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13.9994C62.234 10.9076 69.2785 5.68047 74.3253 6.68632C77.0812 7.23047 80.0245 9.7451 81.2882 11.9464L81.2719 11.9299ZM73.0045 28.1802C80.3506 27.6031 77.978 8.95361 69.0257 9.64616C65.2344 9.91824 64.5088 17.3879 65.6992 21.2877C66.5063 24.0331 68.1125 26.3169 70.4851 27.4794C71.1374 27.7927 72.1321 28.2544 73.0127 28.1802H73.0045ZM139.315 13.4387C140.995 17.3055 140.383 22.4172 138.011 25.1214C136.519 26.8611 134.643 28.0236 132.499 29.1861C131.464 29.7302 130.2 30.4228 128.977 30.7361C127.713 31.0494 126.335 30.6619 125.112 30.3898C120.677 29.3097 118.834 26.3664 117.579 22.0297C117.391 21.2959 117.04 20.1746 117.195 19.3996C117.081 19.3996 117.155 19.2842 117.122 19.1688V18.1217C117.391 16.4563 117.579 14.9475 118.272 13.7108C119.421 11.6991 121.598 10.1903 123.555 8.95361C124.933 8.06319 127.305 6.66984 129.181 6.43898C132.32 6.09271 134.236 7.67569 135.874 8.87941C137.44 10.0007 138.475 11.5507 139.315 13.447V13.4387ZM133.151 26.2427C135.483 23.1839 134.872 17.19 133.151 13.8262C132.385 12.3916 131.007 11.1137 129.556 10.3799C128.789 10.0337 127.795 9.29989 126.531 9.48952C124.884 9.72037 124.117 10.9571 123.587 12.235C121.329 17.8496 123.93 26.4323 128.675 27.6361C129.246 27.7515 130.167 28.0978 130.934 27.9823C132.042 27.7927 132.581 26.9765 133.151 26.2427ZM161.655 7.93952C161.851 8.48367 161.998 8.78872 161.998 8.78872C163.49 12.6225 165.561 16.2584 166.857 20.356C167.509 22.4089 168.194 24.5361 168.732 26.589C169.001 27.669 169.115 28.6007 169.499 29.5323C172.059 29.6065 174.358 29.6065 177.04 29.6065C176.885 28.947 176.698 28.3698 176.584 27.7103C176.396 26.1603 177.04 24.6185 177.35 23.3736C178.541 18.6906 180.261 14.626 181.9 10.4541C182.242 9.60494 182.894 8.98659 183.204 8.17037C181.9 7.89829 180.448 8.09616 178.761 8.09616C178.304 9.64616 178.19 11.0725 177.652 12.6967C176.429 16.6459 175.393 20.5539 173.983 24.6185C173.298 22.9531 172.793 21.1393 172.263 19.4326C171.154 15.8709 169.849 12.5071 169.507 7.98074C166.751 7.98074 164.346 8.05494 161.663 7.93952H161.655ZM46.3351 7.78287C46.1802 7.74164 43.1961 7.74164 42.8944 7.78287C41.9405 7.85707 40.8643 7.85707 39.682 7.93952V8.21159C39.7962 9.06079 39.7962 9.87702 39.9919 10.6108C40.1468 11.3116 39.9511 11.9299 40.0326 12.6637C40.1468 13.785 40.2202 15.5658 40.106 16.6871C39.7636 20.6693 40.8317 25.3523 37.391 27.2073C36.2414 27.7845 34.5944 27.0919 33.8688 26.589C31.7244 25.039 31.4554 22.8789 31.5695 19.7789C31.6429 18.468 31.6429 11.1879 31.5695 11.2291C31.5695 10.1491 32.1403 8.55787 31.7978 7.82409C30.8847 7.86531 30.1182 8.01372 29.4252 8.09616C28.7322 8.13739 28.1615 8.13739 27.3951 8.09616C26.6694 8.02196 25.9764 7.78287 25.2507 8.09616C25.0958 8.13739 25.2915 9.33287 25.3241 9.64616C25.7481 13.3233 25.5932 17.1158 25.5932 21.098L25.6339 21.3701C25.5198 22.1451 25.5198 23.6951 25.7073 24.5443C26.3188 27.364 28.618 29.2273 31.1374 30.2331C34.3498 31.5523 37.6437 29.2685 39.519 28.0318C39.519 28.0318 39.7473 27.8339 40.2854 27.6855C40.5952 28.1885 40.3588 29.1201 40.742 29.656C40.8561 29.8127 45.6013 29.6148 46.596 29.6148C46.7836 28.881 46.327 28.1472 46.2128 27.3722C46.0172 25.9047 45.9845 24.165 45.7889 22.8047C45.6339 21.7246 45.7481 20.5951 45.7481 19.6305C45.7481 19.5563 45.7889 16.9262 45.8215 15.9533C45.9356 13.3975 46.009 11.1962 46.2047 8.79696C46.2047 8.79696 46.2454 8.72276 46.3188 7.79111L46.3351 7.78287ZM285.21 7.32117C283.832 7.39537 282.381 7.51079 280.889 7.55202C281.199 11.7733 279.397 15.7967 278.247 19.1605C277.945 20.051 277.978 21.1722 277.554 22.0214C277.481 22.2111 277.171 22.2935 276.983 22.3677C276.486 21.3619 276.445 20.1581 276.029 19.0369C275.149 16.4398 274.268 13.348 273.844 10.6768C273.689 9.78632 274.04 8.16212 273.804 7.54377C273.649 7.19749 271.659 7.46957 271.317 7.50255C271.203 7.50255 269.026 7.57675 268.064 7.54377C267.64 8.39297 267.982 10.1738 267.909 11.023C267.795 13.4222 267.142 15.2361 266.686 17.3302C266.376 18.7648 266.033 20.1169 265.732 21.5845C265.618 22.0874 265.422 22.3595 265.006 22.5161C264.28 20.9331 263.824 18.5339 263.327 16.8273C262.829 15.0052 262.218 13.348 261.761 11.3363C261.533 10.1326 261.492 8.93712 261.492 7.61797V7.57675C261.378 7.50255 260.416 7.53553 260.155 7.50255C258.051 7.2717 255.793 7.46133 253.958 7.46133C254.073 8.07968 254.57 8.81345 254.872 9.39882C255.328 10.1738 257.171 14.5435 257.627 16.0193C258.549 19.2347 259.389 22.0132 260.155 25.5337C260.228 25.8387 260.424 28.3616 260.538 28.9799C262.568 28.9799 265.088 28.8645 267.044 28.9057C267.24 27.9741 267.24 26.9682 267.354 26.1932C267.623 23.9507 268.267 21.972 268.806 19.9685C268.96 19.3502 269.344 17.6105 269.458 17.2972C269.8 16.3326 269.841 17.6105 270.029 18.0722C270.371 18.9627 270.567 20.1994 270.909 21.2877C271.447 23.0685 272.132 25.1544 272.442 27.0507C272.711 28.7573 272.132 29.1778 274.048 28.9882C275.695 28.8315 277.53 29.3345 279.209 28.914C279.209 23.6539 281.011 19.6305 282.422 15.5246C282.919 14.09 283.416 12.2762 284.101 10.7674C284.329 10.3387 286.131 7.24696 285.21 7.32117ZM95.85 6.81824C93.404 7.13154 91.912 8.78872 89.9552 9.56372C89.7269 9.135 89.6535 8.67329 89.6535 7.93952C87.5092 8.05494 85.6747 7.89829 83.6119 7.93952C83.6853 8.75574 83.9218 9.76159 84.0685 10.5366C84.4109 11.9299 84.4925 14.9475 84.4925 16.3821C84.5332 17.4291 84.0685 25.2451 84.0685 29.656C85.4057 29.9611 86.8977 29.5406 88.3164 29.5818C89.1562 29.5818 90.1509 29.8951 90.8439 29.656C90.8439 28.2627 90.4607 27.0589 90.3873 25.9789C90.1998 23.7693 90.2324 15.1866 90.4607 13.7108C90.689 12.0866 91.3412 10.9653 92.4909 10.2645C93.2573 9.83579 94.0237 10.0337 94.6759 10.3387C95.744 10.8829 96.4778 11.5754 96.9752 12.6637C97.3991 13.6283 97.285 15.1783 97.3584 16.415C97.6274 20.7518 97.6274 25.8222 96.7469 29.6478C96.7469 29.6478 97.9291 