General Knowledge Crossword
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You will most likely have signed up to unlock a Premium article, or access other features such as newsletters or My Telegraph. </div> </div> </div> </div></div>", 'login': "<div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"row justify-content-center pt-2\"> <div class=\"col-12 col-md-7 pl-0\"> <div class=\"alert alert-danger login-error\" style=\"display: none;\"> </div> <div class=\"row f-f-and-r f-s-18 c-052b4d pt-1 pb-3\"> <div class=\"col-12\"> Please log in below with your Telegraph account details. </div> </div> <form action=\"/\" method=\"post\" name=\"login\"> <div class=\"form-group\"> <label class=\"f-f-tt-r c-333 f-s-14\" for=\"login-email\">Email address</label> <input id='login-email' name=\"login-Details[email]\" type=\"text\" class=\"form-control rounded-0\" placeholder=\"Enter email address\" onkeypress=\"loginNewKeypress(event)\"/> </div> <div class=\"form-group\"> <label class=\"f-f-tt-r c-333 f-s-14\" for=\"login-password\">Password</label> <input id='login-password' name=\"login-Details[password]\" type=\"password\" class=\"form-control rounded-0\" placeholder=\"Enter password\" onkeypress=\"loginNewKeypress(event)\"/> </div> <div class=\"form-group text-right f-f-tt-r f-s-14\"> <a href=\"\" class=\"c-666\">Forgotten password?</a> </div> <div class=\"form-group\"> <div class=\"btn btn-hvr col-12 rounded-0 py-2 bc-05908d c-fff f-f-tt-r f-s-16\" id=\"login-form_submit-btn\" onclick=\"user.loginNew(this)\">Log in </div> </div> <div class=\"form-group\"> <div class=\"col bc-ecf7f5 mt-4 mb-2 py-3 f-f-tt-r f-s-14 c-333\"> A Telegraph account entitles you to one free puzzle a day. If you would like to have unrestricted access to Telegraph Puzzles, subscribe from just £35.88 per year (£2.99 per month). </div> </div> </form> </div> </div></div>", 'login_yes_yes': "<div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"row justify-content-center pt-2\"> <div class=\"col-12 col-md-7 pl-0\"> <div class=\"alert alert-danger login-error\" style=\"display: none;\"> </div> <div class=\"row f-f-and-r f-s-18 c-052b4d pt-1 pb-3\"> <div class=\"col-12\"> Please log in below with your Telegraph account details. </div> </div> <form action=\"/\" method=\"post\" name=\"login\"> <div class=\"form-group\"> <label class=\"f-f-tt-r c-333 f-s-14\" for=\"login-email\">Email address</label> <input id='login-email' name=\"login-Details[email]\" type=\"text\" class=\"form-control rounded-0\" placeholder=\"Enter email address\" onkeypress=\"loginNewKeypress(event)\"/> </div> <div class=\"form-group\"> <label class=\"f-f-tt-r c-333 f-s-14\" for=\"login-password\">Password</label> <input id='login-password' name=\"login-Details[password]\" type=\"password\" class=\"form-control rounded-0\" placeholder=\"Enter password\" onkeypress=\"loginNewKeypress(event)\"/> <div class=\"f-f-tt-r f-s-14 c-979797 pt-2\">You’ll need to remember these login details to access Puzzles in the future</div> </div> <div class=\"form-group\"> <div class=\"btn btn-hvr col-12 rounded-0 py-2 bc-05908d c-fff f-f-tt-r f-s-16\" id=\"login-form_submit-btn\" onclick=\"user.loginNew(this)\">Log in </div> </div> <div class=\"form-group text-right f-f-tt-r f-s-14\"> <a href=\"\" class=\"c-666\">Forgotten password?</a> </div> <div class=\"form-group bc-ecf7f5 py-3\"> <div class=\"col-12 f-f-tt-r f-s-16 c-052b4d font-weight-bold pb-2\"> Why do I need to this? </div> <div class=\"col-12 f-f-tt-r f-s-14 c-052b4d\"> We've changed the systems behind our Puzzles site and need you to use your Telegraph account details to log in from now on. Don't worry, all the details in your Puzzles account will safely make their way into your Telegraph account. </div> </div> </form> </div> </div></div>", 'login_link': "<div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"row justify-content-center pt-2\"> <div class=\"col-12 col-md-7 pl-0\"> <div class=\"alert alert-danger\" style=\"display: none;\"> </div> <div class=\"row f-f-and-r f-s-18 c-052b4d pt-1 pb-3\"> <div class=\"col-12\"> We need your Telegraph Puzzles subscription details to link your accounts. <span class=\"f-f-and-sb\">You will only have to do this once.