Men’s Double Sculls (M2x)</strong></p> <p>At the start of the season, Germany’s top single scullers Marcel Hacker and Stephan Krueger were united to form their nation’s double sculls combination. They won gold at the first leg of the World Rowing Cup in Bled and at the European Rowing Championships. </p> <p>But at the second and third stages of the World Rowing Cup in Varese and in Lucerne the Croatian Sinkovic brothers won the gold. Martin and Valent Sinkovic are the reigning World Champions and World Best Time holders in the double and favourites to retain the title as so far this season their wins have been a picture of domination. </p> <p>But there are three medals to be had so look out for Australia. They medalled twice this season, with James McRae and Alexander Belonogoff taking silver in Varese and bronze in Lucerne. They are last year’s world bronze medallists. Keep an eye out for the powerful duo of Aleksandar Aleksandrov and Boris Yotov of Azerbaijan as well as Norway and Lithuania. </p> <p><strong>Women’s Double Sculls (W2x)</strong></p> <p>New Zealand took gold at both regattas that they entered this year: World Rowing Cup II in Varese and World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne. Zoe Stevenson was part of the 2014 World Champion boat, and Eve Macfarlane joined her in the double this year. </p> <p>The United States crew of Meghan O’Leary and Ellen Tomek finished sixth last year at the World Rowing Championships and seems on track to do well in Aiguebelette. They raced once so far this season, at World Rowing Cup II in Varese, and took silver behind New Zealand.</p> <p>Australia’s Sally Kehoe and Olympia Aldersey set a World Best Time at the 2014 World Rowing Championships and won bronze overall. This year, they finished fifth at World Rowing Cup II in Varese and then took silver at World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne. </p> <p>Other boats to look out for include Poland, last year’s world silver medallists, who earned the European Championship title this year. Lithuania, Great Britain and Belarus will also be aiming for medals. </p> <p> [PHOTO src=”119710″ size=”mediumLandscape” align=”right”] </p> <p><strong>Lightweight Men’s Four (LM4-)</strong></p> <p>The dynamic of the Danish – New Zealand rivalry that built up last year is different. Both boats have had one crew change with New Zealand now looking to be the top boat. The New Zealanders won both races that they entered and found their greatest challenge coming from Switzerland who have brought their 2012 Olympic boat back together. </p> <p>Denmark is still in the mix and France and Great Britain will also be vying for the medals. </p> <p><strong>Women’s Eight (W8+)</strong></p> <p>The United States have not lost a single race in the women’s eight in nine years. They set two World Best Times during this time and remain the clear favourites. Canada, however, will do all that they can to knock the Americans off the top spot. They are regularly the silver medallists. Watch out for New Zealand. They formed a new crew in this event and created quite a stir at the World Rowing Cup in Lucerne when they won silver behind Canada. </p> <p>Russia presented a talented line-up at the European Rowing Championships where they crossed the line in gold ahead of The Netherlands and Romania. When racing at their best, Great Britain are podium contenders too.</p> <p> [PHOTO src=”119346″ size=”mediumLandscape” align=”right”] </p> <p><strong>Men’s Single Sculls (M1x)</strong></p> <p>Mahe Drysdale, the reigning Olympic Champion, showed his ongoing form by winning gold in Varese and then dominating in Lucerne.</p> <p>In Varese, Drysdale won ahead of Cuba’s Angel Fournier Rodriguez and in Lucerne ahead of Lithuanian Mindaugas Griskonis. Fournier has seen increasing success in the single since the London 2012 Olympic Games. Griskonis is a three-time European Champion and this year he took silver in Lucerne ahead of two-time Olympic silver medallist and three-time World Champion Ondrej Synek of the Czech Republic. This has not been a great season for Synek, but his experience should pay off at the right time. </p> <p>Watch out too for Alan Campbell of Great Britain and Damir Martin of Croatia. Both have medalled this season. </p> <p><strong>Women’s Single Sculls (W1x)</strong></p> <p>Australia’s Kim Crow has been absolutely dominating the field this season. The 2013 World Champion and 2014 silver medallist won both World Rowing Cup regattas that she entered in 2015. </p> <p>Crow’s main challengers include 2012 Olympic Champion from the Czech Republic, Mirka Knapkova, and Genevra Stone from the United States. Both have picked up medals this season. </p> <p><strong>Men’s Eight (M8+)</strong></p> <p>Germany are the reigning Olympic