29.722 100.571 29.4499C101.378 29.5653 102.943 29.5653 103.71 29.3757C103.139 27.364 103.253 25.5419 103.212 23.1427C103.139 18.773 102.291 12.8863 105.088 10.5283C105.585 10.0996 106.156 9.75335 107.004 10.0666C107.998 10.3799 108.806 11.0313 109.303 11.8887C109.344 11.9629 109.8 13.0512 109.874 13.6283C110.102 14.9063 109.914 16.0688 109.988 17.3797C109.988 17.4951 110.029 22.5656 110.029 24.9648C109.874 26.6302 109.8 27.2486 109.8 27.2486C109.727 27.9823 109.49 28.8315 109.531 29.5323C110.102 29.6065 110.713 29.4499 111.211 29.4169C112.89 29.3757 114.35 29.4581 116.07 29.4581C116.258 28.7244 115.956 27.1414 115.842 26.4406C115.573 24.8164 115.614 22.2605 115.654 21.1805C115.768 19.3584 115.842 16.4975 115.654 15.0629C115.54 13.9416 115.842 12.4741 115.499 11.4682C114.888 9.72861 113.396 8.45069 111.749 7.71691C110.599 7.17276 109.148 6.66984 107.697 6.98313C105.365 7.48606 103.987 9.34111 102.185 10.3882C101.5 9.84404 101.076 9.03606 100.383 8.49191C99.3478 7.64271 97.5133 6.63686 95.8663 6.82648L95.85 6.81824ZM293.013 6.38952C291.676 6.34829 289.262 7.78287 288.153 8.51664C286.392 9.63792 285.169 10.685 284.484 12.8121C284.06 14.09 284.256 15.3268 284.908 16.2914C285.675 17.4127 286.743 18.3443 287.892 19.0781C290.42 20.6281 293.053 20.6281 294.472 23.4148C294.815 24.0744 294.855 25.3523 294.513 26.0861C293.322 28.6749 288.007 25.1544 287.126 24.1156C286.555 23.423 286.514 23.1097 286.36 22.5656C286.278 22.7222 286.091 22.8789 285.976 23.0273C285.365 23.8435 283.946 24.9236 283.563 25.814C283.066 26.894 286.009 28.7573 287.232 29.2603C290.983 30.7278 293.893 28.7161 296.07 27.0919C298.402 25.4265 301.5 22.9119 299.168 19.2018C297.717 16.8768 294.04 15.8709 291.439 14.7166C290.632 14.3291 289.376 13.4799 289.026 12.6307C288.716 11.8557 288.643 10.9653 288.944 10.1903C289.751 8.21984 292.426 9.25867 293.763 10.0749C295.1 10.8499 296.021 11.9712 296.673 13.4799C297.016 13.2079 297.627 12.2762 297.709 12.202C297.864 11.9712 299.356 9.91824 299.315 9.64616C299.242 9.29989 298.475 8.68154 298.206 8.48367C296.91 7.36239 295.108 6.51319 293.005 6.39776L293.013 6.38952ZM25.9438 29.1861C25.9845 29.3427 25.9845 29.4994 25.7889 29.5736C25.2915 29.689 24.2968 29.4994 23.7995 29.4581C22.4216 29.3839 20.7012 29.2685 19.3641 29.4581C18.9075 29.5406 18.1003 29.689 17.6437 29.5736C17.603 28.9552 17.872 28.0236 17.7579 27.331C17.6437 26.4406 16.5756 21.568 15.956 21.1805C15.4586 20.9084 12.3196 20.9496 11.1374 20.9908C10.1835 20.9908 8.72404 20.8754 7.95763 21.1475C6.6531 21.6504 6.00899 26.7209 5.85408 28.2297C5.7807 28.6584 5.96823 29.5076 5.69917 29.7385L5.62579 29.7797C4.59032 30.3238 3.29395 29.5076 1.87528 29.7055C1.56546 29.7467 1.03549 29.9363 0.693054 29.9776C0.350617 29.9776 0.195704 29.8209 0.00817871 29.6725C0.578908 28.4688 1.3127 27.3887 1.8019 26.152C2.75583 23.794 3.7913 21.164 4.63109 18.6494C5.12844 17.256 5.62579 15.2855 6.16391 13.6613C7.08523 10.718 7.81087 7.93952 8.34899 5.15281C8.65881 3.52861 8.5039 2.06106 8.00655 0.511058C8.34899 0.436856 8.73219 0.395633 9.07463 0.395633C10.1835 0.354409 11.6755 0.552281 12.8985 0.511058C14.1215 0.469835 15.3853 0.354409 16.4941 0.469835C17.1464 6.43074 19.0216 10.8746 20.7012 15.5988C21.965 19.1605 22.9189 22.5986 24.411 25.8552C24.8675 26.9023 25.5932 28.0565 25.9438 29.219V29.1861ZM14.8879 17.3879C15.0428 16.8438 14.1623 14.9145 14.0074 14.4116C13.2083 11.8557 12.8251 9.72861 11.8631 7.37063C11.6755 6.86771 11.8223 6.40601 11.1374 6.40601H11.0966C10.6401 7.45308 10.4851 8.41771 10.1427 10.0007C9.84104 11.5507 9.3763 13.1749 9.03386 14.7249C8.84634 15.4999 8.53651 16.7778 8.46313 17.7837C9.57198 17.7837 10.4118 17.7424 11.488 17.8991C12.3686 18.0145 13.4774 17.7837 14.627 17.7837C14.7004 17.7095 14.8961 17.4704 14.8961 17.3962L14.8879 17.3879ZM147.46 2.83606C145.667 4.54271 143.897 6.31531 142.218 8.17861C141.533 8.95361 140.766 9.87702 139.919 10.5366C139.992 10.5778 139.959 10.6108 139.919 10.7262C140.685 10.8416 141.182 10.8416 141.867 10.9571C141.867 14.0158 141.908 17.1076 141.981 20.2406C141.981 21.7906 141.753 23.2994 141.867 24.8823C142.169 28.6007 144.395 29.5983 147.949 30.0682C148.757 30.1837 149.637 30.3403 150.322 29.994C152.042 29.1448 152.466 26.556 154.529 25.781C154.725 26.9023 154.529 27.9081 154.456 29.0294C154.456 29.0294 154.497 29.0706 154.497 29.3757C155.075 29.6478 160.62 29.6807 161.158 29.4169C160.62 25.3935 160.351 14.4775 160.351 14.5188C160.546 12.9688 160.391 11.6579 160.62 10.1079C160.693 9.44829 160.889 8.52489 160.775 7.90654C159.478 7.74989 158.402 7.94776 157.106 7.83234C156.38 7.75813 154.961 7.64271 154.048 7.79111C154.244 9.06904 154.545 10.2645 154.627 11.3116C154.855 13.7108 154.823 16.2996 154.929 18.6658C155.271 24.6597 154.317 25.4347 154.317 25.4347C153.551 26.0943 152.214 26.4406 150.877 26.3252C149.311 26.2097 148.431 25.7068 147.933 24.5855C147.322 23.118 147.705 21.0238 147.664 19.243C147.664 19.243 147.705 18.1547 147.623 14.8321C147.428 13.7108 147.623 11.7403 147.778 10.8499C148.471 10.652 149.539 10.619 150.379 10.619H150.877C151.83 10.619 151.945 10.5448 152.295 9.91824C152.719 9.25867 153.176 8.64031 153.445 7.86531C152.295 7.90654 148.659 8.21159 147.819 7.79111C147.664 7.71691 147.632 3.49563 147.477 2.83606H147.46ZM156.869 0.865579C156.062 0.865579 155.263 1.32728 154.88 1.79723C154.382 2.48978 154.195 3.30601 154.456 4.27063C154.57 4.61691 154.529 4.96319 154.725 5.23526C155.377 6.31531 159.274 6.51319 160.31 5.62276C161.117 4.96319 161.231 2.83606 160.652 1.78898C160.082 0.741909 158.28 0.824356 156.861 0.857335L156.869 0.865579ZM214.537 0.0493559C212.703 0.123558 210.485 -0.107293 209.181 0.32143C209.637 1.64058 210.249 2.83606 210.632 4.07276C210.901 4.96319 210.901 5.96904 210.934 6.85946C210.974 8.71452 210.934 15.8379 210.819 17.7342C210.705 20.8672 210.395 24.0414 209.906 