</span> </div> </div> <form action=\"/\" method=\"post\" name=\"login_link\"> <div class=\"form-group\"> <label for=\"login-email\">Email address</label> <input id='login-email' name=\"login-Details[email]\" type=\"text\" class=\"form-control rounded-0\" onkeypress=\"\"/> </div> <div class=\"form-group\"> <label for=\"login-password\">Password</label> <input id='login-password' name=\"login-Details[password]\" type=\"password\" class=\"form-control rounded-0\" onkeypress=\"\"/> </div> <div class=\"form-group text-right f-f-tt-r f-s-14\"> <a href=\"\" class=\"c-666\">Forgotten password?</a> </div> <div class=\"form-group\"> <div class=\"btn btn-hvr col-12 rounded-0 py-2 bc-05908d c-fff f-f-tt-r\" id=\"login_link-form_submit-btn\" onclick=\"user.link_accounts(this)\">Log in </div> </div> </form> </div> </div></div>", 'login_old': "<div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"row justify-content-center pt-2\"> <div class=\"col-12 col-md-7 pl-0\"> <div class=\"alert alert-danger\" style=\"display: none;\"> Your email or password are incorrect. Please try again. </div> <form action=\"/\" method=\"post\" name=\"login_old\"> <div class=\"form-group\"> <label for=\"login-email\">Email address</label> <input id='login-email' name=\"login-Details[email]\" type=\"text\" class=\"form-control rounded-0\" onkeypress=\"loginOldKeypress(event)\"/> </div> <div class=\"form-group\"> <label for=\"login-password\">Password</label> <input id='login-password' name=\"login-Details[password]\" type=\"password\" class=\"form-control rounded-0\" onkeypress=\"loginOldKeypress(event)\"/> </div> <div class=\"form-group\"> <div>Forgot your password? <a href=\"\">Reset</a></div> </div> <div class=\"form-group\"> <div class=\"btn btn-hvr col-12 rounded-0 py-2 bc-05908d c-fff f-f-tt-r\" id=\"login_old-form_submit-btn\" onclick=\"user.loginOld()\">Log in </div> </div> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"login-Details[rememberme]\" value=\"on\" style=\"display:none;\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"login-Details[old-form]\" value=\"on\" style=\"display:none;\"> </form> </div> </div></div>", 'register': "<div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"row justify-content-center pt-2\"> <div class=\"col-12 col-md-7\"> <div class=\"row alert alert-danger register-error\" style=\"display: none;\"></div> <div class=\"row f-f-and-r f-s-18 c-052b4d pb-3 modal-subheading\"> In addition to your free puzzle, you’ll enjoy all the benefits of a Telegraph account, including our puzzles newsletter. </div> <form action=\"/\" method=\"post\" name=\"register\"> <div class=\"row\"> <div class=\"col-12 mr-auto\"> <div class=\"form-group row\"> <input id='firstName' name=\"registerDetails[firstName]\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"First name\" style=\"height: 56px;\" class=\"form-control rounded-0 p-color-1 c-4a4a4a\"/> </div> </div> <div class=\"col-12\"> <div class=\"form-group row\"> <input id='lastName' name=\"registerDetails[lastName]\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Last name\" style=\"height: 56px;\" class=\"form-control rounded-0 p-color-2 c-666\"/> </div> </div> <div class=\"col-12\"> <div class=\"form-group row\"> <input id='register-email' name=\"login-Details[email]\" type=\"text\" style=\"height: 56px;\" placeholder=\"Your email address\" class=\"form-control rounded-0 p-color-1 c-4a4a4a\"/> </div> </div> <div class=\"col-12\"> <div class=\"form-group row\"> <input id='register-password' name=\"login-Details[password]\" type=\"password\" placeholder=\"Your password\" style=\"height: 56px;\" class=\"form-control rounded-0 p-color-2 c-666\"/> <div class=\"eye\" onclick=\"togglePassword()\"> <i class=\"icon-eye-slash-ttc\"></i></div> <span