Champions in this event, while Great Britain took World Championship gold twice in a row, in 2013 and 2014. They have been facing off all season and will do it again at Aiguebelette. </p> <p>Hoping to get in on this two-way battle is the Poland and Russia with the young crews from New Zealand and the United States, who each took World Cup bronze, also knocking on the door. </p> <p> <strong>International boat classes</strong></p> <p>Watch out for New Zealand’s 20-year-old Zoe McBride in the <strong>lightweight women’s single sculls (LW1x)</strong>. She established a new World Best Time this year at World Rowing Cup III in Lucerne, Switzerland. McBride’s toughest challenge is likely to come from European Champion, Imogen Walsh (GBR) and Brazil’s Fabiana Beltrame. </p> <p>Slovakia’s Lukas Babac has collected two silvers and a gold this season and is looking in a prime position in the <strong>lightweight men’s single sculls (LM1x)</strong>. He will face 2014 World Champion, Marcello Miani of Italy. Watch out too for the promising Luka Radonic of Croatia and Great Britain’s Jamie Kirkwood. </p> <p>Great Britain has entered Joel Cassells and Sam Scrimgeour to push for medals in the <strong>lightweight men’s pair (LM2-)</strong>. They will face tough competition from Theophile Onfroy and Augustin Mouterde of France who have already medalled twice this season. Watch out too for Armando Dell’Aquila and Petru Zaharia of Italy. Germany, Italy and Turkey took out the medals last year in the <strong>lightweight men’s eight (LM8+)</strong>. They will do battle again this year. </p> <p>It will be hard to look past the United States in the <strong>women’s four (W4-) </strong>with names like Grace Latz and Grace Luczak in the boat. Great Britain may be the crew to challenge. In the <strong>men’s coxed pair (M2+) </strong>the British crew of Nathaniel Reilly-O’Donnell and Matthew Tarrant with coxswain Henry Fieldman will be hard to beat. </p> <p>France has slotted top sculler Pierre Houin into their <strong>lightweight men’s quadruple sculls (LM4x).</strong> This will boost their boat as they face a crew from Great Britain who are made up mainly of their under-23 silver medal crew. Watch out too for Italy who regularly do well in this boat class. For the <strong>lightweight women’s quadruple sculls (LW4x)</strong> Germany looks to be the crew to beat with Anja Noske and Lena Mueller sitting in the boat. But watch out too for reigning World Champions, the Netherlands. </p> <p><strong>Para-rowing boat classes</strong></p> <p>This year at World Rowing Cup II in Varese, Italy it was Israel’s Moran Samuel who took the top spot in the<strong> para women’s single sculls (ASW1x)</strong>. Samuel already has world silver (from 2013) and world bronze (from 2011) to her name but she will be up against reigning World Champion, Birgit Skarstein of Norway. Look out too for Claudia Santos of Brazil who has been competing since 2007. </p> <p>Reigning World Champion Erik Horrie of Australia currently dominates the <strong>para men’s single sculls (ASM1x)</strong>. He took gold this year at World Rowing Cup II ahead of Russia’s Alexey Chuvashev and 2008 Paralympic Champion, Tom Aggar of Great Britain. Also watch out for the return to rowing of 2012 Paralympic Champion, Cheng Huang of China.</p> <p> [PHOTO src=”119266″ size=”mediumLandscape” align=”right”] </p> <p>Australia is also looking good in the <strong>para mixed double sculls (TAMix2x)</strong> with Kathryn Ross and Gavin Bellis the winners at Varese. They also have two World Championship titles. Challenging hard will be Josiane Lima and Michel Gomes Pessanha of Brazil. They finished with bronze last year. Also watch out for regular medallists, Perle Bouge and Stephane Tardieu of France. </p> <p>The British have been the ones to beat in the <strong>para mixed coxed four (LTAMix4+)</strong>, having not lost a race since 2011. Italy finished second in Varese and are also the 2014 world silver medallists. They will challenge Great Britain along with France who have a bronze medal from Varese. </p> <p> </p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-6910 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry" id="post-6910"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">Enter to WIN tickets to Rio – Please donate now</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 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C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">August 26, 2015</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <figure class="featured-media"> <div class="featured-media-inner section-inner medium"> <img width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" loading="lazy" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1980w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /> </div><!