27.2898C209.792 28.0236 209.678 28.5677 209.833 29.2603C210.143 29.2603 210.526 29.219 210.982 29.219C214.276 29.5653 215.687 29.219 215.687 29.219C214.651 25.1956 215.035 20.1664 214.733 15.4092C214.66 14.0158 214.464 11.5012 214.733 10.0666C214.774 9.99244 214.847 9.86877 214.888 9.83579C215.499 9.76159 215.923 10.4954 216.184 10.9158C217.872 13.7438 219.592 16.5305 221.272 19.3914C222.462 21.3619 223.49 23.2994 224.835 25.847C225.406 26.927 226.327 28.9057 226.865 29.2108C227.289 29.4416 232.222 29.1366 233.102 29.0541C233.486 27.3887 232.947 25.072 233.216 22.9036C233.216 22.9036 233.176 22.9448 233.216 20.3478C233.29 16.1265 233.29 12.4576 233.518 8.00547C233.6 6.19164 234.056 1.58287 234.13 1.12116C234.17 0.807867 234.203 0.346164 234.17 0.0740899C232.711 -0.000112196 230.232 -0.000112204 228.431 0.189515V0.535792C228.431 1.22835 228.585 1.88792 228.7 2.6217C229.001 5.06212 229.311 7.92303 229.425 10.4377C229.499 11.7156 229.352 13.0265 229.499 14.3044C229.499 14.4198 229.466 16.1265 229.425 16.1265C229.466 16.8603 229.466 18.4845 229.499 18.4845C229.539 18.4845 229.384 18.8307 229.344 18.8307C229.23 18.9462 228.96 18.9462 228.806 18.872C228.308 18.6411 227.468 16.9015 227.085 16.3986C224.329 12.3339 222.071 8.15388 219.511 3.89962C219.128 3.32249 217.978 0.304941 217.636 0.107069C217.293 -0.082559 215.035 -0.00835688 214.537 0.0328665V0.0493559ZM243.123 24.5773C245.609 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83.2613 23.3406 79.4374 26.5972C78.3694 27.5289 77.1382 28.0318 75.8826 28.8398C73.8932 30.1177 71.064 31.3956 67.8516 30.8927C67.126 30.7773 66.2862 30.3486 65.6747 29.9611C64.256 29.0706 63.5712 28.6089 62.6498 27.6773C62.2666 27.2898 61.9976 26.7869 61.5818 26.4406C60.5871 27.3722 59.4048 29.6148 58.1411 30.1177C56.8773 30.6206 54.9287 30.3073 53.7383 29.8869C49.7595 28.6089 49.7187 25.748 49.7187 21.1805C49.7187 20.3643 49.8329 12.3587 49.8329 12.0866C49.7187 10.9653 49.5638 11.0065 48.4957 10.8911C48.0718 10.8169 47.8435 10.7015 47.8435 10.7015C49.4497 8.57436 51.17 6.86771 53.0127 4.97143C53.8117 4.15521 54.5047 3.50388 55.2711 3.07515C55.4994 4.54271 55.2711 6.59563 55.6951 7.98898C56.8039 7.98898 57.6437 7.94776 58.8341 8.03021C59.8288 8.14563 60.636 7.95601 61.2801 8.22808C61.1659 8.38473 61.0926 8.53313 61.011 8.73101C60.8561 9.0443 60.1712 10.5119 59.9429 10.6273C59.5597 10.8581 56.4207 10.7015 55.6543 10.7427C55.4668 12.4081 55.426 17.6682 55.4668 18.1712C55.4668 18.2866 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8.87941C137.44 10.0007 138.475 11.5507 139.315 13.447V13.4387ZM133.151 26.2427C135.483 23.1839 134.872 17.19 133.151 13.8262C132.385 12.3916 131.007 11.1137 129.556 10.3799C128.789 10.0337 127.795 9.29989 126.531 9.48952C124.884 9.72037 124.117 10.9571 123.587 12.235C121.329 17.8496 123.93 26.4323 128.675 27.6361C129.246 27.7515 130.167 28.0978 130.934 27.9823C132.042 27.7927 132.581 26.9765 133.151 26.2427ZM161.655 7.93952C161.851 8.48367 161.998 8.78872 161.998 8.78872C163.49 12.6225 165.561 16.2584 166.857 20.356C167.509 22.4089 168.194 24.5361 168.732 26.589C169.001 27.669 169.115 28.6007 169.499 29.5323C172.059 29.6065 174.358 29.6065 177.04 29.6065C176.885 28.947 176.698 28.3698 176.584 27.7103C176.396 26.1603 177.04 24.6185 177.35 23.3736C178.541 18.6906 180.261 14.626 181.9 10.4541C182.242 9.60494 182.894 8.98659 183.204 8.17037C181.9 7.89829 180.448 8.09616 178.761 8.09616C178.304 9.64616 178.19 11.0725 177.652 12.6967C176.429 16.6459 175.393 20.5539 173.983 24.6185C173.298 22.9531 172.793 21.1393 172.263 19.4326C171.154 15.8709 169.849 12.5071 169.507 7.98074C166.751 7.98074 164.346 8.05494 161.663 7.93952H161.655ZM46.3351 7.78287C46.1802 7.74164 43.1961 7.74164 42.8944 7.78287C41.9405 7.85707 40.8643 7.85707 39.682 7.93952V8.21159C39.7962 9.06079 39.7962 9.87702 39.9919 10.6108C40.1468 11.3116 39.9511 11.9299 40.0326 12.6637C40.1468 13.785 40.2202 15.5658 40.106 16.6871C39.7636 20.6693 40.8317 25.3523 37.391 27.2073C36.2414 27.7845 34.5944 27.0919 33.8688 26.589C31.7244 25.039 31.4554 22.8789 31.5695 19.7789C31.6429 18.468 31.6429 11.1879 31.5695 11.2291C31.5695 10.1491 32.1403 8.55787 31.7978 7.82409C30.8847 7.86531 30.1182 8.01372 29.4252 8.09616C28.7322 8.13739 28.1615 8.13739 27.3951 8.09616C26.6694 8.02196 25.9764 7.78287 25.2507 8.09616C25.0958 8.13739 25.2915 9.33287 25.3241 9.64616C25.7481 13.3233 25.5932 17.1158 25.5932 21.098L25.6339 21.3701C25.5198 22.1451 25.5198 23.6951 25.7073 24.5443C26.3188 27.364 28.618 29.2273 31.1374 30.2331C34.3498 31.5523 37.6437 29.2685 39.519 28.0318C39.519 28.0318 39.7473 27.8339 40.2854 27.6855C40.5952 28.1885 40.3588 29.1201 40.742 29.656C40.8561 29.8127 45.6013 29.6148 46.596 29.6148C46.7836 28.881 46.327 28.1472 46.2128 27.3722C46.0172 25.9047 45.9845 24.165 45.7889 22.8047C45.6339 21.7246 45.7481 20.5951 45.7481 19.6305C45.7481 19.5563 45.7889 16.9262 45.8215 15.9533C45.9356 13.3975 46.009 11.1962 46.2047 8.79696C46.2047 8.79696 46.2454 8.72276 46.3188 7.79111L46.3351 7.78287ZM285.21 7.32117C283.832 7.39537 282.381 7.51079 280.889 7.55202C281.199 11.7733 279.397 15.7967 278.247 19.1605C277.945 20.051 277.978 21.1722 277.554 22.0214C277.481 22.2111 277.171 22.2935 276.983 22.3677C276.486 21.3619 276.445 20.1581 276.029 19.0369C275.149 16.4398 274.268 13.348 273.844 10.6768C273.689 9.78632 274.04 8.16212 273.804 7.54377C273.649 7.19749 271.659 7.46957 271.317 7.50255C271.203 7.50255 269.026 7.57675 268.064 7.54377C267.64 8.39297 267.982 10.1738 267.909 11.023C267.795 13.4222 267.142 15.2361 266.686 17.3302C266.376 18.7648 266.033 20.1169 265.732 21.5845C265.618 22.0874 265.422 22.3595 265.006 22.5161C264.28 20.9331 263.824 18.5339 263.327 16.8273C262.829 15.0052 262.218 13.348 261.761 11.3363C261.533 10.1326 261.492 8.93712 261.492 7.61797V7.57675C261.378 7.50255 260.416 7.53553 