class=\"f-f-tt-r f-s-14 c-979797 pt-2\">Use a combination of 8 or more characters</span> </div> </div> <div class=\"form-group\"> <div class=\"bc-f3f5f6 my-2 py-3\"> <div class=\"col-12 f-f-tt-r f-s-14 c-333 pb-3\"> Telegraph Media Group Limited and its group companies would like to keep you informed about other offers, promotions and services that might interest you. Let us know if you would like to hear from us by: </div> <div class=\"col-12 d-inline-block\"> <div class=\"form-check-inline\"> <input name=\"registerDetails[email]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"infoEmail\" class=\"form-check-input\"/> <label for=\"infoEmail\" class=\"form-check-label\">Email</label> </div> <div class=\"form-check-inline\"> <input name=\"registerDetails[phone]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"infoPhone\" class=\"form-check-input\"/> <label for=\"infoPhone\" class=\"form-check-label\">Phone</label> </div> <div class=\"form-check-inline\"> <input name=\"registerDetails[post]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"infoPost\" class=\"form-check-input\"/> <label for=\"infoPost\" class=\"form-check-label\">Post</label> </div> <div class=\"form-check-inline\"> <input name=\"registerDetails[sms]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"infoSms\" class=\"form-check-input\"/> <label for=\"infoSms\" class=\"form-check-label\">SMS</label> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=\"form-group\"> <div class=\"bc-f3fcfc py-3\"> <div class=\"col-12 f-f-tt-r f-s-14 c-333 pb-3\"> If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter from the Puzzles Editor, please tick the box below: </div> <div class=\"col-12 d-inline-block\"> <div class=\"form-check-inline\"> <input name=\"registerDetails[newsletter]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"newsletter\" class=\"form-check-input\"/> <label for=\"newsletter\" class=\"form-check-label\">Yes, please!</label> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=\"col-12 my-2\"> <div class=\"row g-recaptcha\" id=\"reCaptcha_modal\"></div> </div> <div class=\"col-12\"> <div class=\"form-group row\"> <div class=\"btn btn-hvr rounded-0 py-2 w-100 bc-05908d c-fff f-f-tt-r\" id=\"register-form_submit-btn\" onclick=\"user.registerTMG(false, this)\"> Create your account </div> </div> </div> <div class=\"col-12\"> <div class=\"form-group register-checkbox-text row f-f-tt-r f-s-14 c-666\"> By registering with The Telegraph you agree to our <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"'','popup','width=520,height=500,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,left=0,top=0'); return false\">Terms & Conditions</a> and our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Privacy Policy\">Privacy Policy</a>. </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div></div>", 'register_w_txt': "<div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"row justify-content-center pt-2\"> <div class=\"col-12 col-md-7\"> <div class=\"row alert alert-danger register-error\" style=\"display: none;\"></div> <div class=\"row f-f-and-r f-s-18 c-052b4d pb-3\"> <div class=\"pb-3\">As part of the update we need you to create a free Telegraph account.</div> <div class=\"pb-3\">You’ll get access to our Puzzles Editor’s regular newsletter, which includes puzzles news, special prize puzzles, and your chance to take part in our monthly clue-writing competition to appear in <i>The Daily Telegraph</i> cryptic crossword.</div> <div>Please enter your current Puzzles email address and create a password below.