-- .featured-media-inner --> </figure><!-- .featured-media --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p>NULL</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-6912 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-para-rowing" id="post-6912"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Para-Rowing</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">A growing sport: para-rowing</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">August 25, 2015</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <figure class="featured-media"> <div class="featured-media-inner section-inner medium"> <img width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="A rower at the para-rowing camp in Gavirate. Photo thanks to Shirley Stokes" loading="lazy" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1980w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /> <figcaption class="wp-caption-text">A rower at the para-rowing camp in Gavirate. Photo thanks to Shirley Stokes</figcaption> </div><!-- .featured-media-inner --> </figure><!-- .featured-media --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p>Seventy boats overall have entered in the four events on the Paralympic programme: 15 in the AS women’s single sculls, 24 in the AS men’s single sculls, 14 in the TA mixed double sculls and 17 in the LTA mixed coxed four. Previous Paralympic qualification years, the 2007 and 2011 World Rowing Championships, saw 62 boats and 57 boats entered respectively. </p> <p>Competition will be fierce as only the eight highest ranking boats in each category will qualify in Aiguebelette for the 2016 Paralympic Games. Next year, at the final Paralympic Qualification Regatta, a further two boats in each event will be given a last chance to qualify.</p> <p>The Para-Rowing Training Camp held in Gavirate, Italy, can be credited for having played a role in this growing success. The ten-day camp, held from 7 to 17 May, was a combined effort by several stakeholders to encourage the participation of new nations that had not yet participated in para-rowing at World Championship level. Funded by FISA and the Agitos Foundation, the camp was facilitated by the Italian Rowing Federation (FIC) and also received the support of the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS).</p> <p>No fewer than five athletes in the AS men’s single sculls who attended the camp will line up at their first World Rowing Championships in one week’s time. They come from the Czech Republic, Hong Kong China, Kenya, Lithuania and Mexico. Also, a female Mexican athlete who took part in the camp will race in Aiguebelette at her first World Rowing Championships in the AS women’s single sculls. In the LTA mixed coxed four, Austria will be sending their first para crew to a World Rowing Championships, after having taken part in this spring’s training camp. </p> <p>In addition to on-water training, strength drills and recovery sessions, the camp’s ten-day programme covered topics such as boat rigging, equipment regulations, athlete selection for the appropriate boat classes, an overview of para-rowing classifications and how to develop a national para-rowing programme. </p> <p>The Gavirate Rowing Club made its facilities, such as its club house, boat park, gym, catamaran, coaches and boats (including boats recruited from Filippi, FIC and Swift), available to the camp. The club also coordinated all of the activities in the lead up to the camp. Club volunteers also attended to the various needs of the athletes and coaches present.</p> <p> [PHOTO src=”120792″ size=”mediumLandscape” align=”right”] </p> <p>The European-based training centre of the Australian Institute of Sport hosted the accommodation, the meals and the seminars.</p> <p>Paola Grizzetti, an Italy-based member of FISA’s Para Rowing Commission, as well as Shirley Stokes from Australia acted as the main coordinators of the camp. </p> <p>President of the Italian Rowing Federation, Giuseppe Abbagnale, said: “The Italian Rowing Federation considered it important to help FISA with the Para Rowing Training Camp, in the context of the development programme. In this case we offered the assistance of two coaches who worked in synergy with the Gavirate rowing club which offered facilities and Paola’s experience, helping developing countries to learn training techniques and being involved in the rowing world by participating for the first time in an international regatta. We really hope these developing national federations can bring some new expertise and what they’ve learned to their countries of origin and of course join permanently the world of rowing for the global growth of our sport and, generally, to implement social inclusion, to show how much a disabled person can do giving everyone a better vision of their life.”