260.155 7.50255C258.051 7.2717 255.793 7.46133 253.958 7.46133C254.073 8.07968 254.57 8.81345 254.872 9.39882C255.328 10.1738 257.171 14.5435 257.627 16.0193C258.549 19.2347 259.389 22.0132 260.155 25.5337C260.228 25.8387 260.424 28.3616 260.538 28.9799C262.568 28.9799 265.088 28.8645 267.044 28.9057C267.24 27.9741 267.24 26.9682 267.354 26.1932C267.623 23.9507 268.267 21.972 268.806 19.9685C268.96 19.3502 269.344 17.6105 269.458 17.2972C269.8 16.3326 269.841 17.6105 270.029 18.0722C270.371 18.9627 270.567 20.1994 270.909 21.2877C271.447 23.0685 272.132 25.1544 272.442 27.0507C272.711 28.7573 272.132 29.1778 274.048 28.9882C275.695 28.8315 277.53 29.3345 279.209 28.914C279.209 23.6539 281.011 19.6305 282.422 15.5246C282.919 14.09 283.416 12.2762 284.101 10.7674C284.329 10.3387 286.131 7.24696 285.21 7.32117ZM95.85 6.81824C93.404 7.13154 91.912 8.78872 89.9552 9.56372C89.7269 9.135 89.6535 8.67329 89.6535 7.93952C87.5092 8.05494 85.6747 7.89829 83.6119 7.93952C83.6853 8.75574 83.9218 9.76159 84.0685 10.5366C84.4109 11.9299 84.4925 14.9475 84.4925 16.3821C84.5332 17.4291 84.0685 25.2451 84.0685 29.656C85.4057 29.9611 86.8977 29.5406 88.3164 29.5818C89.1562 29.5818 90.1509 29.8951 90.8439 29.656C90.8439 28.2627 90.4607 27.0589 90.3873 25.9789C90.1998 23.7693 90.2324 15.1866 90.4607 13.7108C90.689 12.0866 91.3412 10.9653 92.4909 10.2645C93.2573 9.83579 94.0237 10.0337 94.6759 10.3387C95.744 10.8829 96.4778 11.5754 96.9752 12.6637C97.3991 13.6283 97.285 15.1783 97.3584 16.415C97.6274 20.7518 97.6274 25.8222 96.7469 29.6478C96.7469 29.6478 97.9291 29.722 100.571 29.4499C101.378 29.5653 102.943 29.5653 103.71 29.3757C103.139 27.364 103.253 25.5419 103.212 23.1427C103.139 18.773 102.291 12.8863 105.088 10.5283C105.585 10.0996 106.156 9.75335 107.004 10.0666C107.998 10.3799 108.806 11.0313 109.303 11.8887C109.344 11.9629 109.8 13.0512 109.874 13.6283C110.102 14.9063 109.914 16.0688 109.988 17.3797C109.988 17.4951 110.029 22.5656 110.029 24.9648C109.874 26.6302 109.8 27.2486 109.8 27.2486C109.727 27.9823 109.49 28.8315 109.531 29.5323C110.102 29.6065 110.713 29.4499 111.211 29.4169C112.89 29.3757 114.35 29.4581 116.07 29.4581C116.258 28.7244 115.956 27.1414 115.842 26.4406C115.573 24.8164 115.614 22.2605 115.654 21.1805C115.768 19.3584 115.842 16.4975 115.654 15.0629C115.54 13.9416 115.842 12.4741 115.499 11.4682C114.888 9.72861 113.396 8.45069 111.749 7.71691C110.599 7.17276 109.148 6.66984 107.697 6.98313C105.365 7.48606 103.987 9.34111 102.185 10.3882C101.5 9.84404 101.076 9.03606 100.383 8.49191C99.3478 7.64271 97.5133 6.63686 95.8663 6.82648L95.85 6.81824ZM293.013 6.38952C291.676 6.34829 289.262 7.78287 288.153 8.51664C286.392 9.63792 285.169 10.685 284.484 12.8121C284.06 14.09 284.256 15.3268 284.908 16.2914C285.675 17.4127 286.743 18.3443 287.892 19.0781C290.42 20.6281 293.053 20.6281 294.472 23.4148C294.815 24.0744 294.855 25.3523 294.513 26.0861C293.322 28.6749 288.007 25.1544 287.126 24.1156C286.555 23.423 286.514 23.1097 286.36 22.5656C286.278 22.7222 286.091 22.8789 285.976 23.0273C285.365 23.8435 283.946 24.9236 283.563 25.814C283.066 26.894 286.009 28.7573 287.232 29.2603C290.983 30.7278 293.893 28.7161 296.07 27.0919C298.402 25.4265 301.5 22.9119 299.168 19.2018C297.717 16.8768 294.04 15.8709 291.439 14.7166C290.632 14.3291 289.376 13.4799 289.026 12.6307C288.716 11.8557 288.643 10.9653 288.944 10.1903C289.751 8.21984 292.426 9.25867 293.763 10.0749C295.1 10.8499 296.021 11.9712 296.673 13.4799C297.016 13.2079 297.627 12.2762 297.709 12.202C297.864 11.9712 299.356 9.91824 299.315 9.64616C299.242 9.29989 298.475 8.68154 298.206 8.48367C296.91 7.36239 295.108 6.51319 293.005 6.39776L293.013 6.38952ZM25.9438 29.1861C25.9845 29.3427 25.9845 29.4994 25.7889 29.5736C25.2915 29.689 24.2968 29.4994 23.7995 29.4581C22.4216 29.3839 20.7012 29.2685 19.3641 29.4581C18.9075 29.5406 18.1003 29.689 17.6437 29.5736C17.603 28.9552 17.872 28.0236 17.7579 27.331C17.6437 26.4406 16.5756 21.568 15.956 21.1805C15.4586 20.9084 12.3196 20.9496 11.1374 20.9908C10.1835 20.9908 8.72404 20.8754 7.95763 21.1475C6.6531 21.6504 6.00899 26.7209 5.85408 28.2297C5.7807 28.6584 5.96823 29.5076 5.69917 29.7385L5.62579 29.7797C4.59032 30.3238 3.29395 29.5076 1.87528 29.7055C1.56546 29.7467 1.03549 29.9363 0.693054 29.9776C0.350617 29.9776 0.195704 29.8209 0.00817871 29.6725C0.578908 28.4688 1.3127 27.3887 1.8019 26.152C2.75583 23.794 3.7913 21.164 4.63109 18.6494C5.12844 17.256 5.62579 15.2855 6.16391 13.6613C7.08523 10.718 7.81087 7.93952 8.34899 5.15281C8.65881 3.52861 8.5039 2.06106 8.00655 0.511058C8.34899 0.436856 8.73219 0.395633 9.07463 0.395633C10.1835 0.354409 11.6755 0.552281 12.8985 0.511058C14.1215 0.469835 15.3853 0.354409 16.4941 0.469835C17.1464 6.43074 19.0216 10.8746 20.7012 15.5988C21.965 19.1605 22.9189 22.5986 24.411 25.8552C24.8675 26.9023 25.5932 28.0565 25.9438 29.219V29.1861ZM14.8879 17.3879C15.0428 16.8438 14.1623 14.9145 14.0074 14.4116C13.2083 11.8557 12.8251 9.72861 11.8631 7.37063C11.6755 6.86771 11.8223 6.40601 11.1374 6.40601H11.0966C10.6401 7.45308 10.4851 8.41771 10.1427 10.0007C9.84104 11.5507 9.3763 13.1749 9.03386 14.7249C8.84634 15.4999 8.53651 16.7778 8.46313 17.7837C9.57198 17.7837 10.4118 17.7424 11.488 17.8991C12.3686 18.0145 13.4774 17.7837 14.627 17.7837C14.7004 17.7095 14.8961 17.4704 14.8961 17.3962L14.8879 17.3879ZM147.46 2.83606C145.667 4.54271 143.897 6.31531 142.218 8.17861C141.533 8.95361 140.766 9.87702 139.919 10.5366C139.992 10.5778 139.959 10.6108 139.919 10.7262C140.685 10.8416 141.182 10.8416 141.867 10.9571C141.867 14.0158 141.908 17.1076 141.981 20.2406C141.981 21.7906 141.753 23.2994 141.867 24.8823C142.169 28.6007 144.395 29.5983 147.949 30.0682C148.757 30.1837 149.637 30.3403 150.322 29.994C152.042 29.1448 152.466 26.556 154.529 25.781C154.725 26.9023 