</div> </div> <form action=\"/\" method=\"post\" name=\"register\"> <div class=\"row\"> <div class=\"col-12 mr-auto\"> <div class=\"form-group row\"> <input id='firstName' name=\"registerDetails[firstName]\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"First name\" style=\"height: 56px;\" class=\"form-control rounded-0 p-color-1 c-4a4a4a\"/> </div> </div> <div class=\"col-12\"> <div class=\"form-group row\"> <input id='lastName' name=\"registerDetails[lastName]\" type=\"text\" placeholder=\"Last name\" style=\"height: 56px;\" class=\"form-control rounded-0 p-color-2 c-666\"/> </div> </div> <div class=\"col-12\"> <div class=\"form-group row\"> <input id='register-email' name=\"login-Details[email]\" type=\"text\" style=\"height: 56px;\" placeholder=\"Your email address\" class=\"form-control rounded-0 p-color-1 c-4a4a4a\"/> </div> </div> <div class=\"col-12\"> <div class=\"form-group row\"> <input id='register-password' name=\"login-Details[password]\" type=\"password\" placeholder=\"Your password\" style=\"height: 56px;\" class=\"form-control rounded-0 p-color-2 c-666\"/> <div class=\"eye\" onclick=\"togglePassword()\"> <i class=\"icon-eye-slash-ttc\"></i></div> <span class=\"f-f-tt-r f-s-14 c-979797 pt-2\">Use a combination of 8 or more characters. You’ll need to remember these details to access Puzzles in the future.</span> </div> </div> <div class=\"form-group\"> <div class=\"bc-f3f5f6 my-2 py-3\"> <div class=\"col-12 f-f-tt-r f-s-14 c-333 pb-3\"> Telegraph Media Group Limited and its group companies would like to keep you informed about other offers, promotions and services that might interest you. Let us know if you would like to hear from us by: </div> <div class=\"col-12 d-inline-block\"> <div class=\"form-check-inline\"> <input name=\"registerDetails[email]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"infoEmail\" class=\"form-check-input\"/> <label for=\"infoEmail\" class=\"form-check-label\">Email</label> </div> <div class=\"form-check-inline\"> <input name=\"registerDetails[phone]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"infoPhone\" class=\"form-check-input\"/> <label for=\"infoPhone\" class=\"form-check-label\">Phone</label> </div> <div class=\"form-check-inline\"> <input name=\"registerDetails[post]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"infoPost\" class=\"form-check-input\"/> <label for=\"infoPost\" class=\"form-check-label\">Post</label> </div> <div class=\"form-check-inline\"> <input name=\"registerDetails[sms]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"infoSms\" class=\"form-check-input\"/> <label for=\"infoSms\" class=\"form-check-label\">SMS</label> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=\"form-group\"> <div class=\"bc-f3fcfc py-3\"> <div class=\"col-12 f-f-tt-r f-s-14 c-333 pb-3\"> If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter from the Puzzles Editor, please tick the box below: </div> <div class=\"col-12 d-inline-block\"> <div class=\"form-check-inline\"> <input name=\"registerDetails[newsletter]\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"newsletter\" class=\"form-check-input\"/> <label for=\"newsletter\" class=\"form-check-label\">Yes, please!</label> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=\"col-12 my-2\"> <div class=\"row g-recaptcha\" id=\"reCaptcha_modal\"></div> </div> <div class=\"col-12\"> <div class=\"form-group row\"> <div class=\"btn btn-hvr rounded-0 py-2 w-100 bc-05908d c-fff f-f-tt-r\" id=\"register-form_submit-btn\" onclick=\"user.registerTMG(true, this)\">Create your account </div> </div> </div> <div class=\"col-12\"> <div class=\"form-group register-checkbox-text row f-f-tt-r f-s-14 c-666\"> By registering with The Telegraph you agree to our <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"'','popup','width=520,height=500,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,left=0,top=0'); return false\">Terms and Conditions</a> and our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Privacy Policy\">Privacy Policy</a>. </div> </div> <div class=\"col-12 pt-2 px-0\"> <div class=\"form-group register-checkbox-text f-f-tt-r f-s-14 c-333\"> <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"modals.login_old()\">No thanks</a>, I don't want to create a Telegraph account, or enter the prize draw. I will continue playing with my old Telegraph Puzzles account