</p> <p>During the World Rowing Championships (30 August – 6 September), <a href=""></a> will publish live results of all para-rowing races and video stream the A and B Finals live on Thursday 3 September.</p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-6914 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-other-regattas" id="post-6914"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Other Regattas</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">University rowing through the ages – the University of Pavia, Italy</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">August 24, 2015</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- .entry-header-inner --> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <figure class="featured-media"> <div class="featured-media-inner section-inner medium"> <img width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="The University of Pavia men's eight." loading="lazy" srcset=" 1200w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w, 1980w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /> <figcaption class="wp-caption-text">The University of Pavia men's eight.</figcaption> </div><!-- .featured-media-inner --> </figure><!-- .featured-media --> <div class="post-inner thin "> <div class="entry-content"> <p>The Romans called it Ticinus Fluvius, along whose banks in AD 476 the last emperor made his final stand in the declining days of the Western Roman Empire. Today, more than 1,600 years later, the Ticino continues to bear witness to a different sort of battle: one of boats and blades.</p> <p>Since 1929, the crews of Pavia and their rivals from the University of Pisa have contested for supremacy in eights in the Regatta Pavia-Pisa that is hosted alternately by each institution. The regatta itself commemorates the students of both universities who gave their lives in the opening battles of the first Italian War of Independence in 1848.</p> <p>Despite a number of difficulties over the years, the race has been a near annual feature and is in fact second in age only to the famous Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge Universities in Great Britain in terms of European university rowing competitions. This link was further highlighted during a special edition of the match in 2011 to celebrate 650 years since the founding of the University of Pavia that saw crews from both Oxford and Cambridge participate alongside Pavia and Pisa. As of 2015, when Pavia took the gold, the record stands at 32 wins for Pavia and 18 for Pisa.</p> <p>Rowing at Pavia, however, includes far more than simply one race. “The university rowing calendar starts in February and ends in September,” explains Cesare Dacarro, president of the rowing club. “Beyond the Regatta Pavia-Pisa, there are several competitions through the year: three regional level regattas, three national level regattas, three Italian Championship regattas and the Italian University Championships”, which are held each May. Pavia topped the ranking at this year’s event with 205 points with Pisa close in second place with 202.</p> <p>The team also focuses on a few major international events each year, such as Head of the River in Great Britain, while individual students and graduates regularly participate on Italian national teams at World Rowing Cup and World Rowing Championship events at both the under 23 and senior levels, as well as the Olympic Games. Pavia rower Simone Molteni recently won gold in the Italian lightweight men’s double sculls at the 2015 Universiade in Korea.</p> <p>“Studying and rowing are very balanced at Pavia,” Dacarro says, “and almost all athletes are part of the national team at least one time in their course of study. From the 1980s to today there are about a hundred athletes who have worn the Italian team’s blue jersey, who were students at the University of Pavia. These athletes have brought in more than 90 medals in World Championships and Olympics, of which 40 have been gold.”</p> <p>“The competitive team at Pavia consists of about twenty athletes,” says Dacarro, “and all are students at the University.” A recreational or amateur programme also exists for both students and members of the community. “There are another 50 students and 20 community youth in the amateur programme each year. Newcomers are also included here and some participate in the National Novice Championships or regional races. We start them off in fours or doubles and following this they will be put in singles.”</p> <p>Numbering ten students this year, women currently account for about 15 per cent of the team, but this is changing according to Antonio Bassi of the Lombardy Rowing Committee. “Women’s rowing is increasing in Italy, but it is not yet as big as in other countries. One of the next goals will be to have the women participate in the Regatta Pavia-Pisa.”