154.529 27.9081 154.456 29.0294C154.456 29.0294 154.497 29.0706 154.497 29.3757C155.075 29.6478 160.62 29.6807 161.158 29.4169C160.62 25.3935 160.351 14.4775 160.351 14.5188C160.546 12.9688 160.391 11.6579 160.62 10.1079C160.693 9.44829 160.889 8.52489 160.775 7.90654C159.478 7.74989 158.402 7.94776 157.106 7.83234C156.38 7.75813 154.961 7.64271 154.048 7.79111C154.244 9.06904 154.545 10.2645 154.627 11.3116C154.855 13.7108 154.823 16.2996 154.929 18.6658C155.271 24.6597 154.317 25.4347 154.317 25.4347C153.551 26.0943 152.214 26.4406 150.877 26.3252C149.311 26.2097 148.431 25.7068 147.933 24.5855C147.322 23.118 147.705 21.0238 147.664 19.243C147.664 19.243 147.705 18.1547 147.623 14.8321C147.428 13.7108 147.623 11.7403 147.778 10.8499C148.471 10.652 149.539 10.619 150.379 10.619H150.877C151.83 10.619 151.945 10.5448 152.295 9.91824C152.719 9.25867 153.176 8.64031 153.445 7.86531C152.295 7.90654 148.659 8.21159 147.819 7.79111C147.664 7.71691 147.632 3.49563 147.477 2.83606H147.46ZM156.869 0.865579C156.062 0.865579 155.263 1.32728 154.88 1.79723C154.382 2.48978 154.195 3.30601 154.456 4.27063C154.57 4.61691 154.529 4.96319 154.725 5.23526C155.377 6.31531 159.274 6.51319 160.31 5.62276C161.117 4.96319 161.231 2.83606 160.652 1.78898C160.082 0.741909 158.28 0.824356 156.861 0.857335L156.869 0.865579ZM214.537 0.0493559C212.703 0.123558 210.485 -0.107293 209.181 0.32143C209.637 1.64058 210.249 2.83606 210.632 4.07276C210.901 4.96319 210.901 5.96904 210.934 6.85946C210.974 8.71452 210.934 15.8379 210.819 17.7342C210.705 20.8672 210.395 24.0414 209.906 27.2898C209.792 28.0236 209.678 28.5677 209.833 29.2603C210.143 29.2603 210.526 29.219 210.982 29.219C214.276 29.5653 215.687 29.219 215.687 29.219C214.651 25.1956 215.035 20.1664 214.733 15.4092C214.66 14.0158 214.464 11.5012 214.733 10.0666C214.774 9.99244 214.847 9.86877 214.888 9.83579C215.499 9.76159 215.923 10.4954 216.184 10.9158C217.872 13.7438 219.592 16.5305 221.272 19.3914C222.462 21.3619 223.49 23.2994 224.835 25.847C225.406 26.927 226.327 28.9057 226.865 29.2108C227.289 29.4416 232.222 29.1366 233.102 29.0541C233.486 27.3887 232.947 25.072 233.216 22.9036C233.216 22.9036 233.176 22.9448 233.216 20.3478C233.29 16.1265 233.29 12.4576 233.518 8.00547C233.6 6.19164 234.056 1.58287 234.13 1.12116C234.17 0.807867 234.203 0.346164 234.17 0.0740899C232.711 -0.000112196 230.232 -0.000112204 228.431 0.189515V0.535792C228.431 1.22835 228.585 1.88792 228.7 2.6217C229.001 5.06212 229.311 7.92303 229.425 10.4377C229.499 11.7156 229.352 13.0265 229.499 14.3044C229.499 14.4198 229.466 16.1265 229.425 16.1265C229.466 16.8603 229.466 18.4845 229.499 18.4845C229.539 18.4845 229.384 18.8307 229.344 18.8307C229.23 18.9462 228.96 18.9462 228.806 18.872C228.308 18.6411 227.468 16.9015 227.085 16.3986C224.329 12.3339 222.071 8.15388 219.511 3.89962C219.128 3.32249 217.978 0.304941 217.636 0.107069C217.293 -0.082559 215.035 -0.00835688 214.537 0.0328665V0.0493559ZM243.123 24.5773C245.609 26.5148 249.629 26.1603 252.499 24.7669C252.727 24.6927 252.923 24.5773 253.151 24.5361C252.458 25.847 251.814 26.8198 251.08 28.0565C250.925 28.3616 250.656 28.947 250.428 29.1366C250.241 29.3262 249.702 29.4416 249.474 29.5241C247.061 30.4475 243.816 30.2166 241.59 29.3674C236.038 27.2815 232.711 20.5869 235.891 13.9252C236.885 11.8722 238.606 10.4459 240.326 9.16797C241.973 8.00547 244.305 6.61212 246.832 6.61212C249.05 6.61212 251.007 7.2717 252.263 8.46718C252.76 8.92888 254.79 11.2951 254.676 12.0289C254.635 12.1443 252.956 14.156 252.801 14.2302C252.075 14.6919 250.51 14.8486 249.629 15.0464C247.216 15.6236 244.729 16.3244 242.47 17.0994C241.9 17.289 241.052 17.4869 240.554 17.8744C239.902 18.3361 240.481 19.8119 240.595 20.4302C240.978 22.3265 241.818 23.5632 243.123 24.569V24.5773ZM240.522 13.4305C240.367 14.3209 240.481 14.865 240.791 15.401C241.671 15.401 248.137 13.4305 248.333 13.1172C248.871 12.3834 247.949 11.3363 247.566 10.99C246.686 10.0996 245.536 9.25042 243.661 9.5225C242.666 9.67914 241.9 10.4541 241.362 11.0725C240.978 11.5342 240.636 12.6637 240.522 13.4305Z\"\n fill=\"#003768\" />\n </g>\n <defs>\n <clipPath id=\"clip0_535_1344\">\n <rect width=\"300\" height=\"31\" fill=\"white\" />\n </clipPath>\n </defs>\n </svg>\n </div>\n\n </div>\n\n <section class=\"subscribe__section subscribe__hero\">\n <div class=\"site-container\">\n <div class=\"subscribe__hero-content\">\n <h1 class=\"subscribe__hero-title\">Stay Informed, Stay Ahead</h1>\n <p class=\"subscribe__hero-subtitle omnitrack\" data-omnilink=\"autonews-corporate\">\n Choose from individual subscriptions below or\n <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n get a group subscription for your team.\n </a>\n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n <img class=\"subscribe__hero-image\" src=\"\">\n </section>\n\n <section class=\"subscribe__table site-container\">\n\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-grid\">\n <div 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20.68 6.69007 20.29 6.30007C19.9 5.91007 19.27 5.91007 18.88 6.30007L9 16.1701Z\"\n fill=\"#003768\" />\n </svg>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row subscribe__table-row desktop-check\">\n <div>\n <svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M9 16.1701L5.53 12.7001C5.14 12.3101 4.51 12.3101 4.12 12.7001C3.73 13.0901 3.73 13.7201 4.12 14.1101L8.3 18.2901C8.69 18.6801 9.32 18.6801 9.71 18.2901L20.29 7.71007C20.68 7.32007 20.68 6.69007 20.29 6.30007C19.9 5.91007 19.27 5.91007 18.88 6.30007L9 16.1701Z\"\n fill=\"#003768\" />\n </svg>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row subscribe__table-row desktop-check\">\n <div>\n\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row subscribe__table-row desktop-check\">\n <div>\n <svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M9 16.1701L5.53 12.7001C5.14 12.3101 4.51 12.3101 4.12 12.7001C3.73 13.0901 3.73 13.7201 4.12 14.1101L8.3 18.2901C8.69 18.6801 9.32 18.6801 9.71 18.2901L20.29 7.71007C20.68 7.32007 20.68 6.69007 20.29 6.30007C19.9 5.91007 19.27 5.91007 18.88 6.30007L9 16.1701Z\"\n fill=\"#003768\" />\n </svg>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row subscribe__table-row desktop-check\">\n <div>\n <svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M9 16.1701L5.53 12.7001C5.14 12.3101 4.51 12.3101 4.12 12.7001C3.73 13.0901 3.73 13.7201 4.12 14.1101L8.3 18.2901C8.69 18.6801 9.32 18.6801 9.71 18.2901L20.29 7.71007C20.68 7.32007 20.68 6.69007 20.29 6.30007C19.9 5.91007 19.27 5.91007 18.88 6.30007L9 16.1701Z\"\n fill=\"#003768\" />\n </svg>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row subscribe__table-row desktop-check\">\n <div>\n <svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" 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class=\"subscribe__table-bg subscribe__table-col-header\">\n <h3>Basic Digital</h3>\n <p>Billed annually</p>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-plans\">\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-button\">\n <a style=\"text-decoration:none\" data-omnilink=\"digital-annual\" class=\"subscribe__table-cta omnitrack\"\n href=\"/checkout?plan_id=29851&product_id=2194\">Subscribe for $249</a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-benefits\"></div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\">\n <svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M9 16.1701L5.53 12.7001C5.14 12.3101 4.51 12.3101 4.12 12.7001C3.73 13.0901 3.73 13.7201 4.12 14.1101L8.3 18.2901C8.69 18.6801 9.32 18.6801 9.71 18.2901L20.29 7.71007C20.68 7.32007 20.68 6.69007 20.29 6.30007C19.9 5.91007 19.27 5.91007 18.88 6.30007L9 16.1701Z\"\n fill=\"#003768\" />\n </svg>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\">\n <svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M9 16.1701L5.53 12.7001C5.14 12.3101 4.51 12.3101 4.12 12.7001C3.73 13.0901 3.73 13.7201 4.12 14.1101L8.3 18.2901C8.69 18.6801 9.32 18.6801 9.71 18.2901L20.29 7.71007C20.68 7.32007 20.68 6.69007 20.29 6.30007C19.9 5.91007 19.27 5.91007 18.88 6.30007L9 16.1701Z\"\n fill=\"#003768\" />\n </svg>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\">\n <svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M9 16.1701L5.53 12.7001C5.14 12.3101 4.51 12.3101 4.12 12.7001C3.73 13.0901 3.73 13.7201 4.12 14.1101L8.3 18.2901C8.69 18.6801 9.32 18.6801 9.71 18.2901L20.29 7.71007C20.68 7.32007 20.68 6.69007 20.29 6.30007C19.9 5.91007 19.27 5.91007 18.88 6.30007L9 16.1701Z\"\n fill=\"#003768\" />\n </svg>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\">\n <svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M9 16.1701L5.53 12.7001C5.14 12.3101 4.51 12.3101 4.12 12.7001C3.73 13.0901 3.73 13.7201 4.12 14.1101L8.3 18.2901C8.69 18.6801 9.32 18.6801 9.71 18.2901L20.29 7.71007C20.68 7.32007 20.68 6.69007 20.29 6.30007C19.9 5.91007 19.27 5.91007 18.88 6.30007L9 16.1701Z\"\n fill=\"#003768\" />\n </svg>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\"></div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\"></div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\"></div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\"></div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\"></div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row 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18.88 6.30007L9 16.1701Z\"\n fill=\"#003768\"></path>\n </svg>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\">\n <svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M9 16.1701L5.53 12.7001C5.14 12.3101 4.51 12.3101 4.12 12.7001C3.73 13.0901 3.73 13.7201 4.12 14.1101L8.3 18.2901C8.69 18.6801 9.32 18.6801 9.71 18.2901L20.29 7.71007C20.68 7.32007 20.68 6.69007 20.29 6.30007C19.9 5.91007 19.27 5.91007 18.88 6.30007L9 16.1701Z\"\n fill=\"#003768\"></path>\n </svg>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\">\n <svg width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <path fill-rule=\"evenodd\" clip-rule=\"evenodd\"\n d=\"M9 16.1701L5.53 12.7001C5.14 12.3101 4.51 12.3101 4.12 12.7001C3.73 13.0901 3.73 13.7201 4.12 14.1101L8.3 18.2901C8.69 18.6801 9.32 18.6801 9.71 18.2901L20.29 7.71007C20.68 7.32007 20.68 6.69007 20.29 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4.12 14.1101L8.3 18.2901C8.69 18.6801 9.32 18.6801 9.71 18.2901L20.29 7.71007C20.68 7.32007 20.68 6.69007 20.29 6.30007C19.9 5.91007 19.27 5.91007 18.88 6.30007L9 16.1701Z\"\n fill=\"#003768\"></path>\n </svg>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\"></div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\"></div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\"></div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-row desktop-check\"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div id=\"all-access-column-monthly\" class=\"subscribe__col desktop-column__deactivated hidden__plan\">\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-bg subscribe__table-col-header\">\n <h3>Digital All Access</h3>\n <p>Billed annually</p>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-plans\">\n <div class=\"subscribe__table-button\">\n <a style=\"text-decoration:none\" class=\"subscribe__table-cta\">Subscribe for $699</a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div>\n <div 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40.8317 25.3524 37.391 27.2074C36.2414 27.7846 34.5944 27.092 33.8688 26.5891C31.7244 25.0391 31.4554 22.879 31.5695 19.779C31.6429 18.4681 31.6429 11.188 31.5695 11.2293C31.5695 10.1492 32.1403 8.55797 31.7978 7.8242C30.8847 7.86542 30.1182 8.01383 29.4252 8.09627C28.7322 8.1375 