details. </div> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div></div>", 'final': "<div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"row justify-content-center pb-4\"> <div class=\"col-12 col-md-7\"> <div class=\"row f-f-and-r f-s-18 c-052b4d pt-1 pb-3\"> If you need to log in in the future, please use your Telegraph account details. </div> <div class=\"row\"> <div class=\"col-12 bc-03908b c-fff py-3 text-center f-f-tt-r f-s-16 pointer\" data-dismiss=\"modal\"> Let's play! </div> </div> </div> </div></div>", 'congrats_no': "<div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"row justify-content-center pb-4\"> <div class=\"col-12 col-md-7\"> <div class=\"row f-f-and-r f-s-18 c-052b4d pt-1 pb-3\"> With this account, you can access one randomly selected puzzle a day, which you’ll find on the homepage. Don’t forget you can use these details to log into The Telegraph website. <br><br> For access to our archive of more than 17,000 puzzles, start a seven-day free trial, or opt for a monthly or annual subscription. </div> <div class=\"row\"> <div class=\"col-12 bc-03908b c-fff py-3 text-center f-f-tt-r f-s-16 pointer\" data-dismiss=\"modal\"> Let's play! </div> </div> </div> </div></div>", 'congrats_yes': "<div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"row justify-content-center pb-4\"> <div class=\"col-12 col-md-7\"> <div class=\"row f-f-and-r f-s-18 c-052b4d pt-1 pb-3\"> With this account, you can access one randomly selected puzzle a day, which you'll find on the Puzzles homepage. Don’t forget, you can also use these details to log into The Telegraph website. <br><br> For access to our archive of more than 17,000 puzzles, try a seven-day free trial, or opt for a monthly or annual subscription. </div> <div class=\"row\"> <div class=\"col-12 bc-03908b c-fff py-3 text-center f-f-tt-r f-s-16 pointer\" data-dismiss=\"modal\"> Let's play! </div> </div> </div> </div></div>", }); modals.setSiteKey('6LeyJiUTAAAAAI9Mb0xwy_2_zvWs2yGg2Lvna9zW'); function loginNewKeypress(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.which == 13) { user.loginNew(); } } function loginOldKeypress(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.which == 13) { user.loginOld(); } } $('#login-modal').on("", function () { modals.emptyHistory(); }); $(document).ready(function () { var excluded_paths = ['/subscribe', '/forgotten_password']; if(!getCookie('noModal') && !excluded_paths.includes(window.location.pathname)) { modals.welcome(); } function getCookie(a) { var b = document.cookie.match('(^|;)\\s*' + a + '\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)'); return b ? b.pop() : null; } }); function togglePassword() { var passwordField = document.getElementById('register-password'); var value = passwordField.value; var eye = $('.eye'); if(passwordField.type == 'password') { passwordField.type = 'text'; eye.addClass('bc-04777b c-fff'); eye.find('i').removeAttr('class').addClass('icon-eye-ttc'); } else { eye.removeClass('bc-04777b c-fff'); passwordField.type = 'password'; eye.find('i').removeAttr('class').addClass('icon-eye-slash-ttc'); } passwordField.value = value; } </script></div> <!-- START PAGE WRAPPER --> <div class="content-wrapper"><script src=""></script> <div class="container-fluid bc-f3fcfc welcomeMessage"> <div class="row justify-content-center img-banner__crossword"> <div class="col-xl-9 col-lg-10 col-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-12 col-sm-8 col-md-7 col-lg-6 my-2 my-sm-4"> <!--col-12 col-sm-6 --> <div class="row"> <div class="col px-lg-0 title"> <h1>General Knowledge Crossword</h1> </div> </div> <div class="justify-content-center justify-content-sm-start row"> <p class="col-lg-9 col-sm-10 col-md-9 col-11 py-2 py-sm-4 px-lg-0 px-0 px-sm-3 title-text"> Play our General Knowledge crosswords for a thorough test of your all-round general knowledge. </p> </div> <div class="row justify-content-center justify-content-sm-start my-2 rounded-0"> <div class="col-11 col-sm-8 col-md-8 col-xl-6 ml-lg-0 ml-sm-3 bc-062f4f"> <a href="" id="welcome_btn1" class="row justify-content-center py-3 px-2 c-fff f-s-14 reset-a f-f-tt-r"> Learn how to play </a> </div> </div> </div> <!