Gdzie transmisja meczu RSC Anderlecht - KAA Gent?
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style="font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;text-align:justify;">Rozpiska transmisji na żywo meczów piłki nożnej w polskiej telewizji i streamingu oraz na kanałach FTA z Hot Birda 13°E i Astry 19,2°E na niedzielę 24 listopada. Transmisja meczu Jupiler Pro League: RSC Anderlecht - KAA Gent w Eleven Sports 2.</span> <br><br> </div> <div id="SATKurierNews_top_300x150_r" style="margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;margin-bottom:26px;"></div> <br><br> <div id="newsContent" style="text-align: justify; position:relative;"> <div class="coverNews" style="z-index:100"> <div style="position:absolute; bottom: 24px; color: red; font-size: 16px;"> Prosimy o wyłączenie blokowania reklam i odświeżenie strony. </div> </div> <h2>Piłka nożna na żywo - 24 listopada (niedziela)</h2> <hr /><br /> 12:00 Betclic 1. Liga:<br /> <strong>Warta Poznań - Pogoń Siedlce</strong>, <strong><span style="background-color:#ebfe0e;"></span></strong><br /> <br /> 12:00 Betclic 2. Liga:<br /> <strong>KS Wieczysta Kraków - Zagłębie Lubin II</strong>, <strong><span style="background-color:#ebfe0e;"></span></strong><br /> <br /> 12:15 PKO BP Ekstraklasa:<br /> <strong>Radomiak Radom - PGE FKS Stal Mielec</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0ca10d ">CANAL+ 360</span></strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0ca10d ">CANAL+ Sport 3</span></strong><br /> <br /> 12:30 Serie A:<br /> <strong>Genoa CFC - Cagliari Calcio</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#f8141f ">Eleven Sports 1</span></strong>, <strong><span style="color:#f8141f ">Eleven Sports 4</span></strong><br /> <hr /><br /> 13:30 2. Bundesliga:<br /> <strong>1. FC Kaiserslautern - Eintracht Braunschweig</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#b32298 ">Viaplay</span></strong><br /> <br /> 13:30 2. Bundesliga:<br /> <strong>SSV Jahn Regensburg - 1. FC Magdeburg</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#b32298 ">Viaplay</span></strong><br /> <hr /><br /> 14:00 LaLiga EA Sports:<br /> <strong>CA Osasuna - Villarreal CF</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#f8141f ">Eleven Sports 2</span></strong><br /> <br /> 14:30 Betclic 1. Liga:<br /> <strong>Polonia Warszawa - Ruch Chorzów</strong>, <strong><span style="background-color:#ebfe0e;">TVP Sport</span></strong>, <strong><span style="background-color:#ebfe0e ">TVP Polonia</span></strong>, <strong><span style="background-color:#ebfe0e;"></span></strong><br /> <br /> 14:45 PKO BP Ekstraklasa:<br /> <strong>Raków Częstochowa - Korona Kielce</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0ca10d ">CANAL+ Sport 3</span></strong><br /> <hr /><br /> 15:00 Ligue 1 McDonald's:<br /> <strong>Lille OSC - Stade Rennais FC</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#f8141f ">Eleven Sports 4</span></strong><br /> <br /> 15:00 Premier League:<br /> <strong>Southampton FC - Liverpool FC</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0ca10d ">CANAL+ Sport</span></strong>, <strong><span style="color:#b32298 ">Viaplay</span></strong><br /> <br /> 15:00 Prva liga Telemach:<br /> <strong>NŠ Mura - NK Olimpija Lublana</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#8b0000 ">Sportklub</span></strong><br /> <br /> 15:00 Serie A:<br /> <strong>Como 1907 - ACF Fiorentina</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#f8141f ">Eleven Sports 1</span></strong><br /> <br /> 15:00 Serie A:<br /> <strong>Torino FC - AC Monza</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#f8141f ">Eleven Sports 3</span></strong><br /> <br /> 15:30 Bundesliga:<br /> <strong>Holstein Kiel - 1. FSV Mainz 05</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#b32298 ">Viaplay</span></strong><br /> <br /> 15:30 Chance Liga:<br /> <strong>SK Dynamo Czeskie Budziejowice - SK Slavia Praga</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0073ff ">Polsat Sport 3</span></strong><br /> <hr /><br /> 16:00 Betclic 3. Liga:<br /> <strong>Polonia Środa - Vineta Wolin</strong>, <span style="color:#0000FF;">YouTube Polonia Środa</span><br /> <br /> 16:00 Sky Bet Championship:<br /> <strong>Swansea City - Leeds United</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#b32298 ">Viaplay</span></strong><br /> <br /> 16:15 LaLiga EA Sports:<br /> <strong>Sevilla FC - Rayo Vallecano</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0ca10d ">CANAL+ Sport 5</span></strong><br /> <br /> 16:45 Eredivisie:<br /> <strong>Ajax Amsterdam - PEC Zwolle</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0073ff ">Polsat Sport 2</span></strong><br /> <hr /><br /> 17:00 Betclic 1. Liga:<br /> <strong>Arka Gdynia - Stal Stalowa Wola</strong>, <strong><span style="background-color:#ebfe0e;"></span></strong><br /> <br /> 17:00 Ligue 1 McDonald's:<br /> <strong>AJ Auxerre - Angers SCO</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#f8141f ">Eleven Sports 3</span></strong><br /> <br /> 17:00 Ligue 1 McDonald's:<br /> <strong>FC Nantes - Le Havre FC</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#f8141f ">Eleven Sports 4</span></strong><br /> <br /> 17:30 Bundesliga:<br /> <strong>Borussia Mönchengladbach - FC St. Pauli</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#b32298 ">Viaplay</span></strong><br /> <br /> 17:30 PKO BP Ekstraklasa:<br /> <strong>Górnik Zabrze - Piast Gliwice</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0ca10d ">CANAL+ Premium</span></strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0ca10d ">CANAL+ Sport 3</span></strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0ca10d ">CANAL+ 4K Ultra HD</span></strong><br /> <br /> 17:30 Premier League:<br /> <strong>Ipswich Town - Manchester United</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0ca10d ">CANAL+ Sport 2</span></strong>, <strong><span style="color:#b32298 ">Viaplay</span></strong><br /> <hr /><br /> 18:00 Roshn Saudi League:<br /> <strong>Al Ittihad - Al Fateh</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0073ff ">Polsat Sport 3</span></strong><br /> <br /> 18:00 Serie A:<br /> <strong>SSC Napoli - AS Roma</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#f8141f ">Eleven Sports 1</span></strong><br /> <br /> 18:30 Jupiler Pro League:<br /> <strong>RSC Anderlecht - KAA Gent</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#f8141f ">Eleven Sports 2</span></strong><br /> <br /> 18:30 LaLiga EA Sports:<br /> <strong>CD Leganés - Real Madryt</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0ca10d ">CANAL+ Sport</span></strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0ca10d ">CANAL+ 4K Ultra HD</span></strong><br /> <br /> 18:30 Super League Ellada:<br /> <strong>Asteras Tripolis - PAOK FC</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#8b0000 ">Sportklub</span></strong><br /> <hr /><br /> 19:35 Betclic 2. Liga:<br /> <strong>Podbeskidzie Bielsko-Biała - Pogoń Grodzisk Mazowiecki</strong>, <strong><span style="background-color:#ebfe0e;">TVP3</span></strong>, <strong><span style="background-color:#ebfe0e;"></span></strong><br /> <hr /><br /> 20:45 Ligue 1 McDonald's:<br /> <strong>OGC Nice - RC Strasbourg Alsace</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#f8141f ">Eleven Sports 2</span></strong><br /> <br /> 20:45 Serie A:<br /> <strong>S.S. Lazio - Bologna FC</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#f8141f ">Eleven Sports 1</span></strong>, <strong><span style="color:#f8141f ">Eleven Sports 4</span></strong><br /> <hr /><br /> 21:00 LaLiga EA Sports:<br /> <strong>Athletic Club - Real Sociedad</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0ca10d ">CANAL+ Sport</span></strong><br /> <br /> 21:00 LaLiga HyperMotion:<br /> <strong>Elche CF - Real Oviedo</strong>, <strong><span style="color:#0ca10d ">CANAL+ online</span></strong><br /> <hr /> <figure class="thumbnail"><a href=""><img alt="Futbol w TV - następny dzień" height="123" src="" width="750" /></a></figure> <div id="m_inside_top_newspage" style="display: none; width:300px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;margin-bottom:26px;margin-top:24px"> <div style="font-size:9px;text-align:center;">reklama</div> <div id="m_inside_top" class="m_zpr_inside_top"> <script> if (document.documentElement.clientWidth <= 768) sas_idmnet.cmd.push(function(){ sas_idmnet.release('m_inside_top'); }); </script> </div> <div id="m_inside_2_article" class="m_zpr_inside_top"> <script> if (document.documentElement.clientWidth <= 768) sas_idmnet.cmd.push(function(){ sas_idmnet.release('m_inside_2_article'); }); </script> </div> </div> </div> <br> <div> </div> <br> <!-- inside_top_video --> <div id='inside_top_video'> <script > if (document.documentElement.clientWidth > 768) sas_idmnet.cmd.push(function() { sas_idmnet.release('inside_top_video'); }); </script> </div> <div style="font-size:12px;color:#888;margin-top:16px;display:inline-block">Materiał chroniony prawem autorskim - wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. 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