28.1615 8.1375 27.3951 8.09627C26.6694 8.02207 25.9764 7.78297 25.2507 8.09627C25.0958 8.1375 25.2915 9.33297 25.3241 9.64627C25.7481 13.3234 25.5932 17.116 25.5932 21.0981L25.6339 21.3702C25.5198 22.1452 25.5198 23.6952 25.7073 24.5444C26.3188 27.3641 28.618 29.2274 31.1374 30.2332C34.3498 31.5524 37.6437 29.2686 39.519 28.0319C39.519 28.0319 39.7473 27.834 40.2854 27.6856C40.5952 28.1886 40.3588 29.1202 40.742 29.6561C40.8561 29.8128 45.6013 29.6149 46.596 29.6149C46.7836 28.8811 46.327 28.1473 46.2128 27.3723C46.0172 25.9048 45.9845 24.1652 45.7889 22.8048C45.6339 21.7247 45.7481 20.5952 45.7481 19.6306C45.7481 19.5564 45.7889 16.9263 45.8215 15.9535C45.9356 13.3976 46.009 11.1963 46.2047 8.79707C46.2047 8.79707 46.2454 8.72287 46.3188 7.79122L46.3351 7.78297ZM285.21 7.32127C283.832 7.39547 282.381 7.5109 280.889 7.55212C281.199 11.7734 279.397 15.7968 278.247 19.1606C277.945 20.0511 277.978 21.1723 277.554 22.0215C277.481 22.2112 277.171 22.2936 276.983 22.3678C276.486 21.362 276.445 20.1582 276.029 19.037C275.149 16.4399 274.268 13.3481 273.844 10.6769C273.689 9.78643 274.04 8.16223 273.804 7.54388C273.649 7.1976 271.659 7.46968 271.317 7.50266C271.203 7.50266 269.026 7.57686 268.064 7.54388C267.64 8.39308 267.982 10.1739 267.909 11.0231C267.795 13.4223 267.142 15.2362 266.686 17.3303C266.376 18.7649 266.033 20.117 265.732 21.5846C265.618 22.0875 265.422 22.3596 265.006 22.5162C264.28 20.9332 263.824 18.534 263.327 16.8274C262.829 15.0053 262.218 13.3481 261.761 11.3364C261.533 10.1327 261.492 8.93723 261.492 7.61808V7.57686C261.378 7.50265 260.416 7.53563 260.155 7.50266C258.051 7.2718 255.793 7.46143 253.958 7.46143C254.073 8.07978 254.57 8.81356 254.872 9.39893C255.328 10.1739 257.171 14.5436 257.627 16.0194C258.549 19.2348 259.389 22.0133 260.155 25.5338C260.228 25.8388 260.424 28.3617 260.538 28.9801C262.568 28.9801 265.088 28.8646 267.044 28.9058C267.24 27.9742 267.24 26.9683 267.354 26.1933C267.623 23.9508 268.267 21.9721 268.806 19.9686C268.96 19.3503 269.344 17.6106 269.458 17.2973C269.8 16.3327 269.841 17.6106 270.029 18.0723C270.371 18.9628 270.567 20.1995 270.909 21.2878C271.447 23.0686 272.132 25.1545 272.442 27.0508C272.711 28.7574 272.132 29.1779 274.048 28.9883C275.695 28.8316 277.53 29.3346 279.209 28.9141C279.209 23.654 281.011 19.6306 282.422 15.5247C282.919 14.0902 283.416 12.2763 284.101 10.7675C284.329 10.3388 286.131 7.24707 285.21 7.32127ZM95.85 6.81835C93.404 7.13164 91.912 8.78883 89.9552 9.56383C89.7269 9.1351 89.6535 8.6734 89.6535 7.93962C87.5092 8.05505 85.6747 7.8984 83.6119 7.93962C83.6853 8.75585 83.9218 9.7617 84.0685 10.5367C84.4109 11.93 84.4925 14.9476 84.4925 16.3822C84.5332 17.4293 84.0685 25.2452 84.0685 29.6561C85.4057 29.9612 86.8977 29.5407 88.3164 29.5819C89.1562 29.5819 90.1509 29.8952 90.8439 29.6561C90.8439 28.2628 90.4607 27.059 90.3873 25.979C90.1998 23.7694 90.2324 15.1867 90.4607 13.7109C90.689 12.0867 91.3412 10.9654 92.4909 10.2646C93.2573 9.8359 94.0237 10.0338 94.6759 10.3388C95.744 10.883 96.4778 11.5755 96.9752 12.6638C97.3991 13.6285 97.285 15.1785 97.3584 16.4152C97.6274 20.7519 97.6274 25.8223 96.7469 29.6479C96.7469 29.6479 97.9291 29.7221 100.571 29.45C101.378 29.5654 102.943 29.5654 103.71 29.3758C103.139 27.3641 103.253 25.542 103.212 23.1428C103.139 18.7731 102.291 12.8864 105.088 10.5285C105.585 10.0997 106.156 9.75345 107.004 10.0668C107.998 10.38 108.806 11.0314 109.303 11.8888C109.344 11.963 109.8 13.0513 109.874 13.6285C110.102 14.9064 109.914 16.0689 109.988 17.3798C109.988 17.4952 110.029 22.5657 110.029 24.9649C109.874 26.6303 109.8 27.2487 109.8 27.2487C109.727 27.9824 109.49 28.8316 109.531 29.5324C110.102 29.6066 110.713 29.45 111.211 29.417C112.89 29.3758 114.35 29.4582 116.07 29.4582C116.258 28.7245 115.956 27.1415 115.842 26.4407C115.573 24.8165 115.614 22.2606 115.654 21.1806C115.768 19.3585 115.842 16.4976 115.654 15.063C115.54 13.9418 115.842 12.4742 115.499 11.4683C114.888 9.72872 113.396 8.45079 111.749 7.71702C110.599 7.17287 109.148 6.66994 107.697 6.98324C105.365 7.48617 103.987 9.34122 102.185 10.3883C101.5 9.84414 101.076 9.03617 100.383 8.49202C99.3478 7.64281 97.5133 6.63696 95.8663 6.82659L95.85 6.81835ZM293.013 6.38962C291.676 6.3484 289.262 7.78297 288.153 8.51675C286.392 9.63803 285.169 10.6851 284.484 12.8122C284.06 14.0902 284.256 15.3269 284.908 16.2915C285.675 17.4128 286.743 18.3444 287.892 19.0782C290.42 20.6282 293.053 20.6282 294.472 23.4149C294.815 24.0745 294.855 25.3524 294.513 26.0862C293.322 28.675 288.007 25.1545 287.126 24.1157C286.555 23.4231 286.514 23.1098 286.36 22.5657C286.278 22.7223 286.091 22.879 285.976 23.0274C285.365 23.8436 283.946 24.9237 283.563 25.8141C283.066 26.8941 286.009 28.7574 287.232 29.2604C290.983 30.7279 293.893 28.7162 296.07 27.092C298.402 25.4266 301.5 22.912 299.168 19.2019C297.717 16.8769 294.04 15.871 291.439 14.7168C290.632 14.3293 289.376 13.48 289.026 12.6308C288.716 11.8558 288.643 10.9654 288.944 10.1904C289.751 8.21994 292.426 9.25877 293.763 10.075C295.1 10.85 296.021 11.9713 296.673 13.48C297.016 13.208 297.627 12.2763 297.709 12.2021C297.864 11.9713 299.356 9.91835 299.315 9.64627C299.242 9.3 298.475 8.68164 298.206 8.48377C296.91 7.3625 295.108 6.51329 293.005 6.39787L293.013 6.38962ZM25.9438 29.1862C25.9845 29.3428 25.9845 29.4995 25.7889 29.5737C25.2915 29.6891 24.2968 29.4995 23.7995 29.4582C22.4216 29.384 20.7012 29.2686 19.3641 29.4582C18.9075 29.5407 18.1003 29.6891 17.6437 29.5737C17.603 28.9553 17.872 28.0237 17.7579 27.3311C17.6437 26.4407 16.5756 21.5681 15.956 21.1806C15.4586 20.9085 12.3196 20.9497 11.1374 20.991C10.1835 20.991 8.72404 20.8755 7.95763 21.1476C6.6531 21.6505 6.00899 26.721 5.85408 28.2298C5.7807 28.6585 5.96823 29.5077 5.69917 29.7386L5.62579 29.7798C4.59032 30.3239 3.29395 29.5077 1.87528 29.7056C1.56546 