</p> <p> </p> <p>University rowing is still relatively small in Italy and has been attached to a handful of university rowing centres known in Italian as “colleghi universitari”. These are designated by the Italian Rowing Federation. Pavia received this distinction in 1970 and has steadily grown in success over the years. </p> <p>World Rowing will take a look at a different university club programmes to find out what makes them unique and what elements have contributed to their success. From student start-ups to Olympian production lines, is there a global definition of success in university rowing? If you think your university should be profiled, please contact us and tell us what sets your team apart: <a href=""></a></p> </div><!-- .entry-content --> </div><!-- .post-inner --> <div class="section-inner"> </div><!-- .section-inner --> </article><!-- .post --> <hr class="post-separator styled-separator is-style-wide section-inner" aria-hidden="true" /> <article class="post-6916 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-conferences-congress category-elite category-other-regattas" id="post-6916"> <header class="entry-header has-text-align-center"> <div class="entry-header-inner section-inner medium"> <div class="entry-categories"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Categories </span> <div class="entry-categories-inner"> <a href="" rel="category tag">Conferences and Congress</a> <a href="" rel="category tag">Elite</a> <a href="" rel="category tag">Other Regattas</a> </div><!-- .entry-categories-inner --> </div><!-- .entry-categories --> <h2 class="entry-title heading-size-1"><a href="">2015 World Rowing Championship Organising Committee</a></h2> <div class="post-meta-wrapper post-meta-single post-meta-single-top"> <ul class="post-meta"> <li class="post-author meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post author </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20"><path fill="" d="M18,19 C18,19.5522847 17.5522847,20 17,20 C16.4477153,20 16,19.5522847 16,19 L16,17 C16,15.3431458 14.6568542,14 13,14 L5,14 C3.34314575,14 2,15.3431458 2,17 L2,19 C2,19.5522847 1.55228475,20 1,20 C0.44771525,20 0,19.5522847 0,19 L0,17 C0,14.2385763 2.23857625,12 5,12 L13,12 C15.7614237,12 18,14.2385763 18,17 L18,19 Z M9,10 C6.23857625,10 4,7.76142375 4,5 C4,2.23857625 6.23857625,0 9,0 C11.7614237,0 14,2.23857625 14,5 C14,7.76142375 11.7614237,10 9,10 Z M9,8 C10.6568542,8 12,6.65685425 12,5 C12,3.34314575 10.6568542,2 9,2 C7.34314575,2 6,3.34314575 6,5 C6,6.65685425 7.34314575,8 9,8 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> By <a href="">Jonathan MCconnell</a> </span> </li> <li class="post-date meta-wrapper"> <span class="meta-icon"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> Post date </span> <svg class="svg-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns="" width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19"><path fill="" d="M4.60069444,4.09375 L3.25,4.09375 C2.47334957,4.09375 1.84375,4.72334957 1.84375,5.5 L1.84375,7.26736111 L16.15625,7.26736111 L16.15625,5.5 C16.15625,4.72334957 15.5266504,4.09375 14.75,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.09375 L13.3993056,4.55555556 C13.3993056,5.02154581 13.0215458,5.39930556 12.5555556,5.39930556 C12.0895653,5.39930556 11.7118056,5.02154581 11.7118056,4.55555556 L11.7118056,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.09375 L6.28819444,4.55555556 C6.28819444,5.02154581 5.9104347,5.39930556 5.44444444,5.39930556 C4.97845419,5.39930556 4.60069444,5.02154581 4.60069444,4.55555556 L4.60069444,4.09375 Z M6.28819444,2.40625 L11.7118056,2.40625 L11.7118056,1 C11.7118056,0.534009742 12.0895653,0.15625 12.5555556,0.15625 C13.0215458,0.15625 13.3993056,0.534009742 13.3993056,1 L13.3993056,2.40625 L14.75,2.40625 C16.4586309,2.40625 17.84375,3.79136906 17.84375,5.5 L17.84375,15.875 C17.84375,17.5836309 16.4586309,18.96875 14.75,18.96875 L3.25,18.96875 C1.54136906,18.96875 0.15625,17.5836309 0.15625,15.875 L0.15625,5.5 C0.15625,3.79136906 1.54136906,2.40625 3.25,2.40625 L4.60069444,2.40625 L4.60069444,1 C4.60069444,0.534009742 4.97845419,0.15625 5.44444444,0.15625 C5.9104347,0.15625 6.28819444,0.534009742 6.28819444,1 L6.28819444,2.40625 Z M1.84375,8.95486111 L1.84375,15.875 C1.84375,16.6516504 2.47334957,17.28125 3.25,17.28125 L14.75,17.28125 C15.5266504,17.28125 16.15625,16.6516504 16.15625,15.875 L16.15625,8.95486111 L1.84375,8.95486111 Z" /></svg> </span> <span class="meta-text"> <a href="">August 24, 2015</a> </span> </li> </ul><!-- .post-meta --> </div><!-- .post-meta-wrapper --> </div><!-- 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