--<div class="col-6 pr-0 d-sm-block d-none pr-0 full-width "> <div class=" w-100 h-100"></div> </div>--> </div> </div> </div> </div><div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-xl-9 col-lg-10 col-12 px-lg-0 mt-4 mb-2"> <div class="col-auto"> <div class="row today-puzzle-head"> <div class="mr-auto today-puzzle-today-txt">All General Knowledge Crosswords</div> </div> </div> <div class="row" id="puzzle-listings-wrapper" style="min-height: 400px;margin-left: -9px; margin-right: -9px;"> </div> <div class="row justify-content-center px-2 px-sm-3"> <div onclick="getPuzzles()" id="show_more" class="col-12 col-md-4 my-3 py-2 rounded-0 btn btn-hvr text-center bc-03908b c-fff"> Show More <i class="icon-arrow-down-ttc"></i> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> var puzzle = { 'async': 'puzzle_listings', 'page': 0, 'type': 'gk' /*defined crossword from page_configuration page*/ }; getPuzzles(); function getPuzzles() { $.ajax({ 'method': 'POST', 'data': puzzle, 'beforeSend': function () { $('#show_more').removeAttr('onclick'); }, 'complete': function () { $('#show_more').attr('onclick', 'getPuzzles()'); }, 'success': function (data) {; $('#puzzle-listings-wrapper').append(data); modal_set(); } }); } var puz_modals = new Modals({ 'thanks_for_playing': "<div class=\"container\"> <div class=\"row justify-content-center pb-4\"> <div class=\"col-12 col-md-7\"> <div class=\"row f-f-and-r f-s-18 c-052b4d pt-1 pb-3\"> As a registered customer, you have access to one free puzzle every day. If you would like to have unrestricted access to Telegraph Puzzles, subscribe from just £35.88 per year (£2.99 per month). </div> <div class=\"row mb-4\"> <div class=\"col-12 col-sm-6 py-2 border-bottom border-xs-top\"> <div class=\"row mt-2 mt-0\"> <div class=\"col-12 col-sm-11 border-sm-right\"> <div class=\"row f-f-and-sb f-s-40 c-03908b mb-1\">17,000+</div> <div class=\"row f-f-ant-r f-s-17 c-052b4d\" style=\"line-height: 25px;\">Puzzles in our archive</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=\"col-12 col-sm-6 py-2 border-bottom\"> <div class=\"row f-f-and-sb f-s-40 c-03908b mb-1 mt-2\">55</div> <div class=\"row f-f-ant-r f-s-17 c-052b4d\" style=\"line-height: 25px;\">New puzzles every week</div> </div> <div class=\"col-12 col-sm-6 py-2 border-bottom\"> <div class=\"row mt-2 mt-0\"> <div class=\"col-12 col-sm-11 border-sm-right\"> <div class=\"row f-f-and-sb f-s-40 c-03908b mb-1\">£50</div> <div class=\"row f-f-ant-r f-s-17 c-052b4d\" style=\"line-height: 25px;\">Prize draw every week</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=\"col-12 col-sm-6 py-2 border-bottom\"> <div class=\"row f-f-and-sb f-s-40 c-03908b mb-1 mt-2\">£100</div> <div class=\"row f-f-ant-r f-s-17 c-052b4d\" style=\"line-height: 25px;\">Prize draw every month</div> </div> <div class=\"col-12 col-sm-6 py-2 border-xs-bottom\"> <div class=\"row mt-2 mt-0\"> <div class=\"col-12 col-sm-11 border-sm-right\"> <div class=\"row f-f-and-sb f-s-40 c-03908b mb-1\">+ + +</div> <div class=\"row f-f-ant-r f-s-17 c-052b4d\" style=\"line-height: 25px;\">Earn points for every puzzle you play</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=\"col-12 col-sm-6 py-2 border-xs-bottom\"> <div class=\"row f-f-and-sb f-s-40 c-03908b mb-1 mt-3 podium\"> <div class=\"rectangle-2 mt-auto\"></div> <div class=\"rectangle-1\">1</div> <div class=\"rectangle-3 mt-auto\"></div> </div> <div class=\"row f-f-ant-r f-s-17 c-052b4d\" style=\"line-height: 25px;padding-top: 8px;\">Battle to the top of the leaderboard</div> </div> </div> <div class=\"row\"> <a href=\"\" class=\"btn btn-hvr rounded-0 col-12 bc-03908b c-fff py-3 text-center f-f-tt-r f-s-16 pointer reset-a\"> Subscribe </a> </div> </div> </div></div>" }); 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