29.7468 1.03549 29.9364 0.693054 29.9777C0.350617 29.9777 0.195704 29.821 0.00817871 29.6726C0.578908 28.4689 1.3127 27.3888 1.8019 26.1521C2.75583 23.7941 3.7913 21.1641 4.63109 18.6495C5.12844 17.2561 5.62579 15.2856 6.16391 13.6614C7.08523 10.7181 7.81087 7.93962 8.34899 5.15292C8.65881 3.52872 8.5039 2.06116 8.00655 0.511165C8.34899 0.436963 8.73219 0.395739 9.07463 0.395739C10.1835 0.354516 11.6755 0.552388 12.8985 0.511165C14.1215 0.469941 15.3853 0.354516 16.4941 0.469941C17.1464 6.43085 19.0216 10.8747 20.7012 15.5989C21.965 19.1606 22.9189 22.5987 24.411 25.8553C24.8675 26.9024 25.5932 28.0566 25.9438 29.2191V29.1862ZM14.8879 17.388C15.0428 16.8439 14.1623 14.9146 14.0074 14.4117C13.2083 11.8558 12.8251 9.72872 11.8631 7.37074C11.6755 6.86781 11.8223 6.40611 11.1374 6.40611H11.0966C10.6401 7.45319 10.4851 8.41782 10.1427 10.0008C9.84104 11.5508 9.3763 13.175 9.03386 14.725C8.84634 15.5 8.53651 16.7779 8.46313 17.7838C9.57198 17.7838 10.4118 17.7425 11.488 17.8992C12.3686 18.0146 13.4774 17.7838 14.627 17.7838C14.7004 17.7096 14.8961 17.4705 14.8961 17.3963L14.8879 17.388ZM147.46 2.83616C145.667 4.54281 143.897 6.31542 142.218 8.17872C141.533 8.95372 140.766 9.87712 139.919 10.5367C139.992 10.5779 139.959 10.6109 139.919 10.7263C140.685 10.8418 141.182 10.8418 141.867 10.9572C141.867 14.016 141.908 17.1077 141.981 20.2407C141.981 21.7907 141.753 23.2995 141.867 24.8824C142.169 28.6008 144.395 29.5984 147.949 30.0683C148.757 30.1838 149.637 30.3404 150.322 29.9941C152.042 29.1449 152.466 26.5561 154.529 25.7811C154.725 26.9024 154.529 27.9082 154.456 29.0295C154.456 29.0295 154.497 29.0707 154.497 29.3758C155.075 29.6479 160.62 29.6808 161.158 29.417C160.62 25.3936 160.351 14.4777 160.351 14.5189C160.546 12.9689 160.391 11.658 160.62 10.108C160.693 9.4484 160.889 8.525 160.775 7.90664C159.478 7.75 158.402 7.94787 157.106 7.83244C156.38 7.75824 154.961 7.64281 154.048 7.79122C154.244 9.06914 154.545 10.2646 154.627 11.3117C154.855 13.7109 154.823 16.2997 154.929 18.666C155.271 24.6598 154.317 25.4348 154.317 25.4348C153.551 26.0944 152.214 26.4407 150.877 26.3253C149.311 26.2098 148.431 25.7069 147.933 24.5856C147.322 23.1181 147.705 21.0239 147.664 19.2431C147.664 19.2431 147.705 18.1548 147.623 14.8322C147.428 13.7109 147.623 11.7404 147.778 10.85C148.471 10.6521 149.539 10.6191 150.379 10.6191H150.877C151.83 10.6191 151.945 10.5449 152.295 9.91835C152.719 9.25877 153.176 8.64042 153.445 7.86542C152.295 7.90664 148.659 8.2117 147.819 7.79122C147.664 7.71702 147.632 3.49574 147.477 2.83616H147.46ZM156.869 0.865686C156.062 0.865686 155.263 1.32739 154.88 1.79734C154.382 2.48989 154.195 3.30611 154.456 4.27074C154.57 4.61702 154.529 4.96329 154.725 5.23537C155.377 6.31542 159.274 6.51329 160.31 5.62287C161.117 4.96329 161.231 2.83616 160.652 1.78909C160.082 0.742016 158.28 0.824463 156.861 0.857441L156.869 0.865686ZM214.537 0.0494627C212.703 0.123665 210.485 -0.107186 209.181 0.321537C209.637 1.64069 210.249 2.83616 210.632 4.07287C210.901 4.96329 210.901 5.96914 210.934 6.85957C210.974 8.71462 210.934 15.838 210.819 17.7343C210.705 20.8673 210.395 24.0415 209.906 27.2899C209.792 28.0237 209.678 28.5678 209.833 29.2604C210.143 29.2604 210.526 29.2191 210.982 29.2191C214.276 29.5654 215.687 29.2191 215.687 29.2191C214.651 25.1957 215.035 20.1665 214.733 15.4093C214.66 14.016 214.464 11.5013 214.733 10.0668C214.774 9.99255 214.847 9.86888 214.888 9.8359C215.499 9.7617 215.923 10.4955 216.184 10.916C217.872 13.7439 219.592 16.5306 221.272 19.3915C222.462 21.362 223.49 23.2995 224.835 25.8471C225.406 26.9271 226.327 28.9058 226.865 29.2109C227.289 29.4418 232.222 29.1367 233.102 29.0543C233.486 27.3888 232.947 25.0721 233.216 22.9037C233.216 22.9037 233.176 22.9449 233.216 20.3479C233.29 16.1266 233.29 12.4577 233.518 8.00558C233.6 6.19175 234.056 1.58297 234.13 1.12127C234.17 0.807973 234.203 0.346271 234.17 0.0741967C232.711 -5.38491e-06 230.232 -5.39236e-06 228.431 0.189622V0.535899C228.431 1.22845 228.585 1.88803 228.7 2.6218C229.001 5.06223 229.311 7.92313 229.425 10.4378C229.499 11.7157 229.352 13.0266 229.499 14.3045C229.499 14.4199 229.466 16.1266 229.425 16.1266C229.466 16.8604 229.466 18.4846 229.499 18.4846C229.539 18.4846 229.384 18.8308 229.344 18.8308C229.23 18.9463 228.96 18.9463 228.806 18.8721C228.308 18.6412 227.468 16.9016 227.085 16.3987C224.329 12.334 222.071 8.15398 219.511 3.89973C219.128 3.3226 217.978 0.305048 217.636 0.107175C217.293 -0.0824522 215.035 -0.00825007 214.537 0.0329733V0.0494627ZM243.123 24.5774C245.609 26.5149 249.629 26.1604 252.499 24.767C252.727 24.6928 252.923 24.5774 253.151 24.5362C252.458 25.8471 251.814 26.8199 251.08 28.0566C250.925 28.3617 250.656 28.9471 250.428 29.1367C250.241 29.3263 249.702 29.4418 249.474 29.5242C247.061 30.4476 243.816 30.2168 241.59 29.3675C236.038 27.2816 232.711 20.587 235.891 13.9253C236.885 11.8723 238.606 10.446 240.326 9.16808C241.973 8.00558 244.305 6.61223 246.832 6.61223C249.05 6.61223 251.007 7.2718 252.263 8.46728C252.76 8.92899 254.79 11.2952 254.676 12.029C254.635 12.1444 252.956 14.1561 252.801 14.2303C252.075 14.692 250.51 14.8487 249.629 15.0465C247.216 15.6237 244.729 16.3245 242.47 17.0995C241.9 17.2891 241.052 17.487 240.554 17.8745C239.902 18.3362 240.481 19.812 240.595 20.4303C240.978 22.3266 241.818 23.5633 243.123 24.5691V24.5774ZM240.522 13.4306C240.367 14.321 240.481 14.8652 240.791 15.4011C241.671 15.4011 248.137 13.4306 248.333 13.1173C248.871 12.3835 247.949 11.3364 247.566 10.9902C246.686 10.0997 245.536 9.25053 243.661 9.5226C242.666 9.67925 241.9 10.4543 241.362 11.0726C240.978 11.5343 240.636 12.6638 240.522 13.4306Z\"\n fill=\"white\" />\n </svg>\n </div>\n <div class=\"subscribe__footer-copy\">\n © Crain Communications. 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